
599 lines
23 KiB

/* radare - LGPL - Copyright 2009-2016 - pancake */
#ifndef R2_CORE_H
#define R2_CORE_H
#include "r_types.h"
#include "r_magic.h"
#include "r_io.h"
#include "r_fs.h"
#include "r_lib.h"
#include "r_diff.h"
#include "r_egg.h"
#include "r_lang.h"
#include "r_asm.h"
#include "r_parse.h"
#include "r_anal.h"
#include "r_cmd.h"
#include "r_cons.h"
#include "r_print.h"
#include "r_search.h"
#include "r_sign.h"
#include "r_debug.h"
#include "r_flags.h"
#include "r_config.h"
#include "r_bin.h"
#include "r_hash.h"
#include "r_socket.h"
#include "r_util.h"
#include "r_crypto.h"
#include "r_bind.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#define R_CORE_CMD_EXIT -2
#define R_CORE_BLOCKSIZE 0x100
#define R_CORE_BLOCKSIZE_MAX 0x3200000 /* 32MB */
#define R_CORE_ANAL_JSON 8
/* rtr */
#define RTR_PROT_RAP 0
#define RTR_PROT_TCP 1
#define RTR_PROT_UDP 2
#define RTR_PROT_HTTP 3
#define RTR_RAP_OPEN 0x01
#define RTR_RAP_CMD 0x07
#define RTR_RAP_REPLY 0x80
#define RTR_MAX_HOSTS 255
#define R_CORE_CMD_DEPTH 10
typedef struct r_core_rtr_host_t {
int proto;
char host[512];
int port;
char file[1024];
RSocket *fd;
} RCoreRtrHost;
typedef struct r_core_log_t {
int first;
int last;
RStrpool *sp;
} RCoreLog;
typedef struct r_core_file_t {
RIOMap *map;
int dbg;
RIODesc *desc;
RBinBind binb;
const struct r_core_t *core;
ut8 alive;
} RCoreFile;
typedef struct r_core_times_t {
ut64 loadlibs_init_time;
ut64 loadlibs_time;
ut64 file_open_time;
} RCoreTimes;
#define R_CORE_ASMSTEPS 128
#define R_CORE_ASMQJMPS_MAX_LETTERS (26 * 26 * 26 * 26 * 26)
typedef struct r_core_asmsteps_t {
ut64 offset;
int cols;
} RCoreAsmsteps;
typedef struct r_core_t {
RBin *bin;
RConfig *config;
ut64 offset;
ut32 blocksize;
ut32 blocksize_max;
ut8 *block;
ut8 *oobi; /* out of band input ; used for multiline or file input */
int oobi_len;
RBuffer *yank_buf;
int tmpseek;
bool vmode;
int interrupted; // XXX IS THIS DUPPED SOMEWHERE?
/* files */
RCons *cons;
RIO *io;
RCoreFile *file;
RList *files;
RNum *num;
RLib *lib;
RCmd *rcmd;
RAnal *anal;
RAsm *assembler;
/* ^^ */
RCoreTimes *times;
RParse *parser;
RPrint *print;
RLang *lang;
RDebug *dbg;
RFlag *flags;
RSearch *search;
RIOSection *section;
RSign *sign;
RFS *fs;
REgg *egg;
RCoreLog *log;
RAGraph *graph;
char *cmdqueue;
char *lastcmd;
int cmdrepeat;
ut64 inc;
int rtr_n;
RCoreRtrHost rtr_host[RTR_MAX_HOSTS];
int curasmstep;
RCoreAsmsteps asmsteps[R_CORE_ASMSTEPS];
ut64 *asmqjmps;
int asmqjmps_count;
int asmqjmps_size;
bool is_asmqjmps_letter;
bool keep_asmqjmps;
// visual
int http_up;
int printidx;
int utf8;
int vseek;
bool in_search;
RList *watchers;
RList *scriptstack;
RList *tasks;
int cmd_depth;
ut8 switch_file_view;
Sdb *sdb;
int incomment;
int curtab; // current tab
int seltab; // selected tab
int cmdremote;
char *lastsearch;
bool fixedblock;
char *cmdfilter;
bool break_loop;
} RCore;
R_API int r_core_bind(RCore *core, RCoreBind *bnd);
typedef struct r_core_cmpwatch_t {
ut64 addr;
int size;
char cmd[32];
ut8 *odata;
ut8 *ndata;
} RCoreCmpWatcher;
typedef int (*RCoreSearchCallback)(RCore *core, ut64 from, ut8 *buf, int len);
#ifdef R_API
//#define r_core_ncast(x) (RCore*)(size_t)(x)
R_API RCons *r_core_get_cons (RCore *core);
R_API RBin *r_core_get_bin (RCore *core);
R_API RConfig *r_core_get_config (RCore *core);
R_API RAsmOp *r_core_disassemble (RCore *core, ut64 addr);
R_API int r_core_init(RCore *core);
R_API RCore *r_core_new(void);
R_API RCore *r_core_free(RCore *core);
R_API RCore *r_core_fini(RCore *c);
R_API RCore *r_core_ncast(ut64 p);
R_API RCore *r_core_cast(void *p);
R_API int r_core_config_init(RCore *core);
R_API int r_core_prompt(RCore *core, int sync);
R_API int r_core_prompt_exec(RCore *core);
R_API int r_core_lines_initcache (RCore *core, ut64 start_addr, ut64 end_addr);
R_API int r_core_lines_currline (RCore *core);
R_API void r_core_prompt_loop(RCore *core);
R_API int r_core_cmd(RCore *core, const char *cmd, int log);
R_API void r_core_cmd_repeat(RCore *core, int next);
R_API char *r_core_editor (const RCore *core, const char *file, const char *str);
R_API int r_core_fgets(char *buf, int len);
// FIXME: change (void *user) to (RCore *core)
R_API int r_core_cmdf(void *user, const char *fmt, ...);
R_API int r_core_flush(void *user, const char *cmd);
R_API int r_core_cmd0(void *user, const char *cmd);
R_API void r_core_cmd_init(RCore *core);
R_API int r_core_cmd_pipe(RCore *core, char *radare_cmd, char *shell_cmd);
R_API char *r_core_cmd_str(RCore *core, const char *cmd);
R_API char *r_core_cmd_strf(RCore *core, const char *fmt, ...);
R_API char *r_core_cmd_str_pipe(RCore *core, const char *cmd);
R_API int r_core_cmd_file(RCore *core, const char *file);
R_API int r_core_cmd_lines(RCore *core, const char *lines);
R_API int r_core_cmd_command(RCore *core, const char *command);
R_API int r_core_run_script (RCore *core, const char *file);
R_API bool r_core_seek(RCore *core, ut64 addr, bool rb);
R_API int r_core_seek_base (RCore *core, const char *hex);
R_API void r_core_seek_previous (RCore *core, const char *type);
R_API void r_core_seek_next (RCore *core, const char *type);
R_API int r_core_seek_align(RCore *core, ut64 align, int count);
R_API int r_core_seek_archbits (RCore *core, ut64 addr);
R_API int r_core_block_read(RCore *core);
R_API int r_core_block_size(RCore *core, int bsize);
R_API int r_core_read_at(RCore *core, ut64 addr, ut8 *buf, int size);
R_API int r_core_is_valid_offset (RCore *core, ut64 offset);
R_API int r_core_shift_block(RCore *core, ut64 addr, ut64 b_size, st64 dist);
R_API void r_core_visual_prompt_input (RCore *core);
R_API bool r_core_prevop_addr (RCore* core, ut64 start_addr, int numinstrs, ut64* prev_addr);
R_API bool r_core_visual_hudstuff(RCore *core);
R_API int r_core_visual_classes(RCore *core);
R_API int r_core_visual_types(RCore *core);
R_API int r_core_visual(RCore *core, const char *input);
R_API int r_core_visual_graph(RCore *core, RAGraph *g, RAnalFunction *_fcn, int is_interactive);
R_API int r_core_fcn_graph(RCore *core, RAnalFunction *_fcn);
R_API int r_core_visual_panels(RCore *core);
R_API int r_core_visual_cmd(RCore *core, int ch);
R_API void r_core_visual_seek_animation (RCore *core, ut64 addr);
R_API void r_core_visual_asm(RCore *core, ut64 addr);
R_API void r_core_visual_colors(RCore *core);
R_API int r_core_visual_xrefs_x(RCore *core);
R_API int r_core_visual_xrefs_X(RCore *core);
R_API int r_core_visual_hud(RCore *core);
R_API ut64 r_core_get_asmqjmps(RCore *core, const char *str);
R_API void r_core_set_asmqjmps(RCore *core, char *str, size_t len, int i);
R_API char* r_core_add_asmqjmp(RCore *core, ut64 addr);
R_API void r_core_anal_type_init(RCore *core);
R_API void r_core_anal_cc_init(RCore *core);
R_API void r_core_list_io(RCore *core);
/* visual marks */
R_API void r_core_visual_mark_seek(RCore *core, ut8 ch);
R_API void r_core_visual_mark(RCore *core, ut8 ch);
R_API void r_core_visual_mark_set(RCore *core, ut8 ch, ut64 addr);
R_API void r_core_visual_mark_dump(RCore *core);
R_API void r_core_visual_mark_reset(RCore *core);
R_API int r_core_search_cb(RCore *core, ut64 from, ut64 to, RCoreSearchCallback cb);
R_API int r_core_serve(RCore *core, RIODesc *fd);
R_API int r_core_file_reopen(RCore *core, const char *args, int perm, int binload);
R_API void r_core_file_reopen_debug(RCore *core, const char *args);
R_API RCoreFile * r_core_file_find_by_fd(RCore* core, ut64 fd);
R_API RCoreFile * r_core_file_find_by_name (RCore * core, const char * name);
R_API RCoreFile * r_core_file_cur (RCore *r);
R_API int r_core_file_set_by_fd(RCore *core, ut64 fd);
R_API int r_core_file_set_by_name(RCore *core, const char * name);
R_API int r_core_file_set_by_file (RCore * core, RCoreFile *cf);
R_API int r_core_setup_debugger (RCore *r, const char *debugbackend, bool attach);
R_API int r_core_files_free(const RCore *core, RCoreFile *cf);
R_API void r_core_file_free(RCoreFile *cf);
R_API RCoreFile *r_core_file_open(RCore *core, const char *file, int flags, ut64 loadaddr);
R_API RCoreFile *r_core_file_open_many(RCore *r, const char *file, int flags, ut64 loadaddr);
R_API RCoreFile *r_core_file_get_by_fd(RCore *core, int fd);
R_API int r_core_file_close(RCore *core, RCoreFile *fh);
R_API int r_core_file_close_fd(RCore *core, int fd);
R_API int r_core_file_list(RCore *core, int mode);
R_API int r_core_file_binlist(RCore *core);
R_API int r_core_file_bin_raise(RCore *core, ut32 num);
R_API int r_core_seek_delta(RCore *core, st64 addr);
R_API int r_core_extend_at(RCore *core, ut64 addr, int size);
R_API int r_core_write_at(RCore *core, ut64 addr, const ut8 *buf, int size);
R_API int r_core_write_op(RCore *core, const char *arg, char op);
R_API int r_core_set_file_by_fd (RCore * core, ut64 bin_fd);
R_API int r_core_set_file_by_name (RBin * bin, const char * name);
R_API RBinFile * r_core_bin_cur (RCore *core);
R_API ut32 r_core_file_cur_fd (RCore *core);
R_API void r_core_debug_rr (RCore *core, RReg *reg);
/* project */
R_API void r_core_project_load(RCore *core, const char *prjfile);
R_API bool r_core_project_load_xrefs(RCore *core, const char *prjfile);
R_API int r_core_yank(RCore *core, ut64 addr, int len);
R_API int r_core_yank_string(RCore *core, ut64 addr, int maxlen);
R_API int r_core_yank_paste(RCore *core, ut64 addr, int len);
R_API int r_core_yank_set (RCore *core, ut64 addr, const ut8 *buf, ut32 len); // set yank buffer bytes
R_API int r_core_yank_set_str (RCore *core, ut64 addr, const char *buf, ut32 len); // Null terminate the bytes
R_API int r_core_yank_to(RCore *core, const char *arg);
R_API int r_core_yank_dump (RCore *core, ut64 pos);
R_API int r_core_yank_hexdump (RCore *core, ut64 pos);
R_API int r_core_yank_cat (RCore *core, ut64 pos);
R_API int r_core_yank_cat_string (RCore *core, ut64 pos);
R_API int r_core_yank_hud_file (RCore *core, const char *input);
R_API int r_core_yank_hud_path (RCore *core, const char *input, int dir);
R_API int r_core_yank_file_ex (RCore *core, const char *input);
R_API int r_core_yank_file_all (RCore *core, const char *input);
R_API void r_core_loadlibs_init(RCore *core);
R_API int r_core_loadlibs(RCore *core, int where, const char *path);
// FIXME: change (void *user) -> (RCore *core)
R_API int r_core_cmd_buffer(void *user, const char *buf);
R_API int r_core_cmdf(void *user, const char *fmt, ...);
R_API int r_core_cmd0(void *user, const char *cmd);
R_API char *r_core_cmd_str(RCore *core, const char *cmd);
R_API int r_core_cmd_foreach(RCore *core, const char *cmd, char *each);
R_API int r_core_cmd_foreach3(RCore *core, const char *cmd, char *each);
R_API char *r_core_op_str(RCore *core, ut64 addr);
R_API RAnalOp *r_core_op_anal(RCore *core, ut64 addr);
R_API char *r_core_disassemble_instr(RCore *core, ut64 addr, int l);
R_API char *r_core_disassemble_bytes(RCore *core, ut64 addr, int b);
R_API int r_core_process_input_pade(RCore *core, const char *input, char** hex, char **asm_arch, ut32 *bits);
/* anal.c */
R_API RAnalOp* r_core_anal_op(RCore *core, ut64 addr);
R_API void r_core_anal_esil (RCore *core, const char *str, const char *addr);
R_API void r_core_anal_fcn_merge (RCore *core, ut64 addr, ut64 addr2);
R_API const char *r_core_anal_optype_colorfor(RCore *core, ut64 addr);
R_API ut64 r_core_anal_address (RCore *core, ut64 addr);
R_API void r_core_anal_undefine (RCore *core, ut64 off);
R_API void r_core_anal_hint_print (RAnal* a, ut64 addr);
R_API void r_core_anal_hint_list (RAnal *a, int mode);
R_API int r_core_anal_search(RCore *core, ut64 from, ut64 to, ut64 ref);
R_API int r_core_anal_search_xrefs(RCore *core, ut64 from, ut64 to, int rad);
R_API int r_core_anal_data (RCore *core, ut64 addr, int count, int depth);
R_API void r_core_anal_coderefs(RCore *core, ut64 addr, int gv);
R_API int r_core_anal_refs(RCore *core, const char *input);
R_API int r_core_esil_step(RCore *core, ut64 until_addr, const char *until_expr);
R_API int r_core_anal_bb(RCore *core, RAnalFunction *fcn, ut64 at, int head);
R_API ut64 r_core_anal_get_bbaddr(RCore *core, ut64 addr);
R_API int r_core_anal_bb_seek(RCore *core, ut64 addr);
R_API int r_core_anal_fcn(RCore *core, ut64 at, ut64 from, int reftype, int depth);
R_API char *r_core_anal_fcn_autoname(RCore *core, ut64 addr, int dump);
R_API void r_core_anal_autoname_all_fcns(RCore *core);
R_API int r_core_anal_fcn_list(RCore *core, const char *input, const char *rad);
R_API int r_core_anal_fcn_list_size(RCore *core);
R_API void r_core_anal_fcn_labels(RCore *core, RAnalFunction *fcn, int rad);
R_API int r_core_anal_fcn_clean(RCore *core, ut64 addr);
R_API int r_core_anal_graph(RCore *core, ut64 addr, int opts);
R_API int r_core_anal_graph_fcn(RCore *core, char *input, int opts);
R_API RList* r_core_anal_graph_to(RCore *core, ut64 addr, int n);
R_API int r_core_anal_ref_list(RCore *core, int rad);
R_API int r_core_anal_all(RCore *core);
R_API RList* r_core_anal_cycles (RCore *core, int ccl);
R_API void r_core_anal_hint_print (RAnal* a, ut64 addr);
R_API void r_anal_type_match(RCore *core, RAnalFunction *fcn);
/* asm.c */
typedef struct r_core_asm_hit {
char *code;
int len;
ut64 addr;
ut8 valid;
} RCoreAsmHit;
R_API RBuffer *r_core_syscall (RCore *core, const char *name, const char *args);
R_API RBuffer *r_core_syscallf (RCore *core, const char *name, const char *fmt, ...);
R_API RCoreAsmHit *r_core_asm_hit_new(void);
R_API RList *r_core_asm_hit_list_new(void);
R_API void r_core_asm_hit_free(void *_hit);
R_API void r_core_set_asm_configs(RCore *core, char *arch, ut32 bits, int segoff);
R_API char* r_core_asm_search(RCore *core, const char *input, ut64 from, ut64 to);
R_API RList *r_core_asm_strsearch(RCore *core, const char *input, ut64 from, ut64 to, int maxhits, int regexp);
R_API RList *r_core_asm_bwdisassemble (RCore *core, ut64 addr, int n, int len);
R_API RList *r_core_asm_back_disassemble_instr (RCore *core, ut64 addr, int len, ut32 hit_count, ut32 extra_padding);
R_API RList *r_core_asm_back_disassemble_byte (RCore *core, ut64 addr, int len, ut32 hit_count, ut32 extra_padding);
R_API ut32 r_core_asm_bwdis_len (RCore* core, int* len, ut64* start_addr, ut32 l);
R_API int r_core_print_disasm(RPrint *p, RCore *core, ut64 addr, ut8 *buf, int len, int lines, int invbreak, int nbytes);
R_API int r_core_print_disasm_json(RCore *core, ut64 addr, ut8 *buf, int len, int lines);
R_API int r_core_print_disasm_instructions (RCore *core, int len, int l);
R_API int r_core_print_disasm_all (RCore *core, ut64 addr, int l, int len, int mode);
R_API int r_core_print_fcn_disasm(RPrint *p, RCore *core, ut64 addr, int l, int invbreak, int cbytes);
R_API int r_core_file_bin_raise (RCore *core, ut32 binfile_idx);
//R_API int r_core_bin_bind(RCore *core, RBinFile *bf);
R_API int r_core_bin_set_env (RCore *r, RBinFile *binfile);
R_API int r_core_bin_set_by_fd (RCore *core, ut64 bin_fd);
R_API int r_core_bin_set_by_name (RCore *core, const char *name);
R_API int r_core_bin_reload(RCore *core, const char *file, ut64 baseaddr);
R_API int r_core_bin_load(RCore *core, const char *file, ut64 baseaddr);
R_API int r_core_hash_load(RCore *core, const char *file);
R_API int r_core_bin_list(RCore *core, int mode);
R_API int r_core_bin_raise (RCore *core, ut32 binfile_idx, ut32 obj_idx);
R_API int r_core_bin_delete (RCore *core, ut32 binfile_idx, ut32 binobj_idx);
// XXX - this is kinda hacky, maybe there should be a way to
// refresh the bin environment without specific calls?
R_API int r_core_bin_refresh_strings(RCore *core);
R_API int r_core_pseudo_code (RCore *core, const char *input);
/* gdiff.c */
R_API int r_core_gdiff(RCore *core1, RCore *core2);
R_API int r_core_gdiff_fcn(RCore *c, ut64 addr, ut64 addr2);
R_API int r_core_project_open(RCore *core, const char *file);
R_API int r_core_project_cat(RCore *core, const char *name);
R_API int r_core_project_delete(RCore *core, const char *prjfile);
R_API int r_core_project_list(RCore *core, int mode);
R_API bool r_core_project_save_rdb(RCore *core, const char *file, int opts);
R_API bool r_core_project_save(RCore *core, const char *file);
R_API char *r_core_project_info(RCore *core, const char *file);
R_API char *r_core_project_notes_file (RCore *core, const char *file);
R_API char *r_core_sysenv_begin(RCore *core, const char *cmd);
R_API void r_core_sysenv_end(RCore *core, const char *cmd);
R_API void r_core_sysenv_help(const RCore* core);
R_API void fcn_callconv (RCore *core, RAnalFunction *fcn);
/* bin.c */
#define R_CORE_BIN_PRINT 0x000
#define R_CORE_BIN_RADARE 0x001
#define R_CORE_BIN_SET 0x002
#define R_CORE_BIN_SIMPLE 0x004
#define R_CORE_BIN_JSON 0x008
#define R_CORE_BIN_ARRAY 0x010
#define R_CORE_BIN_SIMPLEST 0x020
#define R_CORE_BIN_ACC_STRINGS 0x001
#define R_CORE_BIN_ACC_INFO 0x002
#define R_CORE_BIN_ACC_MAIN 0x004
#define R_CORE_BIN_ACC_ENTRIES 0x008
#define R_CORE_BIN_ACC_RELOCS 0x010
#define R_CORE_BIN_ACC_IMPORTS 0x020
#define R_CORE_BIN_ACC_SYMBOLS 0x040
#define R_CORE_BIN_ACC_FIELDS 0x100
#define R_CORE_BIN_ACC_LIBS 0x200
#define R_CORE_BIN_ACC_CLASSES 0x400
#define R_CORE_BIN_ACC_DWARF 0x800
#define R_CORE_BIN_ACC_PDB 0x2000
#define R_CORE_BIN_ACC_SIZE 0x1000
#define R_CORE_BIN_ACC_MEM 0x4000
#define R_CORE_BIN_ACC_EXPORTS 0x8000
#define R_CORE_BIN_ACC_SIGNATURE 0x20000
#define R_CORE_PRJ_FLAGS 0x0001
#define R_CORE_PRJ_EVAL 0x0002
#define R_CORE_PRJ_IO_MAPS 0x0004
#define R_CORE_PRJ_SECTIONS 0x0008
#define R_CORE_PRJ_META 0x0010
#define R_CORE_PRJ_XREFS 0x0020
#define R_CORE_PRJ_FCNS 0x0040
#define R_CORE_PRJ_ANAL_HINTS 0x0080
#define R_CORE_PRJ_ANAL_TYPES 0x0100
#define R_CORE_PRJ_ANAL_MACROS 0x0200
#define R_CORE_PRJ_ANAL_SEEK 0x0400
#define R_CORE_PRJ_DBG_BREAK 0x0800
typedef struct r_core_bin_filter_t {
ut64 offset;
const char *name;
} RCoreBinFilter;
R_API int r_core_bin_info (RCore *core, int action, int mode, int va, RCoreBinFilter *filter, const char *chksum);
R_API int r_core_bin_set_arch_bits (RCore *r, const char *name, const char * arch, ut16 bits);
R_API int r_core_bin_update_arch_bits (RCore *r);
/* rtr */
R_API int r_core_rtr_cmds (RCore *core, const char *port);
R_API char *r_core_rtr_cmds_query (RCore *core, const char *host, const char *port, const char *cmd);
R_API void r_core_rtr_help(RCore *core);
R_API void r_core_rtr_pushout(RCore *core, const char *input);
R_API void r_core_rtr_list(RCore *core);
R_API void r_core_rtr_add(RCore *core, const char *input);
R_API void r_core_rtr_remove(RCore *core, const char *input);
R_API void r_core_rtr_session(RCore *core, const char *input);
R_API void r_core_rtr_cmd(RCore *core, const char *input);
R_API int r_core_rtr_http(RCore *core, int launch, const char *path);
R_API int r_core_rtr_http_stop(RCore *u);
R_API void r_core_visual_define (RCore *core);
R_API void r_core_visual_config (RCore *core);
R_API void r_core_visual_mounts (RCore *core);
R_API void r_core_visual_anal (RCore *core);
R_API void r_core_seek_next (RCore *core, const char *type);
R_API void r_core_seek_previous (RCore *core, const char *type);
R_API void r_core_visual_define (RCore *core);
R_API int r_core_visual_trackflags (RCore *core);
R_API int r_core_visual_comments (RCore *core);
R_API int r_core_visual_prompt (RCore *core);
R_API int r_core_search_preludes(RCore *core);
R_API int r_core_search_prelude(RCore *core, ut64 from, ut64 to, const ut8 *buf, int blen, const ut8 *mask, int mlen);
R_API RList* /*<RIOMap*>*/ r_core_get_boundaries_prot (RCore *core, int protection, const char *mode, ut64 *from, ut64 *to);
R_API RList* /*<RIOMap*>*/ r_core_get_boundaries (RCore *core, const char *mode, ut64 *from, ut64 *to);
R_API RList* r_core_get_boundaries_ok(RCore *core);
R_API int r_core_patch (RCore *core, const char *patch);
R_API void r_core_hack_help(const RCore *core);
R_API int r_core_hack(RCore *core, const char *op);
R_API int r_core_dump(RCore *core, const char *file, ut64 addr, ut64 size, int append);
R_API void r_core_diff_show(RCore *core, RCore *core2);
/* watchers */
R_API void r_core_cmpwatch_free (RCoreCmpWatcher *w);
R_API RCoreCmpWatcher *r_core_cmpwatch_get (RCore *core, ut64 addr);
R_API int r_core_cmpwatch_add (RCore *core, ut64 addr, int size, const char *cmd);
R_API int r_core_cmpwatch_del (RCore *core, ut64 addr);
R_API int r_core_cmpwatch_update (RCore *core, ut64 addr);
R_API int r_core_cmpwatch_show (RCore *core, ut64 addr, int mode);
R_API int r_core_cmpwatch_revert (RCore *core, ut64 addr);
/* logs */
R_API void r_core_log_free(RCoreLog *log);
R_API void r_core_log_init (RCoreLog *log);
R_API RCoreLog *r_core_log_new (void);
R_API int r_core_log_list(RCore *core, int n, int count, char fmt);
R_API void r_core_log_add(RCore *core, const char *msg);
R_API void r_core_log_del(RCore *core, int n);
/* help */
R_API void r_core_cmd_help(const RCore *core, const char * help[]);
/* anal stats */
typedef struct {
ut32 youarehere;
ut32 flags;
ut32 comments;
ut32 functions;
ut32 symbols;
ut32 strings;
ut32 imports;
} RCoreAnalStatsItem;
typedef struct {
RCoreAnalStatsItem *block;
} RCoreAnalStats;
R_API char *r_core_anal_hasrefs(RCore *core, ut64 value);
R_API RCoreAnalStats* r_core_anal_get_stats (RCore *a, ut64 from, ut64 to, ut64 step);
R_API void r_core_anal_stats_free (RCoreAnalStats *s);
R_API void r_core_anal_list_vtables(void *core, bool printJson);
R_API void r_core_syscmd_ls(const char *input);
R_API void r_core_syscmd_cat(const char *file);
R_API void r_core_syscmd_mkdir(const char *dir);
// TODO : move into debug or syscall++
R_API char *cmd_syscall_dostr(RCore *core, int num);
/* tasks */
typedef void (*RCoreTaskCallback)(void *user, char *out);
typedef struct r_core_task_t {
int id;
char state;
void *user;
RCore *core;
RThreadMsg *msg;
RCoreTaskCallback cb;
} RCoreTask;
R_API RCoreTask *r_core_task_get (RCore *core, int id);
R_API void r_core_task_list (RCore *core, int mode);
R_API RCoreTask *r_core_task_new (RCore *core, const char *cmd, RCoreTaskCallback cb, void *user);
R_API void r_core_task_run(RCore *core, RCoreTask *_task);
R_API void r_core_task_run_bg(RCore *core, RCoreTask *_task);
R_API RCoreTask *r_core_task_add (RCore *core, RCoreTask *task);
R_API void r_core_task_add_bg (RCore *core, RCoreTask *task);
R_API int r_core_task_del (RCore *core, int id);
R_API void r_core_task_join (RCore *core, RCoreTask *task);
extern RCorePlugin r_core_plugin_java;
extern RCorePlugin r_core_plugin_anal;
#ifdef __cplusplus