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synced 2025-03-03 03:35:37 +00:00
353 lines
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353 lines
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/* radare - LGPL - Copyright 2009-2020 - pancake, maijin, thestr4ng3r */
#include "r_util.h"
#include "r_anal.h"
#define VTABLE_READ_ADDR_FUNC(fname, read_fname, sz) \
static bool fname(RAnal *anal, ut64 addr, ut64 *buf) {\
ut8 tmp[sz];\
if (!anal->iob.read_at (anal->iob.io, addr, tmp, sz)) {\
return false;\
*buf = read_fname (tmp);\
return true;\
VTABLE_READ_ADDR_FUNC (vtable_read_addr_le8, r_read_le8, 1)
VTABLE_READ_ADDR_FUNC (vtable_read_addr_le16, r_read_le16, 2)
VTABLE_READ_ADDR_FUNC (vtable_read_addr_le32, r_read_le32, 4)
VTABLE_READ_ADDR_FUNC (vtable_read_addr_le64, r_read_le64, 8)
VTABLE_READ_ADDR_FUNC (vtable_read_addr_be8, r_read_be8, 1)
VTABLE_READ_ADDR_FUNC (vtable_read_addr_be16, r_read_be16, 2)
VTABLE_READ_ADDR_FUNC (vtable_read_addr_be32, r_read_be32, 4)
VTABLE_READ_ADDR_FUNC (vtable_read_addr_be64, r_read_be64, 8)
R_API void r_anal_vtable_info_free(RVTableInfo *vtable) {
if (!vtable) {
r_vector_clear (&vtable->methods);
free (vtable);
R_API ut64 r_anal_vtable_info_get_size(RVTableContext *context, RVTableInfo *vtable) {
return (ut64)vtable->methods.len * context->word_size;
R_API bool r_anal_vtable_begin(RAnal *anal, RVTableContext *context) {
context->anal = anal;
context->abi = anal->cxxabi;
context->word_size = (ut8) (anal->config->bits / 8);
const bool is_arm = anal->config->arch && r_str_startswith (anal->config->arch, "arm");
if (is_arm && context->word_size < 4) {
context->word_size = 4;
const bool be = R_ARCH_CONFIG_IS_BIG_ENDIAN (anal->config);
switch (context->word_size) {
case 1:
context->read_addr = be? vtable_read_addr_be8 : vtable_read_addr_le8;
case 2:
context->read_addr = be? vtable_read_addr_be16 : vtable_read_addr_le16;
case 4:
context->read_addr = be? vtable_read_addr_be32 : vtable_read_addr_le32;
case 8:
context->read_addr = be? vtable_read_addr_be64 : vtable_read_addr_le64;
// cant be null. assume 32bit "->read_addr = NULL;
context->read_addr = be? vtable_read_addr_be32 : vtable_read_addr_le32;
return false;
return true;
static bool vtable_addr_in_text_section(RVTableContext *context, ut64 curAddress) {
//section of the curAddress
RBinSection *value = context->anal->binb.get_vsect_at (context->anal->binb.bin, curAddress);
//If the pointed value lies in .text section
return value && strstr (value->name, "text") && (value->perm & 1) != 0;
static bool vtable_is_value_in_text_section(RVTableContext *context, ut64 curAddress, ut64 *value) {
//value at the current address
ut64 curAddressValue = UT64_MAX;
if (!context->read_addr (context->anal, curAddress, &curAddressValue)) {
return false;
//if the value is in text section
bool ret = vtable_addr_in_text_section (context, curAddressValue);
if (value) {
*value = curAddressValue;
return ret;
static bool vtable_section_can_contain_vtables(RBinSection *section) {
if (section->is_segment) {
return false;
return !strcmp (section->name, ".rodata") ||
!strcmp (section->name, ".rdata") ||
!strcmp (section->name, ".data.rel.ro") ||
!strcmp (section->name, ".data.rel.ro.local") ||
r_str_endswith (section->name, "__const");
static bool section_can_contain_rtti(RBinSection *section) {
if (!section) {
return false;
if (section->is_data) {
return true;
return !strcmp (section->name, ".data.rel.ro") ||
!strcmp (section->name, ".data.rel.ro.local") ||
r_str_endswith (section->name, "__const");
static bool vtable_is_addr_vtable_start_itanium(RVTableContext *context, RBinSection *section, ut64 curAddress) {
ut64 value;
if (!curAddress || curAddress == UT64_MAX) {
return false;
if (curAddress && !vtable_is_value_in_text_section (context, curAddress, NULL)) { // Vtable beginning referenced from the code
return false;
if (!context->read_addr (context->anal, curAddress - context->word_size, &value)) { // get the RTTI pointer
return false;
RBinSection *rtti_section = context->anal->binb.get_vsect_at (context->anal->binb.bin, value);
if (value && !section_can_contain_rtti (rtti_section)) { // RTTI ptr must point somewhere in the data section
return false;
if (!context->read_addr (context->anal, curAddress - 2 * context->word_size, &value)) { // Offset to top
return false;
if ((st32)value > 0) { // Offset to top has to be negative
return false;
return true;
static bool vtable_is_addr_vtable_start_msvc(RVTableContext *context, ut64 curAddress) {
RAnalRef *xref;
RListIter *xrefIter;
if (!curAddress || curAddress == UT64_MAX) {
return false;
if (curAddress && !vtable_is_value_in_text_section (context, curAddress, NULL)) {
return false;
// total xref's to curAddress
RList *xrefs = r_anal_xrefs_get (context->anal, curAddress);
if (r_list_empty (xrefs)) {
r_list_free (xrefs);
return false;
r_list_foreach (xrefs, xrefIter, xref) {
// section in which currenct xref lies
if (vtable_addr_in_text_section (context, xref->addr)) {
context->anal->iob.read_at (context->anal->iob.io, xref->addr, buf, sizeof (buf));
RAnalOp analop = {0};
r_anal_op (context->anal, &analop, xref->addr, buf, sizeof (buf), R_ARCH_OP_MASK_BASIC);
if (analop.type == R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_MOV || analop.type == R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_LEA) {
r_list_free (xrefs);
r_anal_op_fini (&analop);
return true;
r_anal_op_fini (&analop);
r_list_free (xrefs);
return false;
static bool vtable_is_addr_vtable_start(RVTableContext *context, RBinSection *section, ut64 curAddress) {
if (context->abi == R_ANAL_CPP_ABI_MSVC) {
return vtable_is_addr_vtable_start_msvc (context, curAddress);
if (context->abi == R_ANAL_CPP_ABI_ITANIUM) {
return vtable_is_addr_vtable_start_itanium (context, section, curAddress);
r_return_val_if_reached (false);
return false;
R_API RVTableInfo *r_anal_vtable_parse_at(RVTableContext *context, ut64 addr) {
ut64 offset_to_top;
if (!context->read_addr (context->anal, addr - 2 * context->word_size, &offset_to_top)) {
return NULL;
RVTableInfo *vtable = calloc (1, sizeof (RVTableInfo));
if (!vtable) {
return NULL;
vtable->saddr = addr;
r_vector_init (&vtable->methods, sizeof (RVTableMethodInfo), NULL, NULL);
RVTableMethodInfo meth;
while (vtable_is_value_in_text_section (context, addr, &meth.addr)) {
meth.vtable_offset = addr - vtable->saddr;
if (!r_vector_push (&vtable->methods, &meth)) {
addr += context->word_size;
// a ref means the vtable has ended
RList *ll = r_anal_xrefs_get (context->anal, addr);
if (!r_list_empty (ll)) {
r_list_free (ll);
r_list_free (ll);
return vtable;
R_API RList *r_anal_vtable_search(RVTableContext *context) {
RAnal *anal = context->anal;
if (!anal) {
return NULL;
RList *vtables = r_list_newf ((RListFree)r_anal_vtable_info_free);
if (!vtables) {
return NULL;
RList *sections = anal->binb.get_sections (anal->binb.bin);
if (!sections) {
r_list_free (vtables);
return NULL;
r_cons_break_push (NULL, NULL);
RListIter *iter;
RBinSection *section;
r_list_foreach (sections, iter, section) {
if (r_cons_is_breaked ()) {
if (!vtable_section_can_contain_vtables (section)) {
ut64 startAddress = section->vaddr;
ut64 endAddress = startAddress + (section->vsize) - context->word_size;
ut64 ss = endAddress - startAddress;
if (ss > ST32_MAX) {
while (startAddress <= endAddress) {
if (r_cons_is_breaked ()) {
if (!anal->iob.is_valid_offset (anal->iob.io, startAddress, 0)) {
if (vtable_is_addr_vtable_start (context, section, startAddress)) {
RVTableInfo *vtable = r_anal_vtable_parse_at (context, startAddress);
if (vtable) {
r_list_append (vtables, vtable);
ut64 size = r_anal_vtable_info_get_size (context, vtable);
if (size > 0) {
startAddress += size;
startAddress += context->word_size;
r_cons_break_pop ();
if (r_list_empty (vtables)) {
// stripped binary?
r_list_free (vtables);
return NULL;
return vtables;
R_API void r_anal_list_vtables(RAnal *anal, int rad) {
RVTableContext context = {0};
r_anal_vtable_begin (anal, &context);
const char *noMethodName = "No Name found";
RVTableMethodInfo *curMethod;
RListIter *vtableIter;
RVTableInfo *table;
RList *vtables = r_anal_vtable_search (&context);
if (rad == 'j') {
PJ *pj = pj_new ();
if (!pj) {
pj_a (pj);
r_list_foreach (vtables, vtableIter, table) {
pj_o (pj);
pj_kN (pj, "offset", table->saddr);
pj_ka (pj, "methods");
r_vector_foreach (&table->methods, curMethod) {
RAnalFunction *fcn = r_anal_get_fcn_in (anal, curMethod->addr, 0);
const char *const name = fcn ? fcn->name : NULL;
pj_o (pj);
pj_kN (pj, "offset", curMethod->addr);
pj_ks (pj, "name", r_str_get_fail (name, noMethodName));
pj_end (pj);
pj_end (pj);
pj_end (pj);
pj_end (pj);
r_cons_println (pj_string (pj));
pj_free (pj);
} else if (rad == '*') {
r_list_foreach (vtables, vtableIter, table) {
r_cons_printf ("f vtable.0x%08"PFMT64x" %"PFMT64d" @ 0x%08"PFMT64x"\n",
r_anal_vtable_info_get_size (&context, table),
r_vector_foreach (&table->methods, curMethod) {
r_cons_printf ("Cd %d @ 0x%08"PFMT64x"\n", context.word_size, table->saddr + curMethod->vtable_offset);
RAnalFunction *fcn = r_anal_get_fcn_in (anal, curMethod->addr, 0);
const char *const name = fcn ? fcn->name : NULL;
if (name) {
r_cons_printf ("f %s=0x%08"PFMT64x"\n", name, curMethod->addr);
} else {
r_cons_printf ("f method.virtual.0x%08"PFMT64x"=0x%08"PFMT64x"\n", curMethod->addr, curMethod->addr);
} else {
r_list_foreach (vtables, vtableIter, table) {
ut64 vtableStartAddress = table->saddr;
r_cons_printf ("\nVtable Found at 0x%08"PFMT64x"\n", vtableStartAddress);
r_vector_foreach (&table->methods, curMethod) {
RAnalFunction *fcn = r_anal_get_fcn_in (anal, curMethod->addr, 0);
const char *const name = fcn ? fcn->name : NULL;
r_cons_printf ("0x%08"PFMT64x" : %s\n", vtableStartAddress, r_str_get_fail (name, noMethodName));
vtableStartAddress += context.word_size;
r_cons_newline ();
r_list_free (vtables);