2023-07-21 05:58:26 +00:00
## Building
### The dependencies for Debian-like distributions.
2023-08-13 20:52:11 +00:00
sudo apt install build-essential cmake libunwind-dev libglfw3-dev libvulkan-dev vulkan-validationlayers-dev spirv-tools glslang-tools libspirv-cross-c-shared-dev libsox-dev git
2023-07-21 05:58:26 +00:00
2023-07-28 03:07:36 +00:00
# git is only needed for ubuntu 22.04
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### The dependencies for Fedora distributions:
2023-08-13 20:52:11 +00:00
sudo dnf install cmake libunwind-devel glfw-devel vulkan-devel vulkan-validation-layers-devel spirv-tools glslang-devel gcc-c++ gcc spirv-tools-devel xbyak-devel sox-devel
2023-07-21 05:58:26 +00:00
### The dependencies for Arch distributions:
2023-08-13 20:52:11 +00:00
sudo pacman -S libunwind glfw-x11 vulkan-devel sox glslang git cmake
2023-07-21 05:58:26 +00:00
> Side note you will need to pull ``spirv-cross`` from the AUR for now so do the following
sudo pacman -S --needed git base-devel && git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/yay.git && cd yay && makepkg -si
yay -S spirv-cross
## Getting spriv-cross on Fedora and Arch Linux
git clone https://github.com/KhronosGroup/SPIRV-Cross && cd SPIRV-Cross && mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && cmake --build . && sudo make install
> **Warning** <br/>
> Fedora will compile to a point and then error out
> Arch will have to use xbyak from the aur for now
## Cloning the Repo
git clone --recursive https://github.com/RPCSX/rpcsx && cd rpcsx
git submodule update --init --recursive
## How to compile the emulator
mkdir -p build && cd build && cmake .. && cmake --build .
## How to create a Virtual HDD
> The PS4 has a case-insensitive filesystem. To create the Virtual HDD, do the following:
truncate -s 512M ps4-hdd.exfat
mkfs.exfat -n PS4-HDD ./ps4-hdd.exfat
mkdir ps4-fs
sudo mount -t exfat -o uid=`id -u`,gid=`id -g` ./ps4-hdd.exfat ./ps4-fs