mirror of
synced 2025-02-13 18:32:56 +00:00
1324 lines
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1324 lines
36 KiB
/* radare - LGPL - Copyright 2009-2014 - pancake, nibble */
// TODO: dlopen library and show address
#include <r_types.h>
#include <r_util.h>
#include <r_lib.h>
#include <r_list.h>
#include <r_bin.h>
#include <r_io.h>
#include <list.h>
#include "../config.h"
#define DB a->sdb;
#define RBINLISTFREE(x) if(x){r_list_free(x);x=NULL;}
#define ARCHS_KEY "archs"
static RBinPlugin *bin_static_plugins[] = { R_BIN_STATIC_PLUGINS };
static RBinXtrPlugin *bin_xtr_static_plugins[] = { R_BIN_XTR_STATIC_PLUGINS };
static void get_strings_range(RBinFile *arch, RList *list, int min, ut64 from, ut64 to, ut64 scnrva);
static int is_data_section(RBinFile *a, RBinSection *s);
static RList* get_strings(RBinFile *a, int min);
static void r_bin_object_delete_items (RBinObject *o);
static void r_bin_object_free (void /*RBinObject*/ *o_);
static void set_bin_items(RBinFile *binfile, RBinPlugin *cp);
static int remove_bin_file_by_binfile (RBin *bin, RBinFile * binfile);
//static void r_bin_free_bin_files (RBin *bin);
static void r_bin_file_free (void /*RBinFile*/ *bf_);
static int r_bin_file_new_from_xtr_data (RBin* bin, const char * filename, ut64 baseaddr, ut64 loadaddr, RBinXtrData *data, int fd, int rawstr);
static int r_bin_files_populate_from_xtrlist (RBin *bin, const char *filename, ut64 baseaddr, ut64 loadaddr, RList *xtr_data_list, int fd, int rawstr);
static int r_bin_file_xtr_load_bytes (RBin *bin, RBinXtrPlugin *xtr, const char *name, const ut8 *bytes, ut64 sz, ut64 baseaddr, ut64 loadaddr, int idx, int fd, int rawstr);
static int r_bin_file_xtr_load (RBin *bin, RBinXtrPlugin *xtr, ut64 baseaddr, ut64 loadaddr, int idx, int fd, int rawstr);
static RBinFile * r_bin_file_new (RBin *bin, const char *file, const ut8 * bytes, ut64 sz, int rawstr, ut64 baseaddr, ut64 loadaddr, int fd);
static RBinFile * r_bin_file_new_as (RBin *bin, const char *file, const ut8 * bytes, ut64 sz, int rawstr, ut64 baseaddr, ut64 loadaddr, int fd, const char *pluginname);
static int r_bin_file_local_load (RBin *bin, const char *name, RBuffer *buf, int rawstr, ut64 baseaddr, ut64 loadaddr, int fd);
R_API int r_bin_load_io_at_offset_as(RBin *bin, RIODesc *desc, ut64 baseaddr, ut64 loadaddr, int xtr_idx, ut64 offset, const char *name);
static int getoffset (RBin *bin, int type, int idx);
static const char *getname (RBin *bin, int off);
static RBinPlugin * r_bin_get_plugin_by_name (RBin *bin, const char *name);
static RBinPlugin * r_bin_get_plugin_any (RBin *bin);
static RBinPlugin * r_bin_get_plugin_by_binfile (RBin *bin, RBinFile *binfile);
// XXX - delete r_bin_file_load after June 2014 if no issues arise
//static int r_bin_file_load(RBin *bin, int rawstr, ut64 baseaddr, ut64 loadaddr, int xtr_idx, int fd);
// TODO: move these two function do a different file
R_API RBinXtrData * r_bin_xtrdata_new (void *xtr_obj, FREE_XTR free_xtr, RBuffer *buf, ut64 offset, ut64 size, ut32 file_count) {
RBinXtrData *data = NULL;
RBuffer *tb = buf ? r_buf_new () : NULL;
if (!tb) return data;
if (!r_buf_append_buf (tb, buf)) {
r_buf_free (tb);
return data;
data = R_NEW0 (RBinXtrData);
data->xtr_obj = xtr_obj;
data->free_xtr = free_xtr;
data->buf = tb;
data->offset = offset;
data->size = size;
data->file_count = file_count;
return data;
R_API void r_bin_xtrdata_free (void /*RBinXtrData*/ *data_) {
RBinXtrData *data = data_;
if (data) {
if (data->free_xtr) data->free_xtr (data->xtr_obj);
free (data->file);
r_buf_free (data->buf);
free (data);
static void get_strings_range(RBinFile *arch, RList *list, int min, ut64 from, ut64 to, ut64 scnrva) {
int i, matches = 0, ctr = 0;
RBinString *ptr = NULL;
char type = 'A';
if (!arch->rawstr)
if (!arch->curplugin || !arch->curplugin->info)
if (arch->curplugin && min==0)
min = arch->curplugin->minstrlen;
if (min==0)
min = 4; // defaults
if (min <= 0)
if (arch && arch->buf && (!to || to > arch->buf->length))
to = arch->buf->length;
if (to != 0 && (to<1 || to > 0xf00000)) {
eprintf ("WARNING: bin_strings buffer is too big at 0x%08"PFMT64x"\n", from);
if (!arch->buf)
if (to == 0 && arch->buf)
to = arch->buf->length;
if (arch->buf && arch->buf->buf)
for (i = from; i < to; i++) {
if ((IS_PRINTABLE (arch->buf->buf[i])) && \
matches < R_BIN_SIZEOF_STRINGS-1) {
str[matches] = arch->buf->buf[i];
/* add support for wide char strings */
if (arch->buf->buf[i+1]==0) {
if (IS_PRINTABLE (arch->buf->buf[i+2])) {
if (arch->buf->buf[i+3]==0) {
type = 'W';
/* check if the length fits in our request */
if (matches >= min) {
if (!(ptr = R_NEW (RBinString))) {
eprintf ("Error allocating string\n");
str[matches] = '\0';
ptr->offset = i-matches;
if (scnrva) {
ptr->rva = (ptr->offset+scnrva-from);
} else {
ptr->rva = ptr->offset;
//HACK if (scnrva) ptr->rva = ptr->offset-from+scnrva; else ptr->rva = ptr->offset;
ptr->size = matches+1;
ptr->length = ptr->size << ((type=='W')? 1:0);
ptr->type = type;
type = 'A';
ptr->ordinal = ctr;
// copying so many bytes here..
memcpy (ptr->string, str, R_BIN_SIZEOF_STRINGS);
ptr->string[R_BIN_SIZEOF_STRINGS-1] = '\0';
//r_name_filter (ptr->string, R_BIN_SIZEOF_STRINGS-1);
r_list_append (list, ptr);
//if (!sdb_add (DB,
matches = 0;
static int is_data_section(RBinFile *a, RBinSection *s) {
RBinObject *o = a->o;
if (strstr (o->info->bclass, "MACH0") && strstr (s->name, "_cstring")) // OSX
return 1;
if (strstr (o->info->bclass, "ELF") && strstr (s->name, "data") && !strstr (s->name, "rel")) // LINUX
return 1;
#define X 1
#define ROW (4|2)
if (strstr (o->info->bclass, "PE") && s->srwx & ROW && !(s->srwx&X) && s->size>0 )
return 1;
if (strstr (s->name, "_const")) // Rust
return 1;
return 0;
static RList* get_strings(RBinFile *a, int min) {
int count = 0;
RListIter *iter;
RBinSection *section;
RBinObject *o = a? a->o : NULL;
RList *ret = r_list_new ();
if (!ret) {
eprintf ("Error allocating array\n");
return NULL;
} else if (!o) {
eprintf ("Error bin object unitialized\n");
return ret;
ret->free = free;
if (o->sections && !a->rawstr) {
r_list_foreach (o->sections, iter, section) {
if (is_data_section (a, section)) {
get_strings_range (a, ret, min,
if (r_list_empty (o->sections)) {
int i, next = 0, from = 0, funn = 0, to = 0;
ut8 *buf = a->buf->buf;
for (i=0; i<a->buf->length; i++) {
if (!buf[i] || IS_PRINTABLE (buf[i])) {
if (buf[i]) {
if (!from) from = i;
next = 0;
} else {
if (next>5) from = 0;
if (!to) to = i;
to = i;
if (from && next==5 && funn>16) {
get_strings_range (a, ret, min, from, to, 0);
//eprintf ("FUNN %d\n", funn);
//eprintf ("MIN %d %d\n", from, to);
funn = 0;
from = 0;
to = 0;
} else {
get_strings_range (a, ret, min,
0, a->size, 0);
return ret;
R_API int r_bin_load_languages(RBinFile *binfile) {
if (r_bin_lang_objc (binfile))
return R_BIN_NM_OBJC;
if (r_bin_lang_cxx (binfile))
return R_BIN_NM_CXX;
return R_BIN_NM_NONE;
R_API void r_bin_update_items(RBin *bin, RBinPlugin *cp) {
RBinFile *binfile = bin->cur;
if (binfile) {
r_bin_object_delete_items (binfile->o);
set_bin_items (binfile, cp);
static void r_bin_object_delete_items (RBinObject *o) {
ut32 i = 0;
if (!o) return;
r_list_free (o->entries);
r_list_free (o->fields);
r_list_free (o->imports);
r_list_free (o->libs);
r_list_free (o->relocs);
r_list_free (o->sections);
r_list_free (o->strings);
r_list_free (o->symbols);
r_list_free (o->classes);
r_list_free (o->lines);
o->entries = NULL;
o->fields = NULL;
o->imports = NULL;
o->libs = NULL;
o->relocs = NULL;
o->sections = NULL;
o->strings = NULL;
o->symbols = NULL;
o->classes = NULL;
o->lines = NULL;
o->info = NULL;
for (i=0; i<R_BIN_SYM_LAST; i++){
free (o->binsym[i]);
o->binsym[i] = NULL;
static void r_bin_object_free (void /*RBinObject*/ *o_) {
RBinObject* o = o_;
if (!o) return;
r_bin_object_delete_items (o);
o->baddr = 0;
o->boffset = 0;
o->size = 0;
memset (o, 0, sizeof (RBinObject));
free (o);
// XXX - change this to RBinFile instead of RBin
static void set_bin_items(RBinFile *binfile, RBinPlugin *cp) {
RBinObject *o = binfile ? binfile->o : NULL;
int i, minlen = cp->minstrlen;
if (!binfile || !o) return;
if (cp->baddr) o->baddr = cp->baddr (binfile);
if (cp->boffset) o->boffset = cp->boffset (binfile);
// XXX: no way to get info from xtr pluginz?
if (cp->size) o->size = cp->size (binfile);
if (cp->binsym)
for (i=0; i<R_BIN_SYM_LAST; i++)
o->binsym[i] = cp->binsym (binfile, i);
if (cp->entries) o->entries = cp->entries (binfile);
if (cp->fields) o->fields = cp->fields (binfile);
if (cp->imports) o->imports = cp->imports (binfile);
o->info = cp->info? cp->info (binfile): NULL;
if (cp->libs) o->libs = cp->libs (binfile);
if (cp->relocs) o->relocs = cp->relocs (binfile);
if (cp->sections) o->sections = cp->sections (binfile);
if (cp->strings) o->strings = cp->strings (binfile);
else o->strings = get_strings (binfile, minlen);
if (cp->symbols) o->symbols = cp->symbols (binfile);
if (cp->classes) o->classes = cp->classes (binfile);
if (cp->lines) o->lines = cp->lines (binfile);
o->lang = r_bin_load_languages (binfile);
// XXX - this is a rather hacky way to do things, there may need to be a better way.
R_API int r_bin_load(RBin *bin, const char *file, ut64 baseaddr, ut64 loadaddr, int xtr_idx, int fd, int rawstr) {
RIOBind *iob = &(bin->iob);
RIO *io = iob ? iob->get_io(iob) : NULL;
RIODesc *desc = NULL;
if (!io) return R_FALSE;
desc = fd == -1 ? iob->desc_open (io, file, O_RDONLY, 0644) : iob->desc_get_by_fd (io, fd);
if (!desc) return R_FALSE;
return r_bin_load_io (bin, desc, baseaddr, loadaddr, xtr_idx);
R_API int r_bin_load_as(RBin *bin, const char *file, ut64 baseaddr, ut64 loadaddr, int xtr_idx, int fd, int rawstr, int fileoffset, const char *name) {
RIOBind *iob = &(bin->iob);
RIO *io = iob ? iob->get_io(iob) : NULL;
RIODesc *desc = NULL;
if (!io) return R_FALSE;
desc = fd == -1 ? iob->desc_open (io, file, O_RDONLY, 0644) : iob->desc_get_by_fd (io, fd);
if (!desc) return R_FALSE;
return r_bin_load_io_at_offset_as (bin, desc, baseaddr, loadaddr, xtr_idx, fileoffset, name);
R_API int r_bin_load_io(RBin *bin, RIODesc *desc, ut64 baseaddr, ut64 loadaddr, int xtr_idx) {
return r_bin_load_io_at_offset_as (bin, desc, baseaddr, loadaddr, xtr_idx, 0, NULL);
R_API int r_bin_load_io_at_offset_as(RBin *bin, RIODesc *desc, ut64 baseaddr, ut64 loadaddr, int xtr_idx, ut64 offset, const char *name) {
RIOBind *iob = &(bin->iob);
RIO *io = iob ? iob->get_io(iob) : NULL;
RListIter *it;
ut8* buf_bytes;
RBinXtrPlugin *xtr;
ut64 len_bytes, sz = UT64_MAX;
RBinFile *binfile = NULL;
int rawstr = 0;
if (!io) return R_FALSE;
buf_bytes = NULL;
sz = iob->desc_size (io, desc);
if (sz == UT64_MAX || sz>(64*1024*1024)) // too big, probably wrong
return R_FALSE;
buf_bytes = iob->desc_read (io, desc, &len_bytes);
if (!buf_bytes || offset >= sz) {
free (buf_bytes);
return R_FALSE;
if (!name) {
// XXX - for the time being this is fine, but we may want to change the name to something like
// <xtr_name>:<bin_type_name>
r_list_foreach (bin->binxtrs, it, xtr) {
if (xtr->check && xtr->check_bytes (buf_bytes, sz)) {
if (xtr && (xtr->extractall_from_bytes || xtr->extract_from_bytes))
return r_bin_file_xtr_load_bytes (bin, xtr, desc->name, buf_bytes, sz, baseaddr, loadaddr, xtr_idx, desc->fd, rawstr);
xtr = NULL;
binfile = r_bin_file_new_as ( bin, desc->name, buf_bytes, sz, rawstr, baseaddr, loadaddr, desc->fd, name);
return r_bin_file_set_cur_binfile (bin, binfile);
R_API int r_bin_load_io_at_offset(RBin *bin, RIODesc *desc, ut64 baseaddr, ut64 loadaddr, int xtr_idx) {
RIOBind *iob = &(bin->iob);
RIO *io = iob ? iob->get_io(iob) : NULL;
RListIter *it;
ut8* buf_bytes;
RBinXtrPlugin *xtr;
ut64 len_bytes, sz = UT64_MAX;
RBinFile *binfile = NULL;
int rawstr = 0;
if (!io) return R_FALSE;
buf_bytes = NULL;
sz = iob->desc_size (io, desc);
if (sz == UT64_MAX || sz>(64*1024*1024)) // too big, probably wrong
return R_FALSE;
buf_bytes = iob->desc_read (io, desc, &len_bytes);
if (!buf_bytes) {
free (buf_bytes);
return R_FALSE;
r_list_foreach (bin->binxtrs, it, xtr) {
if (xtr->check && xtr->check_bytes (buf_bytes, sz)) {
if (xtr && (xtr->extractall_from_bytes || xtr->extract_from_bytes))
return r_bin_file_xtr_load_bytes (bin, xtr, desc->name, buf_bytes, sz, baseaddr, loadaddr, xtr_idx, desc->fd, rawstr);
xtr = NULL;
binfile = r_bin_file_new (bin, desc->name, buf_bytes, sz, rawstr, baseaddr, loadaddr, desc->fd);
return r_bin_file_set_cur_binfile (bin, binfile);
#if 0
static int remove_bin_file_by_binfile (RBin *bin, RBinFile * binfile) {
RListIter *iter;
RBinFile *tmp_binfile = NULL;
int found_bin = R_FALSE;
r_list_foreach (bin->binfiles, iter, tmp_binfile) {
if (tmp_binfile == binfile) {
r_list_delete (bin->binfiles, iter);
found_bin = R_TRUE;
return found_bin;
static void r_bin_free_bin_files (RBin *bin) {
RListIter *iter, *t_iter;
RBinFile *a;
r_list_foreach_safe (bin->binfiles, iter, t_iter, a) {
r_bin_file_free (a);
R_API int r_bin_file_deref_by_bind (RBinBind * binb) {
RBin *bin = binb ? binb->bin : NULL;
RBinFile *a = r_bin_cur (bin);
return r_bin_file_deref (bin, a);
R_API int r_bin_file_deref (RBin *bin, RBinFile * a) {
RBinObject *o = r_bin_cur_object (bin);
int res = R_FALSE;
if (a && !o) {
//r_list_delete_data (bin->binfiles, a);
res = R_TRUE;
} else if (a && o->referenced-1 < 1) {
//r_list_delete_data (bin->binfiles, a);
res = R_TRUE;
// not thread safe
} else if (o) o->referenced--;
// it is possible for a file not
// to be bound to RBin and RBinFiles
// XXX - is this an ok assumption?
if (bin) bin->cur = NULL;
return res;
R_API int r_bin_file_ref_by_bind (RBinBind * binb) {
RBin *bin = binb ? binb->bin : NULL;
RBinFile *a = r_bin_cur (bin);
return r_bin_file_ref (bin, a);
R_API int r_bin_file_ref (RBin *bin, RBinFile * a) {
RBinObject *o = r_bin_cur_object (bin);
int res = R_FALSE;
if (!a) return R_FALSE;
if (o) {
res = R_TRUE;
return res;
static void r_bin_file_free (void /*RBinFile*/ *bf_) {
RBinFile* a = bf_;
if (!a) return;
// Binary format objects are connected to the
// RBinObject, so the plugin must destroy the
// format data first
if (a->curplugin && a->curplugin->destroy)
a->curplugin->destroy (a);
if (a->curxtr && a->curxtr->destroy)
a->curxtr->destroy ((void *)a);
if (a->o) r_bin_object_free (a->o);
a->o = NULL;
if (a->buf) r_buf_free (a->buf);
// TODO: unset related sdb namespaces
if (a && a->sdb_addrinfo) {
sdb_free (a->sdb_addrinfo);
a->sdb_addrinfo = NULL;
free (a->file);
memset (a, 0, sizeof (RBinFile));
static int r_bin_file_new_from_xtr_data (RBin* bin, const char *filename, ut64 baseaddr, ut64 loadaddr, RBinXtrData *data, int fd, int rawstr) {
int res = data && data->buf && r_bin_file_local_load (bin, filename, data->buf, rawstr, baseaddr, loadaddr, fd);
if (res) {
RBinFile *bf = r_bin_cur (bin);
RBinObject *o = r_bin_cur_object (bin);
o->loadaddr = baseaddr + loadaddr;
o->boffset = data->offset;
o->size = data->size;
bf->narch = data->file_count;
return res;
static int r_bin_files_populate_from_xtrlist (RBin *bin, const char* filename, ut64 baseaddr, ut64 loadaddr, RList *xtr_data_list, int fd, int rawstr) {
RListIter *iter = NULL;
RBinXtrData *data = NULL;
int res = R_FALSE;
r_list_foreach (xtr_data_list, iter, data) {
res = r_bin_file_new_from_xtr_data (bin, filename, baseaddr, loadaddr, data, fd, rawstr);
if (!res) break;
return res;
static int r_bin_file_xtr_load_bytes (RBin *bin, RBinXtrPlugin *xtr, const char *filename, const ut8 *bytes, ut64 sz, ut64 baseaddr, ut64 loadaddr, int idx, int fd, int rawstr) {
The Index array for r_bin_file_xtr_load begins at 1, for convenience purposes.
int res = R_FALSE;
if (idx == 0 && xtr && xtr && bytes) {
RList *xtr_data_list = xtr->extractall_from_bytes (bytes, sz);
if (xtr_data_list){
res = r_bin_files_populate_from_xtrlist (bin, filename, baseaddr, loadaddr, xtr_data_list, fd, rawstr);
r_list_free (xtr_data_list);
} else if (xtr && xtr->extract_from_bytes) {
if (idx == 0) idx = 1;
RBinXtrData *xtr_data = xtr->extract_from_bytes (bytes, sz, idx);
if (xtr_data){
res = r_bin_file_new_from_xtr_data (bin, filename, baseaddr, loadaddr, xtr_data, fd, rawstr);
r_bin_xtrdata_free (xtr_data);
return res;
static int r_bin_file_xtr_load (RBin *bin, RBinXtrPlugin *xtr, ut64 baseaddr, ut64 loadaddr, int idx, int fd, int rawstr) {
The Index array for r_bin_file_xtr_load begins at 1, for convenience purposes.
ut32 sz = 0;
char *bytes = bin->file ? r_file_slurp (bin->file, (int*)&sz) : NULL;
return bytes && sz > 0 && r_bin_file_xtr_load_bytes (bin, xtr, bin->file, (ut8*)bytes, sz, baseaddr, loadaddr, idx, fd, rawstr);
/* Below is legacy. we should always try to load from bytes, because its what the body craves.
int res = R_FALSE;
if (idx == 0 && xtr && xtr) {
RList *xtr_data_list = xtr->extractall (bin);
if (xtr_data_list){
res = r_bin_files_populate_from_xtrlist (bin, baseaddr, loadaddr, xtr_data_list, fd, rawstr);
r_list_free (xtr_data_list);
} else if (xtr && xtr->extract) {
if (idx == 0) idx = 1;
RBinXtrData *xtr_data = xtr->extract (bin, idx);
if (xtr_data){
res = r_bin_file_new_from_xtr_data (bin, baseaddr, loadaddr, xtr_data, fd, rawstr);
r_bin_xtrdata_free (xtr_data);
return res;
static RBinPlugin * r_bin_get_plugin_by_binfile (RBin *bin, RBinFile *binfile) {
RBinPlugin *plugin;
RListIter *it;
r_list_foreach (bin->plugins, it, plugin) {
if ( plugin->check && plugin->check (binfile) ) return plugin;
return NULL;
static RBinPlugin * r_bin_get_plugin_by_name (RBin *bin, const char *name) {
RBinPlugin *plugin;
RListIter *it;
if (!name) return NULL;
r_list_foreach (bin->plugins, it, plugin) {
if (!strcmp (plugin->name, name))
return plugin;
// must be set to null
plugin = NULL;
return NULL;
static RBinPlugin * r_bin_get_plugin_any (RBin *bin) {
static RBinPlugin *any = NULL;
if (!any) any = r_bin_get_plugin_by_name (bin, "any");
return any;
static RBinFile * r_bin_file_new_as (RBin *bin, const char *file, const ut8 * bytes, ut64 sz, int rawstr, ut64 baseaddr, ut64 loadaddr, int fd, const char *name) {
Sdb * sdb = bin->sdb;
RBinPlugin *plugin;
RBinFile *binfile = R_NEW0 (RBinFile);
RBinObject *o = NULL;
binfile->file = strdup (file);
binfile->rawstr = rawstr;
binfile->fd = fd;
binfile->id = r_num_rand (4096);
binfile->size = sz;
if (bytes) {
binfile->buf = r_buf_new ();
r_buf_set_bytes (binfile->buf, bytes, sz);
if (!binfile->buf) {
r_bin_file_free (binfile);
return NULL;
if (!name) binfile->curplugin = r_bin_get_plugin_by_binfile (bin, binfile);
else binfile->curplugin = r_bin_get_plugin_by_name (bin, name);
if (binfile->curplugin == NULL) binfile->curplugin = r_bin_get_plugin_any (bin);
plugin = binfile->curplugin;
if (strcmp (plugin->name, "any") )
binfile->narch = 1;
binfile->o = o = R_NEW0 (RBinObject);
o->loadaddr = loadaddr;
o->baddr = baseaddr;
o->size = binfile->size;
if (plugin->load && plugin->load (binfile)) {
set_bin_items (binfile, plugin);
if (sdb) {
char fdkey[128];
snprintf (fdkey, sizeof (fdkey)-1, "fd.%i", fd);
binfile->sdb = sdb_ns (sdb, fdkey);
binfile->sdb_addrinfo = sdb_ns (binfile->sdb, "addrinfo");
sdb_set (binfile->sdb, "archs", "0:0:x86:32", 0);
r_list_append (bin->binfiles, binfile);
return binfile;
static RBinFile * r_bin_file_new (RBin *bin, const char *file, const ut8 * bytes, ut64 sz, int rawstr, ut64 baseaddr, ut64 loadaddr, int fd) {
RBinFile binfile;
RBinPlugin *plugin;
const char *name = NULL;
memset (&binfile, 0, sizeof (binfile));
if (bytes) {
binfile.buf = r_buf_new ();
r_buf_set_bytes (binfile.buf, bytes, sz);
plugin = r_bin_get_plugin_by_binfile (bin, &binfile);
if (plugin) name = plugin->name;
else name = "any";
r_buf_free (binfile.buf);
return r_bin_file_new_as ( bin, file, bytes, sz, rawstr, baseaddr, loadaddr, fd, name);
static int r_bin_file_local_load (RBin *bin, const char *filename, RBuffer *buf, int rawstr, ut64 baseaddr, ut64 loadaddr, int fd) {
RBinFile *binfile = NULL;
const char *name = filename ? filename : bin->file;
if (buf && buf->buf) {
binfile = r_bin_file_new (bin, name, buf->buf, buf->length, rawstr, baseaddr, loadaddr, fd);
} else {
ut64 sz = 0;
char *file_bytes = r_file_slurp (bin->file, (int*)&sz);
if ((int)sz == -1) sz = UT64_MAX;
if (file_bytes) {
binfile = r_bin_file_new (bin, name, (ut8*)file_bytes, sz, rawstr, baseaddr, loadaddr, fd);
free (file_bytes);
return r_bin_file_set_cur_binfile (bin, binfile);
R_API int r_bin_add(RBin *bin, RBinPlugin *foo) {
RListIter *it;
RBinPlugin *plugin;
if (foo->init)
foo->init (bin->user);
r_list_foreach (bin->plugins, it, plugin) {
if (!strcmp (plugin->name, foo->name))
return R_FALSE;
plugin = R_NEW0 (RBinPlugin);
memcpy (plugin, foo, sizeof (RBinPlugin));
r_list_append (bin->plugins, plugin);
return R_TRUE;
R_API int r_bin_xtr_add(RBin *bin, RBinXtrPlugin *foo) {
RListIter *it;
RBinXtrPlugin *xtr;
if (foo->init)
foo->init (bin->user);
// avoid duplicates
r_list_foreach (bin->binxtrs, it, xtr) {
if (!strcmp (xtr->name, foo->name))
return R_FALSE;
r_list_append (bin->binxtrs, foo);
return R_TRUE;
R_API void* r_bin_free(RBin *bin) {
if (!bin) return NULL;
bin->file = NULL;
//r_bin_free_bin_files (bin);
r_list_free (bin->binfiles);
r_list_free (bin->binxtrs);
r_list_free (bin->plugins);
sdb_free (bin->sdb);
free (bin);
return NULL;
R_API int r_bin_list(RBin *bin) {
RListIter *it;
RBinXtrPlugin *bp;
RBinXtrPlugin *bx;
r_list_foreach (bin->plugins, it, bp) {
printf ("bin %-11s %s (%s)\n",
bp->name, bp->desc, bp->license);
r_list_foreach (bin->binxtrs, it, bx) {
printf ("xtr %-11s %s (%s)\n", bx->name,
bx->desc, bx->license);
return R_FALSE;
#if 0
// XXX - delete r_bin_load and r_bin_file_load if there are no issues after June 2014
R_API int r_bin_load(RBin *bin, const char *file, ut64 baseaddr, ut64 loadaddr, int xtr_idx, int fd, int rawstr) {
if (!bin || !file)
return R_FALSE;
bin->file = r_file_abspath (file);
return r_bin_file_load (bin, rawstr, baseaddr, loadaddr, xtr_idx, fd);
static int r_bin_file_load(RBin *bin, int rawstr, ut64 baseaddr, ut64 loadaddr, int xtr_idx, int fd) {
RListIter *it;
RBinXtrPlugin *xtr;
const char *name = bin->file;
r_list_foreach (bin->binxtrs, it, xtr) {
if (xtr->check && xtr->check (bin)) {
if (xtr && (xtr->extractall_from_bytes || xtr->extract_from_bytes) )
return r_bin_file_xtr_load (bin, xtr, baseaddr, loadaddr, xtr_idx, fd, rawstr);
xtr = NULL;
xtr = NULL;
return r_bin_file_local_load (bin, name, NULL, rawstr, baseaddr, loadaddr, fd);
R_API ut64 r_bin_get_baddr(RBin *bin) {
RBinObject *o = r_bin_cur_object (bin);
if (o)
return o->baddr;
return 0LL;
R_API void r_bin_set_baddr(RBin *bin, ut64 baddr) {
RBinObject *o = r_bin_cur_object (bin);
if (o) {
o->baddr = baddr;
// XXX - update all the infos?
R_API ut64 r_bin_get_boffset(RBin *bin) {
RBinObject *o = r_bin_cur_object (bin);
if (o)
return o->boffset;
return UT64_MAX;
R_API RBinAddr* r_bin_get_sym(RBin *bin, int sym) {
RBinObject *o = r_bin_cur_object (bin);
if (sym<0 || sym>=R_BIN_SYM_LAST)
return NULL;
if (o)
return o->binsym[sym];
return NULL;
// XXX: those accessors are redundant
R_API RList* r_bin_get_entries(RBin *bin) {
RBinObject *o = r_bin_cur_object (bin);
if (o)
return o->entries;
return NULL;
R_API RList* r_bin_get_fields(RBin *bin) {
RBinObject *o = r_bin_cur_object (bin);
if (o)
return o->fields;
return NULL;
R_API RList* r_bin_get_imports(RBin *bin) {
RBinObject *o = r_bin_cur_object (bin);
if (o)
return o->imports;
return NULL;
R_API RBinInfo* r_bin_get_info(RBin *bin) {
RBinObject *o = r_bin_cur_object (bin);
if (!o)
return NULL;
return o->info;
R_API RList* r_bin_get_libs(RBin *bin) {
RBinObject *o = r_bin_cur_object (bin);
if (o)
return o->libs;
return NULL;
R_API RList* r_bin_get_relocs(RBin *bin) {
RBinObject *o = r_bin_cur_object (bin);
if (o)
return o->relocs;
return NULL;
R_API RList* r_bin_get_sections(RBin *bin) {
RBinObject *o = r_bin_cur_object (bin);
if (o)
return o->sections;
return NULL;
R_API RBinSection* r_bin_get_section_at(RBin *bin, ut64 off, int va) {
RBinSection *section;
RListIter *iter;
ut64 from, to;
RBinObject *o = r_bin_cur_object (bin);
if (o) {
r_list_foreach (o->sections, iter, section) {
from = va ? o->baddr+section->rva : section->offset;
to = va ? o->baddr+section->rva+section->vsize :
section->offset + section->size;
if (off >= from && off < to)
return section;
return NULL;
R_API RList* r_bin_reset_strings(RBin *bin) {
RBinFile *a = r_bin_cur (bin);
RBinObject *o = r_bin_cur_object (bin);
if (!a || !o) return NULL;
if (o->strings) {
r_list_destroy (o->strings);
o->strings = NULL;
if (bin->minstrlen <= 0)
return NULL;
if (a->curplugin && a->curplugin->strings)
o->strings = a->curplugin->strings (a);
else o->strings = get_strings (a, bin->minstrlen);
return o->strings;
R_API RList* r_bin_get_strings(RBin *bin) {
RBinObject *o = r_bin_cur_object (bin);
if (o)
return o->strings;
return NULL;
R_API RList* r_bin_get_symbols(RBin *bin) {
RBinObject *o = r_bin_cur_object (bin);
if (o)
return o->symbols;
return NULL;
R_API int r_bin_is_big_endian (RBin *bin) {
RBinObject *o = r_bin_cur_object (bin);
if (o)
return o->info->big_endian;
return R_FALSE;
R_API int r_bin_is_stripped (RBin *bin) {
RBinObject *o = r_bin_cur_object (bin);
if (o)
return R_BIN_DBG_STRIPPED (o->info->dbg_info);
return 1;
R_API int r_bin_is_static (RBin *bin) {
RBinObject *o = r_bin_cur_object (bin);
if (o && r_list_length (o->libs)>0)
return R_BIN_DBG_STATIC (o->info->dbg_info);
return R_FALSE;
// TODO: Integrate with r_bin_dbg */
R_API int r_bin_has_dbg_linenums (RBin *bin) {
RBinObject *o = r_bin_cur_object (bin);
if (o)
return R_BIN_DBG_LINENUMS (o->info->dbg_info);
return R_FALSE;
R_API int r_bin_has_dbg_syms (RBin *bin) {
RBinObject *o = r_bin_cur_object (bin);
if (o)
return R_BIN_DBG_SYMS (o->info->dbg_info);
return R_FALSE;
R_API int r_bin_has_dbg_relocs (RBin *bin) {
RBinObject *o = r_bin_cur_object (bin);
if (o)
return R_BIN_DBG_RELOCS (o->info->dbg_info);
return R_FALSE;
R_API RBin* r_bin_new() {
int i;
RBinXtrPlugin *static_xtr_plugin;
RBin *bin = R_NEW0 (RBin);
if (!bin) return NULL;
bin->sdb = sdb_new0 ();
bin->printf = (PrintfCallback)printf;
bin->plugins = r_list_new();
bin->plugins->free = free;
bin->minstrlen = -2;
bin->cur = NULL;//R_NEW0 (RBinFile);
//binfile->o = NULL;
#if 0
R_NEW0 (RBinObject);
snprintf (fdkey, sizeof (fdkey)-1, "fd.%d", binfile->fd);
binfile->sdb = sdb_ns (bin->sdb, fdkey);
binfile->sdb_addrinfo = sdb_ns (binfile->sdb, "addrinfo");
bin->binfiles = r_list_newf ((RListFree)r_bin_file_free);
for (i=0; bin_static_plugins[i]; i++) {
r_bin_add (bin, bin_static_plugins[i]);
bin->binxtrs = r_list_new ();
bin->binxtrs->free = free;
for (i=0; bin_xtr_static_plugins[i]; i++) {
static_xtr_plugin = R_NEW (RBinXtrPlugin);
*static_xtr_plugin = *bin_xtr_static_plugins[i];
r_bin_xtr_add (bin, static_xtr_plugin);
return bin;
R_API int r_bin_use_arch(RBin *bin, const char *arch, int bits, const char *name) {
RBinFile *binfile = r_bin_file_find_by_arch_bits (bin, arch, bits, name);
return binfile && r_bin_file_set_cur_binfile (bin, binfile);
R_API RBinFile * r_bin_file_find_by_arch_bits(RBin *bin, const char *arch, int bits, const char *name) {
RListIter *iter;
RBinInfo *info;
RBinFile *binfile = NULL;
RBinObject *o = NULL;
if (!name || !arch) return NULL;
r_list_foreach (bin->binfiles, iter, binfile) {
o = binfile->o;
info = o ? o->info : NULL;
if ( info && !strcmp (info->arch, arch) &&
bits != info->bits &&
!strcmp (info->file, name))
binfile = NULL;
return binfile;
R_API int r_bin_select(RBin *bin, const char *arch, int bits, const char *name) {
RBinFile *binfile = r_bin_file_find_by_arch_bits (bin, arch, bits, name);
return binfile && r_bin_file_set_cur_binfile (bin, binfile);
R_API int r_bin_select_idx(RBin *bin, const char *name, int idx) {
RBinFile *nbinfile = NULL, *binfile = r_bin_cur (bin);
const char *tname = !name && binfile ? binfile->file : name;
int res = R_FALSE;
if (!tname || !bin) return res;
nbinfile = r_bin_file_find_by_name_n (bin, tname, idx);
return nbinfile && r_bin_file_set_cur_binfile (bin, nbinfile);
R_API void r_bin_list_archs(RBin *bin, int mode) {
int i;
char archline[128];
RBinFile *binfile = r_bin_cur (bin);
const char *name = binfile ? binfile->file : NULL;
int narch = binfile ? binfile->narch : 0;
Sdb *binfile_sdb = binfile ? binfile->sdb : NULL;
if (!binfile_sdb) {
eprintf ("Cannot find SDB!\n");
} else if (!binfile) {
eprintf ("Binary format not currently loaded!\n");
sdb_unset (binfile_sdb, ARCHS_KEY, 0);
for (i = 0; i < narch; i++) {
RBinFile *nbinfile = r_bin_file_find_by_name_n (bin, name, i);
RBinObject *o = nbinfile ? nbinfile->o : NULL;
RBinInfo *info = o ? o->info : NULL;
if (info && narch > 1) {
if (mode)
printf ("%03i 0x%08"PFMT64x" %d %s_%i %s\n", i,
o->boffset, o->size, info->arch,
info->bits, info->machine);
snprintf (archline, sizeof (archline)-1,
/// xxx machine not exported?
//sdb_array_push (binfile_sdb, ARCHS_KEY, archline, 0);
} else {
if (info) {
if (mode)
printf ("%03i 0x%08"PFMT64x" %d %s_%d\n", i,
o->boffset, o->size,
info->arch, info->bits);
snprintf (archline, sizeof (archline),
} else if (nbinfile && mode) {
if (mode)
printf ("%03i 0x%08"PFMT64x" %d unk_0\n", i,
nbinfile->offset, nbinfile->size);
snprintf (archline, sizeof (archline),
nbinfile->size, "unk", 0);
} else {
eprintf ("Error: Invalid RBinFile.\n");
//sdb_array_push (binfile_sdb, ARCHS_KEY, archline, 0);
R_API void r_bin_set_user_ptr(RBin *bin, void *user) {
bin->user = user;
static int getoffset (RBin *bin, int type, int idx) {
RBinFile *a = r_bin_cur (bin);
if (a && a->curplugin && a->curplugin->get_offset)
return a->curplugin->get_offset (a, type, idx);
return -1;
static const char *getname (RBin *bin, int off) {
// walk symbols, find index, return name, ignore offset wtf
return NULL;
R_API void r_bin_bind (RBin *bin, RBinBind *b) {
if (b) {
b->bin = bin;
b->get_offset = getoffset;
b->get_name = getname;
R_API RBuffer *r_bin_create (RBin *bin, const ut8 *code, int codelen, const ut8 *data, int datalen) {
RBinFile *a = r_bin_cur (bin);
if (codelen<0) codelen = 0;
if (datalen<0) datalen = 0;
if (a && a->curplugin && a->curplugin->create)
return a->curplugin->create (bin, code, codelen, data, datalen);
return NULL;
R_API RBinObject *r_bin_get_object(RBin *bin) {
RBinObject *o = r_bin_cur_object (bin);
if (o) o->referenced++;
return o;
R_API RList* /*<RBinClass>*/r_bin_get_classes(RBin *bin) {
RBinObject *o = r_bin_cur_object (bin);
if (o)
return o->classes;
return NULL;
R_API RBinClass *r_bin_class_new (RBinFile *binfile, const char *name, const char *super, int view) {
RBinObject *o = binfile ? binfile->o : NULL;
RList *list = NULL;
RBinClass *c;
if (!o)
return NULL;
list = o->classes;
if (!name) return NULL;
c = r_bin_class_get (binfile, name);
if (c) {
if (super) {
free (c->super);
c->super = strdup (super);
return c;
c = R_NEW0 (RBinClass);
if (!c) return NULL;
c->name = strdup (name);
c->super = super? strdup (super): NULL;
c->index = r_list_length (list);
c->methods = r_list_new ();
c->fields = r_list_new ();
c->visibility = view;
if (!list)
list = o->classes = r_list_new ();
r_list_append (list, c);
return c;
R_API RBinClass *r_bin_class_get (RBinFile *binfile, const char *name) {
RBinObject *o = binfile ? binfile->o : NULL;
RList *list = NULL;
RListIter *iter;
RBinClass *c;
if (!o) return NULL;
list = o->classes;
r_list_foreach (list, iter, c) {
if (!strcmp (c->name, name))
return c;
return NULL;
R_API int r_bin_class_add_method (RBinFile *binfile, const char *classname, const char *name, int nargs) {
RBinClass *c = r_bin_class_get (binfile, classname);
char *n = strdup (name);
if (c) {
r_list_append (c->methods, (void*)n);
return R_TRUE;
c = r_bin_class_new (binfile, classname, NULL, 0);
r_list_append (c->methods, (void*)n);
return R_FALSE;
R_API void r_bin_class_add_field (RBinFile *binfile, const char *classname, const char *name) {
#warning TODO: add_field into class
//eprintf ("TODO add field: %s \n", name);
R_API ut64 r_bin_get_offset (RBin *bin) {
RBinFile *binfile = bin ? bin->cur : NULL;
if (binfile) return binfile->offset;
return UT64_MAX;
R_API ut64 r_bin_get_vaddr (RBin *bin, ut64 baddr, ut64 paddr, ut64 vaddr) {
ut32 delta;
RBinPlugin *cp = NULL;
RBinFile *binfile = bin ? bin->cur : NULL;
if (!binfile) return UT64_MAX;
cp = binfile->curplugin;
if (cp && cp->get_vaddr)
return cp->get_vaddr (bin->cur, baddr, paddr, vaddr);
if (!baddr) return vaddr;
delta = (paddr & 0xfffff000) | (vaddr & 0xfff);
return baddr + delta;
R_API ut64 r_bin_get_size (RBin *bin) {
RBinObject *o = r_bin_cur_object (bin);
if (o) return o->size;
return UT64_MAX;
R_API RBinFile * r_bin_file_find_by_fd (RBin *bin, ut32 bin_fd) {
RListIter *iter;
RBinFile *bf = NULL;
if (!bin) return bf;
r_list_foreach (bin->binfiles, iter, bf) {
if (bf && bf->fd == bin_fd) break;
bf = NULL;
return bf;
R_API RBinFile * r_bin_file_find_by_name (RBin * bin, const char * name) {
RListIter *iter;
RBinFile *bf = NULL;
if (!bin) return bf;
r_list_foreach (bin->binfiles, iter, bf) {
if (bf && bf->file && !strcmp (bf->file, name)) break;
bf = NULL;
return bf;
R_API RBinFile * r_bin_file_find_by_name_n (RBin * bin, const char * name, int idx) {
RListIter *iter;
RBinFile *bf = NULL;
int i = 0;
if (!bin) return bf;
r_list_foreach (bin->binfiles, iter, bf) {
if (bf && bf->file && !strcmp (bf->file, name)) {
if (i == idx) break;
bf = NULL;
return bf;
R_API int r_bin_file_set_cur_by_fd (RBin * bin, ut32 bin_fd) {
RBinFile *bf = r_bin_file_find_by_fd (bin, bin_fd);
return r_bin_file_set_cur_binfile (bin, bf);
R_API int r_bin_file_set_cur_binfile (RBin * bin, RBinFile *bf) {
if (bf) {
bin->file = bf->file;
bin->cur = bf;
bin->narch = bf->narch;
bin->minstrlen = bf->curplugin ? bf->curplugin->minstrlen : bin->minstrlen;
return R_TRUE;
return R_FALSE;
R_API int r_bin_file_set_cur_by_name (RBin * bin, const char * name) {
RBinFile *bf = r_bin_file_find_by_name (bin, name);
return r_bin_file_set_cur_binfile (bin, bf);
R_API RBinFile * r_bin_cur (RBin *bin) {
if (bin) return bin->cur;
return NULL;
R_API RBinObject * r_bin_cur_object (RBin *bin) {
RBinFile *binfile = r_bin_cur (bin);
if (binfile) return binfile->o;
return NULL;