radare a756bfca4c
Fix large disasm issue with invalids and handle @{xfs} ##print
* Fix segfault and trim whitespaces to fix pd @x:9090
* Use maps and io.va=1 to make it work instead of hacky memcpys
* Fix p8f and bring back core->fixedblock to make pd/pD@x:/len work again
2019-04-09 02:56:53 +02:00

256 lines
4.9 KiB

/* radare - LGPL - Copyright 2009-2018 - pancake */
#include <r_th.h>
#if __WINDOWS__
static DWORD WINAPI _r_th_launcher(void *_th) {
static void *_r_th_launcher(void *_th) {
int ret;
RThread *th = _th;
th->ready = true;
#if __UNIX__
if (th->delay > 0) {
sleep (th->delay);
} else if (th->delay < 0) {
r_th_lock_wait (th->lock);
if (th->delay < 0) {
r_th_lock_wait (th->lock);
r_th_lock_enter (th->lock);
do {
r_th_lock_leave (th->lock);
th->running = true;
ret = th->fun (th);
if (ret < 0) {
// th has been freed
return 0;
th->running = false;
r_th_lock_enter (th->lock);
} while (ret);
pthread_exit (&ret);
return 0;
R_API int r_th_push_task(struct r_th_t *th, void *user) {
int ret = true;
th->user = user;
r_th_lock_leave (th->lock);
return ret;
R_API R_TH_TID r_th_self(void) {
return pthread_self ();
#elif __WINDOWS__
return (HANDLE)GetCurrentThreadId ();
#pragma message("Not implemented on windows")
return (R_TH_TID)-1;
R_API bool r_th_setname(RThread *th, const char *name) {
#if __linux__
if (pthread_setname_np (th->tid, name) != 0) {
eprintf ("Failed to set thread name\n");
return false;
#elif __FreeBSD__ || __OpenBSD__ || __DragonFly__
pthread_set_name_np (th->tid, name);
#elif __NetBSD__
if (pthread_setname_np (th->tid, "%s", (void *)name) != 0) {
eprintf ("Failed to set thread name\n");
return false;
#pragma message("warning r_th_setname not implemented")
return true;
R_API bool r_th_getname(RThread *th, char *name, size_t len) {
#if __linux__ || __NetBSD__
if (pthread_getname_np (th->tid, name, len) != 0) {
eprintf ("Failed to get thread name\n");
return false;
#elif (__FreeBSD__ && __FreeBSD_version >= 1200000) || __DragonFly__ /* || __OpenBSD__ TODO after nxt rel. */
pthread_get_name_np (th->tid, name, len);
#pragma message("warning r_th_getname not implemented")
return true;
R_API RThread *r_th_new(R_TH_FUNCTION(fun), void *user, int delay) {
RThread *th = R_NEW0 (RThread);
if (th) {
th->lock = r_th_lock_new (false);
th->running = false;
th->fun = fun;
th->user = user;
th->delay = delay;
th->breaked = false;
th->ready = false;
pthread_cond_init (&th->_cond, NULL);
pthread_mutex_init (&th->_mutex, NULL);
pthread_create (&th->tid, NULL, _r_th_launcher, th);
#elif __WINDOWS__
th->tid = CreateThread (NULL, 0, _r_th_launcher, th, 0, 0);
return th;
R_API void r_th_break(RThread *th) {
th->breaked = true;
R_API bool r_th_kill(RThread *th, bool force) {
if (!th || !th->tid) {
return false;
th->breaked = true;
r_th_break (th);
r_th_wait (th);
#ifdef __ANDROID__
pthread_kill (th->tid, 9);
pthread_cancel (th->tid);
#elif __WINDOWS__
TerminateThread (th->tid, -1);
return 0;
// running in parent
R_API bool r_th_pause(RThread *th, bool enable) {
if (!th) {
return false;
if (enable) {
pthread_mutex_trylock (&th->_mutex);
#pragma message("warning r_th_pause not implemented")
} else {
// pthread_cond_signal (&th->_cond);
pthread_mutex_unlock (&th->_mutex);
#pragma message("warning r_th_pause not implemented")
return true;
// running in thread
R_API bool r_th_try_pause(RThread *th) {
if (!th) {
return false;
// pthread_mutex_lock (&th->_mutex);
// pthread_mutex_unlock (&th->_mutex);
if (pthread_mutex_trylock (&th->_mutex) != -1) {
pthread_mutex_unlock (&th->_mutex);
} else {
// oops
// pthread_cond_wait (&th->_cond, &th->_mutex);
#pragma message("warning r_th_try_pause not implemented")
return true;
R_API bool r_th_start(RThread *th, int enable) {
bool ret = true;
if (enable) {
if (!th->running) {
// start thread
while (!th->ready) {
/* spinlock */
r_th_lock_leave (th->lock);
} else {
if (th->running) {
// stop thread
//r_th_kill (th, 0);
r_th_lock_enter (th->lock); // deadlock?
th->running = enable;
return ret;
R_API int r_th_wait(struct r_th_t *th) {
int ret = false;
void *thret;
if (th) {
ret = pthread_join (th->tid, &thret);
#elif __WINDOWS__
ret = WaitForSingleObject (th->tid, INFINITE);
th->running = false;
return ret;
R_API int r_th_wait_async(struct r_th_t *th) {
return th->running;
R_API void *r_th_free(struct r_th_t *th) {
if (!th) {
return NULL;
#if __WINDOWS__
CloseHandle (th->tid);
r_th_lock_free (th->lock);
free (th);
return NULL;
R_API void *r_th_kill_free(struct r_th_t *th) {
if (!th) {
return NULL;
r_th_kill (th, true);
r_th_free (th);
return NULL;
#if 0
// Thread Pipes
typedef struct r_th_pipe_t {
RList *msglist;
RThread *th;
//RThreadLock *lock;
} RThreadPipe;