2016-08-28 13:40:41 +02:00

1076 lines
30 KiB

/* radare - LGPL - Copyright 2009-2016 - pancake */
#include <r_core.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define UPDATE_TIME(a) r->times->file_open_time = r_sys_now() - a
static int r_core_file_do_load_for_debug (RCore *r, ut64 loadaddr, const char *filenameuri);
static int r_core_file_do_load_for_io_plugin (RCore *r, ut64 baseaddr, ut64 loadaddr);
R_API int r_core_file_reopen(RCore *core, const char *args, int perm, int loadbin) {
int isdebug = r_config_get_i (core->config, "cfg.debug");
char *path;
ut64 ofrom = 0, laddr = r_config_get_i (core->config, "bin.laddr");
RCoreFile *file = NULL;
RCoreFile *ofile = core->file;
RBinFile *bf = (ofile && ofile->desc)
? r_bin_file_find_by_fd (core->bin, ofile->desc->fd)
RIODesc *odesc = ofile ? ofile->desc : NULL;
char *ofilepath = NULL, *obinfilepath = bf ? strdup (bf->file) : NULL;
int newpid, ret = false;
ut64 origoff = core->offset;
if (odesc) {
if (odesc->referer) {
ofilepath = odesc->referer;
} else if (odesc->uri) {
ofilepath = odesc->uri;
if (r_sandbox_enable (0)) {
eprintf ("Cannot reopen in sandbox\n");
free (obinfilepath);
return false;
if (!core->file) {
eprintf ("No file opened to reopen\n");
free (ofilepath);
free (obinfilepath);
return false;
newpid = odesc ? odesc->fd : -1;
if (isdebug) {
r_debug_kill (core->dbg, core->dbg->pid, core->dbg->tid, 9); // KILL
perm = 7;
} else {
if (!perm) {
perm = 4; //R_IO_READ;
if (!ofilepath) {
eprintf ("Unknown file path");
free (obinfilepath);
return false;
// HACK: move last mapped address to higher place
// XXX - why does this hack work?
if (ofile->map) {
ofrom = ofile->map->from;
ofile->map->from = UT32_MAX;
// closing the file to make sure there are no collisions
// when the new memory maps are created.
path = strdup (ofilepath);
free (obinfilepath);
obinfilepath = strdup (ofilepath);
file = r_core_file_open (core, path, perm, laddr);
if (file) {
bool had_rbin_info = false;
ofile->map->from = ofrom;
if (ofile->desc) {
if (r_bin_file_delete (core->bin, ofile->desc->fd)) {
had_rbin_info = true;
r_core_file_close (core, ofile);
r_core_file_set_by_file (core, file);
if (file->desc) {
r_core_file_set_by_fd (core, file->desc->fd);
ofile = NULL;
odesc = NULL;
// core->file = file;
eprintf ("File %s reopened in %s mode\n", path,
(perm&R_IO_WRITE)? "read-write": "read-only");
if (loadbin && (loadbin == 2 || had_rbin_info)) {
ut64 baddr = r_config_get_i (core->config, "bin.baddr");
ret = r_core_bin_load (core, obinfilepath, baddr);
if (!ret) {
eprintf ("Error: Failed to reload rbin for: %s", path);
if (core->bin->cur && file->desc && !loadbin) {
//force here NULL because is causing uaf look this better in future XXX @alvarofe
core->bin->cur = NULL;
// close old file
} else if (ofile) {
eprintf ("r_core_file_reopen: Cannot reopen file: %s with perms 0x%04x,"
" attempting to open read-only.\n", path, perm);
// lower it down back
//ofile = r_core_file_open (core, path, R_IO_READ, addr);
r_core_file_set_by_file (core, ofile);
ofile->map->from = ofrom;
} else {
eprintf ("Cannot reopen\n");
if (isdebug) {
int newtid = newpid;
// XXX - select the right backend
if (core->file && core->file->desc) {
newpid = core->file->desc->fd;
#if __WINDOWS__
newpid = core->io->winpid;
newtid = core->io->wintid;
r_debug_select (core->dbg, newpid, newtid);
//reopen and attach
r_core_setup_debugger (core, "native", true);
r_debug_select (core->dbg, newpid, newtid);
if (core->file) {
RCoreFile * cf = core->file;
RIODesc *desc = cf ? cf->desc : NULL;
if (desc) {
#if 0
r_io_raise (core->io, desc->fd);
core->switch_file_view = 1;
r_core_block_read (core);
} else {
const char *name = (cf && cf->desc) ? cf->desc->name : "ERROR";
eprintf ("Error: Unable to switch the view to file: %s\n", name);
r_core_seek (core, origoff, 1);
if (isdebug) {
r_core_cmd0 (core, ".dm*");
r_core_cmd0 (core, ".dr*");
r_core_cmd0 (core, "sr PC");
} else {
ut64 gp = r_num_math (core->num, "loc._gp");
if (gp && gp != UT64_MAX) {
r_config_set_i (core->config, "anal.gp", gp);
// update anal io bind
r_io_bind (core->io, &(core->anal->iob));
// This is done to ensure that the file is correctly
// loaded into the view
free (obinfilepath);
//free (ofilepath);
free (path);
return ret;
// NOTE: probably not all environment vars takes sesnse
// because they can be replaced by commands in the given
// command.. we should only expose the most essential and
// unidirectional ones.
R_API void r_core_sysenv_help(const RCore* core) {
const char* help_msg[] = {
"Usage:", "!<cmd>", " Run given command as in system(3)",
"!", "", "list all historic commands",
"!", "ls", "execute 'ls' in shell",
"!!", "", "save command history to hist file",
"!!", "ls~txt", "print output of 'ls' and grep for 'txt'",
".!", "rabin2 -rpsei ${FILE}", "run each output line as a r2 cmd",
"!", "echo $SIZE", "display file size",
"!=!", "", "enable remotecmd mode",
"=!=", "", "disable remotecmd mode",
"\nEnvironment:", "", "",
"R2_FILE", "", "file name",
"R2_OFFSET", "", "10base offset 64bit value",
"R2_BYTES", "", "TODO: variable with bytes in curblock",
"R2_XOFFSET", "", "same as above, but in 16 base",
"R2_BSIZE", "", "block size",
"R2_ENDIAN", "", "'big' or 'little'",
"R2_IOVA", "", "is io.va true? virtual addressing (1,0)",
"R2_DEBUG", "", "debug mode enabled? (1,0)",
"R2_BLOCK", "", "TODO: dump current block to tmp file",
"R2_SIZE", "","file size",
"R2_ARCH", "", "value of asm.arch",
"RABIN2_LANG", "", "assume this lang to demangle",
"RABIN2_DEMANGLE", "", "demangle or not",
"PDB_SERVER", "", "e pdb.server",
r_core_cmd_help (core, help_msg);
R_API void r_core_sysenv_end(RCore *core, const char *cmd) {
// TODO: remove tmpfilez
if (strstr (cmd, "R2_BLOCK")) {
// remove temporary BLOCK file
char *f = r_sys_getenv ("R2_BLOCK");
if (f) {
r_file_rm (f);
r_sys_setenv ("R2_BLOCK", NULL);
free (f);
r_sys_setenv ("R2_FILE", NULL);
r_sys_setenv ("R2_BYTES", NULL);
r_sys_setenv ("R2_OFFSET", NULL);
EDITOR r_sys_setenv ("EDITOR", r_config_get (core->config, "cfg.editor"));
CURSOR cursor position (offset from curseek)
VERBOSE cfg.verbose
R_API char *r_core_sysenv_begin(RCore *core, const char *cmd) {
char *f, *ret = strdup (cmd);
if (strstr (cmd, "R2_BYTES")) {
char *s = r_hex_bin2strdup (core->block, core->blocksize);
r_sys_setenv ("R2_BYTES", s);
free (s);
r_sys_setenv ("PDB_SERVER", r_config_get (core->config, "pdb.server"));
if (core->file && core->file->desc && core->file->desc->name) {
r_sys_setenv ("R2_FILE", core->file->desc->name);
r_sys_setenv ("R2_SIZE", sdb_fmt (0, "%"PFMT64d,
r_io_desc_size (core->io, core->file->desc)));
if (strstr (cmd, "R2_BLOCK")) {
// replace BLOCK in RET string
if ((f = r_file_temp ("r2block"))) {
if (r_file_dump (f, core->block, core->blocksize, 0)) {
r_sys_setenv ("R2_BLOCK", f);
free (f);
r_sys_setenv ("RABIN2_LANG", r_config_get (core->config, "bin.lang"));
r_sys_setenv ("RABIN2_DEMANGLE", r_config_get (core->config, "bin.demangle"));
r_sys_setenv ("R2_OFFSET", sdb_fmt (0, "%"PFMT64d, core->offset));
r_sys_setenv ("R2_XOFFSET", sdb_fmt (0, "0x%08"PFMT64x, core->offset));
r_sys_setenv ("R2_ENDIAN", core->assembler->big_endian? "big": "little");
r_sys_setenv ("R2_BSIZE", sdb_fmt (0, "%d", core->blocksize));
r_sys_setenv ("R2_ARCH", r_config_get (core->config, "asm.arch"));
r_sys_setenv ("R2_COLOR", r_config_get_i (core->config, "scr.color")? "1": "0");
r_sys_setenv ("R2_DEBUG", r_config_get_i (core->config, "cfg.debug")?"1":"0");
r_sys_setenv ("R2_IOVA", r_config_get_i (core->config, "io.va")?"1":"0");
return ret;
#if !__linux__
static ut64 get_base_from_maps(RCore *core, const char *file) {
RDebugMap *map;
RListIter *iter;
ut64 b = 0LL;
r_debug_map_sync (core->dbg); // update process memory maps
r_list_foreach (core->dbg->maps, iter, map) {
if ((map->perm & 5) == 5) {
// TODO: make this more flexible
// XXX - why "copy/" here?
if (map->name && strstr (map->name, "copy/")) return map->addr;
if (map->file && !strcmp (map->file, file)) return map->addr;
if (map->name && !strcmp (map->name, file)) return map->addr;
// XXX - Commented out, as this could unexpected results
//b = map->addr;
return b;
R_API int r_core_bin_reload(RCore *r, const char *file, ut64 baseaddr) {
int result = 0;
RCoreFile *cf = r_core_file_cur (r);
RIODesc *desc = cf ? cf->desc : NULL;
RBinFile *bf = NULL;
if (desc) result = r_bin_reload (r->bin, desc, baseaddr);
bf = r_bin_cur (r->bin);
r_core_bin_set_env (r, bf);
return result;
static bool setbpint(RCore *r, const char *mode, const char *sym) {
RBreakpointItem *bp;
RFlagItem *fi = r_flag_get (r->flags, sym);
if (!fi) return false;
bp = r_bp_add_sw (r->dbg->bp, fi->offset, 1, R_BP_PROT_EXEC);
if (bp) {
bp->internal = true;
#if __linux__
bp->data = r_str_newf ("?e %s: %s;dd", mode, sym);
bp->data = r_str_newf ("?e %s: %s;ps@rdi", mode, sym);
return true;
eprintf ("Cannot set breakpoint at %s\n", sym);
return false;
// XXX - need to handle index selection during debugging
static int r_core_file_do_load_for_debug (RCore *r, ut64 baseaddr, const char *filenameuri) {
RCoreFile *cf = r_core_file_cur (r);
RIODesc *desc = cf ? cf->desc : NULL;
RBinFile *binfile = NULL;
RBinPlugin *plugin;
int xtr_idx = 0; // if 0, load all if xtr is used
int treat_as_rawstr = false;
if (!desc) return false;
if (cf && desc) {
int newpid = desc->fd;
#if __WINDOWS__
r_debug_select (r->dbg, r->dbg->pid, r->dbg->tid);
r_debug_select (r->dbg, newpid, newpid);
#if !__linux__
#if !__WINDOWS__
baseaddr = get_base_from_maps (r, filenameuri);
if (baseaddr != UT64_MAX) {
r_config_set_i (r->config, "bin.baddr", baseaddr);
// HACK if its a relative path, load from disk instead of memory
#if __APPLE__
int fd = (filenameuri[0] == '.')? -1: desc->fd;
int fd = desc->fd;
if (!r_bin_load (r->bin, filenameuri, baseaddr, UT64_MAX, xtr_idx, fd, treat_as_rawstr)) {
eprintf ("Cannot open %s\n", filenameuri);
if (r_config_get_i (r->config, "bin.rawstr")) {
treat_as_rawstr = true;
if (!r_bin_load (r->bin, filenameuri, baseaddr, UT64_MAX, xtr_idx, desc->fd, treat_as_rawstr)) {
return false;
if (*r_config_get (r->config, "dbg.libs")) {
r_core_cmd0 (r, ".dmm*");
#if __linux__
setbpint(r, "dbg.libs", "sym._dl_map_object_from_fd");
setbpint(r, "dbg.libs", "sym._dl_open");
setbpint(r, "dbg.unlibs", "sym._dl_unmap");
setbpint(r, "dbg.unlibs", "sym._dl_close");
#elif __APPLE__
setbpint(r, "dbg.libs", "sym._dlopen");
setbpint(r, "dbg.libs", "sym._dlclose");
binfile = r_bin_cur (r->bin);
r_core_bin_set_env (r, binfile);
plugin = r_bin_file_cur_plugin (binfile);
if (plugin && !strncmp (plugin->name, "any", 5)) {
// set use of raw strings
r_config_set_i (r->config, "io.va", false);
//\\ r_config_set (r->config, "bin.rawstr", "true");
// get bin.minstr
r->bin->minstrlen = r_config_get_i (r->config, "bin.minstr");
r->bin->maxstrbuf = r_config_get_i (r->config, "bin.maxstrbuf");
} else if (binfile) {
RBinObject *obj = r_bin_get_object (r->bin);
RBinInfo * info = obj ? obj->info : NULL;
if (plugin && strcmp (plugin->name, "any") && info) {
r_core_bin_set_arch_bits (r, binfile->file, info->arch, info->bits);
if (plugin && !strcmp (plugin->name, "dex")) {
r_core_cmd0 (r, "\"(fix-dex,wx `#sha1 $s-32 @32` @12 ; wx `#adler32 $s-12 @12` @8)\"\n");
return true;
static int r_core_file_do_load_for_io_plugin (RCore *r, ut64 baseaddr, ut64 loadaddr) {
RCoreFile *cf = r_core_file_cur (r);
RIODesc *desc = cf ? cf->desc : NULL;
RBinFile *binfile = NULL;
int xtr_idx = 0; // if 0, load all if xtr is used
RBinPlugin * plugin;
if (!desc) return false;
r_io_use_desc (r->io, desc);
if ( !r_bin_load_io (r->bin, desc, baseaddr, loadaddr, xtr_idx)) {
//eprintf ("Failed to load the bin with an IO Plugin.\n");
return false;
binfile = r_bin_cur (r->bin);
r_core_bin_set_env (r, binfile);
plugin = r_bin_file_cur_plugin (binfile);
if (plugin && !strcmp (plugin->name, "any") ) {
RBinObject *obj = r_bin_get_object (r->bin);
RBinInfo * info = obj ? obj->info : NULL;
if (!info) return false;
// set use of raw strings
r_core_bin_set_arch_bits (r, binfile->file,
info->arch, info->bits);
r_config_set_i (r->config, "io.va", false);
// r_config_set (r->config, "bin.rawstr", "true");
// get bin.minstr
r->bin->minstrlen = r_config_get_i (r->config, "bin.minstr");
r->bin->maxstrbuf = r_config_get_i (r->config, "bin.maxstrbuf");
} else if (binfile) {
RBinObject *obj = r_bin_get_object (r->bin);
RBinInfo * info = obj ? obj->info : NULL;
if (!info) return false;
if (plugin && strcmp (plugin->name, "any") && info) {
r_core_bin_set_arch_bits (r, binfile->file,
info->arch, info->bits);
} else {
r_config_set_i (r->config, "io.va", false);
if (plugin && !strcmp (plugin->name, "dex")) {
r_core_cmd0 (r, "\"(fix-dex,wx `#sha1 $s-32 @32` @12 ; wx `#adler32 $s-12 @12` @8)\"\n");
return true;
static int try_loadlib(RCore *core, const char *lib, ut64 addr) {
RCoreFile *cf = r_core_file_open (core, lib, 0, addr);
if (!cf) {
return false;
return true;
R_API bool r_core_file_loadlib(RCore *core, const char *lib, ut64 libaddr) {
const char *ldlibrarypath[] = {
const char **libpath = (const char **)&ldlibrarypath;
if (*lib == '/') {
if (try_loadlib (core, lib, libaddr)) {
return true;
} else {
while (*libpath) {
bool ret = false;
char *s = r_str_newf ("%s/%s", *libpath, lib);
if (try_loadlib (core, s, libaddr)) {
ret = true;
free (s);
if (ret) {
return true;
return false;
R_API int r_core_bin_load(RCore *r, const char *filenameuri, ut64 baddr) {
const char *suppress_warning = r_config_get (r->config, "file.nowarn");
RCoreFile *cf = r_core_file_cur (r);
RBinFile *binfile = NULL;
RIODesc *desc = cf ? cf->desc : NULL;
RBinPlugin *plugin = NULL;
int is_io_load;
// NULL deref guard
if (!desc) {
is_io_load = false;
} else {
is_io_load = desc && desc->plugin;
if (cf) {
if ((filenameuri == NULL || !*filenameuri)) {
filenameuri = cf->desc->name;
} else if (cf->desc->name && strcmp (filenameuri, cf->desc->name)) {
// XXX - this needs to be handled appropriately
// if the cf does not match the filenameuri then
// either that RCoreFIle * needs to be loaded or a
// new RCoreFile * should be opened.
if (!strcmp (suppress_warning, "false")) {
eprintf ("Error: The filenameuri '%s' is not the same as in RCoreFile: %s\n",
filenameuri, cf->desc->name);
if (!filenameuri) {
eprintf ("r_core_bin_load: no file specified\n");
return false;
r->bin->minstrlen = r_config_get_i (r->config, "bin.minstr");
r->bin->maxstrbuf = r_config_get_i (r->config, "bin.maxstrbuf");
if (is_io_load) {
// TODO? necessary to restore the desc back?
// RIODesc *oldesc = desc;
// Fix to select pid before trying to load the binary
if ( (desc->plugin && desc->plugin->isdbg) || r_config_get_i (r->config, "cfg.debug")) {
r_core_file_do_load_for_debug (r, baddr, filenameuri);
} else {
ut64 laddr = r_config_get_i (r->config, "bin.laddr");
r_core_file_do_load_for_io_plugin (r, baddr, laddr);
// Restore original desc
r_io_use_desc (r->io, desc);
if (cf && binfile && desc)
binfile->fd = desc->fd;
binfile = r_bin_cur (r->bin);
if (r->bin->cur && r->bin->cur->curplugin && r->bin->cur->curplugin->strfilter) {
char msg[2];
msg[0] = r->bin->cur->curplugin->strfilter;
msg[1] = 0;
r_config_set (r->config, "bin.strfilter", msg);
r_core_bin_set_env (r, binfile);
plugin = r_bin_file_cur_plugin (binfile);
if (plugin && plugin->name && !strncmp (plugin->name, "any", 3)) {
// set use of raw strings
//r_config_set (r->config, "bin.rawstr", "true");
r_config_set_i (r->config, "io.va", false);
// get bin.minstr
r->bin->minstrlen = r_config_get_i (r->config, "bin.minstr");
r->bin->maxstrbuf = r_config_get_i (r->config, "bin.maxstrbuf");
} else if (binfile) {
RBinObject *obj = r_bin_get_object (r->bin);
RBinInfo * info = obj ? obj->info : NULL;
if (plugin && plugin->name && info)
if (strcmp (plugin->name, "any")) {
r_core_bin_set_arch_bits (r, binfile->file,
info->arch, info->bits);
if (plugin && plugin->name && !strcmp (plugin->name, "dex")) {
r_core_cmd0 (r, "\"(fix-dex,wx `#sha1 $s-32 @32` @12 ;"
" wx `#adler32 $s-12 @12` @8)\"\n");
if (!r_config_get_i (r->config, "cfg.debug")) {
/* load GP for mips */
ut64 gp = r_num_math (r->num, "loc._gp");
if (gp && gp != UT64_MAX) {
r_config_set_i (r->config, "anal.gp", gp);
if (r_config_get_i (r->config, "bin.libs")) {
ut64 libaddr = (r->assembler->bits == 64)
? 0x00007fff00000000LL
: 0x7f000000;
const char *lib;
RListIter *iter;
RList *libs = r_bin_get_libs (r->bin);
r_list_foreach (libs, iter, lib) {
eprintf ("Opening %s\n", lib);
r_core_file_loadlib (r, lib, libaddr);
libaddr += 0x2000000;
return true;
R_API RIOMap *r_core_file_get_next_map (RCore *core, RCoreFile * fh, int mode, ut64 loadaddr) {
const char *loadmethod = r_config_get (core->config, "file.loadmethod");
const char *suppress_warning = r_config_get (core->config, "file.nowarn");
ut64 load_align = r_config_get_i (core->config, "file.loadalign");
if (!loadmethod || !suppress_warning) return NULL;
RIOMap *map = NULL;
if (!strcmp (loadmethod, "overwrite"))
map = r_io_map_new (core->io, fh->desc->fd, mode, 0, loadaddr, r_io_desc_size (core->io, fh->desc));
if (!strcmp (loadmethod, "fail"))
map = r_io_map_add (core->io, fh->desc->fd, mode, 0, loadaddr, r_io_desc_size (core->io, fh->desc));
if (!strcmp (loadmethod, "append") && load_align) {
map = r_io_map_add_next_available (core->io, fh->desc->fd, mode, 0, loadaddr, r_io_desc_size (core->io, fh->desc), load_align);
if (!strcmp (suppress_warning, "false")) {
if (!map) {
eprintf ("r_core_file_get_next_map: Unable to load specified file to 0x%08"PFMT64x"\n", loadaddr);
} else {
if (map->from != loadaddr)
eprintf ("r_core_file_get_next_map: Unable to load specified file to 0x%08"PFMT64x",\n"
"but loaded to 0x%08"PFMT64x"\n", loadaddr, map->from);
r_io_sort_maps (core->io); //necessary ???
return map;
R_API RCoreFile *r_core_file_open_many(RCore *r, const char *file, int flags, ut64 loadaddr) {
int openmany = r_config_get_i (r->config, "file.openmany"), opened_count = 0;
const char *suppress_warning = r_config_get (r->config, "file.nowarn");
ut64 current_loadaddr = loadaddr;
RCoreFile *fh, *top_file = NULL;
RListIter *fd_iter, *iter2;
char *loadmethod = NULL;
RList *list_fds = NULL;
const char *cp = NULL;
RIODesc *fd;
list_fds = r_io_open_many (r->io, file, flags, 0644);
if (!list_fds || r_list_length (list_fds) == 0 ) {
r_list_free (list_fds);
return NULL;
cp = r_config_get (r->config, "file.loadmethod");
if (cp) loadmethod = strdup (cp);
r_config_set (r->config, "file.loadmethod", "append");
r_list_foreach_safe (list_fds, fd_iter, iter2, fd) {
if (opened_count > openmany) {
// XXX - Open Many should limit the number of files
// loaded in io plugin area this needs to be more premptive
// like down in the io plugin layer.
// start closing down descriptors
r_list_delete (list_fds, fd_iter);
fh = R_NEW0 (RCoreFile);
if (!fh) {
eprintf ("file.c:r_core_many failed to allocate new RCoreFile.\n");
fh->alive = 1;
fh->core = r;
fh->desc = fd;
r->file = fh;
r->io->plugin = fd->plugin;
// XXX - load addr should be at a set offset
fh->map = r_core_file_get_next_map (r, fh, flags, current_loadaddr);
if (!fh->map) {
r_core_file_free (fh);
if (!strcmp (suppress_warning, "false")) {
eprintf ("Unable to load file due to failed mapping.\n");
current_loadaddr = fh->map->to;
if (!top_file) {
top_file = fh;
// check load addr to make sure its still valid
loadaddr = top_file->map->from;
r_bin_bind (r->bin, &(fh->binb));
r_list_append (r->files, fh);
r_core_bin_load (r, fh->desc->name, fh->map->from);
if (!top_file) {
free (loadmethod);
return top_file;
cp = r_config_get (r->config, "cmd.open");
if (cp && *cp) {
r_core_cmd (r, cp, 0);
r_config_set (r->config, "file.path", r_file_abspath (top_file->desc->name));
r_config_set_i (r->config, "zoom.to", top_file->map->from + r_io_desc_size (r->io, top_file->desc));
if (loadmethod) r_config_set (r->config, "file.loadmethod", loadmethod);
free (loadmethod);
return top_file;
/* loadaddr is r2 -m (mapaddr */
R_API RCoreFile *r_core_file_open(RCore *r, const char *file, int flags, ut64 loadaddr) {
ut64 prev = r_sys_now();
const char *suppress_warning = r_config_get (r->config, "file.nowarn");
const int openmany = r_config_get_i (r->config, "file.openmany");
const char *cp;
RCoreFile *fh = NULL;
RIODesc *fd;
if (!file || !*file) {
goto beach;
if (!strcmp (file, "-")) {
file = "malloc://512";
flags = 4 | 2;
r->io->bits = r->assembler->bits; // TODO: we need an api for this
fd = r_io_open_nomap (r->io, file, flags, 0644);
if (fd == NULL && openmany > 2) {
// XXX - make this an actual option somewhere?
fh = r_core_file_open_many (r, file, flags, loadaddr);
if (fh) goto beach;
if (fd == NULL) {
if (flags & 2) {
if (!r_io_create (r->io, file, 0644, 0)) {
goto beach;
if (!(fd = r_io_open_nomap (r->io, file, flags, 0644))) {
goto beach;
} else {
goto beach;
if (r_io_is_listener (r->io)) {
r_core_serve (r, fd);
goto beach;
fh = R_NEW0 (RCoreFile);
if (!fh) {
eprintf ("core/file.c: r_core_open failed to allocate RCoreFile.\n");
goto beach;
fh->alive = 1;
fh->core = r;
fh->desc = fd;
cp = r_config_get (r->config, "cmd.open");
if (cp && *cp) {
r_core_cmd (r, cp, 0);
char *absfile = r_file_abspath (file);
r_config_set (r->config, "file.path", absfile);
free (absfile);
fh->map = r_core_file_get_next_map (r, fh, flags, loadaddr);
if (!fh->map) {
r_core_file_free (fh);
fh = NULL;
if (!strcmp (suppress_warning, "false")) {
eprintf ("Unable to load file due to failed mapping.\n");
goto beach;
// check load addr to make sure its still valid
r_bin_bind (r->bin, &(fh->binb));
r_list_append (r->files, fh);
r_core_file_set_by_file (r, fh);
r_config_set_i (r->config, "zoom.to", fh->map->from + r_io_desc_size (r->io, fh->desc));
if (r_config_get_i (r->config, "cfg.debug")) {
bool swstep = true;
if (r->dbg->h && r->dbg->h->canstep) {
swstep = false;
r_config_set_i (r->config, "dbg.swstep", swstep);
r->times->file_open_time = r_sys_now() - prev;
return fh;
R_API int r_core_files_free(const RCore *core, RCoreFile *cf) {
if (!core || !core->files || !cf) return false;
return r_list_delete_data (core->files, cf);
R_API void r_core_file_free(RCoreFile *cf) {
int res = 1;
if (!cf || !cf->core)
if (cf) {
res = r_core_files_free (cf->core, cf);
//if (!res && cf && cf->alive) {
if (res && cf && cf->alive) {
// double free libr/io/io.c:70 performs free
RIO *io = NULL;
if (cf) {
io = (RIO*)(cf->desc ? cf->desc->io : NULL);
if (cf->map) {
r_io_map_del (io, cf->map->fd);
cf->map = NULL;
r_bin_file_deref_by_bind (&cf->binb);
r_io_close ((RIO *) io, cf->desc);
free (cf);
cf = NULL;
R_API int r_core_file_close(RCore *r, RCoreFile *fh) {
int ret;
RIODesc *desc = fh && fh->desc? fh->desc : NULL;
RCoreFile *prev_cf = r && r->file != fh ? r->file : NULL;
// TODO: This is not correclty done. because map and iodesc are
// still referenced // we need to fully clear all R_IO structs
// related to a file as well as the ones needed for RBin.
// XXX -these checks are intended to *try* and catch
// stale objects. Unfortunately, if the file handle
// (fh) is stale and freed, and there is more than 1
// fh in the r->files list, we are hosed. (design flaw)
// TODO maybe using sdb to keep track of the allocated and
// deallocated files might be a good solutions
if (!r || !desc || r_list_empty (r->files))
return false;
if (fh == r->file) r->file = NULL;
r_core_file_set_by_fd (r, fh->desc->fd);
r_core_bin_set_by_fd (r, fh->desc->fd);
/* delete filedescriptor from io descs here */
r_io_desc_del (r->io, fh->desc->fd);
r->files->free = NULL;
ret = r_list_delete_data (r->files, fh);
if (ret) {
if (!prev_cf && r_list_length (r->files) > 0)
prev_cf = (RCoreFile *) r_list_get_n (r->files, 0);
if (prev_cf) {
RIODesc *desc = prev_cf->desc;
if (!desc)
eprintf ("Error: RCoreFile's found with out a supporting RIODesc.\n");
ret = r_core_file_set_by_file (r, prev_cf);
#if 0
RListIter *iter;
RIODesc *iod;
RCoreFile *mcf;
r_list_foreach (r->files, iter, mcf) {
r_cons_printf ("[cf]--> %p %p %d\n", mcf, mcf->desc, mcf->desc->fd);
r_list_foreach (r->io->files, iter, iod) {
r_cons_printf ("[io]--> %p %d\n", iod, iod->fd);
return ret;
R_API RCoreFile *r_core_file_get_by_fd(RCore *core, int fd) {
RCoreFile *file;
RListIter *iter;
r_list_foreach (core->files, iter, file) {
if (file->desc->fd == fd)
return file;
return NULL;
R_API int r_core_file_list(RCore *core, int mode) {
int overlapped, count = 0;
RCoreFile *f;
ut64 from;
RListIter *iter;
if (mode=='j')
r_cons_printf ("[");
r_list_foreach (core->files, iter, f) {
if (f->map) {
from = f->map->from;
overlapped = r_io_map_overlaps (core->io, f->desc, f->map);
} else {
from = 0LL;
overlapped = false;
switch (mode) {
case 'j':
r_cons_printf ("{\"raised\":%s,\"fd\":%d,\"uri\":\"%s\",\"from\":%"
core->io->raised == f->desc->fd?"true":"false",
(int)f->desc->fd, f->desc->uri, (ut64)from,
f->desc->flags & R_IO_WRITE? "true": "false",
(int)r_io_desc_size (core->io, f->desc),
iter->n? ",":"");
case '*':
case 'r':
r_cons_printf ("o %s 0x%"PFMT64x"\n", f->desc->uri, (ut64)from);
r_cons_printf ("%c %d %s @ 0x%"PFMT64x" ; %s size=%"PFMT64u" %s\n",
core->io->raised == f->desc->fd?'*':'-',
(int)f->desc->fd, f->desc->uri, (ut64)from,
f->desc->flags & R_IO_WRITE? "rw": "r",
r_io_desc_size (core->io, f->desc),
if (mode=='j')
r_cons_printf ("]\n");
return count;
// XXX - needs to account for binfile index and bin object index
R_API int r_core_file_bin_raise (RCore *core, ut32 binfile_idx) {
RBin *bin = core->bin;
int v = binfile_idx > 1 ? binfile_idx : 1;
RBinFile *bf = r_list_get_n (bin->binfiles, v);
int res = false;
if (bf) {
res = r_bin_file_set_cur_binfile (bin, bf);
if (res) r_io_raise (core->io, bf->fd);
res = res ? r_core_file_set_by_fd (core, bf->fd) : res;
if (res) core->switch_file_view = 1;
return res;
R_API int r_core_file_binlist(RCore *core) {
int count = 0;
RListIter *iter;
RCoreFile *cur_cf = core->file, *cf = NULL;
RBinFile *binfile = NULL;
RBin *bin = core->bin;
const RList *binfiles = bin ? bin->binfiles: NULL;
if (!binfiles) return false;
r_list_foreach (binfiles, iter, binfile) {
int fd = binfile->fd;
cf = r_core_file_get_by_fd (core, fd);
if (cf && cf->map) {
r_cons_printf ("%c %d %s @ 0x%"PFMT64x" ; %s\n",
core->io->raised == cf->desc->fd?'*':'-',
fd, cf->desc->uri, cf->map->from,
cf->desc->flags & R_IO_WRITE? "rw": "r");
r_core_file_set_by_file (core, cur_cf);
//r_core_bin_bind (core, cur_bf);
return count;
R_API int r_core_file_close_fd(RCore *core, int fd) {
RCoreFile *file;
RListIter *iter;
r_list_foreach (core->files, iter, file) {
if (file->desc->fd == fd || fd == -1) {
r_core_file_close (core, file);
if (file == core->file) {
core->file = NULL; // deref
#if 0
if (r_list_empty (core->files))
core->file = NULL;
return true;
return false;
R_API int r_core_hash_load(RCore *r, const char *file) {
const ut8 *md5, *sha1;
char hash[128], *p;
int i;
int buf_len = 0;
ut8 *buf = NULL;
RHash *ctx;
ut64 limit;
RCoreFile *cf = r_core_file_cur (r);
if (!file && cf && cf->desc) {
file = cf->desc->name;
if (!file) {
return false;
limit = r_config_get_i (r->config, "cfg.hashlimit");
if (r_io_desc_size (r->io, cf->desc) > limit)
return false;
buf = (ut8*)r_file_slurp (file, &buf_len);
if (buf==NULL)
return false;
ctx = r_hash_new (true, R_HASH_MD5);
md5 = r_hash_do_md5 (ctx, buf, buf_len);
p = hash;
for (i=0; i<R_HASH_SIZE_MD5; i++) {
sprintf (p, "%02x", md5[i]);
p += 2;
*p = 0;
r_config_set (r->config, "file.md5", hash);
r_hash_free (ctx);
ctx = r_hash_new (true, R_HASH_SHA1);
sha1 = r_hash_do_sha1 (ctx, buf, buf_len);
p = hash;
for (i=0; i<R_HASH_SIZE_SHA1; i++) {
sprintf (p, "%02x", sha1[i]);
p += 2;
*p = 0;
r_config_set (r->config, "file.sha1", hash);
r_hash_free (ctx);
free (buf);
return true;
R_API RCoreFile * r_core_file_find_by_fd (RCore *core, ut64 fd) {
RListIter *iter;
RCoreFile *cf = NULL;
r_list_foreach (core->files, iter, cf) {
if (cf && cf->desc && cf->desc->fd == fd) break;
cf = NULL;
return cf;
R_API RCoreFile * r_core_file_find_by_name (RCore * core, const char * name) {
RListIter *iter;
RCoreFile *cf = NULL;
r_list_foreach (core->files, iter, cf) {
if (cf && cf->desc && !strcmp (cf->desc->name, name)) break;
cf = NULL;
return cf;
R_API int r_core_file_set_by_fd (RCore * core, ut64 fd) {
RCoreFile *cf = r_core_file_find_by_fd (core, fd);
return r_core_file_set_by_file (core, cf);
R_API int r_core_file_set_by_name (RCore * core, const char * name) {
RCoreFile *cf = r_core_file_find_by_name (core, name);
return r_core_file_set_by_file (core, cf);
R_API int r_core_file_set_by_file (RCore * core, RCoreFile *cf) {
if (cf) {
RIODesc *desc = cf->desc;
core->offset = cf && cf->map ? cf->map->from : 0LL;
core->file = cf;
if (desc) {
r_io_use_desc (core->io, desc);
r_core_bin_set_by_fd (core, desc->fd);
return true;
return false;
R_API ut32 r_core_file_cur_fd (RCore *core) {
RIODesc *desc = core->file ? core->file->desc : NULL;
if (desc) {
return desc->fd;
return (ut32)-1; //WTF
R_API RCoreFile * r_core_file_cur (RCore *r) {
// Add any locks here
return r->file;