- updated the doxyfile using doxygen -u
- include hidtest/test.c as a doc'd example
- use a brief doxygen/main_page.md file as the generated site's main page
- strip absolute paths from doxygen output (which now displays as relative paths to repo root)
- add CI to build the docs and save as a CI artifact and rewrite the contents of the gh-pages branch for deployment (for master builds)
- add some missing docstrings and excluded undocumented "helper macros" to satisfy warnings output in doxygen's build log
- native implementations for hidraw/libusb/macOS;
- HID Report Descriptor reconstruction from HIDP_PREPARSED_DATA on Windows;
- unit-tests for some known devices for `hid_winapi_descriptor_reconstruct_pp_data`;
- support for ASAN builds (mainly to check the `hid_winapi_descriptor_reconstruct_pp_data`/its unit-tests;
- a straight-forward build matrix for Appveyor;
- MSBuild builds with Github Actions;
- Visual Studio 2022 support for `.sln` (toolset v143);
- gather Windows build artifacts with Github actions;
Rationale: on Android one must use UsbManager, to access any
USB device. As a result, libraries like libusb can only use file descriptors
that are provided by UsbManager.
libusb has an API to use such file descriptors: hid_libusb_wrap_sys_device.
Having hid_libusb_wrap_sys_device currently is the only way to make hidapi
work on Android without root access and without custom Android builds.
Relevant info: https://github.com/libusb/libusb/pull/830/files