i18n: use standard pcsx2_Iconize instead of an additional key lookup. In others word, english string is now included directly in the po/pot

Translators note: I save previous translation but a careful review is mandatory

git-svn-id: http://pcsx2.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@5366 96395faa-99c1-11dd-bbfe-3dabce05a288
This commit is contained in:
gregory.hainaut 2012-08-10 10:10:55 +00:00
parent 636c16f2df
commit 20958dede3
108 changed files with 15003 additions and 9055 deletions

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View File

@ -212,46 +212,18 @@ static const s64 _4gb = _1gb * 4;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// pxE(key, msg) and pxEt(key, msg) [macros]
// pxE(msg) and pxEt(msg) [macros] => now same as _/_t/_d
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Translation Feature: pxE is used as a method of dereferencing very long english text
// descriptions via a "key" identifier. In this way, the english text can be revised without
// it breaking existing translation bindings. Make sure to add pxE to your PO catalog's
// source code identifiers, and then reference the source code to see what the current
// english version is.
// Valid prefix types:
// !Panel: Key-based translation of a panel or dialog text; usually either a header or
// checkbox description, by may also include some controls with long labels.
// These have the highest translation priority.
// !Notice: Key-based translation of a popup dialog box; either a notice, confirmation,
// or error. These typically have very high translation priority (roughly equal
// or slightly less than pxE_Panel).
// !Tooltip: Key-based translation of a tooltip for a button on a tool bar. Since buttons are
// rarely self-explanatory, these translations are considered medium to high priority.
// !Wizard Key-based translation of a heading, checkbox item, description, or other text
// associated with the First-time wizard. Translation of these items is considered
// lower-priority to most other messages; but equal or higher priority to ContextTips.
// !ContextTip: Key-based translation of a tooltip for a control on a dialog/panel. Translation
// of these items is typically considered "lowest priority" as they usually provide
// only tertiary (extra) info to the user.
#define pxE(key, english) pxExpandMsg( wxT(key), english )
#define pxE(english) pxExpandMsg( (english) )
// For use with tertiary translations (low priority).
#define pxEt(key, english) pxExpandMsg( wxT(key), english )
#define pxEt(english) pxExpandMsg( (english) )
// For use with Dev/debug build translations (low priority).
#define pxE_dev(key, english) pxExpandMsg( wxT(key), english )
#define pxE_dev(english) pxExpandMsg( (english) )
extern const wxChar* __fastcall pxExpandMsg( const wxChar* key, const wxChar* englishContent );
extern const wxChar* __fastcall pxExpandMsg( const wxChar* englishContent );
extern const wxChar* __fastcall pxGetTranslation( const wxChar* message );
extern bool pxIsEnglish( int id );

View File

@ -251,9 +251,7 @@ wxString Exception::VirtualMemoryMapConflict::FormatDisplayMessage() const
FastFormatUnicode retmsg;
retmsg.Write( L"%s",
pxE( "!Notice:VirtualMemoryMap",
L"There is not enough virtual memory available, or necessary virtual memory "
L"mappings have already been reserved by other processes, services, or DLLs."
pxE( L"There is not enough virtual memory available, or necessary virtual memory mappings have already been reserved by other processes, services, or DLLs."

View File

@ -22,59 +22,11 @@ bool pxIsEnglish( int id )
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// pxExpandMsg -- an Iconized Text Translator
// Was replaced by a standard implementation of wxGetTranslation
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This function provides two layers of translated lookups. It puts the key through the
// current language first and, if the key is not resolved (meaning the language pack doesn't
// have a translation for it), it's put through our own built-in english translation. This
// second step is needed to resolve some of our lengthy UI tooltips and descriptors, which
// use iconized GetText identifiers.
// (without this second pass many tooltips would just show up as "Savestate Tooltip" instead
// of something meaningful).
// Rationale: Traditional gnu-style gettext stuff tends to stop translating strings when
// the slightest change to a string is made (including punctuation and possibly even case).
// On long strings especially, this can be unwanted since future revisions of the app may have
// simple typo or newline fixes that *should not* break existing translations. Furthermore,
// icons can be used in places where otherwise identical english verbage for two separate
// terms can be differentiated. GNU gettext has some new tools for using fuzzy logic heuristics
// matching, but it is also imperfect and complicated, so we have opted to continue using this
// system instead.
const wxChar* __fastcall pxExpandMsg( const wxChar* key, const wxChar* englishContent )
const wxChar* __fastcall pxExpandMsg( const wxChar* englishContent )
static const wxChar* tbl_pxE_Prefixes[] =
// test the prefix of the key for consistency to valid/known prefix types.
const wxChar** prefix = tbl_pxE_Prefixes;
while( *prefix != NULL )
if( wxString(key).StartsWith(*prefix) ) break;
pxAssertDev( *prefix != NULL,
pxsFmt( L"Invalid pxE key prefix in key '%s'. Prefix must be one of the valid prefixes listed in pxExpandMsg.", key )
const wxLanguageInfo* info = (wxGetLocale() != NULL) ? wxLocale::GetLanguageInfo( wxGetLocale()->GetLanguage() ) : NULL;
if( ( info == NULL ) || pxIsEnglish( info->Language ) )
return englishContent;
const wxChar* retval = wxGetTranslation( key );
// Check if the translation failed, and fall back on an english lookup.
return ( wxStrcmp( retval, key ) == 0 ) ? englishContent : retval;
return wxGetTranslation( englishContent );
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.9\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-04-07 11:42+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-08-10 11:44+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-05-24 20:31+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Zbyněk Schwarz <zbynek.schwarz@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Zbyněk Schwarz\n"
@ -22,351 +22,751 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: common\n"
#: common/src/Utilities/Exceptions.cpp:254
msgid "!Notice:VirtualMemoryMap"
msgstr "Není dostatek virtuální paměti, nebo potřebná mapování virtuální paměti již byly vyhrazeny jinými procesy, službami, nebo DLL."
msgid ""
"There is not enough virtual memory available, or necessary virtual memory "
"mappings have already been reserved by other processes, services, or DLLs."
msgstr ""
"Není dostatek virtuální paměti, nebo potřebná mapování virtuální paměti již "
"byly vyhrazeny jinými procesy, službami, nebo DLL."
#: pcsx2/CDVD/CDVD.cpp:389
msgid "!Notice:PsxDisc"
msgstr "Herní disky Playstation nejsou PCSX2 podporovány. Pokud chcete emulovat hry PSX, pak si budete muset stáhnout PSX emulátor, jako ePSXe nebo PCSX."
msgid ""
"Playstation game discs are not supported by PCSX2. If you want to emulate "
"PSX games then you'll have to download a PSX-specific emulator, such as "
"ePSXe or PCSX."
msgstr ""
"Herní disky Playstation nejsou PCSX2 podporovány. Pokud chcete emulovat hry "
"PSX, pak si budete muset stáhnout PSX emulátor, jako ePSXe nebo PCSX."
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:114
msgid "!Notice:Recompiler:VirtualMemoryAlloc"
msgstr "Tento rekompilátor nemohl vyhradit přilehlou paměť potřebnou pro vnitřní vyrovnávací paměti. Tato chyba může být způsobena nízkými zdroji virtuální paměti, jako např. vypnutý nebo malý stránkovací soubor, nebo jiným programem náročným na paměť. Můžete také zkusit snížit výchozí velikost vyrovnávací paměti pro všechny rekompilátory PCSX2, naleznete v Nastavení Hostitele."
msgid ""
"This recompiler was unable to reserve contiguous memory required for "
"internal caches. This error can be caused by low virtual memory resources, "
"such as a small or disabled swapfile, or by another program that is hogging "
"a lot of memory. You can also try reducing the default cache sizes for all "
"PCSX2 recompilers, found under Host Settings."
msgstr ""
"Tento rekompilátor nemohl vyhradit přilehlou paměť potřebnou pro vnitřní "
"vyrovnávací paměti. Tato chyba může být způsobena nízkými zdroji virtuální "
"paměti, jako např. vypnutý nebo malý stránkovací soubor, nebo jiným "
"programem náročným na paměť. Můžete také zkusit snížit výchozí velikost "
"vyrovnávací paměti pro všechny rekompilátory PCSX2, naleznete v Nastavení "
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:348
msgid "!Notice:EmuCore::MemoryForVM"
msgstr "PCSX2 nemůže přidělit paměť potřebnou pro virtuální stroj PS2. Zavřete některé úlohy na pozadí náročné na paměť a zkuste to znovu."
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:344
msgid ""
"PCSX2 is unable to allocate memory needed for the PS2 virtual machine. Close "
"out some memory hogging background tasks and try again."
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 nemůže přidělit paměť potřebnou pro virtuální stroj PS2. Zavřete "
"některé úlohy na pozadí náročné na paměť a zkuste to znovu."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:43
msgid "!Notice:Startup:NoSSE2"
msgstr "Varování: Váš počítač nepodporuje SSE2, která je vyžadována většinou rekompilátorů PCSX2 a zásuvných modulů. Vaše volby budou omezené a emulace bude *velmi* pomalá."
msgid ""
"Warning: Your computer does not support SSE2, which is required by many "
"PCSX2 recompilers and plugins. Your options will be limited and emulation "
"will be *very* slow."
msgstr ""
"Varování: Váš počítač nepodporuje SSE2, která je vyžadována většinou "
"rekompilátorů PCSX2 a zásuvných modulů. Vaše volby budou omezené a emulace "
"bude *velmi* pomalá."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:162
msgid "!Notice:RecompilerInit:Header"
msgstr "Varování: Některé z nastavených rekompilátorů PS2 nelze spustit a byly zakázány:"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:160
msgid ""
"Warning: Some of the configured PS2 recompilers failed to initialize and "
"have been disabled:"
msgstr ""
"Varování: Některé z nastavených rekompilátorů PS2 nelze spustit a byly "
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:211
msgid "!Notice:RecompilerInit:Footer"
msgstr "Poznámka: Rekompilátory nejsou potřeba ke spuštění PCSX2, nicméně normálně výrazně zlepšují rychlost emulace. Možná budete muset ruřne rekompilátory znovu zapnout, pokud vyřešíte chyby."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:208
msgid ""
"Note: Recompilers are not necessary for PCSX2 to run, however they typically "
"improve emulation speed substantially. You may have to manually re-enable "
"the recompilers listed above, if you resolve the errors."
msgstr ""
"Poznámka: Rekompilátory nejsou potřeba ke spuštění PCSX2, nicméně normálně "
"výrazně zlepšují rychlost emulace. Možná budete muset ruřne rekompilátory "
"znovu zapnout, pokud vyřešíte chyby."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:546
msgid "!Notice:BiosDumpRequired"
msgstr "PCSX2 vyžaduje ke spuštění BIOS PS2. Z právních důvodů *musíte* BIOS získat ze skutečného PS2, které vlastníte (půjčení se nepočítá). Podívejte se prosím na Nejčastější Otázky a Průvodce pro další instrukce."
msgid ""
"PCSX2 requires a PS2 BIOS in order to run. For legal reasons, you *must* "
"obtain a BIOS from an actual PS2 unit that you own (borrowing doesn't "
"count). Please consult the FAQs and Guides for further instructions."
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 vyžaduje ke spuštění BIOS PS2. Z právních důvodů *musíte* BIOS získat "
"ze skutečného PS2, které vlastníte (půjčení se nepočítá). Podívejte se "
"prosím na Nejčastější Otázky a Průvodce pro další instrukce."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:629
msgid "!Notice Error:Thread Deadlock Actions"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:626
msgid ""
"'Ignore' to continue waiting for the thread to respond.\n"
"'Cancel' to attempt to cancel the thread.\n"
"'Terminate' to quit PCSX2 immediately.\n"
msgstr ""
"'Ignorovat' pro pokračování čekání na odpověď vlákna.\n"
"'Zrušit' pro pokus o zrušení vlákna."
"'Zrušit' pro pokus o zrušení vlákna.\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppUserMode.cpp:57
msgid "!Notice:PortableModeRights"
msgstr "Ujistěte se prosím, že tyto adresáře jsou vytvořeny a že Váš uživatelský účet má udělená oprávnění k zápisu do těchto adresářů -- nebo znovu spusťte PCSX2 jako správce (administrátorské oprávnění), což by mělo udělit PCSX2 schopnost samo si potřebné adresáře vytvořit. Pokud nemáte na tomto počítači správcovská oprávnění, pak budete muset přepnout do režimu Uživatelských Dokumentů (klikněte na tlačítko níže)."
msgid ""
"Please ensure that these folders are created and that your user account is "
"granted write permissions to them -- or re-run PCSX2 with elevated "
"(administrator) rights, which should grant PCSX2 the ability to create the "
"necessary folders itself. If you do not have elevated rights on this "
"computer, then you will need to switch to User Documents mode (click button "
msgstr ""
"Ujistěte se prosím, že tyto adresáře jsou vytvořeny a že Váš uživatelský "
"účet má udělená oprávnění k zápisu do těchto adresářů -- nebo znovu spusťte "
"PCSX2 jako správce (administrátorské oprávnění), což by mělo udělit PCSX2 "
"schopnost samo si potřebné adresáře vytvořit. Pokud nemáte na tomto počítači "
"správcovská oprávnění, pak budete muset přepnout do režimu Uživatelských "
"Dokumentů (klikněte na tlačítko níže)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:181
msgid "!ContextTip:ChangingNTFS"
msgstr "Komprese NTFS může být kdykoliv ručně změněna použitím vlastností souboru z Průzkumníku Windows."
msgid ""
"NTFS compression can be changed manually at any time by using file "
"properties from Windows Explorer."
msgstr ""
"Komprese NTFS může být kdykoliv ručně změněna použitím vlastností souboru z "
"Průzkumníku Windows."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:49
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Settings"
msgstr "Do tohoto adresáře PCSX2 ukládá Vaše nastavení, zahrnující i nastavení vytvořená většinou zásuvných modulů (některé starší moduly nemusí tuto hodnotu respektovat)."
msgid ""
"This is the folder where PCSX2 saves your settings, including settings "
"generated by most plugins (some older plugins may not respect this value)."
msgstr ""
"Do tohoto adresáře PCSX2 ukládá Vaše nastavení, zahrnující i nastavení "
"vytvořená většinou zásuvných modulů (některé starší moduly nemusí tuto "
"hodnotu respektovat)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:54
msgid "!Panel:Folders:Settings"
msgstr "Můžete také zde dobrovolně zadat umístění Vašeho nastavení PCSX2. Pokud umístění obsahuje existující nastavení PCSX2, bude Vám dána možnost je importovat nebo přepsat."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:52
msgid ""
"You may optionally specify a location for your PCSX2 settings here. If the "
"location contains existing PCSX2 settings, you will be given the option to "
"import or overwrite them."
msgstr ""
"Můžete také zde dobrovolně zadat umístění Vašeho nastavení PCSX2. Pokud "
"umístění obsahuje existující nastavení PCSX2, bude Vám dána možnost je "
"importovat nebo přepsat."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:94
msgid "!Wizard:Welcome"
msgstr "Tento průvodce Vám pomůže skrz nastavení zásuvných modulů, paměťových karet a BIOSu. Je doporučeno, pokud je toto poprvé co instalujete %s, si prohlédnout 'Přečti mě' a průvodce nastavením."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:89
#, c-format
msgid ""
"This wizard will help guide you through configuring plugins, memory cards, "
"and BIOS. It is recommended if this is your first time installing %s that "
"you view the readme and configuration guide."
msgstr ""
"Tento průvodce Vám pomůže skrz nastavení zásuvných modulů, paměťových karet "
"a BIOSu. Je doporučeno, pokud je toto poprvé co instalujete %s, si "
"prohlédnout 'Přečti mě' a průvodce nastavením."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:140
msgid "!Wizard:Bios:Tutorial"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:132
msgid ""
"PCSX2 requires a *legal* copy of the PS2 BIOS in order to run games.\n"
"You cannot use a copy obtained from a friend or the Internet.\n"
"You must dump the BIOS from your *own* Playstation 2 console."
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 vyžaduje *legální* kopii BIOSu PS2, abyste mohli hrát hry.\n"
"Nemůžete použít kopii získanou od kamaráda nebo z Internetu.\n"
"Musíte ho vypsat z *Vaší* vlastní konzole Playstation 2."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/ImportSettingsDialog.cpp:31
msgid "!Notice:ImportExistingSettings"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Existing %s settings have been found in the configured settings folder. "
"Would you like to import these settings or overwrite them with %s default "
"(or press Cancel to select a different settings folder)"
msgstr ""
"Existující nastavení %s byly nalezeny v určeném adresáři nastavení. Chtěli byste tyto nastavení importovat nebo je přepsat výchozími hodnotami %s?\n"
"Existující nastavení %s byly nalezeny v určeném adresáři nastavení. Chtěli "
"byste tyto nastavení importovat nebo je přepsat výchozími hodnotami %s?\n"
"(nebo stiskněte Zrušit pro vybrání jiného adresáře nastavení)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:30
msgid "!Panel:Mcd:NtfsCompress"
msgstr "Komprimace NTFS je zabudovaná, rychlá a naprosto spolehlivá a většinou komprimuje paměťové karty velmi dobře (tato volba je vysoce doporučená)."
msgid ""
"NTFS compression is built-in, fast, and completely reliable; and typically "
"compresses memory cards very well (this option is highly recommended)."
msgstr ""
"Komprimace NTFS je zabudovaná, rychlá a naprosto spolehlivá a většinou "
"komprimuje paměťové karty velmi dobře (tato volba je vysoce doporučená)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:41
msgid "!Panel:Mcd:EnableEjection"
msgstr "Zabraňuje poškození paměťové karty tím, že donutí hry reindexovat obsah karty po načtení uloženého stavu. Nemusí být kompatibilní se všemi hrami (Guitar Hero)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:39
msgid ""
"Avoids memory card corruption by forcing games to re-index card contents "
"after loading from savestates. May not be compatible with all games (Guitar "
msgstr ""
"Zabraňuje poškození paměťové karty tím, že donutí hry reindexovat obsah "
"karty po načtení uloženého stavu. Nemusí být kompatibilní se všemi hrami "
"(Guitar Hero)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/StuckThreadDialog.cpp:33
msgid "!Panel:StuckThread:Heading"
msgstr "Vlákno '%s' neodpovídá. Mohlo uváznout, nebo prostě běží *velmi* pomalu."
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The thread '%s' is not responding. It could be deadlocked, or it might just "
"be running *really* slowly."
msgstr ""
"Vlákno '%s' neodpovídá. Mohlo uváznout, nebo prostě běží *velmi* pomalu."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:38
msgid "!Panel:HasHacksOverrides"
msgstr "Varování! Spouštíte PCSX2 s volbami příkazového řádku, které potlačují Vaše uložená nastavení. Tyto volby příkazového řádku se nebudou odrážet v dialogovém okně Nastavení a budou zrušeny, pokud zde použijete jakékoli změny."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:58
msgid "!Panel:HasPluginsOverrides"
msgstr "Varování! Spouštíte PCSX2 s volbami příkazového řádku, které potlačují Vaše uložená nastavení zásuvných modulů a/nebo adresářů. Tyto volby příkazového řádku se nebudou odrážet v dialogovém okně Nastavení a budou zrušeny, když zde použijete jakékoli změny nastavení."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:135
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Slider"
msgid ""
"Warning! You are running PCSX2 with command line options that override your "
"configured settings. These command line options will not be reflected in "
"the Settings dialog, and will be disabled if you apply any changes here."
msgstr ""
"Předvolby použijí hacky rychlosti, některá nastavení rekompilátoru a některé opravy her známé tím, že zvyšují rychlost.\n"
"Varování! Spouštíte PCSX2 s volbami příkazového řádku, které potlačují Vaše "
"uložená nastavení. Tyto volby příkazového řádku se nebudou odrážet v "
"dialogovém okně Nastavení a budou zrušeny, pokud zde použijete jakékoli "
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:55
msgid ""
"Warning! You are running PCSX2 with command line options that override your "
"configured plugin and/or folder settings. These command line options will "
"not be reflected in the settings dialog, and will be disabled when you apply "
"settings changes here."
msgstr ""
"Varování! Spouštíte PCSX2 s volbami příkazového řádku, které potlačují Vaše "
"uložená nastavení zásuvných modulů a/nebo adresářů. Tyto volby příkazového "
"řádku se nebudou odrážet v dialogovém okně Nastavení a budou zrušeny, když "
"zde použijete jakékoli změny nastavení."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:129
msgid ""
"The Presets apply speed hacks, some recompiler options and some game fixes "
"known to boost speed.\n"
"Known important game fixes will be applied automatically.\n"
"Presets info:\n"
"1 - The most accurate emulation but also the slowest.\n"
"3 --> Tries to balance speed with compatibility.\n"
"4 - Some more aggressive hacks.\n"
"6 - Too many hacks which will probably slow down most games.\n"
msgstr ""
"Předvolby použijí hacky rychlosti, některá nastavení rekompilátoru a některé "
"opravy her známé tím, že zvyšují rychlost.\n"
"Známé důležité opravy budou použity automaticky.\n"
"Informace o předvolbách:\n"
"1 --> Nejpřesnější emulace, ale také nejpomalejší.\n"
"3 --> Pokouší se vyvážit rychlost a kompatibilitu.\n"
"4 --> Některé agresivní hacky.\n"
"6 --> Příliš mnoho hacků, což pravděpodobně zpomalí většinu her."
"6 --> Příliš mnoho hacků, což pravděpodobně zpomalí většinu her.\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:149
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Checkbox"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:136
msgid ""
"The Presets apply speed hacks, some recompiler options and some game fixes "
"known to boost speed.\n"
"Known important game fixes will be applied automatically.\n"
"--> Uncheck to modify settings manually (with current preset as base)"
msgstr ""
"Předvolby použijí hacky rychlosti, některá nastavení rekompilátoru a některé opravy her známé tím, že zvyšují rychlost.\n"
"Předvolby použijí hacky rychlosti, některá nastavení rekompilátoru a některé "
"opravy her známé tím, že zvyšují rychlost.\n"
"Známé důležité opravy budou použity automaticky.\n"
" --> Odškrtněte pro ruční změnu nastavení (se současnými předvolbami jako základ)"
" --> Odškrtněte pro ruční změnu nastavení (se současnými předvolbami jako "
#: pcsx2/gui/IsoDropTarget.cpp:28
msgid "!Notice:ConfirmSysReset"
msgstr "Tato činnost resetuje existující stav virtuálního stroje PS2; veškerý současný postup bude ztracen. Jste si jisti?"
msgid ""
"This action will reset the existing PS2 virtual machine state; all current "
"progress will be lost. Are you sure?"
msgstr ""
"Tato činnost resetuje existující stav virtuálního stroje PS2; veškerý "
"současný postup bude ztracen. Jste si jisti?"
#: pcsx2/gui/MainMenuClicks.cpp:106
msgid "!Notice:DeleteSettings"
msgstr ""
"Tento příkaz vyčistí nastavení %s a umožňuje Vám znovu spustit Průvodce Prvním Spuštěním. Po této operaci budete muset ručně restartovat %s.\n"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"This command clears %s settings and allows you to re-run the First-Time "
"Wizard. You will need to manually restart %s after this operation.\n"
"VAROVÁNÍ!! Kliknutím na OK smažete *VŠECHNA* nastavení pro %s a přinutíte tuto aplikaci uzavřít, čímž ztratíte jakýkoli postup emulace. Jste si naprosto jisti?\n"
"WARNING!! Click OK to delete *ALL* settings for %s and force-close the app, "
"losing any current emulation progress. Are you absolutely sure?\n"
"(note: settings for plugins are unaffected)"
msgstr ""
"Tento příkaz vyčistí nastavení %s a umožňuje Vám znovu spustit Průvodce "
"Prvním Spuštěním. Po této operaci budete muset ručně restartovat %s.\n"
"VAROVÁNÍ!! Kliknutím na OK smažete *VŠECHNA* nastavení pro %s a přinutíte "
"tuto aplikaci uzavřít, čímž ztratíte jakýkoli postup emulace. Jste si "
"naprosto jisti?\n"
"(poznámka: nastavení zásuvných modulů nejsou ovlivněna)"
#: pcsx2/gui/MemoryCardFile.cpp:78
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:HasBeenDisabled"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The PS2-slot %d has been automatically disabled. You can correct the "
"and re-enable it at any time using Config:Memory cards from the main menu."
msgstr ""
"Pozice PS2 %d byla automaticky zakázána. Můžete tento problém opravit\n"
"a znovu ji kdykoli povolit pomocí Nastavení:Paměťové Karty z hlavního menu."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/BiosSelectorPanel.cpp:138
msgid "!Notice:BIOS:InvalidSelection"
msgstr "Prosím zvolte platný BIOS. Pokud nejste schopni provést platnou volbu, pak stiskněte Zrušit pro zavření Konfiguračního panelu."
msgid ""
"Please select a valid BIOS. If you are unable to make a valid selection "
"then press Cancel to close the Configuration panel."
msgstr ""
"Prosím zvolte platný BIOS. Pokud nejste schopni provést platnou volbu, pak "
"stiskněte Zrušit pro zavření Konfiguračního panelu."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:111
msgid "!Panel:EE/IOP:Heading"
msgid "Notice: Most games are fine with the default options. "
msgstr "Upozornění: Většina her bude v pořádku s výchozím nastavením."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:178
msgid "!Panel:VUs:Heading"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:177
msgid "Notice: Most games are fine with the default options."
msgstr "Upozornění: Většina her bude v pořádku s výchozím nastavením."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:69
msgid "!Notice:DirPicker:CreatePath"
msgid ""
"The specified path/directory does not exist. Would you like to create it?"
msgstr "Zadaná cesta/adresář neexistuje. Chtěli byste je vytvořit?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:158
msgid "!ContextTip:DirPicker:UseDefault"
msgstr "Je-li zaškrtnuto, tento adresář bude automaticky odrážet výchozí asociaci se současným nastavením uživatelského režimu PCSX2."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:157
msgid ""
"When checked this folder will automatically reflect the default associated "
"with PCSX2's current usermode setting. "
msgstr ""
"Je-li zaškrtnuto, tento adresář bude automaticky odrážet výchozí asociaci se "
"současným nastavením uživatelského režimu PCSX2."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:55
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Zoom"
msgid ""
"Zoom = 100: Fit the entire image to the window without any cropping.\n"
"Above/Below 100: Zoom In/Out\n"
"0: Automatic-Zoom-In untill the black-bars are gone (Aspect ratio is kept, "
"some of the image goes out of screen).\n"
" NOTE: Some games draw their own black-bars, which will not be removed with "
"Keyboard: CTRL + NUMPAD-PLUS: Zoom-In, CTRL + NUMPAD-MINUS: Zoom-Out, CTRL + "
"NUMPAD-*: Toggle 100/0"
msgstr ""
"Přiblížení = 100: Celý obraz bude umístěn do okna bez jakéhokoliv oříznutí.\n"
"Nad/Pod 100: Přiblížení/Oddálení\n"
"0: Automaticky přibližovat, dokud černé čáry nezmizí (poměr stran je zachován, část obrazu bude mimo obrazovku).\n"
"POZNÁMKA: Některé hry vykreslují vlastní černé čáry, které pomocí '0' nebudou odstraněny.\n"
"0: Automaticky přibližovat, dokud černé čáry nezmizí (poměr stran je "
"zachován, část obrazu bude mimo obrazovku).\n"
"POZNÁMKA: Některé hry vykreslují vlastní černé čáry, které pomocí '0' "
"nebudou odstraněny.\n"
"Klávesnice: CTRL + PLUS: Přiblížení, CTRL + MÍNUS: Oddálení, CTRL + HVĚZDIČKA: Přepínání 100/0."
"Klávesnice: CTRL + PLUS: Přiblížení, CTRL + MÍNUS: Oddálení, CTRL + "
"HVĚZDIČKA: Přepínání 100/0."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:63
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Vsync"
msgstr "Vsynch odstraňuje trhání obrazovky, ale má velký vliv na výkon. Většinou se toto týká režimu celé obrazovky a nemusí fungovat se všemi zásuvnými moduly GS."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:58
msgid ""
"Vsync eliminates screen tearing but typically has a big performance hit. It "
"usually only applies to fullscreen mode, and may not work with all GS "
msgstr ""
"Vsynch odstraňuje trhání obrazovky, ale má velký vliv na výkon. Většinou se "
"toto týká režimu celé obrazovky a nemusí fungovat se všemi zásuvnými moduly "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:68
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:ManagedVsync"
msgstr "Povolí Vsynch když snímkovací frekvence je přesně na plné rychlosti. Pokud spadne pod tuto hodnotu, Vsynch je zakázána k zabránění dalších penalizací výkonu. Poznámka: Toto nyní správně funguje pouze s GSdx jako zásuvný modul GS a nastaveným na použití hardwarového vykreslování DX10/11. Jakýkoli jiný modul nebo režim vykreslování toto bude ignorovat, nebo vytvoří černý snímek, který blikne, kdykoliv je režim přepnut. Také vyžaduje povolenou Vsynch."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:61
msgid ""
"Enables Vsync when the framerate is exactly at full speed. Should it fall "
"below that, Vsync gets disabled to avoid further performance penalties. "
"Note: This currently only works well with GSdx as GS plugin and with it "
"configured to use DX10/11 hardware rendering. Any other plugin or rendering "
"mode will either ignore it or produce a black frame that blinks whenever the "
"mode switches. It also requires Vsync to be enabled."
msgstr ""
"Povolí Vsynch když snímkovací frekvence je přesně na plné rychlosti. Pokud "
"spadne pod tuto hodnotu, Vsynch je zakázána k zabránění dalších penalizací "
"výkonu. Poznámka: Toto nyní správně funguje pouze s GSdx jako zásuvný modul "
"GS a nastaveným na použití hardwarového vykreslování DX10/11. Jakýkoli jiný "
"modul nebo režim vykreslování toto bude ignorovat, nebo vytvoří černý "
"snímek, který blikne, kdykoliv je režim přepnut. Také vyžaduje povolenou "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:76
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideMouse"
msgstr "Zašrktněte toto pro vynucení zneviditelnění kurzoru myši uvnitř okna GS; užitečné, jestli myš používáte jako hlavní kontrolní zařízení pro hraní. Standardně je myš schována po 2 vteřinách nečinnosti."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:64
msgid ""
"Check this to force the mouse cursor invisible inside the GS window; useful "
"if using the mouse as a primary control device for gaming. By default the "
"mouse auto-hides after 2 seconds of inactivity."
msgstr ""
"Zašrktněte toto pro vynucení zneviditelnění kurzoru myši uvnitř okna GS; "
"užitečné, jestli myš používáte jako hlavní kontrolní zařízení pro hraní. "
"Standardně je myš schována po 2 vteřinách nečinnosti."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:82
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Fullscreen"
msgstr "Povolí automatické přepnutí režimu na celou obrazovku, při spuštění nebo obnově emulace. Stále můžete přepnout na celou obrazovku pomocí alt-enter."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:67
msgid ""
"Enables automatic mode switch to fullscreen when starting or resuming "
"emulation. You can still toggle fullscreen display at any time using alt-"
msgstr ""
"Povolí automatické přepnutí režimu na celou obrazovku, při spuštění nebo "
"obnově emulace. Stále můžete přepnout na celou obrazovku pomocí alt-enter."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:93
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideGS"
msgstr "Úplně zavře často velké a rozměrné okno GS při stisku ESC nebo pozastavení emulátoru."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:74
msgid ""
"Completely closes the often large and bulky GS window when pressing ESC or "
"pausing the emulator."
msgstr ""
"Úplně zavře často velké a rozměrné okno GS při stisku ESC nebo pozastavení "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:67
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:EE Timing Hack"
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Digital Devil Saga (Fixes FMV and crashes)\n"
" * SSX (Fixes bad graphics and crashes)\n"
" * Resident Evil: Dead Aim (Causes garbled textures)"
msgstr ""
"Známo, že ovlivňuje následující hry:\n"
"* Digital Devil Saga (Opravuje FMV a pády)\n"
"* SSX (Opravuje špatnou grafiku a pády)\n"
"* Resident Evil: Dead Aim (Způsobuje zkomolené textury)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:80
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:OPH Flag hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:76
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Bleach Blade Battler\n"
" * Growlanser II and III\n"
" * Wizardry"
msgstr ""
"Známo, že ovlivňuje následující hry:\n"
"* Bleach Blade Battler\n"
"* Growlanser II and III\n"
"* Wizardry"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:89
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:DMA Busy hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:81
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Mana Khemia 1 (Going \"off campus\")\n"
msgstr ""
"Známo, že ovlivňuje následující hry:\n"
"* Mana Khemia 1 (Going \"off campus\")"
"* Mana Khemia 1 (Going \"off campus\")\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:96
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:VIF1 FIFO hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:86
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Test Drive Unlimited\n"
" * Transformers"
msgstr ""
"Známo, že ovlivňuje následující hry:\n"
"* Test Drive Unlimited\n"
"* Transformers"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:119
msgid "!Panel:Gamefixes:Compat Warning"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:106
msgid ""
"Gamefixes can work around wrong emulation in some titles. \n"
"They may also cause compatibility or performance issues. \n"
"It's better to enable 'Automatic game fixes' at the main menu instead, and "
"leave this page empty. \n"
"('Automatic' means: selectively use specific tested fixes for specific games)"
msgstr ""
"Opravy her můžou obejít špatnou emulaci v některých hrách.\n"
"Můžou ale také způsobit problémy s kompatibilitou a výkonem, takže nejsou doporučeny.\n"
"Můžou ale také způsobit problémy s kompatibilitou a výkonem, takže nejsou "
"Opravy her jsou použity automaticky, takže zde nic nemusíte nastavovat."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:720
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Delete"
msgstr "Chystáte se smazat formátovanou paměťovou kartu '%s'. Všechna data na kartě budou ztracena! Jste si naprosto a zcela jisti?"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"You are about to delete the formatted memory card '%s'. All data on this "
"card will be lost! Are you absolutely and quite positively sure?"
msgstr ""
"Chystáte se smazat formátovanou paměťovou kartu '%s'. Všechna data na kartě "
"budou ztracena! Jste si naprosto a zcela jisti?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:758
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:CantDuplicate"
msgstr "Selhání: Kopírování je povoleno pouze na prázdnou pozici PS2 nebo do systému souborů."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:756
msgid ""
"Failed: Duplicate is only allowed to an empty PS2-Port or to the file system."
msgstr ""
"Selhání: Kopírování je povoleno pouze na prázdnou pozici PS2 nebo do systému "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:801
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Copy Failed"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:798
#, c-format
msgid "Failed: Destination memory card '%s' is in use."
msgstr "Selhání: Cílová paměťová karta '%s' se používá."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:35
msgid "!Panel:Usermode:Explained"
msgstr "Prosím vyberte níže Vaši upřednostňované výchozí umístění pro dokumenty uživatelské úrovně PCSX2 (zahrnující paměťové karty, snímky obrazovky, nastavení a uložené stavy). Tyto umístění adresářů mohou být kdykoli potlačena použitím panelu Hlavního Nastavení."
msgid ""
"Please select your preferred default location for PCSX2 user-level documents "
"below (includes memory cards, screenshots, settings, and savestates). These "
"folder locations can be overridden at any time using the Core Settings panel."
msgstr ""
"Prosím vyberte níže Vaši upřednostňované výchozí umístění pro dokumenty "
"uživatelské úrovně PCSX2 (zahrnující paměťové karty, snímky obrazovky, "
"nastavení a uložené stavy). Tyto umístění adresářů mohou být kdykoli "
"potlačena použitím panelu Hlavního Nastavení."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:41
msgid "!Panel:Usermode:Warning"
msgstr "Prosím vyberte níže Vaši upřednostňované výchozí umístění pro dokumenty uživatelské úrovně PCSX2 (zahrnující paměťové karty, snímky obrazovky, nastavení a uložené stavy). Tato volba ovlivňuje pouze Standardní Cesty, které jsou nastaveny, aby používali výchozí hodnoty instalace."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:38
msgid ""
"You can change the preferred default location for PCSX2 user-level documents "
"here (includes memory cards, screenshots, settings, and savestates). This "
"option only affects Standard Paths which are set to use the installation "
"default value."
msgstr ""
"Prosím vyberte níže Vaši upřednostňované výchozí umístění pro dokumenty "
"uživatelské úrovně PCSX2 (zahrnující paměťové karty, snímky obrazovky, "
"nastavení a uložené stavy). Tato volba ovlivňuje pouze Standardní Cesty, "
"které jsou nastaveny, aby používali výchozí hodnoty instalace."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:40
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Savestates"
msgstr "Do tohoto adresáře PCSX2 ukládá uložené stavy, které jsou zaznamenány buď použitím menu/panelů nástrojů, nebo stisknutím F1/F3 (uložit/nahrát)."
msgid ""
"This folder is where PCSX2 records savestates; which are recorded either by "
"using menus/toolbars, or by pressing F1/F3 (save/load)."
msgstr ""
"Do tohoto adresáře PCSX2 ukládá uložené stavy, které jsou zaznamenány buď "
"použitím menu/panelů nástrojů, nebo stisknutím F1/F3 (uložit/nahrát)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:50
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Snapshots"
msgstr "Toto je adresář, kde PCSX2 ukládá snímky obrazovky. Vlastní formát a styl snímku se může měnit v závislosti na používaném zásuvném modulu GS."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:48
msgid ""
"This folder is where PCSX2 saves screenshots. Actual screenshot image "
"format and style may vary depending on the GS plugin being used."
msgstr ""
"Toto je adresář, kde PCSX2 ukládá snímky obrazovky. Vlastní formát a styl "
"snímku se může měnit v závislosti na používaném zásuvném modulu GS."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:60
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Logs"
msgstr "Toto je adresář, kde PCSX2 ukládá své soubory se záznamem a diagnostické výpisy. Většina zásuvných modulů bude také používat tento adresář, ale některé starší ho můžou ignorovat."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:56
msgid ""
"This folder is where PCSX2 saves its logfiles and diagnostic dumps. Most "
"plugins will also adhere to this folder, however some older plugins may "
"ignore it."
msgstr ""
"Toto je adresář, kde PCSX2 ukládá své soubory se záznamem a diagnostické "
"výpisy. Většina zásuvných modulů bude také používat tento adresář, ale "
"některé starší ho můžou ignorovat."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:242
msgid "!Notice:PluginSelector:ConfirmShutdown"
msgid ""
"Warning! Changing plugins requires a complete shutdown and reset of the PS2 "
"virtual machine. PCSX2 will attempt to save and restore the state, but if "
"the newly selected plugins are incompatible the recovery may fail, and "
"current progress will be lost.\n"
"Are you sure you want to apply settings now?"
msgstr ""
"Varování! Změna zásuvných modulů vyžaduje celkové vypnutí a reset virtuálního stroje PS2. PCSX2 se pokusí stav uložit a obnovit, ale pokud jsou nově zvolené zásuvné moduly nekompatibilní, obnovení může selhat a současný postup může být ztracen.\n"
"Varování! Změna zásuvných modulů vyžaduje celkové vypnutí a reset "
"virtuálního stroje PS2. PCSX2 se pokusí stav uložit a obnovit, ale pokud "
"jsou nově zvolené zásuvné moduly nekompatibilní, obnovení může selhat a "
"současný postup může být ztracen.\n"
"Jste si jisti, že chcete nastavení použít teď?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:457
msgid "!Notice:PluginSelector:ApplyFailed"
msgstr "Všechny zásuvné moduly musí mít platný výběr pro %s ke spuštění. Pokud nemůžete provést výběr kvůli chybějícímu modulu nebo nedokončené instalaci %s, pak stiskněte Zrušit pro uzavření panelu Nastavení."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:452
#, c-format
msgid ""
"All plugins must have valid selections for %s to run. If you are unable to "
"make a valid selection due to missing plugins or an incomplete install of "
"%s, then press Cancel to close the Configuration panel."
msgstr ""
"Všechny zásuvné moduly musí mít platný výběr pro %s ke spuštění. Pokud "
"nemůžete provést výběr kvůli chybějícímu modulu nebo nedokončené instalaci "
"%s, pak stiskněte Zrušit pro uzavření panelu Nastavení."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:27
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX1"
msgstr "Výchozí množství cyklů. Toto se blíže shoduje se skutečnou rychlostí opravdového EmotionEngine PS2."
msgid ""
"1 - Default cyclerate. This closely matches the actual speed of a real PS2 "
msgstr ""
"Výchozí množství cyklů. Toto se blíže shoduje se skutečnou rychlostí "
"opravdového EmotionEngine PS2."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:32
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX2"
msgstr "Sníží množství cyklů EE asi o 33%. Mírné zrychlení ve většině her s vysokou kompatibilitou."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:31
msgid ""
"2 - Reduces the EE's cyclerate by about 33%. Mild speedup for most games "
"with high compatibility."
msgstr ""
"Sníží množství cyklů EE asi o 33%. Mírné zrychlení ve většině her s vysokou "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX3"
msgstr "Sníží množství cyklů EE asi o 50%. Průměrné zrychlení, ale *způsobí* zadrhování zvuku ve spoustě FMV."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:35
msgid ""
"3 - Reduces the EE's cyclerate by about 50%. Moderate speedup, but *will* "
"cause stuttering audio on many FMVs."
msgstr ""
"Sníží množství cyklů EE asi o 50%. Průměrné zrychlení, ale *způsobí* "
"zadrhování zvuku ve spoustě FMV."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:54
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealOff"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:50
msgid "0 - Disables VU Cycle Stealing. Most compatible setting!"
msgstr "Zakáže krádež cyklů VJ. Nejkompatibilnější nastavení"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:59
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal1"
msgstr "Mírná krádež cyklů VJ. Nižší kompatibilita, ale jisté zrychlení ve většině her."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:54
msgid ""
"1 - Mild VU Cycle Stealing. Lower compatibility, but some speedup for most "
msgstr ""
"Mírná krádež cyklů VJ. Nižší kompatibilita, ale jisté zrychlení ve většině "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:64
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal2"
msgstr "Průměrná krádež cyklů VJ. Ještě nižší kompatibilita, ale výrazné zrychlení v některých hrách."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:58
msgid ""
"2 - Moderate VU Cycle Stealing. Even lower compatibility, but significant "
"speedups in some games."
msgstr ""
"Průměrná krádež cyklů VJ. Ještě nižší kompatibilita, ale výrazné zrychlení v "
"některých hrách."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:70
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal3"
msgstr "Maximální krádež cyklů VJ. Užitečnost je omezená protože toto způsobuje blikání grafiky nebo zpomalení ve většině her. "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:63
msgid ""
"3 - Maximum VU Cycle Stealing. Usefulness is limited, as this will cause "
"flickering visuals or slowdown in most games."
msgstr ""
"Maximální krádež cyklů VJ. Užitečnost je omezená protože toto způsobuje "
"blikání grafiky nebo zpomalení ve většině her. "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:97
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:Overview"
msgstr "Hacky Rychlosti většinou zlepšují rychlost emulace, ale můžou způsobovat chyby, špatný zvuk a špatné údaje o SZS. Když máte problémy s emulací, tento panel zakažte nejdříve."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:88
msgid ""
"Speedhacks usually improve emulation speed, but can cause glitches, broken "
"audio, and false FPS readings. When having emulation problems, disable this "
"panel first."
msgstr ""
"Hacky Rychlosti většinou zlepšují rychlost emulace, ale můžou způsobovat "
"chyby, špatný zvuk a špatné údaje o SZS. Když máte problémy s emulací, tento "
"panel zakažte nejdříve."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:129
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:EECycleRate Slider"
msgstr "Nastavením vyšších hodnot na tomto šoupátku účinně sníží rychlost hodin jádra R5900 procesoru EmotionEngine a typicky přináší velké zrychlení hrám, které nemohou využívat plný potenciál skutečného hardwaru PS2. "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:118
msgid ""
"Setting higher values on this slider effectively reduces the clock speed of "
"the EmotionEngine's R5900 core cpu, and typically brings big speedups to "
"games that fail to utilize the full potential of the real PS2 hardware."
msgstr ""
"Nastavením vyšších hodnot na tomto šoupátku účinně sníží rychlost hodin "
"jádra R5900 procesoru EmotionEngine a typicky přináší velké zrychlení hrám, "
"které nemohou využívat plný potenciál skutečného hardwaru PS2. "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:150
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealing Slider"
msgstr "Toto šoupátko kontroluje množství cyklů, které VJ ukradne od EmotionEngine. Vyšší hodnoty zvyšují počet ukradených cyklů od EE pro každý mikroprogram, který VJ spustí."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:136
msgid ""
"This slider controls the amount of cycles the VU unit steals from the "
"EmotionEngine. Higher values increase the number of cycles stolen from the "
"EE for each VU microprogram the game runs."
msgstr ""
"Toto šoupátko kontroluje množství cyklů, které VJ ukradne od EmotionEngine. "
"Vyšší hodnoty zvyšují počet ukradených cyklů od EE pro každý mikroprogram, "
"který VJ spustí."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:169
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack"
msgstr "Aktualizuje Příznaky Stavu pouze v blocích, které je budou číst, místo neustále. Toto je většinou bezpečné a Super VJ dělá standardně něco podobného."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:153
msgid ""
"Updates Status Flags only on blocks which will read them, instead of all the "
"time. This is safe most of the time, and Super VU does something similar by "
msgstr ""
"Aktualizuje Příznaky Stavu pouze v blocích, které je budou číst, místo "
"neustále. Toto je většinou bezpečné a Super VJ dělá standardně něco "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:156
msgid ""
"Runs VU1 on its own thread (microVU1-only). Generally a speedup on CPUs with "
"3 or more cores. This is safe for most games, but a few games are "
"incompatible and may hang. In the case of GS limited games, it may be a "
"slowdown (especially on dual core CPUs)."
msgstr ""
"Spouští VJ1 na svém vlastním vlákně (pouze mikroVJ1). Na počítačích s 3 a "
"více jádry většinou zrychlení. Toto je pro většinu her bezpečné, ale některé "
"jsou nekompatibilní a mohou se zaseknout. V případě her omezených GS může "
"dojít ke zpomalení (zvláště na počítačích s dvoujádrovým procesorem)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:174
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuThread"
msgstr "Spouští VJ1 na svém vlastním vlákně (pouze mikroVJ1). Na počítačích s 3 a více jádry většinou zrychlení. Toto je pro většinu her bezpečné, ale některé jsou nekompatibilní a mohou se zaseknout. V případě her omezených GS může dojít ke zpomalení (zvláště na počítačích s dvoujádrovým procesorem)."
msgid ""
"This hack works best for games that use the INTC Status register to wait for "
"vsyncs, which includes primarily non-3D RPG titles. Games that do not use "
"this method of vsync will see little or no speedup from this hack."
msgstr ""
"Tento hack funguje nejlépe v hrách, které používají stavy KPŘE registru pro "
"čekání na vsynch, což hlavně zahrnuje ne-3D rpg hry. Ty, co tuto metodu v "
"synch nepoužívají z tohoto hacku nedostanou žádné nebo malé zrychlení."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:195
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC"
msgstr "Tento hack funguje nejlépe v hrách, které používají stavy KPŘE registru pro čekání na vsynch, což hlavně zahrnuje ne-3D rpg hry. Ty, co tuto metodu v synch nepoužívají z tohoto hacku nedostanou žádné nebo malé zrychlení."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:177
msgid ""
"Primarily targetting the EE idle loop at address 0x81FC0 in the kernel, this "
"hack attempts to detect loops whose bodies are guaranteed to result in the "
"same machine state for every iteration until a scheduled event triggers "
"emulation of another unit. After a single iteration of such loops, we "
"advance to the time of the next event or the end of the processor's "
"timeslice, whichever comes first."
msgstr ""
"Má za cíl hlavně čekací smyčku EE na adrese 0x81FC0 v kernelu, tento hack se "
"pokusí zjistit smyčky, jejichž těla mají zaručeně za následek stejný stav "
"stroje pro každé opakování doku naplánovaná událost nespustí emulaci další "
"jednotky. Po prvním opakováním takovýchto smyček, pokročíme do doby další "
"události nebo konce pracovního intervalu procesoru, co nastane dříve."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:200
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0"
msgstr "Má za cíl hlavně čekací smyčku EE na adrese 0x81FC0 v kernelu, tento hack se pokusí zjistit smyčky, jejichž těla mají zaručeně za následek stejný stav stroje pro každé opakování doku naplánovaná událost nespustí emulaci další jednotky. Po prvním opakováním takovýchto smyček, pokročíme do doby další události nebo konce pracovního intervalu procesoru, co nastane dříve."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:207
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD"
msgstr "Zkontrolujte seznam kompatibility HDLoadera pro hry, známé, že s tímto mají problémy. (často označené jako vyžadující 'mode 1' nebo 'slow DVD'"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:180
msgid ""
"Check HDLoader compatibility lists for known games that have issues with "
"this. (Often marked as needing 'mode 1' or 'slow DVD'"
msgstr ""
"Zkontrolujte seznam kompatibility HDLoadera pro hry, známé, že s tímto mají "
"problémy. (často označené jako vyžadující 'mode 1' nebo 'slow DVD'"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!ContextTip:Framelimiter:Disable"
msgstr "Nezapomeňte, že když je omezení snímků vypnuté, nebudou ani také dostupné režimy Turbo a ZpomalenýPohyb."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:227
msgid "!Panel:Frameskip:Heading"
msgstr "Upozornění: Kvůli hardwarovému designu PS2 je přesné přeskakování snímků nemožné. Zapnutím tohoto způsobí vážné grafické chyby v některých hrách."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS"
msgstr "Zapněte toto, pokud si myslíte, že synch vlákna VVGS způsobuje pády a grafické problémy."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:310
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput"
msgid ""
"Note that when Framelimiting is disabled, Turbo and SlowMotion modes will "
"not be available either."
msgstr ""
"Odstraní jakýkoli šum výkonnostního testu způsobený vláknem VVGS nebo časem zpracování grafického procesoru. Tato volba se nejlépe používá spolu s uloženými stavy: uložte stav v ideální scéně, zapněte tuto volbu, a znovu načtěte uložený stav.\n"
"Varování: Tato volba může být zapnuta za běhu ale typicky nemůže být takto vypnuta (obraz bude většinou poškozený)"
"Nezapomeňte, že když je omezení snímků vypnuté, nebudou ani také dostupné "
"režimy Turbo a ZpomalenýPohyb."
#: pcsx2/vtlb.cpp:710
msgid "!Notice:HostVmReserve"
msgstr "Váš systém má příliš nízké virtuální zdroje, aby mohl být PCSX2 spuštěn. To může být způsobeno malým nebo vypnutým stránkovacím souborem, nebo jinými programy, které jsou náročné na zdroje."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:225
msgid ""
"Notice: Due to PS2 hardware design, precise frame skipping is impossible. "
"Enabling it will cause severe graphical errors in some games."
msgstr ""
"Upozornění: Kvůli hardwarovému designu PS2 je přesné přeskakování snímků "
"nemožné. Zapnutím tohoto způsobí vážné grafické chyby v některých hrách."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302
msgid ""
"Enable this if you think MTGS thread sync is causing crashes or graphical "
msgstr ""
"Zapněte toto, pokud si myslíte, že synch vlákna VVGS způsobuje pády a "
"grafické problémy."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:305
msgid ""
"Removes any benchmark noise caused by the MTGS thread or GPU overhead. This "
"option is best used in conjunction with savestates: save a state at an ideal "
"scene, enable this option, and re-load the savestate.\n"
"Warning: This option can be enabled on-the-fly but typically cannot be "
"disabled on-the-fly (video will typically be garbage)."
msgstr ""
"Odstraní jakýkoli šum výkonnostního testu způsobený vláknem VVGS nebo časem "
"zpracování grafického procesoru. Tato volba se nejlépe používá spolu s "
"uloženými stavy: uložte stav v ideální scéně, zapněte tuto volbu, a znovu "
"načtěte uložený stav.\n"
"Varování: Tato volba může být zapnuta za běhu ale typicky nemůže být takto "
"vypnuta (obraz bude většinou poškozený)"
#: pcsx2/vtlb.cpp:711
msgid ""
"Your system is too low on virtual resources for PCSX2 to run. This can be "
"caused by having a small or disabled swapfile, or by other programs that are "
"hogging resources."
msgstr ""
"Váš systém má příliš nízké virtuální zdroje, aby mohl být PCSX2 spuštěn. To "
"může být způsobeno malým nebo vypnutým stránkovacím souborem, nebo jinými "
"programy, které jsou náročné na zdroje."
#: pcsx2/x86/sVU_zerorec.cpp:363
msgid "!Notice:superVU:VirtualMemoryAlloc"
msgstr "Došla Paměť (tak trochu): Rekompilátor SuperVJ nemohl vyhradit určitý vyžadovaný rozsah paměti a nebude dostupný k použití. To není kritická chyba, protože rek sVU je zastaralý a stejně byste místo něj měli používat mVU :)."
msgid ""
"Out of Memory (sorta): The SuperVU recompiler was unable to reserve the "
"specific memory ranges required, and will not be available for use. This is "
"not a critical error, since the sVU rec is obsolete, and you should use "
"microVU instead anyway. :)"
msgstr ""
"Došla Paměť (tak trochu): Rekompilátor SuperVJ nemohl vyhradit určitý "
"vyžadovaný rozsah paměti a nebude dostupný k použití. To není kritická "
"chyba, protože rek sVU je zastaralý a stejně byste místo něj měli používat "
"mVU :)."
#~ msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuBlockHack"
#~ msgstr ""

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-04-07 11:42+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-08-10 11:44+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-07-04 11:45+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: PCSX2\n"
@ -19,308 +19,637 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: common\n"
#: common/src/Utilities/Exceptions.cpp:254
msgid "!Notice:VirtualMemoryMap"
msgstr "Es steht nicht genügend virtueller Speicher zur Verfügung bzw. der Speicher wird von anderen Programmen / DLLs belegt."
msgid ""
"There is not enough virtual memory available, or necessary virtual memory "
"mappings have already been reserved by other processes, services, or DLLs."
msgstr ""
"Es steht nicht genügend virtueller Speicher zur Verfügung bzw. der Speicher "
"wird von anderen Programmen / DLLs belegt."
#: pcsx2/CDVD/CDVD.cpp:389
msgid "!Notice:PsxDisc"
msgid ""
"Playstation game discs are not supported by PCSX2. If you want to emulate "
"PSX games then you'll have to download a PSX-specific emulator, such as "
"ePSXe or PCSX."
msgstr "PlayStation 1 (PSX) Spiele werden von PCSX2 noch nicht unterstützt!"
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:114
msgid "!Notice:Recompiler:VirtualMemoryAlloc"
msgstr "Der Recompiler konnte nicht genug virtuellen Speicher allokieren. Versuche PCSX2 etwas mehr Speicher zu gewähren indem du nicht benötigte Programme beendest."
msgid ""
"This recompiler was unable to reserve contiguous memory required for "
"internal caches. This error can be caused by low virtual memory resources, "
"such as a small or disabled swapfile, or by another program that is hogging "
"a lot of memory. You can also try reducing the default cache sizes for all "
"PCSX2 recompilers, found under Host Settings."
msgstr ""
"Der Recompiler konnte nicht genug virtuellen Speicher allokieren. Versuche "
"PCSX2 etwas mehr Speicher zu gewähren indem du nicht benötigte Programme "
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:348
msgid "!Notice:EmuCore::MemoryForVM"
msgstr "Es steht nicht genügend virtueller Speicher zur Verfügung bzw. der Speicher wird von anderen Programmen / DLLs belegt."
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:344
msgid ""
"PCSX2 is unable to allocate memory needed for the PS2 virtual machine. Close "
"out some memory hogging background tasks and try again."
msgstr ""
"Es steht nicht genügend virtueller Speicher zur Verfügung bzw. der Speicher "
"wird von anderen Programmen / DLLs belegt."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:43
msgid "!Notice:Startup:NoSSE2"
msgstr "Dein Prozessor unterstützt kein SSE2. Viele Plugins werden nicht funktionieren und die Emulation wird sehr langsam sein."
msgid ""
"Warning: Your computer does not support SSE2, which is required by many "
"PCSX2 recompilers and plugins. Your options will be limited and emulation "
"will be *very* slow."
msgstr ""
"Dein Prozessor unterstützt kein SSE2. Viele Plugins werden nicht "
"funktionieren und die Emulation wird sehr langsam sein."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:162
msgid "!Notice:RecompilerInit:Header"
msgstr "Einige der PCSX2 Recompiler konnten nicht starten und wurden deaktiviert:"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:160
msgid ""
"Warning: Some of the configured PS2 recompilers failed to initialize and "
"have been disabled:"
msgstr ""
"Einige der PCSX2 Recompiler konnten nicht starten und wurden deaktiviert:"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:211
msgid "!Notice:RecompilerInit:Footer"
msgstr "Recompiler werden zwar nicht unbedingt von PCSX2 benötigt, sie sind aber wichtig um akzeptable FPS Raten zu erreichen. Du kannst versuchen die Recompiler über die Konfigurationseinstellungen zu reaktivieren."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:208
msgid ""
"Note: Recompilers are not necessary for PCSX2 to run, however they typically "
"improve emulation speed substantially. You may have to manually re-enable "
"the recompilers listed above, if you resolve the errors."
msgstr ""
"Recompiler werden zwar nicht unbedingt von PCSX2 benötigt, sie sind aber "
"wichtig um akzeptable FPS Raten zu erreichen. Du kannst versuchen die "
"Recompiler über die Konfigurationseinstellungen zu reaktivieren."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:546
msgid "!Notice:BiosDumpRequired"
msgstr "PCSX2 benötigt ein PS2 BIOS Abbild. Da Sony den BIOS Code lizenziert hat dürfen wir dieses nicht mit PCSX2 vertreiben. Du musst daher das BIOS Abbild deiner eigenen PS2 benutzen! Näheres dazu in der FAQ."
msgid ""
"PCSX2 requires a PS2 BIOS in order to run. For legal reasons, you *must* "
"obtain a BIOS from an actual PS2 unit that you own (borrowing doesn't "
"count). Please consult the FAQs and Guides for further instructions."
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 benötigt ein PS2 BIOS Abbild. Da Sony den BIOS Code lizenziert hat "
"dürfen wir dieses nicht mit PCSX2 vertreiben. Du musst daher das BIOS Abbild "
"deiner eigenen PS2 benutzen! Näheres dazu in der FAQ."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:629
msgid "!Notice Error:Thread Deadlock Actions"
msgstr "Ignorieren um weiter auf den Thread zu warten.Abbrechen um den Thread zu beenden.Beenden um PCSX2 komplett zu schließen."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:626
msgid ""
"'Ignore' to continue waiting for the thread to respond.\n"
"'Cancel' to attempt to cancel the thread.\n"
"'Terminate' to quit PCSX2 immediately.\n"
msgstr ""
"Ignorieren um weiter auf den Thread zu warten.Abbrechen um den Thread zu "
"beenden.Beenden um PCSX2 komplett zu schließen.\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppUserMode.cpp:57
msgid "!Notice:PortableModeRights"
msgstr "Stelle bitte sicher das diese Ordner erstellt wurden und das dein Benutzeraccount Schreibrechte hat. Alternativ kannst du versuchen PCSX2 mit Administratorrechten zu starten. Das sollte es ermöglichen die benötigten Ordner zu erstellen. Falls du keine dieser Möglichkeiten hast, solltest du in den normalen Installationsmodus wechseln (klicke den folgenden Button)."
msgid ""
"Please ensure that these folders are created and that your user account is "
"granted write permissions to them -- or re-run PCSX2 with elevated "
"(administrator) rights, which should grant PCSX2 the ability to create the "
"necessary folders itself. If you do not have elevated rights on this "
"computer, then you will need to switch to User Documents mode (click button "
msgstr ""
"Stelle bitte sicher das diese Ordner erstellt wurden und das dein "
"Benutzeraccount Schreibrechte hat. Alternativ kannst du versuchen PCSX2 mit "
"Administratorrechten zu starten. Das sollte es ermöglichen die benötigten "
"Ordner zu erstellen. Falls du keine dieser Möglichkeiten hast, solltest du "
"in den normalen Installationsmodus wechseln (klicke den folgenden Button)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:181
msgid "!ContextTip:ChangingNTFS"
msgstr "Die NTFS Komprimierung kann jederzeit via Windows Explorer geändert werden."
msgid ""
"NTFS compression can be changed manually at any time by using file "
"properties from Windows Explorer."
msgstr ""
"Die NTFS Komprimierung kann jederzeit via Windows Explorer geändert werden."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:49
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Settings"
msgstr "PCSX2 und Plugins werden versuchen ihre Einstellungen in diesen Ordner zu schreiben. Einige (ältere) Plugins könnten dies jedoch nicht unterstützen."
msgid ""
"This is the folder where PCSX2 saves your settings, including settings "
"generated by most plugins (some older plugins may not respect this value)."
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 und Plugins werden versuchen ihre Einstellungen in diesen Ordner zu "
"schreiben. Einige (ältere) Plugins könnten dies jedoch nicht unterstützen."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:54
msgid "!Panel:Folders:Settings"
msgstr "Du kannst hier optional ein Verzeichnis angeben, in dem PCSX2 seine Konfiguration speichern wird. Sind dort bereits Einstellungen vorhanden, wird PCSX2 dir anbieten, diese zu importieren."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:52
msgid ""
"You may optionally specify a location for your PCSX2 settings here. If the "
"location contains existing PCSX2 settings, you will be given the option to "
"import or overwrite them."
msgstr ""
"Du kannst hier optional ein Verzeichnis angeben, in dem PCSX2 seine "
"Konfiguration speichern wird. Sind dort bereits Einstellungen vorhanden, "
"wird PCSX2 dir anbieten, diese zu importieren."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:94
msgid "!Wizard:Welcome"
msgstr "Der Konfigurationshelfer nimmt die Grundeinstellungen für %s vor. Es werden Plugins, das BIOS Abbild und Memory Cards konfiguriert."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:89
#, c-format
msgid ""
"This wizard will help guide you through configuring plugins, memory cards, "
"and BIOS. It is recommended if this is your first time installing %s that "
"you view the readme and configuration guide."
msgstr ""
"Der Konfigurationshelfer nimmt die Grundeinstellungen für %s vor. Es werden "
"Plugins, das BIOS Abbild und Memory Cards konfiguriert."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:140
msgid "!Wizard:Bios:Tutorial"
msgstr "PCSX2 benötigt ein PS2 BIOS Abbild. Da Sony den BIOS Code lizenziert hat dürfen wir dieses nicht mit PCSX2 vertreiben. Du musst daher das BIOS Abbild deiner eigenen PS2 benutzen! Näheres dazu in der FAQ."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:132
msgid ""
"PCSX2 requires a *legal* copy of the PS2 BIOS in order to run games.\n"
"You cannot use a copy obtained from a friend or the Internet.\n"
"You must dump the BIOS from your *own* Playstation 2 console."
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 benötigt ein PS2 BIOS Abbild. Da Sony den BIOS Code lizenziert hat "
"dürfen wir dieses nicht mit PCSX2 vertreiben. Du musst daher das BIOS Abbild "
"deiner eigenen PS2 benutzen! Näheres dazu in der FAQ."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/ImportSettingsDialog.cpp:31
msgid "!Notice:ImportExistingSettings"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Existing %s settings have been found in the configured settings folder. "
"Would you like to import these settings or overwrite them with %s default "
"(or press Cancel to select a different settings folder)"
msgstr ""
"Existierende %s Einstellungen wurden in dem gewählten Ordner gefunden. \n"
"Möchtest du diese %s Einstellungen Übernehmen?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:30
msgid "!Panel:Mcd:NtfsCompress"
msgid ""
"NTFS compression is built-in, fast, and completely reliable; and typically "
"compresses memory cards very well (this option is highly recommended)."
msgstr "Schnelle und sichere Komprimierung der Memory Cards. Empfohlen."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:41
msgid "!Panel:Mcd:EnableEjection"
msgstr "Inkompatibel mit Guitar Hero und Spielen, die es nicht ermöglichen mehrmals nach einer Memory Card zu suchen."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:39
msgid ""
"Avoids memory card corruption by forcing games to re-index card contents "
"after loading from savestates. May not be compatible with all games (Guitar "
msgstr ""
"Inkompatibel mit Guitar Hero und Spielen, die es nicht ermöglichen mehrmals "
"nach einer Memory Card zu suchen."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/StuckThreadDialog.cpp:33
msgid "!Panel:StuckThread:Heading"
msgstr "Der Thread antwortet nicht. Er könnte festgefroren sein, oder aber sehr langsam reagieren."
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"The thread '%s' is not responding. It could be deadlocked, or it might just "
"be running *really* slowly."
msgstr ""
"Der Thread antwortet nicht. Er könnte festgefroren sein, oder aber sehr "
"langsam reagieren."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:38
msgid "!Panel:HasHacksOverrides"
msgstr "Achtung! PCSX2 läuft mit Kommandozeilenparametern, welche die hier zu tätigenden Einstellungen übergehen. Solltest du hier Änderungen vornehmen, werden diese Kommandozeilenparameter ignoriert."
msgid ""
"Warning! You are running PCSX2 with command line options that override your "
"configured settings. These command line options will not be reflected in "
"the Settings dialog, and will be disabled if you apply any changes here."
msgstr ""
"Achtung! PCSX2 läuft mit Kommandozeilenparametern, welche die hier zu "
"tätigenden Einstellungen übergehen. Solltest du hier Änderungen vornehmen, "
"werden diese Kommandozeilenparameter ignoriert."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:58
msgid "!Panel:HasPluginsOverrides"
msgstr "Achtung! PCSX2 läuft mit Kommandozeilenparametern, welche die hier einzustellenden Plugins und Ordner übergehen. Solltest du hier Änderungen vornehmen, werden diese Kommandozeilenparameter ignoriert."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:55
msgid ""
"Warning! You are running PCSX2 with command line options that override your "
"configured plugin and/or folder settings. These command line options will "
"not be reflected in the settings dialog, and will be disabled when you apply "
"settings changes here."
msgstr ""
"Achtung! PCSX2 läuft mit Kommandozeilenparametern, welche die hier "
"einzustellenden Plugins und Ordner übergehen. Solltest du hier Änderungen "
"vornehmen, werden diese Kommandozeilenparameter ignoriert."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:135
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Slider"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:129
msgid ""
"The Presets apply speed hacks, some recompiler options and some game fixes "
"known to boost speed.\n"
"Known important game fixes will be applied automatically.\n"
"Presets info:\n"
"1 - The most accurate emulation but also the slowest.\n"
"3 --> Tries to balance speed with compatibility.\n"
"4 - Some more aggressive hacks.\n"
"6 - Too many hacks which will probably slow down most games.\n"
msgstr ""
"Preset info: \n"
" 1 - Akkurat aber langsam \n"
" 3 - Balance zwischen Geschwindigkeit und Kompatibilität \n"
" 4 - Etwas aggressivere Hacks \n"
" 6 - Viele Hacks, wird Spiele verlangsamen"
" 6 - Viele Hacks, wird Spiele verlangsamen\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:149
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Checkbox"
msgstr "Presets erleichtern dir die Konfiguration, indem sie passende Einstellungen zur gewünschten Geschwindigkeitsstufe wählen. Höhere Stufen aktivieren mehr Hacks und sind daher nicht mit allen Spielen kompatibel."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:136
msgid ""
"The Presets apply speed hacks, some recompiler options and some game fixes "
"known to boost speed.\n"
"Known important game fixes will be applied automatically.\n"
"--> Uncheck to modify settings manually (with current preset as base)"
msgstr ""
"Presets erleichtern dir die Konfiguration, indem sie passende Einstellungen "
"zur gewünschten Geschwindigkeitsstufe wählen. Höhere Stufen aktivieren mehr "
"Hacks und sind daher nicht mit allen Spielen kompatibel."
#: pcsx2/gui/IsoDropTarget.cpp:28
msgid "!Notice:ConfirmSysReset"
msgid ""
"This action will reset the existing PS2 virtual machine state; all current "
"progress will be lost. Are you sure?"
msgstr "Diese Option wird die virtuelle PS2 resetten. Bist du dir sicher?"
#: pcsx2/gui/MainMenuClicks.cpp:106
msgid "!Notice:DeleteSettings"
msgstr "Diese Option löscht alle %s Einstellungen und ermöglicht das erneute Ausführen des Konfigurationshelfers. %s muss dazu neu gestartet werden.Alle %s Einstellungen gehen verloren. Bist du dir sicher?"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"This command clears %s settings and allows you to re-run the First-Time "
"Wizard. You will need to manually restart %s after this operation.\n"
"WARNING!! Click OK to delete *ALL* settings for %s and force-close the app, "
"losing any current emulation progress. Are you absolutely sure?\n"
"(note: settings for plugins are unaffected)"
msgstr ""
"Diese Option löscht alle %s Einstellungen und ermöglicht das erneute "
"Ausführen des Konfigurationshelfers. %s muss dazu neu gestartet werden.Alle "
"%s Einstellungen gehen verloren. Bist du dir sicher?"
#: pcsx2/gui/MemoryCardFile.cpp:78
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:HasBeenDisabled"
msgstr "Die Memory Card in Slot %d wurde automatisch deaktiviert. Du kannst dieses Problem via Konfiguration > Memory Card beheben."
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The PS2-slot %d has been automatically disabled. You can correct the "
"and re-enable it at any time using Config:Memory cards from the main menu."
msgstr ""
"Die Memory Card in Slot %d wurde automatisch deaktiviert. Du kannst dieses "
"Problem via Konfiguration > Memory Card beheben."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/BiosSelectorPanel.cpp:138
msgid "!Notice:BIOS:InvalidSelection"
msgid ""
"Please select a valid BIOS. If you are unable to make a valid selection "
"then press Cancel to close the Configuration panel."
msgstr ""
"Bitte wähle ein korrektes BIOS Abbild aus. \n"
"Falls du dies nicht tun kannst, wähle Abbrechen."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:111
msgid "!Panel:EE/IOP:Heading"
msgid "Notice: Most games are fine with the default options. "
msgstr "Normalerweise müssen diese Einstellungen nicht angepasst werden."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:178
msgid "!Panel:VUs:Heading"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:177
msgid "Notice: Most games are fine with the default options."
msgstr "Normalerweise müssen diese Einstellungen nicht angepasst werden."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:69
msgid "!Notice:DirPicker:CreatePath"
msgid ""
"The specified path/directory does not exist. Would you like to create it?"
msgstr "Das angegebene Verzeichnis existiert nicht. Möchtest du es erstellen?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:158
msgid "!ContextTip:DirPicker:UseDefault"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:157
msgid ""
"When checked this folder will automatically reflect the default associated "
"with PCSX2's current usermode setting. "
msgstr "Nutzt das Standardverzeichnis des gewählten Installationsmodus."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:55
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Zoom"
msgid ""
"Zoom = 100: Fit the entire image to the window without any cropping.\n"
"Above/Below 100: Zoom In/Out\n"
"0: Automatic-Zoom-In untill the black-bars are gone (Aspect ratio is kept, "
"some of the image goes out of screen).\n"
" NOTE: Some games draw their own black-bars, which will not be removed with "
"Keyboard: CTRL + NUMPAD-PLUS: Zoom-In, CTRL + NUMPAD-MINUS: Zoom-Out, CTRL + "
"NUMPAD-*: Toggle 100/0"
msgstr "Zoom"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:63
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Vsync"
msgstr "VSync ist eine Grafikoption, die versucht Jidder und Tearing zu vermeiden. Sie setzt voraus, dass das Spiel mit voller Geschwindigkeit läuft, was selten zu 100% der Fall ist. Es wird nicht empfohlen, VSync zu aktivieren."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:58
msgid ""
"Vsync eliminates screen tearing but typically has a big performance hit. It "
"usually only applies to fullscreen mode, and may not work with all GS "
msgstr ""
"VSync ist eine Grafikoption, die versucht Jidder und Tearing zu vermeiden. "
"Sie setzt voraus, dass das Spiel mit voller Geschwindigkeit läuft, was "
"selten zu 100% der Fall ist. Es wird nicht empfohlen, VSync zu aktivieren."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:68
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:ManagedVsync"
msgstr "Aktiviert Vsync nur bei voller Geschwindigkeit. Sobald die FPS unter 50 (PAL) oder 60 (NTSC) fallen, wird Vsync deaktiviert."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:61
msgid ""
"Enables Vsync when the framerate is exactly at full speed. Should it fall "
"below that, Vsync gets disabled to avoid further performance penalties. "
"Note: This currently only works well with GSdx as GS plugin and with it "
"configured to use DX10/11 hardware rendering. Any other plugin or rendering "
"mode will either ignore it or produce a black frame that blinks whenever the "
"mode switches. It also requires Vsync to be enabled."
msgstr ""
"Aktiviert Vsync nur bei voller Geschwindigkeit. Sobald die FPS unter 50 "
"(PAL) oder 60 (NTSC) fallen, wird Vsync deaktiviert."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:76
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideMouse"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:64
msgid ""
"Check this to force the mouse cursor invisible inside the GS window; useful "
"if using the mouse as a primary control device for gaming. By default the "
"mouse auto-hides after 2 seconds of inactivity."
msgstr "Versteckt den Mauscursor."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:82
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Fullscreen"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:67
msgid ""
"Enables automatic mode switch to fullscreen when starting or resuming "
"emulation. You can still toggle fullscreen display at any time using alt-"
msgstr "Kann auch während der Emulation mit ALT+ENTER erreicht werden."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:93
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideGS"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:74
msgid ""
"Completely closes the often large and bulky GS window when pressing ESC or "
"pausing the emulator."
msgstr "Versteckt das GS Fenster wenn man mit ESC die Emulation pausiert."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:67
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:EE Timing Hack"
msgstr "Ändert das wichtige Timing für alle DMA Komponenten auf einen festen, schnellen Wert. Hat diversen Einfluss auf die Kompatibilität."
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Digital Devil Saga (Fixes FMV and crashes)\n"
" * SSX (Fixes bad graphics and crashes)\n"
" * Resident Evil: Dead Aim (Causes garbled textures)"
msgstr ""
"Ändert das wichtige Timing für alle DMA Komponenten auf einen festen, "
"schnellen Wert. Hat diversen Einfluss auf die Kompatibilität."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:80
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:OPH Flag hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:76
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Bleach Blade Battler\n"
" * Growlanser II and III\n"
" * Wizardry"
msgstr "Veraltet"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:89
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:DMA Busy hack"
msgstr "DMA Busy hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:81
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Mana Khemia 1 (Going \"off campus\")\n"
msgstr "DMA Busy hack\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:96
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:VIF1 FIFO hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:86
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Test Drive Unlimited\n"
" * Transformers"
msgstr "VIF1 Fifo hack."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:119
msgid "!Panel:Gamefixes:Compat Warning"
msgstr "Spielefixes können spezifische, bekannte Fehler in einigen Spielen beheben. Sie sollten aber nur für diese Spiele aktiviert werden."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:106
msgid ""
"Gamefixes can work around wrong emulation in some titles. \n"
"They may also cause compatibility or performance issues. \n"
"It's better to enable 'Automatic game fixes' at the main menu instead, and "
"leave this page empty. \n"
"('Automatic' means: selectively use specific tested fixes for specific games)"
msgstr ""
"Spielefixes können spezifische, bekannte Fehler in einigen Spielen beheben. "
"Sie sollten aber nur für diese Spiele aktiviert werden."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:720
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Delete"
msgstr "Hiermit wird die komplette Memory Card in Slot %u gelöscht. Bist du dir absolut sicher?"
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"You are about to delete the formatted memory card '%s'. All data on this "
"card will be lost! Are you absolutely and quite positively sure?"
msgstr ""
"Hiermit wird die komplette Memory Card in Slot %u gelöscht. Bist du dir "
"absolut sicher?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:758
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:CantDuplicate"
msgstr "Fehler: Duplizieren ist nur in einen leeren PS2 Port oder in das Dateisystem erlaubt."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:756
msgid ""
"Failed: Duplicate is only allowed to an empty PS2-Port or to the file system."
msgstr ""
"Fehler: Duplizieren ist nur in einen leeren PS2 Port oder in das Dateisystem "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:801
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Copy Failed"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:798
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Failed: Destination memory card '%s' is in use."
msgstr "Konnte die Memory Card nicht kopieren. Die Zieldatei ist in Benutzung."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:35
msgid "!Panel:Usermode:Explained"
msgid ""
"Please select your preferred default location for PCSX2 user-level documents "
"below (includes memory cards, screenshots, settings, and savestates). These "
"folder locations can be overridden at any time using the Core Settings panel."
msgstr "Du kannst den Standardordner für PCSX2 und Plugins hier einstellen."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:41
msgid "!Panel:Usermode:Warning"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:38
msgid ""
"You can change the preferred default location for PCSX2 user-level documents "
"here (includes memory cards, screenshots, settings, and savestates). This "
"option only affects Standard Paths which are set to use the installation "
"default value."
msgstr "Du kannst den Standardordner für PCSX2 und Plugins hier einstellen."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:40
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Savestates"
msgstr "In diesen Ordner wird PCSX2 versuchen Savestates zu schreiben. States können bei vielen Spielen schnell recht viel Platz beanspruchen!"
msgid ""
"This folder is where PCSX2 records savestates; which are recorded either by "
"using menus/toolbars, or by pressing F1/F3 (save/load)."
msgstr ""
"In diesen Ordner wird PCSX2 versuchen Savestates zu schreiben. States können "
"bei vielen Spielen schnell recht viel Platz beanspruchen!"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:50
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Snapshots"
msgstr "In diesen Ordner werden PCSX2 und Plugins versuchen Screenshots zu schreiben."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:48
msgid ""
"This folder is where PCSX2 saves screenshots. Actual screenshot image "
"format and style may vary depending on the GS plugin being used."
msgstr ""
"In diesen Ordner werden PCSX2 und Plugins versuchen Screenshots zu schreiben."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:60
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Logs"
msgstr "In diesen Ordner werden PCSX2 und Plugins versuchen Logdateien zu schreiben."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:56
msgid ""
"This folder is where PCSX2 saves its logfiles and diagnostic dumps. Most "
"plugins will also adhere to this folder, however some older plugins may "
"ignore it."
msgstr ""
"In diesen Ordner werden PCSX2 und Plugins versuchen Logdateien zu schreiben."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:242
msgid "!Notice:PluginSelector:ConfirmShutdown"
msgid ""
"Warning! Changing plugins requires a complete shutdown and reset of the PS2 "
"virtual machine. PCSX2 will attempt to save and restore the state, but if "
"the newly selected plugins are incompatible the recovery may fail, and "
"current progress will be lost.\n"
"Are you sure you want to apply settings now?"
msgstr ""
"Warnung: Die Plugins zur Laufzeit zu verändern erfordert ein komplettes Reinitialisieren der Plugins und der Recompiler. PCSX2 wird versuchen alles korrekt wiederherzustellen, dies ist jedoch nicht ganz sicher. \n"
"Warnung: Die Plugins zur Laufzeit zu verändern erfordert ein komplettes "
"Reinitialisieren der Plugins und der Recompiler. PCSX2 wird versuchen alles "
"korrekt wiederherzustellen, dies ist jedoch nicht ganz sicher. \n"
"Bist du dir sicher das du die Änderung jetzt anwenden möchtest?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:457
msgid "!Notice:PluginSelector:ApplyFailed"
msgstr "Alle Plugins müssen korrekt eingestellt sein, ansonsten kann PCSX2 nicht funktionieren. Falls du keine gültige Konfiguration erstellen kannst, drücke Abbrechen."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:452
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"All plugins must have valid selections for %s to run. If you are unable to "
"make a valid selection due to missing plugins or an incomplete install of "
"%s, then press Cancel to close the Configuration panel."
msgstr ""
"Alle Plugins müssen korrekt eingestellt sein, ansonsten kann PCSX2 nicht "
"funktionieren. Falls du keine gültige Konfiguration erstellen kannst, drücke "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:27
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX1"
msgid ""
"1 - Default cyclerate. This closely matches the actual speed of a real PS2 "
msgstr "Deaktiviert"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:32
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX2"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:31
msgid ""
"2 - Reduces the EE's cyclerate by about 33%. Mild speedup for most games "
"with high compatibility."
msgstr "Stufe 2."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX3"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:35
msgid ""
"3 - Reduces the EE's cyclerate by about 50%. Moderate speedup, but *will* "
"cause stuttering audio on many FMVs."
msgstr "Stufe 3."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:54
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealOff"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:50
msgid "0 - Disables VU Cycle Stealing. Most compatible setting!"
msgstr "Kein Cycle Steal."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:59
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal1"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:54
msgid ""
"1 - Mild VU Cycle Stealing. Lower compatibility, but some speedup for most "
msgstr "Stufe 1."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:64
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal2"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:58
msgid ""
"2 - Moderate VU Cycle Stealing. Even lower compatibility, but significant "
"speedups in some games."
msgstr "Stufe 2."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:70
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal3"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:63
msgid ""
"3 - Maximum VU Cycle Stealing. Usefulness is limited, as this will cause "
"flickering visuals or slowdown in most games."
msgstr "Stufe 3."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:97
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:Overview"
msgstr "Speedhacks verbessern die FPS Leistung der Emulation auf deinem PC indem sie Abkürzungen nehmen oder die PS2 Hardware untertakten. Sie können Emulationsprobleme auslösen, daher empfehlen wir bei Fehlern zuerst die Speedhacks zu deaktivieren!"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:88
msgid ""
"Speedhacks usually improve emulation speed, but can cause glitches, broken "
"audio, and false FPS readings. When having emulation problems, disable this "
"panel first."
msgstr ""
"Speedhacks verbessern die FPS Leistung der Emulation auf deinem PC indem sie "
"Abkürzungen nehmen oder die PS2 Hardware untertakten. Sie können "
"Emulationsprobleme auslösen, daher empfehlen wir bei Fehlern zuerst die "
"Speedhacks zu deaktivieren!"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:129
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:EECycleRate Slider"
msgstr "Erhöhen dieses Wertes untertaktet die virtuelle PS2 CPU (Emotion Engine). Daher läuft die Emulation etwas schneller aber viele Spiele laufen stockend."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:118
msgid ""
"Setting higher values on this slider effectively reduces the clock speed of "
"the EmotionEngine's R5900 core cpu, and typically brings big speedups to "
"games that fail to utilize the full potential of the real PS2 hardware."
msgstr ""
"Erhöhen dieses Wertes untertaktet die virtuelle PS2 CPU (Emotion Engine). "
"Daher läuft die Emulation etwas schneller aber viele Spiele laufen stockend."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:150
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealing Slider"
msgstr "\"Stiehlt\" der PS2 CPU einige Zyklen bei jeder VU Programmausführung. Geschwindigkeitsgewinn bei reduzierter Kompatibilität."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:136
msgid ""
"This slider controls the amount of cycles the VU unit steals from the "
"EmotionEngine. Higher values increase the number of cycles stolen from the "
"EE for each VU microprogram the game runs."
msgstr ""
"\"Stiehlt\" der PS2 CPU einige Zyklen bei jeder VU Programmausführung. "
"Geschwindigkeitsgewinn bei reduzierter Kompatibilität."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:169
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:153
msgid ""
"Updates Status Flags only on blocks which will read them, instead of all the "
"time. This is safe most of the time, and Super VU does something similar by "
msgstr "Lässt einige VU Statusflags aus. Sicher."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:156
msgid ""
"Runs VU1 on its own thread (microVU1-only). Generally a speedup on CPUs with "
"3 or more cores. This is safe for most games, but a few games are "
"incompatible and may hang. In the case of GS limited games, it may be a "
"slowdown (especially on dual core CPUs)."
msgstr ""
"Lässt VU1 in einem weiteren Thread laufen um die Performance in 3D spielen "
"zu erhöhen. Benötigt 3 oder mehr CPU Kerne und funktioniert nicht mit jedem "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:174
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuThread"
msgstr "Lässt VU1 in einem weiteren Thread laufen um die Performance in 3D spielen zu erhöhen. Benötigt 3 oder mehr CPU Kerne und funktioniert nicht mit jedem Spiel."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:195
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC"
msgid ""
"This hack works best for games that use the INTC Status register to wait for "
"vsyncs, which includes primarily non-3D RPG titles. Games that do not use "
"this method of vsync will see little or no speedup from this hack."
msgstr "Kann gefahrlos aktiviert werden."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:200
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:177
msgid ""
"Primarily targetting the EE idle loop at address 0x81FC0 in the kernel, this "
"hack attempts to detect loops whose bodies are guaranteed to result in the "
"same machine state for every iteration until a scheduled event triggers "
"emulation of another unit. After a single iteration of such loops, we "
"advance to the time of the next event or the end of the processor's "
"timeslice, whichever comes first."
msgstr "Kann gefahrlos aktiviert werden."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:207
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD"
msgstr "Einige Spiele erwarten ein standardkonformes (langsam lesendes) DVD Laufwerk. Diese können dann hängenbleiben."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:180
msgid ""
"Check HDLoader compatibility lists for known games that have issues with "
"this. (Often marked as needing 'mode 1' or 'slow DVD'"
msgstr ""
"Einige Spiele erwarten ein standardkonformes (langsam lesendes) DVD "
"Laufwerk. Diese können dann hängenbleiben."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!ContextTip:Framelimiter:Disable"
msgstr "Deaktiviert den Framelimiter. Das Spiel läuft so schnell wie es dein Rechner ermöglicht."
msgid ""
"Note that when Framelimiting is disabled, Turbo and SlowMotion modes will "
"not be available either."
msgstr ""
"Deaktiviert den Framelimiter. Das Spiel läuft so schnell wie es dein Rechner "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:227
msgid "!Panel:Frameskip:Heading"
msgstr "Aufgrund des spezifischen Designs der PS2 ist ein akkurates Frameskipping nicht möglich. Versuche die Werte anzupassen oder benutze Speedhacks."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:225
msgid ""
"Notice: Due to PS2 hardware design, precise frame skipping is impossible. "
"Enabling it will cause severe graphical errors in some games."
msgstr ""
"Aufgrund des spezifischen Designs der PS2 ist ein akkurates Frameskipping "
"nicht möglich. Versuche die Werte anzupassen oder benutze Speedhacks."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302
msgid ""
"Enable this if you think MTGS thread sync is causing crashes or graphical "
msgstr "Nur für das Debugging aktivieren. Sehr langsam."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:310
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput"
msgstr "Entfernt störende Faktoren von der Grafikkarte oder Treiberproblemen. Nur für PCSX2 Benchmarks interressant."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:305
msgid ""
"Removes any benchmark noise caused by the MTGS thread or GPU overhead. This "
"option is best used in conjunction with savestates: save a state at an ideal "
"scene, enable this option, and re-load the savestate.\n"
"Warning: This option can be enabled on-the-fly but typically cannot be "
"disabled on-the-fly (video will typically be garbage)."
msgstr ""
"Entfernt störende Faktoren von der Grafikkarte oder Treiberproblemen. Nur "
"für PCSX2 Benchmarks interressant."
#: pcsx2/vtlb.cpp:710
msgid "!Notice:HostVmReserve"
msgstr "Es steht nicht genügend virtueller Speicher zur Verfügung bzw. der Speicher wird von anderen Programmen / DLLs belegt."
#: pcsx2/vtlb.cpp:711
msgid ""
"Your system is too low on virtual resources for PCSX2 to run. This can be "
"caused by having a small or disabled swapfile, or by other programs that are "
"hogging resources."
msgstr ""
"Es steht nicht genügend virtueller Speicher zur Verfügung bzw. der Speicher "
"wird von anderen Programmen / DLLs belegt."
#: pcsx2/x86/sVU_zerorec.cpp:363
msgid "!Notice:superVU:VirtualMemoryAlloc"
msgstr "Der SuperVU Recompiler konnte nicht genügend virtuellen Speicher allokieren. Versuche es mit microVU!"
msgid ""
"Out of Memory (sorta): The SuperVU recompiler was unable to reserve the "
"specific memory ranges required, and will not be available for use. This is "
"not a critical error, since the sVU rec is obsolete, and you should use "
"microVU instead anyway. :)"
msgstr ""
"Der SuperVU Recompiler konnte nicht genügend virtuellen Speicher allokieren. "
"Versuche es mit microVU!"
#~ msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuBlockHack"
#~ msgstr "Kann die Geschwindigkeit leicht erhöhen. In FFX kontraproduktiv!"

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.7\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-06-01 10:29+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-08-10 11:44+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-05-21 12:58+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Víctor González <pajaroloco_2@hotmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
@ -25,21 +25,31 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: common\n"
#: common/src/Utilities/Exceptions.cpp:254
msgid "!Notice:VirtualMemoryMap"
msgid ""
"There is not enough virtual memory available, or necessary virtual memory "
"mappings have already been reserved by other processes, services, or DLLs."
msgstr ""
"No hay la suficiente memoria virtual disponible, o las asignaciones de "
"memoria virtual necesarias ya las han reservado otros procesos, servicios o "
#: pcsx2/CDVD/CDVD.cpp:389
msgid "!Notice:PsxDisc"
msgid ""
"Playstation game discs are not supported by PCSX2. If you want to emulate "
"PSX games then you'll have to download a PSX-specific emulator, such as "
"ePSXe or PCSX."
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 no admite discos de juego de PlayStation 1. Si quieres emular juegos "
"de PSX tendrás que descargarte un emulador específico para PSX, como ePSXe o "
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:114
msgid "!Notice:Recompiler:VirtualMemoryAlloc"
msgid ""
"This recompiler was unable to reserve contiguous memory required for "
"internal caches. This error can be caused by low virtual memory resources, "
"such as a small or disabled swapfile, or by another program that is hogging "
"a lot of memory. You can also try reducing the default cache sizes for all "
"PCSX2 recompilers, found under Host Settings."
msgstr ""
"Este recompilador no ha podido reservar la memoria contigua necesaria para "
"las cachés internas.\n"
@ -49,28 +59,38 @@ msgstr ""
"tamaños de caché predeterminados para todos los recompiladores de PCSX2, "
"encontrado en la Configuración del anfitrión."
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:348
msgid "!Notice:EmuCore::MemoryForVM"
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:344
msgid ""
"PCSX2 is unable to allocate memory needed for the PS2 virtual machine. Close "
"out some memory hogging background tasks and try again."
msgstr ""
"PCSX no puede ubicar la memoria necesaria para la máquina virtual de PS2.\n"
"Cierra cualquier programa en segundo plano que esté acumulando recursos y "
"vuelve a intentarlo."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:43
msgid "!Notice:Startup:NoSSE2"
msgid ""
"Warning: Your computer does not support SSE2, which is required by many "
"PCSX2 recompilers and plugins. Your options will be limited and emulation "
"will be *very* slow."
msgstr ""
"Aviso: Tu ordenador no admite SSE2, que es necesario por la mayoría de "
"recompiladores y plugins de PCSX2.\n"
"Tus opciones estarán limitadas y la emulación será *muy* lenta."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:162
msgid "!Notice:RecompilerInit:Header"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:160
msgid ""
"Warning: Some of the configured PS2 recompilers failed to initialize and "
"have been disabled:"
msgstr ""
"Aviso: Algunos de los recompiladores configurados de PS2 no se han iniciado "
"y por lo tanto están desactivados:"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:211
msgid "!Notice:RecompilerInit:Footer"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:208
msgid ""
"Note: Recompilers are not necessary for PCSX2 to run, however they typically "
"improve emulation speed substantially. You may have to manually re-enable "
"the recompilers listed above, if you resolve the errors."
msgstr ""
"Nota: Los recompiladores no son necesarios para el funcionamiento de PCSX2, "
"sin embargo suelen mejorar la velocidad de emulación sustancialmente.\n"
@ -78,22 +98,34 @@ msgstr ""
"encima, si consigues arreglar los errores."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:546
msgid "!Notice:BiosDumpRequired"
msgid ""
"PCSX2 requires a PS2 BIOS in order to run. For legal reasons, you *must* "
"obtain a BIOS from an actual PS2 unit that you own (borrowing doesn't "
"count). Please consult the FAQs and Guides for further instructions."
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 necesita una BIOS de PS2 para poder funcionar. Por motivos legales, "
"*debes* conseguir una BIOS de una consola PS2 real que poseas (no vale "
"pedirla prestada).\n"
"Consulta los FAQs y las guías para tener más información."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:629
msgid "!Notice Error:Thread Deadlock Actions"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:626
msgid ""
"'Ignore' to continue waiting for the thread to respond.\n"
"'Cancel' to attempt to cancel the thread.\n"
"'Terminate' to quit PCSX2 immediately.\n"
msgstr ""
"'Ignorar' para seguir esperando a que el hilo responda.\n"
"'Cancelar' para intentar cancelar el hilo.\n"
"'Terminar' para abandonar PCSX2 de inmediato."
"'Terminar' para abandonar PCSX2 de inmediato.\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppUserMode.cpp:57
msgid "!Notice:PortableModeRights"
msgid ""
"Please ensure that these folders are created and that your user account is "
"granted write permissions to them -- or re-run PCSX2 with elevated "
"(administrator) rights, which should grant PCSX2 the ability to create the "
"necessary folders itself. If you do not have elevated rights on this "
"computer, then you will need to switch to User Documents mode (click button "
msgstr ""
"Asegúrate de que estas carpetas son creadas y de que tu cuenta de usuario "
"tiene los permisos para escribir en ellas; o vuelve a ejecutar PCSX2 con "
@ -103,34 +135,48 @@ msgstr ""
"usuario (pulsa en el botón de abajo)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:181
msgid "!ContextTip:ChangingNTFS"
msgid ""
"NTFS compression can be changed manually at any time by using file "
"properties from Windows Explorer."
msgstr ""
"La compresión NTFS puede cambiarse a mano en cualquier momento utilizando "
"las propiedades del archivo en el Explorador de Windows."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:49
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Settings"
msgid ""
"This is the folder where PCSX2 saves your settings, including settings "
"generated by most plugins (some older plugins may not respect this value)."
msgstr ""
"Esta es la carpeta donde PCSX2 guarda tu configuración, incluyendo los "
"ajustes generados por la mayoría de los plugins (Los más antiguos pueden no "
"seguir este parámetro)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:54
msgid "!Panel:Folders:Settings"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:52
msgid ""
"You may optionally specify a location for your PCSX2 settings here. If the "
"location contains existing PCSX2 settings, you will be given the option to "
"import or overwrite them."
msgstr ""
"Puedes especificar de forma opcional la ubicación de la configuración de "
"PCSX2 aquí. Si la ubicación ya contiene configuración de PCSX2, se te dará "
"la opción de importarla o sobrescribirla."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:94
msgid "!Wizard:Welcome"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:89
#, c-format
msgid ""
"This wizard will help guide you through configuring plugins, memory cards, "
"and BIOS. It is recommended if this is your first time installing %s that "
"you view the readme and configuration guide."
msgstr ""
"Este asistente te guiará para configurar los plugins, tarjetas de memoria y "
"BIOS. Si es la primera vez que instalas %s se recomienda que mires el "
"archivo léeme y la guía de configuración."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:140
msgid "!Wizard:Bios:Tutorial"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:132
msgid ""
"PCSX2 requires a *legal* copy of the PS2 BIOS in order to run games.\n"
"You cannot use a copy obtained from a friend or the Internet.\n"
"You must dump the BIOS from your *own* Playstation 2 console."
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 necesita una copia *legal* de una BIOS de PS2 para poder ejecutar "
@ -139,7 +185,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Debes volcar la BIOS desde tu *propia* consola PlayStation 2."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/ImportSettingsDialog.cpp:31
msgid "!Notice:ImportExistingSettings"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Existing %s settings have been found in the configured settings folder. "
"Would you like to import these settings or overwrite them with %s default "
"(or press Cancel to select a different settings folder)"
msgstr ""
"Se ha encontrado configuración ya existente de %s en la carpeta\n"
"de configuración asignada. ¿Quieres importar esta configuración o "
@ -149,43 +201,67 @@ msgstr ""
"(o pulsa en Cancelar para seleccionar otra carpeta de configuración)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:30
msgid "!Panel:Mcd:NtfsCompress"
msgid ""
"NTFS compression is built-in, fast, and completely reliable; and typically "
"compresses memory cards very well (this option is highly recommended)."
msgstr ""
"La compresión NTFS está integrada, es rápida y completamente fiable, y "
"generalmente comprime bastante las tarjetas de memoria (esta opción es muy "
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:41
msgid "!Panel:Mcd:EnableEjection"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:39
msgid ""
"Avoids memory card corruption by forcing games to re-index card contents "
"after loading from savestates. May not be compatible with all games (Guitar "
msgstr ""
"Evita que se dañe la tarjeta de memoria forzando a los juegos a rehacer el "
"índice de los contenidos de la tarjeta tras cargar un guardado rápido. "
"Puede no ser compatible con todos los juegos (Guitar Hero)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/StuckThreadDialog.cpp:33
msgid "!Panel:StuckThread:Heading"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The thread '%s' is not responding. It could be deadlocked, or it might just "
"be running *really* slowly."
msgstr ""
"El hilo '%s' no responde. Podría haber dejado de funcionar, o simplemente "
"se ejecute *muy* lentamente."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:38
msgid "!Panel:HasHacksOverrides"
msgid ""
"Warning! You are running PCSX2 with command line options that override your "
"configured settings. These command line options will not be reflected in "
"the Settings dialog, and will be disabled if you apply any changes here."
msgstr ""
"¡Aviso! Estás ejecutando PCSX2 con opciones de línea de comandso que se "
"saltarán tu configuración actual.\n"
"Estas opciones de línea de comandos no se mostrarán en la ventana de "
"configuración, y se desactivarán si realizas cambios aquí."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:58
msgid "!Panel:HasPluginsOverrides"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:55
msgid ""
"Warning! You are running PCSX2 with command line options that override your "
"configured plugin and/or folder settings. These command line options will "
"not be reflected in the settings dialog, and will be disabled when you apply "
"settings changes here."
msgstr ""
"¡Aviso! Estás ejecutando PCSX2 con opciones de línea de comandso que se "
"saltarán tu configuración de plugins y/o de carpetas actual.\n"
"Estas opciones de línea de comandos no se mostrarán en la ventana de "
"configuración, y se desactivarán si realizas cambios aquí."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:135
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Slider"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:129
msgid ""
"The Presets apply speed hacks, some recompiler options and some game fixes "
"known to boost speed.\n"
"Known important game fixes will be applied automatically.\n"
"Presets info:\n"
"1 - The most accurate emulation but also the slowest.\n"
"3 --> Tries to balance speed with compatibility.\n"
"4 - Some more aggressive hacks.\n"
"6 - Too many hacks which will probably slow down most games.\n"
msgstr ""
"Los preajustes aplican arreglos de velocidad, opciones del recompilador y "
"algunos arreglos de juegos conocidos para aumentar la velocidad.\n"
@ -197,10 +273,15 @@ msgstr ""
"3 --> Intenta equilibrar la velocidad con la compatibilidad.\n"
"4 - Utiliza unos arreglos más agresivos.\n"
"6 - Demasiados arreglos que probablemente ralenticen a la mayoría de los "
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:149
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Checkbox"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:136
msgid ""
"The Presets apply speed hacks, some recompiler options and some game fixes "
"known to boost speed.\n"
"Known important game fixes will be applied automatically.\n"
"--> Uncheck to modify settings manually (with current preset as base)"
msgstr ""
"Los preajustes aplican arreglos de velocidad, opciones del recompilador y "
"algunos arreglos de juegos conocidos para aumentar la velocidad.\n"
@ -210,13 +291,23 @@ msgstr ""
"como base el preajuste actual)."
#: pcsx2/gui/IsoDropTarget.cpp:28
msgid "!Notice:ConfirmSysReset"
msgid ""
"This action will reset the existing PS2 virtual machine state; all current "
"progress will be lost. Are you sure?"
msgstr ""
"Esta acción reiniciará el estado actual de la máquina virtual de PS2, y se "
"perderán todos los progresos no guardados. ¿Seguro que quieres continuar?"
#: pcsx2/gui/MainMenuClicks.cpp:106
msgid "!Notice:DeleteSettings"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"This command clears %s settings and allows you to re-run the First-Time "
"Wizard. You will need to manually restart %s after this operation.\n"
"WARNING!! Click OK to delete *ALL* settings for %s and force-close the app, "
"losing any current emulation progress. Are you absolutely sure?\n"
"(note: settings for plugins are unaffected)"
msgstr ""
"Esta opción elimina la configuración de %s y te permite volver a ejecutar\n"
"el asistente inicial. Tendrás que reiniciar de forma manual %s tras esta "
@ -230,42 +321,60 @@ msgstr ""
"(Nota: la configuración de los plugins no se verá afectada)"
#: pcsx2/gui/MemoryCardFile.cpp:78
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:HasBeenDisabled"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The PS2-slot %d has been automatically disabled. You can correct the "
"and re-enable it at any time using Config:Memory cards from the main menu."
msgstr ""
"La ranura de PS2 %d ha sido desactivada automáticamente. Puedes resolver el "
"problema y volver a activarla en cualquier momento dirigiéndote a Ajustes -> "
"Tarjetas de memoria en el menú principal."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/BiosSelectorPanel.cpp:138
msgid "!Notice:BIOS:InvalidSelection"
msgid ""
"Please select a valid BIOS. If you are unable to make a valid selection "
"then press Cancel to close the Configuration panel."
msgstr ""
"Selecciona una BIOS válida. Si no puedes seleccionar una opción válida, "
"pulsa en Cancelar para cerrar el panel de configuración."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:111
msgid "!Panel:EE/IOP:Heading"
msgid "Notice: Most games are fine with the default options. "
msgstr ""
"Nota: La mayoría de los juegos funcionan bien con las opciones "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:178
msgid "!Panel:VUs:Heading"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:177
msgid "Notice: Most games are fine with the default options."
msgstr ""
"Nota: La mayoría de los juegos funcionan bien con las opciones "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:69
msgid "!Notice:DirPicker:CreatePath"
msgid ""
"The specified path/directory does not exist. Would you like to create it?"
msgstr "La carpeta indicada no existe. ¿Quieres crearla?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:158
msgid "!ContextTip:DirPicker:UseDefault"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:157
msgid ""
"When checked this folder will automatically reflect the default associated "
"with PCSX2's current usermode setting. "
msgstr ""
"Si se activa esta opción, la carpeta se asignará automáticamente al ajuste "
"actual de modo de usuario de PCSX2 asociado."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:55
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Zoom"
msgid ""
"Zoom = 100: Fit the entire image to the window without any cropping.\n"
"Above/Below 100: Zoom In/Out\n"
"0: Automatic-Zoom-In untill the black-bars are gone (Aspect ratio is kept, "
"some of the image goes out of screen).\n"
" NOTE: Some games draw their own black-bars, which will not be removed with "
"Keyboard: CTRL + NUMPAD-PLUS: Zoom-In, CTRL + NUMPAD-MINUS: Zoom-Out, CTRL + "
"NUMPAD-*: Toggle 100/0"
msgstr ""
"Zoom = 100: Encaja toda la imagen a la ventana sin recortarla.\n"
"Por encima o debajo de 100: Aumentar o reducir el zoom sobre la imagen\n"
@ -278,15 +387,24 @@ msgstr ""
"Reducir el zoom,\n"
" CTRL + TECL.NÚM.MULTIPLICAR: Cambiar entre 100 y 0"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:63
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Vsync"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:58
msgid ""
"Vsync eliminates screen tearing but typically has a big performance hit. It "
"usually only applies to fullscreen mode, and may not work with all GS "
msgstr ""
"La sincronía vertical elimina las imágenes cortadas, pero normalmente reduce "
"el rendimiento. Sólo se aplica normalmente al modo en pantalla completa, y "
"no podría funcionar con todos los plugins GS."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:68
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:ManagedVsync"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:61
msgid ""
"Enables Vsync when the framerate is exactly at full speed. Should it fall "
"below that, Vsync gets disabled to avoid further performance penalties. "
"Note: This currently only works well with GSdx as GS plugin and with it "
"configured to use DX10/11 hardware rendering. Any other plugin or rendering "
"mode will either ignore it or produce a black frame that blinks whenever the "
"mode switches. It also requires Vsync to be enabled."
msgstr ""
"Activa la sincronía vertical cuando la velocidad de fotogramas vaya a la "
"velocidad normal.\n"
@ -298,57 +416,84 @@ msgstr ""
"una ventana negra que parapadeará al cambiar el modo.\n"
"También necesita que la sincronía vertical esté activada."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:76
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideMouse"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:64
msgid ""
"Check this to force the mouse cursor invisible inside the GS window; useful "
"if using the mouse as a primary control device for gaming. By default the "
"mouse auto-hides after 2 seconds of inactivity."
msgstr ""
"Activa esta opción para forzar que el cursor del ratón sea invisible dentro "
"de la ventana GS; es útil si utilizas tu ratón como mando de control. Por "
"defecto el ratón se esconde automáticamente tras dos segundos de inactividad."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:82
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Fullscreen"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:67
msgid ""
"Enables automatic mode switch to fullscreen when starting or resuming "
"emulation. You can still toggle fullscreen display at any time using alt-"
msgstr ""
"Activa el cambio automático a pantalla completa al iniciar o reanudar la "
"Podrás activar la pantalla completa en cualquier momento pulsando Alt+Intro."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:93
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideGS"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:74
msgid ""
"Completely closes the often large and bulky GS window when pressing ESC or "
"pausing the emulator."
msgstr ""
"Cierra por completo la a menudo enorme y molesta ventana de GS al pulsar ESC "
"o al pausar el emulador."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:67
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:EE Timing Hack"
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Digital Devil Saga (Fixes FMV and crashes)\n"
" * SSX (Fixes bad graphics and crashes)\n"
" * Resident Evil: Dead Aim (Causes garbled textures)"
msgstr ""
"Se sabe que afecta a los siguientes juegos:\n"
" * Digital Devil Saga (Arregla los vídeos FMV y sus cierres repentinos)\n"
" * SSX (Arregla los gráficos dañados y sus cierres repentinos)\n"
" * Resident Evil: Dead Aim (Provoca gráficos deformados)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:80
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:OPH Flag hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:76
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Bleach Blade Battler\n"
" * Growlanser II and III\n"
" * Wizardry"
msgstr ""
"Se sabe que afecta a los siguientes juegos:\n"
" * Bleach Blade Battler\n"
" * Growlanser II y III\n"
" * Wizardry"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:89
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:DMA Busy hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:81
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Mana Khemia 1 (Going \"off campus\")\n"
msgstr ""
"Se sabe que afecta a los siguientes juegos:\n"
" * Mana Khemia 1 (Al salir \"fuera del campus\")"
" * Mana Khemia 1 (Al salir \"fuera del campus\")\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:96
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:VIF1 FIFO hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:86
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Test Drive Unlimited\n"
" * Transformers"
msgstr ""
"Se sabe que afecta a los siguientes juegos:\n"
" * Test Drive Unlimited\n"
" * Transformers"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:119
msgid "!Panel:Gamefixes:Compat Warning"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:106
msgid ""
"Gamefixes can work around wrong emulation in some titles. \n"
"They may also cause compatibility or performance issues. \n"
"It's better to enable 'Automatic game fixes' at the main menu instead, and "
"leave this page empty. \n"
"('Automatic' means: selectively use specific tested fixes for specific games)"
msgstr ""
"Los arreglos para juegos son un arreglo temporal para poder emular algunos "
@ -360,23 +505,31 @@ msgstr ""
"para juegos concretos)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:720
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Delete"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"You are about to delete the formatted memory card '%s'. All data on this "
"card will be lost! Are you absolutely and quite positively sure?"
msgstr ""
"Vas a eliminar la tarjeta de memoria formateada '%s'.\n"
"¡Se perderán todos los datos de esta tarjeta! ¿Estás total y completamente "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:758
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:CantDuplicate"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:756
msgid ""
"Failed: Duplicate is only allowed to an empty PS2-Port or to the file system."
msgstr ""
"Sólo se permite duplicar a un puerto vacío de PS2 o al sistema de archivos."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:801
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Copy Failed"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:798
#, c-format
msgid "Failed: Destination memory card '%s' is in use."
msgstr "Error: La tarjeta de memoria de destino '%s' está siendo utilizada."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:35
msgid "!Panel:Usermode:Explained"
msgid ""
"Please select your preferred default location for PCSX2 user-level documents "
"below (includes memory cards, screenshots, settings, and savestates). These "
"folder locations can be overridden at any time using the Core Settings panel."
msgstr ""
"Selecciona tu ubicación preferida para los documentos de usuario de PCSX2:\n"
"(incluye tarjetas de memoria, capturas de pantalla, configuración y "
@ -384,8 +537,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Las carpetas seleccionadas pueden cambiarse en cualquier momento en el panel "
"de ajustes generales."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:41
msgid "!Panel:Usermode:Warning"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:38
msgid ""
"You can change the preferred default location for PCSX2 user-level documents "
"here (includes memory cards, screenshots, settings, and savestates). This "
"option only affects Standard Paths which are set to use the installation "
"default value."
msgstr ""
"Puedes cambiar la ubicación preferida para los documentos de usuario de "
"PCSX2 aquí:\n"
@ -395,28 +552,41 @@ msgstr ""
"configuración de instalación predeterminada."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:40
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Savestates"
msgid ""
"This folder is where PCSX2 records savestates; which are recorded either by "
"using menus/toolbars, or by pressing F1/F3 (save/load)."
msgstr ""
"Esta es la carpeta donde PCSX2 guarda los guardados rápidos; que se "
"almacenan o bien al seleccionarlo en los menús/barras de herramientas, o "
"pulsando F1/F3 (guardar/cargar, respectivamente)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:50
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Snapshots"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:48
msgid ""
"This folder is where PCSX2 saves screenshots. Actual screenshot image "
"format and style may vary depending on the GS plugin being used."
msgstr ""
"Esta es la carpeta donde PCSX2 guarda las capturas de pantalla.El formato de "
"imagen y el estilo de las capturas de pantalla cambiará según el plugin GS "
"que se utilice."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:60
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Logs"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:56
msgid ""
"This folder is where PCSX2 saves its logfiles and diagnostic dumps. Most "
"plugins will also adhere to this folder, however some older plugins may "
"ignore it."
msgstr ""
"Esta carpeta es donde PCSX2 guarda sus archivos de registro y sus volcados "
"de diagnóstico.La mayoría de los plugins seguirán esta carpeta, aunque "
"algunos plugins más antiguos pueden ignorarla."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:242
msgid "!Notice:PluginSelector:ConfirmShutdown"
msgid ""
"Warning! Changing plugins requires a complete shutdown and reset of the PS2 "
"virtual machine. PCSX2 will attempt to save and restore the state, but if "
"the newly selected plugins are incompatible the recovery may fail, and "
"current progress will be lost.\n"
"Are you sure you want to apply settings now?"
msgstr ""
"¡Aviso! Cambiar de plugins necesita apagar y reiniciar por completo la "
"máquina virtual de PS2.\n"
@ -426,8 +596,12 @@ msgstr ""
"¿Seguro que quieres aplicar la configuración ahora?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:457
msgid "!Notice:PluginSelector:ApplyFailed"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:452
#, c-format
msgid ""
"All plugins must have valid selections for %s to run. If you are unable to "
"make a valid selection due to missing plugins or an incomplete install of "
"%s, then press Cancel to close the Configuration panel."
msgstr ""
"Todos los plugins deben tener una opción válida para que %s funcione. Si no "
"puedes hacer una selección válida porque te falten plugins o la instalación "
@ -435,77 +609,105 @@ msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:27
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX1"
msgid ""
"1 - Default cyclerate. This closely matches the actual speed of a real PS2 "
msgstr ""
"1 - Tasa de ciclos predeterminada. Es lo más parecido a la velocidad de un "
"EmotionEngine real de PS2."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:32
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX2"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:31
msgid ""
"2 - Reduces the EE's cyclerate by about 33%. Mild speedup for most games "
"with high compatibility."
msgstr ""
"2 - Reduce la tasa de ciclos del EE a un 33%. Ligera subida de velocidad "
"para la mayoría de los juegos, y alta compatibilidad."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX3"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:35
msgid ""
"3 - Reduces the EE's cyclerate by about 50%. Moderate speedup, but *will* "
"cause stuttering audio on many FMVs."
msgstr ""
"3 - Reduce la tasa de ciclos del EE a un 50%. Subida de velocidad moderada, "
"pero causará sonido entrecortado en FMVs."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:54
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealOff"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:50
msgid "0 - Disables VU Cycle Stealing. Most compatible setting!"
msgstr "0 - Desactiva el robo de ciclos VU. ¡El ajuste más compatible!"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:59
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal1"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:54
msgid ""
"1 - Mild VU Cycle Stealing. Lower compatibility, but some speedup for most "
msgstr ""
"1 - Bajo robo de ciclos VU. Baja compatibilidad, pero aumenta la velocidad "
"en algunos juegos."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:64
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal2"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:58
msgid ""
"2 - Moderate VU Cycle Stealing. Even lower compatibility, but significant "
"speedups in some games."
msgstr ""
"2 - Robo de ciclos VU moderado. Compatibilidad muy baja, pero aumenta "
"bastante la velocidad en algunos juegos."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:70
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal3"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:63
msgid ""
"3 - Maximum VU Cycle Stealing. Usefulness is limited, as this will cause "
"flickering visuals or slowdown in most games."
msgstr ""
"3 - Robo de ciclos VU máximo. No sirve de mucho, provoca gráficos "
"parpadeantes o ralentizará casi todos los juegos."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:97
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:Overview"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:88
msgid ""
"Speedhacks usually improve emulation speed, but can cause glitches, broken "
"audio, and false FPS readings. When having emulation problems, disable this "
"panel first."
msgstr ""
"Los arreglos de velocidad generalmente mejoran la velocidad de la emulación, "
"pero pueden provocar fallos gráficos, sonido entrecortado, y falsas lecturas "
"de FPS. Si tienes problemas de emulación, empieza por desactivar este panel."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:129
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:EECycleRate Slider"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:118
msgid ""
"Setting higher values on this slider effectively reduces the clock speed of "
"the EmotionEngine's R5900 core cpu, and typically brings big speedups to "
"games that fail to utilize the full potential of the real PS2 hardware."
msgstr ""
"Si asignas un valor alto con esta opción reducirás la velocidad de reloj "
"real de la CPU del núcleo R5900 del EmotionEngine, y generalmente aumenta la "
"velocidad de los juegos que no saben utilizar el verdadero potencial del "
"hardware de PS2 real."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:150
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealing Slider"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:136
msgid ""
"This slider controls the amount of cycles the VU unit steals from the "
"EmotionEngine. Higher values increase the number of cycles stolen from the "
"EE for each VU microprogram the game runs."
msgstr ""
"Este deslizador controla la cantidad de ciclos que la unidad VU quita al "
"EmotionEngine. Un valor alto aumenta el número de ciclos robados del EE a "
"cada microprograma del VU que utiliza el juego."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:169
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:153
msgid ""
"Updates Status Flags only on blocks which will read them, instead of all the "
"time. This is safe most of the time, and Super VU does something similar by "
msgstr ""
"Actualiza las etiquetas de estado sólo en los bloques que podrán leerse, en "
"lugar de hacerlo constantemente.\n"
"Generalmente es la opción más segura, y Super VU ya hace algo parecido de "
"forma predeterminada."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:174
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuThread"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:156
msgid ""
"Runs VU1 on its own thread (microVU1-only). Generally a speedup on CPUs with "
"3 or more cores. This is safe for most games, but a few games are "
"incompatible and may hang. In the case of GS limited games, it may be a "
"slowdown (especially on dual core CPUs)."
msgstr ""
"Ejecuta VU1 en un hilo dedicado (sólo microVU1). Suele aumentar la velocidad "
"en CPUs de tres núcleos o más.\n"
@ -514,16 +716,25 @@ msgstr ""
"En el caso de los juegos limitados por GS, podría ralentizarlos (sobre todo "
"en CPUs de doble núcleo)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:195
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:174
msgid ""
"This hack works best for games that use the INTC Status register to wait for "
"vsyncs, which includes primarily non-3D RPG titles. Games that do not use "
"this method of vsync will see little or no speedup from this hack."
msgstr ""
"Este arreglo funciona mejor en juegos que utilizan el registro de estado "
"INTC para esperar a la sincronía vertical, que incluyen principalmente a los "
"RPGs que no son 3D. Los juegos que no utilizan este método de sincronía "
"vertical no recibirán aumentos de velocidad con este arreglo."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:200
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:177
msgid ""
"Primarily targetting the EE idle loop at address 0x81FC0 in the kernel, this "
"hack attempts to detect loops whose bodies are guaranteed to result in the "
"same machine state for every iteration until a scheduled event triggers "
"emulation of another unit. After a single iteration of such loops, we "
"advance to the time of the next event or the end of the processor's "
"timeslice, whichever comes first."
msgstr ""
"Al apuntar directamente al bucle de espera del EE en la dirección 0x81FC0 "
"del kernel, este arreglo intenta localizar bucles cuyos cuerpos demuestran "
@ -532,34 +743,48 @@ msgstr ""
"bucles, aumentamos el tiempo del siguiente evento o el final del espacio de "
"tiempo del procesador, en función de lo que llegue primero."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:207
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:180
msgid ""
"Check HDLoader compatibility lists for known games that have issues with "
"this. (Often marked as needing 'mode 1' or 'slow DVD'"
msgstr ""
"Comprueba las listas de compatibilidad del HDLoader para saber qué juegos "
"tienen problemas con esta opción. (Generalmente marcadas como 'modo 1' o "
"'DVD lento'."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!ContextTip:Framelimiter:Disable"
msgid ""
"Note that when Framelimiting is disabled, Turbo and SlowMotion modes will "
"not be available either."
msgstr ""
"Observa que al desactivar la limitación de fotogramas, los modos Turbo y "
"Velocidad lenta no estarán disponibles."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:227
msgid "!Panel:Frameskip:Heading"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:225
msgid ""
"Notice: Due to PS2 hardware design, precise frame skipping is impossible. "
"Enabling it will cause severe graphical errors in some games."
msgstr ""
"Aviso: Debido al diseño del hardware de PS2, es imposible hacer un salto de "
"fotogramas preciso.\n"
"Activarlo causará serios fallos visuales en varios juegos."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302
msgid ""
"Enable this if you think MTGS thread sync is causing crashes or graphical "
msgstr ""
"Activa esta opción si crees que la sincronía de hilos MTGS provoca caídas o "
"fallos gráficos."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:310
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:305
msgid ""
"Removes any benchmark noise caused by the MTGS thread or GPU overhead. This "
"option is best used in conjunction with savestates: save a state at an ideal "
"scene, enable this option, and re-load the savestate.\n"
"Warning: This option can be enabled on-the-fly but typically cannot be "
"disabled on-the-fly (video will typically be garbage)."
msgstr ""
"Elimina cualquier ruido de benchmark provocado por el hilo MTGS o la "
"elevación de la GPU. Esta opción se utiliza junto con los guardados "
@ -569,15 +794,22 @@ msgstr ""
"Aviso: Esta opción puede activarse al vuelo, pero normalmente no puede "
"desactivarse al vuelo (la imagen se mostrará dañada)."
#: pcsx2/vtlb.cpp:710
msgid "!Notice:HostVmReserve"
#: pcsx2/vtlb.cpp:711
msgid ""
"Your system is too low on virtual resources for PCSX2 to run. This can be "
"caused by having a small or disabled swapfile, or by other programs that are "
"hogging resources."
msgstr ""
"Tu sistema tiene muy pocos recursos virtuales para que PCSX2 pueda "
"funcionar. Esto lo puede provocar tener un swapfile pequeño o desactivado, "
"o que otros programas estén acumulando recursos."
#: pcsx2/x86/sVU_zerorec.cpp:363
msgid "!Notice:superVU:VirtualMemoryAlloc"
msgid ""
"Out of Memory (sorta): The SuperVU recompiler was unable to reserve the "
"specific memory ranges required, and will not be available for use. This is "
"not a critical error, since the sVU rec is obsolete, and you should use "
"microVU instead anyway. :)"
msgstr ""
"Sin memoria (algo parecido): El recompilador SuperVU no ha podido reservar "
"los rangos de memoria concretos que son necesarios, y no podrá ser "

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.9\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-05-07 17:47+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-08-10 11:44+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-05-20 13:26+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: kmartimo <kimmo.martimo@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: kmartimo <kimmo.martimo@gmail.com>\n"
@ -24,355 +24,777 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: common\n"
#: common/src/Utilities/Exceptions.cpp:254
msgid "!Notice:VirtualMemoryMap"
msgstr "Tarpeellista määrää virtuaalimuistia ei ole saatavilla tai tarpeelliset virtuaalimuistin kartoitukset on jo varattu muille prosseille, palveluille tai DLLeille."
msgid ""
"There is not enough virtual memory available, or necessary virtual memory "
"mappings have already been reserved by other processes, services, or DLLs."
msgstr ""
"Tarpeellista määrää virtuaalimuistia ei ole saatavilla tai tarpeelliset "
"virtuaalimuistin kartoitukset on jo varattu muille prosseille, palveluille "
"tai DLLeille."
#: pcsx2/CDVD/CDVD.cpp:389
msgid "!Notice:PsxDisc"
msgstr "PCSX2 ei tue Playstationin pelilevyjä. Jos haluat emuloida PSX-pelejä, sinun täytyy ladata PSX-emulaattori, kuten ePSXe tai PCSX."
msgid ""
"Playstation game discs are not supported by PCSX2. If you want to emulate "
"PSX games then you'll have to download a PSX-specific emulator, such as "
"ePSXe or PCSX."
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 ei tue Playstationin pelilevyjä. Jos haluat emuloida PSX-pelejä, sinun "
"täytyy ladata PSX-emulaattori, kuten ePSXe tai PCSX."
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:114
msgid "!Notice:Recompiler:VirtualMemoryAlloc"
msgstr "Uudelleenkääntäjä ei pystynyt varaamaan yhtenäistä muistialuetta, jota tarvitaan sisäisille välimuisteille. Tämän virheen voi aiheuttaa alhainen virtuaalimuistin määrä, kuten pieni tai käytöstä poistettu heittovaihtotiedosto, tai muu ohjelma joka vie paljon muistia. Voit myös yrittää vähentää oletusarvoisia välimuistin kokoja kaikille PCSX2:den uudelleenkääntäjille. Asetukset löytyvät isäntäasetuksista."
msgid ""
"This recompiler was unable to reserve contiguous memory required for "
"internal caches. This error can be caused by low virtual memory resources, "
"such as a small or disabled swapfile, or by another program that is hogging "
"a lot of memory. You can also try reducing the default cache sizes for all "
"PCSX2 recompilers, found under Host Settings."
msgstr ""
"Uudelleenkääntäjä ei pystynyt varaamaan yhtenäistä muistialuetta, jota "
"tarvitaan sisäisille välimuisteille. Tämän virheen voi aiheuttaa alhainen "
"virtuaalimuistin määrä, kuten pieni tai käytöstä poistettu "
"heittovaihtotiedosto, tai muu ohjelma joka vie paljon muistia. Voit myös "
"yrittää vähentää oletusarvoisia välimuistin kokoja kaikille PCSX2:den "
"uudelleenkääntäjille. Asetukset löytyvät isäntäasetuksista."
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:348
msgid "!Notice:EmuCore::MemoryForVM"
msgstr "PCSX2 ei pysty varaamaan PS2-virtuaalikoneelle tarvittavaa muistia. Sulje joitakin paljon muistia vieviä taustatehtäviä ja kokeile uudelleen."
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:344
msgid ""
"PCSX2 is unable to allocate memory needed for the PS2 virtual machine. Close "
"out some memory hogging background tasks and try again."
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 ei pysty varaamaan PS2-virtuaalikoneelle tarvittavaa muistia. Sulje "
"joitakin paljon muistia vieviä taustatehtäviä ja kokeile uudelleen."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:43
msgid "!Notice:Startup:NoSSE2"
msgstr "Varoitus: Tietokoneesi ei tue SSE2-käskykantalaajennosta, jota monet PCSX2:den uudelleenkääntäjät ja liitännäiset vaativat. Vaihtoehtosi ovat rajoitetut ja emulointi tulee olemaan *todella* hidasta."
msgid ""
"Warning: Your computer does not support SSE2, which is required by many "
"PCSX2 recompilers and plugins. Your options will be limited and emulation "
"will be *very* slow."
msgstr ""
"Varoitus: Tietokoneesi ei tue SSE2-käskykantalaajennosta, jota monet PCSX2:"
"den uudelleenkääntäjät ja liitännäiset vaativat. Vaihtoehtosi ovat "
"rajoitetut ja emulointi tulee olemaan *todella* hidasta."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:162
msgid "!Notice:RecompilerInit:Header"
msgstr "Varoitus: Joidenkin määriteltyjen PCSX2-uudelleenkääntäjien alustus epäonnistui ja ne on poistettu käytöstä:"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:160
msgid ""
"Warning: Some of the configured PS2 recompilers failed to initialize and "
"have been disabled:"
msgstr ""
"Varoitus: Joidenkin määriteltyjen PCSX2-uudelleenkääntäjien alustus "
"epäonnistui ja ne on poistettu käytöstä:"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:211
msgid "!Notice:RecompilerInit:Footer"
msgstr "Huom. Uudelleenkääntäjät eivät ole välttämättömät PCSX2:den toiminnalle, mutta ne parantavat emulaation nopeutta huomattavasti. Saatat joutua manuaalisesti ottamaan käyttöön yllä listatut uudelleenkääntäjät, jos saat virheet ratkaistua."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:208
msgid ""
"Note: Recompilers are not necessary for PCSX2 to run, however they typically "
"improve emulation speed substantially. You may have to manually re-enable "
"the recompilers listed above, if you resolve the errors."
msgstr ""
"Huom. Uudelleenkääntäjät eivät ole välttämättömät PCSX2:den toiminnalle, "
"mutta ne parantavat emulaation nopeutta huomattavasti. Saatat joutua "
"manuaalisesti ottamaan käyttöön yllä listatut uudelleenkääntäjät, jos saat "
"virheet ratkaistua."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:546
msgid "!Notice:BiosDumpRequired"
msgstr "PCSX2 tarvitsee PS2 BIOS-tiedoston toimiakseen. Laillisista syistä sinun *täytyy* hankkia BIOS-tiedosto omistamastasi PS2-järjestelmästä (lainaamista ei lasketa). Lisätietoja löydät UKK:sta (FAQ) ja oppaista."
msgid ""
"PCSX2 requires a PS2 BIOS in order to run. For legal reasons, you *must* "
"obtain a BIOS from an actual PS2 unit that you own (borrowing doesn't "
"count). Please consult the FAQs and Guides for further instructions."
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 tarvitsee PS2 BIOS-tiedoston toimiakseen. Laillisista syistä sinun "
"*täytyy* hankkia BIOS-tiedosto omistamastasi PS2-järjestelmästä (lainaamista "
"ei lasketa). Lisätietoja löydät UKK:sta (FAQ) ja oppaista."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:629
msgid "!Notice Error:Thread Deadlock Actions"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:626
msgid ""
"'Ignore' to continue waiting for the thread to respond.\n"
"'Cancel' to attempt to cancel the thread.\n"
"'Terminate' to quit PCSX2 immediately.\n"
msgstr ""
"'Ohita' jatkaaksesi säikeen vastaamisen odottamista.\n"
"'Peruuta' yrittääksesi peruuttaa säikeen.\n"
"'Lopeta' sulkeaksesi PCSX2:den välittömästi."
"'Lopeta' sulkeaksesi PCSX2:den välittömästi.\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppUserMode.cpp:57
msgid "!Notice:PortableModeRights"
msgstr "Ole hyvä ja varmista, että nämä kansiot on luotu ja että käyttäjätililläsi on oikeudet kirjoittaa niihin -- tai suorita PCSX2 uudelleen korotetuilla (järjestelmänvalvojan) oikeuksilla, joiden pitäisi antaa PCSX2:lle oikeudet luoda tarpeelliset kansiot itse. Jos sinulla ei ole korotettuja oikeuksia tällä tietokoneella, sinun tarvitsee siirtyä Käyttäjän Tiedostot -tilaan (paina allaolevaa nappia)."
msgid ""
"Please ensure that these folders are created and that your user account is "
"granted write permissions to them -- or re-run PCSX2 with elevated "
"(administrator) rights, which should grant PCSX2 the ability to create the "
"necessary folders itself. If you do not have elevated rights on this "
"computer, then you will need to switch to User Documents mode (click button "
msgstr ""
"Ole hyvä ja varmista, että nämä kansiot on luotu ja että käyttäjätililläsi "
"on oikeudet kirjoittaa niihin -- tai suorita PCSX2 uudelleen korotetuilla "
"(järjestelmänvalvojan) oikeuksilla, joiden pitäisi antaa PCSX2:lle oikeudet "
"luoda tarpeelliset kansiot itse. Jos sinulla ei ole korotettuja oikeuksia "
"tällä tietokoneella, sinun tarvitsee siirtyä Käyttäjän Tiedostot -tilaan "
"(paina allaolevaa nappia)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:181
msgid "!ContextTip:ChangingNTFS"
msgstr "NTFS-pakkausta voi vaihtaa manuaalisesti milloin tahansa käyttäen tiedoston ominaisuudet-ikkunaa Windowsin resurssienhallinnassa."
msgid ""
"NTFS compression can be changed manually at any time by using file "
"properties from Windows Explorer."
msgstr ""
"NTFS-pakkausta voi vaihtaa manuaalisesti milloin tahansa käyttäen tiedoston "
"ominaisuudet-ikkunaa Windowsin resurssienhallinnassa."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:49
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Settings"
msgstr "Tämä on se kansio, mihin PCSX2 tallentaa asetuksesi, mukaanlukien liitännäisten luomat asetukset (jotkin vanhemmat liitännäiset eivät välttämättä ota tätä asetusta huomioon)."
msgid ""
"This is the folder where PCSX2 saves your settings, including settings "
"generated by most plugins (some older plugins may not respect this value)."
msgstr ""
"Tämä on se kansio, mihin PCSX2 tallentaa asetuksesi, mukaanlukien "
"liitännäisten luomat asetukset (jotkin vanhemmat liitännäiset eivät "
"välttämättä ota tätä asetusta huomioon)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:54
msgid "!Panel:Folders:Settings"
msgstr "Voit halutessasi valita sijainnin PCSX2:den asetuksille täällä. Jos sijainnissa on jo olemassaolevia PCSX2-asetuksia, sinulle annetaan mahdollisuus tuoda tai ylikirjoittaa ne."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:52
msgid ""
"You may optionally specify a location for your PCSX2 settings here. If the "
"location contains existing PCSX2 settings, you will be given the option to "
"import or overwrite them."
msgstr ""
"Voit halutessasi valita sijainnin PCSX2:den asetuksille täällä. Jos "
"sijainnissa on jo olemassaolevia PCSX2-asetuksia, sinulle annetaan "
"mahdollisuus tuoda tai ylikirjoittaa ne."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:94
msgid "!Wizard:Welcome"
msgstr "Tämä velho auttaa sinua liitännäisten, muistikorttien ja BIOSin konfiguroinnissa. Jos tämä on ensimmäinen %s-asennuskertasi, on suositeltua, että luet lueminut-tiedoston ja konfiguraatio-oppaan."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:89
#, c-format
msgid ""
"This wizard will help guide you through configuring plugins, memory cards, "
"and BIOS. It is recommended if this is your first time installing %s that "
"you view the readme and configuration guide."
msgstr ""
"Tämä velho auttaa sinua liitännäisten, muistikorttien ja BIOSin "
"konfiguroinnissa. Jos tämä on ensimmäinen %s-asennuskertasi, on "
"suositeltua, että luet lueminut-tiedoston ja konfiguraatio-oppaan."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:140
msgid "!Wizard:Bios:Tutorial"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:132
msgid ""
"PCSX2 requires a *legal* copy of the PS2 BIOS in order to run games.\n"
"You cannot use a copy obtained from a friend or the Internet.\n"
"You must dump the BIOS from your *own* Playstation 2 console."
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 vaatii *laillisen* kopion PS2 BIOSista pelien suorittamiseen.\n"
"Et voi käyttää ystävältä tai Internetistä hankittua kopiota.\n"
"Sinun täytyy hankkia BIOS *omasta* Playstation 2-konsolistasi."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/ImportSettingsDialog.cpp:31
msgid "!Notice:ImportExistingSettings"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Existing %s settings have been found in the configured settings folder. "
"Would you like to import these settings or overwrite them with %s default "
"(or press Cancel to select a different settings folder)"
msgstr ""
"Määritellystä asetuskansiosta löytyi olemassaolevat %s-asetukset. Haluaisitko tuoda nämä asetukset vai ylikirjoittaa ne %s:den oletusarvoilla?\n"
"Määritellystä asetuskansiosta löytyi olemassaolevat %s-asetukset. "
"Haluaisitko tuoda nämä asetukset vai ylikirjoittaa ne %s:den "
"(tai paina Peruuta valitaksesi toisen asetuskansion)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:30
msgid "!Panel:Mcd:NtfsCompress"
msgstr "NTFS-pakkaus on sisäänrakennettu, nopea ja täysin luotettava sekä tyypillisesti pakkaa muistikortit todella hyvin (tätä asetusta suositellaan erittäin suuresti)."
msgid ""
"NTFS compression is built-in, fast, and completely reliable; and typically "
"compresses memory cards very well (this option is highly recommended)."
msgstr ""
"NTFS-pakkaus on sisäänrakennettu, nopea ja täysin luotettava sekä "
"tyypillisesti pakkaa muistikortit todella hyvin (tätä asetusta suositellaan "
"erittäin suuresti)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:41
msgid "!Panel:Mcd:EnableEjection"
msgstr "Välttää muistikortin vioittumista pakottamalla pelit uudelleenindeksoimaan muistikortin sisällöntilatallennuksesta ladattaessa. Ei ole välttämättä yhteensopiva kaikkien pelien kanssa (Guitar Hero)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:39
msgid ""
"Avoids memory card corruption by forcing games to re-index card contents "
"after loading from savestates. May not be compatible with all games (Guitar "
msgstr ""
"Välttää muistikortin vioittumista pakottamalla pelit uudelleenindeksoimaan "
"muistikortin sisällöntilatallennuksesta ladattaessa. Ei ole välttämättä "
"yhteensopiva kaikkien pelien kanssa (Guitar Hero)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/StuckThreadDialog.cpp:33
msgid "!Panel:StuckThread:Heading"
msgstr "Säie '%s' ei vastaa. Se saattaa olla lukittunut, tai sitten se vain toimii *todella* hitaasti."
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The thread '%s' is not responding. It could be deadlocked, or it might just "
"be running *really* slowly."
msgstr ""
"Säie '%s' ei vastaa. Se saattaa olla lukittunut, tai sitten se vain toimii "
"*todella* hitaasti."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:38
msgid "!Panel:HasHacksOverrides"
msgstr "Varoitus! Käytät PCSX2:ta komentorivivalinnoilla, jotka ohittavat määritellyt asetuksesi. Näiden komentorivivalintojen vaikutuksia ei näy asetusikkunassa, ja ne otetaan pois käytöstä jos teet mitään muutoksia täällä."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:58
msgid "!Panel:HasPluginsOverrides"
msgstr "Varoitus! Käytät PCSX2:ta komentorivivalinnoilla, jotka ohittavat määritellyt liitännäis ja/tai kansioasetuksesi. Näiden komentorivivalintojen vaikutuksia ei näy asetusikkunassa, ja ne otetaan pois käytöstä jos teet mitään muutoksia täällä."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:135
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Slider"
msgid ""
"Warning! You are running PCSX2 with command line options that override your "
"configured settings. These command line options will not be reflected in "
"the Settings dialog, and will be disabled if you apply any changes here."
msgstr ""
"Esiasetukset ottavat käyttöön viritelmiä, joitakin uudelleenkääntäjien valintoja ja joitakin pelikorjauksia, jotka tunnetusti\n"
"auttavat nopeudessa. Tunnetut tärkeät pelikorjaukset otetaan käyttöön automaattisesti.\n"
"Varoitus! Käytät PCSX2:ta komentorivivalinnoilla, jotka ohittavat "
"määritellyt asetuksesi. Näiden komentorivivalintojen vaikutuksia ei näy "
"asetusikkunassa, ja ne otetaan pois käytöstä jos teet mitään muutoksia "
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:55
msgid ""
"Warning! You are running PCSX2 with command line options that override your "
"configured plugin and/or folder settings. These command line options will "
"not be reflected in the settings dialog, and will be disabled when you apply "
"settings changes here."
msgstr ""
"Varoitus! Käytät PCSX2:ta komentorivivalinnoilla, jotka ohittavat "
"määritellyt liitännäis ja/tai kansioasetuksesi. Näiden komentorivivalintojen "
"vaikutuksia ei näy asetusikkunassa, ja ne otetaan pois käytöstä jos teet "
"mitään muutoksia täällä."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:129
msgid ""
"The Presets apply speed hacks, some recompiler options and some game fixes "
"known to boost speed.\n"
"Known important game fixes will be applied automatically.\n"
"Presets info:\n"
"1 - The most accurate emulation but also the slowest.\n"
"3 --> Tries to balance speed with compatibility.\n"
"4 - Some more aggressive hacks.\n"
"6 - Too many hacks which will probably slow down most games.\n"
msgstr ""
"Esiasetukset ottavat käyttöön viritelmiä, joitakin uudelleenkääntäjien "
"valintoja ja joitakin pelikorjauksia, jotka tunnetusti\n"
"auttavat nopeudessa. Tunnetut tärkeät pelikorjaukset otetaan käyttöön "
"Tietoja esiasetuksista:\n"
"1 - Kaikkein täsmällisin emulaatio, mutta myös hitain.\n"
"3 --> Yrittää tasapainottaa nopeuden yhteensopivuuden kanssa.\n"
"4 - Joitakin aggressiivisempia viritelmiä.\n"
"6 - Liian paljon viritelmiä, mitkä todennäköisesti hidastavat useimpia pelejä."
"6 - Liian paljon viritelmiä, mitkä todennäköisesti hidastavat useimpia "
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:149
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Checkbox"
msgstr ""
"Esiasetukset ottavat käyttöön viritelmiä, joitakin uudelleenkääntäjien valintoja ja joitakin pelikorjauksia, jotka tunnetusti\n"
"auttavat nopeudessa. Tunnetut tärkeät pelikorjaukset otetaan käyttöön automaattisesti.\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:136
msgid ""
"The Presets apply speed hacks, some recompiler options and some game fixes "
"known to boost speed.\n"
"Known important game fixes will be applied automatically.\n"
"--> Poista valinta muuttaaksesi asetuksia manuaalisesti (nykyisen esiasetuksen pohjalta)"
"--> Uncheck to modify settings manually (with current preset as base)"
msgstr ""
"Esiasetukset ottavat käyttöön viritelmiä, joitakin uudelleenkääntäjien "
"valintoja ja joitakin pelikorjauksia, jotka tunnetusti\n"
"auttavat nopeudessa. Tunnetut tärkeät pelikorjaukset otetaan käyttöön "
"--> Poista valinta muuttaaksesi asetuksia manuaalisesti (nykyisen "
"esiasetuksen pohjalta)"
#: pcsx2/gui/IsoDropTarget.cpp:28
msgid "!Notice:ConfirmSysReset"
msgstr "Tämä toiminto resetoi olemassaolevan PS2-virtuaalikoneen tilan; kaikki nykyiset tiedot menetetään. Oletko varma?"
msgid ""
"This action will reset the existing PS2 virtual machine state; all current "
"progress will be lost. Are you sure?"
msgstr ""
"Tämä toiminto resetoi olemassaolevan PS2-virtuaalikoneen tilan; kaikki "
"nykyiset tiedot menetetään. Oletko varma?"
#: pcsx2/gui/MainMenuClicks.cpp:106
msgid "!Notice:DeleteSettings"
msgstr ""
"Tämä komento pyyhkii %s:den asetukset ja sallii sinun suorittaa uudelleen ensimmäisen käyttökerran asetusvelhon. Sinun täytyy manuaalisesti käynnistää %s uudelleen tämän toiminnon jälkeen.\n"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"This command clears %s settings and allows you to re-run the First-Time "
"Wizard. You will need to manually restart %s after this operation.\n"
"VAROITUS!! Paina OK poistaaksesi *KAIKKI* %s-asetukset ja pakottaa ohjelman sulkeminen, menettäen kaikki nykyiset emulaatiotiedot. Oletko ehdottoman varma?\n"
"WARNING!! Click OK to delete *ALL* settings for %s and force-close the app, "
"losing any current emulation progress. Are you absolutely sure?\n"
"(note: settings for plugins are unaffected)"
msgstr ""
"Tämä komento pyyhkii %s:den asetukset ja sallii sinun suorittaa uudelleen "
"ensimmäisen käyttökerran asetusvelhon. Sinun täytyy manuaalisesti käynnistää "
"%s uudelleen tämän toiminnon jälkeen.\n"
"VAROITUS!! Paina OK poistaaksesi *KAIKKI* %s-asetukset ja pakottaa ohjelman "
"sulkeminen, menettäen kaikki nykyiset emulaatiotiedot. Oletko ehdottoman "
"(huom. liitännäisten asetuksia ei poisteta)"
#: pcsx2/gui/MemoryCardFile.cpp:78
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:HasBeenDisabled"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The PS2-slot %d has been automatically disabled. You can correct the "
"and re-enable it at any time using Config:Memory cards from the main menu."
msgstr ""
"PS2-muistikorttipaikka %d on automaattisesti poistettu käytöstä. Voit korjata ongelman\n"
"ja ottaa se uudestaan käyttöön milloin tahansa valikosta Asetukset: Muistikortit."
"PS2-muistikorttipaikka %d on automaattisesti poistettu käytöstä. Voit "
"korjata ongelman\n"
"ja ottaa se uudestaan käyttöön milloin tahansa valikosta Asetukset: "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/BiosSelectorPanel.cpp:138
msgid "!Notice:BIOS:InvalidSelection"
msgstr "Ole hyvä ja valitse kelvollinen BIOS. Jos et pysty tekemään kelvollista valintaa, paina Peruuta sulkeaksesi konfiguraatiopaneelin."
msgid ""
"Please select a valid BIOS. If you are unable to make a valid selection "
"then press Cancel to close the Configuration panel."
msgstr ""
"Ole hyvä ja valitse kelvollinen BIOS. Jos et pysty tekemään kelvollista "
"valintaa, paina Peruuta sulkeaksesi konfiguraatiopaneelin."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:111
msgid "!Panel:EE/IOP:Heading"
msgid "Notice: Most games are fine with the default options. "
msgstr "Huomautus: Useimmat pelit toimivat hyvin oletusasetuksilla."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:178
msgid "!Panel:VUs:Heading"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:177
msgid "Notice: Most games are fine with the default options."
msgstr "Huomautus: Useimmat pelit toimivat hyvin oletusasetuksilla."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:69
msgid "!Notice:DirPicker:CreatePath"
msgid ""
"The specified path/directory does not exist. Would you like to create it?"
msgstr "Valittua polkua/hakemistoa ei ole olemassa. Haluaisitko luoda sen?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:158
msgid "!ContextTip:DirPicker:UseDefault"
msgstr "Kun valittu, tämä kansio automaattisesti kuvaa PCSX2:den nykyiseen käyttäjätila-asetukseen liitettyä oletusarvoa."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:157
msgid ""
"When checked this folder will automatically reflect the default associated "
"with PCSX2's current usermode setting. "
msgstr ""
"Kun valittu, tämä kansio automaattisesti kuvaa PCSX2:den nykyiseen "
"käyttäjätila-asetukseen liitettyä oletusarvoa."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:55
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Zoom"
msgid ""
"Zoom = 100: Fit the entire image to the window without any cropping.\n"
"Above/Below 100: Zoom In/Out\n"
"0: Automatic-Zoom-In untill the black-bars are gone (Aspect ratio is kept, "
"some of the image goes out of screen).\n"
" NOTE: Some games draw their own black-bars, which will not be removed with "
"Keyboard: CTRL + NUMPAD-PLUS: Zoom-In, CTRL + NUMPAD-MINUS: Zoom-Out, CTRL + "
"NUMPAD-*: Toggle 100/0"
msgstr ""
"Zoom = 100: Sovita koko kuva ikkunaan ilman rajaamista.\n"
"Yli/alle 100: Zoomaus sisään/ulos\n"
"0: Automaattinen zoomaus kunnes mustat palkit katoavat (kuvasuhde säilytetään, osa kuvasta menee näytön ulkopuolelle).\n"
" HUOM: Jotkin pelit piirtävät omat mustat palkkinsa, joita ei poisteta asetuksella '0'.\n"
"0: Automaattinen zoomaus kunnes mustat palkit katoavat (kuvasuhde "
"säilytetään, osa kuvasta menee näytön ulkopuolelle).\n"
" HUOM: Jotkin pelit piirtävät omat mustat palkkinsa, joita ei poisteta "
"asetuksella '0'.\n"
"CTRL + NUMERONÄPPÄIMISTÖ-*: Vaihtelee 100/0 välillä"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:63
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Vsync"
msgstr "Pystytahdistus (Vsync) poistaa kuvan repeytymät, mutta yleensä aiheuttaa suuren suorituskyvyn laskun. Yleensä vaikuttaa vain koko ruudun tilaan, eikä välttämättä toimi kaikkien GS-liitännäisten kanssa."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:58
msgid ""
"Vsync eliminates screen tearing but typically has a big performance hit. It "
"usually only applies to fullscreen mode, and may not work with all GS "
msgstr ""
"Pystytahdistus (Vsync) poistaa kuvan repeytymät, mutta yleensä aiheuttaa "
"suuren suorituskyvyn laskun. Yleensä vaikuttaa vain koko ruudun tilaan, eikä "
"välttämättä toimi kaikkien GS-liitännäisten kanssa."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:68
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:ManagedVsync"
msgstr "Ottaa pystytahdistuksen (Vsync) käyttöön kun kehysnopeus on täsmälleen oikea (täysi nopeus). Jos kehysnopeus tippuu, pystytahdistus poistetaan käytöstä, jotta suorituskyky ei laske entisestään. Huom: Tällä hetkellä tämä toimii hyvin vain GS-liitännäisen ollessa GSdx ja se asetettuna käyttämään DX10/11 hardware rendering -tilaa. Mikä tahansa muu liitännäinen tai rendering-tila joko jättää asetuksen huomiotta tai tuottaa mustan vilkkuvan kuvan aina kun tilaa vaihetaan. Vaatii myös pystytahdistuksen käyttöönottoa."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:61
msgid ""
"Enables Vsync when the framerate is exactly at full speed. Should it fall "
"below that, Vsync gets disabled to avoid further performance penalties. "
"Note: This currently only works well with GSdx as GS plugin and with it "
"configured to use DX10/11 hardware rendering. Any other plugin or rendering "
"mode will either ignore it or produce a black frame that blinks whenever the "
"mode switches. It also requires Vsync to be enabled."
msgstr ""
"Ottaa pystytahdistuksen (Vsync) käyttöön kun kehysnopeus on täsmälleen oikea "
"(täysi nopeus). Jos kehysnopeus tippuu, pystytahdistus poistetaan käytöstä, "
"jotta suorituskyky ei laske entisestään. Huom: Tällä hetkellä tämä toimii "
"hyvin vain GS-liitännäisen ollessa GSdx ja se asetettuna käyttämään DX10/11 "
"hardware rendering -tilaa. Mikä tahansa muu liitännäinen tai rendering-tila "
"joko jättää asetuksen huomiotta tai tuottaa mustan vilkkuvan kuvan aina kun "
"tilaa vaihetaan. Vaatii myös pystytahdistuksen käyttöönottoa."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:76
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideMouse"
msgstr "Valitse tämä pakottaaksesi hiiren kursorin näkymättömäksi GS-ikkunan sisällä; käytännöllinen jos käytät hiirtä peliohjaimena. Oletusarvoisesti kursori menee näkymättömäksi kahden sekunnin liikkumattomuuden jälkeen."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:64
msgid ""
"Check this to force the mouse cursor invisible inside the GS window; useful "
"if using the mouse as a primary control device for gaming. By default the "
"mouse auto-hides after 2 seconds of inactivity."
msgstr ""
"Valitse tämä pakottaaksesi hiiren kursorin näkymättömäksi GS-ikkunan "
"sisällä; käytännöllinen jos käytät hiirtä peliohjaimena. Oletusarvoisesti "
"kursori menee näkymättömäksi kahden sekunnin liikkumattomuuden jälkeen."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:82
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Fullscreen"
msgstr "Ottaa käyttöön automaattisen koko ruudun tilan vaihdon aloittaessa tai jatkaessa emulaatiota. Voit silti kytkeä koko ruudun tilan päälle ja pois milloin tahansa näppäinyhdistelmällä alt-enter."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:67
msgid ""
"Enables automatic mode switch to fullscreen when starting or resuming "
"emulation. You can still toggle fullscreen display at any time using alt-"
msgstr ""
"Ottaa käyttöön automaattisen koko ruudun tilan vaihdon aloittaessa tai "
"jatkaessa emulaatiota. Voit silti kytkeä koko ruudun tilan päälle ja pois "
"milloin tahansa näppäinyhdistelmällä alt-enter."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:93
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideGS"
msgstr "Sulkee täydellisesti usein suuren ja tilaavievän GS-ikkunan painessa ESCiä tai keskeyttäessä emulaation."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:74
msgid ""
"Completely closes the often large and bulky GS window when pressing ESC or "
"pausing the emulator."
msgstr ""
"Sulkee täydellisesti usein suuren ja tilaavievän GS-ikkunan painessa ESCiä "
"tai keskeyttäessä emulaation."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:67
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:EE Timing Hack"
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Digital Devil Saga (Fixes FMV and crashes)\n"
" * SSX (Fixes bad graphics and crashes)\n"
" * Resident Evil: Dead Aim (Causes garbled textures)"
msgstr ""
"Tiedetään vaikuttavan seuraaviin peleihin:\n"
"* Digital Devil Saga (Korjaa videot ja kaatumiset)\n"
"* SSX (Korjaa grafiikkavirheet ja kaatumiset)\n"
"* Resident Evil: Dead Aim (Aiheuttaa vääristyneitä tekstuureita)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:80
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:OPH Flag hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:76
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Bleach Blade Battler\n"
" * Growlanser II and III\n"
" * Wizardry"
msgstr ""
"Tiedetään vaikuttavan seuraaviin peleihin:\n"
"* Bleach Blade Battler\n"
"* Growlanser II ja III\n"
"* Wizardry"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:89
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:DMA Busy hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:81
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Mana Khemia 1 (Going \"off campus\")\n"
msgstr ""
"Tiedetään vaikuttavan seuraaviin peleihin:\n"
"* Mana Khemia 1 (Mennessä 'pois kampukselta')"
"* Mana Khemia 1 (Mennessä 'pois kampukselta')\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:96
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:VIF1 FIFO hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:86
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Test Drive Unlimited\n"
" * Transformers"
msgstr ""
"Tiedetään vaikuttavan seuraaviin peleihin:\n"
"* Test Drive Unlimited\n"
"* Transformers"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:119
msgid "!Panel:Gamefixes:Compat Warning"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:106
msgid ""
"Gamefixes can work around wrong emulation in some titles. \n"
"They may also cause compatibility or performance issues. \n"
"It's better to enable 'Automatic game fixes' at the main menu instead, and "
"leave this page empty. \n"
"('Automatic' means: selectively use specific tested fixes for specific games)"
msgstr ""
"Pelikorjaukset voivat kiertää virheellisen emulaation vaikutuksia joissakin peleissä.\n"
"Pelikorjaukset voivat kiertää virheellisen emulaation vaikutuksia joissakin "
"Ne voivat myös aiheuttaa yhteensopivuus- ja suorituskykyongelmia.\n"
"On parempi ottaa käyttöön 'Automaattiset pelikorjaukset' päävalikossa tämän sijaan, ja jättää tämä sivu tyhjäksi.\n"
"('Automaattinen' tarkoittaa: valikoivasti käytä tiettyjä testattuja korjauksia tietyille peleille)"
"On parempi ottaa käyttöön 'Automaattiset pelikorjaukset' päävalikossa tämän "
"sijaan, ja jättää tämä sivu tyhjäksi.\n"
"('Automaattinen' tarkoittaa: valikoivasti käytä tiettyjä testattuja "
"korjauksia tietyille peleille)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:720
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Delete"
msgstr "Olet poistamassa alustettua muistikorttia '%s'. Kaikki tämän kortin sisältämät tiedot menetetään! Oletko aivan varma?"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"You are about to delete the formatted memory card '%s'. All data on this "
"card will be lost! Are you absolutely and quite positively sure?"
msgstr ""
"Olet poistamassa alustettua muistikorttia '%s'. Kaikki tämän kortin "
"sisältämät tiedot menetetään! Oletko aivan varma?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:758
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:CantDuplicate"
msgstr "Epäonnistui: Kopiointi sallitaan vain tyhjään PS2-muistikorttipaikkaan tai tiedostojärjestelmään."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:756
msgid ""
"Failed: Duplicate is only allowed to an empty PS2-Port or to the file system."
msgstr ""
"Epäonnistui: Kopiointi sallitaan vain tyhjään PS2-muistikorttipaikkaan tai "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:801
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Copy Failed"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:798
#, c-format
msgid "Failed: Destination memory card '%s' is in use."
msgstr "Epäonnistui: Kohdemuistikortti '%s' on käytössä."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:35
msgid "!Panel:Usermode:Explained"
msgstr "Ole hyvä ja valitse alla haluamasi oletussijainti PCSX2:den käyttäjätason tiedostoille (sisältäen muistikortit, ruutukaappaukset, asetukset ja tilatallennukset). Nämä kansiosijainnit voi ohittaa milloin tahansa käyttäen asetuspaneelia."
msgid ""
"Please select your preferred default location for PCSX2 user-level documents "
"below (includes memory cards, screenshots, settings, and savestates). These "
"folder locations can be overridden at any time using the Core Settings panel."
msgstr ""
"Ole hyvä ja valitse alla haluamasi oletussijainti PCSX2:den käyttäjätason "
"tiedostoille (sisältäen muistikortit, ruutukaappaukset, asetukset ja "
"tilatallennukset). Nämä kansiosijainnit voi ohittaa milloin tahansa käyttäen "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:41
msgid "!Panel:Usermode:Warning"
msgstr "Voit vaihtaa haluamasi oletussijainnin PCSX2:den käyttäjätason tiedostoille (sisältäen muistikortit, ruutukaappaukset, asetukset ja tilatallennukset). Tämä valinta vaikuttaa vain standardipolkuihin, jotka ovat asetettu käyttämään asennuksenaikaista oletusarvoa."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:38
msgid ""
"You can change the preferred default location for PCSX2 user-level documents "
"here (includes memory cards, screenshots, settings, and savestates). This "
"option only affects Standard Paths which are set to use the installation "
"default value."
msgstr ""
"Voit vaihtaa haluamasi oletussijainnin PCSX2:den käyttäjätason tiedostoille "
"(sisältäen muistikortit, ruutukaappaukset, asetukset ja tilatallennukset). "
"Tämä valinta vaikuttaa vain standardipolkuihin, jotka ovat asetettu "
"käyttämään asennuksenaikaista oletusarvoa."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:40
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Savestates"
msgstr "PCSX2 tallentaa tähän kansioon tilatallennukset; joita voi tallentaa joko käyttämällä valikoita/työkalurivejä tai painamalla F1/F3 (tallennus/lataus)."
msgid ""
"This folder is where PCSX2 records savestates; which are recorded either by "
"using menus/toolbars, or by pressing F1/F3 (save/load)."
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 tallentaa tähän kansioon tilatallennukset; joita voi tallentaa joko "
"käyttämällä valikoita/työkalurivejä tai painamalla F1/F3 (tallennus/lataus)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:50
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Snapshots"
msgstr "PCSX2 tallentaa tähän kansioon ruutukaappaukset. Todellinen ruutukaappauksen kuvaformaatti ja tyyli saattaa vaihdella riippuen käytössä olevasta GS-liitännäisestä."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:48
msgid ""
"This folder is where PCSX2 saves screenshots. Actual screenshot image "
"format and style may vary depending on the GS plugin being used."
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 tallentaa tähän kansioon ruutukaappaukset. Todellinen "
"ruutukaappauksen kuvaformaatti ja tyyli saattaa vaihdella riippuen käytössä "
"olevasta GS-liitännäisestä."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:60
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Logs"
msgstr "PCSX2 tallentaa tähän kansioon lokitiedostonsa ja virheenkorjausvedoksensa. Useimmat liitännäiset käyttävät myös tätä kansiota, mutta jotkin vanhemmat liitännäiset saattavat jättää valinnan huomiotta."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:56
msgid ""
"This folder is where PCSX2 saves its logfiles and diagnostic dumps. Most "
"plugins will also adhere to this folder, however some older plugins may "
"ignore it."
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 tallentaa tähän kansioon lokitiedostonsa ja virheenkorjausvedoksensa. "
"Useimmat liitännäiset käyttävät myös tätä kansiota, mutta jotkin vanhemmat "
"liitännäiset saattavat jättää valinnan huomiotta."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:242
msgid "!Notice:PluginSelector:ConfirmShutdown"
msgid ""
"Warning! Changing plugins requires a complete shutdown and reset of the PS2 "
"virtual machine. PCSX2 will attempt to save and restore the state, but if "
"the newly selected plugins are incompatible the recovery may fail, and "
"current progress will be lost.\n"
"Are you sure you want to apply settings now?"
msgstr ""
"Varoitus! Liitännäisten vaihtaminen vaatii PS2-virtuaalikoneen täydellisen sammuttamisen ja resetoimisen. PCSX2 yrittää tallentaa ja ladata virtuaalikoneen tilan, mutta jos uudet käyttöönotetut liitännäiset ovat yhteensopimattomia, lataus voi epäonnistua ja nykyinen tila menetetään.\n"
"Varoitus! Liitännäisten vaihtaminen vaatii PS2-virtuaalikoneen täydellisen "
"sammuttamisen ja resetoimisen. PCSX2 yrittää tallentaa ja ladata "
"virtuaalikoneen tilan, mutta jos uudet käyttöönotetut liitännäiset ovat "
"yhteensopimattomia, lataus voi epäonnistua ja nykyinen tila menetetään.\n"
"Oletko varma, että haluat ottaa asetukset käyttöön nyt?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:457
msgid "!Notice:PluginSelector:ApplyFailed"
msgstr "Kaikille liitännäisille täytyy olla kelvollinen valinta, jotta %s voi toimia. Jos et pysty tekemään kelvollista valintaa puuttuvien liitännäisten tai epätäydellisen %s-asennuksen takia, paina Peruuta sulkeaksesi asetuspaneelin."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:452
#, c-format
msgid ""
"All plugins must have valid selections for %s to run. If you are unable to "
"make a valid selection due to missing plugins or an incomplete install of "
"%s, then press Cancel to close the Configuration panel."
msgstr ""
"Kaikille liitännäisille täytyy olla kelvollinen valinta, jotta %s voi "
"toimia. Jos et pysty tekemään kelvollista valintaa puuttuvien liitännäisten "
"tai epätäydellisen %s-asennuksen takia, paina Peruuta sulkeaksesi "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:27
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX1"
msgstr "1 - Oletusarvoinen syklinopeus. Tämä vastaa hyvin pitkälle oikean PS2:den EmotionEnginen todellista nopeutta."
msgid ""
"1 - Default cyclerate. This closely matches the actual speed of a real PS2 "
msgstr ""
"1 - Oletusarvoinen syklinopeus. Tämä vastaa hyvin pitkälle oikean PS2:den "
"EmotionEnginen todellista nopeutta."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:32
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX2"
msgstr "2 - Vähentää EE-prosessorin syklinopeutta noin 33%. Lievä nopeuslisäys useimmille peleille korkealla yhteensopivuudella."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:31
msgid ""
"2 - Reduces the EE's cyclerate by about 33%. Mild speedup for most games "
"with high compatibility."
msgstr ""
"2 - Vähentää EE-prosessorin syklinopeutta noin 33%. Lievä nopeuslisäys "
"useimmille peleille korkealla yhteensopivuudella."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX3"
msgstr "3 - Vähentää EE-prosessorin syklinopeutta noin 50%. Kohtuullinen nopeuslisäys, mutta *tulee* aiheuttamaan pätkivää ääntä monissa videoissa."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:35
msgid ""
"3 - Reduces the EE's cyclerate by about 50%. Moderate speedup, but *will* "
"cause stuttering audio on many FMVs."
msgstr ""
"3 - Vähentää EE-prosessorin syklinopeutta noin 50%. Kohtuullinen "
"nopeuslisäys, mutta *tulee* aiheuttamaan pätkivää ääntä monissa videoissa."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:50
msgid "0 - Disables VU Cycle Stealing. Most compatible setting!"
msgstr ""
"0 - Poistaa VU-syklivarastamisen käytöstä. Kaikkein yhteensopivin asetus!"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:54
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealOff"
msgstr "0 - Poistaa VU-syklivarastamisen käytöstä. Kaikkein yhteensopivin asetus!"
msgid ""
"1 - Mild VU Cycle Stealing. Lower compatibility, but some speedup for most "
msgstr ""
"1 - Lievä VU-syklivarastaminen. Alhaisempi yhteensopivuus, mutta nopeuttaa "
"jonkin verran useimpia pelejä."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:59
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal1"
msgstr "1 - Lievä VU-syklivarastaminen. Alhaisempi yhteensopivuus, mutta nopeuttaa jonkin verran useimpia pelejä."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:58
msgid ""
"2 - Moderate VU Cycle Stealing. Even lower compatibility, but significant "
"speedups in some games."
msgstr ""
"2 - Kohtuullinen VU-syklivarastaminen. Vielä alhaisempi yhteensopivuus, "
"mutta huomattava nopeuslisäys joissain peleissä."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:64
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal2"
msgstr "2 - Kohtuullinen VU-syklivarastaminen. Vielä alhaisempi yhteensopivuus, mutta huomattava nopeuslisäys joissain peleissä."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:63
msgid ""
"3 - Maximum VU Cycle Stealing. Usefulness is limited, as this will cause "
"flickering visuals or slowdown in most games."
msgstr ""
"3 - Täysi VU-syklivarastaminen. Käytännöllisyys on rajoitettu, koska tämä "
"aiheuttaa vilkkuvia grafiikoita tai nopeuden hidastumista useimmissa "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:70
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal3"
msgstr "3 - Täysi VU-syklivarastaminen. Käytännöllisyys on rajoitettu, koska tämä aiheuttaa vilkkuvia grafiikoita tai nopeuden hidastumista useimmissa peleissä."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:88
msgid ""
"Speedhacks usually improve emulation speed, but can cause glitches, broken "
"audio, and false FPS readings. When having emulation problems, disable this "
"panel first."
msgstr ""
"Nopeusviritelmät yleensä parantavat emulaationopeutta, mutta voivat "
"aiheuttaa ongelmia, rikkinäistä ääntä ja virheellisiä FPS-lukemia. Kun "
"kohtaat ongelmia emulaatiossa, ota tämä paneeli pois käytöstä ensin."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:97
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:Overview"
msgstr "Nopeusviritelmät yleensä parantavat emulaationopeutta, mutta voivat aiheuttaa ongelmia, rikkinäistä ääntä ja virheellisiä FPS-lukemia. Kun kohtaat ongelmia emulaatiossa, ota tämä paneeli pois käytöstä ensin."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:118
msgid ""
"Setting higher values on this slider effectively reduces the clock speed of "
"the EmotionEngine's R5900 core cpu, and typically brings big speedups to "
"games that fail to utilize the full potential of the real PS2 hardware."
msgstr ""
"Korkeampien arvojen asettaminen tällä liukusäätimellä vähentää "
"EmotionEnginen R5900-ydinprosessorin kellonopeutta, ja yleensä antaa suuren "
"nopeuslisän peleihin, jotka eivät käytä oikean PS2:den laitteiston täyttä "
"suorituskykyä hyväkseen."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:129
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:EECycleRate Slider"
msgstr "Korkeampien arvojen asettaminen tällä liukusäätimellä vähentää EmotionEnginen R5900-ydinprosessorin kellonopeutta, ja yleensä antaa suuren nopeuslisän peleihin, jotka eivät käytä oikean PS2:den laitteiston täyttä suorituskykyä hyväkseen."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:136
msgid ""
"This slider controls the amount of cycles the VU unit steals from the "
"EmotionEngine. Higher values increase the number of cycles stolen from the "
"EE for each VU microprogram the game runs."
msgstr ""
"Tämä liukusäädin ohjaa VU-yksikön EmotionEngineltä varastamien syklien "
"määrää. Korkeammat arvot lisäävät EE:ltä varastettujen syklien määrää "
"jokaiselle VU-mikro-ohjelmalle joita peli suorittaa."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:150
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealing Slider"
msgstr "Tämä liukusäädin ohjaa VU-yksikön EmotionEngineltä varastamien syklien määrää. Korkeammat arvot lisäävät EE:ltä varastettujen syklien määrää jokaiselle VU-mikro-ohjelmalle joita peli suorittaa."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:153
msgid ""
"Updates Status Flags only on blocks which will read them, instead of all the "
"time. This is safe most of the time, and Super VU does something similar by "
msgstr ""
"Päivittää tilalippuja vain niillä lohkoilla, jotka lukevat niitä "
"reaaliaikaisen päivittämisen sijaan. Tämä on useimmiten turvallista, ja "
"Super VU tekee jotain samankaltaista oletuksena."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:169
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack"
msgstr "Päivittää tilalippuja vain niillä lohkoilla, jotka lukevat niitä reaaliaikaisen päivittämisen sijaan. Tämä on useimmiten turvallista, ja Super VU tekee jotain samankaltaista oletuksena."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:156
msgid ""
"Runs VU1 on its own thread (microVU1-only). Generally a speedup on CPUs with "
"3 or more cores. This is safe for most games, but a few games are "
"incompatible and may hang. In the case of GS limited games, it may be a "
"slowdown (especially on dual core CPUs)."
msgstr ""
"Suorittaa VU1:tä omassa säikeessään (vain microVU1). Yleensä nopeuttaa "
"suorittimilla, joissa on kolme tai useampi ydintä. Tämä on turvallista "
"suurimmalle osalle peleistä, mutta muutama peli on epäyhteensopiva ja "
"saattaa jumiutua. GS-rajoitteisissa peleissä saattaa hidastaa nopeutta "
"(erityisesti tuplaydinsuorittimilla)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:174
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuThread"
msgstr "Suorittaa VU1:tä omassa säikeessään (vain microVU1). Yleensä nopeuttaa suorittimilla, joissa on kolme tai useampi ydintä. Tämä on turvallista suurimmalle osalle peleistä, mutta muutama peli on epäyhteensopiva ja saattaa jumiutua. GS-rajoitteisissa peleissä saattaa hidastaa nopeutta (erityisesti tuplaydinsuorittimilla)."
msgid ""
"This hack works best for games that use the INTC Status register to wait for "
"vsyncs, which includes primarily non-3D RPG titles. Games that do not use "
"this method of vsync will see little or no speedup from this hack."
msgstr ""
"Tämä viritelmä toimii parhaiten peleille, jotka käyttävät INTC "
"tilarekisteriä odottaakseen pystytahdistusta (vsync), mikä sisältää lähinnä "
"kaksiulotteisia RPG-pelejä. Pelejä, jotka eivät käytä tätä tapaa "
"pystytahdistukseen saavat vain pienen tai ei yhtään nopeutusta tästä "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:195
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC"
msgstr "Tämä viritelmä toimii parhaiten peleille, jotka käyttävät INTC tilarekisteriä odottaakseen pystytahdistusta (vsync), mikä sisältää lähinnä kaksiulotteisia RPG-pelejä. Pelejä, jotka eivät käytä tätä tapaa pystytahdistukseen saavat vain pienen tai ei yhtään nopeutusta tästä viritelmästä."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:177
msgid ""
"Primarily targetting the EE idle loop at address 0x81FC0 in the kernel, this "
"hack attempts to detect loops whose bodies are guaranteed to result in the "
"same machine state for every iteration until a scheduled event triggers "
"emulation of another unit. After a single iteration of such loops, we "
"advance to the time of the next event or the end of the processor's "
"timeslice, whichever comes first."
msgstr ""
"Tähdäten ensisijaisesti EE-joutenolosilmukkaan ytimen osoitteessa 0x81FC0, "
"tämä viritelmä yrittää tunnistaa silmukoita, joiden sisältö taatusti päätyy "
"samaan laitteistotilaan jokaisella kierroksella kunnes ajoitettu tapahtuma "
"laukaisee toisen yksikön emuloinnin. Tällaisissa silmukoissa yhden "
"kierroksen jälkeen etenemme seuraavan tapahtuman ajankohtaan tai prosessorin "
"aikasiivun loppuun, riippuen kumpi tulee ennemmin."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:200
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0"
msgstr "Tähdäten ensisijaisesti EE-joutenolosilmukkaan ytimen osoitteessa 0x81FC0, tämä viritelmä yrittää tunnistaa silmukoita, joiden sisältö taatusti päätyy samaan laitteistotilaan jokaisella kierroksella kunnes ajoitettu tapahtuma laukaisee toisen yksikön emuloinnin. Tällaisissa silmukoissa yhden kierroksen jälkeen etenemme seuraavan tapahtuman ajankohtaan tai prosessorin aikasiivun loppuun, riippuen kumpi tulee ennemmin."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:207
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD"
msgstr "Tarkista HDLoaderin yhteensopivuuslistasta tunnetut pelit, jotka eivät toimi tämän kanssa. (Usein merkitty tarvitsemaan 'mode 1' tai 'slow DVD'"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:180
msgid ""
"Check HDLoader compatibility lists for known games that have issues with "
"this. (Often marked as needing 'mode 1' or 'slow DVD'"
msgstr ""
"Tarkista HDLoaderin yhteensopivuuslistasta tunnetut pelit, jotka eivät toimi "
"tämän kanssa. (Usein merkitty tarvitsemaan 'mode 1' tai 'slow DVD'"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!ContextTip:Framelimiter:Disable"
msgstr "Huomioi, että kun nopeusrajoitus on poistettu käytöstä, nopeutus- ja hidastustilat eivät myöskään ole saatavilla."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:227
msgid "!Panel:Frameskip:Heading"
msgstr "Huomautus: PS2:den laitteistosuunnittelun vuoksi tarkka kehysten ohittaminen on mahdotonta. Sen ottaminen käyttöön aiheuttaa vakavia grafiikkavirheitä joissain peleissä."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS"
msgstr "Ota tämä käyttöön jos epäilet MTGS:n säiesynkronoinnin aiheuttavan kaatumisia tai grafiikkavirheitä."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:310
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput"
msgid ""
"Note that when Framelimiting is disabled, Turbo and SlowMotion modes will "
"not be available either."
msgstr ""
"Poistaa kaiken MTGS-säikeen tai näytönohjaimen aiheuttaman häiriön suorituskykytesteissä. Tätä valintaa on parasta käyttää tilatallennuksien yhteydessä: tallenna ihanteellisessa tilanteessa, kytke tämä valinta päälle ja lataa tilatallennus.\n"
"Varoitus: Tämän valinnan voi ottaa käyttöön lennosta, mutta yleensä ei voi poistaa käytöstä lennosta (pelikuvan tilalla on yleensä roskaa)."
"Huomioi, että kun nopeusrajoitus on poistettu käytöstä, nopeutus- ja "
"hidastustilat eivät myöskään ole saatavilla."
#: pcsx2/vtlb.cpp:710
msgid "!Notice:HostVmReserve"
msgstr "Järjestelmässäsi on liian vähän virtuaaliresursseja PCSX2:den toimimiseen. Tämän voi aiheuttaa pieni tai käytöstä poistettu heittovaihtotiedosto (swap file) tai muut ohjelmat, jotka vievät resursseja. "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:225
msgid ""
"Notice: Due to PS2 hardware design, precise frame skipping is impossible. "
"Enabling it will cause severe graphical errors in some games."
msgstr ""
"Huomautus: PS2:den laitteistosuunnittelun vuoksi tarkka kehysten ohittaminen "
"on mahdotonta. Sen ottaminen käyttöön aiheuttaa vakavia grafiikkavirheitä "
"joissain peleissä."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302
msgid ""
"Enable this if you think MTGS thread sync is causing crashes or graphical "
msgstr ""
"Ota tämä käyttöön jos epäilet MTGS:n säiesynkronoinnin aiheuttavan "
"kaatumisia tai grafiikkavirheitä."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:305
msgid ""
"Removes any benchmark noise caused by the MTGS thread or GPU overhead. This "
"option is best used in conjunction with savestates: save a state at an ideal "
"scene, enable this option, and re-load the savestate.\n"
"Warning: This option can be enabled on-the-fly but typically cannot be "
"disabled on-the-fly (video will typically be garbage)."
msgstr ""
"Poistaa kaiken MTGS-säikeen tai näytönohjaimen aiheuttaman häiriön "
"suorituskykytesteissä. Tätä valintaa on parasta käyttää tilatallennuksien "
"yhteydessä: tallenna ihanteellisessa tilanteessa, kytke tämä valinta päälle "
"ja lataa tilatallennus.\n"
"Varoitus: Tämän valinnan voi ottaa käyttöön lennosta, mutta yleensä ei voi "
"poistaa käytöstä lennosta (pelikuvan tilalla on yleensä roskaa)."
#: pcsx2/vtlb.cpp:711
msgid ""
"Your system is too low on virtual resources for PCSX2 to run. This can be "
"caused by having a small or disabled swapfile, or by other programs that are "
"hogging resources."
msgstr ""
"Järjestelmässäsi on liian vähän virtuaaliresursseja PCSX2:den toimimiseen. "
"Tämän voi aiheuttaa pieni tai käytöstä poistettu heittovaihtotiedosto (swap "
"file) tai muut ohjelmat, jotka vievät resursseja. "
#: pcsx2/x86/sVU_zerorec.cpp:363
msgid "!Notice:superVU:VirtualMemoryAlloc"
msgstr "Liian vähän muistia (tavallaan): SuperVU-uudelleenkääntäjä ei pystynyt varaamaan tiettyjä vaadittuja muistialueita, ja siten ei ole saatavilla. Tämä ei ole kriittinen virhe, sillä sVU on joka tapauksessa vanhentunut ja sinun kannattaisi käyttää sen sijaan microVU:ta. :)"
msgid ""
"Out of Memory (sorta): The SuperVU recompiler was unable to reserve the "
"specific memory ranges required, and will not be available for use. This is "
"not a critical error, since the sVU rec is obsolete, and you should use "
"microVU instead anyway. :)"
msgstr ""
"Liian vähän muistia (tavallaan): SuperVU-uudelleenkääntäjä ei pystynyt "
"varaamaan tiettyjä vaadittuja muistialueita, ja siten ei ole saatavilla. "
"Tämä ei ole kriittinen virhe, sillä sVU on joka tapauksessa vanhentunut ja "
"sinun kannattaisi käyttää sen sijaan microVU:ta. :)"

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.9\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-04-07 11:42+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-08-10 11:44+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-08 11:33-0000\n"
"Last-Translator: goldeng <odakawoi@yahoo.fr>\n"
"Language-Team: goldeng <odakawoi@yahoo.fr>\n"
@ -24,20 +24,30 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: common\n"
#: common/src/Utilities/Exceptions.cpp:254
msgid "!Notice:VirtualMemoryMap"
msgid ""
"There is not enough virtual memory available, or necessary virtual memory "
"mappings have already been reserved by other processes, services, or DLLs."
msgstr ""
"La mémoire virtuelle disponible est insuffisante, ou l'espace-mémoire a déjà "
"été réservé par d'autres processus, services ou DLL."
#: pcsx2/CDVD/CDVD.cpp:389
msgid "!Notice:PsxDisc"
msgid ""
"Playstation game discs are not supported by PCSX2. If you want to emulate "
"PSX games then you'll have to download a PSX-specific emulator, such as "
"ePSXe or PCSX."
msgstr ""
"L'émulation des jeux Playstation1 n'est pas supportée par PCSX2. Si vous "
"voulez émuler des jeux PSX, veuillez télécharger un émulateur PS1 dédié (par "
"exemple, ePSXe ou PCSX) !"
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:114
msgid "!Notice:Recompiler:VirtualMemoryAlloc"
msgid ""
"This recompiler was unable to reserve contiguous memory required for "
"internal caches. This error can be caused by low virtual memory resources, "
"such as a small or disabled swapfile, or by another program that is hogging "
"a lot of memory. You can also try reducing the default cache sizes for all "
"PCSX2 recompilers, found under Host Settings."
msgstr ""
"Le recompiler n'a pas été en mesure d'allouer la mémoire virtuelle "
"nécessaire. Cette erreur peut être causée par une insuffisance en "
@ -45,28 +55,38 @@ msgstr ""
"Vous pouvez également essayer de réduire la taille du cache par défaut "
"allouée au recompiler PCSX2."
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:348
msgid "!Notice:EmuCore::MemoryForVM"
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:344
msgid ""
"PCSX2 is unable to allocate memory needed for the PS2 virtual machine. Close "
"out some memory hogging background tasks and try again."
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 est incapable d'affecter les ressources en mémoire requises pour "
"l'émulation d'une machine virtuelle PS2. Mettez fin aux processus en cours "
"qui nécessitent beaucoup de mémoire (CTRL + ALT + Suppr) puis réessayez."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:43
msgid "!Notice:Startup:NoSSE2"
msgid ""
"Warning: Your computer does not support SSE2, which is required by many "
"PCSX2 recompilers and plugins. Your options will be limited and emulation "
"will be *very* slow."
msgstr ""
"Attention ! Votre ordinateur ne prend pas en charge les instructions de type "
"SSE2, nécessaires pour la prise en charge d'un grand nombre de plugins et du "
"recompiler PCSX2 : vos options seront limitées et l'émulation (très) lente."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:162
msgid "!Notice:RecompilerInit:Header"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:160
msgid ""
"Warning: Some of the configured PS2 recompilers failed to initialize and "
"have been disabled:"
msgstr ""
"Attention ! Certaines fonctions du recompiler PCSX2 n'ont pas pu être "
"initialisées et ont, par conséquent, été désactivées :"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:211
msgid "!Notice:RecompilerInit:Footer"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:208
msgid ""
"Note: Recompilers are not necessary for PCSX2 to run, however they typically "
"improve emulation speed substantially. You may have to manually re-enable "
"the recompilers listed above, if you resolve the errors."
msgstr ""
"Attention : le recompiler n'est pas indispensable au fonctionnement de "
"l'émulateur, il permet néanmoins d'améliorer sensisblement les performances "
@ -74,7 +94,10 @@ msgstr ""
"recompiler, vous devrez le réactiver manuellement."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:546
msgid "!Notice:BiosDumpRequired"
msgid ""
"PCSX2 requires a PS2 BIOS in order to run. For legal reasons, you *must* "
"obtain a BIOS from an actual PS2 unit that you own (borrowing doesn't "
"count). Please consult the FAQs and Guides for further instructions."
msgstr ""
" \n"
@ -85,15 +108,24 @@ msgstr ""
"Veuillez consulter la FAQ ou les guides disponibles pour plus de "
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:629
msgid "!Notice Error:Thread Deadlock Actions"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:626
msgid ""
"'Ignore' to continue waiting for the thread to respond.\n"
"'Cancel' to attempt to cancel the thread.\n"
"'Terminate' to quit PCSX2 immediately.\n"
msgstr ""
"Cliquez sur Ignorer pour attendre jusqu'à ce que le processus réponde.\n"
"Cliquez Annuler pour mettre fin au processus.\n"
"Cliquez sur Terminer pour fermer immédiatement PCSX2."
"Cliquez sur Terminer pour fermer immédiatement PCSX2.\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppUserMode.cpp:57
msgid "!Notice:PortableModeRights"
msgid ""
"Please ensure that these folders are created and that your user account is "
"granted write permissions to them -- or re-run PCSX2 with elevated "
"(administrator) rights, which should grant PCSX2 the ability to create the "
"necessary folders itself. If you do not have elevated rights on this "
"computer, then you will need to switch to User Documents mode (click button "
msgstr ""
"Merci de vous assurer que les dossiers spécifiés sont présents et que votre "
"compte d'utilisateur possède les permissions d'écriture - ou redémarrer "
@ -103,34 +135,48 @@ msgstr ""
"mode User Documents (cliquez sur le bouton ci-dessous)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:181
msgid "!ContextTip:ChangingNTFS"
msgid ""
"NTFS compression can be changed manually at any time by using file "
"properties from Windows Explorer."
msgstr ""
"La compression NTFS peut être modifiée manuellement depuis l'explorateur "
"Windows (clic droit sur le fichier, puis \"Propriétés\")."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:49
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Settings"
msgid ""
"This is the folder where PCSX2 saves your settings, including settings "
"generated by most plugins (some older plugins may not respect this value)."
msgstr ""
"Ce dossier contient les paramètres relatifs à PCSX2, y compris ceux créés "
"par les plugins externes (sauf s'ils sont dépassés techniquement)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:54
msgid "!Panel:Folders:Settings"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:52
msgid ""
"You may optionally specify a location for your PCSX2 settings here. If the "
"location contains existing PCSX2 settings, you will be given the option to "
"import or overwrite them."
msgstr ""
"Vous pouvez spécifier un chemin d'accès pour les paramètres PCSX2. Si un "
"fichier de paramétrage existe déjà dans le dossier choisi, vous aurez la "
"possibilité de les importer ou de les écraser."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:94
msgid "!Wizard:Welcome"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:89
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"This wizard will help guide you through configuring plugins, memory cards, "
"and BIOS. It is recommended if this is your first time installing %s that "
"you view the readme and configuration guide."
msgstr ""
"Cette aide à la configuration vous permettra de paramétrer les plugins, les "
"cartes mémoire et le BIOS. Il est recommandé à tout utilisateur de "
"l'utiliser, mais également de prendre connaissance du Lisez-moi et des "
"guides de configuration traduits dans votre langue (FR : goldeng)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:140
msgid "!Wizard:Bios:Tutorial"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:132
msgid ""
"PCSX2 requires a *legal* copy of the PS2 BIOS in order to run games.\n"
"You cannot use a copy obtained from a friend or the Internet.\n"
"You must dump the BIOS from your *own* Playstation 2 console."
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 nécessite l'utilisation d'une copie LÉGALE d'un BIOS PS2 pour que "
"l'émulation des jeux fonctionne.\n"
@ -139,7 +185,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Vous devez faire un dump du BIOS de VOTRE console Playstation 2."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/ImportSettingsDialog.cpp:31
msgid "!Notice:ImportExistingSettings"
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Existing %s settings have been found in the configured settings folder. "
"Would you like to import these settings or overwrite them with %s default "
"(or press Cancel to select a different settings folder)"
msgstr ""
"Un historique de paramètres PCSX2 a été trouvé dans le dossier de "
"configuration. Voulez-vous que le logiciel importe ces données ou les "
@ -148,13 +200,18 @@ msgstr ""
"(ou appuyez sur le bouton Annuler pour modifier le dossier d'installation)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:30
msgid "!Panel:Mcd:NtfsCompress"
msgid ""
"NTFS compression is built-in, fast, and completely reliable; and typically "
"compresses memory cards very well (this option is highly recommended)."
msgstr ""
"La compression NTFS est sûre et rapide : c'est le format le plus adapté pour "
"les cartes mémoires !"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:41
msgid "!Panel:Mcd:EnableEjection"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:39
msgid ""
"Avoids memory card corruption by forcing games to re-index card contents "
"after loading from savestates. May not be compatible with all games (Guitar "
msgstr ""
"Permet d'éviter d'endommager la carte mémoire (fichiers corrompus) en "
"obligeant les jeux à ré-indexer le contenu présent sur la carte.\n"
@ -162,21 +219,31 @@ msgstr ""
"exemple) !"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/StuckThreadDialog.cpp:33
msgid "!Panel:StuckThread:Heading"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The thread '%s' is not responding. It could be deadlocked, or it might just "
"be running *really* slowly."
msgstr ""
"Le processus '%s' ne répond pas. Il est peut-être bloqué ou s'exécute d'une "
"manière anormalement lente."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:38
msgid "!Panel:HasHacksOverrides"
msgid ""
"Warning! You are running PCSX2 with command line options that override your "
"configured settings. These command line options will not be reflected in "
"the Settings dialog, and will be disabled if you apply any changes here."
msgstr ""
"Attention ! Les lignes de commande se substituent aux paramètres établis.\n"
"Ces commandes ne sont pas disponibles dans la fenêtre de configuration des "
"paramètres habituels, \n"
"et seront désactivées si vous cliquez sur le bouton Appliquer."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:58
msgid "!Panel:HasPluginsOverrides"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:55
msgid ""
"Warning! You are running PCSX2 with command line options that override your "
"configured plugin and/or folder settings. These command line options will "
"not be reflected in the settings dialog, and will be disabled when you apply "
"settings changes here."
msgstr ""
"Attention ! Les lignes de commande se substituent aux paramètres plugins "
@ -184,8 +251,17 @@ msgstr ""
"paramètres habituels, \n"
"et seront désactivées si vous cliquez sur le bouton Appliquer."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:135
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Slider"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:129
msgid ""
"The Presets apply speed hacks, some recompiler options and some game fixes "
"known to boost speed.\n"
"Known important game fixes will be applied automatically.\n"
"Presets info:\n"
"1 - The most accurate emulation but also the slowest.\n"
"3 --> Tries to balance speed with compatibility.\n"
"4 - Some more aggressive hacks.\n"
"6 - Too many hacks which will probably slow down most games.\n"
msgstr ""
"Les préréglages appliquent des speedhacks, des options spécifiques du "
"recompiler et des patchs spécifiques à certains jeux afin d'en améliorer les "
@ -198,10 +274,15 @@ msgstr ""
"3 --> Une tentative d'équilibre entre compatibilité et performances.\n"
"4 - Utilisation de certains speedhacks.\n"
"5 - Utilisation d'un si grand nombre de speedhacks que les performances s'en "
"ressentiront sûrement."
"ressentiront sûrement.\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:149
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Checkbox"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:136
msgid ""
"The Presets apply speed hacks, some recompiler options and some game fixes "
"known to boost speed.\n"
"Known important game fixes will be applied automatically.\n"
"--> Uncheck to modify settings manually (with current preset as base)"
msgstr ""
"Les préréglages appliquent des speedhacks, des options spécifiques du "
"recompiler et des patchs particuliers à certains jeux afin d'en améliorer "
@ -211,14 +292,24 @@ msgstr ""
"(en utilisant les préréglages actuels comme base)"
#: pcsx2/gui/IsoDropTarget.cpp:28
msgid "!Notice:ConfirmSysReset"
msgid ""
"This action will reset the existing PS2 virtual machine state; all current "
"progress will be lost. Are you sure?"
msgstr ""
"Une telle opération entraînera la réinitialisation complète de la machine "
"virtuelle PS2 : toutes les données en cours seront perdues.\n"
"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir réaliser cette opération ?"
#: pcsx2/gui/MainMenuClicks.cpp:106
msgid "!Notice:DeleteSettings"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"This command clears %s settings and allows you to re-run the First-Time "
"Wizard. You will need to manually restart %s after this operation.\n"
"WARNING!! Click OK to delete *ALL* settings for %s and force-close the app, "
"losing any current emulation progress. Are you absolutely sure?\n"
"(note: settings for plugins are unaffected)"
msgstr ""
"Cette opération vise à supprimer les paramètres de %s et à relancer "
"l'assistant de première configuration. \n"
@ -232,7 +323,11 @@ msgstr ""
"PS. Les paramètres des plugins individuels ne seront pas affectés."
#: pcsx2/gui/MemoryCardFile.cpp:78
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:HasBeenDisabled"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The PS2-slot %d has been automatically disabled. You can correct the "
"and re-enable it at any time using Config:Memory cards from the main menu."
msgstr ""
"La carte mémoire présente dans le lecteur %d a été automatiquement "
"désactivée. Vous pouvez corriger ce problème\n"
@ -240,37 +335,51 @@ msgstr ""
"Cartes mémoire)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/BiosSelectorPanel.cpp:138
msgid "!Notice:BIOS:InvalidSelection"
msgid ""
"Please select a valid BIOS. If you are unable to make a valid selection "
"then press Cancel to close the Configuration panel."
msgstr ""
"Veuillez choisir un BIOS valide. Si vous ne possédez pas un tel fichier, "
"cliquez sur Annuler pour fermer le panneau de configuration."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:111
msgid "!Panel:EE/IOP:Heading"
msgid "Notice: Most games are fine with the default options. "
msgstr ""
"Rappel : La plupart des jeux fonctionneront correctement à l'aide du "
"paramétrage par défaut."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:178
msgid "!Panel:VUs:Heading"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:177
msgid "Notice: Most games are fine with the default options."
msgstr ""
"Rappel : La plupart des jeux fonctionneront correctement à l'aide du "
"paramétrage par défaut."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:69
msgid "!Notice:DirPicker:CreatePath"
msgid ""
"The specified path/directory does not exist. Would you like to create it?"
msgstr ""
"Le chemin d'accès ou le dossier spécifiés n'existent pas. Voulez-vous le "
"créer ?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:158
msgid "!ContextTip:DirPicker:UseDefault"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:157
msgid ""
"When checked this folder will automatically reflect the default associated "
"with PCSX2's current usermode setting. "
msgstr ""
"Erreur ! Impossible de copier la carte mémoire dans le lecteur %u. Ce "
"dernier est en cours d'utilisation."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:55
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Zoom"
msgid ""
"Zoom = 100: Fit the entire image to the window without any cropping.\n"
"Above/Below 100: Zoom In/Out\n"
"0: Automatic-Zoom-In untill the black-bars are gone (Aspect ratio is kept, "
"some of the image goes out of screen).\n"
" NOTE: Some games draw their own black-bars, which will not be removed with "
"Keyboard: CTRL + NUMPAD-PLUS: Zoom-In, CTRL + NUMPAD-MINUS: Zoom-Out, CTRL + "
"NUMPAD-*: Toggle 100/0"
msgstr ""
"Zoom = 100 : les éléments graphiques occupent tout l'écran.\n"
"+/- 100 : augmente ou réduit le zoom.\n"
@ -282,8 +391,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Raccourcis clavier : CTRL + Plus (augmente le zoom) ; CTRL + Moins (diminue "
"le zoom) ; CTRL + * (intevertit les valeurs 100 et 0)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:63
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Vsync"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:58
msgid ""
"Vsync eliminates screen tearing but typically has a big performance hit. It "
"usually only applies to fullscreen mode, and may not work with all GS "
msgstr ""
"La synchronisation verticale permet d'éliminer les secousses (tremblements) "
"de l'écran, mais occasionne également des pertes en termes de performances. "
@ -291,8 +403,14 @@ msgstr ""
"Attention : Certains plugins vidéo ne fonctionnent pas avec cette option !"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:68
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:ManagedVsync"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:61
msgid ""
"Enables Vsync when the framerate is exactly at full speed. Should it fall "
"below that, Vsync gets disabled to avoid further performance penalties. "
"Note: This currently only works well with GSdx as GS plugin and with it "
"configured to use DX10/11 hardware rendering. Any other plugin or rendering "
"mode will either ignore it or produce a black frame that blinks whenever the "
"mode switches. It also requires Vsync to be enabled."
msgstr ""
"Active la Vsync (synchronisation verticale) lorsque la framerate atteint sa "
"vitesse maximum. Si cette dernière venait à diminuer, la Vsync se "
@ -304,8 +422,11 @@ msgstr ""
"graphiques du jeu.\n"
"De plus, cette option nécessite que la Vsync soit activée sur votre PC."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:76
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideMouse"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:64
msgid ""
"Check this to force the mouse cursor invisible inside the GS window; useful "
"if using the mouse as a primary control device for gaming. By default the "
"mouse auto-hides after 2 seconds of inactivity."
msgstr ""
"Cochez cette case pour obliger le curseur de la souris à ne pas apparaître "
"dans la fenêtre de jeu.\n"
@ -314,30 +435,43 @@ msgstr ""
"Par défaut, le curseur s'efface automatiquement après deux secondes "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:82
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Fullscreen"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:67
msgid ""
"Enables automatic mode switch to fullscreen when starting or resuming "
"emulation. You can still toggle fullscreen display at any time using alt-"
msgstr ""
"Lorsque cette option est activée, le jeu se lance automatiquement en mode "
"plein-écran (au démarrage ou après une pause).\n"
"Vous pouvez néanmoins modifier le mode d'affichage en jeu grâce à la "
"combinaison de touches ALT + Entrée."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:93
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideGS"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:74
msgid ""
"Completely closes the often large and bulky GS window when pressing ESC or "
"pausing the emulator."
msgstr ""
"Ferme complètement la fenêtre de jeu lorsque la touche ESC ou la fonction "
"Pause est utilisée."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:67
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:EE Timing Hack"
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Digital Devil Saga (Fixes FMV and crashes)\n"
" * SSX (Fixes bad graphics and crashes)\n"
" * Resident Evil: Dead Aim (Causes garbled textures)"
msgstr ""
"Les jeux suivants nécessitent l'utilisation du hack :\n"
"* Shin Mega Tensei : Digital Devil Saga (cinématiques, crashs)\n"
"* SSX (bugs graphiques, crashs)\n"
"* Resident Evil : Dead Aim (textures)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:80
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:OPH Flag hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:76
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Bleach Blade Battler\n"
" * Growlanser II and III\n"
" * Wizardry"
msgstr ""
"Les jeux suivants nécessitent l'utilisation du hack :\n"
"* Bleach : Blade Battlers\n"
@ -345,21 +479,32 @@ msgstr ""
"* Growlanser III : The Dual Darkness\n"
"* Wizardry"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:89
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:DMA Busy hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:81
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Mana Khemia 1 (Going \"off campus\")\n"
msgstr ""
"Les jeu suivant nécessite l'utilisation du hack :\n"
"* Mana Khemia : Alchemists of Al-Revis (sortir du campus)"
"* Mana Khemia : Alchemists of Al-Revis (sortir du campus)\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:96
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:VIF1 FIFO hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:86
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Test Drive Unlimited\n"
" * Transformers"
msgstr ""
"Les jeux suivants nécessitent l'utilisation du hack:\n"
"* Test Drive Unlimited\n"
"* Transformers"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:119
msgid "!Panel:Gamefixes:Compat Warning"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:106
msgid ""
"Gamefixes can work around wrong emulation in some titles. \n"
"They may also cause compatibility or performance issues. \n"
"It's better to enable 'Automatic game fixes' at the main menu instead, and "
"leave this page empty. \n"
"('Automatic' means: selectively use specific tested fixes for specific games)"
msgstr ""
"Les patchs peuvent corriger des problèmes liés à l'émulation de titres "
@ -371,61 +516,86 @@ msgstr ""
"(\"Patchs automatiques\" : utilise uniquement le patch associé au jeu émulé)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:720
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Delete"
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"You are about to delete the formatted memory card '%s'. All data on this "
"card will be lost! Are you absolutely and quite positively sure?"
msgstr ""
"Vous êtes sur le point de supprimer la carte mémoire du lecteur %u. Toutes "
"les données présentes sur la carte seront perdues !\n"
"Êtes-vous sûr de réaliser cette manipulation ?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:758
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:CantDuplicate"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:756
msgid ""
"Failed: Duplicate is only allowed to an empty PS2-Port or to the file system."
msgstr ""
"Erreur : Le port-PS2 concerné est occupé par un autre service, empêchant la "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:801
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Copy Failed"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:798
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Failed: Destination memory card '%s' is in use."
msgstr ""
"Erreur : Impossible de copier la carte mémoire du lecteur %u. Les données "
"concernées sont en cours d'utilisation."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:35
msgid "!Panel:Usermode:Explained"
msgid ""
"Please select your preferred default location for PCSX2 user-level documents "
"below (includes memory cards, screenshots, settings, and savestates). These "
"folder locations can be overridden at any time using the Core Settings panel."
msgstr ""
"Veuillez sélectionner le répertoire par défaut des fichiers utilisateur "
"PCSX2 (cartes mémoire, screenshots, paramètres d'affichage, etc...). Ce "
"réglage pourra être modifié plus tard via le panneau de configuration."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:41
msgid "!Panel:Usermode:Warning"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:38
msgid ""
"You can change the preferred default location for PCSX2 user-level documents "
"here (includes memory cards, screenshots, settings, and savestates). This "
"option only affects Standard Paths which are set to use the installation "
"default value."
msgstr ""
"Vous pouvez modifier le répertoire par défaut du fichier utilisateu PCSX2 "
"(cartes mémoire, paramètres d'affichage, etc...). Cette option prévaut sur "
"tous les autres chemins d'accès spécifiés auparavant."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:40
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Savestates"
msgid ""
"This folder is where PCSX2 records savestates; which are recorded either by "
"using menus/toolbars, or by pressing F1/F3 (save/load)."
msgstr ""
"Ce dossier contient les sauvegardes PCSX2. Vous pouvez enregistrer votre "
"partie en utilisant le menu ou en pressant les touches F1/F3 (sauver/"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:50
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Snapshots"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:48
msgid ""
"This folder is where PCSX2 saves screenshots. Actual screenshot image "
"format and style may vary depending on the GS plugin being used."
msgstr ""
"Ce dossier contient les screenshots que vous avez pris lors de l'émulation "
"d'un jeu via PCSX2. Le format de l'image et sa qualité dépendent grandement "
"du plugin vidéo GS utilisé."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:60
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Logs"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:56
msgid ""
"This folder is where PCSX2 saves its logfiles and diagnostic dumps. Most "
"plugins will also adhere to this folder, however some older plugins may "
"ignore it."
msgstr ""
"Ce dossier contient les rapports de diagnostique. La plupart des plugins "
"utilisent également le dossier ci-dessous pour enregistrer leurs rapports "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:242
msgid "!Notice:PluginSelector:ConfirmShutdown"
msgid ""
"Warning! Changing plugins requires a complete shutdown and reset of the PS2 "
"virtual machine. PCSX2 will attempt to save and restore the state, but if "
"the newly selected plugins are incompatible the recovery may fail, and "
"current progress will be lost.\n"
"Are you sure you want to apply settings now?"
msgstr ""
"Attention ! Il est conseillé de réinitialiser complètement l'émulateur PS2 "
"après avoir remplacé un plugin. PCSX2 va maintenant tenter de réaliser une "
@ -434,85 +604,117 @@ msgstr ""
"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir appliquer ces paramètres ?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:457
msgid "!Notice:PluginSelector:ApplyFailed"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:452
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"All plugins must have valid selections for %s to run. If you are unable to "
"make a valid selection due to missing plugins or an incomplete install of "
"%s, then press Cancel to close the Configuration panel."
msgstr ""
"Votre ordinateur ne dispose pas des ressources nécessaires pour lancer "
"l'émulateur. Essayez de libérer de l'espace-mémoire."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:27
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX1"
msgid ""
"1 - Default cyclerate. This closely matches the actual speed of a real PS2 "
msgstr ""
"1 - Cyclerate par défaut : la vitesse d'émulation est équivalente à celle "
"d'une véritable console Playstation 2."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:32
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX2"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:31
msgid ""
"2 - Reduces the EE's cyclerate by about 33%. Mild speedup for most games "
"with high compatibility."
msgstr ""
"2 - Diminue l'EE Cyclerate d'envion 33% : amélioration sensible des "
"performances et compatibilité élevée."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX3"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:35
msgid ""
"3 - Reduces the EE's cyclerate by about 50%. Moderate speedup, but *will* "
"cause stuttering audio on many FMVs."
msgstr ""
"3 - Diminue l'EE Cyclerate d'environ 50% : amélioration modérée des "
"performances, mais le son de certaines cinématiques sera insupportable."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:54
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealOff"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:50
msgid "0 - Disables VU Cycle Stealing. Most compatible setting!"
msgstr ""
"0 - Désactive le VU Cycle Stealing : compatibilité maximale, évidemment !"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:59
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal1"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:54
msgid ""
"1 - Mild VU Cycle Stealing. Lower compatibility, but some speedup for most "
msgstr ""
"1 - VU Cycle Stealing léger : faible compatibilité mais une amélioration "
"sensible des performances pour certains jeux."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:64
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal2"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:58
msgid ""
"2 - Moderate VU Cycle Stealing. Even lower compatibility, but significant "
"speedups in some games."
msgstr ""
"2 - VU Cycle Stealing modéré : très faible compatibilité, mais une "
"amélioration significative des performances pour certains jeux."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:70
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal3"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:63
msgid ""
"3 - Maximum VU Cycle Stealing. Usefulness is limited, as this will cause "
"flickering visuals or slowdown in most games."
msgstr ""
"3 - VU Cycle Stealing maximal : relativement inutile puisqu'il engendre des "
"ralentissements et des bugs graphiques dans la plupart des jeux."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:97
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:Overview"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:88
msgid ""
"Speedhacks usually improve emulation speed, but can cause glitches, broken "
"audio, and false FPS readings. When having emulation problems, disable this "
"panel first."
msgstr ""
"Les speedhacks améliorent généralement les performances mais peuvent "
"également générer des bugs, empêcher l'émulation du son et fausser la mesure "
"des FPS. Si vous rencontrez des soucis lors de l'émulation d'un jeu, cette "
"option est la première à désactiver."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:129
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:EECycleRate Slider"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:118
msgid ""
"Setting higher values on this slider effectively reduces the clock speed of "
"the EmotionEngine's R5900 core cpu, and typically brings big speedups to "
"games that fail to utilize the full potential of the real PS2 hardware."
msgstr ""
"Les valeurs définissent la vitesse de l'horlogue du CPU core R5900 de "
"l'EmotionEngine, et entraînent une amélioration des performances conséquente "
"pour les jeux incapables d'utiliser tout le potentiel des composants de la "
"Playstation 2."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:150
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealing Slider"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:136
msgid ""
"This slider controls the amount of cycles the VU unit steals from the "
"EmotionEngine. Higher values increase the number of cycles stolen from the "
"EE for each VU microprogram the game runs."
msgstr ""
"Les valeurs définissent le nombre de cycles que le Vector Unit \"emprunte\" "
"au système EmotionEngine. Une valeur élevée augmente le nombre emprunté à "
"l'EE pour chaque microprogramme VU que le jeu utilise."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:169
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:153
msgid ""
"Updates Status Flags only on blocks which will read them, instead of all the "
"time. This is safe most of the time, and Super VU does something similar by "
msgstr ""
"Met à jour les Status Flags uniquement pour les blocs qui les liront, plutôt "
"qu'ils ne soient lus en permanence. Cette option n'occasionne aucun problème "
"en général, et le Super VU fait la même chose par défaut."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:174
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuThread"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:156
msgid ""
"Runs VU1 on its own thread (microVU1-only). Generally a speedup on CPUs with "
"3 or more cores. This is safe for most games, but a few games are "
"incompatible and may hang. In the case of GS limited games, it may be a "
"slowdown (especially on dual core CPUs)."
msgstr ""
"Transfère le VU 1 dans un processus individuel (microVU1 seulement). En "
"général, cela permet une amélioration des performances sur les processeurs 3 "
@ -522,46 +724,69 @@ msgstr ""
"De plus, les processeurs dual-core souffriront de ralentissements "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:195
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:174
msgid ""
"This hack works best for games that use the INTC Status register to wait for "
"vsyncs, which includes primarily non-3D RPG titles. Games that do not use "
"this method of vsync will see little or no speedup from this hack."
msgstr ""
"Ce hack fonctionne mieux avec les jeux utilisant le registre INTC Status "
"dans l'attente d'une synchronisation verticale, notamment dans les RPG en "
"2D. Les jeux qui n'utilisent pas cette méthode connaîtront une légère "
"amélioration des performances."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:200
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:177
msgid ""
"Primarily targetting the EE idle loop at address 0x81FC0 in the kernel, this "
"hack attempts to detect loops whose bodies are guaranteed to result in the "
"same machine state for every iteration until a scheduled event triggers "
"emulation of another unit. After a single iteration of such loops, we "
"advance to the time of the next event or the end of the processor's "
"timeslice, whichever comes first."
msgstr "Vise surtout l'EE idle loop à l'adresse 0x81FC0 du kernel."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:207
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:180
msgid ""
"Check HDLoader compatibility lists for known games that have issues with "
"this. (Often marked as needing 'mode 1' or 'slow DVD'"
msgstr ""
"Vérifie les listes de compatibilité du HDLoader pour les jeux qui "
"rencontrent habituellement des problèmes avec lui (le plus souvent, "
"repérables par l'indication \"mode 1\" ou \"slow DVD\")."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!ContextTip:Framelimiter:Disable"
msgid ""
"Note that when Framelimiting is disabled, Turbo and SlowMotion modes will "
"not be available either."
msgstr ""
"Si le Famelimiting est désactivé, les modes Turbo et Slow Motion ne seront "
"plus disponibles."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:227
msgid "!Panel:Frameskip:Heading"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:225
msgid ""
"Notice: Due to PS2 hardware design, precise frame skipping is impossible. "
"Enabling it will cause severe graphical errors in some games."
msgstr ""
"Attention : L'hardware de la PS2 rend impossible un saut de frames cohérent. "
"L'activation de cette option pourrait entraîner des bugs graphiques "
"conséquents dans certains jeux."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302
msgid ""
"Enable this if you think MTGS thread sync is causing crashes or graphical "
msgstr ""
"Activez cette option si vous pensez que le processus SyncMTGS cause des bugs "
"graphiques ou crashs récurents."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:310
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:305
msgid ""
"Removes any benchmark noise caused by the MTGS thread or GPU overhead. This "
"option is best used in conjunction with savestates: save a state at an ideal "
"scene, enable this option, and re-load the savestate.\n"
"Warning: This option can be enabled on-the-fly but typically cannot be "
"disabled on-the-fly (video will typically be garbage)."
msgstr ""
"Supprime les problèmes de benchmark liés au processus MTGS ou à une "
"surexploitation du GPU. Cette option est plus efficace losqu'elle est "
@ -572,14 +797,21 @@ msgstr ""
"pause, mais entraînera des bugs graphiques si elle est ensuite désactivée au "
"cours de la même partie."
#: pcsx2/vtlb.cpp:710
msgid "!Notice:HostVmReserve"
#: pcsx2/vtlb.cpp:711
msgid ""
"Your system is too low on virtual resources for PCSX2 to run. This can be "
"caused by having a small or disabled swapfile, or by other programs that are "
"hogging resources."
msgstr ""
"Votre système manque de ressources pour exécuter l'émulateur PCSX2. Cela "
"peut être dû à un autre programme qui occupe trop d'espace-mémoire."
#: pcsx2/x86/sVU_zerorec.cpp:363
msgid "!Notice:superVU:VirtualMemoryAlloc"
msgid ""
"Out of Memory (sorta): The SuperVU recompiler was unable to reserve the "
"specific memory ranges required, and will not be available for use. This is "
"not a critical error, since the sVU rec is obsolete, and you should use "
"microVU instead anyway. :)"
msgstr ""
"Out of Memory (ou presque) : le SuperVU recompiler n'est pas parvu à allouer "
"suffisamment de mémoire virtuelle, ce qui rend impossible son utilisation. "

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.8\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-04-07 11:42+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-08-10 11:44+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-04-17 17:56+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Delirious <delirious@freemail.hu>\n"
"Language-Team: Delirious <delirious@freemail.hu>\n"
@ -19,20 +19,30 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
#: common/src/Utilities/Exceptions.cpp:254
msgid "!Notice:VirtualMemoryMap"
msgid ""
"There is not enough virtual memory available, or necessary virtual memory "
"mappings have already been reserved by other processes, services, or DLLs."
msgstr ""
"Nincs elegendő szabad virtuális memória, vagy a szükséges virtuális memória "
"kiosztás más folyamatok, szolgáltatások vagy DLL-ek számára van fenntartva."
#: pcsx2/CDVD/CDVD.cpp:389
msgid "!Notice:PsxDisc"
msgid ""
"Playstation game discs are not supported by PCSX2. If you want to emulate "
"PSX games then you'll have to download a PSX-specific emulator, such as "
"ePSXe or PCSX."
msgstr ""
"A PlayStation játék lemezeket nem támogatja a PCSX2. Ha PSX játékokat akarsz "
"emulálni, akkor le kell töltened egy PSX emulátort, ilyenek az ePSXe vagy a "
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:114
msgid "!Notice:Recompiler:VirtualMemoryAlloc"
msgid ""
"This recompiler was unable to reserve contiguous memory required for "
"internal caches. This error can be caused by low virtual memory resources, "
"such as a small or disabled swapfile, or by another program that is hogging "
"a lot of memory. You can also try reducing the default cache sizes for all "
"PCSX2 recompilers, found under Host Settings."
msgstr ""
"Ez a recompiler nem tudott folyamatos memóriát lefoglalni, ami szükséges a "
"belső gyorsítótár számára. Ilyen hibát okozhat a nem elegendő virtuális "
@ -41,49 +51,71 @@ msgstr ""
"csökkenteni az alapértelmezett gyorsítótár méretét is minden PCSX2 "
"recomplier számára a Gazdagép beállításai alatt."
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:348
msgid "!Notice:EmuCore::MemoryForVM"
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:344
msgid ""
"PCSX2 is unable to allocate memory needed for the PS2 virtual machine. Close "
"out some memory hogging background tasks and try again."
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 nem képes a szükséges memória lefoglalására a PS2 virtuális gép "
"számára. Zárj be néhány nagy memóriaigényű háttér feladatot és próbáld újra."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:43
msgid "!Notice:Startup:NoSSE2"
msgid ""
"Warning: Your computer does not support SSE2, which is required by many "
"PCSX2 recompilers and plugins. Your options will be limited and emulation "
"will be *very* slow."
msgstr ""
"Figyelem: A számítógép nem támogatja az SSE2 utasításkészletet, ami "
"szükséges a legtöbb PCSX2 recomplier és plugin számára. A lehetőségek "
"korlátozottak, az emuláció pedig *nagyon* lassú lesz."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:162
msgid "!Notice:RecompilerInit:Header"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:160
msgid ""
"Warning: Some of the configured PS2 recompilers failed to initialize and "
"have been disabled:"
msgstr ""
"Figyelem: Néhány beállított PS2 recomplier iniciálása sikertelen és ezért "
"használatuk letiltva:"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:211
msgid "!Notice:RecompilerInit:Footer"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:208
msgid ""
"Note: Recompilers are not necessary for PCSX2 to run, however they typically "
"improve emulation speed substantially. You may have to manually re-enable "
"the recompilers listed above, if you resolve the errors."
msgstr ""
"Megjegyzés: Recompilerek nem szükségesek a PCSX2 futtatásához, azonban "
"lényegesn gyorsítják az emuláció sebességét. Kézileg kell majd újra "
"bekapcsolnod a feljebb listázott recompilereket, ha megoldottad a hibákat."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:546
msgid "!Notice:BiosDumpRequired"
msgid ""
"PCSX2 requires a PS2 BIOS in order to run. For legal reasons, you *must* "
"obtain a BIOS from an actual PS2 unit that you own (borrowing doesn't "
"count). Please consult the FAQs and Guides for further instructions."
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 emulátor működéséhez szükséges egy PS2 BIOS. Jogi okokból a BIOS fájlt "
"egy valódi PS2 egységből *kell* kimentened, olyanból amit birtokolsz "
"(kölcsönözni is lehet). További információk végett ajánlatos megtekinteni az "
"Olvass el fájlt, és átnézni a Beállítási útmutató tartalmát."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:629
msgid "!Notice Error:Thread Deadlock Actions"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:626
msgid ""
"'Ignore' to continue waiting for the thread to respond.\n"
"'Cancel' to attempt to cancel the thread.\n"
"'Terminate' to quit PCSX2 immediately.\n"
msgstr ""
"'Kihagyás' tovább várakozás az folyamat válaszára.\n"
"'Mégsem' kísérlet a folyamat leállítására.\n"
"'Megszakítás' kilépés a PCSX2 emulátorból azonnal."
"'Megszakítás' kilépés a PCSX2 emulátorból azonnal.\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppUserMode.cpp:57
msgid "!Notice:PortableModeRights"
msgid ""
"Please ensure that these folders are created and that your user account is "
"granted write permissions to them -- or re-run PCSX2 with elevated "
"(administrator) rights, which should grant PCSX2 the ability to create the "
"necessary folders itself. If you do not have elevated rights on this "
"computer, then you will need to switch to User Documents mode (click button "
msgstr ""
"Győződj meg róla, hogy ezek a mappák létre vannak hozva és rendelkezel a "
"szükséges írási jogosultsággal hozzájuk -- vagy indítsd újra a PCSX2 "
@ -93,34 +125,48 @@ msgstr ""
"váltanod a Felhasználói dokumentumok módra (kattints a lenti gombra)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:181
msgid "!ContextTip:ChangingNTFS"
msgid ""
"NTFS compression can be changed manually at any time by using file "
"properties from Windows Explorer."
msgstr ""
"NTFS tömörítés használata kézileg bármikor átállítható a fájl "
"tulajdonságoknál a Windows intézőből."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:49
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Settings"
msgid ""
"This is the folder where PCSX2 saves your settings, including settings "
"generated by most plugins (some older plugins may not respect this value)."
msgstr ""
"Ebbe a mappába menti a PCSX2 a beállításokat, beleértve a legtöbb plugin "
"által létrehozott beállításokat (néhány régebbi plugin nem veszi figyelembe "
"ezt az értéket)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:54
msgid "!Panel:Folders:Settings"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:52
msgid ""
"You may optionally specify a location for your PCSX2 settings here. If the "
"location contains existing PCSX2 settings, you will be given the option to "
"import or overwrite them."
msgstr ""
"Megadhatsz egy választható helyet a PCSX2 beállítások számára itt. Ha ott "
"lesznek PCSX2 beállítások, akkor az importálási vagy felülírási lehetőségek "
"lesznek felkínálva."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:94
msgid "!Wizard:Welcome"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:89
#, c-format
msgid ""
"This wizard will help guide you through configuring plugins, memory cards, "
"and BIOS. It is recommended if this is your first time installing %s that "
"you view the readme and configuration guide."
msgstr ""
"Ez a varázsló segít a pluginok, memória kártyák és a BIOS beállításaiban. Ha "
"először telepíted a %s emulátort, akkor ajánlatos megtekinteni az Olvass el "
"fájlt, és átnézni a Beállítási útmutató tartalmát."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:140
msgid "!Wizard:Bios:Tutorial"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:132
msgid ""
"PCSX2 requires a *legal* copy of the PS2 BIOS in order to run games.\n"
"You cannot use a copy obtained from a friend or the Internet.\n"
"You must dump the BIOS from your *own* Playstation 2 console."
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 emulátor számára szükséges egy *legális* PS2 BIOS másolat a játékok "
@ -128,7 +174,13 @@ msgstr ""
"A BIOS fájlt a *saját* PlayStation 2 konzolodból kell kimentened."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/ImportSettingsDialog.cpp:31
msgid "!Notice:ImportExistingSettings"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Existing %s settings have been found in the configured settings folder. "
"Would you like to import these settings or overwrite them with %s default "
"(or press Cancel to select a different settings folder)"
msgstr ""
"Meglévő %s beállítások találhatóak a konfigurált beállítások mappában. "
"Szeretnéd importálni ezeket a beállításokat vagy felülírni azokat a %s "
@ -137,34 +189,49 @@ msgstr ""
"(vagy nyomd le a Mégsem gombot egy másik beállítási mappa választásához)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:30
msgid "!Panel:Mcd:NtfsCompress"
msgid ""
"NTFS compression is built-in, fast, and completely reliable; and typically "
"compresses memory cards very well (this option is highly recommended)."
msgstr ""
"Az NTFS tömörítés beépített, gyors és teljesen megbízható; és meglehetősen "
"jól tömöríti a memória kártyákat (ez az opció erősen ajánlott)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:41
msgid "!Panel:Mcd:EnableEjection"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:39
msgid ""
"Avoids memory card corruption by forcing games to re-index card contents "
"after loading from savestates. May not be compatible with all games (Guitar "
msgstr ""
"Memória kártya sérülés elkerülése végett a játékok a kártya tartalom újra "
"indexelésére vannak kényszerítve állásmentés betöltését követően. Nem minden "
"játékkal kompatibilis (Guitar Hero)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/StuckThreadDialog.cpp:33
msgid "!Panel:StuckThread:Heading"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The thread '%s' is not responding. It could be deadlocked, or it might just "
"be running *really* slowly."
msgstr ""
"'%s' folyamatág nem válaszol. Holtponton van vagy egyszerűen csak "
"*rendkívül* lassan fut."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:38
msgid "!Panel:HasHacksOverrides"
msgid ""
"Warning! You are running PCSX2 with command line options that override your "
"configured settings. These command line options will not be reflected in "
"the Settings dialog, and will be disabled if you apply any changes here."
msgstr ""
"Figyelem! A PCSX2 emulátort parancssori beállításokkal használod és ez "
"felülbírálja az eddigi beállításaidat. Ezek a parancssori beállítások nem "
"fognak megjelenni a Beállítások párbeszédablakban, és ki lesznek kapcsolva, "
"ha valamelyik változtatást elfogadod itt."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:58
msgid "!Panel:HasPluginsOverrides"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:55
msgid ""
"Warning! You are running PCSX2 with command line options that override your "
"configured plugin and/or folder settings. These command line options will "
"not be reflected in the settings dialog, and will be disabled when you apply "
"settings changes here."
msgstr ""
"Figyelem! A PCSX2 emulátort parancssori beállításokkal használod és ez "
"felülbírálja az eddigi plugin vagy/és mappa beállításaidat. Ezek a "
@ -172,8 +239,17 @@ msgstr ""
"párbeszédablakban, és ki lesznek kapcsolva, ha valamelyik változtatást "
"elfogadod itt."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:135
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Slider"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:129
msgid ""
"The Presets apply speed hacks, some recompiler options and some game fixes "
"known to boost speed.\n"
"Known important game fixes will be applied automatically.\n"
"Presets info:\n"
"1 - The most accurate emulation but also the slowest.\n"
"3 --> Tries to balance speed with compatibility.\n"
"4 - Some more aggressive hacks.\n"
"6 - Too many hacks which will probably slow down most games.\n"
msgstr ""
"A Beállítás alkalmazza a sebesség hackeket, néhány recomplier opció és "
"néhány játék javítás jelentősen növeli a sebességet.\n"
@ -183,10 +259,15 @@ msgstr ""
"1 - A legpontosabb emuláció és ugyanakkor a leglassabb is.\n"
"3 --> Megpróbálja a sebességet a kompatibilitással egyensúlyban tartani.\n"
"4 - Néhány még agresszívebb hack.\n"
"6 - Túl sok hack, melyek valószínűleg a legtöbb játékot lassítják."
"6 - Túl sok hack, melyek valószínűleg a legtöbb játékot lassítják.\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:149
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Checkbox"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:136
msgid ""
"The Presets apply speed hacks, some recompiler options and some game fixes "
"known to boost speed.\n"
"Known important game fixes will be applied automatically.\n"
"--> Uncheck to modify settings manually (with current preset as base)"
msgstr ""
"A Beállítás alkalmazza a sebesség hackeket, néhány recomplier opció és "
"néhány játék javítás jelentősen növeli a sebességet.\n"
@ -196,13 +277,23 @@ msgstr ""
"beállítást alapul véve)"
#: pcsx2/gui/IsoDropTarget.cpp:28
msgid "!Notice:ConfirmSysReset"
msgid ""
"This action will reset the existing PS2 virtual machine state; all current "
"progress will be lost. Are you sure?"
msgstr ""
"Ez a művelet alapra állítja a meglévő PS2 virtuális gép állapotát; minden "
"eddigi adat el fog veszni. Biztosan akarod?"
#: pcsx2/gui/MainMenuClicks.cpp:106
msgid "!Notice:DeleteSettings"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"This command clears %s settings and allows you to re-run the First-Time "
"Wizard. You will need to manually restart %s after this operation.\n"
"WARNING!! Click OK to delete *ALL* settings for %s and force-close the app, "
"losing any current emulation progress. Are you absolutely sure?\n"
"(note: settings for plugins are unaffected)"
msgstr ""
"Ez a parancs törli a %s beállításait és vissza enged térni az első "
"indításkori varázslóhoz. A %s kézi újraindítására van szükség a művelet "
@ -215,7 +306,11 @@ msgstr ""
"(megjegyzés: nincs hatással a plugin beállításokkal)"
#: pcsx2/gui/MemoryCardFile.cpp:78
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:HasBeenDisabled"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The PS2-slot %d has been automatically disabled. You can correct the "
"and re-enable it at any time using Config:Memory cards from the main menu."
msgstr ""
"A PS2 %d. memória kártya csatlakozója automatikusan ki van kapcsolva. "
"Javíthatod a problémát\n"
@ -223,48 +318,71 @@ msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/BiosSelectorPanel.cpp:138
msgid "!Notice:BIOS:InvalidSelection"
msgid ""
"Please select a valid BIOS. If you are unable to make a valid selection "
"then press Cancel to close the Configuration panel."
msgstr ""
"Válassz egy érvényes BIOS fájlt. Ha nem áll rendelkezésre megfelelő fájl, "
"akkor nyomj Mégsem gombot a beállítás panel bezárásához."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:111
msgid "!Panel:EE/IOP:Heading"
msgid "Notice: Most games are fine with the default options. "
msgstr ""
"Megjegyzés: A legtöbb játéknak megfelelőek az alapértelmezett beállítások. "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:178
msgid "!Panel:VUs:Heading"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:177
msgid "Notice: Most games are fine with the default options."
msgstr ""
"Megjegyzés: A legtöbb játéknak megfelelőek az alapértelmezett beállítások. "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:69
msgid "!Notice:DirPicker:CreatePath"
msgid ""
"The specified path/directory does not exist. Would you like to create it?"
msgstr "A megadott hely/könyvtár nincs meg. Szeretnéd létrehozni?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:158
msgid "!ContextTip:DirPicker:UseDefault"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:157
msgid ""
"When checked this folder will automatically reflect the default associated "
"with PCSX2's current usermode setting. "
msgstr ""
"Kijelöléskor ez a mappa automatikusan megmutatja a PCSX2 jelenlegi "
"felhasználói mód beállítás társítását."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:55
#, fuzzy
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Zoom"
msgid ""
"Zoom = 100: Fit the entire image to the window without any cropping.\n"
"Above/Below 100: Zoom In/Out\n"
"0: Automatic-Zoom-In untill the black-bars are gone (Aspect ratio is kept, "
"some of the image goes out of screen).\n"
" NOTE: Some games draw their own black-bars, which will not be removed with "
"Keyboard: CTRL + NUMPAD-PLUS: Zoom-In, CTRL + NUMPAD-MINUS: Zoom-Out, CTRL + "
"NUMPAD-*: Toggle 100/0"
msgstr ""
"A függőleges szinkron (Vsync) csökkenti a kép töredezettséget, de nagy "
"hatással van a teljesítményre is. Általában csak teljes képernyős módban "
"használatos és nem minden GS plugin esetén működik."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:63
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Vsync"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:58
msgid ""
"Vsync eliminates screen tearing but typically has a big performance hit. It "
"usually only applies to fullscreen mode, and may not work with all GS "
msgstr ""
"A függőleges szinkron (Vsync) csökkenti a kép töredezettséget, de nagy "
"hatással van a teljesítményre is. Általában csak teljes képernyős módban "
"használatos és nem minden GS plugin esetén működik."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:68
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:ManagedVsync"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:61
msgid ""
"Enables Vsync when the framerate is exactly at full speed. Should it fall "
"below that, Vsync gets disabled to avoid further performance penalties. "
"Note: This currently only works well with GSdx as GS plugin and with it "
"configured to use DX10/11 hardware rendering. Any other plugin or rendering "
"mode will either ignore it or produce a black frame that blinks whenever the "
"mode switches. It also requires Vsync to be enabled."
msgstr ""
"A függőleges szinkron (Vsync) csak akkor van használatban, amikor a "
"képfrissítés teljes sebességen van. Ha az alá esik, akkor a Vsync kikapcsol "
@ -275,60 +393,87 @@ msgstr ""
"hoz létre minden módváltásnál. Szükséges még, hogy a Vsync be legyen "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:76
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideMouse"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:64
msgid ""
"Check this to force the mouse cursor invisible inside the GS window; useful "
"if using the mouse as a primary control device for gaming. By default the "
"mouse auto-hides after 2 seconds of inactivity."
msgstr ""
"Legyen kijelölve ez annak érdekében, hogy az egérmutató ne látszódjon a GS "
"ablakban; hasznos ha egeret használsz elsődleges irányítóként a játékokhoz. "
"Alapértelmezettként a mutató automatikusan eltűnik két másodperc tétlenség "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:82
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Fullscreen"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:67
msgid ""
"Enables automatic mode switch to fullscreen when starting or resuming "
"emulation. You can still toggle fullscreen display at any time using alt-"
msgstr ""
"Bekapcsolja az automatikus teljes nézetre váltást emuláció indításakor vagy "
"folytatásakor. Ettől bármikor válthatsz teljes nézetre és vissza az ALT + "
"ENTER kombinációval."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:93
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideGS"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:74
msgid ""
"Completely closes the often large and bulky GS window when pressing ESC or "
"pausing the emulator."
msgstr ""
"Teljesen bezárja a gyakran nagy és terjedelmes GS ablakot az ESC billentyű "
"lenyomásakor vagy az emulátor szüneteltetésekor."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:67
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:EE Timing Hack"
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Digital Devil Saga (Fixes FMV and crashes)\n"
" * SSX (Fixes bad graphics and crashes)\n"
" * Resident Evil: Dead Aim (Causes garbled textures)"
msgstr ""
"A következő játékokra ismert a hatása:\n"
" * Digital Devil Saga (FMV és fagyás javítások)\n"
" * SSX (Rossz grafika és fagyás javítások)\n"
" * Resident Evil: Dead Aim (Elferdített textúrákat okoz)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:80
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:OPH Flag hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:76
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Bleach Blade Battler\n"
" * Growlanser II and III\n"
" * Wizardry"
msgstr ""
"A következő játékokra ismert a hatása:\n"
" * Bleach Blade Battler\n"
" * Growlanser II és III\n"
" * Wizardry"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:89
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:DMA Busy hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:81
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Mana Khemia 1 (Going \"off campus\")\n"
msgstr ""
"A következő játékokra ismert a hatása:\n"
" * Mana Khemia 1 (\"off campus\" esetén)"
" * Mana Khemia 1 (\"off campus\" esetén)\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:96
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:86
#, fuzzy
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:VIF1 FIFO hack"
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Test Drive Unlimited\n"
" * Transformers"
msgstr ""
"A következő játékokra ismert a hatása:\n"
" * Bleach Blade Battler\n"
" * Growlanser II és III\n"
" * Wizardry"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:119
msgid "!Panel:Gamefixes:Compat Warning"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:106
msgid ""
"Gamefixes can work around wrong emulation in some titles. \n"
"They may also cause compatibility or performance issues. \n"
"It's better to enable 'Automatic game fixes' at the main menu instead, and "
"leave this page empty. \n"
"('Automatic' means: selectively use specific tested fixes for specific games)"
msgstr ""
"A játék javítások megoldások lehetnek a hibás emulációra néhány játék "
"esetében. \n"
@ -338,30 +483,42 @@ msgstr ""
"beállítanod itt."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:720
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Delete"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"You are about to delete the formatted memory card '%s'. All data on this "
"card will be lost! Are you absolutely and quite positively sure?"
msgstr ""
"Éppen törölni szándékozod a(z) '%s' nevű formázott memória kártyát. Minden a "
"kártyán lévő adat el fog veszni! Teljesen és egészen biztos vagy a dologban?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:758
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:CantDuplicate"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:756
msgid ""
"Failed: Duplicate is only allowed to an empty PS2-Port or to the file system."
msgstr ""
"Hiba: Másolás csak egy üres PS2 portra vagy a fájlrendszerbe engedélyezett."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:801
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Copy Failed"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:798
#, c-format
msgid "Failed: Destination memory card '%s' is in use."
msgstr "Hiba: A(z) '%s' nevű memória kártya használatban van."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:35
msgid "!Panel:Usermode:Explained"
msgid ""
"Please select your preferred default location for PCSX2 user-level documents "
"below (includes memory cards, screenshots, settings, and savestates). These "
"folder locations can be overridden at any time using the Core Settings panel."
msgstr ""
"Add meg az általad kedvelt alapértelmezett helyet a PCSX2 felhasználói "
"szintű dokumentumaihoz (beleértve a memória kártyákat, pillanatképeket, "
"beállításokat és állásmentéseket). Ezek a mappák bármikor "
"megváltoztathatóak a Központi beállítások panelen."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:41
msgid "!Panel:Usermode:Warning"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:38
msgid ""
"You can change the preferred default location for PCSX2 user-level documents "
"here (includes memory cards, screenshots, settings, and savestates). This "
"option only affects Standard Paths which are set to use the installation "
"default value."
msgstr ""
"Megváltoztathatod az általad kedvelt alapértelmezett helyet a PCSX2 "
"felhasználói szintű dokumentumaihoz itt (beleértve a memória kártyákat, "
@ -370,27 +527,40 @@ msgstr ""
"használatára van állítva."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:40
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Savestates"
msgid ""
"This folder is where PCSX2 records savestates; which are recorded either by "
"using menus/toolbars, or by pressing F1/F3 (save/load)."
msgstr ""
"Ebben a mappában tárolja a PCSX2 az állásmentéseket; ezek elmenthetőek vagy "
"a menük/eszköztárak használatával, vagy az F1/F3 lenyomásával (mentés/"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:50
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Snapshots"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:48
msgid ""
"This folder is where PCSX2 saves screenshots. Actual screenshot image "
"format and style may vary depending on the GS plugin being used."
msgstr ""
"Ebbe a mappába menti a PCSX2 a pillanatképeket. Az aktuális pillanatkép "
"formátum és stílus nagymértékben függ a használatban lévő GS plugintól."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:60
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Logs"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:56
msgid ""
"This folder is where PCSX2 saves its logfiles and diagnostic dumps. Most "
"plugins will also adhere to this folder, however some older plugins may "
"ignore it."
msgstr ""
"Ebbe a mappába menti a PCSX2 a naplófájlokat és a diagnosztikai "
"eredményeket. A legtöbb plugin ehhez a mappához ragaszkodik, azonban néhány "
"régebbi plugin nem ismeri fel."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:242
msgid "!Notice:PluginSelector:ConfirmShutdown"
msgid ""
"Warning! Changing plugins requires a complete shutdown and reset of the PS2 "
"virtual machine. PCSX2 will attempt to save and restore the state, but if "
"the newly selected plugins are incompatible the recovery may fail, and "
"current progress will be lost.\n"
"Are you sure you want to apply settings now?"
msgstr ""
"Figyelem! Pluginok váltása esetén a PS2 virtuális gép teljes leállítására "
"és alapra állítására van szükség. A PCSX2 megkísérli menteni és "
@ -400,8 +570,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Biztosan alkalmazod mégis a beállításokat most?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:457
msgid "!Notice:PluginSelector:ApplyFailed"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:452
#, c-format
msgid ""
"All plugins must have valid selections for %s to run. If you are unable to "
"make a valid selection due to missing plugins or an incomplete install of "
"%s, then press Cancel to close the Configuration panel."
msgstr ""
"Minden helyen szerepelnie kell kiválasztott pluginnak a %s működéséhez. Ha "
"valamelyik nem áll rendelkezésre, mert plugin hiányzik vagy a %s telepítése "
@ -409,82 +583,113 @@ msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:27
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX1"
msgid ""
"1 - Default cyclerate. This closely matches the actual speed of a real PS2 "
msgstr ""
"1 - Alapértelmezett ciklusszám. Ez megközelítőleg hasonlít a valódi PS2 "
"EmotionEngine tényleges sebességéhez."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:32
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX2"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:31
msgid ""
"2 - Reduces the EE's cyclerate by about 33%. Mild speedup for most games "
"with high compatibility."
msgstr ""
"2 - 33 %-kal csökkenti az EE ciklusszámát. Enyhe sebesség növekedés a "
"legtöbb játéknál magas kompatibilitással."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX3"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:35
msgid ""
"3 - Reduces the EE's cyclerate by about 50%. Moderate speedup, but *will* "
"cause stuttering audio on many FMVs."
msgstr ""
"3 - Megközelítőleg 50 %-kal csökkenti az EE ciklusszámát. Mérsékelt "
"sebesség növekedés, de recsegő hangot *okoz* számos FMV esetén."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:54
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealOff"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:50
msgid "0 - Disables VU Cycle Stealing. Most compatible setting!"
msgstr ""
"0 - Kikapcsolja a VU ciklus csökkentést. Leginkább kompatibilis beállítás!"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:59
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal1"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:54
msgid ""
"1 - Mild VU Cycle Stealing. Lower compatibility, but some speedup for most "
msgstr ""
"1 - Enyhe VU ciklus csökkentés. Alacsonyabb kompatibilitás, de bizonyos "
"sebességnövekedés a legtöbb játéknál."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:64
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal2"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:58
msgid ""
"2 - Moderate VU Cycle Stealing. Even lower compatibility, but significant "
"speedups in some games."
msgstr ""
"2 - Mérsékelt VU ciklus csökkentés. Még alacsonyabb kompatibilitás, de "
"jelentős sebességnövekedés néhány játéknál."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:70
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal3"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:63
msgid ""
"3 - Maximum VU Cycle Stealing. Usefulness is limited, as this will cause "
"flickering visuals or slowdown in most games."
msgstr ""
"3 - Maximális VU ciklus csökkentés. Használhatósága korlátozott, mivel "
"képvillogást és lassulást okoz a legtöbb játéknál."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:97
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:Overview"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:88
msgid ""
"Speedhacks usually improve emulation speed, but can cause glitches, broken "
"audio, and false FPS readings. When having emulation problems, disable this "
"panel first."
msgstr ""
"A gyorsító hackek általában növelik az emuláció sebességét, de grafikai "
"hibákat, hang problémákat és hibás FPS beolvasást eredményezhetnek. "
"Emulációs problémák esetén először ezt a panelt kapcsold ki."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:129
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:EECycleRate Slider"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:118
msgid ""
"Setting higher values on this slider effectively reduces the clock speed of "
"the EmotionEngine's R5900 core cpu, and typically brings big speedups to "
"games that fail to utilize the full potential of the real PS2 hardware."
msgstr ""
"Magasabb érték állítása a csúszkán hatásosan csökkenti az EmotionEngine's "
"R5900 központi processzor órajelét és tipikusan nagy sebesség növekedést "
"okoz azoknál a játékoknál, amelyek nem képesek kihasználni a valódi PS2 "
"hardver tényleges képességeit."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:150
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealing Slider"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:136
msgid ""
"This slider controls the amount of cycles the VU unit steals from the "
"EmotionEngine. Higher values increase the number of cycles stolen from the "
"EE for each VU microprogram the game runs."
msgstr ""
"Ez a csúszka szabályozza azon ciklusok mennyiségét, amelyeket a VU egység "
"elvesz az EmotionEngine elől. Magasabb érték növeli az EE elől elvett és a "
"játék által futtatott összes mikroprogram számára átadott ciklusok számát."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:169
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:153
msgid ""
"Updates Status Flags only on blocks which will read them, instead of all the "
"time. This is safe most of the time, and Super VU does something similar by "
msgstr ""
"Az állapot jelzőket csak azokon a blokkokon frissíti amelyek olvassák "
"azokat. Legtöbbször ez biztonságos és a Super VU is valami hasonlót végez "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:174
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:156
#, fuzzy
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuThread"
msgid ""
"Runs VU1 on its own thread (microVU1-only). Generally a speedup on CPUs with "
"3 or more cores. This is safe for most games, but a few games are "
"incompatible and may hang. In the case of GS limited games, it may be a "
"slowdown (especially on dual core CPUs)."
msgstr "Nem működik a Gran Turismo 4 vagy Tekken 5 esetén."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:195
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:174
msgid ""
"This hack works best for games that use the INTC Status register to wait for "
"vsyncs, which includes primarily non-3D RPG titles. Games that do not use "
"this method of vsync will see little or no speedup from this hack."
msgstr ""
"Ez a hack működik legjobban azoknál a játékoknál, amelyek használják az INTC "
"állapot regisztert a függőleges szinkronra várakozáshoz, ebbe elsődlegesen a "
@ -492,8 +697,14 @@ msgstr ""
"eljárást használják a függőleges szinkronhoz csak csekély, vagy semmilyen "
"gyorsulás nem észlelhető a hack használatával."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:200
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:177
msgid ""
"Primarily targetting the EE idle loop at address 0x81FC0 in the kernel, this "
"hack attempts to detect loops whose bodies are guaranteed to result in the "
"same machine state for every iteration until a scheduled event triggers "
"emulation of another unit. After a single iteration of such loops, we "
"advance to the time of the next event or the end of the processor's "
"timeslice, whichever comes first."
msgstr ""
"Elsődlegesen megcélozva az EE üresjárati hurkot a 0x81FC0 címzésen a "
"kernelben, ez a hack megkísérli észlelni azokat a hurkokat, amelyeknek "
@ -503,33 +714,47 @@ msgstr ""
"előrehozhatjuk a következő eseményt vagy a processzor időszeletének végét, "
"bármelyik is következik előbb."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:207
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:180
msgid ""
"Check HDLoader compatibility lists for known games that have issues with "
"this. (Often marked as needing 'mode 1' or 'slow DVD'"
msgstr ""
"Ellenőrizd a HDLoader kompatibilitási listát a problémás játékok végett. "
"(Gyakran ez szerepel 'mode 1' vagy 'slow DVD')"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!ContextTip:Framelimiter:Disable"
msgid ""
"Note that when Framelimiting is disabled, Turbo and SlowMotion modes will "
"not be available either."
msgstr ""
"Nem árt tudni, ha a képkocka korlátozás ki van kapcsolva, a turbó és "
"lassított mód sem érhető el."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:227
msgid "!Panel:Frameskip:Heading"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:225
msgid ""
"Notice: Due to PS2 hardware design, precise frame skipping is impossible. "
"Enabling it will cause severe graphical errors in some games."
msgstr ""
"Megjegyzés: A PS2 hardver összetételének köszönhetően a pontos képkocka "
"kihagyás nem lehetséges. Használata számos grafikai hibát okoz néhány "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302
msgid ""
"Enable this if you think MTGS thread sync is causing crashes or graphical "
msgstr ""
"Kapcsold ezt be, ha úgy gondolod az MTGS folyamatág szinkron okozza a "
"fagyást vagy grafikai hibákat."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:310
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:305
msgid ""
"Removes any benchmark noise caused by the MTGS thread or GPU overhead. This "
"option is best used in conjunction with savestates: save a state at an ideal "
"scene, enable this option, and re-load the savestate.\n"
"Warning: This option can be enabled on-the-fly but typically cannot be "
"disabled on-the-fly (video will typically be garbage)."
msgstr ""
"Eltávolít bármely teszt zajt, amit az MTGS folyamatág vagy az általános GPU "
"okoz. Ez az opció legjobban az állásmentésekkel együtt használható: ments "
@ -539,15 +764,22 @@ msgstr ""
"Figyelem: Ez az opció bekapcsolható, de többnyire nem kapcsolható ki játék "
"közben (a videó tipikusan szétesik)"
#: pcsx2/vtlb.cpp:710
msgid "!Notice:HostVmReserve"
#: pcsx2/vtlb.cpp:711
msgid ""
"Your system is too low on virtual resources for PCSX2 to run. This can be "
"caused by having a small or disabled swapfile, or by other programs that are "
"hogging resources."
msgstr ""
"A rendszer túl kevés virtuális erőforrással rendelkezik a PCSX2 "
"működtetéséhez. Ilyen hibát okozhat a kis méretű vagy kikapcsolt "
"lapozófájl, vagy más, nagy mennyiségű erőforrást fogyasztó program."
#: pcsx2/x86/sVU_zerorec.cpp:363
msgid "!Notice:superVU:VirtualMemoryAlloc"
msgid ""
"Out of Memory (sorta): The SuperVU recompiler was unable to reserve the "
"specific memory ranges required, and will not be available for use. This is "
"not a critical error, since the sVU rec is obsolete, and you should use "
"microVU instead anyway. :)"
msgstr ""
"Kevés a memória (valahogyan): A SuperVu recompiler nem volt képes lefoglalni "
"egy megadott mennyiségű szükséges memóriát, ezért nem lesz képes használni "

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.8 r4560\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-04-07 11:42+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-08-10 11:44+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-06-01 10:32+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Gregory Hainaut <gregory.hainaut@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: ikazu <ikazu.kevin@gmail.com>\n"
@ -25,341 +25,564 @@ msgstr ""
#: common/src/Utilities/Exceptions.cpp:254
#, fuzzy
msgid "!Notice:VirtualMemoryMap"
msgid ""
"There is not enough virtual memory available, or necessary virtual memory "
"mappings have already been reserved by other processes, services, or DLLs."
msgstr "!Pemberitahuan:MapVirtualMemory"
#: pcsx2/CDVD/CDVD.cpp:389
#, fuzzy
msgid "!Notice:PsxDisc"
msgid ""
"Playstation game discs are not supported by PCSX2. If you want to emulate "
"PSX games then you'll have to download a PSX-specific emulator, such as "
"ePSXe or PCSX."
msgstr "!Pemberitahuan:DiscPsx"
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:114
#, fuzzy
msgid "!Notice:Recompiler:VirtualMemoryAlloc"
msgid ""
"This recompiler was unable to reserve contiguous memory required for "
"internal caches. This error can be caused by low virtual memory resources, "
"such as a small or disabled swapfile, or by another program that is hogging "
"a lot of memory. You can also try reducing the default cache sizes for all "
"PCSX2 recompilers, found under Host Settings."
msgstr "!Pemberitahuan:Recompiler:AlokasiMemoriVirtual"
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:348
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:344
#, fuzzy
msgid "!Notice:EmuCore::MemoryForVM"
msgid ""
"PCSX2 is unable to allocate memory needed for the PS2 virtual machine. Close "
"out some memory hogging background tasks and try again."
msgstr "!Pemberitahuan:CoreEmu::MemoriUntukMesinVirtual"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:43
#, fuzzy
msgid "!Notice:Startup:NoSSE2"
msgid ""
"Warning: Your computer does not support SSE2, which is required by many "
"PCSX2 recompilers and plugins. Your options will be limited and emulation "
"will be *very* slow."
msgstr "!Pemberitahuan:Startup:NoSSE2"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:162
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:160
#, fuzzy
msgid "!Notice:RecompilerInit:Header"
msgid ""
"Warning: Some of the configured PS2 recompilers failed to initialize and "
"have been disabled:"
msgstr "!Pemberitahuan:InitRecompiler:Header"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:211
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:208
#, fuzzy
msgid "!Notice:RecompilerInit:Footer"
msgid ""
"Note: Recompilers are not necessary for PCSX2 to run, however they typically "
"improve emulation speed substantially. You may have to manually re-enable "
"the recompilers listed above, if you resolve the errors."
msgstr "!Pemberitahuan:InitRecompiler:Footer"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:546
#, fuzzy
msgid "!Notice:BiosDumpRequired"
msgid ""
"PCSX2 requires a PS2 BIOS in order to run. For legal reasons, you *must* "
"obtain a BIOS from an actual PS2 unit that you own (borrowing doesn't "
"count). Please consult the FAQs and Guides for further instructions."
msgstr "!Pemberitahuan:DumpBiosDiperlukan"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:629
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:626
#, fuzzy
msgid "!Notice Error:Thread Deadlock Actions"
msgid ""
"'Ignore' to continue waiting for the thread to respond.\n"
"'Cancel' to attempt to cancel the thread.\n"
"'Terminate' to quit PCSX2 immediately.\n"
msgstr "!Pemberitahuan Eror:Aksi Deadlock Pada Trit"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppUserMode.cpp:57
#, fuzzy
msgid "!Notice:PortableModeRights"
msgid ""
"Please ensure that these folders are created and that your user account is "
"granted write permissions to them -- or re-run PCSX2 with elevated "
"(administrator) rights, which should grant PCSX2 the ability to create the "
"necessary folders itself. If you do not have elevated rights on this "
"computer, then you will need to switch to User Documents mode (click button "
msgstr "!Pemberitahuan:KekuasaanModePortable"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:181
msgid "!ContextTip:ChangingNTFS"
msgid ""
"NTFS compression can be changed manually at any time by using file "
"properties from Windows Explorer."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:49
#, fuzzy
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Settings"
msgid ""
"This is the folder where PCSX2 saves your settings, including settings "
"generated by most plugins (some older plugins may not respect this value)."
msgstr "!Panel:Folders:Pengaturan"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:54
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:52
#, fuzzy
msgid "!Panel:Folders:Settings"
msgid ""
"You may optionally specify a location for your PCSX2 settings here. If the "
"location contains existing PCSX2 settings, you will be given the option to "
"import or overwrite them."
msgstr "!Panel:Folders:Pengaturan"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:94
#, fuzzy
msgid "!Wizard:Welcome"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:89
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"This wizard will help guide you through configuring plugins, memory cards, "
"and BIOS. It is recommended if this is your first time installing %s that "
"you view the readme and configuration guide."
msgstr "!Wizard:Selamat Datang"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:140
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:132
#, fuzzy
msgid "!Wizard:Bios:Tutorial"
msgid ""
"PCSX2 requires a *legal* copy of the PS2 BIOS in order to run games.\n"
"You cannot use a copy obtained from a friend or the Internet.\n"
"You must dump the BIOS from your *own* Playstation 2 console."
msgstr "!Wizard:Bios:Tutorial"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/ImportSettingsDialog.cpp:31
#, fuzzy
msgid "!Notice:ImportExistingSettings"
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Existing %s settings have been found in the configured settings folder. "
"Would you like to import these settings or overwrite them with %s default "
"(or press Cancel to select a different settings folder)"
msgstr "!Pemberitahuan:ImporPengaturanYangAda"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:30
#, fuzzy
msgid "!Panel:Mcd:NtfsCompress"
msgid ""
"NTFS compression is built-in, fast, and completely reliable; and typically "
"compresses memory cards very well (this option is highly recommended)."
msgstr "!Panel:Mcd:NtfsCompress"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:41
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:39
#, fuzzy
msgid "!Panel:Mcd:EnableEjection"
msgid ""
"Avoids memory card corruption by forcing games to re-index card contents "
"after loading from savestates. May not be compatible with all games (Guitar "
msgstr "!Panel:Mcd:AkifkanEjection"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/StuckThreadDialog.cpp:33
#, fuzzy
msgid "!Panel:StuckThread:Heading"
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"The thread '%s' is not responding. It could be deadlocked, or it might just "
"be running *really* slowly."
msgstr "!Panel:TritSangkut:Heading"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:38
#, fuzzy
msgid "!Panel:HasHacksOverrides"
msgid ""
"Warning! You are running PCSX2 with command line options that override your "
"configured settings. These command line options will not be reflected in "
"the Settings dialog, and will be disabled if you apply any changes here."
msgstr "!Panel:Speedhacks:PenampakanSebagian"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:58
msgid "!Panel:HasPluginsOverrides"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:55
msgid ""
"Warning! You are running PCSX2 with command line options that override your "
"configured plugin and/or folder settings. These command line options will "
"not be reflected in the settings dialog, and will be disabled when you apply "
"settings changes here."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:135
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Slider"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:129
msgid ""
"The Presets apply speed hacks, some recompiler options and some game fixes "
"known to boost speed.\n"
"Known important game fixes will be applied automatically.\n"
"Presets info:\n"
"1 - The most accurate emulation but also the slowest.\n"
"3 --> Tries to balance speed with compatibility.\n"
"4 - Some more aggressive hacks.\n"
"6 - Too many hacks which will probably slow down most games.\n"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:149
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Checkbox"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:136
msgid ""
"The Presets apply speed hacks, some recompiler options and some game fixes "
"known to boost speed.\n"
"Known important game fixes will be applied automatically.\n"
"--> Uncheck to modify settings manually (with current preset as base)"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/IsoDropTarget.cpp:28
#, fuzzy
msgid "!Notice:ConfirmSysReset"
msgid ""
"This action will reset the existing PS2 virtual machine state; all current "
"progress will be lost. Are you sure?"
msgstr "!Pemberitahuan:KonfirmasiResetSistem"
#: pcsx2/gui/MainMenuClicks.cpp:106
#, fuzzy
msgid "!Notice:DeleteSettings"
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"This command clears %s settings and allows you to re-run the First-Time "
"Wizard. You will need to manually restart %s after this operation.\n"
"WARNING!! Click OK to delete *ALL* settings for %s and force-close the app, "
"losing any current emulation progress. Are you absolutely sure?\n"
"(note: settings for plugins are unaffected)"
msgstr "!Pemberitahuan:HapusPengaturan"
#: pcsx2/gui/MemoryCardFile.cpp:78
#, fuzzy
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:HasBeenDisabled"
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"The PS2-slot %d has been automatically disabled. You can correct the "
"and re-enable it at any time using Config:Memory cards from the main menu."
msgstr "!Pemberitahuan:Mcd:TelahDiNonaktifkan"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/BiosSelectorPanel.cpp:138
#, fuzzy
msgid "!Notice:BIOS:InvalidSelection"
msgid ""
"Please select a valid BIOS. If you are unable to make a valid selection "
"then press Cancel to close the Configuration panel."
msgstr "!Pemberitahuan:BIOS:PilihanTidakValid"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:111
#, fuzzy
msgid "!Panel:EE/IOP:Heading"
msgid "Notice: Most games are fine with the default options. "
msgstr "!Panel:EE/IOP:Heading"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:178
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:177
#, fuzzy
msgid "!Panel:VUs:Heading"
msgid "Notice: Most games are fine with the default options."
msgstr "!Panel:VUs:Heading"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:69
#, fuzzy
msgid "!Notice:DirPicker:CreatePath"
msgid ""
"The specified path/directory does not exist. Would you like to create it?"
msgstr "!Pemberitahuan:PilihanDirektori:BuatLokasi"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:158
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:157
#, fuzzy
msgid "!ContextTip:DirPicker:UseDefault"
msgid ""
"When checked this folder will automatically reflect the default associated "
"with PCSX2's current usermode setting. "
msgstr "!Pemberitahuan:PilihanDirektori:BuatLokasi"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:55
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Zoom"
msgid ""
"Zoom = 100: Fit the entire image to the window without any cropping.\n"
"Above/Below 100: Zoom In/Out\n"
"0: Automatic-Zoom-In untill the black-bars are gone (Aspect ratio is kept, "
"some of the image goes out of screen).\n"
" NOTE: Some games draw their own black-bars, which will not be removed with "
"Keyboard: CTRL + NUMPAD-PLUS: Zoom-In, CTRL + NUMPAD-MINUS: Zoom-Out, CTRL + "
"NUMPAD-*: Toggle 100/0"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:63
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Vsync"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:58
msgid ""
"Vsync eliminates screen tearing but typically has a big performance hit. It "
"usually only applies to fullscreen mode, and may not work with all GS "
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:68
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:ManagedVsync"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:61
msgid ""
"Enables Vsync when the framerate is exactly at full speed. Should it fall "
"below that, Vsync gets disabled to avoid further performance penalties. "
"Note: This currently only works well with GSdx as GS plugin and with it "
"configured to use DX10/11 hardware rendering. Any other plugin or rendering "
"mode will either ignore it or produce a black frame that blinks whenever the "
"mode switches. It also requires Vsync to be enabled."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:76
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideMouse"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:64
msgid ""
"Check this to force the mouse cursor invisible inside the GS window; useful "
"if using the mouse as a primary control device for gaming. By default the "
"mouse auto-hides after 2 seconds of inactivity."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:82
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Fullscreen"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:67
msgid ""
"Enables automatic mode switch to fullscreen when starting or resuming "
"emulation. You can still toggle fullscreen display at any time using alt-"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:93
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideGS"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:74
msgid ""
"Completely closes the often large and bulky GS window when pressing ESC or "
"pausing the emulator."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:67
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:EE Timing Hack"
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Digital Devil Saga (Fixes FMV and crashes)\n"
" * SSX (Fixes bad graphics and crashes)\n"
" * Resident Evil: Dead Aim (Causes garbled textures)"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:80
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:OPH Flag hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:76
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Bleach Blade Battler\n"
" * Growlanser II and III\n"
" * Wizardry"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:89
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:DMA Busy hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:81
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Mana Khemia 1 (Going \"off campus\")\n"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:96
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:VIF1 FIFO hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:86
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Test Drive Unlimited\n"
" * Transformers"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:119
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:106
#, fuzzy
msgid "!Panel:Gamefixes:Compat Warning"
msgid ""
"Gamefixes can work around wrong emulation in some titles. \n"
"They may also cause compatibility or performance issues. \n"
"It's better to enable 'Automatic game fixes' at the main menu instead, and "
"leave this page empty. \n"
"('Automatic' means: selectively use specific tested fixes for specific games)"
msgstr "!Panel:PerbaikanPermainan:Peringatan Compat"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:720
#, fuzzy
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Delete"
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"You are about to delete the formatted memory card '%s'. All data on this "
"card will be lost! Are you absolutely and quite positively sure?"
msgstr "!Pemberitahuan:Mcd:Hapus"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:758
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:756
#, fuzzy
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:CantDuplicate"
msgid ""
"Failed: Duplicate is only allowed to an empty PS2-Port or to the file system."
msgstr "!Pemberitahuan:Mcd:TidakBisaDuplikat"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:801
#, fuzzy
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Copy Failed"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:798
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Failed: Destination memory card '%s' is in use."
msgstr "!Pemberitahuan:Mcd:Salin Gagal"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:35
#, fuzzy
msgid "!Panel:Usermode:Explained"
msgid ""
"Please select your preferred default location for PCSX2 user-level documents "
"below (includes memory cards, screenshots, settings, and savestates). These "
"folder locations can be overridden at any time using the Core Settings panel."
msgstr "!Panel:Modepengguna:Terjelaskan"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:41
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:38
#, fuzzy
msgid "!Panel:Usermode:Warning"
msgid ""
"You can change the preferred default location for PCSX2 user-level documents "
"here (includes memory cards, screenshots, settings, and savestates). This "
"option only affects Standard Paths which are set to use the installation "
"default value."
msgstr "!Panel:Modepengguna:Peringatan"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:40
#, fuzzy
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Savestates"
msgid ""
"This folder is where PCSX2 records savestates; which are recorded either by "
"using menus/toolbars, or by pressing F1/F3 (save/load)."
msgstr "!Panel:Folders:Pengaturan"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:50
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Snapshots"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:48
msgid ""
"This folder is where PCSX2 saves screenshots. Actual screenshot image "
"format and style may vary depending on the GS plugin being used."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:60
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Logs"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:56
msgid ""
"This folder is where PCSX2 saves its logfiles and diagnostic dumps. Most "
"plugins will also adhere to this folder, however some older plugins may "
"ignore it."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:242
#, fuzzy
msgid "!Notice:PluginSelector:ConfirmShutdown"
msgid ""
"Warning! Changing plugins requires a complete shutdown and reset of the PS2 "
"virtual machine. PCSX2 will attempt to save and restore the state, but if "
"the newly selected plugins are incompatible the recovery may fail, and "
"current progress will be lost.\n"
"Are you sure you want to apply settings now?"
msgstr "!Pemberitahuan:PilihanPlugin:KonfirmasiMatikan"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:457
#, fuzzy
msgid "!Notice:PluginSelector:ApplyFailed"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:452
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"All plugins must have valid selections for %s to run. If you are unable to "
"make a valid selection due to missing plugins or an incomplete install of "
"%s, then press Cancel to close the Configuration panel."
msgstr "!Pemberitahuan:PilihanPlugin:GagalTerapkan"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:27
#, fuzzy
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX1"
msgid ""
"1 - Default cyclerate. This closely matches the actual speed of a real PS2 "
msgstr "!Panel:Speedhacks:PenampakanSebagian"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:32
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:31
#, fuzzy
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX2"
msgid ""
"2 - Reduces the EE's cyclerate by about 33%. Mild speedup for most games "
"with high compatibility."
msgstr "!Panel:Speedhacks:PenampakanSebagian"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:37
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:35
#, fuzzy
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX3"
msgid ""
"3 - Reduces the EE's cyclerate by about 50%. Moderate speedup, but *will* "
"cause stuttering audio on many FMVs."
msgstr "!Panel:Speedhacks:PenampakanSebagian"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:50
#, fuzzy
msgid "0 - Disables VU Cycle Stealing. Most compatible setting!"
msgstr "!Panel:Speedhacks:PenampakanSebagian"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:54
#, fuzzy
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealOff"
msgid ""
"1 - Mild VU Cycle Stealing. Lower compatibility, but some speedup for most "
msgstr "!Panel:Speedhacks:PenampakanSebagian"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:59
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:58
#, fuzzy
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal1"
msgid ""
"2 - Moderate VU Cycle Stealing. Even lower compatibility, but significant "
"speedups in some games."
msgstr "!Panel:Speedhacks:PenampakanSebagian"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:64
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:63
#, fuzzy
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal2"
msgid ""
"3 - Maximum VU Cycle Stealing. Usefulness is limited, as this will cause "
"flickering visuals or slowdown in most games."
msgstr "!Panel:Speedhacks:PenampakanSebagian"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:70
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:88
#, fuzzy
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal3"
msgid ""
"Speedhacks usually improve emulation speed, but can cause glitches, broken "
"audio, and false FPS readings. When having emulation problems, disable this "
"panel first."
msgstr "!Panel:Speedhacks:PenampakanSebagian"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:97
#, fuzzy
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:Overview"
msgstr "!Panel:Speedhacks:PenampakanSebagian"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:129
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:EECycleRate Slider"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:118
msgid ""
"Setting higher values on this slider effectively reduces the clock speed of "
"the EmotionEngine's R5900 core cpu, and typically brings big speedups to "
"games that fail to utilize the full potential of the real PS2 hardware."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:150
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealing Slider"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:136
msgid ""
"This slider controls the amount of cycles the VU unit steals from the "
"EmotionEngine. Higher values increase the number of cycles stolen from the "
"EE for each VU microprogram the game runs."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:169
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:153
msgid ""
"Updates Status Flags only on blocks which will read them, instead of all the "
"time. This is safe most of the time, and Super VU does something similar by "
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:156
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Runs VU1 on its own thread (microVU1-only). Generally a speedup on CPUs with "
"3 or more cores. This is safe for most games, but a few games are "
"incompatible and may hang. In the case of GS limited games, it may be a "
"slowdown (especially on dual core CPUs)."
msgstr "!Panel:Speedhacks:PenampakanSebagian"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:174
#, fuzzy
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuThread"
msgstr "!Panel:Speedhacks:PenampakanSebagian"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:195
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC"
msgid ""
"This hack works best for games that use the INTC Status register to wait for "
"vsyncs, which includes primarily non-3D RPG titles. Games that do not use "
"this method of vsync will see little or no speedup from this hack."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:200
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:177
msgid ""
"Primarily targetting the EE idle loop at address 0x81FC0 in the kernel, this "
"hack attempts to detect loops whose bodies are guaranteed to result in the "
"same machine state for every iteration until a scheduled event triggers "
"emulation of another unit. After a single iteration of such loops, we "
"advance to the time of the next event or the end of the processor's "
"timeslice, whichever comes first."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:207
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:180
msgid ""
"Check HDLoader compatibility lists for known games that have issues with "
"this. (Often marked as needing 'mode 1' or 'slow DVD'"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!ContextTip:Framelimiter:Disable"
msgid ""
"Note that when Framelimiting is disabled, Turbo and SlowMotion modes will "
"not be available either."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:227
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:225
#, fuzzy
msgid "!Panel:Frameskip:Heading"
msgid ""
"Notice: Due to PS2 hardware design, precise frame skipping is impossible. "
"Enabling it will cause severe graphical errors in some games."
msgstr "!Panel:Frameskip:Heading"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302
msgid ""
"Enable this if you think MTGS thread sync is causing crashes or graphical "
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:310
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:305
msgid ""
"Removes any benchmark noise caused by the MTGS thread or GPU overhead. This "
"option is best used in conjunction with savestates: save a state at an ideal "
"scene, enable this option, and re-load the savestate.\n"
"Warning: This option can be enabled on-the-fly but typically cannot be "
"disabled on-the-fly (video will typically be garbage)."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/vtlb.cpp:710
#: pcsx2/vtlb.cpp:711
#, fuzzy
msgid "!Notice:HostVmReserve"
msgid ""
"Your system is too low on virtual resources for PCSX2 to run. This can be "
"caused by having a small or disabled swapfile, or by other programs that are "
"hogging resources."
msgstr "!Pemberitahuan:HostVmReserve"
#: pcsx2/x86/sVU_zerorec.cpp:363
#, fuzzy
msgid "!Notice:superVU:VirtualMemoryAlloc"
msgid ""
"Out of Memory (sorta): The SuperVU recompiler was unable to reserve the "
"specific memory ranges required, and will not be available for use. This is "
"not a critical error, since the sVU rec is obsolete, and you should use "
"microVU instead anyway. :)"
msgstr "!Pemberitahuan:superVU:AlokasiMemoriVirtual"

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.9\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-06-18 20:23+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-06-06 19:18+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-08-10 11:55+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-07-19 21:39+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Leucos\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"Language: \n"
@ -21,122 +21,171 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: common\n"
#: common/src/Utilities/Exceptions.cpp:254
msgid "!Notice:VirtualMemoryMap"
msgid ""
"There is not enough virtual memory available, or necessary virtual memory "
"mappings have already been reserved by other processes, services, or DLLs."
msgstr ""
"Non c'è abbastanza memoria virtuale disponibile o gli spazi della memoria "
"virtuale necessari sono già stati riservati ad altri processi, servizi o DLL."
#: pcsx2/CDVD/CDVD.cpp:389
msgid "!Notice:PsxDisc"
msgid ""
"Playstation game discs are not supported by PCSX2. If you want to emulate "
"PSX games then you'll have to download a PSX-specific emulator, such as "
"ePSXe or PCSX."
msgstr ""
"I dischi di gioco per PlayStation non sono supportati in PCSX2. Se desideri "
"emulare i giochi della PSX dovrai scaricare un emulatore specifico per PSX, "
"come ePSXe o PCSX."
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:114
msgid "!Notice:Recompiler:VirtualMemoryAlloc"
msgid ""
"This recompiler was unable to reserve contiguous memory required for "
"internal caches. This error can be caused by low virtual memory resources, "
"such as a small or disabled swapfile, or by another program that is hogging "
"a lot of memory. You can also try reducing the default cache sizes for all "
"PCSX2 recompilers, found under Host Settings."
msgstr ""
"Questo ricompilatore non è stato in grado di riservare la memoria contigua "
"richiesta per le cache interne. Questo errore può essere causato da memoria "
"virtuale insufficiente, causata da un file di swap troppo piccolo o "
"necessaria per le cache interne. Questo errore può essere causato da memoria "
"virtuale insufficiente, dovuta ad un file di scambio troppo piccolo o "
"disattivato, o da un altro programma che sta occupando molta memoria. Puoi "
"anche provare a ridurre le dimensioni predefinite delle cache dei "
"ricompilatori di PCSX2, che si trovano in Impostazioni Host."
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:348
msgid "!Notice:EmuCore::MemoryForVM"
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:344
msgid ""
"PCSX2 is unable to allocate memory needed for the PS2 virtual machine. Close "
"out some memory hogging background tasks and try again."
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 non è in grado di allocare la memoria necessaria per la macchina "
"virtuale PS2. Chiudi dei task in background che stanno occupando memoria e "
"prova di nuovo."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:43
msgid "!Notice:Startup:NoSSE2"
msgid ""
"Warning: Your computer does not support SSE2, which is required by many "
"PCSX2 recompilers and plugins. Your options will be limited and emulation "
"will be *very* slow."
msgstr ""
"Attenzione: il tuo computer non supporta le SSE2 che sono richieste da molti "
"dei plugin e dei ricompilatori di PCSX2. Le tue opzioni saranno limitate e "
"l'emulazione sarà *molto* lenta."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:162
msgid "!Notice:RecompilerInit:Header"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:160
msgid ""
"Warning: Some of the configured PS2 recompilers failed to initialize and "
"have been disabled:"
msgstr ""
"Attenzione: alcuni dei ricompilatori PS2 configurati hanno fallito "
"l'inizializzazione e sono stati disabilitati:"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:211
msgid "!Notice:RecompilerInit:Footer"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:208
msgid ""
"Note: Recompilers are not necessary for PCSX2 to run, however they typically "
"improve emulation speed substantially. You may have to manually re-enable "
"the recompilers listed above, if you resolve the errors."
msgstr ""
"Nota: i ricompilatori non sono necessari per l'esecuzione di PCSX2, ma di "
"solito permettono di migliorare nettamente la velocità di emulazione. Se gli "
"Nota: i ricompilatori non sono necessari per l'esecuzione di PCSX2, ma "
"permettono un netto miglioramento della velocità di emulazione. Se gli "
"errori saranno risolti, sarà necessario riabilitare manualmente i "
"ricompilatori elencati qui sopra."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:546
msgid "!Notice:BiosDumpRequired"
msgid ""
"PCSX2 requires a PS2 BIOS in order to run. For legal reasons, you *must* "
"obtain a BIOS from an actual PS2 unit that you own (borrowing doesn't "
"count). Please consult the FAQs and Guides for further instructions."
msgstr ""
" \n"
"PCSX2 richiede un BIOS della PS2 per essere eseguito. Per questioni legali, "
"*è necessario* \n"
"PCSX2 richiede il BIOS della PS2 per funzionare. Per questioni legali, *è "
"necessario* \n"
"che tu ottenga il BIOS da una vera PS2 di *tua proprietà* (il prestito non "
"conta). \n"
"Per favore consulta le FAQ e le guide per ulteriori istruzioni."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:629
msgid "!Notice Error:Thread Deadlock Actions"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:626
msgid ""
"'Ignore' to continue waiting for the thread to respond.\n"
"'Cancel' to attempt to cancel the thread.\n"
"'Terminate' to quit PCSX2 immediately.\n"
msgstr ""
"'Ignora' consente di continuare ad attendere la risposta del thread.\n"
"'Annulla' per tentare di annullare il thread.\n"
"'Termina' per chiudere PCSX2 immediatamente.\n"
" "
#: pcsx2/gui/AppUserMode.cpp:57
msgid "!Notice:PortableModeRights"
msgid ""
"Please ensure that these folders are created and that your user account is "
"granted write permissions to them -- or re-run PCSX2 with elevated "
"(administrator) rights, which should grant PCSX2 the ability to create the "
"necessary folders itself. If you do not have elevated rights on this "
"computer, then you will need to switch to User Documents mode (click button "
msgstr ""
"Per favore assicurati che queste cartelle siano presenti e che il tuo "
"account utente ne abbia i permessi per la scrittura -- oppure riavvia PCSX2 "
"con privilegi più elevati (amministratore), questo dovrebbe garantire a "
"PCSX2 la facoltà di creare in modo autonomo le proprie cartelle. Se non "
"Per favore assicurati che queste cartelle esistano e che il tuo account "
"utente abbia i permessi per la loro modifica -- oppure prova a riavviare "
"PCSX2 con privilegi più elevati (amministratore), questo dovrebbe garantire "
"a PCSX2 la facoltà di creare in modo autonomo le proprie cartelle. Se non "
"possiedi privilegi elevati in questo computer, dovrai utilizzare la Modalità "
"Documenti Utente (fai clic sul pulsante qui sotto)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:181
msgid "!ContextTip:ChangingNTFS"
msgid ""
"NTFS compression can be changed manually at any time by using file "
"properties from Windows Explorer."
msgstr ""
"La compressione NTFS può essere modificata aprendo le proprietà dei singoli "
"file Memory Card in Windows Explorer."
"La compressione NTFS può essere modificata in ogni momento utilizzando la "
"finestra proprietà file in Windows Explorer."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:49
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Settings"
msgid ""
"This is the folder where PCSX2 saves your settings, including settings "
"generated by most plugins (some older plugins may not respect this value)."
msgstr ""
"In questa cartella PCSX2 salverà le tue impostazioni, incluse le "
"impostazioni create dalla maggior parte dei plugin (alcuni vecchi plugin "
"potrebbero non attenersi a questa impostazione)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:54
msgid "!Panel:Folders:Settings"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:52
msgid ""
"You may optionally specify a location for your PCSX2 settings here. If the "
"location contains existing PCSX2 settings, you will be given the option to "
"import or overwrite them."
msgstr ""
"Opzionalmente puoi specificare qui il percorso per le impostazioni di PCSX2. "
"Se il percorso contiene delle impostazioni di PCSX2 preesistenti, ti sarà "
"data la possibilità di importarle o sovrascriverle."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:94
msgid "!Wizard:Welcome"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:89
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"This wizard will help guide you through configuring plugins, memory cards, "
"and BIOS. It is recommended if this is your first time installing %s that "
"you view the readme and configuration guide."
msgstr ""
"Questa Procedura Guidata ti aiuterà nella configurazione dei plugin, delle "
"memory card e del BIOS.\n"
"Se si tratta della prima volta che installi PCSX2 è consigliata la\n"
"consulatazione della Guida alla Configurazione ed del file leggimi."
"consultazione della Guida alla Configurazione ed del file leggimi."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:140
msgid "!Wizard:Bios:Tutorial"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:132
msgid ""
"PCSX2 requires a *legal* copy of the PS2 BIOS in order to run games.\n"
"You cannot use a copy obtained from a friend or the Internet.\n"
"You must dump the BIOS from your *own* Playstation 2 console."
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 richiede una copia *legale* del BIOS PS2 per eseguire i giochi.\n"
"Non puoi utilizzare una copia ottenuta da un amico o da Internet.\n"
"Devi creare un dump del BIOS dalla console PlayStation 2 di *tua* proprietà."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/ImportSettingsDialog.cpp:31
msgid "!Notice:ImportExistingSettings"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Existing %s settings have been found in the configured settings folder. "
"Would you like to import these settings or overwrite them with %s default "
"(or press Cancel to select a different settings folder)"
msgstr ""
"Nella cartella configurata sono state trovate impostazioni di %s "
"preesistenti. Desideri importare queste impostazioni o sovrascriverle\n"
@ -146,14 +195,19 @@ msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:30
msgid "!Panel:Mcd:NtfsCompress"
msgid ""
"NTFS compression is built-in, fast, and completely reliable; and typically "
"compresses memory cards very well (this option is highly recommended)."
msgstr ""
"La compressione NTFS è integrata, veloce e completamente affidabile. "
"Solitamente comprime le memory card molto bene (questa opzione è vivamente "
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:41
msgid "!Panel:Mcd:EnableEjection"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:39
msgid ""
"Avoids memory card corruption by forcing games to re-index card contents "
"after loading from savestates. May not be compatible with all games (Guitar "
msgstr ""
"Consente di evitare la corruzione delle memory card forzando i giochi a "
"reindicizzare il contenuto della scheda dopo il caricamento di un "
@ -161,13 +215,19 @@ msgstr ""
"(Guitar Hero)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/StuckThreadDialog.cpp:33
msgid "!Panel:StuckThread:Heading"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The thread '%s' is not responding. It could be deadlocked, or it might just "
"be running *really* slowly."
msgstr ""
"Il thread '%s' non risponde. Potrebbe essere bloccato o è in esecuzione in "
"maniera *veramente* molto lenta."
"Il thread '%s' non risponde. Potrebbe essere bloccato o essere in esecuzione "
"in maniera *veramente* molto lenta."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:38
msgid "!Panel:HasHacksOverrides"
msgid ""
"Warning! You are running PCSX2 with command line options that override your "
"configured settings. These command line options will not be reflected in "
"the Settings dialog, and will be disabled if you apply any changes here."
msgstr ""
"Attenzione! Stai eseguendo PCSX2 con le opzioni da riga di comando che "
"sovrascrivono le impostazioni configurate.\n"
@ -175,8 +235,12 @@ msgstr ""
"e saranno disabilitate se applicherai qualche modifica."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:58
msgid "!Panel:HasPluginsOverrides"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:55
msgid ""
"Warning! You are running PCSX2 with command line options that override your "
"configured plugin and/or folder settings. These command line options will "
"not be reflected in the settings dialog, and will be disabled when you apply "
"settings changes here."
msgstr ""
"Attenzione! Stai eseguendo PCSX2 con le opzioni da riga di comando che "
"sovrascrivono le impostazioni dei plugin e/o le cartelle configurate.\n"
@ -184,39 +248,62 @@ msgstr ""
"e saranno disabilitate se applicherai qualche modifica."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:135
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Slider"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:129
msgid ""
"The Presets apply speed hacks, some recompiler options and some game fixes "
"known to boost speed.\n"
"Known important game fixes will be applied automatically.\n"
"Presets info:\n"
"1 - The most accurate emulation but also the slowest.\n"
"3 --> Tries to balance speed with compatibility.\n"
"4 - Some more aggressive hacks.\n"
"6 - Too many hacks which will probably slow down most games.\n"
msgstr ""
"Le Preimpostazioni applicano SpeedHack ed alcune opzioni dei ricompilatori "
"per aumentare la velocità.\n"
"I GameFix ('Patch') noti saranno applicati automaticamente.\n"
"Le Preimpostazioni applicano SpeedHack, alcune opzioni dei ricompilatori ed "
"alcuni GameFix per aumentare la velocità.\n"
"Importanti GameFix ('Patch') noti saranno applicati automaticamente.\n"
"Informazioni sulle Preimpostazioni:\n"
"1 - L'emulazione più accurata ma anche la più lenta.\n"
"3 --> Prova a bilanciare la velocità con la compatibilità.\n"
"4 - Alcuni hack più aggressivi.\n"
"6 - Troppi hack che probabilmente rallenteranno la maggior parte dei "
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:149
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Checkbox"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:136
msgid ""
"The Presets apply speed hacks, some recompiler options and some game fixes "
"known to boost speed.\n"
"Known important game fixes will be applied automatically.\n"
"--> Uncheck to modify settings manually (with current preset as base)"
msgstr ""
"Le Preimpostazioni applicano SpeedHack, alcune opzioni dei ricompilatori per "
"aumentare la velocità.\n"
"I GameFix ('Patch') importanti conosciuti saranno applicati "
"Le Preimpostazioni applicano SpeedHack, alcune opzioni dei ricompilatori ed "
"alcuni GameFix per aumentare la velocità.\n"
"Importanti GameFix ('Patch') noti saranno applicati automaticamente.\n"
"--> Deseleziona per modificare automaticamente le impostazioni (utilizzando "
"la Preimpostazione corrente come base)"
#: pcsx2/gui/IsoDropTarget.cpp:28
msgid "!Notice:ConfirmSysReset"
msgid ""
"This action will reset the existing PS2 virtual machine state; all current "
"progress will be lost. Are you sure?"
msgstr ""
"Questa azione resetterà lo stato attuale della macchina virtuale PS2 e tutti "
"i progressi correnti saranno perduti. Sei sicuro?"
#: pcsx2/gui/MainMenuClicks.cpp:106
msgid "!Notice:DeleteSettings"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"This command clears %s settings and allows you to re-run the First-Time "
"Wizard. You will need to manually restart %s after this operation.\n"
"WARNING!! Click OK to delete *ALL* settings for %s and force-close the app, "
"losing any current emulation progress. Are you absolutely sure?\n"
"(note: settings for plugins are unaffected)"
msgstr ""
"Questo comando cancella le impostazioni di %s e permette di eseguire "
"nuovamente la Procedura Guidata del primo avvio. \n"
@ -225,69 +312,97 @@ msgstr ""
"ATTENZIONE!! Fai Clic su OK per cancellare *TUTTE* le impostazioni di %s e "
"forzare la chiusura dell'applicazione, includendo la perdita dello stato "
"attuale dell'emulazione. \n"
"Sei assolutamente sicuro?\n"
"Sei davvero sicuro?\n"
"Nota: le impostazioni dei singoli plugin non saranno cancellate."
"(nota: le impostazioni dei singoli plugin non saranno cancellate)"
#: pcsx2/gui/MemoryCardFile.cpp:78
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:HasBeenDisabled"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The PS2-slot %d has been automatically disabled. You can correct the "
"and re-enable it at any time using Config:Memory cards from the main menu."
msgstr ""
"La memory card nello slot %d è stata automaticamente disabilitata. Si può "
"correggere il problema\n"
"e riabilitare la memory card utilizzando Configurazione -> Memory Card dai "
"menù principali."
"Lo slot PS2 %d è stato automaticamente disabilitato. Si può correggere il "
"e riabilitarlo utilizzando Configurazione -> Memory Card dai menù principali."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/BiosSelectorPanel.cpp:138
msgid "!Notice:BIOS:InvalidSelection"
msgid ""
"Please select a valid BIOS. If you are unable to make a valid selection "
"then press Cancel to close the Configuration panel."
msgstr ""
"Per favore seleziona un BIOS valido. Se non è possibile effettuare una "
"selezione valida, premi Annulla per chiudere il pannello di configurazione."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:111
msgid "!Panel:EE/IOP:Heading"
msgid "Notice: Most games are fine with the default options. "
msgstr ""
"Avviso: La maggior parte dei giochi funzionano bene con le impostazioni "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:178
msgid "!Panel:VUs:Heading"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:177
msgid "Notice: Most games are fine with the default options."
msgstr ""
"Avviso: La maggior parte dei giochi funzionano bene con le impostazioni "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:69
msgid "!Notice:DirPicker:CreatePath"
msgid ""
"The specified path/directory does not exist. Would you like to create it?"
msgstr "Il percorso/cartella specificato non esiste. Desideri crearlo?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:158
msgid "!ContextTip:DirPicker:UseDefault"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:157
msgid ""
"When checked this folder will automatically reflect the default associated "
"with PCSX2's current usermode setting. "
msgstr ""
"Se selezionata, questa cartella rifletterà automaticamente l'impostazione "
"predefinita associata alla modalità utente scelta in PCSX2."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:55
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Zoom"
msgid ""
"Zoom = 100: Fit the entire image to the window without any cropping.\n"
"Above/Below 100: Zoom In/Out\n"
"0: Automatic-Zoom-In untill the black-bars are gone (Aspect ratio is kept, "
"some of the image goes out of screen).\n"
" NOTE: Some games draw their own black-bars, which will not be removed with "
"Keyboard: CTRL + NUMPAD-PLUS: Zoom-In, CTRL + NUMPAD-MINUS: Zoom-Out, CTRL + "
"NUMPAD-*: Toggle 100/0"
msgstr ""
"Zoom = 100: L'immagine riempie l'intera finestra senza tagli.\n"
"Zoom = 100: L'immagine riempie l'intera finestra senza ritagli.\n"
"Al di sopra/sotto di 100: Aumenta diminuisce lo Zoom\n"
"0: Zoom automatico affinche siano rimosse i bordi neri (la proporzione "
"aspetto viene mantenuta, parte dell'immagine è fuori dallo schermo).\n"
"0: Zoom automatico affinche siano rimossi i bordi neri (la proporzione "
"aspetto viene mantenuta, parte dell'immagine potrebbe essere fuori dallo "
" NOTA: Alcuni giochi disegnano i propri bordi neri, che non saranno rimossi "
"con '0'.\n"
"Scorciatoie da tastiera : CTRL + Più (TN) : Aumenta Zoom, CTRL + Meno (TN): "
"Diminuisci Zoom, CTRL + * (tast. num): Scambia i valori '100' e '0'"
"Scorciatoie da tastiera : CTRL + Più (tast. num.) : Aumenta Zoom, CTRL + "
"Meno (tast. num.): Diminuisci Zoom, CTRL + * (tast. num.): Scambia i valori "
"'100' e '0'"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:63
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Vsync"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:58
msgid ""
"Vsync eliminates screen tearing but typically has a big performance hit. It "
"usually only applies to fullscreen mode, and may not work with all GS "
msgstr ""
"La sincronia verticale elimina il tearing dello schermo ma di solito ha un "
"forte impatto sulle prestazioni. \n"
"Normalmente viene applicata alla sola modalità a schermo intero e potrebbe "
"non funzionare con tutti i plugin GS."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:68
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:ManagedVsync"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:61
msgid ""
"Enables Vsync when the framerate is exactly at full speed. Should it fall "
"below that, Vsync gets disabled to avoid further performance penalties. "
"Note: This currently only works well with GSdx as GS plugin and with it "
"configured to use DX10/11 hardware rendering. Any other plugin or rendering "
"mode will either ignore it or produce a black frame that blinks whenever the "
"mode switches. It also requires Vsync to be enabled."
msgstr ""
"Abilita la sincronia verticale quando la frequenza fotogrammi è esattamente "
"alla velocità corretta.\n"
@ -302,137 +417,192 @@ msgstr ""
"schermo al cambio di modalità.\n"
"Richiede inoltre che la Sincronia Verticale sia abilitata."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:76
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideMouse"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:64
msgid ""
"Check this to force the mouse cursor invisible inside the GS window; useful "
"if using the mouse as a primary control device for gaming. By default the "
"mouse auto-hides after 2 seconds of inactivity."
msgstr ""
"Spunta questa opzione per forzare l'invisibilità del cursore all'interno "
"della finestra GS. \n"
"Utile se utilizzi il mouse come periferica di controllo principale nel "
"gioco. Per impostazione \n"
"Utile se utilizzi il mouse come periferica di controllo principale nei "
"giochi. Per impostazione \n"
"predefinita il mouse viene nascosto automaticamente dopo due secondi di "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:82
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Fullscreen"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:67
msgid ""
"Enables automatic mode switch to fullscreen when starting or resuming "
"emulation. You can still toggle fullscreen display at any time using alt-"
msgstr ""
"Abilita il passaggio automatico alla modalità a schermo intero quando si "
"avvia o si riprende l'emulazione. È sempre possibile passare in ogni momento "
"dalla modalità a schermo intero a finestra e viceversa utilizzando Alt+Invio."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:93
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideGS"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:74
msgid ""
"Completely closes the often large and bulky GS window when pressing ESC or "
"pausing the emulator."
msgstr ""
"Con questa opzione la finestra GS, che occupa spazio e consuma risorse, sarà "
"automaticamente alla premendo ESC o quado si mette in pausa l'emulazione."
"automaticamente premendo ESC o quado si mette in pausa l'emulazione."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:67
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:EE Timing Hack"
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Digital Devil Saga (Fixes FMV and crashes)\n"
" * SSX (Fixes bad graphics and crashes)\n"
" * Resident Evil: Dead Aim (Causes garbled textures)"
msgstr ""
"Ha effetto in questi giochi:\n"
" * Digital Devil Saga (corregge FMV e crash)\n"
" * SSX (corregge errori nella grafica e crash)\n"
" * Resident Evil: Dead Aim (causa texture alterate)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:76
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Bleach Blade Battler\n"
" * Growlanser II and III\n"
" * Wizardry"
msgstr ""
"Ha effetto in questi giochi:\n"
" * Bleach Blade Battler\n"
" * Growlanser II e III\n"
" * Wizardry"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:80
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:OPH Flag hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:81
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Mana Khemia 1 (Going \"off campus\")\n"
msgstr ""
"Ha effetto in questi giochi:\n"
" * Digital Devil Saga (corregge FMV e crash)\n"
" * SSX (corregge errori nella grafica e crash)\n"
" * Resident Evil: Dead Aim (causa texture alterate) "
" * Mana Khemia 1 (Going \"off campus\")\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:89
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:DMA Busy hack"
msgstr ""
"Ha effetto in questi giochi:\n"
" * Mana Khemia 1 (Going \"off campus\")"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:96
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:VIF1 FIFO hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:86
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Test Drive Unlimited\n"
" * Transformers"
msgstr ""
"Ha effetto in questi giochi:\n"
" * Test Drive Unlimited\n"
" * Transformers"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:119
msgid "!Panel:Gamefixes:Compat Warning"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:106
msgid ""
"Gamefixes can work around wrong emulation in some titles. \n"
"They may also cause compatibility or performance issues. \n"
"It's better to enable 'Automatic game fixes' at the main menu instead, and "
"leave this page empty. \n"
"('Automatic' means: selectively use specific tested fixes for specific games)"
msgstr ""
"I GameFix possono correggere i problemi di emulazione in alcuni giochi.\n"
"Possono tuttavia causare problemi di compatibilità e di prestazioni in altri "
"È consigliato attivare l'opzione 'GameFix automatici' nel menu 'Sistema' per "
"applicare automaticamente Fix specifici già testati per i soli giochi che li "
"richiedono, lasciando quindi le opzioni di questo pannello non selezionate."
"È consigliato attivare l'opzione 'GameFix automatici' nel menu 'Sistema', "
"lasciando quindi le opzioni di questo pannello non selezionate.\n"
"('automatici' significa: utilizzo selettivo di GameFix specifici già testati "
"per specifici giochi)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:720
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Delete"
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"You are about to delete the formatted memory card '%s'. All data on this "
"card will be lost! Are you absolutely and quite positively sure?"
msgstr ""
"Stai per cancellare la memory card formattata nello slot %u. Tutti i dati di "
"questa scheda saranno perduti! Sei assolutamente e positivamente sicuro?"
"Stai per cancellare la memory card formattata '%u'. Tutti i dati di questa "
"scheda saranno perduti! Sei assolutamente e positivamente sicuro?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:758
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:CantDuplicate"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:756
msgid ""
"Failed: Duplicate is only allowed to an empty PS2-Port or to the file system."
msgstr ""
"Fallita: La copia è permessa solamente verso una Porta-PS2 non occupata o "
"verso il file system."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:801
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Copy Failed"
msgstr ""
"Errore! Impossibile copiare la memory card nello slot %u. Il file di "
"destinazione è in uso"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:798
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Failed: Destination memory card '%s' is in use."
msgstr "Fallita! La memory card '%u' è in uso"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:35
msgid "!Panel:Usermode:Explained"
msgid ""
"Please select your preferred default location for PCSX2 user-level documents "
"below (includes memory cards, screenshots, settings, and savestates). These "
"folder locations can be overridden at any time using the Core Settings panel."
msgstr ""
"Per favore seleziona il percorso predefinito dei documenti utente di PCSX2 "
"in questa sezione (sono incluse memory card, screenshot, impostazioni e "
"salvataggi di stato). Questa impostazione potrà essere modificata "
"successivamente utilizzando il pannello d'Impostazioni Core."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:41
msgid "!Panel:Usermode:Warning"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:38
msgid ""
"You can change the preferred default location for PCSX2 user-level documents "
"here (includes memory cards, screenshots, settings, and savestates). This "
"option only affects Standard Paths which are set to use the installation "
"default value."
msgstr ""
"Puoi cambiare il percorso predefinito dei file utente di PCSX2 in questa "
"sezione (sono incluse memory card, screenshot, impostazioni e salvataggi di "
"stato). Questa opzione preimposterà i percorsi standard in modo da "
"utilizzare questo percorso base."
"stato). Questa opzione ha effetto solo sui percorsi standard che sono "
"impostati per utilizzare il valore predefinito."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:40
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Savestates"
msgid ""
"This folder is where PCSX2 records savestates; which are recorded either by "
"using menus/toolbars, or by pressing F1/F3 (save/load)."
msgstr ""
"Questa è la cartella dove PCSX2 registra i salvataggi di stato, che sono "
"creati utilizzando i menu/barre degli strumenti, o premendo F1/F3 (carica/"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:50
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Snapshots"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:48
msgid ""
"This folder is where PCSX2 saves screenshots. Actual screenshot image "
"format and style may vary depending on the GS plugin being used."
msgstr ""
"Questa è la cartella dove PCSX2 salva le screenshot. Il formato e le "
"modalità della screenshot varia in base al plugin GS utilizzato."
"modalità della screenshot dipende dal plugin GS utilizzato."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:60
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Logs"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:56
msgid ""
"This folder is where PCSX2 saves its logfiles and diagnostic dumps. Most "
"plugins will also adhere to this folder, however some older plugins may "
"ignore it."
msgstr ""
"Questa è la cartella dove PCSX2 salva i file di log e i dump diagnostici. La "
"maggior parte dei plugin salveranno qui i loro log, tuttavia alcuni vecchi "
"plugin potrebbero ignorare questa impostazione."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:242
msgid "!Notice:PluginSelector:ConfirmShutdown"
msgid ""
"Warning! Changing plugins requires a complete shutdown and reset of the PS2 "
"virtual machine. PCSX2 will attempt to save and restore the state, but if "
"the newly selected plugins are incompatible the recovery may fail, and "
"current progress will be lost.\n"
"Are you sure you want to apply settings now?"
msgstr ""
"Attenzione! Dopo aver cambiato i plugin utilizzati è consigliato un completo "
"spegnimento e reset della macchina virtuale PS2. PCSX2 tenterà ora di "
"salvare e ripristinare uno stato, ma se i nuovi plugin selezionati sono "
"incompatibili con quelli precedenti il ripristino potrà fallire facendo "
"salvare lo stato e quindi a ripristinarlo, ma se i nuovi plugin selezionati "
"sono incompatibili con quelli precedenti il ripristino potrà fallire facendo "
"perdere tutti i progressi correnti.\n"
"Sei sicuro di voler applicare adesso le impostazioni?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:457
msgid "!Notice:PluginSelector:ApplyFailed"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:452
#, c-format
msgid ""
"All plugins must have valid selections for %s to run. If you are unable to "
"make a valid selection due to missing plugins or an incomplete install of "
"%s, then press Cancel to close the Configuration panel."
msgstr ""
"Tutti i plugin selezionati devono essere validi per garantire l'esecuzione "
"di %s. Se non sei in grado i fornire delle impostazioni valide a causa di "
@ -440,104 +610,141 @@ msgstr ""
"per chiudere il pannello di configurazione."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:27
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX1"
msgid ""
"1 - Default cyclerate. This closely matches the actual speed of a real PS2 "
msgstr ""
"1 - Cyclerate predefinito.\n"
"Eguaglia accuratamente la velocità dell'EmotionEngine della PS2."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:32
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX2"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:31
msgid ""
"2 - Reduces the EE's cyclerate by about 33%. Mild speedup for most games "
"with high compatibility."
msgstr ""
"2 - Riduce EE Cyclerate di circa il 33%.\n"
"Aumento di velocità lieve per la maggior parte dei giochi mantenendo buona "
"Aumento di velocità contenuto per la maggior parte dei giochi mantenendo "
"buona compatibilità."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX3"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:35
msgid ""
"3 - Reduces the EE's cyclerate by about 50%. Moderate speedup, but *will* "
"cause stuttering audio on many FMVs."
msgstr ""
"3 - Riduce EE Cyclerate di circa il 50%.\n"
"Aumento di velocità moderato, ma di sicuro causerà stuttering audio in molti "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:54
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealOff"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:50
msgid "0 - Disables VU Cycle Stealing. Most compatible setting!"
msgstr ""
"0 - Disabilita il VU Cycle Stealing.\n"
"È l'impostazione più compatibile!"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:59
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal1"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:54
msgid ""
"1 - Mild VU Cycle Stealing. Lower compatibility, but some speedup for most "
msgstr ""
"1 - VU Cycle Stealing lieve.\n"
"Abbassa la compatibilità, ma garantisce un aumento di velocità per la "
"maggior parte dei giochi"
"1 - VU Cycle Stealing contenuto.\n"
"Abbassa la compatibilità, ma garantisce aumenti di velocità per la maggior "
"parte dei giochi"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:64
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal2"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:58
msgid ""
"2 - Moderate VU Cycle Stealing. Even lower compatibility, but significant "
"speedups in some games."
msgstr ""
"2 - VU Cycle Stealing moderato.\n"
"Abbassa ulteriormente la compatibilità, ma porta significativi aumenti di "
"velocità in alcuni giochi."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:70
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal3"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:63
msgid ""
"3 - Maximum VU Cycle Stealing. Usefulness is limited, as this will cause "
"flickering visuals or slowdown in most games."
msgstr ""
"3 - VU Cycle Stealing massimo.\n"
"L'utilità è limitata dato che causa visuali traballanti o rallentamenti in "
"parecchi giochi."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:97
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:Overview"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:88
msgid ""
"Speedhacks usually improve emulation speed, but can cause glitches, broken "
"audio, and false FPS readings. When having emulation problems, disable this "
"panel first."
msgstr ""
"Generalmente gli SpeedHack consentono di migliorare la velocità "
"dell'emulazione, ma possono causare glitch, audio corrotto e rilevazioni FPS "
"non corrette. Se hai problemi di emulazione, per prima cosa prova a "
"disattivare le opzioni in questo pannello."
"non corrette. Se hai problemi di emulazione, per prima cosa disattiva le "
"opzioni in questo pannello."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:129
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:EECycleRate Slider"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:118
msgid ""
"Setting higher values on this slider effectively reduces the clock speed of "
"the EmotionEngine's R5900 core cpu, and typically brings big speedups to "
"games that fail to utilize the full potential of the real PS2 hardware."
msgstr ""
"Impostando i valori più elevati di questo slider si riduce di fatto la "
"frequenza della CPU core R5900 dell'EmotionEngine portando a grossi aumenti "
"di velocità in quei giochi che non riescono ad utilizzare il pieno "
"potenziale dell'hardware della PS2."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:150
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealing Slider"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:136
msgid ""
"This slider controls the amount of cycles the VU unit steals from the "
"EmotionEngine. Higher values increase the number of cycles stolen from the "
"EE for each VU microprogram the game runs."
msgstr ""
"Questo slider controlla l'ammontare di cicli che l'unità VU 'ruba' "
"all'EmotionEngine. \n"
"Valori più alti aumentano il numero di cicli 'rubati' dall'EE per ogni "
"microprogramma VU eseguito dal gioco."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:169
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:153
msgid ""
"Updates Status Flags only on blocks which will read them, instead of all the "
"time. This is safe most of the time, and Super VU does something similar by "
msgstr ""
"Le Flag di stato saranno aggiornate solo nei blocchi che le leggeranno, "
"invece che ogni volta. Questo va \n"
"bene per la maggior parte dei casi e superVU fa qualcosa del genere in "
"maniera predefinita."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:174
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuThread"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:156
msgid ""
"Runs VU1 on its own thread (microVU1-only). Generally a speedup on CPUs with "
"3 or more cores. This is safe for most games, but a few games are "
"incompatible and may hang. In the case of GS limited games, it may be a "
"slowdown (especially on dual core CPUs)."
msgstr ""
"Esegue la VU1 in un thread separato (solo la microVU1). Generalmente si "
"ottiene un aumento di velocità su CPU con 3 o più core.\n"
"La maggior parte dei giochi non crea problemi, ma alcuni sono incompatibli e "
"possono bloccarsi.\n"
"possono andare in stallo.\n"
"Si possono invece verificare dei rallentamenti (specialmente con CPU dual-"
"core) nel caso di giochi limitati dal thread GS ."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:195
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:174
msgid ""
"This hack works best for games that use the INTC Status register to wait for "
"vsyncs, which includes primarily non-3D RPG titles. Games that do not use "
"this method of vsync will see little or no speedup from this hack."
msgstr ""
"Questo hack funziona al meglio nei giochi che utilizzano il registro di "
"Stato INTC per attendere la sincronia verticale, principalmente i GdR non in "
"3D. I giochi che non utilizzano questo metodo di sincronia verticale "
"otterranno un aumento di velocità minimo se non nullo."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:200
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:177
msgid ""
"Primarily targetting the EE idle loop at address 0x81FC0 in the kernel, this "
"hack attempts to detect loops whose bodies are guaranteed to result in the "
"same machine state for every iteration until a scheduled event triggers "
"emulation of another unit. After a single iteration of such loops, we "
"advance to the time of the next event or the end of the processor's "
"timeslice, whichever comes first."
msgstr ""
"L'obiettivo principale è l'idle loop (ciclo per inattività) dell'EE "
"nell'indirizzo del kernel 0x81FC0; questo hack prova a rilevare i cicli i "
@ -547,37 +754,51 @@ msgstr ""
"successivo o alla fine del tempo riservato al processore, qualunque venga "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:207
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:180
msgid ""
"Check HDLoader compatibility lists for known games that have issues with "
"this. (Often marked as needing 'mode 1' or 'slow DVD'"
msgstr ""
"Controlla la lista compatibilità di HDLoader per sapere quali giochi creano "
"problemi \n"
"con questo SpeedHack. (spesso indicati con 'mode 1' o 'slow DVD' necessario)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!ContextTip:Framelimiter:Disable"
msgid ""
"Note that when Framelimiting is disabled, Turbo and SlowMotion modes will "
"not be available either."
msgstr ""
"Quando il Limitatore Fotogrammi è disattivato anche le modalità Turbo e "
"Rallentatore non saranno più disponibili."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:227
msgid "!Panel:Frameskip:Heading"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:225
msgid ""
"Notice: Due to PS2 hardware design, precise frame skipping is impossible. "
"Enabling it will cause severe graphical errors in some games."
msgstr ""
"Avviso: a causa del design hardware della PS2, un salto dei fotogrammi "
"preciso non è possibile. La sua attivazione può causare gravi errori grafici "
"in alcuni giochi."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302
msgid ""
"Enable this if you think MTGS thread sync is causing crashes or graphical "
msgstr ""
"Attiva questa opzione se pensi che la perdita di sincrona del thread MTGS "
"Attiva questa opzione se pensi che la perdita di sincronia del thread MTGS "
"sia la causa di crash o problemi grafici."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:310
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:305
msgid ""
"Removes any benchmark noise caused by the MTGS thread or GPU overhead. This "
"option is best used in conjunction with savestates: save a state at an ideal "
"scene, enable this option, and re-load the savestate.\n"
"Warning: This option can be enabled on-the-fly but typically cannot be "
"disabled on-the-fly (video will typically be garbage)."
msgstr ""
"Nei benchmark, permette di rimuovere ogni interferenza causata dal thread "
"MTGS o da una GPU lenta. Questa opzione è sfruttata al meglio in "
"MTGS o dall'overhead della GPU. Questa opzione è sfruttata al meglio in "
"congiunzione ai salvataggi di stato: salva uno stato prima della scena "
"ideale, quindi abilita questa opzione e ricarica il salvataggio di stato.\n"
@ -585,17 +806,24 @@ msgstr ""
"disattivata (la schermata visualizzata sarà in pratica spazzatura "
#: pcsx2/vtlb.cpp:710
msgid "!Notice:HostVmReserve"
#: pcsx2/vtlb.cpp:711
msgid ""
"Your system is too low on virtual resources for PCSX2 to run. This can be "
"caused by having a small or disabled swapfile, or by other programs that are "
"hogging resources."
msgstr ""
"Il tuo sistema ha troppe poche risorse virtuali per eseguire PCSX2. Questo "
"può essere causato da un file di swap troppo piccolo o disattivato, o da "
"può essere causato da un file di scambio troppo piccolo o disattivato, o da "
"altri programmi che stanno occupando troppe risorse."
#: pcsx2/x86/sVU_zerorec.cpp:363
msgid "!Notice:superVU:VirtualMemoryAlloc"
msgid ""
"Out of Memory (sorta): The SuperVU recompiler was unable to reserve the "
"specific memory ranges required, and will not be available for use. This is "
"not a critical error, since the sVU rec is obsolete, and you should use "
"microVU instead anyway. :)"
msgstr ""
"Memoria Esaurita (più o meno): il ricompilatore SuperVU non è riuscito a "
"Memoria Esaurita (più o meno): il ricompilatore superVU non è riuscito a "
"riservare il range di memoria specifico richiesto, non sarà quindi "
"disponibile all'utilizzo. Questo non è un errore critico, dato che il "
"ricompilatore sVU è obsoleto e in ogni caso dovresti utilizzare microVU. :)"

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.9\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-04-07 11:42+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-08-10 11:44+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-05 08:12+0900\n"
"Last-Translator: DeltaHF\n"
"Language-Team: DeltaHF\n"
@ -24,19 +24,29 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: common\n"
#: common/src/Utilities/Exceptions.cpp:254
msgid "!Notice:VirtualMemoryMap"
msgid ""
"There is not enough virtual memory available, or necessary virtual memory "
"mappings have already been reserved by other processes, services, or DLLs."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/CDVD/CDVD.cpp:389
msgid "!Notice:PsxDisc"
msgid ""
"Playstation game discs are not supported by PCSX2. If you want to emulate "
"PSX games then you'll have to download a PSX-specific emulator, such as "
"ePSXe or PCSX."
msgstr ""
"プレイステーションのディスクはPCSX2でサポートされていません。 \n"
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:114
msgid "!Notice:Recompiler:VirtualMemoryAlloc"
msgid ""
"This recompiler was unable to reserve contiguous memory required for "
"internal caches. This error can be caused by low virtual memory resources, "
"such as a small or disabled swapfile, or by another program that is hogging "
"a lot of memory. You can also try reducing the default cache sizes for all "
"PCSX2 recompilers, found under Host Settings."
msgstr ""
@ -46,28 +56,38 @@ msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:348
msgid "!Notice:EmuCore::MemoryForVM"
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:344
msgid ""
"PCSX2 is unable to allocate memory needed for the PS2 virtual machine. Close "
"out some memory hogging background tasks and try again."
msgstr ""
"た。 \n"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:43
msgid "!Notice:Startup:NoSSE2"
msgid ""
"Warning: Your computer does not support SSE2, which is required by many "
"PCSX2 recompilers and plugins. Your options will be limited and emulation "
"will be *very* slow."
msgstr ""
"警告: お使いのはPCSX2のリコンパイラやプラグインが必要とするを"
"サポートしていません。 \n"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:162
msgid "!Notice:RecompilerInit:Header"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:160
msgid ""
"Warning: Some of the configured PS2 recompilers failed to initialize and "
"have been disabled:"
msgstr ""
"警告: 設定されたいくつかのPS2リコンパイラが初期化に失敗し、無効にされまし"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:211
msgid "!Notice:RecompilerInit:Footer"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:208
msgid ""
"Note: Recompilers are not necessary for PCSX2 to run, however they typically "
"improve emulation speed substantially. You may have to manually re-enable "
"the recompilers listed above, if you resolve the errors."
msgstr ""
@ -75,21 +95,33 @@ msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:546
msgid "!Notice:BiosDumpRequired"
msgid ""
"PCSX2 requires a PS2 BIOS in order to run. For legal reasons, you *must* "
"obtain a BIOS from an actual PS2 unit that you own (borrowing doesn't "
"count). Please consult the FAQs and Guides for further instructions."
msgstr ""
"PS2の実機から \n"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:629
msgid "!Notice Error:Thread Deadlock Actions"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:626
msgid ""
"'Ignore' to continue waiting for the thread to respond.\n"
"'Cancel' to attempt to cancel the thread.\n"
"'Terminate' to quit PCSX2 immediately.\n"
msgstr ""
"[無視] スレッドの応答を待ちます。\n"
"[キャンセル] スレッドのキャンセルを試行します。\n"
"[終了] PCSX2をただちに終了させます。"
"[終了] PCSX2をただちに終了させます。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppUserMode.cpp:57
msgid "!Notice:PortableModeRights"
msgid ""
"Please ensure that these folders are created and that your user account is "
"granted write permissions to them -- or re-run PCSX2 with elevated "
"(administrator) rights, which should grant PCSX2 the ability to create the "
"necessary folders itself. If you do not have elevated rights on this "
"computer, then you will need to switch to User Documents mode (click button "
msgstr ""
"確認して下さい。 \n"
@ -100,52 +132,77 @@ msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:181
msgid "!ContextTip:ChangingNTFS"
msgid ""
"NTFS compression can be changed manually at any time by using file "
"properties from Windows Explorer."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:49
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Settings"
msgid ""
"This is the folder where PCSX2 saves your settings, including settings "
"generated by most plugins (some older plugins may not respect this value)."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:54
msgid "!Panel:Folders:Settings"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:52
msgid ""
"You may optionally specify a location for your PCSX2 settings here. If the "
"location contains existing PCSX2 settings, you will be given the option to "
"import or overwrite them."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:94
msgid "!Wizard:Welcome"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:89
#, c-format
msgid ""
"This wizard will help guide you through configuring plugins, memory cards, "
"and BIOS. It is recommended if this is your first time installing %s that "
"you view the readme and configuration guide."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:140
msgid "!Wizard:Bios:Tutorial"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:132
msgid ""
"PCSX2 requires a *legal* copy of the PS2 BIOS in order to run games.\n"
"You cannot use a copy obtained from a friend or the Internet.\n"
"You must dump the BIOS from your *own* Playstation 2 console."
msgstr ""
"PCSX2を実行するには「合法的」に入手したPS2 BIOSが必要です。 \n"
"友人やインターネットから入手したものは使用してはいけません。 \n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/ImportSettingsDialog.cpp:31
msgid "!Notice:ImportExistingSettings"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Existing %s settings have been found in the configured settings folder. "
"Would you like to import these settings or overwrite them with %s default "
"(or press Cancel to select a different settings folder)"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:30
msgid "!Panel:Mcd:NtfsCompress"
msgid ""
"NTFS compression is built-in, fast, and completely reliable; and typically "
"compresses memory cards very well (this option is highly recommended)."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:41
msgid "!Panel:Mcd:EnableEjection"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:39
msgid ""
"Avoids memory card corruption by forcing games to re-index card contents "
"after loading from savestates. May not be compatible with all games (Guitar "
msgstr ""
@ -153,27 +210,46 @@ msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/StuckThreadDialog.cpp:33
msgid "!Panel:StuckThread:Heading"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The thread '%s' is not responding. It could be deadlocked, or it might just "
"be running *really* slowly."
msgstr ""
"%sスレッドの応答がありません。デッドロック状態か \n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:38
msgid "!Panel:HasHacksOverrides"
msgid ""
"Warning! You are running PCSX2 with command line options that override your "
"configured settings. These command line options will not be reflected in "
"the Settings dialog, and will be disabled if you apply any changes here."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:58
msgid "!Panel:HasPluginsOverrides"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:55
msgid ""
"Warning! You are running PCSX2 with command line options that override your "
"configured plugin and/or folder settings. These command line options will "
"not be reflected in the settings dialog, and will be disabled when you apply "
"settings changes here."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:135
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Slider"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:129
msgid ""
"The Presets apply speed hacks, some recompiler options and some game fixes "
"known to boost speed.\n"
"Known important game fixes will be applied automatically.\n"
"Presets info:\n"
"1 - The most accurate emulation but also the slowest.\n"
"3 --> Tries to balance speed with compatibility.\n"
"4 - Some more aggressive hacks.\n"
"6 - Too many hacks which will probably slow down most games.\n"
msgstr ""
@ -183,10 +259,15 @@ msgstr ""
"1 - 最も高精度なエミュレーションですが、最も低速です。\n"
"3 --> 速度と互換性のバランス型。\n"
"4 - 能動的なハックを付け足します。\n"
"6 - ハック数が多すぎてほとんどのゲームでは遅くなります。"
"6 - ハック数が多すぎてほとんどのゲームでは遅くなります。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:149
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Checkbox"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:136
msgid ""
"The Presets apply speed hacks, some recompiler options and some game fixes "
"known to boost speed.\n"
"Known important game fixes will be applied automatically.\n"
"--> Uncheck to modify settings manually (with current preset as base)"
msgstr ""
@ -195,13 +276,23 @@ msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/IsoDropTarget.cpp:28
msgid "!Notice:ConfirmSysReset"
msgid ""
"This action will reset the existing PS2 virtual machine state; all current "
"progress will be lost. Are you sure?"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/MainMenuClicks.cpp:106
msgid "!Notice:DeleteSettings"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"This command clears %s settings and allows you to re-run the First-Time "
"Wizard. You will need to manually restart %s after this operation.\n"
"WARNING!! Click OK to delete *ALL* settings for %s and force-close the app, "
"losing any current emulation progress. Are you absolutely sure?\n"
"(note: settings for plugins are unaffected)"
msgstr ""
@ -214,37 +305,55 @@ msgstr ""
"(注意: プラグインの設定に影響はありません)"
#: pcsx2/gui/MemoryCardFile.cpp:78
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:HasBeenDisabled"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The PS2-slot %d has been automatically disabled. You can correct the "
"and re-enable it at any time using Config:Memory cards from the main menu."
msgstr ""
"メインメニューから [設定→メモリーカード] で再度有効化して下さい。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/BiosSelectorPanel.cpp:138
msgid "!Notice:BIOS:InvalidSelection"
msgid ""
"Please select a valid BIOS. If you are unable to make a valid selection "
"then press Cancel to close the Configuration panel."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:111
msgid "!Panel:EE/IOP:Heading"
msgid "Notice: Most games are fine with the default options. "
msgstr "メモ: ほとんどのゲームはデフォルトオプションのままで動作します。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:178
msgid "!Panel:VUs:Heading"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:177
msgid "Notice: Most games are fine with the default options."
msgstr "メモ: ほとんどのゲームはデフォルトオプションのままで動作します。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:69
msgid "!Notice:DirPicker:CreatePath"
msgid ""
"The specified path/directory does not exist. Would you like to create it?"
msgstr "指定されたディレクトリは存在しません。作成しますか?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:158
msgid "!ContextTip:DirPicker:UseDefault"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:157
msgid ""
"When checked this folder will automatically reflect the default associated "
"with PCSX2's current usermode setting. "
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:55
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Zoom"
msgid ""
"Zoom = 100: Fit the entire image to the window without any cropping.\n"
"Above/Below 100: Zoom In/Out\n"
"0: Automatic-Zoom-In untill the black-bars are gone (Aspect ratio is kept, "
"some of the image goes out of screen).\n"
" NOTE: Some games draw their own black-bars, which will not be removed with "
"Keyboard: CTRL + NUMPAD-PLUS: Zoom-In, CTRL + NUMPAD-MINUS: Zoom-Out, CTRL + "
"NUMPAD-*: Toggle 100/0"
msgstr ""
"ズーム100 映像を出力をクロッピング(トリミング)せず画面に合わせて伸縮しま"
@ -256,15 +365,24 @@ msgstr ""
"ショートカットキー: [CTRL] + []でズームイン、[CTRL] + []でズームアウト、"
"[CTRL] + [*]でズーム値100/0切り替え*はテンキーを使用)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:63
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Vsync"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:58
msgid ""
"Vsync eliminates screen tearing but typically has a big performance hit. It "
"usually only applies to fullscreen mode, and may not work with all GS "
msgstr ""
"Vsync (垂直同期)は画面の水平な乱れ(テアリング)を除去しますが、パフォーマ"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:68
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:ManagedVsync"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:61
msgid ""
"Enables Vsync when the framerate is exactly at full speed. Should it fall "
"below that, Vsync gets disabled to avoid further performance penalties. "
"Note: This currently only works well with GSdx as GS plugin and with it "
"configured to use DX10/11 hardware rendering. Any other plugin or rendering "
"mode will either ignore it or produce a black frame that blinks whenever the "
"mode switches. It also requires Vsync to be enabled."
msgstr ""
@ -273,28 +391,40 @@ msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:76
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideMouse"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:64
msgid ""
"Check this to force the mouse cursor invisible inside the GS window; useful "
"if using the mouse as a primary control device for gaming. By default the "
"mouse auto-hides after 2 seconds of inactivity."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:82
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Fullscreen"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:67
msgid ""
"Enables automatic mode switch to fullscreen when starting or resuming "
"emulation. You can still toggle fullscreen display at any time using alt-"
msgstr ""
"効にします。[ALT] + [Enter]のショートカットでいつでも切り替える事ができます。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:93
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideGS"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:74
msgid ""
"Completely closes the often large and bulky GS window when pressing ESC or "
"pausing the emulator."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:67
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:EE Timing Hack"
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Digital Devil Saga (Fixes FMV and crashes)\n"
" * SSX (Fixes bad graphics and crashes)\n"
" * Resident Evil: Dead Aim (Causes garbled textures)"
msgstr ""
" * デジタルデビルサーガ(ゲーム内ムービーとクラッシュを修正します)\n"
@ -302,27 +432,42 @@ msgstr ""
" * ガンサバイバー4 バイオハザードヒーローズネバーダイ(グラフィックがおかし"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:80
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:OPH Flag hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:76
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Bleach Blade Battler\n"
" * Growlanser II and III\n"
" * Wizardry"
msgstr ""
" * ブリーチブレイドバトラーズ\n"
" * グローランサー3作\n"
" * ウィザードリィ"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:89
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:DMA Busy hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:81
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Mana Khemia 1 (Going \"off campus\")\n"
msgstr ""
" * マナケミア~学園の錬金術士たち~\n"
" * メタルサーガ"
" * メタルサーガ\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:96
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:VIF1 FIFO hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:86
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Test Drive Unlimited\n"
" * Transformers"
msgstr "ContextTip String Not Found"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:119
msgid "!Panel:Gamefixes:Compat Warning"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:106
msgid ""
"Gamefixes can work around wrong emulation in some titles. \n"
"They may also cause compatibility or performance issues. \n"
"It's better to enable 'Automatic game fixes' at the main menu instead, and "
"leave this page empty. \n"
"('Automatic' means: selectively use specific tested fixes for specific games)"
msgstr ""
@ -332,30 +477,42 @@ msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:720
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Delete"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"You are about to delete the formatted memory card '%s'. All data on this "
"card will be lost! Are you absolutely and quite positively sure?"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:758
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:CantDuplicate"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:756
msgid ""
"Failed: Duplicate is only allowed to an empty PS2-Port or to the file system."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:801
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Copy Failed"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:798
#, c-format
msgid "Failed: Destination memory card '%s' is in use."
msgstr "コピーに失敗しました。コピー先のメモリーカード[%s]は使用中です。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:35
msgid "!Panel:Usermode:Explained"
msgid ""
"Please select your preferred default location for PCSX2 user-level documents "
"below (includes memory cards, screenshots, settings, and savestates). These "
"folder locations can be overridden at any time using the Core Settings panel."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:41
msgid "!Panel:Usermode:Warning"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:38
msgid ""
"You can change the preferred default location for PCSX2 user-level documents "
"here (includes memory cards, screenshots, settings, and savestates). This "
"option only affects Standard Paths which are set to use the installation "
"default value."
msgstr ""
@ -363,27 +520,40 @@ msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:40
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Savestates"
msgid ""
"This folder is where PCSX2 records savestates; which are recorded either by "
"using menus/toolbars, or by pressing F1/F3 (save/load)."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:50
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Snapshots"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:48
msgid ""
"This folder is where PCSX2 saves screenshots. Actual screenshot image "
"format and style may vary depending on the GS plugin being used."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:60
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Logs"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:56
msgid ""
"This folder is where PCSX2 saves its logfiles and diagnostic dumps. Most "
"plugins will also adhere to this folder, however some older plugins may "
"ignore it."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:242
msgid "!Notice:PluginSelector:ConfirmShutdown"
msgid ""
"Warning! Changing plugins requires a complete shutdown and reset of the PS2 "
"virtual machine. PCSX2 will attempt to save and restore the state, but if "
"the newly selected plugins are incompatible the recovery may fail, and "
"current progress will be lost.\n"
"Are you sure you want to apply settings now?"
msgstr ""
@ -394,8 +564,12 @@ msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:457
msgid "!Notice:PluginSelector:ApplyFailed"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:452
#, c-format
msgid ""
"All plugins must have valid selections for %s to run. If you are unable to "
"make a valid selection due to missing plugins or an incomplete install of "
"%s, then press Cancel to close the Configuration panel."
msgstr ""
@ -404,81 +578,118 @@ msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:27
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX1"
msgid ""
"1 - Default cyclerate. This closely matches the actual speed of a real PS2 "
msgstr ""
"1 - [デフォルト] PS2実機のEEと同サイクル数ほぼ同速度でエミュレーションし"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:32
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX2"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:31
msgid ""
"2 - Reduces the EE's cyclerate by about 33%. Mild speedup for most games "
"with high compatibility."
msgstr ""
"2 - EEのサイクルレートを33%低下させます。そこそこ速度上昇、互換性も高いです。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX3"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:35
msgid ""
"3 - Reduces the EE's cyclerate by about 50%. Moderate speedup, but *will* "
"cause stuttering audio on many FMVs."
msgstr ""
"3 - EEのサイクルレートを50%低下させます。大きく速度上昇、そこそこ互換性が"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:54
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealOff"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:50
msgid "0 - Disables VU Cycle Stealing. Most compatible setting!"
msgstr "0 - VU Cycle Stealingを無効にします。最も互換性があります。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:59
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal1"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:54
msgid ""
"1 - Mild VU Cycle Stealing. Lower compatibility, but some speedup for most "
msgstr "1 - 穏やかな設定です。そこそこ速度上昇、互換性が少し損なわれます。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:64
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal2"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:58
msgid ""
"2 - Moderate VU Cycle Stealing. Even lower compatibility, but significant "
"speedups in some games."
msgstr "2 - 適度な設定です。大きく速度上昇、そこそこ互換性が損なわれます。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:70
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal3"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:63
msgid ""
"3 - Maximum VU Cycle Stealing. Usefulness is limited, as this will cause "
"flickering visuals or slowdown in most games."
msgstr ""
"3 - 最大限の設定です。利用価値は低く、ほとんどのゲームでは画面のチラつき、速"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:97
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:Overview"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:88
msgid ""
"Speedhacks usually improve emulation speed, but can cause glitches, broken "
"audio, and false FPS readings. When having emulation problems, disable this "
"panel first."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:129
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:EECycleRate Slider"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:118
msgid ""
"Setting higher values on this slider effectively reduces the clock speed of "
"the EmotionEngine's R5900 core cpu, and typically brings big speedups to "
"games that fail to utilize the full potential of the real PS2 hardware."
msgstr ""
"設定値を高くする程のR5900 CPUのクロックを低下させます。実機PS2のハード"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:150
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealing Slider"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:136
msgid ""
"This slider controls the amount of cycles the VU unit steals from the "
"EmotionEngine. Higher values increase the number of cycles stolen from the "
"EE for each VU microprogram the game runs."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:169
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:153
msgid ""
"Updates Status Flags only on blocks which will read them, instead of all the "
"time. This is safe most of the time, and Super VU does something similar by "
msgstr ""
"ほぼ安全に使う事ができ、Super VUもデフォルトで同じような動作をします。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:174
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuThread"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:156
msgid ""
"Runs VU1 on its own thread (microVU1-only). Generally a speedup on CPUs with "
"3 or more cores. This is safe for most games, but a few games are "
"incompatible and may hang. In the case of GS limited games, it may be a "
"slowdown (especially on dual core CPUs)."
msgstr "ContextTip String Not Found"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:195
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:174
msgid ""
"This hack works best for games that use the INTC Status register to wait for "
"vsyncs, which includes primarily non-3D RPG titles. Games that do not use "
"this method of vsync will see little or no speedup from this hack."
msgstr ""
"垂直同期を待つ為にINTCステータスレジスタを使用する、主に非3D RPGゲームで使う"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:200
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:177
msgid ""
"Primarily targetting the EE idle loop at address 0x81FC0 in the kernel, this "
"hack attempts to detect loops whose bodies are guaranteed to result in the "
"same machine state for every iteration until a scheduled event triggers "
"emulation of another unit. After a single iteration of such loops, we "
"advance to the time of the next event or the end of the processor's "
"timeslice, whichever comes first."
msgstr ""
"カーネルの 0X81FC0 アドレスにあるEEアイドルループを主に監視し、別ユニットのエ"
@ -486,34 +697,48 @@ msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:207
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:180
msgid ""
"Check HDLoader compatibility lists for known games that have issues with "
"this. (Often marked as needing 'mode 1' or 'slow DVD'"
msgstr ""
"「HDLoader compatibility list」を参照し、この機能を《使用できない》ゲームを調"
"べて下さいmode 1/slow DVDと表記されています。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!ContextTip:Framelimiter:Disable"
msgid ""
"Note that when Framelimiting is disabled, Turbo and SlowMotion modes will "
"not be available either."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:227
msgid "!Panel:Frameskip:Heading"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:225
msgid ""
"Notice: Due to PS2 hardware design, precise frame skipping is impossible. "
"Enabling it will cause severe graphical errors in some games."
msgstr ""
"メモPS2のハードウェア設計により、         \n"
"正確なフレームスキップは不可能です。 \n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302
msgid ""
"Enable this if you think MTGS thread sync is causing crashes or graphical "
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:310
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:305
msgid ""
"Removes any benchmark noise caused by the MTGS thread or GPU overhead. This "
"option is best used in conjunction with savestates: save a state at an ideal "
"scene, enable this option, and re-load the savestate.\n"
"Warning: This option can be enabled on-the-fly but typically cannot be "
"disabled on-the-fly (video will typically be garbage)."
msgstr ""
@ -523,8 +748,11 @@ msgstr ""
"警告: このオプションはゲーム実行中に有効化できますが、無効化する事はできま"
#: pcsx2/vtlb.cpp:710
msgid "!Notice:HostVmReserve"
#: pcsx2/vtlb.cpp:711
msgid ""
"Your system is too low on virtual resources for PCSX2 to run. This can be "
"caused by having a small or disabled swapfile, or by other programs that are "
"hogging resources."
msgstr ""
@ -532,7 +760,11 @@ msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/x86/sVU_zerorec.cpp:363
msgid "!Notice:superVU:VirtualMemoryAlloc"
msgid ""
"Out of Memory (sorta): The SuperVU recompiler was unable to reserve the "
"specific memory ranges required, and will not be available for use. This is "
"not a critical error, since the sVU rec is obsolete, and you should use "
"microVU instead anyway. :)"
msgstr ""

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.9\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-05-07 17:46+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-08-10 11:44+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-05-11 17:41+0900\n"
"Last-Translator: 99skull <99skull@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: 99skull <99skull@gmail.com>\n"
@ -24,201 +24,404 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: common\n"
#: common/src/Utilities/Exceptions.cpp:254
msgid "!Notice:VirtualMemoryMap"
msgstr "이용가능한 충분한 가상 메모리가 없거나, 필요한 가상 메모리 매핑이 이미 다른 프로세서, 서비스 또는 DLL에 의해 예정되어 있습니다."
msgid ""
"There is not enough virtual memory available, or necessary virtual memory "
"mappings have already been reserved by other processes, services, or DLLs."
msgstr ""
"이용가능한 충분한 가상 메모리가 없거나, 필요한 가상 메모리 매핑이 이미 다른 "
"프로세서, 서비스 또는 DLL에 의해 예정되어 있습니다."
#: pcsx2/CDVD/CDVD.cpp:389
msgid "!Notice:PsxDisc"
msgstr "주의! PS1 게임 디스크는 PCSX2에서 지원되지 않습니다. 만약 PS1 게임 구동을 원하면 ePSXe 또는 PCSX 같은 에뮬레이터를 다운받아야 합니다."
msgid ""
"Playstation game discs are not supported by PCSX2. If you want to emulate "
"PSX games then you'll have to download a PSX-specific emulator, such as "
"ePSXe or PCSX."
msgstr ""
"주의! PS1 게임 디스크는 PCSX2에서 지원되지 않습니다. 만약 PS1 게임 구동을 원"
"하면 ePSXe 또는 PCSX 같은 에뮬레이터를 다운받아야 합니다."
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:114
msgid "!Notice:Recompiler:VirtualMemoryAlloc"
msgstr "주의! 이 리컴파일러가 내부캐시를 위한 인접한 메모리 예약을 할 수 없습니다. 이 에러는 낮은 가상 메모리 또는 작거나 사용할 수 없는 스왑파일 때문에 일어납니다. 또는 많은 메모리를 점유하는 다른 프로그램 때문에도 일어납니다. PCSX2 리컴파일러를 위한 캐시크기를 기본값으로 줄이고 다시 시도할 수 있습니다."
msgid ""
"This recompiler was unable to reserve contiguous memory required for "
"internal caches. This error can be caused by low virtual memory resources, "
"such as a small or disabled swapfile, or by another program that is hogging "
"a lot of memory. You can also try reducing the default cache sizes for all "
"PCSX2 recompilers, found under Host Settings."
msgstr ""
"주의! 이 리컴파일러가 내부캐시를 위한 인접한 메모리 예약을 할 수 없습니다. "
"이 에러는 낮은 가상 메모리 또는 작거나 사용할 수 없는 스왑파일 때문에 일어납"
"니다. 또는 많은 메모리를 점유하는 다른 프로그램 때문에도 일어납니다. PCSX2 리"
"컴파일러를 위한 캐시크기를 기본값으로 줄이고 다시 시도할 수 있습니다."
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:348
msgid "!Notice:EmuCore::MemoryForVM"
msgstr "주의! PCSX2가 PS2 가상머신에 필요함 메모리를 할당할 수 없습니다. 메모리를 확보하고 다시 시도해 주세요."
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:344
msgid ""
"PCSX2 is unable to allocate memory needed for the PS2 virtual machine. Close "
"out some memory hogging background tasks and try again."
msgstr ""
"주의! PCSX2가 PS2 가상머신에 필요함 메모리를 할당할 수 없습니다. 메모리를 확"
"보하고 다시 시도해 주세요."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:43
msgid "!Notice:Startup:NoSSE2"
msgstr "경고! 컴퓨터가 PCSX2 리컴파일러와 플러그인이 요구하는, SSE2를 지원하지 않습니다. 당신의 선택은 제한되고, 에뮬레이터는 *매우* 느려집니다."
msgid ""
"Warning: Your computer does not support SSE2, which is required by many "
"PCSX2 recompilers and plugins. Your options will be limited and emulation "
"will be *very* slow."
msgstr ""
"경고! 컴퓨터가 PCSX2 리컴파일러와 플러그인이 요구하는, SSE2를 지원하지 않습니"
"다. 당신의 선택은 제한되고, 에뮬레이터는 *매우* 느려집니다."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:162
msgid "!Notice:RecompilerInit:Header"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:160
msgid ""
"Warning: Some of the configured PS2 recompilers failed to initialize and "
"have been disabled:"
msgstr "경고: 설정된 PS2 리컴파일러 일부가 초기화 실패해서 사용할 수 없습니다:"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:211
msgid "!Notice:RecompilerInit:Footer"
msgstr "주의! 리컴파일러는 PCSX2 구동에 꼭 필요하지 않습니다, 그러나 일반적으로 에뮬레이션 속도를 크게 높여줍니다. 에러를 해결하려면 위의 리컴파일러를 수동으로 다시 사용하게 해야 합니다."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:208
msgid ""
"Note: Recompilers are not necessary for PCSX2 to run, however they typically "
"improve emulation speed substantially. You may have to manually re-enable "
"the recompilers listed above, if you resolve the errors."
msgstr ""
"주의! 리컴파일러는 PCSX2 구동에 꼭 필요하지 않습니다, 그러나 일반적으로 에뮬"
"레이션 속도를 크게 높여줍니다. 에러를 해결하려면 위의 리컴파일러를 수동으로 "
"다시 사용하게 해야 합니다."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:546
msgid "!Notice:BiosDumpRequired"
msgstr "PCSX2를 구동하려면 PS2 바이오스가 필요합니다. 법적인 이유로, 당신은 *반드시* 소유한(빌린것은 안됨) 실제 PS2 기계에서 얻어야 합니다. 자세한 설명은 포럼의 질문답변에 문의하세요."
msgid ""
"PCSX2 requires a PS2 BIOS in order to run. For legal reasons, you *must* "
"obtain a BIOS from an actual PS2 unit that you own (borrowing doesn't "
"count). Please consult the FAQs and Guides for further instructions."
msgstr ""
"PCSX2를 구동하려면 PS2 바이오스가 필요합니다. 법적인 이유로, 당신은 *반드시* "
"소유한(빌린것은 안됨) 실제 PS2 기계에서 얻어야 합니다. 자세한 설명은 포럼의 "
"질문답변에 문의하세요."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:629
msgid "!Notice Error:Thread Deadlock Actions"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:626
msgid ""
"'Ignore' to continue waiting for the thread to respond.\n"
"'Cancel' to attempt to cancel the thread.\n"
"'Terminate' to quit PCSX2 immediately.\n"
msgstr ""
"주의! 에러:스레드 교착상태\n"
"스레드를 계속 기다리려면 '무시'\n"
"스레드를 취소하려면 '취소'\n"
"PCSX2를 즉시 종료하려면 '종료'"
"PCSX2를 즉시 종료하려면 '종료'\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppUserMode.cpp:57
msgid "!Notice:PortableModeRights"
msgstr "이 폴더들을 생성하고 그것에 쓸 수 있는 유저권한이 있는지 확인해 주세요. 그렇지 않으면 필요한 폴더들을 만들 수 있는 (관리자) 권한으로 높인 후 PCSX2를 재구동하세요. 만약 이 컴퓨터에서 권한을 높일 수 없다면, 유저문서 모드(아래 버튼 클릭)로 전환할 필요가 있습니다."
msgid ""
"Please ensure that these folders are created and that your user account is "
"granted write permissions to them -- or re-run PCSX2 with elevated "
"(administrator) rights, which should grant PCSX2 the ability to create the "
"necessary folders itself. If you do not have elevated rights on this "
"computer, then you will need to switch to User Documents mode (click button "
msgstr ""
"이 폴더들을 생성하고 그것에 쓸 수 있는 유저권한이 있는지 확인해 주세요. 그렇"
"지 않으면 필요한 폴더들을 만들 수 있는 (관리자) 권한으로 높인 후 PCSX2를 재구"
"동하세요. 만약 이 컴퓨터에서 권한을 높일 수 없다면, 유저문서 모드(아래 버튼 "
"클릭)로 전환할 필요가 있습니다."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:181
msgid "!ContextTip:ChangingNTFS"
msgstr "NTFS 압축은 윈도우 탐색기에서 파일속성 부분에서 수동으로 언제든지 바꿀 수 있습니다."
msgid ""
"NTFS compression can be changed manually at any time by using file "
"properties from Windows Explorer."
msgstr ""
"NTFS 압축은 윈도우 탐색기에서 파일속성 부분에서 수동으로 언제든지 바꿀 수 있"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:49
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Settings"
msgstr "이곳은 대부분의 플러그인(일부 오래된 플러그인은 해당 안함)에 의해 만들어진 설정파일을 PCSX2가 저장하는 폴더입니다."
msgid ""
"This is the folder where PCSX2 saves your settings, including settings "
"generated by most plugins (some older plugins may not respect this value)."
msgstr ""
"이곳은 대부분의 플러그인(일부 오래된 플러그인은 해당 안함)에 의해 만들어진 설"
"정파일을 PCSX2가 저장하는 폴더입니다."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:54
msgid "!Panel:Folders:Settings"
msgstr "여기서 PCSX2 설정을 위해 특정 폴더를 선택할 수 있습니다. 만약 해당 폴더에 PCSX2 설정이 존재하면, 가져오거나 덮어쓸건지 물어보게 됩니다."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:52
msgid ""
"You may optionally specify a location for your PCSX2 settings here. If the "
"location contains existing PCSX2 settings, you will be given the option to "
"import or overwrite them."
msgstr ""
"여기서 PCSX2 설정을 위해 특정 폴더를 선택할 수 있습니다. 만약 해당 폴더에 "
"PCSX2 설정이 존재하면, 가져오거나 덮어쓸건지 물어보게 됩니다."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:94
msgid "!Wizard:Welcome"
msgstr "이 마법사는 플러그인, 메모리카드와 바이오스 설정을 도와줄 것입니다. 설치가 처음 이라면 readme 파일과 설정가이드를 읽어보는 걸 권장합니다."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:89
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"This wizard will help guide you through configuring plugins, memory cards, "
"and BIOS. It is recommended if this is your first time installing %s that "
"you view the readme and configuration guide."
msgstr ""
"이 마법사는 플러그인, 메모리카드와 바이오스 설정을 도와줄 것입니다. 설치가 처"
"음 이라면 readme 파일과 설정가이드를 읽어보는 걸 권장합니다."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:140
msgid "!Wizard:Bios:Tutorial"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:132
msgid ""
"PCSX2 requires a *legal* copy of the PS2 BIOS in order to run games.\n"
"You cannot use a copy obtained from a friend or the Internet.\n"
"You must dump the BIOS from your *own* Playstation 2 console."
msgstr ""
"PCSX2는 구동하려면 *합법적인* PS2 바이오스 사본이 필요합니다.\n"
"친구나 인터넷을 통해 얻은 사본은 이용해서는 안됩니다.\n"
"플스2 기기에서 *본인이* 바이오스를 덤프해야만 합니다."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/ImportSettingsDialog.cpp:31
msgid "!Notice:ImportExistingSettings"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Existing %s settings have been found in the configured settings folder. "
"Would you like to import these settings or overwrite them with %s default "
"(or press Cancel to select a different settings folder)"
msgstr ""
"주의! 기존설정 가져오기\n"
"기존 %s 설정이 설정폴더에서 발견되었습니다. 이 설정을 가져오거나 그것으로 %s 기본값을 덮어쓰겠습니까?"
"기존 %s 설정이 설정폴더에서 발견되었습니다. 이 설정을 가져오거나 그것으로 %s "
"기본값을 덮어쓰겠습니까?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:30
msgid "!Panel:Mcd:NtfsCompress"
msgstr "NTFS 압축은 내장되어 있고, 빠르고, 완전히 믿을만합니다; 그리고 보통 메모리카드를 매우 잘 압축합니다(이 옵션을 매우 권장합니다)."
msgid ""
"NTFS compression is built-in, fast, and completely reliable; and typically "
"compresses memory cards very well (this option is highly recommended)."
msgstr ""
"NTFS 압축은 내장되어 있고, 빠르고, 완전히 믿을만합니다; 그리고 보통 메모리카"
"드를 매우 잘 압축합니다(이 옵션을 매우 권장합니다)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:41
msgid "!Panel:Mcd:EnableEjection"
msgstr "상태저장을 불러온 뒤 메모리카드 내용을 강제로 재정렬 해서 메모리카드 손상을 피합니다. 모든 게임에 호환되지는 않습니다(기타 히어로)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:39
msgid ""
"Avoids memory card corruption by forcing games to re-index card contents "
"after loading from savestates. May not be compatible with all games (Guitar "
msgstr ""
"상태저장을 불러온 뒤 메모리카드 내용을 강제로 재정렬 해서 메모리카드 손상을 "
"피합니다. 모든 게임에 호환되지는 않습니다(기타 히어로)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/StuckThreadDialog.cpp:33
msgid "!Panel:StuckThread:Heading"
msgstr "스레드 '%s'가 응답하지 않습니다. 교착상태에 빠졌거나, 단지 *매우* 느리게 동작하는 것일 수 있습니다."
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The thread '%s' is not responding. It could be deadlocked, or it might just "
"be running *really* slowly."
msgstr ""
"스레드 '%s'가 응답하지 않습니다. 교착상태에 빠졌거나, 단지 *매우* 느리게 동작"
"하는 것일 수 있습니다."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:38
msgid "!Panel:HasHacksOverrides"
msgstr "경고! 당신은 설정을 덮어쓰는 커맨드라인 옵션으로 PCSX2를 동작하고 있습니다. 이 커맨드라인 옵션은 설정 다이얼로그에 반영되지 않고, 어떤 변화를 적용하려 해도 되지 않을 것입니다."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:58
msgid "!Panel:HasPluginsOverrides"
msgstr "경고! 당신은 설정된 플러그인 또는 폴더 설정을 덮어쓰는 커맨드라인 옵션으로 PCSX2를 동작하고 있습니다. 이 커맨드라인 옵션은 설정 다이얼로그에 반영되지 않고, 어떤 변화를 적용하려 해도 되지 않을 것입니다."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:135
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Slider"
msgid ""
"Warning! You are running PCSX2 with command line options that override your "
"configured settings. These command line options will not be reflected in "
"the Settings dialog, and will be disabled if you apply any changes here."
msgstr ""
"프리셋을 스피드핵, 일부 리컴파일러 옵션, 속도를 올린다고 알려진 일부 게임수정에 적용합니다.\n"
"경고! 당신은 설정을 덮어쓰는 커맨드라인 옵션으로 PCSX2를 동작하고 있습니다. "
"이 커맨드라인 옵션은 설정 다이얼로그에 반영되지 않고, 어떤 변화를 적용하려 해"
"도 되지 않을 것입니다."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:55
msgid ""
"Warning! You are running PCSX2 with command line options that override your "
"configured plugin and/or folder settings. These command line options will "
"not be reflected in the settings dialog, and will be disabled when you apply "
"settings changes here."
msgstr ""
"경고! 당신은 설정된 플러그인 또는 폴더 설정을 덮어쓰는 커맨드라인 옵션으로 "
"PCSX2를 동작하고 있습니다. 이 커맨드라인 옵션은 설정 다이얼로그에 반영되지 않"
"고, 어떤 변화를 적용하려 해도 되지 않을 것입니다."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:129
msgid ""
"The Presets apply speed hacks, some recompiler options and some game fixes "
"known to boost speed.\n"
"Known important game fixes will be applied automatically.\n"
"Presets info:\n"
"1 - The most accurate emulation but also the slowest.\n"
"3 --> Tries to balance speed with compatibility.\n"
"4 - Some more aggressive hacks.\n"
"6 - Too many hacks which will probably slow down most games.\n"
msgstr ""
"프리셋을 스피드핵, 일부 리컴파일러 옵션, 속도를 올린다고 알려진 일부 게임수정"
"에 적용합니다.\n"
"알려진 중요 게임수정이 자동으로 적용됩니다.\n"
"프리셋 정보:\n"
"1 - 가장 정확한 에뮬레이션 그러나 또한 가장 느립니다.\n"
"3 --> 균형잡힌 스피드핵과 호환성을 적용합니다.\n"
"4 - 일부 좀 더 공격적인 핵을 적용.\n"
"6 - 너무 많은 핵을 써서 아마도 대부분의 게임에서 느려질 것입니다."
"6 - 너무 많은 핵을 써서 아마도 대부분의 게임에서 느려질 것입니다.\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:149
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Checkbox"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:136
msgid ""
"The Presets apply speed hacks, some recompiler options and some game fixes "
"known to boost speed.\n"
"Known important game fixes will be applied automatically.\n"
"--> Uncheck to modify settings manually (with current preset as base)"
msgstr ""
"프리셋을 스피드핵, 일부 리컴파일러 옵션, 속도를 올린다고 알려진 일부 게임수정에 적용합니다.\n"
"프리셋을 스피드핵, 일부 리컴파일러 옵션, 속도를 올린다고 알려진 일부 게임수정"
"에 적용합니다.\n"
"알려진 중요 게임수정이 자동으로 적용됩니다.\n"
"--> 수동으로 설정을 변경하려면 체크해제(현재 프리셋을 기본으로)"
#: pcsx2/gui/IsoDropTarget.cpp:28
msgid "!Notice:ConfirmSysReset"
msgstr "이 동작은 기존의 PS2 가상머신 상태를 리셋할 것입니다; 현재 모든 과정을 잃게 됩니다. 괜찮습니까?"
msgid ""
"This action will reset the existing PS2 virtual machine state; all current "
"progress will be lost. Are you sure?"
msgstr ""
"이 동작은 기존의 PS2 가상머신 상태를 리셋할 것입니다; 현재 모든 과정을 잃게 "
"됩니다. 괜찮습니까?"
#: pcsx2/gui/MainMenuClicks.cpp:106
msgid "!Notice:DeleteSettings"
msgstr ""
"이 명령은 %s 설정을 지우고 최초의 설정마법사를 재시작하도록 합니다. 이 동작 후에 %s 를 수동으로 재시작할 필요가 있습니다.\n"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"This command clears %s settings and allows you to re-run the First-Time "
"Wizard. You will need to manually restart %s after this operation.\n"
"경고! 확인을 누르면 %s 의 *모든* 설정을 지우고 강제로 프로그램을 종료하기 때문에 현재 에뮬레이션 과정을 잃어 버립니다. 정말 괜찮겠습니까?\n"
"WARNING!! Click OK to delete *ALL* settings for %s and force-close the app, "
"losing any current emulation progress. Are you absolutely sure?\n"
"(note: settings for plugins are unaffected)"
msgstr ""
"이 명령은 %s 설정을 지우고 최초의 설정마법사를 재시작하도록 합니다. 이 동작 "
"후에 %s 를 수동으로 재시작할 필요가 있습니다.\n"
"경고! 확인을 누르면 %s 의 *모든* 설정을 지우고 강제로 프로그램을 종료하기 때"
"문에 현재 에뮬레이션 과정을 잃어 버립니다. 정말 괜찮겠습니까?\n"
"(주의: 플러그인 설정은 영향받지 않습니다)"
#: pcsx2/gui/MemoryCardFile.cpp:78
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:HasBeenDisabled"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The PS2-slot %d has been automatically disabled. You can correct the "
"and re-enable it at any time using Config:Memory cards from the main menu."
msgstr ""
"PS2 슬롯 %d 가 자동으로 사용안함으로 되었습니다. 문제를 고치고\n"
"메인메뉴의 설정:메모리카드를 통해서 언제든 재사용할 수 있습니다."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/BiosSelectorPanel.cpp:138
msgid "!Notice:BIOS:InvalidSelection"
msgstr "유효한 바이오스를 선택해주세요. 만약 유효한 선택을 할 수 없다면, 취소를 눌러서 설정창을 닫으세요."
msgid ""
"Please select a valid BIOS. If you are unable to make a valid selection "
"then press Cancel to close the Configuration panel."
msgstr ""
"유효한 바이오스를 선택해주세요. 만약 유효한 선택을 할 수 없다면, 취소를 눌러"
"서 설정창을 닫으세요."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:111
msgid "!Panel:EE/IOP:Heading"
msgid "Notice: Most games are fine with the default options. "
msgstr "주의! 대부분의 게임들은 기본설정으로 잘 구동됩니다."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:178
msgid "!Panel:VUs:Heading"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:177
msgid "Notice: Most games are fine with the default options."
msgstr "주의! 대부분의 게임들은 기본설정으로 잘 구동됩니다."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:69
msgid "!Notice:DirPicker:CreatePath"
msgid ""
"The specified path/directory does not exist. Would you like to create it?"
msgstr "특정한 경로/폴더가 없습니다. 만들겠습니까?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:158
msgid "!ContextTip:DirPicker:UseDefault"
msgstr "이것이 체크되면 이 폴더가 자동으로 PCSX2의 현재 유저모드 설정과 관계된 기본값이 됩니다."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:157
msgid ""
"When checked this folder will automatically reflect the default associated "
"with PCSX2's current usermode setting. "
msgstr ""
"이것이 체크되면 이 폴더가 자동으로 PCSX2의 현재 유저모드 설정과 관계된 기본값"
"이 됩니다."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:55
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Zoom"
msgid ""
"Zoom = 100: Fit the entire image to the window without any cropping.\n"
"Above/Below 100: Zoom In/Out\n"
"0: Automatic-Zoom-In untill the black-bars are gone (Aspect ratio is kept, "
"some of the image goes out of screen).\n"
" NOTE: Some games draw their own black-bars, which will not be removed with "
"Keyboard: CTRL + NUMPAD-PLUS: Zoom-In, CTRL + NUMPAD-MINUS: Zoom-Out, CTRL + "
"NUMPAD-*: Toggle 100/0"
msgstr ""
"줌 = 100: 전체 이미지를 자르지 않고 창크기에 맞춥니다.\n"
"100 이상/이하: 줌 인/아웃\n"
"0: 검은바가 사라질 때까지 자동으로 줌-인.(화면비율 유지, 이미지 일부가 창 밖으로 나감)\n"
" 주의: 일부 게임들은 원래 화면에 검은바가 있고, 이것은 '0'으로 제거되지 않습니다.\n"
"0: 검은바가 사라질 때까지 자동으로 줌-인.(화면비율 유지, 이미지 일부가 창 밖"
"으로 나감)\n"
" 주의: 일부 게임들은 원래 화면에 검은바가 있고, 이것은 '0'으로 제거되지 않"
"키보드: CTRL + 플러스(NUMPAD): 줌-인\n"
" CTRL + 마이너스(NUMPAD): 줌-아웃\n"
" CTRL + 별표(NUMPAD): 100/0 전환"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:63
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Vsync"
msgstr "수직동기는 화면 붕괴현상(tearing)을 제거하지만 일반적으로 큰 성능저하가 있습니다. 이것은 보통 전체화면 모드에만 사용하고, 모든 GS 플러그인에서 동작하지는 않습니다."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:68
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:ManagedVsync"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:58
msgid ""
"Vsync eliminates screen tearing but typically has a big performance hit. It "
"usually only applies to fullscreen mode, and may not work with all GS "
msgstr ""
"프레임비율이 정확히 최대속도일 때만 수직동기를 사용합니다. 속도가 떨어지면, 수직동기는 성능저하를 피하기 위해 꺼집니다.\n"
"주의: 이것은 현재 DX10/11 하드웨어 렌더링으로 설정된 GSdx 플러그인에서만 잘 동작합니다. 다른 플러그인 또는 다른 렌더링 모드는 이것을 무시하거나 모드가 바뀔 때마다 깜빡거리는 검은 화면을 만듭니다."
"수직동기는 화면 붕괴현상(tearing)을 제거하지만 일반적으로 큰 성능저하가 있습"
"니다. 이것은 보통 전체화면 모드에만 사용하고, 모든 GS 플러그인에서 동작하지"
"는 않습니다."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:76
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideMouse"
msgstr "마우스 커서를 GS 창 안에서 안보이게 하려면 체크하세요; 마우스를 게임에서 주된 컨트롤러로 사용할 때 유용합니다. 기본설정에 의해 마우스는 움직임이 없으면 2초 뒤에 자동으로 숨겨집니다."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:61
msgid ""
"Enables Vsync when the framerate is exactly at full speed. Should it fall "
"below that, Vsync gets disabled to avoid further performance penalties. "
"Note: This currently only works well with GSdx as GS plugin and with it "
"configured to use DX10/11 hardware rendering. Any other plugin or rendering "
"mode will either ignore it or produce a black frame that blinks whenever the "
"mode switches. It also requires Vsync to be enabled."
msgstr ""
"프레임비율이 정확히 최대속도일 때만 수직동기를 사용합니다. 속도가 떨어지면, "
"수직동기는 성능저하를 피하기 위해 꺼집니다.\n"
"주의: 이것은 현재 DX10/11 하드웨어 렌더링으로 설정된 GSdx 플러그인에서만 잘 "
"동작합니다. 다른 플러그인 또는 다른 렌더링 모드는 이것을 무시하거나 모드가 바"
"뀔 때마다 깜빡거리는 검은 화면을 만듭니다."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:82
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Fullscreen"
msgstr "에뮬레이션을 시작할 때 또는 일시중지후 계속할 때 자동으로 전체화면 모드로 전환되게 합니다. 이 옵션과 관계없이 언제라도 alt-enter 로 전체화면 전환이 가능합니다."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:64
msgid ""
"Check this to force the mouse cursor invisible inside the GS window; useful "
"if using the mouse as a primary control device for gaming. By default the "
"mouse auto-hides after 2 seconds of inactivity."
msgstr ""
"마우스 커서를 GS 창 안에서 안보이게 하려면 체크하세요; 마우스를 게임에서 주"
"된 컨트롤러로 사용할 때 유용합니다. 기본설정에 의해 마우스는 움직임이 없으면 "
"2초 뒤에 자동으로 숨겨집니다."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:93
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideGS"
msgstr "ESC키 또는 에뮬레이터 중지를 눌렀을 때 크고 거슬리는 GS 창을 완전히 숨겨줍니다."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:67
msgid ""
"Enables automatic mode switch to fullscreen when starting or resuming "
"emulation. You can still toggle fullscreen display at any time using alt-"
msgstr ""
"에뮬레이션을 시작할 때 또는 일시중지후 계속할 때 자동으로 전체화면 모드로 전"
"환되게 합니다. 이 옵션과 관계없이 언제라도 alt-enter 로 전체화면 전환이 가능"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:74
msgid ""
"Completely closes the often large and bulky GS window when pressing ESC or "
"pausing the emulator."
msgstr ""
"ESC키 또는 에뮬레이터 중지를 눌렀을 때 크고 거슬리는 GS 창을 완전히 숨겨줍니"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:67
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:EE Timing Hack"
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Digital Devil Saga (Fixes FMV and crashes)\n"
" * SSX (Fixes bad graphics and crashes)\n"
" * Resident Evil: Dead Aim (Causes garbled textures)"
msgstr ""
"영향을 받는다고 알려진 게임들:\n"
" * 디지털 데빌 사가 (FMV 와 멈춤을 수정)\n"
" * SSX (그래픽 문제와 멈춤을 수정)\n"
" * 레지던트 이블: Dead Aim (알아보기 힘든 텍스쳐 발생)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:80
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:OPH Flag hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:76
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Bleach Blade Battler\n"
" * Growlanser II and III\n"
" * Wizardry"
msgstr ""
"영향을 받는다고 알려진 게임들:\n"
" * 블리치 블레이드 배틀러\n"
@ -226,21 +429,32 @@ msgstr ""
" * 위저드리\n"
" * 나루토 우즈마키인전, 나뭇잎스피릿"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:89
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:DMA Busy hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:81
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Mana Khemia 1 (Going \"off campus\")\n"
msgstr ""
"영향을 받는다고 알려진 게임들:\n"
" * 마나 케미아1(\"캠퍼스를 나갈\" 때)"
" * 마나 케미아1(\"캠퍼스를 나갈\" 때)\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:96
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:VIF1 FIFO hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:86
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Test Drive Unlimited\n"
" * Transformers"
msgstr ""
"영향을 받는다고 알려진 게임들:\n"
" * 테스트 드라이브 언리미티드\n"
" * 트랜스포머"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:119
msgid "!Panel:Gamefixes:Compat Warning"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:106
msgid ""
"Gamefixes can work around wrong emulation in some titles. \n"
"They may also cause compatibility or performance issues. \n"
"It's better to enable 'Automatic game fixes' at the main menu instead, and "
"leave this page empty. \n"
"('Automatic' means: selectively use specific tested fixes for specific games)"
msgstr ""
"게임수정들은 일부 게임에서 잘못된 에뮬레이션을 바로잡을 수 있습니다.\n"
"그것들은 또한 호환성 또는 성능 문제를 일으킬 수도 있습니다.\n"
@ -249,133 +463,288 @@ msgstr ""
"('자동'의 의미: 일부 게임에 검증된 특정한 설정을 선택적으로 사용하는 것)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:720
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Delete"
msgstr "포맷된 메모리카드 '%s' 를 지우려고 합니다. 카드의 모든 데이터가 사라집니다! 정말로 지우는게 확실합니까?"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"You are about to delete the formatted memory card '%s'. All data on this "
"card will be lost! Are you absolutely and quite positively sure?"
msgstr ""
"포맷된 메모리카드 '%s' 를 지우려고 합니다. 카드의 모든 데이터가 사라집니다! "
"정말로 지우는게 확실합니까?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:758
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:CantDuplicate"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:756
msgid ""
"Failed: Duplicate is only allowed to an empty PS2-Port or to the file system."
msgstr "실패: 복사는 오직 빈 PS2-포트 또는 파일 시스템에만 허용됩니다."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:801
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Copy Failed"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:798
#, c-format
msgid "Failed: Destination memory card '%s' is in use."
msgstr "실패: 대상 메모리카드 '%s' 가 사용중 입니다."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:35
msgid "!Panel:Usermode:Explained"
msgstr "PCSX2 유저레벨 문서(메모리카드, 스냅샷, 설정 그리고 상태저장)를 위해 아래에 원하는 기본 위치를 선택해 주세요. 이 폴더 위치는 설정창을 이용해서 언제든 변경될 수 있습니다."
msgid ""
"Please select your preferred default location for PCSX2 user-level documents "
"below (includes memory cards, screenshots, settings, and savestates). These "
"folder locations can be overridden at any time using the Core Settings panel."
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 유저레벨 문서(메모리카드, 스냅샷, 설정 그리고 상태저장)를 위해 아래에 "
"원하는 기본 위치를 선택해 주세요. 이 폴더 위치는 설정창을 이용해서 언제든 변"
"경될 수 있습니다."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:41
msgid "!Panel:Usermode:Warning"
msgstr "PCSX2 유저레벨 문서(메모리카드, 스냅샷, 설정 그리고 상태저장)를 위해 여기에 원하는 기본 위치를 선택해 주세요. 이 옵션은 오직 설치 기본값으로 사용하기 위해 설정된 표준경로에만 영향을 미칩니다."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:38
msgid ""
"You can change the preferred default location for PCSX2 user-level documents "
"here (includes memory cards, screenshots, settings, and savestates). This "
"option only affects Standard Paths which are set to use the installation "
"default value."
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 유저레벨 문서(메모리카드, 스냅샷, 설정 그리고 상태저장)를 위해 여기에 "
"원하는 기본 위치를 선택해 주세요. 이 옵션은 오직 설치 기본값으로 사용하기 위"
"해 설정된 표준경로에만 영향을 미칩니다."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:40
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Savestates"
msgstr "이 폴더는 상태저장을 저장할 곳입니다; 메뉴/툴바 또는 F1/F3(저장/로드) 로 만들어지는 상태저장파일을 저장."
msgid ""
"This folder is where PCSX2 records savestates; which are recorded either by "
"using menus/toolbars, or by pressing F1/F3 (save/load)."
msgstr ""
"이 폴더는 상태저장을 저장할 곳입니다; 메뉴/툴바 또는 F1/F3(저장/로드) 로 만들"
"어지는 상태저장파일을 저장."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:50
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Snapshots"
msgstr "이 폴더는 스냅샷을 저장할 곳입니다. 실제 스냅샷 이미지 포맷과 스타일은 사용되는 GS 플러그인에 따라 달라집니다."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:48
msgid ""
"This folder is where PCSX2 saves screenshots. Actual screenshot image "
"format and style may vary depending on the GS plugin being used."
msgstr ""
"이 폴더는 스냅샷을 저장할 곳입니다. 실제 스냅샷 이미지 포맷과 스타일은 사용되"
"는 GS 플러그인에 따라 달라집니다."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:60
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Logs"
msgstr "이 폴더는 로그파일과 진단용 덤프파일을 저장할 곳입니다. 대부분의 플러그인들은 이 폴더를 사용할 것입니다, 그러나 일부 오래된 플러그인들은 이것을 무시할 수 있습니다."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:56
msgid ""
"This folder is where PCSX2 saves its logfiles and diagnostic dumps. Most "
"plugins will also adhere to this folder, however some older plugins may "
"ignore it."
msgstr ""
"이 폴더는 로그파일과 진단용 덤프파일을 저장할 곳입니다. 대부분의 플러그인들"
"은 이 폴더를 사용할 것입니다, 그러나 일부 오래된 플러그인들은 이것을 무시할 "
"수 있습니다."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:242
msgid "!Notice:PluginSelector:ConfirmShutdown"
msgid ""
"Warning! Changing plugins requires a complete shutdown and reset of the PS2 "
"virtual machine. PCSX2 will attempt to save and restore the state, but if "
"the newly selected plugins are incompatible the recovery may fail, and "
"current progress will be lost.\n"
"Are you sure you want to apply settings now?"
msgstr ""
"경고! 플러그인 변경은 완전 종료와 PS2 가상머신의 리셋이 필요합니다. PCSX2는 상태를 저장하고 복구하려고 할 것입니다, 그러나 새로 선택된 플러그인이 호환성이 없어 회복에 실패하면, 현재 과정을 잃어버리게 됩니다.\n"
"경고! 플러그인 변경은 완전 종료와 PS2 가상머신의 리셋이 필요합니다. PCSX2는 "
"상태를 저장하고 복구하려고 할 것입니다, 그러나 새로 선택된 플러그인이 호환성"
"이 없어 회복에 실패하면, 현재 과정을 잃어버리게 됩니다.\n"
"정말로 지금 설정을 적용하겠습니까? "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:457
msgid "!Notice:PluginSelector:ApplyFailed"
msgstr "모든 플러그인은 %s 구동을 위해 적합하게 선택되어야 합니다. 만약 플러그인이 없거나 %s 설치가 불완전해서 적합한 선택을 할 수 없다면, 취소를 눌러서 설정창을 닫으세요."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:452
#, c-format
msgid ""
"All plugins must have valid selections for %s to run. If you are unable to "
"make a valid selection due to missing plugins or an incomplete install of "
"%s, then press Cancel to close the Configuration panel."
msgstr ""
"모든 플러그인은 %s 구동을 위해 적합하게 선택되어야 합니다. 만약 플러그인이 없"
"거나 %s 설치가 불완전해서 적합한 선택을 할 수 없다면, 취소를 눌러서 설정창을 "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:27
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX1"
msgstr "1 - 기본 사이클비율. 이것이 실제 PS2 이모션엔진(EE)의 실제 속도에 가장 가깝습니다."
msgid ""
"1 - Default cyclerate. This closely matches the actual speed of a real PS2 "
msgstr ""
"1 - 기본 사이클비율. 이것이 실제 PS2 이모션엔진(EE)의 실제 속도에 가장 가깝습"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:32
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX2"
msgstr "2 - EE의 사이클비율을 33% 감소시킵니다. 높은 호환성으로 대부분의 게임에서 약간의 속도상승을 가져옵니다."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:31
msgid ""
"2 - Reduces the EE's cyclerate by about 33%. Mild speedup for most games "
"with high compatibility."
msgstr ""
"2 - EE의 사이클비율을 33% 감소시킵니다. 높은 호환성으로 대부분의 게임에서 약"
"간의 속도상승을 가져옵니다."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX3"
msgstr "3 - EE의 사이클비율을 50% 감소시킵니다. 적당한 속도상승이 있지만, 많은 동영상에서 음성끊김을 *일으킬* 수 있습니다."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:35
msgid ""
"3 - Reduces the EE's cyclerate by about 50%. Moderate speedup, but *will* "
"cause stuttering audio on many FMVs."
msgstr ""
"3 - EE의 사이클비율을 50% 감소시킵니다. 적당한 속도상승이 있지만, 많은 동영상"
"에서 음성끊김을 *일으킬* 수 있습니다."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:54
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealOff"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:50
msgid "0 - Disables VU Cycle Stealing. Most compatible setting!"
msgstr "0 - VU사이클 훔치기를 사용 안합니다. 가장 호환성이 높은 설정!"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:59
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal1"
msgstr "1 - 약간의 VU사이클 훔치기. 더 낮은 호환성, 그러나 대분의 게임에서 약간의 속도상승이 있습니다."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:54
msgid ""
"1 - Mild VU Cycle Stealing. Lower compatibility, but some speedup for most "
msgstr ""
"1 - 약간의 VU사이클 훔치기. 더 낮은 호환성, 그러나 대분의 게임에서 약간의 속"
"도상승이 있습니다."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:64
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal2"
msgstr "2 - 적당한 VU사이클 훔치기. 호환성이 많이 낮아짐, 그러나 일부 게임에서 상당한 속도상승이 있습니다."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:58
msgid ""
"2 - Moderate VU Cycle Stealing. Even lower compatibility, but significant "
"speedups in some games."
msgstr ""
"2 - 적당한 VU사이클 훔치기. 호환성이 많이 낮아짐, 그러나 일부 게임에서 상당"
"한 속도상승이 있습니다."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:70
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal3"
msgstr "3 - 최대로 VU사이클 훔치기. 제한적으로 유용함, 대부분의 게임에서 화면을 깜빡이게 하거나 느리게 만듭니다."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:63
msgid ""
"3 - Maximum VU Cycle Stealing. Usefulness is limited, as this will cause "
"flickering visuals or slowdown in most games."
msgstr ""
"3 - 최대로 VU사이클 훔치기. 제한적으로 유용함, 대부분의 게임에서 화면을 깜빡"
"이게 하거나 느리게 만듭니다."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:97
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:Overview"
msgstr "스피드핵은 보통 에뮬레이션 속도를 증가시키지만, 그래픽문제, 소리깨짐, 거짓 FPS 표시를 일으킵니다. 에뮬레이션에 문제가 발생하면, 제일 먼저 이것을 끄세요."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:88
msgid ""
"Speedhacks usually improve emulation speed, but can cause glitches, broken "
"audio, and false FPS readings. When having emulation problems, disable this "
"panel first."
msgstr ""
"스피드핵은 보통 에뮬레이션 속도를 증가시키지만, 그래픽문제, 소리깨짐, 거짓 "
"FPS 표시를 일으킵니다. 에뮬레이션에 문제가 발생하면, 제일 먼저 이것을 끄세요."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:129
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:EECycleRate Slider"
msgstr "슬라이더의 값을 높게 설정할수록 효과적으로 이모션엔진(EE)의 R5900 cpu의 클럭속도를 감소시킵니다, 그리고 일반적으로 실제 PS2 하드웨어의 최대성능을 이용하지 않는 게임에서 큰 속도상승을 가져옵니다."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:118
msgid ""
"Setting higher values on this slider effectively reduces the clock speed of "
"the EmotionEngine's R5900 core cpu, and typically brings big speedups to "
"games that fail to utilize the full potential of the real PS2 hardware."
msgstr ""
"슬라이더의 값을 높게 설정할수록 효과적으로 이모션엔진(EE)의 R5900 cpu의 클럭"
"속도를 감소시킵니다, 그리고 일반적으로 실제 PS2 하드웨어의 최대성능을 이용하"
"지 않는 게임에서 큰 속도상승을 가져옵니다."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:150
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealing Slider"
msgstr "이 슬라이더는 이모션엔진(EE)에서 벡터유닛(VU)이 훔쳐올 사이클 양을 조절합니다. 값을 높일수록 게임구동 중 각각의 VU 마이크로프로그램이 EE에서 훔치는 사이클 수가 증가합니다."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:136
msgid ""
"This slider controls the amount of cycles the VU unit steals from the "
"EmotionEngine. Higher values increase the number of cycles stolen from the "
"EE for each VU microprogram the game runs."
msgstr ""
"이 슬라이더는 이모션엔진(EE)에서 벡터유닛(VU)이 훔쳐올 사이클 양을 조절합니"
"다. 값을 높일수록 게임구동 중 각각의 VU 마이크로프로그램이 EE에서 훔치는 사이"
"클 수가 증가합니다."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:169
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack"
msgstr "상태 플래그를 항상 업데이트 하지 않고, 블럭을 읽어들일 때만 업데이트합니다. 이것은 대부분의 경우 안전하고, 슈퍼VU는 기본적으로 비슷한 동작을 합니다."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:153
msgid ""
"Updates Status Flags only on blocks which will read them, instead of all the "
"time. This is safe most of the time, and Super VU does something similar by "
msgstr ""
"상태 플래그를 항상 업데이트 하지 않고, 블럭을 읽어들일 때만 업데이트합니다. "
"이것은 대부분의 경우 안전하고, 슈퍼VU는 기본적으로 비슷한 동작을 합니다."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:156
msgid ""
"Runs VU1 on its own thread (microVU1-only). Generally a speedup on CPUs with "
"3 or more cores. This is safe for most games, but a few games are "
"incompatible and may hang. In the case of GS limited games, it may be a "
"slowdown (especially on dual core CPUs)."
msgstr ""
"VU1이 자신의 스레드에서만 동작합니다(마이크로VU1 만 해당). 일반적으로 3개 이"
"상의 코어를 가진 CPU에서 속도가 상승합니다. 이것은 대부분의 게임에서 안전하지"
"만, 소수의 호환되지 않는 게임에서는 멈출 수 있습니다. GS가 제한된 게임의 경"
"우, 속도가 느려질 수 있습니다.(특히 듀얼코어 CPU에서)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:174
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuThread"
msgstr "VU1이 자신의 스레드에서만 동작합니다(마이크로VU1 만 해당). 일반적으로 3개 이상의 코어를 가진 CPU에서 속도가 상승합니다. 이것은 대부분의 게임에서 안전하지만, 소수의 호환되지 않는 게임에서는 멈출 수 있습니다. GS가 제한된 게임의 경우, 속도가 느려질 수 있습니다.(특히 듀얼코어 CPU에서)"
msgid ""
"This hack works best for games that use the INTC Status register to wait for "
"vsyncs, which includes primarily non-3D RPG titles. Games that do not use "
"this method of vsync will see little or no speedup from this hack."
msgstr ""
"이 핵은 주로 3D가 아닌 RPG게임을 포함해서, 수직동기 대기를 위해 INTC 상태 레"
"지스터를 사용하는 게임에서 잘 동작합니다. 이런 수직동기 방법을 사용하지 않는 "
"게임들은 이 핵으로 약간 혹은 전혀 속도상승이 없습니다."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:195
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC"
msgstr "이 핵은 주로 3D가 아닌 RPG게임을 포함해서, 수직동기 대기를 위해 INTC 상태 레지스터를 사용하는 게임에서 잘 동작합니다. 이런 수직동기 방법을 사용하지 않는 게임들은 이 핵으로 약간 혹은 전혀 속도상승이 없습니다."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:177
msgid ""
"Primarily targetting the EE idle loop at address 0x81FC0 in the kernel, this "
"hack attempts to detect loops whose bodies are guaranteed to result in the "
"same machine state for every iteration until a scheduled event triggers "
"emulation of another unit. After a single iteration of such loops, we "
"advance to the time of the next event or the end of the processor's "
"timeslice, whichever comes first."
msgstr ""
"주로 커널의 0x81FC0 주소에 있는 EE 유휴루프를 대상으로 합니다, 이 핵은 예정"
"된 이벤트가 다른 유닛의 에뮬레이션을 발생시키기 전까지, 모든 반복처리를 위해"
"서 같은 머신 상태를 유지하도록 보장하는 형태의 루프를 찾습니다. 그러한 루프"
"의 일회 반복 후에, 다음 이벤트까지의 시간 또는 어느 쪽이든 먼저 오는 프로세서"
"의 타임 슬라이스의 종료까지의 시간을 줄입니다."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:200
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0"
msgstr "주로 커널의 0x81FC0 주소에 있는 EE 유휴루프를 대상으로 합니다, 이 핵은 예정된 이벤트가 다른 유닛의 에뮬레이션을 발생시키기 전까지, 모든 반복처리를 위해서 같은 머신 상태를 유지하도록 보장하는 형태의 루프를 찾습니다. 그러한 루프의 일회 반복 후에, 다음 이벤트까지의 시간 또는 어느 쪽이든 먼저 오는 프로세서의 타임 슬라이스의 종료까지의 시간을 줄입니다."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:207
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD"
msgstr "하드로더에 문제있는 것으로 알려진 게임의 하드로더 호환성 리스트를 체크합니다.(종종 필요에 따라 '모드1' 또는 '느린 DVD'로 표시됩니다)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:180
msgid ""
"Check HDLoader compatibility lists for known games that have issues with "
"this. (Often marked as needing 'mode 1' or 'slow DVD'"
msgstr ""
"하드로더에 문제있는 것으로 알려진 게임의 하드로더 호환성 리스트를 체크합니다."
"(종종 필요에 따라 '모드1' 또는 '느린 DVD'로 표시됩니다)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!ContextTip:Framelimiter:Disable"
msgstr "프레임제한을 사용 안 하면, 터보와 슬로우 모드도 사용할 수 없으니 주의하세요."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:227
msgid "!Panel:Frameskip:Heading"
msgstr "주의! PS2 하드웨어 디자인 때문에, 정확한 프레임 생략은 불가능합니다. 이것을 사용하면 일부게임에서 심각한 그래픽문제를 일으킬 수 있습니다."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS"
msgstr "만약 MTGS 스레드 동기화가 멈춤이나 그래픽문제를 일으킨다고 생각되면 이것을 사용하세요."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:310
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput"
msgid ""
"Note that when Framelimiting is disabled, Turbo and SlowMotion modes will "
"not be available either."
msgstr ""
"MTGS 스레드나 GPU 오버헤드에 의한 어떤 벤치마크 장애요소를 제거합니다. 이 옵션은 상태저장과 같이 사용되는 것이 가장 좋습니다:\n"
"프레임제한을 사용 안 하면, 터보와 슬로우 모드도 사용할 수 없으니 주의하세요."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:225
msgid ""
"Notice: Due to PS2 hardware design, precise frame skipping is impossible. "
"Enabling it will cause severe graphical errors in some games."
msgstr ""
"주의! PS2 하드웨어 디자인 때문에, 정확한 프레임 생략은 불가능합니다. 이것을 "
"사용하면 일부게임에서 심각한 그래픽문제를 일으킬 수 있습니다."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302
msgid ""
"Enable this if you think MTGS thread sync is causing crashes or graphical "
msgstr ""
"만약 MTGS 스레드 동기화가 멈춤이나 그래픽문제를 일으킨다고 생각되면 이것을 사"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:305
msgid ""
"Removes any benchmark noise caused by the MTGS thread or GPU overhead. This "
"option is best used in conjunction with savestates: save a state at an ideal "
"scene, enable this option, and re-load the savestate.\n"
"Warning: This option can be enabled on-the-fly but typically cannot be "
"disabled on-the-fly (video will typically be garbage)."
msgstr ""
"MTGS 스레드나 GPU 오버헤드에 의한 어떤 벤치마크 장애요소를 제거합니다. 이 옵"
"션은 상태저장과 같이 사용되는 것이 가장 좋습니다:\n"
"원하는 장면에서 상태를 저장하고, 이 옵션을 켠후, 상태저장을 불러옵니다.\n"
"경고: 이 옵션은 상황에 따라 사용될 수 있지만 보통은 상황에 따라 사용될 수 없습니다.(보통은 비디오 화면이 지저분해짐)"
"경고: 이 옵션은 상황에 따라 사용될 수 있지만 보통은 상황에 따라 사용될 수 없"
"습니다.(보통은 비디오 화면이 지저분해짐)"
#: pcsx2/vtlb.cpp:710
msgid "!Notice:HostVmReserve"
msgstr "PCSX2를 구동하기에 시스템의 가상 자원이 너무 낮습니다. 이것은 작거나 사용할 수 없는 스왑파일 때문에 일어나거나, 또는 리소스를 점유하는 다른 프로그램 때문에 일어납니다."
#: pcsx2/vtlb.cpp:711
msgid ""
"Your system is too low on virtual resources for PCSX2 to run. This can be "
"caused by having a small or disabled swapfile, or by other programs that are "
"hogging resources."
msgstr ""
"PCSX2를 구동하기에 시스템의 가상 자원이 너무 낮습니다. 이것은 작거나 사용할 "
"수 없는 스왑파일 때문에 일어나거나, 또는 리소스를 점유하는 다른 프로그램 때문"
"에 일어납니다."
#: pcsx2/x86/sVU_zerorec.cpp:363
msgid "!Notice:superVU:VirtualMemoryAlloc"
msgstr "메모리 부족(혹은 그 비슷한 종류): 슈퍼VU 리컴파일러가 필요한 범위의 특정 메모리를 확보하지 못했습니다, 그래서 사용할 수 없습니다. 이것은 치명적인 에러는 아닙니다, 슈퍼VU는 예전 것이니, 대신에 마이크로VU를 쓰세요. :)"
msgid ""
"Out of Memory (sorta): The SuperVU recompiler was unable to reserve the "
"specific memory ranges required, and will not be available for use. This is "
"not a critical error, since the sVU rec is obsolete, and you should use "
"microVU instead anyway. :)"
msgstr ""
"메모리 부족(혹은 그 비슷한 종류): 슈퍼VU 리컴파일러가 필요한 범위의 특정 메모"
"리를 확보하지 못했습니다, 그래서 사용할 수 없습니다. 이것은 치명적인 에러는 "
"아닙니다, 슈퍼VU는 예전 것이니, 대신에 마이크로VU를 쓰세요. :)"

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.9\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-05-07 17:47+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-08-10 11:44+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-05-23 10:01+0800\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: kohaku2421 <kohaku2421@gmail.com>\n"
@ -22,352 +22,754 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: common\n"
#: common/src/Utilities/Exceptions.cpp:254
msgid "!Notice:VirtualMemoryMap"
msgstr "Memori maya tidak mencukupi, atau pengalamatan memori maya yang diperlukan telah ditempah oleh proses lain, servis dan DLL."
msgid ""
"There is not enough virtual memory available, or necessary virtual memory "
"mappings have already been reserved by other processes, services, or DLLs."
msgstr ""
"Memori maya tidak mencukupi, atau pengalamatan memori maya yang diperlukan "
"telah ditempah oleh proses lain, servis dan DLL."
#: pcsx2/CDVD/CDVD.cpp:389
msgid "!Notice:PsxDisc"
msgstr "Playstation aka PS1 disc tidak disokong oleh PCSX2. Jika anda nak emulate PS1, maka anda kena download emulator PS1, contohnye, ePSXe atau PCSX."
msgid ""
"Playstation game discs are not supported by PCSX2. If you want to emulate "
"PSX games then you'll have to download a PSX-specific emulator, such as "
"ePSXe or PCSX."
msgstr ""
"Playstation aka PS1 disc tidak disokong oleh PCSX2. Jika anda nak emulate "
"PS1, maka anda kena download emulator PS1, contohnye, ePSXe atau PCSX."
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:114
msgid "!Notice:Recompiler:VirtualMemoryAlloc"
msgstr "Recompiler ini gagal utk menempah memori yg diperlukan utk internal cache. Ralat in boleh disebabkan oleh kekurangan memori maya, contohnya swapfile yg kecil atau dimatikan atau terdapat program lain menggunakan banyak memori. Anda juga boleh mengurangkan saiz cache utk recompiler PCSX2, dibawah Host Settings."
msgid ""
"This recompiler was unable to reserve contiguous memory required for "
"internal caches. This error can be caused by low virtual memory resources, "
"such as a small or disabled swapfile, or by another program that is hogging "
"a lot of memory. You can also try reducing the default cache sizes for all "
"PCSX2 recompilers, found under Host Settings."
msgstr ""
"Recompiler ini gagal utk menempah memori yg diperlukan utk internal cache. "
"Ralat in boleh disebabkan oleh kekurangan memori maya, contohnya swapfile yg "
"kecil atau dimatikan atau terdapat program lain menggunakan banyak memori. "
"Anda juga boleh mengurangkan saiz cache utk recompiler PCSX2, dibawah Host "
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:348
msgid "!Notice:EmuCore::MemoryForVM"
msgstr "PCSX2 gagal utk menempah memori utk PS2 virtual machine. Tutup aplikasi yg banyak menggunakan memori kemudian cuba lagi."
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:344
msgid ""
"PCSX2 is unable to allocate memory needed for the PS2 virtual machine. Close "
"out some memory hogging background tasks and try again."
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 gagal utk menempah memori utk PS2 virtual machine. Tutup aplikasi yg "
"banyak menggunakan memori kemudian cuba lagi."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:43
msgid "!Notice:Startup:NoSSE2"
msgstr "Amaran: Komputer anda tidak menyokong SSE2, dimana ia diperlukan oleh PCSX2 recompiler dan plugin. Pilihan anda akan menjadi terhad dan emulation akan jadi *sgt* perlahan."
msgid ""
"Warning: Your computer does not support SSE2, which is required by many "
"PCSX2 recompilers and plugins. Your options will be limited and emulation "
"will be *very* slow."
msgstr ""
"Amaran: Komputer anda tidak menyokong SSE2, dimana ia diperlukan oleh PCSX2 "
"recompiler dan plugin. Pilihan anda akan menjadi terhad dan emulation akan "
"jadi *sgt* perlahan."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:162
msgid "!Notice:RecompilerInit:Header"
msgstr "Amaran: Sesetengah PS2 recompiler yg tlh di konfigurasi gagal utk dimulakan dan tlh dimatikan."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:160
msgid ""
"Warning: Some of the configured PS2 recompilers failed to initialize and "
"have been disabled:"
msgstr ""
"Amaran: Sesetengah PS2 recompiler yg tlh di konfigurasi gagal utk dimulakan "
"dan tlh dimatikan."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:211
msgid "!Notice:RecompilerInit:Footer"
msgstr "Nota: Recompiler tidak diperlukan oleh PCSX2 utk dijalankan, walau bagaimanapun ia penting dlm meningkatkan kelajuan emulation. Anda kemungkinan perlu menghidupkan semula secara manual recompiler dlm senarai di atas, jika anda dapat menyelesaikan masalah anda kelak."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:208
msgid ""
"Note: Recompilers are not necessary for PCSX2 to run, however they typically "
"improve emulation speed substantially. You may have to manually re-enable "
"the recompilers listed above, if you resolve the errors."
msgstr ""
"Nota: Recompiler tidak diperlukan oleh PCSX2 utk dijalankan, walau "
"bagaimanapun ia penting dlm meningkatkan kelajuan emulation. Anda "
"kemungkinan perlu menghidupkan semula secara manual recompiler dlm senarai "
"di atas, jika anda dapat menyelesaikan masalah anda kelak."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:546
msgid "!Notice:BiosDumpRequired"
msgstr "PCSX2 memerlukan PS2 BIOS utk dijalankan. Disebabkan hakcipta, anda mesti *MENDAPATKAN* BIOS dari PS2 MILIK ANDA SENDIRI. Sila rujuk FAQ dan panduan utk maklumat lanjut."
msgid ""
"PCSX2 requires a PS2 BIOS in order to run. For legal reasons, you *must* "
"obtain a BIOS from an actual PS2 unit that you own (borrowing doesn't "
"count). Please consult the FAQs and Guides for further instructions."
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 memerlukan PS2 BIOS utk dijalankan. Disebabkan hakcipta, anda mesti "
"*MENDAPATKAN* BIOS dari PS2 MILIK ANDA SENDIRI. Sila rujuk FAQ dan panduan "
"utk maklumat lanjut."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:629
msgid "!Notice Error:Thread Deadlock Actions"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:626
msgid ""
"'Ignore' to continue waiting for the thread to respond.\n"
"'Cancel' to attempt to cancel the thread.\n"
"'Terminate' to quit PCSX2 immediately.\n"
msgstr ""
"'Abaikan' utk terus menuggu thread utk memberi respon.\n"
"'Batal' utk cuba membatalkan thread.\n"
"'Henti' utk menutup PCSX2 serta-merta."
"'Henti' utk menutup PCSX2 serta-merta.\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppUserMode.cpp:57
msgid "!Notice:PortableModeRights"
msgstr "Sila pastikan folder-folder ini tlh dibuat dan akaun pengguna anda mempunyai hak menulis ke atas mereka -- atau jalankan semula PCSX2 dgn hak administrator, dimana ia membolehkan PCSX2 utk membuat folder sendiri. Jika anda tidak mempunyai hak terhadap komputer ini, maka anda perlu menukar kepada User Documents Mode (klik butang di bawah)."
msgid ""
"Please ensure that these folders are created and that your user account is "
"granted write permissions to them -- or re-run PCSX2 with elevated "
"(administrator) rights, which should grant PCSX2 the ability to create the "
"necessary folders itself. If you do not have elevated rights on this "
"computer, then you will need to switch to User Documents mode (click button "
msgstr ""
"Sila pastikan folder-folder ini tlh dibuat dan akaun pengguna anda mempunyai "
"hak menulis ke atas mereka -- atau jalankan semula PCSX2 dgn hak "
"administrator, dimana ia membolehkan PCSX2 utk membuat folder sendiri. Jika "
"anda tidak mempunyai hak terhadap komputer ini, maka anda perlu menukar "
"kepada User Documents Mode (klik butang di bawah)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:181
msgid "!ContextTip:ChangingNTFS"
msgstr "Pemampatan NTFS boleh diubah secara manual pada bila-bila masa dgn menggunakan file properties dari Windows Explorer."
msgid ""
"NTFS compression can be changed manually at any time by using file "
"properties from Windows Explorer."
msgstr ""
"Pemampatan NTFS boleh diubah secara manual pada bila-bila masa dgn "
"menggunakan file properties dari Windows Explorer."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:49
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Settings"
msgstr "Ini adalah folder dimana PCSX2 menyimpan tetapan anda termasuk seting yg dihasilkan oleh kebanyakan plugin (sesetengah plugin lama mungkin tidak)."
msgid ""
"This is the folder where PCSX2 saves your settings, including settings "
"generated by most plugins (some older plugins may not respect this value)."
msgstr ""
"Ini adalah folder dimana PCSX2 menyimpan tetapan anda termasuk seting yg "
"dihasilkan oleh kebanyakan plugin (sesetengah plugin lama mungkin tidak)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:54
msgid "!Panel:Folders:Settings"
msgstr "Anda tidak di wajibkan utk menyatakan tempat utk tetapan PCSX2 disini. Jika tempat tersebut sedia ada mengandungi tetapan PCSX2, anda akan diberi pilihan utk import atau membuat yg baru."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:52
msgid ""
"You may optionally specify a location for your PCSX2 settings here. If the "
"location contains existing PCSX2 settings, you will be given the option to "
"import or overwrite them."
msgstr ""
"Anda tidak di wajibkan utk menyatakan tempat utk tetapan PCSX2 disini. Jika "
"tempat tersebut sedia ada mengandungi tetapan PCSX2, anda akan diberi "
"pilihan utk import atau membuat yg baru."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:94
msgid "!Wizard:Welcome"
msgstr "Wizard akan membantu dlm men-konfigurasi plugin, kad memori, dan BIOS. Jika ini kali pertama anda menggunakan %s, adalah digalakkan anda utk membaca readme panduan konfigurasi."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:89
#, c-format
msgid ""
"This wizard will help guide you through configuring plugins, memory cards, "
"and BIOS. It is recommended if this is your first time installing %s that "
"you view the readme and configuration guide."
msgstr ""
"Wizard akan membantu dlm men-konfigurasi plugin, kad memori, dan BIOS. Jika "
"ini kali pertama anda menggunakan %s, adalah digalakkan anda utk membaca "
"readme panduan konfigurasi."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:140
msgid "!Wizard:Bios:Tutorial"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:132
msgid ""
"PCSX2 requires a *legal* copy of the PS2 BIOS in order to run games.\n"
"You cannot use a copy obtained from a friend or the Internet.\n"
"You must dump the BIOS from your *own* Playstation 2 console."
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 memerlukan salinan BIOS yg *sah* drpd PS2 utk menjalankan permainan.\n"
"Anda tidak boleh menggunakan salinan yg didapati drpd rakan atau Internet.\n"
"Anda mesti dump BIOS drpd PS2 anda sendiri."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/ImportSettingsDialog.cpp:31
msgid "!Notice:ImportExistingSettings"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Existing %s settings have been found in the configured settings folder. "
"Would you like to import these settings or overwrite them with %s default "
"(or press Cancel to select a different settings folder)"
msgstr ""
"Seting sedia ada %s tlh dijumpai dlm folder tetapan yg tlh di konfigurasi. Adakah anda mahu import seting ini atau buat yg baru dgn nilai asal %s?\n"
"Seting sedia ada %s tlh dijumpai dlm folder tetapan yg tlh di konfigurasi. "
"Adakah anda mahu import seting ini atau buat yg baru dgn nilai asal %s?\n"
"(atau tekan Batal utk memilih folder seting yg lain)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:30
msgid "!Panel:Mcd:NtfsCompress"
msgstr "Mampatan NTFS adalah terbina dalam, pantas, dan sgt berguna; digunakan utk memampat kad memori dgn baik (opsyen ini sgt digalakkan)."
msgid ""
"NTFS compression is built-in, fast, and completely reliable; and typically "
"compresses memory cards very well (this option is highly recommended)."
msgstr ""
"Mampatan NTFS adalah terbina dalam, pantas, dan sgt berguna; digunakan utk "
"memampat kad memori dgn baik (opsyen ini sgt digalakkan)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:41
msgid "!Panel:Mcd:EnableEjection"
msgstr "Mengelakkan kad memori dprd korup dgn memaksa games mengindeks semula kandungan kad selepas memuat dari savestate. Mungkin tidak sesuai dgn semua permainan (Guitar Hero)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:39
msgid ""
"Avoids memory card corruption by forcing games to re-index card contents "
"after loading from savestates. May not be compatible with all games (Guitar "
msgstr ""
"Mengelakkan kad memori dprd korup dgn memaksa games mengindeks semula "
"kandungan kad selepas memuat dari savestate. Mungkin tidak sesuai dgn semua "
"permainan (Guitar Hero)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/StuckThreadDialog.cpp:33
msgid "!Panel:StuckThread:Heading"
msgstr "Thread %s tidak memberi respon. Mungkin ia tlh dikunci, atau dijalankan dgn kelajuan *sgt* perlahan."
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The thread '%s' is not responding. It could be deadlocked, or it might just "
"be running *really* slowly."
msgstr ""
"Thread %s tidak memberi respon. Mungkin ia tlh dikunci, atau dijalankan dgn "
"kelajuan *sgt* perlahan."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:38
msgid "!Panel:HasHacksOverrides"
msgstr "Amaran! Anda menjalankan PCSX2 dgn opsyen command line yg mengambil alih seting asal anda. Opsyen command line tidak dinyatakan dlm kotak dialog tetapan, dan akan dimatikan jika anda menetapkan apa-apa perubahan di sini."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:58
msgid "!Panel:HasPluginsOverrides"
msgstr "Amaran! Anda menjalankan PCSX2 dgn opsyen command line yg mengambil alih seting asal anda. Opsyen command line tidak dinyatakan dlm kotak dialog tetapan, dan akan dimatikan jika anda menetapkan apa-apa perubahan di sini."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:135
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Slider"
msgid ""
"Warning! You are running PCSX2 with command line options that override your "
"configured settings. These command line options will not be reflected in "
"the Settings dialog, and will be disabled if you apply any changes here."
msgstr ""
"Preset akan menetapkan speed hack, sesetengah opsyen recompiler dan game fix yg diketahui akan meningkatkan kelajuan.\n"
"Amaran! Anda menjalankan PCSX2 dgn opsyen command line yg mengambil alih "
"seting asal anda. Opsyen command line tidak dinyatakan dlm kotak dialog "
"tetapan, dan akan dimatikan jika anda menetapkan apa-apa perubahan di sini."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:55
msgid ""
"Warning! You are running PCSX2 with command line options that override your "
"configured plugin and/or folder settings. These command line options will "
"not be reflected in the settings dialog, and will be disabled when you apply "
"settings changes here."
msgstr ""
"Amaran! Anda menjalankan PCSX2 dgn opsyen command line yg mengambil alih "
"seting asal anda. Opsyen command line tidak dinyatakan dlm kotak dialog "
"tetapan, dan akan dimatikan jika anda menetapkan apa-apa perubahan di sini."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:129
msgid ""
"The Presets apply speed hacks, some recompiler options and some game fixes "
"known to boost speed.\n"
"Known important game fixes will be applied automatically.\n"
"Presets info:\n"
"1 - The most accurate emulation but also the slowest.\n"
"3 --> Tries to balance speed with compatibility.\n"
"4 - Some more aggressive hacks.\n"
"6 - Too many hacks which will probably slow down most games.\n"
msgstr ""
"Preset akan menetapkan speed hack, sesetengah opsyen recompiler dan game fix "
"yg diketahui akan meningkatkan kelajuan.\n"
"Game fix penting yg diketahui akan ditetapkan secara automatik.\n"
"Info Preset:\n"
"1 --> Emulation yg paling tepat tetapi paling perlahan.\n"
"3 --> Cuba utk menetapkan ketepatan emulation dan kestabilan.\n"
"4 --> Sedikit hack-hack agresif.\n"
"6 --> Terlalu banyak hack yg berkemungkinan akan menyebabkan game menjadi perlahan."
"6 --> Terlalu banyak hack yg berkemungkinan akan menyebabkan game menjadi "
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:149
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Checkbox"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:136
msgid ""
"The Presets apply speed hacks, some recompiler options and some game fixes "
"known to boost speed.\n"
"Known important game fixes will be applied automatically.\n"
"--> Uncheck to modify settings manually (with current preset as base)"
msgstr ""
"Preset akan menetapkan speed hack, sesetengah opsyen recompiler dan game fix yg diketahui akan meningkatkan kelajuan.\n"
"Preset akan menetapkan speed hack, sesetengah opsyen recompiler dan game fix "
"yg diketahui akan meningkatkan kelajuan.\n"
"Game fix penting yg diketahui akan ditetapkan secara automatik.\n"
"--> Jgn tanda utk mengubah seting secara manual (dgn seting sekarang sbg tapak)"
"--> Jgn tanda utk mengubah seting secara manual (dgn seting sekarang sbg "
#: pcsx2/gui/IsoDropTarget.cpp:28
msgid "!Notice:ConfirmSysReset"
msgstr "Perbuatan ini akan reset state virtual machine PS2 yg sedia ada; semua perkembangan sekarang akan hilang. Anda pasti?"
msgid ""
"This action will reset the existing PS2 virtual machine state; all current "
"progress will be lost. Are you sure?"
msgstr ""
"Perbuatan ini akan reset state virtual machine PS2 yg sedia ada; semua "
"perkembangan sekarang akan hilang. Anda pasti?"
#: pcsx2/gui/MainMenuClicks.cpp:106
msgid "!Notice:DeleteSettings"
msgstr ""
"Arahan ini akan mengosongkan seting %s dan membolehkan anda menjalankan Wizard Kali Pertama. Anda juga perlu membuka semula %s secara manual selepas operasi ini.\n"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"This command clears %s settings and allows you to re-run the First-Time "
"Wizard. You will need to manually restart %s after this operation.\n"
"AMARAN!! Tekan OK utk buang *SEMUA* seting utk %s dan memaksa aplikasi utk ditutup, juga menghilangkan apa-apa perkembangan emulation. Anda benar-benar pasti?\n"
"WARNING!! Click OK to delete *ALL* settings for %s and force-close the app, "
"losing any current emulation progress. Are you absolutely sure?\n"
"(note: settings for plugins are unaffected)"
msgstr ""
"Arahan ini akan mengosongkan seting %s dan membolehkan anda menjalankan "
"Wizard Kali Pertama. Anda juga perlu membuka semula %s secara manual selepas "
"operasi ini.\n"
"AMARAN!! Tekan OK utk buang *SEMUA* seting utk %s dan memaksa aplikasi utk "
"ditutup, juga menghilangkan apa-apa perkembangan emulation. Anda benar-benar "
"(nota: tidak termasuk seting utk plugin)"
#: pcsx2/gui/MemoryCardFile.cpp:78
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:HasBeenDisabled"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The PS2-slot %d has been automatically disabled. You can correct the "
"and re-enable it at any time using Config:Memory cards from the main menu."
msgstr ""
"Slot-PS2 %d telah diamtikan secara automatik. Anda boleh membetulkan masalah\n"
"dan menghidupkannya semula pada bila-bila masa dgn Konfig:Kad Memori drpd menu utama."
"Slot-PS2 %d telah diamtikan secara automatik. Anda boleh membetulkan "
"dan menghidupkannya semula pada bila-bila masa dgn Konfig:Kad Memori drpd "
"menu utama."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/BiosSelectorPanel.cpp:138
msgid "!Notice:BIOS:InvalidSelection"
msgstr "Sila pilih BIOS yg sah. Jika anda gagal melakukannya maka tekan Batal utk menutup tetingkap panel Konfigurasi."
msgid ""
"Please select a valid BIOS. If you are unable to make a valid selection "
"then press Cancel to close the Configuration panel."
msgstr ""
"Sila pilih BIOS yg sah. Jika anda gagal melakukannya maka tekan Batal utk "
"menutup tetingkap panel Konfigurasi."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:111
msgid "!Panel:EE/IOP:Heading"
msgid "Notice: Most games are fine with the default options. "
msgstr "Notis: Kebanyakan game berfungsi dgn baik pada opsyen asal."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:178
msgid "!Panel:VUs:Heading"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:177
msgid "Notice: Most games are fine with the default options."
msgstr "Notis: Kebanyakan game berfungsi dgn baik pada opsyen asal."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:69
msgid "!Notice:DirPicker:CreatePath"
msgstr "Laluan/Direktori yg dinyatakan tidak wujud. Adakah anda mahu membuatnya?"
msgid ""
"The specified path/directory does not exist. Would you like to create it?"
msgstr ""
"Laluan/Direktori yg dinyatakan tidak wujud. Adakah anda mahu membuatnya?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:158
msgid "!ContextTip:DirPicker:UseDefault"
msgstr "Apabila ditanda, folder ini akan mengikut yg asalnya terlibat dgn seting mod pengguna PCSX2 sekarang."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:157
msgid ""
"When checked this folder will automatically reflect the default associated "
"with PCSX2's current usermode setting. "
msgstr ""
"Apabila ditanda, folder ini akan mengikut yg asalnya terlibat dgn seting mod "
"pengguna PCSX2 sekarang."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:55
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Zoom"
msgstr ""
"Zoom = 100: Memuatkan seluruh imej kedalam kotak tetingkap tanpa ruang kosong.\n"
"Atas/bawah 100: Zoom Masuk/Keluar\n"
"0: Zoom Masuk secara automatik hingga bar hitam tiada (aspect ratio dikekalkan, sesetengah imej akan terkeluar dari skrin).\n"
" NOTA: Sesetengah game akan melukis bar hitam mereka sendiri, dimana tidak dihilangkan dengan '0'.\n"
msgid ""
"Zoom = 100: Fit the entire image to the window without any cropping.\n"
"Above/Below 100: Zoom In/Out\n"
"0: Automatic-Zoom-In untill the black-bars are gone (Aspect ratio is kept, "
"some of the image goes out of screen).\n"
" NOTE: Some games draw their own black-bars, which will not be removed with "
"Keyboard: CTRL + NUMPAD-PLUS: Zoom Masuk, CTRL + NUMPAD-MINUS: Zoom Keluar, CTRL + NUMPAD-*: Tukar antara 100/0"
"Keyboard: CTRL + NUMPAD-PLUS: Zoom-In, CTRL + NUMPAD-MINUS: Zoom-Out, CTRL + "
"NUMPAD-*: Toggle 100/0"
msgstr ""
"Zoom = 100: Memuatkan seluruh imej kedalam kotak tetingkap tanpa ruang "
"Atas/bawah 100: Zoom Masuk/Keluar\n"
"0: Zoom Masuk secara automatik hingga bar hitam tiada (aspect ratio "
"dikekalkan, sesetengah imej akan terkeluar dari skrin).\n"
" NOTA: Sesetengah game akan melukis bar hitam mereka sendiri, dimana tidak "
"dihilangkan dengan '0'.\n"
"Keyboard: CTRL + NUMPAD-PLUS: Zoom Masuk, CTRL + NUMPAD-MINUS: Zoom Keluar, "
"CTRL + NUMPAD-*: Tukar antara 100/0"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:63
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Vsync"
msgstr "Vsync menghilangkan screen tearing tetapi akan memberi impak pada kelajuan. Ia selalunya digunakan dlm mod fullscreen, dan kemungkinan tidak akan berfungsi dgn semua plugin GS."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:58
msgid ""
"Vsync eliminates screen tearing but typically has a big performance hit. It "
"usually only applies to fullscreen mode, and may not work with all GS "
msgstr ""
"Vsync menghilangkan screen tearing tetapi akan memberi impak pada kelajuan. "
"Ia selalunya digunakan dlm mod fullscreen, dan kemungkinan tidak akan "
"berfungsi dgn semua plugin GS."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:68
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:ManagedVsync"
msgstr "Menghidupkan Vsync apabila framerate betul-betul pada kelajuan penuh. Kurang shj drpd kelajuan tersebut, Vsync akan dimatikan utk mengelakkan impak prestasi yg lebih besar. Nota: Pada masa ini ia hanya berfungsi baik dgn GSdx sbg plugin GS dan di konfigurasi utk menggunakan DX10/11 hardware rendering. Plugin-plugin atau mod rendering lain akan mengabaikannya atau menghasilkan frame hitam yg berkelip apabila mod ini berfungsi. Ia juga memerlukan Vsync untuk diaktifkan."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:61
msgid ""
"Enables Vsync when the framerate is exactly at full speed. Should it fall "
"below that, Vsync gets disabled to avoid further performance penalties. "
"Note: This currently only works well with GSdx as GS plugin and with it "
"configured to use DX10/11 hardware rendering. Any other plugin or rendering "
"mode will either ignore it or produce a black frame that blinks whenever the "
"mode switches. It also requires Vsync to be enabled."
msgstr ""
"Menghidupkan Vsync apabila framerate betul-betul pada kelajuan penuh. Kurang "
"shj drpd kelajuan tersebut, Vsync akan dimatikan utk mengelakkan impak "
"prestasi yg lebih besar. Nota: Pada masa ini ia hanya berfungsi baik dgn "
"GSdx sbg plugin GS dan di konfigurasi utk menggunakan DX10/11 hardware "
"rendering. Plugin-plugin atau mod rendering lain akan mengabaikannya atau "
"menghasilkan frame hitam yg berkelip apabila mod ini berfungsi. Ia juga "
"memerlukan Vsync untuk diaktifkan."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:76
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideMouse"
msgstr "Tandakan ini utk memaksa kursor tetikus utk tidak ditunjukkan dlm tetingkap GS; berguna jika meggunakan tetikus sbg controller utama semasa bermain. Pada asalnya kursor tetikus akan sembunyi sendiri selepas ketidak aktifan selama 2 saat."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:64
msgid ""
"Check this to force the mouse cursor invisible inside the GS window; useful "
"if using the mouse as a primary control device for gaming. By default the "
"mouse auto-hides after 2 seconds of inactivity."
msgstr ""
"Tandakan ini utk memaksa kursor tetikus utk tidak ditunjukkan dlm tetingkap "
"GS; berguna jika meggunakan tetikus sbg controller utama semasa bermain. "
"Pada asalnya kursor tetikus akan sembunyi sendiri selepas ketidak aktifan "
"selama 2 saat."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:82
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Fullscreen"
msgstr "Menghidupkan penukaran mod secara automatik kepada fullscreen apabila memulakan atau menyambung semula emulation. Anda masih boleh menukar paparan fullscreen pada bila-bila masa dgn alt-enter."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:67
msgid ""
"Enables automatic mode switch to fullscreen when starting or resuming "
"emulation. You can still toggle fullscreen display at any time using alt-"
msgstr ""
"Menghidupkan penukaran mod secara automatik kepada fullscreen apabila "
"memulakan atau menyambung semula emulation. Anda masih boleh menukar paparan "
"fullscreen pada bila-bila masa dgn alt-enter."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:93
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideGS"
msgstr "Menutup tetingkap GS sepenuhnya yg selalunya besar apabila menekan ESC atau menjeda emulator."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:74
msgid ""
"Completely closes the often large and bulky GS window when pressing ESC or "
"pausing the emulator."
msgstr ""
"Menutup tetingkap GS sepenuhnya yg selalunya besar apabila menekan ESC atau "
"menjeda emulator."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:67
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:EE Timing Hack"
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Digital Devil Saga (Fixes FMV and crashes)\n"
" * SSX (Fixes bad graphics and crashes)\n"
" * Resident Evil: Dead Aim (Causes garbled textures)"
msgstr ""
"Diketahui akan memberi kesan pada game:\n"
" * Digital Devil Saga (membetulkan FMV dan crash) \n"
" * SSX (membetulkan grafik pelik dan crash) \n"
" * Resident Evil: Dead Aim (menyebabkan tekstur pelik/hancur)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:80
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:OPH Flag hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:76
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Bleach Blade Battler\n"
" * Growlanser II and III\n"
" * Wizardry"
msgstr ""
"Diketahui memberi kesan pada game:\n"
" * Bleach Blade Battler\n"
" * Growlanse II dan III\n"
" * Wizardry"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:89
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:DMA Busy hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:81
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Mana Khemia 1 (Going \"off campus\")\n"
msgstr ""
"Diketahui memberi kesan pada game:\n"
" * Mana Khemia 1 (Pergi \"off campus\")"
" * Mana Khemia 1 (Pergi \"off campus\")\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:96
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:VIF1 FIFO hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:86
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Test Drive Unlimited\n"
" * Transformers"
msgstr ""
"Diketahui memberi kesan pada game:\n"
" * Test Drive Unlimited\n"
" * Transformers"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:119
msgid "!Panel:Gamefixes:Compat Warning"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:106
msgid ""
"Gamefixes can work around wrong emulation in some titles. \n"
"They may also cause compatibility or performance issues. \n"
"It's better to enable 'Automatic game fixes' at the main menu instead, and "
"leave this page empty. \n"
"('Automatic' means: selectively use specific tested fixes for specific games)"
msgstr ""
"GameFix akan menyebabkan emulation salah dalam sesetengah game. \n"
"Ia juga boleh menyebabkan masalah kestabilan dan kelajuan. \n"
"Adalah lebih baik utk mneghidupkan 'GameFixes Automatik' dlm menu utama, dan membiarkan halaman ini kosong. \n"
"Adalah lebih baik utk mneghidupkan 'GameFixes Automatik' dlm menu utama, dan "
"membiarkan halaman ini kosong. \n"
" ('Automatik' bermaksud: memberi game yg tertentu dgn fix yg bersesuaian)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:720
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Delete"
msgstr "Anda akan membuang kad memori %s. Semua data dlm kad ini akan hilang! Anda pasti?"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"You are about to delete the formatted memory card '%s'. All data on this "
"card will be lost! Are you absolutely and quite positively sure?"
msgstr ""
"Anda akan membuang kad memori %s. Semua data dlm kad ini akan hilang! Anda "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:758
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:CantDuplicate"
msgstr "Gagal: Duplicate hanya dibenarkan kepada port-PS2 kosong atau kepada fail sistem."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:756
msgid ""
"Failed: Duplicate is only allowed to an empty PS2-Port or to the file system."
msgstr ""
"Gagal: Duplicate hanya dibenarkan kepada port-PS2 kosong atau kepada fail "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:801
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Copy Failed"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:798
#, c-format
msgid "Failed: Destination memory card '%s' is in use."
msgstr "Gagal: Destinasi kad memori '%s' sedang digunakan."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:35
msgid "!Panel:Usermode:Explained"
msgstr "Sila pilih tempat asal dokumen level pengguna PCSX2 dibawah (termasuk kad memori, screenshot, seting, dan savestate). Lokasi folder-folder ini boleh diambil alih pada bila-bila masa dgn menggunakan Core Settings panel."
msgid ""
"Please select your preferred default location for PCSX2 user-level documents "
"below (includes memory cards, screenshots, settings, and savestates). These "
"folder locations can be overridden at any time using the Core Settings panel."
msgstr ""
"Sila pilih tempat asal dokumen level pengguna PCSX2 dibawah (termasuk kad "
"memori, screenshot, seting, dan savestate). Lokasi folder-folder ini boleh "
"diambil alih pada bila-bila masa dgn menggunakan Core Settings panel."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:41
msgid "!Panel:Usermode:Warning"
msgstr "Anda boleh mengubah folder asal utk dokumen level pengguna PCSX2 (termasuk kad memori, screenshot, seting dan savestate). Opsyen ini hanya memberi kesan pada Laluan Standard yg tlh di set utk menggunakan nilai asal semasa pemasangan."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:38
msgid ""
"You can change the preferred default location for PCSX2 user-level documents "
"here (includes memory cards, screenshots, settings, and savestates). This "
"option only affects Standard Paths which are set to use the installation "
"default value."
msgstr ""
"Anda boleh mengubah folder asal utk dokumen level pengguna PCSX2 (termasuk "
"kad memori, screenshot, seting dan savestate). Opsyen ini hanya memberi "
"kesan pada Laluan Standard yg tlh di set utk menggunakan nilai asal semasa "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:40
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Savestates"
msgstr "Folder ini adalah dimana PCSX2 merekod savestate; direkod samada menggunakan menu/toolbar, atau dgn menekan F1/F3 (simpan/muat)."
msgid ""
"This folder is where PCSX2 records savestates; which are recorded either by "
"using menus/toolbars, or by pressing F1/F3 (save/load)."
msgstr ""
"Folder ini adalah dimana PCSX2 merekod savestate; direkod samada menggunakan "
"menu/toolbar, atau dgn menekan F1/F3 (simpan/muat)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:50
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Snapshots"
msgstr "Folder ini adalah dimana PCSX2 menyimpan screenshot. Format imej scrrenshot dan stailnya akan berbeza bergantung kepada plugin GS yg digunakan."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:48
msgid ""
"This folder is where PCSX2 saves screenshots. Actual screenshot image "
"format and style may vary depending on the GS plugin being used."
msgstr ""
"Folder ini adalah dimana PCSX2 menyimpan screenshot. Format imej scrrenshot "
"dan stailnya akan berbeza bergantung kepada plugin GS yg digunakan."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:60
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Logs"
msgstr "Folder ini adalah dimana PCSX2 menyimpan fail log dan dump diagnostik. Kebanyakan plugin akan turut menggunakan folder ini, walau bagaimanapun sesetengah plugin lama akan mengabaikannya."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:56
msgid ""
"This folder is where PCSX2 saves its logfiles and diagnostic dumps. Most "
"plugins will also adhere to this folder, however some older plugins may "
"ignore it."
msgstr ""
"Folder ini adalah dimana PCSX2 menyimpan fail log dan dump diagnostik. "
"Kebanyakan plugin akan turut menggunakan folder ini, walau bagaimanapun "
"sesetengah plugin lama akan mengabaikannya."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:242
msgid "!Notice:PluginSelector:ConfirmShutdown"
msgid ""
"Warning! Changing plugins requires a complete shutdown and reset of the PS2 "
"virtual machine. PCSX2 will attempt to save and restore the state, but if "
"the newly selected plugins are incompatible the recovery may fail, and "
"current progress will be lost.\n"
"Are you sure you want to apply settings now?"
msgstr ""
"Amaran! Penukaran plugin memerlukan penutupan lengkap dan reset kepada virtual machine PS2. PCSX2 akan cuba utk menyimpan dan mengembalikan semula state, tetapi jika plugin yg baru dipilih tidak sesuai, pemulihan semula akan gagal, dan segala progress akan hilang.\n"
"Amaran! Penukaran plugin memerlukan penutupan lengkap dan reset kepada "
"virtual machine PS2. PCSX2 akan cuba utk menyimpan dan mengembalikan semula "
"state, tetapi jika plugin yg baru dipilih tidak sesuai, pemulihan semula "
"akan gagal, dan segala progress akan hilang.\n"
"Anda pasti utk menetapkan seting sekarang?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:457
msgid "!Notice:PluginSelector:ApplyFailed"
msgstr "Semua plugin mesti mempunyai pilihan yg sah utk %s dijalankan. Jika anda gagal utk membuat pilihan yg sah kerana kehilangan plugin atau pemasangan %s yg tidak lengkap, maka tekan Batal utk menutup panel Kofigurasi."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:452
#, c-format
msgid ""
"All plugins must have valid selections for %s to run. If you are unable to "
"make a valid selection due to missing plugins or an incomplete install of "
"%s, then press Cancel to close the Configuration panel."
msgstr ""
"Semua plugin mesti mempunyai pilihan yg sah utk %s dijalankan. Jika anda "
"gagal utk membuat pilihan yg sah kerana kehilangan plugin atau pemasangan %s "
"yg tidak lengkap, maka tekan Batal utk menutup panel Kofigurasi."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:27
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX1"
msgid ""
"1 - Default cyclerate. This closely matches the actual speed of a real PS2 "
msgstr "Cyclerate asal. Ini sgt menyamai kelajuan EmotionEngine PS2 sebenar."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:32
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX2"
msgstr "Mengurangkan cyclerate EE sebanyak 33%. Sedikit pertambahan kelajuan utk kebanyakan game dgn kestabilan tinggi."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:31
msgid ""
"2 - Reduces the EE's cyclerate by about 33%. Mild speedup for most games "
"with high compatibility."
msgstr ""
"Mengurangkan cyclerate EE sebanyak 33%. Sedikit pertambahan kelajuan utk "
"kebanyakan game dgn kestabilan tinggi."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX3"
msgstr "Mengurangkan cyclerate EE sebanyak 50%. Lebih banyak pertambahan kelajuan, tetapi *akan* menyebabkan stuttering audio dlm banyak FMV."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:35
msgid ""
"3 - Reduces the EE's cyclerate by about 50%. Moderate speedup, but *will* "
"cause stuttering audio on many FMVs."
msgstr ""
"Mengurangkan cyclerate EE sebanyak 50%. Lebih banyak pertambahan kelajuan, "
"tetapi *akan* menyebabkan stuttering audio dlm banyak FMV."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:54
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealOff"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:50
msgid "0 - Disables VU Cycle Stealing. Most compatible setting!"
msgstr "Mematikan VU Cycle Stealing. Seting paling stabil!"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:59
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal1"
msgstr "Sedikit VU Cycle Stealing. Merendahkan kestabilan, tetapi sedikit pertambahan kelajuan bagi kebanyakan game."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:54
msgid ""
"1 - Mild VU Cycle Stealing. Lower compatibility, but some speedup for most "
msgstr ""
"Sedikit VU Cycle Stealing. Merendahkan kestabilan, tetapi sedikit "
"pertambahan kelajuan bagi kebanyakan game."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:64
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal2"
msgstr "VU Cycle Stealing sederhana. Merendahkan lagi kestabilan, tetapi sangat meningkatkan kelajuan dlm sesetengah game."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:58
msgid ""
"2 - Moderate VU Cycle Stealing. Even lower compatibility, but significant "
"speedups in some games."
msgstr ""
"VU Cycle Stealing sederhana. Merendahkan lagi kestabilan, tetapi sangat "
"meningkatkan kelajuan dlm sesetengah game."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:70
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal3"
msgstr "VU Cycle Stealing maksimum. Kegunaannya terhad, kerana ia akan menyebabkan flickering atau slowdown dlm kebayakan game."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:63
msgid ""
"3 - Maximum VU Cycle Stealing. Usefulness is limited, as this will cause "
"flickering visuals or slowdown in most games."
msgstr ""
"VU Cycle Stealing maksimum. Kegunaannya terhad, kerana ia akan menyebabkan "
"flickering atau slowdown dlm kebayakan game."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:97
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:Overview"
msgstr "Speedhack selalunya meningkatkan prestasi emulation, tetapi akan menyebabkan glitch, audio pelik, dan bacaan FPS palsu. Apabila menghadapi masalah emulation, matikan panel ini dahulu."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:88
msgid ""
"Speedhacks usually improve emulation speed, but can cause glitches, broken "
"audio, and false FPS readings. When having emulation problems, disable this "
"panel first."
msgstr ""
"Speedhack selalunya meningkatkan prestasi emulation, tetapi akan menyebabkan "
"glitch, audio pelik, dan bacaan FPS palsu. Apabila menghadapi masalah "
"emulation, matikan panel ini dahulu."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:129
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:EECycleRate Slider"
msgstr "Menetapkan nilai yg lebih tinggi akan mengurangkan clock speed teras cpu EmotionEngine R5900 dgn efektif, dan akan memberi banyak peningkatan kelajuan pada game yg gagal menggunakan potensi penuh perkakasan sebenar PS2."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:118
msgid ""
"Setting higher values on this slider effectively reduces the clock speed of "
"the EmotionEngine's R5900 core cpu, and typically brings big speedups to "
"games that fail to utilize the full potential of the real PS2 hardware."
msgstr ""
"Menetapkan nilai yg lebih tinggi akan mengurangkan clock speed teras cpu "
"EmotionEngine R5900 dgn efektif, dan akan memberi banyak peningkatan "
"kelajuan pada game yg gagal menggunakan potensi penuh perkakasan sebenar PS2."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:150
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealing Slider"
msgstr "Slider ini mengawal amaun cycle curian VU unit dari EmotionEngine. Nilai yg lebih tinggi menambah cycle curian drpd EE bg setiap microprogram VU yg dijalankan game."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:136
msgid ""
"This slider controls the amount of cycles the VU unit steals from the "
"EmotionEngine. Higher values increase the number of cycles stolen from the "
"EE for each VU microprogram the game runs."
msgstr ""
"Slider ini mengawal amaun cycle curian VU unit dari EmotionEngine. Nilai yg "
"lebih tinggi menambah cycle curian drpd EE bg setiap microprogram VU yg "
"dijalankan game."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:169
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack"
msgstr "Megemaskini Status Flag pada blok yg akan membacanya sahaja, drpd sepanjang masa. Seting ini selamat dan SuperVU melakukan perkara yg sama pada asalnya."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:153
msgid ""
"Updates Status Flags only on blocks which will read them, instead of all the "
"time. This is safe most of the time, and Super VU does something similar by "
msgstr ""
"Megemaskini Status Flag pada blok yg akan membacanya sahaja, drpd sepanjang "
"masa. Seting ini selamat dan SuperVU melakukan perkara yg sama pada asalnya."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:156
msgid ""
"Runs VU1 on its own thread (microVU1-only). Generally a speedup on CPUs with "
"3 or more cores. This is safe for most games, but a few games are "
"incompatible and may hang. In the case of GS limited games, it may be a "
"slowdown (especially on dual core CPUs)."
msgstr ""
"Menjalankan VU1 pada threadnya sendiri (microVU1-sahaja). Selalunya akan "
"meningkatkan kelajuan pada CPU yg mempunyai 3 teras atau lebih. Seting ini "
"selamat bagi kebanyakan game, tatapi sesetengahnya yg tidak sesuai akan "
"hang. Dalam kes game yg dihadkan GSnya, ia akan menyebabkan slowdown "
"(terutamanya dual core CPU)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:174
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuThread"
msgstr "Menjalankan VU1 pada threadnya sendiri (microVU1-sahaja). Selalunya akan meningkatkan kelajuan pada CPU yg mempunyai 3 teras atau lebih. Seting ini selamat bagi kebanyakan game, tatapi sesetengahnya yg tidak sesuai akan hang. Dalam kes game yg dihadkan GSnya, ia akan menyebabkan slowdown (terutamanya dual core CPU)."
msgid ""
"This hack works best for games that use the INTC Status register to wait for "
"vsyncs, which includes primarily non-3D RPG titles. Games that do not use "
"this method of vsync will see little or no speedup from this hack."
msgstr ""
"Hack ini bagus utk game yg menggunakan INTC Status register untuk menunggu "
"Vsync, dimana selalunya terdapat pada game bkn RPG. Game yg tidak "
"menggunakan teknik vsync ini akan mendapat sedikit atau tiada pertambahan "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:195
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC"
msgstr "Hack ini bagus utk game yg menggunakan INTC Status register untuk menunggu Vsync, dimana selalunya terdapat pada game bkn RPG. Game yg tidak menggunakan teknik vsync ini akan mendapat sedikit atau tiada pertambahan kelajuan."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:177
msgid ""
"Primarily targetting the EE idle loop at address 0x81FC0 in the kernel, this "
"hack attempts to detect loops whose bodies are guaranteed to result in the "
"same machine state for every iteration until a scheduled event triggers "
"emulation of another unit. After a single iteration of such loops, we "
"advance to the time of the next event or the end of the processor's "
"timeslice, whichever comes first."
msgstr ""
"Target utamanya adalah idle loop EE pada alamat 0x81FC0 dlm kernel, hack ini "
"akan detect loop yg dipastikan akan memberi hasil machine state yg sama "
"hingga acara yg dijadualkan trigger emulation dlm unit lain. Selepas satu "
"loop tersebut, kita mempercepatkan masa untuk acara seterusnya atau "
"penghujung masa pemproses, mana-mana yg datang dahulu."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:200
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0"
msgstr "Target utamanya adalah idle loop EE pada alamat 0x81FC0 dlm kernel, hack ini akan detect loop yg dipastikan akan memberi hasil machine state yg sama hingga acara yg dijadualkan trigger emulation dlm unit lain. Selepas satu loop tersebut, kita mempercepatkan masa untuk acara seterusnya atau penghujung masa pemproses, mana-mana yg datang dahulu."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:207
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD"
msgstr "Semak HDLoader utk senarai kesesuaian game-game yg mempunyai masalah dgn hack ini. (Sering ditandakan sbg memerlukan 'mode 1' atau 'slow DVD'"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:180
msgid ""
"Check HDLoader compatibility lists for known games that have issues with "
"this. (Often marked as needing 'mode 1' or 'slow DVD'"
msgstr ""
"Semak HDLoader utk senarai kesesuaian game-game yg mempunyai masalah dgn "
"hack ini. (Sering ditandakan sbg memerlukan 'mode 1' atau 'slow DVD'"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!ContextTip:Framelimiter:Disable"
msgstr "Sila ambil tahu bahawa apabila Framelimiting dimatikan, mod Turbo dan SlowMotion juga akan tidak dibenarkan."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:227
msgid "!Panel:Frameskip:Heading"
msgstr "Notis: Oleh kerana design perkakasan PS2, frame skipping yg tepat adalah mustahil. Menghidupkannnya hanya akan menyebabkan ralat grafik yg agak teruk dlm sesetengah game."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS"
msgstr "Utk trubleshooting kemungkinan pepijat yg mungkin terdapat dlm MTGS sahaja, kerana ia mungkin sangat perlahan. "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:310
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput"
msgid ""
"Note that when Framelimiting is disabled, Turbo and SlowMotion modes will "
"not be available either."
msgstr ""
"Membuang semua noise yg dihasilkan oleh thread MTGS atau overhead GPU. Opsyen ini bagus digunakan bersama savestate: simpan sebuah state, hidupkan opsyen ini, dan muat semula savestate.\n"
"Amaran: Opsyen ini boleh dihidupkan on-the-fly tetapi tidak boleh dimatikan on-the-fly (video akan menjadi buruk/pelik)."
"Sila ambil tahu bahawa apabila Framelimiting dimatikan, mod Turbo dan "
"SlowMotion juga akan tidak dibenarkan."
#: pcsx2/vtlb.cpp:710
msgid "!Notice:HostVmReserve"
msgstr "Sistem anda kekurangan memori/ruang maya untuk PCSX2 dijalankan. Ini boleh disebabkan oleh swapfile yg kecil atau dimatikan, atau program lain yg menggunakan terlalu banyak memori/ruang."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:225
msgid ""
"Notice: Due to PS2 hardware design, precise frame skipping is impossible. "
"Enabling it will cause severe graphical errors in some games."
msgstr ""
"Notis: Oleh kerana design perkakasan PS2, frame skipping yg tepat adalah "
"mustahil. Menghidupkannnya hanya akan menyebabkan ralat grafik yg agak teruk "
"dlm sesetengah game."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302
msgid ""
"Enable this if you think MTGS thread sync is causing crashes or graphical "
msgstr ""
"Utk trubleshooting kemungkinan pepijat yg mungkin terdapat dlm MTGS sahaja, "
"kerana ia mungkin sangat perlahan. "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:305
msgid ""
"Removes any benchmark noise caused by the MTGS thread or GPU overhead. This "
"option is best used in conjunction with savestates: save a state at an ideal "
"scene, enable this option, and re-load the savestate.\n"
"Warning: This option can be enabled on-the-fly but typically cannot be "
"disabled on-the-fly (video will typically be garbage)."
msgstr ""
"Membuang semua noise yg dihasilkan oleh thread MTGS atau overhead GPU. "
"Opsyen ini bagus digunakan bersama savestate: simpan sebuah state, hidupkan "
"opsyen ini, dan muat semula savestate.\n"
"Amaran: Opsyen ini boleh dihidupkan on-the-fly tetapi tidak boleh dimatikan "
"on-the-fly (video akan menjadi buruk/pelik)."
#: pcsx2/vtlb.cpp:711
msgid ""
"Your system is too low on virtual resources for PCSX2 to run. This can be "
"caused by having a small or disabled swapfile, or by other programs that are "
"hogging resources."
msgstr ""
"Sistem anda kekurangan memori/ruang maya untuk PCSX2 dijalankan. Ini boleh "
"disebabkan oleh swapfile yg kecil atau dimatikan, atau program lain yg "
"menggunakan terlalu banyak memori/ruang."
#: pcsx2/x86/sVU_zerorec.cpp:363
msgid "!Notice:superVU:VirtualMemoryAlloc"
msgstr "Kekurangan Memori: Recompiler SuperVU gagal untuk menempah julat memori yg diperlukan, dan tidak akan ada utk digunakan. Ralat ini tidak bersifat kritikal, kerana sVU rec telah menjadi usang, dan anda patut menggunakan microVU. :)"
msgid ""
"Out of Memory (sorta): The SuperVU recompiler was unable to reserve the "
"specific memory ranges required, and will not be available for use. This is "
"not a critical error, since the sVU rec is obsolete, and you should use "
"microVU instead anyway. :)"
msgstr ""
"Kekurangan Memori: Recompiler SuperVU gagal untuk menempah julat memori yg "
"diperlukan, dan tidak akan ada utk digunakan. Ralat ini tidak bersifat "
"kritikal, kerana sVU rec telah menjadi usang, dan anda patut menggunakan "
"microVU. :)"

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.9\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-04-07 11:42+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-08-10 11:44+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-28 21:55+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Miseru99 <miseru99@hotmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Miseru99 <miseru99@hotmail.com>\n"
@ -24,21 +24,31 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: common\n"
#: common/src/Utilities/Exceptions.cpp:254
msgid "!Notice:VirtualMemoryMap"
msgid ""
"There is not enough virtual memory available, or necessary virtual memory "
"mappings have already been reserved by other processes, services, or DLLs."
msgstr ""
"Brak wystarczającej pamięci wirtualnej lub potrzebna pamięć wirtualna "
"już zarezerwowana przez inny process, usługę lub DLL."
#: pcsx2/CDVD/CDVD.cpp:389
msgid "!Notice:PsxDisc"
msgid ""
"Playstation game discs are not supported by PCSX2. If you want to emulate "
"PSX games then you'll have to download a PSX-specific emulator, such as "
"ePSXe or PCSX."
msgstr ""
"Gry z Playstation nie są obsługiwane przez PCSX2. Jeśli chcesz emulować gry "
"musisz ściągnąć emulator PSX taki jak ePSXe lub PCSX."
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:114
msgid "!Notice:Recompiler:VirtualMemoryAlloc"
msgid ""
"This recompiler was unable to reserve contiguous memory required for "
"internal caches. This error can be caused by low virtual memory resources, "
"such as a small or disabled swapfile, or by another program that is hogging "
"a lot of memory. You can also try reducing the default cache sizes for all "
"PCSX2 recompilers, found under Host Settings."
msgstr ""
"Ten rekompilator nie był w stanie zarezerwować pamięci wymaganej dla "
"wewnętrznego cache.\n"
@ -48,28 +58,38 @@ msgstr ""
"standardowy rozmiar cache dla rekompilatorów PCSX2, pod ustawieniami Hosta."
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:348
msgid "!Notice:EmuCore::MemoryForVM"
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:344
msgid ""
"PCSX2 is unable to allocate memory needed for the PS2 virtual machine. Close "
"out some memory hogging background tasks and try again."
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 nie był w stanie zarezerwować odpowiedniej ilości pamięci potrzebnej "
"virtualnej maszynie PS2.\n"
"Zamknij niepotrzebne programy i usługi działające w tle i spróbuj ponownie."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:43
msgid "!Notice:Startup:NoSSE2"
msgid ""
"Warning: Your computer does not support SSE2, which is required by many "
"PCSX2 recompilers and plugins. Your options will be limited and emulation "
"will be *very* slow."
msgstr ""
"Uwaga: Twój komputer nie wspomaga SSE2, który jest wymagany przez wiele "
"rekompilatorów i wtyczek PCSX2.\n"
"Twoje opcje będą ograniczone a emulacja będzie BARDZO powolna."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:162
msgid "!Notice:RecompilerInit:Header"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:160
msgid ""
"Warning: Some of the configured PS2 recompilers failed to initialize and "
"have been disabled:"
msgstr ""
"Uwaga: Niektóre ze skonfigurowanych rekompilatorów zawiodły i zostały "
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:211
msgid "!Notice:RecompilerInit:Footer"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:208
msgid ""
"Note: Recompilers are not necessary for PCSX2 to run, however they typically "
"improve emulation speed substantially. You may have to manually re-enable "
"the recompilers listed above, if you resolve the errors."
msgstr ""
"Uwaga: Rekompilatory nie są potrzebne do uruchomienia PCSX2, jednak bardzo "
"poprawiają prędkość emulacji.\n"
@ -77,7 +97,10 @@ msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:546
msgid "!Notice:BiosDumpRequired"
msgid ""
"PCSX2 requires a PS2 BIOS in order to run. For legal reasons, you *must* "
"obtain a BIOS from an actual PS2 unit that you own (borrowing doesn't "
"count). Please consult the FAQs and Guides for further instructions."
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 wymaga BIOS'u PS2 do działania. Ze względów prawnych MUSISZ sam "
"uzyskać BIOS,\n"
@ -85,15 +108,24 @@ msgstr ""
"szczegóły proszę zapoznaj\n"
"się z FAQ oraz poradnikami."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:629
msgid "!Notice Error:Thread Deadlock Actions"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:626
msgid ""
"'Ignore' to continue waiting for the thread to respond.\n"
"'Cancel' to attempt to cancel the thread.\n"
"'Terminate' to quit PCSX2 immediately.\n"
msgstr ""
"'Ignoruj' by contynuować aż wątek zacznie odpowiadać.\n"
"'Anuluj' by spróbować anulować wątek.\n"
"'Likwiduj' by wezwać Leona Zawodowca i zbawić swój komputer od PCSX2."
"'Likwiduj' by wezwać Leona Zawodowca i zbawić swój komputer od PCSX2.\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppUserMode.cpp:57
msgid "!Notice:PortableModeRights"
msgid ""
"Please ensure that these folders are created and that your user account is "
"granted write permissions to them -- or re-run PCSX2 with elevated "
"(administrator) rights, which should grant PCSX2 the ability to create the "
"necessary folders itself. If you do not have elevated rights on this "
"computer, then you will need to switch to User Documents mode (click button "
msgstr ""
"Proszę upewnić się, że te katalogi są stworzone a Twoje konto ma pozwolenie "
"zapisu w nich,\n"
@ -104,42 +136,62 @@ msgstr ""
"na Tryb użytkownika - Moje Dokumenty(kliknij przycisk poniżej)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:181
msgid "!ContextTip:ChangingNTFS"
msgid ""
"NTFS compression can be changed manually at any time by using file "
"properties from Windows Explorer."
msgstr ""
"Kompresja NTFS może być ręcznie zmieniona w każdej chwili używając "
"właściwości z Windows Exploera."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:49
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Settings"
msgid ""
"This is the folder where PCSX2 saves your settings, including settings "
"generated by most plugins (some older plugins may not respect this value)."
msgstr ""
"To jest katalog gdzie PCSX2 zachowuje Twoje ustawienia, wliczając w to "
"ustawienia wygenerowane\n"
"przez większość wtyczek(niektóre starsze wtyczki mogą z tego nie korzystać)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:54
msgid "!Panel:Folders:Settings"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:52
msgid ""
"You may optionally specify a location for your PCSX2 settings here. If the "
"location contains existing PCSX2 settings, you will be given the option to "
"import or overwrite them."
msgstr ""
"Możesz opcjonalnie wyszczególnić położenie swoich ustawień PCSX2 tutaj. "
"Jeśli lokacja zawiera istniejące\n"
"ustawienia PCSX2, będziesz mógł je importować bądź nadpisać."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:94
msgid "!Wizard:Welcome"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:89
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"This wizard will help guide you through configuring plugins, memory cards, "
"and BIOS. It is recommended if this is your first time installing %s that "
"you view the readme and configuration guide."
msgstr ""
"Ten Pomocnik Konfiguracji pomoże Ci skonfigurować wtyczki, karty pamięci "
"oraz BIOS.\n"
"Zalecamy zapoznanie się z plikiem readme oraz poradnikiem konfiguracji\n"
"jeśli jest to Twoje pierwsze spotkanie z PCSX2."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:140
msgid "!Wizard:Bios:Tutorial"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:132
msgid ""
"PCSX2 requires a *legal* copy of the PS2 BIOS in order to run games.\n"
"You cannot use a copy obtained from a friend or the Internet.\n"
"You must dump the BIOS from your *own* Playstation 2 console."
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 wymaga LEGALNEJ kopi BIOSu PS2 do uruchamiania gier.\n"
"Nie możesz użyć kopi uzyskanej od znajomego lub z internetu.\n"
"Musisz zrzucić swój własny BIOS ze swej własnej konsoli PS2."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/ImportSettingsDialog.cpp:31
msgid "!Notice:ImportExistingSettings"
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Existing %s settings have been found in the configured settings folder. "
"Would you like to import these settings or overwrite them with %s default "
"(or press Cancel to select a different settings folder)"
msgstr ""
"Istniejące %s ustawienia zostały znalezione w skonfigurowanym katalogu "
@ -148,27 +200,38 @@ msgstr ""
"(możesz też nacisnąć 'Anuluj', aby wyznaczyć inny folder ustawień)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:30
msgid "!Panel:Mcd:NtfsCompress"
msgid ""
"NTFS compression is built-in, fast, and completely reliable; and typically "
"compresses memory cards very well (this option is highly recommended)."
msgstr ""
"Kompresja NTFS wbudowana, szybka i pewna; zwykle kompresuje karty pamięci "
"bardzo dobrze.\n"
"(ta opcja jest bardzo zalecana)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:41
msgid "!Panel:Mcd:EnableEjection"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:39
msgid ""
"Avoids memory card corruption by forcing games to re-index card contents "
"after loading from savestates. May not be compatible with all games (Guitar "
msgstr ""
"Unika uszkodzenia kart pamięci poprzez przeindexowanie zawartości po wgraniu "
"zapisu gry.\n"
"Może nie być kompatybilne ze wszystkimi grami (np. Guitar Hero)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/StuckThreadDialog.cpp:33
msgid "!Panel:StuckThread:Heading"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The thread '%s' is not responding. It could be deadlocked, or it might just "
"be running *really* slowly."
msgstr ""
"Wątek '%s' nie odpowiada. Mógł się zawiesić lub po prostu strasznie się "
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:38
msgid "!Panel:HasHacksOverrides"
msgid ""
"Warning! You are running PCSX2 with command line options that override your "
"configured settings. These command line options will not be reflected in "
"the Settings dialog, and will be disabled if you apply any changes here."
msgstr ""
"Uwaga! Uruchomiłeś PCSX2 z opcją lini komend nadpisującą zapisane "
@ -176,8 +239,12 @@ msgstr ""
"jakiekolwiek zmiany\n"
"w tych ostatnich, opcje lini komend zostaną wyłączone."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:58
msgid "!Panel:HasPluginsOverrides"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:55
msgid ""
"Warning! You are running PCSX2 with command line options that override your "
"configured plugin and/or folder settings. These command line options will "
"not be reflected in the settings dialog, and will be disabled when you apply "
"settings changes here."
msgstr ""
"Uwaga! Uruchomiłeś PCSX2 z opcją lini komend nadpisującą zapisane ustawienia "
"wtyczek lub katalogów.\n"
@ -185,8 +252,17 @@ msgstr ""
"jakiekolwiek zmiany\n"
"w tych ostatnich, opcje lini komend zostaną wyłączone."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:135
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Slider"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:129
msgid ""
"The Presets apply speed hacks, some recompiler options and some game fixes "
"known to boost speed.\n"
"Known important game fixes will be applied automatically.\n"
"Presets info:\n"
"1 - The most accurate emulation but also the slowest.\n"
"3 --> Tries to balance speed with compatibility.\n"
"4 - Some more aggressive hacks.\n"
"6 - Too many hacks which will probably slow down most games.\n"
msgstr ""
"Predefiniowane ustawienia dotyczą poprawek i łatek poprawiających prędkość.\n"
"Znane poprawki do gier zostaną użyte.\n"
@ -195,10 +271,15 @@ msgstr ""
"1 - Najpewniejsza emulacja, ale i nasłabsza.\n"
"3 - Próba wyważenia prędkości i kompatybilności.\n"
"4 - Bardziej agresywne sztuczki.\n"
"6 - Zbyt wiele łatek, zapewne nastąpi duże spowolnienie w większości gier."
"6 - Zbyt wiele łatek, zapewne nastąpi duże spowolnienie w większości gier.\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:149
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Checkbox"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:136
msgid ""
"The Presets apply speed hacks, some recompiler options and some game fixes "
"known to boost speed.\n"
"Known important game fixes will be applied automatically.\n"
"--> Uncheck to modify settings manually (with current preset as base)"
msgstr ""
"Preconfigurowane ustawienia zawierają poprawki, łatki i opcje rekompilatora "
"poprawiające prędkość emulacji.\n"
@ -207,13 +288,23 @@ msgstr ""
"--> Odhacz by zmienić opcje samodzielnie (z obecnym ustawieniem za podstawę)."
#: pcsx2/gui/IsoDropTarget.cpp:28
msgid "!Notice:ConfirmSysReset"
msgid ""
"This action will reset the existing PS2 virtual machine state; all current "
"progress will be lost. Are you sure?"
msgstr ""
"Ta akcja zresetuje istniejący stan virtualnej maszyny PS2;\n"
"Dotychczasowy stan gry zostanie utracony. Jesteś pewien?"
#: pcsx2/gui/MainMenuClicks.cpp:106
msgid "!Notice:DeleteSettings"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"This command clears %s settings and allows you to re-run the First-Time "
"Wizard. You will need to manually restart %s after this operation.\n"
"WARNING!! Click OK to delete *ALL* settings for %s and force-close the app, "
"losing any current emulation progress. Are you absolutely sure?\n"
"(note: settings for plugins are unaffected)"
msgstr ""
"Ta komenda wyczyści ustawienia %s i pozwoli na przywrócenie Pomocnika "
"Konfiguraci. Będziesz musiał ręcznie\n"
@ -225,38 +316,56 @@ msgstr ""
"(Informacja: Ustawienia wtyczek nie będą naruszone)"
#: pcsx2/gui/MemoryCardFile.cpp:78
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:HasBeenDisabled"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The PS2-slot %d has been automatically disabled. You can correct the "
"and re-enable it at any time using Config:Memory cards from the main menu."
msgstr ""
"Slot nr %d karty pamięci PS2 został wyłączony. Możesz poprawić problem i "
"włączyć slot ponownie\n"
"używając Konfiguracji - Karty Pamięci z głównego menu."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/BiosSelectorPanel.cpp:138
msgid "!Notice:BIOS:InvalidSelection"
msgid ""
"Please select a valid BIOS. If you are unable to make a valid selection "
"then press Cancel to close the Configuration panel."
msgstr ""
"Proszę użyć poprawnego BIOSu. Jeśli takiego nie posiadasz, naciśnij\n"
"'Anuluj' aby zamknąć panel konfiguracji."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:111
msgid "!Panel:EE/IOP:Heading"
msgid "Notice: Most games are fine with the default options. "
msgstr "Uwaga: Większość gier chodzi dobrze na standardowych ustawieniach."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:178
msgid "!Panel:VUs:Heading"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:177
msgid "Notice: Most games are fine with the default options."
msgstr "Uwaga: Większość gier chodzi dobrze na standardowych ustawieniach."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:69
msgid "!Notice:DirPicker:CreatePath"
msgid ""
"The specified path/directory does not exist. Would you like to create it?"
msgstr "Wybrana ścieżka/katalog nie istnieją. Czy chcesz go utworzyć?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:158
msgid "!ContextTip:DirPicker:UseDefault"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:157
msgid ""
"When checked this folder will automatically reflect the default associated "
"with PCSX2's current usermode setting. "
msgstr ""
"Kiedy zaznaczone, ten katalog automatycznie odzwierciedla standardowy folder "
"w ustawieniach użytkownika PCSX2."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:55
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Zoom"
msgid ""
"Zoom = 100: Fit the entire image to the window without any cropping.\n"
"Above/Below 100: Zoom In/Out\n"
"0: Automatic-Zoom-In untill the black-bars are gone (Aspect ratio is kept, "
"some of the image goes out of screen).\n"
" NOTE: Some games draw their own black-bars, which will not be removed with "
"Keyboard: CTRL + NUMPAD-PLUS: Zoom-In, CTRL + NUMPAD-MINUS: Zoom-Out, CTRL + "
"NUMPAD-*: Toggle 100/0"
msgstr ""
"Zbliżenie = 100: Mieści cały obraz w oknie bez ucinania.\n"
"Powyżej/Poniżej 100: Przybliżenie/Oddalenie \n"
@ -269,15 +378,24 @@ msgstr ""
"Skrót: CTRL+NUMPAD-PLUS: Zbliżenie, CTRL+NUMPAD-MINUS: Oddalenie, CTRL"
"+NUMPAD-*: przełącza 100/0"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:63
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Vsync"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:58
msgid ""
"Vsync eliminates screen tearing but typically has a big performance hit. It "
"usually only applies to fullscreen mode, and may not work with all GS "
msgstr ""
"Synchronizacja pionowa, eliminuje 'rwania' obrazu, ale ma zwykle sporą "
"zasługę do pomniejszenia ilości klatek animacji.\n"
"Zwykle działa tylko w trybie pełnoekranowym i nie z każdą wtyczką graficzną."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:68
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:ManagedVsync"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:61
msgid ""
"Enables Vsync when the framerate is exactly at full speed. Should it fall "
"below that, Vsync gets disabled to avoid further performance penalties. "
"Note: This currently only works well with GSdx as GS plugin and with it "
"configured to use DX10/11 hardware rendering. Any other plugin or rendering "
"mode will either ignore it or produce a black frame that blinks whenever the "
"mode switches. It also requires Vsync to be enabled."
msgstr ""
"Aktywuje synchronizację pionową kiedy klatki animacji są uzyskują pełnię dla "
"wybranego standardu.\n"
@ -289,8 +407,11 @@ msgstr ""
"za każdym razem gdy powinno nastąpić przejście między trybami.\n"
"Opcja ta wymaga włączonej synchronizacji pionowej."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:76
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideMouse"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:64
msgid ""
"Check this to force the mouse cursor invisible inside the GS window; useful "
"if using the mouse as a primary control device for gaming. By default the "
"mouse auto-hides after 2 seconds of inactivity."
msgstr ""
"Zaznacz tą opcję aby wymusić ukrywanie kursora myszy w oknie wtyczki "
"graficznej; użyteczne gdy\n"
@ -298,49 +419,73 @@ msgstr ""
"chowa się\n"
"po 2 sekundach braku aktywności."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:82
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Fullscreen"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:67
msgid ""
"Enables automatic mode switch to fullscreen when starting or resuming "
"emulation. You can still toggle fullscreen display at any time using alt-"
msgstr ""
"Pozwala na automatyczne przejście na pełny ekran podczas kontynuowania "
"zawieszonej emulacji.\n"
"Nadal możesz przełączać tryby kiedy zechcesz używając alt+enter."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:93
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideGS"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:74
msgid ""
"Completely closes the often large and bulky GS window when pressing ESC or "
"pausing the emulator."
msgstr ""
"W pełni zamyka obraz emulacji po naciśnięciu ESC lub zatrzymaniu emulacji."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:67
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:EE Timing Hack"
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Digital Devil Saga (Fixes FMV and crashes)\n"
" * SSX (Fixes bad graphics and crashes)\n"
" * Resident Evil: Dead Aim (Causes garbled textures)"
msgstr ""
"Znane z wpływu na następujące gry:\n"
"Digital Devil Saga (naprawia animację i zwisy)\n"
"SSX (Naprawia zwisy i błędy graficzne)\n"
"Resident Evil: Dead Aim (wytwarza błędy graficzne)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:80
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:OPH Flag hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:76
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Bleach Blade Battler\n"
" * Growlanser II and III\n"
" * Wizardry"
msgstr ""
"Znane z wpływu na następujące gry:\n"
"Bleach Blade Battler\n"
"Growlanser II and III\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:89
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:DMA Busy hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:81
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Mana Khemia 1 (Going \"off campus\")\n"
msgstr ""
"Znane z wpływu na następujące gry:\n"
"Mana Khemia 1 (Going \"off campus\")"
"Mana Khemia 1 (Going \"off campus\")\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:96
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:VIF1 FIFO hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:86
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Test Drive Unlimited\n"
" * Transformers"
msgstr ""
"Znane z wpływu na następujące gry:\n"
"Test Drive Unlimited\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:119
msgid "!Panel:Gamefixes:Compat Warning"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:106
msgid ""
"Gamefixes can work around wrong emulation in some titles. \n"
"They may also cause compatibility or performance issues. \n"
"It's better to enable 'Automatic game fixes' at the main menu instead, and "
"leave this page empty. \n"
"('Automatic' means: selectively use specific tested fixes for specific games)"
msgstr ""
"Łatki do gier mogą poprawić działanie pewnych tytułów.\n"
"Mogą też jednak pogorszyć działanie innych.\n"
@ -351,23 +496,31 @@ msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:720
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Delete"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"You are about to delete the formatted memory card '%s'. All data on this "
"card will be lost! Are you absolutely and quite positively sure?"
msgstr ""
"Chcesz usunąć sformatowaną kartę pamięci '%s'.\n"
"Wszystkie dane na tej karcie będą utracone! Czy jesteś pewien?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:758
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:CantDuplicate"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:756
msgid ""
"Failed: Duplicate is only allowed to an empty PS2-Port or to the file system."
msgstr ""
"Porażka: Sklonować możesz tylko do pustego slotu PS2 lub na dysk do "
"wybranego katalogu."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:801
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Copy Failed"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:798
#, c-format
msgid "Failed: Destination memory card '%s' is in use."
msgstr "Porażka: Docelowa Karta Pamięci '%s' w użyciu."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:35
msgid "!Panel:Usermode:Explained"
msgid ""
"Please select your preferred default location for PCSX2 user-level documents "
"below (includes memory cards, screenshots, settings, and savestates). These "
"folder locations can be overridden at any time using the Core Settings panel."
msgstr ""
"Proszę wybrać preferowaną lokację dla plików PCSX2 poniżej.\n"
"(w skład wchodzą karty pamięci, zapisane obrazki, ustawienia oraz zapisy "
@ -375,8 +528,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Lokacja tych katalogów może być w każdym momencie zmieniona w ustawieniach "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:41
msgid "!Panel:Usermode:Warning"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:38
msgid ""
"You can change the preferred default location for PCSX2 user-level documents "
"here (includes memory cards, screenshots, settings, and savestates). This "
"option only affects Standard Paths which are set to use the installation "
"default value."
msgstr ""
"Tutaj możesz zmienić preferowaną lokację dla plików PCSX2.\n"
"(w skład wchodzą karty pamięci, zapisane obrazki, ustawienia oraz zapisy "
@ -384,26 +541,39 @@ msgstr ""
"Ta opcja zmienia tylko ścieżki ustawione podczas instalacji jako standardowe."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:40
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Savestates"
msgid ""
"This folder is where PCSX2 records savestates; which are recorded either by "
"using menus/toolbars, or by pressing F1/F3 (save/load)."
msgstr ""
"Ten katalog mieści w sobie zapisy stanów gier z PCSX2.\n"
"Korzystasz z nich używając głównego menu lub F1(zapis), F3(odczyt)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:50
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Snapshots"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:48
msgid ""
"This folder is where PCSX2 saves screenshots. Actual screenshot image "
"format and style may vary depending on the GS plugin being used."
msgstr ""
"Ten katalog mieści w sobie zapisane obrazki, tzw. zrzuty ekranu, ich "
"rozdzielczość i format zależy od użytej wtyczki graficznej."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:60
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Logs"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:56
msgid ""
"This folder is where PCSX2 saves its logfiles and diagnostic dumps. Most "
"plugins will also adhere to this folder, however some older plugins may "
"ignore it."
msgstr ""
"Ten katalog służy PCSX2 do zapisywania stanów statusu i zrzutów "
"Większość nowych wtyczek również może z tego korzystać."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:242
msgid "!Notice:PluginSelector:ConfirmShutdown"
msgid ""
"Warning! Changing plugins requires a complete shutdown and reset of the PS2 "
"virtual machine. PCSX2 will attempt to save and restore the state, but if "
"the newly selected plugins are incompatible the recovery may fail, and "
"current progress will be lost.\n"
"Are you sure you want to apply settings now?"
msgstr ""
"Uwaga! Zmiana wtyczek wymaga wyłączenia i ponownego włączenia virtualnej "
"maszyny PS2.\n"
@ -413,8 +583,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Czy jesteś pewien, że chcesz teraz zachować ustawienia?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:457
msgid "!Notice:PluginSelector:ApplyFailed"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:452
#, c-format
msgid ""
"All plugins must have valid selections for %s to run. If you are unable to "
"make a valid selection due to missing plugins or an incomplete install of "
"%s, then press Cancel to close the Configuration panel."
msgstr ""
"Zestaw wtyczek musi być kompletny aby %s mógł działać. Jeśli nie jesteś w "
"stanie tego dokonać\n"
@ -423,58 +597,76 @@ msgstr ""
"panel konfiguracji."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:27
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX1"
msgid ""
"1 - Default cyclerate. This closely matches the actual speed of a real PS2 "
msgstr ""
"1 - Standardowa skala cyklu. Bliska oryginalnej prędkości prawdziwego "
"Silnika Emotion(EE) PS2."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:32
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX2"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:31
msgid ""
"2 - Reduces the EE's cyclerate by about 33%. Mild speedup for most games "
"with high compatibility."
msgstr ""
"2 - Redukuje cykle EE o około 33%. Średnie przyspieszenie w większości gier "
"i spora kompatybilność."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX3"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:35
msgid ""
"3 - Reduces the EE's cyclerate by about 50%. Moderate speedup, but *will* "
"cause stuttering audio on many FMVs."
msgstr ""
"3 - Redukuje cykle EE o około 50%. Przyspiesza\n"
"w niektórych grach ale może spowodować\n"
"'dławienie się' dźwięku w wielu animacjach."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:54
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealOff"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:50
msgid "0 - Disables VU Cycle Stealing. Most compatible setting!"
msgstr ""
"0 - Deaktywuje podkradanie cykli VU. Najbardziej kompatybilne ustawienie!"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:59
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal1"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:54
msgid ""
"1 - Mild VU Cycle Stealing. Lower compatibility, but some speedup for most "
msgstr ""
"1 - Drobne podkradanie cykli VU. Niższa kompatybilność, lecz możliwe "
"przyspieszenie w niektórych grach."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:64
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal2"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:58
msgid ""
"2 - Moderate VU Cycle Stealing. Even lower compatibility, but significant "
"speedups in some games."
msgstr ""
"2 - Średnie podkradanie cykli VU. Jeszcze niższa kompatybilność, lecz spore "
"przyspieszenia w niektórych grach."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:70
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal3"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:63
msgid ""
"3 - Maximum VU Cycle Stealing. Usefulness is limited, as this will cause "
"flickering visuals or slowdown in most games."
msgstr ""
"3 - Maksymalne podkradanie cykli VU. Przydatność ograniczona, gdyż może "
"powodować znaczne spadki\n"
"prędkości i inne graficzne udziwnienia w wielu grach."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:97
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:Overview"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:88
msgid ""
"Speedhacks usually improve emulation speed, but can cause glitches, broken "
"audio, and false FPS readings. When having emulation problems, disable this "
"panel first."
msgstr ""
"Łatki przyspieszające, zwykle usprawniają prędkość emulacji, mogą jednak "
"powodować błędy graficzne, dźwiękowe\n"
"a także błędne odczyty FPS. Podczas wystąpienia jakichkolwiek błędów, "
"zacznij od wyłączenia tego panelu."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:129
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:EECycleRate Slider"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:118
msgid ""
"Setting higher values on this slider effectively reduces the clock speed of "
"the EmotionEngine's R5900 core cpu, and typically brings big speedups to "
"games that fail to utilize the full potential of the real PS2 hardware."
msgstr ""
"Ustawienie wyższych wartości na tym wskaźniku efektywnie redukuje prędkość "
@ -482,24 +674,34 @@ msgstr ""
"gier, które nie są\n"
"w stanie w pełni wykorzystać prędkości konsoli PS2."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:150
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealing Slider"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:136
msgid ""
"This slider controls the amount of cycles the VU unit steals from the "
"EmotionEngine. Higher values increase the number of cycles stolen from the "
"EE for each VU microprogram the game runs."
msgstr ""
"Ten wskaźnik kontroluje ilość cykli graficznej jednostki silnika EE. Wyższe "
"wartości zwiększają\n"
"ilość skradzionych cykli używanych na każdy mikroprogram uruchamiany przez "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:169
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:153
msgid ""
"Updates Status Flags only on blocks which will read them, instead of all the "
"time. This is safe most of the time, and Super VU does something similar by "
msgstr ""
"Uaktualnia Flagi Statusu tylko na blokach, które je odczytują zamiast cały "
"Jest to bezpieczne w większości przypadków, SuperVU robi coś podobnego w "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:174
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuThread"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:156
msgid ""
"Runs VU1 on its own thread (microVU1-only). Generally a speedup on CPUs with "
"3 or more cores. This is safe for most games, but a few games are "
"incompatible and may hang. In the case of GS limited games, it may be a "
"slowdown (especially on dual core CPUs)."
msgstr ""
"Dodaje osobny wątek dla VU1(działa tylko z microVU1). Najczęściej oznacza to "
"przyspieszenie dla komputerów\n"
@ -508,16 +710,25 @@ msgstr ""
"Na gry ograniczone wątkiem GS może to mieć odwrotny skutek, szczególnie przy "
"2-rdzeniowych procesorach."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:195
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:174
msgid ""
"This hack works best for games that use the INTC Status register to wait for "
"vsyncs, which includes primarily non-3D RPG titles. Games that do not use "
"this method of vsync will see little or no speedup from this hack."
msgstr ""
"Ta łatka działa najlepiej z grami, które używają zapisu stanu INTC do "
"oczekiwania na synchronizację pionową,\n"
"głównie wszelkie nie zrobione w 3D RPGi. Inne gry nie będą miały z tego "
"żadnego, lub minimalny pożytek."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:200
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:177
msgid ""
"Primarily targetting the EE idle loop at address 0x81FC0 in the kernel, this "
"hack attempts to detect loops whose bodies are guaranteed to result in the "
"same machine state for every iteration until a scheduled event triggers "
"emulation of another unit. After a single iteration of such loops, we "
"advance to the time of the next event or the end of the processor's "
"timeslice, whichever comes first."
msgstr ""
"Ta łatka namierza bezczynne pętle o adresie 0x81FC0 w jądrze EE. Stara się "
"wykryć pętle,\n"
@ -525,21 +736,27 @@ msgstr ""
"odtwarza je\n"
"dopiero gdy to zdarzenie nastąpi."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:207
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:180
msgid ""
"Check HDLoader compatibility lists for known games that have issues with "
"this. (Often marked as needing 'mode 1' or 'slow DVD'"
msgstr ""
"Sprawdź listę kompatybilności HDLoader'a aby zobaczyć które gry mają z tą "
"łatką problemy.\n"
"(Zwykle oznaczone jako wymagające 'trybu 1' lub 'wolnego DVD')"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!ContextTip:Framelimiter:Disable"
msgid ""
"Note that when Framelimiting is disabled, Turbo and SlowMotion modes will "
"not be available either."
msgstr ""
"Miej na uwadze, że przy wyłączonym limicie klatek animacji,\n"
"tryby Przyspieszony i Spowolniony nie będą dostępne."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:227
msgid "!Panel:Frameskip:Heading"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:225
msgid ""
"Notice: Due to PS2 hardware design, precise frame skipping is impossible. "
"Enabling it will cause severe graphical errors in some games."
msgstr ""
"Uwaga: Ze względu na architekturę PS2,\n"
"precyzyjne pomijanie klatek animacji, jest niemożliwe.\n"
@ -547,14 +764,22 @@ msgstr ""
"Włączenie tej opcji z całą pewnością BĘDZIE\n"
" powodowało masę błędów graficznych w wielu grach."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302
msgid ""
"Enable this if you think MTGS thread sync is causing crashes or graphical "
msgstr ""
"Użyj tej opcji jeśli podejrzewasz, że synchronizacja wątku MTGS\n"
"odpowiada za zawieszanie się lub graficzne błędy w jakiejś grze."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:310
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:305
msgid ""
"Removes any benchmark noise caused by the MTGS thread or GPU overhead. This "
"option is best used in conjunction with savestates: save a state at an ideal "
"scene, enable this option, and re-load the savestate.\n"
"Warning: This option can be enabled on-the-fly but typically cannot be "
"disabled on-the-fly (video will typically be garbage)."
msgstr ""
"Usuwa wszelkie nieprawidłowości spowodowane przez wątek MTGS lub GPU. "
"Najlepiej używać\n"
@ -564,8 +789,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Uwaga: Ta opcja może być włączona w każdym momencie, lecz nagle wyłączona, "
"będzie powodować błędy graficzne."
#: pcsx2/vtlb.cpp:710
msgid "!Notice:HostVmReserve"
#: pcsx2/vtlb.cpp:711
msgid ""
"Your system is too low on virtual resources for PCSX2 to run. This can be "
"caused by having a small or disabled swapfile, or by other programs that are "
"hogging resources."
msgstr ""
"Twój system nie posiada wystarczających zasobów wirtualnych by uruchomić "
@ -574,7 +802,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Możliwe też, że w tej chwili masz uruchomione inne pamięciożerne programy."
#: pcsx2/x86/sVU_zerorec.cpp:363
msgid "!Notice:superVU:VirtualMemoryAlloc"
msgid ""
"Out of Memory (sorta): The SuperVU recompiler was unable to reserve the "
"specific memory ranges required, and will not be available for use. This is "
"not a critical error, since the sVU rec is obsolete, and you should use "
"microVU instead anyway. :)"
msgstr ""
"Zabrakło Pamięci(Tak jakby): Rekompilator SuperVU nie mógł zarezerwować "

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.7\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-06-18 20:23+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-08-10 11:44+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-06-03 10:08-0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Rafael Ferreira <rafael.f.f1@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
@ -25,21 +25,31 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: common\n"
#: common/src/Utilities/Exceptions.cpp:254
msgid "!Notice:VirtualMemoryMap"
msgid ""
"There is not enough virtual memory available, or necessary virtual memory "
"mappings have already been reserved by other processes, services, or DLLs."
msgstr ""
"Não há memória virtual disponível suficiente, ou mapeamentos de memória "
"virtual necessários já foram reservados para outros processos, serviços ou "
#: pcsx2/CDVD/CDVD.cpp:389
msgid "!Notice:PsxDisc"
msgid ""
"Playstation game discs are not supported by PCSX2. If you want to emulate "
"PSX games then you'll have to download a PSX-specific emulator, such as "
"ePSXe or PCSX."
msgstr ""
"Discos de jogos de Playstation não têm suporte no PCSX2. Se você quiser "
"emular jogos de PSX, então você terá que fazer download de um emulador "
"especificamente para PSX, como ePSXe ou PCSX."
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:114
msgid "!Notice:Recompiler:VirtualMemoryAlloc"
msgid ""
"This recompiler was unable to reserve contiguous memory required for "
"internal caches. This error can be caused by low virtual memory resources, "
"such as a small or disabled swapfile, or by another program that is hogging "
"a lot of memory. You can also try reducing the default cache sizes for all "
"PCSX2 recompilers, found under Host Settings."
msgstr ""
"Esse recompilador não conseguiu reservar memória contígua necessária para os "
"caches internos. Esse erro pode ser causado por baixo recurso de memória "
@ -48,28 +58,38 @@ msgstr ""
"reduzir os tamanhos padrões de caches para todos recompiladores do PCSX2, "
"encontrado nas Configurações do Host."
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:348
msgid "!Notice:EmuCore::MemoryForVM"
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:344
msgid ""
"PCSX2 is unable to allocate memory needed for the PS2 virtual machine. Close "
"out some memory hogging background tasks and try again."
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 não conseguiu alocar a memória necessária para a máquina virtual do "
"PS2. Feche algumas tarefas que estejam utilizando muita memória e tente "
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:43
msgid "!Notice:Startup:NoSSE2"
msgid ""
"Warning: Your computer does not support SSE2, which is required by many "
"PCSX2 recompilers and plugins. Your options will be limited and emulation "
"will be *very* slow."
msgstr ""
"Aviso: Seu computador não suporta SSE2, o qual é necessário por muitos plug-"
"ins e recompiladores do PCSX2. Suas opções serão limitadas e a emulação será "
"*bem* lenta."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:162
msgid "!Notice:RecompilerInit:Header"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:160
msgid ""
"Warning: Some of the configured PS2 recompilers failed to initialize and "
"have been disabled:"
msgstr ""
"Aviso: Alguns recompiladores de PS2 configurados falharam em inicializar e "
"foram desativados:"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:211
msgid "!Notice:RecompilerInit:Footer"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:208
msgid ""
"Note: Recompilers are not necessary for PCSX2 to run, however they typically "
"improve emulation speed substantially. You may have to manually re-enable "
"the recompilers listed above, if you resolve the errors."
msgstr ""
"Nota: Recompiladores não são necessários para que o PCSX2 funcione, porém "
"eles normalmente melhoram substancialmente a velocidade de emulação. Talvez "
@ -77,21 +97,33 @@ msgstr ""
"solucionar os erros."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:546
msgid "!Notice:BiosDumpRequired"
msgid ""
"PCSX2 requires a PS2 BIOS in order to run. For legal reasons, you *must* "
"obtain a BIOS from an actual PS2 unit that you own (borrowing doesn't "
"count). Please consult the FAQs and Guides for further instructions."
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 requer uma BIOS de PS2 para poder funcionar. Por razões legais, você "
"*deve* obter uma BIOS de uma unidade PS2 que você possua (pegar emprestado "
"não conta). Favor consultar os FAQs e os Guias para mais instruções."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:629
msgid "!Notice Error:Thread Deadlock Actions"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:626
msgid ""
"'Ignore' to continue waiting for the thread to respond.\n"
"'Cancel' to attempt to cancel the thread.\n"
"'Terminate' to quit PCSX2 immediately.\n"
msgstr ""
"\"Ignorar\" para continuar esperando pela resposta da thread.\n"
"\"Cancelar\" para tentar cancelar a thread.\n"
"\"Terminar\" para sair do PCSX2 imediatamente."
"\"Terminar\" para sair do PCSX2 imediatamente.\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppUserMode.cpp:57
msgid "!Notice:PortableModeRights"
msgid ""
"Please ensure that these folders are created and that your user account is "
"granted write permissions to them -- or re-run PCSX2 with elevated "
"(administrator) rights, which should grant PCSX2 the ability to create the "
"necessary folders itself. If you do not have elevated rights on this "
"computer, then you will need to switch to User Documents mode (click button "
msgstr ""
"Por favor certifique-se de que essas pastas tenham sido criadas e que sua "
"conta de usuário possui permissões de escrita a elas -- ou rode novamente o "
@ -101,41 +133,61 @@ msgstr ""
"o modo de Documentos do Usuário (clique no botão abaixo)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:181
msgid "!ContextTip:ChangingNTFS"
msgid ""
"NTFS compression can be changed manually at any time by using file "
"properties from Windows Explorer."
msgstr ""
"Compressão NTFS pode ser alterada manualmente a qualquer tempo usando as "
"propriedades de arquivo no Windows Explorer."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:49
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Settings"
msgid ""
"This is the folder where PCSX2 saves your settings, including settings "
"generated by most plugins (some older plugins may not respect this value)."
msgstr ""
"Esta é a pasta onde PCSX2 salva suas configurações, incluindo as geradas "
"pela maioria dos plug-ins (plug-ins antigos podem não seguir esse "
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:54
msgid "!Panel:Folders:Settings"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:52
msgid ""
"You may optionally specify a location for your PCSX2 settings here. If the "
"location contains existing PCSX2 settings, you will be given the option to "
"import or overwrite them."
msgstr ""
"Você pode opcionalmente especificar um local para suas configurações de "
"PCSX2 aqui. Se o local contiver configurações existentes de PCSX2, será dado "
"a você a opção de importar ou reescrevê-las."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:94
msgid "!Wizard:Welcome"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:89
#, c-format
msgid ""
"This wizard will help guide you through configuring plugins, memory cards, "
"and BIOS. It is recommended if this is your first time installing %s that "
"you view the readme and configuration guide."
msgstr ""
"Esse assistente vai guiá-lo nas configurações de plugins, cartões de "
"memórias e BIOS. É recomendado se for a sua primeira instalando %s que veja "
"o readme e o guia de configuração."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:140
msgid "!Wizard:Bios:Tutorial"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:132
msgid ""
"PCSX2 requires a *legal* copy of the PS2 BIOS in order to run games.\n"
"You cannot use a copy obtained from a friend or the Internet.\n"
"You must dump the BIOS from your *own* Playstation 2 console."
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 requer uma cópia *legal* da BIOS de PS2 para poder rodar jogos.\n"
"Você não pode usar uma cópia obtida de um amigo ou da Internet.\n"
"Você deve extrair a BIOS de seu *próprio* console de Playstation 2."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/ImportSettingsDialog.cpp:31
msgid "!Notice:ImportExistingSettings"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Existing %s settings have been found in the configured settings folder. "
"Would you like to import these settings or overwrite them with %s default "
"(or press Cancel to select a different settings folder)"
msgstr ""
"Foram encontradas configurações existentes de %s no diretório de "
"configurações definido. Você gostaria de importar essas configurações ou "
@ -145,43 +197,67 @@ msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:30
msgid "!Panel:Mcd:NtfsCompress"
msgid ""
"NTFS compression is built-in, fast, and completely reliable; and typically "
"compresses memory cards very well (this option is highly recommended)."
msgstr ""
"Compressão NTFS é incorporada, rápida, e completamente confiável; e "
"normalmente faz compressão de cartões de memória muito bem (essa opção é "
"altamente recomendada)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:41
msgid "!Panel:Mcd:EnableEjection"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:39
msgid ""
"Avoids memory card corruption by forcing games to re-index card contents "
"after loading from savestates. May not be compatible with all games (Guitar "
msgstr ""
"Evita corrupção de cartões de memória forçando jogos a reindexar o conteúdo "
"dos cartões após carregados os savestates. Pode não ser compatível com todos "
"jogos (ex: Guitar Hero)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/StuckThreadDialog.cpp:33
msgid "!Panel:StuckThread:Heading"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The thread '%s' is not responding. It could be deadlocked, or it might just "
"be running *really* slowly."
msgstr ""
"A thread \"%s\" não está respondendo. Pode estar num deadlock, ou pode estar "
"rodando *realmente* devagar."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:38
msgid "!Panel:HasHacksOverrides"
msgid ""
"Warning! You are running PCSX2 with command line options that override your "
"configured settings. These command line options will not be reflected in "
"the Settings dialog, and will be disabled if you apply any changes here."
msgstr ""
"Aviso! Você está rodando PCSX2 com opções de linha de comando que substituem "
"suas configurações armazenadas. Essas opções de linha de comando não vão "
"refletir na janela de Configurações, e vão ser desfeitas se você aplicar "
"qualquer alteração aqui."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:58
msgid "!Panel:HasPluginsOverrides"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:55
msgid ""
"Warning! You are running PCSX2 with command line options that override your "
"configured plugin and/or folder settings. These command line options will "
"not be reflected in the settings dialog, and will be disabled when you apply "
"settings changes here."
msgstr ""
"Aviso! Você está rodando PCSX2 com opções de linha de comando que substituem "
"as configurações de seu plug-in e/ou diretório. Essas opções de linha de "
"comando não vão refletir na tela de Configurações, e vão ser desativadas "
"quando você aplicar qualquer alteração aqui."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:135
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Slider"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:129
msgid ""
"The Presets apply speed hacks, some recompiler options and some game fixes "
"known to boost speed.\n"
"Known important game fixes will be applied automatically.\n"
"Presets info:\n"
"1 - The most accurate emulation but also the slowest.\n"
"3 --> Tries to balance speed with compatibility.\n"
"4 - Some more aggressive hacks.\n"
"6 - Too many hacks which will probably slow down most games.\n"
msgstr ""
"As Pré-Definições aplicam hacks de velocidade, algumas opções de "
"recompiladores e algumas correções de jogos conhecidas por impulsionar "
@ -193,10 +269,15 @@ msgstr ""
"3 --> Tenta balancear velocidade com compatibilidade.\n"
"4 - Alguns hacks mais agressivos.\n"
"6 - Hacks demais, o que provavelmente vai deixar a maioria dos jogos "
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:149
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Checkbox"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:136
msgid ""
"The Presets apply speed hacks, some recompiler options and some game fixes "
"known to boost speed.\n"
"Known important game fixes will be applied automatically.\n"
"--> Uncheck to modify settings manually (with current preset as base)"
msgstr ""
"As Pré-Definições aplicam hacks de velocidade, opções de alguns "
"recompiladores e algumas correções de jogos conhecidas por impulsionar a "
@ -207,13 +288,23 @@ msgstr ""
"definição selecionada)"
#: pcsx2/gui/IsoDropTarget.cpp:28
msgid "!Notice:ConfirmSysReset"
msgid ""
"This action will reset the existing PS2 virtual machine state; all current "
"progress will be lost. Are you sure?"
msgstr ""
"Essa ação vai redefinir o estado da máquina virtual existente de PS2; todo "
"progresso atual será perdido. Você tem certeza?"
#: pcsx2/gui/MainMenuClicks.cpp:106
msgid "!Notice:DeleteSettings"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"This command clears %s settings and allows you to re-run the First-Time "
"Wizard. You will need to manually restart %s after this operation.\n"
"WARNING!! Click OK to delete *ALL* settings for %s and force-close the app, "
"losing any current emulation progress. Are you absolutely sure?\n"
"(note: settings for plugins are unaffected)"
msgstr ""
"Esse comando apaga as configurações de %s e permite que você rode novamente "
"o Assistente de Primeiras Configurações. Você precisará reiniciar %s "
@ -226,7 +317,11 @@ msgstr ""
"(nota: configurações dos plug-ins não serão afetadas)"
#: pcsx2/gui/MemoryCardFile.cpp:78
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:HasBeenDisabled"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The PS2-slot %d has been automatically disabled. You can correct the "
"and re-enable it at any time using Config:Memory cards from the main menu."
msgstr ""
"O cartão de memória no slot %d foi desabilitado automaticamente. Você pode "
"consertar o problema\n"
@ -234,31 +329,45 @@ msgstr ""
"Memory Cards no menu principal."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/BiosSelectorPanel.cpp:138
msgid "!Notice:BIOS:InvalidSelection"
msgid ""
"Please select a valid BIOS. If you are unable to make a valid selection "
"then press Cancel to close the Configuration panel."
msgstr ""
"Favor selecionar uma BIOS válida. Se você não consegue fazer uma seleção "
"válida, então pressione cancelar para fechar o painel de Configuração"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:111
msgid "!Panel:EE/IOP:Heading"
msgid "Notice: Most games are fine with the default options. "
msgstr "Nota: A maioria dos jogos ficarão bem com as opções padrão"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:178
msgid "!Panel:VUs:Heading"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:177
msgid "Notice: Most games are fine with the default options."
msgstr "Nota: A maioria dos jogos ficarão bem com as opções padrão"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:69
msgid "!Notice:DirPicker:CreatePath"
msgid ""
"The specified path/directory does not exist. Would you like to create it?"
msgstr "O caminho/diretório especificado não existe. Você gostaria de criá-lo?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:158
msgid "!ContextTip:DirPicker:UseDefault"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:157
msgid ""
"When checked this folder will automatically reflect the default associated "
"with PCSX2's current usermode setting. "
msgstr ""
"Quando marcado essa pasta vai refletir automaticamente a associação "
"automática com a configuração de modo usuário do PCSX2."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:55
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Zoom"
msgid ""
"Zoom = 100: Fit the entire image to the window without any cropping.\n"
"Above/Below 100: Zoom In/Out\n"
"0: Automatic-Zoom-In untill the black-bars are gone (Aspect ratio is kept, "
"some of the image goes out of screen).\n"
" NOTE: Some games draw their own black-bars, which will not be removed with "
"Keyboard: CTRL + NUMPAD-PLUS: Zoom-In, CTRL + NUMPAD-MINUS: Zoom-Out, CTRL + "
"NUMPAD-*: Toggle 100/0"
msgstr ""
"Zoom = 100: Ajeita toda a imagem à janela sem qualquer perda.\n"
"Acima/Abaixo 100: Mais/Menos Zoom\n"
@ -270,15 +379,24 @@ msgstr ""
"Teclado: CTRL + Tecla \"+\" do numpad: Mais Zoom, CTRL + Tecla \"-\" do "
"numpad: Menos Zoom, CTRL + Tecla \"*\" do numpad: Alterarnar entre 100 e 0."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:63
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Vsync"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:58
msgid ""
"Vsync eliminates screen tearing but typically has a big performance hit. It "
"usually only applies to fullscreen mode, and may not work with all GS "
msgstr ""
"Vsync elimina ranhuras na tela, mas tipicamente ataca em muito a "
"performance. Isso normalmente se aplica ao modo tela cheia, e pode não "
"funcionar com todos plugins GS"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:68
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:ManagedVsync"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:61
msgid ""
"Enables Vsync when the framerate is exactly at full speed. Should it fall "
"below that, Vsync gets disabled to avoid further performance penalties. "
"Note: This currently only works well with GSdx as GS plugin and with it "
"configured to use DX10/11 hardware rendering. Any other plugin or rendering "
"mode will either ignore it or produce a black frame that blinks whenever the "
"mode switches. It also requires Vsync to be enabled."
msgstr ""
"Habilita Vsync quando o framerate está exatamente na velocidade máxima. "
"Abaixo disso, VSync é desabilitado para evitar problemas de performance. "
@ -287,89 +405,128 @@ msgstr ""
"de renderização vai ignorar a opção ou vai produzir uma janela preta que "
"pisca quando alterado o modo. Essa opção requer que Vsync esteja habilitado."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:76
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideMouse"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:64
msgid ""
"Check this to force the mouse cursor invisible inside the GS window; useful "
"if using the mouse as a primary control device for gaming. By default the "
"mouse auto-hides after 2 seconds of inactivity."
msgstr ""
"Marque para forçar a ocultação do cursor do mouse dentro da janela do GS; "
"útil se usando o mouse como dispositivo de controle primário para jogar. Por "
"padrão o mouse se auto-oculta após 2 segundos de inatividade."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:82
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Fullscreen"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:67
msgid ""
"Enables automatic mode switch to fullscreen when starting or resuming "
"emulation. You can still toggle fullscreen display at any time using alt-"
msgstr ""
"Habilita alteração automática para tela cheia quando iniciando ou resumindo "
"emulação. Você pode ativar/desativar tela cheia a qualquer tempo com Alt"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:93
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideGS"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:74
msgid ""
"Completely closes the often large and bulky GS window when pressing ESC or "
"pausing the emulator."
msgstr ""
"Fecha completamente a normalmente grande e volumosa janela do GS quando "
"pressionado ESC ou suspendido o emulador."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:67
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:EE Timing Hack"
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Digital Devil Saga (Fixes FMV and crashes)\n"
" * SSX (Fixes bad graphics and crashes)\n"
" * Resident Evil: Dead Aim (Causes garbled textures)"
msgstr ""
"Sabe-se que afeta os seguintes jogos:\n"
" * Digital Devil Saga (Conserta FMV e travamentos)\n"
" * SSX (Conserta gráficos ruins e travamentos)\n"
" * Resident Evil: Dead Aim (Causa texturas confusas)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:80
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:OPH Flag hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:76
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Bleach Blade Battler\n"
" * Growlanser II and III\n"
" * Wizardry"
msgstr ""
"Sabe-se que afeta os jogos:\n"
" * Bleach Blade Battler\n"
" * Growlanser II e III\n"
" * Wizardry"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:89
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:DMA Busy hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:81
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Mana Khemia 1 (Going \"off campus\")\n"
msgstr ""
"Sabe-se que afeta os seguintes jogos:\n"
" * Mana Khemia 1 (Going \"off campus\")"
" * Mana Khemia 1 (Going \"off campus\")\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:96
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:VIF1 FIFO hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:86
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Test Drive Unlimited\n"
" * Transformers"
msgstr ""
"Sabe-se que afeta os seguintes jogos:\n"
"* Test Drive Unlimited\n"
"* Transformers"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:119
msgid "!Panel:Gamefixes:Compat Warning"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:106
msgid ""
"Gamefixes can work around wrong emulation in some titles. \n"
"They may also cause compatibility or performance issues. \n"
"It's better to enable 'Automatic game fixes' at the main menu instead, and "
"leave this page empty. \n"
"('Automatic' means: selectively use specific tested fixes for specific games)"
msgstr ""
"Correções de Jogos podem reparar problemas de emulação de alguns jogos, "
"porém podem causar problemas de compatibilidade ou performance em outros "
"games. Você vai precisar desativar manualmente as correções."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:720
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Delete"
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"You are about to delete the formatted memory card '%s'. All data on this "
"card will be lost! Are you absolutely and quite positively sure?"
msgstr ""
"Você está para excluir o cartão de memória formatado no conector %u. Todos "
"dados nesse cartão serão perdidos! Você tem absoluta e bem positiva certeza?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:758
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:CantDuplicate"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:756
msgid ""
"Failed: Duplicate is only allowed to an empty PS2-Port or to the file system."
msgstr ""
"Falhou: Duplicação só é permitida para uma Porta-PS2 vazia ou para o sistema "
"de arquivos."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:801
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Copy Failed"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:798
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Failed: Destination memory card '%s' is in use."
msgstr ""
"Erro! Não foi possível copiar o cartão de memória para o conector %u. O "
"arquivo destinatário está em uso."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:35
msgid "!Panel:Usermode:Explained"
msgid ""
"Please select your preferred default location for PCSX2 user-level documents "
"below (includes memory cards, screenshots, settings, and savestates). These "
"folder locations can be overridden at any time using the Core Settings panel."
msgstr ""
"Favor selecionar o seu local preferido para os documentos de nível de "
"usuário do PCSX2 aqui (inclui cartões de memória, capturas de tela, "
"configurações e savestates)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:41
msgid "!Panel:Usermode:Warning"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:38
msgid ""
"You can change the preferred default location for PCSX2 user-level documents "
"here (includes memory cards, screenshots, settings, and savestates). This "
"option only affects Standard Paths which are set to use the installation "
"default value."
msgstr ""
"Você pode alterar o local padrão preferido para documentos de nível de "
"usuário do PCSX2 aqui (inclui cartões de memória, capturas de tela, "
@ -377,27 +534,40 @@ msgstr ""
"quais são configurados para usar o valor padrão de instalação."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:40
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Savestates"
msgid ""
"This folder is where PCSX2 records savestates; which are recorded either by "
"using menus/toolbars, or by pressing F1/F3 (save/load)."
msgstr ""
"Essa pasta é onde PCSX2 salva os savestates, os quais são salvados tanto "
"usando menus/barras de ferramentas, ou pressionando F1/F3 (carregar/salvar)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:50
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Snapshots"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:48
msgid ""
"This folder is where PCSX2 saves screenshots. Actual screenshot image "
"format and style may vary depending on the GS plugin being used."
msgstr ""
"Essa pasta é onde PCSX2 salva as capturas de tela. O formato e estilo real "
"da imagem de captura de tela pode variar dependendo do plug-in de GS está "
"sendo usado."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:60
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Logs"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:56
msgid ""
"This folder is where PCSX2 saves its logfiles and diagnostic dumps. Most "
"plugins will also adhere to this folder, however some older plugins may "
"ignore it."
msgstr ""
"Essa pasta é onde PCSX2 salva seus arquivos de log e de extração para "
"diagnóstico. A maioria dos plug-ins vão também aderir a essa pasta, mas "
"alguns plug-ins antigos podem acabar por ignorá-la."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:242
msgid "!Notice:PluginSelector:ConfirmShutdown"
msgid ""
"Warning! Changing plugins requires a complete shutdown and reset of the PS2 "
"virtual machine. PCSX2 will attempt to save and restore the state, but if "
"the newly selected plugins are incompatible the recovery may fail, and "
"current progress will be lost.\n"
"Are you sure you want to apply settings now?"
msgstr ""
"Aviso! Alteração nos plug-ins requer completa finalização e reinício da "
"máquina virtual de PS2. PCSX2 vai tentar salvar e restaurar o estado, mas se "
@ -406,8 +576,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Você tem certeza que deseja aplicar as alterações agora?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:457
msgid "!Notice:PluginSelector:ApplyFailed"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:452
#, c-format
msgid ""
"All plugins must have valid selections for %s to run. If you are unable to "
"make a valid selection due to missing plugins or an incomplete install of "
"%s, then press Cancel to close the Configuration panel."
msgstr ""
"Todos plug-ins devem ter seleção válida para %s rodar. Se você não conseguir "
"uma seleção válida por causa de plug-ins faltando ou uma instalação "
@ -415,76 +589,104 @@ msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:27
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX1"
msgid ""
"1 - Default cyclerate. This closely matches the actual speed of a real PS2 "
msgstr ""
"1 - Frequência de ciclo normal. Isso quase corresponde com a real velocidade "
"de uma EmotionEngine real de PS2."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:32
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX2"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:31
msgid ""
"2 - Reduces the EE's cyclerate by about 33%. Mild speedup for most games "
"with high compatibility."
msgstr ""
"2 - Reduz a frequência de ciclo do EE em mais ou menos 33%. Aceleração suave "
"para a maioria dos jogos com alta compatibilidade."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX3"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:35
msgid ""
"3 - Reduces the EE's cyclerate by about 50%. Moderate speedup, but *will* "
"cause stuttering audio on many FMVs."
msgstr ""
"3 - Reduz a frequência de ciclo do EE em mais ou menos 55%. Aceleração "
"moderada, mas *vai* causar falhas de áudio em muitos FMVs."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:54
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealOff"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:50
msgid "0 - Disables VU Cycle Stealing. Most compatible setting!"
msgstr "0 - Desativa Roubo de Ciclo do VU. Configuração mais compatível!"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:59
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal1"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:54
msgid ""
"1 - Mild VU Cycle Stealing. Lower compatibility, but some speedup for most "
msgstr ""
"1 - Suave Roubo de Ciclo do VU. Menor compatibilidade, mas é alguma "
"aceleração para maioria dos jogos."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:64
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal2"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:58
msgid ""
"2 - Moderate VU Cycle Stealing. Even lower compatibility, but significant "
"speedups in some games."
msgstr ""
"2 - Moderado Roubo de Ciclo de VU. Ainda menor compatibilidade, mas a "
"aceleração é significante em alguns jogos."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:70
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal3"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:63
msgid ""
"3 - Maximum VU Cycle Stealing. Usefulness is limited, as this will cause "
"flickering visuals or slowdown in most games."
msgstr ""
"3 - Máximo de Roubo de Ciclo de VU. Utilidade é limitada, uma vez que isso "
"pode causar oscilações visuais ou desaceleração na maioria dos jogos."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:97
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:Overview"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:88
msgid ""
"Speedhacks usually improve emulation speed, but can cause glitches, broken "
"audio, and false FPS readings. When having emulation problems, disable this "
"panel first."
msgstr ""
"Hacks de Velocidade normalmente melhoram a velocidade de emulação, mas podem "
"causar glitches, audio falho, e falsa leitura do FPS. Quando tiver problemas "
"de emulação, primeiro desabilite esse painel."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:129
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:EECycleRate Slider"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:118
msgid ""
"Setting higher values on this slider effectively reduces the clock speed of "
"the EmotionEngine's R5900 core cpu, and typically brings big speedups to "
"games that fail to utilize the full potential of the real PS2 hardware."
msgstr ""
"Definir valores mais altos nesse slider reduz efetivamente a velocidade de "
"clock da CPU núcleo R5900 da EmotionEngine e normalmente traz grande "
"aceleração para jogos que falham em utilizar todo potencial do hardware de "
"PS real."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:150
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealing Slider"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:136
msgid ""
"This slider controls the amount of cycles the VU unit steals from the "
"EmotionEngine. Higher values increase the number of cycles stolen from the "
"EE for each VU microprogram the game runs."
msgstr ""
"Esse slider controla a quantidade de ciclos que a unidade VU rouba da "
"EmotionEngine. Maiores valores aumentam o número de ciclos roubados do EE "
"para cada micro-programa VU que o jogo roda."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:169
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:153
msgid ""
"Updates Status Flags only on blocks which will read them, instead of all the "
"time. This is safe most of the time, and Super VU does something similar by "
msgstr ""
"Atualiza Sinalizadores de Estado somente nos blocos que vão ler eles, ao "
"contrário de de o tempo todo. Isso é seguro na maioria do tempo, e o Super "
"VU faz coisa semelhante por padrão."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:174
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuThread"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:156
msgid ""
"Runs VU1 on its own thread (microVU1-only). Generally a speedup on CPUs with "
"3 or more cores. This is safe for most games, but a few games are "
"incompatible and may hang. In the case of GS limited games, it may be a "
"slowdown (especially on dual core CPUs)."
msgstr ""
"Executa VU1 em uma thread própria (somente microVU1). Em geral, é uma "
"aceleração em CPUs com 3 ou mais núcleos (cores). Essa opção é segura para a "
@ -492,16 +694,25 @@ msgstr ""
"caso de jogos limitados pelo GS, pode ser um atraso (especialmente em CPUs "
"dual core)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:195
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:174
msgid ""
"This hack works best for games that use the INTC Status register to wait for "
"vsyncs, which includes primarily non-3D RPG titles. Games that do not use "
"this method of vsync will see little or no speedup from this hack."
msgstr ""
"Esse hack funciona melhor para jogos que usam o registrador de INTC Status "
"para esperar por vsyncs, o qual inclui primariamente títulos de RPG não-3D. "
"Jogos que não usam esse método de vsync vão aproveitar um pouco ou nada de "
"aceleração desse hack."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:200
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:177
msgid ""
"Primarily targetting the EE idle loop at address 0x81FC0 in the kernel, this "
"hack attempts to detect loops whose bodies are guaranteed to result in the "
"same machine state for every iteration until a scheduled event triggers "
"emulation of another unit. After a single iteration of such loops, we "
"advance to the time of the next event or the end of the processor's "
"timeslice, whichever comes first."
msgstr ""
"Mirando primariamente o loop ocioso do EE no endereço 0x81Fc0 no kernel, "
"esse hack tenta detectar loops cujo conteúdo garantidamente resulta no mesmo "
@ -510,33 +721,47 @@ msgstr ""
"avançamos para a vez do evento seguinte ou o fim da fatia de tempo do "
"processador, seja qual for que vier a ocorrer primeiro."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:207
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:180
msgid ""
"Check HDLoader compatibility lists for known games that have issues with "
"this. (Often marked as needing 'mode 1' or 'slow DVD'"
msgstr ""
"Verifica lista de compatibilidade de HDLoader para jogos conhecidos que "
"tenham problemas com isso. (Muitas vezes marcado por precisar de 'modo 1' ou "
"'DVD lento')"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!ContextTip:Framelimiter:Disable"
msgid ""
"Note that when Framelimiting is disabled, Turbo and SlowMotion modes will "
"not be available either."
msgstr ""
"Note que quando o Limitador de Frames está desabilitado, os modos Turbo e "
"Câmera Lenta também não vão estar disponíveis."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:227
msgid "!Panel:Frameskip:Heading"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:225
msgid ""
"Notice: Due to PS2 hardware design, precise frame skipping is impossible. "
"Enabling it will cause severe graphical errors in some games."
msgstr ""
"Nota: Por causa do design do PS2, frame skipping preciso não é possível. "
"Ativar essa opção pode causar sérios erros gráficos em alguns jogos."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302
msgid ""
"Enable this if you think MTGS thread sync is causing crashes or graphical "
msgstr ""
"Habilite isso se você achar que a sincronização da thread MTGS está causando "
"travamentos ou erros gráficos."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:310
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:305
msgid ""
"Removes any benchmark noise caused by the MTGS thread or GPU overhead. This "
"option is best used in conjunction with savestates: save a state at an ideal "
"scene, enable this option, and re-load the savestate.\n"
"Warning: This option can be enabled on-the-fly but typically cannot be "
"disabled on-the-fly (video will typically be garbage)."
msgstr ""
"Remove qualquer ruído padrão causado pela sobrecarga da thread MTGS ou da "
"GPU. Essa opção é melhor usada em conjunto com savestates: armazene o estado "
@ -545,15 +770,22 @@ msgstr ""
"Aviso: Essa opção pode ser ativada durante o jogo, mas normalmente não pode "
"ser desativada durante o jogo (o vídeo normalmente ficará estragado)"
#: pcsx2/vtlb.cpp:710
msgid "!Notice:HostVmReserve"
#: pcsx2/vtlb.cpp:711
msgid ""
"Your system is too low on virtual resources for PCSX2 to run. This can be "
"caused by having a small or disabled swapfile, or by other programs that are "
"hogging resources."
msgstr ""
"Seu sistema está com poucos recursos virtuais para rodar PCSX2. Isso pode "
"estar sendo causado por ter um arquivo swap pequeno ou desabilitado, ou por "
"haver outros programas utilizando muito dos recursos."
#: pcsx2/x86/sVU_zerorec.cpp:363
msgid "!Notice:superVU:VirtualMemoryAlloc"
msgid ""
"Out of Memory (sorta): The SuperVU recompiler was unable to reserve the "
"specific memory ranges required, and will not be available for use. This is "
"not a critical error, since the sVU rec is obsolete, and you should use "
"microVU instead anyway. :)"
msgstr ""
"Sem memória (mais ou menos): o recompilador SuperVU não conseguiu reservar a "
"faixa de memória requerida, e não estará disponível para ser usado. Esse "

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.9\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-04-07 11:42+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-08-10 11:44+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-04-25 01:25+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Bukhartsev Dmitriy <bukhartsev.dm@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Kein <kein-of@yandex.ru>\n"
@ -21,19 +21,29 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: common\n"
#: common/src/Utilities/Exceptions.cpp:254
msgid "!Notice:VirtualMemoryMap"
msgid ""
"There is not enough virtual memory available, or necessary virtual memory "
"mappings have already been reserved by other processes, services, or DLLs."
msgstr ""
"В вашей системе недостаточно виртуальной памяти, либо же, доступное адресное "
"пространство уже занято другим процессом, службой или библиотеками."
#: pcsx2/CDVD/CDVD.cpp:389
msgid "!Notice:PsxDisc"
msgid ""
"Playstation game discs are not supported by PCSX2. If you want to emulate "
"PSX games then you'll have to download a PSX-specific emulator, such as "
"ePSXe or PCSX."
msgstr ""
"Эмулятор PCSX2 не поддерживает игры от PlayStation. Если вы желаете "
"запустить игры от PSX, используйте соответствующий эмулятор: ePSXe или PCSX."
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:114
msgid "!Notice:Recompiler:VirtualMemoryAlloc"
msgid ""
"This recompiler was unable to reserve contiguous memory required for "
"internal caches. This error can be caused by low virtual memory resources, "
"such as a small or disabled swapfile, or by another program that is hogging "
"a lot of memory. You can also try reducing the default cache sizes for all "
"PCSX2 recompilers, found under Host Settings."
msgstr ""
"Рекомпилятор не смог зарезервировать непрерывный блок памяти, необходимый "
"для внутреннего кэша. Данная проблема может быть вызвана недостатком "
@ -42,28 +52,38 @@ msgstr ""
"Если хотите, вы можете попробовать уменьшить значения кэша для всех "
"рекомпиляторов PCSX2 (см. «Основные настройки»)."
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:348
msgid "!Notice:EmuCore::MemoryForVM"
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:344
msgid ""
"PCSX2 is unable to allocate memory needed for the PS2 virtual machine. Close "
"out some memory hogging background tasks and try again."
msgstr ""
"Эмулятор PCSX2 не смог зарезервировать объем памяти, необходимый для "
"виртуальной машины PS2. Попробуйте закрыть какие-либо \"тяжелые\" приложения "
"(антивирус, браузер) и перезапустите PCSX2."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:43
msgid "!Notice:Startup:NoSSE2"
msgid ""
"Warning: Your computer does not support SSE2, which is required by many "
"PCSX2 recompilers and plugins. Your options will be limited and emulation "
"will be *very* slow."
msgstr ""
"Внимание: ваш компьютер не поддерживает SSE2-инструкции, необходимые для "
"работы многих плагинов и опций PCSX2. Вы будете ограничены в настройках "
"эмулятора, а сам процесс эмуляции будет *очень* медленным."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:162
msgid "!Notice:RecompilerInit:Header"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:160
msgid ""
"Warning: Some of the configured PS2 recompilers failed to initialize and "
"have been disabled:"
msgstr ""
"Внимание: произошла ошибка инициализации некоторых рекомпиляторов PCSX2, они "
"будут автоматически отключены."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:211
msgid "!Notice:RecompilerInit:Footer"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:208
msgid ""
"Note: Recompilers are not necessary for PCSX2 to run, however they typically "
"improve emulation speed substantially. You may have to manually re-enable "
"the recompilers listed above, if you resolve the errors."
msgstr ""
"Примечание: наличие рекомпиляторов не критично для работы PCSX2 в целом, "
"однако, они позволяют ускорить процесс эмуляции в разы. Вы можете включить "
@ -71,21 +91,33 @@ msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:546
msgid "!Notice:BiosDumpRequired"
msgid ""
"PCSX2 requires a PS2 BIOS in order to run. For legal reasons, you *must* "
"obtain a BIOS from an actual PS2 unit that you own (borrowing doesn't "
"count). Please consult the FAQs and Guides for further instructions."
msgstr ""
"Для работы эмулятора PCSX2 вам нужна *легальная* копия образа BIOS'а из "
"вашей PS2. Вы не можете использовать образ, скачанный из интернета или "
"полученный от друзей. Используйте спец-программы для сохранения вашей "
"собственной копии BIOS'а с вашей консоли."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:629
msgid "!Notice Error:Thread Deadlock Actions"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:626
msgid ""
"'Ignore' to continue waiting for the thread to respond.\n"
"'Cancel' to attempt to cancel the thread.\n"
"'Terminate' to quit PCSX2 immediately.\n"
msgstr ""
"Выберите 'Игнорировать' если хотите подождать ответа.Выберите 'Отмена' если "
"желаете закрыть поток.Выберите 'Выход' если хотите завершить работу PCSX2."
"желаете закрыть поток.Выберите 'Выход' если хотите завершить работу PCSX2.\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppUserMode.cpp:57
msgid "!Notice:PortableModeRights"
msgid ""
"Please ensure that these folders are created and that your user account is "
"granted write permissions to them -- or re-run PCSX2 with elevated "
"(administrator) rights, which should grant PCSX2 the ability to create the "
"necessary folders itself. If you do not have elevated rights on this "
"computer, then you will need to switch to User Documents mode (click button "
msgstr ""
"Пожалуста убедитесь что эти папки были созданы и ваш пользовательский "
"аккаунт предоставил им разрешение на запись -- или перезапустите PCSX2 с "
@ -95,34 +127,48 @@ msgstr ""
"\"мод\" (кликните на кнопочку рядом)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:181
msgid "!ContextTip:ChangingNTFS"
msgid ""
"NTFS compression can be changed manually at any time by using file "
"properties from Windows Explorer."
msgstr ""
"Режим NTFS-компрессии может быть изменен в любой момент времени через "
"свойства файла Проводника Windows."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:49
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Settings"
msgid ""
"This is the folder where PCSX2 saves your settings, including settings "
"generated by most plugins (some older plugins may not respect this value)."
msgstr ""
"Папка, где PCSX2 будет хранить свои настройки, в том числе и настройки "
"большинства плагинов (некоторые устаревшие плагины могут игнорировать данную "
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:54
msgid "!Panel:Folders:Settings"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:52
msgid ""
"You may optionally specify a location for your PCSX2 settings here. If the "
"location contains existing PCSX2 settings, you will be given the option to "
"import or overwrite them."
msgstr ""
"Ниже вы можете указать отдельную папку для хранения настроек PCSX2. Если вы "
"укажете папку с уже существующимим настройками PCSX2 вам будет предложен "
"выбор импортировать их в текущую конфигурацию."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:94
msgid "!Wizard:Welcome"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:89
#, c-format
msgid ""
"This wizard will help guide you through configuring plugins, memory cards, "
"and BIOS. It is recommended if this is your first time installing %s that "
"you view the readme and configuration guide."
msgstr ""
"Этот волшебник поможет вам пройти через дебри настроек плагинов, карт "
"памяти и БИОСа. Строго рекомендуеться если вы впервые производите установку "
"%s то посмотрите FAQ и гайд по конфигурации."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:140
msgid "!Wizard:Bios:Tutorial"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:132
msgid ""
"PCSX2 requires a *legal* copy of the PS2 BIOS in order to run games.\n"
"You cannot use a copy obtained from a friend or the Internet.\n"
"You must dump the BIOS from your *own* Playstation 2 console."
msgstr ""
"Для работы эмулятора PCSX2 вам нужна *легальная* копия образа BIOS'а PS2. Вы "
"не можете использовать образ, скачанный из интернета или полученный от "
@ -131,7 +177,13 @@ msgstr ""
"руководству программы."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/ImportSettingsDialog.cpp:31
msgid "!Notice:ImportExistingSettings"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Existing %s settings have been found in the configured settings folder. "
"Would you like to import these settings or overwrite them with %s default "
"(or press Cancel to select a different settings folder)"
msgstr ""
"Программа настройки %s нашла старые настройки эмулятора в указанной вами "
"папке. Желаете импортировать эти настройки или перезаписать настройками %s "
@ -140,14 +192,19 @@ msgstr ""
"(нажмите \"Отмена\" для выбора другой папки)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:30
msgid "!Panel:Mcd:NtfsCompress"
msgid ""
"NTFS compression is built-in, fast, and completely reliable; and typically "
"compresses memory cards very well (this option is highly recommended)."
msgstr ""
"Режим NTFS-компрессии быстр, надежен и нативен для Windows. Весьма неплохое "
"сжатие файлов карт памяти ставит его в один ряд с другими рекомендуемыми "
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:41
msgid "!Panel:Mcd:EnableEjection"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:39
msgid ""
"Avoids memory card corruption by forcing games to re-index card contents "
"after loading from savestates. May not be compatible with all games (Guitar "
msgstr ""
"Позволяет избежать возможной порчи вирутальных карты памяти при "
"использовании быстрых сохранений. Сразу после загрузки оного, эмулятор "
@ -155,27 +212,46 @@ msgstr ""
"некоторыми играми (Guitar Hero 4)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/StuckThreadDialog.cpp:33
msgid "!Panel:StuckThread:Heading"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The thread '%s' is not responding. It could be deadlocked, or it might just "
"be running *really* slowly."
msgstr ""
"Нет ответа от потока '%s'. Возможно он завис или работет *очень* медленно."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:38
msgid "!Panel:HasHacksOverrides"
msgid ""
"Warning! You are running PCSX2 with command line options that override your "
"configured settings. These command line options will not be reflected in "
"the Settings dialog, and will be disabled if you apply any changes here."
msgstr ""
"Осторожно! PCSX2 был запущен с опцией командной строки, которая замещает "
"некоторые опции которые были определены до этого. Эти опции не будут "
"отражены на панели, и будут отключены когда здесь будут применины какие-либо "
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:58
msgid "!Panel:HasPluginsOverrides"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:55
msgid ""
"Warning! You are running PCSX2 with command line options that override your "
"configured plugin and/or folder settings. These command line options will "
"not be reflected in the settings dialog, and will be disabled when you apply "
"settings changes here."
msgstr ""
"Осторожно! PCSX2 был запущен с опцией командной строки, которая замещает "
"настройки ваших плагинов и папок . Эти настройки не будут отражены на "
"панели, и будут отключены когда здесь будут применины какие-либо изменения."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:135
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Slider"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:129
msgid ""
"The Presets apply speed hacks, some recompiler options and some game fixes "
"known to boost speed.\n"
"Known important game fixes will be applied automatically.\n"
"Presets info:\n"
"1 - The most accurate emulation but also the slowest.\n"
"3 --> Tries to balance speed with compatibility.\n"
"4 - Some more aggressive hacks.\n"
"6 - Too many hacks which will probably slow down most games.\n"
msgstr ""
"При выборе предварительных настроек будут выбраны speed-хаки, несколько "
"опций рекомпилятора и некоторые исправления которые могут увеличить "
@ -186,10 +262,15 @@ msgstr ""
"3 -> Попытка сбалансировать скорость с совместимостью.\n"
"4 -> Немного более агрессивные хаки.\n"
"6 -> Как можно больше хаков, однако это скорее всего замедлит большинство "
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:149
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Checkbox"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:136
msgid ""
"The Presets apply speed hacks, some recompiler options and some game fixes "
"known to boost speed.\n"
"Known important game fixes will be applied automatically.\n"
"--> Uncheck to modify settings manually (with current preset as base)"
msgstr ""
"При выборе предварительных настроек будут использованы speed-хаки, несколько "
"опций рекомпилятора и некоторые исправления которые могут увеличить "
@ -200,13 +281,23 @@ msgstr ""
"настройками как основой)."
#: pcsx2/gui/IsoDropTarget.cpp:28
msgid "!Notice:ConfirmSysReset"
msgid ""
"This action will reset the existing PS2 virtual machine state; all current "
"progress will be lost. Are you sure?"
msgstr ""
"Данная операция перезапустит вирутальную машину PS2. Все несохраненные "
"данные будут потеряны. Хотите продолжить?"
#: pcsx2/gui/MainMenuClicks.cpp:106
msgid "!Notice:DeleteSettings"
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"This command clears %s settings and allows you to re-run the First-Time "
"Wizard. You will need to manually restart %s after this operation.\n"
"WARNING!! Click OK to delete *ALL* settings for %s and force-close the app, "
"losing any current emulation progress. Are you absolutely sure?\n"
"(note: settings for plugins are unaffected)"
msgstr ""
"Данная команда удалит текущие настройки PCSX2 и позволит вам запустить "
"Мастер настройки при следующем запуске PCSX2.\n"
@ -219,7 +310,11 @@ msgstr ""
"(примечание: все настройки плагинов сохранятся)"
#: pcsx2/gui/MemoryCardFile.cpp:78
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:HasBeenDisabled"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The PS2-slot %d has been automatically disabled. You can correct the "
"and re-enable it at any time using Config:Memory cards from the main menu."
msgstr ""
"Карта памяти в слоте %d была автоматически отключена. После того, как вы "
"исправите проблему,\n"
@ -227,51 +322,74 @@ msgstr ""
"Настройки карт памя"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/BiosSelectorPanel.cpp:138
msgid "!Notice:BIOS:InvalidSelection"
msgid ""
"Please select a valid BIOS. If you are unable to make a valid selection "
"then press Cancel to close the Configuration panel."
msgstr ""
"Для продолжения работы вам необходимо выбрать образ BIOS'а. Если вы не "
"уверены в своем выборе, нажмите Cancel дабы закрыть окно настроек без "
"применения изменений."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:111
msgid "!Panel:EE/IOP:Heading"
msgid "Notice: Most games are fine with the default options. "
msgstr ""
"Примечание: большинство игр хорошо работают со стандартными настройками"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:178
msgid "!Panel:VUs:Heading"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:177
msgid "Notice: Most games are fine with the default options."
msgstr ""
"Примечание: большинство игр хорошо работают со стандартными настройками"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:69
msgid "!Notice:DirPicker:CreatePath"
msgid ""
"The specified path/directory does not exist. Would you like to create it?"
msgstr "Указаные путь/папка не существуют. Желаете создать их?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:158
msgid "!ContextTip:DirPicker:UseDefault"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:157
msgid ""
"When checked this folder will automatically reflect the default associated "
"with PCSX2's current usermode setting. "
msgstr ""
"Активируйте данную опцию, если желаете чтобы PCSX2 создавала соответствующие "
"папки относительно пути указанному в настройках пользовательского режима."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:55
#, fuzzy
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Zoom"
msgid ""
"Zoom = 100: Fit the entire image to the window without any cropping.\n"
"Above/Below 100: Zoom In/Out\n"
"0: Automatic-Zoom-In untill the black-bars are gone (Aspect ratio is kept, "
"some of the image goes out of screen).\n"
" NOTE: Some games draw their own black-bars, which will not be removed with "
"Keyboard: CTRL + NUMPAD-PLUS: Zoom-In, CTRL + NUMPAD-MINUS: Zoom-Out, CTRL + "
"NUMPAD-*: Toggle 100/0"
msgstr ""
"Устраняет \"излом\" изображения при активной смене картинки на экране, "
"однако сия роскошь чревата общим понижением производительности. Актуально "
"лишь при использовании полноэкранного режима и лишь в связке с теми видео-"
"плагинами, которые его поддерживают."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:63
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Vsync"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:58
msgid ""
"Vsync eliminates screen tearing but typically has a big performance hit. It "
"usually only applies to fullscreen mode, and may not work with all GS "
msgstr ""
"Устраняет \"излом\" изображения при активной смене картинки на экране, "
"однако сия роскошь чревата общим понижением производительности. Актуально "
"лишь при использовании полноэкранного режима и лишь в связке с теми видео-"
"плагинами, которые его поддерживают."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:68
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:ManagedVsync"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:61
msgid ""
"Enables Vsync when the framerate is exactly at full speed. Should it fall "
"below that, Vsync gets disabled to avoid further performance penalties. "
"Note: This currently only works well with GSdx as GS plugin and with it "
"configured to use DX10/11 hardware rendering. Any other plugin or rendering "
"mode will either ignore it or produce a black frame that blinks whenever the "
"mode switches. It also requires Vsync to be enabled."
msgstr ""
"Включает режим вертикальной синхронизации (Vsync) когда скорость смены "
"кадров происходит на полной мощности. В случае падения ниже этой скорости, "
@ -281,88 +399,127 @@ msgstr ""
"Любой другой плагин или вид рендеринга будет игнорировать это или будет "
"выдавать черный кадр каждый раз когда происходит переключение режимов."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:76
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideMouse"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:64
msgid ""
"Check this to force the mouse cursor invisible inside the GS window; useful "
"if using the mouse as a primary control device for gaming. By default the "
"mouse auto-hides after 2 seconds of inactivity."
msgstr ""
"По умолчанию, курсор мыши скрывается после 2-ух секунд бездействия. Данная "
"опция моментально скрывает курсор мыши в видеоокне. Удобно, если вы "
"используете управление мышью в игре."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:82
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Fullscreen"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:67
msgid ""
"Enables automatic mode switch to fullscreen when starting or resuming "
"emulation. You can still toggle fullscreen display at any time using alt-"
msgstr ""
"Автоматически переводит видеоокно в полный режим при запуске игры. Впрочем, "
"вы всегда можете выйти из данного режима с помощью комбинации ALT+ENTER."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:93
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideGS"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:74
msgid ""
"Completely closes the often large and bulky GS window when pressing ESC or "
"pausing the emulator."
msgstr "Скрывает видеоокно при установке паузы или нажатии ESC."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:67
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:EE Timing Hack"
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Digital Devil Saga (Fixes FMV and crashes)\n"
" * SSX (Fixes bad graphics and crashes)\n"
" * Resident Evil: Dead Aim (Causes garbled textures)"
msgstr ""
"Актуален для следующих игр:\n"
"* Digital Devil Saga (исправляет видеозаставки и вылеты)\n"
"* SSX (исправляет графические ошибки и вылеты)\n"
"* Resident Evil: Dead Aim (исправляет неправильные текстуры)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:80
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:OPH Flag hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:76
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Bleach Blade Battler\n"
" * Growlanser II and III\n"
" * Wizardry"
msgstr ""
"Актуален для следующих игр:\n"
"* Bleach Blade Battler\n"
"* Growlanser II and III\n"
"* Wizardry\""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:89
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:DMA Busy hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:81
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Mana Khemia 1 (Going \"off campus\")\n"
msgstr ""
"Актуален для следующих игр:\n"
"* Mana Khemia 1 (\"выходя за пределы кампуса\")"
"* Mana Khemia 1 (\"выходя за пределы кампуса\")\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:96
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:86
#, fuzzy
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:VIF1 FIFO hack"
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Test Drive Unlimited\n"
" * Transformers"
msgstr ""
"Актуален для следующих игр:\n"
"* Bleach Blade Battler\n"
"* Growlanser II and III\n"
"* Wizardry\""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:119
msgid "!Panel:Gamefixes:Compat Warning"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:106
msgid ""
"Gamefixes can work around wrong emulation in some titles. \n"
"They may also cause compatibility or performance issues. \n"
"It's better to enable 'Automatic game fixes' at the main menu instead, and "
"leave this page empty. \n"
"('Automatic' means: selectively use specific tested fixes for specific games)"
msgstr ""
"Определенные игровые хаки исправляют ошибки эмуляции в определенных играх, "
"однако почти всегда вызывают ошибки и проблемы в других. При смене игры вам "
"необходимо отключить хаки вручную (если какие-либо их них были включены)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:720
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Delete"
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"You are about to delete the formatted memory card '%s'. All data on this "
"card will be lost! Are you absolutely and quite positively sure?"
msgstr ""
"Вы действительно хотите удалить отформатированную карту памяти в слоте %u? "
"Все сохраненные данные на ней будут потеряны!"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:758
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:CantDuplicate"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:756
msgid ""
"Failed: Duplicate is only allowed to an empty PS2-Port or to the file system."
msgstr ""
"Облом: Дубликация разершена только на пустой PS2-порт или на файловую систему"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:801
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Copy Failed"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:798
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Failed: Destination memory card '%s' is in use."
msgstr ""
"Ошибка! Невозможно скопировать выбранную карту памяти в слот %u. Указанный "
"файл уже используется."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:35
msgid "!Panel:Usermode:Explained"
msgid ""
"Please select your preferred default location for PCSX2 user-level documents "
"below (includes memory cards, screenshots, settings, and savestates). These "
"folder locations can be overridden at any time using the Core Settings panel."
msgstr ""
"Выберите место, куда PCSX2 будет сохранять ваши пользовательские данные "
"(настройки, карты памяти, быстрые сохранения, скриншоты и т.д.). Папка, "
"которую вы выберете, будет основной рабочей папкой PCSX2, но вы всегда "
"сможете изменить ее месторасположение через меню настроек эмулятора."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:41
msgid "!Panel:Usermode:Warning"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:38
msgid ""
"You can change the preferred default location for PCSX2 user-level documents "
"here (includes memory cards, screenshots, settings, and savestates). This "
"option only affects Standard Paths which are set to use the installation "
"default value."
msgstr ""
"Данная опция позволит вам изменить папку, где PCSX2 будет сохранять ваши "
"пользовательские данные (настройки, карты памяти, быстрые сохранения, "
@ -370,24 +527,37 @@ msgstr ""
"папки, у которых стоит галочка \"Использовать настройки по умолчанию\"."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:40
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Savestates"
msgid ""
"This folder is where PCSX2 records savestates; which are recorded either by "
"using menus/toolbars, or by pressing F1/F3 (save/load)."
msgstr "Папка, куда PCSX2 будет записывать ваши быстрые сохранения."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:50
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Snapshots"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:48
msgid ""
"This folder is where PCSX2 saves screenshots. Actual screenshot image "
"format and style may vary depending on the GS plugin being used."
msgstr ""
"Папка, куда PCSX2 будет сохранять ваши скриншоты. Форма, размер и стиль "
"скриншотов зависят от используемого плагина."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:60
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Logs"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:56
msgid ""
"This folder is where PCSX2 saves its logfiles and diagnostic dumps. Most "
"plugins will also adhere to this folder, however some older plugins may "
"ignore it."
msgstr ""
"Данная папка предназначена для сохранения логов и дампов PCSX2. Последние "
"версии плагинов так же используют данную директорию для сохранения разной "
"отладочной информации."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:242
msgid "!Notice:PluginSelector:ConfirmShutdown"
msgid ""
"Warning! Changing plugins requires a complete shutdown and reset of the PS2 "
"virtual machine. PCSX2 will attempt to save and restore the state, but if "
"the newly selected plugins are incompatible the recovery may fail, and "
"current progress will be lost.\n"
"Are you sure you want to apply settings now?"
msgstr ""
"Внимание! Смена плагинов требует перезапуска вирутальной машины PS2. Сейчас "
"PCSX2 попробует сохранить текущее состояние и восстановить его с новыми "
@ -396,102 +566,143 @@ msgstr ""
"Вы действительно хотите продолжить?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:457
msgid "!Notice:PluginSelector:ApplyFailed"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:452
#, c-format
msgid ""
"All plugins must have valid selections for %s to run. If you are unable to "
"make a valid selection due to missing plugins or an incomplete install of "
"%s, then press Cancel to close the Configuration panel."
msgstr ""
"Для нормальной работы %s вам необходимо указать и выбрать все доступные "
"плагины. Если вы не можете сделать выбор ввиду отсутствия некоторых плагинов "
"%s, нажмите \"Отмена\" для выхода из окна настроек."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:27
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX1"
msgid ""
"1 - Default cyclerate. This closely matches the actual speed of a real PS2 "
msgstr ""
"1 - Стандартное значение скорости работы виртуального процессора PS2 (нет "
"прироста скорости)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:32
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX2"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:31
msgid ""
"2 - Reduces the EE's cyclerate by about 33%. Mild speedup for most games "
"with high compatibility."
msgstr ""
"2 - понижает цикл работы EE примерно на 33%. Неплохое ускорение для "
"большинства игр, без потери совместимости."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX3"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:35
msgid ""
"3 - Reduces the EE's cyclerate by about 50%. Moderate speedup, but *will* "
"cause stuttering audio on many FMVs."
msgstr ""
"3 - понижает цикл работы EE примерно на 50%. Хорошее ускорение, чревато "
"возможным заиканием звука."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:54
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealOff"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:50
msgid "0 - Disables VU Cycle Stealing. Most compatible setting!"
msgstr ""
"0 - VU Cycle Stealing отключен. Наиболее безопасная опция в плане "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:59
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal1"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:54
msgid ""
"1 - Mild VU Cycle Stealing. Lower compatibility, but some speedup for most "
msgstr ""
"1 - среднее значение VU Cycle Stealing. Может повлиять на совместимость, но "
"при этом ускоряет некоторые игры."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:64
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal2"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:58
msgid ""
"2 - Moderate VU Cycle Stealing. Even lower compatibility, but significant "
"speedups in some games."
msgstr ""
"2 - высокое значение VU Cycle Stealing. Наверняка скажется на совместимости, "
"окупается неплохим ускорением эмуляции."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:70
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal3"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:63
msgid ""
"3 - Maximum VU Cycle Stealing. Usefulness is limited, as this will cause "
"flickering visuals or slowdown in most games."
msgstr ""
"1 - максимальное значение VU Cycle Stealing. В этом режиме будет проявляться "
"множество графических багов."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:97
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:Overview"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:88
msgid ""
"Speedhacks usually improve emulation speed, but can cause glitches, broken "
"audio, and false FPS readings. When having emulation problems, disable this "
"panel first."
msgstr ""
"Спидхаки позволяют вам ускорить эмуляцию той или иной игры, но в большинстве "
"случаев вам придется расплачиваться за скорость различными багами, "
"испорченным звуком, некорректными значениями FPS. При наличии каких-либо "
"критичных проблем - первым делом отключите ВСЕ спидхаки."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:129
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:EECycleRate Slider"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:118
msgid ""
"Setting higher values on this slider effectively reduces the clock speed of "
"the EmotionEngine's R5900 core cpu, and typically brings big speedups to "
"games that fail to utilize the full potential of the real PS2 hardware."
msgstr ""
"Позволяет последовательно понизить цикл работы EmotionEngine процессора "
"эмулируемой машины и тем самым ускорить игры, которые не полностью "
"используют аппаратные ресурсы PS2."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:150
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealing Slider"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:136
msgid ""
"This slider controls the amount of cycles the VU unit steals from the "
"EmotionEngine. Higher values increase the number of cycles stolen from the "
"EE for each VU microprogram the game runs."
msgstr ""
"Позволяет настроить количество циклов, \"воруемых\" VU-юнитом у "
"EmotionEngine. Более высокое значение хака увеличивает количество циклов, "
"которые будут \"позаимствованы\" у EE для обработки микропрограмм VU."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:169
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:153
msgid ""
"Updates Status Flags only on blocks which will read them, instead of all the "
"time. This is safe most of the time, and Super VU does something similar by "
msgstr ""
"Обновляет флаги состояния только на тех блоках, которые будут читать данные "
"флаги (вместо постоянного обновления всех блоков). Вполне безопасный хак, "
"SuperVU-рекомпилятор делает нечто подобное по-умолчанию."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:174
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:156
#, fuzzy
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuThread"
msgid ""
"Runs VU1 on its own thread (microVU1-only). Generally a speedup on CPUs with "
"3 or more cores. This is safe for most games, but a few games are "
"incompatible and may hang. In the case of GS limited games, it may be a "
"slowdown (especially on dual core CPUs)."
msgstr ""
"Использует SSEx-инструкции для Min/Max-операции с плавающей точкой, вместо "
"дополнительных Min/Max-операций при просчете логики. \"Ломает\" Gran Turismo "
"4 и Tekken 5. Возможно что-то еще."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:195
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:174
msgid ""
"This hack works best for games that use the INTC Status register to wait for "
"vsyncs, which includes primarily non-3D RPG titles. Games that do not use "
"this method of vsync will see little or no speedup from this hack."
msgstr ""
"Данный хак лучше всего применять для игр которые используют регистрацию "
"статуса INTC при ожидании вертикального синхроимпульса. В основном это RPG, "
"не использующие 3D. Все остальные игры либо не получат никакого ускорения, "
"либо оно будет чрезвычайно мало."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:200
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:177
msgid ""
"Primarily targetting the EE idle loop at address 0x81FC0 in the kernel, this "
"hack attempts to detect loops whose bodies are guaranteed to result in the "
"same machine state for every iteration until a scheduled event triggers "
"emulation of another unit. After a single iteration of such loops, we "
"advance to the time of the next event or the end of the processor's "
"timeslice, whichever comes first."
msgstr ""
"Изначально нацеленный на пустые циклы EE-рекомпилятора по адресу ядра "
@ -504,32 +715,46 @@ msgstr ""
"событию или\n"
"вообще к концу процессорного интервала."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:207
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:180
msgid ""
"Check HDLoader compatibility lists for known games that have issues with "
"this. (Often marked as needing 'mode 1' or 'slow DVD'"
msgstr ""
"Для получения списка игр, которые испытывают проблемы при использовании "
"данного хака, вы можете обратитьcя к списку совмесимости HDLoader'а "
"(смотрите по \"mode1\" и \"slow DVD\")."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!ContextTip:Framelimiter:Disable"
msgid ""
"Note that when Framelimiting is disabled, Turbo and SlowMotion modes will "
"not be available either."
msgstr "Отключение лимита кадров отключит так же и Turbo-/Slowmotion-режимы."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:227
msgid "!Panel:Frameskip:Heading"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:225
msgid ""
"Notice: Due to PS2 hardware design, precise frame skipping is impossible. "
"Enabling it will cause severe graphical errors in some games."
msgstr ""
"Примечание: ввиду особенностей архитектуры аппаратной части PS2, аккуратный "
"пропуск кадров невозможен в принципе. Поэтому, его активация может "
"спровоцировать появление графических артефактов в некоторых играх."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302
msgid ""
"Enable this if you think MTGS thread sync is causing crashes or graphical "
msgstr ""
"Включайте данную опцию только в том случае, если вы думаете что "
"синхронизация потоков MTGS приводит к вылетам или графическим артефактам."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:310
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:305
msgid ""
"Removes any benchmark noise caused by the MTGS thread or GPU overhead. This "
"option is best used in conjunction with savestates: save a state at an ideal "
"scene, enable this option, and re-load the savestate.\n"
"Warning: This option can be enabled on-the-fly but typically cannot be "
"disabled on-the-fly (video will typically be garbage)."
msgstr ""
"Отключает обработку всех GS-данных, тем самым убирая возможный замедляющий "
"фактор при замерах производительность остальных компонентов эмулятора. "
@ -540,14 +765,21 @@ msgstr ""
"Примечание: данная опция применяется \"на лету\", однако ее последующее "
"отключение в реальном времени чревато появлением графического мусора в игре. "
#: pcsx2/vtlb.cpp:710
msgid "!Notice:HostVmReserve"
#: pcsx2/vtlb.cpp:711
msgid ""
"Your system is too low on virtual resources for PCSX2 to run. This can be "
"caused by having a small or disabled swapfile, or by other programs that are "
"hogging resources."
msgstr ""
"Недостаточно виртуальной памяти для запуска PCSX2. Возможно, у вас отключен "
"своп-файл или какая-то другая программа \"съела\" все системные ресурсы."
#: pcsx2/x86/sVU_zerorec.cpp:363
msgid "!Notice:superVU:VirtualMemoryAlloc"
msgid ""
"Out of Memory (sorta): The SuperVU recompiler was unable to reserve the "
"specific memory ranges required, and will not be available for use. This is "
"not a critical error, since the sVU rec is obsolete, and you should use "
"microVU instead anyway. :)"
msgstr ""
"Out of Memory (типа): рекомпилятор SuperVU не смог зарезервировать "
"необходимое адресное пространство и не может быть использован. Впрочем, не "

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.9\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-07-08 09:24+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-08-10 11:44+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-07-06 16:52+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: pgert <http://forums.pcsx2.net/User-pgert>\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
@ -21,7 +21,9 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: common\n"
#: common/src/Utilities/Exceptions.cpp:254
msgid "!Notice:VirtualMemoryMap"
msgid ""
"There is not enough virtual memory available, or necessary virtual memory "
"mappings have already been reserved by other processes, services, or DLLs."
msgstr ""
"Det finns inte tillräckligt med virtuellt minne tillgängligt, eller så har "
"den nödvändiga \n"
@ -29,14 +31,22 @@ msgstr ""
"tjänster eller DLL'er."
#: pcsx2/CDVD/CDVD.cpp:389
msgid "!Notice:PsxDisc"
msgid ""
"Playstation game discs are not supported by PCSX2. If you want to emulate "
"PSX games then you'll have to download a PSX-specific emulator, such as "
"ePSXe or PCSX."
msgstr ""
"PlayStation®One speldiskar stödjes inte av PCSX2. Om Ni vill emulera PSX-"
"spel \n"
" får Ni använda en särskild PSX-emulator, såsom ePSXe eller PCSX."
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:114
msgid "!Notice:Recompiler:VirtualMemoryAlloc"
msgid ""
"This recompiler was unable to reserve contiguous memory required for "
"internal caches. This error can be caused by low virtual memory resources, "
"such as a small or disabled swapfile, or by another program that is hogging "
"a lot of memory. You can also try reducing the default cache sizes for all "
"PCSX2 recompilers, found under Host Settings."
msgstr ""
"Denna omkompilerare var oförmögen att reservera det angränsande minne som "
"krävs för inhemska förråd, \n"
@ -47,28 +57,38 @@ msgstr ""
" förvalsförrådsstorleken för PCSX2's alla omkompilerare, vilket kan göras "
"genom ''Värdinställningar''."
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:348
msgid "!Notice:EmuCore::MemoryForVM"
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:344
msgid ""
"PCSX2 is unable to allocate memory needed for the PS2 virtual machine. Close "
"out some memory hogging background tasks and try again."
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 är oförmögen att tilldela det minne som krävs för PS2's Virtuella "
"Maskin. \n"
"Stäng minneskrävande bakgrundsprogram och försök igen."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:43
msgid "!Notice:Startup:NoSSE2"
msgid ""
"Warning: Your computer does not support SSE2, which is required by many "
"PCSX2 recompilers and plugins. Your options will be limited and emulation "
"will be *very* slow."
msgstr ""
"Varning: Er dator stödjer inte SSE2, vilket krävs för många av PCSX2's "
"omkompilerare och insticksprogram. \n"
"Era möjligheter kommer vara begränsade och emuleringen blir *mycket* långsam."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:162
msgid "!Notice:RecompilerInit:Header"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:160
msgid ""
"Warning: Some of the configured PS2 recompilers failed to initialize and "
"have been disabled:"
msgstr ""
"Varning: Några av de konfigurerade PS2-omkompilerarna misslyckades att "
"initialiseras och har blivit förhindrade:"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:211
msgid "!Notice:RecompilerInit:Footer"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:208
msgid ""
"Note: Recompilers are not necessary for PCSX2 to run, however they typically "
"improve emulation speed substantially. You may have to manually re-enable "
"the recompilers listed above, if you resolve the errors."
msgstr ""
"Bemärk: Omkompilerare är inte nödvändiga för att PCSX2 ska kunna köras, men "
"de förbättrar oftast emuleringshastigheten avsevärt. \n"
@ -76,22 +96,34 @@ msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:546
msgid "!Notice:BiosDumpRequired"
msgid ""
"PCSX2 requires a PS2 BIOS in order to run. For legal reasons, you *must* "
"obtain a BIOS from an actual PS2 unit that you own (borrowing doesn't "
"count). Please consult the FAQs and Guides for further instructions."
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 kräver PS2 BIOS för att köras. \n"
"Av juridiska skäl *måste* Ni anskaffa ett BIOS från en faktisk PS2-enhet som "
"Ni äger (tillåns gäller inte). \n"
"Undersök FAQ'er och Guider för ytterligare information."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:629
msgid "!Notice Error:Thread Deadlock Actions"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:626
msgid ""
"'Ignore' to continue waiting for the thread to respond.\n"
"'Cancel' to attempt to cancel the thread.\n"
"'Terminate' to quit PCSX2 immediately.\n"
msgstr ""
"''Ignorera'' för att fortsätta vänta på trådarna att svara. \n"
"''Avbryt'' för att försöka avbryta tråden. \n"
"''Avsluta'' för att avsluta PCSX2 omedelebart."
"''Avsluta'' för att avsluta PCSX2 omedelebart.\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppUserMode.cpp:57
msgid "!Notice:PortableModeRights"
msgid ""
"Please ensure that these folders are created and that your user account is "
"granted write permissions to them -- or re-run PCSX2 with elevated "
"(administrator) rights, which should grant PCSX2 the ability to create the "
"necessary folders itself. If you do not have elevated rights on this "
"computer, then you will need to switch to User Documents mode (click button "
msgstr ""
"Försäkra Er om att dessa mappar är skapade och att Er Användarbehörighet "
"medger \n"
@ -103,44 +135,64 @@ msgstr ""
" får Ni byta till AnvändarDokument-läge (klicka på knappen nedanför)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:181
msgid "!ContextTip:ChangingNTFS"
msgid ""
"NTFS compression can be changed manually at any time by using file "
"properties from Windows Explorer."
msgstr ""
"NTFS-komprimering kan ändras manuellt när som helst \n"
" genom att använda filegenskaper hos Windows Explorer."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:49
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Settings"
msgid ""
"This is the folder where PCSX2 saves your settings, including settings "
"generated by most plugins (some older plugins may not respect this value)."
msgstr ""
"Detta är mappen där PCSX2 sparar Era inställningar, och då även "
"inställningar skapade \n"
" av de flesta insticksprogram (gäller måhända dock inte för vissa äldre "
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:54
msgid "!Panel:Folders:Settings"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:52
msgid ""
"You may optionally specify a location for your PCSX2 settings here. If the "
"location contains existing PCSX2 settings, you will be given the option to "
"import or overwrite them."
msgstr ""
"Ni kan förslagsvis ange en placering för Era PCSX2-inställningar här. Om "
"placeringen innehåller \n"
" befintliga PCSX2-inställningar kommer Ni ges möjlighet att importera och "
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:94
msgid "!Wizard:Welcome"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:89
#, c-format
msgid ""
"This wizard will help guide you through configuring plugins, memory cards, "
"and BIOS. It is recommended if this is your first time installing %s that "
"you view the readme and configuration guide."
msgstr ""
"Denna trollkarl kommer att hjälpleda Er genom "
"konfigurationsinsticksprogram, \n"
" minneskort och BIOS. Ifall detta är första gången Ni installerar %s, \n"
" Anrådes Ni att undersöka ''Läs mig'' och ''KonfigurationsVägledningen''."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:140
msgid "!Wizard:Bios:Tutorial"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:132
msgid ""
"PCSX2 requires a *legal* copy of the PS2 BIOS in order to run games.\n"
"You cannot use a copy obtained from a friend or the Internet.\n"
"You must dump the BIOS from your *own* Playstation 2 console."
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 kräver *lagligt* PS2 BIOS för att köra spel. \n"
"Ni får inte använda en kopia anförskaffat genom en vän eller Internet. \n"
"Ni måste dumpa BIOS'et från Er *egna* PlayStation®2 konsol."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/ImportSettingsDialog.cpp:31
msgid "!Notice:ImportExistingSettings"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Existing %s settings have been found in the configured settings folder. "
"Would you like to import these settings or overwrite them with %s default "
"(or press Cancel to select a different settings folder)"
msgstr ""
"Befintliga %s-inställningar har hittats i "
"Konfigurationsinställningsmappen. \n"
@ -149,14 +201,19 @@ msgstr ""
"(eller tryck ''Avbryt'' för att välja en annan mapp)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:30
msgid "!Panel:Mcd:NtfsCompress"
msgid ""
"NTFS compression is built-in, fast, and completely reliable; and typically "
"compresses memory cards very well (this option is highly recommended)."
msgstr ""
"NTFS-komprimering är inbyggt, snabbt, och helt tillförlitligt; det "
"komprimerar \n"
" vanligtvis minneskort mycket bra (denna tillämpning Anrådes tydligt)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:41
msgid "!Panel:Mcd:EnableEjection"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:39
msgid ""
"Avoids memory card corruption by forcing games to re-index card contents "
"after loading from savestates. May not be compatible with all games (Guitar "
msgstr ""
"Undviker minneskortsförstörelse genom att tvinga spel att återindexera "
"kortinnehåll \n"
@ -164,29 +221,48 @@ msgstr ""
"(''Guitar Hero'')."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/StuckThreadDialog.cpp:33
msgid "!Panel:StuckThread:Heading"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The thread '%s' is not responding. It could be deadlocked, or it might just "
"be running *really* slowly."
msgstr ""
"Tråden ''%s'' svarar inte. \n"
"Den kan ha gått i baklås, eller kör kanske bara *väldigt* långsamt."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:38
msgid "!Panel:HasHacksOverrides"
msgid ""
"Warning! You are running PCSX2 with command line options that override your "
"configured settings. These command line options will not be reflected in "
"the Settings dialog, and will be disabled if you apply any changes here."
msgstr ""
"Varning! Ni tillämpar PCSX2 med åsidosättning av Era "
"konfigurationsinställningar. \n"
"Detta åskådliggörs inte i Inställningar, och kommer att förhindras om Ni "
"tillämpar några förändringar här."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:58
msgid "!Panel:HasPluginsOverrides"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:55
msgid ""
"Warning! You are running PCSX2 with command line options that override your "
"configured plugin and/or folder settings. These command line options will "
"not be reflected in the settings dialog, and will be disabled when you apply "
"settings changes here."
msgstr ""
"Varning! Ni tillämpar PCSX2 med åsidosättning av Era insticks- och/eller "
"mappkonfigurationsinställningar. \n"
"Detta åskådliggörs inte i Inställningar, och kommer att förhindras om Ni "
"tillämpar inställningsförändringar här."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:135
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Slider"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:129
msgid ""
"The Presets apply speed hacks, some recompiler options and some game fixes "
"known to boost speed.\n"
"Known important game fixes will be applied automatically.\n"
"Presets info:\n"
"1 - The most accurate emulation but also the slowest.\n"
"3 --> Tries to balance speed with compatibility.\n"
"4 - Some more aggressive hacks.\n"
"6 - Too many hacks which will probably slow down most games.\n"
msgstr ""
"Förinställningarna tillämpar snabbfixar, några omkompilerarfunktioner, \n"
" och en del spelfixar som till vetskap ökar farten. \n"
@ -197,10 +273,15 @@ msgstr ""
" 1 - Det riktigaste emuleringen, men också den långsammaste. \n"
" 3 --> Försöker balansera hastighet med förenlighet. \n"
" 4 - Några mer aggresiva fixar. \n"
" 6 - För många fixar kommer förmodligen att sakta ner de flesta spel."
" 6 - För många fixar kommer förmodligen att sakta ner de flesta spel.\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:149
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Checkbox"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:136
msgid ""
"The Presets apply speed hacks, some recompiler options and some game fixes "
"known to boost speed.\n"
"Known important game fixes will be applied automatically.\n"
"--> Uncheck to modify settings manually (with current preset as base)"
msgstr ""
"Förinställningarna tillämpar snabbfixar, några omkompilerarfunktioner, \n"
" och en del spelfixar som till vetskap höjer farten. \n"
@ -211,14 +292,24 @@ msgstr ""
"inställningar som bas)."
#: pcsx2/gui/IsoDropTarget.cpp:28
msgid "!Notice:ConfirmSysReset"
msgid ""
"This action will reset the existing PS2 virtual machine state; all current "
"progress will be lost. Are you sure?"
msgstr ""
"Detta kommer att återställa det befintliga Virtuella Maskin PS2-"
"tillståndet; \n"
" alla nuvarande processer kommer at förloras. Är Ni säker?"
#: pcsx2/gui/MainMenuClicks.cpp:106
msgid "!Notice:DeleteSettings"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"This command clears %s settings and allows you to re-run the First-Time "
"Wizard. You will need to manually restart %s after this operation.\n"
"WARNING!! Click OK to delete *ALL* settings for %s and force-close the app, "
"losing any current emulation progress. Are you absolutely sure?\n"
"(note: settings for plugins are unaffected)"
msgstr ""
"Detta rensar %s-inställningarna \n"
" och låter Er att återköra ''Första gången Trollkarlen''. \n"
@ -232,7 +323,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Är Ni helt säker?"
#: pcsx2/gui/MemoryCardFile.cpp:78
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:HasBeenDisabled"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The PS2-slot %d has been automatically disabled. You can correct the "
"and re-enable it at any time using Config:Memory cards from the main menu."
msgstr ""
"Minneskortet i sockel %d har blivit automatiskt förhindrat. Ni kan åtgärda "
"problemet \n"
@ -240,21 +335,23 @@ msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/BiosSelectorPanel.cpp:138
msgid "!Notice:BIOS:InvalidSelection"
msgid ""
"Please select a valid BIOS. If you are unable to make a valid selection "
"then press Cancel to close the Configuration panel."
msgstr ""
"Välj ett giltligt BIOS. Är Ni oförmögen att göra detta \n"
" så tryck ''Avbryt'' för att stänga Konfigurationspanelen."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:111
msgid "!Panel:EE/IOP:Heading"
msgid "Notice: Most games are fine with the default options. "
msgstr ""
"EE = Emotion Engine = Rörelse Motor \n"
"IOP = Input Output Processor = In Ut Processor \n"
"Bemärk: De flesta spel har det fint med förvalssättningarna."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:178
msgid "!Panel:VUs:Heading"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:177
msgid "Notice: Most games are fine with the default options."
msgstr ""
"VM = Virtual Machine = Virtuell Maskin \n"
"VU = Vector Unit = Vektor Enhet \n"
@ -262,17 +359,29 @@ msgstr ""
"Bemärk: De flesta spel har det fint med förvalssättningarna."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:69
msgid "!Notice:DirPicker:CreatePath"
msgid ""
"The specified path/directory does not exist. Would you like to create it?"
msgstr "Den angivna sökvägen/katalogen finns ej. Vill Ni skapa den?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:158
msgid "!ContextTip:DirPicker:UseDefault"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:157
msgid ""
"When checked this folder will automatically reflect the default associated "
"with PCSX2's current usermode setting. "
msgstr ""
"När markerad kommer denna mapp automatiskt att fungera enligt förvalen "
"förknippade med PCSX2's nuvarande användarinställningar."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:55
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Zoom"
msgid ""
"Zoom = 100: Fit the entire image to the window without any cropping.\n"
"Above/Below 100: Zoom In/Out\n"
"0: Automatic-Zoom-In untill the black-bars are gone (Aspect ratio is kept, "
"some of the image goes out of screen).\n"
" NOTE: Some games draw their own black-bars, which will not be removed with "
"Keyboard: CTRL + NUMPAD-PLUS: Zoom-In, CTRL + NUMPAD-MINUS: Zoom-Out, CTRL + "
"NUMPAD-*: Toggle 100/0"
msgstr ""
"Zoom = 100.0: Anpassa hela bilden till fönstret utan beskärning. \n"
"Över/Under 100.0: Zooma in/ut. \n"
@ -288,15 +397,24 @@ msgstr ""
" ''Ctrl'' + ''NumPad Minus'': Utzoomning \n"
" ''Ctrl'' + ''NumPad Stjärna'': Växla 100/0"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:63
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Vsync"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:58
msgid ""
"Vsync eliminates screen tearing but typically has a big performance hit. It "
"usually only applies to fullscreen mode, and may not work with all GS "
msgstr ""
"Vsync slår ut skärmsönderrivning men har oftast en stor prestationseffekt. \n"
"Det tillämpas vanligtvis bara i helskärmsläge, \n"
" och kanske inte fungerar för alla GS-insticksprogram."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:68
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:ManagedVsync"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:61
msgid ""
"Enables Vsync when the framerate is exactly at full speed. Should it fall "
"below that, Vsync gets disabled to avoid further performance penalties. "
"Note: This currently only works well with GSdx as GS plugin and with it "
"configured to use DX10/11 hardware rendering. Any other plugin or rendering "
"mode will either ignore it or produce a black frame that blinks whenever the "
"mode switches. It also requires Vsync to be enabled."
msgstr ""
"Möjliggör Vsync när bildfrekvensen är precis på full hastighet. \n"
"Skulle den falla under denna så förhindras Vsync för att undvika vidare "
@ -309,59 +427,86 @@ msgstr ""
" eller alstra en svart skärm som blinkar när läget byts. \n"
"Tillämpningen kräver även att Vsync möjliggörs."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:76
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideMouse"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:64
msgid ""
"Check this to force the mouse cursor invisible inside the GS window; useful "
"if using the mouse as a primary control device for gaming. By default the "
"mouse auto-hides after 2 seconds of inactivity."
msgstr ""
"Markera för att tvinga muspekaren att bli osynlig när den är i ett GS-"
"fönster; \n"
" användbart vid brukande av musen som främsta styrmojäng för spelande. \n"
"Som förval gömmer sig muspekaren automatiskt efter 2 sekunders stillastående."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:82
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Fullscreen"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:67
msgid ""
"Enables automatic mode switch to fullscreen when starting or resuming "
"emulation. You can still toggle fullscreen display at any time using alt-"
msgstr ""
"Möjliggör automatiskt lägesbyte till fullskärm när emulering statas eller "
"återupptas. \n"
"Ni kan ännu växla mellan helskärm och fönsterläge genom att trycka ''Alt'' + "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:93
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideGS"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:74
msgid ""
"Completely closes the often large and bulky GS window when pressing ESC or "
"pausing the emulator."
msgstr ""
"Stänger helt det ofta stora och omfångsrika GS-fönstret \n"
" när Ni trycker på ''Esc'' eller avbryter emulatorn."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:67
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:EE Timing Hack"
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Digital Devil Saga (Fixes FMV and crashes)\n"
" * SSX (Fixes bad graphics and crashes)\n"
" * Resident Evil: Dead Aim (Causes garbled textures)"
msgstr ""
"Påverkar till vetskap följande spel: \n"
" * ''Digital Devil Saga'' (fixar FMV och brakar) \n"
" * ''SSX'' (fixar dålig grafik och brakar) \n"
" * ''Resident Evil: Dead Aim'' (orsakar förvrängda texturer)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:80
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:OPH Flag hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:76
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Bleach Blade Battler\n"
" * Growlanser II and III\n"
" * Wizardry"
msgstr ""
"Påverkar till vetskap följande spel: \n"
" * ''Bleach Blade Battler'' \n"
" * ''Growlanser II & III'' \n"
" * ''Wizardry''"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:89
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:DMA Busy hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:81
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Mana Khemia 1 (Going \"off campus\")\n"
msgstr ""
"Påverkar till vetskap följande spel: \n"
" * ''Mana Khemia 1'' (går \"bortom behörighet\")"
" * ''Mana Khemia 1'' (går \"bortom behörighet\")\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:96
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:VIF1 FIFO hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:86
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Test Drive Unlimited\n"
" * Transformers"
msgstr ""
"Påverkar till vetskap följande spel: \n"
"* ''Test Drive Unlimited'' \n"
"* ''Transformers''"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:119
msgid "!Panel:Gamefixes:Compat Warning"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:106
msgid ""
"Gamefixes can work around wrong emulation in some titles. \n"
"They may also cause compatibility or performance issues. \n"
"It's better to enable 'Automatic game fixes' at the main menu instead, and "
"leave this page empty. \n"
"('Automatic' means: selectively use specific tested fixes for specific games)"
msgstr ""
"Spelfixar kan åtgärda felaktig emulering för vissa titlar. \n"
"De kan dock orsaka förenlighets- eller prestandaproblem. \n"
@ -373,32 +518,44 @@ msgstr ""
"för särskilda spel)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:720
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Delete"
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"You are about to delete the formatted memory card '%s'. All data on this "
"card will be lost! Are you absolutely and quite positively sure?"
msgstr ""
"Ni är på väg att kassera det formaterade minneskortet i sockel %u. \n"
"All data på detta kort kommer att förloras! Är Ni helt säker?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:758
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:CantDuplicate"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:756
msgid ""
"Failed: Duplicate is only allowed to an empty PS2-Port or to the file system."
msgstr ""
"Misslyckades: Dubblering är endast tillåtet till en tom PS2-sockel, eller "
"till ett filsystem."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:801
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Copy Failed"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:798
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Failed: Destination memory card '%s' is in use."
msgstr ""
"Fel! Kunde inte kopiera innehållet till sockel %u. Målfilen används för "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:35
msgid "!Panel:Usermode:Explained"
msgid ""
"Please select your preferred default location for PCSX2 user-level documents "
"below (includes memory cards, screenshots, settings, and savestates). These "
"folder locations can be overridden at any time using the Core Settings panel."
msgstr ""
"Välj Ert föredragna mål för PCSX2's Användarnivå Dokument nedanför \n"
" (innefattar minneskort, skärmbilder, inställningar, och sparpunkter). \n"
"Detta kan ändras när som helst genom Kärninställningspanelen."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:41
msgid "!Panel:Usermode:Warning"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:38
msgid ""
"You can change the preferred default location for PCSX2 user-level documents "
"here (includes memory cards, screenshots, settings, and savestates). This "
"option only affects Standard Paths which are set to use the installation "
"default value."
msgstr ""
"Ni kan ändra det föredragna förvalsmålet för PCSX2's Användarnivå Dokument "
"här \n"
@ -407,28 +564,41 @@ msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:40
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Savestates"
msgid ""
"This folder is where PCSX2 records savestates; which are recorded either by "
"using menus/toolbars, or by pressing F1/F3 (save/load)."
msgstr ""
"I denna mapp sparar PCSX2 sparpunkter, vilka antingen görs genom "
"användning \n"
" av menyer/verktygsrad, eller genom att trycka på ''F1''/''F3'' (spara/"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:50
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Snapshots"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:48
msgid ""
"This folder is where PCSX2 saves screenshots. Actual screenshot image "
"format and style may vary depending on the GS plugin being used."
msgstr ""
"I denna mapp sparar PCSX2 skärmbilder. Det faktiska skärmbildsformatet \n"
" och stilen kan variera beroende på vilket GS-insticksprogram som används."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:60
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Logs"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:56
msgid ""
"This folder is where PCSX2 saves its logfiles and diagnostic dumps. Most "
"plugins will also adhere to this folder, however some older plugins may "
"ignore it."
msgstr ""
"I denna mapp sparar PCSX2 sina loggfiler och diagnostiska rapporter. \n"
"De flesta insticksprogram håller sig till denna mapp, men en del äldre kan "
"försumma den."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:242
msgid "!Notice:PluginSelector:ConfirmShutdown"
msgid ""
"Warning! Changing plugins requires a complete shutdown and reset of the PS2 "
"virtual machine. PCSX2 will attempt to save and restore the state, but if "
"the newly selected plugins are incompatible the recovery may fail, and "
"current progress will be lost.\n"
"Are you sure you want to apply settings now?"
msgstr ""
"Varning! Att byta insticksprogram kräver en full nedstängning och "
"återställning av PS2's Virtuella Maskin. \n"
@ -439,8 +609,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Är Ni säker att Ni vill tillämpa ändringarna nu?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:457
msgid "!Notice:PluginSelector:ApplyFailed"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:452
#, c-format
msgid ""
"All plugins must have valid selections for %s to run. If you are unable to "
"make a valid selection due to missing plugins or an incomplete install of "
"%s, then press Cancel to close the Configuration panel."
msgstr ""
"Alla insticksprogram måste ha giltliga inställningar för att %s ska kunna "
"köras. \n"
@ -450,85 +624,113 @@ msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:27
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX1"
msgid ""
"1 - Default cyclerate. This closely matches the actual speed of a real PS2 "
msgstr ""
"1 - Förvalscykelgrad. \n"
"Detta överensstämmer nästan med den \n"
" faktiska hastigheten för en PS2-EE."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:32
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX2"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:31
msgid ""
"2 - Reduces the EE's cyclerate by about 33%. Mild speedup for most games "
"with high compatibility."
msgstr ""
"2 - Minskar EE's cykelgrad med ungefär 33%. \n"
"Mild uppsnabbning och hög förenlighet \n"
" för de flesta spel."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX3"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:35
msgid ""
"3 - Reduces the EE's cyclerate by about 50%. Moderate speedup, but *will* "
"cause stuttering audio on many FMVs."
msgstr ""
"3 - Minskar EE's cykelgrad med ungefär 50%. \n"
"Måttfull uppsnabbning, men *kommer* att \n"
" orsaka stamningsljud för många FMV'er."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:54
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealOff"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:50
msgid "0 - Disables VU Cycle Stealing. Most compatible setting!"
msgstr ""
"0 - Förhndrar VU-cykelstöld. \n"
"Den mest förenliga inställningen!"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:59
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal1"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:54
msgid ""
"1 - Mild VU Cycle Stealing. Lower compatibility, but some speedup for most "
msgstr ""
"1 - Mild VU-cykelstöld. \n"
"Lägre förenlighet, men en \n"
" viss uppsnabbning för de flesta spel."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:64
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal2"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:58
msgid ""
"2 - Moderate VU Cycle Stealing. Even lower compatibility, but significant "
"speedups in some games."
msgstr ""
"2 - Måttfull VU-cykelstöld. \n"
"Ännu lägre förenlighet, men en \n"
" markant uppsnabbning för vissa spel."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:70
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal3"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:63
msgid ""
"3 - Maximum VU Cycle Stealing. Usefulness is limited, as this will cause "
"flickering visuals or slowdown in most games."
msgstr ""
"3 - Maximal VU-cykelstöld. \n"
"Begränsad användning, eftersom tillämpning \n"
" orsakar synligt flimrande för de flesta spel."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:97
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:Overview"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:88
msgid ""
"Speedhacks usually improve emulation speed, but can cause glitches, broken "
"audio, and false FPS readings. When having emulation problems, disable this "
"panel first."
msgstr ""
"Snabbfixar förbättrar vanligtvis emuleringshastigheten, men kan orsaka "
"trassel, brutet ljud, \n"
" och falska FPS-avläsningar. Förhindra denna panel det första Ni gör vid "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:129
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:EECycleRate Slider"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:118
msgid ""
"Setting higher values on this slider effectively reduces the clock speed of "
"the EmotionEngine's R5900 core cpu, and typically brings big speedups to "
"games that fail to utilize the full potential of the real PS2 hardware."
msgstr ""
"Att sätta ett högre värde genom denna manick minskar \n"
" verkningsfullt klockhastigheten hos EE'ns R5900 kärn-CPU, \n"
" och ger oftast en hög hastghetsökning till spel som misslyckas \n"
" att nyttja möjligheterna med PS2's verkliga hårdvara fullt ut."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:150
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealing Slider"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:136
msgid ""
"This slider controls the amount of cycles the VU unit steals from the "
"EmotionEngine. Higher values increase the number of cycles stolen from the "
"EE for each VU microprogram the game runs."
msgstr ""
"Denna manick styr mängden cykler som VU-enheten stjäl ifrån EE'n. \n"
"Högre värden ökar antalet cykler som stjäls från EE'n per VU-microprogram "
"spelet kör."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:169
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:153
msgid ""
"Updates Status Flags only on blocks which will read them, instead of all the "
"time. This is safe most of the time, and Super VU does something similar by "
msgstr ""
"Uppdaterar endast Statusflaggor för block som kommer att läsa dem, \n"
" istället för alltid. Detta är för det mesta säkert, \n"
" och Super-VU gör något liknande som standard."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:174
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuThread"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:156
msgid ""
"Runs VU1 on its own thread (microVU1-only). Generally a speedup on CPUs with "
"3 or more cores. This is safe for most games, but a few games are "
"incompatible and may hang. In the case of GS limited games, it may be a "
"slowdown (especially on dual core CPUs)."
msgstr ""
"Kör VU1 i dess egna tråd (endast microVU1). \n"
"I allmänhet en uppsnabbning för CPU'er med 3 eller fler kärnor.\n"
@ -536,16 +738,25 @@ msgstr ""
"Vad gäller GS-begränsade spel, kan en nedbromsning förekomma \n"
" (i synnerhet för dubbelkärniga CPU'er)."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:195
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:174
msgid ""
"This hack works best for games that use the INTC Status register to wait for "
"vsyncs, which includes primarily non-3D RPG titles. Games that do not use "
"this method of vsync will see little or no speedup from this hack."
msgstr ""
"Denna fix fungerar bäst för spel som använder INTC-statusregistret \n"
" för att invänta Vsync'ar, vilket främst omfattar icke-3D-RPG titlar. \n"
"Spel som inte använder denna Vsync-metod \n"
" kommer på sin höjd att få en liten uppsnabbning."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:200
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:177
msgid ""
"Primarily targetting the EE idle loop at address 0x81FC0 in the kernel, this "
"hack attempts to detect loops whose bodies are guaranteed to result in the "
"same machine state for every iteration until a scheduled event triggers "
"emulation of another unit. After a single iteration of such loops, we "
"advance to the time of the next event or the end of the processor's "
"timeslice, whichever comes first."
msgstr ""
"Främst inriktat på EE-tomgångsloop hos adress 0x81FC0 i kärnan, försöker "
"denna fix \n"
@ -556,34 +767,48 @@ msgstr ""
"nästa händelse \n"
" eller till slutet av processorns tidskvantum, vilket som än kommer först."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:207
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:180
msgid ""
"Check HDLoader compatibility lists for known games that have issues with "
"this. (Often marked as needing 'mode 1' or 'slow DVD'"
msgstr ""
"Undersök HD-laddarförenlighetslistan för spel som till vetskap kommer till "
"fråga \n"
" med det här (ofta markerat som behövande ''läge 1'' eller ''långsam DVD'')."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!ContextTip:Framelimiter:Disable"
msgid ""
"Note that when Framelimiting is disabled, Turbo and SlowMotion modes will "
"not be available either."
msgstr ""
"Bemärk att när Bildbegränsning är förhindrad så kommer \n"
" Turbo och SlowMotion lägena inte att vara tillgängliga heller."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:227
msgid "!Panel:Frameskip:Heading"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:225
msgid ""
"Notice: Due to PS2 hardware design, precise frame skipping is impossible. "
"Enabling it will cause severe graphical errors in some games."
msgstr ""
"Bemärk: Till följd av PS2's hårdvaruutformning \n"
" så är precist bildöverhoppande omöjligt. \n"
"Att tillämpa det kan orsaka rejäla grafikfel för vissa spel."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302
msgid ""
"Enable this if you think MTGS thread sync is causing crashes or graphical "
msgstr ""
"Tillämpa detta ifall Ni tror att MTGS-trådsync orsakar braker eller grafiska "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:310
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:305
msgid ""
"Removes any benchmark noise caused by the MTGS thread or GPU overhead. This "
"option is best used in conjunction with savestates: save a state at an ideal "
"scene, enable this option, and re-load the savestate.\n"
"Warning: This option can be enabled on-the-fly but typically cannot be "
"disabled on-the-fly (video will typically be garbage)."
msgstr ""
"Tar bort allt norm-oljud orsakat av MTGS-trådens eler GPU'ns överdrag. \n"
"Denna tillämpning används bäst i förening med sparpunkter: \n"
@ -593,15 +818,22 @@ msgstr ""
"Varning: Denna tillämpning kan möjliggöras dynamiskt \n"
" men kan vanligtvis inte förhindras på samma vis (video blir ofta skräp)."
#: pcsx2/vtlb.cpp:710
msgid "!Notice:HostVmReserve"
#: pcsx2/vtlb.cpp:711
msgid ""
"Your system is too low on virtual resources for PCSX2 to run. This can be "
"caused by having a small or disabled swapfile, or by other programs that are "
"hogging resources."
msgstr ""
"Ert system har för lite virtuella resurser för att PCSX2 ska kunna köras. \n"
"Detta kan ha orsakats av att ha en liten eller förhindrad bytfil, \n"
" eller av att andra program tar för sig av systemets resurser."
#: pcsx2/x86/sVU_zerorec.cpp:363
msgid "!Notice:superVU:VirtualMemoryAlloc"
msgid ""
"Out of Memory (sorta): The SuperVU recompiler was unable to reserve the "
"specific memory ranges required, and will not be available for use. This is "
"not a critical error, since the sVU rec is obsolete, and you should use "
"microVU instead anyway. :)"
msgstr ""
"Slut på Minne (typ): superVU-omkompileraren var oförmögen att reservera den "
"mängd särskilda minne \n"

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.9\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-05-27 12:20+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-08-10 11:56+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
@ -23,293 +23,359 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: common\n"
#: common/src/Utilities/Exceptions.cpp:254
msgid "!Notice:VirtualMemoryMap"
msgid "There is not enough virtual memory available, or necessary virtual memory mappings have already been reserved by other processes, services, or DLLs."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/CDVD/CDVD.cpp:389
msgid "!Notice:PsxDisc"
msgid "Playstation game discs are not supported by PCSX2. If you want to emulate PSX games then you'll have to download a PSX-specific emulator, such as ePSXe or PCSX."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:114
msgid "!Notice:Recompiler:VirtualMemoryAlloc"
msgid "This recompiler was unable to reserve contiguous memory required for internal caches. This error can be caused by low virtual memory resources, such as a small or disabled swapfile, or by another program that is hogging a lot of memory. You can also try reducing the default cache sizes for all PCSX2 recompilers, found under Host Settings."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:348
msgid "!Notice:EmuCore::MemoryForVM"
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:344
msgid "PCSX2 is unable to allocate memory needed for the PS2 virtual machine. Close out some memory hogging background tasks and try again."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:43
msgid "!Notice:Startup:NoSSE2"
msgid "Warning: Your computer does not support SSE2, which is required by many PCSX2 recompilers and plugins. Your options will be limited and emulation will be *very* slow."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:162
msgid "!Notice:RecompilerInit:Header"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:160
msgid "Warning: Some of the configured PS2 recompilers failed to initialize and have been disabled:"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:211
msgid "!Notice:RecompilerInit:Footer"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:208
msgid "Note: Recompilers are not necessary for PCSX2 to run, however they typically improve emulation speed substantially. You may have to manually re-enable the recompilers listed above, if you resolve the errors."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:546
msgid "!Notice:BiosDumpRequired"
msgid "PCSX2 requires a PS2 BIOS in order to run. For legal reasons, you *must* obtain a BIOS from an actual PS2 unit that you own (borrowing doesn't count). Please consult the FAQs and Guides for further instructions."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:629
msgid "!Notice Error:Thread Deadlock Actions"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:626
msgid ""
"'Ignore' to continue waiting for the thread to respond.\n"
"'Cancel' to attempt to cancel the thread.\n"
"'Terminate' to quit PCSX2 immediately.\n"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/AppUserMode.cpp:57
msgid "!Notice:PortableModeRights"
msgid "Please ensure that these folders are created and that your user account is granted write permissions to them -- or re-run PCSX2 with elevated (administrator) rights, which should grant PCSX2 the ability to create the necessary folders itself. If you do not have elevated rights on this computer, then you will need to switch to User Documents mode (click button below)."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:181
msgid "!ContextTip:ChangingNTFS"
msgid "NTFS compression can be changed manually at any time by using file properties from Windows Explorer."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:49
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Settings"
msgid "This is the folder where PCSX2 saves your settings, including settings generated by most plugins (some older plugins may not respect this value)."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:54
msgid "!Panel:Folders:Settings"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:52
msgid "You may optionally specify a location for your PCSX2 settings here. If the location contains existing PCSX2 settings, you will be given the option to import or overwrite them."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:94
msgid "!Wizard:Welcome"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:89
#, c-format
msgid "This wizard will help guide you through configuring plugins, memory cards, and BIOS. It is recommended if this is your first time installing %s that you view the readme and configuration guide."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:140
msgid "!Wizard:Bios:Tutorial"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:132
msgid ""
"PCSX2 requires a *legal* copy of the PS2 BIOS in order to run games.\n"
"You cannot use a copy obtained from a friend or the Internet.\n"
"You must dump the BIOS from your *own* Playstation 2 console."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/ImportSettingsDialog.cpp:31
msgid "!Notice:ImportExistingSettings"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Existing %s settings have been found in the configured settings folder. Would you like to import these settings or overwrite them with %s default values?\n"
"(or press Cancel to select a different settings folder)"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:30
msgid "!Panel:Mcd:NtfsCompress"
msgid "NTFS compression is built-in, fast, and completely reliable; and typically compresses memory cards very well (this option is highly recommended)."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:41
msgid "!Panel:Mcd:EnableEjection"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:39
msgid "Avoids memory card corruption by forcing games to re-index card contents after loading from savestates. May not be compatible with all games (Guitar Hero)."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/StuckThreadDialog.cpp:33
msgid "!Panel:StuckThread:Heading"
#, c-format
msgid "The thread '%s' is not responding. It could be deadlocked, or it might just be running *really* slowly."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:38
msgid "!Panel:HasHacksOverrides"
msgid "Warning! You are running PCSX2 with command line options that override your configured settings. These command line options will not be reflected in the Settings dialog, and will be disabled if you apply any changes here."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:58
msgid "!Panel:HasPluginsOverrides"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:55
msgid "Warning! You are running PCSX2 with command line options that override your configured plugin and/or folder settings. These command line options will not be reflected in the settings dialog, and will be disabled when you apply settings changes here."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:135
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Slider"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:129
msgid ""
"The Presets apply speed hacks, some recompiler options and some game fixes known to boost speed.\n"
"Known important game fixes will be applied automatically.\n"
"Presets info:\n"
"1 - The most accurate emulation but also the slowest.\n"
"3 --> Tries to balance speed with compatibility.\n"
"4 - Some more aggressive hacks.\n"
"6 - Too many hacks which will probably slow down most games.\n"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:149
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Checkbox"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:136
msgid ""
"The Presets apply speed hacks, some recompiler options and some game fixes known to boost speed.\n"
"Known important game fixes will be applied automatically.\n"
"--> Uncheck to modify settings manually (with current preset as base)"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/IsoDropTarget.cpp:28
msgid "!Notice:ConfirmSysReset"
msgid "This action will reset the existing PS2 virtual machine state; all current progress will be lost. Are you sure?"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/MainMenuClicks.cpp:106
msgid "!Notice:DeleteSettings"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"This command clears %s settings and allows you to re-run the First-Time Wizard. You will need to manually restart %s after this operation.\n"
"WARNING!! Click OK to delete *ALL* settings for %s and force-close the app, losing any current emulation progress. Are you absolutely sure?\n"
"(note: settings for plugins are unaffected)"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/MemoryCardFile.cpp:78
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:HasBeenDisabled"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The PS2-slot %d has been automatically disabled. You can correct the problem\n"
"and re-enable it at any time using Config:Memory cards from the main menu."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/BiosSelectorPanel.cpp:138
msgid "!Notice:BIOS:InvalidSelection"
msgid "Please select a valid BIOS. If you are unable to make a valid selection then press Cancel to close the Configuration panel."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:111
msgid "!Panel:EE/IOP:Heading"
msgid "Notice: Most games are fine with the default options. "
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:178
msgid "!Panel:VUs:Heading"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:177
msgid "Notice: Most games are fine with the default options."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:69
msgid "!Notice:DirPicker:CreatePath"
msgid "The specified path/directory does not exist. Would you like to create it?"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:158
msgid "!ContextTip:DirPicker:UseDefault"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:157
msgid "When checked this folder will automatically reflect the default associated with PCSX2's current usermode setting. "
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:55
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Zoom"
msgid ""
"Zoom = 100: Fit the entire image to the window without any cropping.\n"
"Above/Below 100: Zoom In/Out\n"
"0: Automatic-Zoom-In untill the black-bars are gone (Aspect ratio is kept, some of the image goes out of screen).\n"
" NOTE: Some games draw their own black-bars, which will not be removed with '0'.\n"
"Keyboard: CTRL + NUMPAD-PLUS: Zoom-In, CTRL + NUMPAD-MINUS: Zoom-Out, CTRL + NUMPAD-*: Toggle 100/0"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:63
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Vsync"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:58
msgid "Vsync eliminates screen tearing but typically has a big performance hit. It usually only applies to fullscreen mode, and may not work with all GS plugins."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:68
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:ManagedVsync"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:61
msgid "Enables Vsync when the framerate is exactly at full speed. Should it fall below that, Vsync gets disabled to avoid further performance penalties. Note: This currently only works well with GSdx as GS plugin and with it configured to use DX10/11 hardware rendering. Any other plugin or rendering mode will either ignore it or produce a black frame that blinks whenever the mode switches. It also requires Vsync to be enabled."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:76
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideMouse"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:64
msgid "Check this to force the mouse cursor invisible inside the GS window; useful if using the mouse as a primary control device for gaming. By default the mouse auto-hides after 2 seconds of inactivity."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:82
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Fullscreen"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:67
msgid "Enables automatic mode switch to fullscreen when starting or resuming emulation. You can still toggle fullscreen display at any time using alt-enter."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:93
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideGS"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:74
msgid "Completely closes the often large and bulky GS window when pressing ESC or pausing the emulator."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:67
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:EE Timing Hack"
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Digital Devil Saga (Fixes FMV and crashes)\n"
" * SSX (Fixes bad graphics and crashes)\n"
" * Resident Evil: Dead Aim (Causes garbled textures)"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:80
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:OPH Flag hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:76
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Bleach Blade Battler\n"
" * Growlanser II and III\n"
" * Wizardry"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:89
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:DMA Busy hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:81
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Mana Khemia 1 (Going \"off campus\")\n"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:96
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:VIF1 FIFO hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:86
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Test Drive Unlimited\n"
" * Transformers"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:119
msgid "!Panel:Gamefixes:Compat Warning"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:106
msgid ""
"Gamefixes can work around wrong emulation in some titles. \n"
"They may also cause compatibility or performance issues. \n"
"It's better to enable 'Automatic game fixes' at the main menu instead, and leave this page empty. \n"
"('Automatic' means: selectively use specific tested fixes for specific games)"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:720
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Delete"
#, c-format
msgid "You are about to delete the formatted memory card '%s'. All data on this card will be lost! Are you absolutely and quite positively sure?"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:758
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:CantDuplicate"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:756
msgid "Failed: Duplicate is only allowed to an empty PS2-Port or to the file system."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:801
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Copy Failed"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:798
#, c-format
msgid "Failed: Destination memory card '%s' is in use."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:35
msgid "!Panel:Usermode:Explained"
msgid "Please select your preferred default location for PCSX2 user-level documents below (includes memory cards, screenshots, settings, and savestates). These folder locations can be overridden at any time using the Core Settings panel."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:41
msgid "!Panel:Usermode:Warning"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:38
msgid "You can change the preferred default location for PCSX2 user-level documents here (includes memory cards, screenshots, settings, and savestates). This option only affects Standard Paths which are set to use the installation default value."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:40
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Savestates"
msgid "This folder is where PCSX2 records savestates; which are recorded either by using menus/toolbars, or by pressing F1/F3 (save/load)."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:50
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Snapshots"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:48
msgid "This folder is where PCSX2 saves screenshots. Actual screenshot image format and style may vary depending on the GS plugin being used."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:60
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Logs"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:56
msgid "This folder is where PCSX2 saves its logfiles and diagnostic dumps. Most plugins will also adhere to this folder, however some older plugins may ignore it."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:242
msgid "!Notice:PluginSelector:ConfirmShutdown"
msgid ""
"Warning! Changing plugins requires a complete shutdown and reset of the PS2 virtual machine. PCSX2 will attempt to save and restore the state, but if the newly selected plugins are incompatible the recovery may fail, and current progress will be lost.\n"
"Are you sure you want to apply settings now?"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:457
msgid "!Notice:PluginSelector:ApplyFailed"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:452
#, c-format
msgid "All plugins must have valid selections for %s to run. If you are unable to make a valid selection due to missing plugins or an incomplete install of %s, then press Cancel to close the Configuration panel."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:27
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX1"
msgid "1 - Default cyclerate. This closely matches the actual speed of a real PS2 EmotionEngine."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:32
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX2"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:31
msgid "2 - Reduces the EE's cyclerate by about 33%. Mild speedup for most games with high compatibility."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX3"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:35
msgid "3 - Reduces the EE's cyclerate by about 50%. Moderate speedup, but *will* cause stuttering audio on many FMVs."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:50
msgid "0 - Disables VU Cycle Stealing. Most compatible setting!"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:54
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealOff"
msgid "1 - Mild VU Cycle Stealing. Lower compatibility, but some speedup for most games."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:59
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal1"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:58
msgid "2 - Moderate VU Cycle Stealing. Even lower compatibility, but significant speedups in some games."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:64
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal2"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:63
msgid "3 - Maximum VU Cycle Stealing. Usefulness is limited, as this will cause flickering visuals or slowdown in most games."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:70
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal3"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:88
msgid "Speedhacks usually improve emulation speed, but can cause glitches, broken audio, and false FPS readings. When having emulation problems, disable this panel first."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:97
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:Overview"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:118
msgid "Setting higher values on this slider effectively reduces the clock speed of the EmotionEngine's R5900 core cpu, and typically brings big speedups to games that fail to utilize the full potential of the real PS2 hardware."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:129
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:EECycleRate Slider"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:136
msgid "This slider controls the amount of cycles the VU unit steals from the EmotionEngine. Higher values increase the number of cycles stolen from the EE for each VU microprogram the game runs."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:150
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealing Slider"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:153
msgid "Updates Status Flags only on blocks which will read them, instead of all the time. This is safe most of the time, and Super VU does something similar by default."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:169
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:156
msgid "Runs VU1 on its own thread (microVU1-only). Generally a speedup on CPUs with 3 or more cores. This is safe for most games, but a few games are incompatible and may hang. In the case of GS limited games, it may be a slowdown (especially on dual core CPUs)."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:174
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuThread"
msgid "This hack works best for games that use the INTC Status register to wait for vsyncs, which includes primarily non-3D RPG titles. Games that do not use this method of vsync will see little or no speedup from this hack."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:195
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:177
msgid "Primarily targetting the EE idle loop at address 0x81FC0 in the kernel, this hack attempts to detect loops whose bodies are guaranteed to result in the same machine state for every iteration until a scheduled event triggers emulation of another unit. After a single iteration of such loops, we advance to the time of the next event or the end of the processor's timeslice, whichever comes first."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:200
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:207
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:180
msgid "Check HDLoader compatibility lists for known games that have issues with this. (Often marked as needing 'mode 1' or 'slow DVD'"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!ContextTip:Framelimiter:Disable"
msgid "Note that when Framelimiting is disabled, Turbo and SlowMotion modes will not be available either."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:227
msgid "!Panel:Frameskip:Heading"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:225
msgid "Notice: Due to PS2 hardware design, precise frame skipping is impossible. Enabling it will cause severe graphical errors in some games."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302
msgid "Enable this if you think MTGS thread sync is causing crashes or graphical errors."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:310
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:305
msgid ""
"Removes any benchmark noise caused by the MTGS thread or GPU overhead. This option is best used in conjunction with savestates: save a state at an ideal scene, enable this option, and re-load the savestate.\n"
"Warning: This option can be enabled on-the-fly but typically cannot be disabled on-the-fly (video will typically be garbage)."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/vtlb.cpp:710
msgid "!Notice:HostVmReserve"
#: pcsx2/vtlb.cpp:711
msgid "Your system is too low on virtual resources for PCSX2 to run. This can be caused by having a small or disabled swapfile, or by other programs that are hogging resources."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/x86/sVU_zerorec.cpp:363
msgid "!Notice:superVU:VirtualMemoryAlloc"
msgid "Out of Memory (sorta): The SuperVU recompiler was unable to reserve the specific memory ranges required, and will not be available for use. This is not a critical error, since the sVU rec is obsolete, and you should use microVU instead anyway. :)"
msgstr ""

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.9\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-05-07 17:47+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-08-10 11:44+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-06-11 12:56+0700\n"
"Last-Translator: xyteton <xyteton@hotmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: xyteton <xyteton@hotmail.com>\n"
@ -17,68 +17,103 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: pxE;pxEt\n"
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Documents and Settings\\icom\\My Documents\\My Pictures\\pcsx2-0.9.8-r4600-sources\n"
"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Documents and Settings\\icom\\My Documents\\My "
"X-Poedit-Language: Thai\n"
"X-Poedit-Country: THAILAND\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: pcsx2\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: common\n"
#: common/src/Utilities/Exceptions.cpp:254
msgid "!Notice:VirtualMemoryMap"
msgid ""
"There is not enough virtual memory available, or necessary virtual memory "
"mappings have already been reserved by other processes, services, or DLLs."
msgstr ""
"มีหน่วยความจำเสมือนที่ไม่เพียงพอ หรือการแม็พหน่วยความจำเสมือน\n"
"ที่จำเป็นได้ถูกเก็บไว้โดยกระบวน, บริการ หรือ DLL อื่นๆ"
#: pcsx2/CDVD/CDVD.cpp:389
msgid "!Notice:PsxDisc"
msgid ""
"Playstation game discs are not supported by PCSX2. If you want to emulate "
"PSX games then you'll have to download a PSX-specific emulator, such as "
"ePSXe or PCSX."
msgstr "PCSX2 ไม่รองรับดิสก์เกม Playstation 1"
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:114
msgid "!Notice:Recompiler:VirtualMemoryAlloc"
msgid ""
"This recompiler was unable to reserve contiguous memory required for "
"internal caches. This error can be caused by low virtual memory resources, "
"such as a small or disabled swapfile, or by another program that is hogging "
"a lot of memory. You can also try reducing the default cache sizes for all "
"PCSX2 recompilers, found under Host Settings."
msgstr ""
"รีคอมไพเลอร์ไม่สามารถสงวนหน่วยความจำอย่างต่อเนื่อง ที่ต้องการสำหรับแค็ชภายใน\n"
"ความผิดพลาดนี้อาจเกิดจากทรัพยากรหน่วยความจำเสมือนมีค่าต่ำ เช่น เล็ก \n"
"หรือ swapfile ไม่ถูกใช้งาน หรือเพราะโปรแกรมอื่นใช้หน่วยความจำมาก \n"
"คุณสามารถลองลดขนาดแค็ชสำหรับรีคอมไพเลอร์ PCSX2 ทั้งหมด ซึ่งพบได้ที่การตั้งค่าโฮสต์"
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:348
msgid "!Notice:EmuCore::MemoryForVM"
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:344
msgid ""
"PCSX2 is unable to allocate memory needed for the PS2 virtual machine. Close "
"out some memory hogging background tasks and try again."
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 ไม่สามารถแบ่งหน่วยความจำที่ต้องการสำหรับเครื่องเสมือน PS2\n"
"ลองปิดงานเบื้องหลังบางงานที่กินหน่วยความจำ แล้วลองอีกครั้ง"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:43
msgid "!Notice:Startup:NoSSE2"
msgid ""
"Warning: Your computer does not support SSE2, which is required by many "
"PCSX2 recompilers and plugins. Your options will be limited and emulation "
"will be *very* slow."
msgstr ""
"คำเตือน: คอมพิวเตอร์ของคุณไม่รองรับ SSE2 ซึ่งจำเป็นสำหรับรีคอมไพเลอร์และปลั๊กอินหลายตัวของ PCSX2\n"
"คำเตือน: คอมพิวเตอร์ของคุณไม่รองรับ SSE2 ซึ่งจำเป็นสำหรับรีคอมไพเลอร์และปลั๊กอินหลายตัวของ "
"ตัวเลือกของคุณจะมีอย่างจำกัด และการจำลองจะให้ผลที่ช้า*มาก*"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:162
msgid "!Notice:RecompilerInit:Header"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:160
msgid ""
"Warning: Some of the configured PS2 recompilers failed to initialize and "
"have been disabled:"
msgstr "คำเตือน: รีคอมไพเลอร์บางตัวของ PS2 ที่กำหนดค่าไว้ ล้มเหลวในการเริ่มต้นและไม่ถูกใช้งาน"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:211
msgid "!Notice:RecompilerInit:Footer"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:208
msgid ""
"Note: Recompilers are not necessary for PCSX2 to run, however they typically "
"improve emulation speed substantially. You may have to manually re-enable "
"the recompilers listed above, if you resolve the errors."
msgstr ""
"หมายเหตุ: รีคอมไพเลอร์ไม่จำเป็นสำหรับการรัน PCSX2 อย่างไรก็ตาม มันจะช่วยปรับปรุงความเร็วของการจำลองอย่างเห็นได้\n"
"หมายเหตุ: รีคอมไพเลอร์ไม่จำเป็นสำหรับการรัน PCSX2 อย่างไรก็ตาม "
"คุณอาจจะลองใช้งานรีคอมไพเลอร์ที่ระบุไว้ด้านบนอีกครั้ง หากคุณต้องการจะแก้ปัญหา"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:546
msgid "!Notice:BiosDumpRequired"
msgid ""
"PCSX2 requires a PS2 BIOS in order to run. For legal reasons, you *must* "
"obtain a BIOS from an actual PS2 unit that you own (borrowing doesn't "
"count). Please consult the FAQs and Guides for further instructions."
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 ต้องการไบออส (BIOS) ของ PS2 เพื่อที่จะรัน เพื่อเหตุผลที่ถูกกฎหมาย คุณ*ต้อง* \n"
"เอาไบออสมาจากตัว PS2 ที่แท้จริงของคุณเอง (ไม่นับการยืม)\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:629
msgid "!Notice Error:Thread Deadlock Actions"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:626
msgid ""
"'Ignore' to continue waiting for the thread to respond.\n"
"'Cancel' to attempt to cancel the thread.\n"
"'Terminate' to quit PCSX2 immediately.\n"
msgstr ""
"'ละเลย' เพื่อรอให้สายงานตอบสนองต่อไป \n"
"'ยกเลิก' เพื่อพยายามยกเลิกสายงาน \n"
"'สิ้นสุด' เพื่อออกจาก PCSX2 โดยทันที"
"'สิ้นสุด' เพื่อออกจาก PCSX2 โดยทันที\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppUserMode.cpp:57
msgid "!Notice:PortableModeRights"
msgid ""
"Please ensure that these folders are created and that your user account is "
"granted write permissions to them -- or re-run PCSX2 with elevated "
"(administrator) rights, which should grant PCSX2 the ability to create the "
"necessary folders itself. If you do not have elevated rights on this "
"computer, then you will need to switch to User Documents mode (click button "
msgstr ""
"โปรดแน่ใจว่าโฟลเดอร์นี้ได้ถูกสร้าง และบัญชีผู้ใช้ของคุณได้รับอนุญาต\n"
"อาจทำการอนุญาต (permission) ให้พวกมัน -- หรือ รัน PCSX2 ด้วยสิทธิที่สูงขึ้น(ผู้ดูแลระบบ)\n"
@ -87,37 +122,57 @@ msgstr ""
"ไปใช้โหมดเอกสารผู้ใช้ (คลิกปุ่มด้านล่าง)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:181
msgid "!ContextTip:ChangingNTFS"
msgid ""
"NTFS compression can be changed manually at any time by using file "
"properties from Windows Explorer."
msgstr "การบีบอัดแบบ NTFS คุณสามารถเปลี่ยนเองตอนไหนก็ได้โดยใช้คุณสมบัติไฟล์จากหน้าต่างสำรวจ"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:49
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Settings"
msgid ""
"This is the folder where PCSX2 saves your settings, including settings "
"generated by most plugins (some older plugins may not respect this value)."
msgstr ""
"นี่คือโฟลเดอร์ที่ PCSX2 บันทึกการตั้งค่าของคุณ รวมทั้งการตั้งค่า\n"
"ที่ถูกสร้างขึ้นโดยปลั๊กอินส่วนใหญ่ (บางปลั๊กอินเก่าอาจไม่เป็นไปตามค่านี้)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:54
msgid "!Panel:Folders:Settings"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:52
msgid ""
"You may optionally specify a location for your PCSX2 settings here. If the "
"location contains existing PCSX2 settings, you will be given the option to "
"import or overwrite them."
msgstr ""
"คุณอาจจะระบุที่ตั้งของการตั้งค่า PCSX2 ของคุณได้ที่นี่ ถ้าที่ตั้งนั้นมีการตั้งค่า PCSX2 อยู่แล้ว\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:94
msgid "!Wizard:Welcome"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:89
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"This wizard will help guide you through configuring plugins, memory cards, "
"and BIOS. It is recommended if this is your first time installing %s that "
"you view the readme and configuration guide."
msgstr ""
"ตัวช่วยนี้จะช่วยแนะนำคุณสู่การตั้งค่าปลั๊กอินการ์ดความจำและไบออส (BIOS)\n"
"ขอแนะนำ ถ้านี่คือการติดตั้งครั้งแรก\n"
"ซึ่งคุณจะได้อ่าน Readme และแนวทางการกำหนดค่า"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:140
msgid "!Wizard:Bios:Tutorial"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:132
msgid ""
"PCSX2 requires a *legal* copy of the PS2 BIOS in order to run games.\n"
"You cannot use a copy obtained from a friend or the Internet.\n"
"You must dump the BIOS from your *own* Playstation 2 console."
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 ต้องการสำเนาที่*ถูกกฎหมาย*ของไบออส PS2 เพื่อที่จะรันเกมได้ \n"
"คุณต้องดัมพ์ไบออสจากคอนโซล Playstation 2 *ของคุณเอง*"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/ImportSettingsDialog.cpp:31
msgid "!Notice:ImportExistingSettings"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Existing %s settings have been found in the configured settings folder. "
"Would you like to import these settings or overwrite them with %s default "
"(or press Cancel to select a different settings folder)"
msgstr ""
"การตั้งค่า %s มีอยู่แล้ว ถูกค้นพบในโฟลเดอร์การตั้งค่าที่กำหนดไว้\n"
"คุณต้องการนำเข้าการตั้งค่าหรือว่าเขียนทับพวกมันด้วยค่าตั้งต้น %s ?\n"
@ -125,65 +180,107 @@ msgstr ""
"(หรือกด ยกเลิก เพื่อเลือกโฟลเดอร์การตั้งค่าอื่นๆ)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:30
msgid "!Panel:Mcd:NtfsCompress"
msgid ""
"NTFS compression is built-in, fast, and completely reliable; and typically "
"compresses memory cards very well (this option is highly recommended)."
msgstr ""
"การบีบอัดแบบ NTFS เป็นโครงสร้างภายใน รวดเร็ว เชื่อถือได้\n"
"และจะบีบอัดการ์ดความจำได้ดีมาก (ขอแนะนำตัวเลือกนี้อย่างยิ่ง)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:41
msgid "!Panel:Mcd:EnableEjection"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:39
msgid ""
"Avoids memory card corruption by forcing games to re-index card contents "
"after loading from savestates. May not be compatible with all games (Guitar "
msgstr ""
"หลีกเลี่ยงการเสียของการ์ดความจำ โดยบังคับเกมให้ทำดัชนีเนื้อหาการ์ด\n"
"หลังจากการโหลดจากบันทึกสถานภาพ อาจไม่เข้ากันกับทุกเกม (Guitar Hero)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/StuckThreadDialog.cpp:33
msgid "!Panel:StuckThread:Heading"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The thread '%s' is not responding. It could be deadlocked, or it might just "
"be running *really* slowly."
msgstr ""
"สายงาน '%s' ไม่ตอบสนอง มันอาจหยุดชะงักหรือ\n"
"อาจจะกำลังรันแบบช้ามาก*จริง ๆ*"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:38
msgid "!Panel:HasHacksOverrides"
msgid ""
"Warning! You are running PCSX2 with command line options that override your "
"configured settings. These command line options will not be reflected in "
"the Settings dialog, and will be disabled if you apply any changes here."
msgstr ""
"คำเตือน! คุณกำลังรัน PCSX2 ด้วยตัวเลือก command line ที่เอาชนะการตั้งค่าที่คุณกำหนด\n"
"ตัวเลือก command line นี้ จะไม่ถูกแสดงให้เห็นในกล่องโต้ตอบการตั้งค่า\n"
"และจะไม่ถูกใช้งาน ถ้าคุณใช้การเปลี่ยนแปลงใด ๆ ที่นี่"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:58
msgid "!Panel:HasPluginsOverrides"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:55
msgid ""
"Warning! You are running PCSX2 with command line options that override your "
"configured plugin and/or folder settings. These command line options will "
"not be reflected in the settings dialog, and will be disabled when you apply "
"settings changes here."
msgstr ""
"คำเตือน! คุณกำลังรัน PCSX2 ด้วยตัวเลือก command line ที่เอาชนะการตั้งค่าปลั๊กอิน\n"
"และ/หรือโฟลเดอร์ที่คุณกำหนด ตัวเลือก command line นี้จะไม่ถูกแสดงให้เห็นในกล่องโต้ตอบการตั้งค่า\n"
"และ/หรือโฟลเดอร์ที่คุณกำหนด ตัวเลือก command line "
"และจะไม่ถูกใช้งาน ถ้าคุณใช้การเปลี่ยนแปลงใด ๆ ที่นี่"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:135
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Slider"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:129
msgid ""
"The Presets apply speed hacks, some recompiler options and some game fixes "
"known to boost speed.\n"
"Known important game fixes will be applied automatically.\n"
"Presets info:\n"
"1 - The most accurate emulation but also the slowest.\n"
"3 --> Tries to balance speed with compatibility.\n"
"4 - Some more aggressive hacks.\n"
"6 - Too many hacks which will probably slow down most games.\n"
msgstr ""
"ค่าที่ตั้งล่วงหน้า จะใช้ speedhacks, ตัวเลือกรีคอมไพเลอร์บางตัว และบางวิธีแก้ปัญหาเกมที่ทราบ เพื่อเพิ่มความเร็ว\n"
"ค่าที่ตั้งล่วงหน้า จะใช้ speedhacks, ตัวเลือกรีคอมไพเลอร์บางตัว และบางวิธีแก้ปัญหาเกมที่ทราบ "
"วิธีแก้ปัญหาเกมที่สำคัญและทราบแล้ว จะถูกใช้โดยอัตโนมัติ \n"
"1 - การจำลองที่ถูกต้องที่สุด แต่ก็ช้าที่สุดด้วย \n"
"3 --> พยายามสร้างสมดุลย์ของความเร็วและความเข้ากัน \n"
"4 - บางแฮ็คที่รุนแรงขึ้น \n"
"6 - แฮ็คที่มากเกินไปอาจจะทำให้เกมช้าลงได้"
"6 - แฮ็คที่มากเกินไปอาจจะทำให้เกมช้าลงได้\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:149
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Checkbox"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:136
msgid ""
"The Presets apply speed hacks, some recompiler options and some game fixes "
"known to boost speed.\n"
"Known important game fixes will be applied automatically.\n"
"--> Uncheck to modify settings manually (with current preset as base)"
msgstr ""
"ค่าที่ตั้งล่วงหน้า จะใช้ speedhacks, ตัวเลือกรีคอมไพเลอร์บางตัว และบางวิธีแก้ปัญหาเกมที่ทราบ เพื่อเพิ่มความเร็ว\n"
"ค่าที่ตั้งล่วงหน้า จะใช้ speedhacks, ตัวเลือกรีคอมไพเลอร์บางตัว และบางวิธีแก้ปัญหาเกมที่ทราบ "
"วิธีแก้ปัญหาเกมที่สำคัญและทราบแล้ว จะถูกใช้โดยอัตโนมัติ \n"
" \n"
"--> เอาเครื่องหมายออก เพื่อปรับเปลี่ยนการตั้งค่าด้วยตนเอง (โดยมีค่าที่ตั้งล่วงหน้าเป็นฐาน)\""
#: pcsx2/gui/IsoDropTarget.cpp:28
msgid "!Notice:ConfirmSysReset"
msgid ""
"This action will reset the existing PS2 virtual machine state; all current "
"progress will be lost. Are you sure?"
msgstr ""
"การกระทำนี้ จะรีเซ็ตสถานภาพเครื่องเสมือน PS2 ที่มีอยู่แล้วใหม่\n"
"ความคืบหน้าในปัจจุบันจะสูญหายไป คุณแน่ใจหรือไม่?\""
#: pcsx2/gui/MainMenuClicks.cpp:106
msgid "!Notice:DeleteSettings"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"This command clears %s settings and allows you to re-run the First-Time "
"Wizard. You will need to manually restart %s after this operation.\n"
"WARNING!! Click OK to delete *ALL* settings for %s and force-close the app, "
"losing any current emulation progress. Are you absolutely sure?\n"
"(note: settings for plugins are unaffected)"
msgstr ""
"คำสั่งนี้จะล้างการตั้งค่า %s และอนุญาตให้คุณรันตัวช่วยครั้งแรก (wizard) คุณจำเป็นต้อง\n"
"เริ่มต้น %s ใหม่ หลังจากการกระทำนี้ \n"
@ -194,158 +291,242 @@ msgstr ""
"(หมายเหตุ: การตั้งค่าสำหรับปลั๊กอินไม่ได้รับผลกระทบ)"
#: pcsx2/gui/MemoryCardFile.cpp:78
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:HasBeenDisabled"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The PS2-slot %d has been automatically disabled. You can correct the "
"and re-enable it at any time using Config:Memory cards from the main menu."
msgstr ""
"สล็อต-PS2 %d ไม่ถูกใช้งานอัตโนมัติ คุณสามารถแก้ไขปัญหา \n"
"และใช้งานมันใหม่ตอนไหนก็ได้โดยใช้การ กำหนดค่า:การ์ดความจำ จากเมนูหลัก"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/BiosSelectorPanel.cpp:138
msgid "!Notice:BIOS:InvalidSelection"
msgid ""
"Please select a valid BIOS. If you are unable to make a valid selection "
"then press Cancel to close the Configuration panel."
msgstr ""
"โปรดเลือกไบออสที่ถูกต้อง ถ้าคุณไม่สามารถทำการเลือกที่ถูกต้องได้\n"
"จงกด ยกเลิก เพื่อปิดผังการกำหนดค่า"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:111
msgid "!Panel:EE/IOP:Heading"
msgid "Notice: Most games are fine with the default options. "
msgstr "แจ้ง: ค่าตัวเลือกตั้งต้นมักจะดีกับเกมส่วนใหญ่"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:178
msgid "!Panel:VUs:Heading"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:177
msgid "Notice: Most games are fine with the default options."
msgstr "แจ้ง: ค่าตัวเลือกตั้งต้นมักจะดีกับเกมส่วนใหญ่"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:69
msgid "!Notice:DirPicker:CreatePath"
msgid ""
"The specified path/directory does not exist. Would you like to create it?"
msgstr "ไม่มีเส้นทาง/ไดเรกทอรี่ที่ระบุ คุณต้องการสร้างมันหรือไม่?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:158
msgid "!ContextTip:DirPicker:UseDefault"
msgstr "เมื่อทำเครื่องหมาย โฟลเดอร์นี้จะแสดงค่าตั้งต้นที่เกี่ยวข้องกับการตั้งค่าโหมดผู้ใช้ปัจจุบันของ PCSX2 โดยอัตโนมัติ"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:157
msgid ""
"When checked this folder will automatically reflect the default associated "
"with PCSX2's current usermode setting. "
msgstr ""
"เมื่อทำเครื่องหมาย โฟลเดอร์นี้จะแสดงค่าตั้งต้นที่เกี่ยวข้องกับการตั้งค่าโหมดผู้ใช้ปัจจุบันของ PCSX2 "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:55
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Zoom"
msgid ""
"Zoom = 100: Fit the entire image to the window without any cropping.\n"
"Above/Below 100: Zoom In/Out\n"
"0: Automatic-Zoom-In untill the black-bars are gone (Aspect ratio is kept, "
"some of the image goes out of screen).\n"
" NOTE: Some games draw their own black-bars, which will not be removed with "
"Keyboard: CTRL + NUMPAD-PLUS: Zoom-In, CTRL + NUMPAD-MINUS: Zoom-Out, CTRL + "
"NUMPAD-*: Toggle 100/0"
msgstr ""
"ขยาย = 100 ทำภาพทั้งหมดให้พอดีกับหน้าต่างโดยปราศจากการตัดภาพ\n"
"มากกว่า/ต่ำกว่า 100: ซูมเข้า/ซูมออก\n"
"0: ซูมเข้าอัตโนมัติจนกระทั่งแถบสีดำหายไป (ยังคงสัดส่วนภาพ บางส่วนอาจจะหลุดออกนอกจอ)\n"
"หมายเหตุ: บางเกมสร้างแถบสีดำขึ้นมาเอง ซึ่งจะไม่สามารถเอาออกได้โดยใช้ '0' \n"
"แป้นพิมพ์: Ctrl + ปุ่มเครื่องหมายบวก: ซูมเข้า, Ctrl + ปุ่มเครื่องหมายลบ: ซูมออก, Ctrl + ปุ่มดอกจัน: สลับ 100/0"
"แป้นพิมพ์: Ctrl + ปุ่มเครื่องหมายบวก: ซูมเข้า, Ctrl + ปุ่มเครื่องหมายลบ: ซูมออก, Ctrl + "
"ปุ่มดอกจัน: สลับ 100/0"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:63
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Vsync"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:58
msgid ""
"Vsync eliminates screen tearing but typically has a big performance hit. It "
"usually only applies to fullscreen mode, and may not work with all GS "
msgstr ""
"Vsynce กำจัดการฉีกของจอภาพ แต่มักจะกระทบสมรรถนะอย่างใหญ่หลวง\n"
"มันมักถูกใช้เฉพาะโหมดเต็มจอ และอาจใช้ไม่ได้ผลกับทุกปลั๊กอิน"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:68
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:ManagedVsync"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:61
msgid ""
"Enables Vsync when the framerate is exactly at full speed. Should it fall "
"below that, Vsync gets disabled to avoid further performance penalties. "
"Note: This currently only works well with GSdx as GS plugin and with it "
"configured to use DX10/11 hardware rendering. Any other plugin or rendering "
"mode will either ignore it or produce a black frame that blinks whenever the "
"mode switches. It also requires Vsync to be enabled."
msgstr ""
"ใช้งาน Vsync เมื่ออัตราเฟรมมีความเร็วเต็มที่แน่นอน\n"
"การตกลงต่ำกว่านั้น, Vsync จะไม่ได้รับการใช้งานเพื่อหลีกเลี่ยงโทษต่อสมรรถนะที่จะมีต่อ ๆ ไป\n"
"หมายเหตุ: นี่จะได้ผลดีเฉพาะกับปลั๊กอิน GS คือ GSdx และกับการกำหนดค่าให้ใช้มันกับตัวนำแสดงผลฮาร์ดแวร์ DX10/11\n"
"หมายเหตุ: นี่จะได้ผลดีเฉพาะกับปลั๊กอิน GS คือ GSdx "
"และกับการกำหนดค่าให้ใช้มันกับตัวนำแสดงผลฮาร์ดแวร์ DX10/11\n"
"ปลั๊กอินอื่นหรือโหมดแสดงผลอื่นจะละเลยมันไป หรือแสดงเฟรมสีดำกระพริบเมื่อไหร่ก็ตามที่สลับโหมด\n"
"มันต้องการให้ Vsync ถูกใช้งานด้วย"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:76
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideMouse"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:64
msgid ""
"Check this to force the mouse cursor invisible inside the GS window; useful "
"if using the mouse as a primary control device for gaming. By default the "
"mouse auto-hides after 2 seconds of inactivity."
msgstr ""
"ทำเครื่องหมายสิ่งนี้ เพื่อบังคับให้ไม่เห็นเคอร์เซอร์ของเม้าส์ในหน้าต่าง GS;\n"
"มีประโยชน์ถ้าใช้เม้าส์เป็นตัวควบคุมหลักสำหรับเกม โดยค่าตั้งต้น เม้าส์จะถูกซ่อนอัตโนมัติ\n"
"หลังจากการไม่มีกิจกรรมใด ๆ 2 วินาที\""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:82
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Fullscreen"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:67
msgid ""
"Enables automatic mode switch to fullscreen when starting or resuming "
"emulation. You can still toggle fullscreen display at any time using alt-"
msgstr ""
"ใช้โหมดอัตโนมัติเพื่อสลับไปเต็มจอเมื่อเริ่มต้น หรือทำการจำลองต่อจากเดิม\n"
"คุณสามารถสลับการแสดงผลเต็มจอเวลาใดก็ได้โดยกด Alt-Enter"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:93
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideGS"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:74
msgid ""
"Completely closes the often large and bulky GS window when pressing ESC or "
"pausing the emulator."
msgstr "ปิดหน้าต่าง GS ที่ใหญ่โตบ่อยๆ อย่างสมบูรณ์ เมื่อกด ESC หรือพักตัวจำลอง"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:67
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:EE Timing Hack"
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Digital Devil Saga (Fixes FMV and crashes)\n"
" * SSX (Fixes bad graphics and crashes)\n"
" * Resident Evil: Dead Aim (Causes garbled textures)"
msgstr ""
" * Digital Devil Saga (แก้ปัญหา FMV และการขัดข้อง)\n"
" * SSX (แก้ปัญหากราฟิกที่แย่และการขัดข้อง) \n"
" * Resident Evil: Dead Aim (เกิดภาพบิดเบือน)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:80
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:OPH Flag hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:76
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Bleach Blade Battler\n"
" * Growlanser II and III\n"
" * Wizardry"
msgstr ""
" * Bleach Blade Battler\n"
" * Growlanser II และ III\n"
" * Wizardry"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:89
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:DMA Busy hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:81
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Mana Khemia 1 (Going \"off campus\")\n"
msgstr ""
" * Mana Khemia 1 (Going \"off campus\")"
" * Mana Khemia 1 (Going \"off campus\")\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:96
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:VIF1 FIFO hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:86
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Test Drive Unlimited\n"
" * Transformers"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:119
msgid "!Panel:Gamefixes:Compat Warning"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:106
msgid ""
"Gamefixes can work around wrong emulation in some titles. \n"
"They may also cause compatibility or performance issues. \n"
"It's better to enable 'Automatic game fixes' at the main menu instead, and "
"leave this page empty. \n"
"('Automatic' means: selectively use specific tested fixes for specific games)"
msgstr ""
"มันอาจจะทำให้เกิดปัญหาการไม่เข้ากันและปัญหาสมรรถนะ \n"
"น่าจะดีกว่าถ้าใช้ 'การแก้ปัญหาเกมอัตโนมัติ' ที่เมนูหลักแทน และปล่อยหน้านี้ให้ว่างไว้\n"
"('อัตโนมัติ' หมายถึง: การเลือกใช้วิธีการแก้ปัญหาเกมที่ผ่านการทดสอบแล้วและจำเพาะเจาะจงต่อเกมนั้น ๆ)"
"('อัตโนมัติ' หมายถึง: "
"การเลือกใช้วิธีการแก้ปัญหาเกมที่ผ่านการทดสอบแล้วและจำเพาะเจาะจงต่อเกมนั้น ๆ)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:720
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Delete"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"You are about to delete the formatted memory card '%s'. All data on this "
"card will be lost! Are you absolutely and quite positively sure?"
msgstr ""
"คุณกำลังจะลบการ์ดความจำที่ฟอร์แมตแล้ว '%s' \n"
"ข้อมูลทั้งหมดบนการ์ดนี้จะหายไป! คุณแน่ใจอย่างถ่องแท้แล้วหรือไม่?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:758
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:CantDuplicate"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:756
msgid ""
"Failed: Duplicate is only allowed to an empty PS2-Port or to the file system."
msgstr "ล้มเหลว: การทำสำเนาซ้ำอนุญาตเฉพาะสู่พอร์ต-PS2 ที่ว่าง หรือสู่ระบบไฟล์"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:801
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Copy Failed"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:798
#, c-format
msgid "Failed: Destination memory card '%s' is in use."
msgstr "ล้มเหลว: การ์ดความจำปลายทาง '%s' กำลังถูกใช้อยู่"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:35
msgid "!Panel:Usermode:Explained"
msgid ""
"Please select your preferred default location for PCSX2 user-level documents "
"below (includes memory cards, screenshots, settings, and savestates). These "
"folder locations can be overridden at any time using the Core Settings panel."
msgstr ""
"โปรดเลือกที่ตั้งค่าตั้งต้นที่คุณชอบสำหรับเอกสารระดับผู้ใช้ PCSX2 ด้านล่าง\n"
"(รวมทั้งการ์ดความจำ, ภาพหน้าจอ, การตั้งค่า, และบันทึกสถานภาพ)\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:41
msgid "!Panel:Usermode:Warning"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:38
msgid ""
"You can change the preferred default location for PCSX2 user-level documents "
"here (includes memory cards, screenshots, settings, and savestates). This "
"option only affects Standard Paths which are set to use the installation "
"default value."
msgstr ""
"คุณสามารถเปลี่ยนการตั้งค่าของที่ตั้งที่ชอบเป็นค่าตั้งต้น สำหรับเอกสารระดับผู้ใช้ PCSX2 ได้ที่นี่\n"
"(รวมทั้งการ์ดความจำ, ภาพหน้าจอ, การตั้งค่า และ บันทึกสถานภาพ)\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:40
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Savestates"
msgid ""
"This folder is where PCSX2 records savestates; which are recorded either by "
"using menus/toolbars, or by pressing F1/F3 (save/load)."
msgstr ""
"โฟลเดอร์นี้ คือตำแหน่งที่ PCSX2 จะบันทึกสถานภาพ; ซึ่งไม่ว่าจะบันทึกโดยใช้\n"
"เมนู/แถบเครื่องมือ หรือโดยกด F1/F3 (บันทึก/โหลด)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:50
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Snapshots"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:48
msgid ""
"This folder is where PCSX2 saves screenshots. Actual screenshot image "
"format and style may vary depending on the GS plugin being used."
msgstr ""
"โฟลเดอร์นี้ คือตำแหน่งที่ PCSX2 จะบันทึกภาพถ่าย รูปแบบและสไตล์ภาพถ่ายที่แท้จริง\n"
"อาจแปรเปลี่ยนไปตามปลั๊กอิน GS ที่ถูกใช้"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:60
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Logs"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:56
msgid ""
"This folder is where PCSX2 saves its logfiles and diagnostic dumps. Most "
"plugins will also adhere to this folder, however some older plugins may "
"ignore it."
msgstr ""
"โฟลเดอร์นี้ คือตำแหน่งที่ PCSX2 จะบันทึกไฟล์แบบบันทึกข้อมูลและดัมพ์วินิจฉัย\n"
"ปลั๊กอินส่วนใหญ่จะติดอยู่กับโฟลเดอร์นี้ อย่างไรก็ตามปลั๊กอินเก่าบางอันอาจจะละเลยมัน "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:242
msgid "!Notice:PluginSelector:ConfirmShutdown"
msgid ""
"Warning! Changing plugins requires a complete shutdown and reset of the PS2 "
"virtual machine. PCSX2 will attempt to save and restore the state, but if "
"the newly selected plugins are incompatible the recovery may fail, and "
"current progress will be lost.\n"
"Are you sure you want to apply settings now?"
msgstr ""
"คำเตือน! การเปลี่ยนปลั๊กอินจำเป็นต้องมีการปิดลงอย่างสมบูรณ์และรีเซ็ตเครื่องเสมือน PS2\n"
"PCSX2 จะพยายามบันทึกและคืนกลับค่าสถานภาพ แต่ถ้าปลั๊กอินที่เลือกใหม่เข้ากันไม่ได้\n"
@ -353,126 +534,203 @@ msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:457
msgid "!Notice:PluginSelector:ApplyFailed"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:452
#, c-format
msgid ""
"All plugins must have valid selections for %s to run. If you are unable to "
"make a valid selection due to missing plugins or an incomplete install of "
"%s, then press Cancel to close the Configuration panel."
msgstr ""
"ปลั๊กอินทั้งหมดต้องมีการเลือกใช้ที่ถูกต้องสำหรับการรัน %s \n"
"ถ้าคุณไม่สามารถเลือกอันที่ถูกต้องเนื่องจากปลั๊กอินสูญหายหรือการติดตั้ง %s ที่ไม่สมบูรณ์\n"
"จงกด ยกเลิก เพื่อปิดผังการกำหนดค่า"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:27
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX1"
msgid ""
"1 - Default cyclerate. This closely matches the actual speed of a real PS2 "
msgstr "1 - อัตราหมุนตั้งต้น, นี่จะใกล้เคียงกับความเร็วแท้จริงของ EmotionEngine PS2 ของจริง"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:32
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX2"
msgstr "2 - ลดอัตราหมุนของ EE ลงราว 33%, ความเร็วเพิ่มขึ้นเล็กน้อย สำหรับเกมส่วนใหญ่ที่มีความเข้ากันได้สูง"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:31
msgid ""
"2 - Reduces the EE's cyclerate by about 33%. Mild speedup for most games "
"with high compatibility."
msgstr ""
"2 - ลดอัตราหมุนของ EE ลงราว 33%, ความเร็วเพิ่มขึ้นเล็กน้อย "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX3"
msgstr "3 - ลดอัตราหมุนของ EE ลงราว 50% ความเร็วเพิ่มขึ้นปานกลาง แต่*จะ*เกิดเสียงตะกุกตะกักบน FMV"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:35
msgid ""
"3 - Reduces the EE's cyclerate by about 50%. Moderate speedup, but *will* "
"cause stuttering audio on many FMVs."
msgstr ""
"3 - ลดอัตราหมุนของ EE ลงราว 50% ความเร็วเพิ่มขึ้นปานกลาง แต่*จะ*เกิดเสียงตะกุกตะกักบน FMV"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:54
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealOff"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:50
msgid "0 - Disables VU Cycle Stealing. Most compatible setting!"
msgstr "0 - ไม่ใช้การขโมยรอบหมุน VU, การตั้งค่าที่เข้ากันได้โดยส่วนใหญ่"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:59
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal1"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:54
msgid ""
"1 - Mild VU Cycle Stealing. Lower compatibility, but some speedup for most "
msgstr "1 - การขโมยรอบหมุน VU แบบอ่อน, เข้ากันได้ต่ำกว่า แต่จะเพิ่มความเร็วสำหรับเกมส่วนใหญ่"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:64
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal2"
msgstr "2 - การขโมยรอบหมุน VU ปานกลาง, ความเข้ากันได้ต่ำพอกัน แต่จะเพิ่มความเร็วอย่างมีนัยสำคัญสำหรับบางเกม"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:58
msgid ""
"2 - Moderate VU Cycle Stealing. Even lower compatibility, but significant "
"speedups in some games."
msgstr ""
"2 - การขโมยรอบหมุน VU ปานกลาง, ความเข้ากันได้ต่ำพอกัน "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:70
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal3"
msgstr "3 - การขโมยรอบหมุน VU มากที่สุด, ประโยชน์มีจำกัด จะทำให้เกิดการมองเห็นแบบหรี่ กระพริบ หรือช้าลงในเกมส่วนใหญ่"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:63
msgid ""
"3 - Maximum VU Cycle Stealing. Usefulness is limited, as this will cause "
"flickering visuals or slowdown in most games."
msgstr ""
"3 - การขโมยรอบหมุน VU มากที่สุด, ประโยชน์มีจำกัด จะทำให้เกิดการมองเห็นแบบหรี่ กระพริบ "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:97
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:Overview"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:88
msgid ""
"Speedhacks usually improve emulation speed, but can cause glitches, broken "
"audio, and false FPS readings. When having emulation problems, disable this "
"panel first."
msgstr ""
"Speedhack มักจะเพิ่มความเร็วของการจำลอง แต่อาจทำให้เกิดความบกพร่อง เสียงแตก และ\n"
"การอ่านอัตราเฟรม (FPS) ผิดพลาด เมื่อการจำลองเกิดปัญหาให้เลือกไม่ใช้งานผังนี้เป็นอันดับแรก"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:129
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:EECycleRate Slider"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:118
msgid ""
"Setting higher values on this slider effectively reduces the clock speed of "
"the EmotionEngine's R5900 core cpu, and typically brings big speedups to "
"games that fail to utilize the full potential of the real PS2 hardware."
msgstr ""
"การตั้งค่าที่สูงขึ้นบนตัวเลื่อนนี้ มีผลลดความเร็วนาฬิกา R5900 core cpu ของ EmotionEngine\n"
"และมักนำความเร็วที่สูงขึ้นมากมาสู่เกม แต่จะล้มเหลว\n"
"ในการใช้ประโยชน์ให้เต็มสมรรถนะฮาร์ดแวร์ PS2 ของจริง"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:150
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealing Slider"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:136
msgid ""
"This slider controls the amount of cycles the VU unit steals from the "
"EmotionEngine. Higher values increase the number of cycles stolen from the "
"EE for each VU microprogram the game runs."
msgstr ""
"ตัวเลื่อนนี้จะควบคุมจำนวนรอบหมุนหน่วย VU ที่ขโมยจาก EmotionEngine\n"
"ค่าที่สูงกว่าจะเพิ่มการขโมยรอบหมุนจาก EE สำหรับแต่ละ VU microprogram ที่เกมรัน"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:169
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:153
msgid ""
"Updates Status Flags only on blocks which will read them, instead of all the "
"time. This is safe most of the time, and Super VU does something similar by "
msgstr ""
"อัพเดต Status Flags บนบล็อคที่จะอ่านพวกมันเท่านั้น แทนที่จะทำทุกเวลา\n"
"นี่มีความปลอดภัยของเวลามากที่สุด และ SuperVU ก็ทำบางสิ่งที่คล้ายกันเป็นค่าตั้งต้น"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:174
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuThread"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:156
msgid ""
"Runs VU1 on its own thread (microVU1-only). Generally a speedup on CPUs with "
"3 or more cores. This is safe for most games, but a few games are "
"incompatible and may hang. In the case of GS limited games, it may be a "
"slowdown (especially on dual core CPUs)."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:195
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:174
msgid ""
"This hack works best for games that use the INTC Status register to wait for "
"vsyncs, which includes primarily non-3D RPG titles. Games that do not use "
"this method of vsync will see little or no speedup from this hack."
msgstr ""
"แฮ็คนี้ทำงานได้ดีที่สุดสำหรับเกมที่ใช้การลงทะเบียน INTC Status เพื่อรอ vsyncs ซึ่งรวมถึงแนว RPG non-3D โดยส่วนมาก\n"
"แฮ็คนี้ทำงานได้ดีที่สุดสำหรับเกมที่ใช้การลงทะเบียน INTC Status เพื่อรอ vsyncs ซึ่งรวมถึงแนว "
"RPG non-3D โดยส่วนมาก\n"
"เกมที่ไม่ใช้วิธีการนี้ของ vsync จะเห็นความเร็วไม่เพิ่มขึ้นหรือเพิ่มเล็กน้อยจากแฮ็คนี้"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:200
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:177
msgid ""
"Primarily targetting the EE idle loop at address 0x81FC0 in the kernel, this "
"hack attempts to detect loops whose bodies are guaranteed to result in the "
"same machine state for every iteration until a scheduled event triggers "
"emulation of another unit. After a single iteration of such loops, we "
"advance to the time of the next event or the end of the processor's "
"timeslice, whichever comes first."
msgstr ""
"เริ่มแรกพุ่งเป้าไปยัง EE idle loop ที่ตำแหน่ง 0x81FC0 ใน kernel, แฮ็คนี้พยายาม\n"
"ตรวจจับ loop ที่มีการการันตีส่วนหลัก เพื่อส่งผลให้เกิดสถานภาพเครื่องเหมือนเดิมในทุก ๆ การทำซ้ำ\n"
"จนกระทั่งเหตุการณ์ที่ลำดับไว้กระตุ้นการจำลองของหน่วยอื่น หลังจากการทำซ้ำ ๆ ของ loop นั้น\n"
"เราก้าวไปสู่เวลาของเหตุการณ์ถัดไปหรือจุดสิ้นสุดของตัวแบ่งเวลาของตัวประมวลผล, อันไหนก็ตามที่มาก่อน"
"เราก้าวไปสู่เวลาของเหตุการณ์ถัดไปหรือจุดสิ้นสุดของตัวแบ่งเวลาของตัวประมวลผล, "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:207
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:180
msgid ""
"Check HDLoader compatibility lists for known games that have issues with "
"this. (Often marked as needing 'mode 1' or 'slow DVD'"
msgstr ""
"ตรวจสอบรายการเข้ากันได้ของ HDLoader สำหรับเกมที่ทราบและมีการออกสิ่งนี้ไว้ \n"
"(มักจะทำหมายเหตุว่า ความต้องการ 'mode 1' หรือ 'slow DVD') "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!ContextTip:Framelimiter:Disable"
msgstr "หมายเหตุ เมื่อการจำกัดเฟรมไม่ถูกใช้งาน โหมดเทอร์โบและโหมดเคลื่อนไหวช้า จะไม่มีผลทั้งคู่เช่นกัน"
msgid ""
"Note that when Framelimiting is disabled, Turbo and SlowMotion modes will "
"not be available either."
msgstr ""
"หมายเหตุ เมื่อการจำกัดเฟรมไม่ถูกใช้งาน โหมดเทอร์โบและโหมดเคลื่อนไหวช้า จะไม่มีผลทั้งคู่เช่นกัน"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:227
msgid "!Panel:Frameskip:Heading"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:225
msgid ""
"Notice: Due to PS2 hardware design, precise frame skipping is impossible. "
"Enabling it will cause severe graphical errors in some games."
msgstr ""
"แจ้ง: เนื่องด้วยการออกแบบเครื่อง PS2, การข้ามเฟรมแบบแม่นยำจึงเป็นไปไม่ได้ \n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302
msgid ""
"Enable this if you think MTGS thread sync is causing crashes or graphical "
msgstr ""
"ลบตัวรบกวน benchmark ใด ๆ ที่เกิดจากสายงาน MTGS หรือเหนือหัว GPU ตัวเลือกนี้จะดีที่สุดถ้าใช้ร่วมกับ\n"
"การบันทึกสถานภาพ: บันทึกสถานภาพที่สภาวะในอุดมคติ, ใช้งานตัวเลือกนี้ และโหลดบันทึกสถานภาพอีกครั้ง \n"
"ลบตัวรบกวน benchmark ใด ๆ ที่เกิดจากสายงาน MTGS หรือเหนือหัว GPU "
"การบันทึกสถานภาพ: บันทึกสถานภาพที่สภาวะในอุดมคติ, ใช้งานตัวเลือกนี้ "
"และโหลดบันทึกสถานภาพอีกครั้ง \n"
"คำเตือน: ตัวเลือกนี้สามารถเลือกใช้ตอนไหนก็ได้ แต่จะไม่สามารถเลิกการใช้ตอนไหนก็ได้ (วิดีโอจะมีลักษณะแย่)"
"คำเตือน: ตัวเลือกนี้สามารถเลือกใช้ตอนไหนก็ได้ แต่จะไม่สามารถเลิกการใช้ตอนไหนก็ได้ "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:310
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:305
msgid ""
"Removes any benchmark noise caused by the MTGS thread or GPU overhead. This "
"option is best used in conjunction with savestates: save a state at an ideal "
"scene, enable this option, and re-load the savestate.\n"
"Warning: This option can be enabled on-the-fly but typically cannot be "
"disabled on-the-fly (video will typically be garbage)."
msgstr ""
"ลบตัวรบกวน benchmark ใด ๆ ที่เกิดจากสายงาน MTGS หรือเหนือหัว GPU ตัวเลือกนี้จะดีที่สุดถ้าใช้ร่วมกับ\n"
"ลบตัวรบกวน benchmark ใด ๆ ที่เกิดจากสายงาน MTGS หรือเหนือหัว GPU "
"การบันทึกสถานภาพ: บันทึกสถานภาพที่สภาวะในอุดมคติ, ใช้งานสิ่งนี้ และโหลดบันทึกสถานภาพอีกครั้ง \n"
"คำเตือน: ตัวเลือกนี้สามารถถูกใช้ตอนไหนก็ได้ แต่ไม่สามารถยกเลิกตอนไหนก็ได้ (วิดีโอมักจะมีลักษณะแย่) \""
"คำเตือน: ตัวเลือกนี้สามารถถูกใช้ตอนไหนก็ได้ แต่ไม่สามารถยกเลิกตอนไหนก็ได้ "
"(วิดีโอมักจะมีลักษณะแย่) \""
#: pcsx2/vtlb.cpp:710
msgid "!Notice:HostVmReserve"
#: pcsx2/vtlb.cpp:711
msgid ""
"Your system is too low on virtual resources for PCSX2 to run. This can be "
"caused by having a small or disabled swapfile, or by other programs that are "
"hogging resources."
msgstr ""
"ระบบของคุณช้าเกินไปที่จะเป็นแหล่งทรัพยากรจำลองสำหรับ PCSX2 ในการรัน \n"
"นี่อาจเกิดจาก swapfile เล็กหรือไม่ถูกใช้งาน หรือเพราะโปรแกรมอื่นที่กินทรัพยากร"
#: pcsx2/x86/sVU_zerorec.cpp:363
msgid "!Notice:superVU:VirtualMemoryAlloc"
msgid ""
"Out of Memory (sorta): The SuperVU recompiler was unable to reserve the "
"specific memory ranges required, and will not be available for use. This is "
"not a critical error, since the sVU rec is obsolete, and you should use "
"microVU instead anyway. :)"
msgstr ""
"หน่วยความจำหมด (sorta), รีคอมไพเลอร์ SuperVU ไม่สามารถสงวนช่วงหน่วยความจำจำเพาะที่ต้องการ\n"
"หน่วยความจำหมด (sorta), รีคอมไพเลอร์ SuperVU "
"และไม่เหลือให้ใช้การได้ นี่ไม่ใช่ความผิดพลาดที่วิกฤต นับตั้งแต่ \n"
"sVU rec นั้นล้าสมัยแล้ว ถึงกระนั้นคุณควรใช้ microVU แทน :)"

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.9\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-05-07 17:47+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-08-10 11:44+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-05-22 00:16+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Ceyhun Özgöç (PyramidHead) <atiamar@hotmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Ceyhun Özgöç (PyramidHead) <atiamar@hotmail.com>\n"
@ -24,347 +24,735 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: common\n"
#: common/src/Utilities/Exceptions.cpp:254
msgid "!Notice:VirtualMemoryMap"
msgstr "Yetersiz sanal bellek miktarı. Tüm bellek diğer işlemler, hizmetler ya da DLL'ler tarafından kullanılıyor."
msgid ""
"There is not enough virtual memory available, or necessary virtual memory "
"mappings have already been reserved by other processes, services, or DLLs."
msgstr ""
"Yetersiz sanal bellek miktarı. Tüm bellek diğer işlemler, hizmetler ya da "
"DLL'ler tarafından kullanılıyor."
#: pcsx2/CDVD/CDVD.cpp:389
msgid "!Notice:PsxDisc"
msgstr "PCSX2 Play Station disklerini desteklemez. Bir PS oyunu oynamak istiyorsanız bunun için ePSXe ya da PCSX gibi PS oyunlarına yönelik yapılmış bir emülatör kullanmalısınız."
msgid ""
"Playstation game discs are not supported by PCSX2. If you want to emulate "
"PSX games then you'll have to download a PSX-specific emulator, such as "
"ePSXe or PCSX."
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 Play Station disklerini desteklemez. Bir PS oyunu oynamak istiyorsanız "
"bunun için ePSXe ya da PCSX gibi PS oyunlarına yönelik yapılmış bir emülatör "
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:114
msgid "!Notice:Recompiler:VirtualMemoryAlloc"
msgstr "Derleyici dahili önbellek için gerekli olan bitişik hafıza miktarını ayıramıyor.Bu hata takas dosyasının küçük olması ya da devre dışı bırakılması nedeniyle düşük sanal bellek miktarı olan bilgisayarlarda veya başka bir programın hafızanın tamamı kullanması nedeniyle olur. Ayrıca Ana Bilgisayar Seçenekleri altından tüm PCSX2 derleyicilerinin önbellek boyutlarını azaltmayı deneyebilirsiniz."
msgid ""
"This recompiler was unable to reserve contiguous memory required for "
"internal caches. This error can be caused by low virtual memory resources, "
"such as a small or disabled swapfile, or by another program that is hogging "
"a lot of memory. You can also try reducing the default cache sizes for all "
"PCSX2 recompilers, found under Host Settings."
msgstr ""
"Derleyici dahili önbellek için gerekli olan bitişik hafıza miktarını "
"ayıramıyor.Bu hata takas dosyasının küçük olması ya da devre dışı "
"bırakılması nedeniyle düşük sanal bellek miktarı olan bilgisayarlarda veya "
"başka bir programın hafızanın tamamı kullanması nedeniyle olur. Ayrıca Ana "
"Bilgisayar Seçenekleri altından tüm PCSX2 derleyicilerinin önbellek "
"boyutlarını azaltmayı deneyebilirsiniz."
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:348
msgid "!Notice:EmuCore::MemoryForVM"
msgstr "PCSX2 PS2 sanal makinesi için gerekli hafızayı ayıramadı. Arkaplanda çalışan uygulamaları kapatıp yeniden deneyin."
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:344
msgid ""
"PCSX2 is unable to allocate memory needed for the PS2 virtual machine. Close "
"out some memory hogging background tasks and try again."
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 PS2 sanal makinesi için gerekli hafızayı ayıramadı. Arkaplanda çalışan "
"uygulamaları kapatıp yeniden deneyin."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:43
msgid "!Notice:Startup:NoSSE2"
msgstr "Uyarı: Bilgisayarınız çoğu PCSX2 derleyicileri ve eklentileri tarafından kullanılan SSE2 özelliğini desteklemiyor. Kullanabileceğiniz seçenekler çok kısıtlı olacaktır ve emülatör aşırı derecede yavaş çalışacaktır."
msgid ""
"Warning: Your computer does not support SSE2, which is required by many "
"PCSX2 recompilers and plugins. Your options will be limited and emulation "
"will be *very* slow."
msgstr ""
"Uyarı: Bilgisayarınız çoğu PCSX2 derleyicileri ve eklentileri tarafından "
"kullanılan SSE2 özelliğini desteklemiyor. Kullanabileceğiniz seçenekler çok "
"kısıtlı olacaktır ve emülatör aşırı derecede yavaş çalışacaktır."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:162
msgid "!Notice:RecompilerInit:Header"
msgstr "Uyarı: Ayarlanmış bazı PS2 derleyicileri başlatılamadığından devre dışı bırakıldı."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:160
msgid ""
"Warning: Some of the configured PS2 recompilers failed to initialize and "
"have been disabled:"
msgstr ""
"Uyarı: Ayarlanmış bazı PS2 derleyicileri başlatılamadığından devre dışı "
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:211
msgid "!Notice:RecompilerInit:Footer"
msgstr "Not: PCSX2'nin çalışması için gerekli olmasalar da derleyiciler emülatör hızını oldukça artırır. Sorun ortadan kalktıktan sonra yukarda belirtilen derleyicileri el ile yeniden ayarlamanız gerekebilir."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:208
msgid ""
"Note: Recompilers are not necessary for PCSX2 to run, however they typically "
"improve emulation speed substantially. You may have to manually re-enable "
"the recompilers listed above, if you resolve the errors."
msgstr ""
"Not: PCSX2'nin çalışması için gerekli olmasalar da derleyiciler emülatör "
"hızını oldukça artırır. Sorun ortadan kalktıktan sonra yukarda belirtilen "
"derleyicileri el ile yeniden ayarlamanız gerekebilir."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:546
msgid "!Notice:BiosDumpRequired"
msgstr "PCSX2'nin çalışması için bir PS2 BIOS dosyası gereklidir. Yasal nedenlerden dolayı BIOS dosyasını *kendi* PS2 konsolunuzdan almalısınız. Daha fazla bilgi için SSS ve kullanma kılavuzlarına göz atınız."
msgid ""
"PCSX2 requires a PS2 BIOS in order to run. For legal reasons, you *must* "
"obtain a BIOS from an actual PS2 unit that you own (borrowing doesn't "
"count). Please consult the FAQs and Guides for further instructions."
msgstr ""
"PCSX2'nin çalışması için bir PS2 BIOS dosyası gereklidir. Yasal nedenlerden "
"dolayı BIOS dosyasını *kendi* PS2 konsolunuzdan almalısınız. Daha fazla "
"bilgi için SSS ve kullanma kılavuzlarına göz atınız."
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:629
msgid "!Notice Error:Thread Deadlock Actions"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:626
msgid ""
"'Ignore' to continue waiting for the thread to respond.\n"
"'Cancel' to attempt to cancel the thread.\n"
"'Terminate' to quit PCSX2 immediately.\n"
msgstr ""
"İşlemin yanıt vermesini beklemek için 'Yoksay'a tıklayın.\n"
"İşlemi iptal etmek için 'İptal'e tıklayın.\n"
"PCSX2'den çıkmak için 'Sonlandır'a tıklayın."
"PCSX2'den çıkmak için 'Sonlandır'a tıklayın.\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppUserMode.cpp:57
msgid "!Notice:PortableModeRights"
msgstr "Lütfen bu klasörlerin oluşturulduğundan ve dosya yazma haklarına sahip olduğunuza emin olun. Bu haklara sahip değilseniz PCSX2'yi sağ tıklayarak 'Yönetici olarak çalıştır'ı tıklayın. Hesap haklarına sahip değilseniz Kullanıcı Dosyaları modunu aşağıdan değiştirmeniz gerekir."
msgid ""
"Please ensure that these folders are created and that your user account is "
"granted write permissions to them -- or re-run PCSX2 with elevated "
"(administrator) rights, which should grant PCSX2 the ability to create the "
"necessary folders itself. If you do not have elevated rights on this "
"computer, then you will need to switch to User Documents mode (click button "
msgstr ""
"Lütfen bu klasörlerin oluşturulduğundan ve dosya yazma haklarına sahip "
"olduğunuza emin olun. Bu haklara sahip değilseniz PCSX2'yi sağ tıklayarak "
"'Yönetici olarak çalıştır'ı tıklayın. Hesap haklarına sahip değilseniz "
"Kullanıcı Dosyaları modunu aşağıdan değiştirmeniz gerekir."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:181
msgid "!ContextTip:ChangingNTFS"
msgstr "NTFS sıkıştırması Windows Gezgini dosya seçeneklerinden el ile değiştirilebilir."
msgid ""
"NTFS compression can be changed manually at any time by using file "
"properties from Windows Explorer."
msgstr ""
"NTFS sıkıştırması Windows Gezgini dosya seçeneklerinden el ile "
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:49
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Settings"
msgstr "Burası PCSX2'nin hem program hem çeşitli eklenti ayarlarını sakladığı klasördür. (Bazı eski eklentilerin ayar dosyaları buraya gelmeyebilir.)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:54
msgid "!Panel:Folders:Settings"
msgstr "Buradan PCSX2 ayarlarının kaydedilmesi için başka bir klasör seçebilirsiniz. Seçtiğiniz klasör varolan bir PCSX2 ayar dosyası içeriyorsa ayarları 'İçe Aktar' veya 'Üzerine Yaz' seçeneklerinden birini seçmeniz istenecektir."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:94
msgid "!Wizard:Welcome"
msgstr "Bu sihirbaz eklentileri, hafıza kartlarını ve BIOS'u ayarlamanızda yardımcı olacaktır. %s'i ilk kez yüklediyseniz beni oku dosyasına vekullanma kılavuzuna göz atmanız önerilir."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:140
msgid "!Wizard:Bios:Tutorial"
msgid ""
"This is the folder where PCSX2 saves your settings, including settings "
"generated by most plugins (some older plugins may not respect this value)."
msgstr ""
"PCSX2'nin çalışması için \"yasal\" bir PS2 BIOS dosyasına ihtiyacınız vardır.\n"
"Burası PCSX2'nin hem program hem çeşitli eklenti ayarlarını sakladığı "
"klasördür. (Bazı eski eklentilerin ayar dosyaları buraya gelmeyebilir.)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:52
msgid ""
"You may optionally specify a location for your PCSX2 settings here. If the "
"location contains existing PCSX2 settings, you will be given the option to "
"import or overwrite them."
msgstr ""
"Buradan PCSX2 ayarlarının kaydedilmesi için başka bir klasör seçebilirsiniz. "
"Seçtiğiniz klasör varolan bir PCSX2 ayar dosyası içeriyorsa ayarları 'İçe "
"Aktar' veya 'Üzerine Yaz' seçeneklerinden birini seçmeniz istenecektir."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:89
#, c-format
msgid ""
"This wizard will help guide you through configuring plugins, memory cards, "
"and BIOS. It is recommended if this is your first time installing %s that "
"you view the readme and configuration guide."
msgstr ""
"Bu sihirbaz eklentileri, hafıza kartlarını ve BIOS'u ayarlamanızda yardımcı "
"olacaktır. %s'i ilk kez yüklediyseniz beni oku dosyasına vekullanma "
"kılavuzuna göz atmanız önerilir."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:132
msgid ""
"PCSX2 requires a *legal* copy of the PS2 BIOS in order to run games.\n"
"You cannot use a copy obtained from a friend or the Internet.\n"
"You must dump the BIOS from your *own* Playstation 2 console."
msgstr ""
"PCSX2'nin çalışması için \"yasal\" bir PS2 BIOS dosyasına ihtiyacınız "
"Internetten veya arkadaşınızdan aldığınız bir BIOS kullanmanız suçtur.\n"
"BIOS dosyanızı *kendi* Play Station 2 konsolunuzdan almalısınız."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/ImportSettingsDialog.cpp:31
msgid "!Notice:ImportExistingSettings"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Existing %s settings have been found in the configured settings folder. "
"Would you like to import these settings or overwrite them with %s default "
"(or press Cancel to select a different settings folder)"
msgstr ""
"Seçili klasörde %s ayar dosyaları bulundu. Bu ayarları içe aktarıp uygulamak mı istiyorsunuz yoksa ayar dosyaları silinip varsayılan %s ayarları mı uygulansın?\n"
"Seçili klasörde %s ayar dosyaları bulundu. Bu ayarları içe aktarıp uygulamak "
"mı istiyorsunuz yoksa ayar dosyaları silinip varsayılan %s ayarları mı "
"(veya İptal'e tıklayarak ayarlar için başka bir klasör seçebilirsiniz)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:30
msgid "!Panel:Mcd:NtfsCompress"
msgstr "NTFS sıkıştırma seçeneği hızlıdır ve uyumluluk oranı yüksektir. Hafıza kartının diskte kapladığı boyutu oldukça azaltır. (Bu seçenek önerilir.)"
msgid ""
"NTFS compression is built-in, fast, and completely reliable; and typically "
"compresses memory cards very well (this option is highly recommended)."
msgstr ""
"NTFS sıkıştırma seçeneği hızlıdır ve uyumluluk oranı yüksektir. Hafıza "
"kartının diskte kapladığı boyutu oldukça azaltır. (Bu seçenek önerilir.)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:41
msgid "!Panel:Mcd:EnableEjection"
msgstr "Kayıt konumunun yüklenmesinden sonra hafıza kartlarını çıkartıp takarak veri kaybını önler. Her oyunla uyumlu olmayabilir. (Guitar Hero)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:39
msgid ""
"Avoids memory card corruption by forcing games to re-index card contents "
"after loading from savestates. May not be compatible with all games (Guitar "
msgstr ""
"Kayıt konumunun yüklenmesinden sonra hafıza kartlarını çıkartıp takarak veri "
"kaybını önler. Her oyunla uyumlu olmayabilir. (Guitar Hero)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/StuckThreadDialog.cpp:33
msgid "!Panel:StuckThread:Heading"
msgstr "%s işlemi yanıt vermiyor. Kilitlenmiş ya da aşırı derecede yavaş çalışıyor olabilir."
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The thread '%s' is not responding. It could be deadlocked, or it might just "
"be running *really* slowly."
msgstr ""
"%s işlemi yanıt vermiyor. Kilitlenmiş ya da aşırı derecede yavaş çalışıyor "
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:38
msgid "!Panel:HasHacksOverrides"
msgstr "Dikkat! PCSX2'yi ayarlarınızı etkileyecek bir komut satırı seçeneğiyle çalıştırıyorsunuz. Bu komut satırı seçenekleri doğrudan Ayarlar sekmesinde görüntülenmez ve buradan yapılan herhangi bir ayar komut satırını devre dışı bırakır."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:58
msgid "!Panel:HasPluginsOverrides"
msgstr "Dikkat! PCSX2'yi ayarlarınızı etkileyecek bir komut satırı seçeneğiyle çalıştırıyorsunuz. Bu komut satırı seçenekleri doğrudan Ayarlar sekmesinde görüntülenmez ve buradan yapılan herhangi bir ayar komut satırını devre dışı bırakır."
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:135
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Slider"
msgid ""
"Warning! You are running PCSX2 with command line options that override your "
"configured settings. These command line options will not be reflected in "
"the Settings dialog, and will be disabled if you apply any changes here."
msgstr ""
"Ön ayarlar hızı artırdığı bilinen bazı derleyici seçenekleri, oyun yamaları ve hız hacklerini uygular.\n"
"Dikkat! PCSX2'yi ayarlarınızı etkileyecek bir komut satırı seçeneğiyle "
"çalıştırıyorsunuz. Bu komut satırı seçenekleri doğrudan Ayarlar sekmesinde "
"görüntülenmez ve buradan yapılan herhangi bir ayar komut satırını devre dışı "
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:55
msgid ""
"Warning! You are running PCSX2 with command line options that override your "
"configured plugin and/or folder settings. These command line options will "
"not be reflected in the settings dialog, and will be disabled when you apply "
"settings changes here."
msgstr ""
"Dikkat! PCSX2'yi ayarlarınızı etkileyecek bir komut satırı seçeneğiyle "
"çalıştırıyorsunuz. Bu komut satırı seçenekleri doğrudan Ayarlar sekmesinde "
"görüntülenmez ve buradan yapılan herhangi bir ayar komut satırını devre dışı "
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:129
msgid ""
"The Presets apply speed hacks, some recompiler options and some game fixes "
"known to boost speed.\n"
"Known important game fixes will be applied automatically.\n"
"Presets info:\n"
"1 - The most accurate emulation but also the slowest.\n"
"3 --> Tries to balance speed with compatibility.\n"
"4 - Some more aggressive hacks.\n"
"6 - Too many hacks which will probably slow down most games.\n"
msgstr ""
"Ön ayarlar hızı artırdığı bilinen bazı derleyici seçenekleri, oyun yamaları "
"ve hız hacklerini uygular.\n"
"Bilinen önemli oyun yamaları otomatik olarak uygulanır.\n"
"Ön ayarlar hakkında:\n"
"1 - En uyumlu fakat en yavaş.\n"
"3 --> Hızla uyumluluğu dengeler.\n"
"4 - Bazı agresif hackler uygulanır.\n"
"6 - Muhtemelen oyunu yavaşlatmaya neden olacak fazlalıkta hack uygulanır."
"6 - Muhtemelen oyunu yavaşlatmaya neden olacak fazlalıkta hack uygulanır.\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:149
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Checkbox"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:136
msgid ""
"The Presets apply speed hacks, some recompiler options and some game fixes "
"known to boost speed.\n"
"Known important game fixes will be applied automatically.\n"
"--> Uncheck to modify settings manually (with current preset as base)"
msgstr ""
"Ön Ayarlar hızı artırdığı bilinen bazı derleyici seçenekleri, oyun yamaları ve hız hacklerini uygular.\n"
"Ön Ayarlar hızı artırdığı bilinen bazı derleyici seçenekleri, oyun yamaları "
"ve hız hacklerini uygular.\n"
"Bilinen önemli oyun yamaları otomatik olarak uygulanır.\n"
"---> Ayarları (seçili ön ayarı baz alarak) el ile yapmak için tik işaretini kaldırın."
"---> Ayarları (seçili ön ayarı baz alarak) el ile yapmak için tik işaretini "
#: pcsx2/gui/IsoDropTarget.cpp:28
msgid "!Notice:ConfirmSysReset"
msgstr "PS2 sanal makinesi baştan başlatılacak; şu anki konumunuzu kaydedeceksiniz. Bunu yapmak istediğinizden emin misiniz?"
msgid ""
"This action will reset the existing PS2 virtual machine state; all current "
"progress will be lost. Are you sure?"
msgstr ""
"PS2 sanal makinesi baştan başlatılacak; şu anki konumunuzu kaydedeceksiniz. "
"Bunu yapmak istediğinizden emin misiniz?"
#: pcsx2/gui/MainMenuClicks.cpp:106
msgid "!Notice:DeleteSettings"
msgstr ""
"Bu komut tüm %s ayarlarını silerek İlk Kullanım Sihirbazını açmanızı sağlar. Bunu seçtikten sonra %s'i yeniden başlatmalısınız.\n"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"This command clears %s settings and allows you to re-run the First-Time "
"Wizard. You will need to manually restart %s after this operation.\n"
"DİKKAT!! TÜM %s ayarlarını silmek ve uygulamayı tamamen sonlandırmak için Tamam'a tıklayın. Bunu yapmak istediğinize kesinlikle emin misiniz?\n"
"WARNING!! Click OK to delete *ALL* settings for %s and force-close the app, "
"losing any current emulation progress. Are you absolutely sure?\n"
"(note: settings for plugins are unaffected)"
msgstr ""
"Bu komut tüm %s ayarlarını silerek İlk Kullanım Sihirbazını açmanızı sağlar. "
"Bunu seçtikten sonra %s'i yeniden başlatmalısınız.\n"
"DİKKAT!! TÜM %s ayarlarını silmek ve uygulamayı tamamen sonlandırmak için "
"Tamam'a tıklayın. Bunu yapmak istediğinize kesinlikle emin misiniz?\n"
"(Not: Eklentilerin ayarları kaybedilmez.)"
#: pcsx2/gui/MemoryCardFile.cpp:78
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:HasBeenDisabled"
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"The PS2-slot %d has been automatically disabled. You can correct the "
"and re-enable it at any time using Config:Memory cards from the main menu."
msgstr "%s PS2-slotu otomatik olarak devre dışı bırakıldı."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/BiosSelectorPanel.cpp:138
msgid "!Notice:BIOS:InvalidSelection"
msgstr "Lütfen geçerli bir BIOS seçiniz. Geçerli bir seçim yapamıyorsanız Ayarlar panelini İptal'e basarak kapatabilirsiniz."
msgid ""
"Please select a valid BIOS. If you are unable to make a valid selection "
"then press Cancel to close the Configuration panel."
msgstr ""
"Lütfen geçerli bir BIOS seçiniz. Geçerli bir seçim yapamıyorsanız Ayarlar "
"panelini İptal'e basarak kapatabilirsiniz."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:111
msgid "!Panel:EE/IOP:Heading"
msgid "Notice: Most games are fine with the default options. "
msgstr "Not: Birçok oyun varsayılan ayarlarla çalışabilir."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:178
msgid "!Panel:VUs:Heading"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:177
msgid "Notice: Most games are fine with the default options."
msgstr "Not: Birçok oyun varsayılan ayarlarla çalışabilir."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:69
msgid "!Notice:DirPicker:CreatePath"
msgid ""
"The specified path/directory does not exist. Would you like to create it?"
msgstr "Seçili konum/klasör bulunamadı. Bu klasörü oluşturmak istiyor musunuz?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:158
msgid "!ContextTip:DirPicker:UseDefault"
msgstr "Seçildiğinde bu klasör şu anki PCSX2 kullanıcı ayarına bağlı varsayılan ayarları kullanır."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:157
msgid ""
"When checked this folder will automatically reflect the default associated "
"with PCSX2's current usermode setting. "
msgstr ""
"Seçildiğinde bu klasör şu anki PCSX2 kullanıcı ayarına bağlı varsayılan "
"ayarları kullanır."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:55
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Zoom"
msgid ""
"Zoom = 100: Fit the entire image to the window without any cropping.\n"
"Above/Below 100: Zoom In/Out\n"
"0: Automatic-Zoom-In untill the black-bars are gone (Aspect ratio is kept, "
"some of the image goes out of screen).\n"
" NOTE: Some games draw their own black-bars, which will not be removed with "
"Keyboard: CTRL + NUMPAD-PLUS: Zoom-In, CTRL + NUMPAD-MINUS: Zoom-Out, CTRL + "
"NUMPAD-*: Toggle 100/0"
msgstr ""
"Yakınlaştırma = 100: Görüntüyü kesmeden ekrana sığdır.\n"
"100'ün üzeri ya da altı: Yakınlaştır/Uzaklaştır\n"
"0: Siyah çizgiler yok olana kadar otomatik yakınlaştırma yap (en-boy oranı bozulmaz, bazı görüntüler ekran dışına taşabilir).\n"
"NOT: Bazı oyunlar kendi siyah çizgilerini çizdiklerinden '0' bu çizgileri silemez.\n"
"0: Siyah çizgiler yok olana kadar otomatik yakınlaştırma yap (en-boy oranı "
"bozulmaz, bazı görüntüler ekran dışına taşabilir).\n"
"NOT: Bazı oyunlar kendi siyah çizgilerini çizdiklerinden '0' bu çizgileri "
"Klavye: CTRL + NUMPAD-ARTI: Yakınlaştırma, CTRL + NUMPAD - EKSİ: Uzaklaştırma, CTRL + NUMPAD - *: 100/0"
"Klavye: CTRL + NUMPAD-ARTI: Yakınlaştırma, CTRL + NUMPAD - EKSİ: "
"Uzaklaştırma, CTRL + NUMPAD - *: 100/0"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:63
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Vsync"
msgstr "Vsync ekran üzerinde oluşan bölünmeleri önlemesine karşın performans kaybına neden olur. Yalnızca tam ekran modunda çalışır ve tüm GS eklentileri ile uyumlu olmayabilir."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:58
msgid ""
"Vsync eliminates screen tearing but typically has a big performance hit. It "
"usually only applies to fullscreen mode, and may not work with all GS "
msgstr ""
"Vsync ekran üzerinde oluşan bölünmeleri önlemesine karşın performans kaybına "
"neden olur. Yalnızca tam ekran modunda çalışır ve tüm GS eklentileri ile "
"uyumlu olmayabilir."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:68
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:ManagedVsync"
msgstr "Kare hızı oranı tam olduğu zaman Vsync'i etkinleştirir. Kare hızı düşmeye başladığında performans kaybı oluşmaması için Vsync devre dışı bırakılır. Not: Öncelikle Vsync'in etkinleştirilmiş olması gerekir. Bu özellik şimdilik yalnızca GS eklentisi olarak GSdx seçildiğinde ve ayarlarından DX10/11 hardware rendering seçili olduğunda çalışır. GSdx dışındaki herhangi bir eklenti seçildiğinde özellik kullanılmaz ya da özellik her etkinleştirildiğinde siyah bir ekran gelir."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:61
msgid ""
"Enables Vsync when the framerate is exactly at full speed. Should it fall "
"below that, Vsync gets disabled to avoid further performance penalties. "
"Note: This currently only works well with GSdx as GS plugin and with it "
"configured to use DX10/11 hardware rendering. Any other plugin or rendering "
"mode will either ignore it or produce a black frame that blinks whenever the "
"mode switches. It also requires Vsync to be enabled."
msgstr ""
"Kare hızı oranı tam olduğu zaman Vsync'i etkinleştirir. Kare hızı düşmeye "
"başladığında performans kaybı oluşmaması için Vsync devre dışı bırakılır. "
"Not: Öncelikle Vsync'in etkinleştirilmiş olması gerekir. Bu özellik şimdilik "
"yalnızca GS eklentisi olarak GSdx seçildiğinde ve ayarlarından DX10/11 "
"hardware rendering seçili olduğunda çalışır. GSdx dışındaki herhangi bir "
"eklenti seçildiğinde özellik kullanılmaz ya da özellik her "
"etkinleştirildiğinde siyah bir ekran gelir."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:76
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideMouse"
msgstr "Fare imlecinin GS ekranı üzerinde görünmesini istemiyorsanız bunu etkinleştirin. Özellikle fareyi bir oyun aygıtı olarak kullanıyorsanız oldukça faydalıdır. Varsayılan olarak 2 saniye herhangi bir işlem yapılmadığında fare imleci otomatik olarak gizlenir."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:64
msgid ""
"Check this to force the mouse cursor invisible inside the GS window; useful "
"if using the mouse as a primary control device for gaming. By default the "
"mouse auto-hides after 2 seconds of inactivity."
msgstr ""
"Fare imlecinin GS ekranı üzerinde görünmesini istemiyorsanız bunu "
"etkinleştirin. Özellikle fareyi bir oyun aygıtı olarak kullanıyorsanız "
"oldukça faydalıdır. Varsayılan olarak 2 saniye herhangi bir işlem "
"yapılmadığında fare imleci otomatik olarak gizlenir."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:82
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Fullscreen"
msgstr "Emülatör çalıştığında ya da devam ettirildiğinde otomatik olarak tam ekrana geçişi etkinleştirir. Tam ekrandan çıkmak için Alt+Enter'ı kullanabilirsiniz."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:67
msgid ""
"Enables automatic mode switch to fullscreen when starting or resuming "
"emulation. You can still toggle fullscreen display at any time using alt-"
msgstr ""
"Emülatör çalıştığında ya da devam ettirildiğinde otomatik olarak tam ekrana "
"geçişi etkinleştirir. Tam ekrandan çıkmak için Alt+Enter'ı kullanabilirsiniz."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:93
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideGS"
msgstr "ESC tuşuna basıldığında ya da emülatör duraklatıldığında GS ekranı tamamen kapatılır."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:74
msgid ""
"Completely closes the often large and bulky GS window when pressing ESC or "
"pausing the emulator."
msgstr ""
"ESC tuşuna basıldığında ya da emülatör duraklatıldığında GS ekranı tamamen "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:67
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:EE Timing Hack"
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Digital Devil Saga (Fixes FMV and crashes)\n"
" * SSX (Fixes bad graphics and crashes)\n"
" * Resident Evil: Dead Aim (Causes garbled textures)"
msgstr ""
"Etkilediği bilinen oyunlar:\n"
"* Digital Devil Saga (Videoları ve çökmeleri düzeltir)\n"
"* SSX (Görüntüleri ve çökmeleri düzeltir)\n"
"* Resident Evil: Dead Aim (Görüntüde bozulmalara neden olur)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:80
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:OPH Flag hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:76
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Bleach Blade Battler\n"
" * Growlanser II and III\n"
" * Wizardry"
msgstr ""
"Etkilediği bilinen oyunlar:\n"
"* Bleach Blade Battler\n"
"* Growlanser II ve III\n"
"* Wizardry"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:89
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:DMA Busy hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:81
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Mana Khemia 1 (Going \"off campus\")\n"
msgstr ""
"Etkilediği bilinen oyunlar:\n"
"* Mana Khemia 1 (Haritadan dışarı çıkma hatası için)"
"* Mana Khemia 1 (Haritadan dışarı çıkma hatası için)\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:96
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:VIF1 FIFO hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:86
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Test Drive Unlimited\n"
" * Transformers"
msgstr ""
"Etkilediği bilinen oyunlar:\n"
"* Test Drive Unlimited\n"
"* Transformers"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:119
msgid "!Panel:Gamefixes:Compat Warning"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:106
msgid ""
"Gamefixes can work around wrong emulation in some titles. \n"
"They may also cause compatibility or performance issues. \n"
"It's better to enable 'Automatic game fixes' at the main menu instead, and "
"leave this page empty. \n"
"('Automatic' means: selectively use specific tested fixes for specific games)"
msgstr ""
"Oyun yamaları bazı oyunlarda işe yaramayabilir. \n"
"Bunun yanı sıra uyumluluk ya da performans sorunlarına neden olabilirler. Ayarları buradan yapmak yerine ana menüden 'Otomatik Oyun Yamaları' seçeneğini etkinleştirmek çoğu zaman daha faydalıdır.\n"
"('Otomatik' kelimesi doğru çalıştığı bilinen yamaların belirli oyunlara doğrudan uygulanması anlamına gelir)"
"Bunun yanı sıra uyumluluk ya da performans sorunlarına neden olabilirler. "
"Ayarları buradan yapmak yerine ana menüden 'Otomatik Oyun Yamaları' "
"seçeneğini etkinleştirmek çoğu zaman daha faydalıdır.\n"
"('Otomatik' kelimesi doğru çalıştığı bilinen yamaların belirli oyunlara "
"doğrudan uygulanması anlamına gelir)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:720
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Delete"
msgstr "Formatlanmış '%s' hafıza kartını silmek üzeresiniz. Karttaki tüm veriler kaybolacaktır! Bunu yapmak istediğinizden kesinlikle emin misiniz?"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"You are about to delete the formatted memory card '%s'. All data on this "
"card will be lost! Are you absolutely and quite positively sure?"
msgstr ""
"Formatlanmış '%s' hafıza kartını silmek üzeresiniz. Karttaki tüm veriler "
"kaybolacaktır! Bunu yapmak istediğinizden kesinlikle emin misiniz?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:758
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:CantDuplicate"
msgstr "Hata: Kopyalama yalnızca boş bir PS2-Portu veya dosya sistemi için geçerlidir."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:756
msgid ""
"Failed: Duplicate is only allowed to an empty PS2-Port or to the file system."
msgstr ""
"Hata: Kopyalama yalnızca boş bir PS2-Portu veya dosya sistemi için "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:801
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Copy Failed"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:798
#, c-format
msgid "Failed: Destination memory card '%s' is in use."
msgstr "Hata: Seçili %s hafıza kartı kullanımda."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:35
msgid "!Panel:Usermode:Explained"
msgstr "Lütfen PCSX2 hafıza kartları, ekran görüntüleri, ayarlar ve kayıt konumları gibi PCSX2 kullanıcı dosyalarının saklanacağı konumu seçiniz. Bu klasörlerin konumları daha sonradan Eklenti/BIOS Seçici seçeneği altından değiştirilebilir."
msgid ""
"Please select your preferred default location for PCSX2 user-level documents "
"below (includes memory cards, screenshots, settings, and savestates). These "
"folder locations can be overridden at any time using the Core Settings panel."
msgstr ""
"Lütfen PCSX2 hafıza kartları, ekran görüntüleri, ayarlar ve kayıt konumları "
"gibi PCSX2 kullanıcı dosyalarının saklanacağı konumu seçiniz. Bu klasörlerin "
"konumları daha sonradan Eklenti/BIOS Seçici seçeneği altından "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:41
msgid "!Panel:Usermode:Warning"
msgstr "PCSX2 kullanıcı dosyalarının saklandığı varsayılan konumu buradan değiştirebilirsiniz. Bu seçenek yalnızca yükleme sırasında varsayılan olarak ayarlanmış standart konumları etkiler."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:38
msgid ""
"You can change the preferred default location for PCSX2 user-level documents "
"here (includes memory cards, screenshots, settings, and savestates). This "
"option only affects Standard Paths which are set to use the installation "
"default value."
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 kullanıcı dosyalarının saklandığı varsayılan konumu buradan "
"değiştirebilirsiniz. Bu seçenek yalnızca yükleme sırasında varsayılan olarak "
"ayarlanmış standart konumları etkiler."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:40
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Savestates"
msgstr "Bu klasör F1/F3 (kaydet/yükle)'e basarak ya da ana menüden kullanabileceğiniz PCSX2 kayıt konumlarının saklandığı klasördür."
msgid ""
"This folder is where PCSX2 records savestates; which are recorded either by "
"using menus/toolbars, or by pressing F1/F3 (save/load)."
msgstr ""
"Bu klasör F1/F3 (kaydet/yükle)'e basarak ya da ana menüden "
"kullanabileceğiniz PCSX2 kayıt konumlarının saklandığı klasördür."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:50
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Snapshots"
msgstr "Bu klasör PCSX2'nin ekran görüntülerini kaydettiği klasördür. Ekran görüntünün dosya biçimi ve stili kullanılan GS eklentisine göre değişebilir."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:48
msgid ""
"This folder is where PCSX2 saves screenshots. Actual screenshot image "
"format and style may vary depending on the GS plugin being used."
msgstr ""
"Bu klasör PCSX2'nin ekran görüntülerini kaydettiği klasördür. Ekran "
"görüntünün dosya biçimi ve stili kullanılan GS eklentisine göre değişebilir."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:60
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Logs"
msgstr "Burası PCSX2'nin günlük dosyalarını ve tanımlama dökümlerini kaydettiği klasördür. Bazı eski eklentiler hariç birçok eklenti bu klasörü kullanır."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:56
msgid ""
"This folder is where PCSX2 saves its logfiles and diagnostic dumps. Most "
"plugins will also adhere to this folder, however some older plugins may "
"ignore it."
msgstr ""
"Burası PCSX2'nin günlük dosyalarını ve tanımlama dökümlerini kaydettiği "
"klasördür. Bazı eski eklentiler hariç birçok eklenti bu klasörü kullanır."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:242
msgid "!Notice:PluginSelector:ConfirmShutdown"
msgid ""
"Warning! Changing plugins requires a complete shutdown and reset of the PS2 "
"virtual machine. PCSX2 will attempt to save and restore the state, but if "
"the newly selected plugins are incompatible the recovery may fail, and "
"current progress will be lost.\n"
"Are you sure you want to apply settings now?"
msgstr ""
"Dikkat! Eklentileri değiştirdikten sonra PS2 sanal makinesini baştan başlatmanı gerekir. PCSX2 şu anki konumunuzu kaydetmeyi deneyecek fakat yeni seçilen eklentiler yüklemeyle uyumlu değilse konumunuzu kaybedeceksiniz.\n"
"Dikkat! Eklentileri değiştirdikten sonra PS2 sanal makinesini baştan "
"başlatmanı gerekir. PCSX2 şu anki konumunuzu kaydetmeyi deneyecek fakat yeni "
"seçilen eklentiler yüklemeyle uyumlu değilse konumunuzu kaybedeceksiniz.\n"
"Ayarları uygulamak istediğinize emin misiniz?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:457
msgid "!Notice:PluginSelector:ApplyFailed"
msgstr "%s'nin çalışması için tüm eklentilerin seçilmiş olması gerekir. %s kurulumunda oluşan bir hata sonucu veya elinizde olmayan eklentiler nedeniyle seçim yapamıyorsanız İptal'e tıklayarak Ayarlar panelini kapatın."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:452
#, c-format
msgid ""
"All plugins must have valid selections for %s to run. If you are unable to "
"make a valid selection due to missing plugins or an incomplete install of "
"%s, then press Cancel to close the Configuration panel."
msgstr ""
"%s'nin çalışması için tüm eklentilerin seçilmiş olması gerekir. %s "
"kurulumunda oluşan bir hata sonucu veya elinizde olmayan eklentiler "
"nedeniyle seçim yapamıyorsanız İptal'e tıklayarak Ayarlar panelini kapatın."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:27
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX1"
msgid ""
"1 - Default cyclerate. This closely matches the actual speed of a real PS2 "
msgstr "1 - Varsayılan döngü oranı. Gerçek PS2 EE hızına oldukça yakındır."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:32
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX2"
msgstr "2 - EE'nin döngü oranını %33 oranında azaltır. Birçok oyunda hız artışı sağlar, uyumluluğu oldukça yüksektir."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:31
msgid ""
"2 - Reduces the EE's cyclerate by about 33%. Mild speedup for most games "
"with high compatibility."
msgstr ""
"2 - EE'nin döngü oranını %33 oranında azaltır. Birçok oyunda hız artışı "
"sağlar, uyumluluğu oldukça yüksektir."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX3"
msgstr "3 - EE'nin döngü oranını %50 oranında azaltır. Ortalama hız artışı sağlamasına rağmen takılmalara neden olur."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:35
msgid ""
"3 - Reduces the EE's cyclerate by about 50%. Moderate speedup, but *will* "
"cause stuttering audio on many FMVs."
msgstr ""
"3 - EE'nin döngü oranını %50 oranında azaltır. Ortalama hız artışı "
"sağlamasına rağmen takılmalara neden olur."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:54
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealOff"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:50
msgid "0 - Disables VU Cycle Stealing. Most compatible setting!"
msgstr "0 - VU Cycle Stealing'i devre dışı bırakır. En sorunsuz seçenektir."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:59
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal1"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:54
msgid ""
"1 - Mild VU Cycle Stealing. Lower compatibility, but some speedup for most "
msgstr "1 - Düşük uyumluluk; çoğu oyunda biraz hız artışı."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:64
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal2"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:58
msgid ""
"2 - Moderate VU Cycle Stealing. Even lower compatibility, but significant "
"speedups in some games."
msgstr "2 - Daha düşük uyumluluk; birçok oyunda büyük hız artışı."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:70
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal3"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:63
msgid ""
"3 - Maximum VU Cycle Stealing. Usefulness is limited, as this will cause "
"flickering visuals or slowdown in most games."
msgstr "3 - Titremeye ve takılmalara neden olacağından pek yararlı değildir."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:97
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:Overview"
msgstr "Hız Hackleri emülatör hızını artırmasına rağmen hatalara, seste bozulmalara ve yanlış FPS değerlerinin gösterilmesine neden olabilir. Oyunlarda sorunlar yaşarsanız ilk olarak bu paneli devre dışı bırakın."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:88
msgid ""
"Speedhacks usually improve emulation speed, but can cause glitches, broken "
"audio, and false FPS readings. When having emulation problems, disable this "
"panel first."
msgstr ""
"Hız Hackleri emülatör hızını artırmasına rağmen hatalara, seste bozulmalara "
"ve yanlış FPS değerlerinin gösterilmesine neden olabilir. Oyunlarda sorunlar "
"yaşarsanız ilk olarak bu paneli devre dışı bırakın."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:129
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:EECycleRate Slider"
msgstr "Buradan yüksek değerleri seçtiğinizde EE'nin R5900 çekirdek işlemcisinin saat hızı azaltılarak gerçek PS2 donanımı seviyesine ulaşamayan oyunlarda büyük hız artışı sağlanır."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:118
msgid ""
"Setting higher values on this slider effectively reduces the clock speed of "
"the EmotionEngine's R5900 core cpu, and typically brings big speedups to "
"games that fail to utilize the full potential of the real PS2 hardware."
msgstr ""
"Buradan yüksek değerleri seçtiğinizde EE'nin R5900 çekirdek işlemcisinin "
"saat hızı azaltılarak gerçek PS2 donanımı seviyesine ulaşamayan oyunlarda "
"büyük hız artışı sağlanır."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:150
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealing Slider"
msgstr "Burası VU ünitesinin EE'den ne kadar döngü eksilttiğini ayarlamanızı sağlar."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:136
msgid ""
"This slider controls the amount of cycles the VU unit steals from the "
"EmotionEngine. Higher values increase the number of cycles stolen from the "
"EE for each VU microprogram the game runs."
msgstr ""
"Burası VU ünitesinin EE'den ne kadar döngü eksilttiğini ayarlamanızı sağlar."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:169
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack"
msgstr "Status Flag'lerini her zaman yerine yalnızca okunacakları zaman günceller. Bu çoğu zaman güvenlidir ve zaten Super VU varsayılan olarak buna benzer bir işlem uygular."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:153
msgid ""
"Updates Status Flags only on blocks which will read them, instead of all the "
"time. This is safe most of the time, and Super VU does something similar by "
msgstr ""
"Status Flag'lerini her zaman yerine yalnızca okunacakları zaman günceller. "
"Bu çoğu zaman güvenlidir ve zaten Super VU varsayılan olarak buna benzer bir "
"işlem uygular."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:156
msgid ""
"Runs VU1 on its own thread (microVU1-only). Generally a speedup on CPUs with "
"3 or more cores. This is safe for most games, but a few games are "
"incompatible and may hang. In the case of GS limited games, it may be a "
"slowdown (especially on dual core CPUs)."
msgstr ""
"VU1'i kendi işlemi altında yürütür (yalnızca microVU1 için geçerlidir). 3 ya "
"da daha fazla çekirdeği olan işlemcilerde hız artışı sağlar. Birçok oyun "
"için güvenlidir fakat birkaç oyunla uyumsuz olduğundan donmalar meydana "
"gelebilir. GS sınırlı oyunlarda FPS düşebilir (özellikle çift çekirdekli "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:174
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuThread"
msgstr "VU1'i kendi işlemi altında yürütür (yalnızca microVU1 için geçerlidir). 3 ya da daha fazla çekirdeği olan işlemcilerde hız artışı sağlar. Birçok oyun için güvenlidir fakat birkaç oyunla uyumsuz olduğundan donmalar meydana gelebilir. GS sınırlı oyunlarda FPS düşebilir (özellikle çift çekirdekli işlemcilerde)."
msgid ""
"This hack works best for games that use the INTC Status register to wait for "
"vsyncs, which includes primarily non-3D RPG titles. Games that do not use "
"this method of vsync will see little or no speedup from this hack."
msgstr ""
"Bu hack en çok özellikle 3D olmayan ve vsync'i beklemek için INTC status'u "
"kullanan oyunlarla uyumludur."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:195
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC"
msgstr "Bu hack en çok özellikle 3D olmayan ve vsync'i beklemek için INTC status'u kullanan oyunlarla uyumludur."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:177
msgid ""
"Primarily targetting the EE idle loop at address 0x81FC0 in the kernel, this "
"hack attempts to detect loops whose bodies are guaranteed to result in the "
"same machine state for every iteration until a scheduled event triggers "
"emulation of another unit. After a single iteration of such loops, we "
"advance to the time of the next event or the end of the processor's "
"timeslice, whichever comes first."
msgstr ""
"Kernelin 0x81FC0 adresindeki EE işlevsiz döngüsünü hedef alan bu hack farklı "
"bir olay planlanmış işlem ünitesini değiştirene dek her bir iterasyon sonucu "
"gövdeleri aynı makine durumunda oluşacak olan döngüleri tespit eder. Bu "
"döngülerin tek seferlik iterasyonundan sonra işlemcinin zaman döngüsüne ya "
"da bir sonraki olayın zamanlamasına ilerlenir."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:200
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0"
msgstr "Kernelin 0x81FC0 adresindeki EE işlevsiz döngüsünü hedef alan bu hack farklı bir olay planlanmış işlem ünitesini değiştirene dek her bir iterasyon sonucu gövdeleri aynı makine durumunda oluşacak olan döngüleri tespit eder. Bu döngülerin tek seferlik iterasyonundan sonra işlemcinin zaman döngüsüne ya da bir sonraki olayın zamanlamasına ilerlenir."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:207
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD"
msgstr "Bilinen sorunlu oyunlar listesini görmek için HDLoader uyumluluk listesine bakın. (Sorunlu oyunlar 'mode1' ya da 'slow DVD' olarak işaretlidir)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:180
msgid ""
"Check HDLoader compatibility lists for known games that have issues with "
"this. (Often marked as needing 'mode 1' or 'slow DVD'"
msgstr ""
"Bilinen sorunlu oyunlar listesini görmek için HDLoader uyumluluk listesine "
"bakın. (Sorunlu oyunlar 'mode1' ya da 'slow DVD' olarak işaretlidir)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!ContextTip:Framelimiter:Disable"
msgstr "Kare sınırlaması devre dışı bırakıldığında Turbo ve Ağır Çekim modlarının da devre dışı bırakılacağını unutmayın."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:227
msgid "!Panel:Frameskip:Heading"
msgstr "Önemli: PS2 donanım dizaynı nedeniyle kusursuz kare atlama özelliği imkansızdır. Bu özelliği etkinleştirmek bazı oyunlarda ciddi görsel bozulmalara neden olacaktır."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS"
msgstr "MTGS işlem eşzamanlamasının çökmelere veya görsel bozulmalara neden olduğunu düşünüyorsanız bunu etkinleştirin."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:310
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput"
msgid ""
"Note that when Framelimiting is disabled, Turbo and SlowMotion modes will "
"not be available either."
msgstr ""
"MTGS işlemi ya da ekran kartının aşırı derece ısınması nedeniyle oluşabilecek kalite testi gürültüsünü kaldırır. Bu seçenek kayıt konumlarıyla bağlantılı olarak kullanılır: herhangi bir konumda oyununuzu kaydedin, bu seçeneği etkinleştirin ve kayıt konumunuzu yeniden yükleyin.\n"
"Dikkat: Bu seçenek oyun açıkken etkinleştirilebilir fakat kapatılamaz (görüntüler bozulur)."
"Kare sınırlaması devre dışı bırakıldığında Turbo ve Ağır Çekim modlarının da "
"devre dışı bırakılacağını unutmayın."
#: pcsx2/vtlb.cpp:710
msgid "!Notice:HostVmReserve"
msgstr "Sistem PCSX2'nin çalışması için yeterli sanal kaynağa sahip değil. Bu hata takas dosyasının çok küçük boyutlu olması ya da devre dışı bırakılması veya arkaplanda çalışan uygulamaların hafızanın tamamını kullanması sonucu oluşur."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:225
msgid ""
"Notice: Due to PS2 hardware design, precise frame skipping is impossible. "
"Enabling it will cause severe graphical errors in some games."
msgstr ""
"Önemli: PS2 donanım dizaynı nedeniyle kusursuz kare atlama özelliği "
"imkansızdır. Bu özelliği etkinleştirmek bazı oyunlarda ciddi görsel "
"bozulmalara neden olacaktır."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302
msgid ""
"Enable this if you think MTGS thread sync is causing crashes or graphical "
msgstr ""
"MTGS işlem eşzamanlamasının çökmelere veya görsel bozulmalara neden olduğunu "
"düşünüyorsanız bunu etkinleştirin."
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:305
msgid ""
"Removes any benchmark noise caused by the MTGS thread or GPU overhead. This "
"option is best used in conjunction with savestates: save a state at an ideal "
"scene, enable this option, and re-load the savestate.\n"
"Warning: This option can be enabled on-the-fly but typically cannot be "
"disabled on-the-fly (video will typically be garbage)."
msgstr ""
"MTGS işlemi ya da ekran kartının aşırı derece ısınması nedeniyle "
"oluşabilecek kalite testi gürültüsünü kaldırır. Bu seçenek kayıt "
"konumlarıyla bağlantılı olarak kullanılır: herhangi bir konumda oyununuzu "
"kaydedin, bu seçeneği etkinleştirin ve kayıt konumunuzu yeniden yükleyin.\n"
"Dikkat: Bu seçenek oyun açıkken etkinleştirilebilir fakat kapatılamaz "
"(görüntüler bozulur)."
#: pcsx2/vtlb.cpp:711
msgid ""
"Your system is too low on virtual resources for PCSX2 to run. This can be "
"caused by having a small or disabled swapfile, or by other programs that are "
"hogging resources."
msgstr ""
"Sistem PCSX2'nin çalışması için yeterli sanal kaynağa sahip değil. Bu hata "
"takas dosyasının çok küçük boyutlu olması ya da devre dışı bırakılması veya "
"arkaplanda çalışan uygulamaların hafızanın tamamını kullanması sonucu oluşur."
#: pcsx2/x86/sVU_zerorec.cpp:363
msgid "!Notice:superVU:VirtualMemoryAlloc"
msgstr "Hafıza hatası: SuperVU derleyicisi belirtilen hafıza değerlerini ayıramadığı için kullanılamıyor. Bu hata sVU zaten eski olduğundan ve onun yerine microVU kullansanız daha iyi olacağından çok da ciddi değildir. :)"
msgid ""
"Out of Memory (sorta): The SuperVU recompiler was unable to reserve the "
"specific memory ranges required, and will not be available for use. This is "
"not a critical error, since the sVU rec is obsolete, and you should use "
"microVU instead anyway. :)"
msgstr ""
"Hafıza hatası: SuperVU derleyicisi belirtilen hafıza değerlerini ayıramadığı "
"için kullanılamıyor. Bu hata sVU zaten eski olduğundan ve onun yerine "
"microVU kullansanız daha iyi olacağından çok da ciddi değildir. :)"

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.9\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-05-07 17:47+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-08-10 11:44+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-08-13 16:51+0700\n"
"Last-Translator: Wei Mingzhi <whistler@openoffice.org>\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
@ -22,130 +22,206 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: common\n"
#: common/src/Utilities/Exceptions.cpp:254
msgid "!Notice:VirtualMemoryMap"
msgid ""
"There is not enough virtual memory available, or necessary virtual memory "
"mappings have already been reserved by other processes, services, or DLLs."
msgstr ""
"没有足够的虚拟内存可用,或所需的虚拟内存映射已经被其它进程、服务或 DLL 保留。"
#: pcsx2/CDVD/CDVD.cpp:389
msgid "!Notice:PsxDisc"
msgid ""
"Playstation game discs are not supported by PCSX2. If you want to emulate "
"PSX games then you'll have to download a PSX-specific emulator, such as "
"ePSXe or PCSX."
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 不支持 Playstation 1 游戏。如果您想模拟 PS1 游戏请下载一个 PS1 模拟器,"
"如 ePSXe 或 PCSX。"
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:114
msgid "!Notice:Recompiler:VirtualMemoryAlloc"
msgid ""
"This recompiler was unable to reserve contiguous memory required for "
"internal caches. This error can be caused by low virtual memory resources, "
"such as a small or disabled swapfile, or by another program that is hogging "
"a lot of memory. You can also try reducing the default cache sizes for all "
"PCSX2 recompilers, found under Host Settings."
msgstr ""
"减少 PCSX2 重编译器的缓存大小,可在主机设置中找到。"
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:348
msgid "!Notice:EmuCore::MemoryForVM"
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:344
msgid ""
"PCSX2 is unable to allocate memory needed for the PS2 virtual machine. Close "
"out some memory hogging background tasks and try again."
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 无法分配 PS2 虚拟机所需内存。请关闭一些占用内存的后台任务后重试。"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:43
msgid "!Notice:Startup:NoSSE2"
msgid ""
"Warning: Your computer does not support SSE2, which is required by many "
"PCSX2 recompilers and plugins. Your options will be limited and emulation "
"will be *very* slow."
msgstr ""
"警告: 您的计算机不支持 SSE2。PCSX2 重编译器及插件需要 SSE2 才可以运行。很多选"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:162
msgid "!Notice:RecompilerInit:Header"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:160
msgid ""
"Warning: Some of the configured PS2 recompilers failed to initialize and "
"have been disabled:"
msgstr "警告: 部分已配置的 PS2 重编译器初始化失败且已被禁用。"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:211
msgid "!Notice:RecompilerInit:Footer"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:208
msgid ""
"Note: Recompilers are not necessary for PCSX2 to run, however they typically "
"improve emulation speed substantially. You may have to manually re-enable "
"the recompilers listed above, if you resolve the errors."
msgstr ""
"注意: 重编译器对 PCSX2 非必需,但是它们通常可大大提升模拟速度。如错误已解决,"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:546
msgid "!Notice:BiosDumpRequired"
msgid ""
"PCSX2 requires a PS2 BIOS in order to run. For legal reasons, you *must* "
"obtain a BIOS from an actual PS2 unit that you own (borrowing doesn't "
"count). Please consult the FAQs and Guides for further instructions."
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 需要一个 PS2 BIOS 才可以运行。由于法律问题,您必须从一台属于您的 PS2 实"
"机中取得一个 BIOS 文件。请参考常见问题及教程以获取进一步的说明。"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:629
msgid "!Notice Error:Thread Deadlock Actions"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:626
msgid ""
"'Ignore' to continue waiting for the thread to respond.\n"
"'Cancel' to attempt to cancel the thread.\n"
"'Terminate' to quit PCSX2 immediately.\n"
msgstr ""
"\"忽略\": 继续等待进程响应。\n"
"\"取消\": 尝试取消进程。\n"
"\"终止\": 立即退出 PCSX2。"
"\"终止\": 立即退出 PCSX2。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppUserMode.cpp:57
msgid "!Notice:PortableModeRights"
msgid ""
"Please ensure that these folders are created and that your user account is "
"granted write permissions to them -- or re-run PCSX2 with elevated "
"(administrator) rights, which should grant PCSX2 the ability to create the "
"necessary folders itself. If you do not have elevated rights on this "
"computer, then you will need to switch to User Documents mode (click button "
msgstr ""
"请确保这些文件夹已被建立且您的用户账户对它们有写入权限 -- 或使用管理员权限重"
"新运行 PCSX2 (可以使 PCSX2 能够自动建立必要的文件夹)。如果您没有此计算机的管"
"理员权限,您需要切换至用户文件模式 (单击下面的按钮)。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:181
msgid "!ContextTip:ChangingNTFS"
msgid ""
"NTFS compression can be changed manually at any time by using file "
"properties from Windows Explorer."
msgstr "NTFS 压缩可以随时使用 Windows 资源管理器中的文件属性更改。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:49
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Settings"
msgid ""
"This is the folder where PCSX2 saves your settings, including settings "
"generated by most plugins (some older plugins may not respect this value)."
msgstr ""
"这是 PCSX2 保存您的设置选项的文件夹,包括大多数插件生成的设置选项 (此选项对于"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:54
msgid "!Panel:Folders:Settings"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:52
msgid ""
"You may optionally specify a location for your PCSX2 settings here. If the "
"location contains existing PCSX2 settings, you will be given the option to "
"import or overwrite them."
msgstr ""
"您可以指定一个您的 PCSX2 设置选项所在位置。如果此位置包含已有的 PCSX2 设置,"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:94
msgid "!Wizard:Welcome"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:89
#, c-format
msgid ""
"This wizard will help guide you through configuring plugins, memory cards, "
"and BIOS. It is recommended if this is your first time installing %s that "
"you view the readme and configuration guide."
msgstr ""
"此向导将引导您配置插件、记忆卡及 BIOS。如果您是第一次运行 %s建议您先查看自"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:140
msgid "!Wizard:Bios:Tutorial"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:132
msgid ""
"PCSX2 requires a *legal* copy of the PS2 BIOS in order to run games.\n"
"You cannot use a copy obtained from a friend or the Internet.\n"
"You must dump the BIOS from your *own* Playstation 2 console."
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 需要一个合法的 PS2 BIOS 副本来运行游戏。使用非法复制或下载的副本为侵权"
"行为。您必须从您自己的 Playstation 2 实机中取得 BIOS。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/ImportSettingsDialog.cpp:31
msgid "!Notice:ImportExistingSettings"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Existing %s settings have been found in the configured settings folder. "
"Would you like to import these settings or overwrite them with %s default "
"(or press Cancel to select a different settings folder)"
msgstr ""
"配置的文件夹中已有 %s 设置。您想导入这些设置还是用 %s 默认设置覆盖它们?\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:30
msgid "!Panel:Mcd:NtfsCompress"
msgid ""
"NTFS compression is built-in, fast, and completely reliable; and typically "
"compresses memory cards very well (this option is highly recommended)."
msgstr ""
"NTFS 压缩是内置、高效、可靠的;通常对于记忆卡文件压缩比非常高 (强烈建议使用此"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:41
msgid "!Panel:Mcd:EnableEjection"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:39
msgid ""
"Avoids memory card corruption by forcing games to re-index card contents "
"after loading from savestates. May not be compatible with all games (Guitar "
msgstr ""
"有游戏兼容 (如 Guitar Hero 《吉他英雄》)。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/StuckThreadDialog.cpp:33
msgid "!Panel:StuckThread:Heading"
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"The thread '%s' is not responding. It could be deadlocked, or it might just "
"be running *really* slowly."
msgstr "线程 '%d' 没有响应。它可能出现死锁,或可能仅仅是运行得*非常*慢。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:38
msgid "!Panel:HasHacksOverrides"
msgid ""
"Warning! You are running PCSX2 with command line options that override your "
"configured settings. These command line options will not be reflected in "
"the Settings dialog, and will be disabled if you apply any changes here."
msgstr ""
"警告! 您正在使用命令行选项运行 PCSX2这将覆盖您已配置的设定。这些命令行选项"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:58
msgid "!Panel:HasPluginsOverrides"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:55
msgid ""
"Warning! You are running PCSX2 with command line options that override your "
"configured plugin and/or folder settings. These command line options will "
"not be reflected in the settings dialog, and will be disabled when you apply "
"settings changes here."
msgstr ""
"警告! 您正在使用命令行选项运行 PCSX2这将覆盖您已配置的插件或文件夹设定。这"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:135
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Slider"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:129
msgid ""
"The Presets apply speed hacks, some recompiler options and some game fixes "
"known to boost speed.\n"
"Known important game fixes will be applied automatically.\n"
"Presets info:\n"
"1 - The most accurate emulation but also the slowest.\n"
"3 --> Tries to balance speed with compatibility.\n"
"4 - Some more aggressive hacks.\n"
"6 - Too many hacks which will probably slow down most games.\n"
msgstr ""
"预置将影响速度 Hack、一些重编译器选项及一些已经可提升速度的游戏特殊修正。\n"
"已知的游戏特殊修正 (\"补丁\") 将自动被应用。\n"
@ -154,10 +230,15 @@ msgstr ""
"1 - 模拟精确度最高,但速度最低。\n"
"3 --> 试图平衡速度及兼容性。\n"
"4 - 一些更多的 Hack。\n"
"6 - 过多 Hack有可能拖慢大多数游戏的速度。"
"6 - 过多 Hack有可能拖慢大多数游戏的速度。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:149
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Checkbox"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:136
msgid ""
"The Presets apply speed hacks, some recompiler options and some game fixes "
"known to boost speed.\n"
"Known important game fixes will be applied automatically.\n"
"--> Uncheck to modify settings manually (with current preset as base)"
msgstr ""
"预置将影响速度 Hack、一些重编译器选项及一些已经可提升速度的游戏特殊修正。\n"
"已知的游戏特殊修正 (\"补丁\") 将自动被应用。\n"
@ -165,11 +246,21 @@ msgstr ""
"--> 取消此项可手动修改设置 (基于当前预置)"
#: pcsx2/gui/IsoDropTarget.cpp:28
msgid "!Notice:ConfirmSysReset"
msgid ""
"This action will reset the existing PS2 virtual machine state; all current "
"progress will be lost. Are you sure?"
msgstr "此动作将复位当前的 PS2 虚拟机状态;当前进度将丢失。是否确认?"
#: pcsx2/gui/MainMenuClicks.cpp:106
msgid "!Notice:DeleteSettings"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"This command clears %s settings and allows you to re-run the First-Time "
"Wizard. You will need to manually restart %s after this operation.\n"
"WARNING!! Click OK to delete *ALL* settings for %s and force-close the app, "
"losing any current emulation progress. Are you absolutely sure?\n"
"(note: settings for plugins are unaffected)"
msgstr ""
"此命令将清除 %s 的设置且允许您重新运行首次运行向导。您需要在此操作完成后重新"
"启动 %s。\n"
@ -180,34 +271,52 @@ msgstr ""
"(注: 插件设置将不受影响)"
#: pcsx2/gui/MemoryCardFile.cpp:78
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:HasBeenDisabled"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The PS2-slot %d has been automatically disabled. You can correct the "
"and re-enable it at any time using Config:Memory cards from the main menu."
msgstr ""
"%d 插槽上的记忆卡已自动被禁用。您可以随时在主菜单上的配置:记忆卡中改正问题并"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/BiosSelectorPanel.cpp:138
msgid "!Notice:BIOS:InvalidSelection"
msgid ""
"Please select a valid BIOS. If you are unable to make a valid selection "
"then press Cancel to close the Configuration panel."
msgstr ""
"请选择一个合法的 BIOS。如果您不能作出合法的选择请单击取消来关闭配置面板。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:111
msgid "!Panel:EE/IOP:Heading"
msgid "Notice: Most games are fine with the default options. "
msgstr "注: 大多数游戏使用默认选项即可。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:178
msgid "!Panel:VUs:Heading"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:177
msgid "Notice: Most games are fine with the default options."
msgstr "注: 大多数游戏使用默认选项即可。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:69
msgid "!Notice:DirPicker:CreatePath"
msgid ""
"The specified path/directory does not exist. Would you like to create it?"
msgstr "指定的路径/目录不存在。是否需要创建?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:158
msgid "!ContextTip:DirPicker:UseDefault"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:157
msgid ""
"When checked this folder will automatically reflect the default associated "
"with PCSX2's current usermode setting. "
msgstr "选中时此文件夹将自动反映当前 PCSX2 用户设置选项相关的默认值。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:55
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Zoom"
msgid ""
"Zoom = 100: Fit the entire image to the window without any cropping.\n"
"Above/Below 100: Zoom In/Out\n"
"0: Automatic-Zoom-In untill the black-bars are gone (Aspect ratio is kept, "
"some of the image goes out of screen).\n"
" NOTE: Some games draw their own black-bars, which will not be removed with "
"Keyboard: CTRL + NUMPAD-PLUS: Zoom-In, CTRL + NUMPAD-MINUS: Zoom-Out, CTRL + "
"NUMPAD-*: Toggle 100/0"
msgstr ""
"缩放 = 100: 图像适合窗口大小,无任何裁剪。\n"
"大于或小于 100: 放大/缩小。\n"
@ -217,14 +326,23 @@ msgstr ""
"键盘: Ctrl+小键盘加号: 放大Ctrl+小键盘减号: 缩小Ctrl+小键盘星号: 在 100 "
"和 0 之间切换"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:63
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Vsync"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:58
msgid ""
"Vsync eliminates screen tearing but typically has a big performance hit. It "
"usually only applies to fullscreen mode, and may not work with all GS "
msgstr ""
"对所有的 GS 插件都有效。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:68
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:ManagedVsync"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:61
msgid ""
"Enables Vsync when the framerate is exactly at full speed. Should it fall "
"below that, Vsync gets disabled to avoid further performance penalties. "
"Note: This currently only works well with GSdx as GS plugin and with it "
"configured to use DX10/11 hardware rendering. Any other plugin or rendering "
"mode will either ignore it or produce a black frame that blinks whenever the "
"mode switches. It also requires Vsync to be enabled."
msgstr ""
@ -232,52 +350,79 @@ msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:76
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideMouse"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:64
msgid ""
"Check this to force the mouse cursor invisible inside the GS window; useful "
"if using the mouse as a primary control device for gaming. By default the "
"mouse auto-hides after 2 seconds of inactivity."
msgstr ""
"选中此项强制 GS 窗口中不显示鼠标光标。在使用鼠标控制游戏时比较有用。默认状态"
"鼠标在 2 秒不活动后隐藏。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:82
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Fullscreen"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:67
msgid ""
"Enables automatic mode switch to fullscreen when starting or resuming "
"emulation. You can still toggle fullscreen display at any time using alt-"
msgstr ""
"启动或恢复模拟时自动切换至全屏。您可以使用 Alt+Enter 随时切换全屏或窗口模式。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:93
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideGS"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:74
msgid ""
"Completely closes the often large and bulky GS window when pressing ESC or "
"pausing the emulator."
msgstr "在按 ESC 或挂起模拟器时彻底关闭 GS 窗口。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:67
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:EE Timing Hack"
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Digital Devil Saga (Fixes FMV and crashes)\n"
" * SSX (Fixes bad graphics and crashes)\n"
" * Resident Evil: Dead Aim (Causes garbled textures)"
msgstr ""
" * 数码恶魔传说 (修正 CG 及崩溃问题)\n"
" * 极限滑雪 (修正图像错误及崩溃问题)\n"
" * 生化危机: 死亡目标 (导致纹理混乱)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:80
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:OPH Flag hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:76
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Bleach Blade Battler\n"
" * Growlanser II and III\n"
" * Wizardry"
msgstr ""
" * 死神刀刃战士\n"
" * 梦幻骑士 2 和 3\n"
" * 巫术"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:89
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:DMA Busy hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:81
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Mana Khemia 1 (Going \"off campus\")\n"
msgstr ""
" * Mana Khemia 1 (学校的炼金术士)"
" * Mana Khemia 1 (学校的炼金术士)\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:96
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:VIF1 FIFO hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:86
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Test Drive Unlimited\n"
" * Transformers"
msgstr ""
" * Test Drive Unlimited (无限试驾 2)\n"
" * Transformers (变形金刚)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:119
msgid "!Panel:Gamefixes:Compat Warning"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:106
msgid ""
"Gamefixes can work around wrong emulation in some titles. \n"
"They may also cause compatibility or performance issues. \n"
"It's better to enable 'Automatic game fixes' at the main menu instead, and "
"leave this page empty. \n"
"('Automatic' means: selectively use specific tested fixes for specific games)"
msgstr ""
@ -285,172 +430,259 @@ msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:720
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Delete"
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"You are about to delete the formatted memory card '%s'. All data on this "
"card will be lost! Are you absolutely and quite positively sure?"
msgstr ""
"即将删除已格式化的位于 %u 插柄上的记忆卡。此记忆卡中所有数据将丢失! 是否确定?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:758
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:CantDuplicate"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:756
msgid ""
"Failed: Duplicate is only allowed to an empty PS2-Port or to the file system."
msgstr "失败: 只允许复制到一个空的 PS2 端口或文件系统。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:801
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Copy Failed"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:798
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Failed: Destination memory card '%s' is in use."
msgstr "错误! 无法将记忆卡复到到插槽 %u。目标文件正在使用。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:35
msgid "!Panel:Usermode:Explained"
msgid ""
"Please select your preferred default location for PCSX2 user-level documents "
"below (includes memory cards, screenshots, settings, and savestates). These "
"folder locations can be overridden at any time using the Core Settings panel."
msgstr ""
"请在下面选择您偏好的 PCSX2 用户文档默认位置 (包括记忆卡、截图、设置选项及即时"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:41
msgid "!Panel:Usermode:Warning"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:38
msgid ""
"You can change the preferred default location for PCSX2 user-level documents "
"here (includes memory cards, screenshots, settings, and savestates). This "
"option only affects Standard Paths which are set to use the installation "
"default value."
msgstr ""
"您可以在此更改 PCSX2 用户文档的默认位置 (包括记忆卡、截图、设置选项及即时存"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:40
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Savestates"
msgid ""
"This folder is where PCSX2 records savestates; which are recorded either by "
"using menus/toolbars, or by pressing F1/F3 (save/load)."
msgstr ""
"此文件夹是 PCSX2 保存即时存档的位置;即时存档可使用菜单/工具栏或 F1/F3 (保存/"
"读取) 使用。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:50
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Snapshots"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:48
msgid ""
"This folder is where PCSX2 saves screenshots. Actual screenshot image "
"format and style may vary depending on the GS plugin being used."
msgstr ""
"此文件夹是 PCSX2 保存截图的位置。实际截图格式和风格对于不同的 GS 插件可能不"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:60
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Logs"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:56
msgid ""
"This folder is where PCSX2 saves its logfiles and diagnostic dumps. Most "
"plugins will also adhere to this folder, however some older plugins may "
"ignore it."
msgstr ""
"此文件夹是 PCSX2 保存日志记录和诊断转储的位置。大多数插件也将使用此文件夹,但"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:242
msgid "!Notice:PluginSelector:ConfirmShutdown"
msgid ""
"Warning! Changing plugins requires a complete shutdown and reset of the PS2 "
"virtual machine. PCSX2 will attempt to save and restore the state, but if "
"the newly selected plugins are incompatible the recovery may fail, and "
"current progress will be lost.\n"
"Are you sure you want to apply settings now?"
msgstr ""
"警告! 更换插件需要彻底关闭并重新启动 PS2 虚拟机。PCSX2 将尝试保存即时存档并读"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:457
msgid "!Notice:PluginSelector:ApplyFailed"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:452
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"All plugins must have valid selections for %s to run. If you are unable to "
"make a valid selection due to missing plugins or an incomplete install of "
"%s, then press Cancel to close the Configuration panel."
msgstr ""
"要运行 %s所有插件必须有合法选择。如果由于插件缺失或不完整的安装您不能做出合"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:27
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX1"
msgid ""
"1 - Default cyclerate. This closely matches the actual speed of a real PS2 "
msgstr "1 - 默认周期频率。完全重现 PS2 实机情感引擎的实际速度。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:32
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX2"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:31
msgid ""
"2 - Reduces the EE's cyclerate by about 33%. Mild speedup for most games "
"with high compatibility."
msgstr "2 - 将 EE 周期频率减少约 33%。对大多数游戏有轻微提速效果,兼容性较高。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX3"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:35
msgid ""
"3 - Reduces the EE's cyclerate by about 50%. Moderate speedup, but *will* "
"cause stuttering audio on many FMVs."
msgstr ""
"3 - 将 EE 周期频率减少约 50%。中等提速效果,但将导致很多 CG 动画中的音频出现"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:54
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealOff"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:50
msgid "0 - Disables VU Cycle Stealing. Most compatible setting!"
msgstr "0 - 禁用 VU 周期挪用。兼容性最高!"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:59
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal1"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:54
msgid ""
"1 - Mild VU Cycle Stealing. Lower compatibility, but some speedup for most "
msgstr "1 - 轻微 VU 周期挪用。兼容性较低,但对大多数游戏有一定的提速效果。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:64
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal2"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:58
msgid ""
"2 - Moderate VU Cycle Stealing. Even lower compatibility, but significant "
"speedups in some games."
msgstr "2 - 中等 VU 周期挪用。兼容性更低,但对一些游戏有较大的提速效果。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:70
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal3"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:63
msgid ""
"3 - Maximum VU Cycle Stealing. Usefulness is limited, as this will cause "
"flickering visuals or slowdown in most games."
msgstr ""
"3 - 最大的 VU 周期挪用。对大多数游戏将造成图像闪烁或速度拖慢,用途有限。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:97
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:Overview"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:88
msgid ""
"Speedhacks usually improve emulation speed, but can cause glitches, broken "
"audio, and false FPS readings. When having emulation problems, disable this "
"panel first."
msgstr ""
"速度 Hack 通常可以提升模拟速度,但也可能导致错误、声音问题或虚帧。如模拟有问"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:129
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:EECycleRate Slider"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:118
msgid ""
"Setting higher values on this slider effectively reduces the clock speed of "
"the EmotionEngine's R5900 core cpu, and typically brings big speedups to "
"games that fail to utilize the full potential of the real PS2 hardware."
msgstr ""
"提高此数值可减少情感引擎的 R5900 CPU 的时钟速度,通常对于未完全使用 PS2 实机"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:150
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealing Slider"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:136
msgid ""
"This slider controls the amount of cycles the VU unit steals from the "
"EmotionEngine. Higher values increase the number of cycles stolen from the "
"EE for each VU microprogram the game runs."
msgstr ""
"此选项控制 VU 单元从情感引擎挪用的时钟周期数目。较高数值将增加各个被游戏执行"
"的 VU 微程序从 EE 挪用的周期数目。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:169
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:153
msgid ""
"Updates Status Flags only on blocks which will read them, instead of all the "
"time. This is safe most of the time, and Super VU does something similar by "
msgstr ""
"仅在标志位被读取时更新而不是总是更新。此选项通常是安全的Super VU 默认会以"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:174
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuThread"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:156
msgid ""
"Runs VU1 on its own thread (microVU1-only). Generally a speedup on CPUs with "
"3 or more cores. This is safe for most games, but a few games are "
"incompatible and may hang. In the case of GS limited games, it may be a "
"slowdown (especially on dual core CPUs)."
msgstr ""
"在单独的线程是运行 VU1 (仅限 microVU1)。通常在三核以上 CPU 中有提速效果。此选"
"项对大多数游戏是安全的,但一部分游戏可能不兼容或导致没有响应。对于受限于 GS "
"的游戏,可能会造成性能下降 (特别是在双核 CPU 上)。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:195
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:174
msgid ""
"This hack works best for games that use the INTC Status register to wait for "
"vsyncs, which includes primarily non-3D RPG titles. Games that do not use "
"this method of vsync will see little or no speedup from this hack."
msgstr ""
"此选项对于使用 INTC 状态寄存器来等待垂直同步的游戏效果较好,包括一些主要的 "
"3D RPG 游戏。对于不使用此方法的游戏没有提速效果。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:200
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:177
msgid ""
"Primarily targetting the EE idle loop at address 0x81FC0 in the kernel, this "
"hack attempts to detect loops whose bodies are guaranteed to result in the "
"same machine state for every iteration until a scheduled event triggers "
"emulation of another unit. After a single iteration of such loops, we "
"advance to the time of the next event or the end of the processor's "
"timeslice, whichever comes first."
msgstr ""
"主要针对位于内核地址 0x81FC0 的 EE 空闲循环,此 Hack 试图检测循环体在一个另外"
"后,将下一事件的时间或处理器的时间片结束时间 (孰早) 做出更新。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:207
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:180
msgid ""
"Check HDLoader compatibility lists for known games that have issues with "
"this. (Often marked as needing 'mode 1' or 'slow DVD'"
msgstr ""
"请参看 HDLoader 兼容性列表以获取启用此项会出现问题的游戏列表。(通常标记为需"
"要 'mode 1' 或 '慢速 DVD')"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!ContextTip:Framelimiter:Disable"
msgid ""
"Note that when Framelimiting is disabled, Turbo and SlowMotion modes will "
"not be available either."
msgstr "注意: 如限帧被禁用,快速模式和慢动作模式将不可用。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:227
msgid "!Panel:Frameskip:Heading"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:225
msgid ""
"Notice: Due to PS2 hardware design, precise frame skipping is impossible. "
"Enabling it will cause severe graphical errors in some games."
msgstr ""
"注意: 由于 PS2 硬件设计,不可能准确跳帧。启用此选项可能在游戏中导致图像错误。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302
msgid ""
"Enable this if you think MTGS thread sync is causing crashes or graphical "
msgstr "如您认为 MTGS 线程同步导致崩溃或图像错误,请启用此项。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:310
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:305
msgid ""
"Removes any benchmark noise caused by the MTGS thread or GPU overhead. This "
"option is best used in conjunction with savestates: save a state at an ideal "
"scene, enable this option, and re-load the savestate.\n"
"Warning: This option can be enabled on-the-fly but typically cannot be "
"disabled on-the-fly (video will typically be garbage)."
msgstr ""
"禁用全部由 MTGS 线程或 GPU 开销导致的测试信息。此选项可与即时存档配合使用: 在"
"警告: 此选项可以即时启用但通常不能即时关闭 (通常会导致图像损坏)。"
#: pcsx2/vtlb.cpp:710
msgid "!Notice:HostVmReserve"
#: pcsx2/vtlb.cpp:711
msgid ""
"Your system is too low on virtual resources for PCSX2 to run. This can be "
"caused by having a small or disabled swapfile, or by other programs that are "
"hogging resources."
msgstr ""
"您的系统没有足够的资源运行 PCSX2。可能是由于交换文件过小或未使用或其它占用"
#: pcsx2/x86/sVU_zerorec.cpp:363
msgid "!Notice:superVU:VirtualMemoryAlloc"
msgid ""
"Out of Memory (sorta): The SuperVU recompiler was unable to reserve the "
"specific memory ranges required, and will not be available for use. This is "
"not a critical error, since the sVU rec is obsolete, and you should use "
"microVU instead anyway. :)"
msgstr ""
"内存溢出: SuperVU 重编译器无法保留所需的指定内存范围,且将不可用。这不是一个"
"严重错误sVU 重编译器已过时,您应该使用 microVU。:)"

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.9\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-04-07 11:42+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-08-10 11:44+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-09 11:52+0800\n"
"Last-Translator: 呆丸北拜\n"
"Language-Team: pcsx2fan\n"
@ -19,49 +19,72 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: common\n"
#: common/src/Utilities/Exceptions.cpp:254
msgid "!Notice:VirtualMemoryMap"
msgid ""
"There is not enough virtual memory available, or necessary virtual memory "
"mappings have already been reserved by other processes, services, or DLLs."
msgstr ""
"或必備的虛擬記憶體映射已經被其他處理程序、服務,或 DLL 保留。"
#: pcsx2/CDVD/CDVD.cpp:389
msgid "!Notice:PsxDisc"
msgid ""
"Playstation game discs are not supported by PCSX2. If you want to emulate "
"PSX games then you'll have to download a PSX-specific emulator, such as "
"ePSXe or PCSX."
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 不支援 Playstation 遊戲光碟。\n"
"若您想要模擬 PS 遊戲,您必須下載 PS 模擬器,譬如 ePSXe 或 PCSX。"
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:114
msgid "!Notice:Recompiler:VirtualMemoryAlloc"
msgid ""
"This recompiler was unable to reserve contiguous memory required for "
"internal caches. This error can be caused by low virtual memory resources, "
"such as a small or disabled swapfile, or by another program that is hogging "
"a lot of memory. You can also try reducing the default cache sizes for all "
"PCSX2 recompilers, found under Host Settings."
msgstr ""
"您也可以嘗試減少 PCSX2 全部反編譯裝置的預設快取大小,位於 Host 設定。"
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:348
msgid "!Notice:EmuCore::MemoryForVM"
#: pcsx2/System.cpp:344
msgid ""
"PCSX2 is unable to allocate memory needed for the PS2 virtual machine. Close "
"out some memory hogging background tasks and try again."
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 無法分配 PS2 虛擬機需要的記憶體。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:43
msgid "!Notice:Startup:NoSSE2"
msgid ""
"Warning: Your computer does not support SSE2, which is required by many "
"PCSX2 recompilers and plugins. Your options will be limited and emulation "
"will be *very* slow."
msgstr ""
"警告:您的電腦不支援 SSE2許多 PCSX2 的反編譯裝置和插件需要 SSE2。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:162
msgid "!Notice:RecompilerInit:Header"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:160
msgid ""
"Warning: Some of the configured PS2 recompilers failed to initialize and "
"have been disabled:"
msgstr "警告:某些指定的 PS2 反編譯裝置初始化失敗,並且被停用:"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:211
msgid "!Notice:RecompilerInit:Footer"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppInit.cpp:208
msgid ""
"Note: Recompilers are not necessary for PCSX2 to run, however they typically "
"improve emulation speed substantially. You may have to manually re-enable "
"the recompilers listed above, if you resolve the errors."
msgstr ""
"注意:反編譯裝置並非執行 PCSX2 所必須的,但反編譯裝置大幅提升遊戲速度。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:546
msgid "!Notice:BiosDumpRequired"
msgid ""
"PCSX2 requires a PS2 BIOS in order to run. For legal reasons, you *must* "
"obtain a BIOS from an actual PS2 unit that you own (borrowing doesn't "
"count). Please consult the FAQs and Guides for further instructions."
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 需要 PS2 BIOS 才能運行遊戲。\n"
@ -69,15 +92,24 @@ msgstr ""
"(借的 PS2 不算)。\n"
"進一步的說明請洽 FAQ 和指南。"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:629
msgid "!Notice Error:Thread Deadlock Actions"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppMain.cpp:626
msgid ""
"'Ignore' to continue waiting for the thread to respond.\n"
"'Cancel' to attempt to cancel the thread.\n"
"'Terminate' to quit PCSX2 immediately.\n"
msgstr ""
"【終止】立即退出 PCSX2。"
"【終止】立即退出 PCSX2。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppUserMode.cpp:57
msgid "!Notice:PortableModeRights"
msgid ""
"Please ensure that these folders are created and that your user account is "
"granted write permissions to them -- or re-run PCSX2 with elevated "
"(administrator) rights, which should grant PCSX2 the ability to create the "
"necessary folders itself. If you do not have elevated rights on this "
"computer, then you will need to switch to User Documents mode (click button "
msgstr ""
"或以更高的(管理員)權限重新執行 PCSX2 應該就能夠建立必需的資料夾。\n"
@ -85,37 +117,57 @@ msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:181
msgid "!ContextTip:ChangingNTFS"
msgid ""
"NTFS compression can be changed manually at any time by using file "
"properties from Windows Explorer."
msgstr ""
"NTFS 壓縮能夠在任何時候手動變更,透過從檔案總管使用右鍵選單的「內容」選項。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:49
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Settings"
msgid ""
"This is the folder where PCSX2 saves your settings, including settings "
"generated by most plugins (some older plugins may not respect this value)."
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 用這個資料夾儲存您的設定,包括大多數插件的設定。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:54
msgid "!Panel:Folders:Settings"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:52
msgid ""
"You may optionally specify a location for your PCSX2 settings here. If the "
"location contains existing PCSX2 settings, you will be given the option to "
"import or overwrite them."
msgstr ""
"您可以在這裡指定一個位置用來儲存 PCSX2 的設定檔。\n"
"若指定的位置包含已經存在的 PCSX2 設定檔,您將會被問及匯入或覆寫現存的設定。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:94
msgid "!Wizard:Welcome"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:89
#, c-format
msgid ""
"This wizard will help guide you through configuring plugins, memory cards, "
"and BIOS. It is recommended if this is your first time installing %s that "
"you view the readme and configuration guide."
msgstr ""
"若您首次使用 %s建議您閱讀《 讀我檔案 》和《 配置指南 》。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:140
msgid "!Wizard:Bios:Tutorial"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:132
msgid ""
"PCSX2 requires a *legal* copy of the PS2 BIOS in order to run games.\n"
"You cannot use a copy obtained from a friend or the Internet.\n"
"You must dump the BIOS from your *own* Playstation 2 console."
msgstr ""
"為了運行遊戲PCSX2 要求一份「合法」的 PS2 BIOS 拷貝。\n"
"您不能使用一份從朋友或網路借來的 PS2 BIOS 拷貝。\n"
"您必須從您「自己」的 Playstation 2 遊戲主機擷取 BIOS。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/ImportSettingsDialog.cpp:31
msgid "!Notice:ImportExistingSettings"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Existing %s settings have been found in the configured settings folder. "
"Would you like to import these settings or overwrite them with %s default "
"(or press Cancel to select a different settings folder)"
msgstr ""
"在指定的設定檔資料夾發現已經存在的 %s 設定檔。\n"
"您想要匯入其中的設定,或以 %s 的預設設定覆寫設定檔?\n"
@ -123,47 +175,76 @@ msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:30
msgid "!Panel:Mcd:NtfsCompress"
msgid ""
"NTFS compression is built-in, fast, and completely reliable; and typically "
"compresses memory cards very well (this option is highly recommended)."
msgstr ""
"NTFS 壓縮是內建的,速度快,而且完全可靠;\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:41
msgid "!Panel:Mcd:EnableEjection"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/McdConfigDialog.cpp:39
msgid ""
"Avoids memory card corruption by forcing games to re-index card contents "
"after loading from savestates. May not be compatible with all games (Guitar "
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/StuckThreadDialog.cpp:33
msgid "!Panel:StuckThread:Heading"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The thread '%s' is not responding. It could be deadlocked, or it might just "
"be running *really* slowly."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:38
msgid "!Panel:HasHacksOverrides"
msgid ""
"Warning! You are running PCSX2 with command line options that override your "
"configured settings. These command line options will not be reflected in "
"the Settings dialog, and will be disabled if you apply any changes here."
msgstr ""
"警告!您正在從覆寫現有設定的命令列選項執行 PCSX2。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:58
msgid "!Panel:HasPluginsOverrides"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:55
msgid ""
"Warning! You are running PCSX2 with command line options that override your "
"configured plugin and/or folder settings. These command line options will "
"not be reflected in the settings dialog, and will be disabled when you apply "
"settings changes here."
msgstr ""
"警告!您正在從覆寫現有插件 / 資料夾設定的命令列選項執行 PCSX2。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:135
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Slider"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:129
msgid ""
"The Presets apply speed hacks, some recompiler options and some game fixes "
"known to boost speed.\n"
"Known important game fixes will be applied automatically.\n"
"Presets info:\n"
"1 - The most accurate emulation but also the slowest.\n"
"3 --> Tries to balance speed with compatibility.\n"
"4 - Some more aggressive hacks.\n"
"6 - Too many hacks which will probably slow down most games.\n"
msgstr ""
"1 - 最準確的模擬、速度最慢。\n"
"3 --> 嘗試在遊戲速度和相容性之間取得平衡。\n"
"4 - 一些更加激進的速度駭客、模擬器選項。\n"
"6 - 非常多的速度駭客,可能會降低大多數遊戲的遊戲速度。"
"6 - 非常多的速度駭客,可能會降低大多數遊戲的遊戲速度。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:149
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Checkbox"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:136
msgid ""
"The Presets apply speed hacks, some recompiler options and some game fixes "
"known to boost speed.\n"
"Known important game fixes will be applied automatically.\n"
"--> Uncheck to modify settings manually (with current preset as base)"
msgstr ""
@ -172,13 +253,23 @@ msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/IsoDropTarget.cpp:28
msgid "!Notice:ConfirmSysReset"
msgid ""
"This action will reset the existing PS2 virtual machine state; all current "
"progress will be lost. Are you sure?"
msgstr ""
"重置當前的 PS2 虛擬機狀態;\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/MainMenuClicks.cpp:106
msgid "!Notice:DeleteSettings"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"This command clears %s settings and allows you to re-run the First-Time "
"Wizard. You will need to manually restart %s after this operation.\n"
"WARNING!! Click OK to delete *ALL* settings for %s and force-close the app, "
"losing any current emulation progress. Are you absolutely sure?\n"
"(note: settings for plugins are unaffected)"
msgstr ""
"清除 %s 的設定,並且允許您重新執行首次執行精靈。\n"
"本操作完成之後,您需要手動重新啟動 %s。\n"
@ -189,37 +280,55 @@ msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/MemoryCardFile.cpp:78
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:HasBeenDisabled"
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The PS2-slot %d has been automatically disabled. You can correct the "
"and re-enable it at any time using Config:Memory cards from the main menu."
msgstr ""
"插槽 %d 的記憶卡已經被自動停用。\n"
"您可以在任何時候透過「PCSX2 主選單 => 設定 => 記憶卡」糾正這一問題並重新啟"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/BiosSelectorPanel.cpp:138
msgid "!Notice:BIOS:InvalidSelection"
msgid ""
"Please select a valid BIOS. If you are unable to make a valid selection "
"then press Cancel to close the Configuration panel."
msgstr ""
"請選擇一個有效的 BIOS。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:111
msgid "!Panel:EE/IOP:Heading"
msgid "Notice: Most games are fine with the default options. "
msgstr "注意:大多數遊戲只需使用預設設定即可。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:178
msgid "!Panel:VUs:Heading"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/CpuPanel.cpp:177
msgid "Notice: Most games are fine with the default options."
msgstr "注意:大多數遊戲只需使用預設設定即可。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:69
msgid "!Notice:DirPicker:CreatePath"
msgid ""
"The specified path/directory does not exist. Would you like to create it?"
msgstr "指定的路徑 / 資料夾不存在。您想要新增嗎?"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:158
msgid "!ContextTip:DirPicker:UseDefault"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:157
msgid ""
"When checked this folder will automatically reflect the default associated "
"with PCSX2's current usermode setting. "
msgstr ""
"當勾選時,此資料夾將會自動反映與 PCSX2 當前的使用者設定所關聯的預設值。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:55
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Zoom"
msgid ""
"Zoom = 100: Fit the entire image to the window without any cropping.\n"
"Above/Below 100: Zoom In/Out\n"
"0: Automatic-Zoom-In untill the black-bars are gone (Aspect ratio is kept, "
"some of the image goes out of screen).\n"
" NOTE: Some games draw their own black-bars, which will not be removed with "
"Keyboard: CTRL + NUMPAD-PLUS: Zoom-In, CTRL + NUMPAD-MINUS: Zoom-Out, CTRL + "
"NUMPAD-*: Toggle 100/0"
msgstr ""
"大於 100畫面放大小於 100畫面縮小\n"
@ -230,14 +339,23 @@ msgstr ""
"鍵盤熱鍵Ctrl + Num+ 畫面放大Ctrl + Num- 畫面縮小Ctrl + Num * 切換 "
"100 / 0"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:63
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Vsync"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:58
msgid ""
"Vsync eliminates screen tearing but typically has a big performance hit. It "
"usually only applies to fullscreen mode, and may not work with all GS "
msgstr ""
"垂直同步消除遊戲畫面出現斷層Screen tearing但是效能大幅損失。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:68
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:ManagedVsync"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:61
msgid ""
"Enables Vsync when the framerate is exactly at full speed. Should it fall "
"below that, Vsync gets disabled to avoid further performance penalties. "
"Note: This currently only works well with GSdx as GS plugin and with it "
"configured to use DX10/11 hardware rendering. Any other plugin or rendering "
"mode will either ignore it or produce a black frame that blinks whenever the "
"mode switches. It also requires Vsync to be enabled."
msgstr ""
@ -246,56 +364,83 @@ msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:76
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideMouse"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:64
msgid ""
"Check this to force the mouse cursor invisible inside the GS window; useful "
"if using the mouse as a primary control device for gaming. By default the "
"mouse auto-hides after 2 seconds of inactivity."
msgstr ""
"預設,滑鼠指標在 2 秒非活動之後自動隱藏。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:82
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Fullscreen"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:67
msgid ""
"Enables automatic mode switch to fullscreen when starting or resuming "
"emulation. You can still toggle fullscreen display at any time using alt-"
msgstr ""
"您仍能使用 Alt + Enter在視窗模式和全螢幕模式之間隨時切換。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:93
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideGS"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:74
msgid ""
"Completely closes the often large and bulky GS window when pressing ESC or "
"pausing the emulator."
msgstr ""
"當按 ESC 或透過選單「檔案 -> 暫停遊戲」暫停模擬器的模擬時,\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:67
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:EE Timing Hack"
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Digital Devil Saga (Fixes FMV and crashes)\n"
" * SSX (Fixes bad graphics and crashes)\n"
" * Resident Evil: Dead Aim (Causes garbled textures)"
msgstr ""
" * 數位惡魔傳說Digital Devil Saga修正遊戲動畫和遊戲當掉\n"
" * SSX修正糟糕的圖形和遊戲當掉\n"
" * 惡靈古堡英雄不死Resident Evil: Dead Aim導致混亂的紋理"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:80
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:OPH Flag hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:76
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Bleach Blade Battler\n"
" * Growlanser II and III\n"
" * Wizardry"
msgstr ""
" * 死神刀刃戰士Bleach Blade Battler\n"
" * 夢幻騎士GrowlancerII 和 III\n"
" * 巫術Wizardry"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:89
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:DMA Busy hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:81
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Mana Khemia 1 (Going \"off campus\")\n"
msgstr ""
" * Mana Khemia 1 離開校園Off Campus"
" * Mana Khemia 1 離開校園Off Campus\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:96
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:VIF1 FIFO hack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:86
msgid ""
"Known to affect following games:\n"
" * Test Drive Unlimited\n"
" * Transformers"
msgstr ""
" * 車魂:無限賽\n"
" * 變形金剛"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:119
msgid "!Panel:Gamefixes:Compat Warning"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:106
msgid ""
"Gamefixes can work around wrong emulation in some titles. \n"
"They may also cause compatibility or performance issues. \n"
"It's better to enable 'Automatic game fixes' at the main menu instead, and "
"leave this page empty. \n"
"('Automatic' means: selectively use specific tested fixes for specific games)"
msgstr ""
"因為預設勾選『 主選單 -> 檔案 -> 自動使用遊戲修正 』,在運行相應的遊戲時會自"
@ -307,54 +452,79 @@ msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:720
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Delete"
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"You are about to delete the formatted memory card '%s'. All data on this "
"card will be lost! Are you absolutely and quite positively sure?"
msgstr ""
"您即將刪除 %u 插槽已格式化的記憶卡。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:758
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:CantDuplicate"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:756
msgid ""
"Failed: Duplicate is only allowed to an empty PS2-Port or to the file system."
msgstr "失敗:僅允許建立副本至空的記憶卡插口或檔案系統。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:801
msgid "!Notice:Mcd:Copy Failed"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MemoryCardListPanel.cpp:798
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Failed: Destination memory card '%s' is in use."
msgstr "錯誤!無法複製記憶卡至插槽 %u。目標檔案使用中。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:35
msgid "!Panel:Usermode:Explained"
msgid ""
"Please select your preferred default location for PCSX2 user-level documents "
"below (includes memory cards, screenshots, settings, and savestates). These "
"folder locations can be overridden at any time using the Core Settings panel."
msgstr ""
"請選擇您首選的預設位置,用於儲存下列 PCSX2 使用者層級的檔案。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:41
msgid "!Panel:Usermode:Warning"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/MiscPanelStuff.cpp:38
msgid ""
"You can change the preferred default location for PCSX2 user-level documents "
"here (includes memory cards, screenshots, settings, and savestates). This "
"option only affects Standard Paths which are set to use the installation "
"default value."
msgstr ""
"您能夠在這裡變更首選的預設位置,用於儲存 PCSX2 使用者層級的檔案。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:40
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Savestates"
msgid ""
"This folder is where PCSX2 records savestates; which are recorded either by "
"using menus/toolbars, or by pressing F1/F3 (save/load)."
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 用這個資料夾儲存即時存檔;\n"
"即時存檔透過「選單 / 工具列」寫入,或熱鍵 F1 / F3寫檔 / 讀檔)。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:50
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Snapshots"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:48
msgid ""
"This folder is where PCSX2 saves screenshots. Actual screenshot image "
"format and style may vary depending on the GS plugin being used."
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 用這個資料夾儲存遊戲擷圖。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:60
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Logs"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:56
msgid ""
"This folder is where PCSX2 saves its logfiles and diagnostic dumps. Most "
"plugins will also adhere to this folder, however some older plugins may "
"ignore it."
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 用這個資料夾儲存日誌和用於診斷的轉存。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:242
msgid "!Notice:PluginSelector:ConfirmShutdown"
msgid ""
"Warning! Changing plugins requires a complete shutdown and reset of the PS2 "
"virtual machine. PCSX2 will attempt to save and restore the state, but if "
"the newly selected plugins are incompatible the recovery may fail, and "
"current progress will be lost.\n"
"Are you sure you want to apply settings now?"
msgstr ""
"警告!更換插件要求 PS2 虛擬機徹底關閉並重新啟動。\n"
"PCSX2 會嘗試儲存並還原目前的遊戲狀態,\n"
@ -362,101 +532,142 @@ msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:457
msgid "!Notice:PluginSelector:ApplyFailed"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PluginSelectorPanel.cpp:452
#, c-format
msgid ""
"All plugins must have valid selections for %s to run. If you are unable to "
"make a valid selection due to missing plugins or an incomplete install of "
"%s, then press Cancel to close the Configuration panel."
msgstr ""
"為了運行 %s全部插件都必須具備有效的選擇。\n"
"若由於插件丟失或 %s 未能完整安裝,令您無法作出有效的選擇,\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:27
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX1"
msgid ""
"1 - Default cyclerate. This closely matches the actual speed of a real PS2 "
msgstr ""
"1 - 預設值。\n"
"緊密地匹配正港 PS2 CPU 的實際速度。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:32
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX2"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:31
msgid ""
"2 - Reduces the EE's cyclerate by about 33%. Mild speedup for most games "
"with high compatibility."
msgstr ""
"2 - 將 EE cyclerate 減少大約 33%。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX3"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:35
msgid ""
"3 - Reduces the EE's cyclerate by about 50%. Moderate speedup, but *will* "
"cause stuttering audio on many FMVs."
msgstr ""
"3 - 將 EE cyclerate 減少大約 50%。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:54
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealOff"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:50
msgid "0 - Disables VU Cycle Stealing. Most compatible setting!"
msgstr ""
"0 - 停用 VU Cycle Stealing。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:59
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal1"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:54
msgid ""
"1 - Mild VU Cycle Stealing. Lower compatibility, but some speedup for most "
msgstr ""
"1 - 溫和的 VU Cycle Stealing。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:64
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal2"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:58
msgid ""
"2 - Moderate VU Cycle Stealing. Even lower compatibility, but significant "
"speedups in some games."
msgstr ""
"2 - 適度的 VU Cycle Stealing。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:70
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal3"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:63
msgid ""
"3 - Maximum VU Cycle Stealing. Usefulness is limited, as this will cause "
"flickering visuals or slowdown in most games."
msgstr ""
"3 - 最大的 VU Cycle Stealing。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:97
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:Overview"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:88
msgid ""
"Speedhacks usually improve emulation speed, but can cause glitches, broken "
"audio, and false FPS readings. When having emulation problems, disable this "
"panel first."
msgstr ""
"速度駭客通常會提升遊戲速度,但可能導致遊戲出現小毛病、破損的聲音、錯誤的 FPS "
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:129
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:EECycleRate Slider"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:118
msgid ""
"Setting higher values on this slider effectively reduces the clock speed of "
"the EmotionEngine's R5900 core cpu, and typically brings big speedups to "
"games that fail to utilize the full potential of the real PS2 hardware."
msgstr ""
"數值愈高,就愈能有效降低 EE 的 CPU 核心 R5900 的時脈。\n"
"對於那些無法利用真實 PS2 硬體全部潛能的遊戲,能夠大幅提升遊戲速度。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:150
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealing Slider"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:136
msgid ""
"This slider controls the amount of cycles the VU unit steals from the "
"EmotionEngine. Higher values increase the number of cycles stolen from the "
"EE for each VU microprogram the game runs."
msgstr ""
"滑桿控制著 VU 從 EE 偷竊的週期的數目。\n"
"數值愈高,遊戲執行的每一個 VU 微程式從 EE 偷的就愈多。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:169
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:153
msgid ""
"Updates Status Flags only on blocks which will read them, instead of all the "
"time. This is safe most of the time, and Super VU does something similar by "
msgstr ""
"大部分時間是安全的Super VU 預設做類似的事情。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:174
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuThread"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:156
msgid ""
"Runs VU1 on its own thread (microVU1-only). Generally a speedup on CPUs with "
"3 or more cores. This is safe for most games, but a few games are "
"incompatible and may hang. In the case of GS limited games, it may be a "
"slowdown (especially on dual core CPUs)."
msgstr ""
"microVU1 獨佔一個執行緒。對於 3 核或更多核的 CPU通常會提升遊戲速度。\n"
"對顯示卡要求高的遊戲,可能會降低遊戲速度(尤其在雙核心 CPU 上)。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:195
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:174
msgid ""
"This hack works best for games that use the INTC Status register to wait for "
"vsyncs, which includes primarily non-3D RPG titles. Games that do not use "
"this method of vsync will see little or no speedup from this hack."
msgstr ""
"對於使用 INTC 狀態暫存器等待垂直同步的遊戲,表現最好。\n"
"主要包括 RPG 遊戲非 3D 的標題。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:200
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:177
msgid ""
"Primarily targetting the EE idle loop at address 0x81FC0 in the kernel, this "
"hack attempts to detect loops whose bodies are guaranteed to result in the "
"same machine state for every iteration until a scheduled event triggers "
"emulation of another unit. After a single iteration of such loops, we "
"advance to the time of the next event or the end of the processor's "
"timeslice, whichever comes first."
msgstr ""
"主要把核心內位址 0x81FC0 的 EE 空閒循環作為目標。\n"
@ -464,31 +675,45 @@ msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:207
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:180
msgid ""
"Check HDLoader compatibility lists for known games that have issues with "
"this. (Often marked as needing 'mode 1' or 'slow DVD'"
msgstr ""
"查閱 HDLoader 相容性列表,以確定已知使用這個選項會出現問題的遊戲。\n"
"通常是有注明需要 mode 1模式 1或 slow DVD慢速 DVD的遊戲。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!ContextTip:Framelimiter:Disable"
msgid ""
"Note that when Framelimiting is disabled, Turbo and SlowMotion modes will "
"not be available either."
msgstr "注意:當畫框限制停用時,渦輪加速和慢動作無法使用。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:227
msgid "!Panel:Frameskip:Heading"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:225
msgid ""
"Notice: Due to PS2 hardware design, precise frame skipping is impossible. "
"Enabling it will cause severe graphical errors in some games."
msgstr ""
"由於 PS2 的硬體設計,精確的跳框是不可能的。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302
msgid ""
"Enable this if you think MTGS thread sync is causing crashes or graphical "
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:310
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:305
msgid ""
"Removes any benchmark noise caused by the MTGS thread or GPU overhead. This "
"option is best used in conjunction with savestates: save a state at an ideal "
"scene, enable this option, and re-load the savestate.\n"
"Warning: This option can be enabled on-the-fly but typically cannot be "
"disabled on-the-fly (video will typically be garbage)."
msgstr ""
"移除任何由多執行緒圖形模式的執行緒過載或 GPU 過載引起的效能測試產生的噪音。\n"
@ -497,15 +722,22 @@ msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/vtlb.cpp:710
msgid "!Notice:HostVmReserve"
#: pcsx2/vtlb.cpp:711
msgid ""
"Your system is too low on virtual resources for PCSX2 to run. This can be "
"caused by having a small or disabled swapfile, or by other programs that are "
"hogging resources."
msgstr ""
"您的系統虛擬資源過低,以致 PCSX2 無法運行。\n"
#: pcsx2/x86/sVU_zerorec.cpp:363
msgid "!Notice:superVU:VirtualMemoryAlloc"
msgid ""
"Out of Memory (sorta): The SuperVU recompiler was unable to reserve the "
"specific memory ranges required, and will not be available for use. This is "
"not a critical error, since the sVU rec is obsolete, and you should use "
"microVU instead anyway. :)"
msgstr ""
"幾乎是 Out of Memory\n"
"SuperVU 無法留住所需要的指定的記憶體範圍SuperVU 不可用。\n"

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -386,9 +386,7 @@ void cdvdReloadElfInfo(wxString elfoverride)
Cpu->ThrowException( Exception::RuntimeError()
.SetDiagMsg(L"PSX game discs are not supported by PCSX2.")
.SetUserMsg(pxE( "!Notice:PsxDisc",
L"Playstation game discs are not supported by PCSX2. If you want to emulate PSX games "
L"then you'll have to download a PSX-specific emulator, such as ePSXe or PCSX.")
.SetUserMsg(pxE( L"Playstation game discs are not supported by PCSX2. If you want to emulate PSX games then you'll have to download a PSX-specific emulator, such as ePSXe or PCSX.")
//Console.Error( "Playstation1 game discs are not supported by PCSX2." );

View File

@ -111,11 +111,7 @@ void RecompiledCodeReserve::ThrowIfNotOk() const
throw Exception::OutOfMemory(m_name)
.SetDiagMsg(pxsFmt( L"Recompiled code cache could not be mapped." ))
.SetUserMsg( pxE( "!Notice:Recompiler:VirtualMemoryAlloc",
L"This recompiler was unable to reserve contiguous memory required for internal caches. "
L"This error can be caused by low virtual memory resources, such as a small or disabled swapfile, "
L"or by another program that is hogging a lot of memory. You can also try reducing the default "
L"cache sizes for all PCSX2 recompilers, found under Host Settings."
.SetUserMsg( pxE( L"This recompiler was unable to reserve contiguous memory required for internal caches. This error can be caused by low virtual memory resources, such as a small or disabled swapfile, or by another program that is hogging a lot of memory. You can also try reducing the default cache sizes for all PCSX2 recompilers, found under Host Settings."
@ -345,9 +341,7 @@ public:
// returns the translated error message for the Virtual Machine failing to allocate!
static wxString GetMemoryErrorVM()
return pxE( "!Notice:EmuCore::MemoryForVM",
L"PCSX2 is unable to allocate memory needed for the PS2 virtual machine. "
L"Close out some memory hogging background tasks and try again."
return pxE( L"PCSX2 is unable to allocate memory needed for the PS2 virtual machine. Close out some memory hogging background tasks and try again."

View File

@ -40,9 +40,7 @@ static void CpuCheckSSE2()
wxDialogWithHelpers exconf( NULL, _("PCSX2 - SSE2 Recommended") );
exconf += exconf.Heading( pxE( "!Notice:Startup:NoSSE2",
L"Warning: Your computer does not support SSE2, which is required by many PCSX2 recompilers and plugins. "
L"Your options will be limited and emulation will be *very* slow." )
exconf += exconf.Heading( pxE( L"Warning: Your computer does not support SSE2, which is required by many PCSX2 recompilers and plugins. Your options will be limited and emulation will be *very* slow." )
pxIssueConfirmation( exconf, MsgButtons().OK(), L"Error.Startup.NoSSE2" );
@ -159,8 +157,7 @@ void Pcsx2App::AllocateCoreStuffs()
exconf += 12;
exconf += exconf.Heading( pxE( "!Notice:RecompilerInit:Header",
L"Warning: Some of the configured PS2 recompilers failed to initialize and have been disabled:" )
exconf += exconf.Heading( pxE( L"Warning: Some of the configured PS2 recompilers failed to initialize and have been disabled:" )
exconf += 6;
@ -208,9 +205,7 @@ void Pcsx2App::AllocateCoreStuffs()
recOps.EnableVU1 = recOps.EnableVU1 && recOps.UseMicroVU1;
exconf += exconf.Heading( pxE("!Notice:RecompilerInit:Footer",
L"Note: Recompilers are not necessary for PCSX2 to run, however they typically improve emulation speed substantially. "
L"You may have to manually re-enable the recompilers listed above, if you resolve the errors." )
exconf += exconf.Heading( pxE( L"Note: Recompilers are not necessary for PCSX2 to run, however they typically improve emulation speed substantially. You may have to manually re-enable the recompilers listed above, if you resolve the errors." )
pxIssueConfirmation( exconf, MsgButtons().OK() );

View File

@ -543,10 +543,7 @@ void Pcsx2App::OnEmuKeyDown( wxKeyEvent& evt )
// are multiple variations on the BIOS and BIOS folder checks).
wxString BIOS_GetMsg_Required()
return pxE( "!Notice:BiosDumpRequired",
L"PCSX2 requires a PS2 BIOS in order to run. For legal reasons, you *must* obtain "
L"a BIOS from an actual PS2 unit that you own (borrowing doesn't count). "
L"Please consult the FAQs and Guides for further instructions."
return pxE( L"PCSX2 requires a PS2 BIOS in order to run. For legal reasons, you *must* obtain a BIOS from an actual PS2 unit that you own (borrowing doesn't count). Please consult the FAQs and Guides for further instructions."
@ -626,10 +623,7 @@ void Pcsx2App::HandleEvent(wxEvtHandler* handler, wxEventFunction func, wxEvent&
wxDialogWithHelpers dialog( NULL, _("PCSX2 Unresponsive Thread"), wxVERTICAL );
dialog += dialog.Heading( ex.FormatDisplayMessage() + L"\n\n" +
pxE( "!Notice Error:Thread Deadlock Actions",
L"'Ignore' to continue waiting for the thread to respond.\n"
L"'Cancel' to attempt to cancel the thread.\n"
L"'Terminate' to quit PCSX2 immediately.\n"
pxE( L"'Ignore' to continue waiting for the thread to respond.\n'Cancel' to attempt to cancel the thread.\n'Terminate' to quit PCSX2 immediately.\n"

View File

@ -54,12 +54,7 @@ static wxFileName GetPortableIniPath()
static wxString GetMsg_PortableModeRights()
return pxE( "!Notice:PortableModeRights",
L"Please ensure that these folders are created and that your user account is granted "
L"write permissions to them -- or re-run PCSX2 with elevated (administrator) rights, which "
L"should grant PCSX2 the ability to create the necessary folders itself. If you "
L"do not have elevated rights on this computer, then you will need to switch to User "
L"Documents mode (click button below)."
return pxE( L"Please ensure that these folders are created and that your user account is granted write permissions to them -- or re-run PCSX2 with elevated (administrator) rights, which should grant PCSX2 the ability to create the necessary folders itself. If you do not have elevated rights on this computer, then you will need to switch to User Documents mode (click button below)."

View File

@ -178,8 +178,7 @@ void Dialogs::CreateMemoryCardDialog::CreateControls()
m_check_CompressNTFS->SetToolTip( pxEt( "!ContextTip:ChangingNTFS",
L"NTFS compression can be changed manually at any time by using file properties from Windows Explorer."
m_check_CompressNTFS->SetToolTip( pxEt( L"NTFS compression can be changed manually at any time by using file properties from Windows Explorer."

View File

@ -46,14 +46,10 @@ bool ApplicableWizardPage::PrepForApply()
Panels::SettingsDirPickerPanel::SettingsDirPickerPanel( wxWindow* parent )
: DirPickerPanel( parent, FolderId_Settings, _("Settings"), AddAppName(_("Select a folder for %s settings")) )
pxSetToolTip( this, pxEt( "!ContextTip:Folders:Settings",
L"This is the folder where PCSX2 saves your settings, including settings generated "
L"by most plugins (some older plugins may not respect this value)."
pxSetToolTip( this, pxEt( L"This is the folder where PCSX2 saves your settings, including settings generated by most plugins (some older plugins may not respect this value)."
) );
SetStaticDesc( pxE( "!Panel:Folders:Settings",
L"You may optionally specify a location for your PCSX2 settings here. If the location "
L"contains existing PCSX2 settings, you will be given the option to import or overwrite them."
SetStaticDesc( pxE( L"You may optionally specify a location for your PCSX2 settings here. If the location contains existing PCSX2 settings, you will be given the option to import or overwrite them."
) );
@ -90,10 +86,7 @@ Panels::FirstTimeIntroPanel::FirstTimeIntroPanel( wxWindow* parent )
*this += GetCharHeight();
*this += Heading(AddAppName(
pxE( "!Wizard:Welcome",
L"This wizard will help guide you through configuring plugins, "
L"memory cards, and BIOS. It is recommended if this is your first time installing "
L"%s that you view the readme and configuration guide."
pxE( L"This wizard will help guide you through configuring plugins, memory cards, and BIOS. It is recommended if this is your first time installing %s that you view the readme and configuration guide."
) )
@ -136,10 +129,7 @@ FirstTimeWizard::FirstTimeWizard( wxWindow* parent )
// Temporary tutorial message for the BIOS, needs proof-reading!!
m_page_bios += 12;
m_page_bios += new pxStaticHeading( &m_page_bios,
pxE( "!Wizard:Bios:Tutorial",
L"PCSX2 requires a *legal* copy of the PS2 BIOS in order to run games.\n"
L"You cannot use a copy obtained from a friend or the Internet.\n"
L"You must dump the BIOS from your *own* Playstation 2 console."
pxE( L"PCSX2 requires a *legal* copy of the PS2 BIOS in order to run games.\nYou cannot use a copy obtained from a friend or the Internet.\nYou must dump the BIOS from your *own* Playstation 2 console."
) | StdExpand();

View File

@ -28,10 +28,7 @@ Dialogs::ImportSettingsDialog::ImportSettingsDialog( wxWindow* parent )
pxStaticText& heading( Text( pxsFmt(
/// (%s is the app name, normally PCSX2 -- omitting one or both %s is allowed)
pxE( "!Notice:ImportExistingSettings",
L"Existing %s settings have been found in the configured settings folder. "
L"Would you like to import these settings or overwrite them with %s default values?"
L"\n\n(or press Cancel to select a different settings folder)"
pxE( L"Existing %s settings have been found in the configured settings folder. Would you like to import these settings or overwrite them with %s default values?\n\n(or press Cancel to select a different settings folder)"
), pxGetAppName().c_str(), pxGetAppName().c_str()

View File

@ -27,9 +27,7 @@ using namespace pxSizerFlags;
wxString GetMsg_McdNtfsCompress()
return pxE( "!Panel:Mcd:NtfsCompress",
L"NTFS compression is built-in, fast, and completely reliable; and typically compresses memory cards "
L"very well (this option is highly recommended)."
return pxE( L"NTFS compression is built-in, fast, and completely reliable; and typically compresses memory cards very well (this option is highly recommended)."
@ -38,9 +36,7 @@ Panels::McdConfigPanel_Toggles::McdConfigPanel_Toggles(wxWindow *parent)
m_check_Ejection = new pxCheckBox( this,
_("Auto-eject memory cards when loading savestates"),
pxE( "!Panel:Mcd:EnableEjection",
L"Avoids memory card corruption by forcing games to re-index card contents after "
L"loading from savestates. May not be compatible with all games (Guitar Hero)."
pxE( L"Avoids memory card corruption by forcing games to re-index card contents after loading from savestates. May not be compatible with all games (Guitar Hero)."

View File

@ -30,9 +30,7 @@ Dialogs::StuckThreadDialog::StuckThreadDialog( wxWindow* parent, StuckThreadActi
stuck_thread.AddListener( this );
*this += Heading( wxsFormat(
pxE( "!Panel:StuckThread:Heading",
L"The thread '%s' is not responding. It could be deadlocked, or it might "
L"just be running *really* slowly."
pxE( L"The thread '%s' is not responding. It could be deadlocked, or it might just be running *really* slowly."
) );

View File

@ -35,10 +35,7 @@ static void CheckHacksOverrides()
wxDialogWithHelpers dialog( wxFindWindowByName( L"Dialog:" + Dialogs::SysConfigDialog::GetNameStatic() ), _("Config Overrides Warning") );
dialog += dialog.Text( pxEt("!Panel:HasHacksOverrides",
L"Warning! You are running PCSX2 with command line options that override your configured settings. "
L"These command line options will not be reflected in the Settings dialog, and will be disabled "
L"if you apply any changes here."
dialog += dialog.Text( pxEt( L"Warning! You are running PCSX2 with command line options that override your configured settings. These command line options will not be reflected in the Settings dialog, and will be disabled if you apply any changes here."
// [TODO] : List command line option overrides in action?
@ -55,10 +52,7 @@ static void CheckPluginsOverrides()
wxDialogWithHelpers dialog( NULL, _("Components Overrides Warning") );
dialog += dialog.Text( pxEt("!Panel:HasPluginsOverrides",
L"Warning! You are running PCSX2 with command line options that override your configured plugin and/or folder settings. "
L"These command line options will not be reflected in the settings dialog, and will be disabled "
L"when you apply settings changes here."
dialog += dialog.Text( pxEt( L"Warning! You are running PCSX2 with command line options that override your configured plugin and/or folder settings. These command line options will not be reflected in the settings dialog, and will be disabled when you apply settings changes here."
// [TODO] : List command line option overrides in action?
@ -132,24 +126,14 @@ void Dialogs::SysConfigDialog::AddPresetsControl()
pxEt( "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Slider",
L"The Presets apply speed hacks, some recompiler options and some game fixes known to boost speed.\n"
L"Known important game fixes will be applied automatically.\n\n"
L"Presets info:\n"
L"1 - The most accurate emulation but also the slowest.\n"
L"3 --> Tries to balance speed with compatibility.\n"
L"4 - Some more aggressive hacks.\n"
L"6 - Too many hacks which will probably slow down most games.\n"
pxEt( L"The Presets apply speed hacks, some recompiler options and some game fixes known to boost speed.\nKnown important game fixes will be applied automatically.\n\nPresets info:\n1 - The most accurate emulation but also the slowest.\n3 --> Tries to balance speed with compatibility.\n4 - Some more aggressive hacks.\n6 - Too many hacks which will probably slow down most games.\n"
m_check_presets = new pxCheckBox( this, _("Preset:"), 0);
pxEt( "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Checkbox",
L"The Presets apply speed hacks, some recompiler options and some game fixes known to boost speed.\n"
L"Known important game fixes will be applied automatically.\n\n"
L"--> Uncheck to modify settings manually (with current preset as base)"
pxEt( L"The Presets apply speed hacks, some recompiler options and some game fixes known to boost speed.\nKnown important game fixes will be applied automatically.\n\n--> Uncheck to modify settings manually (with current preset as base)"
@ -308,4 +292,4 @@ void AppearanceThemesPanel::AppStatusEvent_OnSettingsApplied()
bool g_ConfigPanelChanged = false;
bool g_ConfigPanelChanged = false;

View File

@ -25,9 +25,7 @@
wxString GetMsg_ConfirmSysReset()
return pxE( "!Notice:ConfirmSysReset",
L"This action will reset the existing PS2 virtual machine state; "
L"all current progress will be lost. Are you sure?"
return pxE( L"This action will reset the existing PS2 virtual machine state; all current progress will be lost. Are you sure?"

View File

@ -103,11 +103,7 @@ void MainEmuFrame::Menu_ResetAllSettings_Click(wxCommandEvent &event)
ScopedCoreThreadPopup suspender;
if( !Msgbox::OkCancel( pxsFmt(
pxE( "!Notice:DeleteSettings",
L"This command clears %s settings and allows you to re-run the First-Time Wizard. You will need to "
L"manually restart %s after this operation.\n\n"
L"WARNING!! Click OK to delete *ALL* settings for %s and force-close the app, losing any current emulation progress. Are you absolutely sure?"
L"\n\n(note: settings for plugins are unaffected)"
pxE( L"This command clears %s settings and allows you to re-run the First-Time Wizard. You will need to manually restart %s after this operation.\n\nWARNING!! Click OK to delete *ALL* settings for %s and force-close the app, losing any current emulation progress. Are you absolutely sure?\n\n(note: settings for plugins are unaffected)"
), pxGetAppName().c_str(), pxGetAppName().c_str(), pxGetAppName().c_str() ),
_("Reset all settings?") ) )

View File

@ -75,11 +75,9 @@ protected:
wxString GetDisabledMessage( uint slot ) const
return pxE( "!Notice:Mcd:HasBeenDisabled", wxsFormat(
L"The PS2-slot %d has been automatically disabled. You can correct the problem\n"
L"and re-enable it at any time using Config:Memory cards from the main menu.",
slot//TODO: translate internal slot index to human-readable slot description
) );
return wxsFormat( pxE( L"The PS2-slot %d has been automatically disabled. You can correct the problem\nand re-enable it at any time using Config:Memory cards from the main menu."
) , slot//TODO: translate internal slot index to human-readable slot description

View File

@ -135,9 +135,7 @@ void Panels::BiosSelectorPanel::Apply()
throw Exception::CannotApplySettings(this)
.SetDiagMsg(L"User did not specify a valid BIOS selection.")
.SetUserMsg( pxE( "!Notice:BIOS:InvalidSelection",
L"Please select a valid BIOS. If you are unable to make a valid selection "
L"then press Cancel to close the Configuration panel."
.SetUserMsg( pxE( L"Please select a valid BIOS. If you are unable to make a valid selection then press Cancel to close the Configuration panel."
) );

View File

@ -108,8 +108,7 @@ Panels::AdvancedOptionsVU::AdvancedOptionsVU( wxWindow* parent )
Panels::CpuPanelEE::CpuPanelEE( wxWindow* parent )
: BaseApplicableConfigPanel_SpecificConfig( parent )
*this += Text( pxE( "!Panel:EE/IOP:Heading",
L"Notice: Most games are fine with the default options. ")
*this += Text( pxE( L"Notice: Most games are fine with the default options. ")
) | StdExpand();
const RadioPanelItem tbl_CpuTypes_EE[] =
@ -175,8 +174,7 @@ Panels::CpuPanelEE::CpuPanelEE( wxWindow* parent )
Panels::CpuPanelVU::CpuPanelVU( wxWindow* parent )
: BaseApplicableConfigPanel_SpecificConfig( parent )
*this += Text( pxE( "!Panel:VUs:Heading",
L"Notice: Most games are fine with the default options. ")
*this += Text( pxE( L"Notice: Most games are fine with the default options.")
) | StdExpand();
const RadioPanelItem tbl_CpuTypes_VU[] =

View File

@ -66,8 +66,7 @@ void Panels::DirPickerPanel::Explore_Click( wxCommandEvent &evt )
createPathDlg += createPathDlg.Label( path.ToString() ) | StdCenter();
createPathDlg += createPathDlg.Heading( pxE( "!Notice:DirPicker:CreatePath",
L"The specified path/directory does not exist. Would you like to create it?" )
createPathDlg += createPathDlg.Heading( pxE( L"The specified path/directory does not exist. Would you like to create it?" )
wxWindowID result = pxIssueConfirmation( createPathDlg,
@ -155,8 +154,7 @@ void Panels::DirPickerPanel::InitForRegisteredMode( const wxString& normalized,
m_checkCtrl = new pxCheckBox( this, _("Use default setting") );
pxSetToolTip( m_checkCtrl, pxEt( "!ContextTip:DirPicker:UseDefault",
L"When checked this folder will automatically reflect the default associated with PCSX2's current usermode setting. " )
pxSetToolTip( m_checkCtrl, pxEt( L"When checked this folder will automatically reflect the default associated with PCSX2's current usermode setting. " )
Connect( m_checkCtrl->GetId(), wxEVT_COMMAND_CHECKBOX_CLICKED, wxCommandEventHandler( DirPickerPanel::UseDefaultPath_Click ) );

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@ -52,47 +52,26 @@ Panels::GSWindowSettingsPanel::GSWindowSettingsPanel( wxWindow* parent )
m_check_DclickFullscreen = new pxCheckBox( this, _("Double-click toggles fullscreen mode") );
//m_check_ExclusiveFS = new pxCheckBox( this, _("Use exclusive fullscreen mode (if available)") );
m_text_Zoom->SetToolTip( pxEt( "!ContextTip:Window:Zoom",
L"Zoom = 100: Fit the entire image to the window without any cropping.\n"
L"Above/Below 100: Zoom In/Out\n"
L"0: Automatic-Zoom-In untill the black-bars are gone (Aspect ratio is kept, some of the image goes out of screen).\n"
L" NOTE: Some games draw their own black-bars, which will not be removed with '0'.\n\n"
L"Keyboard: CTRL + NUMPAD-PLUS: Zoom-In, CTRL + NUMPAD-MINUS: Zoom-Out, CTRL + NUMPAD-*: Toggle 100/0"
m_text_Zoom->SetToolTip( pxEt( L"Zoom = 100: Fit the entire image to the window without any cropping.\nAbove/Below 100: Zoom In/Out\n0: Automatic-Zoom-In untill the black-bars are gone (Aspect ratio is kept, some of the image goes out of screen).\n NOTE: Some games draw their own black-bars, which will not be removed with '0'.\n\nKeyboard: CTRL + NUMPAD-PLUS: Zoom-In, CTRL + NUMPAD-MINUS: Zoom-Out, CTRL + NUMPAD-*: Toggle 100/0"
) );
m_check_VsyncEnable->SetToolTip( pxEt( "!ContextTip:Window:Vsync",
L"Vsync eliminates screen tearing but typically has a big performance hit. "
L"It usually only applies to fullscreen mode, and may not work with all GS plugins."
m_check_VsyncEnable->SetToolTip( pxEt( L"Vsync eliminates screen tearing but typically has a big performance hit. It usually only applies to fullscreen mode, and may not work with all GS plugins."
) );
m_check_ManagedVsync->SetToolTip( pxEt( "!ContextTip:Window:ManagedVsync",
L"Enables Vsync when the framerate is exactly at full speed. "
L"Should it fall below that, Vsync gets disabled to avoid further performance penalties. "
L"Note: This currently only works well with GSdx as GS plugin and with it configured to use DX10/11 hardware rendering. "
L"Any other plugin or rendering mode will either ignore it or produce a black frame that blinks whenever the mode switches. "
L"It also requires Vsync to be enabled."
m_check_ManagedVsync->SetToolTip( pxEt( L"Enables Vsync when the framerate is exactly at full speed. Should it fall below that, Vsync gets disabled to avoid further performance penalties. Note: This currently only works well with GSdx as GS plugin and with it configured to use DX10/11 hardware rendering. Any other plugin or rendering mode will either ignore it or produce a black frame that blinks whenever the mode switches. It also requires Vsync to be enabled."
) );
m_check_HideMouse->SetToolTip( pxEt( "!ContextTip:Window:HideMouse",
L"Check this to force the mouse cursor invisible inside the GS window; useful if using "
L"the mouse as a primary control device for gaming. By default the mouse auto-hides after "
L"2 seconds of inactivity."
m_check_HideMouse->SetToolTip( pxEt( L"Check this to force the mouse cursor invisible inside the GS window; useful if using the mouse as a primary control device for gaming. By default the mouse auto-hides after 2 seconds of inactivity."
) );
m_check_Fullscreen->SetToolTip( pxEt( "!ContextTip:Window:Fullscreen",
L"Enables automatic mode switch to fullscreen when starting or resuming emulation. "
L"You can still toggle fullscreen display at any time using alt-enter."
m_check_Fullscreen->SetToolTip( pxEt( L"Enables automatic mode switch to fullscreen when starting or resuming emulation. You can still toggle fullscreen display at any time using alt-enter."
) );
m_check_ExclusiveFS->SetToolTip( pxEt( "!ContextTip:Window:FullscreenExclusive",
L"Fullscreen Exclusive Mode may look better on older CRTs and might be a little faster on older video cards, "
L"but typically can lead to memory leaks or random crashes when entering/leaving fullscreen mode."
m_check_ExclusiveFS->SetToolTip( pxEt( L"Fullscreen Exclusive Mode may look better on older CRTs and might be a little faster on older video cards, but typically can lead to memory leaks or random crashes when entering/leaving fullscreen mode."
) );
m_check_CloseGS->SetToolTip( pxEt( "!ContextTip:Window:HideGS",
L"Completely closes the often large and bulky GS window when pressing "
L"ESC or pausing the emulator."
m_check_CloseGS->SetToolTip( pxEt( L"Completely closes the often large and bulky GS window when pressing ESC or pausing the emulator."
) );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

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@ -64,11 +64,7 @@ Panels::GameFixesPanel::GameFixesPanel( wxWindow* parent )
_("EE timing hack - Multi purpose hack. Try if all else fails."),
pxEt( "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:EE Timing Hack",
L"Known to affect following games:\n"
L" * Digital Devil Saga (Fixes FMV and crashes)\n"
L" * SSX (Fixes bad graphics and crashes)\n"
L" * Resident Evil: Dead Aim (Causes garbled textures)"
pxEt( L"Known to affect following games:\n * Digital Devil Saga (Fixes FMV and crashes)\n * SSX (Fixes bad graphics and crashes)\n * Resident Evil: Dead Aim (Causes garbled textures)"
@ -77,26 +73,17 @@ Panels::GameFixesPanel::GameFixesPanel( wxWindow* parent )
_("OPH Flag hack - Try if your game freezes showing the same frame."),
pxEt( "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:OPH Flag hack",
L"Known to affect following games:\n"
L" * Bleach Blade Battler\n"
L" * Growlanser II and III\n"
L" * Wizardry"
pxEt( L"Known to affect following games:\n * Bleach Blade Battler\n * Growlanser II and III\n * Wizardry"
_("Ignore DMAC writes when it is busy."),
pxEt( "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:DMA Busy hack",
L"Known to affect following games:\n"
L" * Mana Khemia 1 (Going \"off campus\")\n"
pxEt( L"Known to affect following games:\n * Mana Khemia 1 (Going \"off campus\")\n"
_("Simulate VIF1 FIFO read ahead. Fixes slow loading games."),
pxEt( "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:VIF1 FIFO hack",
L"Known to affect following games:\n"
L" * Test Drive Unlimited\n"
L" * Transformers"
pxEt( L"Known to affect following games:\n * Test Drive Unlimited\n * Transformers"
@ -116,11 +103,7 @@ Panels::GameFixesPanel::GameFixesPanel( wxWindow* parent )
m_check_Enable = new pxCheckBox( this, _("Enable manual game fixes [Not recommended]"),
pxE( "!Panel:Gamefixes:Compat Warning",
L"Gamefixes can work around wrong emulation in some titles. \n"
L"They may also cause compatibility or performance issues. \n\n"
L"It's better to enable 'Automatic game fixes' at the main menu instead, and leave this page empty. \n"
L"('Automatic' means: selectively use specific tested fixes for specific games)"
pxE( L"Gamefixes can work around wrong emulation in some titles. \nThey may also cause compatibility or performance issues. \n\nIt's better to enable 'Automatic game fixes' at the main menu instead, and leave this page empty. \n('Automatic' means: selectively use specific tested fixes for specific games)"

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More