test: redo run phase to support windows

This commit is contained in:
Gregory Hainaut 2016-01-26 07:58:06 +01:00
parent d0a23a7d73
commit 75ec16fd72

View File

@ -214,7 +214,9 @@ foreach my $test (sort(keys(%$g_test_db))) {
if ($o_show_diff) {
print color('bold magenta'); print "-----------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; print color('reset');
print test_cmd($test, $cfg) . "\n\n";
print test_cmd($test, $cfg) . "\n";
print "vi -d $exp $out\n";
print "\n";
diff($exp, $out, 0);
print color('bold magenta'); print "-----------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; print color('reset');
@ -237,13 +239,47 @@ sub cyg_abs_path {
sub collect_result {
foreach my $test (keys(%$g_test_db)) {
my $info = $g_test_db->{$test};
my $cfg = $info->{"CFG_DIR"};
my $out = $info->{"OUT"};
my $exp = $info->{"EXPECTED"};
extract_test_log(File::Spec->catfile($cfg, "emuLog.txt"), $out);
$info->{"STATUS"} = diff($exp, $out, 1); # potentially not thread safe
sub extract_test_log {
my $in = shift;
my $out = shift;
return unless (-e $in);
open(my $emulog, "<$in");
my @all_data = <$emulog>;
open(my $short_log, ">$out") or die "Impossible to open $!";
my $dump = 0;
foreach my $line (@all_data) {
# Remove color
$line =~ s/\e\[\d+(?>(;\d+)*)m//g;
if ($line =~ /-- TEST BEGIN/) {
$dump = 1;
if ($dump == 1) {
$line =~ s/\r$//g;
print $short_log "$line\n";
if ($line =~ /-- TEST END/) {
$dump = 0;
sub add_test_cmd_for_elf {
my $file = $_;
my $ext = "\\.(elf|irx)";
@ -286,9 +322,13 @@ sub generate_cfg {
my %sed;
# Enable logging for test
$sed{".EEout"} = "enabled";
$sed{".EEout"} = "enabled";
$sed{".IOPout"} = "enabled";
$sed{"ConsoleToStdio"} = "enabled";
# Redirect log file in the unique cfg dir
#$sed{"ConsoleToStdio"} = "enabled"; # was to redirect stdio (but windows...) # Still requires to force the flush
$sed{"Logs"} = cyg_abs_path($out_dir);
$sed{"UseDefaultLogs"} = "disabled";
# FIXME add interpreter vs recompiler
# FIXME add clamping / rounding option
# FIXME need separate cfg dir !
@ -322,46 +362,62 @@ sub run_elf {
my $cfg = shift;
my $out = shift;
return if $o_dry_run; # Not real
my $line;
my $dump = 0;
my $cancel = 0;
open(my $run, ">$out") or die "Impossible to open $!";
# FORK test
my $command = test_cmd($elf, $cfg);
print "EXEC: $command\n" if $o_debug_me;
print "FORK $command\n" if $o_debug_me;
return unless ($command ne "");
my $pid = open(my $log, "timeout $o_timeout $command |") or die "Impossible to pipe $!";
#print "INFO: Execute $elf (PID=$pid) with cfg ($cfg)\n" if $o_debug_me;
my $pid = 0;
my $log_file = File::Spec->catfile($cfg, "emuLog.txt");
if ($o_dry_run) {
print "INFO-DRY: fork process $pid\n";
# Delete old log
unlink($out) or die "Impossible to open $!";
$pid = open(my $fork, "|$command ") or die "Impossible to fork $!";
print "INFO: fork process $pid\n";
# Kill me
$SIG{'KILL'} = sub {
# FIXME doesn't work (no print, neither kill)
print "ERROR: timeout detected on pid $pid.\n";
kill 'KILL', $pid;
unless ($o_dry_run) {
kill 'KILL', $pid;
while (not $cancel and $line = <$log>) {
$mt_timeout = $o_timeout; # Keep me alive
# Parse test log
my $try = ($o_timeout > 3) ? $o_timeout - 3 : 1;
while ($try > 0) {
$line =~ s/\e\[\d+(?>(;\d+)*)m//g;
if ($line =~ /-- TEST BEGIN/) {
$dump = 1;
if ($dump == 1) {
print $run $line;
if ($line =~ /-- TEST END/) {
$dump = 0;
$cancel = 1;
print "INFO: kill process $pid\n" if $o_debug_me;
kill 'KILL', -$pid;
#system("kill -9 -- -$pid");
open(my $emulog, "<$log_file") or next;
my @all_data = <$emulog>;
foreach my $line (@all_data) {
if ($line =~ /-- TEST END/) {
$try = 0;
# Test done
# Kill the process
print "INFO: kill process $pid\n" if $o_debug_me;
kill 'TERM', $pid;
sub test_cmd {
@ -388,21 +444,27 @@ sub diff {
open (my $ref_h, "<$ref_");
my @ref = <$ref_h>;
open (my $out_h, "<$out_") or return "T";
my @out = <$out_h>;
return "T" if (scalar(@out) < 2);
return "T" if ($out[-1] !~ /-- TEST END/);
return "KO" if ((scalar(@out) != scalar(@ref)) and $quiet);
my $status = "OK";
my $show = 10;
for (my $l = 0; $l < scalar(@ref); $l++) {
if (chomp($ref[$l]) ne chomp($out[$l])) {
#$out[$l] =~ s/\r$//g;
if ($ref[$l] ne $out[$l]) {
$status = "KO";
if ($o_show_diff and not $quiet) {
print "EXPECTED: $ref[$l]";
print "BUT GOT : $out[$l]";
if ($o_show_diff and not $quiet and $show > 0) {
print "EXPECTED: \"$ref[$l]\"\n";
print "BUT GOT : \"$out[$l]\"\n";