using System; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using System.Threading; using CompatBot.Utils; using DSharpPlus.Entities; using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration; using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.UserSecrets; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; using Microsoft.IO; using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.WebApi; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Common; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.WebApi; using NLog; using NLog.Extensions.Logging; using NLog.Filters; using NLog.Targets; using NLog.Targets.Wrappers; using ILogger = NLog.ILogger; using LogLevel = NLog.LogLevel; namespace CompatBot { internal static class Config { private static IConfigurationRoot config; internal static readonly ILogger Log; internal static readonly ILoggerFactory LoggerFactory; internal static readonly ConcurrentDictionary inMemorySettings = new ConcurrentDictionary(); internal static readonly RecyclableMemoryStreamManager MemoryStreamManager = new RecyclableMemoryStreamManager(); public static readonly CancellationTokenSource Cts = new CancellationTokenSource(); public static readonly TimeSpan ModerationTimeThreshold = TimeSpan.FromHours(12); public static readonly TimeSpan DefaultTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30); public static readonly TimeSpan LogParsingTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30); public static readonly TimeSpan BuildTimeDifferenceForOutdatedBuilds = TimeSpan.FromDays(3); public static readonly TimeSpan ShutupTimeLimit = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5); public static readonly TimeSpan ForcedNicknamesRecheckTime = TimeSpan.FromHours(3); public static readonly Stopwatch Uptime = Stopwatch.StartNew(); // these settings could be configured either through `$ dotnet user-secrets`, or through environment variables (e.g. launchSettings.json, etc) public static string CommandPrefix => config.GetValue(nameof(CommandPrefix), "!"); public static string AutoRemoveCommandPrefix => config.GetValue(nameof(AutoRemoveCommandPrefix), "."); public static ulong BotGuildId => config.GetValue(nameof(BotGuildId), 272035812277878785ul); // discord server where the bot is supposed to be public static ulong BotGeneralChannelId => config.GetValue(nameof(BotGeneralChannelId), 272035812277878785ul);// #rpcs3; main or general channel where noobs come first thing public static ulong BotChannelId => config.GetValue(nameof(BotChannelId), 291679908067803136ul); // #build-updates; this is used for new build announcements public static ulong BotSpamId => config.GetValue(nameof(BotSpamId), 319224795785068545ul); // #bot-spam; this is a dedicated channel for bot abuse public static ulong BotLogId => config.GetValue(nameof(BotLogId), 436972161572536329ul); // #bot-log; a private channel for admin mod queue public static ulong BotRulesChannelId => config.GetValue(nameof(BotRulesChannelId), 311894275015049216ul); // #rules-info; used to give links to rules public static ulong ThumbnailSpamId => config.GetValue(nameof(ThumbnailSpamId), 475678410098606100ul); // #bot-data; used for whatever bot needs to keep (cover embeds, etc) public static ulong BotAdminId => config.GetValue(nameof(BotAdminId), 267367850706993152ul); // discord user id for a bot admin public static int ProductCodeLookupHistoryThrottle => config.GetValue(nameof(ProductCodeLookupHistoryThrottle), 7); public static int TopLimit => config.GetValue(nameof(TopLimit), 15); public static int AttachmentSizeLimit => config.GetValue(nameof(AttachmentSizeLimit), 8 * 1024 * 1024); public static int LogSizeLimit => config.GetValue(nameof(LogSizeLimit), 64 * 1024 * 1024); public static int MinimumBufferSize => config.GetValue(nameof(MinimumBufferSize), 512); public static int BuildNumberDifferenceForOutdatedBuilds => config.GetValue(nameof(BuildNumberDifferenceForOutdatedBuilds), 10); public static int MinimumPiracyTriggerLength => config.GetValue(nameof(MinimumPiracyTriggerLength), 4); public static int MaxSyscallResultLines => config.GetValue(nameof(MaxSyscallResultLines), 13); public static TimeSpan IncomingMessageCheckIntervalInMinutes => TimeSpan.FromMinutes(config.GetValue(nameof(IncomingMessageCheckIntervalInMinutes), 10)); public static string Token => config.GetValue(nameof(Token), ""); public static string AzureDevOpsToken => config.GetValue(nameof(AzureDevOpsToken), ""); public static string AzureComputerVisionKey => config.GetValue(nameof(AzureComputerVisionKey), ""); public static string AzureComputerVisionEndpoint => config.GetValue(nameof(AzureComputerVisionEndpoint), ""); public static Guid AzureDevOpsProjectId => config.GetValue(nameof(AzureDevOpsProjectId), new Guid("3598951b-4d39-4fad-ad3b-ff2386a649de")); public static string LogPath => config.GetValue(nameof(LogPath), "./logs/"); // paths are relative to the working directory public static string IrdCachePath => config.GetValue(nameof(IrdCachePath), "./ird/"); internal static string CurrentLogPath => Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(LogPath, "bot.log")); public static string GoogleApiConfigPath { get { if (SandboxDetector.Detect() == SandboxType.Docker) return "/bot-config/credentials.json"; if (Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetCustomAttribute() is UserSecretsIdAttribute attribute) { var path = Path.GetDirectoryName(PathHelper.GetSecretsPathFromSecretsId(attribute.UserSecretsId)); path = Path.Combine(path, "credentials.json"); if (File.Exists(path)) return path; } return "Properties/credentials.json"; } } public static class Colors { public static readonly DiscordColor Help = DiscordColor.Azure; public static readonly DiscordColor DownloadLinks = new DiscordColor(0x3b88c3); public static readonly DiscordColor Maintenance = new DiscordColor(0xffff00); public static readonly DiscordColor CompatStatusNothing = new DiscordColor(0x455556); // colors mimic compat list statuses public static readonly DiscordColor CompatStatusLoadable = new DiscordColor(0xe74c3c); public static readonly DiscordColor CompatStatusIntro = new DiscordColor(0xe08a1e); public static readonly DiscordColor CompatStatusIngame = new DiscordColor(0xf9b32f); public static readonly DiscordColor CompatStatusPlayable = new DiscordColor(0x1ebc61); public static readonly DiscordColor CompatStatusUnknown = new DiscordColor(0x3198ff); public static readonly DiscordColor LogResultFailed = DiscordColor.Gray; public static readonly DiscordColor LogAlert = new DiscordColor(0xf04747); // colors mimic discord statuses public static readonly DiscordColor LogNotice = new DiscordColor(0xfaa61a); public static readonly DiscordColor LogInfo = new DiscordColor(0x43b581); public static readonly DiscordColor LogUnknown = new DiscordColor(0x747f8d); public static readonly DiscordColor PrOpen = new DiscordColor(0x2cbe4e); public static readonly DiscordColor PrMerged = new DiscordColor(0x6f42c1); public static readonly DiscordColor PrClosed = new DiscordColor(0xcb2431); public static readonly DiscordColor UpdateStatusGood = new DiscordColor(0x3b88c3); public static readonly DiscordColor UpdateStatusBad = DiscordColor.Yellow; } public static class Reactions { public static readonly DiscordEmoji Success = DiscordEmoji.FromUnicode("👌"); public static readonly DiscordEmoji Failure = DiscordEmoji.FromUnicode("⛔"); public static readonly DiscordEmoji Denied = DiscordEmoji.FromUnicode("👮"); public static readonly DiscordEmoji Starbucks = DiscordEmoji.FromUnicode("☕"); public static readonly DiscordEmoji Moderated = DiscordEmoji.FromUnicode("🔨"); public static readonly DiscordEmoji No = DiscordEmoji.FromUnicode("😐"); public static readonly DiscordEmoji PleaseWait = DiscordEmoji.FromUnicode("👀"); public static readonly DiscordEmoji PiracyCheck = DiscordEmoji.FromUnicode("🔨"); public static readonly DiscordEmoji Shutup = DiscordEmoji.FromUnicode("🔇"); public static readonly DiscordEmoji BadUpdate = DiscordEmoji.FromUnicode("⚠\ufe0f"); } public static class Moderation { public static readonly int StarbucksThreshold = 5; public static readonly IReadOnlyList Channels = new List { 272875751773306881, 319224795785068545, }.AsReadOnly(); public static readonly IReadOnlyCollection OcrChannels = new HashSet(Channels) { 272035812277878785, 277227681836302338, 564846659109126244, 534749301797158914, }; public static readonly IReadOnlyCollection RoleWhiteList = new HashSet(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) { "Administrator", "Community Manager", "Web Developer", "Moderator", "Lead Graphics Developer", "Lead Core Developer", "Developers", "Affiliated", "Contributors", }; public static readonly IReadOnlyCollection RoleSmartList = new HashSet(RoleWhiteList, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) { "Testers", "Helpers" }; public static readonly IReadOnlyCollection SupporterRoleList = new HashSet(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) { "Fans", "Supporters", "Spectators", "Nitro Booster", }; } static Config() { try { RebuildConfiguration(); Log = GetLog(); LoggerFactory = new NLogLoggerFactory(); Log.Info("Log path: " + CurrentLogPath); } catch (Exception e) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("Error initializing settings: " + e.Message); Console.ResetColor(); } } internal static void RebuildConfiguration() { config = new ConfigurationBuilder() .AddUserSecrets(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()) // lower priority .AddEnvironmentVariables() .AddInMemoryCollection(inMemorySettings) // higher priority .Build(); } private static ILogger GetLog() { var config = new NLog.Config.LoggingConfiguration(); var fileTarget = new FileTarget("logfile") { FileName = CurrentLogPath, ArchiveEvery = FileArchivePeriod.Day, ArchiveNumbering = ArchiveNumberingMode.DateAndSequence, KeepFileOpen = true, ConcurrentWrites = false, AutoFlush = false, OpenFileFlushTimeout = 1, Layout = "${longdate} ${sequenceid:padding=6} ${level:uppercase=true:padding=-5} ${message} ${onexception:" + "${newline}${exception:format=ToString}" + ":when=not contains('${exception:format=ShortType}','TaskCanceledException')}", }; var asyncFileTarget = new AsyncTargetWrapper(fileTarget) { TimeToSleepBetweenBatches = 0, OverflowAction = AsyncTargetWrapperOverflowAction.Block, BatchSize = 500, }; var logTarget = new ColoredConsoleTarget("logconsole") { Layout = "${longdate} ${level:uppercase=true:padding=-5} ${message} ${onexception:" + "${newline}${exception:format=Message}" + ":when=not contains('${exception:format=ShortType}','TaskCanceledException')}", }; #if DEBUG config.AddRule(LogLevel.Trace, LogLevel.Fatal, logTarget, "default"); // only echo messages from default logger to the console #else config.AddRule(LogLevel.Info, LogLevel.Fatal, logTarget, "default"); #endif config.AddRule(LogLevel.Debug, LogLevel.Fatal, asyncFileTarget); var filter = new ConditionBasedFilter { Condition = "contains('${message}','TaskCanceledException')", Action = FilterResult.Ignore, }; foreach (var rule in config.LoggingRules) rule.Filters.Add(filter); LogManager.Configuration = config; return LogManager.GetLogger("default"); } public static BuildHttpClient GetAzureDevOpsClient() { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(AzureDevOpsToken)) return null; var azureCreds = new VssBasicCredential("bot", AzureDevOpsToken); var azureConnection = new VssConnection(new Uri(""), azureCreds); return azureConnection.GetClient(); } } }