mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 23:17:25 +00:00

Also, add decl for symtab_to_filename. * gdbtk.c: Replace calls to full_filename with symtab_to_filename. * gdbtk.tcl: New routine pc_to_line replaces in line code. New routine decr replaces in line code. * (create_file_win): Use catch to handle open failures more elegantly. Also, create special window to display file open failure message. Move opening of file prior to creation of text widget. * (create_asm_win): Add PC as argument. We now base disassembly on PC instead of function name, since function names can be ambiguous (usually seen with shared libs). Also, use catch to simplify code where we don't care about failures. * source.c (symtab_to_filename): New. Returns the file associated with a symtab. * top.c: Define interactive_hook. Called during QUIT to animate the GUI.
1296 lines
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1296 lines
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# GDB GUI setup
set cfile Blank
set wins($cfile) .text
set current_label {}
set screen_height 0
set screen_top 0
set screen_bot 0
set current_output_win .command.text
set cfunc NIL
proc test {} {
update_listing {termcap.c foo /etc/termcap 200}
proc echo string {puts stdout $string}
if [info exists env(EDITOR)] then {
set editor $env(EDITOR)
} else {
set editor emacs
# GDB callbacks
# These functions are called by GDB (from C code) to do various things in
# TK-land. All start with the prefix `gdbtk_tcl_' to make them easy to find.
# GDB Callback:
# gdbtk_tcl_fputs (text) - Output text to the command window
# Description:
# GDB calls this to output TEXT to the GDB command window. The text is
# placed at the end of the text widget. Note that output may not occur,
# due to buffering. Use gdbtk_tcl_flush to cause an immediate update.
proc gdbtk_tcl_fputs {arg} {
global current_output_win
$current_output_win insert end "$arg"
$current_output_win yview -pickplace end
# GDB Callback:
# gdbtk_tcl_flush () - Flush output to the command window
# Description:
# GDB calls this to force all buffered text to the GDB command window.
proc gdbtk_tcl_flush {} {
$current_output_win yview -pickplace end
update idletasks
# GDB Callback:
# gdbtk_tcl_query (message) - Create a yes/no query dialog box
# Description:
# GDB calls this to create a yes/no dialog box containing MESSAGE. GDB
# is hung while the dialog box is active (ie: no commands will work),
# however windows can still be refreshed in case of damage or exposure.
proc gdbtk_tcl_query {message} {
tk_dialog .query "gdb : query" "$message" {} 1 "No" "Yes"
# GDB Callback:
# gdbtk_start_variable_annotation (args ...) -
# Description:
# Not yet implemented.
proc gdbtk_tcl_start_variable_annotation {valaddr ref_type stor_cl cum_expr field type_cast} {
echo "gdbtk_tcl_start_variable_annotation $valaddr $ref_type $stor_cl $cum_expr $field $type_cast"
# GDB Callback:
# gdbtk_end_variable_annotation (args ...) -
# Description:
# Not yet implemented.
proc gdbtk_tcl_end_variable_annotation {} {
echo gdbtk_tcl_end_variable_annotation
# GDB Callback:
# gdbtk_tcl_breakpoint (action bpnum file line) - Notify the TK
# interface of changes to breakpoints.
# Description:
# GDB calls this to notify TK of changes to breakpoints. ACTION is one
# of:
# create - Notify of breakpoint creation
# delete - Notify of breakpoint deletion
# enable - Notify of breakpoint enabling
# disable - Notify of breakpoint disabling
# All actions take the same set of arguments: BPNUM is the breakpoint
# number, FILE is the source file and LINE is the line number, and PC is
# the pc of the affected breakpoint.
proc gdbtk_tcl_breakpoint {action bpnum file line pc} {
${action}_breakpoint $bpnum $file $line $pc
proc asm_win_name {funcname} {
regsub -all {\.} $funcname _ temp
return .asm.func_${temp}
# Local procedure:
# create_breakpoint (bpnum file line pc) - Record breakpoint info in TK land
# Description:
# GDB calls this indirectly (through gdbtk_tcl_breakpoint) to notify TK
# land of breakpoint creation. This consists of recording the file and
# line number in the breakpoint_file and breakpoint_line arrays. Also,
# if there is already a window associated with FILE, it is updated with
# a breakpoint tag.
proc create_breakpoint {bpnum file line pc} {
global wins
global breakpoint_file
global breakpoint_line
global pos_to_breakpoint
global pos_to_bpcount
global cfunc
global pclist
# Record breakpoint locations
set breakpoint_file($bpnum) $file
set breakpoint_line($bpnum) $line
set pos_to_breakpoint($file:$line) $bpnum
if ![info exists pos_to_bpcount($file:$line)] {
set pos_to_bpcount($file:$line) 0
incr pos_to_bpcount($file:$line)
set pos_to_breakpoint($pc) $bpnum
if ![info exists pos_to_bpcount($pc)] {
set pos_to_bpcount($pc) 0
incr pos_to_bpcount($pc)
# If there's a window for this file, update it
if [info exists wins($file)] {
insert_breakpoint_tag $wins($file) $line
# If there's an assembly window, update that too
set win [asm_win_name $cfunc]
if [winfo exists $win] {
insert_breakpoint_tag $win [pc_to_line $pclist($cfunc) $pc]
# Local procedure:
# delete_breakpoint (bpnum file line pc) - Delete breakpoint info from TK land
# Description:
# GDB calls this indirectly (through gdbtk_tcl_breakpoint) to notify TK
# land of breakpoint destruction. This consists of removing the file and
# line number from the breakpoint_file and breakpoint_line arrays. Also,
# if there is already a window associated with FILE, the tags are removed
# from it.
proc delete_breakpoint {bpnum file line pc} {
global wins
global breakpoint_file
global breakpoint_line
global pos_to_breakpoint
global pos_to_bpcount
global cfunc pclist
# Save line number and file for later
set line $breakpoint_line($bpnum)
set file $breakpoint_file($bpnum)
# Reset breakpoint annotation info
if {$pos_to_bpcount($file:$line) > 0} {
decr pos_to_bpcount($file:$line)
if {$pos_to_bpcount($file:$line) == 0} {
catch "unset pos_to_breakpoint($file:$line)"
unset breakpoint_file($bpnum)
unset breakpoint_line($bpnum)
# If there's a window for this file, update it
if [info exists wins($file)] {
delete_breakpoint_tag $wins($file) $line
# If there's an assembly window, update that too
if {$pos_to_bpcount($pc) > 0} {
decr pos_to_bpcount($pc)
if {$pos_to_bpcount($pc) == 0} {
catch "unset pos_to_breakpoint($pc)"
set win [asm_win_name $cfunc]
if [winfo exists $win] {
delete_breakpoint_tag $win [pc_to_line $pclist($cfunc) $pc]
# Local procedure:
# enable_breakpoint (bpnum file line pc) - Record breakpoint info in TK land
# Description:
# GDB calls this indirectly (through gdbtk_tcl_breakpoint) to notify TK
# land of a breakpoint being enabled. This consists of unstippling the
# specified breakpoint indicator.
proc enable_breakpoint {bpnum file line pc} {
global wins
global cfunc pclist
if [info exists wins($file)] {
$wins($file) tag configure $line -fgstipple {}
# If there's an assembly window, update that too
set win [asm_win_name $cfunc]
if [winfo exists $win] {
$win tag configure [pc_to_line $pclist($cfunc) $pc] -fgstipple {}
# Local procedure:
# disable_breakpoint (bpnum file line pc) - Record breakpoint info in TK land
# Description:
# GDB calls this indirectly (through gdbtk_tcl_breakpoint) to notify TK
# land of a breakpoint being disabled. This consists of stippling the
# specified breakpoint indicator.
proc disable_breakpoint {bpnum file line pc} {
global wins
global cfunc pclist
if [info exists wins($file)] {
$wins($file) tag configure $line -fgstipple gray50
# If there's an assembly window, update that too
set win [asm_win_name $cfunc]
if [winfo exists $win] {
$win tag configure [pc_to_line $pclist($cfunc) $pc] -fgstipple gray50
# Local procedure:
# insert_breakpoint_tag (win line) - Insert a breakpoint tag in WIN.
# Description:
# GDB calls this indirectly (through gdbtk_tcl_breakpoint) to insert a
# breakpoint tag into window WIN at line LINE.
proc insert_breakpoint_tag {win line} {
$win configure -state normal
$win delete $line.0
$win insert $line.0 "B"
$win tag add $line $line.0
$win configure -state disabled
# Local procedure:
# delete_breakpoint_tag (win line) - Remove a breakpoint tag from WIN.
# Description:
# GDB calls this indirectly (through gdbtk_tcl_breakpoint) to remove a
# breakpoint tag from window WIN at line LINE.
proc delete_breakpoint_tag {win line} {
$win configure -state normal
$win delete $line.0
$win insert $line.0 " "
$win tag delete $line
$win configure -state disabled
# Local procedure:
# decr (var val) - compliment to incr
# Description:
proc decr {var {val 1}} {
upvar $var num
set num [expr $num - $val]
return $num
# Local procedure:
# pc_to_line (pclist pc) - convert PC to a line number.
# Description:
# Convert PC to a line number from PCLIST. If exact line isn't found,
# we return the first line that starts before PC.
proc pc_to_line {pclist pc} {
set line [lsearch -exact $pclist $pc]
if {$line >= 1} { return $line }
set line 1
foreach linepc [lrange $pclist 1 end] {
if {$pc < $linepc} { decr line ; return $line }
incr line
return [expr $line - 1]
# Menu:
# file popup menu - Define the file popup menu.
# Description:
# This menu just contains a bunch of buttons that do various things to
# the line under the cursor.
# Items:
# Edit - Run the editor (specified by the environment variable EDITOR) on
# this file, at the current line.
# Breakpoint - Set a breakpoint at the current line. This just shoves
# a `break' command at GDB with the appropriate file and line
# number. Eventually, GDB calls us back (at gdbtk_tcl_breakpoint)
# to notify us of where the breakpoint needs to show up.
menu .file_popup -cursor hand2
.file_popup add command -label "Not yet set" -state disabled
.file_popup add separator
.file_popup add command -label "Edit" -command {exec $editor +$selected_line $selected_file &}
.file_popup add command -label "Set breakpoint" -command {gdb_cmd "break $selected_file:$selected_line"}
# Bindings:
# file popup menu - Define the file popup menu bindings.
# Description:
# This defines the binding for the file popup menu. Currently, there is
# only one, which is activated when Button-1 is released. This causes
# the menu to be unposted, releases the grab for the menu, and then
# unhighlights the line under the cursor. After that, the selected menu
# item is invoked.
bind .file_popup <Any-ButtonRelease-1> {
global selected_win
# First, remove the menu, and release the pointer
.file_popup unpost
grab release .file_popup
# Unhighlight the selected line
$selected_win tag delete breaktag
# Actually invoke the menubutton here!
tk_invokeMenu %W
# Local procedure:
# file_popup_menu (win x y xrel yrel) - Popup the file popup menu.
# Description:
# This procedure is invoked as a result of a command binding in the
# listing window. It does several things:
# o - It highlights the line under the cursor.
# o - It pops up the file popup menu which is intended to do
# various things to the aforementioned line.
# o - Grabs the mouse for the file popup menu.
# Button 1 has been pressed in a listing window. Pop up a menu.
proc file_popup_menu {win x y xrel yrel} {
global wins
global win_to_file
global file_to_debug_file
global highlight
global selected_line
global selected_file
global selected_win
# Map TK window name back to file name.
set file $win_to_file($win)
set pos [$win index @$xrel,$yrel]
# Record selected file and line for menu button actions
set selected_file $file_to_debug_file($file)
set selected_line [lindex [split $pos .] 0]
set selected_win $win
# Highlight the selected line
eval $win tag config breaktag $highlight
$win tag add breaktag "$pos linestart" "$pos linestart + 1l"
# Post the menu near the pointer, (and grab it)
.file_popup entryconfigure 0 -label "$selected_file:$selected_line"
.file_popup post [expr $x-[winfo width .file_popup]/2] [expr $y-10]
grab .file_popup
# Local procedure:
# listing_window_button_1 (win x y xrel yrel) - Handle button 1 in listing window
# Description:
# This procedure is invoked as a result of holding down button 1 in the
# listing window. The action taken depends upon where the button was
# pressed. If it was in the left margin (the breakpoint column), it
# sets or clears a breakpoint. In the main text area, it will pop up a
# menu.
proc listing_window_button_1 {win x y xrel yrel} {
global wins
global win_to_file
global file_to_debug_file
global highlight
global selected_line
global selected_file
global selected_win
global pos_to_breakpoint
# Map TK window name back to file name.
set file $win_to_file($win)
set pos [split [$win index @$xrel,$yrel] .]
# Record selected file and line for menu button actions
set selected_file $file_to_debug_file($file)
set selected_line [lindex $pos 0]
set selected_col [lindex $pos 1]
set selected_win $win
# If we're in the margin, then toggle the breakpoint
if {$selected_col < 8} {
set pos_break $selected_file:$selected_line
set pos $file:$selected_line
set tmp pos_to_breakpoint($pos)
if [info exists $tmp] {
set bpnum [set $tmp]
gdb_cmd "delete $bpnum"
} else {
gdb_cmd "break $pos_break"
# Post the menu near the pointer, (and grab it)
.file_popup entryconfigure 0 -label "$selected_file:$selected_line"
.file_popup post [expr $x-[winfo width .file_popup]/2] [expr $y-10]
grab .file_popup
# Local procedure:
# asm_window_button_1 (win x y xrel yrel) - Handle button 1 in asm window
# Description:
# This procedure is invoked as a result of holding down button 1 in the
# assembly window. The action taken depends upon where the button was
# pressed. If it was in the left margin (the breakpoint column), it
# sets or clears a breakpoint. In the main text area, it will pop up a
# menu.
proc asm_window_button_1 {win x y xrel yrel} {
global wins
global win_to_file
global file_to_debug_file
global highlight
global selected_line
global selected_file
global selected_win
global pos_to_breakpoint
global pclist
global cfunc
set pos [split [$win index @$xrel,$yrel] .]
# Record selected file and line for menu button actions
set selected_line [lindex $pos 0]
set selected_col [lindex $pos 1]
set selected_win $win
# Figure out the PC
set pc [lindex $pclist($cfunc) $selected_line]
# If we're in the margin, then toggle the breakpoint
if {$selected_col < 8} {
set tmp pos_to_breakpoint($pc)
if [info exists $tmp] {
set bpnum [set $tmp]
gdb_cmd "delete $bpnum"
} else {
gdb_cmd "break *$pc"
# Post the menu near the pointer, (and grab it)
# .file_popup entryconfigure 0 -label "$selected_file:$selected_line"
# .file_popup post [expr $x-[winfo width .file_popup]/2] [expr $y-10]
# grab .file_popup
# Local procedure:
# do_nothing - Does absoultely nothing.
# Description:
# This procedure does nothing. It is used as a placeholder to allow
# the disabling of bindings that would normally be inherited from the
# parent widget. I can't think of any other way to do this.
proc do_nothing {} {}
# Local procedure:
# create_file_win (filename) - Create a win for FILENAME.
# Return value:
# The new text widget.
# Description:
# This procedure creates a text widget for FILENAME. It returns the
# newly created widget. First, a text widget is created, and given basic
# configuration info. Second, all the bindings are setup. Third, the
# file FILENAME is read into the text widget. Fourth, margins and line
# numbers are added.
proc create_file_win {filename} {
global breakpoint_file
global breakpoint_line
# Replace all the dirty characters in $filename with clean ones, and generate
# a unique name for the text widget.
regsub -all {\.|/} $filename {} temp
set win .text$temp
# Open the file, and read it into the text widget
if [catch "open $filename" fh] {
# File can't be read. Put error message into .nofile window and return.
catch {destroy .nofile}
text .nofile -height 25 -width 80 -relief raised -borderwidth 2 -yscrollcommand textscrollproc -setgrid true -cursor hand2
.nofile insert 0.0 $fh
.nofile configure -state disabled
bind .nofile <1> do_nothing
bind .nofile <B1-Motion> do_nothing
return .nofile
# Actually create and do basic configuration on the text widget.
text $win -height 25 -width 80 -relief raised -borderwidth 2 -yscrollcommand textscrollproc -setgrid true -cursor hand2
# Setup all the bindings
bind $win <Enter> {focus %W}
bind $win <1> {listing_window_button_1 %W %X %Y %x %y}
bind $win <B1-Motion> do_nothing
bind $win n {gdb_cmd next ; update_ptr}
bind $win s {gdb_cmd step ; update_ptr}
bind $win c {gdb_cmd continue ; update_ptr}
bind $win f {gdb_cmd finish ; update_ptr}
bind $win u {gdb_cmd up ; update_ptr}
bind $win d {gdb_cmd down ; update_ptr}
$win delete 0.0 end
$win insert 0.0 [read $fh]
close $fh
# Add margins (for annotations) and a line number to each line
set numlines [$win index end]
set numlines [lindex [split $numlines .] 0]
for {set i 1} {$i <= $numlines} {incr i} {
$win insert $i.0 [format " %4d " $i]
# Scan though the breakpoint data base and install any destined for this file
foreach bpnum [array names breakpoint_file] {
if {$breakpoint_file($bpnum) == $filename} {
insert_breakpoint_tag $win $breakpoint_line($bpnum)
# Disable the text widget to prevent user modifications
$win configure -state disabled
return $win
# Local procedure:
# create_asm_win (funcname pc) - Create an assembly win for FUNCNAME.
# Return value:
# The new text widget.
# Description:
# This procedure creates a text widget for FUNCNAME. It returns the
# newly created widget. First, a text widget is created, and given basic
# configuration info. Second, all the bindings are setup. Third, the
# function FUNCNAME is read into the text widget.
proc create_asm_win {funcname pc} {
global breakpoint_file
global breakpoint_line
global current_output_win
global pclist
# Replace all the dirty characters in $filename with clean ones, and generate
# a unique name for the text widget.
set win [asm_win_name $funcname]
# Actually create and do basic configuration on the text widget.
text $win -height 25 -width 80 -relief raised -borderwidth 2 \
-setgrid true -cursor hand2 -yscrollcommand asmscrollproc
# Setup all the bindings
bind $win <Enter> {focus %W}
bind $win <1> {asm_window_button_1 %W %X %Y %x %y}
bind $win <B1-Motion> do_nothing
bind $win n {gdb_cmd nexti ; update_ptr}
bind $win s {gdb_cmd stepi ; update_ptr}
bind $win c {gdb_cmd continue ; update_ptr}
bind $win f {gdb_cmd finish ; update_ptr}
bind $win u {gdb_cmd up ; update_ptr}
bind $win d {gdb_cmd down ; update_ptr}
# Disassemble the code, and read it into the new text widget
set current_output_win $win
gdb_cmd "disassemble $pc"
set current_output_win .command.text
set numlines [$win index end]
set numlines [lindex [split $numlines .] 0]
decr numlines
# Delete the first and last lines, cuz these contain useless info
$win delete 1.0 2.0
$win delete {end - 1 lines} end
decr numlines 2
# Add margins (for annotations) and note the PC for each line
catch "unset pclist($funcname)"
lappend pclist($funcname) Unused
for {set i 1} {$i <= $numlines} {incr i} {
scan [$win get $i.0 "$i.0 lineend"] "%s " pc
lappend pclist($funcname) $pc
$win insert $i.0 " "
# Scan though the breakpoint data base and install any destined for this file
# foreach bpnum [array names breakpoint_file] {
# if {$breakpoint_file($bpnum) == $filename} {
# insert_breakpoint_tag $win $breakpoint_line($bpnum)
# }
# }
# Disable the text widget to prevent user modifications
$win configure -state disabled
return $win
# Local procedure:
# asm window scrollbar.
# Description:
# This procedure is called to update the assembler window's scrollbar.
proc asmscrollproc {args} {
global asm_screen_height asm_screen_top asm_screen_bot
eval ".asm.scroll set $args"
set asm_screen_height [lindex $args 1]
set asm_screen_top [lindex $args 2]
set asm_screen_bot [lindex $args 3]
# Local procedure:
# update_listing (linespec) - Update the listing window according to
# Description:
# This procedure is called from various places to update the listing
# window based on LINESPEC. It is usually invoked with the result of
# gdb_loc.
# It will move the cursor, and scroll the text widget if necessary.
# Also, it will switch to another text widget if necessary, and update
# the label widget too.
# LINESPEC is a list of the form:
# DEBUG_FILE - is the abbreviated form of the file name. This is usually
# the file name string given to the cc command. This is
# primarily needed for breakpoint commands, and when an
# abbreviated for of the filename is desired.
# FUNCNAME - is the name of the function.
# FILENAME - is the fully qualified (absolute) file name. It is usually
# the same as $PWD/$DEBUG_FILE, where PWD is the working dir
# at the time the cc command was given. This is used to
# actually locate the file to be displayed.
# LINE - The line number to be displayed.
# Usually, this procedure will just move the cursor one line down to the
# next line to be executed. However, if the cursor moves out of range
# or into another file, it will scroll the text widget so that the line
# of interest is in the middle of the viewable portion of the widget.
proc update_listing {linespec} {
global pointers
global screen_height
global screen_top
global screen_bot
global wins cfile
global current_label
global win_to_file
global file_to_debug_file
# Rip the linespec apart
set line [lindex $linespec 3]
set filename [lindex $linespec 2]
set funcname [lindex $linespec 1]
set debug_file [lindex $linespec 0]
# Sometimes there's no source file for this location
if {$filename == ""} {set filename Blank}
# If we want to switch files, we need to unpack the current text widget, and
# stick in the new one.
if {$filename != $cfile} then {
pack forget $wins($cfile)
set cfile $filename
# Create a text widget for this file if necessary
if ![info exists wins($cfile)] then {
set wins($cfile) [create_file_win $cfile]
if {$wins($cfile) != ".nofile"} {
set win_to_file($wins($cfile)) $cfile
set file_to_debug_file($cfile) $debug_file
set pointers($cfile) 1.1
# Pack the text widget into the listing widget, and scroll to the right place
pack $wins($cfile) -side left -expand yes -in .listing -fill both -after .label
$wins($cfile) yview [expr $line - $screen_height / 2]
# Update the label widget in case the filename or function name has changed
if {$current_label != "$filename.$funcname"} then {
set tail [expr [string last / $filename] + 1]
.label configure -text "[string range $filename $tail end] : ${funcname}()"
set current_label $filename.$funcname
# Update the pointer, scrolling the text widget if necessary to keep the
# pointer in an acceptable part of the screen.
if [info exists pointers($cfile)] then {
$wins($cfile) configure -state normal
set pointer_pos $pointers($cfile)
$wins($cfile) configure -state normal
$wins($cfile) delete $pointer_pos
$wins($cfile) insert $pointer_pos " "
set pointer_pos [$wins($cfile) index $line.1]
set pointers($cfile) $pointer_pos
$wins($cfile) delete $pointer_pos
$wins($cfile) insert $pointer_pos "\xbb"
if {$line < $screen_top + 1
|| $line > $screen_bot} then {
$wins($cfile) yview [expr $line - $screen_height / 2]
$wins($cfile) configure -state disabled
# Local procedure:
# update_ptr - Update the listing window.
# Description:
# This routine will update the listing window using the result of
# gdb_loc.
proc update_ptr {} {update_listing [gdb_loc]}
# Local procedure:
# asm_command - Open up the assembly window.
# Description:
# Create an assembly window if it doesn't exist.
proc asm_command {} {
global cfunc
if ![winfo exists .asm] {
set cfunc *None*
set win [asm_win_name $cfunc]
toplevel .asm
wm minsize .asm 1 1
wm title .asm Assembly
label .asm.label -text "*NIL*" -borderwidth 2 -relief raised
text $win -height 25 -width 80 -relief raised -borderwidth 2 \
-setgrid true -cursor hand2 \
-yscrollcommand asmscrollproc
scrollbar .asm.scroll -orient vertical -command {$win yview}
frame .asm.buts
button .asm.stepi -text Stepi \
-command {gdb_cmd stepi ; update_ptr}
button .asm.nexti -text Nexti \
-command {gdb_cmd nexti ; update_ptr}
button .asm.continue -text Continue \
-command {gdb_cmd continue ; update_ptr}
button .asm.finish -text Finish \
-command {gdb_cmd finish ; update_ptr}
button .asm.up -text Up -command {gdb_cmd up ; update_ptr}
button .asm.down -text Down \
-command {gdb_cmd down ; update_ptr}
button .asm.bottom -text Bottom \
-command {gdb_cmd {frame 0} ; update_ptr}
button .asm.close -text Close -command {destroy .asm}
pack .asm.label -side top -fill x
pack .asm.stepi .asm.nexti .asm.continue .asm.finish .asm.up \
.asm.down .asm.bottom .asm.close -side left -in .asm.buts
pack .asm.buts -side top -fill x
pack $win -side left -expand yes -fill both
pack .asm.scroll -side left -fill y
# Local procedure:
# registers_command - Open up the register display window.
# Description:
# Create the register display window, with automatic updates.
proc registers_command {} {
global cfunc
if ![winfo exists .reg] {
toplevel .reg
wm minsize .reg 1 1
wm title .reg Registers
set win .reg.regs
text $win -height 25 -width 80 -relief raised \
-borderwidth 2 \
-setgrid true -cursor hand2
pack $win -side left -expand yes -fill both
} else {
destroy .reg
# Local procedure:
# update_registers - Update the registers window.
# Description:
# This procedure updates the registers window.
proc update_registers {} {
global current_output_win
set win .reg.regs
$win configure -state normal
$win delete 0.0 end
set current_output_win $win
gdb_cmd "info registers"
set current_output_win .command.text
$win yview 1
$win configure -state disabled
# Local procedure:
# update_assembly - Update the assembly window.
# Description:
# This procedure updates the assembly window.
proc update_assembly {linespec} {
global asm_pointers
global screen_height
global screen_top
global screen_bot
global wins cfunc
global current_label
global win_to_file
global file_to_debug_file
global current_asm_label
global pclist
global asm_screen_height asm_screen_top asm_screen_bot
# Rip the linespec apart
set pc [lindex $linespec 4]
set line [lindex $linespec 3]
set filename [lindex $linespec 2]
set funcname [lindex $linespec 1]
set debug_file [lindex $linespec 0]
set win [asm_win_name $cfunc]
# Sometimes there's no source file for this location
if {$filename == ""} {set filename Blank}
# If we want to switch funcs, we need to unpack the current text widget, and
# stick in the new one.
if {$funcname != $cfunc } {
pack forget $win
set cfunc $funcname
set win [asm_win_name $cfunc]
# Create a text widget for this func if necessary
if {![winfo exists $win]} {
create_asm_win $cfunc $pc
set asm_pointers($cfunc) 1.1
set current_asm_label NIL
# Pack the text widget, and scroll to the right place
pack $win -side left -expand yes -fill both \
-after .asm.buts
set line [pc_to_line $pclist($cfunc) $pc]
$win yview [expr $line - $asm_screen_height / 2]
# Update the label widget in case the filename or function name has changed
if {$current_asm_label != "$pc $funcname"} then {
.asm.label configure -text "$pc $funcname"
set current_asm_label "$pc $funcname"
# Update the pointer, scrolling the text widget if necessary to keep the
# pointer in an acceptable part of the screen.
if [info exists asm_pointers($cfunc)] then {
$win configure -state normal
set pointer_pos $asm_pointers($cfunc)
$win configure -state normal
$win delete $pointer_pos
$win insert $pointer_pos " "
# Map the PC back to a line in the window
set line [pc_to_line $pclist($cfunc) $pc]
if {$line == -1} {
echo "Can't find PC $pc"
set pointer_pos [$win index $line.1]
set asm_pointers($cfunc) $pointer_pos
$win delete $pointer_pos
$win insert $pointer_pos "\xbb"
if {$line < $asm_screen_top + 1
|| $line > $asm_screen_bot} then {
$win yview [expr $line - $asm_screen_height / 2]
# echo "Picking line $line"
# $win yview -pickplace $line
$win configure -state disabled
proc update_ptr {} {
update_listing [gdb_loc]
if [winfo exists .asm] {
update_assembly [gdb_loc]
if [winfo exists .reg] {
# Window:
# listing window - Define the listing window.
# Description:
# Setup listing window
frame .listing
wm minsize . 1 1
label .label -text "*No file*" -borderwidth 2 -relief raised
text $wins($cfile) -height 25 -width 80 -relief raised -borderwidth 2 -yscrollcommand textscrollproc -setgrid true -cursor hand2
scrollbar .scroll -orient vertical -command {$wins($cfile) yview}
if {[tk colormodel .text] == "color"} {
set highlight "-background red2 -borderwidth 2 -relief sunk"
} else {
set fg [lindex [.text config -foreground] 4]
set bg [lindex [.text config -background] 4]
set highlight "-foreground $bg -background $fg -borderwidth 0"
proc textscrollproc {args} {global screen_height screen_top screen_bot
eval ".scroll set $args"
set screen_height [lindex $args 1]
set screen_top [lindex $args 2]
set screen_bot [lindex $args 3]}
$wins($cfile) insert 0.0 " This page intentionally left blank."
$wins($cfile) configure -state disabled
pack .label -side bottom -fill x -in .listing
pack $wins($cfile) -side left -expand yes -in .listing -fill both
pack .scroll -side left -fill y -in .listing
button .start -text Start -command \
{gdb_cmd {break main}
gdb_cmd {enable delete $bpnum}
gdb_cmd run
update_ptr }
button .step -text Step -command {gdb_cmd step ; update_ptr}
button .next -text Next -command {gdb_cmd next ; update_ptr}
button .continue -text Continue -command {gdb_cmd continue ; update_ptr}
button .finish -text Finish -command {gdb_cmd finish ; update_ptr}
#button .test -text Test -command {echo [info var]}
button .exit -text Exit -command {gdb_cmd quit}
button .up -text Up -command {gdb_cmd up ; update_ptr}
button .down -text Down -command {gdb_cmd down ; update_ptr}
button .bottom -text Bottom -command {gdb_cmd {frame 0} ; update_ptr}
button .asm_but -text Asm -command {asm_command ; update_ptr}
button .registers -text Regs -command {registers_command ; update_ptr}
proc files_command {} {
toplevel .files_window
wm minsize .files_window 1 1
# wm overrideredirect .files_window true
listbox .files_window.list -geometry 30x20 -setgrid true
button .files_window.close -text Close -command {destroy .files_window}
tk_listboxSingleSelect .files_window.list
eval .files_window.list insert 0 [lsort [gdb_listfiles]]
pack .files_window.list -side top -fill both -expand yes
pack .files_window.close -side bottom -fill x -expand no -anchor s
bind .files_window.list <Any-ButtonRelease-1> {
set file [%W get [%W curselection]]
gdb_cmd "list $file:1,0"
update_listing [gdb_loc $file:1]
destroy .files_window}
button .files -text Files -command files_command
pack .listing -side bottom -fill both -expand yes
#pack .test -side bottom -fill x
pack .start .step .next .continue .finish .up .down .bottom .asm_but \
.registers .files .exit -side left
toplevel .command
wm title .command Command
# Setup command window
label .command.label -text "* Command Buffer *" -borderwidth 2 -relief raised
text .command.text -height 25 -width 80 -relief raised -borderwidth 2 -setgrid true -cursor hand2
pack .command.label -side top -fill x
pack .command.text -side top -expand yes -fill both
set command_line {}
gdb_cmd {set language c}
gdb_cmd {set height 0}
gdb_cmd {set width 0}
bind .command.text <Any-Key> {
global command_line
%W insert end %A
%W yview -pickplace end
append command_line %A
bind .command.text <Key-Return> {
global command_line
%W insert end \n
%W yview -pickplace end
gdb_cmd $command_line
set command_line {}
%W insert end "(gdb) "
%W yview -pickplace end
bind .command.text <Enter> {focus %W}
bind .command.text <Delete> {delete_char %W}
bind .command.text <BackSpace> {delete_char %W}
proc delete_char {win} {
global command_line
tk_textBackspace $win
$win yview -pickplace insert
set tmp [expr [string length $command_line] - 2]
set command_line [string range $command_line 0 $tmp]
wm minsize .command 1 1