RUN: llvm-dwarfdump %p/Inputs/dwarfdump-header.elf-x86-64 | FileCheck %s The input file is hand-coded assembler to generate all the units, so we're willing to make exact checks for offsets and such. CHECK-LABEL: .debug_info contents: The v4 CU header. CHECK: 0x00000000: Compile Unit: length = 0x00000015 version = 0x0004 abbr_offset = 0x0000 addr_size = 0x08 (next unit at 0x00000019) CHECK: 0x0000000b: DW_TAG_compile_unit The v5 normal CU header. CHECK: 0x00000019: Compile Unit: length = 0x00000016 version = 0x0005 unit_type = DW_UT_compile abbr_offset = 0x0000 addr_size = 0x08 (next unit at 0x00000033) CHECK: 0x00000025: DW_TAG_compile_unit CHECK-LABEL: .debug_types contents: The v4 type unit header. CHECK: 0x00000000: Type Unit: length = 0x0000001f version = 0x0004 abbr_offset = 0x0000 addr_size = 0x08 name = 'V4_type_unit' type_signature = 0x0011223344556677 type_offset = 0x001c (next unit at 0x00000023) CHECK: 0x00000017: DW_TAG_type_unit FIXME: DWARF v5 wants type units in .debug_info[.dwo] not .debug_types[.dwo]. CHECK: .debug_types.dwo contents: CHECK: 0x00000000: Type Unit: length = 0x00000020 version = 0x0005 unit_type = DW_UT_split_type abbr_offset = 0x0000 addr_size = 0x08 name = 'V5_split_type_unit' type_signature = 0x8899aabbccddeeff type_offset = 0x001d (next unit at 0x00000024) CHECK: 0x00000018: DW_TAG_type_unit CHECK-LABEL: .debug_line contents: The v4 line table header. CHECK: Line table prologue: CHECK: version: 4 CHECK-NOT: address_size CHECK-NOT: seg_select_size CHECK: max_ops_per_inst: 1 CHECK: include_directories[ 1] = 'Directory4a' CHECK: include_directories[ 2] = 'Directory4b' CHECK-NOT: include_directories CHECK: file_names[ 1] 1 0x00000041 0x00000042 File4a{{$}} CHECK: file_names[ 2] 0 0x00000043 0x00000044 File4b{{$}} CHECK-NOT: file_names The v5 line table header. CHECK: Line table prologue: CHECK: version: 5 CHECK: address_size: 8 CHECK: seg_select_size: 0 CHECK: max_ops_per_inst: 1 CHECK: include_directories[ 1] = 'Directory5a' CHECK: include_directories[ 2] = 'Directory5b' CHECK-NOT: include_directories CHECK: file_names[ 1] 1 0x00000051 0x00000052 File5a{{$}} CHECK: file_names[ 2] 2 0x00000053 0x00000054 File5b{{$}} CHECK-NOT: file_names