0:63 Function Definition: @main(struct-HullInputType-vf3-vf41[3];u1;u1; ( temp structure{ temp 3-component vector of float position, temp 4-component vector of float color})
0:63 Function Parameters:
0:63 'patch' ( in 3-element array of structure{ temp 3-component vector of float position, temp 4-component vector of float color})
0:63 'pointId' ( in uint)
0:63 'patchId' ( in uint)
0:? Sequence
0:67 move second child to first child ( temp 3-component vector of float)
0:67 position: direct index for structure ( temp 3-component vector of float)
0:67 'output' ( temp structure{ temp 3-component vector of float position, temp 4-component vector of float color})
0:67 Constant:
0:67 0 (const int)
0:67 position: direct index for structure ( temp 3-component vector of float)
0:67 indirect index ( temp structure{ temp 3-component vector of float position, temp 4-component vector of float color})
0:67 'patch' ( in 3-element array of structure{ temp 3-component vector of float position, temp 4-component vector of float color})
0:67 'pointId' ( in uint)
0:67 Constant:
0:67 0 (const int)
0:70 move second child to first child ( temp 4-component vector of float)
0:70 color: direct index for structure ( temp 4-component vector of float)
0:70 'output' ( temp structure{ temp 3-component vector of float position, temp 4-component vector of float color})
0:70 Constant:
0:70 1 (const int)
0:70 color: direct index for structure ( temp 4-component vector of float)
0:70 indirect index ( temp structure{ temp 3-component vector of float position, temp 4-component vector of float color})
0:70 'patch' ( in 3-element array of structure{ temp 3-component vector of float position, temp 4-component vector of float color})
0:70 'pointId' ( in uint)
0:70 Constant:
0:70 1 (const int)
0:72 Branch: Return with expression
0:72 'output' ( temp structure{ temp 3-component vector of float position, temp 4-component vector of float color})
0:63 Function Definition: main( ( temp void)
0:63 Function Parameters:
0:? Sequence
0:63 move second child to first child ( temp 3-element array of structure{ temp 3-component vector of float position, temp 4-component vector of float color})
0:? 'patch' ( temp 3-element array of structure{ temp 3-component vector of float position, temp 4-component vector of float color})
0:? 'patch' (layout( location=0) in 3-element array of structure{ temp 3-component vector of float position, temp 4-component vector of float color})
0:63 move second child to first child ( temp uint)
0:? 'pointId' ( temp uint)
0:? 'pointId' ( in uint InvocationID)
0:63 move second child to first child ( temp uint)
0:? 'patchId' ( temp uint)
0:? 'patchId' ( in uint PrimitiveID)
0:63 move second child to first child ( temp structure{ temp 3-component vector of float position, temp 4-component vector of float color})
0:63 indirect index (layout( location=0) out structure{ temp 3-component vector of float position, temp 4-component vector of float color})
0:? '@entryPointOutput' (layout( location=0) out 3-element array of structure{ temp 3-component vector of float position, temp 4-component vector of float color})
0:? 'pointId' ( in uint InvocationID)
0:63 Function Call: @main(struct-HullInputType-vf3-vf41[3];u1;u1; ( temp structure{ temp 3-component vector of float position, temp 4-component vector of float color})
0:? 'patch' ( temp 3-element array of structure{ temp 3-component vector of float position, temp 4-component vector of float color})
0:? 'pointId' ( temp uint)
0:? 'patchId' ( temp uint)
0:? Barrier ( temp void)
0:? Test condition and select ( temp void)
0:? Condition
0:? Compare Equal ( temp bool)
0:? 'pointId' ( in uint InvocationID)
0:? Constant:
0:? 0 (const int)
0:? true case
0:? Sequence
0:? move second child to first child ( temp structure{ temp 3-element array of float edges, temp float inside})
0:63 Function Definition: @main(struct-HullInputType-vf3-vf41[3];u1;u1; ( temp structure{ temp 3-component vector of float position, temp 4-component vector of float color})
0:63 Function Parameters:
0:63 'patch' ( in 3-element array of structure{ temp 3-component vector of float position, temp 4-component vector of float color})
0:63 'pointId' ( in uint)
0:63 'patchId' ( in uint)
0:? Sequence
0:67 move second child to first child ( temp 3-component vector of float)
0:67 position: direct index for structure ( temp 3-component vector of float)
0:67 'output' ( temp structure{ temp 3-component vector of float position, temp 4-component vector of float color})
0:67 Constant:
0:67 0 (const int)
0:67 position: direct index for structure ( temp 3-component vector of float)
0:67 indirect index ( temp structure{ temp 3-component vector of float position, temp 4-component vector of float color})
0:67 'patch' ( in 3-element array of structure{ temp 3-component vector of float position, temp 4-component vector of float color})
0:67 'pointId' ( in uint)
0:67 Constant:
0:67 0 (const int)
0:70 move second child to first child ( temp 4-component vector of float)
0:70 color: direct index for structure ( temp 4-component vector of float)
0:70 'output' ( temp structure{ temp 3-component vector of float position, temp 4-component vector of float color})
0:70 Constant:
0:70 1 (const int)
0:70 color: direct index for structure ( temp 4-component vector of float)
0:70 indirect index ( temp structure{ temp 3-component vector of float position, temp 4-component vector of float color})
0:70 'patch' ( in 3-element array of structure{ temp 3-component vector of float position, temp 4-component vector of float color})
0:70 'pointId' ( in uint)
0:70 Constant:
0:70 1 (const int)
0:72 Branch: Return with expression
0:72 'output' ( temp structure{ temp 3-component vector of float position, temp 4-component vector of float color})
0:63 Function Definition: main( ( temp void)
0:63 Function Parameters:
0:? Sequence
0:63 move second child to first child ( temp 3-element array of structure{ temp 3-component vector of float position, temp 4-component vector of float color})
0:? 'patch' ( temp 3-element array of structure{ temp 3-component vector of float position, temp 4-component vector of float color})
0:? 'patch' (layout( location=0) in 3-element array of structure{ temp 3-component vector of float position, temp 4-component vector of float color})
0:63 move second child to first child ( temp uint)
0:? 'pointId' ( temp uint)
0:? 'pointId' ( in uint InvocationID)
0:63 move second child to first child ( temp uint)
0:? 'patchId' ( temp uint)
0:? 'patchId' ( in uint PrimitiveID)
0:63 move second child to first child ( temp structure{ temp 3-component vector of float position, temp 4-component vector of float color})
0:63 indirect index (layout( location=0) out structure{ temp 3-component vector of float position, temp 4-component vector of float color})
0:? '@entryPointOutput' (layout( location=0) out 3-element array of structure{ temp 3-component vector of float position, temp 4-component vector of float color})
0:? 'pointId' ( in uint InvocationID)
0:63 Function Call: @main(struct-HullInputType-vf3-vf41[3];u1;u1; ( temp structure{ temp 3-component vector of float position, temp 4-component vector of float color})
0:? 'patch' ( temp 3-element array of structure{ temp 3-component vector of float position, temp 4-component vector of float color})
0:? 'pointId' ( temp uint)
0:? 'patchId' ( temp uint)
0:? Barrier ( temp void)
0:? Test condition and select ( temp void)
0:? Condition
0:? Compare Equal ( temp bool)
0:? 'pointId' ( in uint InvocationID)
0:? Constant:
0:? 0 (const int)
0:? true case
0:? Sequence
0:? move second child to first child ( temp structure{ temp 3-element array of float edges, temp float inside})