2024-09-30 19:51:56 +02:00

1394 lines
32 KiB

/* radare - LGPL - Copyright 2021-2024 - pancake */
#define R_LOG_ORIGIN "r2pm"
#include <r_main.h>
#include <r_lib.h>
#define R2PM_GITURL "https://github.com/radareorg/radare2-pm"
static int r2pm_install(RList *targets, bool uninstall, bool clean, bool force, bool global);
static const char *helpmsg =
"Usage: r2pm [-flags] [pkgs...]\n"
" -a [repository] add or -delete external repository\n"
" -c ([git/dir]) clear source cache (R2PM_GITDIR)\n"
" -ci <pkgname> clean + install\n"
" -cp clean the user's home plugin directory\n"
" -d,doc [pkgname] show documentation and source for given package\n"
" -e [pkgname] edit using $EDITOR the given package script\n"
" -f force operation (Use in combination of -U, -i, -u, ..)\n"
" -gi <pkg> global install (system-wide)\n"
" -h display this help message\n"
" -H ([variable]) list all or selected r2pm environment variables\n"
" -i <pkgname> install/update package and its dependencies (see -c, -g)\n"
" -I information about the repository and installed packages\n"
" -l list installed packages\n"
" -q be quiet\n"
" -r [cmd ...args] run shell command with R2PM_BINDIR in PATH\n"
" -s [<keyword>] search available packages in database matching a string\n"
" -t [YYYY-MM-DD] set a moment in time to pull the code from the git packages\n"
" -u <pkgname> uninstall package (see -f to force uninstall)\n"
" -uci <pkgname> uninstall + clean + install\n"
" -ui <pkgname> uninstall + install\n"
" -U download/initialize or update database (-f for a clean clone)\n"
" -UU same as -U but upgrade all the installed r2 plugins\n"
" -v show version\n";
typedef struct r_r2pm_t {
bool add;
bool clean;
bool doc;
bool edit;
bool envhelp;
bool force;
bool global;
bool help;
bool info;
bool init;
bool install;
bool list;
bool plugdir; // requires -c/clean
bool quiet;
bool run;
bool search;
bool uninstall;
bool upgrade;
bool version;
int rc;
const char *time;
} R2Pm;
static int git_pull(const char *dir, bool verbose, bool reset) {
if (strchr (dir, ' ')) {
R_LOG_ERROR ("Directory '%s' cannot contain spaces", dir);
return -1;
if (!r_file_is_directory (dir)) {
R_LOG_ERROR ("Directory '%s' does not exist", dir);
return -1;
if (reset) {
char *s = r_str_newf ("cd %s && git clean -xdf && git reset --hard @~2 && git checkout", dir);
R_UNUSED_RESULT (r_sandbox_system (s, 1));
free (s);
const char *quiet = verbose? "": "--quiet";
#if R2__WINDOWS__
char *s = r_str_newf ("cd %s && git pull %s && git diff", dir, quiet);
char *s = r_str_newf ("cd '%s' && git pull %s", dir, quiet);
int rc = r_sandbox_system (s, 1);
free (s);
return rc;
static int git_clone(const char *dir, const char *url) {
if (strchr (dir, ' ')) {
R_LOG_ERROR ("Directory '%s' cannot contain spaces", dir);
return -1;
char *git = r_file_path ("git");
if (!git) {
R_LOG_ERROR ("Cannot find `git` in $PATH");
return 1;
free (git);
char *cmd = r_str_newf ("git clone --depth=1 --recursive %s %s", url, dir);
R_LOG_INFO ("%s", cmd);
int rc = r_sandbox_system (cmd, 1);
free (cmd);
return rc;
static bool r2pm_add(R2Pm *r2pm, const char *repository) {
R_LOG_INFO ("r2pm.add is not implemented");
return false;
static char *r2pm_bindir(void) {
return r_xdg_datadir ("prefix/bin");
static char *r2pm_gitdir(void) {
char *e = r_sys_getenv ("R2PM_GITDIR");
return e;
free (e);
return r_xdg_datadir ("r2pm/git");
static char *r2pm_dbdir(void) {
char *e = r_sys_getenv ("R2PM_DBDIR");
return e;
free (e);
char *gitdir = r2pm_gitdir ();
char *res = r_str_newf ("%s/radare2-pm/db", gitdir);
free (gitdir);
return res;
static char *r2pm_pkgdir(void) {
return r_xdg_datadir ("r2pm/pkg");
typedef enum {
} R2pmTokenType;
static void r2pm_register(const char *pkg, bool g) {
char *pkgdir = r2pm_pkgdir ();
r_sys_mkdirp (pkgdir);
char *f = r_str_newf ("%s/%s", pkgdir, pkg);
free (pkgdir);
if (f) {
RStrBuf *sb = r_strbuf_new ("");
r_strbuf_appendf (sb, "Global: %s\n", r_str_bool (g));
char *s = r_time_secs_tostring (r_time_today ());
r_strbuf_appendf (sb, "InstallationDate: %s\n", s);
free (s);
char *ss = r_strbuf_drain (sb);
r_file_dump (f, (const ut8 *)ss, strlen (ss), false);
free (ss);
free (f);
static void r2pm_unregister(const char *pkg) {
char *pkgdir = r2pm_pkgdir ();
char *f = r_str_newf ("%s/%s", pkgdir, pkg);
free (pkgdir);
if (R_LIKELY (f)) {
r_file_rm (f);
free (f);
static char *r2pm_pkgpath(const char *file) {
char *dbdir = r2pm_dbdir ();
char *path = r_str_newf ("%s/%s", dbdir, file);
free (dbdir);
if (r_file_exists (path)) {
return path;
free (path);
return NULL;
static char *find_newline(char *s) {
char *r = strchr (s, '\r');
char *n = strchr (s, '\n');
if (r && n) {
return (r < n)? r: n;
if (r) {
return r;
return n;
static char *r2pm_get(const char *file, const char *token, R2pmTokenType type) {
char *res = NULL;
char *dbdir = r2pm_dbdir ();
char *path = r_str_newf ("%s/%s", dbdir, file);
free (dbdir);
char *data = r_file_slurp (path, NULL);
free (path);
if (!data) {
return NULL;
const char *needle = token; // "\nR2PM_DESC ";
char *descptr = strstr (data, needle);
if (descptr) {
char *nl = NULL;
switch (type) {
descptr += strlen (needle);
nl = find_newline (descptr);
if (nl) {
*nl = 0;
if (*nl == '"') {
*nl = 0;
descptr = (char *)r_str_trim_head_ro (descptr);
if (*descptr == '"') {
res = strdup (descptr);
descptr += strlen (needle);
nl = find_newline (descptr);
if (nl) {
*nl = 0;
res = strdup (descptr);
nl = find_newline (descptr + strlen (token));
if (nl) {
char *begin = nl + 1;
char *eoc = strstr (begin, "\n\"\n"); // windows have \r\n
if (eoc) {
return r_str_ndup (begin, eoc - begin);
R_LOG_ERROR ("Cannot find end of thing");
free (data);
return NULL;
char *begin = descptr + strlen (token);
char *eoc = strstr (begin, "\n}\n");
if (eoc) {
char *res = r_str_ndup (begin, eoc - begin);
free (data);
return res;
R_LOG_ERROR ("Cannot find end of thing");
free (data);
return NULL;
} break;
free (data);
return res;
static void striptrim(RList *list) {
char *s;
RListIter *iter, *iter2;
r_list_foreach_safe (list, iter, iter2, s) {
if (R_STR_ISEMPTY (s)) {
r_list_delete (list, iter);
static void r2pm_upgrade(bool force) {
#if R2__UNIX__
char *s = r_sys_cmd_str ("radare2 -NNqcq -- 2>&1 | grep r2pm | sed -e 's,$,;,g'", NULL, 0);
r_str_trim (s);
RList *list = r_str_split_list (s, "\n", -1);
striptrim (list);
if (r_list_length (list) < 1) {
R_LOG_INFO ("No packages to upgrade");
} else {
r2pm_install (list, false, true, force, false);
free (s);
r_list_free (list);
R_LOG_INFO ("Auto upgrade feature is not yet supported on windows");
static char *r2pm_desc(const char *file) {
return r2pm_get (file, "\nR2PM_DESC ", TT_TEXTLINE);
static char *r2pm_list(void) {
char *path = r2pm_pkgdir ();
RList *files = r_sys_dir (path);
free (path);
if (!files) {
return NULL;
RStrBuf *sb = r_strbuf_new ("");
RListIter *iter;
const char *file;
r_list_foreach (files, iter, file) {
if (*file != '.') {
r_strbuf_appendf (sb, "%s\n", file);
r_list_free (files);
return r_strbuf_drain (sb);
static int r2pm_update(bool force) {
char *gpath = r2pm_gitdir ();
if (!gpath) {
R_LOG_ERROR ("Cannot find gitdir");
return -1;
char *pmpath = r_str_newf ("%s/%s", gpath, "radare2-pm");
r_sys_mkdirp (gpath);
if (force) {
r_file_rm_rf (pmpath);
int rc = 0;
if (r_file_is_directory (pmpath)) {
R_LOG_INFO ("Running git pull on %s", pmpath);
if (git_pull (pmpath, true, force) != 0) {
R_LOG_ERROR ("git pull");
rc = 1;
} else {
char *giturl = r_sys_getenv ("R2PM_GITURL");
if (R_STR_ISEMPTY (giturl)) {
free (giturl);
giturl = strdup ("R2PM_GITURL");
rc = git_clone (pmpath, giturl);
free (giturl);
free (gpath);
free (pmpath);
return rc;
static void r2pm_setenv(R2Pm *r2pm) {
char *gmake = r_file_path ("gmake");
if (gmake) {
r_sys_setenv ("MAKE", gmake);
} else {
r_sys_setenv ("MAKE", "make");
free (gmake);
if (r2pm->global) {
// the r2pm_plugdir changes when using -g
char *r2_plugdir = r_str_newf (R2_LIBDIR "/radare2/" R2_VERSION);
r_sys_setenv ("R2PM_PLUGDIR", r2_plugdir);
free (r2_plugdir);
} else {
char *r2_plugdir = r_xdg_datadir ("plugins");
r_sys_setenv ("R2PM_PLUGDIR", r2_plugdir);
free (r2_plugdir);
if (r2pm->time) {
// set R2PM_TIME env var
r_sys_setenv ("R2PM_TIME", r2pm->time);
r_sys_setenv ("R2_LIBEXT", R_LIB_EXT);
char *gdir = r2pm_gitdir ();
r_sys_setenv ("R2PM_GITDIR", gdir);
free (gdir);
char *gurl = r_sys_getenv ("R2PM_GITURL");
if (R_STR_ISEMPTY (gurl)) {
r_sys_setenv ("R2PM_GITURL", R2PM_GITURL);
free (gurl);
char *dbdir = r2pm_dbdir ();
r_sys_setenv ("R2PM_DBDIR", dbdir);
free (dbdir);
char *pd = r_sys_cmd_str ("radare2 -NN -H R2_USER_PLUGINS", NULL, NULL);
if (pd) {
if (R_STR_ISNOTEMPTY (pd)) {
r_str_trim (pd);
r_sys_setenv ("R2_USER_PLUGINS", pd);
r_sys_mkdirp (pd);
R_FREE (pd);
char *r2_prefix = r_xdg_datadir ("prefix");
if (!r2_prefix) {
R_LOG_ERROR ("Cannot resolve xdg.datadir('prefix')");
r_sys_setenv ("R2PM_PREFIX", r2_prefix);
char *pkgcfg = r_sys_getenv ("PKG_CONFIG_PATH");
char *r2pm_pkgcfg = r_xdg_datadir ("prefix/lib/pkgconfig");
if (R_STR_ISNOTEMPTY (pkgcfg)) {
char *pcp = r_str_newf ("%s%s%s%s%s",r2pm_pkgcfg,
R_SYS_ENVSEP, R2_PREFIX "/lib/pkgconfig",
R_SYS_ENVSEP, pkgcfg);
r_sys_setenv ("PKG_CONFIG_PATH", pcp);
free (pcp);
} else {
char *pcp = r_str_newf ("%s%s%s", r2pm_pkgcfg,
R_SYS_ENVSEP, R2_PREFIX "/lib/pkgconfig");
r_sys_setenv ("PKG_CONFIG_PATH", pcp);
free (pcp);
free (r2pm_pkgcfg);
free (pkgcfg);
char *bindir = r_str_newf ("%s/bin", r2_prefix);
r_sys_setenv ("R2PM_BINDIR", bindir);
free (bindir);
char *libdir = r_str_newf ("%s/lib", r2_prefix);
r_sys_setenv ("R2PM_LIBDIR", libdir);
free (libdir);
char *incdir = r_str_newf ("%s/include", r2_prefix);
r_sys_setenv ("R2PM_INCDIR", incdir);
free (incdir);
char *oldpath = r_sys_getenv ("PATH");
if (!oldpath) {
oldpath = strdup ("/bin");
if (!strstr (oldpath, r2_prefix)) {
char *newpath = r_str_newf ("%s/bin%s%s", r2_prefix, R_SYS_ENVSEP, oldpath);
r_sys_setenv ("PATH", newpath);
free (newpath);
free (oldpath);
#if R2__WINDOWS__
const char *ldpathvar = NULL;
#elif __HAIKU__
const char *ldpathvar = "LIBRARY_PATH";
#elif __APPLE__
const char *ldpathvar = "DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH";
const char *ldpathvar = "LD_LIBRARY_PATH";
char *opath = r_sys_getenv ("PATH");
if (opath) {
char *bindir = r2pm_bindir ();
r_sys_mkdirp (bindir);
const char *sep = R_SYS_ENVSEP;
char *newpath = r_str_newf ("%s%s%s", bindir, sep, opath);
r_sys_setenv ("PATH", newpath);
free (newpath);
free (opath);
free (bindir);
char *ldpath = r_sys_getenv (ldpathvar);
if (!ldpath) {
ldpath = strdup ("");
if (!strstr (ldpath, r2_prefix)) {
char *newpath = r_str_newf ("%s/lib%s%s", r2_prefix, R_SYS_ENVSEP, ldpath);
r_sys_setenv (ldpathvar, newpath);
free (ldpath);
ldpath = newpath;
char *gr2_prefix = r_sys_cmd_str ("radare2 -NN -H R2_PREFIX", NULL, NULL);
if (gr2_prefix) {
r_str_trim (gr2_prefix);
if (R_STR_ISNOTEMPTY (gr2_prefix)) {
if (!strstr (ldpath, gr2_prefix)) {
char *newpath = r_str_newf ("%s/lib%s%s", gr2_prefix, R_SYS_ENVSEP, ldpath);
r_sys_setenv (ldpathvar, newpath);
free (newpath);
free (gr2_prefix);
if (!strstr (ldpath, r2_prefix)) {
char *newpath = r_str_newf ("%s/lib%s%s", r2_prefix, R_SYS_ENVSEP, ldpath);
r_sys_setenv (ldpathvar, newpath);
free (newpath);
free (ldpath);
free (r2_prefix);
// GLOBAL = 0 # depends on r2pm.global, which is set on r2pm_install
static const char *python_bins[] = {
const char *bin = python_bins[0];
char *bin_path = NULL;
int i;
char *env_python = r_sys_getenv ("PYTHON");
if (R_STR_ISNOTEMPTY (env_python)) {
free (env_python);
for (i = 0; python_bins[i]; i++) {
bin = python_bins[i];
bin_path = r_file_path (bin);
if (bin_path) {
if (bin_path) {
r_sys_setenv ("PYTHON", bin_path);
free (bin_path);
static int r2pm_doc_pkg(const char *pkg) {
char *docstr = r2pm_get (pkg, "\nR2PM_DOC=\"", TT_ENDQUOTE);
if (docstr) {
printf ("%s\n", docstr);
free (docstr);
return 0;
// R_LOG_ERROR ("Cannot find documentation for '%s'", pkg);
char *dbdir = r2pm_dbdir ();
char *pkgfile = r_str_newf ("%s/%s", dbdir, pkg);
int rc = 0;
char *script = r_file_slurp (pkgfile, NULL);
if (script) {
printf ("%s\n", script);
free (script);
} else {
R_LOG_ERROR ("Cannot find package: %s", pkg);
rc = 1;
free (pkgfile);
free (dbdir);
return rc;
static int r2pm_clean_pkg(const char *pkg) {
R_LOG_INFO ("Cleaning %s", pkg);
// TODO. make clean/mrproper instead maybe better?
char *srcdir = r2pm_gitdir ();
if (R_STR_ISNOTEMPTY (srcdir)) {
char *d = r_file_new (srcdir, pkg, NULL);
if (d && r_file_is_directory (d)) {
r_file_rm_rf (d);
free (d);
free (srcdir);
return 0;
static bool r2pm_have_builddir(const char *pkg) {
char *url = r2pm_get (pkg, "\nR2PM_TGZ", TT_TEXTLINE);
if (!url) {
url = r2pm_get (pkg, "\nR2PM_GIT", TT_TEXTLINE);
if (url) {
free (url);
return true;
return false;
// looks copypaste with r2pm_install_pkg()
static int r2pm_uninstall_pkg(const char *pkg, bool global) {
R_LOG_INFO ("Uninstalling %s", pkg);
char *srcdir = r2pm_gitdir ();
const bool have_builddir = r2pm_have_builddir (pkg);
#if R2__WINDOWS__
char *script = r2pm_get (pkg, "\nR2PM_UNINSTALL_WINDOWS() {\n", TT_CODEBLOCK);
if (!script) {
R_LOG_ERROR ("This package does not have R2PM_UNINSTALL_WINDOWS instructions");
free (srcdir);
return 1;
char *s = have_builddir
? r_str_newf ("cd %s && cd %s && %s", srcdir, pkg, script)
: r_str_newf ("%s", script);
int res = r_sandbox_system (s, 1);
free (s);
char *script = r2pm_get (pkg, "\nR2PM_UNINSTALL() {\n", TT_CODEBLOCK);
if (!script) {
R_LOG_ERROR ("Cannot find the R2PM_UNINSTALL() {} script block for '%s'", pkg);
free (srcdir);
return 1;
char *s = have_builddir
? r_str_newf ("cd %s/%s\nexport MAKE=make\nR2PM_FAIL(){\n echo $@\n}\n%s", srcdir, pkg, script)
: r_str_newf ("export MAKE=make\nR2PM_FAIL(){\n echo $@\n}\n%s", script);
int res = r_sandbox_system (s, 1);
free (s);
r2pm_unregister (pkg);
free (srcdir);
return res;
static bool download(const char *url, const char *outfile) {
/// XXX add support for windows powershell download
char *tool = r_file_path ("curl");
int res = 1;
R_LOG_INFO ("download: %s into %s", url, outfile);
if (tool) {
res = r_sys_cmdf ("%s -sfL -o '%s' '%s'", tool, outfile, url);
free (tool);
return res == 0;
tool = r_file_path ("wget");
if (tool) {
res = r_sys_cmdf ("%s -qO '%s' '%s'", tool, outfile, url);
free (tool);
return res == 0;
R_LOG_ERROR ("Please install `curl` or `wget`");
return false;
static bool unzip(const char *file, const char *dir) {
if (r_str_endswith (file, ".tgz") || r_str_endswith (file, ".tar.gz")) {
return 0 == r_sys_cmdf ("tar -xzvf '%s' -C '%s'", file, dir);
if (r_str_endswith (file, ".zip")) {
return 0 == r_sys_cmdf ("unzip '%s' -d '%s'", file, dir);
return false;
static int r2pm_clone(const char *pkg) {
char *pkgdir = r2pm_gitdir ();
char *srcdir = r_file_new (pkgdir, pkg, NULL);
free (pkgdir);
bool offline = r_sys_getenv_asbool ("R2PM_OFFLINE");
if (offline) {
free (srcdir);
return 0;
bool git_source = false;
if (r_file_is_directory (srcdir)) {
git_source = git_pull (srcdir, true, 0);
} else {
char *url_list = r2pm_get (pkg, "\nR2PM_GIT ", TT_TEXTLINE_LIST);
if (url_list) {
r_str_replace_ch (url_list, ',', ' ', true);
int url_ct, i;
char **urls = r_str_argv (url_list, &url_ct);
for (i = 0; i < url_ct; i++) {
if (!git_clone (srcdir, urls[i])) {
git_source = true;
r_str_argv_free (urls);
free (url_list);
} else {
char *url = r2pm_get (pkg, "\nR2PM_TGZ", TT_TEXTLINE);
if (!url) {
R_LOG_INFO ("Nothing to pull");
free (srcdir);
return 0;
const char *filename = r_file_basename (url);
char *outfile = r_str_newf ("%s/%s", srcdir, filename);
r_sys_mkdirp (srcdir);
if (download (url, outfile)) {
if (unzip (outfile, srcdir)) {
R_LOG_INFO ("download and unzip works!");
free (srcdir);
free (url);
return 0;
} else {
R_LOG_ERROR ("unzip has failed");
} else {
R_LOG_ERROR ("download has failed");
free (srcdir);
free (url);
return 1;
free (srcdir);
char *r2pm_time = r_sys_getenv ("R2PM_TIME");
if (r2pm_time) {
if (git_source) {
char *gitdir = r2pm_gitdir ();
R_LOG_INFO ("Going back to %s", r2pm_time);
int rc = r_sys_cmdf ("cd %s/%s && git reset --hard && git pull --tags && git reset --hard %s",
gitdir, pkg, r2pm_time);
free (gitdir);
if (rc != 0) {
R_LOG_ERROR ("Unable to travel back in time");
free (r2pm_time);
return 1;
} else {
R_LOG_WARN ("Cannot go back in time with tarball packages");
free (r2pm_time);
return 0;
static bool r2pm_check(const char *program) {
char *s = r_file_path (program);
bool found = s != NULL;
free (s);
return found;
static int r2pm_install_pkg(const char *pkg, bool clean, bool global) {
bool have_builddir = r2pm_have_builddir (pkg);
R_LOG_INFO ("Starting install for %s", pkg);
char *needs = r2pm_get (pkg, "\nR2PM_NEEDS ", TT_TEXTLINE);
if (needs) {
bool error = false;
char *dep;
RListIter *iter;
RList *l = r_str_split_list (needs, " ", 0);
r_list_foreach (l, iter, dep) {
if (!r2pm_check (dep)) {
R_LOG_ERROR ("R2PM_NEEDS: Cannot find %s in PATH", dep);
error = true;
} else {
R_LOG_INFO ("R2PM_NEEDS: Found %s in PATH", dep);
r_list_free (l);
free (needs);
if (error) {
if (r2pm_check ("apt") && r_file_is_directory ("/system/bin")) {
if (r_cons_yesno ('y', "Install system dependencies (Y/n)")) {
const char *const cmd = "apt install build-essential git make patch python wget binutils";
R_LOG_INFO ("Running %s", cmd);
r_sys_cmd (cmd);
return r2pm_install_pkg (pkg, clean, global);
return -1;
char *conflict = r2pm_get (pkg, "\nR2PM_CONFLICT ", TT_TEXTLINE);
if (conflict) {
RListIter *iter, *iter2;
RList *l = r_str_split_list (conflict, " ", 0); // conflictive packages
char *pkgdir = r2pm_pkgdir (); // installed packages
RList *files = r_sys_dir (pkgdir);
free (pkgdir);
if (!files) {
return -1;
const char *file, *dep;
r_list_foreach (files, iter, file) {
if (*file != '.') {
r_list_foreach (l, iter2, dep) {
if (!strcmp (dep, file)) {
R_LOG_ERROR ("This package conflicts with %s", file);
return -1;
r_list_free (files);
r_list_free (l);
char *deps = r2pm_get (pkg, "\nR2PM_DEPS ", TT_TEXTLINE);
if (deps) {
char *dep;
RListIter *iter;
RList *l = r_str_split_list (deps, " ", 0);
char *pkgdir = r2pm_gitdir ();
r_list_foreach (l, iter, dep) {
if (!clean) {
// skip dep if already installed
char *srcdir = r_file_new (pkgdir, pkg, NULL);
bool is_installed = r_file_is_directory (srcdir);
free (srcdir);
if (is_installed) {
if (r2pm_clone (dep) == 0) {
r2pm_install_pkg (dep, clean, false); // XXX get current pkg global value
} else {
R_LOG_ERROR ("Cannot clone %s", dep);
// ignore return -1;
free (pkgdir);
char *srcdir = r2pm_gitdir ();
R_LOG_DEBUG ("Entering %s", srcdir);
char *qjs_script = r2pm_get (pkg, "\nR2PM_INSTALL_QJS() {\n", TT_CODEBLOCK);
if (qjs_script) {
int res = 0;
const char *const argv[5] = {
"radare2", "-j", "-e", qjs_script, NULL
#if R2__UNIX__ && !defined(__wasi__)
int child = fork ();
if (child == -1) {
R_LOG_ERROR ("Cannot find radare2 in PATH");
return -1;
if (child) {
int status;
res = waitpid (child, &status, 0);
} else {
execv (argv[0], (char *const *)argv);
exit (1);
R_LOG_WARN ("r2pm.qjs support is experimental");
res = 1;
// run script!
free (qjs_script);
free (srcdir);
return res;
#if R2__WINDOWS__
char *script = r2pm_get (pkg, "\nR2PM_INSTALL_WINDOWS() {\n", TT_CODEBLOCK);
if (!script) {
R_LOG_ERROR ("This package does not have R2PM_INSTALL_WINDOWS instructions");
return 1;
char *dirname = r2pm_get (pkg, "\nR2PM_DIR ", TT_TEXTLINE);
char *s = r_str_newf ("cd %s && cd %s && %s", srcdir, pkg, script);
if (dirname) {
free (s);
s = r_str_newf ("cd %s && cd %s && %s", srcdir, dirname, script);
int res = r_sandbox_system (s, 1);
free (s);
char *script = r2pm_get (pkg, "\nR2PM_INSTALL() {\n", TT_CODEBLOCK);
if (!script) {
R_LOG_ERROR ("Cannot find '%s' package or missing R2PM_INSTALL block", pkg);
free (srcdir);
return 1;
R_LOG_INFO ("%s", script);
char *pkgdir = r_str_newf ("%s/%s", srcdir, pkg);
char *dirname = r2pm_get (pkg, "\nR2PM_DIR ", TT_TEXTLINE);
if (dirname) {
free (pkgdir);
pkgdir = r_str_newf ("%s/%s/%s", srcdir, pkg, dirname);
if (have_builddir && !r_file_is_directory (pkgdir)) {
R_LOG_ERROR ("Cannot find directory: %s", pkgdir);
free (pkgdir);
return 1;
char *s = have_builddir
? r_str_newf ("cd '%s'\nexport MAKE=make\nR2PM_FAIL(){\n echo $@\n}\n%s", pkgdir, script)
: r_str_newf ("export MAKE=make\nR2PM_FAIL(){\n echo $@\n}\n%s", script);
// if no srcdir is defined because no file to pull just dont cd
free (pkgdir);
int res = r_sandbox_system (s, 1);
free (s);
if (res == 0) {
r2pm_register (pkg, global);
free (script);
free (srcdir);
return res;
static bool r2pm_have_packages(void) {
char *gpath = r2pm_gitdir ();
char *pmpath = r_str_newf ("%s/%s", gpath, "radare2-pm");
bool res = r_file_is_directory (pmpath);
free (gpath);
free (pmpath);
return res;
static int r2pm_install(RList *targets, bool uninstall, bool clean, bool force, bool global) {
RListIter *iter;
const char *t;
int rc = 0;
char *r2v = r_sys_cmd_str ("radare2 -NNqv", NULL, NULL);
if (R_STR_ISEMPTY (r2v)) {
R_LOG_ERROR ("Cannot run radare2 -qv");
free (r2v);
return -1;
r_str_trim (r2v);
R_LOG_INFO ("Using r2-%s and r2pm-" R2_VERSION, r2v);
free (r2v);
if (global) {
r_sys_setenv ("GLOBAL", "1");
r_sys_setenv ("R2PM_GLOBAL", "1");
char *sudo = r_sys_getenv ("SUDO");
if (R_STR_ISEMPTY (sudo)) {
free (sudo);
sudo = strdup ("sudo");
r_sys_setenv ("R2PM_SUDO", sudo);
r_sys_setenv ("SUDO", sudo);
free (sudo);
} else {
r_sys_setenv ("GLOBAL", "0");
r_sys_setenv ("R2PM_GLOBAL", "0");
r_sys_setenv ("R2PM_SUDO", "");
r_sys_setenv ("SUDO", "");
if (!r2pm_have_packages ()) {
R_LOG_ERROR ("Please run r2pm -U to initialize/update the database");
return 1;
r_list_foreach (targets, iter, t) {
if (R_STR_ISEMPTY (t)) {
if (uninstall) {
r2pm_uninstall_pkg (t, global);
if (clean) {
r2pm_clean_pkg (t);
if (r2pm_clone (t) == 0) {
rc |= r2pm_install_pkg (t, clean, global);
} else {
R_LOG_ERROR ("Cannot clone %s", t);
rc = 1;
return rc;
static int r2pm_edit(RList *targets) {
RListIter *iter;
const char *t;
int rc = 0;
r_list_foreach (targets, iter, t) {
char *pkgpath = r2pm_pkgpath (t);
if (pkgpath) {
char *editor = r_sys_getenv ("EDITOR");
if (R_STR_ISNOTEMPTY (editor)) {
rc = r_sys_cmdf ("%s '%s'", editor, pkgpath);
} else {
#if R2__WINDOWS__
rc = r_sys_cmdf ("notepad '%s'", pkgpath);
rc = r_sys_cmdf ("vim '%s'", pkgpath);
#if 0
r_line_dietline_init ();
r_cons_editor (pkgpath, NULL);
int rc = r_sys_cmdf ("r2 -c 'oe %s;q' --", pkgpath);
if (rc != 0) {
printf ("%s\n", pkgpath);
} else {
R_LOG_ERROR ("Unknown package");
free (pkgpath);
return rc;
static int r2pm_doc(RList *targets) {
RListIter *iter;
const char *t;
int rc = 0;
r_list_foreach (targets, iter, t) {
rc |= r2pm_doc_pkg (t);
return rc;
static int r2pm_clean(RList *targets) {
RListIter *iter;
const char *t;
int rc = 0;
r_list_foreach (targets, iter, t) {
rc |= r2pm_clean_pkg (t);
return rc;
static int r2pm_uninstall(RList *targets, bool global) {
RListIter *iter;
const char *t;
int rc = 0;
r_list_foreach (targets, iter, t) {
rc |= r2pm_uninstall_pkg (t, global);
return rc;
static bool is_valid_package(const char *dbdir, const char *pkg) {
if (*pkg == '.') {
return false;
char *script = r2pm_get (pkg, "\nR2PM_INSTALL() {\n", TT_CODEBLOCK);
if (!script) {
R_LOG_DEBUG ("Unable to find R2PM_INSTALL script in '%s'", pkg);
return false;
free (script);
return true;
static int count_available(void) {
char *dbdir = r2pm_dbdir ();
RListIter *iter;
const char *c;
RList *dbfiles = r_sys_dir (dbdir);
int count = 0;
r_list_foreach (dbfiles, iter, c) {
if (is_valid_package (dbdir, c)) {
r_list_free (dbfiles);
free (dbdir);
return count;
static int count_installed(void) {
char *dbdir = r2pm_pkgdir ();
RListIter *iter;
const char *c;
RList *dbfiles = r_sys_dir (dbdir);
int count = 0;
r_list_foreach (dbfiles, iter, c) {
if (*c != '.') {
r_list_free (dbfiles);
free (dbdir);
return count;
static int r2pm_info(void) {
const int installed_packages = count_installed ();
const int available_packages = count_available ();
printf ("Installed %d packages of %d in database\n",
installed_packages, available_packages);
return 0;
static char *r2pm_search(const char *grep) {
char *path = r2pm_dbdir ();
RList *files = r_sys_dir (path);
free (path);
if (!files) {
return NULL;
RListIter *iter;
const char *file;
RStrBuf *sb = r_strbuf_new ("");
r_list_foreach (files, iter, file) {
if (*file != '.') {
bool match = R_STR_ISEMPTY (grep) || r_str_casestr (file, grep);
char *desc = r2pm_desc (file);
if (desc) {
if (match || r_str_casestr (desc, grep)) {
r_strbuf_appendf (sb, "%s%s%s\n", file, r_str_pad (' ', 20 - strlen (file)), desc);
free (desc);
r_list_free (files);
return r_strbuf_drain (sb);
static void r2pm_envhelp(void) {
int r2pm_log_level = r_sys_getenv_asint ("R2_LOG_LEVEL");
char *r2pm_plugdir = r_sys_getenv ("R2PM_PLUGDIR");
char *r2pm_bindir = r_sys_getenv ("R2PM_BINDIR");
char *r2pm_libdir = r_sys_getenv ("R2PM_LIBDIR");
char *r2pm_dbdir = r_sys_getenv ("R2PM_DBDIR");
char *r2pm_prefix = r_sys_getenv ("R2PM_PREFIX");
char *r2pm_gitdir = r_sys_getenv ("R2PM_GITDIR");
char *r2pm_giturl = r_sys_getenv ("R2PM_GITURL");
bool r2pm_offline = r_sys_getenv_asbool ("R2PM_OFFLINE");
char *r2pm_plugdir2 = r_str_newf (R2_LIBDIR "/radare2/" R2_VERSION);
printf ("R2_LOG_LEVEL=%d # define log.level for r2pm\n"
"SUDO=sudo # path to the SUDO executable\n"
"MAKE=make # path to the GNU MAKE executable\n"
"R2PM_OFFLINE=%d # don't git pull\n"
"R2PM_PLUGDIR=%s (global)\n"
free (r2pm_plugdir);
free (r2pm_plugdir2);
free (r2pm_prefix);
free (r2pm_bindir);
free (r2pm_dbdir);
free (r2pm_gitdir);
free (r2pm_giturl);
static void r2pm_varprint(const char *name) {
char *v = r_sys_getenv (name);
printf ("%s\n", v);
free (v);
R_API int r_main_r2pm(int argc, const char **argv) {
bool havetoflush = false;
if (!r_cons_is_initialized ()) {
havetoflush = true;
r_cons_new ();
#if R2__UNIX__
char *wd = getcwd (NULL, 0);
while (!wd) {
if (chdir ("..") == -1) {
R_LOG_ERROR ("Cannot chdir one dir up");
return 1;
free (wd);
wd = getcwd (NULL, 0);
free (wd);
int level = r_sys_getenv_asint ("R2_LOG_LEVEL");
if (level > 0) {
r_log_set_level (level);
} else {
level = 2;
char *levelstr = r_str_newf ("%d", level);
r_sys_setenv ("R2_LOG_LEVEL", levelstr);
free (levelstr);
R2Pm r2pm = {
RGetopt opt;
r_getopt_init (&opt, argc, argv, "aqecdiIhH:flgrpst:uUv");
int i, c;
bool action = false;
// -H option without argument
if (argc == 2 && !strcmp (argv[1], "-H")) {
r2pm_setenv (&r2pm);
r2pm_envhelp ();
return 0;
while ((c = r_getopt_next (&opt)) != -1) {
switch (c) {
case 'a':
r2pm.add = true;
action = true;
case 'q':
r2pm.quiet = true;
case 'c':
r2pm.clean = true;
action = true;
case 'i':
r2pm.install = true;
action = true;
case 'd':
r2pm.doc = true;
action = true;
case 'p':
r2pm.plugdir = true;
case 'I':
r2pm.info = true;
action = true;
case 'u':
r2pm.uninstall = true;
action = true;
case 'e':
r2pm.edit = true;
action = true;
case 'f':
r2pm.force = true;
case 'U':
if (r2pm.init) {
r2pm.upgrade = true;
r2pm.init = true;
action = true;
case 'l':
r2pm.list = true;
action = true;
case 's':
r2pm.search = true;
action = true;
case 't':
r2pm.time = opt.arg;
case 'r':
r2pm.run = true;
action = true;
case 'g':
r2pm.global = true;
case 'H':
r2pm.envhelp = true;
action = true;
case 'h':
r2pm.help = true;
action = true;
case 'v':
r2pm.version = true;
action = true;
r2pm.help = true;
r2pm_setenv (&r2pm);
if (!action && opt.ind < argc) {
r2pm.help = true;
r2pm.rc = 1;
if (r2pm.plugdir) {
if (r2pm.clean) {
char *plugdir = r_xdg_datadir ("plugins");
if (R_STR_ISNOTEMPTY (plugdir)) {
r_file_rm_rf (plugdir);
free (plugdir);
} else {
R_LOG_ERROR ("-p requires -c");
return 1;
if (r2pm.init) {
r2pm_update (r2pm.force);
if (r2pm.upgrade) {
r2pm_upgrade (r2pm.force);
if (r2pm.version) {
int mode = 0;
if (r2pm.quiet) {
mode = 'q';
return r_main_version_print ("r2pm", mode);
if (r2pm.envhelp) {
r2pm_varprint (opt.arg);
return r2pm.rc;
if (r2pm.help || argc == 1) {
printf ("%s", helpmsg);
return r2pm.rc;
char *dbdir = r2pm_dbdir ();
char *readme = r_file_new (dbdir, "..", "README.md", NULL);
if (!r_file_exists (readme)) {
r2pm.init = true;
free (readme);
free (dbdir);
if (r2pm.run) {
int i;
RStrBuf *sb = r_strbuf_new ("");
for (i = opt.ind; i < argc; i++) {
r_strbuf_appendf (sb, " %s", argv[i]);
char *cmd = r_strbuf_drain (sb);
int res = r_sandbox_system (cmd, 1);
free (cmd);
if (res > 255) {
res = 1;
return res;
if (r2pm.add) {
if (opt.ind == argc) {
printf (R2PM_GITURL "\n");
} else {
for (i = opt.ind; i < argc; i++) {
r2pm_add (&r2pm, argv[i]);
return 0;
RList *targets = r_list_newf (free);
for (i = opt.ind; i < argc; i++) {
r_list_append (targets, strdup (argv[i]));
int res = -1;
if (r2pm.clean) {
res = r2pm_clean (targets);
if (r2pm.search) {
char *s = r2pm_search (argv[opt.ind]);
if (s) {
r_cons_print (s);
if (havetoflush) {
r_cons_flush ();
res = 0;
free (s);
} else {
res = 1;
} else if (r2pm.info) {
res = r2pm_info ();
} else if (r2pm.doc) {
res = r2pm_doc (targets);
} else if (r2pm.edit) {
res = r2pm_edit (targets);
} else if (r2pm.install) {
res = r2pm_install (targets, r2pm.uninstall, r2pm.clean, r2pm.force, r2pm.global);
} else if (r2pm.uninstall) {
res = r2pm_uninstall (targets, r2pm.global);
} else if (r2pm.clean) {
res = r2pm_clean (targets);
} else if (r2pm.list) {
char *s = r2pm_list ();
if (s) {
r_cons_print (s);
if (havetoflush) {
r_cons_flush ();
res = 0;
} else {
res = 1;
r_list_free (targets);
if (res != -1) {
return res;
if (r2pm.init || opt.ind == 1) {
return 0;
return 1;