diff --git a/www/cxx2a_status.html b/www/cxx2a_status.html
index 97f5a8d5a..f1486f903 100644
--- a/www/cxx2a_status.html
+++ b/www/cxx2a_status.html
@@ -107,6 +107,37 @@
P1025R1 | CWG | Update The Reference To The Unicode Standard | Rapperswil | | |
P1120R0 | CWG | Consistency improvements for <=> and other comparison operators | Rapperswil | | |
+ | | | | | |
+ P0318R1 | LWG | unwrap_ref_decay and unwrap_reference | San Diego | | |
+ P0356R5 | LWG | Simplified partial function application | San Diego | | |
+ P0357R3 | LWG | reference_wrapper for incomplete types | San Diego | | |
+ P0482R6 | CWG | char8_t: A type for UTF-8 characters and strings | San Diego | | |
+ P0487R1 | LWG | Fixing operator>>(basic_istream&, CharT*) (LWG 2499) | San Diego | | |
+ P0591R4 | LWG | Utility functions to implement uses-allocator construction | San Diego | | |
+ P0595R2 | CWG | P0595R2 std::is_constant_evaluated() | San Diego | | |
+ P0602R4 | LWG | variant and optional should propagate copy/move triviality | San Diego | | |
+ P0608R3 | LWG | A sane variant converting constructor | San Diego | | |
+ P0655R1 | LWG | visit<R>: Explicit Return Type for visit | San Diego | | |
+ P0771R1 | LWG | std::function move constructor should be noexcept | San Diego | | |
+ P0896R4 | LWG | The One Ranges Proposal | San Diego | | |
+ P0899R1 | LWG | P0899R1 - LWG 3016 is not a defect | San Diego | | |
+ P0919R3 | LWG | Heterogeneous lookup for unordered containers | San Diego | | |
+ P0972R0 | LWG | <chrono> zero(), min(), and max() should be noexcept | San Diego | | |
+ P1006R1 | LWG | Constexpr in std::pointer_traits | San Diego | | |
+ P1007R3 | LWG | std::assume_aligned | San Diego | | |
+ P1020R1 | LWG | Smart pointer creation with default initialization | San Diego | | |
+ P1032R1 | LWG | Misc constexpr bits | San Diego | | |
+ P1085R2 | LWG | Should Span be Regular? | San Diego | | |
+ P1123R0 | LWG | Editorial Guidance for merging P0019r8 and P0528r3 | San Diego | | |
+ P1148R0 | LWG | Cleaning up Clause 20 | San Diego | | |
+ P1165R1 | LWG | Make stateful allocator propagation more consistent for operator+(basic_string) | San Diego | | |
+ P1209R0 | LWG | Adopt Consistent Container Erasure from Library Fundamentals 2 for C++20 | San Diego | | |
+ P1210R0 | LWG | Completing the Rebase of Library Fundamentals, Version 3, Working Draft | San Diego | | |
+ P1236R1 | CWG | Alternative Wording for P0907R4 Signed Integers are Two's Complement | San Diego | | |
+ P1248R1 | LWG | Remove CommonReference requirement from StrictWeakOrdering (a.k.a Fixing Relations) | San Diego | | |
+ P1285R0 | LWG | Improving Completeness Requirements for Type Traits | San Diego | | |
+ P1353R0 | CWG | Missing feature test macros | San Diego | | |
@@ -219,10 +250,49 @@
3102 | Clarify span iterator and const_iterator behavior | Rapperswil | Complete |
3104 | Fixing duration division | Rapperswil | Complete |
+ | | | |
+ 2183 | Muddled allocator requirements for match_results constructors | San Diego | Complete |
+ 2184 | Muddled allocator requirements for match_results assignments | San Diego | |
+ 2412 | promise::set_value() and promise::get_future() should not race | San Diego | |
+ 2499 | operator>>(basic_istream&, CharT*) makes it hard to avoid buffer overflows | San Diego | Resolved by P0487R1 |
+ 2682 | filesystem::copy() won't create a symlink to a directory | San Diego | |
+ 2697 | [concurr.ts] Behavior of future/shared_future unwrapping constructor when given an invalid future | San Diego | |
+ 2797 | Trait precondition violations | San Diego | Resolved by 1285R0 |
+ 2936 | Path comparison is defined in terms of the generic format | San Diego | |
+ 2943 | Problematic specification of the wide version of basic_filebuf::open | San Diego | |
+ 2960 | [fund.ts.v3] nonesuch is insufficiently useless | San Diego | |
+ 2995 | basic_stringbuf default constructor forbids it from using SSO capacity | San Diego | |
+ 2996 | Missing rvalue overloads for shared_ptr operations | San Diego | |
+ 3008 | make_shared (sub)object destruction semantics are not specified | San Diego | |
+ 3022 | is_convertible<derived*, base*> may lead to ODR | San Diego | Resolved by 1285R0 |
+ 3025 | Map-like container deduction guides should use pair<Key, T>, not pair<const Key, T> | San Diego | |
+ 3031 | Algorithms and predicates with non-const reference arguments | San Diego | |
+ 3037 | polymorphic_allocator and incomplete types | San Diego | |
+ 3038 | polymorphic_allocator::allocate should not allow integer overflow to create vulnerabilities | San Diego | |
+ 3054 | uninitialized_copy appears to not be able to meet its exception-safety guarantee | San Diego | |
+ 3065 | LWG 2989 missed that all path's other operators should be hidden friends as well | San Diego | |
+ 3096 | path::lexically_relative is confused by trailing slashes | San Diego | |
+ 3116 | OUTERMOST_ALLOC_TRAITS needs remove_reference_t | San Diego | |
+ 3122 | __cpp_lib_chrono_udls was accidentally dropped | San Diego | |
+ 3127 | basic_osyncstream::rdbuf needs a const_cast | San Diego | |
+ 3128 | strstream::rdbuf needs a const_cast | San Diego | |
+ 3129 | regex_token_iterator constructor uses wrong pointer arithmetic | San Diego | |
+ 3130 | §[input.output] needs many addressof | San Diego | |
+ 3131 | addressof all the things | San Diego | |
+ 3132 | Library needs to ban macros named expects or ensures | San Diego | |
+ 3134 | [fund.ts.v3] LFTSv3 contains extraneous [meta] variable templates that should have been deleted by P09961 | San Diego | |
+ 3134 | [fund.ts.v3] LFTSv3 contains extraneous [meta] variable templates that should have been deleted by P09961 | San Diego | Resolved by P1210R0 |
+ 3137 | Header for __cpp_lib_to_chars | San Diego | |
+ 3145 | file_clock breaks ABI for C++17 implementations | San Diego | |
+ 3147 | Definitions of "likely" and "unlikely" are likely to cause problems | San Diego | |
+ 3148 | <concepts> should be freestanding | San Diego | |
+ 3153 | Common and common_type have too little in common | San Diego | |
+ 3154 | Common and CommonReference have a common defect | San Diego | |
- Last Updated: 12-Sep-2018
+ Last Updated: 11-Nov-2018