13xforever cc5bd3fe9b Fix compat search results formating
Fix antipiracy messages when bot doesn't have permissions to delete the offending message
Link rules in the anti-piracy message
Check for piracy triggers on message edit
Fix log parsing for older versions
Fix GPU info extraction (again)
2018-03-05 21:23:40 +05:00

40 lines
1.4 KiB

{requestor} = Requestor Mention
{search_string} = Search String
{amount} = Amount Requested
{region} = Region
{media} = Blu-Ray/PSN
search_header = "{requestor} searched for: ***{search_string}***"
newest_header = "{requestor} requested top {amount} newest {region} {media} updated games"
oldest_header = "{requestor} requested top {amount} oldest {region} {media} updated games"
invalid_command_text = "Invalid command!"
latest_limit = 15
boot_up_message = "Hello and welcome to CompatBot. \n" \
"You can expect this message every time you crash this bot so please don't. \n" \
"All jokes aside if you manage to crash it please message Nicba1010 with the cause of the crash. \n" \
"Commands I would recommend using are:\n" \
"```" \
"!help\n" \
"!help top\n" \
"!top new 10 all playable\n" \
"!filters (It's a MUST)\n" \
"```" \
"I wish everyone here all the best of luck with using this bot and I will strive to improve it as " \
"often as possible.\n" \
"*Roberto Anic Banic AKA Nicba1010\n" \
bot_channel_id = 291679908067803136
bot_spam_id = 319224795785068545
bot_admin_id = 267367850706993152
bot_rules_channel_id = 311894275015049216
piracy_strings = [