mirror of
synced 2024-11-23 11:19:40 +00:00
* Add Shared/Std140 SSBO process & top-level array elements related process 1.Add process options for shared/std140 ssbo, following ubo process 2.Add IO Variables reflection option, would keep all input/output variables in reflection 3.Add Top-level related process, fix top-level array size issues, following spec 4.Split ssbo/ubo reflection options, merge blowup expanding all into function blowupActiveAggregate to allow other functions keep same entry format. Add options in StandAlone and test symbols. 1. Add options in StandAlone for std140/shared ubo/ssbo and all io variables reflection. 2. Add test for ssbo. When EShReflectionSharedStd140SSBO turns on, generated symbol and output would be different, to remind the difference. Defaultly disabled and nothing would change, nor blocking normal test. * Add options in runtest script, refresh test results. Add options in StandAlone: --reflect-all-io-variables --reflect-shared-std140-ubo --reflect-shared-std140-ssbo refresh test results. Now the index, size of unsized array are expected.
238 lines
14 KiB
238 lines
14 KiB
Shader version: 500
gl_FragCoord origin is upper left
0:? Sequence
0:34 Function Definition: @main( ( temp 4-component vector of float)
0:34 Function Parameters:
0:? Sequence
0:35 't1' (layout( set=1 binding=1) uniform texture1D)
0:36 't2' (layout( set=1 binding=2) uniform texture2D)
0:37 't3' (layout( set=2 binding=1) uniform texture3D)
0:38 direct index (layout( row_major std430) buffer 4-component vector of float)
0:38 @data: direct index for structure (layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of 4-component vector of float)
0:38 't4' (layout( set=3 binding=1 row_major std430) readonly buffer block{layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of 4-component vector of float @data})
0:38 Constant:
0:38 0 (const uint)
0:38 Constant:
0:38 0 (const int)
0:39 indirect index (layout( row_major std430) buffer uint)
0:39 @data: direct index for structure (layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of uint)
0:39 't5' (layout( set=3 binding=2 row_major std430) readonly buffer block{layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of uint @data})
0:39 Constant:
0:39 0 (const uint)
0:39 right-shift ( temp int)
0:39 Constant:
0:39 0 (const int)
0:39 Constant:
0:39 2 (const int)
0:40 't6' (layout( set=3 binding=3 rgba32f) uniform textureBuffer)
0:42 's1' (layout( set=1 binding=1) uniform sampler)
0:43 's2' (layout( set=2 binding=2) uniform sampler)
0:45 'u1' (layout( set=1 binding=1 rgba32f) uniform image1D)
0:46 'u2' (layout( set=2 binding=2 rgba32f) uniform image2D)
0:47 'u3' (layout( set=2 binding=3 rgba32f) uniform image3D)
0:49 imageLoad ( temp float)
0:49 'u4' (layout( set=1 binding=4 r32f) uniform imageBuffer)
0:49 Constant:
0:49 0 (const int)
0:50 indirect index (layout( row_major std430) buffer uint)
0:50 @data: direct index for structure (layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of uint)
0:50 'u5' (layout( set=2 binding=4 row_major std430) buffer block{layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of uint @data})
0:50 Constant:
0:50 0 (const uint)
0:50 right-shift ( temp int)
0:50 Constant:
0:50 0 (const int)
0:50 Constant:
0:50 2 (const int)
0:51 direct index (layout( row_major std430) buffer float)
0:51 @data: direct index for structure (layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of float)
0:51 'u6' (layout( set=3 binding=4 row_major std430) buffer block{layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of float @data})
0:51 Constant:
0:51 0 (const uint)
0:51 Constant:
0:51 0 (const int)
0:52 'u7' (layout( set=4 binding=4 row_major std430) buffer block{layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of float @data})
0:53 'u8' (layout( set=5 binding=4 row_major std430) buffer block{layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of float @data})
0:55 cb1: direct index for structure (layout( row_major std140) uniform int)
0:55 'anon@0' (layout( set=6 binding=1 row_major std140) uniform block{layout( row_major std140) uniform int cb1})
0:55 Constant:
0:55 0 (const uint)
0:56 tb1: direct index for structure (layout( row_major std430) buffer int)
0:56 'anon@1' (layout( binding=7 row_major std430) readonly buffer block{layout( row_major std430) buffer int tb1})
0:56 Constant:
0:56 0 (const uint)
0:57 'ts6' (layout( set=6 binding=1) uniform texture3D)
0:59 Branch: Return with expression
0:59 Constant:
0:59 0.000000
0:59 0.000000
0:59 0.000000
0:59 0.000000
0:34 Function Definition: main( ( temp void)
0:34 Function Parameters:
0:? Sequence
0:34 move second child to first child ( temp 4-component vector of float)
0:? '@entryPointOutput' (layout( location=0) out 4-component vector of float)
0:34 Function Call: @main( ( temp 4-component vector of float)
0:? Linker Objects
0:? 's1' (layout( set=1 binding=1) uniform sampler)
0:? 's2' (layout( set=2 binding=2) uniform sampler)
0:? 't1' (layout( set=1 binding=1) uniform texture1D)
0:? 't2' (layout( set=1 binding=2) uniform texture2D)
0:? 't3' (layout( set=2 binding=1) uniform texture3D)
0:? 'ts6' (layout( set=6 binding=1) uniform texture3D)
0:? 't4' (layout( set=3 binding=1 row_major std430) readonly buffer block{layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of 4-component vector of float @data})
0:? 't5' (layout( set=3 binding=2 row_major std430) readonly buffer block{layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of uint @data})
0:? 't6' (layout( set=3 binding=3 rgba32f) uniform textureBuffer)
0:? 'u1' (layout( set=1 binding=1 rgba32f) uniform image1D)
0:? 'u2' (layout( set=2 binding=2 rgba32f) uniform image2D)
0:? 'u3' (layout( set=2 binding=3 rgba32f) uniform image3D)
0:? 'u4' (layout( set=1 binding=4 r32f) uniform imageBuffer)
0:? 'u5' (layout( set=2 binding=4 row_major std430) buffer block{layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of uint @data})
0:? 'u6' (layout( set=3 binding=4 row_major std430) buffer block{layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of float @data})
0:? 'u7' (layout( set=4 binding=4 row_major std430) buffer block{layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of float @data})
0:? 'u8' (layout( set=5 binding=4 row_major std430) buffer block{layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of float @data})
0:? 'anon@0' (layout( set=6 binding=1 row_major std140) uniform block{layout( row_major std140) uniform int cb1})
0:? 'anon@1' (layout( binding=7 row_major std430) readonly buffer block{layout( row_major std430) buffer int tb1})
0:? '@entryPointOutput' (layout( location=0) out 4-component vector of float)
Linked fragment stage:
Shader version: 500
gl_FragCoord origin is upper left
0:? Sequence
0:34 Function Definition: @main( ( temp 4-component vector of float)
0:34 Function Parameters:
0:? Sequence
0:35 't1' (layout( set=1 binding=1) uniform texture1D)
0:36 't2' (layout( set=1 binding=2) uniform texture2D)
0:37 't3' (layout( set=2 binding=1) uniform texture3D)
0:38 direct index (layout( row_major std430) buffer 4-component vector of float)
0:38 @data: direct index for structure (layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of 4-component vector of float)
0:38 't4' (layout( set=3 binding=1 row_major std430) readonly buffer block{layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of 4-component vector of float @data})
0:38 Constant:
0:38 0 (const uint)
0:38 Constant:
0:38 0 (const int)
0:39 indirect index (layout( row_major std430) buffer uint)
0:39 @data: direct index for structure (layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of uint)
0:39 't5' (layout( set=3 binding=2 row_major std430) readonly buffer block{layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of uint @data})
0:39 Constant:
0:39 0 (const uint)
0:39 right-shift ( temp int)
0:39 Constant:
0:39 0 (const int)
0:39 Constant:
0:39 2 (const int)
0:40 't6' (layout( set=3 binding=3 rgba32f) uniform textureBuffer)
0:42 's1' (layout( set=1 binding=1) uniform sampler)
0:43 's2' (layout( set=2 binding=2) uniform sampler)
0:45 'u1' (layout( set=1 binding=1 rgba32f) uniform image1D)
0:46 'u2' (layout( set=2 binding=2 rgba32f) uniform image2D)
0:47 'u3' (layout( set=2 binding=3 rgba32f) uniform image3D)
0:49 imageLoad ( temp float)
0:49 'u4' (layout( set=1 binding=4 r32f) uniform imageBuffer)
0:49 Constant:
0:49 0 (const int)
0:50 indirect index (layout( row_major std430) buffer uint)
0:50 @data: direct index for structure (layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of uint)
0:50 'u5' (layout( set=2 binding=4 row_major std430) buffer block{layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of uint @data})
0:50 Constant:
0:50 0 (const uint)
0:50 right-shift ( temp int)
0:50 Constant:
0:50 0 (const int)
0:50 Constant:
0:50 2 (const int)
0:51 direct index (layout( row_major std430) buffer float)
0:51 @data: direct index for structure (layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of float)
0:51 'u6' (layout( set=3 binding=4 row_major std430) buffer block{layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of float @data})
0:51 Constant:
0:51 0 (const uint)
0:51 Constant:
0:51 0 (const int)
0:52 'u7' (layout( set=4 binding=4 row_major std430) buffer block{layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of float @data})
0:53 'u8' (layout( set=5 binding=4 row_major std430) buffer block{layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of float @data})
0:55 cb1: direct index for structure (layout( row_major std140) uniform int)
0:55 'anon@0' (layout( set=6 binding=1 row_major std140) uniform block{layout( row_major std140) uniform int cb1})
0:55 Constant:
0:55 0 (const uint)
0:56 tb1: direct index for structure (layout( row_major std430) buffer int)
0:56 'anon@1' (layout( binding=7 row_major std430) readonly buffer block{layout( row_major std430) buffer int tb1})
0:56 Constant:
0:56 0 (const uint)
0:57 'ts6' (layout( set=6 binding=1) uniform texture3D)
0:59 Branch: Return with expression
0:59 Constant:
0:59 0.000000
0:59 0.000000
0:59 0.000000
0:59 0.000000
0:34 Function Definition: main( ( temp void)
0:34 Function Parameters:
0:? Sequence
0:34 move second child to first child ( temp 4-component vector of float)
0:? '@entryPointOutput' (layout( location=0) out 4-component vector of float)
0:34 Function Call: @main( ( temp 4-component vector of float)
0:? Linker Objects
0:? 's1' (layout( set=1 binding=1) uniform sampler)
0:? 's2' (layout( set=2 binding=2) uniform sampler)
0:? 't1' (layout( set=1 binding=1) uniform texture1D)
0:? 't2' (layout( set=1 binding=2) uniform texture2D)
0:? 't3' (layout( set=2 binding=1) uniform texture3D)
0:? 'ts6' (layout( set=6 binding=1) uniform texture3D)
0:? 't4' (layout( set=3 binding=1 row_major std430) readonly buffer block{layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of 4-component vector of float @data})
0:? 't5' (layout( set=3 binding=2 row_major std430) readonly buffer block{layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of uint @data})
0:? 't6' (layout( set=3 binding=3 rgba32f) uniform textureBuffer)
0:? 'u1' (layout( set=1 binding=1 rgba32f) uniform image1D)
0:? 'u2' (layout( set=2 binding=2 rgba32f) uniform image2D)
0:? 'u3' (layout( set=2 binding=3 rgba32f) uniform image3D)
0:? 'u4' (layout( set=1 binding=4 r32f) uniform imageBuffer)
0:? 'u5' (layout( set=2 binding=4 row_major std430) buffer block{layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of uint @data})
0:? 'u6' (layout( set=3 binding=4 row_major std430) buffer block{layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of float @data})
0:? 'u7' (layout( set=4 binding=4 row_major std430) buffer block{layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of float @data})
0:? 'u8' (layout( set=5 binding=4 row_major std430) buffer block{layout( row_major std430) buffer unsized 1-element array of float @data})
0:? 'anon@0' (layout( set=6 binding=1 row_major std140) uniform block{layout( row_major std140) uniform int cb1})
0:? 'anon@1' (layout( binding=7 row_major std430) readonly buffer block{layout( row_major std430) buffer int tb1})
0:? '@entryPointOutput' (layout( location=0) out 4-component vector of float)
Uniform reflection:
t1: offset -1, type 8b5d, size 1, index -1, binding 21, stages 16
t2: offset -1, type 8b5e, size 1, index -1, binding 22, stages 16
t3: offset -1, type 8b5f, size 1, index -1, binding 26, stages 16
t4.@data: offset 0, type 8b52, size 1, index 0, binding -1, stages 16, arrayStride 16, topLevelArrayStride 16
t5.@data: offset 0, type 1405, size 0, index 1, binding -1, stages 16, arrayStride 4, topLevelArrayStride 4
t6: offset -1, type 8dc2, size 1, index -1, binding 23, stages 16
s1: offset -1, type 0, size 1, index -1, binding 11, stages 16
s2: offset -1, type 0, size 1, index -1, binding 17, stages 16
u1: offset -1, type 904c, size 1, index -1, binding 31, stages 16
u2: offset -1, type 904d, size 1, index -1, binding 42, stages 16
u3: offset -1, type 904e, size 1, index -1, binding 43, stages 16
u4: offset -1, type 9051, size 1, index -1, binding 34, stages 16
u5.@data: offset 0, type 1405, size 0, index 2, binding -1, stages 16, arrayStride 4, topLevelArrayStride 4
u6.@data: offset 0, type 1406, size 1, index 3, binding -1, stages 16, arrayStride 4, topLevelArrayStride 4
cb1: offset 0, type 1404, size 1, index 4, binding -1, stages 16
tb1: offset 0, type 1404, size 1, index 5, binding -1, stages 16
ts6: offset -1, type 8b5f, size 1, index -1, binding 71, stages 16
Uniform block reflection:
t4: offset -1, type ffffffff, size 16, index 0, binding 21, stages 16, numMembers 1
t5: offset -1, type ffffffff, size 4, index 1, binding 22, stages 16, numMembers 1
u5: offset -1, type ffffffff, size 4, index 2, binding 44, stages 16, numMembers 1
u6: offset -1, type ffffffff, size 4, index 3, binding 34, stages 16, numMembers 1
cb: offset -1, type ffffffff, size 4, index 4, binding 51, stages 16, numMembers 1
tb: offset -1, type ffffffff, size 4, index 5, binding 27, stages 16, numMembers 1
Buffer variable reflection:
Buffer block reflection:
Pipeline input reflection:
Pipeline output reflection:
@entryPointOutput: offset 0, type 8b52, size 1, index 0, binding -1, stages 16