- (fixed issue 360) defaults now stored using the XML property list format which preserves the type of the object
- added checking for registry entry size when retrieving defaults so there is not truncation
- Type fixes on -[NSCoder/NSKeyedUnarchiver decodeBytesForKey:...]
- Foundation project fix for copied Info.plist
- added NSKeyedUnarchiver delegate protocol, partial implemented. private replaceObject:withObject: method
- changed use of -[NSString _KVC_partBeforeDot:afterDot:] in AppKit to NSStringKVCFunctions.h because it is not present in Apple's Foundation
- changed NSApplication use of objc_msg_lookup to methodForSelector
- moved KGContext/NSPrintInfo imageableRect logic into Win32Display
- added 2.0 objc/runtime.h, message.h with most of the declarations
- added deprecated.h for deprecated declarations
- cleanup objc-class.h to use standard naming for structs
- moved FOUNDATION_EXPORT to NSObjCRuntime.h
- deleted ObjCTypes.h, ObjectiveC.h
- moved Object.h/Protocol.h to objc headers
- added method.m, ivar.m for method_ and ivar_ functions
- Changed all use of deprecated SELNAME to sel_getName
- Changed use of OBJCLog in Foundation to replacement NSCLog
- Changed most all the equivalent OBJC* names to 2.0 function names
- rename OBJCIsKindOfClass to NSObjectIsKindOfClass, move to NSObject.m
- removed empty OBJCReportStatistics, objc_lock.h
- Removed NSMethodSignature cache, not thread safe.
- Removed NSIndexPath cache, not thread safe.
- Moved NSPropertyListReader_vintage class caching into instance.
- Removed caching of page size in NSPageSize() for linux/solaris/darwin.
- objc cache entry initialization tweaks
- removed unused _selectorCount
- Moved NSBundle static _sharedLookInDirectoriesArray to per-instance
- Moved NSProcessInfo static _counter and _counterLock to per instance
- Uncommented NSClassDescription use of @synchronized as the compiler can handle it now.
- Remove _fontHolder from NSInterfacePartAttributedString
- declared some variables with static scope as static
- stringByAppendingPathComponent doesn't prepend slash if empty path
- fix for alignment on Linux: embedded alignment for e.g. doubles is 4
- fix for overflow in ObjCArray
- Forwarding test tests float separately
- Test for mixed C/C++ exceptions
- CGWindow changed so that KGContext's are used instead of KGLayer/KGRenderingContext and KGContext is generally retained instead of being recreated from the KGRenderingContext each time it is needed.
- converted font panel and color panel to binary plist format
- Roughed in NSTextAttachmentCell, NSTextList, NSPropertyListSerialization, NSHelpManager, NSViewAnimation, NSAnimation, more NSLayoutManager methods
- First pass at NSTextAttachment, NSGlyphGenerator
- NSParagraphStyle, NSMutableParagraphStyle, added all documented setters/getters
- Split NSTypesetter into NSTypesetter and NSTypesetter_concrete, roughed in NSTypesetter, updated NSTypesetter_concrete a littles
+[NSAttributedString attributedStringWithAttachment:] implemented
- Fixed issue #25, %C should work now in NSString format strings
- Initial pass at issue #26, partial implementation of NSKeyedArchiver
- Initial pass at recursive descent parser for NSPredicate format strings.
- A few CoreFoundation headers added to Foundation
- NSConditionLock template added.
-[NSBundle objectForInfoDictionaryKey:] implemented
-[NSCharacterSet isSupersetOfSet:] implemented (poorly)
-[NSMutableData replaceBytesInRange:withBytes:length:] implemented
-[NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy:length:freeWhenDone:] implemented
-[NSString UTF8String] implemented
-[NSString stringByStandardizingPath] added by not implemented correctly
-[NSError localizedDescription] implemented
+[NSSet setWithObjects:count:] implemented
- AppKit/binders renamed AppKit/NSKeyValueBinding
- Initial pass at NSFontDescriptor added
-[NSView convertSize:to/fromView:] implemented
-[NSFont getAdvancements:forGlyphs:count:] implemented
-A few NSAnimation/NSViewAnimation definitions added