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synced 2025-03-07 05:50:27 +00:00
621 lines
12 KiB
621 lines
12 KiB
/* radare - LGPL - Copyright 2013-2018 - pancake */
#include <r_cons.h>
#define useUtf8 (r_cons_singleton ()->use_utf8)
#define useUtf8Curvy (r_cons_singleton ()->use_utf8_curvy)
#define W(y) r_cons_canvas_write (c, y)
#define G(x, y) r_cons_canvas_gotoxy (c, x, y)
R_API void r_cons_canvas_free(RConsCanvas *c) {
if (c) {
if (c->b) {
int y;
for (y = 0; y < c->h; y++) {
free (c->b[y]);
free (c->b);
free (c->bsize);
free (c->blen);
free (c->attrs);
free (c);
R_API void r_cons_canvas_clear(RConsCanvas *c) {
if (c && c->b) {
int y;
for (y = 0; y < c->h; y++) {
memset (c->b[y], '\n', c->bsize[y]);
/*//XXX tofix*/
if (c->attrs) {
c->attrslen = 0;
memset (c->attrs, 0, sizeof (*c->attrs) * (c->w + 1) * c->h);
static bool _is_ansi_seq(const char *s) {
return s && s[0] == 033 && s[1] == '[';
static int _get_piece(const char *p, char *chr) {
const char *q = p;
if (!p) {
return 0;
while (p && *p && *p != '\n' && ! _is_ansi_seq (p)) {
if (chr) {
*chr = *p;
return p - q;
static const char **attr_at(RConsCanvas *c, int loc) {
int i, j, delta;
if (!c->color || c->attrslen == 0) {
return NULL;
j = c->attrslen / 2;
delta = c->attrslen / 2;
for (i = 0; i < (c->attrslen); i++) {
delta /= 2;
if (delta == 0) {
delta = 1;
if (c->attrs[j].loc == loc) {
return &c->attrs[j].a;
if (c->attrs[j].loc < loc) {
j += delta;
if (j >= c->attrslen) {
if (c->attrs[j].loc > loc && delta == 1) {
} else if (c->attrs[j].loc > loc) {
j -= delta;
if (j <= 0) {
if (c->attrs[j].loc < loc && delta == 1) {
return NULL;
static void sort_attrs(RConsCanvas *c) {
int i, j;
RConsCanvasAttr value;
for (i = 1; i < c->attrslen; i++) {
value = c->attrs[i];
for (j = i - 1; j >= 0 && c->attrs[j].loc > value.loc; j--) {
c->attrs[j + 1] = c->attrs[j];
c->attrs[j + 1] = value;
static void stamp_attr(RConsCanvas *c, int loc, int length) {
if (!c->color) {
int i;
const char **s;
s = attr_at (c, loc);
if (s) {
if (*s != 0 && strlen (*s) > 2 && *(*s + 2) == '0') {
if (strlen (c->attr) == 5 && *(c->attr + 2) != '0') {
char tmp[9];
memcpy (tmp, c->attr, 2);
strcpy (tmp + 2, "0;");
memcpy (tmp + 4, c->attr + 2, 3);
tmp[8] = 0;
c->attr = r_str_const (tmp);
*s = c->attr;
} else {
c->attrs[c->attrslen].loc = loc;
c->attrs[c->attrslen].a = c->attr;
sort_attrs (c);
for (i = 1; i < length; i++) {
s = attr_at (c, loc + i);
if (s) {
*s = 0;
/* check for ANSI sequences and use them as attr */
static const char *set_attr(RConsCanvas *c, const char *s) {
if (!c || !s) {
return NULL;
const char *p = s;
while (_is_ansi_seq (p)) {
p += 2;
while (*p && *p != 'J' && *p != 'm' && *p != 'H') {
if (p != s) {
char tmp[256];
const int slen = R_MIN (p - s, sizeof (tmp) - 1);
if (slen > 0) {
memcpy (tmp, s, slen);
tmp[slen] = 0;
// could be faster
c->attr = r_str_const (tmp);
return p;
R_API bool r_cons_canvas_gotoxy(RConsCanvas *c, int x, int y) {
bool ret = true;
if (!c) {
return 0;
y += c->sy;
x += c->sx;
if (y > c->h * 2) {
return false;
if (y >= c->h) {
y = c->h - 1;
ret = false;
if (y < 0) {
y = 0;
ret = false;
if (x < 0) {
//c->x = 0;
ret = false;
if (x > c->blen[y] * 2) {
return false;
if (x >= c->blen[y]) {
c->x = c->blen[y];
ret = false;
if (x < c->blen[y] && x >= 0) {
c->x = x;
if (y < c->h && y >= 0) {
c->y = y;
return ret;
R_API RConsCanvas *r_cons_canvas_new(int w, int h) {
if (w < 1 || h < 1) {
return NULL;
RConsCanvas *c = R_NEW0 (RConsCanvas);
if (!c) {
return NULL;
c->bsize = NULL;
c->blen = NULL;
int i = 0;
c->color = 0;
c->sx = 0;
c->sy = 0;
c->b = malloc (sizeof *c->b * h);
if (!c->b) {
goto beach;
c->blen = malloc (sizeof *c->blen * h);
if (!c->blen) {
goto beach;
c->bsize = malloc (sizeof *c->bsize * h);
if (!c->bsize) {
goto beach;
for (i = 0; i < h; i++) {
c->b[i] = malloc (w + 1);
c->blen[i] = w;
c->bsize[i] = w + 1;
if (!c->b[i]) {
goto beach;
c->w = w;
c->h = h;
c->x = c->y = 0;
c->attrslen = 0;
c->attrs = calloc (sizeof (*c->attrs), (c->w + 1) * c->h);
if (!c->attrs) {
goto beach;
c->attr = Color_RESET;
r_cons_canvas_clear (c);
return c;
beach: {
int j;
for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {
free (c->b[j]);
free (c->bsize);
free (c->blen);
free (c->b);
free (c);
return NULL;
static int utf8len_fixed(const char *s, int n) {
int i = 0, j = 0;
while (s[i] && n > 0) {
if ((s[i] & 0xc0) != 0x80) {
return j;
static int bytes_utf8len(const char *s, int n, int left) {
int i = 0;
while (s[i] && n > -1 && i < left) {
if ((s[i] & 0xc0) != 0x80) {
return n == -1 ? i - 1 : i;
static int expand_line (RConsCanvas *c, int real_len, int utf8_len) {
if (real_len == 0) {
return true;
int buf_utf8_len = bytes_utf8len (c->b[c->y] + c->x, utf8_len, c->blen[c->y] - c->x);
int goback = R_MAX (0, (buf_utf8_len - real_len));
int padding = (real_len - utf8_len) - goback;
if (padding) {
if (padding > 0 && c->blen[c->y] + padding > c->bsize[c->y]) {
int newsize = R_MAX (c->bsize[c->y] * 1.5, c->blen[c->y] + padding);
char * newline = realloc (c->b[c->y], sizeof (*c->b[c->y])*(newsize));
if (!newline) {
return false;
memset (newline + c->bsize[c->y], 0, newsize - c->bsize[c->y]);
c->b[c->y] = newline;
c->bsize[c->y] = newsize;
int size = R_MAX (c->blen[c->y] - c->x - utf8_len, 0);
char *start = c->b[c->y] + c->x + utf8_len;
char *tmp = malloc (size);
if (!tmp) {
return false;
memcpy (tmp, start, size);
if (padding < 0) {
int lap = R_MAX (0, c->b[c->y] - (start + padding));
memcpy (start + padding + lap, tmp + lap, size - lap);
free (tmp);
c->blen[c->y] += padding;
return true;
memcpy (start + padding, tmp, size);
free (tmp);
c->blen[c->y] += padding;
return true;
R_API void r_cons_canvas_write(RConsCanvas *c, const char *s) {
if (!c || !s || !*s || !R_BETWEEN (0, c->y, c->h - 1) || !R_BETWEEN (0, c->x, c->w - 1)) {
char ch;
int left, slen, attr_len, piece_len;
int orig_x = c->x, attr_x = c->x;
c->x = bytes_utf8len (c->b[c->y], c->x, c->blen[c->y]);
/* split the string into pieces of non-ANSI chars and print them normally,
** using the ANSI chars to set the attr of the canvas */
r_cons_break_push (NULL, NULL);
do {
const char *s_part = set_attr (c, s);
ch = 0;
piece_len = _get_piece (s_part, &ch);
if (piece_len == 0 && ch == '\0' && s_part == s) {
left = c->blen[c->y] - c->x;
slen = piece_len;
if (piece_len > left) {
int utf8_piece_len = utf8len_fixed (s_part, piece_len);
if (utf8_piece_len >= c->w - attr_x) {
slen = left;
int real_len = r_str_nlen (s_part, slen);
int utf8_len = utf8len_fixed (s_part, slen);
if (!expand_line (c, real_len, utf8_len)) {
if (G (c->x - c->sx, c->y - c->sy)) {
memcpy (c->b[c->y] + c->x, s_part, slen);
attr_len = slen <= 0 && s_part != s? 1: utf8_len;
if (attr_len > 0 && attr_x < c->blen[c->y]) {
stamp_attr (c, c->y*c->w + attr_x, attr_len);
s = s_part;
if (ch == '\n') {
c->attr = Color_RESET;
stamp_attr (c, c->y*c->w + attr_x, 0);
if (*s == '\0' || c->y >= c->h) {
c->x = bytes_utf8len (c->b[c->y], orig_x, c->blen[c->y]);
attr_x = orig_x;
} else {
c->x += slen;
attr_x += utf8_len;
s += piece_len;
} while (*s && !r_cons_is_breaked ());
r_cons_break_pop ();
c->x = orig_x;
R_API char *r_cons_canvas_to_string(RConsCanvas *c) {
int x, y, olen = 0, attr_x = 0;
char *o;
const char **atr;
int is_first = true;
if (!c) {
return NULL;
for (y = 0; y < c->h; y++) {
olen += c->blen[y] + 1;
o = calloc (1, olen * (CONS_MAX_ATTR_SZ));
if (!o) {
return NULL;
olen = 0;
for (y = 0; y < c->h; y++) {
if (!is_first) {
o[olen++] = '\n';
is_first = false;
attr_x = 0;
for (x = 0; x < c->blen[y]; x++) {
if ((c->b[y][x] & 0xc0) != 0x80) {
atr = attr_at (c, y*c->w + attr_x);
if (atr && *atr) {
int len = strlen (*atr);
memcpy (o + olen, *atr, len);
olen += len;
if (!c->b[y][x] || c->b[y][x] == '\n') {
o[olen++] = ' ';
const char *rune = r_cons_get_rune ((const ut8)c->b[y][x]);
if (rune) {
strcpy (o + olen, rune);
olen += strlen (rune);
} else {
o[olen++] = c->b[y][x];
while (olen > 0 && o[olen - 1] == ' ') {
o[--olen] = '\0';
o[olen] = '\0';
return o;
R_API void r_cons_canvas_print_region(RConsCanvas *c) {
char *o = r_cons_canvas_to_string (c);
if (o) {
r_str_trim_tail (o);
if (*o) {
r_cons_strcat (o);
free (o);
R_API void r_cons_canvas_print(RConsCanvas *c) {
char *o = r_cons_canvas_to_string (c);
if (o) {
r_cons_strcat (o);
free (o);
R_API int r_cons_canvas_resize(RConsCanvas *c, int w, int h) {
if (!c || w < 0) {
return false;
void *newattrs = NULL;
int *newblen = realloc (c->blen, sizeof *c->blen * h);
if (!newblen) {
r_cons_canvas_free (c);
return false;
c->blen = newblen;
int *newbsize = realloc (c->bsize, sizeof *c->bsize * h);
if (!newbsize) {
r_cons_canvas_free (c);
return false;
c->bsize = newbsize;
char **newb = realloc (c->b, sizeof *c->b * h);
if (!newb) {
r_cons_canvas_free (c);
return false;
c->b = newb;
int i;
char *newline = NULL;
for (i = 0; i < h; i++) {
if (i < c->h) {
newline = realloc (c->b[i], sizeof *c->b[i] * (w + 1));
} else {
newline = malloc ((w + 1));
c->blen[i] = w;
c->bsize[i] = w + 1;
if (!newline) {
int j;
for (j = 0; j <= i; j++) {
free (c->b[i]);
free (c->attrs);
free (c->blen);
free (c->bsize);
free (c->b);
free (c);
return false;
c->b[i] = newline;
newattrs = realloc (c->attrs, sizeof (*c->attrs) * (w + 1) * h);
if (!newattrs) {
r_cons_canvas_free (c);
return false;
c->attrs = newattrs;
c->w = w;
c->h = h;
c->x = 0;
c->y = 0;
r_cons_canvas_clear (c);
return true;
R_API void r_cons_canvas_box(RConsCanvas *c, int x, int y, int w, int h, const char *color) {
const char *hline = useUtf8? RUNECODESTR_LINE_HORIZ : "-";
const char *vline = useUtf8? RUNECODESTR_LINE_VERT : "|";
const char *tl_corner = useUtf8 ? (useUtf8Curvy ? RUNECODESTR_CURVE_CORNER_TL : RUNECODESTR_CORNER_TL) : ".";
const char *tr_corner = useUtf8 ? (useUtf8Curvy ? RUNECODESTR_CURVE_CORNER_TR : RUNECODESTR_CORNER_TR) : ".";
const char *bl_corner = useUtf8 ? (useUtf8Curvy ? RUNECODESTR_CURVE_CORNER_BL : RUNECODESTR_CORNER_BL) : "`";
const char *br_corner = useUtf8 ? (useUtf8Curvy ? RUNECODESTR_CURVE_CORNER_BR : RUNECODESTR_CORNER_BR) : "'";
int i, x_mod;
int roundcorners = 0;
char *row = NULL, *row_ptr;
if (w < 1 || h < 1) {
if (color) {
c->attr = color;
if (!c->color) {
c->attr = Color_RESET;
row = malloc (w + 1);
if (!row) {
row[0] = roundcorners? '.': tl_corner[0];
if (w > 2) {
memset (row + 1, hline[0], w - 2);
if (w > 1) {
row[w - 1] = roundcorners? '.': tr_corner[0];
row[w] = 0;
row_ptr = row;
x_mod = x;
if (x < -c->sx) {
x_mod = R_MIN (-c->sx, x_mod + w);
row_ptr += x_mod - x;
if (G (x_mod, y)) {
W (row_ptr);
if (G (x_mod, y + h - 1)) {
row[0] = roundcorners? '\'': bl_corner[0];
row[w - 1] = roundcorners? '\'': br_corner[0];
W (row_ptr);
for (i = 1; i < h - 1; i++) {
if (G (x, y + i)) {
W (vline);
if (G (x + w - 1, y + i)) {
W (vline);
free (row);
if (color) {
c->attr = Color_RESET;
R_API void r_cons_canvas_fill(RConsCanvas *c, int x, int y, int w, int h, char ch) {
int i;
if (w < 0) {
char *row = malloc (w + 1);
if (!row) {
memset (row, ch, w);
row[w] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < h; i++) {
if (G (x, y + i)) {
W (row);
free (row);
R_API void r_cons_canvas_line(RConsCanvas *c, int x, int y, int x2, int y2, RCanvasLineStyle *style) {
if (c->linemode) {
r_cons_canvas_line_square (c, x, y, x2, y2, style);
} else {
r_cons_canvas_line_diagonal (c, x, y, x2, y2, style);