!hw stats

This commit is contained in:
13xforever 2022-06-30 16:40:50 +05:00
parent b9307a32bf
commit c1a2d0e616
3 changed files with 211 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ internal sealed class BotStats: BaseCommandModuleCustom
embed.WithFooter("Test Instance");
@ -60,6 +61,10 @@ internal sealed class BotStats: BaseCommandModuleCustom
await ch.SendMessageAsync(embed: embed).ConfigureAwait(false);
[Command("hw"), Aliases("hardware")]
[Description("Various hardware stats from uploaded log files")]
public Task Hardware(CommandContext ctx, [Description("Desired period in days, default is 30")] int period = 30) => Commands.Hardware.ShowStats(ctx, period);
private static string GetConfiguredApiStats()
return new StringBuilder()
@ -247,6 +252,40 @@ internal sealed class BotStats: BaseCommandModuleCustom
private static void AppendHwInfoStats(DiscordEmbedBuilder embed)
using var db = new HardwareDb();
var monthAgo = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-30).Ticks;
var monthCount = db.HwInfo.Count(i => i.Timestamp > monthAgo);
if (monthCount == 0)
var totalCount = db.HwInfo.Count();
var cpu = db.HwInfo.AsNoTracking()
.Where(i => i.Timestamp > monthAgo)
.GroupBy(i => i.CpuModel)
.Select(g => new { count = g.Count(), name = g.Key, maker = g.First().CpuMaker })
.OrderByDescending(s => s.count)
var cpuInfo = "";
if (cpu is not null)
cpuInfo = $"\nPopular CPU: {cpu.maker} {cpu.name} ({cpu.count*100.0/monthCount:0.##}%)";
embed.AddField("Hardware Stats",
$"Total: {totalCount} system{(totalCount == 1 ? "" : "s")}\n" +
$"Last 30 days: {monthCount} system{(monthCount == 1 ? "" : "s")}" +
catch (Exception e)
private static void AppendPawStats(DiscordEmbedBuilder embed)

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@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using CompatBot.Database;
using DSharpPlus.CommandsNext;
using DSharpPlus.CommandsNext.Attributes;
using DSharpPlus.Entities;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
namespace CompatBot.Commands;
[Group("hardware"), Aliases("hw")]
[Description("Various hardware stats from uploaded log files")]
internal sealed class Hardware: BaseCommandModuleCustom
public Task Show(CommandContext ctx) => ShowStats(ctx);
public Task Stats(CommandContext ctx, [Description("Desired period in days, default is 30")] int period = 30) => ShowStats(ctx, period);
public static async Task ShowStats(CommandContext ctx, [Description("Desired period in days, default is 30")] int period = 30)
var maxDays = DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(2011, 5, 23, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);
period = Math.Clamp(Math.Abs(period), 0, (int)maxDays.TotalDays);
var ts = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-period).Ticks;
await using var db = new HardwareDb();
var count = await db.HwInfo.AsNoTracking().CountAsync(i => i.Timestamp > ts).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (count == 0)
await ctx.RespondAsync("No data available for specified time period").ConfigureAwait(false);
const int top = 10;
var cpuMakers = await db.HwInfo.AsNoTracking()
.Where(i => i.Timestamp > ts)
.GroupBy(i => i.CpuMaker)
.Select(g => new { Count = g.Count(), Name = g.Key })
.OrderByDescending(r => r.Count)
var gpuMakers= await db.HwInfo.AsNoTracking()
.Where(i => i.Timestamp > ts)
.GroupBy(i => i.GpuMaker)
.Select(g => new { Count = g.Count(), Name = g.Key })
.OrderByDescending(r => r.Count)
var osMakers= await db.HwInfo.AsNoTracking()
.Where(i => i.Timestamp > ts)
.GroupBy(i => i.OsType)
.Select(g => new { Count = g.Count(), Type = g.Key })
.OrderByDescending(r => r.Count)
var cpuModels = await db.HwInfo.AsNoTracking()
.Where(i => i.Timestamp > ts)
.GroupBy(i => i.CpuModel)
.Select(g => new { Count = g.Count(), Maker = g.First().CpuMaker, Name = g.Key })
.OrderByDescending(r => r.Count)
var gpuModels = await db.HwInfo.AsNoTracking()
.Where(i => i.Timestamp > ts)
.GroupBy(i => i.GpuModel)
.Select(g => new { Count = g.Count(), Maker = g.First().GpuMaker, Name = g.Key })
.OrderByDescending(r => r.Count)
var osModels = await db.HwInfo.AsNoTracking()
.Where(i => i.Timestamp > ts)
.GroupBy(i => i.OsName)
.Select(g => new { Count = g.Count(), Type = g.First().OsType, Name = g.Key })
.OrderByDescending(r => r.Count)
var cpuFeatures = await db.HwInfo.AsNoTracking()
.Where(i => i.Timestamp > ts)
.GroupBy(i => i.CpuFeatures)
.Select(g => new { Count = g.Count(), Features = g.Key })
var featureStats = new Dictionary<CpuFeatures, int>();
foreach (CpuFeatures feature in Enum.GetValues(typeof(CpuFeatures)))
if (feature == CpuFeatures.None)
var featureCount = cpuFeatures.Where(f => f.Features.HasFlag(feature)).Select(f => f.Count).Sum();
if (featureCount == 0)
featureStats[feature] = featureCount;
var sortedFeatureList = featureStats.OrderByDescending(kvp => kvp.Value).ThenByDescending(kvp => kvp.Key).Select(kvp => (Count: kvp.Value, Name: GetCpuFeature(kvp.Key))).ToList();
var embed = new DiscordEmbedBuilder()
.WithTitle($"RPCS3 Hardware Survey (past {period} day{(period == 1 ? "" : "s")})")
.WithDescription($"Statistics from the {count} most recent system configuration{(count == 1 ? "" : "s")} found in uploaded RPCS3 logs.")
.AddField("Top CPU Makers", string.Join('\n', cpuMakers.Select((m, n) => $"{GetNum(n)} {m.Name} ({m.Count * 100.0 / count:0.##}%)")), true)
.AddField("Top GPU Makers", string.Join('\n', gpuMakers.Select((m, n) => $"{GetNum(n)} {m.Name} ({m.Count * 100.0 / count:0.##}%)")), true)
.AddField("Top OS Types", string.Join('\n', osMakers.Select((m, n) => $"{GetNum(n)} {GetOsType(m.Type)} ({m.Count * 100.0 / count:0.##}%)")), true)
.AddField("Top CPU Models", string.Join('\n', cpuModels.Select((m, n) => $"{GetNum(n)} {m.Maker} {m.Name} ({m.Count * 100.0 / count:0.##}%)")), true)
.AddField("Top GPU Models", string.Join('\n', gpuModels.Select((m, n) => $"{GetNum(n)} {m.Maker} {m.Name} ({m.Count * 100.0 / count:0.##}%)")), true)
.AddField("Top OS Versions", string.Join('\n', osModels.Select((m, n) => $"{GetNum(n)} {(m.Type == OsType.Windows ? "Windows " : "")}{m.Name} ({m.Count * 100.0 / count:0.##}%)")), true)
.AddField("Top AVX Extensions",
string.Join('\n', sortedFeatureList.Where(i => i.Name.StartsWith("AVX")).Select((i, n) => $"{i.Count * 100.0 / count:0.00}% {i.Name}")) is { Length: > 0 } avx ? avx : "No Data",
.AddField("Top FMA Extensions",
string.Join('\n', sortedFeatureList.Where(i => i.Name.StartsWith("FMA") || i.Name.StartsWith("XOP")).Select((i, n) => $"{i.Count * 100.0 / count:0.00}% {i.Name}")) is { Length: > 0 } fma ? fma : "No Data",
.AddField("Top TSX Extensions",
string.Join('\n', sortedFeatureList.Where(i => i.Name.StartsWith("TSX")).Select((i, n) => $"{i.Count * 100.0 / count:0.00}% {i.Name}")) is { Length: > 0 } tsx ? tsx : "No Data",
.WithFooter("All collected data is anonymous, for details see bot source code");
await ctx.RespondAsync(embed: embed).ConfigureAwait(false);
private static string GetNum(int position)
=> position switch
0 => "🏆",
1 => "🥈",
2 => "🥉",
3 => "4⃣",
4 => "5⃣",
5 => "6⃣",
6 => "7⃣",
7 => "8⃣",
8 => "9⃣",
_ => $"{position + 1}."
private static string GetOsType(OsType type)
=> type switch
OsType.MacOs => "macOS",
OsType.Bsd => "BSD",
_ => type.ToString()
private static string GetCpuFeature(CpuFeatures feature)
=> feature switch
CpuFeatures.Avx => "AVX",
CpuFeatures.Avx2 => "AVX2",
CpuFeatures.Avx512 => "AVX-512",
CpuFeatures.Avx512IL => "AVX-512IL",
CpuFeatures.Fma3 => "FMA3",
CpuFeatures.Fma4 => "FMA4",
CpuFeatures.Xop => "XOP",
CpuFeatures.Tsx => "TSX",
CpuFeatures.TsxFa => "TSX-FA",
CpuFeatures.None => "",
_ => throw new ArgumentException($"Unknown CPU Feature {feature}", nameof(feature)),

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@ -171,6 +171,7 @@ internal static class Program