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synced 2024-11-23 09:59:41 +00:00
300 lines
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300 lines
8.8 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using NDS.Nitro;
using LibEveryFileExplorer.Files.SimpleFileSystem;
using LibEveryFileExplorer.Files;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using NDS.UI;
using LibEveryFileExplorer.IO;
namespace NDS
public class UtilityBin : FileFormat<UtilityBin.UtilityBinIdentifier>, IViewable, IWriteable
public UtilityBin(byte[] Data)
EndianBinaryReader er = new EndianBinaryReader(new MemoryStream(Data), Endianness.LittleEndian);
Header = new UtilityBinHeader(er);
er.BaseStream.Position = Header.FileNameTableOffset;
FileNameTable = new UtilityBinFNT(er);
er.BaseStream.Position = Header.FileAllocationTableOffset;
FileAllocationTable = new FileAllocationEntry[Header.FileAllocationTableSize / 8];
for (int i = 0; i < Header.FileAllocationTableSize / 8; i++)
FileAllocationTable[i] = new FileAllocationEntry(er);
FileData = new byte[Header.FileAllocationTableSize / 8][];
for (int i = 0; i < Header.FileAllocationTableSize / 8; i++)
er.BaseStream.Position = FileAllocationTable[i].fileTop;
FileData[i] = er.ReadBytes((int)FileAllocationTable[i].fileSize);
public Form GetDialog()
return new UtilityBinViewer(this);
public string GetSaveDefaultFileFilter()
return "NDS Wifi Archive (utility.bin)|utility.bin";
public byte[] Write()
MemoryStream m = new MemoryStream();
EndianBinaryWriter er = new EndianBinaryWriter(m, Endianness.LittleEndian);
long curpos = er.BaseStream.Position;
er.BaseStream.Position = 0;
er.BaseStream.Position = curpos;
while ((er.BaseStream.Position % 4) != 0) er.Write((byte)0xFF);
long curpos2 = er.BaseStream.Position;
er.BaseStream.Position = 4;
er.Write((uint)(curpos2 - curpos));
er.BaseStream.Position = curpos2;
while((er.BaseStream.Position % 0x20) != 0) er.Write((byte)0);
curpos = er.BaseStream.Position;
er.BaseStream.Position = 8;
er.BaseStream.Position = curpos;
er.BaseStream.Position += FileAllocationTable.Length * 8;
curpos2 = er.BaseStream.Position;
er.BaseStream.Position = 12;
er.Write((uint)(curpos2 - curpos));
er.BaseStream.Position = curpos2;
while ((er.BaseStream.Position % 0x20) != 0) er.Write((byte)0);
for (int i = 0; i < FileData.Length; i++)
while ((er.BaseStream.Position % 4) != 0) er.Write((byte)0xFF);
FileAllocationTable[i].fileTop = (uint)er.BaseStream.Position;
FileAllocationTable[i].fileBottom = (uint)er.BaseStream.Position + (uint)FileData[i].Length;
er.Write(FileData[i], 0, FileData[i].Length);
while ((er.BaseStream.Position % 4) != 0) er.Write((byte)0xFF);
er.BaseStream.Position = curpos;
foreach (var v in FileAllocationTable) v.Write(er);
byte[] result = m.ToArray();
return result;
public UtilityBinHeader Header;
public class UtilityBinHeader
public UtilityBinHeader(EndianBinaryReader er)
FileNameTableOffset = er.ReadUInt32();
FileNameTableSize = er.ReadUInt32();
FileAllocationTableOffset = er.ReadUInt32();
FileAllocationTableSize = er.ReadUInt32();
public UInt32 FileNameTableOffset;
public UInt32 FileNameTableSize;
public UInt32 FileAllocationTableOffset;
public UInt32 FileAllocationTableSize;
public UtilityBinFNT FileNameTable;
public class UtilityBinFNT
public UtilityBinFNT(EndianBinaryReader er)
DirectoryTable = new List<DirectoryTableEntry>();
DirectoryTable.Add(new DirectoryTableEntry(er));
for (int i = 0; i < DirectoryTable[0].dirParentID - 1; i++)
DirectoryTable.Add(new DirectoryTableEntry(er));
EntryNameTable = new List<EntryNameTableEntry>();
int dirend = 0;
while (dirend < DirectoryTable[0].dirParentID)
byte entryNameLength = er.ReadByte();
if (entryNameLength == 0)
EntryNameTable.Add(new EntryNameTableEndOfDirectoryEntry(er));
else if (entryNameLength < 0x80) EntryNameTable.Add(new EntryNameTableFileEntry(er));
else EntryNameTable.Add(new EntryNameTableDirectoryEntry(er));
public void Write(EndianBinaryWriter er)
foreach (DirectoryTableEntry e in DirectoryTable) e.Write(er);
foreach (EntryNameTableEntry e in EntryNameTable) e.Write(er);
public List<DirectoryTableEntry> DirectoryTable;
public List<EntryNameTableEntry> EntryNameTable;
public FileAllocationEntry[] FileAllocationTable;
public Byte[][] FileData;
public void FromFileSystem(SFSDirectory Root)
int did = 0;
int fid = 0;
Root.UpdateIDs(ref did, ref fid);
//FileNameTable.numFiles = (ushort)Root.TotalNrSubFiles;
//List<byte> Data = new List<byte>();
uint nrfiles = Root.TotalNrSubFiles;
FileAllocationTable = new FileAllocationEntry[nrfiles];
for (ushort i = 0; i < nrfiles; i++)
var f = Root.GetFileByID(i);
FileAllocationTable[i] = new FileAllocationEntry(0, 0);
//FATB.allocationTable.Add(new FileAllocationEntry((uint)Data.Count, (uint)f.Data.Length));
//while ((Data.Count % 4) != 0) Data.Add(0xFF);
//FIMG.fileImage = Data.ToArray();
NitroFSUtil.GenerateDirectoryTable(FileNameTable.DirectoryTable, Root);
uint offset2 = FileNameTable.DirectoryTable[0].dirEntryStart;
ushort fileId = 0;
NitroFSUtil.GenerateEntryNameTable(FileNameTable.DirectoryTable, FileNameTable.EntryNameTable, Root, ref offset2, ref fileId);
public SFSDirectory ToFileSystem()
bool treereconstruct = false;//Some programs do not write the Directory Table well, so sometimes I need to reconstruct the tree based on the fnt, which is bad!
List<SFSDirectory> dirs = new List<SFSDirectory>();
dirs.Add(new SFSDirectory("/", true));
dirs[0].DirectoryID = 0xF000;
uint nrdirs = FileNameTable.DirectoryTable[0].dirParentID;
for (int i = 1; i < nrdirs; i++)
dirs.Add(new SFSDirectory((ushort)(0xF000 + i)));
for (int i = 1; i < nrdirs; i++)
if (FileNameTable.DirectoryTable[i].dirParentID - 0xF000 == i)
treereconstruct = true;
foreach (var v in dirs)
v.Parent = null;
dirs[i].Parent = dirs[FileNameTable.DirectoryTable[i].dirParentID - 0xF000];
if (!treereconstruct)
for (int i = 0; i < nrdirs; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < nrdirs; j++)
if (dirs[i] == dirs[j].Parent)
uint offset = nrdirs * 8;
ushort fileid = FileNameTable.DirectoryTable[0].dirEntryFileID;
SFSDirectory curdir = null;
foreach (EntryNameTableEntry e in FileNameTable.EntryNameTable)
for (int i = 0; i < nrdirs; i++)
if (offset == FileNameTable.DirectoryTable[i].dirEntryStart)
curdir = dirs[i];
if (e is EntryNameTableEndOfDirectoryEntry)
curdir = null;
else if (e is EntryNameTableFileEntry)
curdir.Files.Add(new SFSFile(fileid++, ((EntryNameTableFileEntry)e).entryName, curdir));
offset += 1u + e.entryNameLength;
else if (e is EntryNameTableDirectoryEntry)
if (treereconstruct)
dirs[((EntryNameTableDirectoryEntry)e).directoryID - 0xF000].Parent = curdir;
curdir.SubDirectories.Add(dirs[((EntryNameTableDirectoryEntry)e).directoryID - 0xF000]);
dirs[((EntryNameTableDirectoryEntry)e).directoryID - 0xF000].DirectoryName = ((EntryNameTableDirectoryEntry)e).entryName;
offset += 3u + (e.entryNameLength & 0x7Fu);
for (int i = 0; i < FileAllocationTable.Length; i++)
//byte[] data = new byte[FATB.allocationTable[i].fileSize];
//Array.Copy(FIMG.fileImage, FATB.allocationTable[i].fileTop, data, 0, data.Length);
dirs[0].GetFileByID((ushort)i).Data = FileData[i];// data;
return dirs[0];
public class UtilityBinIdentifier : FileFormatIdentifier
public override string GetCategory()
return Category_Archives;
public override string GetFileDescription()
return "NDS Wifi Archive (utility.bin)";
public override string GetFileFilter()
return "NDS Wifi Archive (utility.bin)|utility.bin";
public override Bitmap GetIcon()
return null;
public override FormatMatch IsFormat(EFEFile File)
if(File.Name.ToLower() == "utility.bin") return FormatMatch.Extension;
return FormatMatch.No;