Riccardo Schirone b703dfbf17 anal/xrefs: single, global xrefs API
* several bugfixes
* Fix xrefs/refs confusion with asm.cmt.refs
* Also check if xref source is valid offset
* Fix ax* to show type of ref
* anal/xrefs: pass the right hashtable to mylistrefs
* r_anal_refs_get should use anal->refs, not anal->xrefs
* anal/fcn: add xref also when there's a CALL to a noreturn function
* projects: use radare2 output of ax command to save/restore xrefs
* core/cmd_anal: when analyzing calls, we should use REF_TYPE_CALL
* core/canal: use xrefs API, because the list is a just a copy
* core/canal: rename "loc." entries to "fcn." when a CALL is found
* sort xrefs to make results consistent
* core/canal: avoid recomputing function every time during `aan`
* anal: move fcn_refs/xrefs functions to the xrefs.c file
* core/canal.c: avoid iterating fcn xrefs list
* anal/xrefs: compute fcn xrefs by analyzing fcn addresses
* remove other unused functions
* anal/xrefs: remove fcn_xrefs_add and fcn_xrefs_deln
* anal/xrefs: remove old fcn->refs/xrefs
* anal/xrefs: directly store RAnalRef objects in the hash table
* libr: prevent memory leaks when using refs/xrefs
* anal/xrefs: merge anal/ref and anal/xref and clean API

Big xrefs/refs refactoring that provides a more uniform and simple API.
It avoids changes to refs/xrefs except through the API and it keeps all
xrefs/refs info in one single place, to improve consistency.

Thanks to:
Riccardo Schirone <sirmy15@gmail.com>
pancake <pancake@nopcode.org>
rene <rlaemmert@gmail.com>
2018-05-04 21:40:47 +02:00

129 lines
2.5 KiB

files = [
# 'test.c',
r_anal = library('r_anal', files,
include_directories: [
c_args: ['-DCORELIB=1'],
link_with: [
r_util, r_reg, r_asm, r_syscall, r_search, r_cons, r_flag, libr_shlr
install: true,
implicit_include_directories: false,
soversion: r2_libversion
libraries: [r_anal],
subdirs: 'libr',
version: r2_version,
name: 'r_anal',
filebase: 'r_anal',
requires: [
'r_util', 'r_reg', 'r_asm', 'r_syscall', 'r_search', 'r_cons', 'r_flag'
description: 'radare foundation libraries'