mirror of
synced 2025-02-10 16:23:08 +00:00
1180 lines
48 KiB
1180 lines
48 KiB
# r0 = call arg, return value
# r1 = stack pointer
# r2 = rtoc (register table of contents) (like a5 68k reg, not used, global to func (if i dont call a func))
# r3-r10 - general purpose registers
addc.=Add Carrying
addc=Add Carrying
addco.=Add Carrying
addco=Add Carrying
adde.=Add Extended
adde=Add Extended
addeo.=Add Extended
addeo=Add Extended
addex=Add Extended using alternate carry
addg6s=Add & Generate Sixes
addi=Add Immediate
addic.=Add Immediate Carrying & record
addic=Add Immediate Carrying
addis=Add Immediate Shifted
addme.=Add to Minus One Extended
addme=Add to Minus One Extended
addmeo.=Add to Minus One Extended
addmeo=Add to Minus One Extended
addpcis=Add PC Immediate Shifted
addze.=Add to Zero Extended
addze=Add to Zero Extended
addzeo.=Add to Zero Extended
addzeo=Add to Zero Extended
andc.=AND with Complement
andc=AND with Complement
andi.=AND Immediate & record
andis.=AND Immediate Shifted & record
b=Branch [& Link] [Absolute]
ba=Branch [& Link] [Absolute]
bc=Branch Conditional [& Link] [Absolute]
bca=Branch Conditional [& Link] [Absolute]
bcctr=Branch Conditional to CTR [& Link]
bcctrl=Branch Conditional to CTR [& Link]
bcdadd.=Decimal Add Modulo & record
bcdcfn.=Decimal Convert From National & record
bcdcfsq.=Decimal Convert From Signed Quadword & record
bcdcfz.=Decimal Convert From Zoned & record
bcdcpsgn.=Decimal CopySign & record
bcdctn.=Decimal Convert To National & record
bcdctsq.=Decimal Convert To Signed Quadword & record
bcdctz.=Decimal Convert To Zoned & record
bcds.=Decimal Shift & record
bcdsetsgn.=Decimal Set Sign & record
bcdsr.=Decimal Shift & Round & record
bcdsub.=Decimal Subtract Modulo & record
bcdtrunc.=Decimal Truncate & record
bcdus.=Decimal Unsigned Shift & record
bcdutrunc.=Decimal Unsigned Truncate & record
bcl=Branch Conditional [& Link] [Absolute]
bcla=Branch Conditional [& Link] [Absolute]
bclr=Branch Conditional to LR [& Link]
bclrl=Branch Conditional to LR [& Link]
bctar=Branch Conditional to BTAR [& Link]
bctarl=Branch Conditional to BTAR [& Link]
bl=Branch [& Link] [Absolute]
bla=Branch [& Link] [Absolute]
bpermd=Bit Permute Doubleword
cbcdtd=Convert Binary Coded Decimal To Declets
cdtbcd=Convert Declets To Binary Coded Decimal
clrbhrb=Clear BHRB
cmpb=Compare Byte
cmpeqb=Compare Equal Byte
cmpi=Compare Immediate
cmpl=Compare Logical
cmpli=Compare Logical Immediate
cmprb=Compare Ranged Byte
cntlzd.=Count Leading Zeros Doubleword
cntlzd=Count Leading Zeros Doubleword
cntlzw.=Count Leading Zeros Word
cntlzw=Count Leading Zeros Word
cnttzd.=Count Trailing Zeros Doubleword
cnttzd=Count Trailing Zeros Doubleword
cnttzw.=Count Trailing Zeros Word
cnttzw=Count Trailing Zeros Word
crand=CR AND
crandc=CR AND with Complement
creqv=CR Equivalent
crnand=CR NAND
crnor=CR NOR
cror=CR OR
crorc=CR OR with Complement
crxor=CR XOR
dadd.=DFP Add
dadd=DFP Add
daddq.=DFP Add Quad
daddq=DFP Add Quad
darn=Deliver A Random Number
dcbf=Data Cache Block Flush
dcbst=Data Cache Block Store
dcbt=Data Cache Block Touch
dcbtst=Data Cache Block Touch for Store
dcbz=Data Cache Block Zero
dcffix.=DFP Convert From Fixed
dcffix=DFP Convert From Fixed
dcffixq.=DFP Convert From Fixed Quad
dcffixq=DFP Convert From Fixed Quad
dcmpo=DFP Compare Ordered
dcmpoq=DFP Compare Ordered Quad
dcmpu=DFP Compare Unordered
dcmpuq=DFP Compare Unordered Quad
dctdp.=DFP Convert To DFP Long
dctdp=DFP Convert To DFP Long
dctfix.=DFP Convert To Fixed
dctfix=DFP Convert To Fixed
dctfixq.=DFP Convert To Fixed Quad
dctfixq=DFP Convert To Fixed Quad
dctqpq.=DFP Convert To DFP Extended
dctqpq=DFP Convert To DFP Extended
ddedpd.=DFP Decode DPD To BCD
ddedpd=DFP Decode DPD To BCD
ddedpdq.=DFP Decode DPD To BCD Quad
ddedpdq=DFP Decode DPD To BCD Quad
ddiv.=DFP Divide
ddiv=DFP Divide
ddivq.=DFP Divide Quad
ddivq=DFP Divide Quad
denbcd.=DFP Encode BCD To DPD
denbcd=DFP Encode BCD To DPD
denbcdq.=DFP Encode BCD To DPD Quad
denbcdq=DFP Encode BCD To DPD Quad
diex.=DFP Insert Exponent
diex=DFP Insert Exponent
diexq.=DFP Insert Exponent Quad
diexq=DFP Insert Exponent Quad
divd.=Divide Doubleword
divd=Divide Doubleword
divde.=Divide Doubleword Extended
divde=Divide Doubleword Extended
divdeo.=Divide Doubleword Extended
divdeo=Divide Doubleword Extended
divdeu.=Divide Doubleword Extended Unsigned
divdeu=Divide Doubleword Extended Unsigned
divdeuo.=Divide Doubleword Extended Unsigned
divdeuo=Divide Doubleword Extended Unsigned
divdo.=Divide Doubleword
divdo=Divide Doubleword
divdu.=Divide Doubleword Unsigned
divdu=Divide Doubleword Unsigned
divduo.=Divide Doubleword Unsigned
divduo=Divide Doubleword Unsigned
divw.=Divide Word
divw=Divide Word
divwe.=Divide Word Extended
divwe=Divide Word Extended
divweo.=Divide Word Extended
divweo=Divide Word Extended
divweu.=Divide Word Extended Unsigned
divweu=Divide Word Extended Unsigned
divweuo.=Divide Word Extended Unsigned
divweuo=Divide Word Extended Unsigned
divwo.=Divide Word
divwo=Divide Word
divwu.=Divide Word Unsigned
divwu=Divide Word Unsigned
divwuo.=Divide Word Unsigned
divwuo=Divide Word Unsigned
dmul.=DFP Multiply
dmul=DFP Multiply
dmulq.=DFP Multiply Quad
dmulq=DFP Multiply Quad
dqua.=DFP Quantize
dqua=DFP Quantize
dquai.=DFP Quantize Immediate
dquai=DFP Quantize Immediate
dquaiq.=DFP Quantize Immediate Quad
dquaiq=DFP Quantize Immediate Quad
dquaq.=DFP Quantize Quad
dquaq=DFP Quantize Quad
drdpq.=DFP Round To DFP Long
drdpq=DFP Round To DFP Long
drintn.=DFP Round To FP Integer Without Inexact
drintn=DFP Round To FP Integer Without Inexact
drintnq.=DFP Round To FP Integer Without Inexact Quad
drintnq=DFP Round To FP Integer Without Inexact Quad
drintx.=DFP Round To FP Integer With Inexact
drintx=DFP Round To FP Integer With Inexact
drintxq.=DFP Round To FP Integer With Inexact Quad
drintxq=DFP Round To FP Integer With Inexact Quad
drrnd.=DFP Reround
drrnd=DFP Reround
drrndq.=DFP Reround Quad
drrndq=DFP Reround Quad
drsp.=DFP Round To DFP Short
drsp=DFP Round To DFP Short
dscli.=DFP Shift Significand Left Immediate
dscli=DFP Shift Significand Left Immediate
dscliq.=DFP Shift Significand Left Immediate Quad
dscliq=DFP Shift Significand Left Immediate Quad
dscri.=DFP Shift Significand Right Immediate
dscri=DFP Shift Significand Right Immediate
dscriq.=DFP Shift Significand Right Immediate Quad
dscriq=DFP Shift Significand Right Immediate Quad
dsub.=DFP Subtract
dsub=DFP Subtract
dsubq.=DFP Subtract Quad
dsubq=DFP Subtract Quad
dtstdc=DFP Test Data Class
dtstdcq=DFP Test Data Class Quad
dtstdg=DFP Test Data Group
dtstdgq=DFP Test Data Group Quad
dtstex=DFP Test Exponent
dtstexq=DFP Test Exponent Quad
dtstsf=DFP Test Significance
dtstsfi=DFP Test Significance Immediate
dtstsfiq=DFP Test Significance Immediate Quad
dtstsfq=DFP Test Significance Quad
dxex.=DFP Extract Exponent
dxex=DFP Extract Exponent
dxexq.=DFP Extract Exponent Quad
dxexq=DFP Extract Exponent Quad
eieio=Enforce In-order Execution of I/O
extsb.=Extend Sign Byte
extsb=Extend Sign Byte
extsh.=Extend Sign Halfword
extsh=Extend Sign Halfword
extsw.=Extend Sign Word
extsw=Extend Sign Word
extswsli.=Extend Sign Word & Shift Left Immediate
extswsli=Extend Sign Word & Shift Left Immediate
fabs.=Floating Absolute
fabs=Floating Absolute
fadd.=Floating Add
fadd=Floating Add
fadds.=Floating Add Single
fadds=Floating Add Single
fcfid.=Floating Convert with round Signed Doubleword to Double-Precision format
fcfid=Floating Convert with round Signed Doubleword to Double-Precision format
fcfids.=Floating Convert with round Signed Doubleword to Single-Precision format
fcfids=Floating Convert with round Signed Doubleword to Single-Precision format
fcfidu.=Floating Convert with round Unsigned Doubleword to Double-Precision format
fcfidu=Floating Convert with round Unsigned Doubleword to Double-Precision format
fcfidus.=Floating Convert with round Unsigned Doubleword to Single-Precision format
fcfidus=Floating Convert with round Unsigned Doubleword to Single-Precision format
fcmpo=Floating Compare Ordered
fcmpu=Floating Compare Unordered
fcpsgn.=Floating Copy Sign
fcpsgn=Floating Copy Sign
fctid.=Floating Convert with round Double-Precision To Signed Doubleword format
fctid=Floating Convert with round Double-Precision To Signed Doubleword format
fctidu.=Floating Convert with round Double-Precision To Unsigned Doubleword format
fctidu=Floating Convert with round Double-Precision To Unsigned Doubleword format
fctiduz.=Floating Convert with round to Zero Double-Precision To Unsigned Doubleword format
fctiduz=Floating Convert with round to Zero Double-Precision To Unsigned Doubleword format
fctidz.=Floating Convert with round to Zero Double-Precision To Signed Doubleword format
fctidz=Floating Convert with round to Zero Double-Precision To Signed Doubleword format
fctiw.=Floating Convert with round Double-Precision To Signed Word format
fctiw=Floating Convert with round Double-Precision To Signed Word format
fctiwu.=Floating Convert with round Double-Precision To Unsigned Word format
fctiwu=Floating Convert with round Double-Precision To Unsigned Word format
fctiwuz.=Floating Convert with round to Zero Double-Precision To Unsigned Word format
fctiwuz=Floating Convert with round to Zero Double-Precision To Unsigned Word format
fctiwz.=Floating Convert with round to Zero Double-Precision To Signed Word format
fctiwz=Floating Convert with round to Zero Double-Precision To Signed Word format
fdiv.=Floating Divide
fdiv=Floating Divide
fdivs.=Floating Divide Single
fdivs=Floating Divide Single
fmadd.=Floating Multiply-Add
fmadd=Floating Multiply-Add
fmadds.=Floating Multiply-Add Single
fmadds=Floating Multiply-Add Single
fmr.=Floating Move Register
fmr=Floating Move Register
fmrgew=Floating Merge Even Word
fmrgow=Floating Merge Odd Word
fmsub.=Floating Multiply-Subtract
fmsub=Floating Multiply-Subtract
fmsubs.=Floating Multiply-Subtract Single
fmsubs=Floating Multiply-Subtract Single
fmul.=Floating Multiply
fmul=Floating Multiply
fmuls.=Floating Multiply Single
fmuls=Floating Multiply Single
fnabs.=Floating Negative Absolute Value
fnabs=Floating Negative Absolute Value
fneg.=Floating Negate
fneg=Floating Negate
fnmadd.=Floating Negative Multiply-Add
fnmadd=Floating Negative Multiply-Add
fnmadds.=Floating Negative Multiply-Add Single
fnmadds=Floating Negative Multiply-Add Single
fnmsub.=Floating Negative Multiply-Subtract
fnmsub=Floating Negative Multiply-Subtract
fnmsubs.=Floating Negative Multiply-Subtract Single
fnmsubs=Floating Negative Multiply-Subtract Single
fre.=Floating Reciprocal Estimate
fre=Floating Reciprocal Estimate
fres.=Floating Reciprocal Estimate Single
fres=Floating Reciprocal Estimate Single
frim.=Floating Round To Integer Minus
frim=Floating Round To Integer Minus
frin.=Floating Round To Integer Nearest
frin=Floating Round To Integer Nearest
frip.=Floating Round To Integer Plus
frip=Floating Round To Integer Plus
friz.=Floating Round To Integer Zero
friz=Floating Round To Integer Zero
frsp.=Floating Round to Single-Precision
frsp=Floating Round to Single-Precision
frsqrte.=Floating Reciprocal Square Root Estimate
frsqrte=Floating Reciprocal Square Root Estimate
frsqrtes.=Floating Reciprocal Square Root Estimate Single
frsqrtes=Floating Reciprocal Square Root Estimate Single
fsel.=Floating Select
fsel=Floating Select
fsqrt.=Floating Square Root
fsqrt=Floating Square Root
fsqrts.=Floating Square Root Single
fsqrts=Floating Square Root Single
fsub.=Floating Subtract
fsub=Floating Subtract
fsubs.=Floating Subtract Single
fsubs=Floating Subtract Single
ftdiv=Floating Test for software Divide
ftsqrt=Floating Test for software Square Root
hrfid=Return From Interrupt Doubleword Hypervisor
icbi=Instruction Cache Block Invalidate
icbt=Instruction Cache Block Touch
isel=Integer Select
isync=Instruction Synchronize
lbarx=Load Byte And Reserve Indexed
lbz=Load Byte & Zero
lbzcix=Load Byte & Zero Caching Inhibited Indexed
lbzu=Load Byte & Zero with Update
lbzux=Load Byte & Zero with Update Indexed
lbzx=Load Byte & Zero Indexed
ld=Load Doubleword
ldarx=Load Doubleword And Reserve Indexed
ldat=Load Doubleword ATomic
ldbrx=Load Doubleword Byte-Reverse Indexed
ldcix=Load Doubleword Caching Inhibited Indexed
ldu=Load Doubleword with Update
ldux=Load Doubleword with Update Indexed
ldx=Load Doubleword Indexed
lfd=Load Floating Double
lfdp=Load Floating Double Pair
lfdpx=Load Floating Double Pair Indexed
lfdu=Load Floating Double with Update
lfdux=Load Floating Double with Update Indexed
lfdx=Load Floating Double Indexed
lfiwax=Load Floating as Integer Word Algebraic Indexed
lfiwzx=Load Floating as Integer Word & Zero Indexed
lfs=Load Floating Single
lfsu=Load Floating Single with Update
lfsux=Load Floating Single with Update Indexed
lfsx=Load Floating Single Indexed
lha=Load Halfword Algebraic
lharx=Load Halfword And Reserve Indexed Xform
lhau=Load Halfword Algebraic with Update
lhaux=Load Halfword Algebraic with Update Indexed
lhax=Load Halfword Algebraic Indexed
lhbrx=Load Halfword Byte-Reverse Indexed
lhz=Load Halfword & Zero
lhzcix=Load Halfword & Zero Caching Inhibited Indexed
lhzu=Load Halfword & Zero with Update
lhzux=Load Halfword & Zero with Update Indexed
lhzx=Load Halfword & Zero Indexed
lmw=Load Multiple Word
lq=Load Quadword
lqarx=Load Quadword And Reserve Indexed
lswi=Load String Word Immediate
lswx=Load String Word Indexed
lvebx=Load Vector Element Byte Indexed
lvehx=Load Vector Element Halfword Indexed
lvewx=Load Vector Element Word Indexed
lvsl=Load Vector for Shift Left
lvsr=Load Vector for Shift Right
lvx=Load Vector Indexed
lvxl=Load Vector Indexed Last
lwa=Load Word Algebraic
lwarx=Load Word & Reserve Indexed
lwat=Load Word ATomic
lwaux=Load Word Algebraic with Update Indexed
lwax=Load Word Algebraic Indexed
lwbrx=Load Word Byte-Reverse Indexed
lwz=Load Word & Zero
lwzcix=Load Word & Zero Caching Inhibited Indexed
lwzu=Load Word & Zero with Update
lwzux=Load Word & Zero with Update Indexed
lwzx=Load Word & Zero Indexed
lxsd=Load VSX Scalar Doubleword
lxsdx=Load VSX Scalar Doubleword Indexed
lxsibzx=Load VSX Scalar as Integer Byte & Zero Indexed
lxsihzx=Load VSX Scalar as Integer Halfword & Zero Indexed
lxsiwax=Load VSX Scalar as Integer Word Algebraic Indexed
lxsiwzx=Load VSX Scalar as Integer Word & Zero Indexed
lxssp=Load VSX Scalar Single
lxsspx=Load VSX Scalar Single-Precision Indexed
lxv=Load VSX Vector
lxvb16x=Load VSX Vector Byte*16 Indexed
lxvd2x=Load VSX Vector Doubleword*2 Indexed
lxvdsx=Load VSX Vector Doubleword & Splat Indexed
lxvh8x=Load VSX Vector Halfword*8 Indexed
lxvl=Load VSX Vector with Length
lxvll=Load VSX Vector Left-justified with Length
lxvw4x=Load VSX Vector Word*4 Indexed
lxvwsx=Load VSX Vector Word & Splat Indexed
lxvx=Load VSX Vector Indexed
maddhd=Multiply-Add High Doubleword
maddhdu=Multiply-Add High Doubleword Unsigned
maddld=Multiply-Add Low Doubleword
mcrf=Move CR Field
mcrfs=Move To CR from FPSCR
mcrxrx=Move XER to CR Extended
mfbhrbe=Move From BHRB
mfcr=Move From CR
mffs.=Move From FPSCR
mffs=Move From FPSCR
mffscdrn=Move From FPSCR Control & set DRN
mffscdrni=Move From FPSCR Control & set DRN Immediate
mffsce=Move From FPSCR & Clear Enables
mffscrn=Move From FPSCR Control & set RN
mffscrni=Move From FPSCR Control & set RN Immediate
mffsl=Move From FPSCR Lightweight
mfmsr=Move From MSR
mfocrf=Move From One CR Field
mfspr=Move From SPR
mftb=Move From Time Base
mfvscr=Move From VSCR
mfvsrd=Move From VSR Doubleword
mfvsrld=Move From VSR Lower Doubleword
mfvsrwz=Move From VSR Word & Zero
modsd=Modulo Signed Doubleword
modsw=Modulo Signed Word
modud=Modulo Unsigned Doubleword
moduw=Modulo Unsigned Word
msgclr=Message Clear
msgclrp=Message Clear Privileged
msgsnd=Message Send
msgsndp=Message Send Privileged
msgsync=Message Synchronize
mtcrf=Move To CR Fields
mtfsb0.=Move To FPSCR Bit 0
mtfsb0=Move To FPSCR Bit 0
mtfsb1.=Move To FPSCR Bit 1
mtfsb1=Move To FPSCR Bit 1
mtfsf.=Move To FPSCR Fields
mtfsf=Move To FPSCR Fields
mtfsfi.=Move To FPSCR Field Immediate
mtfsfi=Move To FPSCR Field Immediate
mtmsr=Move To MSR
mtmsrd=Move To MSR Doubleword
mtocrf=Move To One CR Field
mtspr=Move To SPR
mtvscr=Move To VSCR
mtvsrd=Move To VSR Doubleword
mtvsrdd=Move To VSR Double Doubleword
mtvsrwa=Move To VSR Word Algebraic
mtvsrws=Move To VSR Word & Splat
mtvsrwz=Move To VSR Word & Zero
mulhd.=Multiply High Doubleword
mulhd=Multiply High Doubleword
mulhdu.=Multiply High Doubleword Unsigned
mulhdu=Multiply High Doubleword Unsigned
mulhw.=Multiply High Word
mulhw=Multiply High Word
mulhwu.=Multiply High Word Unsigned
mulhwu=Multiply High Word Unsigned
mulld.=Multiply Low Doubleword
mulld=Multiply Low Doubleword
mulldo.=Multiply Low Doubleword
mulldo=Multiply Low Doubleword
mulli=Multiply Low Immediate
mullw.=Multiply Low Word
mullw=Multiply Low Word
mullwo.=Multiply Low Word
mullwo=Multiply Low Word
orc.=OR with Complement
orc=OR with Complement
ori=OR Immediate
oris=OR Immediate Shifted
popcntb=Population Count Byte
popcntd=Population Count Doubleword
popcntw=Population Count Words
prtyd=Parity Doubleword
prtyw=Parity Word
rfebb=Return from Event Based Branch
rfid=Return from Interrupt Doubleword
rfscv=Return From System Call Vectored
rldcl.=Rotate Left Doubleword then Clear Left
rldcl=Rotate Left Doubleword then Clear Left
rldcr.=Rotate Left Doubleword then Clear Right
rldcr=Rotate Left Doubleword then Clear Right
rldic.=Rotate Left Doubleword Immediate then Clear
rldic=Rotate Left Doubleword Immediate then Clear
rldicl.=Rotate Left Doubleword Immediate then Clear Left
rldicl=Rotate Left Doubleword Immediate then Clear Left
rldicr.=Rotate Left Doubleword Immediate then Clear Right
rldicr=Rotate Left Doubleword Immediate then Clear Right
rldimi.=Rotate Left Doubleword Immediate then Mask Insert
rldimi=Rotate Left Doubleword Immediate then Mask Insert
rlwimi.=Rotate Left Word Immediate then Mask Insert
rlwimi=Rotate Left Word Immediate then Mask Insert
rlwinm.=Rotate Left Word Immediate then AND with Mask
rlwinm=Rotate Left Word Immediate then AND with Mask
rlwnm.=Rotate Left Word then AND with Mask
rlwnm=Rotate Left Word then AND with Mask
sc=System Call
scv=System Call Vectored
setb=Set Boolean
slbfee.=SLB Find Entry ESID & record
slbia=SLB Invalidate All
slbiag=SLB Invalidate All Global
slbie=SLB Invalidate Entry
slbieg=SLB Invalidate Entry Global
slbmfee=SLB Move From Entry ESID
slbmfev=SLB Move From Entry VSID
slbmte=SLB Move To Entry
slbsync=SLB Synchronize
sld.=Shift Left Doubleword
sld=Shift Left Doubleword
slw.=Shift Left Word
slw=Shift Left Word
srad.=Shift Right Algebraic Doubleword
srad=Shift Right Algebraic Doubleword
sradi.=Shift Right Algebraic Doubleword Immediate
sradi=Shift Right Algebraic Doubleword Immediate
sraw.=Shift Right Algebraic Word
sraw=Shift Right Algebraic Word
srawi.=Shift Right Algebraic Word Immediate
srawi=Shift Right Algebraic Word Immediate
srd.=Shift Right Doubleword
srd=Shift Right Doubleword
srw.=Shift Right Word
srw=Shift Right Word
stb=Store Byte
stbcix=Store Byte Caching Inhibited Indexed
stbcx.=Store Byte Conditional Indexed & record
stbu=Store Byte with Update
stbux=Store Byte with Update Indexed
stbx=Store Byte Indexed
std=Store Doubleword
stdat=Store Doubleword ATomic
stdbrx=Store Doubleword Byte-Reverse Indexed
stdcix=Store Doubleword Caching Inhibited Indexed
stdcx.=Store Doubleword Conditional Indexed & record
stdu=Store Doubleword with Update
stdux=Store Doubleword with Update Indexed
stdx=Store Doubleword Indexed
stfd=Store Floating Double
stfdp=Store Floating Double Pair
stfdpx=Store Floating Double Pair Indexed
stfdu=Store Floating Double with Update
stfdux=Store Floating Double with Update Indexed
stfdx=Store Floating Double Indexed
stfiwx=Store Floating as Integer Word Indexed
stfs=Store Floating Single
stfsu=Store Floating Single with Update
stfsux=Store Floating Single with Update Indexed
stfsx=Store Floating Single Indexed
sth=Store Halfword
sthbrx=Store Halfword Byte-Reverse Indexed
sthcix=Store Halfword Caching Inhibited Indexed
sthcx.=Store Halfword Conditional Indexed & record
sthu=Store Halfword with Update
sthux=Store Halfword with Update Indexed
sthx=Store Halfword Indexed
stmw=Store Multiple Word
stq=Store Quadword
stqcx.=Store Quadword Conditional Indexed & record
stswi=Store String Word Immediate
stswx=Store String Word Indexed
stvebx=Store Vector Element Byte Indexed
stvehx=Store Vector Element Halfword Indexed
stvewx=Store Vector Element Word Indexed
stvx=Store Vector Indexed
stvxl=Store Vector Indexed Last
stw=Store Word
stwat=Store Word ATomic
stwbrx=Store Word Byte-Reverse Indexed
stwcix=Store Word Caching Inhibited Indexed
stwcx.=Store Word Conditional Indexed & record
stwu=Store Word with Update
stwux=Store Word with Update Indexed
stwx=Store Word Indexed
stxsd=Store VSX Scalar Doubleword
stxsdx=Store VSX Scalar Doubleword Indexed
stxsibx=Store VSX Scalar as Integer Byte Indexed
stxsihx=Store VSX Scalar as Integer Halfword Indexed
stxsiwx=Store VSX Scalar as Integer Word Indexed
stxssp=Store VSX Scalar Single-Precision
stxsspx=Store VSX Scalar Single-Precision Indexed
stxv=Store VSX Vector
stxvb16x=Store VSX Vector Byte*16 Indexed
stxvd2x=Store VSX Vector Doubleword*2 Indexed
stxvh8x=Store VSX Vector Halfword*8 Indexed
stxvl=Store VSX Vector with Length
stxvll=Store VSX Vector Left-justified with Length
stxvw4x=Store VSX Vector Word*4 Indexed
stxvx=Store VSX Vector Indexed
subf.=Subtract From
subf=Subtract From
subfc.=Subtract From Carrying
subfc=Subtract From Carrying
subfco.=Subtract From Carrying
subfco=Subtract From Carrying
subfe.=Subtract From Extended
subfe=Subtract From Extended
subfeo.=Subtract From Extended
subfeo=Subtract From Extended
subfic=Subtract From Immediate Carrying
subfme.=Subtract From Minus One Extended
subfme=Subtract From Minus One Extended
subfmeo.=Subtract From Minus One Extended
subfmeo=Subtract From Minus One Extended
subfo.=Subtract From
subfo=Subtract From
subfze.=Subtract From Zero Extended
subfze=Subtract From Zero Extended
subfzeo.=Subtract From Zero Extended
subfzeo=Subtract From Zero Extended
tabort.=Transaction Abort & record
tabortdc.=Transaction Abort Doubleword Conditional & record
tabortdci.=Transaction Abort Doubleword Conditional Immediate & record
tabortwc.=Transaction Abort Word Conditional & record
tabortwci.=Transaction Abort Word Conditional Immediate & record
tbegin.=Transaction Begin & record
tcheck=Transaction Check & record
td=Trap Doubleword
tdi=Trap Doubleword Immediate
tend.=Transaction End & record
tlbie=TLB Invalidate Entry
tlbiel=TLB Invalidate Entry Local
tlbsync=TLB Synchronize
trechkpt.=Transaction Recheckpoint & record
treclaim.=Transaction Reclaim & record
tsr.=Transaction Suspend or Resume & record
tw=Trap Word
twi=Trap Word Immediate
vabsdub=Vector Absolute Difference Unsigned Byte
vabsduh=Vector Absolute Difference Unsigned Halfword
vabsduw=Vector Absolute Difference Unsigned Word
vaddcuq=Vector Add & write Carry Unsigned Quadword
vaddcuw=Vector Add & Write Carry-Out Unsigned Word
vaddecuq=Vector Add Extended & write Carry Unsigned Quadword
vaddeuqm=Vector Add Extended Unsigned Quadword Modulo
vaddfp=Vector Add Floating-Point
vaddsbs=Vector Add Signed Byte Saturate
vaddshs=Vector Add Signed Halfword Saturate
vaddsws=Vector Add Signed Word Saturate
vaddubm=Vector Add Unsigned Byte Modulo
vaddubs=Vector Add Unsigned Byte Saturate
vaddudm=Vector Add Unsigned Doubleword Modulo
vadduhm=Vector Add Unsigned Halfword Modulo
vadduhs=Vector Add Unsigned Halfword Saturate
vadduqm=Vector Add Unsigned Quadword Modulo
vadduwm=Vector Add Unsigned Word Modulo
vadduws=Vector Add Unsigned Word Saturate
vand=Vector Logical AND
vandc=Vector Logical AND with Complement
vavgsb=Vector Average Signed Byte
vavgsh=Vector Average Signed Halfword
vavgsw=Vector Average Signed Word
vavgub=Vector Average Unsigned Byte
vavguh=Vector Average Unsigned Halfword
vavguw=Vector Average Unsigned Word
vbpermd=Vector Bit Permute Doubleword
vbpermq=Vector Bit Permute Quadword
vcfsx=Vector Convert with round to nearest Signed Word format to FP
vcfux=Vector Convert with round to nearest Unsigned Word format to FP
vcipher=Vector AES Cipher
vcipherlast=Vector AES Cipher Last
vclzb=Vector Count Leading Zeros Byte
vclzd=Vector Count Leading Zeros Doubleword
vclzh=Vector Count Leading Zeros Halfword
vclzlsbb=Vector Count Leading Zero Least-Significant Bits Byte
vclzw=Vector Count Leading Zeros Word
vcmpbfp.=Vector Compare Bounds Floating-Point
vcmpbfp=Vector Compare Bounds Floating-Point
vcmpeqfp.=Vector Compare Equal To Floating-Point
vcmpeqfp=Vector Compare Equal To Floating-Point
vcmpequb.=Vector Compare Equal To Unsigned Byte
vcmpequb=Vector Compare Equal To Unsigned Byte
vcmpequd.=Vector Compare Equal To Unsigned Doubleword
vcmpequd=Vector Compare Equal To Unsigned Doubleword
vcmpequh.=Vector Compare Equal To Unsigned Halfword
vcmpequh=Vector Compare Equal To Unsigned Halfword
vcmpequw.=Vector Compare Equal To Unsigned Word
vcmpequw=Vector Compare Equal To Unsigned Word
vcmpgefp.=Vector Compare Greater Than or Equal To Floating-Point
vcmpgefp=Vector Compare Greater Than or Equal To Floating-Point
vcmpgtfp.=Vector Compare Greater Than Floating-Point
vcmpgtfp=Vector Compare Greater Than Floating-Point
vcmpgtsb.=Vector Compare Greater Than Signed Byte
vcmpgtsb=Vector Compare Greater Than Signed Byte
vcmpgtsd.=Vector Compare Greater Than Signed Doubleword
vcmpgtsd=Vector Compare Greater Than Signed Doubleword
vcmpgtsh.=Vector Compare Greater Than Signed Halfword
vcmpgtsh=Vector Compare Greater Than Signed Halfword
vcmpgtsw.=Vector Compare Greater Than Signed Word
vcmpgtsw=Vector Compare Greater Than Signed Word
vcmpgtub.=Vector Compare Greater Than Unsigned Byte
vcmpgtub=Vector Compare Greater Than Unsigned Byte
vcmpgtud.=Vector Compare Greater Than Unsigned Doubleword
vcmpgtud=Vector Compare Greater Than Unsigned Doubleword
vcmpgtuh.=Vector Compare Greater Than Unsigned Halfword
vcmpgtuh=Vector Compare Greater Than Unsigned Halfword
vcmpgtuw.=Vector Compare Greater Than Unsigned Word
vcmpgtuw=Vector Compare Greater Than Unsigned Word
vcmpneb.=Vector Compare Not Equal Byte
vcmpneb=Vector Compare Not Equal Byte
vcmpneh.=Vector Compare Not Equal Halfword
vcmpneh=Vector Compare Not Equal Halfword
vcmpnew.=Vector Compare Not Equal Word
vcmpnew=Vector Compare Not Equal Word
vcmpnezb.=Vector Compare Not Equal or Zero Byte
vcmpnezb=Vector Compare Not Equal or Zero Byte
vcmpnezh.=Vector Compare Not Equal or Zero Halfword
vcmpnezh=Vector Compare Not Equal or Zero Halfword
vcmpnezw.=Vector Compare Not Equal or Zero Word
vcmpnezw=Vector Compare Not Equal or Zero Word
vctsxs=Vector Convert with round to zero FP To Signed Word format Saturate
vctuxs=Vector Convert with round to zero FP To Unsigned Word format Saturate
vctzb=Vector Count Trailing Zeros Byte
vctzd=Vector Count Trailing Zeros Doubleword
vctzh=Vector Count Trailing Zeros Halfword
vctzlsbb=Vector Count Trailing Zero Least-Significant Bits Byte
vctzw=Vector Count Trailing Zeros Word
veqv=Vector Equivalence
vexptefp=Vector 2 Raised to the Exponent Estimate Floating-Point
vextractd=Vector Extract Doubleword
vextractub=Vector Extract Unsigned Byte
vextractuh=Vector Extract Unsigned Halfword
vextractuw=Vector Extract Unsigned Word
vextsb2d=Vector Extend Sign Byte to Doubleword
vextsb2w=Vector Extend Sign Byte to Word
vextsh2d=Vector Extend Sign Halfword to Doubleword
vextsh2w=Vector Extend Sign Halfword to Word
vextsw2d=Vector Extend Sign Word to Doubleword
vextublx=Vector Extract Unsigned Byte Left-Indexed
vextubrx=Vector Extract Unsigned Byte Right-Indexed
vextuhlx=Vector Extract Unsigned Halfword Left-Indexed
vextuhrx=Vector Extract Unsigned Halfword Right-Indexed
vextuwlx=Vector Extract Unsigned Word Left-Indexed
vextuwrx=Vector Extract Unsigned Word Right-Indexed
vgbbd=Vector Gather Bits by Byte by Doubleword
vinsertb=Vector Insert Byte
vinsertd=Vector Insert Doubleword
vinserth=Vector Insert Halfword
vinsertw=Vector Insert Word
vlogefp=Vector Log Base 2 Estimate Floating-Point
vmaddfp=Vector Multiply-Add Floating-Point
vmaxfp=Vector Maximum Floating-Point
vmaxsb=Vector Maximum Signed Byte
vmaxsd=Vector Maximum Signed Doubleword
vmaxsh=Vector Maximum Signed Halfword
vmaxsw=Vector Maximum Signed Word
vmaxub=Vector Maximum Unsigned Byte
vmaxud=Vector Maximum Unsigned Doubleword
vmaxuh=Vector Maximum Unsigned Halfword
vmaxuw=Vector Maximum Unsigned Word
vmhaddshs=Vector Multiply-High-Add Signed Halfword Saturate
vmhraddshs=Vector Multiply-High-Round-Add Signed Halfword Saturate
vminfp=Vector Minimum Floating-Point
vminsb=Vector Minimum Signed Byte
vminsd=Vector Minimum Signed Doubleword
vminsh=Vector Minimum Signed Halfword
vminsw=Vector Minimum Signed Word
vminub=Vector Minimum Unsigned Byte
vminud=Vector Minimum Unsigned Doubleword
vminuh=Vector Minimum Unsigned Halfword
vminuw=Vector Minimum Unsigned Word
vmladduhm=Vector Multiply-Low-Add Unsigned Halfword Modulo
vmrgew=Vector Merge Even Word
vmrghb=Vector Merge High Byte
vmrghh=Vector Merge High Halfword
vmrghw=Vector Merge High Word
vmrglb=Vector Merge Low Byte
vmrglh=Vector Merge Low Halfword
vmrglw=Vector Merge Low Word
vmrgow=Vector Merge Odd Word
vmsummbm=Vector Multiply-Sum Mixed Byte Modulo
vmsumshm=Vector Multiply-Sum Signed Halfword Modulo
vmsumshs=Vector Multiply-Sum Signed Halfword Saturate
vmsumubm=Vector Multiply-Sum Unsigned Byte Modulo
vmsumudm=Vector Multiply-Sum Unsigned Doubleword Modulo
vmsumuhm=Vector Multiply-Sum Unsigned Halfword Modulo
vmsumuhs=Vector Multiply-Sum Unsigned Halfword Saturate
vmul10cuq=Vector Multiply-by-10 & write Carry Unsigned Quadword
vmul10ecuq=Vector Multiply-by-10 Extended & write Carry Unsigned Quadword
vmul10euq=Vector Multiply-by-10 Extended Unsigned Quadword
vmul10uq=Vector Multiply-by-10 Unsigned Quadword
vmulesb=Vector Multiply Even Signed Byte
vmulesh=Vector Multiply Even Signed Halfword
vmulesw=Vector Multiply Even Signed Word
vmuleub=Vector Multiply Even Unsigned Byte
vmuleuh=Vector Multiply Even Unsigned Halfword
vmuleuw=Vector Multiply Even Unsigned Word
vmulosb=Vector Multiply Odd Signed Byte
vmulosh=Vector Multiply Odd Signed Halfword
vmulosw=Vector Multiply Odd Signed Word
vmuloub=Vector Multiply Odd Unsigned Byte
vmulouh=Vector Multiply Odd Unsigned Halfword
vmulouw=Vector Multiply Odd Unsigned Word
vmuluwm=Vector Multiply Unsigned Word Modulo
vnand=Vector NAND
vncipher=Vector AES Inverse Cipher
vncipherlast=Vector AES Inverse Cipher Last
vnegd=Vector Negate Doubleword
vnegw=Vector Negate Word
vnmsubfp=Vector Negative Multiply-Subtract Floating-Point
vnor=Vector Logical NOR
vor=Vector Logical OR
vorc=Vector OR with Complement
vperm=Vector Permute
vpermr=Vector Permute Right-indexed
vpermxor=Vector Permute & Exclusive-OR
vpkpx=Vector Pack Pixel
vpksdss=Vector Pack Signed Doubleword Signed Saturate
vpksdus=Vector Pack Signed Doubleword Unsigned Saturate
vpkshss=Vector Pack Signed Halfword Signed Saturate
vpkshus=Vector Pack Signed Halfword Unsigned Saturate
vpkswss=Vector Pack Signed Word Signed Saturate
vpkswus=Vector Pack Signed Word Unsigned Saturate
vpkudum=Vector Pack Unsigned Doubleword Unsigned Modulo
vpkudus=Vector Pack Unsigned Doubleword Unsigned Saturate
vpkuhum=Vector Pack Unsigned Halfword Unsigned Modulo
vpkuhus=Vector Pack Unsigned Halfword Unsigned Saturate
vpkuwum=Vector Pack Unsigned Word Unsigned Modulo
vpkuwus=Vector Pack Unsigned Word Unsigned Saturate
vpmsumb=Vector Polynomial Multiply-Sum Byte
vpmsumd=Vector Polynomial Multiply-Sum Doubleword
vpmsumh=Vector Polynomial Multiply-Sum Halfword
vpmsumw=Vector Polynomial Multiply-Sum Word
vpopcntb=Vector Population Count Byte
vpopcntd=Vector Population Count Doubleword
vpopcnth=Vector Population Count Halfword
vpopcntw=Vector Population Count Word
vprtybd=Vector Parity Byte Doubleword
vprtybq=Vector Parity Byte Quadword
vprtybw=Vector Parity Byte Word
vrefp=Vector Reciprocal Estimate Floating-Point
vrfim=Vector Round to Floating-Point Integral toward -Infinity
vrfin=Vector Round to Floating-Point Integral Nearest
vrfip=Vector Round to Floating-Point Integral toward +Infinity
vrfiz=Vector Round to Floating-Point Integral toward Zero
vrlb=Vector Rotate Left Byte
vrld=Vector Rotate Left Doubleword
vrldmi=Vector Rotate Left Doubleword then Mask Insert
vrldnm=Vector Rotate Left Doubleword then AND with Mask
vrlh=Vector Rotate Left Halfword
vrlw=Vector Rotate Left Word
vrlwmi=Vector Rotate Left Word then Mask Insert
vrlwnm=Vector Rotate Left Word then AND with Mask
vrsqrtefp=Vector Reciprocal Square Root Estimate Floating-Point
vsbox=Vector AES S-Box
vsel=Vector Select
vshasigmad=Vector SHA-512 Sigma Doubleword
vshasigmaw=Vector SHA-256 Sigma Word
vsl=Vector Shift Left
vslb=Vector Shift Left Byte
vsld=Vector Shift Left Doubleword
vsldoi=Vector Shift Left Double by Octet Immediate
vslh=Vector Shift Left Halfword
vslo=Vector Shift Left by Octet
vslv=Vector Shift Left Variable
vslw=Vector Shift Left Word
vspltb=Vector Splat Byte
vsplth=Vector Splat Halfword
vspltisb=Vector Splat Immediate Signed Byte
vspltish=Vector Splat Immediate Signed Halfword
vspltisw=Vector Splat Immediate Signed Word
vspltw=Vector Splat Word
vsr=Vector Shift Right
vsrab=Vector Shift Right Algebraic Byte
vsrad=Vector Shift Right Algebraic Doubleword
vsrah=Vector Shift Right Algebraic Halfword
vsraw=Vector Shift Right Algebraic Word
vsrb=Vector Shift Right Byte
vsrd=Vector Shift Right Doubleword
vsrh=Vector Shift Right Halfword
vsro=Vector Shift Right by Octet
vsrv=Vector Shift Right Variable
vsrw=Vector Shift Right Word
vsubcuq=Vector Subtract & write Carry Unsigned Quadword
vsubcuw=Vector Subtract & Write Carry-Out Unsigned Word
vsubecuq=Vector Subtract Extended & write Carry Unsigned Quadword
vsubeuqm=Vector Subtract Extended Unsigned Quadword Modulo
vsubfp=Vector Subtract Floating-Point
vsubsbs=Vector Subtract Signed Byte Saturate
vsubshs=Vector Subtract Signed Halfword Saturate
vsubsws=Vector Subtract Signed Word Saturate
vsububm=Vector Subtract Unsigned Byte Modulo
vsububs=Vector Subtract Unsigned Byte Saturate
vsubudm=Vector Subtract Unsigned Doubleword Modulo
vsubuhm=Vector Subtract Unsigned Halfword Modulo
vsubuhs=Vector Subtract Unsigned Halfword Saturate
vsubuqm=Vector Subtract Unsigned Quadword Modulo
vsubuwm=Vector Subtract Unsigned Word Modulo
vsubuws=Vector Subtract Unsigned Word Saturate
vsum2sws=Vector Sum across Half Signed Word Saturate
vsum4sbs=Vector Sum across Quarter Signed Byte Saturate
vsum4shs=Vector Sum across Quarter Signed Halfword Saturate
vsum4ubs=Vector Sum across Quarter Unsigned Byte Saturate
vsumsws=Vector Sum across Signed Word Saturate
vupkhpx=Vector Unpack High Pixel
vupkhsb=Vector Unpack High Signed Byte
vupkhsh=Vector Unpack High Signed Halfword
vupkhsw=Vector Unpack High Signed Word
vupklpx=Vector Unpack Low Pixel
vupklsb=Vector Unpack Low Signed Byte
vupklsh=Vector Unpack Low Signed Halfword
vupklsw=Vector Unpack Low Signed Word
vxor=Vector Logical XOR
wait=Wait for Interrupt
xnop=Executed No Operation
xori=XOR Immediate
xoris=XOR Immediate Shifted
xsabsdp=VSX Scalar Absolute Double-Precision
xsabsqp=VSX Scalar Absolute Quad-Precision
xsadddp=VSX Scalar Add Double-Precision
xsaddqp=VSX Scalar Add Quad-Precision [with round to Odd]
xsaddqpo=VSX Scalar Add Quad-Precision [with round to Odd]
xsaddsp=VSX Scalar Add Single-Precision
xscmpeqdp=VSX Scalar Compare Equal Double-Precision
xscmpexpdp=VSX Scalar Compare Exponents Double-Precision
xscmpexpqp=VSX Scalar Compare Exponents Quad-Precision
xscmpgedp=VSX Scalar Compare Greater Than or Equal Double-Precision
xscmpgtdp=VSX Scalar Compare Greater Than Double-Precision
xscmpodp=VSX Scalar Compare Ordered Double-Precision
xscmpoqp=VSX Scalar Compare Ordered Quad-Precision
xscmpudp=VSX Scalar Compare Unordered Double-Precision
xscmpuqp=VSX Scalar Compare Unordered Quad-Precision
xscpsgndp=VSX Scalar Copy Sign Double-Precision
xscpsgnqp=VSX Scalar Copy Sign Quad-Precision
xscvdphp=VSX Scalar Convert with round Double-Precision to Half-Precision format
xscvdpqp=VSX Scalar Convert Double-Precision to Quad-Precision format
xscvdpsp=VSX Scalar Convert with round Double-Precision to Single-Precision format
xscvdpspn=VSX Scalar Convert Double-Precision to Single-Precision Non-signalling format
xscvdpsxds=VSX Scalar Convert with round to zero Double-Precision to Signed Doubleword format
xscvdpsxws=VSX Scalar Convert with round to zero Double-Precision to Signed Word format
xscvdpuxds=VSX Scalar Convert with round to zero Double-Precision to Unsigned Doubleword format
xscvdpuxws=VSX Scalar Convert with round to zero Double-Precision to Unsigned Word format
xscvhpdp=VSX Scalar Convert Half-Precision to Double-Precision format
xscvqpdp=VSX Scalar Convert with round Quad-Precision to Double-Precision format [with round to Odd]
xscvqpdpo=VSX Scalar Convert with round Quad-Precision to Double-Precision format [with round to Odd]
xscvqpsdz=VSX Scalar Convert with round to zero Quad-Precision to Signed Doubleword format
xscvqpswz=VSX Scalar Convert with round to zero Quad-Precision to Signed Word format
xscvqpudz=VSX Scalar Convert with round to zero Quad-Precision to Unsigned Doubleword format
xscvqpuwz=VSX Scalar Convert with round to zero Quad-Precision to Unsigned Word format
xscvsdqp=VSX Scalar Convert Signed Doubleword to Quad-Precision format
xscvspdp=VSX Scalar Convert Single-Precision to Double-Precision format
xscvspdpn=VSX Scalar Convert Single-Precision to Double-Precision Non-signalling format
xscvsxddp=VSX Scalar Convert with round Signed Doubleword to Double-Precision format
xscvsxdsp=VSX Scalar Convert with round Signed Doubleword to Single-Precision format
xscvudqp=VSX Scalar Convert Unsigned Doubleword to Quad-Precision format
xscvuxddp=VSX Scalar Convert with round Unsigned Doubleword to Double-Precision format
xscvuxdsp=VSX Scalar Convert with round Unsigned Doubleword to Single-Precision format
xsdivdp=VSX Scalar Divide Double-Precision
xsdivqp=VSX Scalar Divide Quad-Precision [with round to Odd]
xsdivqpo=VSX Scalar Divide Quad-Precision [with round to Odd]
xsdivsp=VSX Scalar Divide Single-Precision
xsiexpdp=VSX Scalar Insert Exponent Double-Precision
xsiexpqp=VSX Scalar Insert Exponent Quad-Precision
xsmaddadp=VSX Scalar Multiply-Add Type-A Double-Precision
xsmaddasp=VSX Scalar Multiply-Add Type-A Single-Precision
xsmaddmdp=VSX Scalar Multiply-Add Type-M Double-Precision
xsmaddmsp=VSX Scalar Multiply-Add Type-M Single-Precision
xsmaddqp=VSX Scalar Multiply-Add Quad-Precision [with round to Odd]
xsmaddqpo=VSX Scalar Multiply-Add Quad-Precision [with round to Odd]
xsmaxcdp=VSX Scalar Maximum Type-C Double-Precision
xsmaxdp=VSX Scalar Maximum Double-Precision
xsmaxjdp=VSX Scalar Maximum Type-J Double-Precision
xsmincdp=VSX Scalar Minimum Type-C Double-Precision
xsmindp=VSX Scalar Minimum Double-Precision
xsminjdp=VSX Scalar Minimum Type-J Double-Precision
xsmsubadp=VSX Scalar Multiply-Subtract Type-A Double-Precision
xsmsubasp=VSX Scalar Multiply-Subtract Type-A Single-Precision
xsmsubmdp=VSX Scalar Multiply-Subtract Type-M Double-Precision
xsmsubmsp=VSX Scalar Multiply-Subtract Type-M Single-Precision
xsmsubqp=VSX Scalar Multiply-Subtract Quad-Precision [with round to Odd]
xsmsubqpo=VSX Scalar Multiply-Subtract Quad-Precision [with round to Odd]
xsmuldp=VSX Scalar Multiply Double-Precision
xsmulqp=VSX Scalar Multiply Quad-Precision [with round to Odd]
xsmulqpo=VSX Scalar Multiply Quad-Precision [with round to Odd]
xsmulsp=VSX Scalar Multiply Single-Precision
xsnabsdp=VSX Scalar Negative Absolute Double-Precision
xsnabsqp=VSX Scalar Negative Absolute Quad-Precision
xsnegdp=VSX Scalar Negate Double-Precision
xsnegqp=VSX Scalar Negate Quad-Precision
xsnmaddadp=VSX Scalar Negative Multiply-Add Type-A Double-Precision
xsnmaddasp=VSX Scalar Negative Multiply-Add Type-A Single-Precision
xsnmaddmdp=VSX Scalar Negative Multiply-Add Type-M Double-Precision
xsnmaddmsp=VSX Scalar Negative Multiply-Add Type-M Single-Precision
xsnmaddqp=VSX Scalar Negative Multiply-Add Quad-Precision [with round to Odd]
xsnmaddqpo=VSX Scalar Negative Multiply-Add Quad-Precision [with round to Odd]
xsnmsubadp=VSX Scalar Negative Multiply-Subtract Type-A Double-Precision
xsnmsubasp=VSX Scalar Negative Multiply-Subtract Type-A Single-Precision
xsnmsubmdp=VSX Scalar Negative Multiply-Subtract Type-M Double-Precision
xsnmsubmsp=VSX Scalar Negative Multiply-Subtract Type-M Single-Precision
xsnmsubqp=VSX Scalar Negative Multiply-Subtract Quad-Precision [with round to Odd]
xsnmsubqpo=VSX Scalar Negative Multiply-Subtract Quad-Precision [with round to Odd]
xsrdpi=VSX Scalar Round Double-Precision to Integral
xsrdpic=VSX Scalar Round Double-Precision to Integral using Current rounding mode
xsrdpim=VSX Scalar Round Double-Precision to Integral toward -Infinity
xsrdpip=VSX Scalar Round Double-Precision to Integral toward +Infinity
xsrdpiz=VSX Scalar Round Double-Precision to Integral toward Zero
xsredp=VSX Scalar Reciprocal Estimate Double-Precision
xsresp=VSX Scalar Reciprocal Estimate Single-Precision
xsrqpi=VSX Scalar Round Quad-Precision to Integral [Exact]
xsrqpix=VSX Scalar Round Quad-Precision to Integral [Exact]
xsrqpxp=VSX Scalar Round Quad-Precision to XP
xsrsp=VSX Scalar Round Double-Precision to Single-Precision
xsrsqrtedp=VSX Scalar Reciprocal Square Root Estimate Double-Precision
xsrsqrtesp=VSX Scalar Reciprocal Square Root Estimate Single-Precision
xssqrtdp=VSX Scalar Square Root Double-Precision
xssqrtqp=VSX Scalar Square Root Quad-Precision [with round to Odd]
xssqrtqpo=VSX Scalar Square Root Quad-Precision [with round to Odd]
xssqrtsp=VSX Scalar Square Root Single-Precision
xssubdp=VSX Scalar Subtract Double-Precision
xssubqp=VSX Scalar Subtract Quad-Precision [with round to Odd]
xssubqpo=VSX Scalar Subtract Quad-Precision [with round to Odd]
xssubsp=VSX Scalar Subtract Single-Precision
xstdivdp=VSX Scalar Test for software Divide Double-Precision
xstsqrtdp=VSX Scalar Test for software Square Root Double-Precision
xststdcdp=VSX Scalar Test Data Class Double-Precision
xststdcqp=VSX Scalar Test Data Class Quad-Precision
xststdcsp=VSX Scalar Test Data Class Single-Precision
xsxexpdp=VSX Scalar Extract Exponent Double-Precision
xsxexpqp=VSX Scalar Extract Exponent Quad-Precision
xsxsigdp=VSX Scalar Extract Significand Double-Precision
xsxsigqp=VSX Scalar Extract Significand Quad-Precision
xvabsdp=VSX Vector Absolute Double-Precision
xvabssp=VSX Vector Absolute Single-Precision
xvadddp=VSX Vector Add Double-Precision
xvaddsp=VSX Vector Add Single-Precision
xvcmpeqdp.=VSX Vector Compare Equal Double-Precision
xvcmpeqdp=VSX Vector Compare Equal Double-Precision
xvcmpeqsp.=VSX Vector Compare Equal Single-Precision
xvcmpeqsp=VSX Vector Compare Equal Single-Precision
xvcmpgedp.=VSX Vector Compare Greater Than or Equal Double-Precision
xvcmpgedp=VSX Vector Compare Greater Than or Equal Double-Precision
xvcmpgesp.=VSX Vector Compare Greater Than or Equal Single-Precision
xvcmpgesp=VSX Vector Compare Greater Than or Equal Single-Precision
xvcmpgtdp.=VSX Vector Compare Greater Than Double-Precision
xvcmpgtdp=VSX Vector Compare Greater Than Double-Precision
xvcmpgtsp.=VSX Vector Compare Greater Than Single-Precision
xvcmpgtsp=VSX Vector Compare Greater Than Single-Precision
xvcpsgndp=VSX Vector Copy Sign Double-Precision
xvcpsgnsp=VSX Vector Copy Sign Single-Precision
xvcvdpsp=VSX Vector Convert with round Double-Precision to Single-Precision format
xvcvdpsxds=VSX Vector Convert with round to zero Double-Precision to Signed Doubleword format
xvcvdpsxws=VSX Vector Convert with round to zero Double-Precision to Signed Word format
xvcvdpuxds=VSX Vector Convert with round to zero Double-Precision to Unsigned Doubleword format
xvcvdpuxws=VSX Vector Convert with round to zero Double-Precision to Unsigned Word format
xvcvhpsp=VSX Vector Convert Half-Precision to Single-Precision format
xvcvspdp=VSX Vector Convert Single-Precision to Double-Precision format
xvcvsphp=VSX Vector Convert with round Single-Precision to Half-Precision format
xvcvspsxds=VSX Vector Convert with round to zero Single-Precision to Signed Doubleword format
xvcvspsxws=VSX Vector Convert with round to zero Single-Precision to Signed Word format
xvcvspuxds=VSX Vector Convert with round to zero Single-Precision to Unsigned Doubleword format
xvcvspuxws=VSX Vector Convert with round to zero Single-Precision to Unsigned Word format
xvcvsxddp=VSX Vector Convert with round Signed Doubleword to Double-Precision format
xvcvsxdsp=VSX Vector Convert with round Signed Doubleword to Single-Precision format
xvcvsxwdp=VSX Vector Convert Signed Word to Double-Precision format
xvcvsxwsp=VSX Vector Convert with round Signed Word to Single-Precision format
xvcvuxddp=VSX Vector Convert with round Unsigned Doubleword to Double-Precision format
xvcvuxdsp=VSX Vector Convert with round Unsigned Doubleword to Single-Precision format
xvcvuxwdp=VSX Vector Convert Unsigned Word to Double-Precision format
xvcvuxwsp=VSX Vector Convert with round Unsigned Word to Single-Precision format
xvdivdp=VSX Vector Divide Double-Precision
xvdivsp=VSX Vector Divide Single-Precision
xviexpdp=VSX Vector Insert Exponent Double-Precision
xviexpsp=VSX Vector Insert Exponent Single-Precision
xvmaddadp=VSX Vector Multiply-Add Type-A Double-Precision
xvmaddasp=VSX Vector Multiply-Add Type-A Single-Precision
xvmaddmdp=VSX Vector Multiply-Add Type-M Double-Precision
xvmaddmsp=VSX Vector Multiply-Add Type-M Single-Precision
xvmaxdp=VSX Vector Maximum Double-Precision
xvmaxsp=VSX Vector Maximum Single-Precision
xvmindp=VSX Vector Minimum Double-Precision
xvminsp=VSX Vector Minimum Single-Precision
xvmsubadp=VSX Vector Multiply-Subtract Type-A Double-Precision
xvmsubasp=VSX Vector Multiply-Subtract Type-A Single-Precision
xvmsubmdp=VSX Vector Multiply-Subtract Type-M Double-Precision
xvmsubmsp=VSX Vector Multiply-Subtract Type-M Single-Precision
xvmuldp=VSX Vector Multiply Double-Precision
xvmulsp=VSX Vector Multiply Single-Precision
xvnabsdp=VSX Vector Negative Absolute Double-Precision
xvnabssp=VSX Vector Negative Absolute Single-Precision
xvnegdp=VSX Vector Negate Double-Precision
xvnegsp=VSX Vector Negate Single-Precision
xvnmaddadp=VSX Vector Negative Multiply-Add Type-A Double-Precision
xvnmaddasp=VSX Vector Negative Multiply-Add Type-A Single-Precision
xvnmaddmdp=VSX Vector Negative Multiply-Add Type-M Double-Precision
xvnmaddmsp=VSX Vector Negative Multiply-Add Type-M Single-Precision
xvnmsubadp=VSX Vector Negative Multiply-Subtract Type-A Double-Precision
xvnmsubasp=VSX Vector Negative Multiply-Subtract Type-A Single-Precision
xvnmsubmdp=VSX Vector Negative Multiply-Subtract Type-M Double-Precision
xvnmsubmsp=VSX Vector Negative Multiply-Subtract Type-M Single-Precision
xvrdpi=VSX Vector Round Double-Precision to Integral
xvrdpic=VSX Vector Round Double-Precision to Integral using Current rounding mode
xvrdpim=VSX Vector Round Double-Precision to Integral toward -Infinity
xvrdpip=VSX Vector Round Double-Precision to Integral toward +Infinity
xvrdpiz=VSX Vector Round Double-Precision to Integral toward Zero
xvredp=VSX Vector Reciprocal Estimate Double-Precision
xvresp=VSX Vector Reciprocal Estimate Single-Precision
xvrspi=VSX Vector Round Single-Precision to Integral
xvrspic=VSX Vector Round Single-Precision to Integral using Current rounding mode
xvrspim=VSX Vector Round Single-Precision to Integral toward -Infinity
xvrspip=VSX Vector Round Single-Precision to Integral toward +Infinity
xvrspiz=VSX Vector Round Single-Precision to Integral toward Zero
xvrsqrtedp=VSX Vector Reciprocal Square Root Estimate Double-Precision
xvrsqrtesp=VSX Vector Reciprocal Square Root Estimate Single-Precision
xvsqrtdp=VSX Vector Square Root Double-Precision
xvsqrtsp=VSX Vector Square Root Single-Precision
xvsubdp=VSX Vector Subtract Double-Precision
xvsubsp=VSX Vector Subtract Single-Precision
xvtdivdp=VSX Vector Test for software Divide Double-Precision
xvtdivsp=VSX Vector Test for software Divide Single-Precision
xvtsqrtdp=VSX Vector Test for software Square Root Double-Precision
xvtsqrtsp=VSX Vector Test for software Square Root Single-Precision
xvtstdcdp=VSX Vector Test Data Class Double-Precision
xvtstdcsp=VSX Vector Test Data Class Single-Precision
xvxexpdp=VSX Vector Extract Exponent Double-Precision
xvxexpsp=VSX Vector Extract Exponent Single-Precision
xvxsigdp=VSX Vector Extract Significand Double-Precision
xvxsigsp=VSX Vector Extract Significand Single-Precision
xxbrd=VSX Vector Byte-Reverse Doubleword
xxbrh=VSX Vector Byte-Reverse Halfword
xxbrq=VSX Vector Byte-Reverse Quadword
xxbrw=VSX Vector Byte-Reverse Word
xxextractuw=VSX Vector Extract Unsigned Word
xxinsertw=VSX Vector Insert Word
xxland=VSX Vector Logical AND
xxlandc=VSX Vector Logical AND with Complement
xxleqv=VSX Vector Logical Equivalence
xxlnand=VSX Vector Logical NAND
xxlnor=VSX Vector Logical NOR
xxlor=VSX Vector Logical OR
xxlorc=VSX Vector Logical OR with Complement
xxlxor=VSX Vector Logical XOR
xxmrghw=VSX Vector Merge Word High
xxmrglw=VSX Vector Merge Word Low
xxperm=VSX Vector Permute
xxpermdi=VSX Vector Doubleword Permute Immediate
xxpermr=VSX Vector Permute Right-indexed
xxsel=VSX Vector Select
xxsldwi=VSX Vector Shift Left Double by Word Immediate
xxspltib=VSX Vector Splat Immediate Byte
xxspltw=VSX Vector Splat Word
# Pseudo instructions (incomplete)
addic=Add Immediate Carrying and Record ; addic r3, r3, 1
cmplw=compare logical word; cmplwi CR0, r0, 33(unsigned)
cmplwi=compare logical word against int; cmplwi CR0, r0, 33(unsigned)
cmpw=compare word; cmpw CR0, r0, r1 (signed)
li=load integer into register; li r3, 1