- Windows specific splash image code replaced with platform neutral code
- NSFont cache moved from NSDisplay to NSFont class
- Periodic timers moved from NSDisplay to NSEvent
- [NSMutableArray removeObjectsFromIndices:numIndices] implemented
-Panels and Drawers no longer appear in task bar
-[NSText(View) setFont:range:] implemented
-NSCell, NSButtonCell loading state from nib file
-NSCell,NSTextField sendsActionOnEndEditing implemented
-NSTabView layout adjustments
-NSComboBox improvements
- typesetter and layout manager adjusted to deal with floating point metrics by rounding values up
- NSBezierPath sets stroke state before stroking
- minor fixes for PDF font dictionary generation
-[NSFont set] generates flipped text matrix if view flipped
-NSPrintInfo NSCopying implemented
-focusStack moved from NSView to NSGraphicsContext
-more cleanup in Win32 and compartmentalization of GDI specific rendering
- NSApplication*ActiveNotification's behavior implemented
- gcc 4.2.1 compiler warnings reduced
- First pass at PDF output, -[NSView dataWithPDFInsideRect:], and underlying NSPrintOperation, KGPDFContext and KGPDF* code functional but not complete (text, images and shadings not functional)
- Cleanup of KGContext,KGGraphicsState to be more general/abstract, moved KGRendering/DeviceContext into Win32
- NSCachedImageRep changed to use NSWindow instead of CGLayer
- TIFF decoding and KGRenderingContext_gdi fixed scanline order to top to bottom
- NSDocumentController fixed to compare file extensions case insensitively
- NSZoneRealloc fixed to support reallocating NULL on Windows
- NSData -initWithContentsOfURL:, +dataWithContentsofURL: implemented for file URL's
- Fixed bug in NSRunLoop which would cause a timer set up during an ASAP notification to not fire
- Removed text drag acceptance by non-key text fields, not the correct behavior
- Assortment of missing methods added, some implemented whole or partially, some not.
- Updated some of the Objective-C runtime structures to reflect Apple conventions (OBJCMethod -> struct objc_method, OBJCMethodList -> struct objc_method_list, etc)
- NSDocument initWithContentsOfURL, printDocument:, printDocumentWithSettings:, printOperationWithSettings:error: implemented
- NSDocumentController recent document menu implemented, and some of the URL based methods.
-[NSURL isEqual:], -[NSURL isFileURL] implemented within the limits of the current capabilities
-[NSApplication windowsMenu] corrected (finds menu by name in nib)
+[NSMenuItem separatorItem] fixed (was returning broken separator)
- NSMenu loads special name (windows, font, recent doc.s, etc.) from nib and private API for locating by name
- Most NSPrintInfo getters/setters implemented.
- NSPrintPanel added
- Split KGRenderingContext into KGRenderingContext and KGDeviceContext and cleaned up around these classes
- Fixed page locating bug in KGPDFDocument
-[NSDocument readFromURL:ofType:error:] implemented
-[NSDocument readFromFileWrapper:ofType:error:] implemented
-[NSDocument readFromData:ofType:error:] implemented
-[NSDocument loadFileWrapperRepresentation:ofType:] implemented
- radial shader improvements, adjusting for scaling and optimizations
- NSImageRep, NSPDFImageRep, NSBitmapImageRep fixes for file extension registration
- simple NSURL support for files
- NSToolbar fix so that it defaults to visible and appears when added to a window
- Issue #33 fix
- Dirk Theisen's NSIndexPath implementation added
- Dirk Theisen's NSThread and [NSColor colorWithAlphaComponent:] changes
-[NSObject methodForSelector:] and +[NSObject instanceMethodForSelector:] now return objc_msgForward instead of NULL if selector not present per behavior of Apple's Foundation but not documented (thanks to Mike Ash)
- Roughed in NSTextAttachmentCell, NSTextList, NSPropertyListSerialization, NSHelpManager, NSViewAnimation, NSAnimation, more NSLayoutManager methods
- First pass at NSTextAttachment, NSGlyphGenerator
- NSParagraphStyle, NSMutableParagraphStyle, added all documented setters/getters
- Split NSTypesetter into NSTypesetter and NSTypesetter_concrete, roughed in NSTypesetter, updated NSTypesetter_concrete a littles
+[NSAttributedString attributedStringWithAttachment:] implemented
- Added Rolf Jansen's merge sort in NSMutableArray and NSMutableArray_concrete
+ Johannes Fortmann's patch from 05/22/2007:
- NSArrayController:
- renamed instance variables
- use arrangeObjects:, rearrangeObjects methods
- implement addObject:, removeObject: and friends
- implement newObject
- some more binding options
- NSTableView bindings corresponding to columns now being established
if missing
- NSAffineTransform rotating
- NSBezierPath addClip, setClip fix; changed unimplemented methods to
- some decoding on NSNumberFormatter; NSCell uses formatter
- deep KVO is routed through public addObserver: function now, which
means that observing values on an array now throws the exception as it
- NSArrayController now returns _NSObservableArray class, which allows
observing values on array objects. Observing operators is supported,
but will fire change notifications even though no change (i.e.
@max.value fires everytime a value changes, not only in case the
maximum changes)
- binding options are respected for a few values
- defaults for binding options can be specified on a per-class basis
through a plist
- multi-value bindings work (in an extremely limited way)
- binding a table column against an array not provided by the table's
NSArrayController works
- column bindings create suitable sort descriptor prototypes
- clicking a column header changes the table view's sort descriptors
- deep KVO is routed through public addObserver: function now, which
means that observing values on an array now throws the exception as it
- NSArrayController now returns _NSObservableArray class, which allows
observing values on array objects. Observing operators is supported,
but will fire change notifications even though no change (i.e.
@max.value fires everytime a value changes, not only in case the
maximum changes)
- binding options are respected for a few values
- defaults for binding options can be specified on a per-class basis
through a plist
- multi-value bindings work (in an extremely limited way)
- binding a table column against an array not provided by the table's
NSArrayController works
- column bindings create suitable sort descriptor prototypes
- clicking a column header changes the table view's sort descriptors
- KVC now works for methods prefixed with '_'
- KVC works properly on NSDictionary, NSArray
- KVO on NSArray throws; addObserver:toObjectsAtIndexes implemented
- NSArrayController arrangedObjects property; probably many bugs,
- NSArrayController selection property; dito. set and get work; merges
values to NSMultipleValuesMarker etc.
- NSBinder now has support for a replacement key path. e.g. on a color
well, you bind against "value", but the corresponding key is named
"color". The method -(NSString*)_replacementKeyPathForBinding:
(NSString*)binding should return "color" in this case if "value" is
passed in.
- helper methods to get all used bindings; moved
_binderClassForBinding: to class scope
- _NSTableColumnBinder as supporting class for bindings of the form
column -> arrangedObjects.name
- _NSTableViewContentBinder as supporting class for bindings of the
form tableView.content -> arrangedObjects
- changes for NSTableView to use NSIndexSet for row selection
- changes for NSTableView to utilize the support classes instead of
its data source if applicable
- NSNull copyWithZone implemented
- NSPredicate scanner/parser completed
- Another pass at the NSExpression* and NS*Predicate classes
- added template for NSGlyphInfo, NSGlyphGenerator
- setters/getters in NSDatePicker, NSDatePickerCell implemented
- setters/getting for NSAlert implemented
-[NSString compare:options:range:] implemented
- Fixed issue #25, %C should work now in NSString format strings
- Initial pass at issue #26, partial implementation of NSKeyedArchiver
- Initial pass at recursive descent parser for NSPredicate format strings.
- A few CoreFoundation headers added to Foundation
- NSConditionLock template added.
-[NSBundle objectForInfoDictionaryKey:] implemented
-[NSCharacterSet isSupersetOfSet:] implemented (poorly)
-[NSMutableData replaceBytesInRange:withBytes:length:] implemented
-[NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy:length:freeWhenDone:] implemented
-[NSString UTF8String] implemented
-[NSString stringByStandardizingPath] added by not implemented correctly
-[NSError localizedDescription] implemented
+[NSSet setWithObjects:count:] implemented
- AppKit/binders renamed AppKit/NSKeyValueBinding
- Initial pass at NSFontDescriptor added
-[NSView convertSize:to/fromView:] implemented
-[NSFont getAdvancements:forGlyphs:count:] implemented
-A few NSAnimation/NSViewAnimation definitions added
- Added Rolf Jansen's color and font panel nibs which fix layout issues with the new button frame adjustment
- Moved nib loading functionality to NSNib, NSNibLoading now uses NSNib
- Fixed NSFileHandle_posix.m not importing NSRaise.h
- NS*Controller header templates
- First pass at NSSortDescriptor
- Preliminary work on NSPredicate et al
- Implemented NSDisclosureBezelStyle in NSButtonCell in default theme
- Improved layout and more drawing with UxTheme
- Added Johannes Fortmann's KVO fixes from April 5th
- Fixed Linux/Unix header, linking and runtime problems reported by Anthony Beurivé