mirror of
synced 2025-02-20 22:34:39 +00:00
748 lines
20 KiB
748 lines
20 KiB
/* radare - LGPL - Copyright 2011-2015 - pancake */
#include <r_types.h>
#include <r_util.h>
#include <r_lib.h>
#include <r_bin.h>
#include "dex/dex.h"
#define r_hash_adler32 __adler32
#include "../../hash/adler32.c"
#define DEBUG_PRINTF 0
#define dprintf eprintf
#define dprintf if (0)eprintf
static int check(RBinFile *arch);
static int check_bytes(const ut8 *buf, ut64 length);
static Sdb* get_sdb (RBinObject *o) {
if (!o) return NULL;
struct r_bin_dex_obj_t *bin = (struct r_bin_dex_obj_t *) o->bin_obj;
if (bin->kv) return bin->kv;
return NULL;
static void * load_bytes(const ut8 *buf, ut64 sz, ut64 loadaddr, Sdb *sdb){
void *res = NULL;
RBuffer *tbuf = NULL;
if (!buf || sz == 0 || sz == UT64_MAX) return NULL;
tbuf = r_buf_new ();
r_buf_set_bytes (tbuf, buf, sz);
res = r_bin_dex_new_buf (tbuf);
r_buf_free (tbuf);
return res;
static int load(RBinFile *arch) {
const ut8 *bytes = arch ? r_buf_buffer (arch->buf) : NULL;
ut64 sz = arch ? r_buf_size (arch->buf): 0;
if (!arch || !arch->o) return R_FALSE;
arch->o->bin_obj = load_bytes (bytes, sz, arch->o->loadaddr, arch->sdb);
return arch->o->bin_obj ? R_TRUE: R_FALSE;
static ut64 baddr(RBinFile *arch) {
return 0;
static char *flagname (const char *class, const char *method) {
int s_len;
char *p, *str, *s;
if (!class || !method)
return NULL;
s_len = strlen (class) + strlen (method)+10;
s = malloc (s_len);
if (!s) return NULL;
str = s;
p = (char*)r_str_lchr (class, '$');
if (!p) p = (char *)r_str_lchr (class, '/');
p = (char*)r_str_rchr (class, p, '/');
if (p && *p) class = p+1;
for (str=s; *class; class++) {
switch (*class) {
case '$':
case '/': *s++ = '_'; break;
case ';': *s++ = '.'; break;
default: *s++ = *class; break;
for (*s++='.'; *method; method++) {
switch (*method) {
case '<': case '>':
case '/': *s++ = '_'; break;
case ';': *s++ = '.'; break;
default: *s++ = *method; break;
*s = 0;
return str;
static int check(RBinFile *arch) {
const ut8 *bytes = arch ? r_buf_buffer (arch->buf) : NULL;
ut64 sz = arch ? r_buf_size (arch->buf): 0;
return check_bytes (bytes, sz);
static int check_bytes(const ut8 *buf, ut64 length) {
if (!buf || length < 8)
return R_FALSE;
// Non-extended opcode dex file
if (!memcmp (buf, "dex\n035\0", 8)) {
return R_TRUE;
// Extended (jumnbo) opcode dex file, ICS+ only (sdk level 14+)
if (!memcmp (buf, "dex\n036\0", 8))
return R_TRUE;
// M3 (Nov-Dec 07)
if (!memcmp (buf, "dex\n009\0", 8))
return R_TRUE;
// M5 (Feb-Mar 08)
if (!memcmp (buf, "dex\n009\0", 8))
return R_TRUE;
// Default fall through, should still be a dex file
if (!memcmp (buf, "dex\n", 4))
return R_TRUE;
return R_FALSE;
static RBinInfo *info(RBinFile *arch) {
char *version;
RBinHash *h;
RBinInfo *ret = R_NEW0 (RBinInfo);
if (!ret) return NULL;
strncpy (ret->file, arch->file, R_BIN_SIZEOF_STRINGS);
strncpy (ret->rpath, "NONE", R_BIN_SIZEOF_STRINGS);
strncpy (ret->type, "DEX CLASS", R_BIN_SIZEOF_STRINGS);
ret->has_va = R_FALSE;
version = r_bin_dex_get_version (arch->o->bin_obj);
strncpy (ret->bclass, version, R_BIN_SIZEOF_STRINGS);
free (version);
strncpy (ret->rclass, "class", R_BIN_SIZEOF_STRINGS);
strcpy (ret->os, "linux");
strcpy (ret->subsystem, "any");
strcpy (ret->machine, "Dalvik VM");
h = &ret->sum[0];
h->type = "sha1";
h->len = 20;
h->addr = 12;
h->from = 12;
h->to = arch->buf->length-32;
memcpy (h->buf, arch->buf->buf+12, 20);
h = &ret->sum[1];
h->type = "adler32";
h->len = 4;
h->addr = 0x8;
h->from = 12;
h->to = arch->buf->length-h->from;
h = &ret->sum[2];
h->type = 0;
memcpy (h->buf, arch->buf->buf+8, 4);
ut32 *fc = (ut32 *)(arch->buf->buf + 8);
ut32 cc = __adler32 (arch->buf->buf + h->from, h->to);
//ut8 *fb = (ut8*)fc, *cb = (ut8*)&cc;
if (*fc != cc) {
dprintf ("# adler32 checksum doesn't match. Type this to fix it:\n");
dprintf ("wx `#sha1 $s-32 @32` @12 ; wx `#adler32 $s-12 @12` @8\n");
strcpy (ret->arch, "dalvik");
ret->lang = "java";
ret->bits = 32;
ret->big_endian = 0;
ret->dbg_info = 0; //1 | 4 | 8; /* Stripped | LineNums | Syms */
return ret;
static RList* strings (RBinFile *arch) {
struct r_bin_dex_obj_t *bin = (struct r_bin_dex_obj_t *) arch->o->bin_obj;
RBinString *ptr = NULL;
RList *ret = NULL;
int i, len;
ut8 buf[6];
if (!bin->strings)
return NULL;
if (bin->header.strings_size>bin->size) {
bin->strings = NULL;
return NULL;
if (!(ret = r_list_new ()))
return NULL;
ret->free = free;
for (i = 0; i < bin->header.strings_size; i++) {
if (!(ptr = R_NEW0 (RBinString)))
r_buf_read_at (bin->b, bin->strings[i], (ut8*)&buf, 6);
len = dex_read_uleb128 (buf);
if (len>0 && len < R_BIN_SIZEOF_STRINGS) {
r_buf_read_at (bin->b, bin->strings[i]+dex_uleb128_len (buf),
(ut8*)&ptr->string, len);
ptr->string[(int) len+1]='\0';
ptr->vaddr = ptr->paddr = bin->strings[i];
ptr->size = len;
ptr->length = len;
ptr->ordinal = i+1;
r_list_append (ret, ptr);
} else {
dprintf ("dex_read_uleb128: invalid read\n");
free (ptr);
return ret;
#if 0
static inline ut32 getmethodoffset (struct r_bin_dex_obj_t *bin, int n, ut32 *size) {
ut8 *buf, *map_end, *map;
ut32 mapsz, off = 0L;
int left;
*size = 0;
map = buf = r_buf_get_at (bin->b, bin->header.data_offset, &left);
if (!map) return 0;
for (map_end = map+bin->header.data_size; map<map_end;) {
int num = map[0] + (map[1]<<8);
int ninsn = map[12] + (map[13]<<8);
map += 16; // skip header
mapsz = ninsn%2? (ninsn+1)*2: ninsn*2;
if (n == num) {
*size = mapsz;
off = bin->header.data_offset + (size_t)(map - buf);
map += mapsz;
return off;
static char *getstr (RBinDexObj *bin, int idx) {
const ut8 buf[8], *buf2;
ut64 len;
int uleblen;
r_buf_read_at (bin->b, bin->strings[idx], (ut8*)&buf, sizeof (buf));
len = dex_read_uleb128 (buf);
if (len<1)
return NULL;
buf2 = r_uleb128 (buf, sizeof (buf), &len);
uleblen = (size_t)(buf2 - buf);
if (len>0 && len < R_BIN_SIZEOF_STRINGS) {
char *str = malloc (len+1);
if (!str) return NULL;
r_buf_read_at (bin->b, (bin->strings[idx])+uleblen,
(ut8*)str, len); //uleblen);
str[len] = 0;
return str;
return NULL;
static char *get_string (RBinDexObj *bin, int cid, int idx) {
char *c_name, *m_name, *res;
if (idx<0)
return NULL;
if (idx<0 || idx>=bin->header.strings_size)
return NULL;
if (cid<0 || cid>=bin->header.strings_size)
return NULL;
c_name = getstr (bin, cid);
m_name = getstr (bin, idx);
res = r_str_newf ("%s.%s", c_name, m_name);
free (c_name);
free (m_name);
return res;
/* TODO: check boundaries */
static char *dex_method_name (RBinDexObj *bin, int idx) {
int tid, cid;
if (idx<0 || idx>=bin->header.method_size)
return NULL;
tid = bin->methods[idx].name_id;
cid = bin->methods[idx].class_id;
if (cid<0 || cid >= bin->header.strings_size)
return NULL;
if (tid<0 || tid >= bin->header.strings_size)
return NULL;
return get_string (bin, cid, tid);
static char *dex_class_name (RBinDexObj *bin, RBinDexClass *c) {
int cid, tid;
if (!bin || !c || !bin->types)
return NULL;
cid = c->super_class;
if (cid<0 || cid >= bin->header.types_size)
return NULL;
tid = bin->types [cid].descriptor_id;
//int sid = bin->strings[tid];
return get_string (bin, cid, tid);
static char *dex_class_super_name (RBinDexObj *bin, RBinDexClass *c) {
int cid, tid;
if (!bin || !c || !bin->types)
return NULL;
cid = c->super_class;
if (cid<0 || cid >= bin->header.types_size)
return NULL;
tid = bin->types [cid].descriptor_id;
//int sid = bin->strings[tid];
return get_string (bin, cid, tid);
static int dex_loadcode(RBinFile *arch, RBinDexObj *bin) {
int *methods;
int i, j;
char *name;
const ut8 *p, *p_end;
// doublecheck??
if (bin->methods_list)
return R_FALSE;
bin->code_from = UT64_MAX;
bin->code_to = 0;
bin->methods_list = r_list_new ();
bin->methods_list->free = free;
bin->imports_list = r_list_new ();
bin->imports_list->free = free;
if (bin->header.method_size>bin->size) {
bin->header.method_size = 0;
return R_FALSE;
methods = calloc (sizeof (int), bin->header.method_size);
if (!methods)
return R_FALSE;
/* WrapDown the header sizes to avoid huge allocations */
bin->header.method_size = R_MIN (bin->header.method_size, bin->size);
bin->header.class_size = R_MIN (bin->header.class_size, bin->size);
bin->header.strings_size = R_MIN (bin->header.strings_size, bin->size);
if (bin->header.strings_size > bin->size) {
free (methods);
eprintf ("Invalid strings size\n");
return R_FALSE;
dprintf ("Walking %d classes\n", bin->header.class_size);
if (bin->classes)
for (i=0; i<bin->header.class_size; i++) {
struct dex_class_t *c = &bin->classes[i];
char *super_name = dex_class_super_name (bin, c);
char *class_name = dex_class_name (bin, c);
if (!c) continue;
dprintf ("{\n");
dprintf (" class: %d,\n", c->class_id); // indexed by ordinal
dprintf (" super: \"%s\",\n", super_name); // indexed by name
dprintf (" name: \"%s\",\n", class_name);
dprintf (" methods: [\n");
// sdb_queryf ("(-1)classes=%s", class_name)
// sdb_queryf ("class.%s.super=%s", super_name)
// sdb_queryf ("class.%s.methods=%d", class_name, DM);
p = r_buf_get_at (arch->buf, c->class_data_offset, NULL);
p_end = p + (arch->buf->length - c->class_data_offset);
/* data header */
ut64 SF, IF, DM, VM;
p = r_uleb128 (p, p_end-p, &SF);
p = r_uleb128 (p, p_end-p, &IF);
p = r_uleb128 (p, p_end-p, &DM);
p = r_uleb128 (p, p_end-p, &VM);
dprintf (" static fields: %u\n", (ut32)SF);
/* static fields */
for (j=0; j<SF; j++) {
ut64 FI, FA;
p = r_uleb128 (p, p_end-p, &FI);
p = r_uleb128 (p, p_end-p, &FA);
dprintf (" field_idx: %u\n", (ut32)FI);
dprintf (" field access_flags: %u\n", (ut32)FA);
/* instance fields */
dprintf (" instance fields: %u\n", (ut32)IF);
for (j=0; j<IF; j++) {
ut64 FI, FA;
p = r_uleb128 (p, p_end-p, &FI);
p = r_uleb128 (p, p_end-p, &FA);
dprintf (" field_idx: %u,\n", (ut32)FI);
dprintf (" field access_flags: %u,\n", (ut32)FA);
/* direct methods */
dprintf (" direct methods: %u\n", (ut32)DM);
// hardcoded DEX limit
if (DM>=0xffff) {
DM = 0xFFFF;
for (j=0; j<DM; j++) {
char *method_name, *flag_name;
ut64 MI, MA, MC;
p = r_uleb128 (p, p_end-p, &MI);
p = r_uleb128 (p, p_end-p, &MA);
p = r_uleb128 (p, p_end-p, &MC);
if (MI<bin->header.method_size) methods[MI] = 1;
if (MC>0 && bin->code_from>MC) bin->code_from = MC;
if (MC>0 && bin->code_to<MC) bin->code_to = MC;
method_name = dex_method_name (bin, MI);
dprintf ("METHOD NAME %u\n", (ut32)MI);
if (!method_name) method_name = strdup ("unknown");
flag_name = flagname (class_name, method_name);
dprintf ("f %s @ 0x%x\n", flag_name, (ut32)MC);
dprintf (" { name: %s,\n", method_name);
dprintf (" idx: %u,\n", (ut32)MI);
dprintf (" access_flags: 0x%x,\n", (ut32)MA);
dprintf (" code_offset: 0x%x },\n", (ut32)MC);
/* add symbol */
if (flag_name && *flag_name) {
RBinSymbol *sym = R_NEW0 (RBinSymbol);
strncpy (sym->name, flag_name, R_BIN_SIZEOF_STRINGS);
strcpy (sym->type, "FUNC");
sym->paddr = sym->vaddr = MC;
if (MC>0) /* avoid methods at 0 paddr */
r_list_append (bin->methods_list, sym);
free (method_name);
free (flag_name);
/* virtual methods */
dprintf (" virtual methods: %u\n", (ut32)VM);
for (j=0; j<VM; j++) {
ut64 MI, MA, MC;
p = r_uleb128 (p, p_end-p, &MI);
p = r_uleb128 (p, p_end-p, &MA);
p = r_uleb128 (p, p_end-p, &MC);
if (MI<bin->header.method_size) methods[MI] = 1;
if (MC>0 && bin->code_from>MC) bin->code_from = MC;
if (MC>0 && bin->code_to<MC) bin->code_to = MC;
name = dex_method_name (bin, MI);
dprintf (" method name: %s\n", name);
dprintf (" method_idx: %u\n", (ut32)MI);
dprintf (" method access_flags: %u\n", (ut32)MA);
dprintf (" method code_offset: %u\n", (ut32)MC);
free (name);
dprintf (" ],\n");
dprintf ("},");
free (class_name);
free (super_name);
dprintf ("imports: \n");
for (i = 0; i<bin->header.method_size; i++) {
//RBinDexMethod *method = &bin->methods[i];
if (!methods[i]) {
char *method_name = dex_method_name (bin, i);
dprintf ("import %d (%s)\n", i, method_name);
if (method_name && *method_name) {
RBinSymbol *sym = R_NEW0 (RBinSymbol);
strncpy (sym->name, method_name, R_BIN_SIZEOF_STRINGS);
strcpy (sym->type, "FUNC");
sym->paddr = sym->vaddr = 0; // UNKNOWN
r_list_append (bin->imports_list, sym);
free (method_name);
free (methods);
return R_TRUE;
static RList* imports (RBinFile *arch) {
RBinDexObj *bin = (RBinDexObj*) arch->o->bin_obj;
if (bin->imports_list)
return bin->imports_list;
dex_loadcode (arch, bin);
return bin->imports_list;
#if 0
struct r_bin_dex_obj_t *bin = (struct r_bin_dex_obj_t *) arch->o->bin_obj;
int i;
RList *ret = NULL;
RBinImport *ptr;
if (!(ret = r_list_new ()))
return NULL;
ret->free = free;
dprintf ("Importing %d methods... \n", bin->header.method_size);
for (i = 0; i<bin->header.method_size; i++) {
if (!(ptr = R_NEW (RBinImport)))
char *methodname = get_string (bin, bin->methods[i].name_id);
char *classname = get_string (bin, bin->methods[i].class_id);
//char *typename = get_string (bin, bin->methods[i].type_id);
dprintf ("----> %d\n", bin->methods[i].name_id);
if (!methodname) {
dprintf ("string index out of range\n");
snprintf (ptr->name, sizeof (ptr->name), "import.%s.%s",
classname, methodname);
ptr->ordinal = i+1;
ptr->size = 0;
ptr->vaddr = ptr->offset = getmethodoffset (bin,
(int)ptr->ordinal, (ut32*)&ptr->size);
dprintf ("____%s__%s____ (%d) %llx\n", classname,
methodname, bin->methods[i].name_id, ptr->vaddr);
free (classname);
free (methodname);
//strncpy (ptr->forwarder, "NONE", R_BIN_SIZEOF_STRINGS);
strncpy (ptr->bind, "NONE", R_BIN_SIZEOF_STRINGS);
if (ptr->vaddr) {
free (ptr);
strncpy (ptr->type, "IMPORT", R_BIN_SIZEOF_STRINGS);
r_list_append (ret, ptr);
dprintf ("Done\n");
return ret;
static RList* methods (RBinFile *arch) {
RBinDexObj *bin = (RBinDexObj*) arch->o->bin_obj;
if (bin->methods_list)
return bin->methods_list;
dex_loadcode (arch, bin);
return bin->methods_list;
static void __r_bin_class_free(RBinClass *p) {
r_bin_class_free (p);
static RList* classes (RBinFile *arch) {
struct r_bin_dex_obj_t *bin = (struct r_bin_dex_obj_t *) arch->o->bin_obj;
struct dex_class_t entry;
RList *ret = NULL;
RBinClass *class;
int i;
const int len = 100;
char *name = NULL;
if (bin->header.class_size>bin->size) {
eprintf ("Too many classes %d\n", bin->header.class_size);
return NULL;
if (!(ret = r_list_new ()))
return NULL;
ret->free = (RListFree)__r_bin_class_free;
for (i = 0; i < bin->header.class_size; i++) {
r_buf_read_at (bin->b, (ut64) bin->header.class_offset
+ (sizeof (struct dex_class_t)*i), (ut8*)&entry,
sizeof (struct dex_class_t));
// TODO: implement sections.. each section specifies a class boundary
free (name);
name = malloc (len);
if (!name) {
dprintf ("error malloc string length %d\n", len);
// lazy check
if (!bin->strings) {
// no bin->strings found
if (entry.source_file >= bin->size) {
// unsigned if (entry.source_file<0 || entry.source_file >= bin->header.strings_size)
if (entry.source_file >= bin->header.strings_size)
r_buf_read_at (bin->b, bin->strings[entry.source_file],
(ut8*)name, len);
//snprintf (ptr->name, sizeof (ptr->name), "field.%s.%d", name, i);
class = R_NEW0 (RBinClass);
class->name = strdup (name[0]<0x41? name+1: name); // TODO: use RConstr here
class->index = entry.class_id;
r_list_append (ret, class);
dprintf ("class.%s=%d\n", name[0]==12?name+1:name, entry.class_id);
dprintf ("# access_flags = %x;\n", entry.access_flags);
dprintf ("# super_class = %d;\n", entry.super_class);
dprintf ("# interfaces_offset = %08x;\n", entry.interfaces_offset);
//dprintf ("ut32 source_file = %08x;\n", entry.source_file);
dprintf ("# anotations_offset = %08x;\n", entry.anotations_offset);
dprintf ("# class_data_offset = %08x;\n", entry.class_data_offset);
dprintf ("# static_values_offset = %08x;\n\n", entry.static_values_offset);
free (name);
return ret;
static RList* entries(RBinFile *arch) {
RListIter *iter;
RBinDexObj *bin = (RBinDexObj*) arch->o->bin_obj;
RList *ret = r_list_new ();
RBinAddr *ptr = R_NEW0 (RBinAddr);
RBinSymbol *m;
if (!bin->methods_list)
dex_loadcode (arch, bin);
// XXX: entry + main???
r_list_foreach (bin->methods_list, iter, m) {
if (strlen (m->name)>=4 && !strcmp (m->name+strlen (m->name)-4, "main")) {
dprintf ("ENTRY -> %s\n", m->name);
ptr->paddr = ptr->vaddr = m->paddr;
r_list_append (ret, ptr);
return ret;
static int getoffset (RBinFile *arch, int type, int idx) {
struct r_bin_dex_obj_t *dex = arch->o->bin_obj;
switch (type) {
case 'm': // methods
if (dex->header.method_size > idx)
return dex->header.method_offset +
(sizeof (struct dex_method_t)*idx);
case 'c': // class
case 'f': // fields
if (dex->header.fields_size > idx)
return dex->header.fields_offset +
(sizeof (struct dex_field_t)*idx);
case 'o': // objects
case 's': // strings
if (dex->header.strings_size > idx)
return dex->strings[idx];
case 't': // things
return -1;
static RList* sections(RBinFile *arch) {
struct r_bin_dex_obj_t *bin = arch->o->bin_obj;
RList *ml = methods (arch);
RBinSection *ptr = NULL;
int ns, fsymsz = 0;
RList *ret = NULL;
RListIter *iter;
RBinSymbol *m;
int fsym = 0;
r_list_foreach (ml, iter, m) {
if (fsym == 0 || m->paddr<fsym)
fsym = m->paddr;
ns = m->paddr + m->size;
if (ns > arch->buf->length)
if (ns>fsymsz)
fsymsz = ns;
if (fsym == 0)
return NULL;
if (!(ret = r_list_new ()))
return NULL;
ret->free = free;
if ((ptr = R_NEW0 (RBinSection))) {
strcpy (ptr->name, "header");
ptr->size = ptr->vsize = sizeof (struct dex_header_t);
ptr->paddr= ptr->vaddr = 0;
ptr->srwx = 4;
r_list_append (ret, ptr);
if ((ptr = R_NEW0 (RBinSection))) {
strcpy (ptr->name, "constpool");
ptr->size = ptr->vsize = fsym;
ptr->paddr= ptr->vaddr = sizeof (struct dex_header_t);
ptr->srwx = 4;
r_list_append (ret, ptr);
if ((ptr = R_NEW0 (RBinSection))) {
strcpy (ptr->name, "code");
ptr->paddr = bin->code_from; //ptr->vaddr = fsym;
ptr->size = bin->code_to - ptr->paddr;
ptr->srwx = 4|1;
r_list_append (ret, ptr);
if ((ptr = R_NEW0 (RBinSection))) {
//ut64 sz = arch ? r_buf_size (arch->buf): 0;
strcpy (ptr->name, "data");
ptr->paddr = ptr->vaddr = fsymsz+fsym;
if (ptr->vaddr > arch->buf->length) {
ptr->paddr = ptr->vaddr = bin->code_to;
ptr->size = ptr->vsize = arch->buf->length - ptr->vaddr;
} else {
ptr->size = ptr->vsize = ptr->vaddr - arch->buf->length;
// hacky workaround
dprintf ("Hack\n");
//ptr->size = ptr->vsize = 1024;
ptr->srwx = 4; //|2;
r_list_append (ret, ptr);
return ret;
static int size(RBinFile *arch) {
int ret;
ut32 off = 0, len = 0;
ret = r_buf_fread_at (arch->buf, 100, (ut8*)&off, "i", 1);
if (ret != 4) return 0;
ret = r_buf_fread_at (arch->buf, 104, (ut8*)&len, "i", 1);
if (ret != 4) return 0;
return off+len + 0x20;
struct r_bin_plugin_t r_bin_plugin_dex = {
.name = "dex",
.desc = "dex format bin plugin",
.license = "LGPL3",
.init = NULL,
.fini = NULL,
.get_sdb = &get_sdb,
.load = &load,
.load_bytes = &load_bytes,
.destroy = NULL,
.check = &check,
.check_bytes = &check_bytes,
.baddr = &baddr,
.boffset = NULL,
.binsym = NULL,
.entries = entries,
.classes = classes,
.sections = sections,
.symbols = methods,
.imports = imports,
.strings = strings,
.info = &info,
.fields = NULL,
.libs = NULL,
.relocs = NULL,
.dbginfo = NULL,
.size = &size,
.write = NULL,
.get_offset = &getoffset
#ifndef CORELIB
struct r_lib_struct_t radare_plugin = {
.type = R_LIB_TYPE_BIN,
.data = &r_bin_plugin_dex