2016-03-23 22:13:55 +01:00

3402 lines
96 KiB

/* radare - LGPL - Copyright 2009-2016 - nibble, pancake, dso */
#include "r_core.h"
#include "r_cons.h"
#define HASRETRY 1
#define HAVE_LOCALS 1
#define COLOR(ds, field) (ds->show_color ? ds->field : "")
#define COLOR_CONST(ds, color) (ds->show_color ? Color_ ## color : "")
static const char* r_vline_a[] = {
"|", // LINE_VERT
"|-", // LINE_CROSS
"/", // RUP_CORNER
"\\", // RDWN_CORNER
"->", // ARROW_RIGHT
"=<", // ARROW_LEFT
"-", // LINE_HORIZ
",", // LUP_CORNER
"!", // LINE_UP
static const char* r_vline_u[] = {
"", // LINE_VERT
"<", // ARROW_LEFT
"", // LINE_UP
// TODO: what about using bit shifting and enum for keys? see libr/util/bitmap.c
// the problem of this is that the fields will be more opaque to bindings, but we will earn some bits
typedef struct r_disam_options_t {
RCore *core;
char str[1024], strsub[1024];
int use_esil;
int show_color;
int colorop;
int acase;
int show_flgoff;
int atabs;
int atabsonce;
int atabsoff;
int decode;
int pseudo;
int filter;
int interactive;
int varsub;
int show_lines;
int show_lines_ret;
int show_lines_call;
int linesright;
int tracespace;
int cyclespace;
int cmtfold;
int show_indent;
int show_dwarf;
int show_size;
int show_trace;
int show_family;
int asm_describe;
int linesout;
int adistrick;
int asm_demangle;
int show_offset;
int show_bbline;
int show_emu;
int show_emu_str;
int show_emu_write;
int show_section;
int show_offseg;
int show_flags;
int show_bytes;
int show_reloff;
int show_comments;
int show_jmphints;
int show_slow;
int cmtcol;
int show_fcnlines;
int show_calls;
int show_cmtflgrefs;
int show_cycles;
int show_stackptr;
int show_spacy;
int show_xrefs;
int show_functions;
int show_fcncalls;
int show_marks;
int cursor;
int show_comment_right_default;
int flagspace_ports;
int show_flag_in_bytes;
int lbytes;
int show_comment_right;
char *pre;
char *ocomment;
int linesopts;
int lastfail;
int oldbits;
int ocols;
int lcols;
int nb, nbytes;
int show_utf8;
int lines;
int oplen;
int varxs;
int vars;
int midflags;
const char *pal_comment;
const char *color_comment;
const char *color_fname;
const char *color_floc;
const char *color_fline;
const char *color_flow;
const char *color_flag;
const char *color_label;
const char *color_other;
const char *color_nop;
const char *color_bin;
const char *color_math;
const char *color_jmp;
const char *color_cjmp;
const char *color_call;
const char *color_cmp;
const char *color_swi;
const char *color_trap;
const char *color_ret;
const char *color_push;
const char *color_pop;
const char *color_reg;
const char *color_num;
const char *color_mov;
const char *color_invalid;
const char *color_gui_cflow;
const char *color_gui_dataoffset;
const char *color_gui_background;
const char *color_gui_alt_background;
const char *color_gui_border;
RFlagItem *lastflag;
RAnalHint *hint;
RPrint *p;
int l;
int middle;
int indent_level;
int indent_space;
char *line;
char *refline, *refline2;
char *comment;
char *opstr;
char *osl, *sl;
int stackptr, ostackptr;
int index;
ut64 at, addr, dest;
int tries, cbytes, idx;
ut8 mi_found, retry, toro;
RAsmOp asmop;
RAnalOp analop;
RAnalFunction *fcn;
const ut8 *buf;
int len;
int maxrefs;
char *prev_ins;
bool prev_ins_eq;
int prev_ins_count;
bool show_nodup;
// caches
char *_tabsbuf;
int _tabsoff;
} RDisasmState;
// TODO: put RCore inside RDisasmState and rename all functions to be ds_XXX
static void beginline (RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds, RAnalFunction *f);
static void handle_print_esil_anal(RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds);
static void handle_reflines_init (RAnal *anal, RDisasmState *ds);
static void handle_comment_align (RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds);
static RDisasmState * handle_init_ds (RCore * core);
static void handle_set_pre (RDisasmState *ds, const char * str);
static void handle_build_op_str (RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds);
static void handle_show_xrefs (RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds);
static void handle_atabs_option(RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds);
static void handle_show_functions (RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds);
static void handle_show_comments_right (RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds);
static void handle_show_flags_option(RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds);
static void handle_update_ref_lines (RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds);
static int perform_disassembly(RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds, ut8 *buf, int len);
static void handle_control_flow_comments (RCore * core, RDisasmState *ds);
static void handle_print_lines_right (RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds);
static void handle_print_lines_left (RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds);
static void handle_print_cycles(RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds);
static void handle_print_family(RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds);
static void handle_print_stackptr (RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds);
static void handle_print_offset (RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds);
static void handle_print_op_size (RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds);
static void handle_print_trace (RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds);
static void handle_adistrick_comments (RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds);
static int handle_print_meta_infos (RCore * core, RDisasmState *ds, ut8* buf, int len, int idx );
static void handle_print_opstr (RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds);
static void handle_print_color_reset (RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds);
static int handle_print_middle (RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds, int ret);
static bool handle_print_labels (RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds, RAnalFunction *f);
static void handle_print_import_name (RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds);
static void handle_print_fcn_name (RCore * core, RDisasmState *ds);
static void handle_print_as_string(RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds);
static void handle_print_core_vmode (RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds);
static void handle_print_cc_update (RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds);
static void handle_print_dwarf (RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds);
static void handle_print_asmop_payload (RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds);
static void handle_print_op_push_info (RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds);
//static int handle_read_refptr (RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds, ut64 *word8, ut32 *word4);
static void handle_print_comments_right (RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds);
//static void handle_print_refptr_meta_infos (RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds, ut64 word8 );
//static void handle_print_refptr (RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds);
static void handle_print_ptr (RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds, int len, int idx);
static int cmpaddr (const void *_a, const void *_b) {
const RAnalBlock *a = _a, *b = _b;
return (a->addr > b->addr);
static void get_bits_comment(RCore *core, RAnalFunction *f, char *cmt, int cmt_size) {
if (core && f && cmt && cmt_size>0 && f->bits) {
const char *asm_arch = r_config_get (core->config, "asm.arch");
if (strstr (asm_arch, "arm")) {
switch (f->bits) {
case 16: strcpy (cmt, " (thumb)"); break;
case 32: strcpy (cmt, " (arm)"); break;
case 64: strcpy (cmt, " (aarch64)"); break;
} else {
snprintf (cmt, cmt_size, " (%d bits)", f->bits);
} else {
if (cmt) {
cmt[0] = 0;
static const char *getSectionName (RCore *core, ut64 addr) {
static char section[128] = "";
static ut64 oaddr = UT64_MAX;
RIOSection *s;
if (oaddr == addr)
return section;
s = r_io_section_vget (core->io, addr);
if (s) {
snprintf (section, sizeof (section)-1, "%10s ", s->name);
} else {
RListIter *iter;
RDebugMap *map;
*section = 0;
r_list_foreach (core->dbg->maps, iter, map) {
if (addr >= map->addr && addr < map->addr_end) {
const char *mn = r_str_lchr (map->name, '/');
if (mn) {
strncpy (section, mn+1, sizeof (section)-1);
} else {
strncpy (section, map->name, sizeof (section)-1);
oaddr = addr;
return section;
static void ds_print_spacy (RDisasmState *ds, int pre) {
RCore *core = ds->core;
RAnalFunction *f = NULL;
if (pre) r_cons_newline ();
if (ds->show_functions) {
f = r_anal_get_fcn_in (core->anal, ds->at, R_ANAL_FCN_TYPE_NULL);
if (!f) {
r_cons_printf (" ");
handle_print_lines_left (core, ds);
if (f) beginline (core, ds, f);
handle_print_offset (core, ds);
if (!pre) r_cons_newline ();
static RDisasmState * handle_init_ds (RCore * core) {
RDisasmState *ds = R_NEW0 (RDisasmState);
ds->core = core;
ds->pal_comment = core->cons->pal.comment;
#define P(x) (core->cons && core->cons->pal.x)? core->cons->pal.x
ds->color_comment = P(comment): Color_CYAN;
ds->color_fname = P(fname): Color_RED;
ds->color_floc = P(floc): Color_MAGENTA;
ds->color_fline = P(fline): Color_CYAN;
ds->color_flow = P(flow): Color_CYAN;
ds->color_flag = P(flag): Color_CYAN;
ds->color_label = P(label): Color_CYAN;
ds->color_other = P(other): Color_WHITE;
ds->color_nop = P(nop): Color_BLUE;
ds->color_bin = P(bin): Color_YELLOW;
ds->color_math = P(math): Color_YELLOW;
ds->color_jmp = P(jmp): Color_GREEN;
ds->color_cjmp = P(cjmp): Color_GREEN;
ds->color_call = P(call): Color_BGREEN;
ds->color_cmp = P(cmp): Color_MAGENTA;
ds->color_swi = P(swi): Color_MAGENTA;
ds->color_trap = P(trap): Color_BRED;
ds->color_ret = P(ret): Color_RED;
ds->color_push = P(push): Color_YELLOW;
ds->color_pop = P(pop): Color_BYELLOW;
ds->color_reg = P(reg): Color_YELLOW;
ds->color_num = P(num): Color_CYAN;
ds->color_mov = P(mov): Color_WHITE;
ds->color_invalid = P(invalid): Color_BRED;
ds->color_gui_cflow = P(gui_cflow): Color_YELLOW;
ds->color_gui_dataoffset = P(gui_dataoffset): Color_YELLOW;
ds->color_gui_background = P(gui_background): Color_BLACK;
ds->color_gui_alt_background = P(gui_alt_background): Color_GRAY;
ds->color_gui_border = P(gui_border): Color_BGGRAY;
ds->use_esil = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.esil");
ds->show_flgoff = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.flgoff");
ds->show_nodup = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.nodup");
ds->show_spacy = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.spacy");
ds->show_color = r_config_get_i (core->config, "scr.color");
ds->colorop = r_config_get_i (core->config, "scr.colorops");
ds->show_utf8 = r_config_get_i (core->config, "scr.utf8");
ds->acase = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.ucase");
ds->atabs = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.tabs");
ds->atabsonce = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.tabsonce");
ds->atabsoff = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.tabsoff");
ds->midflags = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.midflags");
ds->decode = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.decode");
ds->pseudo = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.pseudo");
ds->filter = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.filter");
ds->interactive = r_config_get_i (core->config, "scr.interactive");
ds->varsub = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.varsub");
core->parser->relsub = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.relsub");
ds->vars = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.vars");
ds->varxs = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.varxs");
ds->maxrefs = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.maxrefs");
ds->show_lines = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.lines");
ds->linesright = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.linesright");
ds->show_indent = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.indent");
ds->indent_space = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.indentspace");
ds->tracespace = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.tracespace");
ds->cyclespace = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.cyclespace");
ds->show_dwarf = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.dwarf");
ds->show_lines_call = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.lines.call");
ds->show_lines_ret = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.lines.ret");
ds->show_size = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.size");
ds->show_trace = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.trace");
ds->linesout = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.linesout");
ds->adistrick = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.middle"); // TODO: find better name
ds->asm_demangle = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.demangle");
ds->asm_describe = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.describe");
ds->show_offset = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.offset");
ds->show_bbline = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.bbline");
ds->show_section = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.section");
ds->show_emu = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.emu");
ds->show_emu_str = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.emustr");
ds->show_emu_write = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.emuwrite");
ds->show_offseg = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.segoff");
ds->show_flags = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.flags");
ds->show_bytes = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.bytes");
ds->show_reloff = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.reloff");
ds->show_fcnlines = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.fcnlines");
ds->show_comments = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.comments");
ds->show_jmphints = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.jmphints");
ds->show_slow = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.slow");
ds->show_calls = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.calls");
ds->show_family = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.family");
ds->cmtcol = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.cmtcol");
ds->show_cmtflgrefs = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.cmtflgrefs");
ds->show_cycles = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.cycles");
ds->show_stackptr = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.stackptr");
ds->show_xrefs = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.xrefs");
ds->cmtfold = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.cmtfold");
ds->show_functions = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.functions");
ds->show_fcncalls = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.fcncalls");
ds->nbytes = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.nbytes");
core->print->bytespace = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.bytespace");
ds->cursor = 0;
ds->nb = 0;
ds->flagspace_ports = r_flag_space_get (core->flags, "ports");
ds->lbytes = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.lbytes");
ds->show_comment_right_default = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.cmtright");
ds->show_comment_right = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.cmtright"); // XX conflict with show_comment_right_default
ds->show_flag_in_bytes = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.flagsinbytes");
ds->show_marks = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.marks");
ds->pre = strdup (" ");
ds->ocomment = NULL;
ds->linesopts = 0;
ds->lastfail = 0;
ds->oldbits = 0;
ds->ocols = 0;
ds->lcols = 0;
if (ds->show_flag_in_bytes) {
ds->show_flags = 0;
if (r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.lineswide")) {
ds->linesopts |= R_ANAL_REFLINE_TYPE_WIDE;
if (core->cons->vline) {
if (ds->show_utf8)
ds->linesopts |= R_ANAL_REFLINE_TYPE_UTF8;
if (ds->show_lines) ds->ocols += 10; // XXX
if (ds->show_offset) ds->ocols += 14;
ds->lcols = ds->ocols+2;
if (ds->show_bytes) ds->ocols += 20;
if (ds->show_trace) ds->ocols += 8;
if (ds->show_stackptr) ds->ocols += 4;
/* disasm */ ds->ocols += 20;
ds->nb = ds->nbytes? (1+ds->nbytes*2): 0;
ds->tries = 3;
if (core->print->cur_enabled) {
if (core->print->cur<0)
core->print->cur = 0;
ds->cursor = core->print->cur;
} else ds->cursor = -1;
if (r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.lineswide")) {
ds->linesopts |= R_ANAL_REFLINE_TYPE_WIDE;
if (core->cons->vline) {
if (core->utf8)
ds->linesopts |= R_ANAL_REFLINE_TYPE_UTF8;
return ds;
static ut64 lastaddr = UT64_MAX;
static void handle_reflines_init (RAnal *anal, RDisasmState *ds) {
lastaddr = UT64_MAX;
if (ds->show_lines) {
r_list_free (anal->reflines);
r_list_free (anal->reflines2);
anal->reflines = r_anal_reflines_get (anal,
ds->addr, ds->buf, ds->len, ds->l,
ds->linesout, ds->show_lines_call);
anal->reflines2 = r_anal_reflines_get (anal,
ds->addr, ds->buf, ds->len, ds->l,
ds->linesout, 1);
} else anal->reflines = anal->reflines2 = NULL;
static void handle_reflines_fcn_init (RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds, RAnalFunction *fcn, ut8* buf) {
RAnal *anal = core->anal;
if (ds->show_lines) {
// TODO: make anal->reflines implicit
free (anal->reflines); // TODO: leak
anal->reflines = r_anal_reflines_fcn_get (anal,
fcn, -1, ds->linesout, ds->show_lines_call);
free (anal->reflines2); // TODO: leak
anal->reflines2 = r_anal_reflines_fcn_get (anal,
fcn, -1, ds->linesout, 1);
} else {
anal->reflines = anal->reflines2 = NULL;
// TODO. rename to ds_free
static void handle_deinit_ds (RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds) {
if (!ds) return;
if (core && ds->oldbits) {
r_config_set_i (core->config, "asm.bits", ds->oldbits);
ds->oldbits = 0;
r_anal_op_fini (&ds->analop);
r_anal_hint_free (ds->hint);
free (ds->comment);
free (ds->pre);
free (ds->line);
free (ds->refline);
free (ds->refline2);
free (ds->opstr);
free (ds->osl);
free (ds->sl);
free (ds->_tabsbuf);
free (ds);
static void handle_set_pre (RDisasmState *ds, const char * str) {
if (!ds->show_fcnlines) {
str = "";
if (ds->pre && !*ds->pre)
free (ds->pre);
ds->pre = strdup (str);
static char *colorize_asm_string(RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds) {
char *spacer = NULL;
char *source = ds->opstr? ds->opstr: ds->asmop.buf_asm;
if (!ds->show_color || !ds->colorop) {
return strdup (source);
r_cons_strcat (r_print_color_op_type (core->print, ds->analop.type));
// workaround dummy colorizer in case of paired commands (tms320 & friends)
spacer = strstr (source, "||");
if (spacer) {
char *scol1, *s1 = r_str_ndup (source, spacer - source);
char *scol2, *s2 = strdup (spacer + 2);
scol1 = r_print_colorize_opcode (s1, ds->color_reg, ds->color_num);
free (s1);
scol2 = r_print_colorize_opcode (s2, ds->color_reg, ds->color_num);
free (s2);
if (!scol1) scol1 = strdup ("");
if (!scol2) scol2 = strdup ("");
source = malloc (strlen(scol1) + strlen(scol2) + 2 + 1); // reuse source variable
sprintf (source, "%s||%s", scol1, scol2);
free (scol1);
free (scol2);
return source;
return r_print_colorize_opcode (source, ds->color_reg, ds->color_num);
static void handle_build_op_str (RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds) {
char *asm_str;
if (!ds->opstr) {
ds->opstr = strdup (ds->asmop.buf_asm);
/* initialize */
core->parser->hint = ds->hint;
if (ds->varsub && ds->opstr) {
RAnalFunction *f = r_anal_get_fcn_in (core->anal,
//if (f) {
core->parser->varlist = r_anal_var_list;
r_parse_varsub (core->parser, f, ds->at, ds->analop.size,
ds->opstr, ds->strsub, sizeof (ds->strsub));
if (*ds->strsub) {
free (ds->opstr);
ds->opstr = strdup (ds->strsub);
asm_str = colorize_asm_string (core, ds);
if (ds->decode) {
char *tmpopstr = r_anal_op_to_string (core->anal, &ds->analop);
// TODO: Use data from code analysis..not raw ds->analop here
// if we want to get more information
ds->opstr = tmpopstr? tmpopstr: asm_str? strdup (asm_str): strdup ("");
} else {
if (ds->hint && ds->hint->opcode) {
free (ds->opstr);
ds->opstr = strdup (ds->hint->opcode);
if (ds->filter) {
int ofs = core->parser->flagspace;
int fs = ds->flagspace_ports;
if (ds->analop.type == R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_IO) {
core->parser->notin_flagspace = -1;
core->parser->flagspace = fs;
} else {
if (fs != -1) {
core->parser->notin_flagspace = fs;
core->parser->flagspace = fs;
} else {
core->parser->notin_flagspace = -1;
core->parser->flagspace = -1;
r_parse_filter (core->parser, core->flags,
asm_str, ds->str, sizeof (ds->str));
core->parser->flagspace = ofs;
free (ds->opstr);
ds->opstr = strdup (ds->str);
core->parser->flagspace = ofs; // ???
} else {
if (!ds->opstr)
ds->opstr = strdup (asm_str?asm_str:"");
if (ds->use_esil) {
if (*R_STRBUF_SAFEGET (&ds->analop.esil)) {
free (ds->opstr);
ds->opstr = strdup (R_STRBUF_SAFEGET (&ds->analop.esil));
} else {
char *p = malloc (strlen (ds->opstr)+6); /* What's up '\0' ? */
strcpy (p, "TODO,");
strcpy (p+5, ds->opstr);
free (ds->opstr);
ds->opstr = p;
free (asm_str);
R_API RAnalHint *r_core_hint_begin (RCore *core, RAnalHint* hint, ut64 at) {
static char *hint_arch = NULL;
static char *hint_syntax = NULL;
static int hint_bits = 0;
r_anal_hint_free (hint);
hint = r_anal_hint_get (core->anal, at);
if (hint_arch) {
r_config_set (core->config, "asm.arch", hint_arch);
hint_arch = NULL;
if (hint_syntax) {
r_config_set (core->config, "asm.syntax", hint_syntax);
hint_syntax = NULL;
if (hint_bits) {
r_config_set_i (core->config, "asm.bits", hint_bits);
hint_bits = 0;
if (hint) {
/* arch */
if (hint->arch) {
if (!hint_arch) hint_arch = strdup (
r_config_get (core->config, "asm.arch"));
r_config_set (core->config, "asm.arch", hint->arch);
/* arch */
if (hint->syntax) {
if (!hint_syntax) hint_syntax = strdup (
r_config_get (core->config, "asm.syntax"));
r_config_set (core->config, "asm.syntax", hint->syntax);
/* bits */
if (hint->bits) {
if (!hint_bits) hint_bits =
r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.bits");
r_config_set_i (core->config, "asm.bits", hint->bits);
return hint;
static void beginline (RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds, RAnalFunction *f) {
const char *section = "";
if (ds->show_section) {
section = getSectionName (core, ds->at);
if (ds->show_functions && ds->show_fcnlines) {
r_cons_printf ("%s%s%s", COLOR (ds, color_fline),
f ? ds->pre : " ", COLOR_RESET (ds));
if (ds->show_lines && !ds->linesright) {
r_cons_printf ("%s%s%s%s",
section, COLOR (ds, color_flow),
f ? ds->refline2 : " ", COLOR_RESET (ds));
static void handle_show_xrefs (RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds) {
RList *xrefs;
RAnalRef *refi;
RListIter *iter;
bool demangle = r_config_get_i (core->config, "bin.demangle");
const char *lang = demangle ? r_config_get (core->config, "bin.lang") : NULL;
char *name, *tmp;
int count = 0;
if (!ds->show_xrefs)
if (!ds->show_comments)
/* show xrefs */
xrefs = r_anal_xref_get (core->anal, ds->at);
if (!xrefs) return;
if (r_list_length (xrefs) > ds->maxrefs) {
int cols = r_cons_get_size (NULL);
cols -= 15;
cols /= 23;
RAnalFunction *f = r_anal_get_fcn_in (core->anal,
beginline (core, ds, f);
r_cons_printf ("%s; XREFS: ", ds->show_color?
ds->pal_comment: "");
r_list_foreach (xrefs, iter, refi) {
r_cons_printf ("%s 0x%08"PFMT64x" ",
r_anal_xrefs_type_tostring (refi->type), refi->addr);
if (count == cols) {
if (iter->n) {
r_cons_newline ();
beginline (core, ds, f);
r_cons_printf ("%s; XREFS: ",
ds->show_color? ds->pal_comment: "");
count = 0;
} else count++;
r_cons_newline ();
r_list_free (xrefs);
r_list_foreach (xrefs, iter, refi) {
if (refi->at == ds->at) {
RAnalFunction *fun = r_anal_get_fcn_in (
core->anal, refi->at, -1);
name = strdup (fun ? fun->name : "unk");
if (demangle) {
tmp = r_bin_demangle (core->bin->cur, lang, name);
if (tmp) {
free (name);
name = tmp;
beginline (core, ds, fun);
r_cons_printf ("%s; %s XREF from 0x%08"PFMT64x" (%s)%s\n",
COLOR (ds, pal_comment),
r_anal_xrefs_type_tostring (refi->type),
R_FREE (name);
r_list_free (xrefs);
static void handle_atabs_option(RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds) {
int n, i = 0, comma = 0, word = 0;
int size, brackets = 0;
char *t, *b;
if (!ds || !ds->atabs)
size = strlen (ds->asmop.buf_asm)* (ds->atabs+1)*4;
if (size < 1)
free (ds->opstr);
ds->opstr = b = malloc (size);
strcpy (b, ds->asmop.buf_asm);
for (; *b; b++, i++) {
if (*b=='(' || *b=='[') brackets++;
if (*b==')' || *b==']') brackets--;
if (*b==',') comma = 1;
if (*b!=' ') continue;
if (word>0 && !comma) continue; //&& b[1]=='[') continue;
if (brackets>0) continue;
comma = 0;
brackets = 0;
n = (ds->atabs-i);
t = strdup (b+1); //XXX slow!
if (n<1) n = 1;
memset (b, ' ', n);
b += n;
strcpy (b, t);
free (t);
i = 0;
if (ds->atabsonce) {
static int handleMidFlags(RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds, bool print) {
RFlagItem *fi;
int i;
for (i = 1; i < ds->oplen; i++) {
fi = r_flag_get_i (core->flags, ds->at + i);
if (fi) {
if (!strncmp (fi->name, "reloc.", 6)) {
if (print) {
r_cons_printf ("(%s)\n", fi->name);
return i;
return 0;
static void handle_print_show_cursor (RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds) {
char res[] = " ";
void *p;
int q, t;
if (!core || !ds || !ds->show_marks)
q = core->print->cur_enabled &&
ds->cursor >= ds->index &&
ds->cursor < (ds->index + ds->asmop.size);
p = r_bp_get_at (core->dbg->bp, ds->at);
t = ds->midflags && handleMidFlags (core, ds, false) > 0;
if (p) res[0] = 'b';
if (t) res[1] = '~';
if (q) {
if (ds->cursor == ds->index) {
res[2] = '*';
} else {
int i = 2, diff = ds->cursor - ds->index;
if (diff > 9) res[i++] = '0' + (diff / 10);
res[i] = '0' + (diff % 10);
r_cons_strcat (res);
static int var_comparator(const RAnalVar *a, const RAnalVar *b){
if (a && b) return a->delta > b->delta;
return false;
static void handle_show_functions(RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds) {
RAnalFunction *f;
bool demangle;
const char *lang;
char *fcn_name;
char *sign;
if (!core || !ds || !ds->show_functions)
demangle = r_config_get_i (core->config, "bin.demangle");
lang = demangle ? r_config_get (core->config, "bin.lang") : NULL;
f = r_anal_get_fcn_in (core->anal, ds->at, R_ANAL_FCN_TYPE_NULL);
if (!f)
if (f->addr != ds->at)
if (demangle) {
fcn_name = r_bin_demangle (core->bin->cur, lang, f->name);
if (!fcn_name)
fcn_name = strdup (f->name);
} else {
fcn_name = f->name;
sign = r_anal_fcn_to_string (core->anal, f);
if (f->type == R_ANAL_FCN_TYPE_LOC) {
r_cons_printf ("%s%s ", COLOR (ds, color_fline),
core->cons->vline[LINE_CROSS]); // |-
r_cons_printf ("%s%s%s %d\n", COLOR (ds, color_floc),
fcn_name, COLOR_RESET (ds), f->size);
} else {
const char *space = ds->show_fcnlines ? " " : "";
const char *fcntype;
char cmt[32];
get_bits_comment (core, f, cmt, sizeof (cmt));
switch (f->type) {
fcntype = "fcn"; break;
fcntype = "imp"; break;
fcntype = "loc"; break;
int corner = (f->size <= ds->analop.size) ? RDWN_CORNER : LINE_VERT;
corner = LINE_VERT; // 99% of cases
RFlagItem *item = r_flag_get_i (core->flags, f->addr);
corner = item ? LINE_VERT : RDWN_CORNER;
if (item) {
corner = 0;
handle_set_pre (ds, core->cons->vline[RUP_CORNER]);
if (ds->show_flgoff) {
r_cons_printf ("%s%s", COLOR (ds, color_fline), ds->pre);
if (ds->show_fcnlines) {
r_cons_printf (" ");
handle_print_lines_left (core, ds);
handle_print_offset (core, ds);
r_cons_printf ("%s%s%s(%s) %s%s%s %d\n",
space, COLOR_RESET (ds), COLOR (ds, color_fname),
fcntype, fcn_name, cmt, COLOR_RESET (ds), f->size);
} else {
r_cons_printf ("%s%s%s%s%s(%s) %s%s%s %d\n",
COLOR (ds, color_fline), ds->pre,
space, COLOR_RESET (ds), COLOR (ds, color_fname),
fcntype, fcn_name, cmt, COLOR_RESET (ds), f->size);
if (sign)
r_cons_printf ("// %s\n", sign);
R_FREE (sign);
handle_set_pre (ds, core->cons->vline[LINE_VERT]);
if (ds->show_fcnlines)
ds->pre = r_str_concat (ds->pre, " ");
ds->stackptr = 0;
if (ds->vars) {
char spaces[32];
RList *args = r_anal_var_list (core->anal, f, 'a');
RList *vars = r_anal_var_list (core->anal, f, 'v');
r_list_sort (args, (RListComparator)var_comparator);
r_list_sort (vars, (RListComparator)var_comparator);
r_list_join (args, vars);
RAnalVar *var;
RListIter *iter;
r_list_foreach (args, iter, var) {
int idx;
memset (spaces, ' ', sizeof(spaces));
idx = 12 - strlen (var->name);
if (idx < 0) idx = 0;
spaces[idx] = 0;
if (!ds->show_fcnlines) {
r_cons_printf ("%s", ds->refline2);
} else {
r_cons_printf ("%s%s %s%s%s",
COLOR (ds, color_fline), core->cons->vline[LINE_VERT],
COLOR (ds, color_flow), ds->refline2,
r_cons_printf ("%s; %s %s %s %s@ %s%s0x%x%s\n",
COLOR (ds, color_other),
(var->kind == 'v') ? "var" : "arg",
var->type, var->name, spaces,
(var->kind == 'v') ? "-" : "+",
var->delta, COLOR_RESET (ds));
r_list_free (vars);
// it's already empty, but rlist instance is still there
r_list_free (args);
if (demangle)
free (fcn_name);
static void handle_print_pre (RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds, bool tail) {
RAnalFunction *f;
if (!ds->show_functions) {
f = r_anal_get_fcn_in (core->anal, ds->at, R_ANAL_FCN_TYPE_NULL);
if (f) {
if (f->addr == ds->at) {
if (ds->analop.size == f->size) {
handle_set_pre (ds, core->cons->vline[RDWN_CORNER]);
} else {
handle_set_pre (ds, core->cons->vline[LINE_VERT]);
} else if (f->addr + f->size - ds->analop.size == ds->at) {
handle_set_pre (ds, core->cons->vline[RDWN_CORNER]);
} else if (ds->at > f->addr && ds->at < f->addr+f->size-1) {
handle_set_pre (ds, core->cons->vline[LINE_VERT]);
if (ds->show_fcnlines) {
ds->pre = r_str_concat (ds->pre, " ");
if (tail) {
r_str_replace_char (ds->pre, '\\', ' ');
r_str_replace_char (ds->pre, '|', '\\');
r_cons_printf ("%s%s%s", COLOR (ds, color_fline),
ds->pre, COLOR_RESET (ds));
} else {
if (ds->show_lines) {
r_cons_printf (" ");
} else if (ds->show_fcnlines) {
r_cons_printf (" ");
static void handle_show_comments_right (RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds) {
int linelen, maxclen ;
RAnalFunction *f;
RFlagItem *item;
/* show comment at right? */
int scr = ds->show_comment_right;
if (!ds->show_comments)
f = r_anal_get_fcn_in (core->anal, ds->at, R_ANAL_FCN_TYPE_NULL);
item = r_flag_get_i (core->flags, ds->at);
ds->comment = r_meta_get_string (core->anal, R_META_TYPE_COMMENT, ds->at);
if (!ds->comment && item && item->comment && *item->comment) {
ds->ocomment = item->comment;
ds->comment = strdup (item->comment);
if (!ds->comment)
maxclen = strlen (ds->comment)+5;
linelen = maxclen;
if (ds->show_comment_right_default) {
if (ds->ocols+maxclen < core->cons->columns) {
if (ds->comment && *ds->comment && strlen (ds->comment)<maxclen) {
if (!strchr (ds->comment, '\n')) // more than one line?
ds->show_comment_right = 1;
if (!ds->show_comment_right) {
int infun, mycols = ds->lcols;
if (mycols + linelen + 10 > core->cons->columns)
mycols = 0;
mycols /= 2;
if (ds->show_color) r_cons_strcat (ds->pal_comment);
r_cons_strcat ("; ");
// XXX: always prefix with ; the comments
if (*ds->comment != ';') r_cons_strcat (" ; ");
r_cons_strcat_justify (ds->comment, mycols, ';');
infun = f && (f->addr != ds->at);
if (infun) {
char *str = strdup (ds->show_color ? ds->color_fline : "");
str = r_str_concat (str, core->cons->vline[LINE_VERT]);
if (ds->show_color) {
str = r_str_concat (str, ds->color_flow);
// color refline
str = r_str_concat (str, " ");
str = r_str_concat (str, ds->refline2);
// color comment
if (ds->show_color) {
str = r_str_concat (str, ds->color_comment);
str = r_str_concat (str, "; ");
ds->comment = r_str_prefix_all (ds->comment, str);
free (str);
} else {
ds->comment = r_str_prefix_all (ds->comment, " ; ");
/* print multiline comment */
if (ds->cmtfold) {
char * p = strdup (ds->comment);
char *q = strchr(p,'\n');
if (q) {
*q = 0;
r_cons_strcat (p);
r_cons_strcat (" ; [z] unfold");
free (p);
} else {
r_cons_strcat (ds->comment);
if (ds->show_color) handle_print_color_reset (core, ds);
r_cons_newline ();
free (ds->comment);
ds->comment = NULL;
/* flag one */
if (item && item->comment && ds->ocomment != item->comment) {
if (ds->show_color) r_cons_strcat (ds->pal_comment);
r_cons_newline ();
r_cons_strcat (" ; ");
r_cons_strcat_justify (item->comment, mycols, ';');
r_cons_newline ();
if (ds->show_color) handle_print_color_reset (core, ds);
ds->show_comment_right = scr;
// TODO: rename to ds_show_flags
static void handle_show_flags_option(RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds) {
//const char *beginch;
RFlagItem *flag;
RListIter *iter;
RAnalFunction *f;
const RList /*RFlagList*/ *flaglist;
//bool printed = false;
if (!ds->show_flags) {
f = r_anal_get_fcn_in (core->anal, ds->at, R_ANAL_FCN_TYPE_NULL);
flaglist = r_flag_get_list (core->flags, ds->at);
r_list_foreach (flaglist, iter, flag) {
if (f && f->addr == flag->offset && !strcmp (flag->name, f->name)) {
// do not show flags that have the same name as the function
if (ds->show_flgoff) {
if (f) {
beginline (core, ds, f);
} else {
handle_print_lines_left (core, ds);
handle_print_offset (core, ds);
r_cons_printf (" ");
} else {
r_cons_printf ((f && ds->at > f->addr)?"| ": " ");
handle_print_lines_left (core, ds);
r_cons_printf (";-- ");
if (ds->show_color)
r_cons_strcat (ds->color_flag);
//beginch = (iter->p && printed) ? ", " : "";
if (ds->asm_demangle) {
const char *lang = r_config_get (core->config, "bin.lang");
char *name = r_bin_demangle (core->bin->cur, lang, flag->realname);
r_cons_printf ("%s:\n", name? name: flag->realname);
R_FREE (name);
} else {
r_cons_printf ("%s:\n", flag->name);
//printed = true;
if (ds->show_spacy) {
if (!r_list_empty (flaglist)) {
ds_print_spacy(ds, false);
static void handle_update_ref_lines (RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds) {
if (ds->show_lines) {
ds->line = r_anal_reflines_str (core, ds->at, ds->linesopts);
ds->refline = strdup (ds->line);
ds->refline2 = r_anal_reflines_str (core, ds->at,
ds->linesopts | R_ANAL_REFLINE_TYPE_MIDDLE);
if (ds->line) {
if (strchr (ds->line, '<'))
if (strchr (ds->line, '>'))
} else {
ds->indent_level = 0;
} else {
free (ds->line);
free (ds->refline);
free (ds->refline2);
ds->refline = strdup ("");
ds->refline2 = strdup ("");
ds->line = NULL;
static int perform_disassembly(RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds, ut8 *buf, int len) {
int ret = r_asm_disassemble (core->assembler, &ds->asmop, buf, len);
if (ds->asmop.size < 1) ds->asmop.size = 1;
if (ds->show_nodup) {
const char *opname = (ret < 1)? "invalid": ds->asmop.buf_asm;
if (ds->prev_ins && !strcmp (ds->prev_ins, opname)) {
if (!ds->prev_ins_eq) {
ds->prev_ins_eq = true;
r_cons_printf ("...");
ds->prev_ins_count ++;
return -31337;
if (ds->prev_ins_eq) {
r_cons_printf ("dup (%d)\n", ds->prev_ins_count);
ds->prev_ins_count = 0;
ds->prev_ins_eq = false;
if (ds->prev_ins) {
R_FREE (ds->prev_ins);
ds->prev_ins = strdup (ds->asmop.buf_asm);
ds->oplen = ds->asmop.size;
if (ret < 1) {
ret = -1;
if (!ds->cbytes && ds->tries > 0) {
ds->addr = core->assembler->pc;
ds->idx = 0;
ds->retry = 1;
return ret;
ds->lastfail = 1;
ds->asmop.size = (ds->hint && ds->hint->size) ?
ds->hint->size : 1;
} else {
ds->lastfail = 0;
ds->asmop.size = (ds->hint && ds->hint->size) ?
ds->hint->size : r_asm_op_get_size (&ds->asmop);
ds->oplen = ds->asmop.size;
if (ds->pseudo) {
r_parse_parse (core->parser, ds->opstr ?
ds->opstr : ds->asmop.buf_asm, ds->str);
free (ds->opstr);
ds->opstr = strdup (ds->str);
if (ds->acase) r_str_case (ds->asmop.buf_asm, 1);
return ret;
static void handle_control_flow_comments (RCore * core, RDisasmState *ds) {
if (ds->show_comments && ds->show_cmtflgrefs) {
RFlagItem *item;
switch (ds->analop.type) {
item = r_flag_get_i (core->flags, ds->analop.jump);
if (item && item->comment) {
if (ds->show_color) r_cons_strcat (ds->pal_comment);
handle_comment_align (core, ds);
r_cons_printf (" ; ref to %s: %s\n", item->name, item->comment);
handle_print_color_reset (core, ds);
static void handle_print_lines_right (RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds){
if (ds->linesright && ds->show_lines && ds->line) {
r_cons_printf ("%s%s%s", COLOR (ds, color_flow), ds->line, COLOR_RESET (ds));
static void handle_print_lines_left (RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds){
if (ds->show_section) {
r_cons_strcat (getSectionName (core, ds->at));
if (!ds->linesright && ds->show_lines && ds->line) {
r_cons_printf ("%s%s%s", COLOR (ds, color_flow), ds->line, COLOR_RESET (ds));
static void handle_print_family (RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds) {
if (ds->show_family) {
const char *familystr = r_anal_op_family_to_string (ds->analop.family);
r_cons_printf ("%5s ", familystr);
static void handle_print_cycles (RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds) {
if (ds->show_cycles) {
if (!ds->analop.failcycles)
r_cons_printf ("%3d ", ds->analop.cycles);
else r_cons_printf ("%3d %3d ", ds->analop.cycles, ds->analop.failcycles);
if (ds->cyclespace) {
char spaces [32];
int times = R_MIN (ds->analop.cycles/4, 30); // limit to 30
memset (spaces, ' ', sizeof (spaces));
spaces[times] = 0;
r_cons_strcat (spaces);
static void handle_print_stackptr (RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds) {
if (ds->show_stackptr) {
r_cons_printf ("%3d%s", ds->stackptr,
ds->stackptr>ds->ostackptr?"+":ds->stackptr<ds->ostackptr?"-":" ");
ds->ostackptr = ds->stackptr;
ds->stackptr += ds->analop.stackptr;
/* XXX if we reset the stackptr 'ret 0x4' has not effect.
* Use RAnalFunction->RAnalOp->stackptr? */
if (ds->analop.type == R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_RET)
ds->stackptr = 0;
static void handle_print_offset (RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds) {
if (core->screen_bounds) {
int r, rc;
(void)r_cons_get_size (&r);
(void)r_cons_get_cursor (&rc);
if (rc > r - 1 && core->screen_bounds == 1) {
core->screen_bounds = ds->at;
if (ds->show_offset) {
static RFlagItem sfi = {0};
RFlagItem *fi;
int delta = 0;
if (ds->show_reloff) {
RAnalFunction *f = r_anal_get_fcn_at (core->anal,
if (f) {
delta = ds->at - f->addr;
sfi.offset = f->addr;
ds->lastflag = &sfi;
} else {
fi = r_flag_get_i (core->flags, ds->at);
if (fi) ds->lastflag = fi;
if (ds->lastflag) {
if (ds->lastflag->offset == ds->at) {
delta = 0;
} else {
delta = ds->at - ds->lastflag->offset;
} else {
delta = ds->at - core->offset;
r_print_offset (core->print, ds->at, (ds->at==ds->dest),
ds->show_offseg, delta);
if (ds->atabsoff > 0) {
if (ds->_tabsoff != ds->atabsoff) {
char *b = ds->_tabsbuf;
// TODO optimize to avoid down resizing
b = malloc (ds->atabsoff + 1);
if (b) {
memset (b, ' ', ds->atabsoff);
b[ds->atabsoff] = 0;
free (ds->_tabsbuf);
ds->_tabsbuf = b;
ds->_tabsoff = ds->atabsoff;
r_cons_strcat (ds->_tabsbuf);
static void handle_print_op_size (RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds) {
if (ds->show_size)
r_cons_printf ("%d ", ds->analop.size);
static void handle_print_trace (RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds) {
RDebugTracepoint *tp = NULL;
if (ds->show_trace) {
tp = r_debug_trace_get (core->dbg, ds->at);
r_cons_printf ("%02x:%04x ", tp?tp->times:0, tp?tp->count:0);
if (ds->tracespace) {
char spaces [32];
int times;
if (!tp)
tp = r_debug_trace_get (core->dbg, ds->at);
if (tp) {
times = R_MIN (tp->times, 30); // limit to 30
memset (spaces, ' ', sizeof (spaces));
spaces[times] = 0;
r_cons_strcat (spaces);
static void handle_adistrick_comments (RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds) {
if (ds->adistrick) {
ds->middle = r_anal_reflines_middle (core->anal,
core->anal->reflines, ds->at, ds->analop.size);
static int handle_print_meta_infos (RCore * core, RDisasmState *ds, ut8* buf, int len, int idx) {
int ret = 0;
const char *infos, *metas;
char key[100];
RAnalMetaItem MI, *mi = &MI;
Sdb *s = core->anal->sdb_meta;
snprintf (key, sizeof (key)-1, "meta.0x%"PFMT64x, ds->at);
infos = sdb_const_get (s, key, 0);
if (infos)
for (;*infos; infos++) {
/* XXX wtf, must use anal.meta.deserialize() */
char *p, *q;
if (*infos==',')
snprintf (key, sizeof (key)-1, "meta.%c.0x%"PFMT64x, *infos, ds->at);
metas = sdb_const_get (s, key, 0);
MI.size = sdb_array_get_num (s, key, 0, 0);
MI.type = *infos;
MI.from = ds->at;
MI.to = ds->at + MI.size;
if (metas) {
p = strchr (metas, ',');
if (!p) {
MI.space = atoi (p+1);
q = strchr (p+1, ',');
if (!q) {
MI.str = (char*)sdb_decode (q+1, 0);
} else MI.str = NULL;
// sdb-get blah
// TODO: implement ranged meta find (if not at the begging of function..
#if 0
RAnalMetaItem *mi = r_meta_find (core->anal, ds->at,
char *out = NULL;
int hexlen;
int delta;
ds->mi_found = 0;
if (mi) {
switch (mi->type) {
out = r_str_escape (mi->str);
r_cons_printf (" .string %s\"%s\"%s ; len=%"PFMT64d,
free (out);
delta = ds->at-mi->from;
ds->oplen = mi->size-delta;
ds->asmop.size = (int)mi->size;
//i += mi->size-1; // wtf?
free (ds->line);
free (ds->refline);
free (ds->refline2);
ds->line = ds->refline = ds->refline2 = NULL;
ds->mi_found = 1;
r_cons_printf ("(%d bytes hidden)", mi->size);
ds->asmop.size = mi->size;
ds->oplen = mi->size;
ds->mi_found = 1;
hexlen = len - idx;
delta = ds->at-mi->from;
if (mi->size<hexlen) hexlen = mi->size;
ds->oplen = mi->size;
core->print->flags &= ~R_PRINT_FLAGS_HEADER;
switch (mi->size) {
case 1:
r_cons_printf (".byte 0x%02x", buf[idx]);
case 2:
ut16 *data = (ut16*)(buf+idx);
r_mem_copyendian ((ut8*)data, (ut8*)data, 2, !core->print->big_endian);
r_cons_printf (".word 0x%04x", *data);
case 4:
ut32 *data = (ut32*)(buf+idx);
r_mem_copyendian ((ut8*)data, (ut8*)data, 4, !core->print->big_endian);
r_cons_printf (".dword 0x%08x", *data);
RFlagItem *fi = r_flag_get_i (core->flags, (ut64)*data);
if (fi) r_cons_printf (" ; %s", fi->name);
case 8:
ut64 *data = (ut64*)(buf + idx);
r_mem_copyendian ((ut8*)data, (const ut8*)data, 8, !core->print->big_endian);
r_cons_printf (".qword 0x%016"PFMT64x, *data);
RFlagItem *fi = r_flag_get_i (core->flags, *data);
if (fi) r_cons_printf (" ; %s", fi->name);
r_cons_printf ("hex length=%lld delta=%d\n", mi->size , delta);
r_print_hexdump (core->print, ds->at, buf+idx, hexlen-delta, 16, 1);
core->inc = 16;
core->print->flags |= R_PRINT_FLAGS_HEADER;
ds->asmop.size = ret = (int)mi->size; //-delta;
free (ds->line);
free (ds->refline);
free (ds->refline2);
ds->line = ds->refline = ds->refline2 = NULL;
ds->mi_found = 1;
r_cons_printf ("format %s {\n", mi->str);
r_print_format (core->print, ds->at, buf+idx, len-idx, mi->str, R_PRINT_MUSTSEE, NULL, NULL);
r_cons_printf ("} %d", mi->size);
ds->oplen = ds->asmop.size = ret = (int)mi->size;
free (ds->line);
free (ds->refline);
free (ds->refline2);
ds->line = ds->refline = ds->refline2 = NULL;
ds->mi_found = 1;
if (MI.str) {
free (MI.str);
MI.str = NULL;
return ret;
static void handle_instruction_mov_lea (RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds, int idx) {
RAnalValue *src;
switch (ds->analop.type) {
src = ds->analop.src[0];
if (src && src->memref>0 && src->reg) {
if (core->anal->reg) {
const char *pc = core->anal->reg->name[R_REG_NAME_PC];
RAnalValue *dst = ds->analop.dst;
if (dst && dst->reg && dst->reg->name)
if (!strcmp (src->reg->name, pc)) {
RFlagItem *item;
ut8 b[8];
ut64 ptr = idx+ds->addr+src->delta+ds->analop.size;
ut64 off = 0LL;
r_core_read_at (core, ptr, b, src->memref);
off = r_mem_get_num (b, src->memref, 1);
item = r_flag_get_i (core->flags, off);
r_cons_printf ("; MOV %s = [0x%"PFMT64x"] = 0x%"PFMT64x" %s\n",
dst->reg->name, ptr, off, item?item->name: "");
// TODO: get from meta anal?
src = ds->analop.src[0];
if (src && src->reg && core->anal->reg && *(core->anal->reg->name)) {
const char *pc = core->anal->reg->name[R_REG_NAME_PC];
RAnalValue *dst = ds->analop.dst;
if (dst && dst->reg && !strcmp (src->reg->name, pc)) {
int index = 0;
int memref = core->assembler->bits/8;
RFlagItem *item;
ut8 b[64];
ut64 ptr = index+ds->addr+src->delta+ds->analop.size;
ut64 off = 0LL;
r_core_read_at (core, ptr, b, sizeof (b)); //memref);
off = r_mem_get_num (b, memref, 1);
item = r_flag_get_i (core->flags, off);
char s[64];
r_str_ncpy (s, (const char *)b, sizeof (s));
r_cons_printf ("; LEA %s = [0x%"PFMT64x"] = 0x%"PFMT64x" \"%s\"\n",
dst->reg->name, ptr, off, item?item->name: s);
static void handle_print_show_bytes (RCore * core, RDisasmState *ds) {
char *nstr, *str = NULL, pad[64];
char *flagstr = NULL;
char extra[64];
int j,k;
if (!ds->show_bytes)
if (ds->nb<1)
strcpy (extra, " ");
if (ds->show_flag_in_bytes) {
flagstr = r_flag_get_liststr (core->flags, ds->at);
if (flagstr) {
str = flagstr;
if (ds->nb > 0) {
k = ds->nb-strlen (flagstr)-1;
if (k<0) k = 0;
for (j=0; j<k; j++)
pad[j] = ' ';
pad[j] = '\0';
} else pad[0] = 0;
} else {
if (ds->show_flag_in_bytes) {
k = ds->nb-1;
if (k<0) k = 0;
for (j=0; j<k; j++)
pad[j] = ' ';
pad[j] = '\0';
str = strdup ("");
} else {
str = strdup (ds->asmop.buf_hex);
if (r_str_ansi_len (str) > ds->nb) {
char *p = (char *)r_str_ansi_chrn (str, ds->nb);
if (p) {
p[0] = '.';
p[1] = '\0';
ds->p->cur_enabled = (ds->cursor != -1);
nstr = r_print_hexpair (ds->p, str, ds->index);
if (ds->p->bytespace) {
k = (ds->nb + (ds->nb / 2)) - r_str_ansi_len (nstr) + 2;
} else {
k = ds->nb - r_str_ansi_len (nstr)+1;
if (k > 0) {
for (j = 0; j < k; j++) {
pad[j] = ' ';
pad[j] = 0;
if (ds->lbytes) {
// hack to align bytes left
strcpy (extra, pad);
*pad = 0;
} else {
pad[0] = 0;
free (str);
str = nstr;
if (ds->show_color) {
r_cons_printf ("%s%s %s"Color_RESET, pad, str, extra);
} else {
r_cons_printf ("%s%s %s", pad, str, extra);
free (str);
static void handle_print_indent (RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds) {
if (ds->show_indent) {
char indent[128];
int num = ds->indent_level * ds->indent_space;
if (num < 0) num = 0;
if (num >= sizeof (indent))
num = sizeof(indent)-1;
memset (indent, ' ', num);
indent[num] = 0;
r_cons_strcat (indent);
static void handle_print_opstr (RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds) {
handle_print_indent (core, ds);
r_cons_strcat (ds->opstr);
static void handle_print_color_reset (RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds) {
if (ds->show_color) r_cons_strcat (Color_RESET);
static int handle_print_middle(RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds, int ret) {
if (ds->middle != 0) {
ret -= ds->middle;
handle_comment_align (core, ds);
if (ds->show_color) r_cons_strcat (ds->pal_comment);
r_cons_printf (" ; *middle* %d", ret);
if (ds->show_color) r_cons_strcat (Color_RESET);
return ret;
static bool handle_print_labels(RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds, RAnalFunction *f) {
const char *label;
if (!core || !ds) return false;
if (!f) f = r_anal_get_fcn_in (core->anal, ds->at, 0);
label = r_anal_fcn_label_at (core->anal, f, ds->at);
if (!label)
return false;
if (ds->show_color) {
r_cons_strcat (ds->color_label);
r_cons_printf (" .%s:\n", label);
handle_print_color_reset (core, ds);
} else {
r_cons_printf (" .%s:\n", label);
return true;
static void handle_print_import_name (RCore * core, RDisasmState *ds) {
RListIter *iter = NULL;
RBinReloc *rel = NULL;
switch (ds->analop.type) {
if (core->bin->cur->o->imports && core->bin->cur->o->relocs) {
r_list_foreach (core->bin->cur->o->relocs, iter, rel) {
if ((rel->vaddr == ds->analop.jump) &&
(rel->import != NULL)) {
if (ds->show_color) {
r_cons_strcat (ds->color_fname);
// TODO: handle somehow ordinals import
handle_comment_align (core, ds);
r_cons_printf (" ; (imp.%s)", rel->import->name);
handle_print_color_reset (core, ds);
static void handle_print_fcn_name (RCore * core, RDisasmState *ds) {
int delta;
const char *label;
RAnalFunction *f;
if (!ds->show_comments)
switch (ds->analop.type) {
f = r_anal_get_fcn_in (core->anal,
ds->analop.jump, R_ANAL_FCN_TYPE_NULL);
if (f && !strstr (ds->opstr, f->name)) {
if (ds->show_color) {
r_cons_strcat (ds->color_fname);
//beginline (core, ds, f);
// print label
delta = ds->analop.jump - f->addr;
label = r_anal_fcn_label_at (core->anal, f, ds->analop.jump);
if (label) {
handle_comment_align (core, ds);
r_cons_printf (" ; %s.%s", f->name, label);
} else {
RAnalFunction *f2 = r_anal_get_fcn_in (core->anal, ds->at, 0);
if (f != f2) {
handle_comment_align (core, ds);
if (delta>0) {
r_cons_printf (" ; %s+0x%x", f->name, delta);
} else if (delta<0) {
r_cons_printf (" ; %s-0x%x", f->name, -delta);
} else {
r_cons_printf (" ; %s", f->name);
handle_print_color_reset (core, ds);
static bool is_asmqjmps_valid (RCore *core) {
if (!core->asmqjmps) return false;
if (core->is_asmqjmps_letter) {
if (core->asmqjmps_count >= R_CORE_ASMQJMPS_MAX_LETTERS) {
return false;
if (core->asmqjmps_count >= core->asmqjmps_size - 2) {
core->asmqjmps_size *= 2;
core->asmqjmps = realloc (core->asmqjmps, core->asmqjmps_size * sizeof (ut64));
if (!core->asmqjmps) return false;
return core->asmqjmps_count < core->asmqjmps_size - 1;
static void handle_print_core_vmode(RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds) {
int i;
if (!ds->show_jmphints) return;
if (core->vmode) {
switch (ds->analop.type) {
handle_comment_align (core, ds);
if (ds->show_color) r_cons_strcat (ds->pal_comment);
if (is_asmqjmps_valid (core)) {
int found = 0;
for (i = 0; i < core->asmqjmps_count + 1; i++) {
if (core->asmqjmps[i] == ds->analop.jump) {
found = 1;
if (!found) i = ++core->asmqjmps_count;
core->asmqjmps[i] = ds->analop.jump;
r_core_set_asmqjmps (core, t, sizeof (t), i);
r_cons_printf (" ;[%s]", t);
} else {
r_cons_strcat (" ;[?]");
if (ds->show_color) r_cons_strcat (Color_RESET);
// modifies anal register state
static void handle_print_cc_update (RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds) {
// declare static since this variable is reused locally, and needs to maintain
// state
static RAnalCC cc = {0};
if (!ds->show_comments || !ds->show_fcncalls)
if (!r_anal_cc_update (core->anal, &cc, &ds->analop)) {
if (ds->show_functions) {
RAnalFunction *f = r_anal_get_fcn_in (core->anal, ds->at, R_ANAL_FCN_TYPE_NULL);
char tmp[128];
char *ccstr = r_anal_cc_to_string (core->anal, &cc);
tmp[0] = 0;
r_anal_cc_update (core->anal, &cc, &ds->analop);
if (ccstr) {
RFlagItem *flag = r_flag_get_at (core->flags, cc.jump);
if (flag && ccstr) {
int delta = 0;
if (f) { delta = cc.jump-flag->offset; }
if (!strncmp (flag->name, ccstr, strlen (flag->name))) {
if (ccstr[strlen (flag->name)] == '(') {
tmp[0] = 0;
} else {
if (delta)
snprintf (tmp, sizeof (tmp)-1, " ; %s+%d", flag->name, delta);
else snprintf (tmp, sizeof (tmp)-1, " ; %s", flag->name);
} else {
if (delta)
snprintf (tmp, sizeof (tmp)-1, " ; %s+%d", flag->name, delta);
else snprintf (tmp, sizeof (tmp)-1, " ; %s", flag->name);
if (ds->show_calls) {
const char *sn = ds->show_section? getSectionName (core, ds->at): "";
int cmtright = ds->show_comment_right;
if (core->cons->columns < 120) {
cmtright = 0;
// if doesnt fits in screen newline
if (cmtright) {
handle_comment_align (core, ds);
r_cons_printf (" %s%s; %s%s%s", COLOR_RESET (ds),
COLOR (ds, pal_comment), ccstr, tmp, COLOR_RESET (ds));
} else {
r_cons_printf ("\n%s%s%s%s%s %s^-%s %s%s%s",
COLOR (ds, color_fline), ds->pre, COLOR (ds, color_flow),
sn, ds->refline, COLOR_RESET (ds), COLOR (ds, pal_comment),
ccstr, tmp, COLOR_RESET (ds));
free (ccstr);
if (f) {
handle_set_pre (ds, core->cons->vline[LINE_VERT]);
ds->pre = r_str_concat (ds->pre, " ");
} else {
handle_set_pre (ds, " ");
r_anal_cc_reset (&cc);
// align for comment
static void handle_comment_align (RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds) {
const int cmtcol = ds->cmtcol;
if (ds->show_comment_right_default) {
char *ll = r_cons_lastline ();
if (ll) {
int cstrlen = strlen (ll);
int cols, ansilen = r_str_ansi_len (ll);
int utf8len = r_utf8_strlen ((const ut8*)ll);
int cells = utf8len - (cstrlen-ansilen);
cols = ds->interactive ? core->cons->columns : 1024;
//cols = r_cons_get_size (NULL);
if (cmtcol+16>=cols) {
#if 0
r_cons_newline ();
r_cons_memset (' ', 10);
int len = cmtcol - cells;
r_cons_memset (' ', len);
} else if (cells < cmtcol) {
int len = cmtcol - cells;
if (len < cols)
r_cons_memset (' ', len);
static void handle_print_dwarf (RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds) {
if (ds->show_dwarf) {
ds->sl = r_bin_addr2text (core->bin, ds->at);
int len = strlen (ds->opstr);
if (len<30) len = 30 - len;
if (ds->sl) {
if ((!ds->osl || (ds->osl && strcmp (ds->sl, ds->osl)))) {
char *line = strdup (ds->sl);
r_str_replace_char (line, '\t', ' ');
r_str_replace_char (line, '\x1b', ' ');
r_str_replace_char (line, '\r', ' ');
r_str_replace_char (line, '\n', '\x00');
// handle_set_pre (ds, " ");
handle_comment_align (core, ds);
if (ds->show_color) {
r_cons_printf ("%s ; %s"Color_RESET, ds->pal_comment, line);
} else {
r_cons_printf (" ; %s", line);
free (ds->osl);
ds->osl = ds->sl;
ds->sl = NULL;
free (line);
static void handle_print_asmop_payload (RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds) {
if (ds->varxs) {
// XXX asume analop is filled
//r_anal_op (core->anal, &ds->analop, ds->at, core->block+i, core->blocksize-i);
int v = ds->analop.ptr;
switch (ds->analop.stackop) {
if (v<0) {
r_cons_printf (" ; local.get %d", -v);
} else {
r_cons_printf (" ; arg.get %d", v);
if (v<0) {
r_cons_printf (" ; local.set %d", -v);
} else {
r_cons_printf (" ; arg.set %d", v);
if (ds->asmop.payload != 0)
r_cons_printf ("\n; .. payload of %d bytes", ds->asmop.payload);
static void handle_print_op_push_info (RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds){
switch (ds->analop.type) {
if (ds->analop.val) {
RFlagItem *flag = r_flag_get_i (core->flags, ds->analop.val);
if (flag) r_cons_printf (" ; %s", flag->name);
static void comment_newline (RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds) {
const char *sn;
if (ds->show_comment_right) return;
sn = ds->show_section ? getSectionName (core, ds->at) : "";
handle_comment_align (core, ds);
r_cons_printf ("\n%s%s%s%s%s ^- %s", COLOR (ds, color_fline),
ds->pre, sn, ds->refline, COLOR_RESET (ds),
COLOR (ds, pal_comment));
/* convert numeric value in opcode to ascii char or number */
static void handle_print_ptr (RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds, int len, int idx) {
ut64 p = ds->analop.ptr;
int aligned = 0;
#define DOALIGN() if (!aligned) { handle_comment_align (core, ds); aligned = 1; }
if (!ds->show_comments)
if (!ds->show_slow) {
if (p == UT64_MAX) {
/* do nothing */
} else if (((st64)p)>0) {
const char *kind;
char *msg = calloc(sizeof(char), len);
RFlagItem *f, *f2;
r_io_read_at (core->io, p, (ut8*)msg, len-1);
if (ds->analop.refptr) {
ut64 *num = (ut64*)msg;
st64 n = *num;
st32 n32;
// TODO: make this more complete
switch (ds->analop.refptr) {
case 1: n &= UT8_MAX; break;
case 2: n &= UT16_MAX; break;
case 4: n &= UT32_MAX; break;
case 8: n &= UT64_MAX; break;
r_mem_copyendian ((ut8*)&n, (ut8*)&n,
n32 = n;
handle_comment_align (core, ds);
if (ds->show_color) {
r_cons_printf (ds->pal_comment);
if (ds->analop.type == R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_LEA) {
comment_newline (core, ds);
const char *flag = "";
f = r_flag_get_i (core->flags, p);
if (f) flag = f->name;
r_cons_printf (" ; 0x%"PFMT64x"%s%s", p, *flag?" ; ":"", flag);
} else {
f = NULL;
if (n==UT32_MAX || n==UT64_MAX) {
r_cons_printf (" ; [0x%"PFMT64x":%d]=-1", p, ds->analop.refptr);
} else if (n == n32 && (n32>-512 && n32 <512)) {
r_cons_printf (" ; [0x%"PFMT64x":%d]=%"PFMT64d, p, ds->analop.refptr, n);
} else {
const char *kind, *flag = "";
char *msg2 = NULL;
f = r_flag_get_i (core->flags, n);
if (f) {
flag = f->name;
} else {
msg2 = calloc (sizeof (char), len);
r_io_read_at (core->io, n, (ut8*)msg2, len-1);
kind = r_anal_data_kind (core->anal, p, (const ut8*)msg2, len-1);
if (kind && !strcmp (kind, "text")) {
r_str_filter (msg2, 0);
if (*msg2) {
char *lala = r_str_newf ("\"%s\"", msg2);
free (msg2);
flag = msg2 = lala;
// try to guess what's in there
r_cons_printf (" ; [0x%"PFMT64x":%d]=0x%"PFMT64x"%s%s",
p, ds->analop.refptr, n, (flag&&*flag)?" ":"", flag);
free (msg2);
// not just for LEA
f2 = r_flag_get_i (core->flags, p);
if (f2 && f != f2) {
r_cons_printf (" LEA %s", f2->name);
if (ds->show_color) r_cons_printf (Color_RESET);
#if 1
if (!IS_PRINTABLE (*msg))
*msg = 0;
else msg[len-1] = 0;
f = r_flag_get_i (core->flags, p);
if (f) {
r_str_filter (msg, 0);
comment_newline (core, ds);
if (ds->show_color) {
r_cons_printf ("%s", ds->pal_comment);
if (*msg) {
r_cons_printf (" ; \"%s\" @ 0x%"PFMT64x, msg, p);
} else {
r_cons_printf (" ; %s", f->name);
if (ds->show_color) r_cons_printf (Color_RESET);
} else {
if (p==UT64_MAX || p==UT32_MAX) {
r_cons_printf (" ; -1", p);
} else if (p>='!' && p<='~') {
r_cons_printf (" ; '%c'", p);
} else if (p>10) {
if ((st64)p<0) {
// resolve local var if possible
RAnalVar *v = r_anal_var_get (core->anal, ds->at, 'v', 1, (int)p);
if (v) {
r_cons_printf (" ; var %s", v->name);
r_anal_var_free (v);
} else {
r_cons_printf (" ; var %d", (int)-p);
} else {
if (r_core_anal_address (core, p) & R_ANAL_ADDR_TYPE_ASCII) {
r_str_filter (msg, 0);
if (*msg) {
r_cons_printf (" ; \"%s\" 0x%08"PFMT64x" ",
msg, p);
kind = r_anal_data_kind (core->anal, p, (const ut8*)msg, len-1);
if (kind) {
if (!strcmp (kind, "text")) {
r_str_filter (msg, 0);
if (*msg) {
if (ds->show_color) {
r_cons_printf (ds->pal_comment);
r_cons_printf (" ; \"%s\" @ 0x%"PFMT64x, msg, p);
if (ds->show_color) {
r_cons_printf (Color_RESET);
} else if (!strcmp (kind, "invalid")){
int *n = (int*)&p;
if (*n>-0xfff && *n < 0xfff) {
if (ds->show_color) {
r_cons_printf (ds->pal_comment);
r_cons_printf (" ; %d", *n);
if (ds->show_color) {
r_cons_printf (Color_RESET);
} else {
//r_cons_printf (" ; %s", kind);
// TODO: check for more data kinds
free (msg);
} else handle_print_as_string (core, ds);
// TODO: Use sdb in rbin to accelerate this
// we shuold use aligned reloc addresses instead of iterating all of them
static RBinReloc *getreloc(RCore *core, ut64 addr, int size) {
RList *list;
RBinReloc *r;
RListIter *iter;
if (size<1 || addr == UT64_MAX) return NULL;
list = r_bin_get_relocs (core->bin);
#if 0
addr addr+size
r_list_foreach (list, iter, r) {
if ((r->vaddr >= addr) && (r->vaddr<(addr+size)))
return r;
return NULL;
static void handle_print_relocs (RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds) {
RBinReloc *rel = getreloc (core, ds->at, ds->analop.size);
if (rel) {
if (rel->import)
r_cons_printf (" ; RELOC %d %s", rel->type, rel->import->name);
else if (rel->symbol)
r_cons_printf (" ; RELOC %d %s", rel->type, rel->symbol->name);
else r_cons_printf (" ; RELOC %d ", rel->type);
static int likely = 0;
static int show_slow = 0;
static int show_emu_str = 0;
static int mymemwrite0(RAnalEsil *esil, ut64 addr, const ut8 *buf, int len) {
return 0;
static int mymemwrite1(RAnalEsil *esil, ut64 addr, const ut8 *buf, int len) {
return 1;
static int myregwrite(RAnalEsil *esil, const char *name, ut64 val) {
char str[64], *msg = NULL;
ut32 *n32 = (ut32*)str;
likely = 1;
if (!show_slow) {
return 0;
memset (str, 0, sizeof (str));
if (val != 0LL) {
RFlagItem *fi = r_flag_get_i (esil->anal->flb.f, val);
if (fi) {
strncpy (str, fi->name, sizeof (str)-1);
if (!str[0]) {
(void)r_io_read_at (esil->anal->iob.io, val, (ut8*)str, sizeof (str)-1);
str[sizeof (str)-1] = 0;
if (*str && r_str_is_printable (str)) {
// do nothing
msg = r_str_newf ("\"%s\"", str);
} else {
str[0] = 0;
if (*n32 == 0) {
// msg = strdup ("NULL");
} else if (*n32 == UT32_MAX) {
/* nothing */
} else {
if (!show_emu_str) {
msg = r_str_newf ("-> 0x%x", *n32);
} else {
msg = r_str_newf ("%s", str);
if (show_emu_str) {
if (msg && *msg) r_cons_printf ("; %s", msg);
} else {
r_cons_printf ("; %s=0x%"PFMT64x" %s", name, val, msg? msg: "");
free (msg);
return 0;
// TODO: Move into ds-> after cleanup
static ut64 opc = UT64_MAX;
static ut8 *regstate = NULL;
static void handle_print_esil_anal_init(RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds) {
const char *pc = r_reg_get_name (core->anal->reg, R_REG_NAME_PC);
opc = r_reg_getv (core->anal->reg, pc);
if (!opc || opc==UT64_MAX) opc = core->offset;
if (!ds->show_emu) {
if (!core->anal->esil) {
int iotrap = r_config_get_i (core->config, "esil.iotrap");
int stacksize = r_config_get_i (core->config, "esil.stacksize");
if (!(core->anal->esil = r_anal_esil_new (stacksize, iotrap))) {
R_FREE (regstate);
r_anal_esil_setup (core->anal->esil, core->anal, 0, 0);
free (regstate);
regstate = r_reg_arena_peek (core->anal->reg);
static void handle_print_esil_anal_fini(RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds) {
if (ds->show_emu && regstate) {
const char *pc = r_reg_get_name (core->anal->reg, R_REG_NAME_PC);
r_reg_arena_poke (core->anal->reg, regstate);
r_reg_setv (core->anal->reg, pc, opc);
free (regstate);
regstate = NULL;
static void handle_print_bbline(RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds) {
RAnalBlock *bb;
if (!ds->show_bbline || !ds->fcn) return;
bb = r_anal_fcn_bbget (ds->fcn, ds->at);
if (bb) {
handle_print_pre (core, ds, false);
handle_update_ref_lines (core, ds);
if (!ds->linesright && ds->show_lines && ds->line) {
r_cons_printf ("%s%s%s", COLOR (ds, color_flow),
ds->refline2, COLOR_RESET (ds));
// modifies anal register state
static void handle_print_esil_anal(RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds) {
RAnalEsil *esil = core->anal->esil;
const char *pc;
int i, ioc, nargs;
if (!esil || !ds->show_comments || !ds->show_emu) {
goto beach;
ioc = r_config_get_i (core->config, "io.cache");
r_config_set (core->config, "io.cache", "true");
handle_comment_align (core, ds);
esil = core->anal->esil;
pc = r_reg_get_name (core->anal->reg, R_REG_NAME_PC);
r_reg_setv (core->anal->reg, pc, ds->at + ds->analop.size);
show_slow = ds->show_slow; // hacky global
show_emu_str = ds->show_emu_str; // hacky global
esil->cb.hook_reg_write = myregwrite;
if (ds->show_emu_write) {
esil->cb.hook_mem_write = mymemwrite0;
} else {
esil->cb.hook_mem_write = mymemwrite1;
likely = 0;
r_anal_esil_parse (esil, R_STRBUF_SAFEGET (&ds->analop.esil));
r_anal_esil_stack_free (esil);
switch (ds->analop.type) {
char *s = cmd_syscall_dostr (core, -1);
if (s) {
r_cons_printf ("; %s", s);
free (s);
} break;
if (likely) {
r_cons_printf ("; likely");
} else {
r_cons_printf ("; unlikely");
const char *usefmt = NULL;
ut64 pcv = r_reg_getv (core->anal->reg, pc);
RAnalFunction *fcn = r_anal_get_fcn_at (core->anal, pcv, 0);
if (ds->analop.ptr) {
pcv = ds->analop.ptr; // call [reloc-addr] // windows style
fcn = r_anal_get_fcn_at (core->anal, pcv, 0);
if (fcn) {
nargs = fcn->nargs;
usefmt = r_anal_get_fcnsign (core->anal, fcn->name);
} else {
RFlagItem *item = r_flag_get_i (core->flags, pcv);
if (item) usefmt = r_anal_get_fcnsign (core->anal, item->name);
if (!usefmt) nargs = DEFAULT_NARGS;
if (usefmt) {
const char *sp = r_reg_get_name (core->anal->reg, R_REG_NAME_SP);
ut64 spv = r_reg_getv (core->anal->reg, sp);
spv += (core->anal->bits == 64)? 8: 4;
r_cons_newline ();
r_core_cmdf (core, "pf %s @ 0x%08"PFMT64x, usefmt, spv);
r_cons_chop ();
} else {
r_cons_printf ("\n; CALL: ");
for (i = 0; i < nargs; i++) {
ut64 v = r_debug_arg_get (core->dbg, R_ANAL_CC_TYPE_STDCALL, i);
r_cons_printf ("%s0x%"PFMT64x, i?", ":"", v);
r_config_set_i (core->config, "io.cache", ioc);
if (ds->show_spacy) {
switch (ds->analop.type) {
ds_print_spacy (ds, 1);
static void handle_print_comments_right (RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds) {
char *desc = NULL;
handle_print_relocs (core, ds);
if (ds->asm_describe) {
char *locase = strdup (ds->asmop.buf_asm);
char *op = strchr (locase, ' ');
if (op) *op = 0;
r_str_case (locase, 0);
desc = r_asm_describe (core->assembler, locase);
free (locase);
if (ds->show_comments) {
if (desc) {
handle_comment_align (core, ds);
if (ds->show_color) {
r_cons_strcat (ds->color_comment);
r_cons_strcat (" ; ");
r_cons_strcat (desc);
if (ds->show_comment_right && ds->comment) {
if (!desc) {
handle_comment_align (core, ds);
if (ds->show_color) {
r_cons_strcat (ds->color_comment);
r_cons_strcat (" ; ");
//r_cons_strcat_justify (comment, strlen (ds->refline) + 5, ';');
r_cons_strcat (ds->comment);
if (ds->show_color) {
handle_print_color_reset (core, ds);
free (ds->comment);
ds->comment = NULL;
free (desc);
#if 0
static void handle_print_refptr_meta_infos (RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds, ut64 word8 ) {
RAnalMetaItem *mi2 = r_meta_find (core->anal, word8,
if (mi2) {
switch (mi2->type) {
{ char *str = r_str_escape (mi2->str);
r_cons_printf (" (at=0x%08"PFMT64x") (len=%"PFMT64d
") \"%s\" ", word8, mi2->size, str);
free (str);
case 'd':
r_cons_printf (" (data)");
r_cons_printf (" (%c) %s", mi2->type, mi2->str);
} else {
mi2 = r_meta_find (core->anal, (ut64)ds->analop.ptr,
if (mi2) {
char *str = r_str_escape (mi2->str);
r_cons_printf (" \"%s\" @ 0x%08"PFMT64x":%"PFMT64d,
str, ds->analop.ptr, mi2->size);
free (str);
} else r_cons_printf (" ; 0x%08x [0x%"PFMT64x"]",
word8, ds->analop.ptr);
static void handle_print_as_string(RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds) {
char *str = r_num_as_string (NULL, ds->analop.ptr);
if (str) {
handle_comment_align (core, ds);
r_cons_printf (" %s; \"%s\"%s", COLOR (ds, pal_comment),
str, COLOR_RESET (ds));
free (str);
#if 0
static void handle_print_refptr (RCore *core, RDisasmState *ds) {
ut64 word8 = 0;
ut32 word4 = 0;
int ret;
ret = handle_read_refptr (core, ds, &word8, &word4);
if (ret) {
handle_print_refptr_meta_infos (core, ds, word8);
} else {
st64 sref = ds->analop.ptr; // todo. use .refptr?
if (sref>0) {
RFlagItem *f = r_flag_get_i (core->flags, ds->analop.ptr);
if (f) {
r_cons_printf (" ; %s", f->name);
} else {
r_cons_printf (" ; 0x%08"PFMT64x, ds->analop.ptr);
// int l is for lines
R_API int r_core_print_disasm(RPrint *p, RCore *core, ut64 addr, ut8 *buf, int len, int l, int invbreak, int cbytes) {
int continueoninvbreak = (len == l) && invbreak;
RAnalFunction *of = NULL;
RAnalFunction *f = NULL;
int ret, i, inc, skip_bytes = 0, idx = 0;
int dorepeat = 1;
ut8 *nbuf = NULL;
RDisasmState *ds;
// TODO: All those ds must be print flags
ds = handle_init_ds (core);
ds->cbytes = cbytes;
ds->p = p;
ds->l = l;
ds->buf = buf;
ds->len = len;
ds->addr = addr;
ds->hint = NULL;
//r_cons_printf ("len =%d l=%d ib=%d limit=%d\n", len, l, invbreak, p->limit);
// TODO: import values from debugger is possible
// TODO: allow to get those register snapshots from traces
// TODO: per-function register state trace
// XXX - is there a better way to reset a the analysis counter so that
// when code is disassembled, it can actually find the correct offsets
if (true || ds->show_emu) {
r_reg_arena_push (core->anal->reg);
if (core->anal->cur && core->anal->cur->reset_counter) {
core->anal->cur->reset_counter (core->anal, addr);
handle_reflines_init (core->anal, ds);
core->inc = 0;
/* reset jmp table if not asked to keep it */
if (!core->keep_asmqjmps) { // hack
core->asmqjmps_count = 0;
core->asmqjmps_size = R_CORE_ASMQJMPS_NUM;
core->asmqjmps = realloc (core->asmqjmps, core->asmqjmps_size * sizeof (ut64));
if (core->asmqjmps) {
for (i = 0; i < R_CORE_ASMQJMPS_NUM; i++) {
core->asmqjmps[i] = UT64_MAX;
// uhm... is this necesary? imho can be removed
r_asm_set_pc (core->assembler, ds->addr+idx);
core->cons->vline = r_config_get_i (core->config, "scr.utf8") ?
r_vline_u : r_vline_a;
if (core->print->cur_enabled) {
// TODO: support in-the-middle-of-instruction too
if (r_anal_op (core->anal, &ds->analop, core->offset + core->print->cur,
buf+core->print->cur, (int)(len - core->print->cur))) {
// TODO: check for ds->analop.type and ret
ds->dest = ds->analop.jump;
} else {
/* highlight eip */
const char *pc = core->anal->reg->name[R_REG_NAME_PC];
RFlagItem *item = r_flag_get (core->flags, pc);
if (item) ds->dest = item->offset;
handle_print_esil_anal_init (core, ds);
r_cons_break (NULL, NULL);
inc = 0;
if (ds->l == 0) {
len = ds->l = core->blocksize;
for (i = idx = ret = 0; idx < len && ds->lines < ds->l;
idx += inc, i++, ds->index += inc, ds->lines++) {
ds->at = ds->addr + idx;
if (r_cons_singleton ()->breaked) {
dorepeat = 0;
r_core_seek_archbits (core, ds->at); // slow but safe
ds->hint = r_core_hint_begin (core, ds->hint, ds->at);
r_asm_set_pc (core->assembler, ds->at);
handle_update_ref_lines (core, ds);
/* show type links */
r_core_cmdf (core, "tf 0x%08"PFMT64x, ds->at);
f = r_anal_get_fcn_in (core->anal, ds->at, R_ANAL_FCN_TYPE_NULL);
ds->fcn = f;
if (f && f->folded && ds->at >= f->addr && ds->at < f->addr+f->size) {
int delta = (ds->at <= f->addr)? (ds->at - f->addr + f->size): 0;
if (of != f) {
char cmt[32];
get_bits_comment(core, f, cmt, sizeof (cmt));
handle_show_comments_right (core, ds);
r_cons_printf ("%s%s%s (fcn) %s%s%s\n",
COLOR (ds, color_fline), core->cons->vline[RUP_CORNER],
COLOR (ds, color_fname), f->name, cmt, COLOR_RESET (ds));
handle_print_pre (core, ds, true);
handle_print_lines_left (core, ds);
handle_print_offset (core, ds);
r_cons_printf ("(%d byte folded function)\n", f->size);
//r_cons_printf ("%s%s%s\n", COLOR (ds, color_fline), core->cons->vline[RDWN_CORNER], COLOR_RESET (ds));
if (delta<0) delta = -delta;
ds->addr += delta + idx;
r_io_read_at (core->io, ds->addr, buf, len);
inc = 0; //delta;
idx = 0;
of = f;
if (len == l)
} else {
ds->addr += 1;
r_io_read_at (core->io, ds->addr, buf, len);
inc = 0; //delta;
idx = 0;
// r_cons_printf ("delta %d fsize %d\n", delta, f->size);
// inc = 1;
if (!ds->hint || !ds->hint->bits) {
if (f) {
if (f->bits) {
if (!ds->oldbits) {
ds->oldbits = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.bits");
if (ds->oldbits != f->bits) {
r_config_set_i (core->config, "asm.bits", f->bits);
} else {
if (ds->oldbits) {
r_config_set_i (core->config, "asm.bits", ds->oldbits);
ds->oldbits = 0;
} else {
if (ds->oldbits) {
r_config_set_i (core->config, "asm.bits", ds->oldbits);
ds->oldbits = 0;
handle_show_comments_right (core, ds);
ret = perform_disassembly (core, ds, buf+idx, len-idx);
if (ret == -31337) {
inc = ds->oplen;
if (ds->retry) {
ds->retry = 0;
goto retry;
handle_atabs_option (core, ds);
// TODO: store previous oplen in core->dec
if (core->inc == 0) {
core->inc = ds->oplen;
if (ds->analop.mnemonic) {
r_anal_op_fini (&ds->analop);
if (!ds->lastfail) {
r_anal_op (core->anal, &ds->analop, ds->at, buf+idx, (int)(len-idx));
if (ret < 1) {
r_strbuf_init (&ds->analop.esil);
ds->analop.type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_ILL;
if (ds->hint) {
if (ds->hint->size) ds->analop.size = ds->hint->size;
if (ds->hint->ptr) ds->analop.ptr = ds->hint->ptr;
handle_print_bbline (core, ds);
r_print_set_rowoff (core->print, ds->lines, ds->at - addr);
if (ds->midflags) {
skip_bytes = handleMidFlags (core, ds, true);
if (skip_bytes && ds->midflags == R_MIDFLAGS_SHOW)
ds->at += skip_bytes;
handle_show_flags_option (core, ds);
if (skip_bytes && ds->midflags == R_MIDFLAGS_SHOW)
ds->at -= skip_bytes;
handle_instruction_mov_lea (core, ds, idx);
handle_control_flow_comments (core, ds);
handle_adistrick_comments (core, ds);
/* XXX: This is really cpu consuming.. need to be fixed */
handle_show_functions (core, ds);
handle_show_xrefs (core, ds);
handle_print_pre (core, ds, false);
handle_print_lines_left (core, ds);
if (ds->show_comments && !ds->show_comment_right) {
if (ds->show_emu) {
handle_print_esil_anal (core, ds);
r_cons_newline ();
handle_print_pre (core, ds, false);
handle_print_lines_left (core, ds);
f = r_anal_get_fcn_in (core->anal, ds->addr, 0);
if (handle_print_labels (core, ds, f)) {
handle_show_functions (core, ds);
handle_show_xrefs (core, ds);
handle_print_pre (core, ds, false);
handle_print_lines_left (core, ds);
handle_print_offset (core, ds);
handle_print_op_size (core, ds);
handle_print_trace (core, ds);
handle_print_cycles (core, ds);
handle_print_family (core, ds);
handle_print_stackptr (core, ds);
ret = handle_print_meta_infos (core, ds, buf, len, idx);
if (!ds->mi_found) {
/* show cursor */
handle_print_show_cursor (core, ds);
handle_print_show_bytes (core, ds);
handle_print_lines_right (core, ds);
handle_build_op_str (core, ds);
handle_print_opstr (core, ds);
handle_print_fcn_name (core, ds);
handle_print_color_reset (core, ds);
handle_print_dwarf (core, ds);
ret = handle_print_middle (core, ds, ret);
handle_print_asmop_payload (core, ds);
if (core->assembler->syntax != R_ASM_SYNTAX_INTEL) {
RAsmOp ao; /* disassemble for the vm .. */
int os = core->assembler->syntax;
r_asm_set_syntax (core->assembler, R_ASM_SYNTAX_INTEL);
r_asm_disassemble (core->assembler, &ao, buf+idx, len-idx+5);
r_asm_set_syntax (core->assembler, os);
handle_print_core_vmode (core, ds);
handle_print_cc_update (core, ds);
} else {
ds->mi_found = 0;
handle_print_op_push_info (core, ds);
handle_print_ptr (core, ds, len + 256, idx);
handle_print_comments_right (core, ds);
if (!(ds->show_comments && ds->show_comment_right && ds->comment)) {
handle_print_esil_anal (core, ds);
r_cons_newline ();
if (ds->line) {
if (ds->show_lines_ret && ds->analop.type == R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_RET) {
if (strchr (ds->line, '>')) {
memset (ds->line, ' ', r_str_len_utf8 (ds->line));
r_cons_printf ("%s%s%s%s; --------------------------------------\n",
ds->pre, COLOR (ds, color_flow), ds->line, COLOR_RESET (ds));
free (ds->line);
free (ds->refline);
free (ds->refline2);
ds->line = ds->refline = ds->refline2 = NULL;
R_FREE (ds->opstr);
inc = ds->oplen;
if (ds->midflags == R_MIDFLAGS_REALIGN && skip_bytes)
inc = skip_bytes;
if (inc < 1)
inc = 1;
if (nbuf == buf) {
free (buf);
buf = NULL;
r_cons_break_end ();
if (!ds->cbytes && ds->lines<ds->l && dorepeat) {
if (len<4) len = 4;
buf = nbuf = malloc (len);
if (ds->tries>0) {
if (r_core_read_at (core, ds->addr, buf, len) ) {
goto toro;
if (ds->lines<ds->l) {
//ds->addr += idx;
if (r_core_read_at (core, ds->addr, buf, len) != len) {
//ds->tries = -1;
goto toro;
if (continueoninvbreak)
goto toro;
if (ds->oldbits) {
r_config_set_i (core->config, "asm.bits", ds->oldbits);
ds->oldbits = 0;
r_print_set_rowoff (core->print, ds->lines, ds->at - addr);
r_print_set_rowoff (core->print, ds->lines + 1, UT32_MAX);
// TODO: this should be called from deinit_ds()
r_anal_op_fini (&ds->analop);
// TODO: this too (must review)
handle_print_esil_anal_fini (core, ds);
handle_deinit_ds (core, ds);
if (true || ds->show_emu) {
r_reg_arena_pop (core->anal->reg);
return idx; //-ds->lastfail;
/* Disassemble either `nb_opcodes` instructions, or
* `nb_bytes` bytes; both can be negative.
* Set to 0 the parameter you don't use */
R_API int r_core_print_disasm_instructions (RCore *core, int nb_bytes, int nb_opcodes) {
RDisasmState *ds = NULL;
int i, j, ret, err = 0;
RAnalFunction *f;
char *tmpopstr;
const ut64 old_offset = core->offset;
bool hasanal = false;
r_reg_arena_push (core->anal->reg);
if (!nb_bytes) {
nb_bytes = core->blocksize;
if (nb_opcodes < 0) {
/* Backward disassembly or nb_opcodes opcodes
* - We compute the new starting offset
* - Read at the new offset */
nb_opcodes = -nb_opcodes;
r_core_asm_bwdis_len (core, &nb_bytes, &core->offset, nb_opcodes);
r_core_read_at (core, core->offset, core->block, nb_bytes);
} else {
if (nb_bytes < 0) { // Disassemble backward `nb_bytes` bytes
nb_bytes = -nb_bytes;
core->offset -= nb_bytes;
r_core_read_at (core, core->offset, core->block, nb_bytes);
// XXX - is there a better way to reset a the analysis counter so that
// when code is disassembled, it can actually find the correct offsets
if (core->anal->cur && core->anal->cur->reset_counter)
core->anal->cur->reset_counter (core->anal, core->offset);
ds = handle_init_ds (core);
ds->len = nb_bytes;
ds->l = nb_opcodes;
ds->len = nb_opcodes * 8;
if (ds->len > core->blocksize) {
if (core->fixedblock) {
nb_bytes = ds->len = core->blocksize;
} else {
r_core_block_size (core, ds->len);
r_core_block_read (core, 0);
if (ds->l == 0)
ds->l = ds->len;
r_cons_break (NULL, NULL);
#define isTheEnd (nb_opcodes? j<nb_opcodes: i<nb_bytes)
for (i = j = 0; isTheEnd; i += ret, j++) {
ds->at = core->offset +i;
hasanal = false;
r_core_seek_archbits (core, ds->at);
if (r_cons_singleton ()->breaked)
if (ds->hint) {
r_anal_hint_free (ds->hint);
ds->hint = NULL;
ds->hint = r_core_hint_begin (core, ds->hint, ds->at);
r_asm_set_pc (core->assembler, ds->at);
// XXX copypasta from main disassembler function
f = r_anal_get_fcn_in (core->anal, ds->at, R_ANAL_FCN_TYPE_NULL);
if (!ds->hint || !ds->hint->bits) {
if (f) {
if (f->bits) {
if (!ds->oldbits)
ds->oldbits = r_config_get_i (core->config, "asm.bits");
if (ds->oldbits != f->bits) {
r_config_set_i (core->config, "asm.bits", f->bits);
} else {
if (ds->oldbits != 0) {
r_config_set_i (core->config, "asm.bits", ds->oldbits);
ds->oldbits = 0;
} else {
if (ds->oldbits) {
r_config_set_i (core->config, "asm.bits", ds->oldbits);
ds->oldbits = 0;
ret = r_asm_disassemble (core->assembler,
&ds->asmop, core->block+i, core->blocksize-i);
if (ds->show_color && !hasanal) {
r_anal_op (core->anal, &ds->analop, ds->at,
core->block + i, core->blocksize - i);
hasanal = true;
//r_cons_printf ("0x%08"PFMT64x" ", core->offset+i);
if (ds->hint && ds->hint->size)
ret = ds->hint->size;
if (ds->hint && ds->hint->opcode) {
free (ds->opstr);
ds->opstr = strdup (ds->hint->opcode);
} else {
if (ds->use_esil) {
if (!hasanal) {
r_anal_op (core->anal, &ds->analop,
ds->at, core->block+i,
hasanal = true;
if (*R_STRBUF_SAFEGET (&ds->analop.esil)) {
free (ds->opstr);
ds->opstr = strdup (R_STRBUF_SAFEGET (&ds->analop.esil));
} else if (ds->filter) {
char *asm_str;
int ofs = core->parser->flagspace;
int fs = ds->flagspace_ports;
if (ds->analop.type == R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_IO) {
core->parser->notin_flagspace = -1;
core->parser->flagspace = fs;
} else {
if (fs != -1) {
core->parser->notin_flagspace = fs;
core->parser->flagspace = fs;
} else {
core->parser->notin_flagspace = -1;
core->parser->flagspace = -1;
core->parser->hint = ds->hint;
r_parse_filter (core->parser, core->flags,
ds->asmop.buf_asm, ds->str, sizeof (ds->str));
ds->opstr = strdup (ds->str);
asm_str = colorize_asm_string (core, ds);
core->parser->flagspace = ofs;
free (ds->opstr);
ds->opstr = asm_str;
core->parser->flagspace = ofs; // ???
} else {
ds->opstr = strdup (ds->asmop.buf_asm);
if (ds->decode) {
free (ds->opstr);
if (!hasanal) {
r_anal_op (core->anal, &ds->analop, ds->at, core->block+i, core->blocksize-i);
hasanal = true;
tmpopstr = r_anal_op_to_string (core->anal, &ds->analop);
ds->opstr = (tmpopstr)? tmpopstr: strdup (ds->asmop.buf_asm);
if (ret < 1) {
err = 1;
ret = 1;
const char *opcolor = NULL;
if (ds->show_color) {
opcolor = r_print_color_op_type (core->print, ds->analop.type);
r_cons_printf ("%s%s" Color_RESET "\n", opcolor, ds->opstr);
} else {
r_cons_printf ("%s\n", ds->opstr);
free (ds->opstr);
ds->opstr = NULL;
if (ds->hint) {
r_anal_hint_free (ds->hint);
ds->hint = NULL;
r_cons_break_end ();
if (ds->oldbits) {
r_config_set_i (core->config, "asm.bits", ds->oldbits);
ds->oldbits = 0;
handle_deinit_ds (core, ds);
core->offset = old_offset;
r_reg_arena_pop (core->anal->reg);
return err;
R_API int r_core_print_disasm_json(RCore *core, ut64 addr, ut8 *buf, int nb_bytes, int nb_opcodes) {
RAsmOp asmop;
RAnalOp analop;
RDisasmState *ds;
RAnalFunction *f;
int i, j, k, oplen, ret, line;
ut64 old_offset = core->offset;
ut64 at;
int dis_opcodes = 0;
r_cons_printf ("[");
int limit_by = 'b';
if (nb_opcodes != 0) {
limit_by = 'o';
if (nb_opcodes) { // Disassemble `nb_opcodes` opcodes.
if (nb_opcodes < 0) {
int count, nbytes = 0;
/* Backward disassembly of `nb_opcodes` opcodes:
* - We compute the new starting offset
* - Read at the new offset */
nb_opcodes = -nb_opcodes;
if (nb_opcodes > 0xffff) {
eprintf ("Too many backward instructions\n");
return 0;
if (!r_core_asm_bwdis_len (core, &nbytes, &addr, nb_opcodes)) {
/* workaround to avoid empty arrays */
#define BWRETRY 0
if (!r_core_asm_bwdis_len (core, &nbytes, &addr, nb_opcodes)) {
r_cons_printf ("]");
return false;
count = R_MIN (nb_bytes, nbytes);
if (count>0) {
r_core_read_at (core, addr, buf, count);
r_core_read_at (core, addr+count, buf+count, nb_bytes-count);
} else {
if (nb_bytes>0)
memset (buf, 0xff, nb_bytes);
} else {
// If we are disassembling a positive number of lines, enable dis_opcodes
// to be used to finish the loop
// If we are disasembling a negative number of lines, we just calculate
// the equivalent addr and nb_size and scan a positive number of BYTES
// so keep dis_opcodes = 0;
dis_opcodes = 1;
r_core_read_at (core, addr, buf, nb_bytes);
} else { // Disassemble `nb_bytes` bytes
if (nb_bytes < 0) {
//Backward disassembly of `nb_bytes` bytes
nb_bytes = -nb_bytes;
addr -= nb_bytes;
r_core_read_at (core, addr, buf, nb_bytes);
core->offset = addr;
// XXX - is there a better way to reset a the analysis counter so that
// when code is disassembled, it can actually find the correct offsets
if (core->anal && core->anal->cur && core->anal->cur->reset_counter) {
core->anal->cur->reset_counter (core->anal, addr);
// TODO: add support for anal hints
// If using #bytes i = j
// If using #opcodes, j is the offset from start address. i is the
// offset in current disassembly buffer (256 by default)
i = k = j = line = 0;
// i = number of bytes
// j = number of instructions
// k = delta from addr
for (;;) {
bool end_nbopcodes, end_nbbytes;
at = addr + k;
r_asm_set_pc (core->assembler, at);
// 32 is the biggest opcode length in intel
// Make sure we have room for it
if (dis_opcodes == 1 && i >= nb_bytes - 32) {
// Read another nb_bytes bytes into buf from current offset
r_core_read_at (core, at, buf, nb_bytes);
i = 0;
if (limit_by == 'o') {
if (j >= nb_opcodes) {
} else if (i >= nb_bytes) {
ret = r_asm_disassemble (core->assembler, &asmop, buf + i, nb_bytes - i);
if (ret < 1) {
r_cons_printf (j > 0 ? ",{" : "{");
r_cons_printf ("\"offset\":%"PFMT64d, at);
r_cons_printf (",\"size\":1,\"type\":\"invalid\"}");
r_anal_op (core->anal, &analop, at, buf + i, nb_bytes - i);
ds = handle_init_ds (core);
if (ds->pseudo) r_parse_parse (core->parser, asmop.buf_asm, asmop.buf_asm);
f = r_anal_get_fcn_in (core->anal, at, R_ANAL_FCN_TYPE_FCN|R_ANAL_FCN_TYPE_SYM);
if (ds->varsub && f) {
core->parser->varlist = r_anal_var_list;
r_parse_varsub (core->parser, f, at, ds->analop.size,
asmop.buf_asm, asmop.buf_asm, sizeof (asmop.buf_asm));
oplen = r_asm_op_get_size (&asmop);
r_cons_printf (j>0? ",{": "{");
r_cons_printf ("\"offset\":%"PFMT64d, at);
if (f) {
r_cons_printf (",\"fcn_addr\":%"PFMT64d, f->addr);
r_cons_printf (",\"fcn_last\":%"PFMT64d, f->addr + f->size - oplen);
} else {
r_cons_printf (",\"fcn_addr\":0");
r_cons_printf (",\"fcn_last\":0");
r_cons_printf (",\"size\":%d", oplen);
char *escaped_str = r_str_escape (asmop.buf_asm);
r_cons_printf (",\"opcode\":\"%s\"", escaped_str);
free (escaped_str);
if (ds->use_esil) {
const char * esil = R_STRBUF_SAFEGET (&analop.esil);
r_cons_printf (",\"esil\":\"%s\"", esil);
r_cons_printf (",\"bytes\":\"%s\"", asmop.buf_hex);
r_cons_printf (",\"family\":\"%s\"",
r_anal_op_family_to_string (analop.family));
r_cons_printf (",\"type\":\"%s\"", r_anal_optype_to_string (analop.type));
// wanted the numerical values of the type information
r_cons_printf (",\"type_num\":%"PFMT64d, analop.type);
r_cons_printf (",\"type2_num\":%"PFMT64d, analop.type2);
// handle switch statements
if (analop.switch_op && r_list_length (analop.switch_op->cases) > 0) {
// XXX - the java caseop will still be reported in the assembly,
// this is an artifact to make ensure the disassembly is properly
// represented during the analysis
RListIter *iter;
RAnalCaseOp *caseop;
int cnt = r_list_length (analop.switch_op->cases);
r_cons_printf (", \"switch\":[");
r_list_foreach (analop.switch_op->cases, iter, caseop ) {
r_cons_printf ("{");
r_cons_printf ("\"addr\":%"PFMT64d, caseop->addr);
r_cons_printf (", \"value\":%"PFMT64d, (st64) caseop->value);
r_cons_printf (", \"jump\":%"PFMT64d, caseop->jump);
r_cons_printf ("}");
if (cnt > 0) r_cons_printf (",");
r_cons_printf ("]");
if (analop.jump != UT64_MAX ) {
r_cons_printf (",\"jump\":%"PFMT64d, analop.jump);
if (analop.fail != UT64_MAX) {
r_cons_printf (",\"fail\":%"PFMT64d, analop.fail);
/* add flags */
const RList *flags = r_flag_get_list (core->flags, at);
RFlagItem *flag;
RListIter *iter;
if (flags && !r_list_empty (flags)) {
r_cons_printf (",\"flags\":[");
r_list_foreach (flags, iter, flag) {
r_cons_printf ("%s\"%s\"", iter->p?",":"",flag->name);
r_cons_printf ("]");
/* add comments */
// TODO: slow because we are decoding and encoding b64
char *comment = r_meta_get_string (core->anal, R_META_TYPE_COMMENT, at);
if (comment) {
char *b64comment = sdb_encode ((const ut8*)comment, -1);
r_cons_printf (",\"comment\":\"%s\"", b64comment);
free (comment);
free (b64comment);
/* add xrefs */
RAnalRef *ref;
RListIter *iter;
RList *xrefs = r_anal_xref_get (core->anal, at);
if (xrefs && !r_list_empty (xrefs)) {
r_cons_printf (",\"xrefs\":[");
r_list_foreach (xrefs, iter, ref) {
r_cons_printf ("%s{\"addr\":%"PFMT64d",\"type\":\"%s\"}",
iter->p?",":"", ref->addr,
r_anal_xrefs_type_tostring (ref->type));
r_cons_printf ("]");
r_list_free (xrefs);
r_cons_printf ("}");
i += oplen; // bytes
k += oplen; // delta from addr
j++; // instructions
end_nbopcodes = dis_opcodes == 1 && nb_opcodes > 0 && line>=nb_opcodes;
end_nbbytes = dis_opcodes == 0 && nb_bytes > 0 && i>=nb_bytes;
if (end_nbopcodes || end_nbbytes) break;
r_cons_printf ("]");
core->offset = old_offset;
return true;
R_API int r_core_print_fcn_disasm(RPrint *p, RCore *core, ut64 addr, int l, int invbreak, int cbytes) {
RAnalFunction *fcn = r_anal_get_fcn_in (core->anal, addr, R_ANAL_FCN_TYPE_NULL);
ut32 cur_buf_sz = 0;
ut8 *buf = NULL;
ut32 len = 0;
int ret, idx = 0, i;
RListIter *bb_iter;
RAnalBlock *bb = NULL;
RDisasmState *ds;
RList *bb_list = NULL;
if (!fcn)
return -1;
cur_buf_sz = fcn->size + 1;
buf = malloc (cur_buf_sz);
len = fcn->size;
bb_list = r_list_new();
//r_cons_printf ("len =%d l=%d ib=%d limit=%d\n", len, l, invbreak, p->limit);
// TODO: import values from debugger is possible
// TODO: allow to get those register snapshots from traces
// TODO: per-function register state trace
idx = 0;
memset (buf, 0, cur_buf_sz);
// XXX - is there a better way to reset a the analysis counter so that
// when code is disassembled, it can actually find the correct offsets
if (core->anal->cur && core->anal->cur->reset_counter) {
core->anal->cur->reset_counter (core->anal, addr);
// TODO: All those ds must be print flags
ds = handle_init_ds (core);
ds->cbytes = cbytes;
ds->p = p;
ds->l = l;
ds->buf = buf;
ds->len = fcn->size;
ds->addr = fcn->addr;
ds->fcn = fcn;
r_list_foreach (fcn->bbs, bb_iter, bb) {
r_list_add_sorted (bb_list, bb, cmpaddr);
// Premptively read the bb data locs for ref lines
r_list_foreach (bb_list, bb_iter, bb) {
if (idx >= cur_buf_sz) break;
r_core_read_at (core, bb->addr, buf+idx, bb->size);
//ret = r_asm_disassemble (core->assembler, &ds->asmop, buf+idx, bb->size);
//if (ret > 0) eprintf ("%s\n",ds->asmop.buf_asm);
idx += bb->size;
handle_reflines_fcn_init (core, ds, fcn, buf);
core->inc = 0;
core->cons->vline = r_config_get_i (core->config, "scr.utf8")?
r_vline_u: r_vline_a;
i = 0;
idx = 0;
r_cons_break (NULL, NULL);
handle_print_esil_anal_init (core, ds);
if (core->io && core->io->debug)
r_debug_map_sync (core->dbg);
r_list_foreach (bb_list, bb_iter, bb) {
ut32 bb_size_consumed = 0;
// internal loop to consume bb that contain case-like operations
ds->at = bb->addr;
ds->addr = bb->addr;
len = bb->size;
if (len > cur_buf_sz) {
free (buf);
cur_buf_sz = len;
buf = malloc (cur_buf_sz);
ds->buf = buf;
do {
// XXX - why is it necessary to set this everytime?
r_asm_set_pc (core->assembler, ds->at);
if (ds->lines >= ds->l) break;
if (r_cons_singleton ()->breaked) break;
handle_update_ref_lines (core, ds);
/* show type links */
r_core_cmdf (core, "tf 0x%08"PFMT64x, ds->at);
handle_show_comments_right (core, ds);
ret = perform_disassembly (core, ds, buf+idx, len - bb_size_consumed);
handle_atabs_option (core, ds);
// TODO: store previous oplen in core->dec
if (core->inc == 0) core->inc = ds->oplen;
r_anal_op_fini (&ds->analop);
if (!ds->lastfail)
r_anal_op (core->anal, &ds->analop,
ds->at+bb_size_consumed, buf+idx,
if (ret<1) {
r_strbuf_init (&ds->analop.esil);
ds->analop.type = R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_ILL;
handle_instruction_mov_lea (core, ds, idx);
handle_control_flow_comments (core, ds);
handle_adistrick_comments (core, ds);
/* XXX: This is really cpu consuming.. need to be fixed */
handle_show_functions (core, ds);
if (handle_print_labels (core, ds, fcn)) {
handle_show_functions (core, ds);
handle_show_xrefs (core, ds);
handle_show_flags_option (core, ds);
handle_print_pre (core, ds, false);
handle_print_lines_left (core, ds);
handle_print_offset (core, ds);
handle_print_op_size (core, ds);
handle_print_trace (core, ds);
handle_print_cycles (core, ds);
handle_print_family (core, ds);
handle_print_stackptr (core, ds);
ret = handle_print_meta_infos (core, ds, buf, len, idx);
if (ds->mi_found) {
ds->mi_found = 0;
/* show cursor */
handle_print_show_cursor (core, ds);
handle_print_show_bytes (core, ds);
handle_print_lines_right (core, ds);
handle_build_op_str (core, ds);
handle_print_opstr (core, ds);
handle_print_fcn_name (core, ds);
handle_print_import_name (core, ds);
handle_print_color_reset (core, ds);
handle_print_dwarf (core, ds);
ret = handle_print_middle (core, ds, ret);
handle_print_asmop_payload (core, ds);
if (core->assembler->syntax != R_ASM_SYNTAX_INTEL) {
RAsmOp ao; /* disassemble for the vm .. */
int os = core->assembler->syntax;
r_asm_set_syntax (core->assembler,
r_asm_disassemble (core->assembler, &ao,
buf+idx, len-bb_size_consumed);
r_asm_set_syntax (core->assembler, os);
handle_print_core_vmode (core, ds);
handle_print_cc_update (core, ds);
handle_print_op_push_info (core, ds);
/*if (ds->analop.refptr) {
handle_print_refptr (core, ds);
} else {
handle_print_ptr (core, ds, len, idx);
handle_print_ptr (core, ds, len, idx);
handle_print_comments_right (core, ds);
handle_print_esil_anal (core, ds);
if ( !(ds->show_comments && ds->show_comment_right && ds->comment)) {
r_cons_newline ();
if (ds->line) {
free (ds->line);
free (ds->refline);
free (ds->refline2);
ds->line = ds->refline = ds->refline2 = NULL;
handle_print_bbline (core, ds);
bb_size_consumed += ds->oplen;
ds->index += ds->oplen;
idx += ds->oplen;
ds->at += ds->oplen;
ds->addr += ds->oplen;
free (ds->opstr);
ds->opstr = NULL;
} while (bb_size_consumed < len);
free (buf);
r_cons_break_end ();
handle_print_esil_anal_fini (core, ds);
if (ds->oldbits) {
r_config_set_i (core->config, "asm.bits", ds->oldbits);
ds->oldbits = 0;
r_anal_op_fini (&ds->analop);
handle_deinit_ds (core, ds);
r_list_free (bb_list);
return idx;