5 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Christopher Lloyd
c7970562d8 - Large number (~400) of unimplemented/simple methods added. NSMutableURLRequest, NSCachedURLResponse classes added. Some conversion from int/unsigned to NSInteger/NSUInteger started.
- CGWindow changed so that KGContext's are used instead of KGLayer/KGRenderingContext and KGContext is generally retained instead of being recreated from the KGRenderingContext each time it is needed.
- converted font panel and color panel to binary plist format
2008-01-02 03:31:21 +00:00
Christopher Lloyd
c626d0ba73 - Issue 41, NSDragOperationEvery added
- Issue 42, NSTableView drag&drop implemented
- Issue 43, NSMutableArray removeObjectsAtIndexes: and insertObjects: atIndexes: implemented
- NSData, NSOpenGLView, NSOpenGLPixelFormat -initWithCoder implemented for keyed unarchiver, i.e. nibs
- First pass at NSOpenGLView, NSOpenGLContext, NSOpenGLPixelFormat. NSOpenGLView functional
- Fixed dealloc/copy bugs in KGGraphicsState
2007-09-06 03:28:48 +00:00
Christopher Lloyd
b5a5dd53ec - C++ compatibility patch from Johannes Fortmann
- category method list patch from Johannes Fortmann
- Issue 36 fix by Johannes Fortmann
- new Windows targets for gcc 4.2.1
2007-07-30 13:30:20 +00:00
Christopher Lloyd
257c7d9c28 - Rolf Jansen's NSTableView patch from 05/09/2007
- Added Rolf Jansen's merge sort in NSMutableArray and NSMutableArray_concrete

+ Johannes Fortmann's patch from 05/22/2007:
- NSArrayController:
 - renamed instance variables
 - use arrangeObjects:, rearrangeObjects methods
 - implement addObject:, removeObject: and friends
 - implement newObject
- some more binding options
- NSTableView bindings corresponding to columns now being established
if missing
- NSAffineTransform rotating
- NSBezierPath addClip, setClip fix; changed unimplemented methods to
- some decoding on NSNumberFormatter; NSCell uses formatter
2007-05-22 17:16:17 +00:00
Christopher Lloyd
ab72409ef1 - Fixed issue #24, NSImage now retains self for NSCopying
- Fixed issue #25, %C should work now in NSString format strings
- Initial pass at issue #26, partial implementation of NSKeyedArchiver

- Initial pass at recursive descent parser for NSPredicate format strings.
- A few CoreFoundation headers added to Foundation
- NSConditionLock template added.
-[NSBundle objectForInfoDictionaryKey:] implemented
-[NSCharacterSet isSupersetOfSet:] implemented (poorly)
-[NSMutableData replaceBytesInRange:withBytes:length:] implemented
-[NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy:length:freeWhenDone:] implemented
-[NSString UTF8String] implemented
-[NSString stringByStandardizingPath] added by not implemented correctly
-[NSError localizedDescription] implemented
+[NSSet setWithObjects:count:] implemented
- AppKit/binders renamed AppKit/NSKeyValueBinding
- Initial pass at NSFontDescriptor added
-[NSView convertSize:to/fromView:] implemented
-[NSFont getAdvancements:forGlyphs:count:] implemented
-A few NSAnimation/NSViewAnimation definitions added
2007-04-22 18:58:47 +00:00