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2017-02-03 23:16:03 +00:00
* Copyright (c) 2015 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
* file.
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
/* CFNumberFormatter.c
Copyright (c) 2002-2014, Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
Responsibility: David Smith
#include <CoreFoundation/CFNumberFormatter.h>
#include <CoreFoundation/ForFoundationOnly.h>
#include <CoreFoundation/CFBigNumber.h>
#include "CFInternal.h"
#include "CFLocaleInternal.h"
#include "CFICULogging.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <float.h>
static void __CFNumberFormatterCustomize(CFNumberFormatterRef formatter);
static CFStringRef __CFNumberFormatterCreateCompressedString(CFStringRef inString, Boolean isFormat, CFRange *rangep);
static UErrorCode __CFNumberFormatterApplyPattern(CFNumberFormatterRef formatter, CFStringRef pattern);
static CONST_STRING_DECL(kCFNumberFormatterFormattingContextKey, "kCFNumberFormatterFormattingContextKey");
#define BUFFER_SIZE 768
struct __CFNumberFormatter {
CFRuntimeBase _base;
UNumberFormat *_nf;
CFLocaleRef _locale;
CFNumberFormatterStyle _style;
CFStringRef _format; // NULL for RBNFs
CFStringRef _defformat;
CFStringRef _compformat;
CFNumberRef _multiplier;
CFStringRef _zeroSym;
Boolean _isLenient;
Boolean _userSetMultiplier;
Boolean _usesCharacterDirection;
static CFStringRef __CFNumberFormatterCopyDescription(CFTypeRef cf) {
CFNumberFormatterRef formatter = (CFNumberFormatterRef)cf;
return CFStringCreateWithFormat(CFGetAllocator(formatter), NULL, CFSTR("<CFNumberFormatter %p [%p]>"), cf, CFGetAllocator(formatter));
static void __CFNumberFormatterDeallocate(CFTypeRef cf) {
CFNumberFormatterRef formatter = (CFNumberFormatterRef)cf;
if (formatter->_nf) __cficu_unum_close(formatter->_nf);
if (formatter->_locale) CFRelease(formatter->_locale);
if (formatter->_format) CFRelease(formatter->_format);
if (formatter->_defformat) CFRelease(formatter->_defformat);
if (formatter->_compformat) CFRelease(formatter->_compformat);
if (formatter->_multiplier) CFRelease(formatter->_multiplier);
if (formatter->_zeroSym) CFRelease(formatter->_zeroSym);
static CFTypeID __kCFNumberFormatterTypeID = _kCFRuntimeNotATypeID;
static const CFRuntimeClass __CFNumberFormatterClass = {
NULL, // init
NULL, // copy
NULL, //
CFTypeID CFNumberFormatterGetTypeID(void) {
static dispatch_once_t initOnce;
dispatch_once(&initOnce, ^{ __kCFNumberFormatterTypeID = _CFRuntimeRegisterClass(&__CFNumberFormatterClass); });
return __kCFNumberFormatterTypeID;
CFNumberFormatterRef CFNumberFormatterCreate(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFLocaleRef locale, CFNumberFormatterStyle style) {
struct __CFNumberFormatter *memory;
uint32_t size = sizeof(struct __CFNumberFormatter) - sizeof(CFRuntimeBase);
if (allocator == NULL) allocator = __CFGetDefaultAllocator();
__CFGenericValidateType(allocator, CFAllocatorGetTypeID());
__CFGenericValidateType(locale, CFLocaleGetTypeID());
memory = (struct __CFNumberFormatter *)_CFRuntimeCreateInstance(allocator, CFNumberFormatterGetTypeID(), size, NULL);
if (NULL == memory) {
return NULL;
memory->_nf = NULL;
memory->_locale = NULL;
memory->_format = NULL;
memory->_defformat = NULL;
memory->_compformat = NULL;
memory->_multiplier = NULL;
memory->_zeroSym = NULL;
memory->_isLenient = false;
memory->_userSetMultiplier = false;
memory->_usesCharacterDirection = false;
if (NULL == locale) locale = CFLocaleGetSystem();
memory->_style = style;
uint32_t ustyle;
switch (style) {
case kCFNumberFormatterNoStyle: ustyle = UNUM_IGNORE; break;
case kCFNumberFormatterDecimalStyle: ustyle = UNUM_DECIMAL; break;
case kCFNumberFormatterCurrencyStyle: ustyle = UNUM_CURRENCY; break;
case kCFNumberFormatterPercentStyle: ustyle = UNUM_PERCENT; break;
case kCFNumberFormatterScientificStyle: ustyle = UNUM_SCIENTIFIC; break;
case kCFNumberFormatterSpellOutStyle: ustyle = UNUM_SPELLOUT; break;
case kCFNumberFormatterOrdinalStyle: ustyle = UNUM_ORDINAL; break;
case kCFNumberFormatterDurationStyle: ustyle = UNUM_DURATION; break;
2017-02-03 23:16:03 +00:00
CFAssert2(0, __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): unknown style %d", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, style);
ustyle = UNUM_DECIMAL;
memory->_style = kCFNumberFormatterDecimalStyle;
CFStringRef localeName = locale ? CFLocaleGetIdentifier(locale) : CFSTR("");
char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
const char *cstr = CFStringGetCStringPtr(localeName, kCFStringEncodingASCII);
if (NULL == cstr) {
if (CFStringGetCString(localeName, buffer, BUFFER_SIZE, kCFStringEncodingASCII)) cstr = buffer;
if (NULL == cstr) {
return NULL;
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
memory->_nf = __cficu_unum_open((UNumberFormatStyle)ustyle, NULL, 0, cstr, NULL, &status);
CFAssert2(memory->_nf, __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): error (%d) creating number formatter", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, status);
if (NULL == memory->_nf) {
return NULL;
UChar ubuff[4];
if (kCFNumberFormatterNoStyle == style) {
status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
ubuff[0] = '#'; ubuff[1] = ';'; ubuff[2] = '#';
__cficu_unum_applyPattern(memory->_nf, false, ubuff, 3, NULL, &status);
__cficu_unum_setAttribute(memory->_nf, UNUM_MAX_INTEGER_DIGITS, 42);
__cficu_unum_setAttribute(memory->_nf, UNUM_MAX_FRACTION_DIGITS, 0);
memory->_locale = locale ? CFLocaleCreateCopy(allocator, locale) : CFLocaleGetSystem();
if (kCFNumberFormatterSpellOutStyle != memory->_style && kCFNumberFormatterOrdinalStyle != memory->_style && kCFNumberFormatterDurationStyle != memory->_style) {
UChar ubuffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
int32_t ret = __cficu_unum_toPattern(memory->_nf, false, ubuffer, BUFFER_SIZE, &status);
if (U_SUCCESS(status) && ret <= BUFFER_SIZE) {
memory->_format = CFStringCreateWithCharacters(allocator, (const UniChar *)ubuffer, ret);
memory->_defformat = memory->_format ? (CFStringRef)CFRetain(memory->_format) : NULL;
memory->_compformat = memory->_format ? __CFNumberFormatterCreateCompressedString(memory->_format, true, NULL) : NULL;
if (kCFNumberFormatterSpellOutStyle != memory->_style && kCFNumberFormatterOrdinalStyle != memory->_style && kCFNumberFormatterDurationStyle != memory->_style) {
int32_t n = __cficu_unum_getAttribute(memory->_nf, UNUM_MULTIPLIER);
if (1 != n) {
memory->_multiplier = CFNumberCreate(allocator, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &n);
__cficu_unum_setAttribute(memory->_nf, UNUM_MULTIPLIER, 1);
__cficu_unum_setAttribute(memory->_nf, UNUM_LENIENT_PARSE, 0);
__cficu_unum_setContext(memory->_nf, UDISPCTX_CAPITALIZATION_NONE, &status);
return (CFNumberFormatterRef)memory;
extern CFDictionaryRef __CFLocaleGetPrefs(CFLocaleRef locale);
static void __substituteFormatStringFromPrefsNF(CFNumberFormatterRef formatter) {
CFIndex formatStyle = formatter->_style;
if (kCFNumberFormatterSpellOutStyle == formatStyle) return;
if (kCFNumberFormatterOrdinalStyle == formatStyle) return;
if (kCFNumberFormatterDurationStyle == formatStyle) return;
CFStringRef prefName = CFSTR("AppleICUNumberFormatStrings");
if (kCFNumberFormatterNoStyle != formatStyle) {
CFStringRef pref = NULL;
CFDictionaryRef prefs = __CFLocaleGetPrefs(formatter->_locale);
CFPropertyListRef metapref = prefs ? CFDictionaryGetValue(prefs, prefName) : NULL;
if (NULL != metapref && CFGetTypeID(metapref) == CFDictionaryGetTypeID()) {
CFStringRef key;
switch (formatStyle) {
case kCFNumberFormatterDecimalStyle: key = CFSTR("1"); break;
case kCFNumberFormatterCurrencyStyle: key = CFSTR("2"); break;
case kCFNumberFormatterPercentStyle: key = CFSTR("3"); break;
case kCFNumberFormatterScientificStyle: key = CFSTR("4"); break;
case kCFNumberFormatterSpellOutStyle: key = CFSTR("5"); break;
case kCFNumberFormatterOrdinalStyle: key = CFSTR("6"); break;
case kCFNumberFormatterDurationStyle: key = CFSTR("7"); break;
default: key = CFSTR("0"); break;
pref = (CFStringRef)CFDictionaryGetValue((CFDictionaryRef)metapref, key);
if (NULL != pref && CFGetTypeID(pref) == CFStringGetTypeID()) {
int32_t icustyle = UNUM_IGNORE;
switch (formatStyle) {
case kCFNumberFormatterDecimalStyle: icustyle = UNUM_DECIMAL; break;
case kCFNumberFormatterCurrencyStyle: icustyle = UNUM_CURRENCY; break;
case kCFNumberFormatterPercentStyle: icustyle = UNUM_PERCENT; break;
case kCFNumberFormatterScientificStyle: icustyle = UNUM_SCIENTIFIC; break;
case kCFNumberFormatterSpellOutStyle: icustyle = UNUM_SPELLOUT; break;
case kCFNumberFormatterOrdinalStyle: icustyle = UNUM_ORDINAL; break;
case kCFNumberFormatterDurationStyle: icustyle = UNUM_DURATION; break;
CFStringRef localeName = CFLocaleGetIdentifier(formatter->_locale);
char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
const char *cstr = CFStringGetCStringPtr(localeName, kCFStringEncodingASCII);
if (NULL == cstr) {
if (CFStringGetCString(localeName, buffer, BUFFER_SIZE, kCFStringEncodingASCII)) cstr = buffer;
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
UNumberFormat *nf = __cficu_unum_open((UNumberFormatStyle)icustyle, NULL, 0, cstr, NULL, &status);
if (NULL != nf) {
UChar ubuffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
int32_t number_len = __cficu_unum_toPattern(nf, false, ubuffer, BUFFER_SIZE, &status);
if (U_SUCCESS(status) && number_len <= BUFFER_SIZE) {
CFStringRef numberString = CFStringCreateWithCharacters(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, (const UniChar *)ubuffer, number_len);
status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
int32_t formatter_len = __cficu_unum_toPattern(formatter->_nf, false, ubuffer, BUFFER_SIZE, &status);
if (U_SUCCESS(status) && formatter_len <= BUFFER_SIZE) {
CFMutableStringRef formatString = CFStringCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, 0);
CFStringAppendCharacters(formatString, (const UniChar *)ubuffer, formatter_len);
// find numberString inside formatString, substitute the pref in that range
CFRange result;
if (CFStringFindWithOptions(formatString, numberString, CFRangeMake(0, formatter_len), 0, &result)) {
CFStringReplace(formatString, result, pref);
__CFNumberFormatterApplyPattern(formatter, formatString);
static UniChar __CFNumberFormatterNormalizeCharacter(UniChar c) {
if (CFCharacterSetIsCharacterMember(CFCharacterSetGetPredefined(kCFCharacterSetWhitespace), c)) {
return ' ';
} else {
return c;
/* Attempt to match the unimplemented lenient parsing behavior described at http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/#Lenient_Parsing -- specifically any whitespace is ignored that does not exist between two letters or two numbers, and no-break spaces map to spaces. */
static CFStringRef __CFNumberFormatterCreateCompressedString(CFStringRef inString, Boolean isFormat, CFRange *rangep) {
if (!inString) return NULL;
CFRange range = { 0, 0 };
if (rangep) {
range = *rangep;
} else {
range.length = CFStringGetLength(inString);
CFMutableStringRef outString = CFStringCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, 0);
CFCharacterSetRef letters = CFCharacterSetGetPredefined(kCFCharacterSetLetter);
CFCharacterSetRef numbers = CFCharacterSetGetPredefined(kCFCharacterSetDecimalDigit);
UniChar prevCh = 0, nextCh = 0;
Boolean inQuote = false;
for (CFIndex in_idx = range.location; in_idx < range.location + range.length; in_idx++) {
UniChar ch = __CFNumberFormatterNormalizeCharacter(CFStringGetCharacterAtIndex(inString, in_idx));
nextCh = (in_idx+1 < range.length) ? CFStringGetCharacterAtIndex(inString, in_idx+1) : 0;
if (isFormat && ch == '\'') inQuote = !inQuote;
if (inQuote || ch != ' ' || (CFCharacterSetIsCharacterMember(letters, prevCh) && CFCharacterSetIsCharacterMember(letters, nextCh)) || (CFCharacterSetIsCharacterMember(numbers, prevCh) && CFCharacterSetIsCharacterMember(numbers, nextCh))) {
CFStringAppendCharacters(outString, &ch, 1);
prevCh = ch;
return outString;
// Should not be called for rule-based ICU formatters; not supported
static void __CFNumberFormatterApplySymbolPrefs(const void *key, const void *value, void *context) {
if (CFGetTypeID(key) == CFStringGetTypeID() && CFGetTypeID(value) == CFStringGetTypeID()) {
CFNumberFormatterRef formatter = (CFNumberFormatterRef)context;
UNumberFormatSymbol sym = (UNumberFormatSymbol)CFStringGetIntValue((CFStringRef)key);
CFStringRef item = (CFStringRef)value;
CFIndex item_cnt = CFStringGetLength(item);
STACK_BUFFER_DECL(UChar, item_buffer, item_cnt);
UChar *item_ustr = (UChar *)CFStringGetCharactersPtr(item);
if (NULL == item_ustr) {
CFStringGetCharacters(item, CFRangeMake(0, __CFMin(BUFFER_SIZE, item_cnt)), (UniChar *)item_buffer);
item_ustr = item_buffer;
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
__cficu_unum_setSymbol(formatter->_nf, sym, item_ustr, item_cnt, &status);
// Should not be called for rule-based ICU formatters
static UErrorCode __CFNumberFormatterApplyPattern(CFNumberFormatterRef formatter, CFStringRef pattern) {
if (kCFNumberFormatterSpellOutStyle == formatter->_style) return U_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR;
if (kCFNumberFormatterOrdinalStyle == formatter->_style) return U_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR;
if (kCFNumberFormatterDurationStyle == formatter->_style) return U_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR;
CFIndex cnt = CFStringGetLength(pattern);
STACK_BUFFER_DECL(UChar, ubuffer, cnt);
const UChar *ustr = (const UChar *)CFStringGetCharactersPtr(pattern);
if (NULL == ustr) {
CFStringGetCharacters(pattern, CFRangeMake(0, cnt), (UniChar *)ubuffer);
ustr = ubuffer;
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
__cficu_unum_applyPattern(formatter->_nf, false, ustr, cnt, NULL, &status);
// __cficu_unum_applyPattern() may have magically changed other attributes based on
// the contents of the format string; we simply expose that ICU behavior, except
// for UNUM_MULTIPLIER, which we re-read and reset, like we did at initialization
// time though any user-set multiplier state takes precedence.
if (formatter->_userSetMultiplier) {
__cficu_unum_setAttribute(formatter->_nf, UNUM_MULTIPLIER, 1);
} else {
if (formatter->_multiplier) CFRelease(formatter->_multiplier);
formatter->_multiplier = NULL;
int32_t n = __cficu_unum_getAttribute(formatter->_nf, UNUM_MULTIPLIER);
if (1 != n) {
formatter->_multiplier = CFNumberCreate(CFGetAllocator(formatter), kCFNumberSInt32Type, &n);
__cficu_unum_setAttribute(formatter->_nf, UNUM_MULTIPLIER, 1);
return status;
static void __CFNumberFormatterCustomize(CFNumberFormatterRef formatter) {
CFDictionaryRef prefs = __CFLocaleGetPrefs(formatter->_locale);
CFPropertyListRef metapref = prefs ? CFDictionaryGetValue(prefs, CFSTR("AppleICUNumberSymbols")) : NULL;
if (NULL != metapref && CFGetTypeID(metapref) == CFDictionaryGetTypeID()) {
CFDictionaryApplyFunction((CFDictionaryRef)metapref, __CFNumberFormatterApplySymbolPrefs, formatter);
CFLocaleRef CFNumberFormatterGetLocale(CFNumberFormatterRef formatter) {
__CFGenericValidateType(formatter, CFNumberFormatterGetTypeID());
return formatter->_locale;
CFNumberFormatterStyle CFNumberFormatterGetStyle(CFNumberFormatterRef formatter) {
__CFGenericValidateType(formatter, CFNumberFormatterGetTypeID());
return formatter->_style;
CFStringRef CFNumberFormatterGetFormat(CFNumberFormatterRef formatter) {
__CFGenericValidateType(formatter, CFNumberFormatterGetTypeID());
if (kCFNumberFormatterSpellOutStyle == formatter->_style) return NULL;
if (kCFNumberFormatterOrdinalStyle == formatter->_style) return NULL;
if (kCFNumberFormatterDurationStyle == formatter->_style) return NULL;
UChar ubuffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
CFStringRef newString = NULL;
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
int32_t ret = __cficu_unum_toPattern(formatter->_nf, false, ubuffer, BUFFER_SIZE, &status);
if (U_SUCCESS(status) && ret <= BUFFER_SIZE) {
newString = CFStringCreateWithCharacters(CFGetAllocator(formatter), (const UniChar *)ubuffer, ret);
if (newString && !formatter->_format) {
formatter->_format = newString;
if (formatter->_compformat) CFRelease(formatter->_compformat);
formatter->_compformat = __CFNumberFormatterCreateCompressedString(formatter->_format, true, NULL);
} else if (newString && !CFEqual(newString, formatter->_format)) {
formatter->_format = newString;
if (formatter->_compformat) CFRelease(formatter->_compformat);
formatter->_compformat = __CFNumberFormatterCreateCompressedString(formatter->_format, true, NULL);
} else if (newString) {
return formatter->_format;
void CFNumberFormatterSetFormat(CFNumberFormatterRef formatter, CFStringRef formatString) {
__CFGenericValidateType(formatter, CFNumberFormatterGetTypeID());
__CFGenericValidateType(formatString, CFStringGetTypeID());
if (kCFNumberFormatterSpellOutStyle == formatter->_style) return;
if (kCFNumberFormatterOrdinalStyle == formatter->_style) return;
if (kCFNumberFormatterDurationStyle == formatter->_style) return;
CFIndex cnt = CFStringGetLength(formatString);
CFAssert1(cnt <= 1024, __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): format string too long", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
if ((!formatter->_format || !CFEqual(formatter->_format, formatString)) && cnt <= 1024) {
UErrorCode status = __CFNumberFormatterApplyPattern(formatter, formatString);
if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
UChar ubuffer2[BUFFER_SIZE];
status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
int32_t ret = __cficu_unum_toPattern(formatter->_nf, false, ubuffer2, BUFFER_SIZE, &status);
if (U_SUCCESS(status) && ret <= BUFFER_SIZE) {
if (formatter->_format) CFRelease(formatter->_format);
formatter->_format = CFStringCreateWithCharacters(CFGetAllocator(formatter), (const UniChar *)ubuffer2, ret);
if (formatter->_compformat) CFRelease(formatter->_compformat);
formatter->_compformat = __CFNumberFormatterCreateCompressedString(formatter->_format, true, NULL);
double multiplier = 1.0; \
double dummy = 0.0; \
if (formatter->_multiplier) { \
if (!CFNumberGetValue(formatter->_multiplier, kCFNumberFloat64Type, &multiplier)) { \
multiplier = 1.0; \
} \
} \
if (modf(multiplier, &dummy) < FLT_EPSILON) { \
multiplier = floor(multiplier); \
CFStringRef CFNumberFormatterCreateStringWithNumber(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFNumberFormatterRef formatter, CFNumberRef number) {
if (allocator == NULL) allocator = __CFGetDefaultAllocator();
__CFGenericValidateType(allocator, CFAllocatorGetTypeID());
__CFGenericValidateType(formatter, CFNumberFormatterGetTypeID());
__CFGenericValidateType(number, CFNumberGetTypeID());
// The values of CFNumbers with large unsigned 64-bit ints don't survive well through this
CFNumberType type = CFNumberGetType(number);
char buffer[64];
CFNumberGetValue(number, type, buffer);
return CFNumberFormatterCreateStringWithValue(allocator, formatter, type, buffer);
#define FORMAT_FLT(T, FUNC) \
T value = *(T *)valuePtr; \
if (0 == value && formatter->_zeroSym) { return (CFStringRef)CFRetain(formatter->_zeroSym); } \
if (1.0 != multiplier) { \
value = (T)(value * multiplier); \
} \
status = U_ZERO_ERROR; \
used = FUNC(formatter->_nf, value, ubuffer + 1, cnt, NULL, &status); \
if (status == U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR || cnt < used) { \
cnt = used + 1 + 1; \
ustr = (UChar *)CFAllocatorAllocate(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, sizeof(UChar) * cnt, 0); \
status = U_ZERO_ERROR; \
used = FUNC(formatter->_nf, value, ustr + 1, cnt, NULL, &status); \
#define FORMAT_INT(T, FUN) \
T value = *(T *)valuePtr; \
if (0 == value && formatter->_zeroSym) { return (CFStringRef)CFRetain(formatter->_zeroSym); } \
if (1.0 != multiplier) { \
value = (T)(value * multiplier); \
} \
_CFBigNum bignum; \
FUN(&bignum, value); \
char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE + 1]; \
_CFBigNumToCString(&bignum, false, true, buffer, BUFFER_SIZE); \
status = U_ZERO_ERROR; \
used = __cficu_unum_formatDecimal(formatter->_nf, buffer, strlen(buffer), ubuffer + 1, BUFFER_SIZE, NULL, &status); \
if (status == U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR || cnt < used) { \
cnt = used + 1 + 1; \
ustr = (UChar *)CFAllocatorAllocate(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, sizeof(UChar) * cnt, 0); \
status = U_ZERO_ERROR; \
used = __cficu_unum_formatDecimal(formatter->_nf, buffer, strlen(buffer), ustr + 1, cnt, NULL, &status); \
} \
CFStringRef CFNumberFormatterCreateStringWithValue(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFNumberFormatterRef formatter, CFNumberType numberType, const void *valuePtr) {
if (allocator == NULL) allocator = __CFGetDefaultAllocator();
__CFGenericValidateType(allocator, CFAllocatorGetTypeID());
__CFGenericValidateType(formatter, CFNumberFormatterGetTypeID());
UChar *ustr = NULL, ubuffer[BUFFER_SIZE + 1];
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
CFIndex used, cnt = BUFFER_SIZE;
if (numberType == kCFNumberFloat64Type || numberType == kCFNumberDoubleType) {
FORMAT_FLT(double, __cficu_unum_formatDouble)
} else if (numberType == kCFNumberFloat32Type || numberType == kCFNumberFloatType) {
FORMAT_FLT(float, __cficu_unum_formatDouble)
} else if (numberType == kCFNumberSInt64Type || numberType == kCFNumberLongLongType) {
FORMAT_INT(int64_t, _CFBigNumInitWithInt64)
} else if (numberType == kCFNumberLongType || numberType == kCFNumberCFIndexType) {
#if __LP64__
FORMAT_INT(int64_t, _CFBigNumInitWithInt64)
FORMAT_INT(int32_t, _CFBigNumInitWithInt32)
} else if (numberType == kCFNumberSInt32Type || numberType == kCFNumberIntType) {
FORMAT_INT(int32_t, _CFBigNumInitWithInt32)
} else if (numberType == kCFNumberSInt16Type || numberType == kCFNumberShortType) {
FORMAT_INT(int16_t, _CFBigNumInitWithInt16)
} else if (numberType == kCFNumberSInt8Type || numberType == kCFNumberCharType) {
FORMAT_INT(int8_t, _CFBigNumInitWithInt8)
} else {
CFAssert2(0, __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): unknown CFNumberType (%d)", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, numberType);
return NULL;
CFStringRef string = NULL;
if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
UniChar *bufferToUse = ustr ? (UniChar *)ustr : (UniChar *)ubuffer;
if (formatter->_usesCharacterDirection && CFLocaleGetLanguageCharacterDirection(CFLocaleGetIdentifier(formatter->_locale)) == kCFLocaleLanguageDirectionRightToLeft) {
// Insert Unicode RTL marker
bufferToUse[0] = 0x200F;
} else {
// Move past direction marker
string = CFStringCreateWithCharacters(allocator, bufferToUse, used);
if (ustr) CFAllocatorDeallocate(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, ustr);
return string;
CFNumberRef CFNumberFormatterCreateNumberFromString(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFNumberFormatterRef formatter, CFStringRef string, CFRange *rangep, CFOptionFlags options) {
if (allocator == NULL) allocator = __CFGetDefaultAllocator();
__CFGenericValidateType(allocator, CFAllocatorGetTypeID());
__CFGenericValidateType(formatter, CFNumberFormatterGetTypeID());
__CFGenericValidateType(string, CFStringGetTypeID());
char buffer[16] __attribute__ ((aligned (8)));
CFRange r = rangep ? *rangep : CFRangeMake(0, CFStringGetLength(string));
CFNumberRef multiplierRef = formatter->_multiplier;
formatter->_multiplier = NULL;
Boolean b = CFNumberFormatterGetValueFromString(formatter, string, &r, kCFNumberSInt64Type, buffer);
formatter->_multiplier = multiplierRef;
if (b) {
Boolean passedMultiplier = true;
// We handle the multiplier case here manually; the final
// result is supposed to be (parsed value) / (multiplier), but
// the int case here should only succeed if the parsed value
// is an exact multiple of the multiplier.
if (multiplierRef) {
int64_t tmp = *(int64_t *)buffer;
double multiplier = 1.0;
if (!CFNumberGetValue(multiplierRef, kCFNumberFloat64Type, &multiplier)) {
multiplier = 1.0;
double dummy;
if (llabs(tmp) < fabs(multiplier)) {
passedMultiplier = false;
} else if (fabs(multiplier) < 1.0) { // We can't handle this math yet
passedMultiplier = false;
} else if (modf(multiplier, &dummy) == 0.0) { // multiplier is an integer
int64_t imult = (int64_t)multiplier;
int64_t rem = tmp % imult;
if (rem != 0) passedMultiplier = false;
if (passedMultiplier) {
tmp = tmp / imult;
*(int64_t *)buffer = tmp;
} else if (multiplier == -1.0) { // simple
tmp = tmp * -1;
*(int64_t *)buffer = tmp;
} else if (multiplier != 1.0) {
// First, throw away integer multiples of the multiplier to
// bring the value down to less than 2^53, so that we can
// cast it to double without losing any precision, important
// for the "remainder is zero" test.
// Find power of two which, when multiplier is multiplied by it,
// results in an integer value. pwr will be <= 52 since multiplier
// is at least 1.
int pwr = 0;
double intgrl;
while (modf(scalbn(multiplier, pwr), &intgrl) != 0.0) pwr++;
int64_t i2 = (int64_t)intgrl;
// scale pwr and i2 up to a reasonably large value so the next loop doesn't take forever
while (llabs(i2) < (1LL << 50)) { i2 *= 2; pwr++; }
int64_t cnt = 0;
while ((1LL << 53) <= llabs(tmp)) {
// subtract (multiplier * 2^pwr) each time
tmp -= i2; // move tmp toward zero
cnt += (1LL << pwr); // remember how many 2^pwr we subtracted
// If the integer is less than 2^53, there is no loss
// in converting it to double, so we can just do the
// direct operation now.
double rem = fmod((double)tmp, multiplier);
if (rem != 0.0) passedMultiplier = false;
if (passedMultiplier) {
// The original tmp, which we need to divide by multiplier, is at this point:
// tmp + k * 2^n * multiplier, where k is the number of loop iterations
// That original value needs to be divided by multiplier and put back in the
// buffer. Noting that k * 2^n == cnt, and after some algebra, we have:
tmp = (int64_t)((double)tmp / multiplier) + cnt;
*(int64_t *)buffer = tmp;
if (passedMultiplier && ((r.length == CFStringGetLength(string)) || (options & kCFNumberFormatterParseIntegersOnly))) {
if (rangep) *rangep = r;
return CFNumberCreate(allocator, kCFNumberSInt64Type, buffer);
if (options & kCFNumberFormatterParseIntegersOnly) return NULL;
if (CFNumberFormatterGetValueFromString(formatter, string, rangep, kCFNumberFloat64Type, buffer)) {
return CFNumberCreate(allocator, kCFNumberFloat64Type, buffer);
return NULL;
Boolean CFNumberFormatterGetValueFromString(CFNumberFormatterRef formatter, CFStringRef string, CFRange *rangep, CFNumberType numberType, void *valuePtr) {
__CFGenericValidateType(formatter, CFNumberFormatterGetTypeID());
__CFGenericValidateType(string, CFStringGetTypeID());
CFStringRef stringToParse = formatter->_isLenient ? __CFNumberFormatterCreateCompressedString(string, false, rangep) : (CFStringRef)CFRetain(string);
CFRange range = {0, 0};
if(formatter->_isLenient) {
range.length = CFStringGetLength(stringToParse);
} else {
if (rangep) {
range = *rangep;
} else {
range.length = CFStringGetLength(stringToParse);
// __cficu_unum_parse chokes on leading whitespace
CFCharacterSetRef whitespace = CFCharacterSetGetPredefined(kCFCharacterSetWhitespace);
while(range.length > 0 && CFCharacterSetIsCharacterMember(whitespace, CFStringGetCharacterAtIndex(stringToParse, range.location))) {
Boolean isZero = false;
if (formatter->_zeroSym) {
CFStringRef zeroSym = formatter->_isLenient ? __CFNumberFormatterCreateCompressedString(formatter->_zeroSym, false, NULL) : (CFStringRef)CFRetain(formatter->_zeroSym);
if (kCFCompareEqualTo == CFStringCompare(stringToParse, zeroSym, 0)) {
isZero = true;
if (1024 < range.length) range.length = 1024;
const UChar *ustr = (const UChar *)CFStringGetCharactersPtr(stringToParse);
STACK_BUFFER_DECL(UChar, ubuffer, (NULL == ustr) ? range.length : 1);
if (NULL == ustr) {
CFStringGetCharacters(stringToParse, range, (UniChar *)ubuffer);
ustr = ubuffer;
} else if (!formatter->_isLenient) {
ustr += range.location;
CFNumberRef multiplierRef = formatter->_multiplier;
formatter->_multiplier = NULL;
if (formatter->_isLenient) {
__CFNumberFormatterApplyPattern(formatter, formatter->_compformat);
if (formatter->_multiplier) CFRelease(formatter->_multiplier);
formatter->_multiplier = NULL;
Boolean integerOnly = 1;
switch (numberType) {
case kCFNumberSInt8Type: case kCFNumberCharType:
case kCFNumberSInt16Type: case kCFNumberShortType:
case kCFNumberSInt32Type: case kCFNumberIntType:
case kCFNumberLongType: case kCFNumberCFIndexType:
case kCFNumberSInt64Type: case kCFNumberLongLongType:
__cficu_unum_setAttribute(formatter->_nf, UNUM_PARSE_INT_ONLY, 1); // ignored by ICU for rule-based formatters
__cficu_unum_setAttribute(formatter->_nf, UNUM_PARSE_INT_ONLY, 0); // ignored by ICU for rule-based formatters
integerOnly = 0;
int32_t dpos = 0;
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
int64_t dreti = 0;
double dretd = 0.0;
if (isZero) {
dpos = rangep ? rangep->length : 0;
} else {
char buffer[1024];
memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
int32_t len = __cficu_unum_parseDecimal(formatter->_nf, ustr, range.length, &dpos, buffer, sizeof(buffer), &status);
if (!U_FAILURE(status) && 0 < len && integerOnly) {
char *endptr = NULL;
errno = 0;
dreti = strtoll_l(buffer, &endptr, 10, NULL);
if (!(errno == 0 && *endptr == '\0')) status = U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR;
if (!U_FAILURE(status) && 0 < len) {
char *endptr = NULL;
errno = 0;
dretd = strtod_l(buffer, &endptr, NULL);
if (!(errno == 0 && *endptr == '\0')) status = U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR;
if (formatter->_isLenient) {
if (rangep) {
CFIndex uncompEnd = rangep->location + rangep->length;
CFIndex uncompIdx = rangep->location;
for (CFIndex compIdx = 0; compIdx < dpos && uncompIdx < uncompEnd; compIdx++, uncompIdx++) {
while (uncompIdx < uncompEnd && ustr[compIdx] != __CFNumberFormatterNormalizeCharacter(CFStringGetCharacterAtIndex(string, uncompIdx))) uncompIdx++;
rangep->length = uncompIdx - rangep->location;
__CFNumberFormatterApplyPattern(formatter, formatter->_format);
if (formatter->_multiplier) CFRelease(formatter->_multiplier);
formatter->_multiplier = NULL;
} else if (rangep) {
rangep->length = dpos + (range.location - rangep->location);
formatter->_multiplier = multiplierRef;
if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
return false;
if (formatter->_multiplier) {
double multiplier = 1.0;
if (!CFNumberGetValue(formatter->_multiplier, kCFNumberFloat64Type, &multiplier)) {
multiplier = 1.0;
dreti = (int64_t)((double)dreti / multiplier); // integer truncation, plus double cast can be lossy for dreti > 2^53
dretd = dretd / multiplier;
switch (numberType) {
case kCFNumberSInt8Type: case kCFNumberCharType:
if (INT8_MIN <= dreti && dreti <= INT8_MAX) {
*(int8_t *)valuePtr = (int8_t)dreti;
return true;
case kCFNumberSInt16Type: case kCFNumberShortType:
if (INT16_MIN <= dreti && dreti <= INT16_MAX) {
*(int16_t *)valuePtr = (int16_t)dreti;
return true;
case kCFNumberSInt32Type: case kCFNumberIntType:
#if !__LP64__
case kCFNumberLongType: case kCFNumberCFIndexType:
if (INT32_MIN <= dreti && dreti <= INT32_MAX) {
*(int32_t *)valuePtr = (int32_t)dreti;
return true;
case kCFNumberSInt64Type: case kCFNumberLongLongType:
#if __LP64__
case kCFNumberLongType: case kCFNumberCFIndexType:
if (INT64_MIN <= dreti && dreti <= INT64_MAX) {
*(int64_t *)valuePtr = (int64_t)dreti;
return true;
case kCFNumberFloat32Type: case kCFNumberFloatType:
if (-FLT_MAX <= dretd && dretd <= FLT_MAX) {
*(float *)valuePtr = (float)dretd;
return true;
case kCFNumberFloat64Type: case kCFNumberDoubleType:
if (-DBL_MAX <= dretd && dretd <= DBL_MAX) {
*(double *)valuePtr = (double)dretd;
return true;
return false;
void CFNumberFormatterSetProperty(CFNumberFormatterRef formatter, CFStringRef key, CFTypeRef value) {
int32_t n;
double d;
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
UChar ubuffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
CFIndex cnt;
__CFGenericValidateType(formatter, CFNumberFormatterGetTypeID());
__CFGenericValidateType(key, CFStringGetTypeID());
// rule-based formatters don't do attributes and symbols, except for one
if (CFEqual(kCFNumberFormatterFormattingContextKey, key)) {
__CFGenericValidateType(value, CFNumberGetTypeID());
CFNumberGetValue((CFNumberRef)value, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &n);
__cficu_unum_setContext(formatter->_nf, n, &status);
if (kCFNumberFormatterSpellOutStyle == formatter->_style && kCFNumberFormatterIsLenientKey != key) return;
if (kCFNumberFormatterOrdinalStyle == formatter->_style && kCFNumberFormatterIsLenientKey != key) return;
if (kCFNumberFormatterDurationStyle == formatter->_style && kCFNumberFormatterIsLenientKey != key) return;
if (kCFNumberFormatterCurrencyCodeKey == key) {
__CFGenericValidateType(value, CFStringGetTypeID());
cnt = CFStringGetLength((CFStringRef)value);
if (BUFFER_SIZE < cnt) cnt = BUFFER_SIZE;
CFStringGetCharacters((CFStringRef)value, CFRangeMake(0, cnt), (UniChar *)ubuffer);
__cficu_unum_setTextAttribute(formatter->_nf, UNUM_CURRENCY_CODE, ubuffer, cnt, &status);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterDecimalSeparatorKey == key) {
__CFGenericValidateType(value, CFStringGetTypeID());
cnt = CFStringGetLength((CFStringRef)value);
if (BUFFER_SIZE < cnt) cnt = BUFFER_SIZE;
CFStringGetCharacters((CFStringRef)value, CFRangeMake(0, cnt), (UniChar *)ubuffer);
__cficu_unum_setSymbol(formatter->_nf, UNUM_DECIMAL_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL, ubuffer, cnt, &status);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterCurrencyDecimalSeparatorKey == key) {
__CFGenericValidateType(value, CFStringGetTypeID());
cnt = CFStringGetLength((CFStringRef)value);
if (BUFFER_SIZE < cnt) cnt = BUFFER_SIZE;
CFStringGetCharacters((CFStringRef)value, CFRangeMake(0, cnt), (UniChar *)ubuffer);
__cficu_unum_setSymbol(formatter->_nf, UNUM_MONETARY_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL, ubuffer, cnt, &status);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterAlwaysShowDecimalSeparatorKey == key) {
__CFGenericValidateType(value, CFBooleanGetTypeID());
__cficu_unum_setAttribute(formatter->_nf, UNUM_DECIMAL_ALWAYS_SHOWN, (kCFBooleanTrue == value));
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterGroupingSeparatorKey == key) {
__CFGenericValidateType(value, CFStringGetTypeID());
cnt = CFStringGetLength((CFStringRef)value);
if (BUFFER_SIZE < cnt) cnt = BUFFER_SIZE;
CFStringGetCharacters((CFStringRef)value, CFRangeMake(0, cnt), (UniChar *)ubuffer);
__cficu_unum_setSymbol(formatter->_nf, UNUM_GROUPING_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL, (const UChar *)ubuffer, cnt, &status);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterUseGroupingSeparatorKey == key) {
__CFGenericValidateType(value, CFBooleanGetTypeID());
__cficu_unum_setAttribute(formatter->_nf, UNUM_GROUPING_USED, (kCFBooleanTrue == value));
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterPercentSymbolKey == key) {
__CFGenericValidateType(value, CFStringGetTypeID());
cnt = CFStringGetLength((CFStringRef)value);
if (BUFFER_SIZE < cnt) cnt = BUFFER_SIZE;
CFStringGetCharacters((CFStringRef)value, CFRangeMake(0, cnt), (UniChar *)ubuffer);
__cficu_unum_setSymbol(formatter->_nf, UNUM_PERCENT_SYMBOL, ubuffer, cnt, &status);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterZeroSymbolKey == key) {
__CFGenericValidateType(value, CFStringGetTypeID());
CFStringRef old = formatter->_zeroSym;
formatter->_zeroSym = value ? (CFStringRef)CFRetain(value) : NULL;
if (old) CFRelease(old);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterNaNSymbolKey == key) {
__CFGenericValidateType(value, CFStringGetTypeID());
cnt = CFStringGetLength((CFStringRef)value);
if (BUFFER_SIZE < cnt) cnt = BUFFER_SIZE;
CFStringGetCharacters((CFStringRef)value, CFRangeMake(0, cnt), (UniChar *)ubuffer);
__cficu_unum_setSymbol(formatter->_nf, UNUM_NAN_SYMBOL, ubuffer, cnt, &status);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterInfinitySymbolKey == key) {
__CFGenericValidateType(value, CFStringGetTypeID());
cnt = CFStringGetLength((CFStringRef)value);
if (BUFFER_SIZE < cnt) cnt = BUFFER_SIZE;
CFStringGetCharacters((CFStringRef)value, CFRangeMake(0, cnt), (UniChar *)ubuffer);
__cficu_unum_setSymbol(formatter->_nf, UNUM_INFINITY_SYMBOL, ubuffer, cnt, &status);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterMinusSignKey == key) {
__CFGenericValidateType(value, CFStringGetTypeID());
cnt = CFStringGetLength((CFStringRef)value);
if (BUFFER_SIZE < cnt) cnt = BUFFER_SIZE;
CFStringGetCharacters((CFStringRef)value, CFRangeMake(0, cnt), (UniChar *)ubuffer);
__cficu_unum_setSymbol(formatter->_nf, UNUM_MINUS_SIGN_SYMBOL, ubuffer, cnt, &status);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterPlusSignKey == key) {
__CFGenericValidateType(value, CFStringGetTypeID());
cnt = CFStringGetLength((CFStringRef)value);
if (BUFFER_SIZE < cnt) cnt = BUFFER_SIZE;
CFStringGetCharacters((CFStringRef)value, CFRangeMake(0, cnt), (UniChar *)ubuffer);
__cficu_unum_setSymbol(formatter->_nf, UNUM_PLUS_SIGN_SYMBOL, ubuffer, cnt, &status);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterCurrencySymbolKey == key) {
__CFGenericValidateType(value, CFStringGetTypeID());
cnt = CFStringGetLength((CFStringRef)value);
if (BUFFER_SIZE < cnt) cnt = BUFFER_SIZE;
CFStringGetCharacters((CFStringRef)value, CFRangeMake(0, cnt), (UniChar *)ubuffer);
__cficu_unum_setSymbol(formatter->_nf, UNUM_CURRENCY_SYMBOL, (const UChar *)ubuffer, cnt, &status);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterExponentSymbolKey == key) {
__CFGenericValidateType(value, CFStringGetTypeID());
cnt = CFStringGetLength((CFStringRef)value);
if (BUFFER_SIZE < cnt) cnt = BUFFER_SIZE;
CFStringGetCharacters((CFStringRef)value, CFRangeMake(0, cnt), (UniChar *)ubuffer);
__cficu_unum_setSymbol(formatter->_nf, UNUM_EXPONENTIAL_SYMBOL, ubuffer, cnt, &status);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterMinIntegerDigitsKey == key) {
__CFGenericValidateType(value, CFNumberGetTypeID());
CFNumberGetValue((CFNumberRef)value, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &n);
__cficu_unum_setAttribute(formatter->_nf, UNUM_MIN_INTEGER_DIGITS, n);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterMaxIntegerDigitsKey == key) {
__CFGenericValidateType(value, CFNumberGetTypeID());
CFNumberGetValue((CFNumberRef)value, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &n);
__cficu_unum_setAttribute(formatter->_nf, UNUM_MAX_INTEGER_DIGITS, n);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterMinFractionDigitsKey == key) {
__CFGenericValidateType(value, CFNumberGetTypeID());
CFNumberGetValue((CFNumberRef)value, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &n);
__cficu_unum_setAttribute(formatter->_nf, UNUM_MIN_FRACTION_DIGITS, n);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterMaxFractionDigitsKey == key) {
__CFGenericValidateType(value, CFNumberGetTypeID());
CFNumberGetValue((CFNumberRef)value, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &n);
__cficu_unum_setAttribute(formatter->_nf, UNUM_MAX_FRACTION_DIGITS, n);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterGroupingSizeKey == key) {
__CFGenericValidateType(value, CFNumberGetTypeID());
CFNumberGetValue((CFNumberRef)value, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &n);
__cficu_unum_setAttribute(formatter->_nf, UNUM_GROUPING_SIZE, n);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterSecondaryGroupingSizeKey == key) {
__CFGenericValidateType(value, CFNumberGetTypeID());
CFNumberGetValue((CFNumberRef)value, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &n);
__cficu_unum_setAttribute(formatter->_nf, UNUM_SECONDARY_GROUPING_SIZE, n);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterRoundingModeKey == key) {
__CFGenericValidateType(value, CFNumberGetTypeID());
CFNumberGetValue((CFNumberRef)value, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &n);
__cficu_unum_setAttribute(formatter->_nf, UNUM_ROUNDING_MODE, n);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterRoundingIncrementKey == key) {
__CFGenericValidateType(value, CFNumberGetTypeID());
CFNumberGetValue((CFNumberRef)value, kCFNumberDoubleType, &d);
__cficu_unum_setDoubleAttribute(formatter->_nf, UNUM_ROUNDING_INCREMENT, d);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterFormatWidthKey == key) {
__CFGenericValidateType(value, CFNumberGetTypeID());
CFNumberGetValue((CFNumberRef)value, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &n);
__cficu_unum_setAttribute(formatter->_nf, UNUM_FORMAT_WIDTH, n);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterPaddingPositionKey == key) {
__CFGenericValidateType(value, CFNumberGetTypeID());
CFNumberGetValue((CFNumberRef)value, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &n);
__cficu_unum_setAttribute(formatter->_nf, UNUM_PADDING_POSITION, n);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterPaddingCharacterKey == key) {
__CFGenericValidateType(value, CFStringGetTypeID());
cnt = CFStringGetLength((CFStringRef)value);
if (BUFFER_SIZE < cnt) cnt = BUFFER_SIZE;
CFStringGetCharacters((CFStringRef)value, CFRangeMake(0, cnt), (UniChar *)ubuffer);
__cficu_unum_setTextAttribute(formatter->_nf, UNUM_PADDING_CHARACTER, ubuffer, cnt, &status);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterDefaultFormatKey == key) {
// read-only attribute
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterMultiplierKey == key) {
__CFGenericValidateType(value, CFNumberGetTypeID());
CFNumberRef old = formatter->_multiplier;
formatter->_multiplier = value ? (CFNumberRef)CFRetain(value) : NULL;
formatter->_userSetMultiplier = value ? true : false;
if (old) CFRelease(old);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterPositivePrefixKey == key) {
__CFGenericValidateType(value, CFStringGetTypeID());
cnt = CFStringGetLength((CFStringRef)value);
if (BUFFER_SIZE < cnt) cnt = BUFFER_SIZE;
CFStringGetCharacters((CFStringRef)value, CFRangeMake(0, cnt), (UniChar *)ubuffer);
__cficu_unum_setTextAttribute(formatter->_nf, UNUM_POSITIVE_PREFIX, ubuffer, cnt, &status);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterPositiveSuffixKey == key) {
__CFGenericValidateType(value, CFStringGetTypeID());
cnt = CFStringGetLength((CFStringRef)value);
if (BUFFER_SIZE < cnt) cnt = BUFFER_SIZE;
CFStringGetCharacters((CFStringRef)value, CFRangeMake(0, cnt), (UniChar *)ubuffer);
__cficu_unum_setTextAttribute(formatter->_nf, UNUM_POSITIVE_SUFFIX, (const UChar *)ubuffer, cnt, &status);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterNegativePrefixKey == key) {
__CFGenericValidateType(value, CFStringGetTypeID());
cnt = CFStringGetLength((CFStringRef)value);
if (BUFFER_SIZE < cnt) cnt = BUFFER_SIZE;
CFStringGetCharacters((CFStringRef)value, CFRangeMake(0, cnt), (UniChar *)ubuffer);
__cficu_unum_setTextAttribute(formatter->_nf, UNUM_NEGATIVE_PREFIX, ubuffer, cnt, &status);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterNegativeSuffixKey == key) {
__CFGenericValidateType(value, CFStringGetTypeID());
cnt = CFStringGetLength((CFStringRef)value);
if (BUFFER_SIZE < cnt) cnt = BUFFER_SIZE;
CFStringGetCharacters((CFStringRef)value, CFRangeMake(0, cnt), (UniChar *)ubuffer);
__cficu_unum_setTextAttribute(formatter->_nf, UNUM_NEGATIVE_SUFFIX, (const UChar *)ubuffer, cnt, &status);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterPerMillSymbolKey == key) {
__CFGenericValidateType(value, CFStringGetTypeID());
cnt = CFStringGetLength((CFStringRef)value);
if (BUFFER_SIZE < cnt) cnt = BUFFER_SIZE;
CFStringGetCharacters((CFStringRef)value, CFRangeMake(0, cnt), (UniChar *)ubuffer);
__cficu_unum_setSymbol(formatter->_nf, UNUM_PERMILL_SYMBOL, ubuffer, cnt, &status);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterInternationalCurrencySymbolKey == key) {
__CFGenericValidateType(value, CFStringGetTypeID());
cnt = CFStringGetLength((CFStringRef)value);
if (BUFFER_SIZE < cnt) cnt = BUFFER_SIZE;
CFStringGetCharacters((CFStringRef)value, CFRangeMake(0, cnt), (UniChar *)ubuffer);
__cficu_unum_setSymbol(formatter->_nf, UNUM_INTL_CURRENCY_SYMBOL, ubuffer, cnt, &status);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterCurrencyGroupingSeparatorKey == key) {
__CFGenericValidateType(value, CFStringGetTypeID());
cnt = CFStringGetLength((CFStringRef)value);
if (BUFFER_SIZE < cnt) cnt = BUFFER_SIZE;
CFStringGetCharacters((CFStringRef)value, CFRangeMake(0, cnt), (UniChar *)ubuffer);
__cficu_unum_setSymbol(formatter->_nf, UNUM_MONETARY_GROUPING_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL, ubuffer, cnt, &status);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterIsLenientKey == key) {
__CFGenericValidateType(value, CFBooleanGetTypeID());
formatter->_isLenient = (kCFBooleanTrue == value);
__cficu_unum_setAttribute(formatter->_nf, UNUM_LENIENT_PARSE, (kCFBooleanTrue == value));
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterUseSignificantDigitsKey == key) {
__CFGenericValidateType(value, CFBooleanGetTypeID());
__cficu_unum_setAttribute(formatter->_nf, UNUM_SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS_USED, (kCFBooleanTrue == value));
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterMinSignificantDigitsKey == key) {
__CFGenericValidateType(value, CFNumberGetTypeID());
CFNumberGetValue((CFNumberRef)value, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &n);
__cficu_unum_setAttribute(formatter->_nf, UNUM_MIN_SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS, n);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterMaxSignificantDigitsKey == key) {
__CFGenericValidateType(value, CFNumberGetTypeID());
CFNumberGetValue((CFNumberRef)value, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &n);
__cficu_unum_setAttribute(formatter->_nf, UNUM_MAX_SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS, n);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterUsesCharacterDirectionKey == key) {
__CFGenericValidateType(value, CFBooleanGetTypeID());
formatter->_usesCharacterDirection = value == kCFBooleanTrue;
} else {
CFAssert3(0, __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): unknown key %p (%@)", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, key, key);
if (_CFExecutableLinkedOnOrAfter(CFSystemVersionSnowLeopard)) {
// do a dummy call to CFNumberFormatterGetFormat() after changing an attribute because
// ICU sometimes changes the pattern due to a property change, and we need to poke
// __cficu_unum_toPattern() and also update our own variables
CFTypeRef CFNumberFormatterCopyProperty(CFNumberFormatterRef formatter, CFStringRef key) {
int32_t n;
double d;
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
UChar ubuffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
CFIndex cnt;
__CFGenericValidateType(formatter, CFNumberFormatterGetTypeID());
__CFGenericValidateType(key, CFStringGetTypeID());
// rule-based formatters don't do attributes and symbols, except for one
if (CFEqual(kCFNumberFormatterFormattingContextKey, key)) {
n = __cficu_unum_getContext(formatter->_nf, UDISPCTX_TYPE_CAPITALIZATION, &status);
if (1) {
return CFNumberCreate(CFGetAllocator(formatter), kCFNumberSInt32Type, &n);
if (kCFNumberFormatterSpellOutStyle == formatter->_style && kCFNumberFormatterIsLenientKey != key) return NULL;
if (kCFNumberFormatterOrdinalStyle == formatter->_style && kCFNumberFormatterIsLenientKey != key) return NULL;
if (kCFNumberFormatterDurationStyle == formatter->_style && kCFNumberFormatterIsLenientKey != key) return NULL;
if (kCFNumberFormatterCurrencyCodeKey == key) {
cnt = __cficu_unum_getTextAttribute(formatter->_nf, UNUM_CURRENCY_CODE, ubuffer, BUFFER_SIZE, &status);
if (U_SUCCESS(status) && cnt == 0) {
CFStringRef localeName = CFLocaleGetIdentifier(formatter->_locale);
char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
const char *cstr = CFStringGetCStringPtr(localeName, kCFStringEncodingASCII);
if (NULL == cstr) {
if (CFStringGetCString(localeName, buffer, BUFFER_SIZE, kCFStringEncodingASCII)) cstr = buffer;
if (NULL == cstr) {
return NULL;
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
UNumberFormat *nf = __cficu_unum_open(UNUM_CURRENCY, NULL, 0, cstr, NULL, &status);
if (NULL != nf) {
cnt = __cficu_unum_getTextAttribute(nf, UNUM_CURRENCY_CODE, ubuffer, BUFFER_SIZE, &status);
if (U_SUCCESS(status) && 0 < cnt && cnt <= BUFFER_SIZE) {
return CFStringCreateWithCharacters(CFGetAllocator(formatter), (const UniChar *)ubuffer, cnt);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterDecimalSeparatorKey == key) {
cnt = __cficu_unum_getSymbol(formatter->_nf, UNUM_DECIMAL_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL, ubuffer, BUFFER_SIZE, &status);
if (U_SUCCESS(status) && cnt <= BUFFER_SIZE) {
return CFStringCreateWithCharacters(CFGetAllocator(formatter), (const UniChar *)ubuffer, cnt);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterCurrencyDecimalSeparatorKey == key) {
cnt = __cficu_unum_getSymbol(formatter->_nf, UNUM_MONETARY_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL, (UChar *)ubuffer, BUFFER_SIZE, &status);
if (U_SUCCESS(status) && cnt <= BUFFER_SIZE) {
return CFStringCreateWithCharacters(CFGetAllocator(formatter), (const UniChar *)ubuffer, cnt);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterAlwaysShowDecimalSeparatorKey == key) {
n = __cficu_unum_getAttribute(formatter->_nf, UNUM_DECIMAL_ALWAYS_SHOWN);
if (1) {
return CFRetain(n ? kCFBooleanTrue : kCFBooleanFalse);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterGroupingSeparatorKey == key) {
cnt = __cficu_unum_getSymbol(formatter->_nf, UNUM_GROUPING_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL, ubuffer, BUFFER_SIZE, &status);
if (U_SUCCESS(status) && cnt <= BUFFER_SIZE) {
return CFStringCreateWithCharacters(CFGetAllocator(formatter), (const UniChar *)ubuffer, cnt);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterUseGroupingSeparatorKey == key) {
n = __cficu_unum_getAttribute(formatter->_nf, UNUM_GROUPING_USED);
if (1) {
return CFRetain(n ? kCFBooleanTrue : kCFBooleanFalse);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterPercentSymbolKey == key) {
cnt = __cficu_unum_getSymbol(formatter->_nf, UNUM_PERCENT_SYMBOL, ubuffer, BUFFER_SIZE, &status);
if (U_SUCCESS(status) && cnt <= BUFFER_SIZE) {
return CFStringCreateWithCharacters(CFGetAllocator(formatter), (const UniChar *)ubuffer, cnt);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterZeroSymbolKey == key) {
return formatter->_zeroSym ? CFRetain(formatter->_zeroSym) : NULL;
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterNaNSymbolKey == key) {
cnt = __cficu_unum_getSymbol(formatter->_nf, UNUM_NAN_SYMBOL, ubuffer, BUFFER_SIZE, &status);
if (U_SUCCESS(status) && cnt <= BUFFER_SIZE) {
return CFStringCreateWithCharacters(CFGetAllocator(formatter), (const UniChar *)ubuffer, cnt);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterInfinitySymbolKey == key) {
cnt = __cficu_unum_getSymbol(formatter->_nf, UNUM_INFINITY_SYMBOL, ubuffer, BUFFER_SIZE, &status);
if (U_SUCCESS(status) && cnt <= BUFFER_SIZE) {
return CFStringCreateWithCharacters(CFGetAllocator(formatter), (const UniChar *)ubuffer, cnt);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterMinusSignKey == key) {
cnt = __cficu_unum_getSymbol(formatter->_nf, UNUM_MINUS_SIGN_SYMBOL, ubuffer, BUFFER_SIZE, &status);
if (U_SUCCESS(status) && cnt <= BUFFER_SIZE) {
return CFStringCreateWithCharacters(CFGetAllocator(formatter), (const UniChar *)ubuffer, cnt);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterPlusSignKey == key) {
cnt = __cficu_unum_getSymbol(formatter->_nf, UNUM_PLUS_SIGN_SYMBOL, ubuffer, BUFFER_SIZE, &status);
if (U_SUCCESS(status) && cnt <= BUFFER_SIZE) {
return CFStringCreateWithCharacters(CFGetAllocator(formatter), (const UniChar *)ubuffer, cnt);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterCurrencySymbolKey == key) {
cnt = __cficu_unum_getSymbol(formatter->_nf, UNUM_CURRENCY_SYMBOL, ubuffer, BUFFER_SIZE, &status);
if (U_SUCCESS(status) && cnt <= BUFFER_SIZE) {
return CFStringCreateWithCharacters(CFGetAllocator(formatter), (const UniChar *)ubuffer, cnt);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterExponentSymbolKey == key) {
cnt = __cficu_unum_getSymbol(formatter->_nf, UNUM_EXPONENTIAL_SYMBOL, ubuffer, BUFFER_SIZE, &status);
if (U_SUCCESS(status) && cnt <= BUFFER_SIZE) {
return CFStringCreateWithCharacters(CFGetAllocator(formatter), (const UniChar *)ubuffer, cnt);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterMinIntegerDigitsKey == key) {
n = __cficu_unum_getAttribute(formatter->_nf, UNUM_MIN_INTEGER_DIGITS);
if (1) {
return CFNumberCreate(CFGetAllocator(formatter), kCFNumberSInt32Type, &n);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterMaxIntegerDigitsKey == key) {
n = __cficu_unum_getAttribute(formatter->_nf, UNUM_MAX_INTEGER_DIGITS);
if (1) {
return CFNumberCreate(CFGetAllocator(formatter), kCFNumberSInt32Type, &n);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterMinFractionDigitsKey == key) {
n = __cficu_unum_getAttribute(formatter->_nf, UNUM_MIN_FRACTION_DIGITS);
if (1) {
return CFNumberCreate(CFGetAllocator(formatter), kCFNumberSInt32Type, &n);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterMaxFractionDigitsKey == key) {
n = __cficu_unum_getAttribute(formatter->_nf, UNUM_MAX_FRACTION_DIGITS);
if (1) {
return CFNumberCreate(CFGetAllocator(formatter), kCFNumberSInt32Type, &n);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterGroupingSizeKey == key) {
n = __cficu_unum_getAttribute(formatter->_nf, UNUM_GROUPING_SIZE);
if (1) {
return CFNumberCreate(CFGetAllocator(formatter), kCFNumberSInt32Type, &n);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterSecondaryGroupingSizeKey == key) {
n = __cficu_unum_getAttribute(formatter->_nf, UNUM_SECONDARY_GROUPING_SIZE);
if (1) {
return CFNumberCreate(CFGetAllocator(formatter), kCFNumberSInt32Type, &n);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterRoundingModeKey == key) {
n = __cficu_unum_getAttribute(formatter->_nf, UNUM_ROUNDING_MODE);
if (1) {
return CFNumberCreate(CFGetAllocator(formatter), kCFNumberSInt32Type, &n);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterRoundingIncrementKey == key) {
d = __cficu_unum_getDoubleAttribute(formatter->_nf, UNUM_ROUNDING_INCREMENT);
if (1) {
return CFNumberCreate(CFGetAllocator(formatter), kCFNumberDoubleType, &d);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterFormatWidthKey == key) {
n = __cficu_unum_getAttribute(formatter->_nf, UNUM_FORMAT_WIDTH);
if (1) {
return CFNumberCreate(CFGetAllocator(formatter), kCFNumberSInt32Type, &n);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterPaddingPositionKey == key) {
n = __cficu_unum_getAttribute(formatter->_nf, UNUM_PADDING_POSITION);
if (1) {
return CFNumberCreate(CFGetAllocator(formatter), kCFNumberSInt32Type, &n);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterPaddingCharacterKey == key) {
cnt = __cficu_unum_getTextAttribute(formatter->_nf, UNUM_PADDING_CHARACTER, ubuffer, BUFFER_SIZE, &status);
if (U_SUCCESS(status) && cnt <= BUFFER_SIZE) {
return CFStringCreateWithCharacters(CFGetAllocator(formatter), (const UniChar *)ubuffer, cnt);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterDefaultFormatKey == key) {
return formatter->_defformat ? CFRetain(formatter->_defformat) : NULL;
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterMultiplierKey == key) {
return formatter->_multiplier ? CFRetain(formatter->_multiplier) : NULL;
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterPositivePrefixKey == key) {
cnt = __cficu_unum_getTextAttribute(formatter->_nf, UNUM_POSITIVE_PREFIX, ubuffer, BUFFER_SIZE, &status);
if (U_SUCCESS(status) && cnt <= BUFFER_SIZE) {
return CFStringCreateWithCharacters(CFGetAllocator(formatter), (const UniChar *)ubuffer, cnt);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterPositiveSuffixKey == key) {
cnt = __cficu_unum_getTextAttribute(formatter->_nf, UNUM_POSITIVE_SUFFIX, ubuffer, BUFFER_SIZE, &status);
if (U_SUCCESS(status) && cnt <= BUFFER_SIZE) {
return CFStringCreateWithCharacters(CFGetAllocator(formatter), (const UniChar *)ubuffer, cnt);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterNegativePrefixKey == key) {
cnt = __cficu_unum_getTextAttribute(formatter->_nf, UNUM_NEGATIVE_PREFIX, ubuffer, BUFFER_SIZE, &status);
if (U_SUCCESS(status) && cnt <= BUFFER_SIZE) {
return CFStringCreateWithCharacters(CFGetAllocator(formatter), (const UniChar *)ubuffer, cnt);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterNegativeSuffixKey == key) {
cnt = __cficu_unum_getTextAttribute(formatter->_nf, UNUM_NEGATIVE_SUFFIX, ubuffer, BUFFER_SIZE, &status);
if (U_SUCCESS(status) && cnt <= BUFFER_SIZE) {
return CFStringCreateWithCharacters(CFGetAllocator(formatter), (const UniChar *)ubuffer, cnt);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterPerMillSymbolKey == key) {
cnt = __cficu_unum_getSymbol(formatter->_nf, UNUM_PERMILL_SYMBOL, ubuffer, BUFFER_SIZE, &status);
if (U_SUCCESS(status) && cnt <= BUFFER_SIZE) {
return CFStringCreateWithCharacters(CFGetAllocator(formatter), (const UniChar *)ubuffer, cnt);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterInternationalCurrencySymbolKey == key) {
cnt = __cficu_unum_getSymbol(formatter->_nf, UNUM_INTL_CURRENCY_SYMBOL, ubuffer, BUFFER_SIZE, &status);
if (U_SUCCESS(status) && cnt <= BUFFER_SIZE) {
return CFStringCreateWithCharacters(CFGetAllocator(formatter), (const UniChar *)ubuffer, cnt);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterCurrencyGroupingSeparatorKey == key) {
cnt = __cficu_unum_getSymbol(formatter->_nf, UNUM_MONETARY_GROUPING_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL, ubuffer, BUFFER_SIZE, &status);
if (U_SUCCESS(status) && cnt <= BUFFER_SIZE) {
return CFStringCreateWithCharacters(CFGetAllocator(formatter), (const UniChar *)ubuffer, cnt);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterIsLenientKey == key) {
// __cficu_unum_getAttribute(, UNUM_LENIENT_PARSE) is undefined.
return CFRetain(formatter->_isLenient ? kCFBooleanTrue : kCFBooleanFalse);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterUseSignificantDigitsKey == key) {
n = __cficu_unum_getAttribute(formatter->_nf, UNUM_SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS_USED);
if (1) {
return CFRetain(n ? kCFBooleanTrue : kCFBooleanFalse);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterMinSignificantDigitsKey == key) {
n = __cficu_unum_getAttribute(formatter->_nf, UNUM_MIN_SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS);
if (1) {
return CFNumberCreate(CFGetAllocator(formatter), kCFNumberSInt32Type, &n);
} else if (kCFNumberFormatterMaxSignificantDigitsKey == key) {
n = __cficu_unum_getAttribute(formatter->_nf, UNUM_MAX_SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS);
if (1) {
return CFNumberCreate(CFGetAllocator(formatter), kCFNumberSInt32Type, &n);
} else {
CFAssert3(0, __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): unknown key %p (%@)", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, key, key);
return NULL;
Boolean CFNumberFormatterGetDecimalInfoForCurrencyCode(CFStringRef currencyCode, int32_t *defaultFractionDigits, double *roundingIncrement) {
UChar ubuffer[4];
__CFGenericValidateType(currencyCode, CFStringGetTypeID());
CFAssert1(3 == CFStringGetLength(currencyCode), __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): currencyCode is not 3 characters", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
CFStringGetCharacters(currencyCode, CFRangeMake(0, 3), (UniChar *)ubuffer);
ubuffer[3] = 0;
UErrorCode icuStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;
if (defaultFractionDigits) *defaultFractionDigits = __cficu_ucurr_getDefaultFractionDigits(ubuffer, &icuStatus);
if (roundingIncrement) *roundingIncrement = __cficu_ucurr_getRoundingIncrement(ubuffer, &icuStatus);
if (U_FAILURE(icuStatus))
return false;
return (!defaultFractionDigits || 0 <= *defaultFractionDigits) && (!roundingIncrement || 0.0 <= *roundingIncrement);
// This is for NSNumberFormatter use only!
void *_CFNumberFormatterGetFormatter(CFNumberFormatterRef formatter) {
return (void *)formatter->_nf;