Niels Grewe 17b526603e Format string safety fixes, test case for NSData<->D-Bus byte arrays
conversions (and a accompanying bugfix).

git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.gna.org/svn/gnustep/libs/dbuskit/trunk@37559 72102866-910b-0410-8b05-ffd578937521
2014-01-08 18:27:35 +00:00

681 lines
23 KiB

/* Unit tests for DKArgument
Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Written by: Niels Grewe <niels.grewe@halbordnung.de>
Created: June 2010
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
Boston, MA 02111 USA.
#import <Foundation/NSArray.h>
#import <Foundation/NSDictionary.h>
#import <Foundation/NSEnumerator.h>
#import <Foundation/NSString.h>
#import <Foundation/NSValue.h>
#import <Foundation/NSXMLNode.h>
#import <UnitKit/UnitKit.h>
#import "DBusKit/DKProxy.h"
#import "DBusKit/DKPort.h"
#import "../Source/DKArgument.h"
#import "../Source/DKBoxingUtils.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <dbus/dbus.h>
@interface DKArgument (ExposeForTest)
* NOTE: Strictly speaking, this is only implemented by DKVariantTypeArgument.
- (DKArgument*) DKArgumentWithObject: (id)object;
@interface CustomUnboxableObject: NSObject
int32_t foo;
- (int32_t)myInt32Value;
@implementation CustomUnboxableObject
- (id) init
if (nil == (self = [super init]))
return nil;
foo = 42;
return self;
- (int32_t)myInt32Value
return foo;
@interface TestDKArgument: NSObject <UKTest>
static NSArray *basicSigs;
static NSDictionary *basicSigsAndClasses;
@implementation TestDKArgument
+ (void) initialize
if (self == [TestDKArgument class])
basicSigs = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:
@"y", @"b", @"n", @"q", @"i", @"u", @"x", @"t", @"d", @"s", @"o", @"g", nil];
basicSigsAndClasses = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys:
[NSNumber class], @"y",
[NSNumber class], @"b",
[NSNumber class], @"n",
[NSNumber class], @"q",
[NSNumber class], @"i",
[NSNumber class], @"u",
[NSNumber class], @"x",
[NSNumber class], @"t",
[NSNumber class], @"d",
[NSString class], @"s",
[DKProxy class], @"o",
[DKArgument class], @"g", nil];
- (void)testBoxingHelperFunctions
// Equal types fitting (examplary):
// Smaller integers fitting into larger ones:
UKTrue(DKDBusTypeFitsIntoObjCType(DBUS_TYPE_INT16, "q"));
// Larger integers do not fit into smaller ones:
UKFalse(DKDBusTypeFitsIntoObjCType(DBUS_TYPE_INT16, "c"));
// Smaller unsigned integers fitting into larger signed ones:
UKTrue(DKDBusTypeFitsIntoObjCType(DBUS_TYPE_UINT16, "q"));
// Unsigned integers do not fit those only differing in signedness:
UKFalse(DKDBusTypeFitsIntoObjCType(DBUS_TYPE_INT32, "I"));
// Floating point values fit into larger ones, but not vice versa (NOTE: D-Bus
// only has a double type.
// Floating point types cannot be converted to integers or vice versa:
UKFalse(DKObjCTypeFitsIntoDBusType("d", DBUS_TYPE_INT64));
UKFalse(DKObjCTypeFitsIntoDBusType("s", DBUS_TYPE_DOUBLE));
* We shall ignore arguments with an invalid signature.
- (void) testRejectInvalid
UKNil([[DKArgument alloc] initWithDBusSignature: "k"
name: nil
parent: nil]);
* We shall ignore arguments with multiple complete types (unless they are
* contained somehow).
- (void) testRejectMultiple
UKNil([[DKArgument alloc] initWithDBusSignature: "iiu"
name: nil
parent: nil]);
- (void) testInitializerAssignments
DKArgument *fakeParent = [[DKArgument alloc] initWithDBusSignature: "s"
name: nil
parent: nil];
DKArgument *arg = [[DKArgument alloc] initWithDBusSignature: "s"
name: @"Foo"
parent: fakeParent];
UKObjectsEqual(@"Foo",[arg name]);
UKObjectsEqual(fakeParent, [arg parent]);
[arg release];
[fakeParent release];
- (void) testSimpleRoundtrip
NSEnumerator *enumerator = [basicSigs objectEnumerator];
NSString *sig = nil;
while (nil != (sig = [enumerator nextObject]))
DKArgument *arg = [[DKArgument alloc] initWithDBusSignature: [sig UTF8String]
name: nil
parent: nil];
UKObjectsEqual([arg DBusTypeSignature],sig);
[arg release];
- (void)testSimpleObjCEquivs
NSEnumerator *enumerator = [basicSigs objectEnumerator];
NSString *sig = nil;
while (nil != (sig = [enumerator nextObject]))
DKArgument *arg = [[DKArgument alloc] initWithDBusSignature: [sig UTF8String]
name: nil
parent: nil];
UKObjectsEqual([basicSigsAndClasses objectForKey: sig] ,[arg objCEquivalent]);
[arg release];
- (void) testArrayTypeRoundtrip
DKArgument *arg = [[DKArgument alloc] initWithDBusSignature: "as"
name: nil
parent: nil];
UKObjectsEqual([arg DBusTypeSignature], @"as");
[arg release];
- (void) testArrayTypeEquiv
DKArgument *arg = [[DKArgument alloc] initWithDBusSignature: "as"
name: nil
parent: nil];
UKObjectsEqual([arg objCEquivalent], [NSArray class]);
[arg release];
- (void) testStructTypeRoundtrip
DKArgument *arg = [[DKArgument alloc] initWithDBusSignature: "(iiu)"
name: nil
parent: nil];
UKObjectsEqual([arg DBusTypeSignature], @"(iiu)");
[arg release];
- (void) testStructTypeEquiv
DKArgument *arg = [[DKArgument alloc] initWithDBusSignature: "(iiu)"
name: nil
parent: nil];
UKObjectsEqual([arg objCEquivalent], [NSArray class]);
[arg release];
- (void) testVariantTypeRoundtrip
// Yes, it is confusing that variant is a container type.
DKArgument *arg = [[DKArgument alloc] initWithDBusSignature: "v"
name: nil
parent: nil];
UKObjectsEqual([arg DBusTypeSignature], @"v");
[arg release];
- (void) testVariantTypeEquiv
DKArgument *arg = [[DKArgument alloc] initWithDBusSignature: "v"
name: nil
parent: nil];
/* Variant types will be dynamically boxed and unboxed depending on the
* marshalled value.
UKNil([arg objCEquivalent]);
[arg release];
- (void) testDictEntryTypeRoundtrip
// Dict entries don't appear on their own
DKContainerTypeArgument *superArg = (DKContainerTypeArgument*)[[DKArgument alloc] initWithDBusSignature: "a{su}"
name: nil
parent: nil];
DKArgument *arg = [[superArg children] objectAtIndex: 0];
UKObjectsEqual(@"{su}",[arg DBusTypeSignature]);
[superArg release];
- (void) testDictEntryTypeEquiv
DKContainerTypeArgument *superArg = (DKContainerTypeArgument*)[[DKArgument alloc] initWithDBusSignature: "a{su}"
name: nil
parent: nil];
DKArgument *arg = [[superArg children] objectAtIndex: 0];
// They are also not supposed to carry their own ObjC equivalent class.
UKNil([arg objCEquivalent]);
[superArg release];
- (void)testXMLNode
DKContainerTypeArgument *arg = (DKContainerTypeArgument*)[[DKArgument alloc] initWithDBusSignature: "a{su}"
name: @"foo"
parent: nil];
NSXMLNode *node = [arg XMLNodeForDirection: @"in"];
UKObjectsEqual(@"foo", [[(NSXMLElement*)node attributeForName: @"name"] stringValue]);
UKObjectsEqual(@"a{su}", [[(NSXMLElement*)node attributeForName: @"type"] stringValue]);
UKObjectsEqual(@"in", [[(NSXMLElement*)node attributeForName: @"direction"] stringValue]);
- (void)testAnnotatedXMLNode
DKArgument *arg = [[DKArgument alloc] initWithDBusSignature: "i"
name: @"foo"
parent: nil];
NSXMLNode *node = nil;
[arg setAnnotationValue: @"bar"
forKey: @"org.gnustep.dbuskit.test"];
node = [arg XMLNodeForDirection: @"in"];
UKObjectsEqual(@"foo", [[(NSXMLElement*)node attributeForName: @"name"] stringValue]);
UKObjectsEqual(@"i", [[(NSXMLElement*)node attributeForName: @"type"] stringValue]);
UKObjectsEqual(@"in", [[(NSXMLElement*)node attributeForName: @"direction"] stringValue]);
UKObjectsEqual(@"annotation", [(NSXMLElement*)[node childAtIndex: 0] name]);
UKObjectsEqual(@"org.gnustep.dbuskit.test", [[(NSXMLElement*)[node childAtIndex: 0] attributeForName: @"name"] stringValue]);
UKObjectsEqual(@"bar", [[(NSXMLElement*)[node childAtIndex: 0] attributeForName: @"value"] stringValue]);
- (void) testDictionaryDetection
DKArgument *arg = [[DKArgument alloc] initWithDBusSignature: "a{su}"
name: nil
parent: nil];
UKObjectsEqual([arg objCEquivalent], [NSDictionary class]);
[arg release];
- (void)testNestedTypeRoundTrip
DKArgument *arg = [[DKArgument alloc] initWithDBusSignature: "(ua{s(iu)}bv)"
name: nil
parent: nil];
UKObjectsEqual([arg DBusTypeSignature], @"(ua{s(iu)}bv)");
[arg release];
- (void)testSimpleBoxingRoundtripDBusString
char *foo = "Foo";
long long buffer = 0;
DKArgument *arg = [[DKArgument alloc] initWithDBusSignature: "s"
name: nil
parent: nil];
id boxedFoo = [arg boxedValueForValueAt: (void*)&foo];
UKObjectsEqual(@"Foo", boxedFoo);
if ([arg unboxValue: boxedFoo intoBuffer: &buffer])
UKTrue(0 == strcmp(foo,(char*)(uintptr_t)buffer));
[arg release];
#define TEST_UNBOX_INTTYPE(x) do { \
long long buffer = 0; \
if ([arg unboxValue: boxedFoo intoBuffer: &buffer]) \
{ \
UKTrue(foo == (x)buffer); \
} \
else \
{ \
UKFail(); \
} \
} while (0)
- (void)testSimpleBoxingDBusByte
unsigned char foo = 255;
DKArgument *arg = [[DKArgument alloc] initWithDBusSignature: "y"
name: nil
parent: nil];
id boxedFoo = [arg boxedValueForValueAt: (void*)&foo];
UKObjectsEqual([NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar: 255], boxedFoo);
TEST_UNBOX_INTTYPE(unsigned char);
[arg release];
- (void)testSimpleBoxingDBusBool
BOOL foo = YES;
DKArgument *arg = [[DKArgument alloc] initWithDBusSignature: "b"
name: nil
parent: nil];
id boxedFoo = [arg boxedValueForValueAt: (void*)&foo];
UKObjectsEqual([NSNumber numberWithBool: YES], boxedFoo);
[arg release];
- (void)testSimpleBoxingDBusInt16
int16_t foo = INT16_MAX;
DKArgument *arg = [[DKArgument alloc] initWithDBusSignature: "n"
name: nil
parent: nil];
id boxedFoo = [arg boxedValueForValueAt: (void*)&foo];
UKObjectsEqual([NSNumber numberWithInt: INT16_MAX], boxedFoo);
[arg release];
- (void)testSimpleBoxingDBusUInt16
uint16_t foo = UINT16_MAX;
DKArgument *arg = [[DKArgument alloc] initWithDBusSignature: "q"
name: nil
parent: nil];
id boxedFoo = [arg boxedValueForValueAt: (void*)&foo];
UKObjectsEqual([NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt: UINT16_MAX], boxedFoo);
[arg release];
- (void)testSimpleBoxingDBusInt32
int32_t foo = INT32_MAX;
DKArgument *arg = [[DKArgument alloc] initWithDBusSignature: "i"
name: nil
parent: nil];
id boxedFoo = [arg boxedValueForValueAt: (void*)&foo];
UKObjectsEqual([NSNumber numberWithInt: INT32_MAX], boxedFoo);
[arg release];
- (void)testSimpleBoxingDBusUInt32
uint32_t foo = UINT32_MAX;
DKArgument *arg = [[DKArgument alloc] initWithDBusSignature: "u"
name: nil
parent: nil];
id boxedFoo = [arg boxedValueForValueAt: (void*)&foo];
UKObjectsEqual([NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt: UINT32_MAX], boxedFoo);
[arg release];
- (void)testSimpleBoxingDBusInt64
int64_t foo = INT64_MAX;
DKArgument *arg = [[DKArgument alloc] initWithDBusSignature: "x"
name: nil
parent: nil];
id boxedFoo = [arg boxedValueForValueAt: (void*)&foo];
UKObjectsEqual([NSNumber numberWithLongLong: INT64_MAX], boxedFoo);
[arg release];
- (void)testSimpleBoxingDBusUInt64
uint64_t foo = UINT64_MAX;
DKArgument *arg = [[DKArgument alloc] initWithDBusSignature: "t"
name: nil
parent: nil];
id boxedFoo = [arg boxedValueForValueAt: (void*)&foo];
UKObjectsEqual([NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLongLong: UINT64_MAX], boxedFoo);
[arg release];
- (void)testSimpleBoxingDBusDouble
double foo = 1.54E+30;
long long buffer = 0;
DKArgument *arg = [[DKArgument alloc] initWithDBusSignature: "d"
name: nil
parent: nil];
id boxedFoo = [arg boxedValueForValueAt: (void*)&foo];
UKObjectsEqual([NSNumber numberWithDouble: 1.54E+30], boxedFoo);
if ([arg unboxValue: boxedFoo intoBuffer: &buffer])
UKFloatsEqual(foo, *(double*)&buffer, 0.0001);
[arg release];
- (void)testSimpleBoxingDBusSignature
char *foo = "(ss)";
long long buffer = 0;
DKArgument *arg = [[DKArgument alloc] initWithDBusSignature: "g"
name: nil
parent: nil];
id boxedFoo = [arg boxedValueForValueAt: (void*)&foo];
UKObjectsEqual(@"(ss)", [boxedFoo DBusTypeSignature]);
if ([arg unboxValue: boxedFoo intoBuffer: &buffer])
UKTrue(0 == strcmp(foo,(char*)(uintptr_t)buffer));
[arg release];
- (void)testSimpleBoxingDBusObjectPath
char *foo = "/";
long long buffer = 0;
NSConnection *conn = nil;
id initialProxy = nil;
DKArgument *arg = nil;
id boxedFoo = nil;
NSWarnMLog(@"This test is an expected failure if the session message bus is not available!");
conn = [NSConnection connectionWithReceivePort: [DKPort port]
sendPort: [[DKPort alloc] initWithRemote: @"org.freedesktop.DBus"]];
initialProxy = [conn rootProxy];
arg = [[DKArgument alloc] initWithDBusSignature: "o"
name: nil
parent: initialProxy];
boxedFoo = [arg boxedValueForValueAt: (void*)&foo];
UKTrue([boxedFoo isKindOfClass: [DKProxy class]]);
if ([arg unboxValue: boxedFoo intoBuffer: &buffer])
UKTrue(0 == strcmp(foo,(char*)(uintptr_t)buffer));
[arg release];
- (void)testCustomUnboxingSelector
DKArgument *arg = [[DKArgument alloc] initWithDBusSignature: "i"
name: nil
parent: nil];
id boxedFoo = [[CustomUnboxableObject alloc] init];
int32_t foo = [boxedFoo myInt32Value];
[DKArgument registerUnboxingSelector: @selector(myInt32Value)
forDBusType: DBUS_TYPE_INT32];
[boxedFoo release];
[arg release];
- (void)testGenerateArrayDBusSignatureForVariantType
NSArray *object = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: @"foo", @"bar", nil];
NSString *theSig = @"as";
DKArgument *variantArg = [[DKArgument alloc] initWithDBusSignature: "v"
name: nil
parent: nil];
DKArgument *containedArg = [variantArg DKArgumentWithObject: object];
UKObjectsEqual(theSig, [containedArg DBusTypeSignature]);
[object release];
- (void)testGenerateDictionaryDBusSignatureForVariantType
NSNumber *one = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithInt: 89];
NSNumber *two = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithInt: 5879];
NSDictionary *object = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys: one, @"foo", two, @"bar", nil];
# ifdef __LP64__
NSString *theSig = @"a{sx}";
# else
NSString *theSig = @"a{si}";
# endif
DKArgument *variantArg = [[DKArgument alloc] initWithDBusSignature: "v"
name: nil
parent: nil];
DKArgument *containedArg = [variantArg DKArgumentWithObject: object];
UKObjectsEqual(theSig, [containedArg DBusTypeSignature]);
[one release];
[two release];
[object release];
[variantArg release];
- (void)testGenerateFallbackStructDBusSignatureForVariantType
NSNumber *one = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithInt: 89];
NSNumber *two = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithInt: 5879];
NSArray *arrayOne = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: one, nil];
NSArray *arrayTwo = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: two, nil];
NSDictionary *object = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys: @"foo", arrayOne, @"bar", arrayTwo, nil];
# ifdef __LP64__
NSString *theSig = @"a(axs)";
# else
NSString *theSig = @"a(ais)";
# endif
DKArgument *variantArg = [[DKArgument alloc] initWithDBusSignature: "v"
name: nil
parent: nil];
DKArgument *containedArg = [variantArg DKArgumentWithObject: object];
UKObjectsEqual(theSig, [containedArg DBusTypeSignature]);
[arrayOne release];
[arrayTwo release];
[one release];
[two release];
[object release];
[variantArg release];
- (void)testGenerateVariantDBusSignatureForVariantType
NSNumber *one = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithInt: 89];
NSNumber *two = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithInt: 5879];
NSArray *object = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: one, @"foo", two, @"bar", nil];
NSString *theSig = @"av";
DKArgument *variantArg = [[DKArgument alloc] initWithDBusSignature: "v"
name: nil
parent: nil];
DKArgument *containedArg = [variantArg DKArgumentWithObject: object];
UKObjectsEqual(theSig, [containedArg DBusTypeSignature]);
[object release];
[one release];
[two release];
- (void)testNSDataArgument
uint32_t fourbyte = 0xdeadbeef;
NSData *data = [[NSData alloc] initWithBytes: (void*)&fourbyte length: 4];
DKArgument *dataArg = [[DKArgument alloc] initWithDBusSignature: "ay"
name: nil
parent: nil];
[dataArg setAnnotationValue: @"NSData"
forKey: @"org.gnustep.objc.class"];
DBusMessage *theMessage = NULL;
theMessage = dbus_message_new_method_call("org.gnustep.dummy",
DBusMessageIter appendIter;
dbus_message_iter_init_append(theMessage, &appendIter);
[dataArg marshallObject: data intoIterator: &appendIter];
DBusMessageIter readIter;
dbus_message_iter_init(theMessage, &readIter);
NSData *result = [dataArg unmarshalledObjectFromIterator: &readIter];
uint32_t outFourbyte = 0;
[result getBytes: (void*)&outFourbyte length: 4];
UKIntsEqual(fourbyte, outFourbyte);
[data release];
[dataArg release];