diff --git a/utils/release/build_llvm_package.bat b/utils/release/build_llvm_package.bat index aace43c592e..e7895157cd0 100755 --- a/utils/release/build_llvm_package.bat +++ b/utils/release/build_llvm_package.bat @@ -11,6 +11,10 @@ REM REM Visual Studio 2015, CMake, Ninja, SVN, GNUWin32, SWIG, Python 3, REM NSIS with the strlen_8192 patch, REM Visual Studio 2015 SDK (for the clang-format plugin). +REM +REM +REM For LLDB, SWIG version <= 3.0.8 needs to be used to work around +REM https://github.com/swig/swig/issues/769 REM You need to modify the paths below: