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// NSPoofAnimation.m
// Created by Airy ANDRE on 24/07/13.
// Copyright (c) 2013 plasq. All rights reserved.
#import "NSPoofAnimation.h"
static const NSTimeInterval kAnimationDuration = .3;
// The animation is defined by the NSPoof.png image, which is made from
// individual square frame, stacked either horizontally or vertically
@interface NSPoofView : NSView {
NSInteger _poofIndex;
id _animationDelegate;
SEL _didEndSelector;
void *_contextInfo;
- (void) setAnimationDelegate: (id) animationDelegate;
- (void) setDidEndSelector: (SEL) didEndSelector;
- (void) setContextInfo: (void *) contextInfo;
@implementation NSPoofView
+ (NSImage *) poofImages {
NSImage *image = [NSImage imageNamed: @"NSPoof"];
return image;
+ (NSSize) poofImageSize {
NSSize poofImageSize = [[self poofImages] size];
poofImageSize.width = poofImageSize.height =
MIN(poofImageSize.width, poofImageSize.height);
return poofImageSize;
+ (NSInteger) numberOfPoofImages {
NSSize poofImageSize = [[self poofImages] size];
return MAX(poofImageSize.width, poofImageSize.height) /
MIN(poofImageSize.width, poofImageSize.height);
- (BOOL) isOpaque {
return NO;
- (void) setAnimationDelegate: (id) animationDelegate {
_animationDelegate = animationDelegate;
- (void) setDidEndSelector: (SEL) didEndSelector {
_didEndSelector = didEndSelector;
- (void) setContextInfo: (void *) contextInfo {
_contextInfo = contextInfo;
- (void) displayPoofImageAtIndex: (NSInteger) index {
NSImage *poofImages = [[self class] poofImages];
NSSize poofImageSize = [[self class] poofImageSize];
NSRect r = NSMakeRect(0, 0, poofImageSize.width, poofImageSize.height);
if (poofImages.size.width > poofImages.size.height) {
r.origin.x += poofImageSize.width * index;
} else {
r.origin.y += poofImageSize.height * index;
[poofImages drawInRect: self.bounds
fromRect: r
operation: NSCompositeCopy
fraction: 1];
- (void) drawRect: (NSRect) rect {
[self displayPoofImageAtIndex: _poofIndex - 1];
- (void) poof: (NSTimer *) timer {
if (_poofIndex > [[self class] numberOfPoofImages]) {
[timer invalidate];
[self.window close];
[_animationDelegate performSelector: _didEndSelector
withObject: _contextInfo
afterDelay: 0.];
[self setNeedsDisplay: YES];
@implementation NSPoofAnimation
+ (void) poofAtLocation: (NSPoint) location
size: (NSSize) size
animationDelegate: (id) animationDelegate
didEndSelector: (SEL) didEndSelector
contextInfo: (void *) contextInfo
if (size.width == 0 || size.height == 0) {
size.width = size.height = 48;
location.x -= size.width * .5;
location.y -= size.height * .5;
NSRect r = {.origin = location, .size = size};
// Create a transparent window with a poof view - it will be closed when the
// animation is done
NSWindow *window =
[[NSWindow alloc] initWithContentRect: r
styleMask: NSBorderlessWindowMask
backing: NSBackingStoreBuffered
defer: NO];
[window setHasShadow: NO];
NSPoofView *poofView =
[[[NSPoofView alloc] initWithFrame: window.frame] autorelease];
[poofView setAnimationDelegate: animationDelegate];
[poofView setDidEndSelector: didEndSelector];
[poofView setContextInfo: contextInfo];
[window setContentView: poofView];
[window setLevel: kCGScreenSaverWindowLevel];
[window setReleasedWhenClosed: YES];
[window setOpaque: NO];
[window setBackgroundColor: [NSColor clearColor]];
[window orderFront: nil];
NSTimer *timer = [NSTimer
timerWithTimeInterval: kAnimationDuration /
([NSPoofView numberOfPoofImages] - 1)
target: poofView
selector: @selector(poof:)
userInfo: nil
repeats: YES];
[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] addTimer: timer forMode: NSRunLoopCommonModes];
[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] addTimer: timer forMode: NSDefaultRunLoopMode];