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synced 2024-11-23 11:09:47 +00:00
Added a batch script that automates the following tasks: - Removes old Git remote and adds a new one. - Pushes all branches with force. - Provides an option to push tags with user confirmation.
41 lines
1.0 KiB
41 lines
1.0 KiB
@echo off
title Uzuy X - Tool
REM Phoenix ASCII Logo
echo [37m /\[0m
echo [37m //\\[0m
echo [37m // \\[0m
echo [37m // \\[0m
echo [37m // \\[0m
echo [37m //________\\[0m
echo [37m \\ /[0m
echo [37m \\ /[0m
echo [37m \\ /[0m
echo [37m \\ /[0m
echo [37m \/[0m
echo [31mP[33mr[32mo[36mc[34me[35me[37md[31m [33mw[32mi[36mt[34mh[35m [31m[33mw[32ma[36rr[34mn[35mi[37mn[31mg![0m
timeout /t 5
REM Remove old remote and add new remote
git remote remove origin
git remote add origin https://git.uzuy-edge.org/Uzuy-Edge/Uzuy.git
REM Show current remotes
git remote -v
REM Push all branches
echo [37mProceeding with force push[0m
git push --force --all origin
REM Ask user if they want to push tags
set /p includeTags="Do you want to push tags? (y/n): "
if /i "%includeTags%"=="y" (
git push --force --tags origin
echo Tags pushed.
) else (
echo Tags not pushed.
pause |