John Kessenich 02467d8d94 HLSL: Wrap the entry-point; need to write 'in' args, and support 'inout' args.
This needs some render testing, but is destined to be part of master.

This also leads to a variety of other simplifications.
 - IO are global symbols, so only need one list of linkage nodes (deferred)
 - no longer need parse-context-wide 'inEntryPoint' state, entry-point is localized
 - several parts of splitting/flattening are now localized
2017-02-06 22:58:32 -07:00

74 lines
3.6 KiB
// Module Version 10000
// Generated by (magic number): 80001
// Id's are bound by 42
Capability Shader
Capability Sampled1D
Capability SampledBuffer
1: ExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
MemoryModel Logical GLSL450
EntryPoint Fragment 4 "main" 39
ExecutionMode 4 OriginUpperLeft
Name 4 "main"
Name 8 "PS_OUTPUT"
MemberName 8(PS_OUTPUT) 0 "Color"
Name 10 "@main("
Name 13 "r00"
Name 16 "g_tTex1df1"
Name 23 "r01"
Name 26 "g_tBuf1du1"
Name 30 "psout"
Name 39 "Color"
Decorate 16(g_tTex1df1) DescriptorSet 0
Decorate 16(g_tTex1df1) Binding 20
Decorate 26(g_tBuf1du1) DescriptorSet 0
Decorate 26(g_tBuf1du1) Binding 21
Decorate 39(Color) Location 0
2: TypeVoid
3: TypeFunction 2
6: TypeFloat 32
7: TypeVector 6(float) 4
8(PS_OUTPUT): TypeStruct 7(fvec4)
9: TypeFunction 8(PS_OUTPUT)
12: TypePointer Function 6(float)
14: TypeImage 6(float) 1D nonsampled format:R32f
15: TypePointer UniformConstant 14
16(g_tTex1df1): 15(ptr) Variable UniformConstant
18: TypeInt 32 1
19: 18(int) Constant 0
21: TypeInt 32 0
22: TypePointer Function 21(int)
24: TypeImage 21(int) Buffer nonsampled format:R32ui
25: TypePointer UniformConstant 24
26(g_tBuf1du1): 25(ptr) Variable UniformConstant
29: TypePointer Function 8(PS_OUTPUT)
31: 6(float) Constant 0
32: 7(fvec4) ConstantComposite 31 31 31 31
33: TypePointer Function 7(fvec4)
38: TypePointer Output 7(fvec4)
39(Color): 38(ptr) Variable Output
4(main): 2 Function None 3
5: Label
40:8(PS_OUTPUT) FunctionCall 10(@main()
41: 7(fvec4) CompositeExtract 40 0
Store 39(Color) 41
10(@main():8(PS_OUTPUT) Function None 9
11: Label
13(r00): 12(ptr) Variable Function
23(r01): 22(ptr) Variable Function
30(psout): 29(ptr) Variable Function
17: 14 Load 16(g_tTex1df1)
20: 6(float) ImageRead 17 19
Store 13(r00) 20
27: 24 Load 26(g_tBuf1du1)
28: 21(int) ImageRead 27 19
Store 23(r01) 28
34: 33(ptr) AccessChain 30(psout) 19
Store 34 32
35:8(PS_OUTPUT) Load 30(psout)
ReturnValue 35