2012-10-04 17:05:43 +02:00

181 lines
4.7 KiB

/* radare - LGPL - Copyright 2009-2012 - pancake */
#include "r_core.h"
R_API int r_core_dump(RCore *core, const char *file, ut64 addr, ut64 size) {
ut64 i;
ut8 *buf;
int bs = core->blocksize;
FILE *fd;
r_sys_truncate (file, 0);
fd = fopen (file, "wb");
if (!fd) {
eprintf ("Cannot open '%s' for writing\n", file);
return R_FALSE;
buf = malloc (bs);
r_cons_break (NULL, NULL);
for (i=0; i<size; ) {
if (r_cons_singleton ()->breaked)
if ((i+bs)>size)
bs = size-i;
r_io_read_at (core->io, addr+i, buf, bs);
if (fwrite (buf, bs, 1, fd) <1) {
eprintf ("write error\n");
i += bs;
eprintf ("dumped 0x%"PFMT64x" bytes\n", i);
r_cons_break_end ();
fclose (fd);
free (buf);
return R_TRUE;
R_API int r_core_write_op(RCore *core, const char *arg, char op) {
int i, j, len, ret = R_FALSE;
char *str;
ut8 *buf;
// XXX we can work with config.block instead of dupping it
buf = (ut8 *)malloc (core->blocksize);
str = (char *)malloc (strlen (arg));
if (buf == NULL || str == NULL)
goto beach;
memcpy (buf, core->block, core->blocksize);
len = r_hex_str2bin (arg, (ut8 *)str);
if (len==-1) {
eprintf ("Invalid hexpair string\n");
goto beach;
if (op=='2' || op=='4') {
op -= '0';
for (i=0; i<core->blocksize; i+=op) {
/* endian swap */
ut8 tmp = buf[i];
buf[i] = buf[i+3];
buf[i+3] = tmp;
if (op==4) {
tmp = buf[i+1];
buf[i+1] = buf[i+2];
buf[i+2] = tmp;
} else {
for (i=j=0; i<core->blocksize; i++) {
switch (op) {
case 'x': buf[i] ^= str[j]; break;
case 'a': buf[i] += str[j]; break;
case 's': buf[i] -= str[j]; break;
case 'm': buf[i] *= str[j]; break;
case 'd': buf[i] = (str[j])? buf[i] / str[j]: 0; break;
case 'r': buf[i] >>= str[j]; break;
case 'l': buf[i] <<= str[j]; break;
case 'o': buf[i] |= str[j]; break;
case 'A': buf[i] &= str[j]; break;
j++; if (j>=len) j=0; /* cyclic key */
ret = r_core_write_at (core, core->offset, buf, core->blocksize);
free (buf);
free (str);
return ret;
R_API boolt r_core_seek(RCore *core, ut64 addr, boolt rb) {
ut64 old = core->offset;
ut64 ret;
/* XXX unnecesary call */
//r_io_set_fd (core->io, core->file->fd);
ret = r_io_seek (core->io, addr, R_IO_SEEK_SET);
if (ret == UT64_MAX) {
//eprintf ("RET =%d %llx\n", ret, addr);
XXX handle read errors correctly
if (core->ffio) {
core->offset = addr;
} else return R_FALSE;
//core->offset = addr;
if (!core->io->va)
return R_FALSE;
memset (core->block, 0xff, core->blocksize);
} else core->offset = addr;
if (rb) {
ret = r_core_block_read (core, 0);
if (core->ffio) {
if (ret<1 || ret > core->blocksize)
memset (core->block, 0xff, core->blocksize);
else memset (core->block+ret, 0xff, core->blocksize-ret);
ret = core->blocksize;
core->offset = addr;
} else {
if (ret<1) {
core->offset = old;
//eprintf ("Cannot read block at 0x%08"PFMT64x"\n", addr);
return (ret==-1)? R_FALSE: R_TRUE;
R_API int r_core_write_at(RCore *core, ut64 addr, const ut8 *buf, int size) {
int ret;
if (!core->io || !core->file || size<1)
return R_FALSE;
ret = r_io_set_fd (core->io, core->file->fd);
if (ret != -1) {
ret = r_io_write_at (core->io, addr, buf, size);
if (addr >= core->offset && addr <= core->offset+core->blocksize)
r_core_block_read (core, 0);
core->file->size = r_io_size (core->io);
return (ret==-1)? R_FALSE: R_TRUE;
R_API int r_core_block_read(RCore *core, int next) {
ut64 off;
if (core->file == NULL) {
memset (core->block, 0xff, core->blocksize);
return -1;
r_io_set_fd (core->io, core->file->fd);
off = r_io_seek (core->io, core->offset+((next)?core->blocksize:0), R_IO_SEEK_SET);
if (off == UT64_MAX) {
memset (core->block, 0xff, core->blocksize);
return -1;
return (int)r_io_read (core->io, core->block, core->blocksize);
R_API int r_core_read_at(RCore *core, ut64 addr, ut8 *buf, int size) {
int ret;
if (!core->io || !core->file || size<1)
return R_FALSE;
#if 0
r_io_set_fd (core->io, core->file->fd); // XXX ignore ret? -- ultra slow method.. inverse resolution of io plugin brbrb
ret = r_io_read_at (core->io, addr, buf, size);
if (addr>=core->offset && addr<=core->offset+core->blocksize)
r_core_block_read (core, 0);
r_io_set_fd (core->io, core->file->fd); // XXX ignore ret? -- ultra slow method.. inverse resolution of io plugin brbrb
//ret = r_io_read_at (core->io, addr, buf, size);
r_io_seek (core->io, addr, R_IO_SEEK_SET);
ret = r_io_read (core->io, buf, size);
if (ret != size) {
if (ret>=size || ret<0) ret = 0;
memset (buf+ret, 0xff, size-ret);
if (addr>=core->offset && addr<=core->offset+core->blocksize)
r_core_block_read (core, 0);
return (ret==size); //UT64_MAX);