#=============================================================================== # Add an ABI library if appropriate #=============================================================================== # # _setup_abi: Set up the build to use an ABI library # # Parameters: # abidefines: A list of defines needed to compile libc++ with the ABI library # abilib : The ABI library to link against. # abifiles : A list of files (which may be relative paths) to copy into the # libc++ build tree for the build. These files will be copied # twice: once into include/, so the libc++ build itself can find # them, and once into include/c++/v1, so that a clang built into # the same build area will find them. These files will also be # installed alongside the libc++ headers. # abidirs : A list of relative paths to create under an include directory # in the libc++ build directory. # macro(setup_abi_lib abidefines abilib abifiles abidirs) list(APPEND LIBCXX_COMPILE_FLAGS ${abidefines}) set(LIBCXX_CXX_ABI_INCLUDE_PATHS "${LIBCXX_CXX_ABI_INCLUDE_PATHS}" CACHE PATH "Paths to C++ ABI header directories separated by ';'." FORCE ) set(LIBCXX_CXX_ABI_LIBRARY_PATH "${LIBCXX_CXX_ABI_LIBRARY_PATH}" CACHE PATH "Paths to C++ ABI library directory" ) set(LIBCXX_CXX_ABI_LIBRARY ${abilib}) set(LIBCXX_ABILIB_FILES ${abifiles}) foreach(fpath ${LIBCXX_ABILIB_FILES}) set(found FALSE) foreach(incpath ${LIBCXX_CXX_ABI_INCLUDE_PATHS}) if (EXISTS "${incpath}/${fpath}") set(found TRUE) get_filename_component(dstdir ${fpath} PATH) get_filename_component(ifile ${fpath} NAME) set(src ${incpath}/${fpath}) set(dst ${LIBCXX_BINARY_INCLUDE_DIR}/${dstdir}/${fpath}) add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${dst} DEPENDS ${src} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different ${src} ${dst} COMMENT "Copying C++ ABI header ${fpath}...") list(APPEND abilib_headers "${dst}") if (NOT LIBCXX_USING_INSTALLED_LLVM AND LIBCXX_HEADER_DIR) set(dst "${LIBCXX_HEADER_DIR}/include/c++/v1/${dstdir}/${fpath}") add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${dst} DEPENDS ${src} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different ${src} ${dst} COMMENT "Copying C++ ABI header ${fpath}...") list(APPEND abilib_headers "${dst}") endif() if (LIBCXX_INSTALL_HEADERS) install(FILES "${LIBCXX_BINARY_INCLUDE_DIR}/${fpath}" DESTINATION ${LIBCXX_INSTALL_HEADER_PREFIX}include/c++/v1/${dstdir} COMPONENT cxx-headers PERMISSIONS OWNER_READ OWNER_WRITE GROUP_READ WORLD_READ ) endif() endif() endforeach() if (NOT found) message(WARNING "Failed to find ${fpath}") endif() endforeach() include_directories("${LIBCXX_BINARY_INCLUDE_DIR}") add_custom_target(cxx_abi_headers ALL DEPENDS ${abilib_headers}) set(LIBCXX_CXX_ABI_HEADER_TARGET "cxx_abi_headers") endmacro() # Configure based on the selected ABI library. if ("${LIBCXX_CXX_ABI_LIBNAME}" STREQUAL "libstdc++" OR "${LIBCXX_CXX_ABI_LIBNAME}" STREQUAL "libsupc++") set(_LIBSUPCXX_INCLUDE_FILES cxxabi.h bits/c++config.h bits/os_defines.h bits/cpu_defines.h bits/cxxabi_tweaks.h bits/cxxabi_forced.h ) if ("${LIBCXX_CXX_ABI_LIBNAME}" STREQUAL "libstdc++") set(_LIBSUPCXX_DEFINES "-DLIBSTDCXX") set(_LIBSUPCXX_LIBNAME stdc++) else() set(_LIBSUPCXX_DEFINES "") set(_LIBSUPCXX_LIBNAME supc++) endif() setup_abi_lib( "-D__GLIBCXX__ ${_LIBSUPCXX_DEFINES}" "${_LIBSUPCXX_LIBNAME}" "${_LIBSUPCXX_INCLUDE_FILES}" "bits" ) elseif ("${LIBCXX_CXX_ABI_LIBNAME}" STREQUAL "libcxxabi") if (LIBCXX_CXX_ABI_INTREE) # Link against just-built "cxxabi" target. if (LIBCXX_STATICALLY_LINK_ABI_IN_SHARED_LIBRARY) set(CXXABI_LIBNAME cxxabi_static) else() set(CXXABI_LIBNAME cxxabi_shared) endif() set(LIBCXX_LIBCPPABI_VERSION "2" PARENT_SCOPE) else() # Assume c++abi is installed in the system, rely on -lc++abi link flag. set(CXXABI_LIBNAME "c++abi") endif() set(HEADERS "cxxabi.h;__cxxabi_config.h") if (LIBCXX_CXX_ABI_SYSTEM) set(HEADERS "") endif() setup_abi_lib("-DLIBCXX_BUILDING_LIBCXXABI" ${CXXABI_LIBNAME} "${HEADERS}" "") elseif ("${LIBCXX_CXX_ABI_LIBNAME}" STREQUAL "libcxxrt") setup_abi_lib("-DLIBCXXRT" "cxxrt" "cxxabi.h;unwind.h;unwind-arm.h;unwind-itanium.h" "" ) elseif ("${LIBCXX_CXX_ABI_LIBNAME}" STREQUAL "vcruntime") # Nothing TODO elseif ("${LIBCXX_CXX_ABI_LIBNAME}" STREQUAL "none") list(APPEND LIBCXX_COMPILE_FLAGS "-D_LIBCPP_BUILDING_HAS_NO_ABI_LIBRARY") elseif ("${LIBCXX_CXX_ABI_LIBNAME}" STREQUAL "default") # Nothing TODO else() message(FATAL_ERROR "Unsupported c++ abi: '${LIBCXX_CXX_ABI_LIBNAME}'. \ Currently libstdc++, libsupc++, libcxxabi, libcxxrt, default and none are supported for c++ abi." ) endif ()