- Removed NSOpenGLDrawable_gdiView, moved private child window to CGLContext
- Added some more CGL calls
- NSWindow/Win32Window frame is now actual frame
- X11 OpenGL and Window frame broken
- cleaned up CF and CG headers so they do not have ObjC in them
- AppKit changes related to CF/CG header changes
- added CFNetwork and CoreServices skeletons
- new experimental AppKit-MacOS-i386 target which sits on Apple's Foundation, ApplicationServices (not operational). Header&api usage fixes to clean this up.
- Redid NSBezierPath so it doesn't rely on private Cocotron CoreGraphics API.
- Change the NSRaise macros/functions to be inline so AppKit can just include it instead of depending on them in Foundation since they aren't present in OSX.
- split NSRaiseException() into it's own Foundation private header and removed use from AppKit.
- changed use of NSRangeEntries so AppKit can embed it on MacOS
- switched NSOutlineView use of NSInt*CallBacks to NSInteger*CallBacks
- added CGPDFContext and CGDataConsumer
- Removed import of windows.h in OBJCDynamicModule and typed NSModuleHandle as void * for windows. Fixed windows specific files which needed windows.h
-NSTableView/NSOutlineView changed to not cache numberOfRows in instance, but do cache inside methods, to avoid out of sync situations (doc.s do say it is called a lot). Some NSInteger updating.
- NSNib, fixed duplicate sending of awakeFromNib to objects in name table as they were already in archive after being assigned UID provided name was present in nib. Does not send awakeFromNib to objects in name table not present in nib.
- NSBundle, disable NSUnimplementedMethod in localizedInfoDictionary
- use winsock2 in NSSocket_windows
- NSBitmapImageRep imageRepsWithContentsOfFile check for nil result on initWithContentsOfFile:
- Fixed KGPDFPage box calculations
- NSSound_win32 BOOL fixes
- Added host byte order constants to CGImage.h
- Fixed problem in NSBitmapImageRep with float bitmap flag
- Added NSCocoaErrorDomain constant to NSError
- NSBitmapImageRep createCGImage mis-autorelease causing crashes
- NSImage init implemented
- Fix NSImage so it returns image rep size if it has none of it's own.
- NSBitmapImageRep uses DPI properties from CGImageSource if present to calculate size
- NSImageCell uses NSImage drawInRect: which in turn will scale image
- NSImage has more caching behaviour and will resize images into cached reps
- NSCachedImageRep uses the new rasterizer always
- -[NSWindow deviceDescription] returns something usable by NSImage
- TIFF decoding and KGRenderingContext_gdi fixed scanline order to top to bottom
- NSDocumentController fixed to compare file extensions case insensitively
- NSZoneRealloc fixed to support reallocating NULL on Windows
- NSData -initWithContentsOfURL:, +dataWithContentsofURL: implemented for file URL's
-[NSDocument readFromURL:ofType:error:] implemented
-[NSDocument readFromFileWrapper:ofType:error:] implemented
-[NSDocument readFromData:ofType:error:] implemented
-[NSDocument loadFileWrapperRepresentation:ofType:] implemented
- radial shader improvements, adjusting for scaling and optimizations
- NSImageRep, NSPDFImageRep, NSBitmapImageRep fixes for file extension registration
- simple NSURL support for files
- NSToolbar fix so that it defaults to visible and appears when added to a window
- CGWindow, NSCustomView, NSDrawer, NSWindow, NSWindowController, Win32Window fixes from Issues 10-17 submitted by Rolf Jansen.
- NSFileWrapper implementation submitted by Dirk Theisen.
- Added stubs to NSAssertionHandler, NSDirectoryEnumerator, NSFileManager for methods needed by NSFileWrapper addition.
- Added FlateDecode filter derived from a public domain implementation (not zlib) by Sean Barrett to the PDF system.
- Added ImageIO directory and starting point files.
- Added more starting point code in KoreGraphics and clean up in KG and Win32. Added KG(Mutable)Path.
- First pass at NSPDFImageRep hooks into underlying KG classes.