pancake bc0104563b Initial support for runtime versioned libraries
- This check will ensure you are running the latest r2 version.
2013-06-14 02:51:33 +02:00

201 lines
4.6 KiB

/* radare 2008-2013 LGPL -- pancake */
#include <r_types.h>
#include <r_util.h>
#include <r_db.h>
#include <r_syscall.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "fastcall.h"
R_LIB_VERSION (r_syscall);
extern RSyscallPort sysport_x86[];
R_API RSyscall* r_syscall_new() {
RSyscall *rs = R_NEW (RSyscall);
if (rs) {
rs->fd = NULL;
rs->sysptr = NULL; //syscalls_linux_x86;
rs->sysport = sysport_x86;
rs->syspair = NULL;
rs->printf = (PrintfCallback)printf;
rs->regs = fastcall_x86_32;
return rs;
R_API void r_syscall_free(RSyscall *ctx) {
free (ctx);
/* return fastcall register argument 'idx' for a syscall with 'num' args */
R_API const char *r_syscall_reg(RSyscall *s, int idx, int num) {
if (num<0 || num>=R_SYSCALL_ARGS || idx<0 || idx>=R_SYSCALL_ARGS)
return NULL;
return s->regs[num].arg[idx];
R_API int r_syscall_setup(RSyscall *ctx, const char *arch, const char *os, int bits) {
char file[256];
if (os == NULL)
os = R_SYS_OS;
if (arch == NULL)
arch = R_SYS_ARCH;
if (!strcmp (os, "any")) // ignored
return R_TRUE;
if (!strcmp (arch, "mips"))
ctx->regs = fastcall_mips;
else if (!strcmp (arch, "arm"))
ctx->regs = fastcall_arm;
else if (!strcmp (arch, "x86")) {
switch (bits) {
case 8: ctx->regs = fastcall_x86_8;
case 32: ctx->regs = fastcall_x86_32;
case 64: ctx->regs = fastcall_x86_64;
} else if (!strcmp (arch,"sh")) {
ctx->regs = fastcall_sh;
#define SYSCALLPATH R2_LIBDIR"/radare2/"R2_VERSION"/syscall"
snprintf (file, sizeof (file), "%s/%s-%s-%d.sdb",
SYSCALLPATH, os, arch, bits);
if (!r_file_exists (file)) {
//eprintf ("r_syscall_setup: Cannot find '%s'\n", file);
return R_FALSE;
r_pair_free (ctx->syspair);
ctx->syspair = r_pair_new_from_file (file);
if (ctx->fd)
fclose (ctx->fd);
ctx->fd = NULL;
return R_TRUE;
R_API int r_syscall_setup_file(RSyscall *ctx, const char *path) {
if (ctx->fd)
fclose (ctx->fd);
ctx->fd = r_sandbox_fopen (path, "r");
if (ctx->fd == NULL)
return 1;
/* TODO: load info from file */
return 0;
R_API RSyscallItem *r_syscall_item_new_from_string(const char *name, const char *s) {
RSyscallItem *si;
char *o;
if (!s) return NULL;
si = R_NEW0 (RSyscallItem);
o = strdup (s);
r_str_split (o, ',');
return r_syscall_item_new (name,
r_num_get (NULL, r_str_word_get0 (o, 0)),
r_num_get (NULL, r_str_word_get0 (o, 1)),
r_num_get (NULL, r_str_word_get0 (o, 2)),
r_str_word_get0 (o, 3));
si->name = strdup (name);
si->swi = r_num_get (NULL, r_str_word_get0 (o, 0));
si->num = r_num_get (NULL, r_str_word_get0 (o, 1));
si->args = r_num_get (NULL, r_str_word_get0 (o, 2));
si->sargs = strdup (r_str_word_get0 (o, 3));
free (o);
return si;
R_API void r_syscall_item_free(RSyscallItem *si) {
free (si->name);
free (si->sargs);
free (si);
static int getswi(RPair *p, int swi) {
char *def;
if (swi == -1) {
def = r_pair_get (p, "_");
if (def && *def) {
swi = r_num_get (NULL, def);
free (def);
} else swi = 0x80; // XXX hardcoded
return swi;
R_API RSyscallItem *r_syscall_get(RSyscall *ctx, int num, int swi) {
char *ret, *ret2, foo[32];
RSyscallItem *si;
if (!ctx->syspair)
return NULL;
swi = getswi (ctx->syspair, swi);
snprintf (foo, sizeof (foo), "0x%02x.%d", swi, num);
ret = r_pair_get (ctx->syspair, foo);
if (ret == NULL)
return NULL;
ret2 = r_pair_get (ctx->syspair, ret);
if (ret2 == NULL)
return NULL;
si = r_syscall_item_new_from_string (ret, ret2);
free (ret);
free (ret2);
return si;
R_API int r_syscall_get_num(RSyscall *ctx, const char *str) {
char *o;
int i = 0;
if (!ctx->syspair)
return 0;
o = r_pair_get (ctx->syspair, str);
if (o && *o) {
r_str_split (o, ',');
i = r_num_get (NULL, r_str_word_get0 (o, 1));
free (o);
return i;
R_API char *r_syscall_get_i(RSyscall *ctx, int num, int swi) {
char *ret, foo[32];
if (!ctx->syspair)
return NULL;
swi = getswi (ctx->syspair, swi);
snprintf (foo, sizeof (foo), "0x%x.%d", swi, num);
ret = r_pair_get (ctx->syspair, foo);
return ret;
R_API const char *r_syscall_get_io(RSyscall *ctx, int ioport) {
int i;
for (i=0; ctx->sysport[i].name; i++) {
if (ioport == ctx->sysport[i].port)
return ctx->sysport[i].name;
return NULL;
R_API RList *r_syscall_list(RSyscall *ctx) {
RListIter *iter;
RPairItem *o;
RList *list = r_pair_list (ctx->syspair, NULL);
RList *olist = r_list_new ();
olist->free = (RListFree)r_syscall_item_free;
r_list_foreach (list, iter, o) {
RSyscallItem *si = r_syscall_item_new_from_string (o->k, o->v);
if (!strchr (si->name, '.'))
r_list_append (olist, si);
r_list_free (list);
return olist;