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synced 2025-02-01 01:32:34 +00:00
NSSplitView collapsing now supported and modernized the delegate interface
This commit is contained in:
@ -52,10 +52,20 @@ typedef enum {
// with two individual methods for each.
@interface NSObject(NSSplitView_delegate)
-(BOOL)splitView:(NSSplitView *)splitView canCollapseSubview:(NSView *)subview;
-(BOOL)splitView:(NSSplitView *)splitView shouldCollapseSubview:(NSView *)subview forDoubleClickOnDividerAtIndex:(int)index;
-(CGFloat)splitView:(NSSplitView *)splitView constrainMinCoordinate:(CGFloat)proposedMinimumPosition ofSubviewAt:(int)index;
-(CGFloat)splitView:(NSSplitView *)splitView constrainMaxCoordinate:(CGFloat)proposedMaximumPosition ofSubviewAt:(int)index;
-(void)splitView:(NSSplitView *)splitView constrainMinCoordinate:(float *)min maxCoordinate:(float *)max ofSubviewAt:(int)index;
-(float)splitView:(NSSplitView *)splitView constrainSplitPosition:(float)pos ofSubviewAt:(int)index;
-(void)splitView:(NSSplitView *)splitView resizeSubviewsWithOldSize:(NSSize)size;
-(BOOL)splitView:(NSSplitView *)splitView shouldAdjustSizeOfSubview:(NSView *)view;
-(BOOL)splitView:(NSSplitView *)splitView shouldHideDividerAtIndex:(int)index;
-(NSRect)splitView:(NSSplitView *)splitView effectiveRect:(NSRect)proposedEffectiveRect forDrawnRect:(NSRect)drawnRect ofDividerAtIndex:(int)index;
-(NSRect)splitView:(NSSplitView *)splitView additionalEffectiveRectOfDividerAtIndex:(NSInteger)index;
-(void)splitViewDidResizeSubviews:(NSNotification *)note;
-(void)splitViewWillResizeSubviews:(NSNotification *)note;
@ -81,7 +81,13 @@ NSString * const NSSplitViewWillResizeSubviewsNotification = @"NSSplitViewWillRe
-(void)setVertical:(BOOL)flag {
if (_isVertical == flag) {
// Don't do unneccessary work
// Now get the split axis sorted
[self adjustSubviews];
@ -90,11 +96,13 @@ NSString * const NSSplitViewWillResizeSubviewsNotification = @"NSSplitViewWillRe
-(BOOL)isSubviewCollapsed:(NSView *)subview {
if (_isVertical) {
return [subview frame].size.width == 0.0;
} else {
return [subview frame].size.height == 0.0;
/* From Apple's header comments:
* Collapsed subviews are hidden but retained by the split view.
* Collapsing of a subview will not change its bounds, but may set its frame
* to zero pixels high (in horizontal split views) or zero pixels wide (vertical).
return [subview isHidden];
-(void)setDividerStyle:(NSSplitViewDividerStyle)style {
@ -107,49 +115,111 @@ NSString * const NSSplitViewWillResizeSubviewsNotification = @"NSSplitViewWillRe
return _dividerStyle;
-(void)adjustSubviews {
NSRect frame=[self bounds];
int i,count=[_subviews count];
/** adjust all the non-collapsed subviews so that they are equally spaced horizontally within the splitview */
- (void)_adjustSubviewWidths
// Set all the subview heights to the bounds height of the split view
float height = NSHeight([self bounds]);
[self _postNoteWillResize];
int i,count=[_subviews count];
if([self isVertical]){
float totalWidthBefore=0.;
// The available width to the subviews
float totalWidthAfter=[self bounds].size.width-[self dividerThickness]*(count-1);
totalWidthBefore+=[[_subviews objectAtIndex:i] frame].size.width;
frame.size.width=[[_subviews objectAtIndex:i] frame].size.width*(totalWidthAfter/totalWidthBefore);
[[_subviews objectAtIndex:i] setFrame:frame];
frame.origin.x+=[self dividerThickness];
for(i = 0; i < count; i++) {
NSView *subview = [_subviews objectAtIndex: i];
if ([self isSubviewCollapsed: subview] == NO) {
totalWidthBefore += NSWidth([subview frame]);
else {
float delta = totalWidthAfter / totalWidthBefore;
NSRect frame = [self bounds];
for(i = 0; i < count; i++){
NSView *subview = [_subviews objectAtIndex: i];
if ([self isSubviewCollapsed: subview] == NO) {
frame.size.width= NSWidth([subview frame]) * delta;
frame.size.height = height;
NSSize oldSize = [subview frame].size;
[subview setFrame:frame];
frame.origin.x+= NSWidth(frame);
frame.origin.x+= [self dividerThickness];
- (void)_adjustSubviewHeights
// Set all the subview widths to the bounds width of the split view
float width = NSWidth([self bounds]);
int i,count=[_subviews count];
// We've got to figure out how much the delta is between the old and new heights and multiply
// all the heights to the new delta to get them to fit (or something like that...) Apple says
// They resize proportionally
float totalHeightBefore=0.;
float totalHeightAfter=[self bounds].size.height-[self dividerThickness]*(count-1);
totalHeightBefore+=[[_subviews objectAtIndex:i] frame].size.height;
frame.size.height=[[_subviews objectAtIndex:i] frame].size.height*(totalHeightAfter/totalHeightBefore);
[[_subviews objectAtIndex:i] setFrame:frame];
frame.origin.y+=[self dividerThickness];
for(i=0;i<count;i++) {
NSView *subview = [_subviews objectAtIndex: i];
if ([self isSubviewCollapsed: subview] == NO) {
NSRect subviewFrame = [subview frame];
totalHeightBefore += NSHeight(subviewFrame);
float delta = totalHeightAfter / totalHeightBefore;
NSRect frame=[self bounds];
NSView *subview = [_subviews objectAtIndex: i];
if ([self isSubviewCollapsed: subview] == NO) {
frame.size.height= NSHeight([subview frame]) * delta;
frame.size.width = width;
NSSize oldSize = [subview frame].size;
[subview setFrame:frame];
frame.origin.y+= NSHeight(frame);
frame.origin.y+=[self dividerThickness];
* Apple says this method sets the frames of the split view's subviews so that they, plus the dividers,
* fill the split view. The default implementation of this method resizes all of the subviews
* proportionally so that the ratio of heights (in the horizontal split view case) or widths
* (in the vertical split view case) doesn't change, even though the absolute sizes of the
* subviews do change. This message should be sent to split views from which subviews have been
* added or removed, to reestablish the consistency of subview placement.
-(void)adjustSubviews {
if ([_subviews count] < 2) {
[self _postNoteWillResize];
if ([self isVertical]){
[self _adjustSubviewWidths];
} else {
[self _adjustSubviewHeights];
[self setNeedsDisplay: YES];
[self _postNoteDidResize];
[self _postNoteDidResize];
-(float)dividerThickness {
@ -209,45 +279,11 @@ NSString * const NSSplitViewWillResizeSubviewsNotification = @"NSSplitViewWillRe
if([_delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(splitView:resizeSubviewsWithOldSize:)]) {
[_delegate splitView:self resizeSubviewsWithOldSize:oldSize];
} else {
// Apple docs say just call adjustSubviews
[self adjustSubviews];
[self _postNoteWillResize];
NSView *view=[_subviews objectAtIndex:i];
NSRect frame=[view frame];
if([self isVertical]){
origin.x+=[self dividerThickness];
else {
origin.y+=[self dividerThickness];
[view setFrame:frame];
[self setNeedsDisplay: YES];
[self _postNoteDidResize];
-(NSRect)dividerRectAtIndex:(unsigned)index {
@ -371,85 +407,193 @@ static float constrainTo(float value,float min,float max){
return 0;
/** adjusts the subviews on either side of the divider while
* honoring the constraints imposed by the delegate (if any)
- (void)setPosition:(float)position ofDividerAtIndex:(int)index
NSAssert(index >= 0 && index < [[self subviews] count] - 1, @"divider index out of range");
NSRect frame0,frame1;
frame0=[[[self subviews] objectAtIndex:index] frame];
frame1=[[[self subviews] objectAtIndex:index+1] frame];
NSView *subview0 = [[self subviews] objectAtIndex: index];
NSView *subview1 = [[self subviews] objectAtIndex: index + 1];
float maxSize,minSize;
BOOL subview0Expanded = [self isSubviewCollapsed: subview0] == NO;
BOOL subview1Expanded = [self isSubviewCollapsed: subview1] == NO;
if([self isVertical]){
else {
float minPosition = 0;
float maxPosition = 0;
NSRect frame0 = NSZeroRect;
NSRect frame1 = NSZeroRect;
if (subview0Expanded) {
frame0 = [subview0 frame];
if([_delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(splitView:constrainMinCoordinate:maxCoordinate:ofSubviewAt:)]) {
float delegateMin=minSize, delegateMax=maxSize;
[_delegate splitView:self constrainMinCoordinate:&delegateMin maxCoordinate:&delegateMax ofSubviewAt: index];
if (delegateMin > minSize)
minSize = delegateMin;
if (delegateMax < maxSize)
maxSize = delegateMax;
if (subview1Expanded) {
frame1 = [subview1 frame];
// Determine the minimum position
if (subview0Expanded) {
if ([self isVertical]) {
minPosition = NSMinX(frame0);
} else {
minPosition = NSMinY(frame0);
} else {
NSAssert(subview1Expanded, @"both are collapsed??");
if ([self isVertical]) {
minPosition = NSMinX(frame1);
} else {
minPosition = NSMinY(frame1);
// Determine the maximum position
if (subview1Expanded) {
if ([self isVertical]) {
maxPosition = NSMaxX(frame1);
} else {
maxPosition = NSMaxY(frame1);
} else {
NSAssert(subview0Expanded, @"both are collapsed??");
if ([self isVertical]) {
maxPosition = NSMaxX(frame0);
} else {
maxPosition = NSMaxY(frame0);
// Check in with the delegate and see if it wants to tweak the min and max
if ([_delegate respondsToSelector: @selector(splitView:constrainMinCoordinate:ofSubviewAt:)] ||
[_delegate respondsToSelector: @selector(splitView:constrainMaxCoordinate:ofSubviewAt:)]) {
// Use the modern API
if ([_delegate respondsToSelector: @selector(splitView:constrainMinCoordinate:ofSubviewAt:)]) {
minPosition = [_delegate splitView: self constrainMinCoordinate: minPosition ofSubviewAt: index];
if ([_delegate respondsToSelector: @selector(splitView:constrainMaxCoordinate:ofSubviewAt:)]) {
maxPosition = [_delegate splitView: self constrainMaxCoordinate: maxPosition ofSubviewAt: index];
else if([_delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(splitView:constrainMinCoordinate:maxCoordinate:ofSubviewAt:)]) {
// Use the deprecated API
[_delegate splitView:self constrainMinCoordinate:&minPosition maxCoordinate:&maxPosition ofSubviewAt: index];
// And if it wants to constrain the divider position
BOOL delegateWantsTrackConstraining = [_delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(splitView:constrainSplitPosition:ofSubviewAt:)];
if(delegateWantsTrackConstraining) {
position = [_delegate splitView:self constrainSplitPosition: position ofSubviewAt: index];
position = constrainTo(position,minSize,maxSize);
// OK we're ready to figure out where the divider can be positioned
NSRect resize0=frame0;
NSRect resize1=frame1;
BOOL subviewsWereCollapsedOrExpanded = NO;
BOOL checkWithDelegateAboutCollapsingViews = [_delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(splitView:canCollapseSubview:)];
if([self isVertical]){
float currX = NSMaxX(resize0);
float delta=floor(position - currX);
float lastPosition = NSMaxX(resize0);
float delta = floor(position - lastPosition);
resize0.size.width += delta;
resize1.size.width -= delta;
if (checkWithDelegateAboutCollapsingViews) {
if (position < minPosition) {
if ([_delegate splitView: self canCollapseSubview: subview0]) {
[subview0 setHidden: YES];
subviewsWereCollapsedOrExpanded = YES;
} else if (position > maxPosition) {
if ([_delegate splitView: self canCollapseSubview: subview1]) {
[subview1 setHidden: YES];
subviewsWereCollapsedOrExpanded = YES;
// But make sure collapsed views can reappear
if (position > minPosition && [subview0 isHidden]) {
[subview0 setHidden: NO];
subviewsWereCollapsedOrExpanded = YES;
} else if (position < maxPosition && [subview1 isHidden]) {
[subview1 setHidden: NO];
subviewsWereCollapsedOrExpanded = YES;
// Figure out the adjusted widths
resize0.size.width = constrainTo(NSWidth(resize0), minPosition, maxPosition);
resize1.size.width = constrainTo(NSWidth(resize1), minPosition, maxPosition);
resize1.origin.x = (NSMinX(frame1) + NSWidth(frame1)) - NSWidth(resize1);
else {
float currX = NSMaxY(resize0);
float delta=floor(position - currX);
float lastPosition = NSMaxY(resize0);
float delta = floor(position - lastPosition);
// resize0.size.height=constrainTo(resize0.size.height,minSize,maxSize);
resize0.size.height += delta;
resize1.size.height -= delta;
// resize1.size.height=constrainTo(resize1.size.height,0,maxSize);
if (checkWithDelegateAboutCollapsingViews) {
if (position < minPosition) {
if ([_delegate splitView: self canCollapseSubview: subview0]) {
[subview0 setHidden: YES];
subviewsWereCollapsedOrExpanded = YES;
} else if (position > maxPosition) {
if ([_delegate splitView: self canCollapseSubview: subview1]) {
[subview1 setHidden: YES];
subviewsWereCollapsedOrExpanded = YES;
// But make sure collapsed views can reappear
if (position > minPosition && [subview0 isHidden]) {
[subview0 setHidden: NO];
subviewsWereCollapsedOrExpanded = YES;
} else if (position < maxPosition && [subview1 isHidden]) {
[subview1 setHidden: NO];
subviewsWereCollapsedOrExpanded = YES;
// Figure out the adjusted heights
resize0.size.height = constrainTo(NSHeight(resize0), minPosition, maxPosition);
resize1.size.height = constrainTo(NSHeight(resize1), minPosition, maxPosition);
resize1.origin.y = (NSMinY(frame1) + NSHeight(frame1)) - NSHeight(resize1);
NSView *subView1 = [[self subviews] objectAtIndex: index];
NSView *subView2 = [[self subviews] objectAtIndex: index + 1];
[subView1 setFrameOrigin:resize0.origin];
[subView1 setFrameSize:resize0.size];
// Tell the view to redisplay otherwise there are drawing artifacts
[subView1 setNeedsDisplay: YES];
if (subviewsWereCollapsedOrExpanded) {
// It doesn't really matter what happened with the divider because we need
// to get the views re-laid out - so fall back to adjustSubviews and bail
[self adjustSubviews];
// Nothing special happened so just resize the subviews as expected
if ([subview0 isHidden] == NO) {
[subview0 setFrame: resize0];
// Tell the view to redisplay otherwise there are drawing artifacts
[subview0 setNeedsDisplay: YES];
[subView2 setFrameOrigin:resize1.origin];
[subView2 setFrameSize:resize1.size];
// Tell the view to redisplay otherwise there are drawing artifacts
[subView2 setNeedsDisplay: YES];
if ([subview1 isHidden] == NO) {
[subview1 setFrame: resize1];
// Tell the view to redisplay otherwise there are drawing artifacts
[subview1 setNeedsDisplay: YES];
[self setNeedsDisplay:YES];
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