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synced 2025-03-03 18:37:56 +00:00
DebugInfo+DeadArgElimination: Ensure llvm::Function*s from debug info are updated even when DAE removes both varargs and non-varargs arguments on the same function.
After some stellar (& inspired) help from Reid Kleckner providing a test case for some rather unstable undefined behavior showing up as assertions produced by r214761, I was able to fix this issue in DAE involving the application of both varargs removal, followed by normal argument removal. Indeed I introduced this same bug into ArgumentPromotion (r212128) by copying the code from DAE, and when I fixed the bug in ArgPromo (r213805) and commented in that patch that I didn't need to address the same issue in DAE because it was a single pass. Turns out it's two pass, one for the varargs and one for the normal arguments, so the same fix is needed (at least during varargs removal). So here it is. (the observable/net effect of this bug, even when it didn't result in assertion failure, is that debug info would describe the DAE'd function in the abstract, but wouldn't provide high/low_pc, variable locations, line table, etc (it would appear as though the function had been entirely optimized away), see the original PR14016 for details of the general problem) I'm not recommitting the assertion just yet, as there's been another regression of it since I last tried. It might just be a few test cases weren't adequately updated after Adrian or Duncan's recent schema changes. git-svn-id: https://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/llvm/trunk@219210 91177308-0d34-0410-b5e6-96231b3b80d8
This commit is contained in:
@ -703,6 +703,8 @@ CallGraphNode *ArgPromotion::DoPromotion(Function *F,
if (DI != FunctionDIs.end()) {
DISubprogram SP = DI->second;
// Ensure the map is updated so it can be reused on subsequent argument
// promotions of the same function.
FunctionDIs[NF] = SP;
@ -302,8 +302,14 @@ bool DAE::DeleteDeadVarargs(Function &Fn) {
// Patch the pointer to LLVM function in debug info descriptor.
auto DI = FunctionDIs.find(&Fn);
if (DI != FunctionDIs.end())
if (DI != FunctionDIs.end()) {
DISubprogram SP = DI->second;
// Ensure the map is updated so it can be reused on non-varargs argument
// eliminations of the same function.
FunctionDIs[NF] = SP;
// Fix up any BlockAddresses that refer to the function.
Fn.replaceAllUsesWith(ConstantExpr::getBitCast(NF, Fn.getType()));
@ -1,65 +1,70 @@
; RUN: opt -deadargelim -S < %s | FileCheck %s
; PR14016
; Built with clang (then manually running -mem2reg with opt) from the following source:
; static void f1(int, ...) {
; }
; void f2() {
; f1(1);
; }
; Test both varargs removal and removal of a traditional dead arg together, to
; test both the basic functionality, and a particular wrinkle involving updating
; the function->debug info mapping on update to ensure it's accurate when used
; again for the next removal.
; CHECK: void ()* @_ZL2f1iz, {{.*}} ; [ DW_TAG_subprogram ] {{.*}} [f1]
; Check that debug info metadata for subprograms stores pointers to
; updated LLVM functions.
target datalayout = "e-p:64:64:64-i1:8:8-i8:8:8-i16:16:16-i32:32:32-i64:64:64-f32:32:32-f64:64:64-v64:64:64-v128:128:128-a0:0:64-s0:64:64-f80:128:128-n8:16:32:64-S128"
target triple = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"
@x = global i32 0, align 4
define void @_Z3runv() uwtable {
; Function Attrs: uwtable
define void @_Z2f2v() #0 {
call void @_ZN12_GLOBAL__N_18dead_argEPv(i8* null), !dbg !10
call void (...)* @_ZN12_GLOBAL__N_111dead_varargEz(), !dbg !12
ret void, !dbg !13
; Argument will be deleted
define internal void @_ZN12_GLOBAL__N_18dead_argEPv(i8* %foo) nounwind uwtable {
%0 = load i32* @x, align 4, !dbg !14
%inc = add nsw i32 %0, 1, !dbg !14
store i32 %inc, i32* @x, align 4, !dbg !14
call void (i32, ...)* @_ZL2f1iz(i32 1), !dbg !15
ret void, !dbg !16
; Vararg will be deleted
define internal void @_ZN12_GLOBAL__N_111dead_varargEz(...) nounwind uwtable {
; Function Attrs: nounwind uwtable
define internal void @_ZL2f1iz(i32, ...) #1 {
%0 = load i32* @x, align 4, !dbg !17
%inc = add nsw i32 %0, 1, !dbg !17
store i32 %inc, i32* @x, align 4, !dbg !17
ret void, !dbg !19
call void @llvm.dbg.value(metadata !{i32 %0}, i64 0, metadata !17, metadata !18), !dbg !19
ret void, !dbg !20
; Function Attrs: nounwind readnone
declare void @llvm.dbg.declare(metadata, metadata, metadata) #2
; Function Attrs: nounwind readnone
declare void @llvm.dbg.value(metadata, i64, metadata, metadata) #2
attributes #0 = { uwtable "less-precise-fpmad"="false" "no-frame-pointer-elim"="true" "no-frame-pointer-elim-non-leaf" "no-infs-fp-math"="false" "no-nans-fp-math"="false" "stack-protector-buffer-size"="8" "unsafe-fp-math"="false" "use-soft-float"="false" }
attributes #1 = { nounwind uwtable "less-precise-fpmad"="false" "no-frame-pointer-elim"="true" "no-frame-pointer-elim-non-leaf" "no-infs-fp-math"="false" "no-nans-fp-math"="false" "stack-protector-buffer-size"="8" "unsafe-fp-math"="false" "use-soft-float"="false" }
attributes #2 = { nounwind readnone }
!llvm.dbg.cu = !{!0}
!llvm.module.flags = !{!21}
!llvm.module.flags = !{!12, !13}
!llvm.ident = !{!14}
!0 = metadata !{metadata !"0x11\004\00clang version 3.2 (trunk 165305)\000\00\000\00\000", metadata !20, metadata !1, metadata !1, metadata !3, metadata !1, metadata !1} ; [ DW_TAG_compile_unit ] [/home/samsonov/tmp/clang-di/test.cc] [DW_LANG_C_plus_plus]
!1 = metadata !{i32 0}
!3 = metadata !{metadata !5, metadata !8, metadata !9}
!5 = metadata !{metadata !"0x2e\00run\00run\00\008\000\001\000\006\00256\000\008", metadata !20, metadata !6, metadata !7, null, void ()* @_Z3runv, null, null, metadata !1} ; [ DW_TAG_subprogram ] [line 8] [def] [run]
!6 = metadata !{metadata !"0x29", metadata !20} ; [ DW_TAG_file_type ]
!7 = metadata !{metadata !"0x15\00\000\000\000\000\000\000", i32 0, null, null, metadata !1, null, null, null} ; [ DW_TAG_subroutine_type ] [line 0, size 0, align 0, offset 0] [from ]
!8 = metadata !{metadata !"0x2e\00dead_vararg\00dead_vararg\00\005\001\001\000\006\00256\000\005", metadata !20, metadata !6, metadata !7, null, void (...)* @_ZN12_GLOBAL__N_111dead_varargEz, null, null, metadata !1} ; [ DW_TAG_subprogram ] [line 5] [local] [def] [dead_vararg]
; CHECK: metadata !"0x2e\00dead_vararg\00{{[^"]+}}"{{.*}}void ()* @_ZN12_GLOBAL__N_111dead_varargEz
!9 = metadata !{metadata !"0x2e\00dead_arg\00dead_arg\00\004\001\001\000\006\00256\000\004", metadata !20, metadata !6, metadata !7, null, void (i8*)* @_ZN12_GLOBAL__N_18dead_argEPv, null, null, metadata !1} ; [ DW_TAG_subprogram ] [line 4] [local] [def] [dead_arg]
; CHECK: metadata !"0x2e\00dead_arg\00{{[^"]+}}"{{.*}}void ()* @_ZN12_GLOBAL__N_18dead_argEPv
!10 = metadata !{i32 8, i32 14, metadata !11, null}
!11 = metadata !{metadata !"0xb\008\0012\000", metadata !20, metadata !5} ; [ DW_TAG_lexical_block ] [/home/samsonov/tmp/clang-di/test.cc]
!12 = metadata !{i32 8, i32 27, metadata !11, null}
!13 = metadata !{i32 8, i32 42, metadata !11, null}
!14 = metadata !{i32 4, i32 28, metadata !15, null}
!15 = metadata !{metadata !"0xb\004\0026\002", metadata !20, metadata !9} ; [ DW_TAG_lexical_block ] [/home/samsonov/tmp/clang-di/test.cc]
!16 = metadata !{i32 4, i32 33, metadata !15, null}
!17 = metadata !{i32 5, i32 25, metadata !18, null}
!18 = metadata !{metadata !"0xb\005\0023\001", metadata !20, metadata !8} ; [ DW_TAG_lexical_block ] [/home/samsonov/tmp/clang-di/test.cc]
!19 = metadata !{i32 5, i32 30, metadata !18, null}
!20 = metadata !{metadata !"test.cc", metadata !"/home/samsonov/tmp/clang-di"}
!21 = metadata !{i32 1, metadata !"Debug Info Version", i32 2}
!0 = metadata !{metadata !"0x11\004\00clang version 3.6.0 \000\00\000\00\001", metadata !1, metadata !2, metadata !2, metadata !3, metadata !2, metadata !2} ; [ DW_TAG_compile_unit ] [/tmp/dbginfo/dbg.cpp] [DW_LANG_C_plus_plus]
!1 = metadata !{metadata !"dbg.cpp", metadata !"/tmp/dbginfo"}
!2 = metadata !{}
!3 = metadata !{metadata !4, metadata !8}
!4 = metadata !{metadata !"0x2e\00f2\00f2\00_Z2f2v\004\000\001\000\000\00256\000\004", metadata !1, metadata !5, metadata !6, null, void ()* @_Z2f2v, null, null, metadata !2} ; [ DW_TAG_subprogram ] [line 4] [def] [f2]
!5 = metadata !{metadata !"0x29", metadata !1} ; [ DW_TAG_file_type ] [/tmp/dbginfo/dbg.cpp]
!6 = metadata !{metadata !"0x15\00\000\000\000\000\000\000", null, null, null, metadata !7, null, null, null} ; [ DW_TAG_subroutine_type ] [line 0, size 0, align 0, offset 0] [from ]
!7 = metadata !{null}
!8 = metadata !{metadata !"0x2e\00f1\00f1\00_ZL2f1iz\001\001\001\000\000\00256\000\001", metadata !1, metadata !5, metadata !9, null, void (i32, ...)* @_ZL2f1iz, null, null, metadata !2} ; [ DW_TAG_subprogram ] [line 1] [local] [def] [f1]
!9 = metadata !{metadata !"0x15\00\000\000\000\000\000\000", null, null, null, metadata !10, null, null, null} ; [ DW_TAG_subroutine_type ] [line 0, size 0, align 0, offset 0] [from ]
!10 = metadata !{null, metadata !11, null}
!11 = metadata !{metadata !"0x24\00int\000\0032\0032\000\000\005", null, null} ; [ DW_TAG_base_type ] [int] [line 0, size 32, align 32, offset 0, enc DW_ATE_signed]
!12 = metadata !{i32 2, metadata !"Dwarf Version", i32 4}
!13 = metadata !{i32 2, metadata !"Debug Info Version", i32 2}
!14 = metadata !{metadata !"clang version 3.6.0 "}
!15 = metadata !{i32 5, i32 3, metadata !4, null}
!16 = metadata !{i32 6, i32 1, metadata !4, null}
!17 = metadata !{metadata !"0x101\00\0016777217\000", metadata !8, metadata !5, metadata !11} ; [ DW_TAG_arg_variable ] [line 1]
!18 = metadata !{metadata !"0x102"} ; [ DW_TAG_expression ]
!19 = metadata !{i32 1, i32 19, metadata !8, null}
!20 = metadata !{i32 2, i32 1, metadata !8, null}
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