2021-11-07 21:11:05 +01:00

435 lines
11 KiB

/* radare2 - LGPL - Copyright 2017-2021 - condret, MaskRay */
#include <r_io.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sdb.h>
#include "io_private.h"
#include "r_util.h"
static RIOMap *io_map_new(RIO* io, int fd, int perm, ut64 delta, ut64 addr, ut64 size) {
r_return_val_if_fail (io && io->maps, NULL);
if (!size) {
return NULL;
RIOMap* map = R_NEW0 (RIOMap);
if (!map || !r_id_storage_add (io->maps, map, &map->id)) {
free (map);
return NULL;
map->fd = fd;
map->delta = delta;
map->ts = io->mts++;
// RIOMap describes an interval of addresses
// r_io_map_from (map) -> r_io_map_to (map)
map->itv = (RInterval){ addr, size };
map->perm = perm;
map->delta = delta;
return map;
R_API bool r_io_map_remap(RIO *io, ut32 id, ut64 addr) {
RIOMap *map = r_io_map_get (io, id);
r_return_val_if_fail (io && map, false);
const ut64 ofrom = r_io_map_from (map);
const ut64 oto = r_io_map_to (map);
ut64 size = r_io_map_size (map);
r_io_map_set_begin (map, addr);
if (UT64_MAX - size + 1 < addr) {
st64 saddr = (st64)addr;
const ut64 osize = r_io_map_size (map);
r_io_map_set_size (map, -saddr);
RIOMap *newmap = r_io_map_add (io, map->fd, map->perm, map->delta - addr, 0, size + addr);
if (newmap) {
if (!io_bank_has_map (io, io->bank, id)) {
r_io_bank_del_map (io, io->bank, newmap->id);
ut32 bankid;
r_id_storage_get_lowest (io->banks, &bankid);
do {
if (bankid != io->bank && io_bank_has_map (io, bankid, id)) {
// TODO: use threads here
r_io_bank_map_add_top (io, bankid, newmap->id);
} while (r_id_storage_get_next (io->banks, &bankid));
} else {
// restore previous location and size if creation of newmap failed
r_io_map_set_begin (map, ofrom);
r_io_map_set_size (map, osize);
return false;
ut32 bankid;
r_id_storage_get_lowest (io->banks, &bankid);
do {
// TODO: use threads here
r_io_bank_update_map_boundaries (io, bankid, id, ofrom, oto);
} while (r_id_storage_get_next (io->banks, &bankid));
return true;
R_API bool r_io_map_remap_fd(RIO *io, int fd, ut64 addr) {
RIOMap *map;
bool retval = false;
RList *maps = r_io_map_get_by_fd (io, fd);
if (maps) {
map = r_list_get_n (maps, 0); //this looks wrong
if (map) {
retval = r_io_map_remap (io, map->id, addr);
r_list_free (maps);
return retval;
static bool _map_free_cb(void *user, void *data, ut32 id) {
RIOMap *map = (RIOMap *)data;
if (map) {
free (map->name);
free (map);
return true;
R_API void r_io_map_init(RIO* io) {
r_return_if_fail (io);
if (io->maps) {
r_id_storage_foreach (io->maps, _map_free_cb, NULL);
r_id_storage_free (io->maps);
io->maps = r_id_storage_new (1, END_OF_MAP_IDS);
// check if a map with exact the same properties exists
R_API bool r_io_map_exists(RIO *io, RIOMap *map) {
r_return_val_if_fail (io && map, false);
RIOMap *_map = r_io_map_get (io, map->id);
if (!_map) {
return false;
return !memcmp (_map, map, sizeof (RIOMap));
// check if a map with specified id exists
R_API bool r_io_map_exists_for_id(RIO *io, ut32 id) {
r_return_val_if_fail (io && io->maps, false);
return r_io_map_get (io, id) != NULL;
R_API RIOMap* r_io_map_get(RIO *io, ut32 id) {
r_return_val_if_fail (io, false);
return r_id_storage_get (io->maps, id);
R_API RIOMap *r_io_map_add(RIO *io, int fd, int perm, ut64 delta, ut64 addr, ut64 size) {
r_return_val_if_fail (io, NULL);
if (!size) {
return NULL;
//check if desc exists
RIODesc* desc = r_io_desc_get (io, fd);
if (desc) {
//a map cannot have higher permissions than the desc belonging to it
perm &= desc->perm | R_PERM_X;
RIOMap *map[2] = {NULL, NULL};
if ((UT64_MAX - size + 1) < addr) {
const ut64 new_size = size - (UT64_MAX - addr + 1);
map[0] = io_map_new (io, fd, perm, delta + new_size, 0LL, size - new_size);
if (!map[0]) {
return NULL;
if (!r_io_bank_map_add_top (io, io->bank, map[0]->id)) {
r_id_storage_delete (io->maps, map[0]->id);
free (map[0]);
return NULL;
size = new_size;
map[1] = io_map_new (io, fd, perm, delta, addr, size);
if (!map[1]) {
if (map[0]) {
r_id_storage_delete (io->maps, map[0]->id);
free (map[0]);
free (map[1]);
return NULL;
if (!r_io_bank_map_add_top (io, io->bank, map[1]->id)) {
if (map[0]) {
r_id_storage_delete (io->maps, map[0]->id);
free (map[0]);
r_id_storage_delete (io->maps, map[1]->id);
free (map[1]);
return NULL;
return map[1];
return NULL;
R_API RIOMap *r_io_map_add_bottom(RIO *io, int fd, int perm, ut64 delta, ut64 addr, ut64 size) {
r_return_val_if_fail (io, NULL);
if (!size) {
return NULL;
//check if desc exists
RIODesc* desc = r_io_desc_get (io, fd);
if (desc) {
//a map cannot have higher permissions than the desc belonging to it
perm &= desc->perm | R_PERM_X;
RIOMap *map[2] = {NULL, NULL};
if ((UT64_MAX - size + 1) < addr) {
const ut64 new_size = size - (UT64_MAX - addr + 1);
map[0] = io_map_new (io, fd, perm, delta + new_size, 0LL, size - new_size);
if (!map[0]) {
return NULL;
if (!r_io_bank_map_add_bottom (io, io->bank, map[0]->id)) {
r_id_storage_delete (io->maps, map[0]->id);
free (map[0]);
return NULL;
size = new_size;
map[1] = io_map_new (io, fd, perm, delta, addr, size);
if (!map[1]) {
if (map[0]) {
r_id_storage_delete (io->maps, map[0]->id);
free (map[0]);
free (map[1]);
return NULL;
if (!r_io_bank_map_add_bottom (io, io->bank, map[1]->id)) {
if (map[0]) {
r_id_storage_delete (io->maps, map[0]->id);
free (map[0]);
r_id_storage_delete (io->maps, map[1]->id);
free (map[1]);
return NULL;
return map[1];
return NULL;
R_API RIOMap *r_io_map_get_paddr(RIO* io, ut64 paddr) {
r_return_val_if_fail (io, NULL);
RIOBank *bank = r_io_bank_get (io, io->bank);
if (bank) {
RListIter *iter;
RIOMapRef *mapref;
r_list_foreach_prev (bank->maprefs, iter, mapref) {
RIOMap *map = r_io_map_get_by_ref (io, mapref);
if (map && map->delta <= paddr && paddr < map->delta + r_io_map_size (map)) {
return map;
return NULL;
// gets first map where addr fits in
R_API RIOMap *r_io_map_get_at(RIO* io, ut64 addr) {
r_return_val_if_fail (io, NULL);
return r_io_bank_get_map_at (io, io->bank, addr);
R_API bool r_io_map_is_mapped(RIO* io, ut64 addr) {
r_return_val_if_fail (io, false);
return (bool)r_io_map_get_at (io, addr);
R_API void r_io_map_reset(RIO* io) {
r_io_map_fini (io);
r_io_map_init (io);
R_API void r_io_map_del(RIO *io, ut32 id) {
r_return_if_fail (io && io->maps);
RIOMap *map = (RIOMap *)r_id_storage_get (io->maps, id);
if (!map) {
ut32 bankid;
r_return_if_fail (r_id_storage_get_lowest (io->banks, &bankid));
do {
// TODO: use threads for every bank, except the current bank (io->bank)
r_io_bank_del_map (io, bankid, id);
} while (r_id_storage_get_next (io->banks, &bankid));
r_id_storage_delete (io->maps, id);
_map_free_cb (NULL, map, id);
//delete all maps with specified fd
R_API bool r_io_map_del_for_fd(RIO* io, int fd) {
r_return_val_if_fail (io && io->maps, false);
ut32 map_id;
if (!r_id_storage_get_lowest (io->maps, &map_id)) {
return false;
bool ret = false;
bool cont;
do {
ut32 next = map_id; // is this actually needed?
cont = r_id_storage_get_next (io->maps, &next);
RIOMap *map = r_io_map_get (io, map_id);
if (map->fd == fd) {
ret = true;
r_io_map_del (io, map_id);
map_id = next;
} while (cont);
return ret;
//brings map with specified id to the tail of of the list
//return a boolean denoting whether is was possible to priorized
R_API bool r_io_map_priorize(RIO* io, ut32 id) {
r_return_val_if_fail (io, false);
return r_io_bank_map_priorize (io, io->bank, id);
R_API bool r_io_map_depriorize(RIO* io, ut32 id) {
r_return_val_if_fail (io, false);
return r_io_bank_map_depriorize (io, io->bank, id);
R_API bool r_io_map_priorize_for_fd(RIO *io, int fd) {
r_return_val_if_fail (io, false);
RList *map_list = r_io_map_get_by_fd (io, fd);
if (!map_list) {
return false;
RListIter *iter;
RIOMap *map;
r_list_foreach (map_list, iter, map) {
r_io_map_priorize (io, map->id);
r_list_free (map_list);
return true;
//may fix some inconsistencies in io->maps
R_API void r_io_map_cleanup(RIO* io) {
r_return_if_fail (io);
//remove all maps if no descs exist
if (!io->files) {
r_io_map_fini (io);
r_io_map_init (io);
// TODO: implement RIOBank mapref consistency cleanup here @condret
static bool _clear_banks_cb (void *user, void *data, ut32 id) {
r_io_bank_clear ((RIOBank *)data);
return true;
R_API void r_io_map_fini(RIO* io) {
r_return_if_fail (io);
r_id_storage_foreach (io->banks, _clear_banks_cb, NULL);
r_id_storage_foreach (io->maps, _map_free_cb, NULL);
r_id_storage_free (io->maps);
io->maps = NULL;
R_API void r_io_map_set_name(RIOMap* map, const char* name) {
r_return_if_fail (map && name);
free (map->name);
map->name = strdup (name);
R_API void r_io_map_del_name(RIOMap* map) {
r_return_if_fail (map);
R_FREE (map->name);
R_API bool r_io_map_locate(RIO *io, ut64 *addr, const ut64 size, ut64 load_align) {
r_return_val_if_fail (io, false);
if (load_align == 0) {
load_align = 1;
return r_io_bank_locate (io, io->bank, addr, size, load_align);
R_API RList* r_io_map_get_by_fd(RIO* io, int fd) {
r_return_val_if_fail (io, NULL);
RList* map_list = r_list_newf (NULL);
if (!map_list) {
return NULL;
RIOBank *bank = r_io_bank_get (io, io->bank);
if (!bank) {
return NULL;
RListIter *iter;
RIOMapRef *mapref;
r_list_foreach_prev (bank->maprefs, iter, mapref) {
RIOMap *map = (RIOMap *)r_id_storage_get (io->maps, mapref->id);
if (map->fd == fd) {
r_list_append (map_list, map);
return map_list;
R_API bool r_io_map_resize(RIO *io, ut32 id, ut64 newsize) {
r_return_val_if_fail (io, false);
RIOMap *map;
if (!newsize || !(map = r_io_map_get (io, id))) {
return false;
ut64 addr = r_io_map_begin (map);
const ut64 oto = r_io_map_to (map);
if (UT64_MAX - newsize + 1 < addr) {
st64 saddr = (st64)addr;
const ut64 osize = r_io_map_size (map);
r_io_map_set_size (map, -saddr);
RIOMap *newmap = r_io_map_add (io, map->fd, map->perm, map->delta - addr, 0, newsize + addr);
if (newmap) {
if (!io_bank_has_map (io, io->bank, id)) {
r_io_bank_del_map (io, io->bank, newmap->id);
} else {
r_io_bank_update_map_boundaries (io, io->bank, id, r_io_map_from (map), oto);
ut32 bankid;
r_id_storage_get_lowest (io->banks, &bankid);
do {
if (bankid != io->bank && io_bank_has_map (io, bankid, id)) {
// TODO: use threads here
r_io_bank_update_map_boundaries (io, io->bank, id, r_io_map_from (map), oto);
r_io_bank_map_add_top (io, bankid, newmap->id);
} while (r_id_storage_get_next (io->banks, &bankid));
} else {
// restore previous size if creating newmap failed
r_io_map_set_size (map, osize);
return false;
return true;
r_io_map_set_size (map, newsize);
ut32 bankid;
r_id_storage_get_lowest (io->banks, &bankid);
do {
if (io_bank_has_map (io, bankid, id)) {
// TODO: use threads here
r_io_bank_update_map_boundaries (io, bankid, id, r_io_map_from (map), oto);
} while (r_id_storage_get_next (io->banks, &bankid));
return true;
R_API RIOMap *r_io_map_get_by_ref(RIO *io, RIOMapRef *ref) {
r_return_val_if_fail (io && ref, NULL);
RIOMap *map = r_io_map_get (io, ref->id);
// trigger cleanup if ts don't match?
return (map && map->ts == ref->ts) ? map : NULL;