pancake a14d5f1656 * Tricky implementation of 'dm' command
* Fix 'dp' command
* Use execvp to run the program
  - Some changes in the parser for argv and so
2009-03-22 02:36:00 +00:00

186 lines
3.5 KiB

/* radare - LGPL - Copyright 2009 pancake<nopcode.org> */
#include <r_debug.h>
int r_debug_init(struct r_debug_t *dbg)
dbg->pid = -1;
dbg->tid = -1;
dbg->swstep = 0; // software step
dbg->h = NULL;
return R_TRUE;
struct r_debug_t *r_debug_new()
struct r_debug_t *dbg;
dbg = MALLOC_STRUCT(struct r_debug_t);
return dbg;
int r_debug_attach(struct r_debug_t *dbg, int pid)
int ret = R_FALSE;
if (dbg->h && dbg->h->attach) {
int ret = dbg->h->attach(pid);
if (ret) {
dbg->pid = pid;
dbg->tid = pid;
} else fprintf(stderr, "Cannot attach to this pid\n");
} else fprintf(stderr, "dbg->attach = NULL\n");
return ret;
int r_debug_startv(struct r_debug_t *dbg, int argc, char **argv)
return R_FALSE;
int r_debug_start(struct r_debug_t *dbg, const char *cmd)
return R_FALSE;
int r_debug_detach(struct r_debug_t *dbg, int pid)
if (dbg->h && dbg->h->detach)
return dbg->h->detach(pid);
return R_FALSE;
int r_debug_select(struct r_debug_t *dbg, int pid, int tid)
dbg->pid = pid;
dbg->tid = tid;
eprintf("PID: %d %d\n", pid, tid);
return R_TRUE;
int r_debug_set_arch(struct r_debug_t *dbg, int arch)
switch(arch) {
// TODO: set callbacks for brainfuck debugger here
case R_DBG_ARCH_X86:
//r_reg_set(dbg->reg->nregs, R_DBG_ARCH_X86);
return R_TRUE;
int r_debug_stop_reason(struct r_debug_t *dbg)
// TODO: return reason to stop debugging
// - new process
// - trap instruction
// - illegal instruction
// - fpu exception
// ...
return R_TRUE;
// TODO: count number of steps done to check if no error??
int r_debug_step(struct r_debug_t *dbg, int steps)
int i, ret = R_FALSE;
if (dbg->h && dbg->h->step) {
for(i=0;i<steps;i++) {
ret = dbg->h->step(dbg->pid);
if (ret == R_FALSE)
// TODO: create wrapper for dbg_wait
if (dbg->h->wait)
ret = dbg->h->wait(dbg->pid);
// TODO: check return value of wait and show error
return ret;
int r_debug_syscall(struct r_debug_t *dbg, int num)
fprintf(stderr, "TODO\n");
return R_FALSE;
int r_debug_step_over(struct r_debug_t *dbg, int steps)
// TODO: analyze opcode if it is stepoverable
fprintf(stderr, "TODO\n");
return r_debug_step(dbg, steps);
int r_debug_continue(struct r_debug_t *dbg)
int ret = R_FALSE;
if (dbg->h){
if (dbg->h->cont) {
ret = dbg->h->cont(dbg->pid);
if (dbg->h->wait)
ret = dbg->h->wait(dbg->pid);
return ret;
int r_debug_continue_until(struct r_debug_t *dbg, u64 addr)
return -1;
int r_debug_continue_syscall(struct r_debug_t *dbg, int sc)
int ret = R_FALSE;
if (dbg->h && dbg->h->cont)
ret = dbg->h->contsc(dbg->pid, sc);
return ret;
// XXX wrong function name
int r_debug_use_software_steps(struct r_debug_t *dbg, int value)
/* use software breakpoints and continues */
return -1;
/* registers */
int r_debug_register_get(struct r_debug_t *dbg, int reg, u64 *value)
return R_TRUE;
int r_debug_register_set(struct r_debug_t *dbg, int reg, u64 value)
return R_TRUE;
/* for debugging purposes? */
int r_debug_register_list(struct r_debug_t *dbg)
int i =0;
for(i=0;i<dbg->reg.nregs;i++) {
u64 value;
r_debug_register_get(dbg, i, &value);
printf("%d %s 0x%08llx\n", i, dbg->reg.regs[i], value);
return R_TRUE;
/* mmu */
int r_debug_mmu_alloc(struct r_debug_t *dbg, u64 size, u64 *addr)
return R_TRUE;
int r_debug_mmu_free(struct r_debug_t *dbg, u64 addr)
return R_TRUE;