mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 13:29:46 +00:00
456 lines
11 KiB
456 lines
11 KiB
#ifndef R2_CONS_H
#define R2_CONS_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include <r_types.h>
#include <r_util.h>
#include <sdb.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#if __UNIX__
#include <termios.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#if __WINDOWS__
#include <windows.h>
#include <wincon.h>
/* constants */
#define CONS_MAX_USER 102400
#define CONS_BUFSZ 0x4f00
#define STR_IS_NULL(x) (!x || !x[0])
/* palette */
#define R_CONS_GREP_WORDS 10
typedef struct r_cons_grep_t {
int nstrings;
char *str;
int counter;
int less;
int line;
int tokenfrom;
int tokento;
int amp;
int neg;
int begin;
int end;
} RConsGrep;
typedef struct r_cons_palette_t {
char *b0x00;
char *b0x7f;
char *b0xff;
char *args;
char *bin;
char *btext;
char *call;
char *cjmp;
char *cmp;
char *comment;
char *creg;
char *flag;
char *fline;
char *floc;
char *flow;
char *fname;
char *help;
char *input;
char *invalid;
char *jmp;
char *label;
char *math;
char *mov;
char *nop;
char *num;
char *offset;
char *other;
char *pop;
char *prompt;
char *push;
char *reg;
char *reset;
char *ret;
char *swi;
char *trap;
char *ai_read;
char *ai_write;
char *ai_exec;
char *ai_seq;
char *ai_ascii;
} RConsPalette;
typedef void (*RConsEvent)(void *);
typedef struct r_cons_canvas_t {
int w;
int h;
int x;
int y;
char *b;
int blen;
int sx; // scrollx
int sy; // scrolly
} RConsCanvas;
typedef struct r_cons_t {
RConsGrep grep;
char *buffer;
//int line;
int buffer_len;
int buffer_sz;
char *lastline;
int is_html;
int is_interactive;
int lines;
int rows;
int fps;
int columns;
int force_rows;
int force_columns;
int fix_rows;
int fix_columns;
int breaked;
int noflush;
FILE *fdin; // FILE? and then int ??
int fdout; // only used in pipe.c :?? remove?
const char *teefile;
int (*user_fgets)(char *buf, int len);
RConsEvent event_interrupt;
RConsEvent event_resize;
void *data;
void *event_data;
#if __UNIX__
struct termios term_raw, term_buf;
#elif __WINDOWS__
LPDWORD term_raw, term_buf;
RNum *num;
/* Pager (like more or less) to use if the output doesn't fit on the
* current window. If NULL or "" no pager is used. */
char *pager;
int blankline;
int truecolor; // 0 = ansi, 1 = rgb 256), 2 = truecolor (16M)
char *highlight;
int null; // if set, does not show anything
int mouse;
RConsPalette pal;
struct r_line_t *line;
const char **vline;
} RCons;
/* XXX : global variables? or a struct with a singleton? */
//extern FILE *stdin_fd;
//extern FILE *r_cons_stdin_fd;
//extern int r_cons_stdout_fd;
//extern int r_cons_stdout_file;
//extern char *r_cons_filterline;
//extern char *r_cons_teefile;
// not needed anymoar
//extern int (*r_cons_user_fgets)(char *buf, int len);
#define R_CONS_KEY_F1 0xf1
#define R_CONS_KEY_F2 0xf2
#define R_CONS_KEY_F3 0xf3
#define R_CONS_KEY_F4 0xf4
#define R_CONS_KEY_F5 0xf5
#define R_CONS_KEY_F6 0xf6
#define R_CONS_KEY_F7 0xf7
#define R_CONS_KEY_F8 0xf8
#define R_CONS_KEY_F9 0xf9
#define R_CONS_KEY_F10 0xfa
#define R_CONS_KEY_F11 0xfb
#define R_CONS_KEY_F12 0xfc
#define R_CONS_KEY_ESC 0x1b
#define Color_BLINK "\x1b[5m"
#define Color_INVERT "\x1b[7m"
#define Color_INVERT_RESET "\x1b[27m"
/* plain colors */
#define Color_RESET "\x1b[0m"
#define Color_BLACK "\x1b[30m"
#define Color_BGBLACK "\x1b[40m"
#define Color_RED "\x1b[31m"
#define Color_BGRED "\x1b[41m"
#define Color_WHITE "\x1b[37m"
#define Color_BGWHITE "\x1b[47m"
#define Color_GREEN "\x1b[32m"
#define Color_BGGREEN "\x1b[42m"
#define Color_MAGENTA "\x1b[35m"
#define Color_BGMAGENTA "\x1b[45m"
#define Color_YELLOW "\x1b[33m"
#define Color_BGYELLOW "\x1b[43m"
#define Color_CYAN "\x1b[36m"
#define Color_BGCYAN "\x1b[46m"
#define Color_BLUE "\x1b[34m"
#define Color_BGBLUE "\x1b[44m"
#define Color_GRAY "\x1b[38m"
#define Color_BGGRAY "\x1b[48m"
/* bold colors */
#define Color_BBLACK "\x1b[1;30m"
#define Color_BRED "\x1b[1;31m"
#define Color_BBGRED "\x1b[1;41m"
#define Color_BWHITE "\x1b[1;37m"
#define Color_BGREEN "\x1b[1;32m"
#define Color_BMAGENTA "\x1b[1;35m"
#define Color_BYELLOW "\x1b[1;33m"
#define Color_BCYAN "\x1b[1;36m"
#define Color_BBLUE "\x1b[1;34m"
#define Color_BGRAY "\x1b[1;38m"
#define Colors_PLAIN { \
Color_BLACK, Color_RED, Color_WHITE, \
Color_GREEN, Color_MAGENTA, Color_YELLOW, \
Color_CYAN, Color_BLUE, Color_GRAY}
enum {
// UTF-8 symbols indexes
#define LINE_VERT 0
#define LINE_CROSS 1
#define RUP_CORNER 2
#define RDWN_CORNER 3
#define ARROW_RIGHT 4
#define ARROW_LEFT 5
#define LINE_HORIZ 6
#define LUP_CORNER 7
#define LDWN_CORNER 8
#define LINE_UP 9
#ifdef R_API
R_API RConsCanvas* r_cons_canvas_new (int w, int h);
R_API void r_cons_canvas_free (RConsCanvas *c);
R_API void r_cons_canvas_clear (RConsCanvas *c);
R_API void r_cons_canvas_print(RConsCanvas *c);
R_API char *r_cons_canvas_to_string(RConsCanvas *c);
R_API void r_cons_canvas_write(RConsCanvas *c, const char *_s);
R_API int r_cons_canvas_gotoxy(RConsCanvas *c, int x, int y);
R_API void r_cons_canvas_box(RConsCanvas *c, int x, int y, int w, int h);
R_API void r_cons_canvas_line (RConsCanvas *c, int x, int y, int x2, int y2, int style);
R_API int r_cons_canvas_resize(RConsCanvas *c, int w, int h);
R_API void r_cons_canvas_fill(RConsCanvas *c, int x, int y, int w, int h, char ch, int replace);
R_API RCons *r_cons_new ();
R_API RCons *r_cons_singleton ();
R_API RCons *r_cons_free ();
typedef void (*RConsBreak)(void *);
R_API void r_cons_break(RConsBreak cb, void *user);
R_API void r_cons_break_end();
/* pipe */
R_API int r_cons_pipe_open(const char *file, int fdn, int append);
R_API void r_cons_pipe_close(int fd);
#if __WINDOWS__
R_API int r_cons_w32_print(ut8 *ptr, int empty);
/* control */
R_API char *r_cons_editor (const char *file);
R_API void r_cons_reset();
R_API void r_cons_reset_colors();
R_API void r_cons_print_clear();
R_API void r_cons_zero();
R_API void r_cons_highlight (const char *word);
R_API void r_cons_clear();
R_API void r_cons_clear00();
R_API void r_cons_clear_line(int err);
R_API void r_cons_fill_line();
R_API void r_cons_stdout_open(const char *file, int append);
R_API int r_cons_stdout_set_fd(int fd);
R_API void r_cons_gotoxy(int x, int y);
R_API void r_cons_show_cursor (int cursor);
R_API void r_cons_set_raw(int b);
R_API void r_cons_set_interactive(int b);
R_API void r_cons_set_last_interactive();
/* output */
R_API void r_cons_printf(const char *format, ...);
R_API void r_cons_strcat(const char *str);
#define r_cons_puts(x) r_cons_strcat(x)
R_API void r_cons_strcat_justify (const char *str, int j, char c);
R_API void r_cons_memcat(const char *str, int len);
R_API void r_cons_newline();
R_API void r_cons_filter();
R_API void r_cons_flush();
R_API void r_cons_less_str(const char *str);
R_API void r_cons_less();
R_API void r_cons_2048();
R_API void r_cons_memset(char ch, int len);
R_API void r_cons_visual_flush();
R_API void r_cons_visual_write (char *buffer);
R_API int r_cons_is_utf8();
/* input */
//R_API int r_cons_fgets(char *buf, int len, int argc, const char **argv);
R_API int r_cons_readchar();
R_API void r_cons_any_key();
R_API int r_cons_eof();
R_API int r_cons_palette_init(const unsigned char *pal);
R_API int r_cons_pal_set (const char *key, const char *val);
R_API void r_cons_pal_init(const char *foo);
R_API char *r_cons_pal_parse(const char *str);
R_API void r_cons_pal_random();
R_API const char *r_cons_pal_get (const char *key);
R_API const char *r_cons_pal_get_i (int n);
R_API const char *r_cons_pal_get_color(int n);
R_API int r_cons_rgb_parse (const char *p, ut8 *r, ut8 *g, ut8 *b, int *is_bg);
R_API void r_cons_pal_list (int rad);
R_API void r_cons_pal_show ();
R_API int r_cons_get_size(int *rows);
R_API int r_cons_get_cursor(int *rows);
R_API int r_cons_arrow_to_hjkl(int ch);
R_API int r_cons_html_print(const char *ptr);
// TODO: use gets() .. MUST BE DEPRECATED
R_API int r_cons_fgets(char *buf, int len, int argc, const char **argv);
R_API char *r_cons_hud(RList *list, const char *prompt);
R_API char *r_cons_hud_path(const char *path, int dir);
R_API char *r_cons_hud_string(const char *s);
R_API char *r_cons_hud_file(const char *f);
R_API const char *r_cons_get_buffer();
R_API void r_cons_grep(const char *str);
R_API int r_cons_grep_line(char *buf, int len); // must be static
R_API int r_cons_grepbuf(char *buf, int len);
R_API void r_cons_rgb (ut8 r, ut8 g, ut8 b, int is_bg);
R_API void r_cons_rgb_fgbg (ut8 r, ut8 g, ut8 b, ut8 R, ut8 G, ut8 B);
R_API void r_cons_rgb_init (void);
R_API char *r_cons_rgb_str (char *outstr, ut8 r, ut8 g, ut8 b, int is_bg);
R_API void r_cons_color (int fg, int r, int g, int b);
R_API char *r_cons_color_random(int bg);
R_API void r_cons_invert(int set, int color);
R_API int r_cons_yesno(int def, const char *fmt, ...);
R_API void r_cons_set_cup(int enable);
R_API void r_cons_column(int c);
R_API int r_cons_get_column (void);
R_API char *r_cons_message(const char *msg);
R_API void r_cons_set_title(const char *str);
R_API int r_cons_enable_mouse(const int enable);
/* r_line */
#define R_LINE_BUFSIZE 4096
#define R_LINE_HISTSIZE 256
typedef struct r_line_hist_t {
char **data;
int size;
int index;
int top;
int autosave;
} RLineHistory;
typedef struct r_line_buffer_t {
char data[R_LINE_BUFSIZE];
int index;
int length;
} RLineBuffer;
typedef struct r_line_t RLine; // forward declaration
typedef int (*RLineCallback)(RLine *line);
typedef struct r_line_comp_t {
int argc;
const char **argv;
RLineCallback run;
} RLineCompletion;
typedef char* (*RLineEditorCb)(void *core, const char *str);
struct r_line_t {
RLineCompletion completion;
RLineHistory history;
RLineBuffer buffer;
RLineEditorCb editor_cb;
int echo;
int has_echo;
char *prompt;
char *clipboard;
int disable;
void *user;
int (*hist_up)(void *user);
int (*hist_down)(void *user);
char *contents;
}; /* RLine */
#ifdef R_API
R_API RLine *r_line_new();
R_API RLine *r_line_singleton();
R_API void r_line_free();
R_API char *r_line_get_prompt ();
R_API void r_line_set_prompt(const char *prompt);
typedef int (RLineReadCallback) (void *user, const char *line);
R_API char *r_line_readline();
R_API char *r_line_readline_cb(RLineReadCallback cb, void *user);
R_API int r_line_hist_load(const char *file);
R_API int r_line_hist_add(const char *line);
R_API int r_line_hist_save(const char *file);
R_API int r_line_hist_label(const char *label, void (*cb)(const char*));
R_API void r_line_label_show();
R_API int r_line_hist_list();
R_API const char *r_line_hist_get(int n);
#define R_CONS_INVERT(x,y) (y? (x?Color_INVERT: Color_INVERT_RESET): (x?"[":"]"))
#ifdef __cplusplus