This is a native Android application for [Ruffle]( It is in a very early stage. # Prebuilt APKs The latest release [(here)]( should have a few `.apk` files uploaded as assets. You can try this app by downloading and installing one of those. - **For the vast majority of modern phones, tablets, single board computers, and small game consoles, you'll need the `arm64-v8a` version.** - The `armeabi-v7a` version is for older, 32-bit ARM stuff. - The `x86_64` version is for some rare Intel/Microsoft tablets and/or for Chromebooks, and/or for running on a PC on Android-x86 or in Waydroid or similar. - The `x86` version is there mostly just for completeness. - The `universal` version should work on all 4 of the above architectures, but it's _huge_. # Build Prerequisites - Install Android Sudio with at least the Platform SDK (e.g. version 29) and the NDK Tools (e.g. version 25). - Ensure `java` is Java 17. - `cargo install cargo-ndk` - `rustup target add aarch64-linux-android armv7-linux-androideabi x86_64-linux-android i686-linux-android` # Build Steps ```bash # substitute the appropriate location and version: export ANDROID_NDK_ROOT=$HOME/Android/Sdk/ndk/24.0.8215888/ cd app ./gradlew assembleDebug # the "release" version requires a keyfile ``` The final APK should be at: `app/ruffle/build/outputs/apk/debug/ruffle-universal-debug.apk` There are also single-arch split APKs next to it. Opening the `app` project in Android Studio for development and debugging also works. # Development Tips Set the target of `rust-analyzer` to `x86_64-linux-android` (or even `aarch64-linux-android`), to stop one of the NDK crates from erroring out due to compilation to an unsupported platform. Also set the `ANDROID_HOME` and `ANDROID_NDK_ROOT` extra environment variables for it to suitable values, so the C parts of the dependencies can also be built by it. --- # TODO In no particular order: - [ ] Ability to show the built-in virtual keyboard (softinput), for text input - [ ] Controller/Gamepad input? - Mapped to key presses and/or virtual mouse pointer - [ ] Own custom keyboard overlay, maybe even per-content configs - Not an overlay, and not per-content, but custom keyboard is there - [ ] Navigator backend (fetch, open browser) - Opening links works at least - [ ] Error/panic handling - [ ] Loading "animation" (spinner) - [ ] Logging? - [ ] Alternative audio backend (OpenSL ES) for Android < 8 - [ ] UI backend (context menu) - Context menu works - [ ] Proper storage backend? - [ ] Cross-platform build instructions? - I think gradle should take care of it now - [ ] Resolve design glitches/styling/theming (immersive mode, window insets for holes/notches/corners) - [ ] Publish to various app stores, maybe automatically? - [ ] Bundle demo animations/games - [ ] Add ability to load content from well known online collections? (well maybe not z0r... unless?) - [ ] History, favorites, other flair...? - [ ] Clean up ~everything ### DONE: - [X] Touch/mouse input - [X] Keyboard input: only with physical keyboard connected or through `scrcpy` - This was needed: - [X] Split into a separate repo - [X] Add ability to Open SWF by entered/pasted URL (or even directly from clipboard) - No direct clipboard open, but easy to paste into the text field... - [X] Unglitchify rendering: scale, center and letterbox the content properly - [ ] Ask CPAL/Oboe to open a "media" type output stream instead of a "call" one - so the right volume slider controls it, and it uses the loud(er)speaker - -> solved by switching to a direct AAudio (ndk-audio) backend - [X] Add building this to CI, at least to the release workflow - This repo has its own CI setup, which builds APKs - [X] Simplify build process (hook cargo-apk into gradle, drop cargo-apk?) - ~cargo-apk is fine, but is only used to detect the SDK/NDK environment and run Cargo in it, and not to build an APK.~ - actually solved by switching to `cargo-ndk` and the corresponding Gradle plugin - [X] Somehow filter files to be picked to .swf - How well this works depends on the file picker, but it "should work most of the time" - [X] Unglitchify audio volume (buttons unresponsive?) - (pending: - actually solved by switching to GameActivity instead - [ ] Register Ruffle to open .swf files - How well this works depends on the application opening the file, but it "should work most of the time" - [X] Figure out why videos are not playing (could be a seeking issue) - The video decoder features weren't enabled on `ruffle_core`... - [X] Sign the APK - Using a very simple key for now, with just my name in it - [X] Support for 32-bit ARM phones - Untested, but should work in theory - [X] Support for x86(_64) tablets? - Sorted out - [X] Consider not building the intermediate .apk just for the shared libraries - Figured out, no intermediate .apk any more, only native libs built - [ ] Unbreak the regular build on CI - No longer relevant after the repo split - [ ] Clean up commit history of the branch - No longer relevant after the repo split