mirror of
synced 2024-11-23 13:39:51 +00:00
Example program still needs Boost.Program_Options to be built.
1002 lines
30 KiB
1002 lines
30 KiB
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <cstdint>
#include <algorithm>
#include <map>
#include <iomanip>
#include <set>
#include "FilesDbParser.h"
#include "UnicvDbParser.h"
#include "SecretGenerator.h"
#include "NodeIcvCalculator.h"
#include "HashTree.h"
#include "FlagOperations.h"
//------------ type functions -----------------
bool is_directory(sce_ng_pfs_file_types type)
return type == sce_ng_pfs_file_types::normal_directory ||
type == sce_ng_pfs_file_types::sys_directory ||
type == sce_ng_pfs_file_types::acid_directory;
bool is_valid_file_type(sce_ng_pfs_file_types type)
return type == sce_ng_pfs_file_types::unexisting ||
type == sce_ng_pfs_file_types::normal_file ||
type == sce_ng_pfs_file_types::normal_directory ||
type == sce_ng_pfs_file_types::unencrypted_system_file_rw ||
type == sce_ng_pfs_file_types::encrypted_system_file_rw ||
type == sce_ng_pfs_file_types::sys_directory ||
type == sce_ng_pfs_file_types::unencrypted_system_file_ro ||
type == sce_ng_pfs_file_types::encrypted_system_file_ro ||
type == sce_ng_pfs_file_types::acid_directory;
bool is_encrypted(sce_ng_pfs_file_types type)
return type == sce_ng_pfs_file_types::encrypted_system_file_rw ||
type == sce_ng_pfs_file_types::encrypted_system_file_ro ||
type == sce_ng_pfs_file_types::normal_file;
bool is_unencrypted(sce_ng_pfs_file_types type)
return type == sce_ng_pfs_file_types::unencrypted_system_file_rw ||
type == sce_ng_pfs_file_types::unencrypted_system_file_ro;
bool is_unexisting(sce_ng_pfs_file_types type)
return type == sce_ng_pfs_file_types::unexisting;
std::string fileTypeToString(sce_ng_pfs_file_types ft)
case sce_ng_pfs_file_types::unexisting:
return "unexisting";
case sce_ng_pfs_file_types::normal_file:
return "normal_file";
case sce_ng_pfs_file_types::normal_directory:
return "normal_directory";
case sce_ng_pfs_file_types::sys_directory:
return "sys_directory";
case sce_ng_pfs_file_types::acid_directory:
return "acid_dir";
case sce_ng_pfs_file_types::unencrypted_system_file_rw:
return "unencrypted_system_file_rw";
case sce_ng_pfs_file_types::encrypted_system_file_rw:
return "encrypted_system_file_rw";
case sce_ng_pfs_file_types::unencrypted_system_file_ro:
return "unencrypted_system_file_ro";
case sce_ng_pfs_file_types::encrypted_system_file_ro:
return "encrypted_system_file_ro";
return "unknown";
//------------ implementation -----------------
FilesDbParser::FilesDbParser(std::shared_ptr<ICryptoOperations> cryptops, std::shared_ptr<IF00DKeyEncryptor> iF00D, std::ostream& output,
const unsigned char* klicensee, psvpfs::path titleIdPath)
: m_cryptops(cryptops), m_iF00D(iF00D), m_output(output), m_titleIdPath(titleIdPath)
memcpy(m_klicensee, klicensee, 0x10);
bool FilesDbParser::verify_header_icv(std::ifstream& inputStream, const unsigned char* secret)
m_output << "verifying header..." << std::endl;
//verify header signature
char rsa_sig0_copy[0x100];
char icv_hmac_sig_copy[0x14];
memcpy(rsa_sig0_copy, m_header.rsa_sig0, 0x100);
memcpy(icv_hmac_sig_copy, m_header.header_icv, 0x14);
memset(m_header.header_icv, 0, 0x14);
memset(m_header.rsa_sig0, 0, 0x100);
m_cryptops->hmac_sha1(m_header.magic, m_header.header_icv, 0x160, secret, 0x14);
if(memcmp(m_header.header_icv, icv_hmac_sig_copy, 0x14) != 0)
m_output << "header signature is invalid" << std::endl;
return false;
m_output << "header signature is valid" << std::endl;
//verify root_icv
//save current position
int64_t chunksBeginPos = inputStream.tellg();
//map page to offset
int64_t offset = page2off(m_header.root_icv_page_number, m_header.pageSize);
//read raw data at offset
inputStream.seekg(offset, std::ios_base::beg);
std::vector<unsigned char> root_block_raw_data(m_header.pageSize);
inputStream.read((char*)root_block_raw_data.data(), m_header.pageSize);
//seek back to the beginning of the page
inputStream.seekg(offset, std::ios_base::beg);
//re read only header
sce_ng_pfs_block_header_t root_node_header;
inputStream.read((char*)&root_node_header, sizeof(sce_ng_pfs_block_header_t));
unsigned char root_icv[0x14];
if(calculate_node_icv(m_cryptops, m_header, secret, &root_node_header, root_block_raw_data.data(), root_icv) < 0)
m_output << "failed to calculate root icv" << std::endl;
return false;
if(memcmp(root_icv, m_header.root_icv, 0x14) != 0)
m_output << "root icv is invalid" << std::endl;
return false;
m_output << "root icv is valid" << std::endl;
//seek back to the beginning of tail
inputStream.seekg(chunksBeginPos, std::ios_base::beg);
return true;
bool FilesDbParser::get_isUnicv(bool& isUnicv)
psvpfs::path root(m_titleIdPath);
psvpfs::path filepath = root / "sce_pfs" / "unicv.db";
psvpfs::path filepath2 = root / "sce_pfs" / "icv.db";
if(!psvpfs::exists(filepath2) || !psvpfs::is_directory(filepath2))
m_output << "failed to find unicv.db file or icv.db folder" << std::endl;
isUnicv = false;
return false;
isUnicv = false;
return true;
isUnicv = true;
return true;
bool FilesDbParser::validate_header(uint32_t dataSize)
//confirm tail size
if(dataSize != m_header.tailSize)
m_output << "Unexpected tail size" << std::endl;
return false;
//check version
if(m_header.version != FILES_EXPECTED_VERSION_3 && m_header.version != FILES_EXPECTED_VERSION_4 && m_header.version != FILES_EXPECTED_VERSION_5)
m_output << "Invalid version" << std::endl;
return false;
//check image spec
bool isUnicv = false;
return false;
std::vector<pfs_image_types> possibleTypes;
is_unicv_to_img_types(isUnicv, possibleTypes);
bool found = false;
for(auto pt : possibleTypes)
if(scePfsCheckImage(img_type_to_mode_index(pt), m_header.image_spec) == 0)
found = true;
m_output << "Invalid image spec" << std::endl;
return false;
//check key_id - should be 0 - we do not expect any other values or the code has to be changed
if(m_header.key_id != 0)
m_output << "Unexpected key_id" << std::endl;
return false;
//check that order of a tree is correct
if(m_header.bt_order != order_max_avail(m_header.pageSize))
m_output << "Unexpected flags value" << std::endl;
return false;
//check that order of a tree has expected value
if(m_header.bt_order != 0xA)
m_output << "Unexpected flags value" << std::endl;
return false;
//check block size
if(m_header.pageSize != EXPECTED_BLOCK_SIZE)
m_output << "Invalid block size" << std::endl;
return false;
if(m_header.unk6 != 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF && m_header.unk6 != 0x400)
m_output << "Unexpected unk6" << std::endl;
return false;
//check padding
if(!isZeroVector(m_header.padding + 0, m_header.padding + sizeof(m_header.padding)))
m_output << "Unexpected data instead of padding" << std::endl;
return false;
return true;
bool FilesDbParser::parseFilesDb(std::ifstream& inputStream, std::vector<sce_ng_pfs_block_t>& blocks)
inputStream.read((char*)&m_header, sizeof(sce_ng_pfs_header_t));
if(std::string((char*)m_header.magic, 8) != MAGIC_WORD)
m_output << "Magic word is incorrect" << std::endl;
return false;
//generate secret
unsigned char secret[0x14];
scePfsUtilGetSecret(m_cryptops, m_iF00D, secret, m_klicensee, m_header.files_salt, img_spec_to_crypto_engine_flag(m_header.image_spec), 0, 0);
//verify header
if(!verify_header_icv(inputStream, secret))
return false;
//save current position
int64_t chunksBeginPos = inputStream.tellg();
//calculate tail size
inputStream.seekg(0, std::ios_base::end);
int64_t cunksEndPos = inputStream.tellg();
int64_t dataSize = cunksEndPos - chunksBeginPos;
//validate header
return false;
//seek back to the beginning of tail
inputStream.seekg(chunksBeginPos, std::ios_base::beg);
std::multimap<std::uint32_t, page_icv_data> page_icvs;
std::vector<unsigned char> raw_block_data(m_header.pageSize);
int64_t currentBlockPos = inputStream.tellg();
if(currentBlockPos >= cunksEndPos)
sce_ng_pfs_block_t& block = blocks.back();
//assign page number
block.page = off2page(currentBlockPos, m_header.pageSize);
//read header
inputStream.read((char*)&block.header, sizeof(sce_ng_pfs_block_header_t));
//verify header
if(block.header.type != sce_ng_pfs_block_types::child &&
block.header.type != sce_ng_pfs_block_types::root)
m_output << "Unexpected type" << std::endl;
return false;
//verify header
if(block.header.padding != 0)
m_output << "Unexpected padding" << std::endl;
return false;
//bad block with error or unknown format
//may occur with:
// PCSE00434 savedata
bool is_bad_block = false;
if (block.header.nFiles > MAX_FILES_IN_BLOCK)
is_bad_block = true;
block.header.nFiles = 0;
//read file records
for(std::uint32_t i = 0; i < block.header.nFiles; i++)
sce_ng_pfs_file_header_t& fh = block.files.back();
inputStream.read((char*)&fh, sizeof(sce_ng_pfs_file_header_t));
//skip / test / read unused data
std::uint32_t nUnused = MAX_FILES_IN_BLOCK - block.header.nFiles;
std::uint32_t nUnusedSize1 = nUnused * sizeof(sce_ng_pfs_file_header_t);
if(nUnusedSize1 > 0)
std::vector<std::uint8_t> unusedData1(nUnusedSize1);
inputStream.read((char*)unusedData1.data(), nUnusedSize1);
if (is_bad_block)
m_output << "[WARNING] Skipping file headers in block with error or unknown format" << std::endl;
else if(!isZeroVector(unusedData1))
m_output << "Unexpected data instead of padding" << std::endl;
return false;
//skip will be faster
//inputStream.seekg(nUnusedSize1, ios_base::cur);
//read file information records
//looks like there are 9 + 1 records in total
//some of the records may contain INVALID_FILE_INDEX as idx
for(std::uint32_t i = 0; i < 10; i++)
sce_ng_pfs_file_info_proxy_t& fi = block.m_infos.back();
inputStream.read((char*)&fi.header, sizeof(sce_ng_pfs_file_info_t));
//check file type
m_output << "Unexpected file type" << std::endl;
return false;
if(fi.header.padding0 != 0)
m_output << "Unexpected padding" << std::endl;
return false;
if(fi.header.padding1 != 0)
m_output << "Unexpected unk1" << std::endl;
return false;
//read hash table
for(std::int32_t i = 0; i < 10; i++)
sce_ng_pfs_hash_t& h = block.hashes.back();
inputStream.read((char*)&h.data, sizeof(sce_ng_pfs_hash_t));
//validate next position - check that read operations we not out of bounds of current block
int64_t nextBlockPos = currentBlockPos + m_header.pageSize;
if((int64_t)inputStream.tellg() != nextBlockPos)
m_output << "Block overlay" << std::endl;
return false;
//re read block
inputStream.seekg(-(int64_t)m_header.pageSize, std::ios::cur);
inputStream.read((char*)raw_block_data.data(), m_header.pageSize);
//calculate icv of the page
page_icv_data icv;
icv.offset = currentBlockPos;
icv.page = off2page(currentBlockPos, m_header.pageSize);
if(calculate_node_icv(m_cryptops, m_header, secret, &block.header, raw_block_data.data(), icv.icv) < 0)
m_output << "failed to calculate icv" << std::endl;
return false;
//add icv to the list
page_icvs.insert(std::make_pair(block.header.parent_page_number, icv));
m_output << "Validating hash tree..." << std::endl;
if(!validate_hash_tree(0, m_header.root_icv_page_number, blocks, page_icvs))
m_output << "Failed to validate hash tree" << std::endl;
return false;
m_output << "Hash tree is ok" << std::endl;
return true;
//build child index -> parent index relationship map
bool FilesDbParser::constructDirmatrix(const std::vector<sce_ng_pfs_block_t>& blocks, std::map<std::uint32_t, std::uint32_t>& dirMatrix)
m_output << "Building directory matrix..." << std::endl;
for(auto& block : blocks)
for(std::uint32_t i = 0; i < block.header.nFiles; i++)
std::uint32_t child = block.m_infos[i].header.idx;
std::uint32_t parent = block.files[i].index;
std::string fileName = std::string((const char*)block.files[i].fileName);
if(block.m_infos[i].header.size != 0)
m_output << "[WARNING] Directory " << fileName << " size is invalid" << std::endl;
m_output << "Directory " << fileName << " index is invalid" << std::endl;
return false;
if(dirMatrix.find(child) != dirMatrix.end())
m_output << "Directory " << fileName << " index " << child << " is not unique" << std::endl;
return false;
dirMatrix.insert(std::make_pair(child, parent));
return true;
//build child index -> parent index relationship map
bool FilesDbParser::constructFileMatrix(std::vector<sce_ng_pfs_block_t>& blocks, std::map<std::uint32_t, std::uint32_t>& fileMatrix)
m_output << "Building file matrix..." << std::endl;
for(auto& block : blocks)
for(std::uint32_t i = 0; i < block.header.nFiles; i++)
std::uint32_t child = block.m_infos[i].header.idx;
std::uint32_t parent = block.files[i].index;
std::string fileName = std::string((const char*)block.files[i].fileName);
if(block.m_infos[i].header.size == 0)
//m_output << "[EMPTY] File " << fileName << " index " << child << std::endl;
continue; // can not add unexisting files - they will conflict by index in the fileMatrix!
//empty files should be allowed!
m_output << "[EMPTY] File " << fileName << " index " << child << " of type " << std::hex << static_cast<uint16_t>(block.m_infos[i].header.type) << std::endl;
//for icv.db - files that are outside of sce_sys folder always dont have correct type
//it looks like sdslot.dat also does not have correct type
//we assume that all these files are encrypted
m_output << "[WARNING] Invalid file type for file " << fileName << ". assuming file is encrypted" << std::endl;
//fixup the type so that it does not cause troubles later
block.m_infos[i].original_type = block.m_infos[i].header.type;
block.m_infos[i].hasFixedType = true;
block.m_infos[i].header.type = sce_ng_pfs_file_types::normal_file;
m_output << "Directory " << fileName << " index is invalid" << std::endl;
return false;
if(fileMatrix.find(child) != fileMatrix.end())
m_output << "File " << fileName << " index " << child << " is not unique" << std::endl;
return false;
fileMatrix.insert(std::make_pair(child, parent));
return true;
//convert list of blocks to list of files
//assign global index to files
bool FilesDbParser::flattenBlocks(const std::vector<sce_ng_pfs_block_t>& blocks, std::vector<sce_ng_pfs_flat_block_t>& flatBlocks)
m_output << "Flattening file pages..." << std::endl;
for(auto& block : blocks)
for(std::uint32_t i = 0; i < block.header.nFiles; i++)
//have to skip unexisting files
//adding additional check here - only empty files may have unexisting types
if(block.m_infos[i].header.size == 0)
std::string fileName = std::string((const char*)block.files[i].fileName);
m_output << "invalid file type for file " << fileName << std::endl;
return false;
sce_ng_pfs_flat_block_t& fb = flatBlocks.back();
fb.header = block.header;
fb.file = block.files[i];
fb.m_info = block.m_infos[i];
fb.hash = block.hashes[i];
return true;
//find directory flat block by index
const std::vector<sce_ng_pfs_flat_block_t>::const_iterator FilesDbParser::findFlatBlockDir(const std::vector<sce_ng_pfs_flat_block_t>& flatBlocks, std::uint32_t index)
size_t i = 0;
for(auto& block : flatBlocks)
if(block.m_info.header.idx == index && is_directory(block.m_info.header.type))
return flatBlocks.begin() + i;
return flatBlocks.end();
//find file flat block by index
const std::vector<sce_ng_pfs_flat_block_t>::const_iterator FilesDbParser::findFlatBlockFile(const std::vector<sce_ng_pfs_flat_block_t>& flatBlocks, std::uint32_t index)
size_t i = 0;
for(auto& block : flatBlocks)
if(block.m_info.header.idx == index && !is_directory(block.m_info.header.type))
return flatBlocks.begin() + i;
return flatBlocks.end();
bool FilesDbParser::constructDirPaths(const std::map<std::uint32_t, std::uint32_t>& dirMatrix, const std::vector<sce_ng_pfs_flat_block_t>& flatBlocks)
m_output << "Building dir paths..." << std::endl;
for(auto& dir_entry : dirMatrix)
//start searching from dir up to root
std::uint32_t childIndex = dir_entry.first;
std::uint32_t parentIndex = dir_entry.second;
std::vector<std::uint32_t> indexes;
//search till the root - get all indexes for the path
while(parentIndex != 0)
auto directory = dirMatrix.find(parentIndex);
if(directory == dirMatrix.end())
m_output << "Missing parent directory index " << parentIndex << std::endl;
return false;
indexes.push_back(directory->first); //child - directory that was found
parentIndex = directory->second; //parent - specify next directory to search
//find dir flat block
auto dirFlatBlock = findFlatBlockDir(flatBlocks, childIndex);
if(dirFlatBlock == flatBlocks.end())
m_output << "Missing dir with index" << childIndex << std::endl;
return false;
//find directory flat blocks and get directory names
std::vector<std::string> dirNames;
std::vector<sce_ng_pfs_flat_block_t> dirFlatBlocks;
for(auto& dirIndex : indexes)
auto dirFlatBlock = findFlatBlockDir(flatBlocks, dirIndex);
if(dirFlatBlock == flatBlocks.end())
m_output << "Missing parent directory index " << dirIndex << std::endl;
return false;
dirNames.push_back(std::string((const char*)dirFlatBlock->file.fileName));
//get dir name
std::string dirName((const char*)dirFlatBlock->file.fileName);
//construct full path
psvpfs::path path = m_titleIdPath;
for(int i = dirNames.size(); i > 0; i--) {
path /= dirNames[i - 1];
path /= dirName;
//use generic string here to normalize the path !
sce_junction p(path.generic_string());
sce_ng_pfs_dir_t& ft = m_dirs.back();
ft.dir = *dirFlatBlock;
ft.dirs = dirFlatBlocks;
return true;
//convert list of flat blocks to list of file paths
//rootPath - [input]
//dirMatrix - connection matrix for directories [input]
//fileMatrix - connection matrix for files [input]
//flatBlocks - flat list of blocks in files.db [input]
//filesResult - list of filepaths linked to file flat block and directory flat blocks
bool FilesDbParser::constructFilePaths(const std::map<std::uint32_t, std::uint32_t>& dirMatrix, const std::map<std::uint32_t, std::uint32_t>& fileMatrix, const std::vector<sce_ng_pfs_flat_block_t>& flatBlocks)
m_output << "Building file paths..." << std::endl;
for(auto& file_entry : fileMatrix)
//start searching from file up to root
std::uint32_t childIndex = file_entry.first;
std::uint32_t parentIndex = file_entry.second;
std::vector<std::uint32_t> indexes;
//search till the root - get all indexes for the path
while(parentIndex != 0)
auto directory = dirMatrix.find(parentIndex);
if(directory == dirMatrix.end())
m_output << "Missing parent directory index " << parentIndex << std::endl;
return false;
indexes.push_back(directory->first); //child - directory that was found
parentIndex = directory->second; //parent - specify next directory to search
//find file flat block
auto fileFlatBlock = findFlatBlockFile(flatBlocks, childIndex);
if(fileFlatBlock == flatBlocks.end())
m_output << "Missing file with index" << childIndex << std::endl;
return false;
//find directory flat blocks and get directory names
std::vector<std::string> dirNames;
std::vector<sce_ng_pfs_flat_block_t> dirFlatBlocks;
for(auto& dirIndex : indexes)
auto dirFlatBlock = findFlatBlockDir(flatBlocks, dirIndex);
if(dirFlatBlock == flatBlocks.end())
m_output << "Missing parent directory index " << dirIndex << std::endl;
return false;
dirNames.push_back(std::string((const char*)dirFlatBlock->file.fileName));
//get file name
std::string fileName((const char*)fileFlatBlock->file.fileName);
//construct full path
psvpfs::path path = m_titleIdPath;
for(int i = dirNames.size(); i > 0; i--) {
path /= dirNames[i - 1];
path /= fileName;
//use generic string here to normalize the path !
sce_junction p(path.generic_string());
sce_ng_pfs_file_t& ft = m_files.back();
ft.file = *fileFlatBlock;
ft.dirs = dirFlatBlocks;
return true;
//checks that directory exists
bool FilesDbParser::linkDirpaths(const std::set<psvpfs::path> real_directories)
m_output << "Linking dir paths..." << std::endl;
for(auto& dir : m_dirs)
//comparison should be done with is_equal (upper case) so it can not be replaced by .find()
bool found = false;
for(auto& real_dir : real_directories)
found = true;
m_output << "Directory " << dir.path() << " does not exist" << std::endl;
return false;
return true;
//checks that files exist
//checks that file size is correct
bool FilesDbParser::linkFilepaths(const std::set<psvpfs::path> real_files, std::uint32_t fileSectorSize)
m_output << "Linking file paths..." << std::endl;
for(auto& file : m_files)
//comparison should be done with is_equal (upper case) so it can not be replaced by .find()
bool found = false;
for(auto& real_file : real_files)
found = true;
m_output << "File " << file.path() << " does not exist" << std::endl;
return false;
std::uintmax_t size = file.path().file_size();
if(size != file.file.m_info.header.size)
if((size % fileSectorSize) > 0)
m_output << "File " << file.path() << " size incorrect" << std::endl;
return false;
return true;
//returns number of extra files in real file system which are not present in files.db
int FilesDbParser::matchFileLists(const std::set<psvpfs::path>& files)
m_output << "Matching file paths..." << std::endl;
int real_extra = 0;
bool print = false;
for(auto& rp : files)
bool found = false;
//comparison should be done with is_equal (upper case) so it can not be replaced by .find()
for(auto& vp : m_files)
found = true;
m_output << "Files not found in files.db (warning):" << std::endl;
print = true;
m_output << rp.generic_string() << std::endl;
print = false;
for(auto& vp : m_files)
bool found = false;
//comparison should be done with is_equal (upper case) so it can not be replaced by .find()
for(auto& rp : files)
found = true;
m_output << "Files not found in filesystem :" << std::endl;
print = true;
m_output << vp.path() << std::endl;
return real_extra;
//parses files.db and flattens it into file list
int FilesDbParser::parse()
m_output << "Root directory does not exist" << std::endl;
return -1;
m_output << "parsing files.db..." << std::endl;
psvpfs::path filepath = m_titleIdPath / "sce_pfs" / "files.db";
m_output << "failed to find files.db file" << std::endl;
return -1;
std::ifstream inputStream(filepath.generic_string().c_str(), std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
m_output << "failed to open files.db file" << std::endl;
return -1;
//parse data into raw structures
std::vector<sce_ng_pfs_block_t> blocks;
if(!parseFilesDb(inputStream, blocks))
return -1;
//build child index -> parent index relationship map
std::map<std::uint32_t, std::uint32_t> dirMatrix;
if(!constructDirmatrix(blocks, dirMatrix))
return -1;
//build child index -> parent index relationship map
std::map<std::uint32_t, std::uint32_t> fileMatrix;
if(!constructFileMatrix(blocks, fileMatrix))
return -1;
//convert list of blocks to list of files
std::vector<sce_ng_pfs_flat_block_t> flatBlocks;
if(!flattenBlocks(blocks, flatBlocks))
return -1;
//convert flat blocks to file paths (sometimes there are empty directories that have to be created)
//in normal scenario without this call - they will be ignored
if(!constructDirPaths(dirMatrix, flatBlocks))
return -1;
//convert flat blocks to file paths
if(!constructFilePaths(dirMatrix, fileMatrix, flatBlocks))
return -1;
//get the list of real filesystem paths
std::set<psvpfs::path> files;
std::set<psvpfs::path> directories;
getFileListNoPfs(m_titleIdPath, files, directories);
//link result dirs to real filesystem
return -1;
//link result files to real filesystem
if(!linkFilepaths(files, EXPECTED_FILE_SECTOR_SIZE))
return -1;
//match files and get number of extra files that do not exist in files.db
int numExtra = matchFileLists(files);
//final check of sizes
size_t expectedSize = files.size() + directories.size() - numExtra; // allow extra files to exist
if(expectedSize != flatBlocks.size())
m_output << "Mismatch in number of files + directories agains number of flat blocks" << std::endl;
return -1;
return 0;