mirror of
synced 2024-11-23 12:09:42 +00:00
It's for Homebrew
1206 lines
33 KiB
1206 lines
33 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
* file.
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
* @header dscommon
* Record access methods via the DirectoryService API.
#include <string.h>
#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
#include "dscommon.h"
const int maxAutoUID = 5000;
const int maxAutoGID = 50000;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Text Input Routines
// intcatch
// Helper function for read_passphrase
volatile int intr;
intcatch(int dontcare)
intr = 1;
// read_passphrase
// Returns: malloc'd C-str
// Provides a secure prompt for inputing passwords
* Reads a passphrase from /dev/tty with echo turned off. Returns the
* passphrase (allocated with xmalloc), being very careful to ensure that
* no other userland buffer is storing the password.
char *
read_passphrase(const char *prompt, int from_stdin)
char buf[1024], *p, ch;
struct termios tio, saved_tio;
sigset_t oset, nset;
struct sigaction sa, osa;
int input, output, echo = 0;
if (from_stdin) {
} else
input = output = open("/dev/tty", O_RDWR);
if (input == -1)
fprintf(stderr, "You have no controlling tty. Cannot read passphrase.\n");
/* block signals, get terminal modes and turn off echo */
sigaddset(&nset, SIGTSTP);
(void) sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &nset, &oset);
memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa));
sa.sa_handler = intcatch;
(void) sigaction(SIGINT, &sa, &osa);
intr = 0;
if (tcgetattr(input, &saved_tio) == 0 && (saved_tio.c_lflag & ECHO)) {
echo = 1;
tio = saved_tio;
tio.c_lflag &= ~(ECHO | ECHOE | ECHOK | ECHONL);
(void) tcsetattr(input, TCSANOW, &tio);
(void)write(output, prompt, strlen(prompt));
for (p = buf; read(input, &ch, 1) == 1 && ch != '\n';) {
if (intr)
if (p < buf + sizeof(buf) - 1)
*p++ = ch;
*p = '\0';
if (!intr)
(void)write(output, "\n", 1);
/* restore terminal modes and allow signals */
if (echo)
tcsetattr(input, TCSANOW, &saved_tio);
(void) sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &oset, NULL);
(void) sigaction(SIGINT, &osa, NULL);
if (intr) {
kill(getpid(), SIGINT);
/* XXX tty has not neccessarily drained by now? */
if (!from_stdin)
p = (char *)malloc(strlen(buf)+1);
strcpy(p, buf);
memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
return (p);
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark DS API Support Routines
bool singleAttributeValueMissing ( tDirReference inDSRef,
tDirNodeReference inDSNodeRef,
char* inRecordType,
char* inAttributeType,
char* inAttributeValue,
SInt32 *outResult,
bool inVerbose)
bool bMissing = false;
tDataBufferPtr dataBuff = nil;
tContextData context = 0;
tDataListPtr recType = nil;
UInt32 recCount = 1;
tDataNodePtr pAttrType = nil;
tDataNodePtr pPatMatchPtr = nil;
if (inRecordType == nil)
if (inVerbose) printf("Null record type\n");
*outResult = (SInt32) eDSNullRecType;
if (inAttributeType == nil)
if (inVerbose) printf("Null attribute type\n");
*outResult = (SInt32) eDSNullAttributeType;
if (inAttributeValue == nil)
if (inVerbose) printf("Null attribute value\n");
*outResult = (SInt32) eDSNullAttributeValue;
if (inDSRef == 0)
if (inVerbose) printf("Null dir reference\n");
*outResult = (SInt32) eDSInvalidDirRef;
if (inDSNodeRef == 0)
if (inVerbose) printf("Null node reference\n");
*outResult = (SInt32) eDSInvalidNodeRef;
dataBuff = dsDataBufferAllocate( inDSRef, 1024 );
if ( dataBuff == nil )
if (inVerbose) printf("dsDataBufferAllocate returned NULL\n");
recType = dsBuildListFromStrings( inDSRef, inRecordType, NULL );
pPatMatchPtr = dsDataNodeAllocateString( inDSRef, inAttributeValue );
pAttrType = dsDataNodeAllocateString( inDSRef, inAttributeType );
recCount = 1; // only care about a single first match
*outResult = dsDoAttributeValueSearch( inDSNodeRef, dataBuff, recType, pAttrType, eDSExact, pPatMatchPtr, &recCount, &context );
if (*outResult == eDSBufferTooSmall)
UInt32 bufSize = dataBuff->fBufferSize;
if (inVerbose) printf("dsDoAttributeValueSearch returned buffer too small so doubling size of buffer to <%u>\n", (uint32_t) bufSize);
dsDataBufferDeAllocate( inDSRef, dataBuff );
dataBuff = nil;
dataBuff = dsDataBufferAllocate( inDSRef, bufSize * 2 );
if ( dataBuff == nil )
if (inVerbose) printf("dsDataBufferAllocate returned NULL\n");
} while ( ( (*outResult == eDSBufferTooSmall) || ( (*outResult == eDSNoErr) && (recCount == 0) && (context != 0) ) ) && (dataBuff != nil) );
if (recCount < 1)
if (inVerbose) printf("dsDoAttributeValueSearch found no record\n");
bMissing = true;
if (*outResult != eDSNoErr)
if (inVerbose) printf("dsDoAttributeValueSearch returned the error <%d>\n", (int32_t)*outResult);
//always leave the while
} while(true);
if (pAttrType != nil)
dsDataNodeDeAllocate( inDSRef, pAttrType );
pAttrType = nil;
if (pPatMatchPtr != nil)
dsDataNodeDeAllocate( inDSRef, pPatMatchPtr );
pAttrType = nil;
if ( recType != nil )
dsDataListDeallocate( inDSRef, recType );
free( recType );
recType = nil;
if ( dataBuff != nil )
dsDataBufferDeAllocate( inDSRef, dataBuff );
dataBuff = nil;
char* createNewuid ( tDirReference inDSRef, tDirNodeReference inDSNodeRef, bool inVerbose)
SInt32 siResult = eDSNoErr;
int numericUID = 502;
char uidValue[32] = {};
bool bNextNotFound = true;
char *outUID = nil;
bzero(uidValue, 32);
sprintf(uidValue, "%d", numericUID);
if ( singleAttributeValueMissing(inDSRef, inDSNodeRef, kDSStdRecordTypeUsers, kDS1AttrUniqueID, uidValue, &siResult, inVerbose) )
bNextNotFound = false;
} while ( (bNextNotFound) && (numericUID < maxAutoUID));
if (numericUID == maxAutoUID)
if (inVerbose) fprintf(stdout, "Automated addition of uid value stops when values up to <%d> are taken\n", maxAutoUID);
outUID = strdup(uidValue);
char* createNewgid ( tDirReference inDSRef, tDirNodeReference inDSNodeRef, bool inVerbose)
SInt32 siResult = eDSNoErr;
int numericGID = 500;
char gidValue[32] = {};
bool bNextNotFound = true;
char *outGID = nil;
bzero(gidValue, 32);
sprintf(gidValue, "%d", numericGID);
if ( singleAttributeValueMissing(inDSRef, inDSNodeRef, kDSStdRecordTypeGroups, kDS1AttrPrimaryGroupID, gidValue, &siResult, inVerbose) )
bNextNotFound = false;
} while ( (bNextNotFound) && (numericGID < maxAutoGID));
if (numericGID == maxAutoGID)
if (inVerbose) printf("Automated addition of gid value stops when values up to <%d> are taken - please enter in value with argument\n", maxAutoGID);
outGID = strdup(gidValue);
char* createNewGUID ( bool inVerbose)
CFStringRef myUUIDString = NULL;
char genUIDValue[100] = {};
char *outGUID = nil;
myUUID = CFUUIDCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault);
myUUIDString = CFUUIDCreateString(kCFAllocatorDefault, myUUID);
CFStringGetCString(myUUIDString, genUIDValue, 100, kCFStringEncodingASCII);
outGUID = strdup(genUIDValue);
return( outGUID );
SInt32 addRecordParameter ( tDirReference inDSRef, tDirNodeReference inDSNodeRef,
tRecordReference inRecordRef, char* inAttrType, char* inAttrValue, bool inVerbose)
SInt32 siResult = eDSNoErr;
tDirNodeReference aDSNodeRef = 0;
tDataNode *pAttrType = nil;
tAttributeValueEntry *pAttrValueEntry = nil;
UInt32 k = 0;
tAttributeEntry *pAttrEntry = nil;
char *guidValue = nil;
bool bExists = false;
tDataNode *pAttrValue = nil;
bool bAttrFound = false;
if (inAttrValue == nil)
if (inVerbose) printf("Null attribute value\n");
return((SInt32) eDSNullAttributeValue);
if (inAttrType == nil)
if (inVerbose) printf("Null attribute type\n");
return((SInt32) eDSNullAttributeType);
if (inDSRef == 0)
if (inVerbose) printf("Null dir reference\n");
return((SInt32) eDSInvalidDirRef);
if (inDSNodeRef == 0)
if (inVerbose) printf("Null node reference\n");
return((SInt32) eDSInvalidNodeRef);
if (inRecordRef == 0)
if (inVerbose) printf("Null record reference\n");
return((SInt32) eDSInvalidRecordRef);
//TBR rework which status gets propagated up?
pAttrType = dsDataNodeAllocateString( inDSRef, inAttrType );
siResult = dsGetRecordAttributeInfo( inRecordRef, pAttrType, &pAttrEntry );
if ( (siResult == eDSNoErr) && (pAttrEntry != nil) )
bAttrFound = true;
//verify the attr value: pAttrEntry->fAttributeSignature.fBufferData
// look at all the attribute values
for ( k = 1; k <= pAttrEntry->fAttributeValueCount; k++ )
siResult = dsGetRecordAttributeValueByIndex( inRecordRef, pAttrType, k, &pAttrValueEntry );
if ( siResult == eDSNoErr )
if ( ( pAttrValueEntry->fAttributeValueData.fBufferData != nil ) &&
( strcmp(inAttrValue, pAttrValueEntry->fAttributeValueData.fBufferData) == 0 ) )
bExists = true;
//if not found then set the valueID: pAttrValueEntry->fAttributeValueID
//if found we reset the valueID to zero, clean up memory and break here
siResult = dsDeallocAttributeValueEntry( inDSRef, pAttrValueEntry );
if (bExists) break;
pAttrValueEntry = nil;
} // loop over k -- all attribute values
siResult = dsDeallocAttributeEntry( inDSRef, pAttrEntry );
pAttrEntry = nil;
if (!bExists)
pAttrValue = dsDataNodeAllocateString( inDSRef, inAttrValue );
if (bAttrFound)
siResult = dsAddAttributeValue( inRecordRef, pAttrType, pAttrValue );
siResult = dsAddAttribute( inRecordRef, pAttrType, nil, pAttrValue );
dsDataNodeDeAllocate( inDSRef, pAttrValue );
pAttrValue = nil;
}//if (!bExists)
//always leave the while
} while(true);
if ( aDSNodeRef != 0 )
dsCloseDirNode( aDSNodeRef );
aDSNodeRef = 0;
if (guidValue != nil)
guidValue = nil;
if (pAttrType != nil)
dsDataNodeDeAllocate( inDSRef, pAttrType );
pAttrType = nil;
return( siResult );
tRecordReference createAndOpenRecord(tDirReference inDSRef, tDirNodeReference inDSNodeRef, char* inRecordName, char* inRecordType, SInt32 *outResult, bool inVerbose)
tRecordReference outRecordRef = 0;
tDataNode *pRecName = nil;
tDataNode *pRecType = nil;
if (inRecordName == nil)
if (inVerbose) printf("Null group record name\n");
*outResult = (SInt32) eDSInvalidRecordName;
if (inRecordType == nil)
if (inVerbose) printf("Null record type\n");
*outResult = (SInt32) eDSInvalidRecordType;
if (inDSRef == 0)
if (inVerbose) printf("Null dir reference\n");
*outResult = (SInt32) eDSInvalidDirRef;
if (inDSNodeRef == 0)
if (inVerbose) printf("Null node reference\n");
*outResult = (SInt32) eDSInvalidNodeRef;
pRecName = dsDataNodeAllocateString( inDSRef, inRecordName );
pRecType = dsDataNodeAllocateString( inDSRef, inRecordType );
*outResult = dsCreateRecordAndOpen( inDSNodeRef, pRecType, pRecName, &outRecordRef );
if (*outResult != eDSNoErr)
if (inVerbose) printf("dsCreateRecordAndOpen returned the error <%d>\n", (int32_t) *outResult);
if (outRecordRef == 0)
if (inVerbose) printf("dsCreateRecordAndOpen returned no record reference\n");
dsDataNodeDeAllocate( inDSRef, pRecName );
dsDataNodeDeAllocate( inDSRef, pRecType );
//always leave the while
} while(true);
return( outRecordRef );
SInt32 getAndOutputRecord(tDirReference inDSRef, tDirNodeReference inDSNodeRef, char* inRecordName, char* inRecordType, bool inVerbose)
SInt32 siResult = eDSNoErr;
tDirReference aDSRef = 0;
tDataBufferPtr dataBuff = nil;
tContextData context = 0;
tDataListPtr recName = nil;
tDataListPtr recType = nil;
tDataListPtr attrTypes = nil;
UInt32 recCount = 1;
tAttributeListRef attrListRef = 0;
tRecordEntry *pRecEntry = nil;
tAttributeValueListRef valueRef = 0;
tAttributeEntry *pAttrEntry = nil;
tAttributeValueEntry *pValueEntry = nil;
if (inRecordName == nil)
if (inVerbose) printf("Null group record name\n");
return((SInt32) eDSInvalidRecordName);
if (inRecordType == nil)
if (inVerbose) printf("Null record type\n");
return((SInt32) eDSInvalidRecordType);
if (inDSRef == 0)
if (inVerbose) printf("Null dir reference\n");
return ((SInt32)eDSInvalidDirRef);
if (inDSNodeRef == 0)
if (inVerbose) printf("Null node reference\n");
return ((SInt32)eDSInvalidNodeRef);
dataBuff = dsDataBufferAllocate( inDSRef, 1024 );
if ( dataBuff == nil )
if (inVerbose) printf("dsDataBufferAllocate returned NULL\n");
recName = dsBuildListFromStrings( aDSRef, inRecordName, NULL );
recType = dsBuildListFromStrings( aDSRef, inRecordType, NULL );
attrTypes = dsBuildListFromStrings( aDSRef, kDSAttributesAll, NULL );
recCount = 1; // only care about first match
siResult = dsGetRecordList( inDSNodeRef, dataBuff, recName, eDSExact, recType,
attrTypes, false, &recCount, &context);
if (siResult == eDSBufferTooSmall)
UInt32 bufSize = dataBuff->fBufferSize;
if (inVerbose) printf("dsGetRecordList returned buffer too small so doubling size of buffer to <%u>\n", (uint32_t) bufSize);
dsDataBufferDeAllocate( aDSRef, dataBuff );
dataBuff = nil;
dataBuff = dsDataBufferAllocate( aDSRef, bufSize * 2 );
if ( dataBuff == nil )
if (inVerbose) printf("dsDataBufferAllocate returned NULL\n");
} while (siResult == eDSBufferTooSmall || (siResult == eDSNoErr && context != 0));
if (context != 0) {
dsReleaseContinueData(inDSNodeRef, context);
if (recCount < 1)
if (inVerbose) printf("dsGetRecordList found no group record\n");
if (siResult != eDSNoErr)
if (inVerbose) printf("dsGetRecordList returned the error <%d>\n", (int32_t) siResult);
if ( (siResult == eDSNoErr) && (recCount > 0) )
siResult = dsGetRecordEntry( inDSNodeRef, dataBuff, 1, &attrListRef, &pRecEntry );
if ( (siResult == eDSNoErr) && (pRecEntry != nil) )
printf("\nRecordname <%s>\n", inRecordName);
//index starts at one - should have two entries
unsigned int i = 0;
unsigned int j = 0;
printf("%d attribute(s) found\n", (int)(pRecEntry->fRecordAttributeCount));
for (i = 1; i <= pRecEntry->fRecordAttributeCount; i++)
siResult = dsGetAttributeEntry( inDSNodeRef, dataBuff, attrListRef, i, &valueRef, &pAttrEntry );
//need to have at least one value to view
if ( ( siResult == eDSNoErr ) && ( pAttrEntry->fAttributeValueCount > 0 ) )
printf("Attribute[%d] is <%s>\n", i, pAttrEntry->fAttributeSignature.fBufferData);
if( pAttrEntry->fAttributeValueCount == 0 ) {
printf("\t0 value(s) found\n");
// Get all the attribute values
for ( j = 1; j<= pAttrEntry->fAttributeValueCount; j++)
siResult = dsGetAttributeValue( inDSNodeRef, dataBuff, j, valueRef, &pValueEntry );
//TBR this does not handle any binary data which is not expected in group records anyways
if ( ( siResult == eDSNoErr ) && ( pValueEntry != NULL ) )
printf("\tValue[%d] is <%s>\n", j, pValueEntry->fAttributeValueData.fBufferData);
dsDeallocAttributeValueEntry( aDSRef, pValueEntry );
pValueEntry = NULL;
if (inVerbose) printf("dsGetAttributeValue returned the error <%d>\n", (int32_t) siResult);
if (inVerbose) printf("dsGetAttributeEntry returned the error <%d>\n", (int32_t) siResult);
if (pAttrEntry != nil)
dsDeallocAttributeEntry(aDSRef, pAttrEntry);
pAttrEntry = nil;
} //loop over attrs requested
}//found 1st record entry
if (inVerbose) printf("dsGetRecordEntry returned the error <%d>\n", (int32_t) siResult);
if (pRecEntry != nil)
dsDeallocRecordEntry(aDSRef, pRecEntry);
pRecEntry = nil;
}// got records returned
siResult = eDSRecordNotFound;
//always leave the while
} while(true);
if ( recName != nil )
dsDataListDeallocate( aDSRef, recName );
free( recName );
recName = nil;
if ( recType != nil )
dsDataListDeallocate( aDSRef, recType );
free( recType );
recType = nil;
if ( attrTypes != nil )
dsDataListDeallocate( aDSRef, attrTypes );
free( attrTypes );
attrTypes = nil;
if ( dataBuff != nil )
dsDataBufferDeAllocate( aDSRef, dataBuff );
dataBuff = nil;
tDirNodeReference getNodeRef(tDirReference inDSRef, char* inNodename, char* inUsername, char* inPassword, bool inVerbose)
tDirNodeReference outNodeRef = 0;
SInt32 siResult = eDSNoErr;
tDataBufferPtr dataBuff = nil;
UInt32 nodeCount = 0;
tContextData context = 0;
tDataListPtr nodeName = nil;
tDataNodePtr authMethod = nil;
tDataBufferPtr authBuff = nil;
UInt32 length = 0;
char* ptr = nil;
if ( inDSRef == 0) break;
dataBuff = dsDataBufferAllocate( inDSRef, 512 );
if ( dataBuff == nil )
if (inVerbose) printf("dsDataBufferAllocate returned NULL\n");
if (inNodename)
nodeName = dsBuildFromPath( inDSRef, inNodename, "/" );
if (nodeName != nil)
if (inVerbose) printf("dsFindDirNodes using input nodename\n");
if (strcmp("/Search", inNodename) == 0)
siResult = dsFindDirNodes( inDSRef, dataBuff, NULL, eDSAuthenticationSearchNodeName, &nodeCount, &context );
siResult = dsFindDirNodes( inDSRef, dataBuff, nodeName, eDSExact, &nodeCount, &context );
if (inVerbose) printf("dsFindDirNodes using local node\n");
siResult = dsFindDirNodes( inDSRef, dataBuff, NULL, eDSLocalNodeNames, &nodeCount, &context );
if (siResult == eDSBufferTooSmall)
UInt32 bufSize = dataBuff->fBufferSize;
dsDataBufferDeAllocate( inDSRef, dataBuff );
dataBuff = nil;
dataBuff = dsDataBufferAllocate( inDSRef, bufSize * 2 );
if ( dataBuff == nil )
if (inVerbose) printf("dsDataBufferAllocate returned NULL\n");
} while ( (siResult == eDSBufferTooSmall) && (dataBuff != nil) );
if ( siResult != eDSNoErr )
if (inVerbose) printf("dsFindDirNodes returned the error <%d>\n", (int32_t) siResult);
if ( nodeCount < 1 )
if (inVerbose) printf("dsFindDirNodes could not find the node\n");
if ( nodeName != NULL )
dsDataListDeallocate( inDSRef, nodeName );
free( nodeName );
nodeName = NULL;
siResult = dsGetDirNodeName( inDSRef, dataBuff, 1, &nodeName );
if ( siResult != eDSNoErr )
if (inVerbose) printf("dsGetDirNodeName returned the error <%d>\n", (int32_t) siResult);
siResult = dsOpenDirNode( inDSRef, nodeName, &outNodeRef );
if ( siResult != eDSNoErr )
if (inVerbose) printf("dsOpenDirNode returned the error <%d>\n", (int32_t) siResult);
if ( nodeName != NULL )
dsDataListDeallocate( inDSRef, nodeName );
free( nodeName );
nodeName = NULL;
if ( (inUsername != nil) && (inPassword != nil) )
authMethod = dsDataNodeAllocateString( inDSRef, kDSStdAuthNodeNativeClearTextOK );
authBuff = dsDataBufferAllocate( inDSRef, strlen( inUsername ) + strlen( inPassword ) + 10 );
// 4 byte length + username + null byte + 4 byte length + password + null byte
length = strlen( inUsername ) + 1;
ptr = authBuff->fBufferData;
memcpy( ptr, &length, 4 );
ptr += 4;
authBuff->fBufferLength += 4;
memcpy( ptr, inUsername, length );
ptr += length;
authBuff->fBufferLength += length;
length = strlen( inPassword ) + 1;
memcpy( ptr, &length, 4 );
ptr += 4;
authBuff->fBufferLength += 4;
memcpy( ptr, inPassword, length );
ptr += length;
authBuff->fBufferLength += length;
siResult = dsDoDirNodeAuth( outNodeRef, authMethod, false, authBuff, dataBuff, NULL );
if( siResult == eDSAuthFailed )
printf( "Authentication failed.\n" );
if (siResult != eDSNoErr)
dsCloseDirNode( outNodeRef );
outNodeRef = 0;
dsDataNodeDeAllocate( inDSRef, authMethod );
authMethod = NULL;
dsDataBufferDeAllocate( inDSRef, authBuff );
authBuff = NULL;
//always leave the while
} while(true);
if ( dataBuff != nil )
dsDataBufferDeAllocate( inDSRef, dataBuff );
dataBuff = nil;
if ( nodeName != nil )
dsDataListDeallocate( inDSRef, nodeName );
free( nodeName );
nodeName = nil;
if ( authMethod != nil )
dsDataNodeDeAllocate( inDSRef, authMethod );
authMethod = nil;
if ( authBuff != nil )
dsDataBufferDeAllocate( inDSRef, authBuff );
authBuff = nil;
char* getSingleRecordAttribute(tDirReference inDSRef, tDirNodeReference inDSNodeRef, char* inRecordName, char* inRecordType, char* inAttributeType, SInt32 *outResult, bool inVerbose)
char *outRecordName = nil;
tDirReference aDSRef = 0;
tDataBufferPtr dataBuff = nil;
tContextData context = 0;
tDataListPtr recName = nil;
tDataListPtr recType = nil;
tDataListPtr attrTypes = nil;
UInt32 recCount = 1;
tAttributeListRef attrListRef = 0;
tRecordEntry *pRecEntry = nil;
tAttributeValueListRef valueRef = 0;
tAttributeEntry *pAttrEntry = nil;
tAttributeValueEntry *pValueEntry = nil;
if (inRecordName == nil)
if (inVerbose) printf("Null group record name\n");
*outResult = (SInt32) eDSInvalidRecordName;
if (inAttributeType == nil)
if (inVerbose) printf("Null attribute type\n");
*outResult = (SInt32) eDSInvalidAttributeType;
if (inRecordType == nil)
if (inVerbose) printf("Null record type\n");
*outResult = (SInt32) eDSInvalidRecordType;
if (inDSRef == 0)
if (inVerbose) printf("Null dir reference\n");
*outResult = (SInt32) eDSInvalidDirRef;
if (inDSNodeRef == 0)
if (inVerbose) printf("Null node reference\n");
*outResult = (SInt32) eDSInvalidNodeRef;
dataBuff = dsDataBufferAllocate( inDSRef, 1024 );
if ( dataBuff == nil )
if (inVerbose) printf("dsDataBufferAllocate returned NULL\n");
recName = dsBuildListFromStrings( aDSRef, inRecordName, NULL );
recType = dsBuildListFromStrings( aDSRef, inRecordType, NULL );
attrTypes = dsBuildListFromStrings( aDSRef, inAttributeType, NULL );
recCount = 1; // only care about first match
*outResult = dsGetRecordList( inDSNodeRef, dataBuff, recName, eDSExact, recType,
attrTypes, false, &recCount, &context);
if (*outResult == eDSBufferTooSmall)
UInt32 bufSize = dataBuff->fBufferSize;
if (inVerbose) printf("dsGetRecordList returned buffer too small so doubling size of buffer to <%u>\n", (uint32_t) bufSize);
dsDataBufferDeAllocate( aDSRef, dataBuff );
dataBuff = nil;
dataBuff = dsDataBufferAllocate( aDSRef, bufSize * 2 );
if ( dataBuff == nil )
if (inVerbose) printf("dsDataBufferAllocate returned NULL\n");
} while (*outResult == eDSBufferTooSmall || (*outResult == eDSNoErr && context != 0));
if (recCount < 1)
if (inVerbose) printf("dsGetRecordList found no record\n");
if (*outResult != eDSNoErr)
if (inVerbose) printf("dsGetRecordList returned the error <%d>\n", (int32_t) *outResult);
if ( (*outResult == eDSNoErr) && (recCount > 0) )
*outResult = dsGetRecordEntry( inDSNodeRef, dataBuff, 1, &attrListRef, &pRecEntry );
if ( (*outResult == eDSNoErr) && (pRecEntry != nil) )
//index starts at one - should have two entries
unsigned int i = 0;
for (i = 1; i <= pRecEntry->fRecordAttributeCount; i++)
*outResult = dsGetAttributeEntry( inDSNodeRef, dataBuff, attrListRef, i, &valueRef, &pAttrEntry );
//need to have at least one value to view
if ( ( *outResult == eDSNoErr ) && ( pAttrEntry->fAttributeValueCount > 0 ) )
// Get the first attribute value of record name
if (strcmp(inAttributeType,pAttrEntry->fAttributeSignature.fBufferData) == 0)
*outResult = dsGetAttributeValue( inDSNodeRef, dataBuff, 1, valueRef, &pValueEntry );
//TBR this does not handle any binary data which is not expected in a record recordname anyways
if ( ( *outResult == eDSNoErr ) && ( pValueEntry != NULL ) )
outRecordName = strdup(pValueEntry->fAttributeValueData.fBufferData);
dsDeallocAttributeValueEntry( aDSRef, pValueEntry );
pValueEntry = NULL;
if (inVerbose) printf("dsGetAttributeValue returned the error <%d>\n", (int32_t) *outResult);
if (inVerbose) printf("dsGetAttributeEntry returned the error <%d>\n", (int32_t) *outResult);
if (pAttrEntry != nil)
dsDeallocAttributeEntry(aDSRef, pAttrEntry);
pAttrEntry = nil;
} //loop over attrs requested
}//found 1st record entry
if (inVerbose) printf("dsGetRecordEntry returned the error <%d>\n", (int32_t) *outResult);
if (pRecEntry != nil)
dsDeallocRecordEntry(aDSRef, pRecEntry);
pRecEntry = nil;
}// got records returned
else if (recCount == 0)
*outResult = eDSRecordNotFound;
//always leave the while
} while(true);
if (context != 0) {
dsReleaseContinueData(inDSNodeRef, context);
if ( recName != nil )
dsDataListDeallocate( aDSRef, recName );
free( recName );
recName = nil;
if ( recType != nil )
dsDataListDeallocate( aDSRef, recType );
free( recType );
recType = nil;
if ( attrTypes != nil )
dsDataListDeallocate( aDSRef, attrTypes );
free( attrTypes );
attrTypes = nil;
if ( dataBuff != nil )
dsDataBufferDeAllocate( aDSRef, dataBuff );
dataBuff = nil;
tRecordReference openRecord(tDirReference inDSRef, tDirNodeReference inDSNodeRef, char* inRecordName, char* inRecordType, SInt32 *outResult, bool inVerbose)
tRecordReference outRecordRef = 0;
tDataNode *pRecName = nil;
tDataNode *pRecType = nil;
if (inRecordName == nil)
if (inVerbose) printf("Null group record name\n");
*outResult = (SInt32) eDSInvalidRecordName;
if (inRecordType == nil)
if (inVerbose) printf("Null record type\n");
*outResult = (SInt32) eDSInvalidRecordType;
if (inDSRef == 0)
if (inVerbose) printf("Null dir reference\n");
*outResult = (SInt32) eDSInvalidDirRef;
if (inDSNodeRef == 0)
if (inVerbose) printf("Null node reference\n");
*outResult = (SInt32) eDSInvalidNodeRef;
pRecName = dsDataNodeAllocateString( inDSRef, inRecordName );
pRecType = dsDataNodeAllocateString( inDSRef, inRecordType );
*outResult = dsOpenRecord( inDSNodeRef, pRecType, pRecName, &outRecordRef );
if (*outResult != eDSNoErr)
if (inVerbose) printf("dsOpenRecord returned the error <%d>\n", (int32_t) *outResult);
if (outRecordRef == 0)
if (inVerbose) printf("dsOpenRecord returned no record reference\n");
dsDataNodeDeAllocate( inDSRef, pRecName );
dsDataNodeDeAllocate( inDSRef, pRecType );
//always leave the while
} while(true);
return( outRecordRef );
bool UserIsMemberOfGroup( tDirReference inDSRef, tDirNodeReference inDSNodeRef, const char* shortName, const char* groupName )
bool isInGroup = false;
tDirStatus dsStatus = eDSNoErr;
tAttributeEntryPtr attrPtr = nil;
tAttributeValueEntryPtr pValueEntry = nil;
UInt32 i = 0;
tDataListPtr attrTypeList = NULL;
tDataListPtr recNames = NULL;
tDataListPtr recTypes = NULL;
tDataBufferPtr dataBuff = NULL;
UInt32 curRecCount = 1;
tContextData context = 0;
tAttributeListRef attrListRef = 0;
tAttributeValueListRef attrValueListRef = 0;
tRecordEntryPtr recEntry = NULL;
if ( groupName == NULL || shortName == NULL )
return false;
attrTypeList = dsBuildListFromStrings( inDSRef, kDSNAttrGroupMembership, nil );
recNames = dsBuildListFromStrings( inDSRef, groupName, nil );
recTypes = dsBuildListFromStrings( inDSRef, kDSStdRecordTypeGroups, nil );
dataBuff = dsDataBufferAllocate( inDSRef, 4096 );
dsStatus = dsGetRecordList( inDSNodeRef, dataBuff, recNames, eDSExact,
recTypes, attrTypeList, false, &curRecCount, &context );
if ( dsStatus == eDSBufferTooSmall )
UInt32 buffSize = dataBuff->fBufferSize;
dsDataBufferDeAllocate( inDSRef, dataBuff );
dataBuff = NULL;
dataBuff = dsDataBufferAllocate( inDSRef, buffSize * 2 );
} while ((dsStatus == eDSNoErr && context != 0) || dsStatus == eDSBufferTooSmall);
if (context != 0) {
dsReleaseContinueData(inDSNodeRef, context);
if ( ( dsStatus == eDSNoErr ) && ( curRecCount > 0 ) )
// now walk through the list of users in this group and look for a match
dsStatus = dsGetRecordEntry( inDSNodeRef, dataBuff, 1, &attrListRef, &recEntry );
if (dsStatus == eDSNoErr )
dsStatus = dsGetAttributeEntry( inDSNodeRef, dataBuff, attrListRef, 1, &attrValueListRef,
&attrPtr );
if ( dsStatus == eDSNoErr )
for ( i = 1; i <= attrPtr->fAttributeValueCount && (dsStatus == eDSNoErr) && (isInGroup == false); i++ )
// note that since we only asked for one attribute type (group membership)
// we can assume that if we got this far that is what we're looking at
dsStatus = dsGetAttributeValue( inDSNodeRef, dataBuff, i, attrValueListRef, &pValueEntry );
// now compare the member of the group against the user name we were given
if ( dsStatus == eDSNoErr && strcmp( pValueEntry->fAttributeValueData.fBufferData, shortName ) == 0 )
isInGroup = true;
if ( pValueEntry != nil )
dsStatus = dsDeallocAttributeValueEntry( inDSRef, pValueEntry );
pValueEntry = nil;
if ( attrPtr != NULL ) {
dsDeallocAttributeEntry( inDSRef, attrPtr );
attrPtr = NULL;
if ( attrValueListRef != 0 ) {
dsCloseAttributeValueList( attrValueListRef );
attrValueListRef = 0;
if ( recEntry != NULL ) {
dsDeallocRecordEntry( inDSRef, recEntry );
recEntry = NULL;
if ( attrListRef != 0 ) {
dsCloseAttributeList( attrListRef );
attrListRef = 0;
if ( dataBuff != NULL )
dsDataBufferDeAllocate( inDSRef, dataBuff );
dataBuff = NULL;
if ( context != 0 )
dsReleaseContinueData( inDSNodeRef, context );
context = 0;
if ( attrTypeList != NULL)
dsDataListDeallocate( inDSRef, attrTypeList );
free( attrTypeList );
attrTypeList = NULL;
if ( recNames != NULL)
dsDataListDeallocate( inDSRef, recNames );
free( recNames );
recNames = NULL;
if ( recTypes != NULL)
dsDataListDeallocate( inDSRef, recTypes );
free( recTypes );
recTypes = NULL;
return isInGroup;