mirror of
synced 2024-11-26 20:50:34 +00:00
Initial commit
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
add_library(obj.orbis-kernel OBJECT
target_link_libraries(obj.orbis-kernel PUBLIC orbis::kernel::config)
add_library(orbis-kernel STATIC)
add_library(orbis-kernel-shared SHARED)
add_library(orbis::kernel ALIAS orbis-kernel)
add_library(orbis::kernel-shared ALIAS orbis-kernel-shared)
target_link_libraries(orbis-kernel PUBLIC obj.orbis-kernel)
target_link_libraries(orbis-kernel-shared PUBLIC obj.orbis-kernel)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2023 - present RPCS4
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.25)
add_subdirectory(${ORBIS_KERNEL_DIR} orbis-kernel EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL )
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
add_library(standalone-config INTERFACE)
target_include_directories(standalone-config INTERFACE orbis-kernel-config)
add_library(orbis::kernel::config ALIAS standalone-config)
add_executable(standalone src/main.cpp)
target_include_directories(standalone PUBLIC include)
target_link_libraries(standalone PUBLIC orbis::kernel)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
#pragma once
#include "orbis/error.hpp"
#include "orbis/thread/RegisterId.hpp"
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
namespace orbis {
using int8_t = std::int8_t;
using int16_t = std::int16_t;
using int32_t = std::int32_t;
using int64_t = std::int64_t;
using uint8_t = std::uint8_t;
using uint16_t = std::uint16_t;
using uint32_t = std::uint32_t;
using uint64_t = std::uint64_t;
using size_t = uint64_t;
using ssize_t = int64_t;
using off_t = int64_t;
using uint = uint32_t;
using sint = int32_t;
using slong = int64_t;
using ulong = uint64_t;
template <typename T> using ptr = T *;
template <typename T> using cptr = T * const;
using caddr_t = ptr<char>;
inline ErrorCode uread(void *kernelAddress, ptr<const void> userAddress,
size_t size) {
std::memcpy(kernelAddress, userAddress, size);
return {};
inline ErrorCode uwrite(ptr<void> userAddress, const void *kernelAddress,
size_t size) {
std::memcpy(userAddress, kernelAddress, size);
return {};
inline ErrorCode ureadString(char *kernelAddress, size_t kernelSize, ptr<const char> userAddress) {
std::strncpy(kernelAddress, userAddress, kernelSize);
if (kernelAddress[kernelSize - 1] != '\0') {
kernelAddress[kernelSize - 1] = '\0';
return ErrorCode::NAMETOOLONG;
return {};
template <typename T> T uread(ptr<T> pointer) {
T result;
uread(&result, pointer, sizeof(T));
return result;
template <typename T> void uwrite(ptr<T> pointer, T data) {
uwrite(pointer, &data, sizeof(T));
uint64_t readRegister(void *context, RegisterId id);
void writeRegister(void *context, RegisterId id, uint64_t value);
} // namespace orbis
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
#include "orbis/sys/syscall.hpp"
#include "orbis/thread/Process.hpp"
#include "orbis/thread/ProcessOps.hpp"
#include <concepts>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <cstddef>
#include <deque>
#include <functional>
#include <orbis/KernelContext.hpp>
#include <orbis/error.hpp>
#include <orbis/sys/sysentry.hpp>
#include <orbis/thread/Thread.hpp>
#include <thread>
#include <utility>
struct Registers {
std::uint64_t r15;
std::uint64_t r14;
std::uint64_t r13;
std::uint64_t r12;
std::uint64_t r11;
std::uint64_t r10;
std::uint64_t r9;
std::uint64_t r8;
std::uint64_t rdi;
std::uint64_t rsi;
std::uint64_t rbp;
std::uint64_t rbx;
std::uint64_t rdx;
std::uint64_t rcx;
std::uint64_t rax;
std::uint64_t rsp;
std::uint64_t rflags;
namespace orbis {
uint64_t readRegister(void *context, RegisterId id) {
auto c = reinterpret_cast<Registers *>(context);
switch (id) {
case RegisterId::r15: return c->r15;
case RegisterId::r14: return c->r14;
case RegisterId::r13: return c->r13;
case RegisterId::r12: return c->r12;
case RegisterId::r11: return c->r11;
case RegisterId::r10: return c->r10;
case RegisterId::r9: return c->r9;
case RegisterId::r8: return c->r8;
case RegisterId::rdi: return c->rdi;
case RegisterId::rsi: return c->rsi;
case RegisterId::rbp: return c->rbp;
case RegisterId::rbx: return c->rbx;
case RegisterId::rdx: return c->rdx;
case RegisterId::rcx: return c->rcx;
case RegisterId::rax: return c->rax;
case RegisterId::rsp: return c->rsp;
case RegisterId::rflags: return c->rflags;
void writeRegister(void *context, RegisterId id, uint64_t value) {
auto c = reinterpret_cast<Registers *>(context);
switch (id) {
case RegisterId::r15: c->r15 = value; return;
case RegisterId::r14: c->r14 = value; return;
case RegisterId::r13: c->r13 = value; return;
case RegisterId::r12: c->r12 = value; return;
case RegisterId::r11: c->r11 = value; return;
case RegisterId::r10: c->r10 = value; return;
case RegisterId::r9: c->r9 = value; return;
case RegisterId::r8: c->r8 = value; return;
case RegisterId::rdi: c->rdi = value; return;
case RegisterId::rsi: c->rsi = value; return;
case RegisterId::rbp: c->rbp = value; return;
case RegisterId::rbx: c->rbx = value; return;
case RegisterId::rdx: c->rdx = value; return;
case RegisterId::rcx: c->rcx = value; return;
case RegisterId::rax: c->rax = value; return;
case RegisterId::rsp: c->rsp = value; return;
case RegisterId::rflags: c->rflags = value; return;
static thread_local orbis::Thread *g_guestThread = nullptr;
class CPU {
struct Task {
orbis::Thread *thread;
std::function<void()> job;
int m_index;
std::deque<Task> m_workQueue;
std::condition_variable m_cv;
std::mutex m_mtx;
std::atomic<bool> m_terminate_flag{false};
std::thread m_hostThread{[this] { entry(); }};
CPU(int index) : m_index(index) {}
int getIndex() const {
return m_index;
void addTask(orbis::Thread *thread, std::function<void()> task) {
m_workQueue.push_back({thread, std::move(task)});
~CPU() {
m_terminate_flag = true;
void entry() {
while (!m_terminate_flag) {
Task task;
std::unique_lock lock(m_mtx);
[this] { return !m_workQueue.empty() || m_terminate_flag; });
if (m_terminate_flag) {
task = std::move(m_workQueue.front());
task.thread->state = orbis::ThreadState::RUNNING;
g_guestThread = task.thread;
if (task.thread->state == orbis::ThreadState::RUNNING) {
task.thread->state = orbis::ThreadState::INACTIVE;
class Event {
std::condition_variable m_cv;
std::mutex m_mtx;
std::atomic<bool> m_fired;
void wait() {
std::unique_lock lock(m_mtx);
m_cv.wait(lock, [&] { return m_fired == true; });
m_fired = false;
void fire() {
m_fired = true;
struct orbis::ProcessOps procOps = {
.exit = [](orbis::Thread *, orbis::sint status) -> orbis::SysResult {
std::printf("sys_exit(%u)\n", status);
static orbis::Thread *allocateGuestThread(orbis::Process *process,
orbis::lwpid_t tid) {
auto guestThread = new orbis::Thread{};
guestThread->state = orbis::ThreadState::RUNQ;
guestThread->tid = tid;
guestThread->tproc = process;
return guestThread;
static void onSysEnter(orbis::Thread *thread, int id, uint64_t *args,
int argsCount) {
std::printf(" [%u] sys_%u(", thread->tid, id);
for (int i = 0; i < argsCount; ++i) {
if (i != 0) {
std::printf(", ");
std::printf("%#lx", args[i]);
static void onSysExit(orbis::Thread *thread, int id, uint64_t *args,
int argsCount, orbis::SysResult result) {
std::printf("%c: [%u] sys_%u(", result.isError() ? 'E' : 'S', thread->tid,
for (int i = 0; i < argsCount; ++i) {
if (i != 0) {
std::printf(", ");
std::printf("%#lx", args[i]);
std::printf(") -> Status %d, Value %lx:%lx\n", result.value(),
thread->retval[0], thread->retval[1]);
struct KernelEventLogger : public orbis::KernelContext::EventListener {
void onProcessCreated(orbis::Process *process) override {
std::printf("process %u was created\n", (unsigned)process->pid);
void onProcessDeleted(orbis::pid_t pid) override {
std::printf("process %u was deleted\n", (unsigned)pid);
int main() {
KernelEventLogger eventLogger;
orbis::KernelContext context;
auto initProc = context.createProcess(1);
initProc->ops = &procOps;
initProc->onSysEnter = onSysEnter;
initProc->onSysExit = onSysExit;
initProc->state = orbis::ProcessState::NORMAL;
initProc->parentProcess = initProc;
initProc->sysent = &orbis::freebsd9_sysvec;
auto initMainThread = allocateGuestThread(initProc, 1);
CPU cpu{0};
Event completeEvent;
cpu.addTask(initMainThread, [&completeEvent] {
Registers regs{};
regs.rax = orbis::kSYS_syscall;
regs.rdi = orbis::kSYS_exit;
regs.rsi = 0x64;
g_guestThread->context = ®s;
delete initMainThread;
return 0;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
#pragma once
#include "orbis/thread/Process.hpp"
#include "utils/LinkedNode.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <mutex>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
namespace orbis {
class KernelContext {
struct EventListener {
virtual ~EventListener() = default;
virtual void onProcessCreated(Process *) = 0;
virtual void onProcessDeleted(pid_t pid) = 0;
~KernelContext() {
while (m_processes != nullptr) {
void addEventListener(EventListener *listener) {
void removeEventListener(EventListener *listener) {
auto it =
std::find(m_event_listeners.begin(), m_event_listeners.end(), listener);
if (it != m_event_listeners.end()) {
Process *createProcess(pid_t pid) {
auto newProcess = new utils::LinkedNode<Process>();
newProcess->object.context = this;
newProcess->object.pid = pid;
newProcess->object.state = ProcessState::NEW;
std::lock_guard lock(m_proc_mtx);
if (m_processes != nullptr) {
m_processes = newProcess;
for (auto listener : m_event_listeners) {
return &newProcess->object;
void deleteProcess(Process *proc) {
auto procNode = reinterpret_cast<utils::LinkedNode<Process> *>(proc);
auto pid = proc->pid;
std::lock_guard lock(m_proc_mtx);
auto next = procNode->erase();
if (procNode == m_processes) {
m_processes = next;
delete procNode;
for (auto listener : m_event_listeners) {
Process *findProcessById(pid_t pid) const {
std::lock_guard lock(m_proc_mtx);
for (auto proc = m_processes; proc != nullptr; proc = proc->next) {
if (proc->object.pid == pid) {
return &proc->object;
return nullptr;
mutable std::mutex m_proc_mtx;
utils::LinkedNode<Process> *m_processes = nullptr;
std::vector<EventListener *> m_event_listeners;
} // namespace orbis
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
#pragma once
#include "error/SysResult.hpp" // IWYU pragma: export
#include "error/ErrorCode.hpp" // IWYU pragma: export
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
#pragma once
namespace orbis {
enum class ErrorCode : int {
PERM = 1, // Operation not permitted
NOENT = 2, // No such file or directory
SRCH = 3, // No such process
INTR = 4, // Interrupted system call
IO = 5, // Input/output error
NXIO = 6, // Device not configured
TOOBIG = 7, // Argument list too long
NOEXEC = 8, // Exec format error
BADF = 9, // Bad file descriptor
CHILD = 10, // No child processes
DEADLK = 11, // Resource deadlock avoided
NOMEM = 12, // Cannot allocate memory
ACCES = 13, // Permission denied
FAULT = 14, // Bad address
NOTBLK = 15, // Block device required
BUSY = 16, // Device busy
EXIST = 17, // File exists
XDEV = 18, // Cross-device link
NODEV = 19, // Operation not supported by device
NOTDIR = 20, // Not a directory
ISDIR = 21, // Is a directory
INVAL = 22, // Invalid argument
NFILE = 23, // Too many open files in system
MFILE = 24, // Too many open files
NOTTY = 25, // Inappropriate ioctl for device
TXTBSY = 26, // Text file busy
FBIG = 27, // File too large
NOSPC = 28, // No space left on device
SPIPE = 29, // Illegal seek
ROFS = 30, // Read-only filesystem
MLINK = 31, // Too many links
PIPE = 32, // Broken pipe
DOM = 33, // Numerical argument out of domain
RANGE = 34, // Result too large
AGAIN = 35, // Resource temporarily unavailable
WOULDBLOCK = AGAIN, // Operation would block
INPROGRESS = 36, // Operation now in progress
ALREADY = 37, // Operation already in progress
NOTSOCK = 38, // Socket operation on non-socket
DESTADDRREQ = 39, // Destination address required
MSGSIZE = 40, // Message too long
PROTOTYPE = 41, // Protocol wrong type for socket
NOPROTOOPT = 42, // Protocol not available
PROTONOSUPPORT = 43, // Protocol not supported
SOCKTNOSUPPORT = 44, // Socket type not supported
OPNOTSUPP = 45, // Operation not supported
NOTSUP = OPNOTSUPP, // Operation not supported
PFNOSUPPORT = 46, // Protocol family not supported
AFNOSUPPORT = 47, // Address family not supported by protocol family
ADDRINUSE = 48, // Address already in use
ADDRNOTAVAIL = 49, // Can't assign requested address
NETDOWN = 50, // Network is down
NETUNREACH = 51, // Network is unreachable
NETRESET = 52, // Network dropped connection on reset
CONNABORTED = 53, // Software caused connection abort
CONNRESET = 54, // Connection reset by peer
NOBUFS = 55, // No buffer space available
ISCONN = 56, // Socket is already connected
NOTCONN = 57, // Socket is not connected
SHUTDOWN = 58, // Can't send after socket shutdown
TOOMANYREFS = 59, // Too many references: can't splice
TIMEDOUT = 60, // Operation timed out
CONNREFUSED = 61, // Connection refused
LOOP = 62, // Too many levels of symbolic links
NAMETOOLONG = 63, // File name too long
HOSTDOWN = 64, // Host is down
HOSTUNREACH = 65, // No route to host
NOTEMPTY = 66, // Directory not empty
PROCLIM = 67, // Too many processes
USERS = 68, // Too many users
DQUOT = 69, // Disc quota exceeded
STALE = 70, // Stale NFS file handle
REMOTE = 71, // Too many levels of remote in path
BADRPC = 72, // RPC struct is bad
RPCMISMATCH = 73, // RPC version wrong
PROGUNAVAIL = 74, // RPC prog. not avail
PROGMISMATCH = 75, // Program version wrong
PROCUNAVAIL = 76, // Bad procedure for program
NOLCK = 77, // No locks available
NOSYS = 78, // Function not implemented
FTYPE = 79, // Inappropriate file type or format
AUTH = 80, // Authentication error
NEEDAUTH = 81, // Need authenticator
IDRM = 82, // Identifier removed
NOMSG = 83, // No message of desired type
OVERFLOW = 84, // Value too large to be stored in data type
CANCELED = 85, // Operation canceled
ILSEQ = 86, // Illegal byte sequence
NOATTR = 87, // Attribute not found
DOOFUS = 88, // Programming error
BADMSG = 89, // Bad message
MULTIHOP = 90, // Multihop attempted
NOLINK = 91, // Link has been severed
PROTO = 92, // Protocol error
NOTCAPABLE = 93, // Capabilities insufficient
CAPMODE = 94, // Not permitted in capability mode
} // namespace orbis
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
#pragma once
namespace orbis {
enum class ErrorCode : int;
class SysResult {
int mValue = 0;
SysResult() = default;
SysResult(ErrorCode ec) : mValue(-static_cast<int>(ec)){}
[[nodiscard]] static SysResult notAnError(ErrorCode ec) {
SysResult result;
result.mValue = static_cast<int>(ec);
return result;
[[nodiscard]] int value() const { return mValue < 0 ? -mValue : mValue; }
[[nodiscard]] bool isError() const { return mValue < 0; }
} // namespace orbis
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
#pragma once
#include "module/Module.hpp" // IWYU pragma: export
#include "module/ModuleHandle.hpp" // IWYU pragma: export
#include "module/ModuleInfo.hpp" // IWYU pragma: export
#include "module/ModuleInfoEx.hpp" // IWYU pragma: export
#include "module/ModuleSegment.hpp" // IWYU pragma: export
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
#pragma once
#include "ModuleHandle.hpp"
#include "ModuleSegment.hpp"
#include "../utils/Rc.hpp"
#include "orbis-config.hpp"
#include <cstddef>
#include <vector>
namespace orbis {
struct Thread;
struct Process;
struct ModuleNeeded {
std::string name;
std::uint16_t version;
std::uint16_t attr;
enum class SymbolBind : std::uint8_t {
Unique = 10
enum class SymbolVisibility : std::uint8_t {
enum class SymbolType : std::uint8_t {
IFunc = 10,
struct Symbol {
std::int32_t moduleIndex;
std::uint32_t libraryIndex;
std::uint64_t id;
std::uint64_t address;
std::uint64_t size;
SymbolVisibility visibility;
SymbolBind bind;
SymbolType type;
struct Relocation {
std::uint64_t offset;
std::uint32_t relType;
std::uint32_t symbolIndex;
std::int64_t addend;
struct Module {
Process *proc{};
std::string vfsPath;
char name[256]{};
ModuleHandle id{};
uint32_t tlsIndex{};
ptr<void> tlsInit{};
uint32_t tlsInitSize{};
uint32_t tlsSize{};
uint32_t tlsOffset{};
uint32_t tlsAlign{};
ptr<void> initProc{};
ptr<void> finiProc{};
ptr<void> ehFrameHdr{};
ptr<void> ehFrame{};
uint32_t ehFrameHdrSize{};
uint32_t ehFrameSize{};
ModuleSegment segments[4]{};
uint32_t segmentCount{};
std::uint8_t fingerprint[20]{};
ptr<void> base{};
uint64_t size{};
ptr<void> stackStart{};
ptr<void> stackEnd{};
ptr<void> processParam{};
uint64_t processParamSize{};
ptr<void> moduleParam{};
uint64_t moduleParamSize{};
ptr<uint64_t> pltGot{};
uint16_t version{};
uint16_t attributes{};
uint16_t type{};
uint16_t flags{};
uint64_t entryPoint{};
uint32_t phNum{};
uint64_t phdrAddress{};
bool isTlsDone = false;
std::vector<Symbol> symbols;
std::vector<Relocation> pltRelocations;
std::vector<Relocation> nonPltRelocations;
std::vector<ModuleNeeded> neededModules;
std::vector<ModuleNeeded> neededLibraries;
std::vector<utils::Ref<Module>> importedModules;
std::atomic<unsigned> references{0};
void incRef() {
if (references.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order::relaxed) > 512) {
assert(!"too many references");
void decRef() {
if (references.fetch_sub(1, std::memory_order::relaxed) == 1 && proc != nullptr) {
orbis::SysResult relocate(Process *process);
void destroy();
utils::Ref<Module> createModule(Thread *p, std::string vfsPath, const char *name);
} // namespace orbis
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
#pragma once
#include <cstdint>
namespace orbis {
enum class ModuleHandle : std::uint32_t {};
} // namespace orbis
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
#pragma once
#include "ModuleSegment.hpp"
#include "orbis-config.hpp"
namespace orbis {
struct ModuleInfo {
uint64_t size;
char name[256];
ModuleSegment segments[4];
uint32_t segmentCount;
uint8_t fingerprint[20];
} // namespace orbis
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
#pragma once
#include "ModuleSegment.hpp"
#include "orbis-config.hpp"
namespace orbis {
struct ModuleInfoEx {
uint64_t size;
char name[256];
uint32_t id;
uint32_t tlsIndex;
ptr<void> tlsInit;
uint32_t tlsInitSize;
uint32_t tlsSize;
uint32_t tlsOffset;
uint32_t tlsAlign;
ptr<void> initProc;
ptr<void> finiProc;
uint64_t reserved1;
uint64_t reserved2;
ptr<void> ehFrameHdr;
ptr<void> ehFrame;
uint32_t ehFrameHdrSize;
uint32_t ehFrameSize;
ModuleSegment segments[4];
uint32_t segmentCount;
uint32_t refCount;
} // namespace orbis
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
#pragma once
#include "orbis-config.hpp"
namespace orbis {
struct ModuleSegment {
ptr<void> addr;
uint32_t size;
uint32_t prot;
} // namespace orbis
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,599 @@
#pragma once
namespace orbis {
enum Syscall {
kSYS_syscall = 0,
kSYS_exit = 1,
kSYS_fork = 2,
kSYS_read = 3,
kSYS_write = 4,
kSYS_open = 5,
kSYS_close = 6,
kSYS_wait4 = 7,
kSYS_link = 9,
kSYS_unlink = 10,
kSYS_chdir = 12,
kSYS_fchdir = 13,
kSYS_mknod = 14,
kSYS_chmod = 15,
kSYS_chown = 16,
kSYS_break = 17,
kSYS_freebsd4_getfsstat = 18,
kSYS_getpid = 20,
kSYS_mount = 21,
kSYS_unmount = 22,
kSYS_setuid = 23,
kSYS_getuid = 24,
kSYS_geteuid = 25,
kSYS_ptrace = 26,
kSYS_recvmsg = 27,
kSYS_sendmsg = 28,
kSYS_recvfrom = 29,
kSYS_accept = 30,
kSYS_getpeername = 31,
kSYS_getsockname = 32,
kSYS_access = 33,
kSYS_chflags = 34,
kSYS_fchflags = 35,
kSYS_sync = 36,
kSYS_kill = 37,
kSYS_getppid = 39,
kSYS_dup = 41,
kSYS_pipe = 42,
kSYS_getegid = 43,
kSYS_profil = 44,
kSYS_ktrace = 45,
kSYS_getgid = 47,
kSYS_getlogin = 49,
kSYS_setlogin = 50,
kSYS_acct = 51,
kSYS_sigaltstack = 53,
kSYS_ioctl = 54,
kSYS_reboot = 55,
kSYS_revoke = 56,
kSYS_symlink = 57,
kSYS_readlink = 58,
kSYS_execve = 59,
kSYS_umask = 60,
kSYS_chroot = 61,
kSYS_msync = 65,
kSYS_vfork = 66,
kSYS_sbrk = 69,
kSYS_sstk = 70,
kSYS_vadvise = 72,
kSYS_munmap = 73,
kSYS_mprotect = 74,
kSYS_madvise = 75,
kSYS_mincore = 78,
kSYS_getgroups = 79,
kSYS_setgroups = 80,
kSYS_getpgrp = 81,
kSYS_setpgid = 82,
kSYS_setitimer = 83,
kSYS_swapon = 85,
kSYS_getitimer = 86,
kSYS_getdtablesize = 89,
kSYS_dup2 = 90,
kSYS_fcntl = 92,
kSYS_select = 93,
kSYS_fsync = 95,
kSYS_setpriority = 96,
kSYS_socket = 97,
kSYS_connect = 98,
kSYS_getpriority = 100,
kSYS_bind = 104,
kSYS_setsockopt = 105,
kSYS_listen = 106,
kSYS_gettimeofday = 116,
kSYS_getrusage = 117,
kSYS_getsockopt = 118,
kSYS_readv = 120,
kSYS_writev = 121,
kSYS_settimeofday = 122,
kSYS_fchown = 123,
kSYS_fchmod = 124,
kSYS_setreuid = 126,
kSYS_setregid = 127,
kSYS_rename = 128,
kSYS_flock = 131,
kSYS_mkfifo = 132,
kSYS_sendto = 133,
kSYS_shutdown = 134,
kSYS_socketpair = 135,
kSYS_mkdir = 136,
kSYS_rmdir = 137,
kSYS_utimes = 138,
kSYS_adjtime = 140,
kSYS_setsid = 147,
kSYS_quotactl = 148,
kSYS_nlm_syscall = 154,
kSYS_nfssvc = 155,
kSYS_freebsd4_statfs = 157,
kSYS_freebsd4_fstatfs = 158,
kSYS_lgetfh = 160,
kSYS_getfh = 161,
kSYS_freebsd4_getdomainname = 162,
kSYS_freebsd4_setdomainname = 163,
kSYS_freebsd4_uname = 164,
kSYS_sysarch = 165,
kSYS_rtprio = 166,
kSYS_semsys = 169,
kSYS_msgsys = 170,
kSYS_shmsys = 171,
kSYS_freebsd6_pread = 173,
kSYS_freebsd6_pwrite = 174,
kSYS_setfib = 175,
kSYS_ntp_adjtime = 176,
kSYS_setgid = 181,
kSYS_setegid = 182,
kSYS_seteuid = 183,
kSYS_stat = 188,
kSYS_fstat = 189,
kSYS_lstat = 190,
kSYS_pathconf = 191,
kSYS_fpathconf = 192,
kSYS_getrlimit = 194,
kSYS_setrlimit = 195,
kSYS_getdirentries = 196,
kSYS_freebsd6_mmap = 197,
kSYS___syscall = 198,
kSYS_freebsd6_lseek = 199,
kSYS_freebsd6_truncate = 200,
kSYS_freebsd6_ftruncate = 201,
kSYS___sysctl = 202,
kSYS_mlock = 203,
kSYS_munlock = 204,
kSYS_undelete = 205,
kSYS_futimes = 206,
kSYS_getpgid = 207,
kSYS_poll = 209,
kSYS_freebsd7___semctl = 220,
kSYS_semget = 221,
kSYS_semop = 222,
kSYS_freebsd7_msgctl = 224,
kSYS_msgget = 225,
kSYS_msgsnd = 226,
kSYS_msgrcv = 227,
kSYS_shmat = 228,
kSYS_freebsd7_shmctl = 229,
kSYS_shmdt = 230,
kSYS_shmget = 231,
kSYS_clock_gettime = 232,
kSYS_clock_settime = 233,
kSYS_clock_getres = 234,
kSYS_ktimer_create = 235,
kSYS_ktimer_delete = 236,
kSYS_ktimer_settime = 237,
kSYS_ktimer_gettime = 238,
kSYS_ktimer_getoverrun = 239,
kSYS_nanosleep = 240,
kSYS_ffclock_getcounter = 241,
kSYS_ffclock_setestimate = 242,
kSYS_ffclock_getestimate = 243,
kSYS_clock_getcpuclockid2 = 247,
kSYS_ntp_gettime = 248,
kSYS_minherit = 250,
kSYS_rfork = 251,
kSYS_openbsd_poll = 252,
kSYS_issetugid = 253,
kSYS_lchown = 254,
kSYS_aio_read = 255,
kSYS_aio_write = 256,
kSYS_lio_listio = 257,
kSYS_getdents = 272,
kSYS_lchmod = 274,
kSYS_netbsd_lchown = 275,
kSYS_lutimes = 276,
kSYS_netbsd_msync = 277,
kSYS_nstat = 278,
kSYS_nfstat = 279,
kSYS_nlstat = 280,
kSYS_preadv = 289,
kSYS_pwritev = 290,
kSYS_freebsd4_fhstatfs = 297,
kSYS_fhopen = 298,
kSYS_fhstat = 299,
kSYS_modnext = 300,
kSYS_modstat = 301,
kSYS_modfnext = 302,
kSYS_modfind = 303,
kSYS_kldload = 304,
kSYS_kldunload = 305,
kSYS_kldfind = 306,
kSYS_kldnext = 307,
kSYS_kldstat = 308,
kSYS_kldfirstmod = 309,
kSYS_getsid = 310,
kSYS_setresuid = 311,
kSYS_setresgid = 312,
kSYS_aio_return = 314,
kSYS_aio_suspend = 315,
kSYS_aio_cancel = 316,
kSYS_aio_error = 317,
kSYS_oaio_read = 318,
kSYS_oaio_write = 319,
kSYS_olio_listio = 320,
kSYS_yield = 321,
kSYS_mlockall = 324,
kSYS_munlockall = 325,
kSYS___getcwd = 326,
kSYS_sched_setparam = 327,
kSYS_sched_getparam = 328,
kSYS_sched_setscheduler = 329,
kSYS_sched_getscheduler = 330,
kSYS_sched_yield = 331,
kSYS_sched_get_priority_max = 332,
kSYS_sched_get_priority_min = 333,
kSYS_sched_rr_get_interval = 334,
kSYS_utrace = 335,
kSYS_freebsd4_sendfile = 336,
kSYS_kldsym = 337,
kSYS_jail = 338,
kSYS_nnpfs_syscall = 339,
kSYS_sigprocmask = 340,
kSYS_sigsuspend = 341,
kSYS_freebsd4_sigaction = 342,
kSYS_sigpending = 343,
kSYS_freebsd4_sigreturn = 344,
kSYS_sigtimedwait = 345,
kSYS_sigwaitinfo = 346,
kSYS___acl_get_file = 347,
kSYS___acl_set_file = 348,
kSYS___acl_get_fd = 349,
kSYS___acl_set_fd = 350,
kSYS___acl_delete_file = 351,
kSYS___acl_delete_fd = 352,
kSYS___acl_aclcheck_file = 353,
kSYS___acl_aclcheck_fd = 354,
kSYS_extattrctl = 355,
kSYS_extattr_set_file = 356,
kSYS_extattr_get_file = 357,
kSYS_extattr_delete_file = 358,
kSYS_aio_waitcomplete = 359,
kSYS_getresuid = 360,
kSYS_getresgid = 361,
kSYS_kqueue = 362,
kSYS_kevent = 363,
kSYS_extattr_set_fd = 371,
kSYS_extattr_get_fd = 372,
kSYS_extattr_delete_fd = 373,
kSYS___setugid = 374,
kSYS_eaccess = 376,
kSYS_afs3_syscall = 377,
kSYS_nmount = 378,
kSYS___mac_get_proc = 384,
kSYS___mac_set_proc = 385,
kSYS___mac_get_fd = 386,
kSYS___mac_get_file = 387,
kSYS___mac_set_fd = 388,
kSYS___mac_set_file = 389,
kSYS_kenv = 390,
kSYS_lchflags = 391,
kSYS_uuidgen = 392,
kSYS_sendfile = 393,
kSYS_mac_syscall = 394,
kSYS_getfsstat = 395,
kSYS_statfs = 396,
kSYS_fstatfs = 397,
kSYS_fhstatfs = 398,
kSYS_ksem_close = 400,
kSYS_ksem_post = 401,
kSYS_ksem_wait = 402,
kSYS_ksem_trywait = 403,
kSYS_ksem_init = 404,
kSYS_ksem_open = 405,
kSYS_ksem_unlink = 406,
kSYS_ksem_getvalue = 407,
kSYS_ksem_destroy = 408,
kSYS___mac_get_pid = 409,
kSYS___mac_get_link = 410,
kSYS___mac_set_link = 411,
kSYS_extattr_set_link = 412,
kSYS_extattr_get_link = 413,
kSYS_extattr_delete_link = 414,
kSYS___mac_execve = 415,
kSYS_sigaction = 416,
kSYS_sigreturn = 417,
kSYS_getcontext = 421,
kSYS_setcontext = 422,
kSYS_swapcontext = 423,
kSYS_swapoff = 424,
kSYS___acl_get_link = 425,
kSYS___acl_set_link = 426,
kSYS___acl_delete_link = 427,
kSYS___acl_aclcheck_link = 428,
kSYS_sigwait = 429,
kSYS_thr_create = 430,
kSYS_thr_exit = 431,
kSYS_thr_self = 432,
kSYS_thr_kill = 433,
kSYS__umtx_lock = 434,
kSYS__umtx_unlock = 435,
kSYS_jail_attach = 436,
kSYS_extattr_list_fd = 437,
kSYS_extattr_list_file = 438,
kSYS_extattr_list_link = 439,
kSYS_ksem_timedwait = 441,
kSYS_thr_suspend = 442,
kSYS_thr_wake = 443,
kSYS_kldunloadf = 444,
kSYS_audit = 445,
kSYS_auditon = 446,
kSYS_getauid = 447,
kSYS_setauid = 448,
kSYS_getaudit = 449,
kSYS_setaudit = 450,
kSYS_getaudit_addr = 451,
kSYS_setaudit_addr = 452,
kSYS_auditctl = 453,
kSYS__umtx_op = 454,
kSYS_thr_new = 455,
kSYS_sigqueue = 456,
kSYS_kmq_open = 457,
kSYS_kmq_setattr = 458,
kSYS_kmq_timedreceive = 459,
kSYS_kmq_timedsend = 460,
kSYS_kmq_notify = 461,
kSYS_kmq_unlink = 462,
kSYS_abort2 = 463,
kSYS_thr_set_name = 464,
kSYS_aio_fsync = 465,
kSYS_rtprio_thread = 466,
kSYS_sctp_peeloff = 471,
kSYS_sctp_generic_sendmsg = 472,
kSYS_sctp_generic_sendmsg_iov = 473,
kSYS_sctp_generic_recvmsg = 474,
kSYS_pread = 475,
kSYS_pwrite = 476,
kSYS_mmap = 477,
kSYS_lseek = 478,
kSYS_truncate = 479,
kSYS_ftruncate = 480,
kSYS_thr_kill2 = 481,
kSYS_shm_open = 482,
kSYS_shm_unlink = 483,
kSYS_cpuset = 484,
kSYS_cpuset_setid = 485,
kSYS_cpuset_getid = 486,
kSYS_cpuset_getaffinity = 487,
kSYS_cpuset_setaffinity = 488,
kSYS_faccessat = 489,
kSYS_fchmodat = 490,
kSYS_fchownat = 491,
kSYS_fexecve = 492,
kSYS_fstatat = 493,
kSYS_futimesat = 494,
kSYS_linkat = 495,
kSYS_mkdirat = 496,
kSYS_mkfifoat = 497,
kSYS_mknodat = 498,
kSYS_openat = 499,
kSYS_readlinkat = 500,
kSYS_renameat = 501,
kSYS_symlinkat = 502,
kSYS_unlinkat = 503,
kSYS_posix_openpt = 504,
kSYS_gssd_syscall = 505,
kSYS_jail_get = 506,
kSYS_jail_set = 507,
kSYS_jail_remove = 508,
kSYS_closefrom = 509,
kSYS___semctl = 510,
kSYS_msgctl = 511,
kSYS_shmctl = 512,
kSYS_lpathconf = 513,
kSYS_cap_new = 514,
kSYS_cap_getrights = 515,
kSYS_cap_enter = 516,
kSYS_cap_getmode = 517,
kSYS_pdfork = 518,
kSYS_pdkill = 519,
kSYS_pdgetpid = 520,
kSYS_pselect = 522,
kSYS_getloginclass = 523,
kSYS_setloginclass = 524,
kSYS_rctl_get_racct = 525,
kSYS_rctl_get_rules = 526,
kSYS_rctl_get_limits = 527,
kSYS_rctl_add_rule = 528,
kSYS_rctl_remove_rule = 529,
kSYS_posix_fallocate = 530,
kSYS_posix_fadvise = 531,
kSYS_netcontrol = 99,
kSYS_netabort = 101,
kSYS_netgetsockinfo = 102,
kSYS_socketex = 113,
kSYS_socketclose = 114,
kSYS_netgetiflist = 125,
kSYS_kqueueex = 141,
kSYS_mtypeprotect = 379,
kSYS_regmgr_call = 532,
kSYS_jitshm_create = 533,
kSYS_jitshm_alias = 534,
kSYS_dl_get_list = 535,
kSYS_dl_get_info = 536,
kSYS_dl_notify_event = 537,
kSYS_evf_create = 538,
kSYS_evf_delete = 539,
kSYS_evf_open = 540,
kSYS_evf_close = 541,
kSYS_evf_wait = 542,
kSYS_evf_trywait = 543,
kSYS_evf_set = 544,
kSYS_evf_clear = 545,
kSYS_evf_cancel = 546,
kSYS_query_memory_protection = 547,
kSYS_batch_map = 548,
kSYS_osem_create = 549,
kSYS_osem_delete = 550,
kSYS_osem_open = 551,
kSYS_osem_close = 552,
kSYS_osem_wait = 553,
kSYS_osem_trywait = 554,
kSYS_osem_post = 555,
kSYS_osem_cancel = 556,
kSYS_namedobj_create = 557,
kSYS_namedobj_delete = 558,
kSYS_set_vm_container = 559,
kSYS_debug_init = 560,
kSYS_suspend_process = 561,
kSYS_resume_process = 562,
kSYS_opmc_enable = 563,
kSYS_opmc_disable = 564,
kSYS_opmc_set_ctl = 565,
kSYS_opmc_set_ctr = 566,
kSYS_opmc_get_ctr = 567,
kSYS_budget_create = 568,
kSYS_budget_delete = 569,
kSYS_budget_get = 570,
kSYS_budget_set = 571,
kSYS_virtual_query = 572,
kSYS_mdbg_call = 573,
kSYS_obs_sblock_create = 574,
kSYS_obs_sblock_delete = 575,
kSYS_obs_sblock_enter = 576,
kSYS_obs_sblock_exit = 577,
kSYS_obs_sblock_xenter = 578,
kSYS_obs_sblock_xexit = 579,
kSYS_obs_eport_create = 580,
kSYS_obs_eport_delete = 581,
kSYS_obs_eport_trigger = 582,
kSYS_obs_eport_open = 583,
kSYS_obs_eport_close = 584,
kSYS_is_in_sandbox = 585,
kSYS_dmem_container = 586,
kSYS_get_authinfo = 587,
kSYS_mname = 588,
kSYS_dynlib_dlopen = 589,
kSYS_dynlib_dlclose = 590,
kSYS_dynlib_dlsym = 591,
kSYS_dynlib_get_list = 592,
kSYS_dynlib_get_info = 593,
kSYS_dynlib_load_prx = 594,
kSYS_dynlib_unload_prx = 595,
kSYS_dynlib_do_copy_relocations = 596,
kSYS_dynlib_prepare_dlclose = 597,
kSYS_dynlib_get_proc_param = 598,
kSYS_dynlib_process_needed_and_relocate = 599,
kSYS_sandbox_path = 600,
kSYS_mdbg_service = 601,
kSYS_randomized_path = 602,
kSYS_rdup = 603,
kSYS_dl_get_metadata = 604,
kSYS_workaround8849 = 605,
kSYS_is_development_mode = 606,
kSYS_get_self_auth_info = 607,
kSYS_dynlib_get_info_ex = 608,
kSYS_budget_getid = 609,
kSYS_budget_get_ptype = 610,
kSYS_get_paging_stats_of_all_threads = 611,
kSYS_get_proc_type_info = 612,
kSYS_get_resident_count = 613,
kSYS_prepare_to_suspend_process = 614,
kSYS_get_resident_fmem_count = 615,
kSYS_thr_get_name = 616,
kSYS_set_gpo = 617,
kSYS_get_paging_stats_of_all_objects = 618,
kSYS_test_debug_rwmem = 619,
kSYS_free_stack = 620,
kSYS_suspend_system = 621,
kSYS_ipmimgr_call = 622,
kSYS_get_gpo = 623,
kSYS_get_vm_map_timestamp = 624,
kSYS_opmc_set_hw = 625,
kSYS_opmc_get_hw = 626,
kSYS_get_cpu_usage_all = 627,
kSYS_mmap_dmem = 628,
kSYS_physhm_open = 629,
kSYS_physhm_unlink = 630,
kSYS_resume_internal_hdd = 631,
kSYS_thr_suspend_ucontext = 632,
kSYS_thr_resume_ucontext = 633,
kSYS_thr_get_ucontext = 634,
kSYS_thr_set_ucontext = 635,
kSYS_set_timezone_info = 636,
kSYS_set_phys_fmem_limit = 637,
kSYS_utc_to_localtime = 638,
kSYS_localtime_to_utc = 639,
kSYS_set_uevt = 640,
kSYS_get_cpu_usage_proc = 641,
kSYS_get_map_statistics = 642,
kSYS_set_chicken_switches = 643,
kSYS_extend_page_table_pool = 644,
kSYS_extend_page_table_pool2 = 645,
kSYS_get_kernel_mem_statistics = 646,
kSYS_get_sdk_compiled_version = 647,
kSYS_app_state_change = 648,
kSYS_dynlib_get_obj_member = 649,
kSYS_budget_get_ptype_of_budget = 650,
kSYS_prepare_to_resume_process = 651,
kSYS_process_terminate = 652,
kSYS_blockpool_open = 653,
kSYS_blockpool_map = 654,
kSYS_blockpool_unmap = 655,
kSYS_dynlib_get_info_for_libdbg = 656,
kSYS_blockpool_batch = 657,
kSYS_fdatasync = 658,
kSYS_dynlib_get_list2 = 659,
kSYS_dynlib_get_info2 = 660,
kSYS_aio_submit = 661,
kSYS_aio_multi_delete = 662,
kSYS_aio_multi_wait = 663,
kSYS_aio_multi_poll = 664,
kSYS_aio_get_data = 665,
kSYS_aio_multi_cancel = 666,
kSYS_get_bio_usage_all = 667,
kSYS_aio_create = 668,
kSYS_aio_submit_cmd = 669,
kSYS_aio_init = 670,
kSYS_get_page_table_stats = 671,
kSYS_dynlib_get_list_for_libdbg = 672,
kSYS_blockpool_move = 673,
kSYS_virtual_query_all = 674,
kSYS_reserve_2mb_page = 675,
kSYS_cpumode_yield = 676,
kSYS_wait6 = 677,
kSYS_cap_rights_limit = 678,
kSYS_cap_ioctls_limit = 679,
kSYS_cap_ioctls_get = 680,
kSYS_cap_fcntls_limit = 681,
kSYS_cap_fcntls_get = 682,
kSYS_bindat = 683,
kSYS_connectat = 684,
kSYS_chflagsat = 685,
kSYS_accept4 = 686,
kSYS_pipe2 = 687,
kSYS_aio_mlock = 688,
kSYS_procctl = 689,
kSYS_ppoll = 690,
kSYS_futimens = 691,
kSYS_utimensat = 692,
kSYS_numa_getaffinity = 693,
kSYS_numa_setaffinity = 694,
kSYS_apr_submit = 700,
kSYS_apr_resolve = 701,
kSYS_apr_stat = 702,
kSYS_apr_wait = 703,
kSYS_apr_ctrl = 704,
kSYS_get_phys_page_size = 705,
kSYS_begin_app_mount = 706,
kSYS_end_app_mount = 707,
kSYS_fsc2h_ctrl = 708,
kSYS_streamwrite = 709,
kSYS_app_save = 710,
kSYS_app_restore = 711,
kSYS_saved_app_delete = 712,
kSYS_get_ppr_sdk_compiled_version = 713,
kSYS_notify_app_event = 714,
kSYS_ioreq = 715,
kSYS_openintr = 716,
kSYS_dl_get_info_2 = 717,
kSYS_acinfo_add = 718,
kSYS_acinfo_delete = 719,
kSYS_acinfo_get_all_for_coredump = 720,
kSYS_ampr_ctrl_debug = 721,
kSYS_workspace_ctrl = 722,
} // namespace orbis
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
#pragma once
#include "orbis-config.hpp"
#include "orbis/thread/sysent.hpp"
namespace orbis {
extern sysentvec freebsd9_sysvec;
extern sysentvec freebsd11_sysvec;
extern sysentvec ps4_sysvec;
extern sysentvec ps5_sysvec;
struct Thread;
void syscall_entry(Thread *thread);
const char *getSysentName(SysResult (*sysent)(Thread *, uint64_t *));
} // namespace orbis
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,593 @@
#include <orbis/error.hpp>
#include <orbis/thread.hpp>
#include <array>
namespace orbis {
using acl_type_t = sint;
using key_t = sint;
using semid_t = uint64_t;
using cpusetid_t = sint;
using cpuwhich_t = sint;
using cpulevel_t = sint;
using SceKernelModule = ModuleHandle;
struct ModuleInfo;
struct ModuleInfoEx;
struct stack_t;
SysResult nosys(Thread *thread);
SysResult sys_exit(Thread *thread, sint status);
SysResult sys_fork(Thread *thread);
SysResult sys_read(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<void> buf, size_t nbyte);
SysResult sys_write(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<const void> buf, size_t nbyte);
SysResult sys_open(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, sint flags, sint mode);
SysResult sys_close(Thread *thread, sint fd);
SysResult sys_wait4(Thread *thread, sint pid, ptr<sint> status, sint options, ptr<struct rusage> rusage);
SysResult sys_link(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, ptr<char> link);
SysResult sys_unlink(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path);
SysResult sys_chdir(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path);
SysResult sys_fchdir(Thread *thread, sint fd);
SysResult sys_mknod(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, sint mode, sint dev);
SysResult sys_chmod(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, sint mode);
SysResult sys_chown(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, sint uid, sint gid);
SysResult sys_obreak(Thread *thread, ptr<char> nsize);
SysResult sys_getpid(Thread *thread);
SysResult sys_mount(Thread *thread, ptr<char> type, ptr<char> path, sint flags, caddr_t data);
SysResult sys_unmount(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, sint flags);
SysResult sys_setuid(Thread *thread, uid_t uid);
SysResult sys_getuid(Thread *thread);
SysResult sys_geteuid(Thread *thread);
SysResult sys_ptrace(Thread *thread, sint req, pid_t pid, caddr_t addr, sint data);
SysResult sys_recvmsg(Thread *thread, sint s, ptr<struct msghdr> msg, sint flags);
SysResult sys_sendmsg(Thread *thread, sint s, ptr<struct msghdr> msg, sint flags);
SysResult sys_recvfrom(Thread *thread, sint s, caddr_t buf, size_t len, sint flags, ptr<struct sockaddr> from, ptr<uint32_t> fromlenaddr);
SysResult sys_accept(Thread *thread, sint s, ptr<struct sockaddr> from, ptr<uint32_t> fromlenaddr);
SysResult sys_getpeername(Thread *thread, sint fdes, ptr<struct sockaddr> asa, ptr<uint32_t> alen);
SysResult sys_getsockname(Thread *thread, sint fdes, ptr<struct sockaddr> asa, ptr<uint32_t> alen);
SysResult sys_access(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, sint flags);
SysResult sys_chflags(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, sint flags);
SysResult sys_fchflags(Thread *thread, sint fd, sint flags);
SysResult sys_sync(Thread *thread);
SysResult sys_kill(Thread *thread, sint pid, sint signum);
SysResult sys_getppid(Thread *thread);
SysResult sys_dup(Thread *thread, uint fd);
SysResult sys_pipe(Thread *thread);
SysResult sys_getegid(Thread *thread);
SysResult sys_profil(Thread *thread, caddr_t samples, size_t size, size_t offset, uint scale);
SysResult sys_ktrace(Thread *thread, ptr<const char> fname, sint ops, sint facs, sint pit);
SysResult sys_getgid(Thread *thread);
SysResult sys_getlogin(Thread *thread, ptr<char> namebuf, uint namelen);
SysResult sys_setlogin(Thread *thread, ptr<char> namebuf);
SysResult sys_acct(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path);
SysResult sys_sigaltstack(Thread *thread, ptr<stack_t> ss, ptr<stack_t> oss);
SysResult sys_ioctl(Thread *thread, sint fd, ulong com, caddr_t data);
SysResult sys_reboot(Thread *thread, sint opt);
SysResult sys_revoke(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path);
SysResult sys_symlink(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, ptr<char> link);
SysResult sys_readlink(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, ptr<char> buf, size_t count);
SysResult sys_execve(Thread *thread, ptr<char> fname, ptr<ptr<char>> argv, ptr<ptr<char>> envv);
SysResult sys_umask(Thread *thread, sint newmask);
SysResult sys_chroot(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path);
SysResult sys_msync(Thread *thread, ptr<void> addr, size_t len, sint flags);
SysResult sys_vfork(Thread *thread);
SysResult sys_sbrk(Thread *thread, sint incr);
SysResult sys_sstk(Thread *thread, sint incr);
SysResult sys_ovadvise(Thread *thread, sint anom);
SysResult sys_munmap(Thread *thread, ptr<void> addr, size_t len);
SysResult sys_mprotect(Thread *thread, ptr<const void> addr, size_t len, sint prot);
SysResult sys_madvise(Thread *thread, ptr<void> addr, size_t len, sint behav);
SysResult sys_mincore(Thread *thread, ptr<const void> addr, size_t len, ptr<char> vec);
SysResult sys_getgroups(Thread *thread, uint gidsetsize, ptr<gid_t> gidset);
SysResult sys_setgroups(Thread *thread, uint gidsetsize, ptr<gid_t> gidset);
SysResult sys_getpgrp(Thread *thread);
SysResult sys_setpgid(Thread *thread, sint pid, sint pgid);
SysResult sys_setitimer(Thread *thread, uint which, ptr<struct itimerval> itv, ptr<struct itimerval> oitv);
SysResult sys_swapon(Thread *thread, ptr<char> name);
SysResult sys_getitimer(Thread *thread, uint which, ptr<struct itimerval> itv);
SysResult sys_getdtablesize(Thread *thread);
SysResult sys_dup2(Thread *thread, uint from, uint to);
SysResult sys_fcntl(Thread *thread, sint fd, sint cmd, slong arg);
SysResult sys_select(Thread *thread, sint nd, ptr<struct fd_set_t> in, ptr<struct fd_set_t> out, ptr<struct fd_set_t> ex, ptr<struct timeval> tv);
SysResult sys_fsync(Thread *thread, sint fd);
SysResult sys_setpriority(Thread *thread, sint which, sint who, sint prio);
SysResult sys_socket(Thread *thread, sint domain, sint type, sint protocol);
SysResult sys_connect(Thread *thread, sint s, caddr_t name, sint namelen);
SysResult sys_getpriority(Thread *thread, sint which, sint who);
SysResult sys_bind(Thread *thread, sint s, caddr_t name, sint namelen);
SysResult sys_setsockopt(Thread *thread, sint s, sint level, sint name, caddr_t val, sint valsize);
SysResult sys_listen(Thread *thread, sint s, sint backlog);
SysResult sys_gettimeofday(Thread *thread, ptr<struct timeval> tp, ptr<struct timezone> tzp);
SysResult sys_getrusage(Thread *thread, sint who, ptr<struct rusage> rusage);
SysResult sys_getsockopt(Thread *thread, sint s, sint level, sint name, caddr_t val, ptr<sint> avalsize);
SysResult sys_readv(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<struct iovec> iovp, uint iovcnt);
SysResult sys_writev(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<struct iovec> iovp, uint iovcnt);
SysResult sys_settimeofday(Thread *thread, ptr<struct timeval> tp, ptr<struct timezone> tzp);
SysResult sys_fchown(Thread *thread, sint fd, sint uid, sint gid);
SysResult sys_fchmod(Thread *thread, sint fd, sint mode);
SysResult sys_setreuid(Thread *thread, sint ruid, sint euid);
SysResult sys_setregid(Thread *thread, sint rgid, sint egid);
SysResult sys_rename(Thread *thread, ptr<char> from, ptr<char> to);
SysResult sys_flock(Thread *thread, sint fd, sint how);
SysResult sys_mkfifo(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, sint mode);
SysResult sys_sendto(Thread *thread, sint s, caddr_t buf, size_t len, sint flags, caddr_t to, sint tolen);
SysResult sys_shutdown(Thread *thread, sint s, sint how);
SysResult sys_socketpair(Thread *thread, sint domain, sint type, sint protocol, ptr<sint> rsv);
SysResult sys_mkdir(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, sint mode);
SysResult sys_rmdir(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path);
SysResult sys_utimes(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, ptr<struct timeval> tptr);
SysResult sys_adjtime(Thread *thread, ptr<struct timeval> delta, ptr<struct timeval> olddelta);
SysResult sys_setsid(Thread *thread);
SysResult sys_quotactl(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, sint cmd, sint uid, caddr_t arg);
SysResult sys_nlm_syscall(Thread *thread, sint debug_level, sint grace_period, sint addr_count, ptr<ptr<char>> addrs);
SysResult sys_nfssvc(Thread *thread, sint flag, caddr_t argp);
SysResult sys_lgetfh(Thread *thread, ptr<char> fname, ptr<struct fhandle> fhp);
SysResult sys_getfh(Thread *thread, ptr<char> fname, ptr<struct fhandle> fhp);
SysResult sys_sysarch(Thread *thread, sint op, ptr<char> parms);
SysResult sys_rtprio(Thread *thread, sint function, pid_t pid, ptr<struct rtprio> rtp);
SysResult sys_semsys(Thread *thread, sint which, sint a2, sint a3, sint a4, sint a5);
SysResult sys_msgsys(Thread *thread, sint which, sint a2, sint a3, sint a4, sint a5, sint a6);
SysResult sys_shmsys(Thread *thread, sint which, sint a2, sint a3, sint a4);
SysResult sys_freebsd6_pread(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<void> buf, size_t nbyte, sint pad, off_t offset);
SysResult sys_freebsd6_pwrite(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<const void> buf, size_t nbyte, sint pad, off_t offset);
SysResult sys_setfib(Thread *thread, sint fib);
SysResult sys_ntp_adjtime(Thread *thread, ptr<struct timex> tp);
SysResult sys_setgid(Thread *thread, gid_t gid);
SysResult sys_setegid(Thread *thread, gid_t egid);
SysResult sys_seteuid(Thread *thread, uid_t euid);
SysResult sys_stat(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, ptr<struct stat> ub);
SysResult sys_fstat(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<struct stat> ub);
SysResult sys_lstat(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, ptr<struct stat> ub);
SysResult sys_pathconf(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, sint name);
SysResult sys_fpathconf(Thread *thread, sint fd, sint name);
SysResult sys_getrlimit(Thread *thread, uint which, ptr<struct rlimit> rlp);
SysResult sys_setrlimit(Thread *thread, uint which, ptr<struct rlimit> rlp);
SysResult sys_getdirentries(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<char> buf, uint count, ptr<slong> basep);
SysResult sys_freebsd6_mmap(Thread *thread, caddr_t addr, size_t len, sint prot, sint flags, sint fd, sint pad, off_t pos);
SysResult sys_freebsd6_lseek(Thread *thread, sint fd, sint pad, off_t offset, sint whence);
SysResult sys_freebsd6_truncate(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, sint pad, off_t length);
SysResult sys_freebsd6_ftruncate(Thread *thread, sint fd, sint pad, off_t length);
SysResult sys___sysctl(Thread *thread, ptr<sint> name, uint namelen, ptr<void> old, ptr<size_t> oldenp, ptr<void> new_, size_t newlen);
SysResult sys_mlock(Thread *thread, ptr<const void> addr, size_t len);
SysResult sys_munlock(Thread *thread, ptr<const void> addr, size_t len);
SysResult sys_undelete(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path);
SysResult sys_futimes(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<struct timeval> tptr);
SysResult sys_getpgid(Thread *thread, pid_t pid);
SysResult sys_poll(Thread *thread, ptr<struct pollfd> fds, uint nfds, sint timeout);
SysResult sys_semget(Thread *thread, key_t key, sint nsems, sint semflg);
SysResult sys_semop(Thread *thread, sint semid, ptr<struct sembuf> sops, size_t nspos);
SysResult sys_msgget(Thread *thread, key_t key, sint msgflg);
SysResult sys_msgsnd(Thread *thread, sint msqid, ptr<const void> msgp, size_t msgsz, sint msgflg);
SysResult sys_msgrcv(Thread *thread, sint msqid, ptr<void> msgp, size_t msgsz, slong msgtyp, sint msgflg);
SysResult sys_shmat(Thread *thread, sint shmid, ptr<const void> shmaddr, sint shmflg);
SysResult sys_shmdt(Thread *thread, ptr<const void> shmaddr);
SysResult sys_shmget(Thread *thread, key_t key, size_t size, sint shmflg);
SysResult sys_clock_gettime(Thread *thread, clockid_t clock_id, ptr<struct timespec> tp);
SysResult sys_clock_settime(Thread *thread, clockid_t clock_id, ptr<const struct timespec> tp);
SysResult sys_clock_getres(Thread *thread, clockid_t clock_id, ptr<struct timespec> tp);
SysResult sys_ktimer_create(Thread *thread, clockid_t clock_id, ptr<struct sigevent> evp, ptr<sint> timerid);
SysResult sys_ktimer_delete(Thread *thread, sint timerid);
SysResult sys_ktimer_settime(Thread *thread, sint timerid, sint flags, ptr<const struct itimerspec> value, ptr<struct itimerspec> ovalue);
SysResult sys_ktimer_gettime(Thread *thread, sint timerid, ptr<struct itimerspec> value);
SysResult sys_ktimer_getoverrun(Thread *thread, sint timerid);
SysResult sys_nanosleep(Thread *thread, ptr<const struct timespec> rqtp, ptr<struct timespec> rmtp);
SysResult sys_ntp_gettime(Thread *thread, ptr<struct ntptimeval> ntvp);
SysResult sys_minherit(Thread *thread, ptr<void> addr, size_t len, sint inherit);
SysResult sys_rfork(Thread *thread, sint flags);
SysResult sys_openbsd_poll(Thread *thread, ptr<struct pollfd> fds, uint nfds, sint timeout);
SysResult sys_issetugid(Thread *thread);
SysResult sys_lchown(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, sint uid, sint gid);
SysResult sys_aio_read(Thread *thread, ptr<struct aiocb> aiocbp);
SysResult sys_aio_write(Thread *thread, ptr<struct aiocb> aiocbp);
SysResult sys_lio_listio(Thread *thread, sint mode, ptr<cptr<struct aiocb>> aiocbp, sint nent, ptr<struct sigevent> sig);
SysResult sys_getdents(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<char> buf, size_t count);
SysResult sys_lchmod(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, mode_t mode);
SysResult sys_lutimes(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, ptr<struct timeval> tptr);
SysResult sys_nstat(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, ptr<struct nstat> ub);
SysResult sys_nfstat(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<struct nstat> sb);
SysResult sys_nlstat(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, ptr<struct nstat> ub);
SysResult sys_preadv(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<struct iovec> iovp, uint iovcnt, off_t offset);
SysResult sys_pwritev(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<struct iovec> iovp, uint iovcnt, off_t offset);
SysResult sys_fhopen(Thread *thread, ptr<const struct fhandle> u_fhp, sint flags);
SysResult sys_fhstat(Thread *thread, ptr<const struct fhandle> u_fhp, ptr<struct stat> sb);
SysResult sys_modnext(Thread *thread, sint modid);
SysResult sys_modstat(Thread *thread, sint modid, ptr<struct module_stat> stat);
SysResult sys_modfnext(Thread *thread, sint modid);
SysResult sys_modfind(Thread *thread, ptr<const char> name);
SysResult sys_kldload(Thread *thread, ptr<const char> file);
SysResult sys_kldunload(Thread *thread, sint fileid);
SysResult sys_kldfind(Thread *thread, ptr<const char> name);
SysResult sys_kldnext(Thread *thread, sint fileid);
SysResult sys_kldstat(Thread *thread, sint fileid, ptr<struct kld_file_stat> stat);
SysResult sys_kldfirstmod(Thread *thread, sint fileid);
SysResult sys_getsid(Thread *thread, pid_t pid);
SysResult sys_setresuid(Thread *thread, uid_t ruid, uid_t euid, uid_t suid);
SysResult sys_setresgid(Thread *thread, gid_t rgid, gid_t egid, gid_t sgid);
SysResult sys_aio_return(Thread *thread, ptr<struct aiocb> aiocbp);
SysResult sys_aio_suspend(Thread *thread, ptr<struct aiocb> aiocbp, sint nent, ptr<const struct timespec> timeout);
SysResult sys_aio_cancel(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<struct aiocb> aiocbp);
SysResult sys_aio_error(Thread *thread, ptr<struct aiocb> aiocbp);
SysResult sys_oaio_read(Thread *thread, ptr<struct aiocb> aiocbp);
SysResult sys_oaio_write(Thread *thread, ptr<struct aiocb> aiocbp);
SysResult sys_olio_listio(Thread *thread, sint mode, ptr<cptr<struct aiocb>> acb_list, sint nent, ptr<struct osigevent> sig);
SysResult sys_yield(Thread *thread);
SysResult sys_mlockall(Thread *thread, sint how);
SysResult sys_munlockall(Thread *thread);
SysResult sys___getcwd(Thread *thread, ptr<char> buf, uint buflen);
SysResult sys_sched_setparam(Thread *thread, pid_t pid, ptr<const struct sched_param> param);
SysResult sys_sched_getparam(Thread *thread, pid_t pid, ptr<struct sched_param> param);
SysResult sys_sched_setscheduler(Thread *thread, pid_t pid, sint policy, ptr<const struct sched_param> param);
SysResult sys_sched_getscheduler(Thread *thread, pid_t pid);
SysResult sys_sched_yield(Thread *thread);
SysResult sys_sched_get_priority_max(Thread *thread, sint policy);
SysResult sys_sched_get_priority_min(Thread *thread, sint policy);
SysResult sys_sched_rr_get_interval(Thread *thread, pid_t pid, ptr<struct timespec> interval);
SysResult sys_utrace(Thread *thread, ptr<const void> addr, size_t len);
SysResult sys_kldsym(Thread *thread, sint fileid, sint cmd, ptr<void> data);
SysResult sys_jail(Thread *thread, ptr<struct jail> jail);
SysResult sys_nnpfs_syscall(Thread *thread, sint operation, ptr<char> a_pathP, sint opcode, ptr<void> a_paramsP, sint a_followSymlinks);
SysResult sys_sigprocmask(Thread *thread, sint how, ptr<uint64_t> set, ptr<uint64_t> oset);
SysResult sys_sigsuspend(Thread *thread, ptr<const struct sigset> set);
SysResult sys_sigpending(Thread *thread, ptr<struct sigset> set);
SysResult sys_sigtimedwait(Thread *thread, ptr<const struct sigset> set, ptr<struct siginfo> info, ptr<const struct timespec> timeout);
SysResult sys_sigwaitinfo(Thread *thread, ptr<const struct sigset> set, ptr<struct siginfo> info);
SysResult sys___acl_get_file(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, acl_type_t type, ptr<struct acl> aclp);
SysResult sys___acl_set_file(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, acl_type_t type, ptr<struct acl> aclp);
SysResult sys___acl_get_fd(Thread *thread, sint filedes, acl_type_t type, ptr<struct acl> aclp);
SysResult sys___acl_set_fd(Thread *thread, sint filedes, acl_type_t type, ptr<struct acl> aclp);
SysResult sys___acl_delete_file(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, acl_type_t type);
SysResult sys___acl_delete_fd(Thread *thread, sint filedes, acl_type_t type);
SysResult sys___acl_aclcheck_file(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, acl_type_t type, ptr<struct acl> aclp);
SysResult sys___acl_aclcheck_fd(Thread *thread, sint filedes, acl_type_t type, ptr<struct acl> aclp);
SysResult sys_extattrctl(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, char cmd, ptr<const char> filename, sint attrnamespace, ptr<const char> attrname);
SysResult sys_extattr_set_file(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, sint attrnamespace, ptr<const char> filename, ptr<void> data, size_t nbytes);
SysResult sys_extattr_get_file(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, sint attrnamespace, ptr<const char> filename, ptr<void> data, size_t nbytes);
SysResult sys_extattr_delete_file(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, sint attrnamespace, ptr<const char> attrname);
SysResult sys_aio_waitcomplete(Thread *thread, ptr<ptr<struct aiocb>> aiocbp, ptr<struct timespec> timeout);
SysResult sys_getresuid(Thread *thread, ptr<uid_t> ruid, ptr<uid_t> euid, ptr<uid_t> suid);
SysResult sys_getresgid(Thread *thread, ptr<gid_t> rgid, ptr<gid_t> egid, ptr<gid_t> sgid);
SysResult sys_kqueue(Thread *thread);
SysResult sys_kevent(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<struct kevent> changelist, sint nchanges, ptr<struct kevent> eventlist, sint nevents, ptr<const struct timespec> timeout);
SysResult sys_extattr_set_fd(Thread *thread, sint fd, sint attrnamespace, ptr<const char> attrname, ptr<void> data, size_t nbytes);
SysResult sys_extattr_get_fd(Thread *thread, sint fd, sint attrnamespace, ptr<const char> attrname, ptr<void> data, size_t nbytes);
SysResult sys_extattr_delete_fd(Thread *thread, sint fd, sint attrnamespace, ptr<const char> attrname);
SysResult sys___setugid(Thread *thread, sint flags);
SysResult sys_eaccess(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, sint flags);
SysResult sys_afs3_syscall(Thread *thread, slong syscall, slong param1, slong param2, slong param3, slong param4, slong param5, slong param6);
SysResult sys_nmount(Thread *thread, ptr<struct iovec> iovp, uint iovcnt, sint flags);
SysResult sys___mac_get_proc(Thread *thread, ptr<struct mac> mac_p);
SysResult sys___mac_set_proc(Thread *thread, ptr<struct mac> mac_p);
SysResult sys___mac_get_fd(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<struct mac> mac_p);
SysResult sys___mac_get_file(Thread *thread, ptr<const char> path, ptr<struct mac> mac_p);
SysResult sys___mac_set_fd(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<struct mac> mac_p);
SysResult sys___mac_set_file(Thread *thread, ptr<const char> path, ptr<struct mac> mac_p);
SysResult sys_kenv(Thread *thread, sint what, ptr<const char> name, ptr<char> value, sint len);
SysResult sys_lchflags(Thread *thread, ptr<const char> path, sint flags);
SysResult sys_uuidgen(Thread *thread, ptr<struct uuid> store, sint count);
SysResult sys_sendfile(Thread *thread, sint fd, sint s, off_t offset, size_t nbytes, ptr<struct sf_hdtr> hdtr, ptr<off_t> sbytes, sint flags);
SysResult sys_mac_syscall(Thread *thread, ptr<const char> policy, sint call, ptr<void> arg);
SysResult sys_getfsstat(Thread *thread, ptr<struct statfs> buf, slong bufsize, sint flags);
SysResult sys_statfs(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, ptr<struct statfs> buf);
SysResult sys_fstatfs(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<struct statfs> buf);
SysResult sys_fhstatfs(Thread *thread, ptr<const struct fhandle> u_fhp, ptr<struct statfs> buf);
SysResult sys_ksem_close(Thread *thread, semid_t id);
SysResult sys_ksem_post(Thread *thread, semid_t id);
SysResult sys_ksem_wait(Thread *thread, semid_t id);
SysResult sys_ksem_trywait(Thread *thread, semid_t id);
SysResult sys_ksem_init(Thread *thread, ptr<semid_t> idp, uint value);
SysResult sys_ksem_open(Thread *thread, ptr<semid_t> idp, ptr<const char> name, sint oflag, mode_t mode, uint value);
SysResult sys_ksem_unlink(Thread *thread, ptr<const char> name);
SysResult sys_ksem_getvalue(Thread *thread, semid_t id, ptr<sint> value);
SysResult sys_ksem_destroy(Thread *thread, semid_t id);
SysResult sys___mac_get_pid(Thread *thread, pid_t pid, ptr<struct mac> mac_p);
SysResult sys___mac_get_link(Thread *thread, ptr<const char> path_p, ptr<struct mac> mac_p);
SysResult sys___mac_set_link(Thread *thread, ptr<const char> path_p, ptr<struct mac> mac_p);
SysResult sys_extattr_set_link(Thread *thread, ptr<const char> path, sint attrnamespace, ptr<const char> attrname, ptr<void> data, size_t nbytes);
SysResult sys_extattr_get_link(Thread *thread, ptr<const char> path, sint attrnamespace, ptr<const char> attrname, ptr<void> data, size_t nbytes);
SysResult sys_extattr_delete_link(Thread *thread, ptr<const char> path, sint attrnamespace, ptr<const char> attrname);
SysResult sys___mac_execve(Thread *thread, ptr<char> fname, ptr<ptr<char>> argv, ptr<ptr<char>> envv, ptr<struct mac> mac_p);
SysResult sys_sigaction(Thread *thread, sint sig, ptr<struct sigaction> act, ptr<struct sigaction> oact);
SysResult sys_sigreturn(Thread *thread, ptr<struct ucontext> sigcntxp);
SysResult sys_getcontext(Thread *thread, ptr<struct ucontext> ucp);
SysResult sys_setcontext(Thread *thread, ptr<struct ucontext> ucp);
SysResult sys_swapcontext(Thread *thread, ptr<struct ucontext> oucp, ptr<struct ucontext> ucp);
SysResult sys_swapoff(Thread *thread, ptr<const char> name);
SysResult sys___acl_get_link(Thread *thread, ptr<const char> path, acl_type_t type, ptr<struct acl> aclp);
SysResult sys___acl_set_link(Thread *thread, ptr<const char> path, acl_type_t type, ptr<struct acl> aclp);
SysResult sys___acl_delete_link(Thread *thread, ptr<const char> path, acl_type_t type);
SysResult sys___acl_aclcheck_link(Thread *thread, ptr<const char> path, acl_type_t type, ptr<struct acl> aclp);
SysResult sys_sigwait(Thread *thread, ptr<const struct sigset> set, ptr<sint> sig);
SysResult sys_thr_create(Thread *thread, ptr<struct ucontext> ctxt, ptr<slong> arg, sint flags);
SysResult sys_thr_exit(Thread *thread, ptr<slong> state);
SysResult sys_thr_self(Thread *thread, ptr<slong> id);
SysResult sys_thr_kill(Thread *thread, slong id, sint sig);
SysResult sys__umtx_lock(Thread *thread, ptr<struct umtx> umtx);
SysResult sys__umtx_unlock(Thread *thread, ptr<struct umtx> umtx);
SysResult sys_jail_attach(Thread *thread, sint jid);
SysResult sys_extattr_list_fd(Thread *thread, sint fd, sint attrnamespace, ptr<void> data, size_t nbytes);
SysResult sys_extattr_list_file(Thread *thread, ptr<const char> path, sint attrnamespace, ptr<void> data, size_t nbytes);
SysResult sys_extattr_list_link(Thread *thread, ptr<const char> path, sint attrnamespace, ptr<void> data, size_t nbytes);
SysResult sys_ksem_timedwait(Thread *thread, semid_t id, ptr<const struct timespec> abstime);
SysResult sys_thr_suspend(Thread *thread, ptr<const struct timespec> timeout);
SysResult sys_thr_wake(Thread *thread, slong id);
SysResult sys_kldunloadf(Thread *thread, slong fileid, sint flags);
SysResult sys_audit(Thread *thread, ptr<const void> record, uint length);
SysResult sys_auditon(Thread *thread, sint cmd, ptr<void> data, uint length);
SysResult sys_getauid(Thread *thread, ptr<uid_t> auid);
SysResult sys_setauid(Thread *thread, ptr<uid_t> auid);
SysResult sys_getaudit(Thread *thread, ptr<struct auditinfo> auditinfo);
SysResult sys_setaudit(Thread *thread, ptr<struct auditinfo> auditinfo);
SysResult sys_getaudit_addr(Thread *thread, ptr<struct auditinfo_addr> auditinfo_addr, uint length);
SysResult sys_setaudit_addr(Thread *thread, ptr<struct auditinfo_addr> auditinfo_addr, uint length);
SysResult sys_auditctl(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path);
SysResult sys__umtx_op(Thread *thread, ptr<void> obj, sint op, ulong val, ptr<void> uaddr1, ptr<void> uaddr2);
SysResult sys_thr_new(Thread *thread, ptr<struct thr_param> param, sint param_size);
SysResult sys_sigqueue(Thread *thread, pid_t pid, sint signum, ptr<void> value);
SysResult sys_kmq_open(Thread *thread, ptr<const char> path, sint flags, mode_t mode, ptr<const struct mq_attr> attr);
SysResult sys_kmq_setattr(Thread *thread, sint mqd, ptr<const struct mq_attr> attr, ptr<struct mq_attr> oattr);
SysResult sys_kmq_timedreceive(Thread *thread, sint mqd, ptr<const char> msg_ptr, size_t msg_len, ptr<uint> msg_prio, ptr<const struct timespec> abstimeout);
SysResult sys_kmq_timedsend(Thread *thread, sint mqd, ptr<char> msg_ptr, size_t msg_len, ptr<uint> msg_prio, ptr<const struct timespec> abstimeout);
SysResult sys_kmq_notify(Thread *thread, sint mqd, ptr<const struct sigevent> sigev);
SysResult sys_kmq_unlink(Thread *thread, ptr<const char> path);
SysResult sys_abort2(Thread *thread, ptr<const char> why, sint narg, ptr<ptr<void>> args);
SysResult sys_thr_set_name(Thread *thread, slong id, ptr<const char> name);
SysResult sys_aio_fsync(Thread *thread, sint op, ptr<struct aiocb> aiocbp);
SysResult sys_rtprio_thread(Thread *thread, sint function, lwpid_t lwpid, ptr<struct rtprio> rtp);
SysResult sys_sctp_peeloff(Thread *thread, sint sd, uint32_t name);
SysResult sys_sctp_generic_sendmsg(Thread *thread, sint sd, caddr_t msg, sint mlen, caddr_t to, __socklen_t tolen, ptr<struct sctp_sndrcvinfo> sinfo, sint flags);
SysResult sys_sctp_generic_sendmsg_iov(Thread *thread, sint sd, ptr<struct iovec> iov, sint iovlen, caddr_t to, __socklen_t tolen, ptr<struct sctp_sndrcvinfo> sinfo, sint flags);
SysResult sys_sctp_generic_recvmsg(Thread *thread, sint sd, ptr<struct iovec> iov, sint iovlen, caddr_t from, __socklen_t fromlen, ptr<struct sctp_sndrcvinfo> sinfo, sint flags);
SysResult sys_pread(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<void> buf, size_t nbyte, off_t offset);
SysResult sys_pwrite(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<const void> buf, size_t nbyte, off_t offset);
SysResult sys_mmap(Thread *thread, caddr_t addr, size_t len, sint prot, sint flags, sint fd, off_t pos);
SysResult sys_lseek(Thread *thread, sint fd, off_t offset, sint whence);
SysResult sys_truncate(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, off_t length);
SysResult sys_ftruncate(Thread *thread, sint fd, off_t length);
SysResult sys_thr_kill2(Thread *thread, pid_t pid, slong id, sint sig);
SysResult sys_shm_open(Thread *thread, ptr<const char> path, sint flags, mode_t mode);
SysResult sys_shm_unlink(Thread *thread, ptr<const char> path);
SysResult sys_cpuset(Thread *thread, ptr<cpusetid_t> setid);
SysResult sys_cpuset_setid(Thread *thread, cpuwhich_t which, id_t id, cpusetid_t setid);
SysResult sys_cpuset_getid(Thread *thread, cpulevel_t level, cpuwhich_t which, id_t id, ptr<cpusetid_t> setid);
SysResult sys_cpuset_getaffinity(Thread *thread, cpulevel_t level, cpuwhich_t which, id_t id, size_t cpusetsize, ptr<cpuset> mask);
SysResult sys_cpuset_setaffinity(Thread *thread, cpulevel_t level, cpuwhich_t which, id_t id, size_t cpusetsize, ptr<const cpuset> mask);
SysResult sys_faccessat(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<char> path, sint mode, sint flag);
SysResult sys_fchmodat(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<char> path, mode_t mode, sint flag);
SysResult sys_fchownat(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<char> path, uid_t uid, gid_t gid, sint flag);
SysResult sys_fexecve(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<ptr<char>> argv, ptr<ptr<char>> envv);
SysResult sys_fstatat(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<char> path, ptr<struct stat> buf, sint flag);
SysResult sys_futimesat(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<char> path, ptr<struct timeval> times);
SysResult sys_linkat(Thread *thread, sint fd1, ptr<char> path1, sint fd2, ptr<char> path2, sint flag);
SysResult sys_mkdirat(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<char> path, mode_t mode);
SysResult sys_mkfifoat(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<char> path, mode_t mode);
SysResult sys_mknodat(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<char> path, mode_t mode, dev_t dev);
SysResult sys_openat(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<char> path, sint flag, mode_t mode);
SysResult sys_readlinkat(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<char> path, ptr<char> buf, size_t bufsize);
SysResult sys_renameat(Thread *thread, sint oldfd, ptr<char> old, sint newfd, ptr<char> new_);
SysResult sys_symlinkat(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path1, sint fd, ptr<char> path2);
SysResult sys_unlinkat(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<char> path, sint flag);
SysResult sys_posix_openpt(Thread *thread, sint flags);
SysResult sys_gssd_syscall(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path);
SysResult sys_jail_get(Thread *thread, ptr<struct iovec> iovp, uint iovcnt, sint flags);
SysResult sys_jail_set(Thread *thread, ptr<struct iovec> iovp, uint iovcnt, sint flags);
SysResult sys_jail_remove(Thread *thread, sint jid);
SysResult sys_closefrom(Thread *thread, sint lowfd);
SysResult sys___semctl(Thread *thread, sint semid, sint semnum, sint cmd, ptr<union semun> arg);
SysResult sys_msgctl(Thread *thread, sint msqid, sint cmd, ptr<struct msqid_ds> buf);
SysResult sys_shmctl(Thread *thread, sint shmid, sint cmd, ptr<struct shmid_ds> buf);
SysResult sys_lpathconf(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, sint name);
SysResult sys_cap_new(Thread *thread, sint fd, uint64_t rights);
SysResult sys_cap_getrights(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<uint64_t> rights);
SysResult sys_cap_enter(Thread *thread);
SysResult sys_cap_getmode(Thread *thread, ptr<uint> modep);
SysResult sys_pdfork(Thread *thread, ptr<sint> fdp, sint flags);
SysResult sys_pdkill(Thread *thread, sint fd, sint signum);
SysResult sys_pdgetpid(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<pid_t> pidp);
SysResult sys_pselect(Thread *thread, sint nd, ptr<fd_set> in, ptr<fd_set> ou, ptr<fd_set> ex, ptr<const struct timespec> ts, ptr<const sigset_t> sm);
SysResult sys_getloginclass(Thread *thread, ptr<char> namebuf, size_t namelen);
SysResult sys_setloginclass(Thread *thread, ptr<char> namebuf);
SysResult sys_rctl_get_racct(Thread *thread, ptr<const void> inbufp, size_t inbuflen, ptr<void> outbuf, size_t outbuflen);
SysResult sys_rctl_get_rules(Thread *thread, ptr<const void> inbufp, size_t inbuflen, ptr<void> outbuf, size_t outbuflen);
SysResult sys_rctl_get_limits(Thread *thread, ptr<const void> inbufp, size_t inbuflen, ptr<void> outbuf, size_t outbuflen);
SysResult sys_rctl_add_rule(Thread *thread, ptr<const void> inbufp, size_t inbuflen, ptr<void> outbuf, size_t outbuflen);
SysResult sys_rctl_remove_rule(Thread *thread, ptr<const void> inbufp, size_t inbuflen, ptr<void> outbuf, size_t outbuflen);
SysResult sys_posix_fallocate(Thread *thread, sint fd, off_t offset, off_t len);
SysResult sys_posix_fadvise(Thread *thread, sint fd, off_t offset, off_t len, sint advice);
SysResult sys_netcontrol(Thread *thread, sint fd, uint op, ptr<void> buf, uint nbuf);
SysResult sys_netabort(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_netgetsockinfo(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_socketex(Thread *thread, ptr<const char> name, sint domain, sint type, sint protocol);
SysResult sys_socketclose(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_netgetiflist(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_kqueueex(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_mtypeprotect(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_regmgr_call(Thread *thread, uint32_t op, uint32_t id, ptr<void> result, ptr<void> value, uint64_t type);
SysResult sys_jitshm_create(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_jitshm_alias(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_dl_get_list(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_dl_get_info(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_dl_notify_event(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_evf_create(Thread *thread, ptr<char> name, sint flag, ptr<struct evFlag> evf);
SysResult sys_evf_delete(Thread *thread, sint fd);
SysResult sys_evf_open(Thread *thread, ptr<char> name);
SysResult sys_evf_close(Thread *thread, sint fd);
SysResult sys_evf_wait(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_evf_trywait(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_evf_set(Thread *thread, sint fd);
SysResult sys_evf_clear(Thread *thread, sint fd);
SysResult sys_evf_cancel(Thread *thread, sint fd);
SysResult sys_query_memory_protection(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_batch_map(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_osem_create(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_osem_delete(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_osem_open(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_osem_close(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_osem_wait(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_osem_trywait(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_osem_post(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_osem_cancel(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_namedobj_create(Thread *thread, ptr<const char> name, ptr<void> object, uint64_t type);
SysResult sys_namedobj_delete(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_set_vm_container(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_debug_init(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_suspend_process(Thread *thread, pid_t pid);
SysResult sys_resume_process(Thread *thread, pid_t pid);
SysResult sys_opmc_enable(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_opmc_disable(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_opmc_set_ctl(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_opmc_set_ctr(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_opmc_get_ctr(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_budget_create(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_budget_delete(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_budget_get(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_budget_set(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_virtual_query(Thread *thread, ptr<void> addr, uint64_t unk, ptr<void> info, size_t infosz);
SysResult sys_mdbg_call(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_obs_sblock_create(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_obs_sblock_delete(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_obs_sblock_enter(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_obs_sblock_exit(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_obs_sblock_xenter(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_obs_sblock_xexit(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_obs_eport_create(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_obs_eport_delete(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_obs_eport_trigger(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_obs_eport_open(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_obs_eport_close(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_is_in_sandbox(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_dmem_container(Thread *thread);
SysResult sys_get_authinfo(Thread *thread, pid_t pid, ptr<void> info);
SysResult sys_mname(Thread *thread, ptr<void> address, uint64_t length, ptr<const char> name);
SysResult sys_dynlib_dlopen(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_dynlib_dlclose(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_dynlib_dlsym(Thread *thread, SceKernelModule handle, ptr<const char> symbol, ptr<ptr<void>> addrp);
SysResult sys_dynlib_get_list(Thread *thread, ptr<SceKernelModule> pArray, size_t numArray, ptr<size_t> pActualNum);
SysResult sys_dynlib_get_info(Thread *thread, SceKernelModule handle, ptr<ModuleInfo> pInfo);
SysResult sys_dynlib_load_prx(Thread *thread, ptr<const char> name, uint64_t arg1, ptr<ModuleHandle> pHandle, uint64_t arg3);
SysResult sys_dynlib_unload_prx(Thread *thread, SceKernelModule handle /* TODO*/);
SysResult sys_dynlib_do_copy_relocations(Thread *thread);
SysResult sys_dynlib_prepare_dlclose(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_dynlib_get_proc_param(Thread *thread, ptr<ptr<void>> procParam, ptr<uint64_t> procParamSize);
SysResult sys_dynlib_process_needed_and_relocate(Thread *thread);
SysResult sys_sandbox_path(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_mdbg_service(Thread *thread, uint32_t op, ptr<void> arg0, ptr<void> arg1);
SysResult sys_randomized_path(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_rdup(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_dl_get_metadata(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_workaround8849(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_is_development_mode(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_get_self_auth_info(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_dynlib_get_info_ex(Thread *thread, SceKernelModule handle, ptr<struct Unk> unk, ptr<ModuleInfoEx> destModuleInfoEx);
SysResult sys_budget_getid(Thread *thread);
SysResult sys_budget_get_ptype(Thread *thread, sint budgetId);
SysResult sys_get_paging_stats_of_all_threads(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_get_proc_type_info(Thread *thread, ptr<sint> destProcessInfo);
SysResult sys_get_resident_count(Thread *thread, pid_t pid);
SysResult sys_prepare_to_suspend_process(Thread *thread, pid_t pid);
SysResult sys_get_resident_fmem_count(Thread *thread, pid_t pid);
SysResult sys_thr_get_name(Thread *thread, lwpid_t lwpid);
SysResult sys_set_gpo(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_get_paging_stats_of_all_objects(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_test_debug_rwmem(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_free_stack(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_suspend_system(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_ipmimgr_call(Thread *thread, uint64_t id, uint64_t arg2, ptr<uint64_t> result, ptr<uint64_t> params, uint64_t arg5, uint64_t arg6);
SysResult sys_get_gpo(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_get_vm_map_timestamp(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_opmc_set_hw(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_opmc_get_hw(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_get_cpu_usage_all(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_mmap_dmem(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_physhm_open(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_physhm_unlink(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_resume_internal_hdd(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_thr_suspend_ucontext(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_thr_resume_ucontext(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_thr_get_ucontext(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_thr_set_ucontext(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_set_timezone_info(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_set_phys_fmem_limit(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_utc_to_localtime(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_localtime_to_utc(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_set_uevt(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_get_cpu_usage_proc(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_get_map_statistics(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_set_chicken_switches(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_extend_page_table_pool(Thread *thread);
SysResult sys_extend_page_table_pool2(Thread *thread);
SysResult sys_get_kernel_mem_statistics(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_get_sdk_compiled_version(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_app_state_change(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_dynlib_get_obj_member(Thread *thread, SceKernelModule handle, uint64_t index, ptr<ptr<void>> addrp);
SysResult sys_budget_get_ptype_of_budget(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_prepare_to_resume_process(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_process_terminate(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_blockpool_open(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_blockpool_map(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_blockpool_unmap(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_dynlib_get_info_for_libdbg(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_blockpool_batch(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_fdatasync(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_dynlib_get_list2(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_dynlib_get_info2(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_aio_submit(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_aio_multi_delete(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_aio_multi_wait(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_aio_multi_poll(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_aio_get_data(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_aio_multi_cancel(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_get_bio_usage_all(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_aio_create(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_aio_submit_cmd(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_aio_init(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_get_page_table_stats(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_dynlib_get_list_for_libdbg(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_blockpool_move(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_virtual_query_all(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_reserve_2mb_page(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_cpumode_yield(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_wait6(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_cap_rights_limit(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_cap_ioctls_limit(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_cap_ioctls_get(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_cap_fcntls_limit(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_cap_fcntls_get(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_bindat(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_connectat(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_chflagsat(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_accept4(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_pipe2(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_aio_mlock(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_procctl(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_ppoll(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_futimens(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_utimensat(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_numa_getaffinity(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_numa_setaffinity(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_apr_submit(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_apr_resolve(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_apr_stat(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_apr_wait(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_apr_ctrl(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_get_phys_page_size(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_begin_app_mount(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_end_app_mount(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_fsc2h_ctrl(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_streamwrite(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_app_save(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_app_restore(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_saved_app_delete(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_get_ppr_sdk_compiled_version(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_notify_app_event(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_ioreq(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_openintr(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_dl_get_info_2(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_acinfo_add(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_acinfo_delete(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_acinfo_get_all_for_coredump(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_ampr_ctrl_debug(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
SysResult sys_workspace_ctrl(Thread *thread /* TODO */);
} // namespace orbis
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
#pragma once
#include "thread/cpuset.hpp" // IWYU pragma: export
#include "thread/Process.hpp" // IWYU pragma: export
#include "thread/ProcessOps.hpp" // IWYU pragma: export
#include "thread/ProcessState.hpp" // IWYU pragma: export
#include "thread/sysent.hpp" // IWYU pragma: export
#include "thread/Thread.hpp" // IWYU pragma: export
#include "thread/ThreadState.hpp" // IWYU pragma: export
#include "thread/types.hpp" // IWYU pragma: export
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
#pragma once
#include "ProcessState.hpp"
#include "orbis-config.hpp"
#include "orbis/module/Module.hpp"
#include "orbis/utils/IdMap.hpp"
#include "../thread/types.hpp"
#include "../thread/Thread.hpp"
#include <mutex>
namespace orbis {
class KernelContext;
struct Thread;
struct ProcessOps;
struct sysentvec;
struct Process {
KernelContext *context = nullptr;
pid_t pid = -1;
sysentvec *sysent = nullptr;
ProcessState state = ProcessState::NEW;
Process *parentProcess = nullptr;
std::mutex mtx;
void (*onSysEnter)(Thread *thread, int id, uint64_t *args, int argsCount) = nullptr;
void (*onSysExit)(Thread *thread, int id, uint64_t *args, int argsCount, SysResult result) = nullptr;
ptr<void> processParam = nullptr;
uint64_t processParamSize = 0;
const ProcessOps *ops = nullptr;
std::uint64_t nextTlsSlot = 1;
std::uint64_t lastTlsOffset = 0;
utils::RcIdMap<Module, ModuleHandle> modulesMap;
utils::OwningIdMap<Thread, lwpid_t> threadsMap;
utils::RcIdMap<utils::RcBase, sint> fileDescriptors;
} // namespace orbis
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
#pragma once
#include "../error/SysResult.hpp"
#include "../module/ModuleHandle.hpp"
#include "orbis-config.hpp"
#include "../thread/types.hpp"
namespace orbis {
struct Thread;
struct Module;
struct ProcessOps {
SysResult (*mmap)(Thread *thread, caddr_t addr, size_t len, sint prot, sint flags, sint fd, off_t pos);
SysResult (*munmap)(Thread *thread, ptr<void> addr, size_t len);
SysResult (*msync)(Thread *thread, ptr<void> addr, size_t len, sint flags);
SysResult (*mprotect)(Thread *thread, ptr<const void> addr, size_t len, sint prot);
SysResult (*minherit)(Thread *thread, ptr<void> addr, size_t len, sint inherit);
SysResult (*madvise)(Thread *thread, ptr<void> addr, size_t len, sint behav);
SysResult (*mincore)(Thread *thread, ptr<const void> addr, size_t len, ptr<char> vec);
SysResult (*mlock)(Thread *thread, ptr<const void> addr, size_t len);
SysResult (*mlockall)(Thread *thread, sint how);
SysResult (*munlockall)(Thread *thread);
SysResult (*munlock)(Thread *thread, ptr<const void> addr, size_t len);
SysResult (*virtual_query)(Thread *thread, ptr<const void> addr, sint flags, ptr<void> info, ulong infoSize);
SysResult (*open)(Thread *thread, ptr<const char> path, sint flags, sint mode);
SysResult (*close)(Thread *thread, sint fd);
SysResult (*ioctl)(Thread *thread, sint fd, ulong com, caddr_t argp);
SysResult (*write)(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<const void> data, ulong size);
SysResult (*read)(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<void> data, ulong size);
SysResult (*pread)(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<void> data, ulong size, ulong offset);
SysResult (*pwrite)(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<const void> data, ulong size, ulong offset);
SysResult (*lseek)(Thread *thread, sint fd, ulong offset, sint whence);
SysResult (*ftruncate)(Thread *thread, sint fd, off_t length);
SysResult (*truncate)(Thread *thread, ptr<const char> path, off_t length);
SysResult (*dynlib_get_obj_member)(Thread *thread, ModuleHandle handle, uint64_t index, ptr<ptr<void>> addrp);
SysResult (*dynlib_dlsym)(Thread *thread, ModuleHandle handle, ptr<const char> symbol, ptr<ptr<void>> addrp);
SysResult (*dynlib_do_copy_relocations)(Thread *thread);
SysResult (*dynlib_load_prx)(Thread *thread, ptr<const char> name, uint64_t arg1, ptr<ModuleHandle> pHandle, uint64_t arg3);
SysResult (*dynlib_unload_prx)(Thread *thread, ModuleHandle handle);
SysResult (*thr_create)(Thread *thread, ptr<struct ucontext> ctxt, ptr<slong> arg, sint flags);
SysResult (*thr_new)(Thread *thread, ptr<struct thr_param> param, sint param_size);
SysResult (*thr_exit)(Thread *thread, ptr<slong> state);
SysResult (*thr_kill)(Thread *thread, slong id, sint sig);
SysResult (*thr_kill2)(Thread *thread, pid_t pid, slong id, sint sig);
SysResult (*thr_suspend)(Thread *thread, ptr<const struct timespec> timeout);
SysResult (*thr_wake)(Thread *thread, slong id);
SysResult (*thr_set_name)(Thread *thread, slong id, ptr<const char> name);
SysResult (*exit)(Thread *thread, sint status);
SysResult (*processNeeded)(Thread *thread);
SysResult (*registerEhFrames)(Thread *thread);
} // namespace orbis
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
#pragma once
#include <cstdint>
namespace orbis {
enum class ProcessState : std::uint32_t {
NEW, // In creation
NORMAL, // threads can be run
} // namespace orbis
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
#pragma once
namespace orbis {
enum class RegisterId {
} // namespace orbis
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
#pragma once
#include "orbis-config.hpp"
#include "types.hpp"
#include "ThreadState.hpp"
#include <mutex>
namespace orbis {
struct Process;
struct Thread {
std::mutex lock;
Process *tproc = nullptr;
uint64_t retval[2]{};
void *context{};
ptr<void> stackStart;
ptr<void> stackEnd;
uint64_t fsBase{};
uint64_t gsBase{};
char name[32];
uint64_t sigMask[4] = {
lwpid_t tid = -1;
ThreadState state = ThreadState::INACTIVE;
} // namespace orbis
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
#pragma once
#include <cstdint>
namespace orbis {
enum class ThreadState : std::uint32_t { INACTIVE, INHIBITED, CAN_RUN, RUNQ, RUNNING };
} // namespace orbis
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
#pragma once
#include "orbis-config.hpp"
namespace orbis {
static constexpr auto NCPUBITS = sizeof(slong) * 8;
static constexpr auto NCPUWORDS = 128 / NCPUBITS;
struct cpuset {
slong bits[NCPUWORDS];
} // namespace orbis
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
#pragma once
#include "orbis-config.hpp"
namespace orbis {
struct Thread;
using sy_call_t = SysResult(Thread *, uint64_t *);
struct sysent {
sint narg;
sy_call_t *call;
struct sysentvec {
sint size;
const sysent *table;
} // namespace orbis
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
#pragma once
#include "orbis-config.hpp"
namespace orbis {
using lwpid_t = int32_t;
using pid_t = int64_t;
using uid_t = uint32_t;
using gid_t = uint32_t;
} // namespace orbis
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
#pragma once
#include <bit>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
namespace orbis {
inline namespace utils {
template <std::size_t Count> struct BitSet {
using chunk_type = std::uint64_t;
static constexpr auto BitsPerChunk = sizeof(chunk_type) * 8;
static constexpr auto ChunkCount = (Count + BitsPerChunk - 1) / BitsPerChunk;
chunk_type _bits[ChunkCount]{};
constexpr std::size_t countr_one() const {
std::size_t result = 0;
for (auto bits : _bits) {
auto count = std::countr_one(bits);
result += count;
if (count != BitsPerChunk) {
return result;
constexpr std::size_t countr_zero(std::size_t offset = 0) const {
std::size_t result = 0;
if (auto chunkOffset = offset % BitsPerChunk) {
auto count =
std::countr_zero(_bits[offset / BitsPerChunk] >> chunkOffset);
if (count != BitsPerChunk) {
return count + offset;
offset = (offset + BitsPerChunk - 1) & ~(BitsPerChunk - 1);
for (auto i = offset / BitsPerChunk; i < ChunkCount; ++i) {
auto count = std::countr_zero(_bits[i]);
result += count;
if (count != BitsPerChunk) {
for (auto bits : _bits) {
auto count = std::countr_zero(bits);
result += count;
if (count != BitsPerChunk) {
return result + offset;
bool empty() const {
for (auto bits : _bits) {
if (bits != 0) {
return false;
return true;
bool full() const {
if constexpr (Count < BitsPerChunk) {
return _bits[0] == (static_cast<std::uint64_t>(1) << Count) - 1;
for (auto bits : _bits) {
if (bits != ~static_cast<chunk_type>(0)) {
return false;
return true;
constexpr void clear(std::size_t index) {
_bits[index / BitsPerChunk] &=
~(static_cast<chunk_type>(1) << (index % BitsPerChunk));
constexpr void set(std::size_t index) {
_bits[index / BitsPerChunk] |= static_cast<chunk_type>(1)
<< (index % BitsPerChunk);
constexpr bool test(std::size_t index) const {
return (_bits[index / BitsPerChunk] &
(static_cast<chunk_type>(1) << (index % BitsPerChunk))) != 0;
} // namespace utils
} // namespace orbis
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
#pragma once
#include "BitSet.hpp"
#include "Rc.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <bit>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <type_traits>
namespace orbis {
inline namespace utils {
template <WithRc T, typename IdT = int, std::size_t MaxId = 4096,
std::size_t MinId = 0>
requires(MaxId > MinId)
class RcIdMap {
static constexpr auto ChunkSize = std::min<std::size_t>(MaxId - MinId, 64);
static constexpr auto ChunkCount =
(MaxId - MinId + ChunkSize - 1) / ChunkSize;
struct IdMapChunk {
BitSet<ChunkSize> mask = {};
T *objects[ChunkSize]{};
~IdMapChunk() {
std::size_t index = mask.countr_zero();
while (index < ChunkSize) {
index = mask.countr_zero(index + 1);
std::size_t insert(T *object) {
std::size_t index = mask.countr_one();
objects[index] = object;
return index;
T *get(std::size_t index) { return objects[index]; }
void remove(std::size_t index) {
objects[index] = nullptr;
IdMapChunk m_chunks[ChunkCount]{};
BitSet<ChunkCount> m_fullChunks;
static constexpr auto npos = static_cast<IdT>(~static_cast<std::size_t>(0));
struct end_iterator {};
class iterator {
const IdMapChunk *chunks = nullptr;
std::size_t chunk = 0;
std::size_t index = 0;
iterator(const IdMapChunk *chunks) : chunks(chunks) { findNext(); }
iterator &operator++() {
return *this;
std::pair<IdT, T *> operator*() const {
return {static_cast<IdT>(chunk * ChunkSize + index + MinId),
bool operator!=(const end_iterator &) const { return chunk < ChunkCount; }
bool operator==(const end_iterator &) const { return chunk >= ChunkCount; }
void findNext() {
while (chunk < ChunkCount) {
index = chunks[chunk].mask.countr_zero(index);
if (index < ChunkSize) {
index = 0;
void walk(auto cb) {
for (std::size_t chunk = 0; chunk < ChunkCount; ++chunk) {
std::size_t index = m_chunks[chunk].mask.countr_zero();
while (index < ChunkSize) {
cb(static_cast<IdT>(index + chunk * ChunkSize + MinId),
index = m_chunks[chunk].mask.countr_zero(index + 1);
iterator begin() const { return iterator{m_chunks}; }
end_iterator end() const { return {}; }
IdT insert_impl(T *object) {
auto page = m_fullChunks.countr_one();
if (page == ChunkCount) {
return npos;
auto index = m_chunks[page].insert(object);
if (m_chunks[page].mask.full()) {
return {static_cast<IdT>(page * ChunkSize + index + MinId)};
IdT insert(T *object) {
auto result = insert_impl(object);
if (result != npos) {
return result;
IdT insert(const Ref<T> &ref) { return insert(ref.get()); }
IdT insert(Ref<T> &&ref) {
auto object = ref.release();
auto result = insert_impl(object);
if (result == npos) {
return result;
T *get(IdT id) {
const auto rawId = static_cast<std::size_t>(id) - MinId;
if (rawId >= MaxId - MinId) {
return nullptr;
const auto chunk = rawId / ChunkSize;
const auto index = rawId % ChunkSize;
if (!m_chunks[chunk].mask.test(index)) {
return nullptr;
return m_chunks[chunk].get(index);
bool remove(IdT id) {
const auto rawId = static_cast<std::size_t>(id) - MinId;
if (rawId >= MaxId - MinId) {
return false;
const auto chunk = rawId / ChunkSize;
const auto index = rawId % ChunkSize;
if (!m_chunks[chunk].mask.test(index)) {
return false;
return true;
template <typename T, typename IdT = int, std::size_t MaxId = 4096,
std::size_t MinId = 0>
requires(MaxId > MinId)
struct OwningIdMap {
static constexpr auto ChunkSize = std::min<std::size_t>(MaxId - MinId, 64);
static constexpr auto ChunkCount =
(MaxId - MinId + ChunkSize - 1) / ChunkSize;
struct IdMapChunk {
BitSet<ChunkSize> mask = {};
alignas(T) std::byte objects[sizeof(T) * ChunkSize];
~IdMapChunk() {
std::size_t pageOffset = 0;
for (auto page : mask._bits) {
auto tmp = page;
while (true) {
const auto index = std::countr_zero(tmp);
if (index >= 64) {
tmp &= ~(static_cast<std::uint64_t>(1) << index);
destroy(pageOffset + index);
pageOffset += 64;
template <typename... ArgsT>
std::pair<std::size_t, T *> emplace_new(ArgsT &&...args) {
std::size_t index = mask.countr_one();
if (index >= ChunkSize) {
return {};
return {index,
std::construct_at(get(index), std::forward<ArgsT>(args)...)};
T *get(std::size_t index) {
return reinterpret_cast<T *>(objects + sizeof(T) * index);
void destroy(std::size_t index) {
IdMapChunk chunks[ChunkCount]{};
BitSet<ChunkCount> fullChunks;
template <typename... ArgsT>
requires(std::is_constructible_v<T, ArgsT...>)
std::pair<IdT, T *> emplace(ArgsT &&...args) {
auto page = fullChunks.countr_one();
if (page == ChunkCount) {
return {};
auto newElem = chunks[page].emplace_new(std::forward<ArgsT>(args)...);
if (chunks[page].mask.full()) {
return {static_cast<IdT>(page * ChunkSize + newElem.first + MinId),
T *get(IdT id) {
const auto rawId = static_cast<std::size_t>(id) - MinId;
const auto chunk = rawId / ChunkSize;
const auto index = rawId % ChunkSize;
if (chunk >= ChunkCount) {
return nullptr;
if (!chunks[chunk].mask.test(index)) {
return nullptr;
return chunks[chunk].get(index);
bool destroy(IdT id) {
const auto rawId = static_cast<std::size_t>(id) - MinId;
const auto chunk = rawId / ChunkSize;
const auto index = rawId % ChunkSize;
if (chunk >= ChunkCount) {
return false;
if (!chunks[chunk].mask.test(index)) {
return false;
return true;
} // namespace utils
} // namespace orbis
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
#pragma once
namespace orbis {
inline namespace utils {
template <typename T> struct LinkedNode {
T object;
LinkedNode *next = nullptr;
LinkedNode *prev = nullptr;
void insertNext(LinkedNode &other) {
other.next = next;
other.prev = this;
if (next != nullptr) {
next->prev = &other;
next = &other;
void insertPrev(LinkedNode &other) {
other.next = this;
other.prev = prev;
if (prev != nullptr) {
prev->next = &other;
prev = &other;
LinkedNode *erase() {
if (prev != nullptr) {
prev->next = next;
if (next != nullptr) {
next->prev = prev;
prev = nullptr;
auto result = next;
next = nullptr;
return result;
} // namespace utils
} // namespace orbis
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
#pragma once
#include <atomic>
#include <cassert>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
namespace orbis {
inline namespace utils {
struct RcBase {
std::atomic<unsigned> references{0};
virtual ~RcBase() = default;
void incRef() {
if (references.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order::relaxed) > 512) {
assert(!"too many references");
// returns true if object was destroyed
bool decRef() {
if (references.fetch_sub(1, std::memory_order::relaxed) == 1) {
delete this;
return true;
return false;
template <typename T>
concept WithRc = requires(T t) {
template <typename T> class Ref {
T *m_ref = nullptr;
Ref() = default;
template<typename OT> requires(std::is_base_of_v<T, OT>)
Ref(OT *ref) : m_ref(ref) { ref->incRef(); }
template<typename OT> requires(std::is_base_of_v<T, OT>)
Ref(const Ref<OT> &other) : m_ref(other.get()) { m_ref->incRef(); }
template<typename OT> requires(std::is_base_of_v<T, OT>)
Ref(Ref<OT> &&other) : m_ref(other.release()) {}
Ref(const Ref &other) : m_ref(other.get()) { m_ref->incRef(); }
Ref(Ref &&other) : m_ref(other.release()) {}
template<typename OT> requires(std::is_base_of_v<T, OT>)
Ref &operator=(Ref<OT> &&other) {
return *this;
template<typename OT> requires(std::is_base_of_v<T, OT>)
Ref &operator=(OT *other) {
*this = Ref(other);
return *this;
template<typename OT> requires(std::is_base_of_v<T, OT>)
Ref &operator=(const Ref<OT> &other) {
*this = Ref(other);
return *this;
Ref &operator=(const Ref &other) {
*this = Ref(other);
return *this;
Ref &operator=(Ref &&other) {
return *this;
~Ref() {
if (m_ref != nullptr) {
void swap(Ref<T> &other) { std::swap(m_ref, other.m_ref); }
T *get() const { return m_ref; }
T *release() { return std::exchange(m_ref, nullptr); }
T *operator->() const { return m_ref; }
explicit operator bool() const { return m_ref != nullptr; }
bool operator==(std::nullptr_t) const { return m_ref == nullptr; }
bool operator!=(std::nullptr_t) const { return m_ref != nullptr; }
auto operator<=>(const T *other) const { return m_ref <=> other; }
auto operator<=>(const Ref &other) const = default;
template <WithRc T, typename... ArgsT>
requires(std::is_constructible_v<T, ArgsT...>)
Ref<T> create(ArgsT &&...args) {
auto result = new T(std::forward<ArgsT>(args)...);
return Ref<T>(result);
} // namespace utils
} // namespace orbis
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
#include "module/Module.hpp"
#include "module/ModuleInfo.hpp"
#include "module/ModuleInfoEx.hpp"
#include "thread.hpp"
#include <utility>
#include "module/Module.hpp"
#include "thread/Process.hpp"
#include <string_view>
// TODO: move relocations to the platform specific code
enum RelType {
static std::uint64_t calculateTlsOffset(std::uint64_t prevOffset,
std::uint64_t size,
std::uint64_t align) {
return (prevOffset + size + align - 1) & ~(align - 1);
static void allocateTlsOffset(orbis::Process *process, orbis::Module *module) {
if (module->isTlsDone) {
auto offset =
calculateTlsOffset(module->tlsIndex == 1 ? 0 : process->lastTlsOffset,
module->tlsSize, module->tlsAlign);
module->tlsOffset = offset;
process->lastTlsOffset = offset;
module->isTlsDone = true;
static orbis::SysResult doRelocation(orbis::Process *process,
orbis::Module *module,
orbis::Relocation rel) {
auto symbol = module->symbols.at(rel.symbolIndex);
auto A = rel.addend;
auto B = reinterpret_cast<std::uint64_t>(module->base);
auto where = reinterpret_cast<std::uint64_t *>(B + rel.offset);
auto where32 = reinterpret_cast<std::uint32_t *>(B + rel.offset);
auto P = reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t>(where);
auto findDefModule = [module, symbol, rel] {
if (symbol.moduleIndex == -1 || symbol.bind == orbis::SymbolBind::Local) {
return std::pair(module, symbol.address);
auto defModule = module->importedModules.at(symbol.moduleIndex);
auto library = module->neededLibraries.at(symbol.libraryIndex);
std::vector<std::string> foundInLibs;
for (auto defSym : defModule->symbols) {
if (defSym.id != symbol.id || defSym.bind == orbis::SymbolBind::Local) {
if (defSym.visibility == orbis::SymbolVisibility::Hidden) {
std::printf("Ignoring hidden symbol\n");
auto defLib = defModule->neededLibraries.at(defSym.libraryIndex);
if (defLib.name == library.name) {
return std::pair(defModule.get(), defSym.address);
std::printf("'%s' uses undefined symbol in '%s' module\n", module->name,
if (foundInLibs.size() > 0) {
std::printf("Requested library is '%s', exists in libraries: [",
for (bool isFirst = true; auto &lib : foundInLibs) {
if (isFirst) {
isFirst = false;
} else {
std::printf(", ");
std::printf("'%s'", lib.c_str());
return std::pair(module, symbol.address);
switch (rel.relType) {
case kRelNone:
return {};
case kRel64: {
auto [defObj, S] = findDefModule();
*where = reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t>(defObj->base) + S + A;
return {};
return {};
case kRelPc32: {
auto [defObj, S] = findDefModule();
*where32 = reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t>(defObj->base) + S + A - P;
return {};
// case kRelCopy:
// return{};
case kRelGlobDat: {
auto [defObj, S] = findDefModule();
*where = reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t>(defObj->base) + S;
return {};
case kRelJumpSlot: {
bool isLazyBind = false; // TODO
if (isLazyBind) {
*where += B;
} else {
auto [defObj, S] = findDefModule();
*where = reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t>(defObj->base) + S;
return {};
case kRelRelative:
*where = B + A;
return {};
case kRelDtpMod64: {
auto [defObj, S] = findDefModule();
*where += defObj->tlsIndex;
return {};
case kRelDtpOff64: {
auto [defObj, S] = findDefModule();
*where += S + A;
return {};
case kRelTpOff64: {
auto [defObj, S] = findDefModule();
if (!defObj->isTlsDone) {
allocateTlsOffset(process, module);
*where = S - defObj->tlsOffset + A;
return {};
case kRelDtpOff32: {
auto [defObj, S] = findDefModule();
*where32 += S + A;
return {};
case kRelTpOff32: {
auto [defObj, S] = findDefModule();
if (!defObj->isTlsDone) {
allocateTlsOffset(process, module);
*where32 = S - defObj->tlsOffset + A;
return {};
std::fprintf(stderr, "unimplemented relocation type %u\n",
return {};
orbis::SysResult orbis::Module::relocate(Process *process) {
for (auto rel : pltRelocations) {
auto result = doRelocation(process, this, rel);
if (result.isError()) {
return result;
pltRelocations = {};
for (auto rel : nonPltRelocations) {
auto result = doRelocation(process, this, rel);
if (result.isError()) {
return result;
nonPltRelocations = {};
return {};
void orbis::Module::destroy() {
std::lock_guard lock(proc->mtx);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
#include "sys/sysproto.hpp"
#include "error.hpp"
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_acct(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
#include "sys/sysproto.hpp"
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_audit(Thread *thread, ptr<const void> record, uint length) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_auditon(Thread *thread, sint cmd, ptr<void> data, uint length) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_getauid(Thread *thread, ptr<uid_t> auid) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_setauid(Thread *thread, ptr<uid_t> auid) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_getaudit(Thread *thread, ptr<struct auditinfo> auditinfo) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_setaudit(Thread *thread, ptr<struct auditinfo> auditinfo) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_getaudit_addr(Thread *thread, ptr<struct auditinfo_addr> auditinfo_addr, uint length) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_setaudit_addr(Thread *thread, ptr<struct auditinfo_addr> auditinfo_addr, uint length) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_auditctl(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
#include "sys/sysproto.hpp"
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_cap_enter(Thread *thread) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_cap_getmode(Thread *thread, ptr<uint> modep) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_cap_new(Thread *thread, sint fd, uint64_t rights) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_cap_getrights(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<uint64_t> rights) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
#include "sys/sysproto.hpp"
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_getcontext(Thread *thread, ptr<struct ucontext> ucp) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_setcontext(Thread *thread, ptr<struct ucontext> ucp) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_swapcontext(Thread *thread, ptr<struct ucontext> oucp, ptr<struct ucontext> ucp) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
#include "sys/sysproto.hpp"
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_cpuset(Thread *thread, ptr<cpusetid_t> setid) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_cpuset_setid(Thread *thread, cpuwhich_t which, id_t id, cpusetid_t setid) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_cpuset_getid(Thread *thread, cpulevel_t level, cpuwhich_t which, id_t id, ptr<cpusetid_t> setid) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_cpuset_getaffinity(Thread *thread, cpulevel_t level, cpuwhich_t which, id_t id, size_t cpusetsize, ptr<cpuset> mask) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_cpuset_setaffinity(Thread *thread, cpulevel_t level, cpuwhich_t which, id_t id, size_t cpusetsize, ptr<const cpuset> mask) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
#include "sys/sysproto.hpp"
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_getdtablesize(Thread *thread) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_dup2(Thread *thread, uint from, uint to) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_dup(Thread *thread, uint fd) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_fcntl(Thread *thread, sint fd, sint cmd, slong arg) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_close(Thread *thread, sint fd) {
if (auto close = thread->tproc->ops->close) {
return close(thread, fd);
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_closefrom(Thread *thread, sint lowfd) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_fstat(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<struct stat> ub) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_nfstat(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<struct nstat> sb) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_fpathconf(Thread *thread, sint fd, sint name) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_flock(Thread *thread, sint fd, sint how) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
#include "sys/sysproto.hpp"
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_kenv(Thread *thread, sint what, ptr<const char> name, ptr<char> value, sint len) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
#include "sys/sysproto.hpp"
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_kqueue(Thread *thread) {
return {};
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_kevent(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<struct kevent> changelist, sint nchanges, ptr<struct kevent> eventlist, sint nevents, ptr<const struct timespec> timeout) {
return {};
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
#include "sys/sysproto.hpp"
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_execve(Thread *thread, ptr<char> fname, ptr<ptr<char>> argv, ptr<ptr<char>> envv) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_fexecve(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<ptr<char>> argv, ptr<ptr<char>> envv) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys___mac_execve(Thread *thread, ptr<char> fname, ptr<ptr<char>> argv, ptr<ptr<char>> envv, ptr<struct mac> mac_p) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
#include "sys/sysproto.hpp"
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_exit(Thread *thread, sint status) {
if (auto exit = thread->tproc->ops->exit) {
return exit(thread, status);
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_abort2(Thread *thread, ptr<const char> why, sint narg, ptr<ptr<void>> args) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_wait4(Thread *thread, sint pid, ptr<sint> status, sint options, ptr<struct rusage> rusage) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
#include "sys/sysproto.hpp"
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_fork(Thread *thread) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_pdfork(Thread *thread, ptr<sint> fdp, sint flags) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_vfork(Thread *thread) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_rfork(Thread *thread, sint flags) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
#include "sys/sysproto.hpp"
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_read(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<void> buf, size_t nbyte) {
if (auto read = thread->tproc->ops->read) {
return read(thread, fd, buf, nbyte);
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_pread(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<void> buf, size_t nbyte, off_t offset) {
if (auto pread = thread->tproc->ops->pread) {
return pread(thread, fd, buf, nbyte, offset);
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_freebsd6_pread(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<void> buf, size_t nbyte, sint, off_t offset) {
return sys_pread(thread, fd, buf, nbyte, offset);
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_readv(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<struct iovec> iovp, uint iovcnt) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_preadv(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<struct iovec> iovp, uint iovcnt, off_t offset) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_write(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<const void> buf, size_t nbyte) {
if (auto write = thread->tproc->ops->write) {
return write(thread, fd, buf, nbyte);
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_pwrite(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<const void> buf, size_t nbyte, off_t offset) {
if (auto pwrite = thread->tproc->ops->pwrite) {
return pwrite(thread, fd, buf, nbyte, offset);
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_freebsd6_pwrite(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<const void> buf, size_t nbyte, sint, off_t offset) {
return sys_pwrite(thread, fd, buf, nbyte, offset);
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_writev(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<struct iovec> iovp, uint iovcnt) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_pwritev(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<struct iovec> iovp, uint iovcnt, off_t offset) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_ftruncate(Thread *thread, sint fd, off_t length) {
if (auto ftruncate = thread->tproc->ops->ftruncate) {
return ftruncate(thread, fd, length);
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_freebsd6_ftruncate(Thread *thread, sint fd, sint, off_t length) {
return sys_ftruncate(thread, fd, length);
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_ioctl(Thread *thread, sint fd, ulong com, caddr_t data) {
if (auto ioctl = thread->tproc->ops->ioctl) {
return ioctl(thread, fd, com, data);
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_pselect(Thread *thread, sint nd, ptr<fd_set> in, ptr<fd_set> ou, ptr<fd_set> ex, ptr<const struct timespec> ts, ptr<const sigset_t> sm) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_select(Thread *thread, sint nd, ptr<struct fd_set_t> in, ptr<struct fd_set_t> out, ptr<struct fd_set_t> ex, ptr<struct timeval> tv) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_poll(Thread *thread, ptr<struct pollfd> fds, uint nfds, sint timeout) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_openbsd_poll(Thread *thread, ptr<struct pollfd> fds, uint nfds, sint timeout) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_nlm_syscall(Thread *thread, sint debug_level, sint grace_period, sint addr_count, ptr<ptr<char>> addrs) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_nfssvc(Thread *thread, sint flag, caddr_t argp) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_sysarch(Thread *thread, sint op, ptr<char> parms) {
if (op == 129) {
auto fs = uread((ptr<uint64_t>)parms);
std::printf("sys_sysarch: set FS to 0x%zx\n", (std::size_t)fs);
thread->fsBase = fs;
return {};
std::printf("sys_sysarch(op = %d, parms = %p): unknown op\n", op, parms);
return {};
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_nnpfs_syscall(Thread *thread, sint operation, ptr<char> a_pathP, sint opcode, ptr<void> a_paramsP, sint a_followSymlinks) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_afs3_syscall(Thread *thread, slong syscall, slong param1, slong param2, slong param3, slong param4, slong param5, slong param6) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_gssd_syscall(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
#include "sys/sysproto.hpp"
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_jail(Thread *thread, ptr<struct jail> jail) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_jail_set(Thread *thread, ptr<struct iovec> iovp, uint iovcnt, sint flags) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_jail_get(Thread *thread, ptr<struct iovec> iovp, uint iovcnt, sint flags) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_jail_remove(Thread *thread, sint jid) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_jail_attach(Thread *thread, sint jid) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
#include "sys/sysproto.hpp"
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_ktrace(Thread *thread, ptr<const char> fname, sint ops, sint facs, sint pit) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_utrace(Thread *thread, ptr<const void> addr, size_t len) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
#include "sys/sysproto.hpp"
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_kldload(Thread *thread, ptr<const char> file) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_kldunload(Thread *thread, sint fileid) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_kldunloadf(Thread *thread, slong fileid, sint flags) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_kldfind(Thread *thread, ptr<const char> name) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_kldnext(Thread *thread, sint fileid) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_kldstat(Thread *thread, sint fileid, ptr<struct kld_file_stat> stat) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_kldfirstmod(Thread *thread, sint fileid) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_kldsym(Thread *thread, sint fileid, sint cmd, ptr<void> data) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
#include "sys/sysproto.hpp"
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_getloginclass(Thread *thread, ptr<char> namebuf, size_t namelen) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_setloginclass(Thread *thread, ptr<char> namebuf) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
#include "sys/sysproto.hpp"
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys___mac_get_pid(Thread *thread, pid_t pid, ptr<struct mac> mac_p) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys___mac_get_proc(Thread *thread, ptr<struct mac> mac_p) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys___mac_set_proc(Thread *thread, ptr<struct mac> mac_p) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys___mac_get_fd(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<struct mac> mac_p) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys___mac_get_file(Thread *thread, ptr<const char> path, ptr<struct mac> mac_p) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys___mac_set_fd(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<struct mac> mac_p) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys___mac_set_file(Thread *thread, ptr<const char> path, ptr<struct mac> mac_p) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys___mac_get_link(Thread *thread, ptr<const char> path_p, ptr<struct mac> mac_p) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys___mac_set_link(Thread *thread, ptr<const char> path_p, ptr<struct mac> mac_p) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_mac_syscall(Thread *thread, ptr<const char> policy, sint call, ptr<void> arg) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
#include "sys/sysproto.hpp"
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_modnext(Thread *thread, sint modid) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_modfnext(Thread *thread, sint modid) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_modstat(Thread *thread, sint modid, ptr<struct module_stat> stat) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_modfind(Thread *thread, ptr<const char> name) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
#include "sys/sysproto.hpp"
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_msgctl(Thread *thread, sint msqid, sint cmd, ptr<struct msqid_ds> buf) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_msgget(Thread *thread, key_t key, sint msgflg) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_msgsnd(Thread *thread, sint msqid, ptr<const void> msgp, size_t msgsz, sint msgflg) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_msgrcv(Thread *thread, sint msqid, ptr<void> msgp, size_t msgsz, slong msgtyp, sint msgflg) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_msgsys(Thread *thread, sint which, sint a2, sint a3, sint a4, sint a5, sint a6) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
#include "sys/sysproto.hpp"
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_ntp_gettime(Thread *thread, ptr<struct ntptimeval> ntvp) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_ntp_adjtime(Thread *thread, ptr<struct timex> tp) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_adjtime(Thread *thread, ptr<struct timeval> delta, ptr<struct timeval> olddelta) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
#include "sys/sysproto.hpp"
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_sched_setparam(Thread *thread, pid_t pid, ptr<const struct sched_param> param) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_sched_getparam(Thread *thread, pid_t pid, ptr<struct sched_param> param) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_sched_setscheduler(Thread *thread, pid_t pid, sint policy, ptr<const struct sched_param> param) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_sched_getscheduler(Thread *thread, pid_t pid) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_sched_yield(Thread *thread) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_sched_get_priority_max(Thread *thread, sint policy) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_sched_get_priority_min(Thread *thread, sint policy) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_sched_rr_get_interval(Thread *thread, pid_t pid, ptr<struct timespec> interval) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
#include "sys/sysproto.hpp"
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_pipe(Thread *thread) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
#include "sys/sysproto.hpp"
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_pdgetpid(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<pid_t> pidp) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
#include "sys/sysproto.hpp"
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_ptrace(Thread *thread, sint req, pid_t pid, caddr_t addr, sint data) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
#include "sys/sysproto.hpp"
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_getpid(Thread *thread) {
thread->retval[0] = thread->tid;
return {};
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_getppid(Thread *thread) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_getpgrp(Thread *thread) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_getpgid(Thread *thread, pid_t pid) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_getsid(Thread *thread, pid_t pid) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_getuid(Thread *thread) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_geteuid(Thread *thread) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_getgid(Thread *thread) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_getegid(Thread *thread) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_getgroups(Thread *thread, uint gidsetsize, ptr<gid_t> gidset) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_setsid(Thread *thread) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_setpgid(Thread *thread, sint pid, sint pgid) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_setuid(Thread *thread, uid_t uid) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_seteuid(Thread *thread, uid_t euid) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_setgid(Thread *thread, gid_t gid) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_setegid(Thread *thread, gid_t egid) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_setgroups(Thread *thread, uint gidsetsize, ptr<gid_t> gidset) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_setreuid(Thread *thread, sint ruid, sint euid) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_setregid(Thread *thread, sint rgid, sint egid) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_setresuid(Thread *thread, uid_t ruid, uid_t euid, uid_t suid) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_setresgid(Thread *thread, gid_t rgid, gid_t egid, gid_t sgid) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_getresuid(Thread *thread, ptr<uid_t> ruid, ptr<uid_t> euid, ptr<uid_t> suid) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_getresgid(Thread *thread, ptr<gid_t> rgid, ptr<gid_t> egid, ptr<gid_t> sgid) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_issetugid(Thread *thread) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys___setugid(Thread *thread, sint flags) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_getlogin(Thread *thread, ptr<char> namebuf, uint namelen) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_setlogin(Thread *thread, ptr<char> namebuf) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
#include "sys/sysproto.hpp"
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_posix_openpt(Thread *thread, sint flags) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
#include "sys/sysproto.hpp"
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_rctl_get_racct(Thread *thread, ptr<const void> inbufp, size_t inbuflen, ptr<void> outbuf, size_t outbuflen) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_rctl_get_rules(Thread *thread, ptr<const void> inbufp, size_t inbuflen, ptr<void> outbuf, size_t outbuflen) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_rctl_get_limits(Thread *thread, ptr<const void> inbufp, size_t inbuflen, ptr<void> outbuf, size_t outbuflen) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_rctl_add_rule(Thread *thread, ptr<const void> inbufp, size_t inbuflen, ptr<void> outbuf, size_t outbuflen) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_rctl_remove_rule(Thread *thread, ptr<const void> inbufp, size_t inbuflen, ptr<void> outbuf, size_t outbuflen) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
#include "sys/sysproto.hpp"
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_getpriority(Thread *thread, sint which, sint who) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_setpriority(Thread *thread, sint which, sint who, sint prio) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_rtprio_thread(Thread *thread, sint function, lwpid_t lwpid, ptr<struct rtprio> rtp) {
std::printf("sys_rtprio_thread: unimplemented\n");
return {};
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_rtprio(Thread *thread, sint function, pid_t pid, ptr<struct rtprio> rtp) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_setrlimit(Thread *thread, uint which, ptr<struct rlimit> rlp) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_getrlimit(Thread *thread, uint which, ptr<struct rlimit> rlp) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_getrusage(Thread *thread, sint who, ptr<struct rusage> rusage) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
#include "sys/sysproto.hpp"
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_setfib(Thread *thread, sint fib) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,870 @@
#include "error.hpp"
#include "module/ModuleInfo.hpp"
#include "module/ModuleInfoEx.hpp"
#include "sys/sysproto.hpp"
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_netcontrol(Thread *thread, sint fd, uint op,
ptr<void> buf, uint nbuf) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_netabort(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_netgetsockinfo(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_socketex(Thread *thread, ptr<const char> name,
sint domain, sint type, sint protocol) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_socketclose(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_netgetiflist(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_kqueueex(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_mtypeprotect(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_regmgr_call(Thread *thread, uint32_t op,
uint32_t id, ptr<void> result, ptr<void> value,
uint64_t type) {
if (op == 25) {
struct nonsys_int {
union {
uint64_t encoded_id;
struct {
uint8_t data[4];
uint8_t table;
uint8_t index;
uint16_t checksum;
} encoded_id_parts;
uint32_t unk;
uint32_t value;
auto int_value = reinterpret_cast<nonsys_int *>(value);
std::printf(" encoded_id = %lx\n", int_value->encoded_id);
std::printf(" data[0] = %02x\n", int_value->encoded_id_parts.data[0]);
std::printf(" data[1] = %02x\n", int_value->encoded_id_parts.data[1]);
std::printf(" data[2] = %02x\n", int_value->encoded_id_parts.data[2]);
std::printf(" data[3] = %02x\n", int_value->encoded_id_parts.data[3]);
std::printf(" table = %u\n", int_value->encoded_id_parts.table);
std::printf(" index = %u\n", int_value->encoded_id_parts.index);
std::printf(" checksum = %x\n", int_value->encoded_id_parts.checksum);
std::printf(" unk = %x\n", int_value->unk);
std::printf(" value = %x\n", int_value->value);
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_jitshm_create(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_jitshm_alias(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_dl_get_list(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_dl_get_info(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_dl_notify_event(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_evf_create(Thread *thread, ptr<char> name,
sint flag, ptr<struct evFlag> evf) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_evf_delete(Thread *thread, sint fd) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_evf_open(Thread *thread, ptr<char> name) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_evf_close(Thread *thread, sint fd) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_evf_wait(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_evf_trywait(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_evf_set(Thread *thread, sint fd) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_evf_clear(Thread *thread, sint fd) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_evf_cancel(Thread *thread, sint fd) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_query_memory_protection(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_batch_map(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_osem_create(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_osem_delete(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_osem_open(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_osem_close(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_osem_wait(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_osem_trywait(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_osem_post(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_osem_cancel(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_namedobj_create(Thread *thread, ptr<const char> name, ptr<void> object, uint64_t type) {
std::printf("sys_namedobj_create(name = %s, object = %p, type = 0x%lx) -> %d\n", name, object, type, 1);
thread->retval[0] = 1;
return {};
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_namedobj_delete(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
std::printf("TODO: sys_namedobj_delete\n");
return {};
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_set_vm_container(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_debug_init(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_suspend_process(Thread *thread, pid_t pid) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_resume_process(Thread *thread, pid_t pid) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_opmc_enable(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_opmc_disable(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_opmc_set_ctl(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_opmc_set_ctr(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_opmc_get_ctr(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_budget_create(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_budget_delete(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_budget_get(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_budget_set(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_virtual_query(Thread *thread, ptr<void> addr,
uint64_t unk, ptr<void> info,
size_t infosz) {
if (auto virtual_query = thread->tproc->ops->virtual_query) {
return virtual_query(thread, addr, unk, info, infosz);
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_mdbg_call(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_obs_sblock_create(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_obs_sblock_delete(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_obs_sblock_enter(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_obs_sblock_exit(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_obs_sblock_xenter(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_obs_sblock_xexit(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_obs_eport_create(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_obs_eport_delete(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_obs_eport_trigger(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_obs_eport_open(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_obs_eport_close(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_is_in_sandbox(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
std::printf("sys_is_in_sandbox() -> 0\n");
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_dmem_container(Thread *thread) {
thread->retval[0] = 0; // returns default direct memory device
return {};
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_get_authinfo(Thread *thread, pid_t pid, ptr<void> info) {
struct authinfo {
uint64_t a;
uint64_t b;
std::memset(info, 0, 136);
((authinfo *)info)->b = ~0;
return {};
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_mname(Thread *thread, ptr<void> address, uint64_t length, ptr<const char> name) {
std::printf("sys_mname(%p, %p, '%s')\n", address, (char *)address + length, name);
return {};
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_dynlib_dlopen(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_dynlib_dlclose(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_dynlib_dlsym(Thread *thread, SceKernelModule handle,
ptr<const char> symbol,
ptr<ptr<void>> addrp) {
if (thread->tproc->ops->dynlib_dlsym) {
return thread->tproc->ops->dynlib_dlsym(thread, handle, symbol, addrp);
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_dynlib_get_list(Thread *thread,
ptr<SceKernelModule> pArray,
size_t numArray,
ptr<size_t> pActualNum) {
std::size_t actualNum = 0;
for (auto [id, module] : thread->tproc->modulesMap) {
if (actualNum >= numArray) {
pArray[actualNum++] = id;
*pActualNum = actualNum;
return {};
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_dynlib_get_info(Thread *thread,
SceKernelModule handle,
ptr<ModuleInfo> pInfo) {
auto module = thread->tproc->modulesMap.get(handle);
if (module == nullptr) {
return ErrorCode::SRCH;
if (pInfo->size != sizeof(ModuleInfo)) {
return ErrorCode::INVAL;
ModuleInfo result = {};
result.size = sizeof(ModuleInfo);
std::strncpy(result.name, module->name, sizeof(result.name));
std::memcpy(result.segments, module->segments,
sizeof(ModuleSegment) * module->segmentCount);
result.segmentCount = module->segmentCount;
std::memcpy(result.fingerprint, module->fingerprint,
uwrite(pInfo, result);
return {};
orbis::sys_dynlib_load_prx(Thread *thread, ptr<const char> name, uint64_t arg1, ptr<ModuleHandle> pHandle, uint64_t arg3) {
if (auto dynlib_load_prx = thread->tproc->ops->dynlib_load_prx) {
return dynlib_load_prx(thread, name, arg1, pHandle, arg3);
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::sys_dynlib_unload_prx(Thread *thread, SceKernelModule handle) {
if (auto dynlib_unload_prx = thread->tproc->ops->dynlib_unload_prx) {
return dynlib_unload_prx(thread, handle);
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::sys_dynlib_do_copy_relocations(Thread *thread) {
if (auto dynlib_do_copy_relocations = thread->tproc->ops->dynlib_do_copy_relocations) {
return dynlib_do_copy_relocations(thread);
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_dynlib_prepare_dlclose(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
// template<typename T> using le = T;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_dynlib_get_proc_param(Thread *thread,
ptr<ptr<void>> procParam,
ptr<uint64_t> procParamSize) {
auto proc = thread->tproc;
*procParam = proc->processParam;
*procParamSize = proc->processParamSize;
return {};
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_dynlib_process_needed_and_relocate(Thread *thread) {
if (auto processNeeded = thread->tproc->ops->processNeeded) {
auto result = processNeeded(thread);
if (result.value() != 0) {
return result;
for (auto [id, module] : thread->tproc->modulesMap) {
auto result = module->relocate(thread->tproc);
if (result.isError()) {
return result;
if (auto registerEhFrames = thread->tproc->ops->registerEhFrames) {
auto result = registerEhFrames(thread);
if (result.value() != 0) {
return result;
return {};
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_sandbox_path(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
struct mdbg_property {
orbis::int32_t unk;
orbis::int32_t unk2;
orbis::uint64_t addr_ptr;
orbis::uint64_t areaSize;
orbis::int64_t unk3;
orbis::int64_t unk4;
char name[32];
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_mdbg_service(Thread *thread, uint32_t op, ptr<void> arg0, ptr<void> arg1) {
std::printf("sys_mdbg_service(op = %d, arg0 = %p, arg1 = %p)\n", op, arg0, arg1);
switch (op) {
case 1: {
auto *prop = (mdbg_property *)arg0;
"sys_mdbg_service set property (name='%s', address=0x%lx, size=%lu)\n",
prop->name, prop->addr_ptr, prop->areaSize);
case 3: {
std::printf("sys_mdbg_service: ERROR CODE: %X\n", (unsigned)reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(arg0));
case 7: {
std::printf("sys_mdbg_service: %s\n", (char *)arg0);
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_randomized_path(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
std::printf("TODO: sys_randomized_path()\n");
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_rdup(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_dl_get_metadata(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_workaround8849(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_is_development_mode(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_get_self_auth_info(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::sys_dynlib_get_info_ex(Thread *thread, SceKernelModule handle,
ptr<struct Unk> unk,
ptr<ModuleInfoEx> destModuleInfoEx) {
auto module = thread->tproc->modulesMap.get(handle);
if (module == nullptr) {
return ErrorCode::SRCH;
if (destModuleInfoEx->size != sizeof(ModuleInfoEx)) {
return ErrorCode::INVAL;
ModuleInfoEx result = {};
result.size = sizeof(ModuleInfoEx);
std::strncpy(result.name, module->name, sizeof(result.name));
result.id = std::to_underlying(handle);
result.tlsIndex = module->tlsIndex;
result.tlsInit = module->tlsInit;
result.tlsInitSize = module->tlsInitSize;
result.tlsSize = module->tlsSize;
result.tlsOffset = module->tlsOffset;
result.tlsAlign = module->tlsAlign;
result.initProc = module->initProc;
result.finiProc = module->finiProc;
result.ehFrameHdr = module->ehFrameHdr;
result.ehFrame = module->ehFrame;
result.ehFrameHdrSize = module->ehFrameHdrSize;
result.ehFrameSize = module->ehFrameSize;
std::memcpy(result.segments, module->segments,
sizeof(ModuleSegment) * module->segmentCount);
result.segmentCount = module->segmentCount;
result.refCount = module->references.load(std::memory_order::relaxed);
uwrite(destModuleInfoEx, result);
return {};
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_budget_getid(Thread *thread) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_budget_get_ptype(Thread *thread, sint budgetId) {
thread->retval[0] = 1;
return {};
orbis::sys_get_paging_stats_of_all_threads(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_get_proc_type_info(Thread *thread,
ptr<sint> destProcessInfo) {
std::printf("TODO: sys_get_proc_type_info\n");
struct dargs {
uint64_t size = sizeof(dargs);
uint32_t ptype;
uint32_t pflags;
} args = {
.ptype = 1,
.pflags = 0
uwrite((ptr<dargs>)destProcessInfo, args);
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_get_resident_count(Thread *thread, pid_t pid) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_prepare_to_suspend_process(Thread *thread,
pid_t pid) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_get_resident_fmem_count(Thread *thread, pid_t pid) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_thr_get_name(Thread *thread, lwpid_t lwpid) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_set_gpo(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::sys_get_paging_stats_of_all_objects(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_test_debug_rwmem(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_free_stack(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_suspend_system(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
enum ImpiOpcode {
kIpmiCreateClient = 2
struct IpmiCreateClientParams {
orbis::ptr<void> arg0;
orbis::ptr<char> name;
orbis::ptr<void> arg2;
static_assert(sizeof(IpmiCreateClientParams) == 0x18);
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_ipmimgr_call(Thread *thread, uint64_t id, uint64_t arg2, ptr<uint64_t> result, ptr<uint64_t> params, uint64_t paramsSize, uint64_t arg6) {
std::printf("TODO: sys_ipmimgr_call(id = %lld)\n", (unsigned long long)id);
if (id == kIpmiCreateClient) {
if (paramsSize != sizeof(IpmiCreateClientParams)) {
return ErrorCode::INVAL;
auto createParams = (ptr<IpmiCreateClientParams>)params;
std::printf("ipmi create client(%p, '%s', %p)\n",
(void *)createParams->arg0,
(char *)createParams->name,
(void *)createParams->arg2
if (id == 1131 || id == 1024 || id == 800) {
thread->retval[0] = -0x40004; // HACK
return {};
// return -0x40004;
if (id == 3) {
if (result) {
*result = 0;
return {};
return {};
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_get_gpo(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_get_vm_map_timestamp(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_opmc_set_hw(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_opmc_get_hw(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_get_cpu_usage_all(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_mmap_dmem(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_physhm_open(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_physhm_unlink(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_resume_internal_hdd(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_thr_suspend_ucontext(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_thr_resume_ucontext(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_thr_get_ucontext(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_thr_set_ucontext(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_set_timezone_info(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_set_phys_fmem_limit(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_utc_to_localtime(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_localtime_to_utc(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_set_uevt(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_get_cpu_usage_proc(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_get_map_statistics(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_set_chicken_switches(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_extend_page_table_pool(Thread *thread) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_extend_page_table_pool2(Thread *thread) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::sys_get_kernel_mem_statistics(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::sys_get_sdk_compiled_version(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_app_state_change(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_dynlib_get_obj_member(Thread *thread, SceKernelModule handle, uint64_t index, ptr<ptr<void>> addrp) {
if (auto dynlib_get_obj_member = thread->tproc->ops->dynlib_get_obj_member) {
return dynlib_get_obj_member(thread, handle, index, addrp);
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::sys_budget_get_ptype_of_budget(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::sys_prepare_to_resume_process(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_process_terminate(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_blockpool_open(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_blockpool_map(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_blockpool_unmap(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::sys_dynlib_get_info_for_libdbg(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_blockpool_batch(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_fdatasync(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_dynlib_get_list2(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_dynlib_get_info2(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_aio_submit(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_aio_multi_delete(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_aio_multi_wait(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_aio_multi_poll(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_aio_get_data(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_aio_multi_cancel(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_get_bio_usage_all(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_aio_create(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_aio_submit_cmd(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_aio_init(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_get_page_table_stats(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::sys_dynlib_get_list_for_libdbg(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_blockpool_move(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_virtual_query_all(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_reserve_2mb_page(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_cpumode_yield(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_wait6(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_cap_rights_limit(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_cap_ioctls_limit(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_cap_ioctls_get(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_cap_fcntls_limit(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_cap_fcntls_get(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_bindat(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_connectat(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_chflagsat(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_accept4(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_pipe2(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_aio_mlock(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_procctl(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_ppoll(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_futimens(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_utimensat(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_numa_getaffinity(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_numa_setaffinity(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_apr_submit(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_apr_resolve(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_apr_stat(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_apr_wait(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_apr_ctrl(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_get_phys_page_size(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_begin_app_mount(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_end_app_mount(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_fsc2h_ctrl(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_streamwrite(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_app_save(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_app_restore(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_saved_app_delete(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::sys_get_ppr_sdk_compiled_version(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_notify_app_event(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_ioreq(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_openintr(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_dl_get_info_2(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_acinfo_add(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_acinfo_delete(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::sys_acinfo_get_all_for_coredump(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_ampr_ctrl_debug(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_workspace_ctrl(Thread *thread /* TODO */) {
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
#include "sys/sysproto.hpp"
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys___semctl(Thread *thread, sint semid, sint semnum, sint cmd, ptr<union semun> arg) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_semget(Thread *thread, key_t key, sint nsems, sint semflg) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_semop(Thread *thread, sint semid, ptr<struct sembuf> sops, size_t nspos) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_semsys(Thread *thread, sint which, sint a2, sint a3, sint a4, sint a5) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
#include "sys/sysproto.hpp"
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_shmdt(Thread *thread, ptr<const void> shmaddr) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_shmat(Thread *thread, sint shmid, ptr<const void> shmaddr, sint shmflg) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_shmctl(Thread *thread, sint shmid, sint cmd, ptr<struct shmid_ds> buf) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_shmget(Thread *thread, key_t key, size_t size, sint shmflg) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_shmsys(Thread *thread, sint which, sint a2, sint a3, sint a4) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
#include "sys/sysproto.hpp"
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_reboot(Thread *thread, sint opt) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
#include "sys/sysproto.hpp"
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_sigaction(Thread *thread, sint sig, ptr<struct sigaction> act, ptr<struct sigaction> oact) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_sigprocmask(Thread *thread, sint how, ptr<uint64_t> set, ptr<uint64_t> oset) {
if (oset) {
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
oset[i] = thread->sigMask[i];
if (set) {
switch (how) {
case 0: // unblock
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
thread->sigMask[i] &= ~set[i];
case 1: // block
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
thread->sigMask[i] |= set[i];
case 3: // set
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
thread->sigMask[i] = set[i];
return ErrorCode::INVAL;
return {};
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_sigwait(Thread *thread, ptr<const struct sigset> set, ptr<sint> sig) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_sigtimedwait(Thread *thread, ptr<const struct sigset> set, ptr<struct siginfo> info, ptr<const struct timespec> timeout) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_sigwaitinfo(Thread *thread, ptr<const struct sigset> set, ptr<struct siginfo> info) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_sigpending(Thread *thread, ptr<struct sigset> set) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_sigsuspend(Thread *thread, ptr<const struct sigset> set) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_sigaltstack(Thread *thread, ptr<struct stack_t> ss, ptr<struct stack_t> oss) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_kill(Thread *thread, sint pid, sint signum) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_pdkill(Thread *thread, sint fd, sint signum) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_sigqueue(Thread *thread, pid_t pid, sint signum, ptr<void> value) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_sigreturn(Thread *thread, ptr<struct ucontext> sigcntxp) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::nosys(Thread *thread) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
#include "sys/sysproto.hpp"
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_profil(Thread *thread, caddr_t samples, size_t size, size_t offset, uint scale) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
#include "sys/sysproto.hpp"
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_swapon(Thread *thread, ptr<char> name) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_swapoff(Thread *thread, ptr<const char> name) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
#include "sys/sysproto.hpp"
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_yield(Thread *thread) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
#include "sys/sysproto.hpp"
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys___sysctl(Thread *thread, ptr<sint> name,
uint namelen, ptr<void> old,
ptr<size_t> oldlenp, ptr<void> new_,
size_t newlen) {
enum sysctl_ctl { unspec, kern, vm, vfs, net, debug, hw, machdep, user };
// machdep.tsc_freq
enum sysctl_kern {
usrstack = 33,
kern_14 = 14,
kern_37 = 37,
smp_cpus = 1000,
enum sysctl_hw {
pagesize = 7,
enum sysctl_machdep {
tsc_freq = 1000
// for (unsigned int i = 0; i < namelen; ++i) {
// std::printf(" name[%u] = %u\n", i, name[i]);
// }
if (namelen == 3) {
// 1 - 14 - 41 - debug flags?
if (name[0] == 1 && name[1] == 14 && name[2] == 41) {
// std::printf(" kern.14.41\n");
if (*oldlenp != 4 || new_ != nullptr || newlen != 0) {
return ErrorCode::INVAL;
*(uint32_t *)old = 0;
return {};
if (namelen == 4) {
// 1 - 14 - 35 - 2
// sceKernelGetAppInfo
struct app_info {
char unk[72];
if (name[0] == 1 && name[1] == 14 && name[2] == 35) {
// std::printf(" kern.14.35.%u\n", name[3]);
memset(old, 0, sizeof(app_info));
return {};
if (namelen == 2) {
switch (name[0]) {
case sysctl_ctl::unspec: {
switch (name[1]) {
case 3: {
std::printf(" unspec - get name of '%s'\n",
std::string((char *)new_, newlen).c_str());
auto searchName = std::string_view((char *)new_, newlen);
auto *dest = (std::uint32_t *)old;
std::uint32_t count = 0;
if (searchName == "kern.smp.cpus") {
if (*oldlenp < 2 * sizeof(uint32_t)) {
return ErrorCode::INVAL;
dest[count++] = kern;
dest[count++] = smp_cpus;
} else if (searchName == "machdep.tsc_freq") {
if (*oldlenp < 2 * sizeof(uint32_t)) {
return ErrorCode::INVAL;
dest[count++] = machdep;
dest[count++] = tsc_freq;
} else if (searchName == "kern.sdk_version") {
if (*oldlenp < 2 * sizeof(uint32_t)) {
return ErrorCode::INVAL;
dest[count++] = kern;
dest[count++] = sdk_version;
} else if (searchName == "kern.sched.cpusetsize") {
if (*oldlenp < 2 * sizeof(uint32_t)) {
return ErrorCode::INVAL;
dest[count++] = kern;
dest[count++] = sched_cpusetsize;
} else if (searchName == "kern.proc.ptc") {
if (*oldlenp < 2 * sizeof(uint32_t)) {
std::printf(" kern.proc.ptc error\n");
return ErrorCode::INVAL;
dest[count++] = kern;
dest[count++] = proc_ptc;
if (count == 0) {
return ErrorCode::SRCH;
*oldlenp = count * sizeof(uint32_t);
return {};
std::printf(" unspec_%u\n", name[1]);
return {};
case sysctl_ctl::kern:
switch (name[1]) {
case sysctl_kern::usrstack: {
if (*oldlenp != 8 || new_ != nullptr || newlen != 0) {
return ErrorCode::INVAL;
std::printf("Reporting stack at %p\n", thread->stackEnd);
*(ptr<void> *)old = thread->stackEnd;
return {};
case sysctl_kern::smp_cpus:
if (*oldlenp != 4 || new_ != nullptr || newlen != 0) {
return ErrorCode::INVAL;
*(uint32_t *)old = 1;
case sysctl_kern::sdk_version: {
if (*oldlenp != 4 || new_ != nullptr || newlen != 0) {
return ErrorCode::INVAL;
auto processParam =
reinterpret_cast<std::byte *>(thread->tproc->processParam);
auto sdkVersion = processParam //
+ sizeof(uint64_t) // size
+ sizeof(uint32_t) // magic
+ sizeof(uint32_t); // entryCount
std::printf("Reporting SDK version %x\n",
*reinterpret_cast<uint32_t *>(sdkVersion));
*(uint32_t *)old = *reinterpret_cast<uint32_t *>(sdkVersion);
case sysctl_kern::sched_cpusetsize:
if (*oldlenp != 4 || new_ != nullptr || newlen != 0) {
return ErrorCode::INVAL;
*(std::uint32_t *)old = 4;
case sysctl_kern::kern_37: {
struct kern37_value {
std::uint64_t size;
std::uint64_t unk[7];
if (*oldlenp != sizeof(kern37_value) || new_ != nullptr ||
newlen != 0) {
return ErrorCode::INVAL;
auto value = (kern37_value *)old;
value->size = sizeof(kern37_value);
case sysctl_kern::proc_ptc: {
if (*oldlenp != 8 || new_ != nullptr || newlen != 0) {
return ErrorCode::INVAL;
*(std::uint64_t *)old = 1357;
return ErrorCode::INVAL;
case sysctl_ctl::vm:
case sysctl_ctl::vfs:
case sysctl_ctl::net:
case sysctl_ctl::debug:
return ErrorCode::INVAL;
case sysctl_ctl::hw:
switch (name[1]) {
case sysctl_hw::pagesize:
if (*oldlenp != 4 || new_ != nullptr || newlen != 0) {
return ErrorCode::INVAL;
*(uint32_t *)old = 0x4000;
case sysctl_ctl::machdep:
switch (name[1]) {
case sysctl_machdep::tsc_freq: {
if (*oldlenp != 8 || new_ != nullptr || newlen != 0) {
return ErrorCode::INVAL;
*(uint64_t *)old = 1000000000ull;
return {};
return ErrorCode::INVAL;
case sysctl_ctl::user:
return ErrorCode::INVAL;
return {};
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
#include "sys/sysproto.hpp"
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_thr_create(Thread *thread, ptr<struct ucontext> ctxt, ptr<slong> arg, sint flags) {
if (auto thr_create = thread->tproc->ops->thr_create) {
return thr_create(thread, ctxt, arg, flags);
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_thr_new(Thread *thread, ptr<struct thr_param> param, sint param_size) {
if (auto thr_new = thread->tproc->ops->thr_new) {
return thr_new(thread, param, param_size);
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_thr_self(Thread *thread, ptr<slong> id) {
uwrite(id, (slong)thread->tid);
return {};
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_thr_exit(Thread *thread, ptr<slong> state) {
if (auto thr_exit = thread->tproc->ops->thr_exit) {
return thr_exit(thread, state);
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_thr_kill(Thread *thread, slong id, sint sig) {
if (auto thr_kill = thread->tproc->ops->thr_kill) {
return thr_kill(thread, id, sig);
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_thr_kill2(Thread *thread, pid_t pid, slong id, sint sig) {
if (auto thr_kill2 = thread->tproc->ops->thr_kill2) {
return thr_kill2(thread, pid, id, sig);
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_thr_suspend(Thread *thread, ptr<const struct timespec> timeout) {
if (auto thr_suspend = thread->tproc->ops->thr_suspend) {
return thr_suspend(thread, timeout);
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_thr_wake(Thread *thread, slong id) {
if (auto thr_wake = thread->tproc->ops->thr_wake) {
return thr_wake(thread, id);
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_thr_set_name(Thread *thread, slong id, ptr<const char> name) {
if (auto thr_set_name = thread->tproc->ops->thr_set_name) {
return thr_set_name(thread, id, name);
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
#include "sys/sysproto.hpp"
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_clock_gettime(Thread *thread, clockid_t clock_id, ptr<struct timespec> tp) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_clock_settime(Thread *thread, clockid_t clock_id, ptr<const struct timespec> tp) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_clock_getres(Thread *thread, clockid_t clock_id, ptr<struct timespec> tp) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_nanosleep(Thread *thread, ptr<const struct timespec> rqtp, ptr<struct timespec> rmtp) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_gettimeofday(Thread *thread, ptr<struct timeval> tp, ptr<struct timezone> tzp) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_settimeofday(Thread *thread, ptr<struct timeval> tp, ptr<struct timezone> tzp) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_getitimer(Thread *thread, uint which, ptr<struct itimerval> itv) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_setitimer(Thread *thread, uint which, ptr<struct itimerval> itv, ptr<struct itimerval> oitv) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_ktimer_create(Thread *thread, clockid_t clock_id, ptr<struct sigevent> evp, ptr<sint> timerid) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_ktimer_delete(Thread *thread, sint timerid) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_ktimer_settime(Thread *thread, sint timerid, sint flags, ptr<const struct itimerspec> value, ptr<struct itimerspec> ovalue) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_ktimer_gettime(Thread *thread, sint timerid, ptr<struct itimerspec> value) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_ktimer_getoverrun(Thread *thread, sint timerid) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
#include "sys/sysproto.hpp"
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_socket(Thread *thread, sint domain, sint type, sint protocol) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_bind(Thread *thread, sint s, caddr_t name, sint namelen) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_listen(Thread *thread, sint s, sint backlog) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_accept(Thread *thread, sint s, ptr<struct sockaddr> from, ptr<uint32_t> fromlenaddr) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_connect(Thread *thread, sint s, caddr_t name, sint namelen) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_socketpair(Thread *thread, sint domain, sint type, sint protocol, ptr<sint> rsv) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_sendto(Thread *thread, sint s, caddr_t buf, size_t len, sint flags, caddr_t to, sint tolen) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_sendmsg(Thread *thread, sint s, ptr<struct msghdr> msg, sint flags) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_recvfrom(Thread *thread, sint s, caddr_t buf, size_t len, sint flags, ptr<struct sockaddr> from, ptr<uint32_t> fromlenaddr) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_recvmsg(Thread *thread, sint s, ptr<struct msghdr> msg, sint flags) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_shutdown(Thread *thread, sint s, sint how) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_setsockopt(Thread *thread, sint s, sint level, sint name, caddr_t val, sint valsize) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_getsockopt(Thread *thread, sint s, sint level, sint name, caddr_t val, ptr<sint> avalsize) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_getsockname(Thread *thread, sint fdes, ptr<struct sockaddr> asa, ptr<uint32_t> alen) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_getpeername(Thread *thread, sint fdes, ptr<struct sockaddr> asa, ptr<uint32_t> alen) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_sendfile(Thread *thread, sint fd, sint s, off_t offset, size_t nbytes, ptr<struct sf_hdtr> hdtr, ptr<off_t> sbytes, sint flags) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_sctp_peeloff(Thread *thread, sint sd, uint32_t name) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_sctp_generic_sendmsg(Thread *thread, sint sd, caddr_t msg, sint mlen, caddr_t to, __socklen_t tolen, ptr<struct sctp_sndrcvinfo> sinfo, sint flags) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_sctp_generic_sendmsg_iov(Thread *thread, sint sd, ptr<struct iovec> iov, sint iovlen, caddr_t to, __socklen_t tolen, ptr<struct sctp_sndrcvinfo> sinfo, sint flags) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_sctp_generic_recvmsg(Thread *thread, sint sd, ptr<struct iovec> iov, sint iovlen, caddr_t from, __socklen_t fromlen, ptr<struct sctp_sndrcvinfo> sinfo, sint flags) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
#include "sys/sysproto.hpp"
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_kmq_open(Thread *thread, ptr<const char> path, sint flags, mode_t mode, ptr<const struct mq_attr> attr) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_kmq_unlink(Thread *thread, ptr<const char> path) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_kmq_setattr(Thread *thread, sint mqd, ptr<const struct mq_attr> attr, ptr<struct mq_attr> oattr) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_kmq_timedreceive(Thread *thread, sint mqd, ptr<const char> msg_ptr, size_t msg_len, ptr<uint> msg_prio, ptr<const struct timespec> abstimeout) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_kmq_timedsend(Thread *thread, sint mqd, ptr<char> msg_ptr, size_t msg_len, ptr<uint> msg_prio, ptr<const struct timespec> abstimeout) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_kmq_notify(Thread *thread, sint mqd, ptr<const struct sigevent> sigev) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
#include "sys/sysproto.hpp"
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_ksem_init(Thread *thread, ptr<semid_t> idp, uint value) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_ksem_open(Thread *thread, ptr<semid_t> idp, ptr<const char> name, sint oflag, mode_t mode, uint value) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_ksem_unlink(Thread *thread, ptr<const char> name) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_ksem_close(Thread *thread, semid_t id) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_ksem_post(Thread *thread, semid_t id) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_ksem_wait(Thread *thread, semid_t id) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_ksem_timedwait(Thread *thread, semid_t id, ptr<const struct timespec> abstime) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_ksem_trywait(Thread *thread, semid_t id) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_ksem_getvalue(Thread *thread, semid_t id, ptr<sint> value) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_ksem_destroy(Thread *thread, semid_t id) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
#include "sys/sysproto.hpp"
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_shm_open(Thread *thread, ptr<const char> path, sint flags, mode_t mode) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_shm_unlink(Thread *thread, ptr<const char> path) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
#include "sys/sysproto.hpp"
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys__umtx_lock(Thread *thread, ptr<struct umtx> umtx) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys__umtx_unlock(Thread *thread, ptr<struct umtx> umtx) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys__umtx_op(Thread *thread, ptr<void> obj, sint op, ulong val, ptr<void> uaddr1, ptr<void> uaddr2) {
std::printf("TODO: sys__umtx_op\n");
return {};
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
#include "sys/sysproto.hpp"
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_uuidgen(Thread *thread, ptr<struct uuid> store, sint count) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
#include "sys/sysproto.hpp"
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_sync(Thread *thread) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_quotactl(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, sint cmd, sint uid, caddr_t arg) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_statfs(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, ptr<struct statfs> buf) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_fstatfs(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<struct statfs> buf) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_getfsstat(Thread *thread, ptr<struct statfs> buf, slong bufsize, sint flags) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_fchdir(Thread *thread, sint fd) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_chdir(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_chroot(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_open(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, sint flags, sint mode) {
if (auto open = thread->tproc->ops->open) {
return open(thread, path, flags, mode);
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_openat(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<char> path, sint flag, mode_t mode) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_mknod(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, sint mode, sint dev) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_mknodat(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<char> path, mode_t mode, dev_t dev) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_mkfifo(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, sint mode) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_mkfifoat(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<char> path, mode_t mode) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_link(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, ptr<char> link) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_linkat(Thread *thread, sint fd1, ptr<char> path1, sint fd2, ptr<char> path2, sint flag) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_symlink(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, ptr<char> link) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_symlinkat(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path1, sint fd, ptr<char> path2) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_undelete(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_unlink(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_unlinkat(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<char> path, sint flag) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_lseek(Thread *thread, sint fd, off_t offset, sint whence) {
if (auto lseek = thread->tproc->ops->lseek) {
return lseek(thread, fd, offset, whence);
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_freebsd6_lseek(Thread *thread, sint fd, sint, off_t offset, sint whence) {
return sys_lseek(thread, fd, offset, whence);
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_access(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, sint flags) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_faccessat(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<char> path, sint mode, sint flag) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_eaccess(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, sint flags) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_stat(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, ptr<struct stat> ub) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_fstatat(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<char> path, ptr<struct stat> buf, sint flag) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_lstat(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, ptr<struct stat> ub) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_nstat(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, ptr<struct nstat> ub) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_nlstat(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, ptr<struct nstat> ub) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_pathconf(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, sint name) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_lpathconf(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, sint name) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_readlink(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, ptr<char> buf, size_t count) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_readlinkat(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<char> path, ptr<char> buf, size_t bufsize) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_chflags(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, sint flags) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_lchflags(Thread *thread, ptr<const char> path, sint flags) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_fchflags(Thread *thread, sint fd, sint flags) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_chmod(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, sint mode) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_fchmodat(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<char> path, mode_t mode, sint flag) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_lchmod(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, mode_t mode) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_fchmod(Thread *thread, sint fd, sint mode) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_chown(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, sint uid, sint gid) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_fchownat(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<char> path, uid_t uid, gid_t gid, sint flag) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_lchown(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, sint uid, sint gid) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_fchown(Thread *thread, sint fd, sint uid, sint gid) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_utimes(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, ptr<struct timeval> tptr) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_futimesat(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<char> path, ptr<struct timeval> times) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_lutimes(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, ptr<struct timeval> tptr) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_futimes(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<struct timeval> tptr) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_truncate(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, off_t length) {
if (auto truncate = thread->tproc->ops->truncate) {
return truncate(thread, path, length);
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_freebsd6_truncate(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, sint, off_t length) {
return sys_truncate(thread, path, length);
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_fsync(Thread *thread, sint fd) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_rename(Thread *thread, ptr<char> from, ptr<char> to) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_renameat(Thread *thread, sint oldfd, ptr<char> old, sint newfd, ptr<char> new_) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_mkdir(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, sint mode) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_mkdirat(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<char> path, mode_t mode) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_rmdir(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_getdirentries(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<char> buf, uint count, ptr<slong> basep) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_getdents(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<char> buf, size_t count) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_umask(Thread *thread, sint newmask) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_revoke(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_lgetfh(Thread *thread, ptr<char> fname, ptr<struct fhandle> fhp) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_getfh(Thread *thread, ptr<char> fname, ptr<struct fhandle> fhp) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_fhopen(Thread *thread, ptr<const struct fhandle> u_fhp, sint flags) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_fhstat(Thread *thread, ptr<const struct fhandle> u_fhp, ptr<struct stat> sb) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_fhstatfs(Thread *thread, ptr<const struct fhandle> u_fhp, ptr<struct statfs> buf) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_posix_fallocate(Thread *thread, sint fd, off_t offset, off_t len) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_posix_fadvise(Thread *thread, sint fd, off_t offset, off_t len, sint advice) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
#include "sys/sysproto.hpp"
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys___acl_get_file(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, acl_type_t type, ptr<struct acl> aclp) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys___acl_get_link(Thread *thread, ptr<const char> path, acl_type_t type, ptr<struct acl> aclp) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys___acl_set_file(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, acl_type_t type, ptr<struct acl> aclp) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys___acl_set_link(Thread *thread, ptr<const char> path, acl_type_t type, ptr<struct acl> aclp) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys___acl_get_fd(Thread *thread, sint filedes, acl_type_t type, ptr<struct acl> aclp) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys___acl_set_fd(Thread *thread, sint filedes, acl_type_t type, ptr<struct acl> aclp) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys___acl_delete_link(Thread *thread, ptr<const char> path, acl_type_t type) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys___acl_delete_file(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, acl_type_t type) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys___acl_delete_fd(Thread *thread, sint filedes, acl_type_t type) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys___acl_aclcheck_file(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, acl_type_t type, ptr<struct acl> aclp) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys___acl_aclcheck_link(Thread *thread, ptr<const char> path, acl_type_t type, ptr<struct acl> aclp) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys___acl_aclcheck_fd(Thread *thread, sint filedes, acl_type_t type, ptr<struct acl> aclp) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
#include "sys/sysproto.hpp"
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_aio_return(Thread *thread, ptr<struct aiocb> aiocbp) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_aio_suspend(Thread *thread, ptr<struct aiocb> aiocbp, sint nent, ptr<const struct timespec> timeout) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_aio_cancel(Thread *thread, sint fd, ptr<struct aiocb> aiocbp) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_aio_error(Thread *thread, ptr<struct aiocb> aiocbp) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_oaio_read(Thread *thread, ptr<struct aiocb> aiocbp) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_aio_read(Thread *thread, ptr<struct aiocb> aiocbp) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_oaio_write(Thread *thread, ptr<struct aiocb> aiocbp) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_aio_write(Thread *thread, ptr<struct aiocb> aiocbp) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_olio_listio(Thread *thread, sint mode, ptr<cptr<struct aiocb>> acb_list, sint nent, ptr<struct osigevent> sig) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_lio_listio(Thread *thread, sint mode, ptr<cptr<struct aiocb>> aiocbp, sint nent, ptr<struct sigevent> sig) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_aio_waitcomplete(Thread *thread, ptr<ptr<struct aiocb>> aiocbp, ptr<struct timespec> timeout) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_aio_fsync(Thread *thread, sint op, ptr<struct aiocb> aiocbp) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
#include "sys/sysproto.hpp"
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys___getcwd(Thread *thread, ptr<char> buf, uint buflen) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
#include "sys/sysproto.hpp"
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_extattrctl(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, char cmd, ptr<const char> filename, sint attrnamespace, ptr<const char> attrname) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_extattr_set_fd(Thread *thread, sint fd, sint attrnamespace, ptr<const char> attrname, ptr<void> data, size_t nbytes) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_extattr_set_file(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, sint attrnamespace, ptr<const char> filename, ptr<void> data, size_t nbytes) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_extattr_set_link(Thread *thread, ptr<const char> path, sint attrnamespace, ptr<const char> attrname, ptr<void> data, size_t nbytes) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_extattr_get_fd(Thread *thread, sint fd, sint attrnamespace, ptr<const char> attrname, ptr<void> data, size_t nbytes) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_extattr_get_file(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, sint attrnamespace, ptr<const char> filename, ptr<void> data, size_t nbytes) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_extattr_get_link(Thread *thread, ptr<const char> path, sint attrnamespace, ptr<const char> attrname, ptr<void> data, size_t nbytes) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_extattr_delete_fd(Thread *thread, sint fd, sint attrnamespace, ptr<const char> attrname) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_extattr_delete_file(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, sint attrnamespace, ptr<const char> attrname) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_extattr_delete_link(Thread *thread, ptr<const char> path, sint attrnamespace, ptr<const char> attrname) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_extattr_list_fd(Thread *thread, sint fd, sint attrnamespace, ptr<void> data, size_t nbytes) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_extattr_list_file(Thread *thread, ptr<const char> path, sint attrnamespace, ptr<void> data, size_t nbytes) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_extattr_list_link(Thread *thread, ptr<const char> path, sint attrnamespace, ptr<void> data, size_t nbytes) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
#include "sys/sysproto.hpp"
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_mount(Thread *thread, ptr<char> type, ptr<char> path, sint flags, caddr_t data) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_unmount(Thread *thread, ptr<char> path, sint flags) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_nmount(Thread *thread, ptr<struct iovec> iovp, uint iovcnt, sint flags) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
#include "error.hpp"
#include "sys/sysproto.hpp"
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_sbrk(Thread *, sint) {
return ErrorCode::OPNOTSUPP;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_sstk(Thread *, sint) {
return ErrorCode::OPNOTSUPP;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_mmap(Thread *thread, caddr_t addr, size_t len,
sint prot, sint flags, sint fd, off_t pos) {
if (auto impl = thread->tproc->ops->mmap) {
return impl(thread, addr, len, prot, flags, fd, pos);
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_freebsd6_mmap(Thread *thread, caddr_t addr,
size_t len, sint prot, sint flags,
sint fd, sint, off_t pos) {
return sys_mmap(thread, addr, len, prot, flags, fd, pos);
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_msync(Thread *thread, ptr<void> addr, size_t len,
sint flags) {
if (auto impl = thread->tproc->ops->msync) {
return impl(thread, addr, len, flags);
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_munmap(Thread *thread, ptr<void> addr, size_t len) {
if (auto impl = thread->tproc->ops->munmap) {
return impl(thread, addr, len);
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_mprotect(Thread *thread, ptr<const void> addr,
size_t len, sint prot) {
if (auto impl = thread->tproc->ops->mprotect) {
return impl(thread, addr, len, prot);
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_minherit(Thread *thread, ptr<void> addr, size_t len,
sint inherit) {
if (auto impl = thread->tproc->ops->minherit) {
return impl(thread, addr, len, inherit);
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_madvise(Thread *thread, ptr<void> addr, size_t len,
sint behav) {
if (auto impl = thread->tproc->ops->madvise) {
return impl(thread, addr, len, behav);
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_mincore(Thread *thread, ptr<const void> addr,
size_t len, ptr<char> vec) {
if (auto impl = thread->tproc->ops->mincore) {
return impl(thread, addr, len, vec);
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_mlock(Thread *thread, ptr<const void> addr,
size_t len) {
if (auto impl = thread->tproc->ops->mlock) {
return impl(thread, addr, len);
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_mlockall(Thread *thread, sint how) {
if (auto impl = thread->tproc->ops->mlockall) {
return impl(thread, how);
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_munlockall(Thread *thread) {
if (auto impl = thread->tproc->ops->munlockall) {
return impl(thread);
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_munlock(Thread *thread, ptr<const void> addr,
size_t len) {
if (auto impl = thread->tproc->ops->munlock) {
return impl(thread, addr, len);
return ErrorCode::NOSYS;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
#include "sys/sysproto.hpp"
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_obreak(Thread *thread, ptr<char> nsize) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
orbis::SysResult orbis::sys_ovadvise(Thread *thread, sint anom) { return ErrorCode::NOSYS; }
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Reference in New Issue
Block a user