- KVC now works for methods prefixed with '_'
- KVC works properly on NSDictionary, NSArray
- KVO on NSArray throws; addObserver:toObjectsAtIndexes implemented
- NSArrayController arrangedObjects property; probably many bugs,
- NSArrayController selection property; dito. set and get work; merges
values to NSMultipleValuesMarker etc.
- NSBinder now has support for a replacement key path. e.g. on a color
well, you bind against "value", but the corresponding key is named
"color". The method -(NSString*)_replacementKeyPathForBinding:
(NSString*)binding should return "color" in this case if "value" is
passed in.
- helper methods to get all used bindings; moved
_binderClassForBinding: to class scope
- _NSTableColumnBinder as supporting class for bindings of the form
column -> arrangedObjects.name
- _NSTableViewContentBinder as supporting class for bindings of the
form tableView.content -> arrangedObjects
- changes for NSTableView to use NSIndexSet for row selection
- changes for NSTableView to utilize the support classes instead of
its data source if applicable
- NSNull copyWithZone implemented
- NSPredicate scanner/parser completed
- Another pass at the NSExpression* and NS*Predicate classes
- added template for NSGlyphInfo, NSGlyphGenerator
- setters/getters in NSDatePicker, NSDatePickerCell implemented
- setters/getting for NSAlert implemented
-[NSString compare:options:range:] implemented
- Fixed issue #25, %C should work now in NSString format strings
- Initial pass at issue #26, partial implementation of NSKeyedArchiver
- Initial pass at recursive descent parser for NSPredicate format strings.
- A few CoreFoundation headers added to Foundation
- NSConditionLock template added.
-[NSBundle objectForInfoDictionaryKey:] implemented
-[NSCharacterSet isSupersetOfSet:] implemented (poorly)
-[NSMutableData replaceBytesInRange:withBytes:length:] implemented
-[NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy:length:freeWhenDone:] implemented
-[NSString UTF8String] implemented
-[NSString stringByStandardizingPath] added by not implemented correctly
-[NSError localizedDescription] implemented
+[NSSet setWithObjects:count:] implemented
- AppKit/binders renamed AppKit/NSKeyValueBinding
- Initial pass at NSFontDescriptor added
-[NSView convertSize:to/fromView:] implemented
-[NSFont getAdvancements:forGlyphs:count:] implemented
-A few NSAnimation/NSViewAnimation definitions added
- Added Rolf Jansen's color and font panel nibs which fix layout issues with the new button frame adjustment
- Moved nib loading functionality to NSNib, NSNibLoading now uses NSNib
- Fixed NSFileHandle_posix.m not importing NSRaise.h
- NS*Controller header templates
- First pass at NSSortDescriptor
- Preliminary work on NSPredicate et al
- Implemented NSDisclosureBezelStyle in NSButtonCell in default theme
- Improved layout and more drawing with UxTheme
- Added Johannes Fortmann's KVO fixes from April 5th
- Fixed Linux/Unix header, linking and runtime problems reported by Anthony Beurivé
- Cleaned up objc runtime/headers so that the differences between the KVO implementation for Cocotron vs. Apple runtime are a much smaller.
- Fixed issue 20 for pointer and non-retained object NSValue's.
- Fixed issue 19, NSSelectorFromString so that it registers unknown selectors
- Added Dirk Theisen's concrete NSDirectoryEnumerator and NSClassDescription implementation
- added more NSURL* methods.
- moved some control drawing into a new class NSGraphicsStyle which is responsible for control drawing in the current theme. NSGraphicsStyle implements the default theme and subclasses draw whatever look they want.
- preliminary support for the XP and above UxTheme API in the class NSGraphicsStyle_uxtheme, some controls will do native themed drawing now. Layout/highlighting is not perfect.
- Added axial shaders via CGShading/CGFunction interface
- Added clipping to path
- Added ApplicationServices project for header compatibility if you use CoreGraphics
- Fixed problem with nib connections which do not have : at end
- Fixed problem with system images not appearing in check boxes loaded from nib
- CGWindow, NSCustomView, NSDrawer, NSWindow, NSWindowController, Win32Window fixes from Issues 10-17 submitted by Rolf Jansen.
- NSFileWrapper implementation submitted by Dirk Theisen.
- Added stubs to NSAssertionHandler, NSDirectoryEnumerator, NSFileManager for methods needed by NSFileWrapper addition.
- Added FlateDecode filter derived from a public domain implementation (not zlib) by Sean Barrett to the PDF system.
- Added ImageIO directory and starting point files.
- Added more starting point code in KoreGraphics and clean up in KG and Win32. Added KG(Mutable)Path.
- First pass at NSPDFImageRep hooks into underlying KG classes.
NSConnection subproject - added a lot of empty methods
Introduction of KoreGraphics (KG prefix) classes to the AppKit project. This is primarily a first pass at PDF parsing and rendering. It is not integrated with the rest of the AppKit, it is simply there and compiles.
NSAssertionHandler - header added for NSFileWrapper
The various NSStream concrete classes have a first pass implementation: NSInputStream_socket, NSOutputStream_socket, NSInputStream_data, NSOutputStream_data , NSOutputStream_buffer, NSInputStream_file, NSOutputStream_file
The socket monitor/callback system has been overhauled to fix known problems going forward with socket based streams and distributed objects. This consists mainly of decoupling the select() management from the callback management allowing for accurate select() status across run loop mode changes and multiple callback monitors per socket. The major platform differences (windows vs. unix) were separated into their own files instead of the previous #ifdef mess. The NSInputSource system in the run loop was cleaned up to accommodate the new socket system and future additions.
These classes were deleted: NSSocketSet, NSSocketMonitorSet, NSSocketDescriptor, NSSocketMonitor, NSSocketMonitorSet_Windows, NSSocketInputSource_windows, NSSocketMonitorSet_Unix
And were replaced with: NSSocket, NSSocket_windows, NSSocket_bsd, NSSelectSet, NSSelectSet_windows, NSSelectSet_bsd , NSSelectInputSourceSet, NSSelectInputSource
NSTask and NSFileHandle on Linux/Solaris are affected by this as they were using the old socket monitoring system to look for background events and have been upgraded to the new one.
NSHandleMonitorSet_win32 upgraded with NSInputSource upgrade.
NSError - first pass implemented to assist with NSStream implementation.
-[NSMutableSet setSet:] - implemented
Cleared up some of the Linux/Solaris compiler warnings