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676 lines
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/* Copyright (c) Dietmar Planitzer, 1998, 2002 - 2003 */
/* This program is freely distributable without licensing fees
and is provided without guarantee or warrantee expressed or
implied. This program is -not- in the public domain. */
#import "macx_glut.h"
#import "GLUTWindow.h"
#import "GLUTView.h"
#import "GLUTApplication.h"
NSString *GLUTWindowFrame = @"GLUTWindowFrame";
@interface GLUTView(GLUTPrivate)
- (void)_commonReshape;
@interface GLUTWindow(GLUTPrivate)
- (id)_initWithContentRect: (NSRect)rect styleMask: (unsigned int)mask contentView: (GLUTView *)aView;
- (id)_initWithWindow: (GLUTWindow *)aWindow operation: (int)op arguments: (NSDictionary *)operands;
- (NSWindow *)_windowWithTIFFInsideRect: (NSRect)rect;
- (NSData *)_dataWithTIFFOfContentView;
- (NSData *)_dataWithRTFDOfContentView;
#pragma mark -
@implementation GLUTWindow
static BOOL gInitialized = NO;
static NSArray * gServicesTypes = nil;
+ (void)initialize
if(!gInitialized) {
gInitialized = YES;
gServicesTypes = [[NSArray arrayWithObjects: NSTIFFPboardType, NSRTFDPboardType, nil] retain];
[NSApp registerServicesMenuSendTypes: gServicesTypes returnTypes: nil];
+ (id)windowByMorphingWindow: (GLUTWindow *)aWindow operation: (int)op arguments: (NSDictionary *)dict
return [[[self alloc] _initWithWindow: aWindow operation: op arguments: dict] autorelease];
/* Designated initializer */
- (id)_initWithContentRect: (NSRect)rect styleMask: (unsigned int)mask contentView: (GLUTView *)aView
if((self = [super initWithContentRect: rect styleMask: mask backing: NSBackingStoreBuffered defer: NO]) != nil) {
[self setReleasedWhenClosed: NO];
[self setMinSize: NSMakeSize(80.0, 80.0)];
[self setShowsResizeIndicator:NO]; // turn off the grow box.
[self setContentView: aView];
[self makeFirstResponder: aView];
[self setDelegate: self];
return self;
return nil;
- (id)initWithContentRect: (NSRect)rect pixelFormat: (NSOpenGLPixelFormat *)pixelFormat
windowID: (int)winid gameMode: (BOOL)gameMode fullscreenStereo: (BOOL)pfStereo treatAsSingle: (BOOL)treatAsSingle
unsigned int mask;
GLUTView * view = nil;
if(gameMode) { // set to fill screen
float offsetY = 0.0f;
The purpose of the following code is to workaround a bug in the NSScreen class.
The problem is that this class doesn't realize that we switched from the original
screen mode to another mode via the CGDisplaySwitchToMode() function and thus
keeps on reporting now out-dated screen attributes like screen width & height.
This however has the unfortunate consequence that our NSWindow would be positioned
incorrectly if the new mode has a smaller Y resolution than the old one. I.e.
if the old Y res was 870 and the new is 480 the window would be placed by 390 pixels
too far below.
NSScreen * screen = [[NSScreen screens] objectAtIndex: 0];
NSSize screenSize = [screen frame].size;
if(screenSize.height - rect.size.height > 0.0f)
offsetY = screenSize.height - rect.size.height;
rect.origin.y = offsetY;
mask = NSBorderlessWindowMask;
} else {
mask = (NSTitledWindowMask | NSMiniaturizableWindowMask | NSResizableWindowMask);
/* create and configure content view */
view = [[[GLUTView alloc] initWithFrame: rect
pixelFormat: pixelFormat
windowID: winid
treatAsSingle: treatAsSingle
isSubwindow: NO
isVBLSynced: __glutSyncToVBL] autorelease];
return [self _initWithContentRect: rect styleMask: mask contentView: view];
return nil;
- (id)_initWithWindow: (GLUTWindow *)aWindow operation: (int)op arguments: (NSDictionary *)dict
GLUTView * contentView = nil;
NSResponder * savedFirstResponder;
NSRect rect = {{0.0f, 0.0f}, {0.0f, 0.0f}};
unsigned int mask = 0;
int level = 0;
switch(op) {
case kGLUTMorphOperationFullscreen:
/* Make a fullscreen window */
if (NO == __glutUseExtendedDesktop) {
rect = [[aWindow screen] frame];
} else { // look at all screens
NSEnumerator *enumerator = [[NSScreen screens] objectEnumerator];
NSScreen * screen = nil;
while (nil != (screen = (NSScreen *)[enumerator nextObject])) {
if([screen frame].origin.x < rect.origin.x)
rect.origin.x = [screen frame].origin.x;
if([screen frame].origin.y < rect.origin.y)
rect.origin.y = [screen frame].origin.y;
if(([screen frame].origin.x + [screen frame].size.width - rect.origin.x) > rect.size.width)
rect.size.width = [screen frame].origin.x + [screen frame].size.width - rect.origin.x;
if(([screen frame].origin.y + [screen frame].size.height - rect.origin.y) > rect.size.height)
rect.size.height = [screen frame].origin.y + [screen frame].size.height - rect.origin.y;
mask = NSBorderlessWindowMask;
case kGLUTMorphOperationRegular:
/* Make a standard window */
rect = [[dict objectForKey: GLUTWindowFrame] rectValue];
mask = (NSTitledWindowMask | NSMiniaturizableWindowMask | NSResizableWindowMask);
savedFirstResponder = [aWindow firstResponder];
contentView = (GLUTView *) [[aWindow contentView] retain];
[contentView recursiveWillBeginMorph: op];
[aWindow setContentView: nil];
if((self = [self _initWithContentRect: rect styleMask: mask contentView: contentView]) != nil) {
[self setLevel: level];
switch(op) {
case kGLUTMorphOperationFullscreen: // new window is full screen
_isFullscreen = YES;
/* put window on fullscreen window list */
_nextFullscreenWindow = __glutFullscreenWindows;
__glutFullscreenWindows = self;
case kGLUTMorphOperationRegular: // new window is not full screen
_isFullscreen = NO;
_imagePath = [aWindow->_imagePath copy];
_enabledMouseMovedEvents = aWindow->_enabledMouseMovedEvents;
if(_enabledMouseMovedEvents > 0)
[self setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents: YES];
[contentView recursiveDidEndMorph: op];
[self makeFirstResponder: savedFirstResponder];
// Call _commonReshape on the window's content view in order
// to simulate a resize event (we don't automatically get one
// because we just moved the content view from one window to
// to another one...)
[contentView _commonReshape];
[contentView release];
return self;
return nil;
- (void)dealloc
// remove from full screen window list
if(_isFullscreen) {
GLUTWindow * prev = nil;
GLUTWindow * cur = __glutFullscreenWindows;
while(cur != nil && cur != self) {
prev = cur;
cur = cur->_nextFullscreenWindow;
prev->_nextFullscreenWindow = _nextFullscreenWindow;
__glutFullscreenWindows = _nextFullscreenWindow;
[super dealloc];
- (void)finalize
if(_isFullscreen) {
GLUTWindow * prev = nil;
GLUTWindow * cur = __glutFullscreenWindows;
while(cur != nil && cur != self) {
prev = cur;
cur = cur->_nextFullscreenWindow;
prev->_nextFullscreenWindow = _nextFullscreenWindow;
__glutFullscreenWindows = _nextFullscreenWindow;
[super finalize];
- (BOOL)isFullscreen
return _isFullscreen;
/* Returns YES if the window 'me' is either above or below the frame rectangle
of any fullscreen window and NO otherwise */
- (BOOL)isAffectedByFullscreenWindow
NSRect frame = [self frame];
GLUTWindow * cur = __glutFullscreenWindows;
while(cur != nil) {
NSRect othFrame = [cur frame];
if(NSContainsRect(othFrame, frame) ||
NSEqualRects(othFrame, frame) ||
NSIntersectsRect(othFrame, frame))
return YES;
cur = cur->_nextFullscreenWindow;
return NO;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Events
#pragma mark -
- (void)enableMouseMovedEvents
if(_enabledMouseMovedEvents == 1)
[self setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents: YES];
- (void)disableMouseMovedEvents
NSAssert(_enabledMouseMovedEvents >= 0, @"bogus -disableMouseMovedEvents");
if(_enabledMouseMovedEvents == 0)
[self setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents: NO];
- (BOOL)canBecomeKeyWindow
return (!__glutGameModeWindow && !_isFullscreen) ? [super canBecomeKeyWindow] : YES;
- (void)sendEvent: (NSEvent *)event
[super sendEvent: event];
if(__glutMappedMenu) {
/* use mapped menu to determine if menu finishing needs to be done, regardless of button */
__glutFinishMenu([NSEvent mouseLocation]); /* sets mapped menu to nil */
__glutMenuWindow = nil;
- (BOOL)validateMenuItem: (NSMenuItem *)menuItem
SEL action = [menuItem action];
if(action == @selector(save:) || action == @selector(saveAs:))
return (!__glutDisableGrabbing) ? [self isDocumentEdited] : NO;
if(action == @selector(copy:))
return (!__glutDisableGrabbing);
if(__glutDisablePrinting) {
if(action == @selector(runPageLayout:) || action == @selector(print:))
return NO;
return [super validateMenuItem: menuItem];
- (IBAction)save: (id)sender
if(_imagePath) {
NSData * data = [self contentsAsDataOfType: NSTIFFPboardType];
if(!data || !__glutWriteDataToFile(data, _imagePath, 'TIFF')) {
NSBundle * bdl = __glutGetFrameworkBundle();
NSRunCriticalAlertPanel(NSLocalizedStringFromTableInBundle(@"Save Error", @"GLUTUI",
bdl, @"Save Error"),
NSLocalizedStringFromTableInBundle(@"Unable to save current window contents.", @"GLUTUI",
bdl, @"Unable to save current window contents."),
@"OK", nil, nil);
[self setDocumentEdited: NO];
} else {
[self saveAs: sender];
/* Save As */
- (void)savePanelDidEnd: (NSWindow *)sheet returnCode: (int)returnCode contextInfo: (id)savePanel
if(returnCode == NSOKButton) {
NSData * data = [self contentsAsDataOfType: NSTIFFPboardType];
[_imagePath release];
_imagePath = [[savePanel filename] copy];
if(!data || !__glutWriteDataToFile(data, _imagePath, 'TIFF')) {
NSBundle * bdl = __glutGetFrameworkBundle();
NSRunCriticalAlertPanel(NSLocalizedStringFromTableInBundle(@"Save Error", @"GLUTUI",
bdl, @"Save Error"),
NSLocalizedStringFromTableInBundle(@"Unable to save current window contents.", @"GLUTUI",
bdl, @"Unable to save current window contents."),
@"OK", nil, nil);
[self setDocumentEdited: NO];
- (IBAction)saveAs: (id)sender
NSSavePanel * savePanel = [NSSavePanel savePanel];
NSString * imageDirectory, *imageName;
if(!_imagePath) {
_imagePath = [[[NSFileManager defaultManager] currentDirectoryPath] copy];
imageDirectory = _imagePath;
imageName = @"";
} else {
imageDirectory = _imagePath;
imageName = [[_imagePath lastPathComponent] stringByDeletingPathExtension];
[savePanel setCanSelectHiddenExtension: YES];
[savePanel setRequiredFileType: @"tiff"];
[savePanel beginSheetForDirectory: imageDirectory
file: imageName
modalForWindow: self
modalDelegate: self
didEndSelector: @selector(savePanelDidEnd:returnCode:contextInfo:)
contextInfo: savePanel];
- (IBAction)copy: (id)sender
NSString * type = NSTIFFPboardType;
NSData * imageData = [self contentsAsDataOfType: type];
if(imageData) {
NSPasteboard * generalPboard = [NSPasteboard generalPasteboard];
[generalPboard declareTypes: [NSArray arrayWithObjects: type, nil] owner: nil];
[generalPboard setData: imageData forType: type];
/* Page Layout */
- (void)pageLayoutDidEnd: (NSPageLayout *)pageLayout returnCode: (int)returnCode contextInfo: (id)printInfo
if(returnCode == NSOKButton) {
[NSPrintInfo setSharedPrintInfo: printInfo];
- (void)runPageLayout: (id)sender
NSPageLayout * pageLayout = [NSPageLayout pageLayout];
NSPrintInfo * printInfo = [NSPrintInfo sharedPrintInfo];
[pageLayout beginSheetWithPrintInfo: printInfo
modalForWindow: self
delegate: self
didEndSelector: @selector(pageLayoutDidEnd:returnCode:contextInfo:)
contextInfo: printInfo];
/* Print Panel */
- (void)printOperationDidRun: (NSPrintOperation *)printOperation success: (BOOL)success contextInfo: (id)window
[window release];
- (void)print: (id)sender
NSWindow * window = [[self _windowWithTIFFInsideRect: NSZeroRect] retain];
if(window) {
NSPrintOperation * printOperation = [NSPrintOperation printOperationWithView: [window contentView]];
[printOperation runOperationModalForWindow: self
delegate: self
didRunSelector: @selector(printOperationDidRun:success:contextInfo:)
contextInfo: window];
} else {
NSBundle * bdl = __glutGetFrameworkBundle();
NSRunCriticalAlertPanel(NSLocalizedStringFromTableInBundle(@"Print Error", @"GLUTUI",
bdl, @"Print Error"),
NSLocalizedStringFromTableInBundle(@"Could not generate PDF data for printing.", @"GLUTUI",
bdl, @"Could not generate PDF data for printing."),
@"OK", nil, nil);
- (void)zoom:(id)sender
NSMutableSet * views = [NSMutableSet set];
GLUTView * view = (GLUTView *) [self contentView];
[views unionSet: [view coveredViews]];
[views addObject: view];
[super zoom: sender];
[views unionSet: [view coveredViews]];
[GLUTView evaluateVisibilityOfViews: views];
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Services
#pragma mark -
- (id)validRequestorForSendType:(NSString *)sendType returnType:(NSString *)returnType
if([gServicesTypes containsObject: sendType])
return self;
return [super validRequestorForSendType: sendType returnType: returnType];
- (BOOL)writeSelectionToPasteboard:(NSPasteboard *)pboard types:(NSArray *)types
unsigned i, count = [types count];
for(i = 0; i < count; i++) {
NSString * pboardType = [types objectAtIndex: i];
NSData * imageData = [self contentsAsDataOfType: pboardType];
if(imageData) {
[pboard declareTypes: [NSArray arrayWithObject: pboardType] owner: nil];
[pboard setData: imageData forType: pboardType];
return YES;
return NO;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Image Data Creation
#pragma mark -
- (NSWindow *)_windowWithTIFFInsideRect: (NSRect)rect
NSImage * image = nil;
NSImageView * imageView = nil;
NSWindow * window = nil;
GLUTView * view = (GLUTView *) [self contentView];
rect = [view bounds];
if((imageView = [[NSImageView alloc] initWithFrame: rect]) == nil)
return nil;
if((window = [[NSWindow alloc] initWithContentRect: rect
styleMask: NSBorderlessWindowMask
backing: NSBackingStoreNonretained
defer: NO]) == nil) {
[imageView release];
return nil;
[window setContentView: imageView];
[imageView release];
if((image = [view imageWithTIFFInsideRect: rect]) == nil) {
[window release];
return nil;
[imageView setImage: image];
return [window autorelease];
- (NSData *)_dataWithTIFFOfContentView
NSImage * image = [(GLUTView *) [self contentView] imageWithTIFFInsideRect: NSZeroRect];
NSData * data = nil;
if(image != nil) {
data = [image TIFFRepresentation];
return data;
- (NSData *)_dataWithRTFDOfContentView
static int generationCounter = 1;
NSAttributedString * myString = nil;
NSFileWrapper * myFileWrapper = nil;
NSTextAttachment * myTextAttachment = nil;
NSData * tiffData = [self _dataWithTIFFOfContentView];
// create file wrapper
if((myFileWrapper = [[NSFileWrapper alloc] initRegularFileWithContents: tiffData]) == nil)
return nil;
[myFileWrapper setPreferredFilename: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"GLUT Picture No.%d.tiff", generationCounter++]];
// create the text attachment
if((myTextAttachment = [[NSTextAttachment alloc] initWithFileWrapper: myFileWrapper]) == nil) {
[myFileWrapper release];
return nil;
[myFileWrapper release];
// create the attributed string
if((myString = [NSAttributedString attributedStringWithAttachment: myTextAttachment]) == nil) {
[myTextAttachment release];
return nil;
[myTextAttachment release];
// return the flattend data
return [myString RTFDFromRange: NSMakeRange(0, [myString length]) documentAttributes: nil];
/* Returns a data object containing the current contents of the receiving window */
- (NSData *)contentsAsDataOfType: (NSString *)pboardType
NSData * data = nil;
if([pboardType isEqualToString: NSTIFFPboardType] == YES) {
data = [self _dataWithTIFFOfContentView];
} else if([pboardType isEqualToString: NSRTFDPboardType] == YES) {
data = [self _dataWithRTFDOfContentView];
return data;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Delegate
#pragma mark -
- (BOOL)windowShouldClose: (id)sender
GLUTView * view = (GLUTView *) [self contentView];
GLUTwmcloseCB closeFunc = [view wmCloseCallback];
/* Enable special behavior of glutDestroyWindow() while we're here */
__glutInsideWindowShouldClose = YES;
__glutShouldWindowClose = NO;
__glutInsideWindowShouldClose = NO;
/* Only return with YES, if the application called glutDestroyWindow().
Return NO otherwise. */
return __glutShouldWindowClose;
/* Update the window status of the receiver and all of it's sub windows. */
- (void)windowWillMiniaturize:(NSNotification *)notification
GLUTView * view = (GLUTView *) [self contentView];
/* Miniaturizing a window with an OpenGL content view in it is a bit tricky,
because the OpenGL graphics is drawn in its own surface which floats above
the Quartz window and thus is not directly accessible to the latter.
In order to get around this, we tell our GLUTView to copy its OpenGL pixels
from its associated surface into its Quartz context. The copied pixels will
finally end up in the window's backing store where they can be easily
grabbed from by the window minaturization engine. */
[view prepareForMiniaturization];
_viewStorage = [[NSMutableSet alloc] init];
[_viewStorage unionSet: [view coveredViews]];
[_viewStorage addObject: view];
- (void)windowDidMiniaturize:(NSNotification *)notification
[GLUTView evaluateVisibilityOfViews: _viewStorage];
[_viewStorage release];
_viewStorage = nil;
[(GLUTView *) [self contentView] setShown: NO];
- (void)windowWillMove:(NSNotification *)notification
GLUTView * view = (GLUTView *) [self contentView];
_viewStorage = [[NSMutableSet alloc] init];
[_viewStorage unionSet: [view coveredViews]];
[_viewStorage addObject: view];
- (void)windowDidMove:(NSNotification *)notification
[_viewStorage unionSet: [(GLUTView *) [self contentView] coveredViews]];
[GLUTView evaluateVisibilityOfViews: _viewStorage];
[_viewStorage release];
_viewStorage = nil;
- (void)orderWindow:(NSWindowOrderingMode)place relativeTo:(int)otherWin
GLUTView * view = (GLUTView *) [self contentView];
if(view != nil) {
NSMutableSet * views = [NSMutableSet set];
if(place == NSWindowOut) {
[views unionSet: [view coveredViews]];
[views addObject: view];
[view setShown: (place != NSWindowOut)];
[super orderWindow: place relativeTo: otherWin];
if(place != NSWindowOut) {
[views unionSet: [view coveredViews]];
[view recursiveCollectViewsIntoSet: views];
[GLUTView evaluateVisibilityOfViews: views];
} else {
[super orderWindow: place relativeTo: otherWin];