Kojin 13dfceff48
Common: reformat (#4720)
* common: format AlignedMalloc.cpp

* common: format AppTrait.h

* common: format Assertions.h

* common: format CheckedStaticBox

* common: format Console

* common: format Dependencies.h

* common: format EmbeddedImage

* common: format EventSource

* common: format Exceptions

* common: format FastFormatString.cpp

* common: format General.h

* common: format InitInterface

* common: format MathUtils.h

* common: format MemsetFast/MemcpyFast

* common: format Mutex.cpp

* common: format PageFaultSource.h

* common: format Path.h

* common: format PathUtils.cpp

* common: format Pcsx2Types.h

* common: format Perf

* common: format PersistentThread.h

* common: format RwMutex

* common: format SafeArray

* common: format ScopedAlloc.h

* common: format ScopedPtrMT.h

* common: format Semaphore.cpp

* common: format StringHelpers

* common: format ThreadTools.cpp

* common: format Threading.h

* common: format ThreadingDialogs

* common: format ThreadingInternal.h

* common: format TraceLog.h

* common: format VirtualMemory.cpp

* common: format pxCheckBox

* common: format pxEvents.h

* common: format pxForwardDefs.h

* common: format pxRadioPanel

* common: format pxStaticText

* common: format pxStreams

* common: format pxTranslate.cpp

* common: format pxWindowTextWriter.cpp

* common: format wxAppWithHelpers

* common: format wxBaseTools.h

* common: format wxGuiTools

* common: format wxHelpers.cpp

* common: format Darwin directory

* common: format Linux directory

* common: format Windows directory

* common: format LnxCpuDetect.cpp

* common: format WinCpuDetect.cpp

* common: format bmi.cpp

* common: format cpudetect.cpp

* common: format cpu_detect_internal.h

* common: format fpu.cpp

* common: format groups.cpp

* common: format instructions.h

* common: format internal.h

* common: format jmp.cpp

* common: format legacy.cpp

* common: format legacy_instructions.h

* common: format legacy_internal.h

* common: format movs.cpp

* common: format simd.cpp

* common: format tools.h

* common: format x86emitter.cpp

* common: format x86types.h

* common: format bmi.h

* common: format dwshift.h

* common: format group1.h group2.h group3.h

* common: format incdec.h

* common: format jmpcall.h

* common: format movs.h

* common: format simd_arithmetic.h

* common: format simd_comparisons.h

* common: format simd_helpers.h

* common: format simd_moremovs.h

* common: format simd_shufflepack.h

* common: format simd_templated_helpers.h

* common: format test.h
2021-09-06 14:28:26 -04:00

210 lines
8.0 KiB

/* PCSX2 - PS2 Emulator for PCs
* Copyright (C) 2002-2010 PCSX2 Dev Team
* PCSX2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
* of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Found-
* ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* PCSX2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with PCSX2.
* If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#pragma once
#include "common/Threading.h"
#include "common/ScopedPtrMT.h"
#include "common/EventSource.h"
namespace Threading
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ThreadDeleteEvent
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class EventListener_Thread : public IEventDispatcher<int>
typedef int EvtParams;
pxThread* m_thread;
m_thread = NULL;
virtual ~EventListener_Thread() = default;
void SetThread(pxThread& thr) { m_thread = &thr; }
void SetThread(pxThread* thr) { m_thread = thr; }
void DispatchEvent(const int& params)
// Invoked by the pxThread when the thread execution is ending. This is
// typically more useful than a delete listener since the extended thread information
// provided by virtualized functions/methods will be available.
// Important! This event is executed *by the thread*, so care must be taken to ensure
// thread sync when necessary (posting messages to the main thread, etc).
virtual void OnThreadCleanup() = 0;
/// Set the name of the current thread
void SetNameOfCurrentThread(const char* name);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// pxThread - Helper class for the basics of starting/managing persistent threads.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This class is meant to be a helper for the typical threading model of "start once and
// reuse many times." This class incorporates a lot of extra overhead in stopping and
// starting threads, but in turn provides most of the basic thread-safety and event-handling
// functionality needed for a threaded operation. In practice this model is usually an
// ideal one for efficiency since Operating Systems themselves typically subscribe to a
// design where sleeping, suspending, and resuming threads is very efficient, but starting
// new threads has quite a bit of overhead.
// To use this as a base class for your threaded procedure, overload the following virtual
// methods:
// void OnStart();
// void ExecuteTaskInThread();
// void OnCleanupInThread();
// Use the public methods Start() and Cancel() to start and shutdown the thread, and use
// m_sem_event internally to post/receive events for the thread (make a public accessor for
// it in your derived class if your thread utilizes the post).
// Notes:
// * Constructing threads as static global vars isn't recommended since it can potentially
// confuse w32pthreads, if the static initializers are executed out-of-order (C++ offers
// no dependency options for ensuring correct static var initializations). Use heap
// allocation to create thread objects instead.
class pxThread
friend void pxYield(int ms);
wxString m_name; // diagnostic name for our thread.
pthread_t m_thread;
uptr m_native_id; // typically an id, but implementing platforms can do whatever.
uptr m_native_handle; // typically a pointer/handle, but implementing platforms can do whatever.
Semaphore m_sem_event; // general wait event that's needed by most threads
Semaphore m_sem_startup; // startup sync tool
Mutex m_mtx_InThread; // used for canceling and closing threads in a deadlock-safe manner
MutexRecursive m_mtx_start; // used to lock the Start() code from starting simultaneous threads accidentally.
Mutex m_mtx_ThreadName;
std::atomic<bool> m_detached; // a boolean value which indicates if the m_thread handle is valid
std::atomic<bool> m_running; // set true by Start(), and set false by Cancel(), Block(), etc.
// exception handle, set non-NULL if the thread terminated with an exception
// Use RethrowException() to re-throw the exception using its original exception type.
ScopedPtrMT<BaseException> m_except;
EventSource<EventListener_Thread> m_evtsrc_OnDelete;
virtual ~pxThread();
pxThread(const wxString& name = L"pxThread");
pthread_t GetId() const { return m_thread; }
u64 GetCpuTime() const;
virtual void Start();
virtual void Cancel(bool isBlocking = true);
virtual bool Cancel(const wxTimeSpan& timeout);
virtual bool Detach();
virtual void Block();
virtual bool Block(const wxTimeSpan& timeout);
virtual void RethrowException() const;
void AddListener(EventListener_Thread& evt);
void AddListener(EventListener_Thread* evt)
if (evt == NULL)
void WaitOnSelf(Semaphore& mutex) const;
void WaitOnSelf(Mutex& mutex) const;
bool WaitOnSelf(Semaphore& mutex, const wxTimeSpan& timeout) const;
bool WaitOnSelf(Mutex& mutex, const wxTimeSpan& timeout) const;
bool IsRunning() const;
bool IsSelf() const;
bool HasPendingException() const { return !!m_except; }
wxString GetName() const;
void SetName(const wxString& newname);
// Extending classes should always implement your own OnStart(), which is called by
// Start() once necessary locks have been obtained. Do not override Start() directly
// unless you're really sure that's what you need to do. ;)
virtual void OnStart();
virtual void OnStartInThread();
// This is called when the thread has been canceled or exits normally. The pxThread
// automatically binds it to the pthread cleanup routines as soon as the thread starts.
virtual void OnCleanupInThread();
// Implemented by derived class to perform actual threaded task!
virtual void ExecuteTaskInThread() = 0;
void TestCancel() const;
// Yields this thread to other threads and checks for cancellation. A sleeping thread should
// always test for cancellation, however if you really don't want to, you can use Threading::Sleep()
// or better yet, disable cancellation of the thread completely with DisableCancellation().
// Parameters:
// ms - 'minimum' yield time in milliseconds (rough -- typically yields are longer by 1-5ms
// depending on operating system/platform). If ms is 0 or unspecified, then a single
// timeslice is yielded to other contending threads. If no threads are contending for
// time when ms==0, then no yield is done, but cancellation is still tested.
void Yield(int ms = 0)
void FrankenMutex(Mutex& mutex);
bool AffinityAssert_AllowFromSelf(const DiagnosticOrigin& origin) const;
bool AffinityAssert_DisallowFromSelf(const DiagnosticOrigin& origin) const;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Section of methods for internal use only.
void _platform_specific_OnStartInThread();
void _platform_specific_OnCleanupInThread();
bool _basecancel();
void _selfRunningTest(const wxChar* name) const;
void _DoSetThreadName(const wxString& name);
void _DoSetThreadName(const char* name) { SetNameOfCurrentThread(name); }
void _internal_execute();
void _try_virtual_invoke(void (pxThread::*method)());
void _ThreadCleanup();
static void* _internal_callback(void* func);
static void internal_callback_helper(void* func);
static void _pt_callback_cleanup(void* handle);
} // namespace Threading