Christopher Lloyd a08967f04c - -[NSView print:] and -[NSDocument printDocument:] functional (if you implement printOperationWithSettings:error in NSDocument), brings up the print panel and paginates. Some NSView printing methods added, work on NSPrintOperation to autopaginate. There are a number of problems to sort out still.
- NSDocument initWithContentsOfURL,  printDocument:, printDocumentWithSettings:, printOperationWithSettings:error: implemented
- NSDocumentController recent document menu implemented, and some of the URL based methods.
-[NSURL isEqual:], -[NSURL isFileURL] implemented within the limits of the current capabilities
-[NSApplication windowsMenu] corrected (finds menu by name in nib)
+[NSMenuItem separatorItem] fixed (was returning broken separator)
- NSMenu loads special name (windows, font, recent doc.s, etc.) from nib and private API for locating by name
- Most NSPrintInfo getters/setters implemented.
- NSPrintPanel added
- Split KGRenderingContext into KGRenderingContext and KGDeviceContext and cleaned up around these classes
- Fixed page locating bug in KGPDFDocument
2007-07-19 16:16:41 +00:00

17 lines
248 B

#import <Foundation/NSObject.h>
@class NSMutableDictionary;
@interface NSPrintPanel : NSObject {
NSMutableDictionary *_attributes;
+(NSPrintPanel *)printPanel;